While you - Central University of Rajasthan
While you - Central University of Rajasthan
*Designed by Mukul Meghwal - M.Tech. IV Sem astitva Editorial Board F e a t u r e s (In alphabetical order): Abhijit Gajapure (M.B.A.), Ashish Sethi (M.B.A.), Arun Kumar Shukla (MSc.Tech. Mathematics), Deepanshu Mittal (M.Sc. Statistics), Geromic George (M.A. Economics), Khushbu Kumpawat (M.A. English), Kirti Sharma (M.Sc. CS), Nitisha Khandelwal (M.Sc. Statistics), Poonam Rathore (M.A. Economics), Pramathesh Nandan (M.A. English), Prem Prakash Meghwal (M.B.A.), Priyanka Gupta (MSc.Tech Mathe-matics), Raghubir Singh (M.B.A.) and Ritesh Dudi (M.B.A.). 2 4 6 7 8 Astitva Team (In alphabetical order): Aruna Sharma (M.A. Hindi), Ashanjal (MBA), Ashutosh Bajaj (M. Arch.), Jyoti Divedi (M.A. Hindi), Khushbu Sharma (M.A. Economics), Nikita Puri (M.A. Economics), Nitisha (M.Sc. Statistics), Poorvi Medatwal (M.A. Economics), Shefali Kumawat (M.A. Economics), Vijendar Singh (Media and Cultural Studies), Yadvendra Parmar, (M.A. Hindi). Team of the Month Letter to Editors Raghubir Singh Cover Story Raghubir Singh The Flow Kirti Sharma CURAJ Mail and FTP service Lohri Celebration Tamanna Charaya & Kirandeep Kaur 10 International Symposium on Game Theory: Teaching and Applications 11 e-Governance Workshop 12 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN CHEMISTRY (ICGC – 2011) Sohan Lal Bhamu (In alphabetical order): Kirti Sharma (M.Sc. CS), Mukul Meghwal (M.Tech. CS), Prem Prakash Meghwal (M.B.A.), Priyank singh Hada (M.Tech. CS), Raghubir Singh (M.B.A.), Vikram singh Slathia (M.Sc. CS) 13 Workshop : Sattistics Department Umesh Khatri 14 Paper Buzz 15 Kabaddi Tournament Sanjeet Kumar 16 Message From Editor 2012 The year of Election Geromic George VOLUME 2 ISSUE 6 26 अक्सर ये होता है यादवेन्द्र चेजारा 27 तुम्हारी मुस्कान बहुत लाजवाब है Sudhanshu Maurya 28 Am I Loser? Annu Yadav 'kghnksa dh dgkuh 30 vkuUn dqekj jkr 31 dy Rajkumar Tripati RUN 32 GO Raghubir Singh & Divya Deep 35 A Tribute to Dev Anand Vikram Singh Slathia 36 Life@Robotics Vikram Singh Slathia 37 Robot Mice Gopal Verma 38 Robot Beggars Gopal Verma 39 izse ¼ ,d yxko ½ egs”k xksLokeh 40 ekaW Lkksgu yky 41 My Experience Sunil Chejara 19 NASA Launches Largest ever Mars rover 20 It’s the journey that’s important 42 Interview - Miss Fresher to walk on this planet, to experience sensations of a human mind, to share 21 43 nterview - Mr. Fresher intelligent beings we can reflect upon the abundance of Gifts- that we have. 22 Is Shraddha Sharma India’s Justin In the spirit of humility we thank.. for all that is. We thank the great spiritual beings who have shared their wisdom. We are grateful for the opportunity in this wonder-that LIFE is. We are grateful that we are conscious, that as We will always be thankful to those who rekindle our inner spirit. Abhinav Saraswat मन का सृजन कीर्ती शर्मा Bieber? Ashanjal Singh 24 Joy of giving An Astitva efforts Kirti Sharma Isha Saha Priyank Singh Hada Geromic George 44 Film Review: Agneepath Bharat Dev Meghwal 45 46 Indian Ocean Deepanshu Mittal Campus Buzz 1 LETTER TO E D I T O R S O fflate it was being discussed, obse r v e d a n d identified that the team ASTITVA co u l d h a v e been more far reaching to the stu d e n t s o f CU-Raj. While maintaining the q u a l i t y o f the e-magazine was one aspect a n o t h e r was to encourage maximum p a r t i c i p ation without leaving any s c o p e f o r hierarchy/ formal Power s t r u c t u r e . After several experiments a n d c o n templation i believe that t h e t e a m ASTITVA can exhibit in n o v a t i o n and creativity by going f o r a n e version, totally paperles s - f o c u s e d on sustainability. “No Paper, No Money & No Hirearchy” is the bes t b e n c hmark be that i believe s h o u l d inculcated in ASTITVA’s foundation. F u r t h e r even the Editor i a l B o a r d shall not be just a handful o f st u dents but the en tire University . . y e s i know it is possible at least in the age o f F a c ebook. We can experiment using Artificial Intelligence f o r s u c h a n e x p l o r a t i o n. The official journal of the International AIED Soci e t y s h a l l b e h e l p f u l i n that direction for the experts working for team A S T I T V A . ( crystallized after debate and discussions) shall be considered as ‘Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat” for each issue of ASTITVA. Test-1 Do the Article/ Contribution reflects any/ many of the impressions made by the following Commandment(s)? Test-2 Do the Article/ Contribution violates or distorts the impression made by the following Commandment(s)? ASTITVA’s Commandment(s) derived out of the Vision, Mission, Objective and Academic Value statements of the CU-Raj. 1. CU-Raj is India’s dynamic and vibrant university responsive to the changing global trends viz. eg. Focus on a Sustainability, Commitment towards Environment etc. 2. The learner community seeking quality education gets unparalleled educational opportunities for continual personal and professional enrichment by innovative assistance. 3. Interactions, discussions & debates of scholarly community @ CU-Raj focuses on advancing, sharing and applying knowledge which in turn facilitates the development of thoughtful, creative, sensitive and responsible citizens. 4. Teamwork has a sense of commitment towards educational, cultural, economic, environmental, health and social advancement of the region and the nation at large. 5. Building character values and forging the careers are simultaneously achieved via developing analytical thinking, individual initiative and responsibility. I a m n o t a t echnical expert to comment on “HOW?” but as an end us e r i h a v e t h e r e a s o n s f or the “WHY?”. 6. To accommodate flexible, innovative academic and research support structures that are responsive to a broad range of learners. F u r t h e r p l e a s e find the draft proposal for exploring and discussing t h e p o s sib i l i t i e s f o r t he same. 7. Integration of Social Science with Science & Technology having high academic, technical & ethical standards in view of the changing global trends. Step-1 Forming an I have put in deep thought towards making this experementative model for ASTITVA. I expect valuable feedback & critical evaluation on the same. But please do it with a long term perspective irrespective of any biasness of mind or emotion. e-Editorial Board for ‘ASTITVA’ Step-2 Ex p l o r i n g t h e possibilities of feasible applications of Artificial Intellige n c e ( A I ) f o r su c h p u r pose. Executing Step-1 Articles reflecting and passing through the Acid Tests ( two ) of following Commandments* 2 An insecure mind will always favor a crystallized hierarchy but as a University we are focused on Wisdom. There is no dearth of Knowledge and knowledgeable tools around. We are cohered here for self evolution and not any revolution. Raghubir Singh (M.B.A. IV Sem) 3 C OVER S T O R Y Life @ CURAJ How many of us have sincerely cohered together to Save Water, prevent Food wastage, save Environment, Control pollution, create a congenial learning culture in the said context etc? T he fact that whether the said words are taken as a Statement, Compliment or a Question the reply may vary as per the state of mind and level of maturity. But whatever the multifaceted and colourful reply that one may have in response to the said context we all agree on the following. A few students of CURAJ had taken initiative to teach the children of the workers. The team leader of this initiative had always contributed positively and even despised an attempt to be highlighted via. ASTITVA. He seriously condemned any attempt to highlight his teamwork. He despises publicity as popularity gimmick which desecrates the essence of silent giving. The team believes in silent efforts like silent prayers. For a couple of months they had experimented their silent model and are still continuing. Only those who had Life @ CURAJ ensures and provides equal opportunity to flourish and learn the essentials of Sustainability from each other irrespective of age, gender, course etc. There is no room for artificial hierarchy on the name of senior/ junior. The Wise learn and accepts from every source. Thus wisdom lies in respecting and treating others as we want ourselves to be treated. Finally to sum up “Life @ CURAJ” is just like the outcrops of Bander Sindri. The rocky projections of the Arravali from beneath the surface reflects the mature PreCambrian rock which is older than the Himalaya and probably one of the oldest rocks of the world- approximately half the age of Earth itself. It does not boast of its height but relies on its deep-seated roots. It has gauged We Agree that ‘Life @ CURAJ’ has a purpose. A purpose that is deeper in meaning and wider in comprehension than its synonym-viz. ‘Sustainability’. Joining CURAJ is not just confined to one of the many options available in the career progression market. It is a purposeful, conscious and rational decision to express and exercise the muscles of ones belief towards a Sustainable future on the planet. We at CURAJ have consciously made this choice. While choosing among the best available career options and then competing to accomplish a seat in our respective courses ranging from Enviro Economics to Green Chemistry to Sustainable Architecture and many others we all had agreed upon certain predefined circumstances.These circumstances we all had apprehended and accepted as not to be bed of roses. The answer to such questions from ourselves will actually provide the blueprint of our core character. And mind it, it shall be strictly confidential as no one but ourselves shall be the Examiner and the Examinee both. Such exercises as “Asking the right questions” highlights a lot to ourselves. Accordingly we can confer and confide upon self examination and self appraisal about sustainability rather than getting it endorsed from outside. Since all of us are the trendsetters of the Life @ CURAJ it offers us such great opportunities which Of course Sustainability is not about cozy de- are unique to us and unparalleled as compared to cisions but about the appropriate decisions. any other options available to each of us. So let’s tighten our seat belts to accept some I am happy to mention here a few of such pious of the blunt and appropriate questions from and sacred contributions which were silent and ourselves. This shall act as an Odometer to were always focused on higher paradigms of evotrack how far have we actually traveled. lution. 4 watched them have realized the sanctity of this model. the tides of time and forewarns about the law of Perishability and Change. Thus highlighting the need for Sustainability- one of the core Goals of CURAJ. Sustainability needs such silent contributors who identify the problem, asks the right questions and provides a solution though it may demand inconvenience and serious efforts. But this is not all. There is a lot of fun and pun in every moment of “ Life @ CURAJ”. Small small interest groups for interaction and cross pollination of thoughts are coming up. Simple serene exchange of different world and ideas takes place Asking right questions and addressing the right every now and then. Rural urban, metropolitan, problem shall only lead to solutions. There shall simple, extravagant, flashy, different economic be no other way to enriching the Life @ CURAJ. and social background all joining each other with Likewise various platforms of CURAJ like ASTITVA curiosity. A beautiful Kaleidoscope of different are formed to cohere purposefully and to nurture ways of lives.... positive creativity. Any ignorant attempt to discuss nonessential digressions as advocating un- contd... (page no. 41) necessary Politics, forming power hierarchy to be the President of ASTITVA, or raising funds etc. are not part of Life @ CURAJ. Raghubir Singh M.B.A.- IV Sem 5 COVER S T O R Y W e all ’ve had days in life when things couldn’t get any further off the track. A friend or companion reassures us that everything will be fine, all we need to do is relax and “go with the flow”. Like we haven’t heard that one before, and in some way, ‘going with the flow’ is going to solve our problems and that flow is full of creation. UNIVERSITY NEWS The FLOW of CREATION Actually, it does. You might not think about it immediately after that caring companion brings you back to life with those words of wisdom, but we still end up asking ourself later, “What exactly is this ‘flow’? Does it mean that I have to say yes to everything? Are my personal values going to be challenged by going? What if I don’t feel I should Think of it as part of that natural process that leads always go with the flow?” Don’t contemplate this us directly to where we are now.And alwaz cretoo long; doing so will be going against the flow! ation with flow of freedom is Spontaneous and natural. Life must go beyond the intuitive nature of Imagine the flow as creation. Flowers ef- cognition.This is actual flow of freedom,with flow fortlessly reach toward the sun, clouds lightly float of creation in journey of life. across the sky and the tides continue to work like clockwork as they have since the beginning of re- Our wish is for all to display our energy as strongly corded time! You and I are a part of this universal as we can in the now. Blessings to everyone as we masterpiece. As Human Beings, we are becoming go with the flow – after all, there is no better moincreasingly aware that everything in creation has ment... Blessings alwaz helps grow in a greater come from one universal source of energy. This way... Yes a true blessing imprinted on all of us. source of energy is fueled by what I have come to know as The Now. The now is the present moment in which we are. It is happening with you as it is with me, and the true beauty of it is that it always occurring. How can one determine whether their ‘flow’ is a raging river or what right now? Our thoughts, words and actions in the present moment ultimately shape us as individuals. When something happens, it is essential to keep a positive mindset no matter what the situation. 6 Kirti Sharma M.Sc. CS(IV sem) CURAJ Mail & FTP Server N ow we have our own mail id of our CURAJ mail have following features: own domain name. Every member of CURAJ family has its own e-mail id as 1. Use interface of Gmail which will be easy [email protected]. to use. Every teaching and non-teaching staff has its own mail ID of its own name and designation both. CURAJ is being offered personalized email service through Google Apps for Education. 2. Up to 25 GB of email storage and advanced videoconferencing. 3. Chat enabled mailboxes. 4. Features like Google doc, Calendar & We use Google Apps because it is easy to Contact Management. deploy, because no software to install, no hardware to buy, just validate your MX re- 5. 99.9% uptime. cords and create your accounts to get started. 6. Sync with Outlook, Blackberry, and IMAP (Demo). Second it saves money because it is based on Cloud Architecture. No license is re- 7. Acclaimed spam and virus filtering. quired. 8. Easy group mailing. Thirdly we are not alone because thousands of Universities are using Google Apps and 9. Initial Capacity to create 2000 users. last but not least is its security, as powerful as Google. 10. Personalized First Page. 7 UNIVERSITY NEWS Lohri Celebration Lohri is the fam o u s f e st of the P unjabis like D e e p a w a l i , D u s s h e r r a e tc. It is m a i n l y c e l e b r a t e d b y P u njabis. Acco r d i n g t o B i k r a m i , Lo h r i falls in t h e m o n t h o f P a u s h o r as per the G r e g o r ia n c a l e n d a r i t would fall a r o u n d 1 3 t h o f J a n u a r y every year . I t i s c e l e b r a t e d a d a y be fore M a k a r S a k r a n t i a s i t marks the e n d o f t h e w i n t e r se a son. Lohr i c e l e b r a t i o n i s a ss o ciated with t h e r e m e m b r a n c e o f Dullu Bhat t i w h o l i v e d i n P u n j a b during the r e i g n o f e m p e r o r A k b a r. Besides r o b i n g t h e r i c h , h e r escued Hind u g i r l s b e i n g f o r c e f u l l y taken to b e s o l d i n t h e s l a v e market of t h e m i d d l e e a s t . He a r ranged thei r m a r r ia g e s t o Hi n d u boys with r i t u a l s a n d p r o v i d e s them with d o w r i e s . S o e v e r y o t h e r song has w o r d s t o e x p r e s s g r a t i t ude to Dulla B h a t i . Lohr i i s a l so t r a d i t i o n a l l y a sso ciated with t h e h a r v e st o f t h e r a b i crops. 8 People take peanuts, reuri and various food items to p laces of religious worship to thank God for a good harvest. Eating of “til” and reuri is considered to be ritual on Lohri day. Children on lohri day go door to door , singing folk songs(sundar mundriye……) praising Dul la Bhati. The collection s gathered by the children are known as lohri and consist of til, gachak, crystal, sugar, gur, We celebrat e d L o h r i a t o u r Bander Sindri c a m p u s w i t h g r e a t fun in the pr e s e n c e o f a l l f a c u l ty members. I t w a s a w o n d e r f u l celebration w i t h b o t h b o y s a n d peanuts and phuleya or moongfali. girls present d a n c i n g a n d s i n g i n g around a bon f i r e i n f r o n t o f t h e Lohri is then distributAcademic Blo c k . ed a night during festival. The Lohri(bonfire) fire consists of cow dung and wood, til moongfali popcorn are also thrown into the fire. Often sugar and Ghee is used to light the lohri. Til, moongfali popcorn are also offered into the fire. Then the sweets are distributed. People sit around the fire; sing songs and dance till the fire TAMANNA CHARAYA (M.A. Economics – II) dies out. This is to show respect KIRANDEEP KAUR to the natural element of fire. (M.A Economic- IV) 9 UNIVERSITY NEWS UNIVERSITY NEWS e-Governance Workshop Int e r n a t i o n a l S y mposium on Game Theory: Te a c h i n g and Applications State University of NewYork/ Stony Brook,U.A. ;Prof. Eyal Winter, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem/ State University of NewYork ; Prof. Prabal Roy Choudhury, ISI New Delhi ; Prof. Jayasree Ravindran, IPE, Hyderabad; Prof. V.B Upadhyaya, IIT, Prof. Pradeep, discussed about Braess’ Paradox, Gale and Shapley (Matching) in a very lucid manner and invoked interest among the audience with a help of interesting illustrations. O n 16th of December 2012 Central University of Rajasthan has organized the “International Symposium on Game Theory: Teaching and Applications”. Prof. M.M. Salunkhe, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Central University of Rajasthan welcomed the Guest of Honor Prof. Eyol Winter and Chief Guest Prof. Pradeep Dubey, other experts and academicians invited by the Convener Prof. Suresh Deman, CURAJ. New Delhi ; Prof. G. Ravindran, ISI Chennai. The Presidential address and chief guest’s address were followed by the formal proceedings of the symposium wherein different applications and real world problems of strategic importance and academic interest were discussed by Prof. Pradeep Dubey, State University of NewYork/ Stony Brook,U.A. ;Prof. Pradeep Dubey, 10 Prof. Prabal , elaborated upon “Applications of Game Theory”. He referred several applications as in the fields of Micro Financing, Terrorism, Tariff Wars, Political Economy, land acquisition with special reference to the Singur deal. Ms. Jayasree emphasized role of IPE in matching between theory and practice with special reference to the performance management system. Prof. Eyal elaborated the importance of Game Theory in practicing auctions and bargaining. Prof. V. B. Upadhyaya highlighted the application of Game Theory in social concerns. Prof.G.Ravindran explained theoretical analysis of solving problems related to bankruptcy using Game Theory. Prof. Deman discussed about teaching and application of game theory. The symposium was successfully wind up after valedictory function and vote of thanks. T he Depar tment of Computer Science and Engineering organ i z e d ‘ N a t i o n a l W o r k s h o p o n awareness in e-Governance’ on December 20, 2011. This Workshop was sponsored by the Ministry of Information Te c h n o l o g y a t t h e K i s h a n g a r h campus of the Central University of Rajasthan. Around 250 par t i c i p a n t s a t te n d e d t h e wo r k shop out of which 118 candidates registered from outside. “Awa r e n e s s a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n Campaign for National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)” was the theme o n w h i c h E m i n e n t t h i n ke r s and policy makers in the field of e-governance elaborated and d i s c u s s e d t h e i r v i ew p o i n t s in details. 11 UNIVERSITY NEWS UNIVERSITY NEWS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN CHEMISTRY (ICGC 2011) WORKSHOP: STATISTICS DEPARTMENT I t was a moment of pride and honor for the Dept. of Statistics (Actuarial) to welcome three dignitaries from ‘Statistics’ World. Two of them were familiar faces- Prof. DVS Sastry and Prof. Y.P. Sabharwal and also Prof. Shailja R. Deshmukh. The three day workshop included lectures on Risk Measures by Prof. Sastry, Risk Management and Insurance by Prof. Sabharwal and Multi-State Transition Models for Cash-Flows by Prof. Deshmukh. The workshop started with the lecture by Prof. Sastry , which , with no difference, was full of knowledge and anecdotes. The lecture mainly highlighted the new changes and upcoming methods in the stochastic modeling basis, about the coherent risk measures, their properties and uses, etc. to a significant level. Prof. Sabharwal’s lecture touched some key-concepts of solvency, risk transfer and risk management. He also discussed about the upcoming challenges, particularly in the insurance industry. Whereas Prof. Deshmukh’s lecture were more focused on the basic knowledge of use of Markov Models in the calculation of Actuarial Premiums. I nternational Conference on Green Chemistry – 2011 (ICGC – 2011) was organized by Central University of Rajasthan at Fortune Hotel Bella Casa, Jaipur during Dec, 7 – 9, 2011. About 280 participants from all over the India and also from abroad attended the conference. International delegates included Prof. John C. Warner, the founder father of Green Chemistry, Prof. John “Bob” Peoples from ACS Green Chemistry Institute and Prof. Robert Donkers, Minister Counsellor Environment, Delegation of European Union to India. The national delegates included the directors of prestigious research institutes such as Prof. J. S. Yadav, Director of IICT Hyderabad, Prof. G. D. Yadav, Director of ICT, Mumbai and Dr. Sourav Pal, Director of NCL, Pune and many more. Also, around 180 participants including Professors/Associate Professors/Assistant Professors and young researchers from various academic institutes and Govt. research laboratories attended the meeting, delivered lectures and participated in the intellectual discussions. The industrial delegates from companies, BP Ergo and Godrej also participated in the meeting and delivered product based research talks that highlighted the importance of Green Chemistry in manufacturing sustainable products of daily life. The Profs also gave important inputs and suggestions to the final semester students with respect to their minor and major projects. The lectures turned out to be very fruitful; and served the purpose completely, opening many new opportunities’ to listeners. Speakers detail : Prof.DVS Sastry : Ex. Director General of IRDA Prof.Y.P.Sabharwal : (Chief Actuary, Oriental Insurance) Prof. Shailja R. Deshmukh : University of Pune, Pune and the author of three books(1.Microarray Data: Statistical Analysis Using R (2007),2. Statistics Using R (2008) 3. Actuarial Statistics: An Introduction Using R (2009) Special this conference dedicated the green inventor those innocent green ideas which are beneficial for us. ICGC – 2011 provided an excellent opportunity to research scholars, students and industrialists to interact with the world renowned scientists and academicians in the field of Green Chemistry and discuss the current challenges and deliberate on the future applications of Green Chemistry. Sohanl Lal Bhamu (M.Sc. Chemistry - IV Sem) 12 Umesh Khatri M.Sc. Statistics- Acturial IV Sem 13 UNIVERSITY NEWS UNIVERSITY NEWS Paper Buzz Six papers from MTech(4th sem) and 2 from MSc. CS(4th Sem) have been published: An excellent achievement for the authors and inspiration for family CURAJ kabaddi tournament and the lesson we learnt... All other teams had an experienced coach or trainer. Titles: “A Review of Wireless Security Protocols: WEP, WPA and WPA-2”, “One Time Password: A Secure Authentication Scheme”, “Protocol Design for Advanced Security in Wireless Networks” and “Security-Enhanced Instant Messaging”. However, this was a great experience for our team and the university can implement the lessons learnt from this to gain positive results in the future. Otherwise, our team will go in other sports but they cannot play effectively and which consequences will be negative. Authors: Arvind Dhaka, Raghuveer Singh Dhaka, Mukul Manmohan Meghwal. Selected In: International Conference on Computer Application 2012 (ICCA) in association with Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties (ASDF), India Association of Computer machinery (ACM), Science & Engineering Research Support Society (SERSC), Korea Link: http://www.asdf.org.in/2ICCA2012/ Proc. Of the Intl. Conf. on Computer Applications-Volume 1. Copyright©2012 Techno Forum Group: 1) India. ISBN: 978-81-920575-9-0 :: doi: 10. 74152/ISBN_0768 ACM #: dber.imera.10. 74152 2) India. ISBN: 978-81-920575-9-0 :: doi: 10. 74145/ISBN_0768 ACM #: dber.imera.10. 74145 3) India. ISBN: 978-81-920575-7-6 :: doi: 10. 73977/ISBN_0768 ACM #: dber.imera.10. 73977 4) India. ISBN: 978-81-920575-9-0 :: doi: 10. 74138/ISBN_0768 ACM #: dber.imera.10. 74138 • Title: AirPTWFrag: A New Wireless Attack Author: Arvind Dhaka, Raghuveer Singh Dhaka ,Priyank Singh Hada. Selected In: 1st ICNCS (International Conference On Networks & Cyber Security) Conference Proceedings & Journal link March 2012 Link: http://www.ijser.org/ResearchPaperPublishing_March2012.aspx • Title: A Novel Fuzzy Clustering Architecture for Document Clustering Authors: Vibekananda Dutta, Nishtha Kesswani. Selected In: International journals of Artificial intelligence & Expert System Link: www.cscjournals.org/csc/manuscript/Journals/IJAE/.../IJAE-89.pdf • Title: Permormance comparison of hard and soft approaches for document clustering Authors: Vibekananda Dutta, Litan Paul, Nishtha Kesswani, Krishna Kumar Sharma. Selected In: International journals of Soft-computing & Bioinformatics Link: www.serialspublications.com/journals1.asp?jid=335&dtype=2.pdf • Title: Security Agents: A Mobile Agent Based Trust Model for Cloud Computing Authors: Priyank Singh Hada, Mukul Manmohan Meghwal, Ranjita Singh. Published In: International Journal of Computer Applications Link: research.ijcaonline.org/volume36/number12/pxc3976435.pdf Overall 35 Papers have been accepted in various Conferences and Journals. 14 Kabaddi is one of the most pop- Our team arrived in Bhopal on ular games in India. This game is less time consuming than others and causes fewer injuries as well. This year, India hosted the kabbadi world cup tournament in Punjab and won it as well. 7th October, and all west zone teams were welcomed warmly by the host university. There were arrived around 48 teams who came from different states of west zone. Our first match was with a south Gujarat team on 9th October. We played as well as far as possible but the result was not in our favour. Team CURAJ participated in AIU’s (Association of Indian Universities) West Zone kabaddi tournament at Barkatulla University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh But after losing the match I for the first time. found out a lot of reasons behind this failure. Lack of a Asst. Prof Abhighyan Dwedi coach, trainer, improper issuacompanied the team- San- ances of guide lines and lack jeet Kumar, Aashish Yadav, Ab- of time management were the hishekh Kumar, Arvind Yadav, reasons due to which we could Chhavi Prakash, Sri Nivasan Ya- not practise very well. We also dav, Narsimha,Mukesh Poonia, committed some mistakes durRamaotar Meena , Ramnivas ing the match and threw the boMeena, Sohan Lal, and Vinay nus point to the opposite team kumar. which had a negative impact. As we know that failure makes for good learning. This should be the motto in real life if a person wants to achieve his ambition. The reason being that without proper management, good coordination, adequate guidelines and a good practice it can’t be done. Unless the university provides the basic requirements positive results will not be achieved. An example from finance – if a person invests in any asset without proper knowledge, information and guidelines and expects high yield on the investment, then that person is not realistic about his or her yield. We should take this defeat in the right spirit and think positive. Sanjeet Kumar M.B.A.- IV sem (Finance) 15 POLITICS & C U R R E N T A F F A I R S The incumbent government is a technical government led by an independent, Lucas Papademos, and including members of George Papandreou’s PASOK, the opposition conservative ND and the far-right LAOS. 2012 Y e a r o f ELECTIONS If 2011 was the year of political change when dictators were toppled through street protests then 2012 would be a year of political leadership change. The year, 2012, would witness elections in many countries across the world and this has the potential to redefine the entire political landscape. We are looking at elections in the US, Mexico, Venezuela, France, Belgium, Greece et al. On top of this we have leadership changes in China which would be very keenly watched the world all over. I am going to stick my neck out with a few predictions for the coming elections. US Elections :There is very little doubt that the elections in the US would be the one which would the most keenly watched political event this year (not taking into account any more revolutions or protests!). The big question in every one’s mind is whether Obama would get re-elected or not. Judging from the results in Iowa and New Hampshire of Republican hopefuls who are fighting for the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney may finally get the opportunity to fight it out against Barack Obama. Obama of late has managed to improve his ratings and his chances of getting re-elected would greatly improve if the economy sustains its recovery in this year as well. 16 French Presidential Elections :Goodbye There is a still long way to go for November elections but if the recovery goes the way it is going now and the unemployment rate falls below 7% then Obama’s chances become brighter. Every 1% drop in unemployment may lead to a 5% increase in votes for Obama (just a ‘guessestimate’). But Romney could do well because many voters who voted for Obama in 2008 are disillusioned with him. Obama’s political campaign machinery is already chugging along well and fund raising is also on the right track. So, a ‘Mitt Romney vs Barack Obama’ contest is most likely going to be a closely fought one, with the major issues being the economy and jobs. Prediction for the Year: Barack Obama wins narrowly. Carla Bruni! Many are going to miss you from the Elysees Palace, but nobody will miss the current incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy (except for perhaps German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the two were quite a pair!). To be blunt and to be brief, Nicolas Sarkozy’s ratings are low, very very low. His approval ratings remain terrible, his support at an anemic 25% in the first round and a disastrous 40-43% in the runoff against the PS’ François Hollande.The popular mood is very much one of discontent and disillusion with the two main contenders, who nonetheless top the polls. But can this state of affairs, not too dissimilar from the one which existed in 2002, be twisted to the advantage of either Marine Le Pen, the far-right’s candidate who remains a threat to the two main contenders with her 16% support; or the centrist François Bayrou, looking surprisingly strong?Prediction for the Year: Sarkozy out, François Hollande in. It will be interesting to observe the electoral ramifications of the Greek crisis, which Papandreou and now Papademos’ governments have responded to with EU and IMF-imposed severe austerity medicine which Greek voters find extremely bitter and try to spit out at any occasion. The next elections are unlikely to provide stability around PASOK and ND, because both of Greece’s main parties are failing to “catch fire” with voters. ND stands at 30% support (33.5% in 2009), while PASOK has collapsed to 15-19% support (it won 44% in 2009). The main beneficiaries happen to be parties which are unlikely to be as supportive of austerity: the socialist SYRIZA, the quasi-Stalinist KKE and SYRIZA splinter DIMAR. LAOS stands to gain, but its support has already weakened after it entered government. Together, the fractious Greek left (SYRIZA and KKE, who hate each other with a passion) would be the largest force, but even divided it could prevent the formation of a government along the lines of PASOK, ND and LAOS.Prediction for the Year: None, very difficult to predict who will finally emerge victorious. Greek Elections :At the centre of the Eurozone debt crisis and one of the countries hit the most severely by the economic crisis, Greece will likely hold snap elections by the end of February 2012. 17 BUSINESS & SCI-FI Venezuela : Venezuela’s controversial President Hugo Chávez will be seeking a third term in office on October 7, 2012 roughly two years after the Chavist party, the PSUV, barely won the 2010 legislative elections against a united opposition front. In 2011, Chávez was hospitalized in Cuba with colon cancer and there have been some doubts about Chávez’s health. He has shown absolutely no signs of relinquishing office in 2012, and will probably enter the 2012 election as the favourite but the opposition will likely mount a more challenging opposition than Manuel Rosales had managedto do in 2006. Prediction for the Year:It could turn out to be a messy affair, if Chavez thinks he is losing then he may employ ‘strongarm tactics’ to crush the opposition. But Chavez should still manage to win. The couple frequently lives apart due to their largely separate lives. They are sometimes considered China’s emerging star political couple. Now, this upcoming generational change will occur in a very interesting time. At least three things make this one particularly important.The first one is what you just mentioned, that seven out of nine members of the Standing Committee - this is the most powerful decision making body, the supreme decision making body - will be changed. And also the same pattern in the government, in terms of the State Council: seven out of eight people highly likely will be replaced. Also, seven out ten members of the central military commission will be replaced. So, that high level, with that kind of percentage isremar-kable,or unprecedented. Secondly, this is the time first time in modern history that China emerged as an economic superpower. So, leadership change, and also possible policy change will have strong impact, not only to China, but also beyond the Chinese borders, particularly economic and social policy, and also foreign policy .And thirdly, this leadership challenge occurs at a time when there’s a lot of change in Chinese society. There’s a growing resentment by various social groups - by middle class and poor people - and there is also serious concern about China’s future, and the direction - particularly, political direction - where China is heading. So that’s it folks! Biggest Prediction for the Year: China: No elections in China. But there would be 2012 will not be remembered as the year when a leadership change that the entire world would be keenly watching as Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao move out. Xi Jinping is the man to watch out for as he would in all probability take over from Hu Jinatao as the next President of China. A little something about his personal life: Xi married the famous Chinese folk singer PengLiyuan in1987, his second marriage.PengLiyuan, a household name in China, was much better known to the public than Xi until his political elevation. 18 the world ended! PS: I deliberately did not include the coming assembly elections in the five states. It will be covered in the next issue. Geromic George M.A. Economics- IV Sem NASA launches largest ever MARS rover ATLAS 5 & PHOENIX MARX P hoenix Mars Lander of NASA has recently detected snow fall from Martian clouds. Soil experiment by this spacecraft has detected interaction between minerals on Mars Surface and liquid water. This new discovery has again raised questions on the presence of water on Mars. It also will try to find further evidence to suggest whether astronauts could survive on Mars, part of NASA’s long-term plan to send a manned mission there. A group of JPL scientists and engineers at Kennedy burst into applause when the capsule separated from the rocket. Like most people associated with the mission, they were excited and relieved by the successful launch. Many have worked on With the bust of an Atlas 5 engine, NASA on Satur- the Mars Science Laboratory for nearly a decade day November 26, 2011 began its boldest venture and had to endure a two-year delay when the projyet to another planet — sending the Mars Science ect missed its original launch date. The lab faces Laboratory on an eight-month journey expected to a journey of 354 million miles. provide more detailed information about whether the Red Planet is, or ever has been, hospitable Although Mars is less than half that distance from to life. After a one-day delay to replace a faulty Earth, the fact that it is a moving target makes the battery, the launch went off flawlessly at 7:02 a.m. trip longer. It is due to land in spectacular fashPST, the rocket rising on a column of white smoke ion just after 10 p.m. PDT on Aug. 5.Because of into a blue sky mottled with puffy cumulus clouds. the size of the rover; NASA decided that its previous landing technique, in which vehicles were Its payload was the rover Curiosity, the largest and bounced onto the surface of the planet on air bags, most sophisticated in a series of robotic vehicles would not work. So Curiosity, after being slowed in that NASA has sent to Mars. Built at JPL, Curios- its descent by parachutes, will be lowered softly ity is a six-wheeled, one-ton vehicle the size of a — NASA hopes — on long bridles using a sky compact car that is bristling with an array of so- crane technique modeled after those used by hephisticated scientific gadgets. Its mission, NASA licopters. With this mission NASA plans to find out officials have stressed, is not to find life on Mars, whether it might be possible to sustain life on mars but to find out whether life ever could have existed which will help in life further exploration of the unithere in the form of microbes, tiny organisms that verse. are abundant on Earth. 19 SPIRITUA L & M O T I V A T I O N A L SPIRITUAL & MOTIVATIONAL मन का सृजन it’s the journey that’s important Abhinav Saraswat (M.B.A.- II sem) 20 Life, sometimes so weary It’s worth its weight in gold The experience of travelling Lends a wisdom that is old Beyond our ‘living memory’ A softly spoken player “It’s the journey that is important, Life’s road menders aimlessly Or so it seems, somehow Leads us where it needs to be, And being simply human We oft question and compare… “It’s the journey so important Or the getting there?” And thus it’s always been That question pondered down the ages By simple men with simple ways To wise and ancient sages… How sweet then, quietly knowing’s Reaching destination fair: “It’s the journey that’s important, Not the getting there!” “मन के काँच में सूरज उतर रहा है, सुनहरी हो उठी मन की वािदयाँ हर मन का टुकड़ा पल में चमक उठा हर टुकड़े पर प्यार िपघल कर छा गया और दुिनया के पािनयों में घुल कर चमक उठा..” सूर्य की शांत एवं शालीन होती रशि्मयों का ये खूबसूरत नजारा..! अंजिुल में समेट लेना चाहता है सब कुछ..| शाम का ये मंज़र, अपनी मस्ती में बहती ये हवा, इस पल में गुनगुनाने को आतुर है पक्िषयों की ये मधुर कोिकल..!! ये ज़मी चुप है ,आसमाँ चुप है पर ये धड़कन क्यूँ? ए-िदल-ए-नादान..! रेिडयो भी शाम के इस अद्भुत िफज़ा में सब के साथ स्वर िमलाकर शायद यही कह रहा है ,पर िफज़ाओं की इस खामोशी को सुनने का वक्त आज के इस व्यस्त जीवन में िकसी के पास नहीं है | हवा का इस तरह अपने से बात करना हमारी खामोशी और मन के तारों को झन्कृत कर देता है | शाम भी ढल गयी और छाने लगा हल्का अंधेरा | सूर्य की ये सारी िकरणें पहाड़ी के नेपथ्य से िछपकर रात को चुपके से बुलाने का संकेत दे रही है | जैसे एक छोटी बच्ची दीवार की ओट से होठ िहलाकर अपने होने का एहसास करा रही है | खुशी बच्चे की बंद मुट्ठी में िछपी होती है | दरारों से झाँकती सूरज की िकरणों की ओट में िछपी होती है | हर पल-हर कण में बसती है खुशी..| खिुशयों की तलाश से भरे सफर में कुछ भी अधूरा नहीं रहता और न ही कुछ पूरा हो पाता है | कभी दूसरों की खिुशयों की लहर हमारे िदल में भी खुिशयाँ जगा जाती है तो कभी िकसी ख़ास व्यकि्त का अपनापन और साथ | अगर हमें िकसी का साथ पसंद है तो िफर यह नहीं देखा जाता िक साथ िकतनी देर का है, देखा तो बस इतना जाता है िक दो पल भी अगर हम साथ है, तो मुकम्मल साथ रहे | जरूरत है तो बस महसूस करने की, महसूस कर जीने की | कुछ स्मरण हुआ अचानक - “ यूँ मैं उनका बयाँ क्या करूँ, सूरज का बयां कौन करें ? मैं तो नज़र भरने गयी थी, इस रोशनी से िदल और आत्मा भर के लौटती हूँ | यह खामोशी को ढ़ालती हुई आवाज़ है, सुनकर लगता है - बैठे है िकनारे, रोशनी छुई है, हवा से होके गुजरी है और स्तब्ध है मन |” िकतना कुछ है जीने को, महसूस करने को | दौड़ती-भागती इस िज़ंदगी में एक पल ठहरने को,उसी एक पल में जी लेने को सब कुछ.... िकतना कुछ शेष-िवशेष है | एक क्षण रुिकये तो सही..कोई आहट, कोई दस्तक होने दीिजए मन के कोने में; िफर देिखए, बदल जायेगा िकतना कुछ |” Kirti Sharma M.Sc.(CS)- IV Sem 21 SPIRITUA L & M O T I V A T I O N A L Is Shraddha Sharma INDIA’s Justin Bieber ? Talent & luck, both play a key role in the making of a star. Looks like Shraddha Sharma (on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter) has both in abundance! A little before midnight on 30 April, Shraddha Sharma uploaded a YouTube video of her singing, with a guitar accompaniment, a teary song of separation dedicated to “a special friend who was leaving her forever”. It was recorded on her parents’ living room sofa. She sang Rahat Fateh Ali Khan’s Mein Tenu Samjhawan from the Punjabi movie Virsa. Five videos and 16 weeks later, in the third week of August, Shraddha’s YouTube channel, Shraddharockin, became the highest subscribed channel in India. Her videos have had more than two million views in all. At the time this went to press, her month-old Facebook page had 2,000,000 fans. Three fake pages had about 10,000 each. Shraddha, savvy songstress, YouTube phenomenon and Facebook celebrity, is a schoolgirl from Dehradun. She is 15 years old, and has never travelled beyond New Delhi. The Sharma residence has a board at the gate advertising classes in Hindustani classical music. Shraddha’s mother, Kusum, is a music teacher who has trained her daughter since she was 9. Born after two sons, both of whom have now moved away from home, she is the centre of her parents’ lives. Their house is named “Shraddha”. Her parents moved from Meerut to Dehradun, and bought the house around the time their daughter was born. The class XI student before us— hair pulled back in a ponytail, socks up to her knees is far removed from her alias online. Neighbours describe her as a shy child, known to carry her guitar around since she got one 10 months ago .But Shraddha’s appeal isn’t limited to her melodious renditions of movie songs, as the comments under her videos— like “You r reallllyyyy ROCKSTAR” and “You are too cute and like my first love”—suggest. Her self-taught guitar skills are fledgling. 22 But with her waiflike frame embracing a guitar, and the sincere dedications that precede each song, she’s a one-girl performing package. The songs she picks for her “special someone”—a friend who lives in New Delhi—are all love songs. “get her talent out there.” She aspires to be as big a celebrity as Justin Bieber or even bigger if destiny permits. Though her dreams seem to be placed at the unreachable end Shraddha is sure she will be a rock star one day because she believes ‘’ you gotta dream big to make it big’’. Shraddha’s family is unconditionally The class XI student before us—hair pulled supportive back in a ponytail, socks up to her knees is far of her efremoved from her alias online. Neighbours deforts. So is scribe her as a shy child, known to carry her her “special guitar around since she got one 10 months ago someone” .But Shraddha’s appeal isn’t limited to her mewho, as it lodious renditions of movie songs, as the comturns out, ments under her videos—like “You r reallllyyyy didn’t leave ROCKSTAR” and “You are too cute and like her forevmy first love”—suggest. Her self-taught guitar er. She is skills are fledgling. But with her waiflike frame scheduled embracing a guitar, and the sincere dedicato perform tions that precede each song, she’s a one-girl at IIT Delhi’s annual festival, Rendezvous, next performing package. The songs she picks for her month (21-24 October). “special someone”—a friend who lives in New Delhi—are all love songs. Her “About Me” on YouTube says “music is mah Naveen Kumar, a final-year student of bachelor of technology at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad, was one such smitten fan. He got in touch with her a month ago, and offered to set up and manage her Facebook fan page. soul”. And like her father, Anil Kumar, an employee with the telecom company BSNL, says, they’re not the sort of parents to take their children away from the things they love. “She’s always been a good student and we’re trying to make sure that it stays that way. Balance...is everything.” He is now working on designing a website for her. The economics of internet relationships are Ashanjal Singh such that he hasn’t met her, and has no plans M.B.A.- II Sem to either. “I’m her online fan,” he says over the phone from Hyderabad, I want to do everything to *Compiled from various blogs 23 AN ASTIT V A E F F O R T J OF Y GIVING J OY OF GIVING week is celebrated acoss the country- around Gandhi Jayanti. It may be best described as the ‘festival of philanthropy’. It‘s an act of giving money, time, resources and skills to the needy and at the same time enjoying the essence of helping. Originally called ‘India Giving Week’, it is now observed by all government sector organizations, schools, colleges, corporate houses and NGOs. Corporates view this as a part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR). What a noble idea it was to pay This year what was more joyful about graceful homage to them. Happiness boxthe ‘joy of giving week’ was its implementaes (contribution boxes) were set up at the tion at the university campus as well. Yes! hostels and people were more than happy to fill the boxes. CURAJ observed the week with an enthusiasm of giving resources, time and Various items like attires, woolens, skill to the laborers who are a part of the footwear, satchels were the materialized university family at its permanent campus happiness the CURAJ pupil contributed. and are contributing their blood and sweat to the construction. 24 The scene cannot be depicted in words when the needy got the happiness in their hands. So many aspiring faces, so many twinkling eyes, kids leaving there evening classes and rushing towards the Not only these but the young group boxes and the setting sun; everything was contributed time and skill in the form of just picturesque. free evening teachings to the bereft kids of Finally the utilities were distributed and a the labor community. What joy they would sense of bliss touched the participants willing to have gained in return of the happiness they contribute more, willing to take one more step togifted is no doubt beyond measuring limits. wards the joy of giving and promising oneself to The week passed by and the happiness boxes were flooding over the brim. One fine evening was chosen and the collection gathered was distributed. have a better share in the joy hence forth… Isha Saha M.B.A.- II Sem 25 ST UDENT C A N V A S STUDENT CANVAS तुम्हारी मुस्कान बहुत लाजवाब है रात सपनों में तुझे िदखें, तो सवेरा तेरा होता है। चोट लगे हमको, दर्द तुझे होता है। आँखें हमारी झलकें, तो िदल ये तेरा रोता है। जग की इस रीत में माँ बेटे-बेटी में अक्सर ये होता है, होता है... चोट लगे हमको, दर्द तुझे होता है रात सपनों में तुझे िदखें, तो सवेरा तेरा होता है। ऐसे आँसुओं से पलकों के क्यों भीगोती हों, सेवा करें, दिन-रात हम, सदा रहें, माँ तेरे साथ हमारे लबों पे बस नाम तेरा रहें, तु ही लक तु ही हमारे राम माँ । आँखें हमारी झलकें, तो िदल ये तेरा रोता है । जग की इस रीत में माँ बेटे-बेटी मे अक्सर ये होता है, होता है... ओंठों पर िखलता हुआ गुलाब है। अनेक सवालों का एक ही जवाब है खुली हुई जैसे वह एक िकताब है। उमंग है या कोई है नया जश्न ख़ुशी सारी की सारी बेनकाब है । इस हंसी पर वारी वारी जाऊं मैं हंसी नहीं है यह नशीली शराब है। देख कर के िदल भरता नहीं कभी जो भी है यह बहुत ही नायाब है। इतनी बेरूखी कभी अच्छी नहीं ज्यादा दीवानगी भी अच्छी नहीं। फासला जरूरी चािहए बीच में इतनी िदल्लगी भी अच्छी नहीं। मेहमान नवाजी अच्छी लगती है सदा बेत्क्लुफ्फी भी अच्छी नहीं। अक्सर ये होता है... आ जाओ यहाँ आ जाओ यहाँ तुम्हें प्यार दूँ। नजर कोर्इ लगें , तो उतार दूँ माँ तुम्हीं हमारी जान हो, जीवन जीने का आधार हो, नींद हमें आयें, तो चेन से तु सोती है । आँखें हमारी झलकें, तो िदल ये तेरा रोता है । यादवेन्द्र चेजारा रात सपनों में तुझे िदखें, तो सवेरा तेरा होता है। स्वरिचत (एम. ए. िहन्दी (पूर्वार्ध्द)) जग की इस रीत में माँ बेटे-बेटी में अक्सर ये होता है, होता है... 26 कहते हैं प्यार अँधा होता है मगर आँखों की बेिलहाज़ी भी अच्छी नहीं। हर बात का एक दस्तूर होता है प्यार में खुदगर्जी भी अच्छी नहीं। वायदे तो खुबसूरत होते हैं बहुत वायदा-िखलाफी भी अच्छी नहीं। तु्हारी बहुत लाजवाब है... eqLdku Sudhanshu Maurya M.Sc CS - II sem 27 STUDEN T C A N V A S . . . am i a loser ? I have come to the age of fifty, washing and pressing clothes of people. I lost my mother after a few days of my birth. Perhaps a loveless aunt and callous father pushed me into the world where I was no burden on them but only on myself. One evening I found that I was alone. I had spent the whole day in wandering here and there as if my mother had sent me to see the beauty of market. I gazed at every shop. “What a colorful life it is!” I exclaimed. Shopkeepers left for their houses. Where should I go? The night passed by in endless thinking. If I had eaten something at least I would have slept. But hunger and cold made the night long. Thank God no policeman came there otherwise I would be in more miserable condition under the policeman’s abuses and beating. Strange is the world where there is no home and being homeless is a sin. It was about seven in the morning when the laundry man looked at me. He found out in the first glance that I was an orphan. He took me to his home, fed me and said authoritatively “You must bring and wash clothes of my costumers.” I have no other option to survive so I accepted him as my Master. Since then I worked for him. His death brought me in position of washing and pressing on my own. Now I was owner of my will and action. Gradually, time passed and my income increased. I became a member of the society. I got married. My household life was a happy one. I came to be father of four children. A girl is not much burden to her father as she is to the society. My elder daughter was only 14 years old when people asked me to get her married. I was master of my house but I was also a social person. I had to do what society expected from me. And for a mere laundry man like me, negation was a coarse act. So I got my daughter married with a school going boy of a washer man from Rampur. I wanted that my daughter should not be looked down at in the family of her in-laws. That’s why I gave dowry. I had no money stock because whatever I earned all was spent on the welfare and education of my children. So I borrowed money for the marriage. “Go and bring Sunita with you. A newly married girl should return soon,” my wife said to me. Within twenty days Sunita had come thrice. Money lenders or Shahibs were asking for their rupees. I have no other person who could support me. It was the twenty fifth day. My daughter-in law and his friend were going to take Sunita. “What should I do? From where can I get the money to do their teeka.” I told my wife about my frustration. A harsh reply came “What can I do. I don’t go to rich people. And after all it’s your duty that you must have enough money.” I felt embarrassed on it. I debated with her. Sunita came and after hearing loud voice of us she spoke “I will never come to this house from my in –laws’ home. You always quarrel with each other. I hate quarrelling. You don’t have manners” I was shocked. My mouth was opened but I couldn’t utter even a single word. The only question that I haven’t been able to answer till today strikes my mind “Am I a loser?” Annu Yadav M.A. English- IV Sem 28 29 REPUBLIC D A Y S P E C I A L STUDENT CANVAS 'kghnksa dh dgkuh “kghnkas dh dgkuh “kghnksa dh D;k dgkuh vk, vkSj pys x, ejs ;k ekj Mkys D;k gS mudh ;gh dgkuh jkst [ksyk djrs Fks oks [ksy dHkh fnu ds mtkys esa dHkh iwwf.kZek dh jkr esa D;k gS mudh ;gh dgkuh dHkh fnu esa gksrh gksyh dHkh jkr esa gksrh fnokyh yky jax esa ygq gksrk D;k gS mudh ;gh dgkuh dy jkr ds dinner dks breakfast le> ds ys jgk Fkk vkSj dinner ds ckn newspaper dk bartkj dj jgk Fkk vkSj dgha u dgha vius vki dks gh ikxy le> jgk Fkk-- ?kj ls tkrh Fkh fpV<h mudh feyrk Fkk vk”oklu dc vkvkxs dgrs Fks jksrs cPps muds vk;k Fkk tokc yky ygqygku esa D;k gS mudh ;gh dgkuh “kghnksa ds uke ij dh tkrh gS jktuhfr iqNrh gS dc dgykmxh esa “kghn ohjkxauk dc feVsxh ;s Hk’Vkpkj dh djrqrs D;k gS mudh ;gh dgkuh 30 dy jkr dks eSa fnu le> jgk Fkk vkSj dgha u dgha vius vki dks gh ikxy le> jgk Fkk-- dy vkuUn dqekj vFkZ”kkL= foHkkx IV Sem eq>s ugha irk eSa tx jgk Fkk ;k lks jgk Fkk] ij nksLr dgrs gSa eSa ikxyksa lh ckrsa dj jgk Fkk] vkSj dgha u dgha Rajkumar Tripathi M.Sc. CS- IV Sem jkr--- vius vki dks gh ikxy le> jgk Fkk--- 31 STUDENT C A N V A S Internal barriers: Running has obvious health and fitness benefits, but more importantly, provides other benefits.As students of the pioneer batch of a Young University there are a lot of things that we may have to experience and it will not always be within the peripheries of our comfort/ coziness zone. Say for instance we cannot expect a Gymnasium or a Jacuzzi at the stage when our University is undergoing its embryonic stage of construction. But this does not stop us from experiencing the Wonders and Miracles that life has offered us @ the serene and picturesque Bander Sindri campus. • People at my age don’t run. I have never run before / for a long time. People have started running late in their 40’s and 50’s. Fauja Singh started at 89. • I have a breathing problem. Running has been known to reduce asthma as it strengthens the cardio vascular system. On the very first day when we had shifted to our permanent campus we explored the nature around. While one of us is a hobby runner and had scaled the distances of Half & Full Marathons the other have recently experienced the pleasures of running. Running offers the pleasures to boosts self confidence and helps to unleash one’s potential by breaking self created barriers one by one. Often it has been observed that people have a tendency to complaint about the surroundings, facilities and amenities that they do not have. Run and you will enter the Trance of Ecstasy. As guests of the marble city Kishangarh we plan to give back something to the town. Hence we aim to promote the town as a ‘Youthful and Vibrant’ city focused on Environment, Health & Sustainable future by starting a culture of Running- ‘the mother of all sports’. By doing this we aspire to provide special impetus towards international promotion of the University and the Town. We believe-The synergy shall be wonderful. We know that the First step is the hardest. While you are reading this there would be many REASONS you would be loaded with. Hence here are few of the barriers & resp. solutions that might be helpful to ward off the cloud of your doubt. . . n u r go “Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must move faster than t lion or it will not survive. Every morning a lion wakes up and it knows it must move faster than t slowest gazelle or it ll starve.” 32 • What will people think of me. They’ll actually envy you! • Walking is the best. Not so now, as various studies on large populations of people have shown. • I don’t have the right gear/ equipment. Actually to start you don’t need much - just a pair of shoes appropriate for your feet • I will be out of place. Actually just look around you and you will see people of all shapes, sizes and ages running. Don’t worry, you will not stand out. • I have no time. President Clinton and Anil Ambani make time to run regularly. So can you. •I travel a lot. So do they. Pack your shorts, T shirt and running shoes. Running helps overcome jet lag. Get to see another city while you travel - in a unique way - while running. • I am too fat. But isn’t that what you want to address? Lose weight, get healthier and more energised? People have lost over 25kilos of weight primarily through running and following moderation in eating. Running can be a no rocket science, no crash diet, long term means of losing weight, keeping it off, and leading a healthier lifestyle. 33 Vikram Singh Slathia MSC CS 2nd Sem The Syle Icon of 1950’s and • I am slim. I don’t need to run, or exercise for that matter. You’ll be surprised when you read this. (http://www.brunel.ac.uk/news/pressoffice/pressreleases/2006/cdata/march/ Thin+People) 1960s Romantic Superstar” bids adieu to embark upon his journey to heaven, we know the legacy of pure tal- • I will start next week. If you look at your diary for next week and see all the things that have been put there, it may be better to start this week and ease up on your heavy ‘next week’. ent, grace and professioanlism that he has left behind will continue to shine External barriers: bright in years to come. • It’s too hot / humid. You need to be properly hydrated and attired, and run indoors or early morning An era of entertainment comes to a halt with Dev • It’s too cold. Wear layers of ‘breathable’ clothes for warmth and head out. • It’s too polluted. There is far too much noise & traffic on the roads. Run early morning, or in a park, or indoors on a treadmill if possible • There are no proper running trails where I stay. Check out a park, or even the roads/ sidewalks early in the morning. Anand’s sudden demise. But we believe “talent doensn’t die but gets immortalised in history”. • Stray dogs are a problem. Run with a stick and build your own confidence. Most often, they don’t even care, especially earlier on in the morning. • I don’t have company. Start and you will make many new friends and acquaintances, as you start greeting people who are walking and running. Join a running group. 34 “Evergreen of Indian cinema, • Doctors have told me running is bad for the knees. Unless you have a bone problem, impact exercise -of which running is the most steady, has been known to reduce incidence of osteoporosis, strengthen the muscles and bone joints and ACTUALLY improve the condition of your knees.. Once again - the shoes you wear must be appropriate to your feet and must also be replaced as soon as you see signs of wearing out on the heels of your feet. So Lets and Run Run Run. . . Raghubir Singh & Divya Deep Singh M.B.A.- IV Sem o t e t u b ri at 35 STUDENT C A N V A S @ ROBOTICS LIFE Hello friends, here I am to share some historical fact about robotics. As someone said that “The heritage of the technology which now runs the world was, to put it mildly eclectic, with huge gaps in time and space.” Before the first electrician was born, the earliest reference to a “robot” was in ancient China, in the form of an organic robot given by an “artificer” called Yan Shi to King Mu of Zhou around 1000BC. The robot was made of leather and glue with actual human organs, and not entirely surprisingly ceased functioning when the organs were removed. Between 16th and 19th century, odd mechanical marvels were springing up all over Europe. Leonardo Da Vinci was the next known robot designer after the ancient period, inventing a mechanical man in knight’s armor. John Dee of England invented a flying wooden beetle during the Elizabethan era. The first Western robot, in the form of a steam powered pigeon, said to be capable of flight, was invented by Archytas of Tarentum in 350 BC. robot MICE Mama mama peter poisoned the robot mice that’s a sin a real sin he’ll go to hell won’t he the bogey man will get him and eat his brains his mother paused in lecturing the robot vacuum cleaner and thought I hate robot mice this is inconsistent with the robot edict yet primal like lecturing the domestics look how they simulate humility eyes cast down, shoulders rounded in silence almost as good as a real slave Another machine was Vaucanson’s “Digesting Duck” in 1739, which was able to annoy real ducks, quack, “eat” grain, and produce fake feces. The duck was even referred to by Voltaire, albeit rather cryptically- “Without the duck of Vaucanson, you have nothing to remind you of the glory of France” GOPAL VERMA M.Sc(CS) II Sem Vikram Singh Slathia M.Sc CS- II sem 36 37 STUDENT C A N V A S robot e g g a r s even the robots face hard times, Gopal Verma M.Sc (CS)- II Sem scores of them begging in the streets. fy[k jgk gqaW izse dye ls eS ,d isze dgkuh ftldh vof/k pkj lky dh igys lky esa utjs feyh ij ckr u cuh nqljs lky esa yCt fgysa ij eqykdkr u cuh rhljs lky esa izse ijoku p<+k ckr eqykdkr nksuksa gh gqbZ ij btgkj u gqvk pkSFks lky “ksjksa “kk;jh fy[kh vkSj mlh lky izseh izsfedk ?kj ls Hkkx x, ?kjokyksa ij otzikr gqvk Ekku lEeku [kksrk fn[kk fQj D;k----------fQj ogh gksuk Fkk tks vke izse dgkfu;ksa es gqvk YkM+dk & yM+dh ?kj okil vk x, ,d nqljs ij vkjksi izR;kjksi vkSj bl rjg Methanol, methanol for the baby, nks ftUnfx;k cckZnh dh vksj their plaintive cries carrying izse djus okyks dks izse **egs”k** dh fgnk;r the promise of their demise. 38 STUDENT CANVAS izse ¼ ,d yxko ½ egs”k xksLokeh ,e ,l lh xf.kr foHkkx bfrgkl xokg gS tagkxhj uqjtkg <ksyk ek# u gq, lQy izse izfrKk esa abandoned domestics clog the malls sans shoppers. fQj D;ksa cjckn gksrs gks bl izse dk.M esa in bush’s America, tgkW cgqer ugh ogk D;k jkt djksxsa the robot revolution a reality. lquus es vk;k ;g ,d yxko gSaA lquus es vk;k ;g ,d yxko gSaA 39 STUDENT CANVAS STUDENT C A N V A S Life @ CURAJ : gj vkgV ij dku /kjs oks lksbZ&lksbZ txrh eka tkMs dh eqf”dy lqcgksa esa pk; fiykus mBrh eka A My Experience ?kj dh dqaMh QkVd f[kMdh gj dksus esa fn[krh eka gj eqf”dy dks njfdukj djds jkg fn[kkrh galrh eka AA I am a Hindi medium student. I am B.A and B.Ed. but was I not good in English. On my first day in CURAJ I met a girl and she asked me “Are you a New Student ?“ eS Mj x;k Fkk fd ;gk ij lcls English es ckr djrs gSA ckn es class es x;kA vkSj dqN le> es ugh vk;kA “kke dks Hostel x;k vkSj ogkW dqN boys feys A Hostel es igyh ckj vk;k Fkk ij eq>s vPNs* nksLr feys] ftUgksus esjh cgqr help dhA cPpksa ds psgjksa dks pqedj viuk isV Hkjrh eka mudh gh fpark dks ysdj jkrksa esa txrh eka A ?kj ds gj lq[k dks vkxs j[k ihNs pyrh fu”py ek /khjs /khjs eqj>krh /khjs /khjs f?klrh eka AA NksVs ikS/kks dks o{k cukrh eka mM tkrs lc iaNh cudj gkFk fgykrh jksrh eka A v/k&lksbZ iFkjkbZ vk[kksa ls jkg rdrh cw<h eka dPps eSys jLrs ij vkl fVdk;s cSBh eka AA ekWa Lkksgu yky ,e ,l lh jlk;u”kkL= IV Sem 40 Hostel esa esjs roommates us cgqr help dh vkSj eq>s lh[kk;k dh gj fdlh esa dqN u dqN vPNs xq.k lh[kus dks feyrs gS A My family is not economically rich but esjs friends us esjh cgqr help dhA esus lh[kk dh iSls ls dksbZ vehj ;k xjhc ugh gks ldrk ij vPNk ekgkSy vkSj cooperation ls ge lHkh rich thou th ldrs gSA eSus esjs teachers ls cgqr dqN lh[kkA ,d ckj EkSus CURAJ NksMus dh lksPk yh Fkh A rc gekjs HOD sir us eq>s le>k;k fd vxj rqe English ds dkj.k Economics dks NksM jgs gks rks ,slk er djks A rqEgs Economics i<uh gS vkSj English rqEgs jktLFkku ds ckgj dh Opportunities fnyk ldrh gSA mUgksus eq>s vius ikl fcBk;k vkSj I;kj ls le>k;k vkSj eS bruk izHkkfor gks x;k fd eSsus ;gk ij jgus dk QSlyk dj fy;kA 1st time eSsus ;gkW conference , seminar vkfn attend fd;sA blls igys ;g lc eS tkurk Hkh ugh Fkk Abu lc xfrfo/k;ksa ls eSus cgqr dqN lh[kk A dbZ izHkko”kkyh O;fDrRo ls feyus vkSj lquus dk volj feyk A Ekq>s Internship es Hkh cgqr dqN lh[kus dks feykA Internship esa tkuk fd articles & research papers dSls present djrs gSa A ,d fnu nksLrks ds lkFk fMuj djus ds ckn walk ds fy, x;k rc geus ,d jsr dk <sj ns[kk rks dqN cukus dk eu gqvk vkSj ns[krs gh ns[krs ,d Vhys dks egy dk #i ns fn;kA ,slk gksus ds dqN fnu ckn eq>s lHkh nksLrks us mn;iqj esa gksus okys Youth Festival esa participate djus ds fy, encourage fd;kA vkt eS igyh ckj fdlh Extracurricular activity esa participate dj jgk gqWA ;g esjs thou dk ,d lqugjk iy gSa A tks fd CURAJ ds efforts, environment vkSj nksLrks ds support dk urhtk gSa A esjs thou dk ;g i<kbZ ds vykok ;g igyk participation gksxkA Sunil Chejara M.A.Economic- IV sem 41 STUDENT INTERVIEWS STUDENT I N T E R V I E W S Q. What was your first expression after winning this contest? A. “Unbelievable……. Is it reality or Flimsy ”. I just say thanks to my mom and friends because just before this event I got nervous and want to quit this. My friends motivate me and force me to participate and I did this. Q. What were your dreams as child? A. I have many dreams: 1) Want to go in space at least once. 2) Open my own zoo and a school for disabled and poor students who are not able to pay fees. 3) I want to be a postman for older people whose children’s left them or not able to communicate them from long time. Q. What is your own definition of “Happiness”? A. “If you want to be happy, then spread happiness to your surrounding and always learn from your mistakes and be happy, because one mistake never ends your life.” Q. What would be the first thing you would do if today is your last day of life? A. I pack my suitcase and go back to my home. I want to spent my last time with my family and ask them “MERI SHADI KER DO”. Q. What TV shows do you like? A. I like reality shows and dance talent programs. Q. What do you do in free time? A. I like reading and sleeping. Q. Where do you want to see your-self in 5-10 years? A. I want to be a good researcher and if specifically in space technology. Prabhjeet Kaur Miss Fresher Priyank Singh Hada M.Tech.(IV Sem) Q. What is the definition of “Ideal University” according to you? A. I think in Universities more concentration should be given on practical knowledge in place to theories. There should be more interaction between departments and inter-department projects must be promoted. Specifically marks and presentation’s should not be the only criteria for the judgment of student knowledge and work. Q. Who is your inspiration role model of life? A. My uncle, because of struggles he faced in his life and the status that he achieved even after a lot of ups and downs in business. He is owner of a thermo-col manufacturing company and generally helps students in scientific project development. Q. Last question. What you will prefer MONEY or HAPPINESS? A. I will prefer happiness because spending time only for money never gives happiness. Because time and the moments you live never come back too. I just want to say “Money comes and goes, but once your loving moments left, you will never recreate them from money”. Q. How do you feel after winning such a wonderful contest & becoming the first Mr. Fresher of CU-Raj ? A. I feel very happy. The contest was thrilling. However, it gave me a big responsibility also to smoothly conduct the contest while organizing it in the next year. Q. Why have you chosen not to be a hosteller even though the university is primarily modeled as a residential one? A. My family owns business in Kishangarh and I spend some time in working there every day. Hotel Galaxy and Parkview restaurant on City Road, Kishangarh are owned by my family. Therefore, I cannot spend all my time in the university. Q. What after MBA? A. I am interested in working in the financial services sector for 2-3 years. After that I plan to set up a business in Kishangarh, maybe something related to marble industry. I attach importance to my family and I feel responsible for its well-being, therefore, I would return to Kishangarh after my stint in the financial sector and settle down in Kishangarh. Q. Favourite color? A. Black. Q. Favourite movie? A. Chak de India. Q. Actor you hate the most? A. Abhishek Bachchan. Q. Favourite author? A. Chetan Bhagat. Vaibhav Jain Mr. Fresher Geromic George M.A. Economics IV Sem Q. What do you think about Ms. Fresher? A. She is beautiful and has good communications skills. Q. Who do you think should ideally be Ms. Fresher from the entire pool of seniors and juniors? A. Aastha Tak. I knew her before joining CU-Raj, she is a sister of a close friend. She has good personality, great looks, wonderful communication skills etc. Q. The ideal attributes of Ms. Fresher? A. Good communication skills, confidence and risk taking ability. Q. Any entrepreneur who inspires you? A. EktaKapoor. Being a woman she has made her mark in the entertainment industry quite well. We both have the same weight (EktaKapoor was 90 kilos before slimming down)! Her father, Jitendra , started Balaji Telefilms and therefore, she too like me, had a family business to begin with. Q. Do you think an entrepreneur should take ‘short-cuts’ which are unethical and could be illegal as well? A. No, I don’t think so. In the long run, unethical acts like say bribing, does not serve any purpose. Q. Do you like anybody in the university? A. You. Q. No, I mean a girl! A. None. (Vaibhav is still a ‘lonely heart’) 42 43 FILM REV I E W “Agneepath !!! Agneepath !!!! Agneepath !!!!” W hen Hrithik shouts this in the end the audience is left awestruck with a burst of emotions. Comparing this to the original will be unjustified as both the movies have their own appeal.... but certainly the Hrithik version can give you full value for your money if you are a fan of Bollywood / Hrithik. If you are an ardent moviegoer, you might have felt bad with the fate of Don and Sholay remakes but Agneepath rises. Yash Johar & Mukul Anand will be proud of Karan. They can choose either or both. AGNEEPATH is an uncomplicated story of revenge, is hard-hitting yet entertaining, dwells on strong emotions and aggressive and forceful action, yet is dissimilar from the original. Debutant director Karan Malhotra sponges from the original, but bestows the new version with a fresh texture.Most Hindi films initiate with a bang, but run out of gas by the time they reach the finale, often getting deflated in between as well, but AGNEEPATH is vigorous from the very commencement to the absolute conclusion.The conflict at the very initiation and also towards the closing stages, the tension between Vijay and Kancha and also between Critics Rating: 3.5/5 (Times of India) Avg Readers Rating: 4.5/5 Starring: Hrithik Roshan, Sanjay Dutt, Priyanka Chopra, Rishi Kapoor, Om Puri Direction:Karan Malhotra 44 MUSIC REVIEW Vijay and his mother, the game of one-upmanship played by Vijay to grab power… AGNEEPATH is one exhilarating ride. A vendetta story needs to be garnished with several terrific dramatic moments and Malhotra does just that. His handling of the subject deserves brownie points.The assessment of the movie would appear fragmentary if one would disregard the colossal contribution by action director Abbas Ali Moghul. Raw and gritty are two expressions that best illustrate the action scenes in AGNEEPATH. Kancha is larger than life and stronger than the protagonist, so when good eventually triumphs, the heroism ought to come to the forefront and it does so forcefully, convincingly and copiously. The action scenes are sure to draw whistles and claps, especially the one in the finale. The film boasts of a number of characters, but the one that stands out is Arish Bhiwandiwala, who portrays the young Vijay Dinanath Chauhan with flourish. Zarina Wahab is natural, Om Puri is wonderful, Kanika Tiwari is decent, Chetan Pandit is adequate, Rajesh Tandon is perfect and Deven Bhojani, first-rate. Katrina Kaif sizzles in the item number ‘Chikni Chameli’. She looks sensuous and catches your attention with super-energetic dance movements. On the whole, AGNEEPATH is a fitting tribute to the masterwork. The movie has all the potential to scale dizzy heights of victory and catapult Hrithik Roshan as the newest member of the 100 cr Club, besides providing the Hindi film industry with the first giant Blockbuster of 2012. A definite winner! If I have to give mark out of 10, I will give 10. Bharat Dev Meghwal M.Tech(CS- II Sem) Susmit Sen : Susmit, entirely a self taught musician, has virtually invented a new style of playing the guitar – an uncannily Indian sound where purity of scale reigns, strong melodic lines woven around the drone of open strings. This guitar sound forms the basis of Indian Ocean’s unique sound. also classical lure him more than rock or say jazz. Aseem Chakravarty (table, tarang, vocals): The man with the golden voice but also very good at table and percussion instruments. Asheem’s rhythm structures were interestingly his own, contributing a large part to indian ocean’s signature rhythms, while the melodies he created were wonderfully different. Rahul Ram (Bass Guitar ) : He is Logic Baba, the guru of rationality, and doesn’t suffer fools gladly - this despite his head-banging extrovert party-animal attitude to life and hair-styles. Rahul’s bass playing moves smoothly – from melodic enmeshing with vocal and guitar lines. His vocals have a ndian Ocean , when I look backward how I raw power, an uncompromising edge that emphafall in love with the band it straightway took me to sizes the folk roots of the band. the Rock concert where I heard them first. It was somewhere in feb 2006, I happened to be there Amit Kilam (Drums , Gabgubi): Amit’s drumming in the concert in chandigarh, not for Indian Ocean is a happy balance between the conventional and but for more highlighted band (name not required non-conventional. He believes in layering rhythm to mention for obvious reasons). I don’t found them rather than heavy drums, and prefers simplicity that good , may be I could not figure out the lyrics over technical wizardry. a guitarist by nature and and may be I am not there for them. drummer by profession. I INDIAN OCEAN But next week I found myself humming the music of ‘’kandisa’’. That hit me hard and as a music lover I started my hunt for the Indian Ocean. Since then I feel myself lucky to went there. Many might know the band from Black Friday track ‘’ruk ja re Bandey’’ or might be from the latest Desh mera rangrej (Pepli Live). Some selected tracks : • Village Damsel (desert rain) • Euphoria (desert rain) • Ma rewa (kandisa) • Kandisa (kandisa) • Hille re (kandisa) Here am going to introduce you to the In- • Bhor (Jhini) dian Ocean. The band happened to form in 1984 • Bandeh (black friday) when Susmit and Aseem met and planned to get together . but it look almost a decade to form a sta- Stay blued !! ble and lasting band line up, with the joining of Amit Deepanshu Mittal Kilam . The fourth member is Rahul Ram(baba :)). M.Sc. Statistics- IV Sem 45 Campus Buzz 46