Untitled - Fomento Cultural Banamex
Untitled - Fomento Cultural Banamex
1 First edition digital, 2015 All rights reserved © FOMENTO CULTURAL BANAMEX, A. C. Madero 17, Centro, 06000 México, D.F. ISBN: 978-607-7612-85-8 Partial or total reproduction, storage, communication, or distribution of the contents of the present work by direct or indirect means in any format or medium currently known or not yet known is prohibited without the prior express permission in writing of the copyright holders. 2 Contents 3 4 Forewords 6 In the Everyday Life of the People of Mexico, Rosa Casanova 15 Mexico: Weighing Images, Sergio Raúl Arroyo 24 Gallery of Images 158 Jury 159 Index of Photographers 161 Prizes 162 Credits 163 Acknowledgments Banco Nacional de México celebrates 130 years of promoting growth and development in Mexico. It has been a long journey in which the bank’s integral commitment to Mexico has been the defining mark of the institution’s identity. Banamex, in addition to maintaining its position as the leader in financial services in Mexico for thirteen decades, has consolidated its role as an enterprise with a strong social commitment, undertaking actions in diverse fields ranging from spreading awareness of culture and promoting education, to supporting communities affected by natural disasters, spearheading initiatives to care for the environment, and promoting sustainable development. Considerable human and economic resources have been channeled into this work, which has become institutionalized through areas that include Fomento Cultural, Fomento Social, Fomento Ecológico, Voluntariado, and Educación Financiera to foster culture, social programs, environmental conservation, volunteer work, and education for young people on finance. A constant in the bank’s history has been its ongoing interest in exploring and analyzing the country’s economic, political, and social environment, as well as better understanding the unique features of Mexican culture and national identity. In consonance with this mission, the bank organized the first edition of the photographic competition Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans in 2009. Its objective was to assemble a living portrait of our country and its people, depicting contemporary Mexico in all of its geographic, social, and cultural diversity. The result was a multicultural mosaic that enabled us to gather a complex variety of images of Mexico today, its land, its people, customs, beliefs, ritual celebrations, and traditions. The second edition of Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans continued to enrich and document our visual holdings on the subject that matters the most to us and that is our greatest inspiration: Mexico In the name of Banco Nacional de México, I express my thanks to all of the competitors for their participation. At the same time, I would like to extend our most sincere congratulations to those whose images were selected to form part of the collection, and especially to the thirty-nine participants who were singled out in the competition’s categories. The selection, made by an international world-class jury, clearly represents a body of photographs of exceptional quality. For Banamex it is a pleasure to share the results of this competition with our clients and with Mexico. Over the last 130 years we have shown that we are an institution that has evolved to best serve our public, and we will continue to do so for many more years as a model of financial services and corporate commitment in Mexico. Manuel Medina Mora Chairman, Board of Directors Grupo Financiero Banamex Banco Nacional de México 4 Contents Photography is an everyday, inclusive, and free means of expression that makes it possible to display a creative streak and to explore, discover, and share our surroundings through a wide range of perspectives. The first edition of the photo competition Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans, held in 2009, was one of a kind. Through digital media, the general public—without any restrictions on nationality—was invited to participate by submitting their best digital images of contemporary Mexico. In 2014, to commemorate our 130th anniversary, we held the second edition of this competition. This made it possible to contrast the images from both events, enriching a photo collection that traces the evolution of our country and its inhabitants as well as distinctive elements in our values and perceptions that have survived or changed. At a time when new technologies have modified the way we communicate, we again advertised the event primarily through social networks and electronic media. The cybernetic propagation of messages and details concerning the competition was vital for effective dissemination to more than two million users; we had more than eight million views with the hashtag #mxdelosmx. As a result, in only two short months, we received more than 52 thousand photographs, which, together with the more than 28 thousand from the first edition, totaled more than 80 thousand images that allow us to see a complex and evocative display of Mexico today. An international jury of widely renowned professionals in the field of photography and the visual arts selected the thirty-nine images that were awarded prizes in the competition and the best thousand images to form part of the collection Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II, from which the images in this book were selected and which will also be available in a digital version. At the same time, this collection is the basis for a series of exhibitions that will be presented in cultural, academic, and social venues throughout Mexico, beginning in our Casas de Cultura in Mérida, San Miguel de Allende, and Durango. One of the distinctive features that we have valued the most in these competitions is that it has given us the opportunity to draw closer to the people to better understand their vision and their impressions of our shared surroundings. This proximity is a vital dimension of our ongoing effort to more fully comprehend Mexican society in order to fulfill our holistic commitment to the country, as we have done for the last 130 years. It is one more element that explains why Banamex is an institution with deep roots in Mexico. Ernesto Torres Cantú Chief Executive Officer Grupo Financiero Banamex Banco Nacional de México 5 Contents In the Everyday Life of the People of Mexico Who are we Mexicans represented in the group of photo- Mexico City predominate (if only for its size), there are graphs submitted to the competition El México de los mex- also photos of Chiapas, Jalisco, the State of Mexico, and icanos II-Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II? What are we Veracruz that reflect the specific natural, ethnic, social, looking at and where are we standing? These are some of and economic characteristics that shape us. And although the questions that crop up as we peruse the images select- diversity is nowadays a political buzzword in recognizing ed for this volume. An initiative sponsored by Banco Nacio- the rights of others, it is also true that it forms part of our nal de México, since its first call for submissions in 2009, contemporary reality. this competition has prompted the response of hundreds of The starting point is the conviction that aficionado photographers as well as professionals. They amidst all of this diversity it is still possible to identify fea- were invited to bear in mind certain rules governing the tures that support a shared identity. The results seem to competition this year, “Through images of landscape, peo- reinforce this idea: there is no doubt about belonging ple, customs, values, culture and activities that will shape to a nationality, but there are indications of the different tomorrow’s Mexico, we wish to compose a portrait that ways of life throughout Mexican territory. This shared iden- demonstrates the enormous diversity, complexity and vital- tity is not expressed through heroic gestures, sites, or ity of Mexican society in the early years of the 21st century.” monuments with a strong historical charge, an approach The vast range of subjects is reflected in the thirty-six priz- often deployed until recent times; instead it arises primar- es, honorable mentions, and other forms of recognition ily from moments and scenes from daily life. This is one that were awarded to participants. of the aspects promoted by social networks, at the same The name of the competition suggests that the objective is to outline the profile of the reality of con- time that it has been privileged in contemporary photography, especially that of a documentary nature. temporary Mexico through the way that the people inter- Meanwhile, vitality has been fueled by our pret or appropriate the idea of nationhood. It is worth ex- society’s optimistic vision, an attitude of openness to a amining the guidelines, because they clearly affected the future that it seems will be better. This is the overriding orientation of the photographic submissions. Keywords tone, as we shall see when we survey the images. Even refer to diversity and vitality. Let us begin by noting that in photos that show loneliness, poverty, or abandon- plurality starts from Mexico’s geography: reviewing the ment, an underlying current suggests the possibility of places photographed, almost all the states in the country change in these conditions, almost always from the sheer are present, and although, as to be expected, images of act of visualizing and describing them in the texts that 6 Contents accompany the photographs. They show another face of reflects this proliferation: more than 52 thousand images the country, given the absence of brutal representations were submitted in the two months that the call for imag- of violence that mark our present. Its absence is notice- es was open. It also indicates the vigor of electronic media, able, but perhaps more importantly we can recognize because they played a fundamental role in publicizing our features in these other realities and experiences that the competition. hold future promise. Curiously, many of the thematic and compositional parameters established by traditional photogra- Photography and Technology phy for more than 170 years remain intact. What’s more, Before teasing out the contents and meanings, let’s talk the preference for black and white images—considered about the photographs. Although it might sound pedestri- “artistic”—has remained in place or has been reborn. This an to say this, the analysis of this body of images must be- might explain its predominance over color images on gin with the acknowledgment that we live in a world bom- this occasion. In fact, some photos were sent in two ver- barded by images. The democratic access that Kodak sions, perhaps to improve the odds of winning one of the promised in 1888 with its slogan “You press the button, generous prizes if not in one category, then in another. we do the rest” has mushroomed. Now it is the user who The team—coordinated by Michael Calder- presses the button and does the rest. Photos are produced wood—demonstrated its capacity to handle the influx of by cameras and a wide range of mobile devices with the aid images, which was especially abundant in the final days. of programs that make it easy to compose, manipulate, and His task was to make a pre-selection to eliminate images share images on the Internet, or print them at home, which that did not fulfill the stipulated technical or subject matter means technological progress has modified our way of see- requirements for each of the award categories. Then the ing and above all our way of relating to images. jury, composed of twelve international experts in diverse In the most recent call for submissions the fields related to the image, performed the next stage of requirements were simple and encouraged participation. the selection. We had to judge the works submitted on the The technical characteristics were viable for almost any- basis of “artistic merit, originality, subject [and] style.” one interested in photography: electronic (jpg) format The jury was composed of photographers Michael Calder- at a minimum resolution of 72 dpi in a file size no smaller wood, Juan Coronel Rivera, Flor Garduño, Graciela Iturbide, than 3.0 MB. Also specified were the number of images Teresa Siza, and Alejandro Tijerina; Alejandro Castellanos (five) that could be submitted per participant, the time and Rosa Casanova, historians who specialize in photog- frame (from 2008 to the present), not having won any raphy; urban planner José Luis Cortés; Ellen Harris, an other competition with the image and not having used it expert in art and museums; Cándida Fernández de Cal for commercial purposes, and the cession of rights to derón, general director of Fomento Cultural Banamex; the photos to form part of the Fomento Cultural Bana- and designer Eduardo Zapata. mex collection. Since its inception, photography was one way The Photographers of leaving a record of the major moments in people’s Given this panorama it would be interesting to know who public or private life. Now it is part of every instant and shot the photographs, their training, and age. However, scene in our everyday life. The number of images received 7 Contents these questions remained unanswered, because they were there are sites run by professional photographers, tutori- not part of the information requested, which was circum- als, blogs, and so forth, in short an almost infinite network scribed exclusively to name and contact information of connections that promote contact with famous images (e-mail, address, and phone number), to avoid inhibiting reiterated in advertising. And so, they contribute to “ref- participants. erences” to well-known photos and photographers that Let’s look at what we actually know. The 2009 competition provided the experience of Alejandro are perhaps involuntarily added to the visual memory of the user, who is not even aware of their source. Tijerina, who was awarded the main prize. Until that time The command of technique arises from prac- he was a serious aficionado with aspirations, but he worked tice, Internet comments and tutorials. These tools are in another field; after winning the prize he decided to within the reach of anyone who has access to electronic buy the camera that he had always dreamed of, leave his devices (which is still a minority in Mexico). Then it is up to profession, and devote himself fulltime to photography. the imagination to produce interesting framing and com- This life story shows the potential quality of work by ama position that transmit the concept of the planned objec- teur photographers who do not dedicate themselves full- tive. Texts accompanying photos often influence how the time to the art form. image is read, reinforcing the text/image relationship, The 2014 competition, just as the earlier edition, was open to professionals and amateurs alike, as which is inseparable in photojournalism. In this case the perspective might reside in the desire to tell a story. well as to “all individuals of legal age, from Mexico or abroad.” Based on the first edition, we can say that pro- A Bit of History fessional photographers, especially young creators, par- Since the start of the twentieth century, photography com- ticipated, but the vast majority were aficionados, for petitions became more frequent. Illustrated serial publica- whom photography was not a way of life, but rather an tions, such as El Mundo Ilustrado (1894), El Universal expression—sometimes among many others—of their Ilustrado (1917), and Todo (1933), to mention only a few, preferences and curiosity. The winning submissions were opened their pages to photos taken by readers (who were mostly from male contributors, although that did not not always amateurs), filling their pages with children’s por- necessarily reflect the panorama of professional practice traits, charming young ladies, and landscapes that ideally in the field. However, there was no indication of a clear came from all corners of Mexico. As a medium still regarded inclination for certain themes along gender lines. as innovative and testimonial, it served multiple purposes: Even though most participants probably to illustrate with images free of charge, to promote the lacked formal photography training, social networks and magazine, and at times to proudly proclaim that it was giv- specialized websites provided a visual education. We ing space to its readers. should not forget that every day millions of photos are Photography clubs also sponsored competi- uploaded on the Internet, which results in an avalanche tions among their members. The work of the Club Fotográ of unoriginal, immediately disposable images added by fico de México (Mexican Photographic Club), established users who merely want to share their momentary expe- in 1949, stands out in this regard. It carried out ongoing rience with friends and strangers alike. We don’t need to work through discussions of images and by giving awards look for them, because we can’t avoid them. In addition, in its periodical exhibitions. A number of creators who 8 Contents stood out on the twentieth-century photography scene regional production. They might seem to be remote an- came from these two worlds. tecedents, but it is important to recall that time was need- Closer to the situation today, it is interesting to recall the growth triggered by the inclusion of photog- ed for the general knowledge and experience garnered to be spread in the public’s awareness and to take root. raphy awards given in the Sección Bienal de Gráfica The proliferation of workshops, courses, cer- (Graphics Biennial Section) of the Salón Nacional de Ar- tificate courses, colloquia, encounters, and publications tes Plásticas (National Salon of Visual Arts) of 1979. The throughout Mexico has given rise to a culture of photog- following year saw Photography Biennials, sponsored by raphy, complemented by the experience of the Internet. the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (National Institute This panorama has fueled the training of photographers of Fine Arts) and the Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía with solid knowledge. (Mexican Photography Council). Finally, it was split into two events: in 1993 the Bienal de Fotoperiodismo (Photo- Testimony and Representation journalism Biennial) and in 1994 the Bienal de Foto Most of the images were accompanied by a brief descrip- grafía (Photography Biennial), following the inception of tion or commentary that complemented or reiterated the the photography center Centro de la Imagen that year. image’s message, but that on occasions changed the mean- Contemporary photography was promoted ing. The texts reinforced the intention of saying something, by the Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía, which was estab- which was tied to the possible meanings or the webs of in- lished in 1977, later by the Centro de la Imagen. In addi- terpretation established at the nexus of the creator’s will, tion the study and dissemination of historical images the image, and what the viewer brought to the act of see- expanded through the Fototeca Nacional (National Pho- ing the image. to Archive) and the Sistema Nacional de Fototecas (Na- As mentioned earlier, the competition guide- tional Photo Archives System) of the Instituto Nacional lines listed several thematic categories, although the main de Antropología e Historia (National Institute of Anthro- prize would be for “the best photograph,” while the pology and History)—founded in 1976 and 1994, respec- awards for black and white and color had no bearing on tively—and spread to many parts of the country. It gave the subject matter. The other prizes were intended to ful- rise to competitions, exhibitions, and spaces to display fill certain objectives: the jury prize had to show a cultural work, promoted by local cultural institutions, sometimes community; the family award, a domestic scene; the so- in conjunction with federal agencies such as the Consejo cial commitment prize, an activity that benefited the Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (National Council for community; the children’s category, an everyday context; Culture and the Arts), Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, contemporary Mexico, an avant garde image; that of Fo- Fondo Nacional para la Cultura and las Artes (National mento Cultural Banamex, folk art in the making; and that Fund for Culture and the Arts), and the Instituto Nacion- of Fomento Ecológico Banamex, the conservation of en- al de Antropología e Historia. Photography Month in vironmental patrimony. Mérida and Xalapa, the competitions organized by the Contemporary daily life is the backdrop for Fototeca de Nuevo León (Nuevo León Photo Archive), most of the images, disrupting the solemn tone frequent- and the Festival Fotovisión (Photovision Festival) in San ly attached to certain subjects. This is the context for the Luis Potosí have become firmly ensconced, stimulating Jury Prize awarded to: Close to the Land, a “Documentary 9 Contents project that explores fragments of culture and life on nous world. In the optimistic vision of Mexico, the represen- ranches on the southern Baja California peninsula,” as tation of work was one of the subjects most developed photographer Elizabeth Moreno Damm explained, a “his- in its many dimensions. One of them was the prize granted tory that is gradually being lost.” In twenty shots, this by Fomento Cultural Banamex, which has a long trajectory young award-winning photographer constructs a narra- in the field of folk art, in its collaboration with communi- tive, the effectiveness of which derives from the handling ties of artisans, who are generally indigenous. It has of a restrained color scheme, appropriate for the project’s promoted the reappraisal of folk art and fostered re- objectives. In what appear to be casual shots, the photos spect for traditions in the use of materials, forms, work survey the community based on portraits that play with methods, at the same time that it has helped to integrate framing. We participate in spaces for adult and child labor, designs more in line with contemporary tastes and ways the privacy of preparing a bride, the dreams of children of life. The prizes awarded by this organization focus on under the eye of the tired grandmother, or the place of the work process. saints, children at play, and important sites. It is a group The prize in this category went to profes- not set in nostalgia, but rather in the life of these Mexi- sional photographer Annick Donkers. Craftswoman shows cans living in the northern part of the country. a Huichol woman, absorbed in her handwork, in her home, Travel photography seems to occupy many which shows the signs of a modern house. The light fil- of the scenes or views submitted: visual notes captured tering through the window first falls on the work materi- in an instant of the awe inspired by nature, architecture, als and then reveals a shot fortuitous in appearance, but an activity, or scene, or curiosity stirred by the unfamiliar. that is the result of an exchange between the photogra- The perspective from which each photo is constructed pher and the artisan. At first sight, Iván Felipe Galíndez reflects the optic of bearing witness, documenting, or Ortegón’s Maya Weaver Working Jipi Palm, which was representing. Other threads cross the weave of the im- awarded Honorable Mention, seems to be more tradi- age: work or professions, rituality that is sometimes trans- tional. The first thing we can see is an elderly man who is formed into a fiesta or that on occasions expresses reli- taking advantage of the light coming through the door gious fervor, monuments or icons, education, nature, with of his traditional dwelling to weave: immediately the gaze the contradictions inherent to our times, or idealized land- shifts to an ambiguous scene in the room in the back- scape, indigenous people in traditional hieratic composi- ground where a person in a hammock is rocking back and tions or permeated with modernity, gender and portrai- forth. There are two scenes to be deciphered: it is almost ture. Some of these subjects have been ongoing in the as if it came from a dream, but which is real? Honorable history of photography in Mexico; others, such as diverse Mention in the General category was given to Paola Cora forms of sexuality or the concern for the environment, saniti for Women Potters, which shows an artisan in an have been added in recent years. unconventional pose: dressed in her traditional garb, her back is to us as she prepares her figures. The text and shot Trade or Work? suggest it is documentary work part of a larger project. Work has been understood as a paid urban activity, while Another series of images situates occupa- the performance of a trade or occupation is often tinged tions in a context of exaltation, a process achieved through with a romantic view of traditional culture or the indige- the skillful handling of light that ennobles the work scene. 10 Contents This is the case of Fernando Arce Sánchez’s Agave Es- where a cloth with the Virgin of Guadalupe is tacked to sences, Verónica Ceme Cabrera’s Mexico’s Bread, Rosa the wall. This work by award-winning photographer Jorge María Santos Espinosa’s Fishermen, and the scene con- López Viera (Giorgio Viera) won Second Prize in the Black structed by Juan Pablo Cardona Medina, The Enchant- and White category. With a sober documentary style, he ment of the Everyday. confronts us with the eyes of five children in the unhap- Fulvio Eccardi’s documentary work, Chicle- pily famed town of Acteal; we can only speculate on the harvesting Community in the Maya Rainforest of Cam meaning that the “patron saint of Mexico” might have for peche and Quintana Roo, records the process of chicle them. Pilgrim, by photographer Nelly Angélica Acosta production. It starts with the natural world where this ac- Díaz from Puebla who was awarded Third Prize in Color, tivity is performed; nature is one of the favorite subjects also shows an image of the dark-skinned Virgin of Gua- of this photographer, who offers a photo essay to defend dalupe. In this case the religious reference is clear: the the region’s environment. We can see workers, their fami icon covers the body of a young man riding a bicycle on lies, harvesting chicle, and its processing. For the quality a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Guadalupe. and rigor of his images, he was awarded Honorable Mention in the Jury Prize category. References to archaeological sites are virtually absent, as is the monumentality that accompanies architectural and sculptural work. By all indications, Mexi The Absence of Icons and Monumentality cans today do not wish to make grand gestures, but in- After the lavish celebrations of 2010 commemorating stead prefer to focus on the familiarity of the human the bicentennial of Independence and the centennial scale in view of the fierce violence that confronts us on a of the Revolution, a proliferation of images alluding to daily basis. these events might have been expected. This was not the case. There are some references, such as the work by Abel Rituality, Ceremony, or Religious Belief Gastón Saldaña Tejeda, awarded Second Prize in the Color Another privileged facet explored in the search for iden- category. He deconstructed the image of the historic tity is connected to ceremonies, which mark the life of niños héroes (boy heroes) by having a group of “children significant sectors of Mexico’s population, although they of trash collectors” brandish the national flag, an allusion have begun to shed some of their religious and ethnic sig- to Joe Rosenthal’s renowned photo Raising the Flag on nificance. The Banamex 130 Years Prize portrays the way Iwo Jima (1945), a World War II icon. The boys laugh in that calalá, a traditional dance of some towns in Chiapas the middle of a gray patio with trash, scraggly trees, and linked to agricultural rites, is still celebrated. The shot taken a splendid sky, looking at something or someone beyond by photojournalist Jesús Lorenzo Hernández Hernández our field of vision. A disturbing and playful reflection on places jaguars on the urban asphalt, a contemporary con- nationalism and the revolutionary struggles that the text that seems stripped of the original rite, but that none- photographer has been exploring at least since 2010 theless brings citizens together. and with which he has won other forms of recognition. Often the lens focused on details alluding to In Rural Life a peculiar symmetry is estab- a fiesta or rite, such as the strands of butterfly cocoons lished with the group of children who look through the filled with pebbles worn by dancers in Pascolas, by Miguel opening between the slats of the wall of a wooden house Antonio Rosas Rodríguez, part of the artistic expression 11 Contents of this complex celebration in northwest Mexico, directly at life on the other side through a fence of pipes marking referring to the sound of the dance. In Montserrat de los the border. Ángeles Salcedo Alba’s Traditions, a line of sombreros next The Contemporary Mexico Prize went to to what we assume are pews in a church offer a male por- The Last VW Bug, by Iago Leonardo Fernández-Cabre- trait of a community in Jalisco. César Rodríguez Becerra’s ra, who shows a scene from the Underwater Museum image of preparations, Mexican Horsemen, gives us an near Cancún. The images awarded Honorable Mention unusual view of these festive events still practiced in many show heterogeneous visions: Free Love, by photogra- places in the country. pher Fernando Manuel Escárcega Pérez, constructs a The Big Wedding, by photojournalist Denisse scene of gay love that could also have competed in the Pohls Pérez, takes us to modern-day festivities that involve family category; San Luis: A Place of Cantera, Metal, the community; whereas, Push It!, by Eduardo Capdeville Sun and Cactus, by Ramón Moreno Carlos, is a formal Cureño, offers a different perspective of marriage rites. exercise that juxtaposes the verticality of the voids in a Gabriel Bravo’s photo, Summer Heat, lacks any symbolic charge beyond the sheer enjoyment of wa- contemporary building with the solid row of organ cactuses, accentuated by contrasting colors. ter. Sergio Barra de la Cruz’s series Day of the Dead in The Social Commitment Prize was for Ap- Oaxaca is composed of portraits that accentuate the parently by Alejandro Aguirre Castellanos, who in the theatrical aspects of the ritual. At the same time, photo- text declares that the image might not be clear. Paola journalist Ernesto Muñiz Apango’s Zocalo Surfing offers Zavaleta’s His Love Keeps Us Going, which also shows a glimpse of contemporary rituals in which music and visits paid by individuals who raise the spirits of termi- crowds are essential components. nally ill patients, was awarded Honorable Mention, as was Story Telling by photographer Guillermo Robles Oce- Modernity and Social Commitment guera. They offer images filled with hope to educate us A few photographs effectively show aspects of technologi- about the powerful and healing role of storytellers. A few cal modernity or refer to examples of social commitment, other photos refer to learning. An inspiring image shows perhaps because they deal with abstract problems that re- teachers and children—but not the desert classroom quire another means of expression in popular photographic shot by Alejandro Tijerina, mentioned earlier—in Rafael language. Perhaps it can also be said that they reflect a re- Campillo Rodríguez’s Children in a Rural School and ality of contemporary society, a lack of solidarity with our Andrea López Fernández’s Time to Read!, which takes fellow man. Be that as it may, ultimately all of the images us to a library for children with Down’s Syndrome, and reflect contemporary Mexico and celebrations are another Mónica Salazar Arriaga’s Road to the Past, which was category of community action. awarded Honorable Mention in the General category. Only one photo alludes to migration, of both Mexicans and Central Americans to the United States. About Children and Families José Francisco Jiménez Castro’s The Border: Looking Many images show portraits of children generally in- Northward, which was awarded Honorable Mention in the volved in an activity. Armando Robles Calvario received General category, presents a group of Mexicans that break the Mexic an Children Prize for My Teddy, an austere com- the stereotype: with their backs to the camera they look position that centers on the delight of playing. Carlos 12 Contents Gustavo González Sánchez’s Bad Boys magnifies the motorcycle; an image that has been repeated since the expressions of four children facing the camera; it won popularization of this means of transport. Honorable Mention, as did Jaime Arturo Ávalos Gómez’s More Water than Land, which shows an “indigenous Indigenous People and Portraits Chontal girl” riding past a bus painted to mirror the Ta- The representation of indigenous people has had to basco tropics. change through time; communities are undergoing trans- Several photos allude to children at work. formation and they incorporate elements of the con- Everyone on the Way Home and A Hard Day’s Work by temporary world into their customs, activities, and Miguel Antonio González González project an idyllic im- clothing. However, images that capture common features age of what might be considered a problem by connect- —color, poverty, passiveness, and so forth—continue to ing them to traditional rural culture in compositions drawn predominate. with a skillful handling of light. Dedication to art is con- Photographer Alexandro Bolaños Escami veyed in Ericka Vanessa López Sánchez’s Classical lla’s Huichol Girls Playing Volleyball II is an example of Youth, although the importance of child’s play predomi- the change in this vision. He won Third Prize in Black and nates, as in The Bike of Dreams, by David Adrián Mejía White for this updated image of women in a Huichol Velázquez, and Rules Never Are What’s Important, by community in Jalisco. Los engrasados, by award-winning Benito Armando Jiménez Benavides. docu mentary photographer Yael Martínez Velázquez, Photojournalist Félix de Jesús Ayala Aguirre’s Valle de las Ranas (Valley of the Frogs) won the Mexi- confronts us with a cross-dressing group practicing mysterious indigenous rituals. can Family Prize; even though his text refers to the role Portraiture appears in diverse subject and of indigenous women in family cohesion and praises prize categories in posed compositions, in complicity with their abnegation, the photo shows loneliness and dis- the subject, or in fortuitous encounters. Although we can- tance among the members of the family. A similar schism not define her as indigenous, Ariel Silva’s Mexican Beauty can be seen in New Year Breakfast, by young award-win- represents mestizaje. The composition and pose of the ning photographer María Alejandra Cárdenas Palacios, young woman recalls the image taken by Ángeles Torre- who received First Prize in Color. In her image five intro- jón, one of the award recipients in the earlier competition spective individuals are assembled around the table to (Comunidad La Realidad, Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas). Ru- celebrate the daily rite of breakfast on a special day. An- ral and urban female worlds collide in the subway train in other special day is captured in Ana Laura Pérez Apari- Daniel Rodríguez Villa’s Dimensions, which won Honor- cio’s Kings Day in Zapatista Autonomy, which was able Mention in the General category; it is one of the few awarded Honorable Mention. The food ritual again brings images that employs the violence of contrast in assem- family members to gather around the table; however, for bling its discourse. security reasons they must cover their faces and only the guest’s face is revealed. In contrast, Miguel Ángel Carbajal Ecology and Landscape Quintana’s Faces of Our Times shows a united rural Examining images submitted for the Fomento Ecológico family, smiling despite their visible poverty. Eric Verdier’s Banamex Prize, the job of raising awareness in these imag- Family is a backlit image showing everyone piled onto a es does not necessarily lead to powerful images. The winner 13 Contents in this category, Ricardo Jandette Cruz’s Lena shows a practi- in Michoacán, and photographer Ignacio Hernández cal urban solution: using car tires as steps. Lizeth Salas Guevara’s The Samalayuca Dunes in Chihuahua. keenly observed and captured a lizard camouflaged In closing, it would be fair to say that the on a leaf in Agave Dragon, which was given Honorable competition visualized the demands of reconstructing Mention. Luis Felipe Rivera Lezama’s The Heartbeat of the space of everyday life—for individuals and society— Conservation points out that knowledge of work in the as survival strategies given the seriousness of the vio- countryside goes hand in hand with respect for the envi- lence unleashed by the war against drug trafficking, a ronment. First Prize in Black and White went to Ricardo reality in much of the country. The overall quality of the Ruiz Cruz’s Dying to Live, which sums up the dilemma of images attests to the artistic potential of the medium capturing and preserving faunal specimens to obtain and its ability to bear witness, as well as the power of knowledge that will serve future conservation. electronic devices to place images in circulation and to The landscape is represented on both a train photographers. monumental and human scale. La Pasión, by photojour- Even though the overwhelming response nalist Izhar Gómez Flores, is an example of the latter. His made the selection process a challenge, the number of clothesline in the desert received Honorable Mention in prizes and honorable mentions ensured that the diversity the General category. of subjects and approaches proposed for the participants The landscape also lends itself to visual plays, was amply represented. The results are captured on the as in Chiapas Color, by photographer Héctor Montes de pages of this book, but above all in the photo collection Oca Flores, who in his low-angle shot reconciles human- that resulted from the competitions. This now forms part kind with nature in Palenque National Park, and in The of the rich holdings of Fomento Cultural Banamex, an Familiar Tree, the exuberant natural arc by Antonio Cer- institution that is committed to studying and promoting vantes Durán. Serving as testimony of natural sites that these images. In the future, it will be possible to review the have preserved meaning in their regions are José Arrequi collection Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II as a stratum of Ibarra’s Nature Come Alive, a vision of Lake Camécuaro visual history that displays a complex discursive plurality. Rosa Casanova Researcher Dirección de Estudios Históricos Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia 14 Contents Mexico: Weighing Images Nothing is more difficult than escaping from archetypes. in its different avatars was assimilated as a tool that ac- As happens with all creative and informative processes, companied both adventures in the political arena and through time photography has forged its own lines of incidents in daily life. Its ubiquitous presence made it pos- renewal, as well as its anchor points. The historical trajecto- sible to penetrate all social spheres by contributing icon- ry of photography arose from a common source that split ic images that began to pervade scenes in public life and early on as one of the logical demands imposed by the what is now referred to as the collective imaginary. fast-paced cultural and political archipelago of the mod- Urban and rural landscapes, jungles, monuments, ar- ern world. At its origin, photography responded to a me- chaeological sites, mountain ranges, coastlines, indige- chanical reflex of industrial societies. It emerged as nous communities, images of conflict, and portraits filled a road to be taken out of idle curiosity, folklore, the pic- the first chapters of the story of photography, whose turesque, novelty on the market, and the generic repetition pioneers were largely merchants, adventurers, natural that reproduced reality. Gradually, but in a different way, scientists, and travelers. a parallel path arose—one less taken—which opened the Mexico was seen then by photographers field of the possibilities of experimentation, especially in from Europe and the United States as a sector on the pe- the quest for expressions that went beyond the visible riphery of the world through a constellation of still-distant world and that attempted to tap the intangible, the ephemer- gazes that found the stereotyped models of a nation in al, the hidden—all that could be revealed only by visions archaeology, typical figures in society, flora, fauna, and never before seen. downtown Mexico City. These images became the inter- Clearly nineteenth-century photography marked the visual memory that disseminated and con- mediate links in a long positivist chain used to measure the gradations of civilization at that time. secrated an image of Mexico worldwide. At first it par- Multiple factors had a decisive bearing on layed iconic prints and a human and monumental typol- defining the social and formal fate of photography in ogy that ensured its place in the expansive mentality of Mexico and all over the planet: the secularization of art, a the Western universe. Then it became an ambivalent me- phenomenon permeated by innovations in technical re- dium capable of both homogenizing the idea of a coun- producibility and the dissolution of the aura of the unique try (which was also trying to define its own profile as an piece of art; the persistent demand for visual information independent entity) and of incessantly reconfiguring the by the media; the central role and rise of scenes of daily plurality of Mexico’s faces and complexities. The camera life; the generalized curiosity inspired by the camera; the 15 Contents unstoppable impulse of institutions and family circles to or immediate visibility. Time and human action made it keep memory alive—whether collective or private—and impossible for any affirmation to be absolute and with- to treasure it. out doubt, both trends on many occasions overlapped. The most perceptible development in the In a positive way, each of them has provided us with an story of photography rested fundamentally on a dichoto unlimited roster of photographic images—a reflection of my that alternates between repetition and revelation. On attitudes, needs, and poses. It should be underscored that the one hand, repetition was incubated in the records of in all cases, as in all fields of thought, only a small per- so-called direct photography, understood as an ever- centage of these images accompany us as emblematic open window to the appearances of simple, plain reali- or representative material that has continued to reso- ty. On the other hand, revelation was the photographic nate through time. act that intervened, experimented, and reinterpreted re- A challenge for the field of photography to- ality through a new formal dimension and an increas- day is the renewal and updating of “classic” themes in ingly personal and irrepressible language. It was inher- the iconic repertoire. In other words, it means the possi- ent to concerns that responded to a dynamic applied to bility of revisiting canonical subjects of the past in light the world of ideas more than to the realm of mere testi- of contributions that successively drive the rupture of monies. In other words, revelation was a path that ap- rules and archetypes. This is one of the most pressing pealed to plasticity and the resignification of images, tasks facing photography. All projects that permit the which has become increasingly present in the creative evaluation and broad overview of the state of things in adventure of human thought. the realm of Mexican photography are relevant. It is a The first attempt was projected on a series of practices that were highly useful for producing the in- practice that must be encouraged, above all if it has a systematic character in the field. terminable inventory of subjects, things, and events that populated Mexican territory. It performed the role of registration. The notion of objective vision generated gazes The El México de los mexicanos II-Mexico circumscribed to the immediate reflex, a minimal aspect in the Eyes of Mexicans II project offers a real opportu- of a routine that reproduced the phenomena of a reality nity to make constants, changes, manifest or latent stripped of conceptual or imaginary folds. At times it strengths and weaknesses in the exercise of photography might appear that this random aspect was the materiali today visible, based on images that explore the Mexican zation of a strategy to prevent the perception of this re- reality and its intricate geography from different social ality from being modified and to ensure that the identity angles. It is an open encounter between professionals component—or what has been historically defined as and amateurs, which in its second edition establishes such—remains inert and fixed, as an emblem of a world one of the possible panoramas to recognize the scope that gravitates in time without change. The other path and diverse practices in photography from our present. appealed to universes revealed only by means of visions Beyond what is shared or differentiated in that reconfigure the natural gaze and that confer a criti- terms of quality, the images attest to material and crea cal, analytical, or even poetic charge on it. This perspec- tive transformations and stagnation, cultural differences tive suggested or reconsidered reality beyond functional and coincidences, exposing fault lines—and also impover- 16 Contents ishment—among periods and visions that arise from the designed illumination reveals the intention to employ a complex fabric of a nation. Suffice a gaze at this collec- carefully controlled visual structure. Dying to Live is the tion to recognize a diversity that is immediately associ- only photo in the selection that shows a dead subject, ated with the concept of imaginaries, addressing gener- the only image that sublimates the representation of re- alized conceptions of the people. In the particular case of ality. Perhaps these considerations, together with its im- photography, it appeals to perceptions, most frequently peccable production, earned it First Prize in the Black and fueled not by the idea of reality as something given and White category. final, but rather for its re-presentations or visual figura- Another general reading of the images pre- tions, clearly showing why linear and fixed visions could sented, beyond the competition categories, allows us never capture the essential elements of culture. Alterna- to hazard that photos of “the other Mexicans” predomi- tive experiences and positions distanced from formal nate, in other words indigenous people or those living in conventions reveal best the dynamic that a society uses rural zones. They are almost always represented in refer- to construct the means to recognize itself. ential atmospheres or associated with elements typical There is a looming difficulty in discerning of their cultural milieu: traditions, dances, trades. Signifi- these alternative modes of seeing. Therefore, the test rep- cantly, they (the others) are inseparable from the land- resented by Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II for photog- scape photographed, beings merged with the surround- raphers and readers of images should be appreciated. It ings. This is an aesthetic and conceptual gesture inevitably is both a critical and a celebratory forum that allows us to associated with México profundo, the book-emblem that see an ample reflexive horizon of a practice that touches for its ideological underpinning transcended the title the interest of all sectors of the population. To a large ex- given by Guillermo Bonfil Batalla1 to become a construc- tent, its value resides in the will to share the extensive cata tion of the imaginary, often useful to justify sagas of logue of images assembled for everyone who identifies doubtful or precarious symbolism. This is why differen- photography as one of the privileged forms of knowledge. tiated ways of perceiving these “other Mexicans” stand In an initial reading of the photos in this book, out, through a gaze that perceives them as more vital, what draws viewer attention is the fact that with a single more every day, more contemporary. Their singularity is exception, all of the images chosen correspond to what nuanced and their presence is given new content, by be- can be identified as direct photography, formerly known ing observed from a horizontal perspective in the ideo- as “documentary,” which is still open to debate. Ricardo logical sphere, without reiterating ad nauseam their time- Ruiz Cruz is the sole photographer who offers a construct- lessness and without demonstrating what photographic ed image, Dying to Live, in black and white, of a sparrow practice from other times already made clear; instead by suspended in a beaker in a lab, a setting that clarifies the tapping into a world stripped of clichés and staged re- meaning of the work’s title. Ruiz’s photo would seem to sources. This is the case of the photo Huichol Girls Playing be a sensible response to a scientific procedure that might Volleyball II by Alexandro Bolaños Escamilla, which was allude to taxidermy. However, the fact that this bird—one of the most common in the world—hangs from twine held Guillermo Bonfil Batalla, México profundo. Una civilización negada, Mexico City, Sec- 1 by an ordinary wooden clothespin and that the beaker retaría de Educación Pública/Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en has been sanded to dull the reflections from the carefully Reclaiming a Civilization, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1996.) 17 Antropología Social, colección Foro 2000, 1987. (English edition: México Profundo: Contents awarded Third Prize in Black and White. It is an image anteaters. All of the participants are members of different that summons the natural universal emotion that arises at confraternities or brotherhoods and they dance through a sports competition probably held in the central square the streets and neighborhoods for a week—from Sunday of a community. In this same vein is Annick Donkers Crafts- to Sunday—especially on Corpus Christi Thursday, the woman, recipient of the Fomento Cultural Banamex Prize, day honored by this celebration. The festivities conclude an image that will be discussed below. Montserrat de los in the atrium of the church of the Blessed Sacrament.2 Ángeles Salcedo Alba’s Traditions, Thor Edmundo Mora Confronted with this tumultuous gathering and the sound les Vera’s Turkey at Dusk, Fernando Arce Sánchez’s Agave of drums, rattles, and flutes that today can be shared on Essences, Benito Armando Jiménez Benavides’s Rules social networks, Hernández chose to show us a stylized Never Are What’s Important, and Jesús Lorenzo Hernán- fragment of the event. His decision reveals the determi- dez Hernández’s Calalá are wise choices that qualita- nation of his gaze and his knowledge of his surroundings tively shift any bias for transhistorical folklore or the petri- as proof of a symbiosis and cultural renewal. fied gaze of a culpable anthropology. In fact Jesús Lorenzo In this sense, Calalá not only updates us in Hernández Hernández’s image was awarded First Prize an informative way on the path taken by an indigenous in this competition. In it, a group of individuals dressed in dance, but also places the composition of the photo at jaguar costumes—clear references to a traditional dance— the service of the image of a reconstituted tradition. It are crouching in an area marked on the asphalt ground, speaks to us of a photographer skilled in visually orga- beside a sign that emphasizes the presence of the urban nizing an idea and who offers an image that synthesizes world. The image dilutes the archetypes of a predictable the scope of an ancestral rite that is not afraid to con- representation. front the present. Hernández presents this troupe—dancers in Another photograph that shows the possi- the Calalá or Dance of the Giant—in a frame that plays bility of renewing images of indigenous worlds is Annick with color and shapes, as he updates a tradition within a Donkers’s Craftswoman, which shows a Huichol or fully recognizable contemporaneity. Long ago, this dance Wixárika woman from the community of San Andrés Co- was part of a fertility rite; during the viceroyalty the friars hamiata, Jalisco. In a far cry from costumbrista imagery who catechized the central region of Chiapas repurposed [showing nineteenth-century rural traditions], Donkers it to honor the Most Blessed Sacrament, which explains shares a moment of the woman’s daily life as she per- why the chalice and host appear on the back of the cos- forms her craft in the interior of her home. It captures a tumes. The community of Suchiapa participates in the cozy intimate atmosphere and takes advantage of the Calalá ceremonial dance, including children as well as light filtering through the curtain covering a window— tourists; the dancers dress as different characters, the perhaps a mosquito net—and of the lines suggested by most important of which are the Feathered Giant or Quet the humble furnishings. As a result of the framing, the zalcoatl and the Gigantillo (Small Giant). Members of the gaze concentrates on the figure of the woman, absorbed jaguar groups wear masks and costumes alluding to this feline, a creature surrounded by sacred connotations; Óscar Gutiérrez, a correspondent for the newspaper El Universal, wrote a chronicle of 2 groups of Chamula Indians wear typical hats, paint their this dance at the 2014 celebration, available at www.eluniversal.com.mx/cultura/ faces white, and usually carry desiccated iguanas and September 4, 2014. 18 2014/concluye-ritual-de-la-39danza-del-calala-39-en-chiapas-1018671.html, accessed Contents in her work stringing seedbeads together. Originally carved the rocks giving rise to whimsical shapes, resem- from Belgium, Donkers has made her career as a pho- bling frogs—hence its name—and he uses the physical tographer in Mexico. Psychology was a part of her aca- environment as a suggestive resource, superimposed demic training and her images contain a difficult balance over any anecdotal aspect. Seated on the rocks, with a between social phenomenon and inner worlds: her photo backdrop composed of white clouds that automatically shows both the visible and the invisible in her composi- position us on a spot extremely high up, a woman, an tions. As mentioned earlier, Craftswoman was awarded adolescent boy, and a girl—near and far at the same First Prize in the Fomento Cultural Banamex category. time—shatter the traditional family portrait, in which the Of the finalists in the competition that deal members are commonly presented in a close spatial with indigenous themes and of the sixty-two indigenous union that leaves practically no open space. This rupture groups officially recognized by the Comisión Nacional gives the photo a formal eloquence that for an instant de los Pueblos Indígenas (National Commission of Indige allows us to approach the mystery of the family relation- nous Peoples), the Ralámulis or Rarámuris3—the name ship between these three individuals, whose ties seem to that this ethnic group uses to refer to itself and whose be paradoxically sealed for perpetuity in the landscape, territorial core is to be found in the Tarahumara sierra— but spatially and generationally distanced. A strong ma- are the indigenous group with greatest representation in ternal figure—in this case represented by someone who this edition. The number of photos of Ralámulis makes is perhaps the grandmother—photographed in the fore- them worth comment. ground is followed by a boy, barely an adolescent, dressed Clearly, the impressive canyons in the moun- in untraditional clothes, and a little girl, the only one who tain ranges of the state of Chihuahua are one of the ma- looks at the camera from afar, and who combines her tra- jor destinations for ethnic-culture tourism. Perhaps this ditional skirt and kerchief with a modern jacket, ultimately might explain the origin of images such as Brissa García’s a sign of the shared and distant times between the two Light Aircraft Flying over Sinforosa and Félix de Jesús female figures. Ayala Aguirre’s Valle de las Ranas (Valley of the Frogs). In the photo segment based on the Ralámu- The title of the latter refers to one of the most frequently lis there had to be a photo of Holy Week, the festivity visited sites in the region given its proximity to the city of most closely identified with this group and also with most Creel; it is the setting that Ayala Aguirre chose to photo- indigenous communities in Mexico. Tarahumara Roots by graph three Ralámulis. In this black and white photo, re- Raúl Barajas is the color portrait of a painted adolescent. cipient of the Prize in the Mexican Family category, the use It self-consciously revisits the shots taken since the 1960s of landscape is highly unique, because none of the fea- in this region, employing the portrait as a genre not only tures that have systematically characterized tourist im- impregnated with curiosity confronting the inhabitant ages of the site appear in this shot. He breaks with the of a world unknown by the dominant culture, but also of typical representation of this valley, where the winds have fascination and exaltation of the dignity of the subject of the image. Rules Never Are What’s Important by Be nito Armando Jiménez Benavides adds to the updated Ana Paula Pintado, Los hijos de Riosi y Riablo: fiestas grandes y resistencia cultural en 3 una comunidad tarahumara de la barranca, Mexico City, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2013. 19 visions of this people. Jiménez Benavides’s framing focuses attention on what seem to be the legs of children Contents at play in a fierce dispute over a soccer ball. This shot not it produces and for its effectiveness as a visual image. only shows the footwear and the lower edge of tradition- For years in barrios and towns, the care that young mem- al garb, but also humorously lets us see the right foot bers of the community invest in their costumes has made missing a leather sandal of one of the participants. It per- these festivities a sort of veiled Mardi Gras. Here a syn- haps shows a way of assimilating a sport that was not cretism that addresses a recovery that uses globalized fully adapted to the orthodoxy of Ralámuli dress, but that culture to apply it to old traditions comes to the surface; has penetrated the life of the community through the perhaps this image asks us if its survival or obliteration fun it represents. depends on a balance of the elements at play. In the age of the widest circulation of images in history, we can extrapolate the apothegm that Susan Another subject in several of the photos Sontag wrote a few decades ago, “Now all art aspires to presented here is Day of the Dead celebrations, a line the condition of photography,”4 and take it a step further that can lead to a dangerous stream of highly rhetorical with the equally eloquent: “All facts aspire to be photo- picturesqueness that is not easy to shake off. In this top- graphed to be true.” ic, there is no lack of images of cemeteries, with their classic mourners and deceased. Nonetheless, it is precisely as a celebration with strong popular roots that its It is possible to recognize some photos in potential is very high, which is evident in two photos which, with greater or lesser vitality, these “other worlds” that give it a disturbing actuality, both shots taken in the in our world are captured, such as images of emblematic state of Oaxaca. Mexican nature, represented metaphorically by cactuses Sergio Barra de la Cruz’s Boy Wearing a Cos- and agaves. In this collection their visual charge is refor- tume, recipient of Honorable Mention in the Jury Prize, mulated with La Pasión by Izhar Gómez Flores, who gives gives us the black and white portrait of one of the chil- life to the rugged terrain, dotted with organ cactuses and dren who participates in the troupes that parade through scrub, by focusing his attention on a clothesline. The tonal the streets of Nazareno Etla for the Day of the Dead on range is controlled and the garments hung on a line are November 1 and 2. At that time, the participants in the uniform; one end of the line is tied to the body of an organ muerteada, as the parade is commonly known, come from cactus with the other end beyond the frame of the image. different localities disguised in costumes that fuse Hal- In some way the photo shares the aesthetic of an instal- loween—with all of the paraphernalia typical of charac- lation and expresses a gaze with an interesting composi- ters from horror films—and the “traditional” imaginary tional structure, which earned Gómez Flores Honorable expected of this observance in Mexico, such as calaveras Mention in the General category. The second photo that catrinas, elegantly dressed female skeletons from the offers a fresh approach to agave iconography is Lizeth late-nineteenth-century imagination of José Guadalupe Salas’s Agave Dragon, the recipient of Honorable Men- Posada. In this case, the costume of the boy photographed by Barra has elements from an aesthetic very Susan Sontag, Sobre la fotografía, Barcelona, Edhasa, 1981, p. 159. To reach this para- 4 closely tied to Japanese horror cinematography and digm, Sontag turned to the dictum of Walter Pater (1839–1894), British essayist and that is certainly disconcerting, both for the culture shock Sontag, On Photography, New York, Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 1977.) 20 art critic who wrote: “all art aspires to the condition of music.” (English edition: Susan Contents tion in the Fomento Ecológico Banamex category. She exploit to the maximum the opportune nature of the offers us a fine understanding of the volumetric quality of snapshot that freezes striking moments, such as a preci- this plant—taken together with the lines, colors, and tex- sion shot, taken by Víctor Ricardo Flores Estrada when tures of the reptile stretched out on a dry rough leaf that the bull “Triunfador” charged on bullfighter Luis Con resembles the skin of the animal it shelters—creating a rado, who lies on the sand of the ring in the Plaza Mé strong image conveying the integration and fragility of xico. Adrián Dovalí Calderón’s Steady is a photo that not an ecosystem. Salas’s perception is accentuated by the only shows the skill of a charro (Mexican horseman) in use of a lens that sensibly augments the effect of the cir- handling the lasso, but also—together with Charros (Mex cularity between the plant, the reptile, and the land. ican Horsemen) by César Rodríguez Becerra—expresses the zeal for the practice that has been dubbed a “national sport,” since the administration of general Lázaro For its connotations the subject of sports in the photographic universe of Mexico in the Eyes of Mexi- Cárdenas, a designation in accord with those post- revolutionary times. cans II is also worth noting. Mention has already been made of how the images of sports practiced by indigenous peoples trigger in our perception the idea of a contem- In another group, sheltering successes and porary profile in their communities, supporting a dynamic sorrows in the city, it is possible to find scenes, land- development in time. In other contexts, the vehemence scapes, and figures that portray Mexicans as fundamen- of sporting events evokes accounts deprived of glamour, tally urban societies or with clear aspirations of urbani suggesting an epic of intimate dimensions, as in the case zation, with all of the implications that this category may of Édgar Quintana Méndez’s Victory on Wheels, a decid- contain. New Year Breakfast, by María Alejandra Cárde- edly moving portrait of Aarón Gordián Martínez—a cham- nas Palacios, is a family picture awarded First Prize in pion in multiple competitions involving individuals of dif- the Color category. Stripped of the symbolic and media ferent abilities—who celebrated his triumph after winning hype of the start of a year (an ordinary family setting that the 1500-meter race at the 2011 Parapan American Games points to the good intentions and renewed resolutions), in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Boxing, by Víctor Emiliano Solorio a Mexican middle-class family sits down to the first Reyes, is a noteworthy black and white image that shows breakfast of the year, with the routine and rhythm of any two young men duking it out in the open air; the face of morning of the year. However, the enamel pan on the ta- only one of the rivals is seen in the image, with an expres- ble might refer to the reheated leftovers from the pre sion that denotes the tension and warrior impulse of the vious night’s feast. The girl with the towel on her head match. The choice of the low angle framed by the cloudy suggests that this family is accustomed to eating break- sky, as well as the photo’s minimalist title, gives the im- fast together on a regular basis. The photographic mo- age open possibilities, including drama, a search for hori- ment presents them as separated, disassociated in their zons both for the sports image, and for the protagonists gazes, incapable of connecting at any point, and ab- of this spectacle-sport. sorbed in their thoughts, leaving the viewer to feel the Images of horsemanship and bullfighting weight of the distance often generated by familiarity. are in a similar spirit to the group of sports photos. They From a colder, but also more analytical, perspective, this 21 Contents photograph might be seen as a testimony of the secu- It is worth drawing some lessons from Mexi- larization of celebrations, the loss of rituality in the world co in the Eyes of Mexicans II as a plural and open compe- of the city. tition dealing with the state of photography in Mexico Cities are a like a huge box where every- and in terms of the vision it holds of the present: thing fits and everything happens. This is evoked by the 1. Capturing is not necessarily creating. The variety of subjects derived from the group of photos tak- objectivity conferred upon photography, stemming from en in different cities. In this category are the inevitable re- its condition as a mechanical phenomenon, has served interpretations of generic subjects that date back to the through time to validate the consistency of certain events. nineteenth century, such as trades and characters or (pro- It has become a source of reconstitution of credibility, but to) types: Story Telling by Guillermo Robles Oceguera, The its generalized impact—more fast-paced than gradual— Seamstress by Gustavo Esparza Gardea, Pilgrim by Nelly has gone beyond its own record to be recognized as a pow- Angélica Acosta Díaz, Borrego Viudo (taco shop) by María erful documentary source and as a form of creative ex- Montserrat Ortega Arriaga, and Street Sounds (saxo- pression with its own codes and language. Today it is phonist) by Carlos Jesús Alegría Ramírez. feasible to identify an enormous school of photographers Despite a certain degree of reiteration in the who are immersed in all of the arenas of the Mexican world. canonical figures of the metropolitan milieu, it is highly Both professionals and amateurs, they require periodical significant that within the images of this geographic and evaluations—above all on a qualitative order—to place social setting there are two photos that focus on the every- their work in the planetary context of photography. day nature of same sex couples: homosexuality. One Sep- 2. For more than 170 years photographers tember 15, by Eric Scibor-Rylski, is the candid shot of have produced images of Mexico in which they recorded two youths stealing a kiss on the platform of a subway novel episodes as well as scenes and eternal feelings. Pho- station, a simple scene of urban love, without staged fig- tographs incessantly reformulated the visual horizon and ural resources that emphasize or attempt to overload in themselves they form a framework that demands the the content of the image, which is in itself revealing of the attention of specialists and all types of public, whether world that it verifies. Purposeful in content and in line with as collective or private property. They can be part of the the work that has characterized its creator, Free Love by history of a country or reflections of a unique existence; Fernando Escárcega Pérez, known on the photo circuit as either way, they are completely valid. “Fershow,” sets the stage right in the street—with the accu- 3. Mexicans form a vast mosaic that prompts rate pothole and trash on the corner—where an amorous numerous questions and enigmas that people have at- male couple poses in a bed in front of a red wall painted tempted to decipher from different perspectives; pho- with the heart logo of a well-known ice cream brand. The tography is one of them. Behind an indisputable visual rich- efficacy of this image is not the result of its intrinsic au- ness, a spent iconography can appear that only responds dacity, but rather for the everyday setting and humor that to obsolete values or static perceptions. The incessant permeates the photo, as well as for its capacity to resolve interplay between the unknown and the known is a ma- a real fact on the basis of its simulacrum. This photo was jor challenge to re-dimension the meaning of identity as awarded Honorable Mention in the Contemporary Mexi- a multiple phenomenon in constant flux. Without falling co category. into the cult of novelty, it can be said that photography is 22 Contents a resource to reinterpret reality, to make it more visible beginning to appear: a vast geography and a population and even more disturbing. continuously exceeded by its material reality. Facing the 4. The gaze of nineteenth-century photog- long experience of a nation, photography has become a raphers was the basis of a vision that combined classifi- black box that holds everything; the photographic eye cations, typologies, and folklore, a horizon on which pro- reminds us and asks us about what we do and don’t want foundly contradictory social surroundings were slowly to see. Sergio Raúl Arroyo 23 Contents Contents La mitotiliztli (Aztec dance) Édgar Xólot The machine of Mexica cultural resistance and warfare Plaza de la Constitución (Central Square), Mexico City 25 Contents Index of Photographers BANAMEX 130 YEARS PRIZE Calalá Jesús Lorenzo Hernández Hernández Jaguars dance in the Corpus Christi celebration to ask for abundance in the new cycle Suchiapa, Chiapas 26 Contents Index of Photographers Immensity 1 Alejandro Rojo How insignificant we feel in the face of such immensity, such a legacy, and how lucky we are that someone remembers us! Archaeological Zone of Teotihuacan, State of Mexico 27 Contents Index of Photographers Palenque at Daybreak César Javier Reynada Archaeological Zone of Palenque, Chiapas 28 Contents Index of Photographers Malinalco Felipe Saravia Mejía Church cloister, Malinalco, State of Mexico 29 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION BANAMEX COLLABORATOR Pleasant Surprise Danae Castillo Bautista Nevado de Toluca, State of Mexico 30 Contents Index of Photographers Noh Mozón Cenote Benjamín Magaña Rodríguez A little known cenote of spectacular beauty for the rays of light that penetrate it at different times of day Tecoh, Yucatán 31 Contents Index of Photographers Agave Essences Fernando Arce Sánchez The strength and dignity of a people resides in its tradition and culture. In Santa Catarina Minas Ángeles Carreño’s family knows how to value and preserve this ideology through the production of traditional mescal made from agave juice distilled in clay vessels Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca 32 Contents Index of Photographers Pascolas (Ritual dancers) Miguel Antonio Rosas Rodríguez Navojoa, Sonora 33 Contents Index of Photographers Fishermen Rosa María Santos Espinosa Veracruz, Veracruz 34 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION GENERAL The Border: Looking Northward José Francisco Jiménez Castro Mexican families do not always share common characteristics. Nevertheless, they have the same dreams and in northern Mexico their sights will always be divided between their hopes for the future and their roots Tijuana, Baja California 35 Contents Index of Photographers Assembling a Cylinder Josué Mejía Sandoval They climb on steel, on concrete, they attach, share, tighten, pump, I photograph, they align, equip, joke, talk, tie, look for, point, anchor, pull, walk, play, set up scaffolding, position, render, remove the falsework, whitewash, construct, build up, channel, clean, make rings, load, plane, plaster, fill, tamp down, winch, dance, wait, shape, slap, strike the concrete, push, hammer, break into pieces, sweep, mix, adjust, measure, discuss, look, eat, dampen, oil, show, carry in wheelbarrows, sample, attend to, contain, wall, make compartments, level, smooth, chisel, observe, prop up, dig, bend, think Benito Juárez district, Mexico City 36 Contents Index of Photographers Eternal Path Alex Simón Death has no respect. More than two thousand niches for children Municipal cemetery, Morelia, Michoacán 37 Contents Index of Photographers Sugar Cane Harvest Héctor Boix Cisneros Cuauhtémoc, Colima 38 Contents Index of Photographers FOMENTO ECOLÓGICO BANAMEX PRIZE Lena Ricardo Jandette Cruz Lena likes to go down the tire stairs on her way to school Laguna de Zumpango, State of Mexico 39 Contents Index of Photographers Expert Hands at the Citlaltépetl Tree Nursery Teúl Moyrón Contreras Citlaltépetl, Veracruz 40 Contents Index of Photographers Freeing Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Max Suárez Salazar Tecolutla, Veracruz 41 Contents Index of Photographers So Many Worlds, So Much Space... María Teresa Vaquero Cruz Mexico City is the largest population nucleus in the country; it is an impressive urban center. Deep in its heart we can find unique and surprising participants, as well as the most amazing scenarios, spaces where both actors and settings come together to create the magnificent work that is reinvented day by day Esplanade of the Monument to the Revolution, Mexico City 42 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION MEXICAN CHILDREN Bad Boys Carlos Gustavo González Sánchez San Martín Tepatlaxco, Puebla 43 Contents Index of Photographers A Mexican Beauty Ariel Silva Central park in Ocosingo, Chiapas 44 Contents Index of Photographers Learning Art Felipe Gerardo Rendón Elías Fundidora Park Painting Collection, Monterrey, Nuevo León 45 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION GENERAL Women Potters Paola Corasaniti The legacy of the woman potters from Amatenango del Valle is an ancestral profession in mythical geography. It is important to recognize that cultural patrimony is not limited to monuments and collections of objects. Instead it includes living traditions and expressions passed down from our ancestors and transmitted to our descendants, such as oral traditions, social customs, rituals, celebratory acts, knowledge and practices related to nature and the universe, and wisdom and techniques linked to folk art. Despite its fragile nature, intangible cultural heritage is an important factor in the preservation of cultural diversity in the face of expanding globalization. The understanding of intangible cultural patrimony from different communities contributes to the dialogue between cultures and promotes respect for other ways of life Amatenango del Valle, Chiapas 46 Contents Index of Photographers The Illusion José Manuel Espino Ortiz Photo taken on Kings Day on the outskirts of Tacámbaro, named “pueblo mágico” by the Tourism Ministry Tacámbaro, Michoacán 47 Contents Index of Photographers The Big Wedding Denisse Pohls Pérez In Huautla getting married is an enormous ritual. Three days before the religious ceremony, the bride and groom are bathed from head to toe. On the day of the Catholic betrothal they go to the church in a procession together with all of their relatives. They often combine the occasion with first communions and baptisms. Once they leave the church, the entire town can join the procession and the party. They are always accompanied by a band of musicians and sometimes a mariachi group Huautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca 48 Contents Index of Photographers The Children of Chenalhó César Rodríguez Zavala This photo was taken behind the Presbyterian church where the Tzotzils from Acteal gather. The room that is behind these children is used as a storeroom Acteal, Chiapas 49 Contents Index of Photographers SECOND PLACE COLOR Child Heroes Abel Gastón Saldaña Tejeda The children of trash collectors Asentamiento Las Bermudas, Matamoros, Tamaulipas 50 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION BANAMEX COLLABORATOR An Example to Be Followed Salvador Gómez Reyes Two brothers have fun in a boat La Marquesa National Park, State of Mexico 51 Contents Index of Photographers Paul McCartney Concert Juan Carlos Equihua Barragán Plaza de la Constitución (Central Square), Mexico City 52 Contents Index of Photographers Fireworks Enrique Arturo Alday Larrauri Exploding toritos (little bulls) with fireworks at the celebration of Saint John of God Tultepec, State of Mexico 53 Contents Index of Photographers Children in a Rural School Rafael Campillo Rodríguez The rural teacher with one of his two preschool students in the community of Linda Vista Zozocolco de Hidalgo, Veracruz 54 Contents Index of Photographers Time to Read! Andrea López Fernández Let’s promote reading among young people Comunidad Down, A. C., Mexico City 55 Contents Index of Photographers MEXICAN FAMILY PRIZE Valle de las Ranas (Valley of the Frogs) Félix de Jesús Ayala Aguirre In the Tarahumara mountains women play an extremely important role in supporting the family. Unfortunately the men often have serious alcoholism problems or they abandon their wives and children; in some cases these women decide to leave their husbands Valle de las Ranas, Chihuahua 56 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION MEXICAN FAMILY Faces of Our Times Miguel Ángel Carbajal Quintana Santa María del Monte, La Lima, Zinacantepec, State of Mexico 57 Contents Index of Photographers THIRD PLACE BLACK AND WHITE Huichol Girls Playing Volleyball II Alexandro Bolaños Escamilla San Andrés Cohamiata, Mezquitic, Jalisco 58 Contents Index of Photographers The Heartbeat of Conservation Luis Felipe Rivera Lezama The mountain’s heartbeat is not the same with livestock raising, but it is true that there are some who are deciding to change old practices. There are places in the vicinity of the mountain where the dream is beginning to change. One step at a time Cattle ranch, Pijijiapan, Sierra Madre de Chiapas 59 Contents Index of Photographers FIRST PLACE COLOR New Year Breakfast María Alejandra Cárdenas Palacios Having breakfast at my grandmother’s house Rancho San Antonio, Tarandacuao, Guanajuato 60 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION MEXICAN FAMILY Kings Day in Zapatista Autonomy Ana Laura Pérez Aparicio The last night with my Zapatista family arrived. It was January 6 and they asked me what I usually did on that day. I answered that we shared a traditional Kings Day rosca cake. Moments later the elder and younger sons arrived with an enormous ring-shaped rosca de reyes with tiny dolls hidden in it. They made coffee and I enjoyed the best rosca I have ever had with a family. By the way, I got stuck with two of the dolls Las Margaritas, Chiapas 61 Contents Index of Photographers The Faith of a People José de Jesús de la Torre Martínez de Escobar A child innocently breaks the formation of the people in the town of Zinacantán, who display their faith in the celebration of their patron saint’s day Zinacantán, Chiapas 62 Contents Index of Photographers La Petatera Héctor Boix Cisneros La Petatera is a bullring unique in the world Villa de Álvarez, Colima 63 Contents Index of Photographers Parachicos (Dancers) Gonzalo Gurguha The Parachicos, or Parachico, are traditional dancers in the main celebration in Chiapa de Corzo, which takes place from January 15 to 23 Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas 64 Contents Index of Photographers Allegory Ernesto Ríos San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato 65 Contents Index of Photographers Dancers Bernardo de Niz Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca 66 Contents Index of Photographers MEXICAN CHILDREN PRIZE My Teddy Armando Robles Calvario Tonalá, Jalisco 67 Contents Index of Photographers Tarahumara Roots Raúl Barajas Norogachi, Guachochi, Chihuahua 68 Contents Index of Photographers Los engrasados (Ritual devils at Lent), from the series Dentro de la tierra (Deep in the land) Yael Martínez Velázquez San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca 69 Contents Index of Photographers FOMENTO CULTURAL BANAMEX PRIZE Craftswoman Annick Donkers San Andrés Cohamiata, Jalisco 70 Contents Index of Photographers FOMENTO CULTURAL BANAMEX HONORABLE MENTION Maya Weaver Working Jipi Palm Iván Felipe Galíndez Ortegón Calkiní, Campeche 71 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION FOMENTO CULTURAL BANAMEX Proud of His Creations Pamela Gutiérrez Valdez Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco 72 Contents Index of Photographers Appeal to the Lord of Justice José Kuri Orvañanos San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas 73 Contents Index of Photographers Daybreak Adriana Carolina Palacios Galván Day of the Dead photographic expedition Pátzcuaro, Michoacán 74 Contents Index of Photographers Marigolds, from the series of the same name Toni Belles Ferragut Oaxaca, Oaxaca 75 Contents Index of Photographers A Family Lunch Esau Delgado Alvear Teotihuacan, State of Mexico 76 Contents Index of Photographers SOCIAL COMMITMENT PRIZE Apparently Alejandro Aguirre Castellanos Although it might not be clear, the image shows a wrestler who has gone to visit patients and offer them words of encouragement: “You’re the real fighter,” he would say to them Ignacio Chávez National Cardiology Institute, Mexico City 77 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION SOCIAL COMMITMENT His Love Keeps Us Going Paola Zavaleta Photo of the Give Love ministry, dedicated to taking joy, comfort, and hope to children with terminal illnesses Pediatric Tower, Medical Center, Guadalajara, Jalisco 78 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION SOCIAL COMMITMENT Story Telling Guillermo Robles Oceguera Social work involving story tellers and art teachers who brighten up the day for children Community of Loma de Juárez, Colima 79 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION MEXICAN CHILDREN More Water than Land Jaime Arturo Ávalos Gómez Frontera, Tabasco 80 Contents Index of Photographers Light Aircraft Flying over Sinforosa Brissa García Sinforosa Canyon, Guachochi, Chihuahua 81 Contents Index of Photographers Chiapas Color Héctor Montes de Oca Flores Inside the canistel (sapote tree) Palenque National Park, Chiapas 82 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION FOMENTO ECOLÓGICO BANAMEX Inner Strength Adriana Lara Miranda Chiapas Coast 83 Contents Index of Photographers The Seamstress Gustavo Esparza Gardea Making final adjustments. It is worth mentioning that the main subject is the seamstress, who is a young woman with Down’s Syndrome. Treating her like anyone else enables her to feel perfectly incorporated into daily life Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua 84 Contents Index of Photographers Family Photo José Miguel Vargas Pellicer Playa Caleta, Acapulco, Guerrero 85 Contents Index of Photographers SECOND PLACE BLACK AND WHITE Rural Life Jorge López Viera In the small town of Acteal a group of children peek with curiosity through a gap in the wall of their small home with the image of the patron saint of Mexico, the Virgin of Guadalupe Acteal, Chiapas 86 Contents Index of Photographers Always Together Abelardo de la Torre de la Mora This couple walks home on the way back from the outdoor market. She is blind and he is her guide, carrying their purchases Barrio del Artista, Puebla 87 Contents Index of Photographers The Familiar Tree Antonio Cervantes Durán Eyipantla, Catemaco, Veracruz 88 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION GENERAL La Pasión Izhar Gómez Flores La Pasión, Baja California Sur 89 Contents Index of Photographers Typical Outings Mario Negrete Lake Chapala, Jalisco 90 Contents Index of Photographers A Community of Pelicans Rafael Nuño Becerra American White Pelican Sanctuary, La Ciénega Protected Natural Area, Michoacán 91 Contents Index of Photographers Riding the Wind Víctor Adrián Álvarez Rodríguez Third International Balloon Festival Archaeological Zone of Peralta, Abasolo, Guanajuato 92 Contents Index of Photographers Waking Up Roberto Flores Diego The jaguar is the largest and most emblematic feline on the American continent. With its long history and mystical aura, it is known in different guises by Mexico’s ethnic groups, who venerate it as a god and admire it for its extraordinary beauty. A jaguar can live in almost any habitat; it likes to climb trees to rest and stalk its prey. Today this feline is protected by Mexican law, because it is in danger of disappearing. Therefore, preserving its habitat is of vital importance, because it is a regulator that maintains equilibrium in ecosystems Miguel Álvarez del Toro Zoo, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas 93 Contents Index of Photographers Pink Flamingos Tania Escobar In the Ría Lagartos reserve, groups of pink flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) congregate to feed. Protecting this region of the country, which is a key nesting and feeding area, has helped promote the preservation of this species in Mexico Ría Lagartos Special Biosphere Reserve, Yucatán 94 Contents Index of Photographers Resplendent Quetzal Sergio Eduardo Moya The resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is the mystical bird venerated by the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica. Today on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, it has a “Near Threatened” conservation status. The quetzal lives at high altitudes (1000 to 3000 m) in the dense cloud forests of Central America. I took this photo in the ZooMat in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the only place in the world where they are exhibited to the public (three females and two males). Here twelve quetzals have been born so far. They are so well protected that around the cage they have running water to keep ants out. Places such as this reproduction center give us all hope that with work and determination this species can be kept alive for future generations Miguel Álvarez del Toro Zoo, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas 95 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION FOMENTO ECOLÓGICO BANAMEX Agave Dragon Lizeth Salas San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato 96 Contents Index of Photographers The Mamut Kids Mag Servant Grutas del Mamut (Mammoth Grottoes), San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas 97 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION JURY PRIZE Cuts 4, documentary project Fulvio Eccardi Ambrosi At the base of the trunk, which can be up to a meter in diameter, the chiclero or chicle gatherer makes incisions with his machete in the bark in a zigzag for the latex to drip Maya rainforest in Campeche and Quintana Roo 98 Contents Index of Photographers THIRD PLACE COLOR Pilgrim Nelly Angélica Acosta Díaz Cathedral of Puebla, Puebla 99 Contents Index of Photographers JURY PRIZE Close to the Land 8, documentary project Elizabeth Moreno Damm Documentary project that explores fragments of culture and life on ranches on the southern Baja California peninsula, along the Sierra de la Giganta. Heirs to a way of life and a culture that have shaped them for roughly 300 years, these ranchers preserve in their collective memory much of the peninsula’s history. It is a history that is gradually being lost with the sale of their lands, migration to the city and towns, and the arrival of television Sierra de la Giganta, Baja California Sur 100 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION GENERAL Road to the Past Mónica Salazar Arriaga Let’s return to the history of our roots National Palace, Mexico City 101 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION GENERAL Dimensions Daniel Rodríguez Villa Subway, Mexico City 102 Contents Index of Photographers CONTEMPORARY MEXICO PRIZE The Last VW Bug Iago Leonardo Fernández-Cabrera You can visit a museum in a different way. There are few underwater museums in the world. It is amazing and admirable that the small locality of Isla Mujeres near Cancún can offer an interesting alternative to tourism activities typical of the zone. This avant-garde project consists of a large number of changing sculptures that speak to us from the ocean bed Underwater Museum of Art (MUSA), Cancún, Quintana Roo 103 Contents Index of Photographers You First, Then Me Javier Flores Cruz Colima, Colima 104 Contents Index of Photographers The Hope of Mexico Gabriel Cardona Carrasco El Chamizal Federal Public Park, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua 105 Contents Index of Photographers Swans in Flight Raúl Aguilar Sibaja Through study and discipline, young people exalt art and the beauty of synchrony on the foremost stages of Mexico Carlos Lazo Theater, National University Campus, Mexico City 106 Contents Index of Photographers Classical Youth Ericka Vanessa López Sánchez Many young people feel drawn to classical music. This is seen in the number of children who go to the Ollin Yoliztli Cultural Center after school for classes Ollin Yoliztli Cultural Center, Mexico City 107 Contents Index of Photographers Traditions Montserrat de los Ángeles Salcedo Alba Encarnación de Díaz, Jalisco 108 Contents Index of Photographers An Offering of Flowers Karina Perla Enríquez Castro Oaxaca, Oaxaca 109 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION CONTEMPORARY MEXICO San Luis: A Place of Cantera, Metal, Sun and Cactus Ramón Moreno Carlos Colors and shapes, light and shadow juxtaposing the work of nature and the human hand Labyrinth of Sciences and the Arts Museum, San Luis Potosí 110 Contents Index of Photographers Turkey at Dusk Thor Edmundo Morales Vera Fire and turkeys are emblems of Veracruz indigenous cuisine. Their time comes at dusk and supper is cooked on a bonfire in the open air Ixhuatlán de Madero, Veracruz 111 Contents Index of Photographers FIRST PLACE BLACK AND WHITE Dying to Live Ricardo Ruiz Cruz To study the great diversity of our natural resources, it is necessary to capture, handle, and preserve specimens. Taxidermy in Mexico is extremely important for any ecological or environmental impact study, where the foundations of knowledge, research, and ecological education are established Iztacalco, Mexico City 112 Contents Index of Photographers Three Sisters César A. Salas Molina The last sister to get married Cancún, Quintana Roo 113 Contents Index of Photographers Push It! Eduardo Capdeville Cureño The newlyweds and the bridesmaids prepare for a new photo shot. What they didn’t know was that another photographer was watching them from a higher floor in the hotel and surely getting a much more interesting shot than the photographer on ground level Veracruz, Veracruz 114 Contents Index of Photographers Summer Heat Gabriel Bravo Relief from the summer heat in one of the fountains in the Alameda Park Alameda Central, Mexico City 115 Contents Index of Photographers Las Nubes Paola Migoya Graue Las Nubes Ecotourism Center, Chiapas 116 Contents Index of Photographers Life Miguel Ángel Rafael Gutiérrez y Porter Lake Camécuaro, Michoacán 117 Contents Index of Photographers Everyone on the Way Home Miguel Antonio González González Texmalaquilla, Atzitzintla, Puebla 118 Contents Index of Photographers The Samalayuca Dunes from the series The Mexican Landscape Ignacio Hernández Guevara Juárez and Guadalupe, Chihuahua 119 Contents Index of Photographers Majestic and Disturbing Gerardo Quiroz Petersen The volcano Popocatépetl as a national symbol is beautiful, majestic, and at the same time disturbing, just as Mexico, our country North face of the volcano Popocatépetl, from the south of Iztaccíhuatl, on the border between the State of Mexico and Puebla 120 Contents Index of Photographers Going Places Jorge Leonardo Ramírez Ishitaka A journey on the canals in Xochimilco at dawn Xochimilco, Mexico City 121 Contents Index of Photographers Choo Ha Cenote (Dripping Water) Hans Reinhard Bünger A few kilometers from Cobá, in the Maya zone of Quintana Roo, I was able to capture this image that reminded me of the lithographs by English explorer Frederick Catherwood, who visited the Yucatán peninsula in the nineteenth century. In one of his works we can see an enormous stairway made of logs that descend into an underground cenote, while in the background several locals are working. It is surprising to see a Maya family enjoying the fresh crystalline water, a perfect complement to show and appreciate the cenote’s majesty Cobá, Quintana Roo 122 Contents Index of Photographers The Good Rainy Season Alejandro Basan An excited family waits for the image of the saint to pass by in procession to thank him for the good harvest with fireworks and some of the harvest from this season San Gaspar de las Flores, Tonalá, Jalisco 123 Contents Index of Photographers Borrego Viudo (Taco Shop) María Montserrat Ortega Arriaga Mexico City 124 Contents Index of Photographers Removing Gulf Corvina from Nets Carlos Aguilera Calderón The gulf corvina is fished with nets cast to make “enclosures.” A pair of fishermen remove some recently caught corvinas from the net Gulf of Santa Clara, Baja California 125 Contents Index of Photographers From the series My Grandfather Used to Say to Me . . . Guillermo Nájera Ramos My grandfather used to say to me that he who sacrifices waits and always is rewarded Huixtán, Chiapas 126 Contents Index of Photographers Taxqueña Jean-Paul Krammer Many Mexicans do not like to pose for photos. This habit of distancing oneself gives subjects an aura of eternity Taxco, Guerrero 127 Contents Index of Photographers Street Sounds Carlos Jesús Alegría Ramírez In the historic center of Mexico City, musicians strike up melodies to brighten the moment and to create a different mood Manuel Tolsá Plaza, Mexico City 128 Contents Index of Photographers One September 15 Eric Scibor-Rylski Chabacano Subway Station, Mexico City 129 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION CONTEMPORARY MEXICO Free Love Fernando Manuel Escárcega Pérez Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico 130 Contents Index of Photographers Fireworks Abraham Escobedo Salas Plaza de Armas (Central Square), Guadalajara, Jalisco 131 Contents Index of Photographers Zocalo Surfing Ernesto Muñiz Apango Someone attending a Lost Acapulco concert surfs on a sea of people in the Zocalo (central square) in Mexico City Plaza de la Constitución (Central Square), Mexico City 132 Contents Index of Photographers Ironmen Marbella Heredia Castillejos Art, strength, and the passion to conquer Avenida Juárez, Mexico City 133 Contents Index of Photographers We Keep Standing Edmar Israel Pineda Gutiérrez Mexico City, one sunny morning. Life continues for everyone Avenida Juárez, Mexico City 134 Contents Index of Photographers In School Miguel Isidro Goñi Álvarez Culiacán Rosales, Sinaloa 135 Contents Index of Photographers The Bike of Dreams David Adrián Mejía Velázquez Manuel, dreaming of being a great professional cyclist Guadalupe, Zacatecas 136 Contents Index of Photographers Mexican Horsemen César Rodríguez Becerra They say that to be a good horseman, you have to learn to ride a horse before learning how to walk, and later, you ride a bull before learning how to run Lienzo Charro El Dorado, Tepic, Nayarit 137 Contents Index of Photographers Steady Adrián Dovalí Calderón A lariateer plants himself firmly on the ground to stop the mare in her path Lienzo Charro Santa Teresa, Mexico City 138 Contents Index of Photographers Victory on Wheels Édgar Quintana Méndez Aarón Gordián Martínez celebrates winning the 1500-meter race in the 2011 Parapan American Games 2011 Estadio de Atletismo (sports stadium), Zapopan, Jalisco 139 Contents Index of Photographers Luis Conrado Received a “Triunfador” on His Knees Víctor Ricardo Flores Estrada On his knees Luis Conrado received Joselito Huerta’s 400-kilo bull, number 136, called “Triunfador” (Victor), in the center of the ring without completing the passes that he had planned. Fourth Bullfight with a young bull in the summer young bullfighters season in 2010 in the Plaza México ring Plaza de Toros México, Mexico City 140 Contents Index of Photographers Boxing Víctor Emiliano Solorio Reyes Unidad Deportiva Venustiano Carranza, Morelia, Michoacán 141 Contents Index of Photographers Rules Never Are What’s Important Benito Armando Jiménez Benavides Rarámuri children playing in the dirt with a soccer ball, wearing leather sandals or barefoot Town of Inápuchi, Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua 142 Contents Index of Photographers Brave Workers Francisco Javier Maya Ramos Offshore platform, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche 143 Contents Index of Photographers Mexico’s Bread Verónica Ceme Cabrera La Huachita bakery was established in 1889. From dawn, workers keep the oven stoked with wood to ensure the bread gets that incomparable freshly baked flavor and fragrance, with the blends and spices that give each type its characteristic taste Pomuch, Campeche 144 Contents Index of Photographers Agave Essences Fernando Arce Sánchez Santa Catarina Minas, Oaxaca 145 Contents Index of Photographers Brick Maker Enrique Rashide Serrato Frías Since the age of 10, 42-year-old Abelardo Amaya has worked in brickworks. For him it is hard but satisfying work. Making bricks becomes a craft process, because it takes several steps, most of which involve making them by hand Culiacán, Sinaloa 146 Contents Index of Photographers Innocent Kiss Juan Jesús González Robles Two strangers, two children, an instant. A girl stands stiffly with a lost gaze, while a boy unbeknownst to her goes up to give her a kiss León, Guanajuato 147 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION JURY PRIZE Boy Wearing a Costume Sergio Barra de la Cruz In the time of year when people celebrate Day of the Dead in Oaxaca, the different groups of people living near the state capital form dance groups. One of the best organized parades is held in the town of Nazareno Etla. Participants wear elaborate costumes and makeup alluding to characters related to death or beings from the beyond. On these days the townspeople go out onto the street in groups to dance behind bands. The dance groups stop in some houses and dance for a few minutes and the owner of the house gives all the participants food and drink. The attention to detail invested in the costumes truly deserves our admiration Nazareno Etla, Oaxaca 148 Contents Index of Photographers Spiritual Stories Mildred Goytia The people who live on Urandén Island gather on the night of October 31 on the community sports grounds to attend the mass of the dead, celebrated in Purépecha Urandén de Morelos Island, Pátzcuaro, Michoacán 149 Contents Index of Photographers From Chipinque Francisco Muñoz Compean A natural lookout on the climb up to Chipinque plateau. In the background appears part of San Pedro Garza García San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León 150 Contents Index of Photographers My Reflection Mario R. Serrano Becerril Monument to the Revolution, Mexico City 151 Contents Index of Photographers The Little Horse Michel Gabriel Duffour Paseo de la Reforma and Avenida Juárez, Mexico City 152 Contents Index of Photographers HONORABLE MENTION BANAMEX COLLABORATOR Washing the Washing Machine Francisco Javier Castro Elizondo Santa Fe, Mexico City 153 Contents Index of Photographers If Only . . . Claudia Garza Hernández Benito Juárez Market, Papantla de Olarte, Veracruz 154 Contents Index of Photographers The Market (or The Train Car or The Crate-Man) Denisse Pohls Pérez An ordinary day, outside the market. The economy of families in the Mazatec sierra is based on self-sufficiency Huautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca 155 Contents Index of Photographers The Enchantment of the Everyday Juan Pablo Cardona Medina An everyday scene in a kitchen in Puebla, where important matters are resolved as the senses are seduced. Mexican cuisine, even avant-garde types, is based on processes and dynamics that will never change Tetela de Ocampo, Puebla 156 Contents Index of Photographers The Dunes of Magdalena Island Atonatiuh Sánchez Bracho “My favorite place, Dad!” my son cried the first time he set foot on these impressive dunes Isla Magdalena Natural Reserve, Baja California Sur 157 Contents Index of Photographers Jury 158 Michael Calderwood Photographer, United Kingdom Rosa Casanova Art Historian, Mexico Alejandro Castellanos Photography expert, Mexico Juan Coronel Rivera Photographer and poet, Mexico José Luis Cortés Urban Planner, Mexico Cándida Fernández de Calderón General Director of Fomento Cultural Banamex, A. C., Mexico Flor Garduño Photographer, Mexico Ellen Harris Art and museum expert, United States Graciela Iturbide Photographer, Mexico Teresa Siza Historian and photographer, Portugal Alejandro Tijerina Photographer, Mexico Eduardo Zapata Gosselin Graphic Designer, Mexico Contents Index of Photographers Acosta Díaz, Nelly Angélica 99 Enríquez Castro, Karina Perla Aguilar Sibaja, Raúl 106 Equihua Barragán, Juan Carlos Aguilera Calderón, Carlos 125 Escárcega Pérez, Fernando Manuel 109 52 130 Aguirre Castellanos, Alejandro 77 Escobar, Tania 94 Alday Larrauri, Enrique Arturo 53 Escobedo Salas, Abraham 131 Alegría Ramírez, Carlos Jesús 128 Esparza Gardea, Gustavo 84 92 Espino Ortiz, José Manuel 47 Álvarez Rodríguez, Víctor Adrián Arce Sánchez, Fernando 32, 145 Fernández-Cabrera, Iago Leonardo 103 104 Ávalos Gómez, Jaime Arturo 80 Flores Cruz, Javier Ayala Aguirre, Félix de Jesús 56 Flores Diego, Roberto Barajas, Raúl 68 Flores Estrada, Víctor Ricardo 140 Barra de la Cruz, Sergio 148 Galíndez Ortegón, Iván Felipe 71 Basan, Alejandro 123 García, Brissa 81 Belles Ferragut, Toni Boix Cisneros, Héctor 75 38, 63 Garza Hernández, Claudia 93 154 Gómez Flores, Izhar 89 51 Bolaños Escamilla, Alexandro 58 Gómez Reyes, Salvador Bravo, Gabriel 115 González González, Miguel Antonio 118 Campillo Rodríguez, Rafael 54 González Robles, Juan Jesús 147 Capdeville Cureño, Eduardo 114 González Sánchez, Carlos Gustavo 43 Carbajal Quintana, Miguel Ángel 57 Goñi Álvarez, Miguel Isidro 135 Cárdenas Palacios, María Alejandra 60 Goytia, Mildred 149 Cardona Carrasco, Gabriel 105 Gurguha, Gonzalo 64 Cardona Medina, Juan Pablo 156 Gutiérrez y Porter, Miguel Ángel Rafael 117 Castillo Bautista, Danae 30 Gutiérrez Valdez, Pamela 72 Castro Elizondo, Francisco Javier 153 Heredia Castillejos, Marbella 133 Ceme Cabrera, Verónica 144 Hernández Guevara, Ignacio 119 Cervantes Durán, Antonio 88 Hernández Hernández, Jesús Lorenzo 26 Corasaniti, Paola 46 Jandette Cruz, Ricardo 39 Delgado Alvear, Esau 76 Jiménez Benavides, Benito Armando Donkers, Annick 70 Jiménez Castro, José Francisco 35 Dovalí Calderón, Adrián 138 Krammer, Jean-Paul 127 Duffour, Michel Gabriel 152 Kuri Orvañanos, José 73 Eccardi Ambrosi, Fulvio 98 Lara Miranda, Adriana 83 159 Contents 142 López Fernández, Andrea 55 Rivera Lezama, Luis Felipe 59 López Sánchez, Ericka Vanessa 107 Robles Calvario, Armando 67 López Viera, Jorge 86 Robles Oceguera, Guillermo 79 Magaña Rodríguez, Benjamín 31 Rodríguez Becerra, César 137 Martínez Velázquez, Yael 69 Rodríguez Villa, Daniel 102 Maya Ramos, Francisco Javier Mejía Sandoval, Josué 143 36 Rodríguez Zavala, César 49 Rojo, Alejandro 27 Mejía Velázquez, David Adrián 136 Rosas Rodríguez, Miguel Antonio 33 Migoya Graue, Paola 116 Ruiz Cruz, Ricardo 112 Montes de Oca Flores, Héctor 82 Salas, Lizeth 96 Morales Vera, Thor Edmundo 111 Salas Molina, César A. 113 Salazar Arriaga, Mónica 101 100 Sánchez Bracho, Atonatiuh 157 Moya, Sergio Eduardo 95 Santos Espinosa, Rosa María 34 Moyrón Contreras, Teúl 40 Salcedo Alba, Montserrat de los Ángeles Muñiz Apango, Ernesto 132 Saldaña Tejeda, Abel Gastón 50 Muñoz Compean, Francisco 150 Saravia Mejía, Felipe 29 Nájera Ramos, Guillermo 126 Scibor-Rylski, Eric 129 Negrete, Mario 90 Serrano Becerril, Mario R. 151 Niz, Bernardo de 66 Serrato Frías, Enrique Rashide Nuño Becerra, Rafael 91 Servant, Mag 97 Silva, Ariel 44 Moreno Carlos, Ramón Moreno Damm, Elizabeth 110 108 146 Ortega Arriaga, María Montserrat 124 Palacios Galván, Adriana Carolina 74 Simón, Alex 37 Pérez Aparicio, Ana Laura 61 Solorio Reyes, Víctor Emiliano 141 Pineda Gutiérrez, Edmar Israel Pohls Pérez, Denisse 134 48, 155 Suárez Salazar, Max 41 Torre Martínez de Escobar, José de Jesús de la 62 Quintana Méndez, Édgar 139 Torre de la Mora, Abelardo de la 87 Quiroz Petersen, Gerardo 120 Vaquero Cruz, María Teresa 42 Ramírez Ishitaka, Jorge Leonardo 121 Vargas Pellicer, José Miguel 85 Reinhard Bünger, Hans 122 Verdier, Eric 164 Rendón Elías, Felipe Gerardo 45 Xólot, Édgar 25 Reynada, César Javier 28 Zavaleta, Paola 78 Ríos, Ernesto 65 160 Contents Prizes Banamex 130 Years Prize 26 Social Commitment Prize 77 First Place Color 60 Honorable Mention Social Commitment 78 Second Place Color 50 Honorable Mention Social Commitment 79 Third Place Color 99 Fomento Cultural Banamex Prize 70 First Place Black and White 112 Fomento Cultural Banamex Honorable Mention 71 Second Place Black and White 86 Fomento Cultural Banamex Honorable Mention 72 Third Place Black and White 58 Fomento Ecológico Banamex Prize 39 Honorable Mention General 35 Honorable Mention Fomento Ecológico Banamex 83 Honorable Mention General 46 Honorable Mention Fomento Ecológico Banamex 96 Honorable Mention General 89 Mexican Children Prize 67 Honorable Mention General 101 Honorable Mention Mexican Children 43 Honorable Mention General 102 Honorable Mention Mexican Children 80 Jury Prize 100 Contemporary Mexico Prize 103 Honorable Mention Jury Prize 98 Honorable Mention Contemporary Mexico 110 Honorable Mention Jury Prize 148 Honorable Mention Contemporary Mexico 130 Mexican Family Prize 56 Honorable Mention Banamex Collaborator 30 Honorable Mention Mexican Family 57 Honorable Mention Banamex Collaborator 51 Honorable Mention Mexican Family 61 Honorable Mention Banamex Collaborator 153 161 Contents Competition Credits Catalogue Credits Project Coordinator Cándida Fernández de Calderón Project Coordination Cándida Fernández de Calderón Artistic Director Michael Calderwood Texts Rosa Casanova Sergio Raúl Arroyo Fomento Cultural Banamex Liaisons Ignacio Monterrubio Salazar María de los Ángeles Camacho Gaos Alejandro Reynaud Gutiérrez José Manuel Ampudia Pinal Banco Nacional de México Liaisons Digital Marketing César Emilio Monzón García Montserrat Nava Hurtado Benjamín I. Franco Alvarado Marketing Gabriela Gutiérrez Delgado Ana Sofía Luna Espinosa Publications Coordination Carlos Monroy Valentino Arturo López Rodríguez Logistics, Liaison, and Photography Management Alejandro Reynaud Gutiérrez José Manuel Ampudia Pinal Graphic Design Printt Diseñadores Eduardo Zapata Gosselin Translation Debra Nagao Technology Gabriela Galindo Cajiga Víctor Acevedo Ortuño Copyediting (English) Anne Hill de Mayagoitia Legal Matters Heidy Muñoz González Lorena Montoya Miranda Electronic Typesetting Gabriela Ontiveros Daniel Ramírez Webpage www.astrata.mx Digital Prepress Firma Corporativa, S. C. Juan Carlos Almaguer Vega Emmanuel Torices Photographic Reproduction LMI Laboratorio Mexicano de Imágenes Graphic Design Eduardo Zapata Gosselin Outreach and Social Networks Andrea Acevedo Rodríguez Elena Pietrini Sánchez 162 Publications Management Ana Diego-Fernández Rozada Karen Hernández Villegas Fabiola Muñoz Uribe Yadira Ivonne Vázquez Jiménez Contents Acknowledgments Banco Nacional de México and Fomento Cultural Banamex would like to express their recognition for the individuals whose valuable collaboration made the project Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II possible. We are grateful for the numerous visions presented by 24,789 photographers, including aficionados and professionals from Mexico and other countries, who participated in the competition Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II. The present volume was produced on the basis of the images awarded prizes and honorable mentions by the jury from the corpus of 1,200 photographs that now form the collection Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II, which in turn were selected from the 52,917 photographs submitted for participation. Banco Nacional de México, S.A. Manuel Medina Mora Ernesto Torres Cantú Andrés Albo Márquez Diego Cosío Barto Arturo Martínez del Campo Jordi Adame Elizabeth Losada Alfaro Rómulo Caballeros Juan José Maas Moreno Diego Carrera Omar Medina López Arturo Contreras Barba Verónica Novelo Regina Gómez Zertuche Mariana Peña Rubio Fernando Guido Susana Wendolin Ramos García Mariana Julieta Guzmán Gómez Aguado Rosalía Mayela Rasgado Erika Hernández Garduño Gabriela Recio Cavazos Arleen Holden Manuel Reynaud Aveleyra Carolina Lagunas García Ana Elena Ruiz Ávila Patricia Lechuga Moreno Amelia Sánchez Vargas Donaji Lobato Ana de la Serna Mercedes López Arrieta María Luisa Valdivia Flores Jorge López López 163 Contents Family Eric Verdier Estación Catorce, San Luis Potosí The digital version of Mexico in the Eyes of Mexicans II was published under the supervision of Carlos Monroy Valentino and Arturo López Rodríguez. The Gotham typeface family was used in this edition. 164 Contents