The future of pilot training


The future of pilot training
The future of pilot training:
Quality of training, funding and jobs
Robert Baltus MSc, Director of Pilot Provisioning Stella Aviation Academy, the Netherlands
What a great industry
ICAO IATA Revised Forecast
All going well?
ICAO “… the majority of current airline transport pilot
knowledge exams fail to validate the necessary
knowledge competencies”
PABC “CPL standards do not provide the pre-employment
preparation needed for a Professional Flying Career”
FSF “threats to air safety: Unprecedented growth and Lack
of qualified personnel
Summary of FTO training issues
Quality of training
Funding for training
Quality/availability of candidates
Response to improve the Quality
(Next Generation Aviation Professional)
take steps to avert a shortage of well-prepared candidates
(The IATA Training and Qualification Initiative )
to strengthen the training of existing and future
generations of pilots and attract younger generations
(IFALPA Pilot Training Standards)
Quality: The good news
There is a number of European integrated schools who
already meet most of these standards!
@Stella aviation academy
Pilot Attitude Testing:
Since 1982
Since early 90s
2008:Started process, 2012 FlyBE course
Evidence Based Training:
Instructor Qualifications:
Threat and Error Management:
Is incorporated
FTO training issues
Quality of training
Funding for training
Quality/availability of candidates
The quality of candidates
“The quality of the candidates we see for
selection from a number of the schools we
deal with is going down. Both academically
and skills wise.”
Chief pilot airline
“We have the impression that admission criteria
have been lowered to fill the courses…”
Airline VP HR and recruitment
Availability of candidates
The quality/availability of candidates
Quality of training
Funding for training
Quality/availability of candidates
Quality/availability issues
• University graduate
• Pilot Aptitude Testing tests
• Trained by ITQI FI
• EASA approved syllabus
• Evidence based training
• Threat and Error Management
• Ideal candidate!
Quality/availability issues
• Has a pulse
• Has money
• No selection
• Limited syllabus
• Tick in the box training
• Evidence Based what?
• Threath and what?
• Your candidate?
Funding: the good news
Quality of training
Funding for training
Quality/availability of candidates
Funding: the good news
Quality of training
Funding for training
Quality/availability of candidates
Funding/Quality: the good news
Quality of training
Funding for training
Quality/availability of candidates 
Jobs: Where are the airlines in all this?
• There are a number of airlines engaging with FTO’s.
Notable initiatives:
Lufthansa Cityline/German Wings: multi supplier approach
FlyBE parts sponsoring at Multiple FTO’s
BA Future Pilot program at multiple FTO´s
Air Berlin MPL program
• However there are more airlines missing than
Jobs: Where are the airlines in all this?
• What can airlines do:
Start mentored MPL programs
Work with preferred FTO’s
Have liaison pilots of the airline support FTO’s
Offer conditional employment to a minimum number of
preselected Ab Intio pilots prior to training
• Have a long term vision!
Remember: after every downturn there will be a
recovery! Are you ready for it?
Airlines and FTO’s: let’s get together
Airlines: Act today to encourage and support aviation
professionals of tomorrow and the people who train
them! Let’s ensure that ITQI initiatives start from day 1 of
a pilot’s training and not as an after thought!
FTO’s and airlines should work more closely together with
ICAO to interest potential candidates in a career in