what does health personnel want?
what does health personnel want?
Implementation of ethics support in nursing homes and primary care - what does health personnel want? $&(!"(#)& "'2) ""*&'(-#'$( 2"*&'(-#&" " &#'')&'"#!2&"2#&+- :-#)#"9($&*+(-#)#"9($&*4; < < #!+&#(( '$('#*" '()(#""&#".$&# !'"( #" < $"$#$ #+(#("-(!' *' "'(#$&'"("'# )(#"' Peile, E. 2001. Supporting primary care with ethics advice and education. British Medical Journal 323: 3-4. < &&!"-( "'" $&# !'"")&'"#!' < #&+" &'" (& $&#''#" '+#&""")&'"#!'" $&!&-&+"(3 < (')(#" < ("$ ' < (') "' < ('')$$#&(-('#"') ("(#&" ('#!!(( Bollig G, Pedersen R, Førde R. [Ethics in nursing homes and primary care] Sykepleien forskning 2009; 4:186-196. http://www.sykepleien.no/ikbViewer/page/sykepleien/forskning/forskningsartikler/vis?p_document_id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• (')(#"#& (6&$&'#" E@ • "(&"('(')(#"I • (') "'#&'$ '()(#"'DD • ("6$ '(#')''( "'"$&# !'D@ • !$ #-+('$ ('#!$("CE • ('#!!((AG • +-& B < #" )'#"' < #'( (&$&'#"" +"()(#"2 (') "'"!("$ '(#')'' ('4 < #'($&&('')$$#&(&#!"!$ #- +('$ ('#!$("2'#!+#) (#*"('#!!(( < #&&'&#"('!$ !"((#"" ")&'"#!''"4 )()&5 < ("('" & (*'*+7 < !$ !"((#" #(&'($ !# #( &(#"7 G. Bollig. Ethical decision-making in nursing homes – a literature study. In: J. Schildmann, J.S. Gordon, J. Vollmann. Clinical Ethics Consultation – Theories and Methods, Implementation, Evaluation. Ashgate 2010. #"((3 &4!4#&# 2= (*&>2 $&(!"(#)& "' ) ""*&'(-#'$( "*&'(-#&" ! 3# 4#&?!,4 '$&#('"0""+((#)"'&#! (#&+"#)"(#"#& (" ((#"4