June 2010
June 2010
© Mischa Purcell, 2010 June 2010 June 2010 The Bulletin Editor’s Message Images that pay tribute to things and people we love… I was reminded again about the power of imagery at the wedding I photographed last month at a private home in Atherton. The brides parents were both no longer with us, and the bride had placed photographs of them throughout the reception/ceremony area to honor their memory and pay them tribute. She also wore their wedding rings on a chain around her neck, and married at the same spot they had almost 30 years prior. It was a very special and emotion filled day, and I was very proud to capture all the details and moments that will help them and their families remember the wedding. Sometimes we don’t get into the story enough and really connect with our subjects, but it is something I always strive for, and connecting is something that does come easily for me. I feel blessed with that. I feel like sometimes we talk too much about ourselves and our work in a consultation, and can easily miss the details that make telling someone’s story more profound. I always loved that saying that we have two ears and one mouth, which means we should listen twice as much as we speak… It’s just one of the ways you can set yourself apart from the competition by showing that you genuinely care about the clients’ day and how they want to have it captured! In In This This Issue... Issue... June June Meeting Meeting .............................................................. .............................................................. 66 -- 77 GGS GGS Scholarships Schalarships ............................................................ ............................................................ 88 New New Members/Board Members/Board Report Report ......................................... ......................................... 10 10 May May Print Print Competition Competition ................................................. ................................................. 12 12 Print Print Competition Competition News News ................................................ ................................................ 13 13 Buyer’s Buyer’s Guide Guide ................................................................ ................................................................ 14 14 Calendar/Cover Calendar/Cover Story Story .................................................... .................................................... 15 15 June 2010 The Bulletin The Bulletin is published by the Professional Photographers of the Greater Bay Area, Inc., (PPGBA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit trade association. PPGBA is an affiliate of the Professional Photographers of America and the Professional Photographers of California. The Bulletin Staff Editor: Kimberly Sayre, Cr.Photog.,CPP 415/515-6370 Art Director: Lise Smith Advertising: Julie Olson [email protected] Articles and comments are invited; publication is subject to editorial approval. Editor reserves the right to edit all manuscripts for brevity and/or clarity of content. Articles are the opinion of the author and do not represent the position of PPGBA. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited contributions. Submissions will not be acknowledged or returned unless they are accompanied by SASE. Deadline is the 20th of the month. Submissions may be shipped to PO Box F, San Mateo, CA 94402, or emailed to [email protected] 2010 PPGBA Officers and Board President: Marc Benjamin, M.Photog. Cr., CPP First Vice President: Paul Tsang, M.Photog.Cr. Second Vice President: Mischa Purcell Treasurer: Michael Corsentino Secretary: Nano Visser Directors: Alexis Cuarezma (‘10); Jeanne dePolo, CPP (‘11); Kristy Hardy (‘11); Denise Olson (‘11); Paul Salcido (‘10); Lucie Silveira (’10) Past President: Joerg Lehmann, Cr. Photog., CPP Committees Audiovisual: Alexis Cuarezma Competition: Mischa Purcell Four Nights: Lucie Silveira Membership: Jeanne dePolo, Kristy Hardy, Denise Olson Photographer: John Spicer, Jr. Programs: Paul Tsang Webmaster: Marc Benjamin PPGBA Business Manager: Fred English PO BOX F San Mateo, CA 94402-0018 T: 650/367-1265 [email protected] www.ppgba.org Golden Gate School Director: Julie Olson PO BOX F San Mateo, CA 94402-0018 T: 650/367-1265 [email protected] www.goldengateschool.org President’s Message PPA Degrees; It’s the Journey not the Destination Anyways, my journey had begun Now to complete the Trifecta. The and my first goal was reaching Certified Master of Photography degree was next. professional it was a good place to start since I had show, the International Print Competition. conventions formal photography education. To reach meetings, competitions, and attending every freaking wanted to be sometimes beyond. It was amazing to “cool kids.” with degrees were willing to help me. During my early years attending Professional Photographer status. I felt photographer come from another profession and had no and that goal, I started studying, entering print I felt that I class they had going in the bay area and one of the me how many of those photographers You know, the ones who you knew made They critiqued my work, answered my and spoke at meetings. Generally, most improve my photography and my business are of that level. I thought that in order oriented person, I searched for a new amazing images, won the competitions questions, and made suggestions to of them are Master Photographers or skills. I was soon certified. Being a goal- to join the “cool” group, I needed to carrot to dangle in front of myself. photographer. In addition, earning that was next, and to earn that I started sharing that Master Photographers wear around journey. I started presenting programs reminded me of a time when I was vying order to become a better instructor, I really I was a kid. Same system; take classes, Again, my photography improved from the prove my competence as a professional The Photographic Craftsman degree ribbon and medallion (those thingies the knowledge I had gathered on my their necks during photographic events) on lighting, composition and posing. In for a black belt when I took Karate when delved into the depths of these subjects. practice hard, enter competitions, win and knowledge gained along the way It meant putting my work into the big Amazingly, those same photographers were there to lend a hand again. As those helpful photographers went through my images and gave critiques and suggestions on what to enter, I started to better understand the elements that make up a great image. I would go home and work on the things that I learned from the critiques… and apply those pointers to my client work, too. Some years later, I earned the Master of Photography degree. When I started, I thought I was trying to reach a final destination with each goal. But each one took me farther on the journey of improving my imagery, meeting new friends, and sharing that knowledge. It’s that entire journey that has made me happiest. I’ll always need a carrot dangled in front of me to keep me moving forward, but I’ll always know it’s the process of getting there that keeps me growing. -Marc Benjamin level up then you get to wear the belt or in photographers case a ribbon. Mission Statement PPGBA exists to support and encourage the professional, artistic and educational growth of its members; to promote public awareness of the profession; and to provide a forum of fellowship and exchange of ideas in an open and friendly atmosphere. June 2010 The Bulletin of n o to i o t c h e P l l Se na e o i t s e s l e Comp Edge Prof g n i t t Cu ts e Prin ed Print s s e r P s, Card .. . s e c i Serv B s&M ark ookm ore ™ | raps W n i Th p& Softo More iclé ic & G ph ogra Phot ks oo BayB d e t Prin Press s lbum hic A p a r og Phot tes mpla l rope Bay P | e ner T Desig rk l cla ittl m o e.c Spor June 2010 ts, S ls & choo ts Even Met & Gic al ion s s e f ro P e n ...O num s Print | ™ s t alPrin o Phot raps as W v n a lée C lumi on A Quality Service Innovation The Bulletin ab L o t Pho .com WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! This Month's Program This able to have his work placed in month’s many publications ranging from speaker is art magazines to calendars. After Mike Fulton, a short term in the motion picture from the industry while having his work Dallas/Forth displayed as props in several short Worth area films and motion pictures, he in Texas and found his true passion in the art of is one of wedding photography. Bringing the principal his love for fashion and glamour photographers for Tri-Coast Photography. styles, Mike uses his knowledge Mike was born and artistic eye and raised to blend his in Southern Editorial Fashion Brazoria styles with the County, located beauty of the just south of wedding day. Houston on The evening the gulf coast. will be full Learning of fun and his love for molded to the questions photography by finding his father’s camera and concerns of YOU. He will share his techniques on how to see and capture light visually by wireless flash and video lighting techniques as a teenager, he is self-taught and enjoyed thereby creating amazing photography as a hobby throughout his images in any situation. high school years. While studying Criminal Furthermore, Mike will show Justice and other science fields in college, you simple but effective his passion for the art of photography grew ways to have studio lighting and he made the switch to the professional anywhere, anytime and in level shortly thereafter. Starting in the ANY lighting situation. high fashion and glamour field, Mike was continued next page June 2010 The Bulletin This Month's Program even Family Photography. The techniques taught are a simple solution for almost every lighting situation one might face. Both outdoor and indoor lighting situations will be shown and explained, with simple pullback and final product images Learn simple – fast – effective methods of capturing images shown. A NO SECRET approach using Canon, Nikon and others in teaching, sharing and learning, eTTL/iTTL wireless flash including the pros and cons and without all techno-geeky talk. major trouble shooting problems These are straightforward and solutions to this simple yet techniques developed for the fast effective aspect of lighting. Come paced, action world of wedding learn the power of the “other” photography that can also be used wireless flash technique, the IR- in many other situations such as Method. High School Seniors, Children and PPGBA Monthly Monthly PPGBA Meeting Meeting Thursday, 5/20 (third Thursday), at the Best Western/Grosvenor Hotel, 380‑S. Airport Blvd., S. San Francisco. Thursday, 6/17 6/17 (third (third Thursday), Thursday), at at the the Best Best Western/Grosvenor Western/Grosvenor Hotel, Hotel, 380‑S. 380‑S. Airport Airport Blvd., Blvd., S. S. San San Francisco. Francisco. Thursday, For directions, please call the hotel at: (650) 873-3200. For directions, directions, please please call call the the hotel hotel at: at: (650) (650) 873-3200. 873-3200. For Meeting Reminders: Meeting Reminders: Reminders: Meeting • Please wear your name badge. • Competition entry deadline is 7:45 • Prints may be submitted from 7:00 - 7:45 ••Please ••Competition Prints may may be be submitted submitted from from 7:00 7:00 -- 7:45 7:45 Pleasewear wearyour yourname namebadge. badge. Competitionentry entrydeadline deadlineisis7:45 7:45 •• Prints • Monthly print judging follows speaker/s presentation Monthly print print judging judging follows follows speaker/s speaker/s presentation presentation •• Monthly Please no phones/ beepers ringing or conversations during the speaker’s presentation. Please no no phones/ phones/ beepers beepers ringing ringing or or conversations conversations during during the the speaker’s speaker’s presentation. presentation. Please Please be courteous and step outside the meeting room. Please be be courteous courteous and and step step outside outside the the meeting meeting room. room. Please June 2010 The Bulletin GGS Scholarships Offered Several scholarships are available to help you to attend one of PPGBA/ Golden Gate School’s one-day workshops this year. (The next one is on Family Portraiture on July 16, see http://www.ppgba.org/calendar/familyportraits/ for more info.) To apply, e-mail to goldengateschool@yahoo. com and specify which application you are requesting. Founders Scholarship: APPLY BY 6/10 PPGBA honors and recognizes the founders of this association, one of the largest local chapters of the Professional Photographers of America. We remember our founders for giving so much to our industry and emphasizing the importance of education and the pursuit of photographic excellence. This scholarship will help the recipient stay current with new styles and trends in photography. Any photographer may apply for the scholarship. The scholarship is awarded based the applicant’s record of service to the photographic profession as demonstrated by active participation in local and state associations, and the submission of a short statement as to why the recipient should receive the scholarship. June 2010 Mauracher Scholarship: APPLY BY 6/10 A scholarship is offered in memory of beloved photographer and teacher Heidi Mauracher that is funded from the proceeds of her Software Cinema CD, and administered by the Professional Photographers of California. PPGBA and PPC wish to honor and recognize Heidi for giving so much to our industry and emphasizing the importance of education and the pursuit of photographic excellence. (visit http://goldengateschool.com/html/ heidi.html) Any photographer who is a current member of the PPC may apply for the scholarship. PPA New Member Scholarship in Memory of Robin Perry: APPLY BY 6/10 In addition, PPGBA awarded three scholarships at the February awards banquet. 1) The “Random” Scholarship drawing consists of one chance for every current member (except sustainers, board members and GGS trustees) plus one additional chance for each competition print they entered throughout the past year. 2) One scholarship is given to a non-Board, non-Trustee member who has given service to the organization. This scholarship is the Ted Gurney Memorial Service Scholarship. 3) One scholarship is selected from among new members who joined during the last year. This new member scholarship will also be awarded in the memory of John Peterson, Jr. for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012. You must be a PPA member, and for 3 years or less. The PPA affiliated school scholarship program (a joint effort by PPA and the Affiliate School Network) was created to help new photographers get needed education and to support and help PPA affiliated schools bring quality education to more photographers. The Bulletin PPGBA & Golden Gate School of Professional Photography present Family Portraiture Seminar Bert & Cindy Behnke: Fri. 7/16, 10 am-4 pm Coyote Point Museum - San Mateo Bert & Cindy live life by doing what they love every day. The program will motivate, excite, enlighten and probably surprise you. Their philosophy is all about creating your lifestyle, then designing your business around it. “A Family Circle” is a full day of almost everything today’s photographer needs to run their business and their life. They’ll touch on almost every aspect in this all-day program. There will be live photographic sessions, marketing ideas, studio design ideas, equipment discussions, audiovisual shows, selling demonstrations, moneymaking ideas and maybe even some dancing! Whether you specialize in weddings, seniors, children or families, this program is designed to show how they all relate to the family photographer and the success of a photography business. See: www. behnkephoto.com. visit www.ppgba.org/calendar/familyportraits/ for more info and online registration PPGBA members $99 after 6/1 non-members $139 after 6/1 Register by Phone: 650/367-1265 or mail to: PO Box F, San Mateo, CA 94402 Family Portraiture 7/16 name (last) (first) address city daytime phone # – state – e-mail address note: if paying by credit card, please use your credit card billing address above I want to join/rejoin PPGBA to receive the lowest price o yes o no $100 Seminar registration fee ___________ Total enclosed ___________ paid by check (#) or o Visa o Master Card credit card # behnke form.indd 1 o Amex o Discover credit card expiration date credit card security code Please mark here zip o signature if you require special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 5/31/2010 5:27:40 PM Board Report The PPGBA March Board of Directors A motion was made and passed A motion was made and passed to was held in South San Francisco on March to purchase two new lights for print approve Leland Wong’s application for 18. competition. Life membership in PPGBA. A motion was made and passed to A motion was made and passed to fold discontinue our subscription to ASCAP for the First Republic Golden Gate School slide show music, due to the high annual checking account into the general PPGBA cost ($669/year minimum charge – even checking account (for more efficient for our small organization). Speakers will operation). be required to use either “stock” music, or not play music for their slide shows. New Members Margot Duane Active Port/Wed/Com’l Margot Duane Images San Rafael 415/453-4238 [email protected] www.margotduane.com John Grow Active Port/Wed SLP Photography San Leandro 510/299-0599 [email protected] www.slpstudios.com Michael Phelan Active Portrait El Granada 650/450-3123 [email protected] June 2010 Michael Throne Aspiring Benicia 707/319-5137 [email protected] Nathaniel Wilson Aspiring San Jose 408/890-6379 [email protected] Joseph Pascua Active Wedding Joseph Pascua Photography Dublin 562/920-2114 [email protected] www.josephpascuaphoto.com The Bulletin 10 We need you! C Here is your chance to help lead your association, bring in your perspective, work with other dedicated people and have a lot of fun along the way! PPGBA is one of PPA’s largest local affiliate organizations and dedicated to furthering our photographic industry. PPGBA is currently seeking active professionals to serve in leadership positions on its board of directors. You can make a difference! What are the benefits to serving PPGBA? In addition to enhancing the value of PPGBA to the photographic community, there are a lot of personal benefits associated with serving. First is the satisfaction of doing something useful and contributing to the greater good. But, there is also significant experience to be gained by being active on the board: working with fellow photographers of various backgrounds on maintaining and improving PPGBA will broaden your horizon and sharpen your leadership skills. Combined with the built in chances June 2010 for networking this can positively impact your business as well as the profession as a whole in Northern California. Our annual election of officers and directors is coming up in October. Have you served in any volunteer/ committee positions for PPGBA or another nonprofit or civic organization? Do you have management experience? Most importantly: are you reliable and will follow through? – If so, and if you are willing to give at least a few hours of your time each month to assist the profession that you love, we’d like to hear from you. The Bulletin For an application, contact nominations chairman Joerg Lehmann at [email protected]. The deadline for applications is September 10. If you don’t feel you’re ready to run for the board yet, ask President Marc Benjamin (marc@ kickstep.com) about other volunteer positions within PPGBA. 11 Print Competition Report May 20, 2010 Blue Ribbon: Wedding: Judges were: Paul Tsang, Eliot Kuhner, “Lady in Black” by Alexandre Reginster The highest scoring Wedding Portrait entry Michael Corsentino “Relaxed” by Kim Messmer was “Field of dreams” by Mischa Purcell Alternate Judge: Mischa Purcell “A day at the beach” by Arnell Magtira Blue Ribbon: Print Handlers were: Alexis Cuarezma & “Family time at the beach” by Dave Fairbairn “Field of Dreams” by Mischa Purcell Alexandre Reginster “The Beauty in Spring” by Karen Clerici Print of the month goes to Mel Lindstrom for “Headshots for Wallstreet” by Brad Siu his print titled “Powerbug” Illustrative: Commercial: The highest scoring Illustrative entry was a Highest scoring Commercial entry was “The fruits of labor” by Joe Ercoli “Powerbug” by Mel Lindstrom Gold Ribbon: Gold Ribbon: “The fruits of labor” by Joe Ercoli “Powerbug” by Mel Lindstrom Blue Ribbon: Blue Ribbon: “A fulfilled retriever” by Bob Fletcher “Let’s ride there” by David English “Sidetracked” by Randy Wong Studio Portrait: The highest scoring Studio Portrait entry Environmental Portrait: was “His first profile” by Robert Ash The highest scoring Environmental Portrait Blue Ribbon: was “ I left my heart in San Francisco” by “Sweet Charvi” by Subrata Guha Alexis Cuarezma “His first profile” by Robert Ash Gold Ribbon: “Solitude” by Nathaniel Wilson “I left my heart in San Francisco” by Alexis “Shelby” by Brianne Krilanovich Cuarezma June 2010 The Bulletin 12 Album Competition There will be an album competition at PPGBA’s general meeting on Thursday June 17. The album rules are as follows: • Entries are due at the print registration table no later than 7:30 P.M. • Each member may submit one album, in addition to any print entered that evening. • The album must be from a single event. • For albums containing images by more than one photographer, at least 75% of the images in the album must be created by the entrant. • The maker’s name should not appear on the album (cover with tape if necessary). For further info, contact 2010 chairman Mischa Purcell at [email protected] Print Competition = Green Merits Too! By Sarah L. Johnston, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, F-PPANI Looking for ways to improve your business? I suggest something that has worked well for photographers around the country, including myself: print competition. Guild, State, Regional, and Professional Photographers of America’s International Print Competition…enter print competition at all levels! The real education takes place when you sit in the room as the prints are judged. Listen to what the judges say when they challenge a score—you hear what the judges see in an image. Listen as they point things out, whether it is something that needs improvement, or something that the maker has done so well that a judge wants to score the image higher. After the competition, consider asking a judge for a critique. It can help immensely. This one-on-one conversation has given me more detailed insights for further improving my everyday images. Print competition is also a fabulous marketing tool. With every ribbon comes June 2010 a chance for a press release to your local newspaper, getting your name in print even if the image didn’t score an 80 or higher. When your image merits, or “goes loan,” it’s even better. In fact, one of the reasons I use images from my daily studio work for competition is the marketing value. (And I believe I should always be capable of creating merit-worthy images for my clients.) We make sure to put every award, with the image, into our studio newsletter. We want everyone to know how happy we are that an image created of little Billy, for his second birthday, did so well in print competition. Judges Choice ribbons, Best of Show ribbons, and more are displayed in the studio. If a client’s image is accepted into the PPA Showcase or PPA Loan Collection book, I purchase a copy for the client. They are so excited that they make sure everyone knows how well “their” image has done. Keep in mind that this is also great information to add to your website, blog, The Bulletin Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter accounts. Post those awards anywhere your clients are! (Viral marketing is the current “thing” to do and is much cheaper than direct mail newsletters, but that’s another article.) When I ask the judges for ways I can improve my images, it’s not just so I might do better in competition and earn awards. Rather, I want to create better images for my clients and improve my business. And that is why it is worth the expense to enter images in print competition. The education I have received and the constant improvement in the images I create has been priceless. Get ready for the 2010 International Competition – deadline April 29, 2010 (more information will be available soon at PPA.com’s Competitions page). Check with your affiliate association for upcoming image competition entry deadlines and rules. Send questions about regional or international competitions to Jim Dingwell ([email protected]). 13 Buyer’s Guide Albums, Frames & Mats Equipment & Supplies J. Orr Moulding & Chop 510/483-1848 www.orrmoulding.com Keeble & Shuchat 650/327-8515 www.kspphoto.com Leather Craftsmen West 800/366-2828 www.leathercraftsmen.com Philip Mauer PhotoMount 800/321-3686 www.philipmauer.com The Levin Company 800/345-4999 www.levinframes.com Miller’s Professional Imaging 800/835-0603 www.millerslab.com Ray Color Lab 650/921-0165 www.raycolorlab.com Photo Sales West 415/420-5278 [email protected] Printing, Cards Internet Services Minted, LLC 415/399-1100 x 108 www.minted.com Digi-Labs 866/344-4522 www.digilabs.biz Workshops Photo Labs Reprint Mint/Lamiframe 510/352-1400 www.reprintmint.com www.lamiframe.com Digital Printers & Supplies Clarity Graphics 415/824-0433 www.inkjetdiscounts.com Golden Gate School of Professional Photography 650/367-1265 www.goldengateschool.org Bay Photo Lab 800/435-6686 www.bayphoto.com Burrell Colour Imaging 800/348-8732 www.burrellcolourimaging.com Imagecapsule.com 408/625-7903 www.imagecapsule.com Please favor our sustaining members and major advertisers with your business. They have shown their support for PPGBA! PPGBA does not recommend or warranty the products/services of any vendor, supplier, or manufacturer. Action Zone Looking for photography events and educational opportunities in the Bay Area and beyond? Here are some links to our fellow organizations with programs and seminars all over the area. June 2010 San Francisco San Francisco Santa Clara Sacramento North Bay East Bay The Bulletin ASMP APA PPSCV PPSV PPRE NCPP www.asmpnorcal.org www.apasf.com www.ppscv.com ppsvonline.homestead.com www.pprepro.com www.ncpponline.com 14 Calendar of Events June PPGBA Meeting & Album Comp Thursday, 6/17, Mike Fulton, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco www.ppgba.org July PPGBA Meeting Portraiture Seminar Thursday, 7/15 - Bert & Cindy Behnke, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco www.ppgba.org STUFF YOU NEED! • Corel Painter 10 software full version - $95 • Contact: [email protected] or Martha at 415/822-7581 Thursday, 7/16 - Bert & Cindy Behnke, Location SF Peninsula (Details Pg. 9) BEAUTIFUL BACKGROUNDS These are lovely David Maheu muslin backgrounds, great for both location and studio photography. Thursday, 8/19, Amy Cantrell, Grosvenor Hotel, South San Francisco www.ppgba.org Significant discount!. Mint condition, used very lightly at Golden Gate School . (See www.backgroundsbymaheu.com for color/design.) August PPGBA Meeting UnClassified Ads 10x10 Topaz - $299 10x10 Softmaster Blue -$299 Cover This issue’s cover photo was 10x20 Spring Pastel - $179 sea was energetic, and required the the Print of the Month for April, groom to break from modeling to by Mischa Purcell. Mischa tells us, save a nearly drowning swimmer. “This fun-loving couple spent the “New Horizon” was taken at sunset evening after their Puerto Vallarta with an off camera flash. ISO100 F8 wedding exploring the area with us. 1/200 21mm (16-35 f2.8 lens).” Although the pool was calm, the 10x20 Grey Pastel - $299 Contact: [email protected] or 650/548-0889 HELP WANTED Talented Photographers to shoot events and portraits. You set compensation. We offer you a great way to fill in empty dates. Please call Scott at Photo International at: 415/978-5485. June 2010 The Bulletin 15
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