LAKEVIEW UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 8639 COLUMBIA ROAD ~ MAINEVILLE, OH 45039 PHONE: 513-683-2073 ~ FAX: 513-683-2032 [email protected] ~ HTTP://WWW.LAKEVIEWUCC.COM L A K E V I E W God is Still Volume 14, Issue 9 September 2015 Speaking, FROM TODD’S DESK “Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!” Luke 14:15 (The Voice) Greetings to you all! There is something about the month of summer ends and we wrap up our vacations and gardens and start thinking about school and Advent and snow shovels, I look forward to hearing what everyone did on their summer vacations. A big part of my summer involved preparing for, and attending, the 30th UCC General Synod in Cleveland. While the meetings, discussion, and worship were all great, I wanted to share something that happened after the meetings ended. Throughout the week, there were tables set up throughout the convention center with cookies for all those attending. They were delicious, abundant, and they had all been made and delivered by volunteers from across the Ohio Conference. As things were wrapping up, I noticed MANY boxes of these cookies (the extras) being loaded into the back of a big white van. I assumed they were being sent to a local food bank, but later found out they had been delivered to the Cleveland Police Department. Now if you haven't followed the news in Cleveland over the summer, there has been a great deal of tension and division between the police and folks who live in the city, as there has been across the country. Well, it seems someone had contacted the Cleveland Police and arranged to donate these cookies so that the officers could stop in the neighborhoods they work in and share them with the folks who live there. I was struck by just how great an idea this was -breaking bread (or snickerdoodles) together could lead to better things. No longer would the Continued next page ... INSIDE OH Conference Annual Gathering 2 Preschool 2 A.I.M. 3 Project 365+ 3 Exec. Committee Reports 4-6 Visiting Mission Group 7 Baptisms, Music Notes 7 Appreciation 8 Behind the Scenes 9 Directory Updates, Photos 9 Prison Ministry 10 Prayer Requests, Birthdays 11 Announcements/Events 12-15 Pastor Evaluations Forms 16-18 Family Activities 19 Lakeview Calendar 20 Council / Committee Members 21 Lakeview’s Vision Statement 21 Church Office Hours Office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Sunday Worship Services Worship services are held at 10:0 am; Sunday School at 10:00 am. Communion is held on the 1st Sunday of each month SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 2 the L a k e v i e w L i n k officers in the neighborhood just be someone in uniform, but now they're Bob or Officer Janet-someone they have talked to and laughed with. No longer would the officers just see another faceless victim or potential suspect, but they would see Samantha or Mr. Wilson-someone they know and who knows them. Maybe this is why so much of the gospel r ecor d of J esus' ministr y involves eating-it's awfully hard to believe the negative stereotypes about people when we actually have gotten to know them and it's hard to dismiss someone once you have heard their story. And what better way to start these relationships than to do it while we eat together. Now, I'm not so naive as to think a couple of chocolate chip cookies will end all the world's problems, but these little steps lead to bigger things-relationships, compassion, concern, breaking down the walls of know, the kind of things we find in the God's kin'ship. And while it isn't written in the gospels, I think it just might be easier to love your neighbor when you're both eating an oatmeal raisin cookie! God's pace be with you, Todd 2015 Annual Gathering Saturday September 26, 2015 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EDT Held in three locations, all linked via teleconference-Dayton, Defiance, and Elyria- each site will have the same agenda with local worship, brunch and workshops. The business meeting will be broadcast from and presented in all three locations and the keynote speaker will be Cameron Trimble, the Executive Director and CEO of The Center for Progressive Renewal. For details or to register online go to or call the church office. PRESCHOOL We were still busy this summer, even though school was not in session. The teachers taught two weeks of summer camp for our 12th year. We also had two Story hours for The Community. This also served as a transition for the children coming to school, as they could see the classrooms, play on the playground, and eat Kona Ice! During the summer months, the Preschool updated the bathrooms in the Education Wing with new toilet seats, and fresh caulk! We are able to use our monies from Step Up to Quality to pay for the upgrade to our great building. The playground was inspected and spiffed up a bit, with playground mulch added. Carpets and tile have been cleaned with the children arriving September 14th! In September, we will spend most of the month getting to know our students and the students the teachers. We will discover what the children’s interests are and build our curriculum studies around those ideas. Hopefully the weather will be wonderful for outdoor activities and nature walks. A special thank you to Lakeview UCC for donating school supplies to our children! We so appreciate those supplies and all that you provide for us! Enjoy the month! Kathy Abrell !! Welcome Back SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 3 the L a k e v i e w L i n k A.I.M. Neighbors In Need ( NIN ) is a special mission offering of the UCC that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the Unites States. One third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM) and the remaining two thirds of the offering is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM ) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts and direct service projects thru grants. Neighbors In Need grants are awarded to churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund the projects whose work ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to address systemic injustice. Funding is provided through donations to the Neighbors In Need offering. This year, 2015, the theme for Neighbors In Need is “Unexpected Places " and it connects to the work of the UCC's Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM ) and UCC's advocacy to address centuries of injustice stemming from the Doctrine of Discovery. Historically, forebears of the UCC church established churches and worked with Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arickara, and Hocak in North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, and northern Nebraska. Today there are 20 UCC congregations on reservations and one urban, multi-tribal UCC congregation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. These churches and their pastors are supported by CAIM. CAIM is also an invaluable resource for more than 1,000 individuals from dozens of other tribes and nations who are members of other UCC congregations in the United States. Lakeview will receive the NIN offering during the month of September. You can always make a donation at toward NIN on-line, anytime, at Please see the bulletin board in the narthex for more information. During the month of June $827 for collected for Interfaith Hospitality Network and $446 for the Nepal Earthquake. During the month of July $896 was collected Washington UCC Back to School; $656 for Walnut Hills Food Pantry for a year-to-date total of $1,298.50 Thank you for your generosity! Thank you to everyone that has given a pledge card toward the 2015 stewardship campaign, “Blessed to be a blessing.” We are truly blessed at Lakeview with faithful members and friends who stepped up to meet the needs of the church. We have received 40 pledges for a total of $145,217 for the operating expenses. If you would like to make a pledge to Lakeview, please pick up a card from the table in the narthex or see me. Wow! Fall is just a few weeks away. The Preschool will open a new year, choir practices will resume after a summer break, and, yes, we have already begun to think about stewardship for 2016. More news about that will be coming out in October. Thank you all for your continued giving over the summer months so that Lakeview continued to remain strong financially. Karen Baumann Past Moderator/Past President SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 4 the L a k e v i e w L i n k Executive Council Reports Executive Council Meeting Minutes Aug 9, 2015 Called To Order: 11:14 a.m. by Tom Bresko, Moderator/President. Opened with prayer by Todd Peterson The following were present: Tom Bresko, Rosemary Ennis, Todd Peterson, Karen Baumann Trent Miller, Steve Friedhoff, Leslie Brinkman, Robin Bresko, Linda Overholt, Lollie Kasulones, and Cindy Prows Guests: Jennifer Snedigar, Leann Stutzman 617 Committee Member, Caleb Stutzman senior patrol leader of troop, other troop members arrived later Review & Approval of May 17, 2015 Minutes No changes requested since posted in the Link. Items listed in order of Council Meeting Agenda Treasurer’s Report: Rosemary distributed report and noted the following: Payments from Preschool were contracted to be monthly for 9 months. Therefore no income from Preschool posted during summer. We paid Lakeview Foundation the $14,000 owed from Capital Fund. Insurance payment was higher than anticipated. Council is seeking alternatives. Despite the above, we still have money in checking and savings. Motion: Tr ent moved to accept Tr easur er Report as presented, Karen seconded, all approved, carried unanimously. Due to upcoming vacations, the possible need to add Trent Miller early as check signatory was discussed. Motion: Rosemar y moved to add Tr ent Miller as check signatory on Church accounts with Chase Bank, Lollie seconded, all approved, carried unanimously. Old Business Publicizing, Communicating Lakeview Open and Affirming status Discussion tabled as this was the last item addressed. Todd suggested he would form a small workgroup to develop options to be presented to Council at a later date. Family friendly restrooms Renovations will include the following: Signs for family friendly restrooms when Preschool not in session. Gender specific designations will remain as usual during Preschool. Locks on doors. Changing tables in both restrooms. Motion: Tr ent moved for Council to approve a budget line up to $500 expenditure to make the preschool restrooms family friendly as described– Rosemary seconded, all approved, carried unanimously. Hearing assistance system (update only) Hearing assistant system installed. Has been in test mode past two services – 3 separate people tested during 8/9/15 service and had only positive comments. Automatic Electronic Defibrillators (update only) Tom checked grants and cost. Karen Cormack will check options through Red Cross and report back to Tom. Employee manual and evaluation forms (update only) Linda and Karen created evaluation forms for Pastor, Secretary, Music Director/organist, Child Care Provider (paid Church employees). Karen will e-mail forms to Council for feedback in time for September link. PACT and Council will be in charge of the Pastor’s evaluation. Input from Church members will be solicited. Todd would like to be in charge of seeking input for Secretary, Music Director and Child Care Provider evaluations. Tom discussed his revisions to Employee Manual and will distribute to Council members for review. Continued next page ... SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 5 the L a k e v i e w L i n k Executive Council Reports (continued) New Business. November 2016 Stewardship Campaign United Church of Christ 2016 slogan will be “Trust in the Promise.” However, this did not resonate with all Council members. Alternatives were offered by Trent. Motion Steve moved to suppor t Tr ent’s alteration in the Stewardship Campaign slogan from “Trust in the Promise” to “Let Your Light Shine,” Leslie seconded, all approved, unanimously carried. Establish fund for individuals, issues, causes, etc. (Information only) Lakeview’s role in establishing funds specifically for individuals was raised. The Pastor Discretionary fund is Lakeview UCC’s mechanism to help individuals in need. However, checks are very rarely written to the individual and are only meant for immediate critical needs. The Pastor’s Discretionary fund does not raise money for specific individuals or issues. Cub Scout & Boy Scouts at Lakeview After prayer, the meeting opened with Jennifer Snedigar, District Executive of Boy Scouts of America, discussing need for Cub Scout Pack 617 and Boy Scout Troop 617 to find a new Chartered Organization Partner. Pack 617 and Troop 617 have a strong and mutually beneficial relationship with their current church partner. However, the church partner’s religious tenets are not consistent with the Boy Scouts of America membership standards which officially became more inclusive July 27, 2015. Chartered Organization Partners serve as home, provide consistent Church member to attend monthly meeting, and provide oversight on finances. The Pack and Troop maintain their own account but request that the partner church audits finances once a year. They also request that consistent church member sign on account for large items. The Church Partner also signs off on adult leaders. Pack 617 and Troop 617 may need small amount of closet storage for craft supplies, and does have a trailer and camping equipment they would like to park in our lot when not in use. Pack 617 and Troop 617 will give back community hours such as landscaping, projects, minor repairs, etc. The Pack and Troop carry their own liability insurance. The Chartered Organization Partner is listed as the beneficiary. Although preferred if possible, the meeting location does not have to be at Lakeview. There are currently 40 boys in Pack 617 and 40 boys in Troop 617. Scout recruitment occurs beginning of each school year. As soon as the presentation concluded, Trent, quickly followed by Steve volunteered to be the Charter Organization representative. Motion: Tr ent moved that Lakeview UCC become a Chartered Organization Partner for Pack 617 and Troop 617. Karen seconded, all approved, carried unanimously. Steve and Trent will work out meeting location, meeting details and representative designation with Pack and Troop leaders. Nominating Committee Karen submitted list for 2016 Nominating Committee: Karen Baumann, Lois Westpfahl and Kathy Sensel. Motion: – Rosemary moved to accept the 2016 Nominating Committee as submitted by Karen. Steve seconded, all approved, carried unanimously. Other Business McOskers offered to open their home for a Church Picnic August 29th or 30th; September 12th or 13th. Motion: Steve moved that Council accept the McOskers’ offer to have the Church picnic September 12, 2015 starting at 3:00. The Church will provide the meat while remaining food and drinks will be pot luck. Karen seconded, all approved, carried unanimously. As all business was complete, Steve motioned to adjourn, all approved by standing at 12:53. Minutes respectfully submitted by Cindy Prows Continued next page ... SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 6 the L a k e v i e w L i n k Executive Council Reports (continued) TREASURER’S REPORT AUGUST 2015 (Jan 1 to AUG 19) For a detailed reports – please look at the posting on the wall by Pastor Todd’s office & on the tables in the Narthex. Committees: $1423 Mortgage: $30,860 (includes over $6000 in principal) TOTAL EXPENSES: $148,772 Net income: $-1340 For the year thus far INCOME Envelope Income: $102,451 (above budget but includes a member’s yearly pledge paid in January! - Thank you) All Rents: $43,519 Rent: Preschool: 22,753 (preschool is not paying during summer months – will resume pay in Sept) Rent–Harmony $ 14,606 Total income: $147,432 (also includes OCWM donations, loose collections & ways & means) EXPENSES Employee expenses: $57,008 (Does not include Pastor Todd’s pension – taking a long time to set up, does include his social security offset.) Office administration - $3,524 copier leases, office supplies Building Administration: $81,952 Insurance $9534 Electricity : $26,036 (over budget but summer bills have been good) Utilities: $3304 Janitorial: $8233 Snow removal $1575 Lawn mowing $824 Repairs & Maintenance: $4866 (big repairs to heating/cooling) CHECKING & SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCES as of 5/15 The checking account $6893 The Savings account has $44,000 NOTES: We paid Lakeview Foundation the remaining money we owed them from the capital fund drive ($11,672.57) We owed 14,7736.57 but they bought our remaining P& G stock (for 3064). *The payment to Todd’s pension which we budgeted for is still in process – UCC has a lot of paperwork/ bureaucracy. When that becomes official we should owe a chunk of money for retroactive pay. I’m expecting our balance goes back to the positive this fall once Preschool is paying us again. High utility bills early in the year and higher insurance bills are part of the current shortfall. We are doing okay (with the $44,000 in savings still) but I’d rather not touch that for everyday expenses. Respectfully submitted, Rosemary Kolks Ennis Treasurer PS – (Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, suggestions etc.!! [email protected] &/or 513-265-2579) Blessings or Burdens? Interruptions can be viewed as sources of irritation or opportunities for service, as moments lost or experience gained, as time wasted or horizons widened. They can annoy us or enrich us, get under our skin or give us a shot in the arm, monopolize our minutes or spice our schedules — depending on our attitude toward them. ~William Arthur Ward SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 7 the L a k e v i e w L i n k MISSION GROUP FROM MI On Sunday, August 2 Lakeview celebrated with the Daily family as their four children were baptized by Pastor Todd during the worship service. The congregation was treated to Jason’s musical talents after the baptism. The children’s names are Zoey, Lily, Francesca and Noah; parents are Liza and Jason. As Lakeview’s Mission week was ending, The United Church’s (from Big Rapids, MI) was just beginning. In what is becoming a regular stop on their long drive to Kentucky’s Appalachian area, Pastor Jon Fleming and his group of volunteers stayed overnight in our church. Before their week of service began, the group found time for food and fun at Blaze Pizza followed by ice-cream at Graeter’s. In appreciation of the hospitality Lakeview showed them, and at the youths’ request, The United Church made a generous donation to the Back to School program for Washington UCC. We applaud their efforts and thank them for their donation. Well, as usual, summer is all too quickly coming to an end. But, for the most part, the weather has been great, and hopefully, will continue into the fall season. It’s time to start warming up those vocal chords to prepare to sing praises to our Lord! We are always looking for a few new voices, and this season, we could really use a few more men, so come on guys, WE NEED YOU!! Chris has a lot of wonderful new music for us this year, so please consider giving of your time and talents to enrich our Sunday morning worship. Choir rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, August 26, at 7:30 p.m., in the sanctuary. Everyone is welcome, so PLEASE COME JOIN US! SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 8 the L a k e v i e w L i n k APPRECIATION Thanks to the following eleven people who spent one of the hottest mornings of the summer tackling the weeds around the church on Saturday, July 18: Tom and Robin Bresko, Rosemary Ennis, Steve and Janet Friedhoff, Jody and Chuck McOsker, Bill and Linda Overholt, Ann Tsui, and Fred Wood. Your wor k made a visible differ ence!! Rosemary transforming the mailbox landscaping Fred and Ann on 7-18-15 Ann, Janet and Steve cleaning up the patio Special Dates Labor Day, September 7 Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15-October 15 Patriot Day, September 11 First Day of Autumn, September 23 National Grandparents Day, September 13 SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 9 the L a k e v i e w L i n k BEHIND THE SCENES AT LAKEVIEW Have you ever noticed something that needs to be done at church and wondered if it is anyone’s responsibility? The chances are it is one of hundreds of “unassigned tasks.” The Lakeview UCC budget is small and stretched thin. We are heavily dependent on volunteers. There are many things that get done by those who quietly do them, most likely having never been asked by anyone or acknowledged by anyone. If you are aware of people who do things like this, please let Lois know so we can make others aware in this new, little feature in The Link. Jane Allemang, Rob Fite and Linda Overholt change the messages on the chur ch sign out fr ont. (Let one of them or Pastor Todd know if you have an idea for a message.) The colorful flags that flank the church sign have been made by Deann Ragsdale, Lois Westpfahl, and Donna Wyatt. Linda Overholt changes the flags, accor ding to the chur ch litur gical season. Thanks to all for your efforts to bring attention to the “Extraordinary Welcome” that awaits those who enter our doors. DIRECTORY UPDATES Debbie Newcomb 1313 Duncan Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208 Kevin Ott 513-258-3224 Christie Kievit 945 Brownstone Trace Carmel, IN 46032 (If you have a change of address, please contact the church office. Thank you!) PHOTOS Tom Bresko and his wife, Robin, accept this heartwarming heirloom from Lakeview Quilters members Katha Kievit, Joyce Lohstroh, and Lois Westpfahl. The quilt is in memory of Mindy Henning, Tom's partner, who passed away in 2008. The quilt is made from t-shirts collected during their travels and will become a gift to Mindy's parents this coming Christmas. (More photos of the quilters are online at SJ U E PL TY E/M ABUEGRU S2 T0 1250 1 1 PAGE 10 the By Sue Anderson L a k e v i e w L i n k News from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, January 7, 2015: Due to a lawsuit, the PA Dept. of Corrections signed a 34 page settlement with the non-profit Disability Rights Network, to use new rules to its use of solitary confinement, phasing it out entirely for inmates with serious mental illnesses. By mid-2016, prisons will stop putting seriously mentally ill persons Restricted Housing Units, also known as "The Hole." And now even inmates with no mental illness are entitled to psychological evaluations if they are kept in "the Hole" for a year. The Network Attorney said solitary confinement is "ineffective, inefficient and just plain wrong for any human." The lawsuit, begun in 2013, claimed mentally ill inmates were being punished, this way, for behaviors rooted in their diseases, thus worsening their conditions, and preventing any chance of parole. The state maintained it didn't violate anyone's constitutional rights. Corrections Secretary John Wetzel said the state is "stepping up to do the right thing" in an era in which prisons "have become the de facto system responsible for treating the mentally ill." Under the agreement, when any of the 8,000 inmates with serious mental illness break prison rules, they may go to Diversionary treatment Units, for treatment and a minimum of 20 hours per week out of the cell, (10 "structured" and 10 "unstructured" hours). In The Hole, a person may get out under 5 hours per week, for a shower, etc. The agreement ends after 18 months in a row, of compliance, or after five years. The state will pay the Disability Rights Network $750,000 to cover its legal fees. If the state abandons the overhauls after the agreement expires, the organization could sue again. Nearly a quarter of the state's nearly 50,000 inmates receive mental health care. Mr. Wetzel said he's pleased with the new system and is confident that it's as good as that in any other state (which incidentally isn't saying much, since most states have no such plan and thousands are subjected to solitary confinement for long periods of time). In addition to mental health first aid training provided to all staff, 1,000 employees must go through a 32 hour crisis intervention class by 2017. Some prisoners, called certified peer specialists, will be trained to help the mentally ill. An 80 hour college-level training can even qualify them for jobs after leaving prison. (End of news article by Richard Lord) What this agreement says is hopeful. BUT, I know of people put in the Hole because one of the rules is that if you are in a fight, you go to the Hole, for months! No one asks who started the fight. A letter from a 65 year old man who uses a cane to walk tells of being attacked from behind and seriously injured. Another inmate finally was able to stop the attacker and pull him off the victim. All three men were put in "the Hole." If an inmate is found in someone else's cell, or cubicle, stealing things, and the owner tries to stop the thief, if there is any conflict whatsoever, both are sent to The Hole. And I question the term, "serious mental illness." Being in prison causes mental illness-- who is to judge the "seriousness"? Who oversees implementation? Prisoner's grievances are required to start any investigation. If his version conflicts a staff person's statement, only the staff is "believed." With more cameras, now an inmate can request that film be observed, but often the camera was not on, (or something), and thus he "loses." This case is a small step for these humans--maybe not a giant step, but a little start of awareness, and hopefully the publicity will raise awareness and make a difference. "In August the Connecticut Supreme court has ruled out the Death Penalty for their state, including those already on Death Row, joining other states who have given up the right to kill, to prove killing is wrong." SDEEPCTEEMMBBEERR 22001105 PAGE 11 the PRAYER REQUESTS SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS September 6 Bob Johnson September 10 Kathy Sensel September 11 Dominic Madden Kevin Ott Linda Overholt September 15 Dan Prows L i n k H-Health Issues • L-Life Decisions • M-Military • R-Recovering PS-Personal Safety Wanda Abney (H) Jane Allemang (H) Willa’s father, Bill Bailes (H) Karen Baumann’s mother, Beatrice Baumann (H) Sarah McOsker’s Grandmother, Rosemary Beleña (H) Emily Cooper’s Grandmother, Rose (H) Carol Grady’s friend, Nancy Cushman (H) Sheila Faulkner (IHN Office Manager), Marie Hupert (H) Cindy Prows’ nephew, Christopher Johnson & family (L) Cindy Prows’ niece, Susan Johnson (PS) Paula Seward’s sister, Kelly (H) Cami Kokenge (H) Shannon O’Connor’s friend’s father Ed Kusnerak (R) Lee Kirch’s sister, Jane Lally (H) Peggy Crews’ mother, Amanda Lorig (R) Tom McCormack (R) Ruth Gross’ grandniece, Meredith (H) Maria O’Brien (H) Pam Massung’s friend, Laura K. Ostertag (H) September 2 Mary Faye Cicero L a k e v i e w September 20 Todd Peterson Quinn Ragsdale September 24 Owen Kokenge September 25 Josh Maile September 27 Owen Friedhoff September 28 Chris Ennis September 29 Seth Tsui Deb Rufner’s friend, Janet Pierce (H) Alli Rettman (H) Carol Grady’s friend, Bill Rusche & Family (C) Sue Anderson’s nephew’s wife, Shakanahana (H) Amabel Traylor (H) Jerry Vitek (H) Joan Vitek (H) Keith Vogler’s friend, Mike Wolf (L) As many of you know, Ralph Silvis has recently moved to the Ohio Veteran’s Home. For those of you wishing to be in contact, the family is asking that, at this time, you do so by mail only while Ralph adjusts to his new surroundings. His address is: Ohio Veteran’s Home Attn. Ralph Silvis 2003 Veteran’s Blvd. Georgetown, OH 45121. For those of you wishing to visit with Dorothy, we recommend calling first and setting up a convenient time. Please keep Ralph and Dorothy and their family, as all the people listed on this page, in your hearts and prayers. SDEEPCTEEMMBBEERR 22001105 PAGE 12 the L a k e v i e w L i n k ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS LUCC’S BREAKFAST: There is a monthly breakfast at the Golden Corral where fellowship is fostered. Every one is welcome. We meet at 8:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at the Golden Corral on Mason Montgomery Road by Fields-Ertel. QUILT WITH US … We meet Wednesdays 10-12 noon in Rm 8. We finish new quilt tops and also restore well worn quilts. Proceeds go to Lakeview. Need more information? Call 683-2073. Join us, new members are always welcome! JUST FOR LUNCH: Our first luncheon back from summer will be at deSha’s located at 11320 Montgomery Rd, Cinti., OH 45249, on Thursday, September 10 at 12:30 p.m. Those wishing to carpool or have any questions should call Joyce Lohstroh at 513-899-1981. There is a signup sheet in the hallway by the church office. Hope to see everyone there! INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK-VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Along with 35 other local congregations and churches, Lakeview UCC works with IHN to provide meals, hospitality, and support to homeless families from Warren County as they seek to build a better life. Here is your chance to serve, as volunteers are needed at St. Pat’s Episcopal Church in Lebanon on Monday, Sept. 7. We are looking for someone to prepare a spaghetti dinner for the guests' (and hosts') evening meal. (Supplies/ money will be provided.) We need two people to serve as Evening Hosts from 5:40 til 8:45 p.m. You will get to help set up dinner, help clean up afterward, and then get a chance to play, talk with, and get to know the guests and their children. We also need two people to serve as Overnight Hosts. You will arrive at 8:40 p.m. and leave early the next morning after the van picks up the guests (usually leaves by 7 a.m.). Looking ahead: we will need two people to serve as Evening Hosts from 5:40 to 8:45 p.m. on Thursday, October 15 at the Resurrection Lutheran Church in Lebanon. (Duties are the same as previously mentioned.) If you would like to volunteer, or if you are interested but have questions, please contact Ellen Abel and she would be happy to help. You can email her at [email protected] or call her at 513-967-5022 (cell) or 513-683-9095 (home). INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW Are you considering joining Lakeview, do you have some questions, or would you just like to know more? Please mark your calendars with some important dates: On September 20 and 27 we will be meeting after the Sunday morning worship services for an 'Inquirer's Class.' These sessions are for anyone who would like to know more about Lakeview and the United Church of Christ. We will have lunch, discuss our church's history and vision, and several members of the congregation will share about their experiences at Lakeview. There will also be plenty of time for discussion and questions. On Sunday, October 4 there will be a time of celebration during the worship service as we welcome new members with a time of Covenant and Welcome. Please contact Pastor Todd or call the church office if you have any questions or if you are interested in attending so we can make sure we have enough food and information. SDEEPCTEEMMBBEERR 22001105 PAGE 13 the L a k e v i e w L i n k ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS FOOD PANTRY NEEDS AND A LAKEVIEW CHALLENGE It’s Back-to-School Time in Our Community! Which means, in order to be able to FOCUS and CONCENTRATE and LEARN all those new subjects that OUR area kids will be encountering in this school year - they need to have FULL BELLIES! It's HARD to FOCUS on your education when you are wondering where your next meal will be coming from or your stomach is grumbling so loud that it is hard to concentrate on your work. Lakeview has ALWAYS been a GIVING COMMUNITY, so let's roll our sleeves up and help stock those Kings Food Pantry shelves with FOOD for our local families -THEY NEED US! What is most needed? Prepackaged foods for packing lunches - such as crackers, raisins, boxed juices, fruit roll ups, etc., - you know, the ordinary prepackaged foods that we have all packed our kids lunches with at some time or the other. And lets not forget the rest of the family - Canned goods such as Spaghettios, Baked Beans, etc., Boxed Foods - Cereal, Mac & Cheese, etc., Cans of Tuna, Soup, Saltines, Jars of Peanut Butter, cans of vegetables - and the list goes on! Pre-packaged and Non-Perishables ONLY !!! And … I am submitting a LAKEVIEW CHALLENGE: Take one day out a week and go grocery shopping - not for your family, but for a FAMILY that you will probably NEVER meet - or you might. Shop for THAT family, with only THAT FAMILY that you are shopping for on your mind. Then EVERY SUNDAY in the month of September, bring your food donations to Lakeview and place those donations in the Food Donation Barrel remember, pre packaged & non-perishable foods only - and watch those FOOD donations GROW! Can you imagine the number of area families that you would be feeding with just this SIMPLE weekly gesture? Can you imagine the DIFFERENCE that you might make in a family's daily life? MAKE THAT DIFFERENCE - BE THAT DIFFERENCE. BACK TO SCHOOL It's time for classes to start again at the Lakeview Preschool which means lots of smiling little faces, laughter, and learning! We have such a great history with the Preschool as partners in our community and they could use our help this year with some needed supplies. While they would welcome any art supplies you might like to give, they specifically need: Card Stock-assorted colors Colored copy paper in light green, light blue, yellow and orange Manilla file folders Crayola crayons-8 pack-'Chubby' Crayola Washable markers-12 pack-Fine Line There will be a basket in the Narthex to collect your donations throughout the month of September, so please feel free to just drop them off whenever you are here. Thanks in advance for your generous support! SDEEPCTEEMMBBEERR 22001105 PAGE 14 the L a k e v i e w L i n k ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS Church Picnic! Mark your calendars and plan on a wonderful time of fun, food and fellowship when Chuck and Jody McOsker host this year's Lakeview Church Picnic on Saturday, September 12 from 3 p.m. til ?? It will be a great chance to play, talk, laugh, and, if you like, you can bring your swim-wear as the pool will be open. Church Picnic September 12 3 p.m.—?? The hamburgers, hotdogs, buns and condiments will be provided by the church and everyone is invited to bring their own choice of beverage and a potluck dish to share. In order to make sure we have plenty of food, please use the sign-up sheet on the round table in the Narthex to let us know how many will be ǡ ϐ Ǥǡ contact Steve Friedhoff at 513-247-Ͳͻ ͵ ͵ ϐ Ǥ Directions to McOskers 756 Wards Corner Road Loveland, OH 45140 From 275 take Wards Corner Rd North (Nine exits east of I-71) About one half mile past the Branch-Hill Guinea intersection, just as the road curves right, look for a private Y-shaped drive on the LEFT. There will be a post with 4 mailboxes – 746 & 758 are marked. Turn Left. Follow the stone wall into our driveway. Lost? 583-1904 or 885-2285 Help Strengthen Your Church!! PACT is Lakeview’s Pastoral Relations Committee. PACT is an acronym for” Pastor and Congregation Team.” The overall goal of PACT is to foster a healthy church by encouraging open and honest communication between Lakeview members and the pastor. PACT exists to serve as a conduit of ideas and information from the congregation to the pastor. Current members of PACT include Pastor Todd Peterson, Benny Anderson, Tom Burkett III, Rob Fite, Laura Friedhoff, Linda Overholt, and Lois Westpfahl. We want to hear what’s on your minds about both the strengths and weaknesses you experience and witness in the pastor/congregation relationship at Lakeview UCC. Let us hear from you! We believe that God is Still Speaking at LUCC. God may speak through any of you. PACT meetings are held at least 4 times each year. Our next meeting is on September 17. Contact any member of PACT to let us know what’s on your mind. PACT members wear blue name tags at church. SEPTEMBER 2015 PAGE 15 the L a k e v i e w L i n k ANNOUNCEMENTS WALNUT HILLS BREAKFAST LUNCH & LEARN RETURNS NEXT MONTH Lakeview will be serving breakfast to our neighbors in Walnut Hills on Saturday, September 26. If you would like to help prepare and serve the meal, please join us. We will meet at the Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen at 7:30 a.m., we serve from 9:30 to ͳͲǣ͵ Ͳǡ ϐͳͳǣͲͲǤ Ruthie McCormack at [email protected], or ϐ Ǥ Lunch and Learn returns next month on October 11. The topic will be a report from the General Synod 30 which was held in Cleveland in June, 2015. Please watch your bulletin and LUCC’s website for more information. If you are interested in attending this event and would like to carpool, there is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. YOUR INPUT IS REQUESTED Performance reviews of all Lakeview UCC staff will be conducted this fall. We, the Church Council, are inviting members of the congregation to participate in the pastoral review process, using the Pastor Performance Evaluation tool on the next three pages. At Lakeview we have a Pastor and Congregation Team (PACT) that regularly seeks input from members related to our Pastor’s performance. This is a more formal opportunity for you to rate our Pastor. It is the intention of Council that this will become an annual process, in an effort to strengthen the work of our Pastor in leading LUCC. We encourage you to print the Pastor Performance Evaluation tool, complete your responses, and return it to church by mail or by placing it in the offering plate no later than September 30, 2015. (To make this process easier for you, you will be receiving an email from LUCC with a Word attachment. There will also be a small number of printed copies available at church.) THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION! Your input is greatly valued! LAKEVIEW UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST PASTOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REV. TODD PETERSON DATE______________________ Please indicate how often the pastor demonstrates the characteristics or skills described below. Characteristic or Skill 5 4 All of Often the time 3 Sometimes A sense of theological identity and authority, while being responsive to the opinions and values of others The ability to listen empathically and keep appropriate confidence The ability to communicate appropriately The ability to function as part of a team and give/receive supervision The ability to accept and promote diversity and to inspire others to do so The ability to maintain personal and professional boundaries in interpersonal, congregational, and community settings The ability to be resourceful and adaptable, and know where to locate additional resources and seek consultation when needed The ability to demonstrate moral maturity, including integrity in personal and public life and responsibility to self, family, church, and community The ability to provide effective and appropriate pastoral care, and to equip and motivate others to share in these ministries 1 Pastor Evaluation, 2015 2 Rarely 1 Never 0 Unable to rate 5 4 All of Often the time 3 Sometimes 2 Rarely A thorough knowledge of, and personal engagement with the Bible; skill with methods of biblical interpretation, including the historic interpretive traditions of the church and contemporary methods; the ability to communicate biblical knowledge in an understandable way The ability to provide effective and appropriate Christian education / faith formation, and to equip and motivate others to share in these ministries The ability to lead and encourage ministries of evangelism, service, stewardship, and social transformation The ability to preach the Good News, lead worship, and participate in the sacraments in a manner faithful to the broader Christian heritage and to the specific culture of Lakeview UCC How long have you been going to worship services or activities at Lakeview UCC? ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Less than a year 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years More than 20 years How often do you attend worship or participate in other activities at Lakeview UCC? ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ I rarely attend worship or participate in activities I attend worship or participate in activities about once a month I attend worship or participate in activities two to three times a month I usually attend worship or participate in activities every week I attend worship or participate in activities more than once a week 2 Pastor Evaluation, 2015 1 Never 0 Unable to rate What is your Age? ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 or older Additional Comments:___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Thank you for responding to the pastoral evaluation. Please return it to Lakeview by September 30th. You may mail it, email it, or place it in the offering on Sundays. 3 Pastor Evaluation, 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 PAGE 19 the FAMILY ACTIVITIES L a k e v i e w L i n k 6 7A-AA 6P-BS-FH Welcome Back Preschool! 10A-Worship Service /SS 7A-AA 10A-Harmony-FH, RMS 7 6P-BS-FH 11:15A-Inquirers’ Class-Rm 7 27 7 28 21 14 7A-AA 5:40P-IHN at St. Pat’s Episcopal in Lebanon 6P-BS-FH Office Closed 10A-Worship Service /SS 7A-AA 10A-Harmony-FH, RMS 7-9 6P-BS-FH 11:15A-Inquirers’ Class-Rm 7 20 10A-Worship Service /SS 10A-Harmony-FH, RMS 7 13 10A-Worship Service /SS 10A-Harmony-FH, RMS 7-9 Communion Monday 8 1 8P—AA—FH 8P—AA—CR 8P—AA—FH 8P—AA—CR 8P—AA –FH 8P-AA-CR Office Closed 8P—AA –FH 8P-AA-CR 29 22 15 Welcome Back Preschool Teachers Office Closed 8P—AA –FH 8P-AA-CR Office Closed Tuesday 9 0A-Quilting-Rm 8. 12P-AA-FH & CR 5P-Weight Watchers—FH 7:30P-NA-8/9 7:30P-NAR Anon– Rm 7 30 10A-Quilting-Rm 8. 12P-AA-FH & CR 5P-Weight Watchers—FH 730P-Choir-Sanctuary 7:30P-NA-8/9 23 10A-Quilting-Rm 8 12P-AA-FH & CR 5P-Weight Watchers– FH 6:30P-Nar Anon Step—Rm 7 730P-Choir-Sanctuary 7:30P-NA-8/9 7:30P-NAR Anon– Rm 7 16 10A-Quilting-Rm 8 12P-AA-FH & CR 5P-Weight Watchers– FH 7P-Membership-Pastor’s Office 7:30P-Choir-Sanctuary 7:30P-NA –Rm 8/9 7:30P-NAR-Anon-Rm 7 10A-Quilting-Rm 8 12P-AA-FH & CR 5P-Weight Watchers– FH 7:30P-NA –Rm 8/9 7:30P-NAR-Anon-Rm 7 2 Wednesday 3 5P-Navigators-FH Friday 18 11 4 5P-Wedding Rehearsal 7:30P_Book Grp—Rm 8 8P-AA-FH 8P-Al Anon - Rm 7 24 25 1:15P-PACT-Pastor’s Office 3:30P-Girl Scout Mtg—Rm 8 6:15P-Girl Scout Mtg-Rm 7 7:30P_Book Grp—Rm 8 6:30P-AA District #28-FH 8P-AA-FH 8P-Al Anon - Rm 7 17 7:30P_Book Grp—Rm 8 8P-AA-FH 8P-Al Anon - Rm 7 10 3:30P-Girl Scouts Mtg.— Rm 8 6:15P-Girl Scout Mtg -Rm 7 7:30P_Book Grp—Rm 8 8P-AA-FH 8P-Al Anon - Rm 7 Thursday September 2015 LUCC Calendar of Events 7:30A-Walnut Hills Soup Kitchen Opportunity 5P-Lawrence Wedding 8P-NA - Rm 8/9 8P-NA - Rm 8/9 8P-NA-Rm 8/9 8A-:LUCC Breakfast at Golden Corral 8P-NA - Rm 8/9 5 26 19 12 Saturday SDEEPCTEEMMBBEERR 22001105 PAGE 21 the L a k e v i e w L i n k DO YOU KNOW WHO’S ON YOUR COUNCIL? Staff Additional Elected Positions Pastor* Todd Peterson Director of Music* Barb Face Childcare* Corey Nieman Financial Secretary Steve & Janet Friedhoff PACT Committees Members: Linda Overholt Lois Westpfahl Laura Friedhoff Benny Anderson Tom Burkett III Rob Fite Executive Committee Moderator/President* Tom Bresko Vice Moderator/ V.P. Trent Miller Past Moderator/Past President Karen Baumann Treasurer Rosemary Ennis Secretary (Recording) Cindy Prows Facilities Coordinator Chris Ennis Keith Vogler Standing Committees (contact person): A.I.M. (Action in Mission) Leslie Brinkman Christian Education vacant Fellowship Steve Friedhoff Membership and Publicity Ruth McCormack Music Chris Ennis Worship Lollie Kasulones Additional Committees & Teams (contacts) Publicity Team Chair Vacant Stewardship Lakeview’s Mission: We are a people called by God to intentionally welcome, nurture and send, so that we can grow God’s church. Lakeview’s Vision: Reaching Out Through God’s Spirit by Involving, Serving and Learning Active Mission -Meeting the needs of others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Justice -Creating change to serve others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing Arts -Inviting others to the “party” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spiritual and Life Journeying -Preparing ourselves and others to live out the benefits and challenges of a Christian life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INVOLVING, SERVING, LEARNING INVOLVING, SERVING, LEARNING INVOLVING, SERVING, LEARNING INVOLVING, SERVING, LEARNING