Drift - Australia`s South West


Drift - Australia`s South West
Did you know...
While the front of the
Drift shop was filmed in
Nannup, a goods shed
that was part of the old
Margaret River train
station was used as the
back of the store.
Now that’s movie magic!
You’ve seen the movie. Now follow in the footsteps of the
Kelly brothers and friends.
Use this map to find beaches, buildings and other settings
used in the popular surf-themed feature film.
The region is yours to explore, so why not try your luck
surfing at a local break or have your photo taken at one
of the places used in the film.
Self-guided tour covering
the Margaret River region and Nannup
Inspired by th
e movie DRIFT
While in the South West, you may wish to explore the region more.
For ideas on where to go and what to see, go to
This brochure was produced by
The town of Nannup was chosen as a film
location for the feature movie Drift because it
has maintained the authentic West Australian
country town feel of the 1960s and 1970s.
special thanks to
The whole town centre was also transformed
by film set designers for major street scenes
in the movie.
– Tim Duffy, Drift producer
Making the movie
During the six-week shoot, cast and crew travelled from Cape
Naturaliste to Cape Leeuwin to bring to life the rags-to-riches story
of two brothers who launch a backyard surfing business.
Footage was shot in a number of towns including Margaret River,
Augusta and Gracetown, with many of the surfing scenes taking
place off the ruggedly beautiful Margaret River coastline including
Surfers Point.
And though the movie is set in the fictional coastal town of
Seacliffe, filming also took place in the inland town of Nannup.
To secure the footage required for the action-drama in the sixweek timeframe, two photography units ran at the same time – a
dramatic unit helmed by Morgan O’Neill and a surf unit directed by
Ben Nott.
In order to achieve the eye-catching surfing sequences, many of
the main cast members took surf lessons and performed their own
stunts in the water. Local surfers were cast as ‘surf doubles’ and
used for the bigger stunts in the movie.
The story of DRIFT
After relocating from Sydney to Seacliffe with their mother in the 1960s,
brothers Andy and Jimmy Kelly spend their youth searching for the
perfect wave.
It’s now the ‘70s and the family is struggling. The brothers have one
great passion though: surfing. And out of necessity, and encouraged by
new friends, they launch a backyard surf business.
They rethink traditional design, craft homemade wetsuits and sell their
wares out of the back of their van. But after they get mixed up with a
local drug dealer, it looks like everything they built up will be ruined...
Inspired by the true story of Australia’s legendary surf communities and
the rise of the global surf brands, Drift is a story of passion, courage,
friendship and fractured loyalties.
The two Kelly brothers are brought to life by Myles Pollard (Andy) and
Xavier Samuel (Jimmy), alongside Sam Worthington (JB) as a travelling
surf photographer and filmmaker. Lesley-Ann Brandt (Lani) plays JB’s
Hawaiian surfer companion. Aaron Glenane (Gus) plays a close friend of
the Kelly brothers.
Drift was filmed
on location in the
spectacular South West
corner of Western
Australia during the
winter of 2011.
You can’t buy
what we’ve got.
Margaret River
The main street of Nannup
was used as the main street in
Seacliffe, the fictional town where
the Kelly family lived.
The Drift surf shop, bank and pub
were all filmed here, with the
corner of Warren Road and Forrest
Street a focal point for much of
the activity.
When Jimmy and Lani had their talk in the car, they parked along
Yallingup Beach Road.
Here you can see the building that
doubled as the back of the Drift
When JB tours his surf movie, they can be seen driving over the
bridge on the way into Yallingup.
Around the corner from Surfers Point, you’ll see where scenes for the
1972 Seacliffe Amateur Surf Titles were shot.
In reel life, exciting surfing action
for the contest at the end of the
movie was filmed here. In real life,
Surfers Point is the location for the
annual Margaret River Pro surfing
Do you remember the
schoolyard bust-up at the start
of the movie? That scene was
filmed here, with this building
doubling as the school in the
Surfing scenes were also shot off Yallingup. Overlooking the beach
in Yallingup is a sculpture that celebrates the origin of surfing in
Western Australia.
Visit the grounds where the
star-studded, red carpet
Australian premiere of Drift was
held on March 21 2013.
From here, you can see where action
took place. Gnarabup Beach is a
popular swimming spot with café.
Drive along Cowaramup Bay
Road towards Gracetown and
you’ll come across the same
scene that greets the Kelly
family when they decide to stay
in Seacliffe instead of heading
to Albany.
From this location you can see where
Jimmy transforms from a boy to a man while surfing.
Working in Western
Australia was great,
especially in the specific
region south of Margaret
River. This is where
This is where JB parks his bus, and the nighttime
party scene plays out.
Bunker Bay
The jetty in the bay was used to launch the boat
when the Kelly brothers and JB went searching
for a big wave for Jimmy to surf. The jetty served
as the Seacliffe Jetty in the film.
Gus camps out here.
On the way to the
camping spot, Gus,
Jimmy and JB travel
through the scenic
Boranup Forest.
there’s amazing waves,
amazing wineries and just
the most beautiful raw,
natural environments that
you could imagine.
– Ben Nott, Drift co-director
A great vantage point for taking in the bay. Here you’ll be able to see
the location of the caravan park where the Kelly family live when they
first settle in Seacliffe, where little Jimmy jumps in to the water to save
young Andy, and where Gus makes his exit.
The house used as the Kelly
family home is located in
Flinders Bay, Augusta.
Do you remember when JB used
the outside of a lighthouse to
screen his surf film? It was the
gleaming white exterior of the
Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse that
provided the canvas for his flick.
The Cape Leeuwin
Lighthouse stands near
the point where the
Indian and Southern
oceans meet.
When visiting the
lighthouse, bring
along your camera
to snap a shot
of yourself
standing next
to the sign that
Long shots were used to
pinpoints the
establish Gracetown as fictional
Seacliffe, though many of the
spot where
the two
town scenes were filmed in
Perth - Margaret River
Margaret River - Nannup
Nannup - Augusta
Augusta - Yallingup
Nannup and the Kelly family
house in Augusta.