SpiriT of Hugh O`Flaherty
SpiriT of Hugh O`Flaherty
In t o t h e f u t u r e: So where can the Monsignor's example help us in the future? Well we can start by picking any of the qualities that the Monsignor had like hard work, helping others, trust in God etc and we can develop these qualities within ourselves. God will give us these qualities if we only ask. The Monsignor was a man of prayer and if we begin with prayer we have already taken a big step to being like the Monsignor. So we can take the Torch of Faith from his example and change our world in a way that only we can for Today's generation. May we look to the Monsignor's example to inspire us in the work we have to do today to make the world a better place. Teen SpiriT and a selection of choirs and soloists will be performing a number of inspiring songs in the Church of the Resurrection on Friday 12th November at 8pm. It'll be a great night and you're more than welcome! 8 T he S piriT o f H ugh “Often we want to be somewhere other than where we are, or even to be someone other than who we are. We tend to compare ourselves constantly with others and wonder why we are not as rich, as intelligent, as simple, as generous, or as saintly as they are. Such comparisons make us feel guilty, ashamed, or jealous.. we are unique human beings, each with a call to realise in life what nobody else can, and to realise it in the concrete context of the here and now. We will never find happiness by trying to figure out whether we are better or worse than others. We are good enough to do what we are called to do. Be yourself!” Henri Nouwen O ’ A TEEN SPIRIT PRODUCTION Concert to mar k Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty’s life: F laherty ’ The SpiriT of Hugh O Flaherty Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty is one of the most heroic people of our country's history - his story is amazing and the fact that he was from Killarney makes his story even better!! His amazing achievements are captured in the film 'THE SCARLET AND THE BLACK' and although it was made back in 1983 it’s a really great film. M H O’F It’s inspiring when “T H G H E !” watching the film to think that all this really happened and as the film is not a work of fiction, it was really cool knowing that a Killarney man really did all these heroic things! man in Rome”: his So let’s take a closer look at the once “most wantedhis selfless service, actions, his motivations, his faith, his sense of humour, SpiriT of Hugh his humility and hard-work. . . and let’s see how the O’Flaherty can still inspire us today! ONSIGNOR WITH THE UGH HE ERO LINT IN LAHERTY IS YE 1 Wh at d i d h e d o ? Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty was said to have dressed up as a coalman, working in the Vatican in Rome during a soldier and even a nun! He risked his the Second World War at a time when life on countless occasions, especially as Kappler, the head of the the German Nazis Nazi intelligence organisation had taken over in Rome, had become very Rome and were determined to have the looking for Allied Monsignor killed. They even soldiers who were trying to hide Rome was a very dangerous tried to assassinate the from the Nazis. city for Allies, Jews and Italians Monsignor but thankfully The Monsignor began his Christian the plot failed. duty of helping the soldiers avoid In the end the Allies took back possible execution by hiding them in Rome, the Nazis were defeated, the the Vatican, and over time hiding Monsignor and his team were them in flats and houses all over responsible for saving up to six thousand people from execution! Rome. He worked in secret with a small Kappler was defeated and sent to team of heroic people to hide prison, but while he was there the thousands of people whom the Nazis only visitor he had was one Monsignor were looking for. This became a very Hugh O’Flaherty, who visited him every dangerous operation as the Nazis month. In the end Kappler became a eventually found out that the Catholic and the Monsignor baptised Monsignor was an important part of Kappler into the Faith. the undercover operation and so The Monsignor was hailed a hero by many countries as he saved people they wanted him dead. The Monsignor was so brave he even from England, USA, Canada, Jewish travelled through the city dressed people from Israel and people from up in different disguises so that the many other countries. He won many Nazis wouldn't identify him! He was medals and awards internationally for his heroism. 2 T he S piriT o f H ugh O ’ F laherty Ma n of P r ay e r The Monsignor was a man of Faith and a man I ca n d o of prayer. He was a all t h ings priest and a shepherd t h rou gh to his people. He celebrated Mass with Ch r ist Who great devotion and was a great witness of hens me the power of prayer. God worked miracles st rengt the Philippians in the Monsignor's life because he was open St Paul’s Letter to (4:13) to God and spent time with God everyday in prayer. What the Monsignor achieved was extraordinary and it was the Monsignor's faith that gave him the Graces and strength to achieve the extraordinary. Why remember the Monsignor? Why do we remember great people from the past? We remember great people from the past so we can be filled with admiration at their great example; so we can learn from their greatness and strive to do likewise; so we can take their example and emulate their deeds in our own way; so we can nor with understand their thinking and perspective; Victory - the Monsig Allies the Allied soldiers after me so we may too think in such heroic ways and Ro ck had taken ba understand things as they did. In this way the Torch of Faith is carried on from generation to generation. We look to the past and learn how great people changed the world when it was needed most. T he S piriT o f H ugh O ’ F laherty 7 G o o d H um o u r One of the signs of someone who understands the Christian faith is that they are people of joy, calm and good humour. The Monsignor was a man who loved a joke and The Monsignor often travelled in was known for his sense of humour. Despite the intense pressure he must have disguise to avoid the Nazis' been under, he showed that deep down he was at peace with the work he had to do and that it was all in God's hands. Without such trust in God he would have been under too much pressure to be able to carry on in such good humour. So the Monsignor was a great witness of how we can trust in God and be in good form even in the most difficult of circumstances. Selfless Se rva n t The Monsignor consistently put himself last in all that he did. He was a servant to all he could serve. He was a great example of how Jesus told his disciples that to follow Him we The Monsignor with the must serve others, wash others' feet and give Chevalier family who also risked and not count the cost. He spent most of their lives to save others his time during the war walking around the city saving people's lives wearing a pair of old shoes that must've been very uncomfortable to wear. “ Bu t I as k yo u, is it better to be resi sign ed to a life w it h ou t idea ls . . . or r at h er . . . to seek th e t ru th , g o od n ess, just ic e, wor ki n g fo r a wor ld th at reflec ts th e be au t y of G od, ev en at th e co st of faci n g th e t ri als it m ay in volv e? Jo h n Paul II ” 6 T he S piriT o f H ugh O ’ F laherty B a la n ce One of the striking things about Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty is that while he was an amazing person of courage and selflessness, he was such a normal everyday person too!! He loved Kerry football and would try and make the All-Ireland semifinals in Croke Park in August when he took his annual holiday in Ireland during the years he was working in Rome. He loved golf as well, having grown up next to the Killarney Golf Club and was a good player too. He was also a skillful boxer! fly! The Monsignor about to let So his life was a brilliant example of how you can mix up the extraordinary with the everyday. He showed you won't lose out on your everyday loves (like sport) if you try and make a real difference in the world you live in. He got the balance really right. He also showed that being a man of faith and a man of God doesn't mean giving everything up but that you can do God's work and still enjoy the gifts of sport and the healthy things that add to the gift of life. “I H AV E C O M E T H AT YO U M AY H AV E L I F E , A N D H AV E I T TO T H E F U LL!” Joh n 10 : 1 0 T he S piriT o f H ugh O ’ F laherty 3 Ka pple r : One of the most amazing things about the Monsignor was how he visited Kappler when he was in prison after the war had ended in defeat for the Nazis. Due to the Monsignor's consistent visits and care, eventually Kappler gave up the twisted e ideas of the Nazi way of thinking and converted Kappler - Head of th to Catholicism. Kappler was obviously very moved Gestapo in Rome by the Monsignor's genuine care and concern for him and ultimately for the Monsignor's real witness of his faith in God. h a s n o c o u n t ry ” “OneGof theo dMonsignor's most famous phrases is 'GOD HAS NO COUNTRY'. He responded with that phrase when he was asked why he helped people from different countries, and even the Nazis. He showed that he genuinely believed in a God who is not restricted by countries or races. He believed God created all men equal and that every man had the right to be treated with dignity and care as they are all God's creatures and worthy of His love. Monsignor O’Flaherty saw his role The Monsignor on This is Your Life with as being the hands and feet of people of many nationalities that he saved Jesus and to be an instrument of God's never-ending love, no matter what the person has done. He was a great example of God's mercy and compassion. This was also probably a big factor in why Kappler converted to Catholicism. He saw in the Monsignor a real life example of how God can inspire a person to be more selfless, loving, forgiving, enduring, hopeful and compassionate. 4 T he S piriT o f H ugh O ’ F laherty H u m i li t y Another beautiful part of the Monsignor's character was his humility. Sometimes humility can be confused with being afraid or putting yourself down but humility means being well grounded (coming 'The Monsignor on “This is Your Life” from 'humus' meaning ‘ground’). If yo u a re A well-grounded person is someone who knows w h at you that whatever they achieve is, is only achieved d be, yo u using the gifts they have received from God shoiulll set t he w and so success doesn't go to their heads. wo rld on fi re! So when the Monsignor became famous for his St Catherine of Siena great deeds it didn't go to his head. He knew it was God's grace that helped him do great things. So he never boasted about his achievements but just kept working away serving people as well as he could. Ha r d Wo r k The Monsignor worked long hours to help people - he was well known for coming in after a long days work helping people only to work on into the night on other matters that needed his attention. He persevered with whatever I am only one … had to be done and it was this but I am one. quality which enabled him to I cannot do everything … help so many people. Had he taken the easier but I can do something. What I can do, option and put himself first more, there might I ought to do. have been a lot more people who would not have at I ought to do, received the Monsignor's help and may not have byWhthe grace of God, survived the Nazis and the War. I shall do! T he S piriT o f H ugh O ’ F laherty 5