2015 September - Kansas City Church of God


2015 September - Kansas City Church of God
In One Accord
Church of God
“go ye
The Ten Commandments of God
therefore, and
teach all
baptizing them
in the name of
the father,
and of the
son, and of
the holy spirit: Teaching
them to observe all
whatsoever I
you: and Lo, I
am with you
always, even
unto the end
of the world.
Exodus 20:3-17
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto the any graven image, or
any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or
that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water
under the earth.
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
them: for I the lord thy god is a jealous god, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto
the third and fourth generation of them that hate
me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them
that love me, and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god
in vain: for the lord will not hold them guiltless
that taketh his name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days
shalt thou labor, and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the Sabbath to the lord thy god; in it
thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor
thy daughter, thy manservant, not thy maidservant, not thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the lord made heaven
and earth, the sea, and all that is in them is, and
rested the seventh day: wherefore the lord blessed
the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days
may be long upon the land which the Lord thy god
giveth thee.
Feasts of God
His holy days
April 3rd
n.t. Passover
(observed evening
before at sundown)
April 4th-10th
Feast of
unleavened bread *
May 24th
Pentecost *
September 14th
Feast of trumpets *
September 23rd
Day of atonement *
sept 28th-oct 4th
Feast of
tabernacles *
October 5th
Last great day *
* begins evening
before at sundown
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
“iT is beTTer To
trust in the
lord than to
put confidence
in man.”
Psalm 118:8
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalT noT coveT Thy neighbor’s house, Thou
shalT noT coveT Thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass,
nor anyThing ThaT is Thy neighbor’s.
“be sTill, and
know that I am
god: I will be exalted among the
heathen, I will be
exalted in the
Psalm 46:10
Praises To God and
Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my
heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.
Praises to God
Continued prayers
Please contact us and let us know when your prayers have
been answered. This allows us to give the praise to God that
He deserves.
and updates
Shirley Schmidt: Having trouble with her legs.
Denise Semple: She had surgery on her neck to
fuse 3 vertebra and is now home and is doing well.
Dee Sievers: Has possible gastric cancer. She is
also in late stage of COPD/emphysema.
Freeman Curran: Update: He is now doing a lot
better. He is still in a nursing home.
Nancy Miles: Health problems.
Dave Lind’s mom: She entered into rest.
Rachel Bollig: She still has health & financial issues.
Carrie Proffitt: Blockage in heart.
Rex Jamerson: Update: He is home, still doing rehab and is still struggling with pain.
Prayers and updates
These requests for prayers have been made recently
for these people. Give god thanks for hearing our
Kevin Mathes: He has a growth in his neck. Update: He will have surgery September 9th.
“Please pray for all of God’s people. As you
probably already know, as the feasts of God get
nearer, Satan will do everything possible to keep
you and the rest of God’s people from attending.
It is so important, in our walk with God, that we
take part in these wonderful feasts that show us a
picture of our future and that we receive the refreshing that all of God’s feasts give us. No
matter what Satan tries to throw at you and no
matter what hurdle he may set before you, resist
him and know that the God we serve is greater
than the devil and nothing is impossible with God,
Almighty or His Son, our Lord and Savior.”
Linda Salmon: She has cancer and has chosen not
to get treatment.
Sherman Robertson: Having trouble sleeping and
trouble with his vision.
Matthew Pickler: He was hit by a car and has a
broken back, punctured lung and broken rib. He is
doing good considering what happened.
Norman & Ruby McClain: They are suffering from
many health issues.
Fiona Rose Winnett: She has cancer. Update: The
doctors say she doesn’t have long to live.
Kathy Meeker: She is going through radiation
treatment for a brain tumor.
Anne Gualding: She had a mastectomy recently
for breast cancer.
It is so important that we receive updates on any
prayer requests. If we have not received an update
within 30days of posting the prayer request, we will
remove them from the list believing that their prayers have been answered.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
(816) 380-7821
(618) 252-3176
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Live Sabbath service
Join us by calling : 1-304-848-6940
When recording begins enter: 1699932#
Joint bible study with Wendell Yeary on his conference line,
each Friday at 7 p.m.
Live Sabbath services and Bible studies
Join us by calling: 1-304-391-5940
When recording begins enter: 1678238#
Bible study begins: 7pm Fridays (CST)
Send mail to: 290 Gibbons Rd.
Harrisburg, IL. 62946
Send mail to: P. O. BOX 909
Harrisonville, MO. 64701-0909
Join us for a joint Sabbath Service
On the 1st & 3rd Sabbath of each month
Call : 1-304-391-5940
conference code : 1678238#
Greetings & Fellowship 11:00—11:25 a.m. Service begins promptly at 11:30 a.m.
( this is a toll call unless you have unlimited long distance, use a cell phone, or use a calling card. )
Working together to spread the gospel of Jesus, the Christ
If you have been unable to access our
website, we must apologize for this. The
company that hosts our website was recently hacked and completely deleted
several of the websites in the system, including ours.
If the hackers had only deleted the
files on his system, he could have restored it easily. But, they got passed his
security and removed everything, so we
have to start from the beginning and re-
build the entire system. This requires
uploading a lot of information, so it will
take time.
We will do our best to get the website up and going again as soon as we
possible can.
Please check back occasionally and
be patient with us as we work to restore the site.
Pray that all of it will go smoothly
for us as we do this. Thank you.
The Fall feasts are almost upon us, so it’s time to
make plans to attend somewhere. If you are unable
to attend due to health reasons, we have some options for you to be able to call in and listen to some
of the services at certain feast sites.
K.C. Feast of Tabernacles Site
Hosted by Rex Jamerson & Ken Pratt
Phone: 1-913-548-7456
E-mail: [email protected]
We are not able to list all F.O.T. sites, but here
are some feast sites that you can attend.
This site has limited seating so you must call and
reserve a seat to attend. They will give you directions when you call. The services on these days will
also be available by phone by calling: 1-304-8486940. Once you hear the recording, then dial in
1655633#. This will connect you to the service. This
is a toll call unless you have unlimited long distance
on your home phone, unlimited calling on your cell
phone or if you use a calling card. Rex and Ken will
have sermons and/or bible studies each day of the
Land Between The Lakes, Kentucky
Kentucky Dam Village
Wendell & Bettie Yeary will be attending here.
Coordinator: James Pollitte
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (606) 742-2222
Branson site
Church of God Ministries, International
Coordinator: Steve Councell
Website: www.cogmi.org
Home phone: 269-445-7943
Cell phone: 574-584-2001
Feast of Tabernacles Branson site
The Providence of God Outreach Network
Hosted by Dale Murphy & Ian Hufton
Website: www.k-god.com
If you need our help with anything please do not hesitate to call Dale Murphy at 417-253-3145 or Ian
Hufton at 903-769-3520 or you can email Dale
at [email protected]
Savannah House
165 Expressway Lane
Branson, MO. 65616
Phone: 800-335-2555
Do not reserve your room at this hotel on-line.
Please call the 800# and tell them that you are with
the Church of God Ministries, International if you
want the discounted price.
Best Western Inn & Conference Center
8514 State Hwy 76, Branson, Mo. 65737
Inn phone: 417-338-2141
You may also stay at:
Quality Inn
2834 West SR 76, Branson, Mo. 65616
$58 plus tax
“And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Speak unto the children of Israel,
and say unto them, Concerning the
feasts of the LORD, which ye shall
proclaim to be holy convocations,
even these are my feasts.”
Baldknobbers Motor Inn
2843 W 76 Country Blvd.
$49 per person per night
Leviticus 23:1-2
Sharing the
Sabbath Services
With the
September 2015
** September 5th - Sabbath Services, 11:30 A.M.
** September 5th - Sabbath Service, 11:30 A.M.
This will be a joint service available by phone
conference. See page 3 for details.
You may also attend this service live at the
Hicks Residence
This will be a joint service available by phone conference.
See Page 3 for details.
You may also attend this service live at the
Yeary Residence
** September 12th - Sabbath Service, 11:30 A.M.
** September 12th - Sabbath Services, 11:30 A.M.
The Yeary’s will be in Clinton, Mo. For services
Parkfield Inn
506 Kansas Ave. Clinton, Mo. 64735
** September 14th - Feast of Trumpets, 11:30 A.M.
Guests: Wendell & Bettie Yeary
Yeary Residence
We will have a lunch at the hotel after the service &
bible study. Please bring a side dish if you can.
** September 19th - Sabbath Service, 11:30 A.M.
September 14th - Feast of Trumpets
Yeary Residence
We will be holding combined services with other church
brethren in Kansas. See Page 9 for details.
** September 23rd – Day of Atonement, 11:30 A.M.
*** September 19th - Sabbath Services, 11:30 a.m.
Yeary Residence
Hicks Residence 816-380-7821
*** September 23rd - Day of Atonement, 11:30 a.m.
September 26th - Sabbath Services, 11:30 A.M.
Parkfield Inn
Yeary Residence
506 Kansas Ave. Clinton, Mo. 64735
September 28th - October 5th Feast of Tabernacles
*** September 26th - Sabbath Services 11:30 a.m.
No local services or bible studies during the feast.
Hicks Residence 816-380-7821
Times, locations and speakers are subject to change. All
changes will be posted on the KC website.
( www.kccogm.com )
September 28th - 5th Feast of Tabenacles
No local services or bible studies during the feast
If you have internet access you can get directions through :
( www.mapquest.com )
** Live audio broadcast: 1-304-391-5940
*** Live audio broadcast: 1-304-848-6940
Passcode: 1678238
Passcode: 1699932#
Just for fun !
The puzzle of The monTh will be a mix of easy, fairly easy, hard, which may or may noT be challenging. please don’T
be discouraged if you don’T know some of The answers, jusT challenge yourself To learn. all answers will
be published in The nexT monTh’s
newsletter. Hope you enjoy!
Last Months 1. What Old Testament boy grew in favor with the Lord and also with men?
2. During whose priesthood was the Ark of the Covenant captured by the
1. The twelve Disciples
2. 7 (Gen.7:2)
3. Leviticus (11:123)
4. 7 Days (Lev.12:2)
5. 14 days
6. Judas Iscariot
(John 13:11)
7. Peter (Acts 10)
8. The blood of the
one who
murdered him
9. Holiness
10. Into “dry places” (Matt.12:43)
11. The blood of
Jesus (1John 1:7)
12. Divorce her
13. Josiah
14. Melted snow
(Job 9:30)
15. Paul (Rom.14:14)
16. Naaman (2Kings
17. Jesus (Luke
18. Hyssop (Ps.51:7)
19. Anything without fins or scales
20. Isaiah (6:5)
3. Who saw a city descend from heaven?
4. In what city was the school of Tyrannus?
5. Give the scripture reference for, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole
matter: fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of
6. What question did the Sadducees ask Jesus about a woman who had seven
7. Who was so upset by his peoples marriage to Babylonians that he tore his hair
out ?
8. Jesus said that all the law and prophets hang on how many commandments?
9. Who curses Canaan the man?
10. In family relationships, Jacob was to Benjamin as Jesse was to ____________?
11. How many chapters are in the book of Titus?
12. Complete the first half of the scripture….there am I in the midst of them.”
13. After whose death did David say, “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to
14. Who sat in Judgement at Gabbatha?
15. What two men together crossed the parted Jordan River?
16. What is the first name in the bible to belong to two different men?
17. How many Old Testament women named Tamar are in the Old Testament
18. In what book and chapter do we find what is often called Jesus’ ‘High Priestly
19. Complete the following line: “The steps of a good man…….”?
20. For what act did the Philistines offer a guilt offering of five golden mice to the
Outreach ministries Church of god,
Local minister and hosts :
Nestor and Edith Janier
Mailing address :
P.O. Box 0476
Cagayan de oro city
9000 Philippines
In his letter dated July 22nd, 2015, Pastor Nestor thanked everyone for their thoughts and prayers and
for the support that has been given in order to keep the ministry going strong in the Philippines. He also
wanted us to know that the Lord is blessing
the work there and the church continues to
add new members.
He enclosed the pictures of the 2015-2016
students that are attending The Lighthouse
Bible Training School, KC Church of God Ministries Mission Outreach Philippines.
The pictures to the far left show the students, their names and their ages, that are in
the first level (Basic course) of their studies.
The pictures to the far right show the
students that are in the second level
(advance course) of their studies.
The students are active in the mission
work that goes on in the Philippines and
they enjoy their bible studies very much.
Outreach ministries Church of god, Kenya
Local pastor and contact :
Martin jaoko
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 667
40400 Kenya, east Africa
Pastor Martin, the other ministers and the brethren are now preparing for the upcoming Holy days of God.
They have already bought a lot of the grains that they will prepare, along with the meat that they will get
when it gets closer to the feast. They will have 3 feast sites
again this year located in Migori, Mombasa and Kericho.
Last year they had a large turnout of people and still had
a great time even though it poured rain all throughout the
feast. I have included some of the photos from last year’s
feast of
above shows them preparing food. On the right, the
children are having fun. The photo at bottom left shows
the people enjoying a meal together and the bottom
right photo shows the people gathered under one of the
Mary Ann Lind
Mary Ann Lind, 92, of Eldorado, passed away at
6:52 PM, Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at St. Mary�s
Medical Center in Evansville, IN.
Mary Ann was born on February 27, 1923 in Isabell, SD to the late Michael and Rose Helen (Wingert)
Jacobs. On June 15, 1952 she married William Harold Lind, Sr. and they enjoyed 56 years of marriage
before he preceded her in death on November 22,
2008. Mary Ann was a former waitress and dance
instructor at Arthur C. Murray dance studio.
Mary Ann is survived by her three children: Rose
(Robert) Rector of Galatia, David Lind of Eldorado,
and Susan (Frank) Graczyk of Eldorado; grandchildren: Jessica Gaines of Eldorado, Melissa Porter of
Eldorado, and Erica Graczyk of Eldorado; three greatgrandchildren: Madison Gaines, Gabriella Gaines,
and Paityn Porter of Eldorado; step-son: William Harold Lind, Jr. of Iowa Hill, CA; several nieces and nephews
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, and two sisters: Caroline Frickson and Josephine Johns.
Other Feast sites continued from Page 4
Harrison, Arkansas
Church of God, International
Website: www.cgi.org
Coordinator: Wynn Skelton
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 903-736-5999
NOTICE: If you have haven't made your housing arrangements yet for Harrison, we recommend that
you do so immediately. Due to a Biker's Rally (Oct. 14), and other events taking place during the Feast,
housing will be at a premium. If you have tentatively
made arrangements we would recommend calling to
confirm those reservations.
Accommodations: The Hotel Seville: 870-741-2321
Holiday Inn Express: 870-741-3636
Hampton Inn: 870-365-0505
Quality Inn: 870-741-7676
Days Inn: 870-391-3297
Super 8: 870-741-1741
Harrison Village & Campground & RV: 870-743-3388
Shady Oaks Campground & RV: 870-743-2342
Parker’s RV Park: 870-743-2267
Ozark View RV Park: 870-715-0131
Hollis Renewal Center
11414 Kansas Ave. Kansas City, KS.
Sunday, Sept. 13th 8 PM: Showing movie
“Patterns of Evidence” Campfire & Snacks
Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Discipleship Church of God
Coordinator: Matt Gaffney
Website: www.discipleshipcog.org
Email: [email protected]
Please contact Matt if you wish to attend or register
on their feast 2015 website page.
Monday, Sept. 14th, Feast of Trumpets
10:30 AM Seminar presented by Lenny
12:30 PM Potluck lunch (Table service &
drinks provided. No meat will be provided. Please
bring a side dish if you can.
Ramada Glenwood Springs
124 West 6th St. I-70 at Exit 116,
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Phone: 1-970-945-2500
2:30 PM Feast of Trumpets Service presented by Wynne Skelton.
The following poem was written by Norman Curran about his good friend and sister in Christ, May Orr.
Both lost their spouses a few years back and have been a great support to one another.
I drove to the dentist 84 mile.
The purpose was to enhance my smile.
May said, “Drive safely.” I said, “Never fear.”
That was just before we hit the deer.
I’m thankful it was not a high jumper.
It only damaged one headlight and bumper.
I wrecked May’s car, what a shame.
But May said that I was not to blame.
After over 2 years with her, I’ll have to say.
I’m really blessed to have a friend like May.
Kansas City Church of God Ministries
P.O. Box 909
Harrisonville, Mo 64701-0909
Change Service Requested