coronella austriaca laurenti, 1768 in ukraine
coronella austriaca laurenti, 1768 in ukraine
nd Herpetological Facts Journal. 2014, 1. ISSN 2256-0327. Supplement 1: Proceedings of the 2 international Scientific Conference – Workshop “Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca” DISTRIBUTIONS OF CORONELLA AUSTRIACA LAURENTI, 1768 IN UKRAINE: MODELING AND PREDICTION Oksana Nekrasova I.I.Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv-30, 15, Bogdana Khmelnitskogo Str., Ukraine. [email protected] ABSTRACT We created and used database (about 190 points) of Coronella austriaca to predict species distributions using the BIOCLIM models - DIVA GIS (ENM). Climatic data consisted of 19 bioclimatic variables. According to the modeling, the best habitat of smooth snake is forest-steppe Central part of Ukraine. The most important habitat parameters are associated with precipitation. Key words: GIS, modeling, ecological niche, home ranges, Coronella austriaca. INTRODUCTION Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are widely used in ecology and zoology, particularly in herpetology (Sillero, Tarroso, 2010). Predictive habitat distribution modeling is an important tool for conservation of biodiversity. For instance, it is used to calculate potential distribution of species (Bombi et al., 2009), evaluate effects of climatic warming on species distribution (Araújo et al., 2006), and the suitability of protected areas (García, 2006; Doko et al., 2011). Ecological niche modeling (hereafter referred to as ENM) uses environmental variables such as climatic, topographical and habitat data (Tytar, 2011). We used GIS modeling to study the distributions of alien species - Harmonia axyridis and other species (Nekrasova, Tytar, 2014). It is most helpful in studying rare species like Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768 (Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009), category of conservation status Vulnerable (II)). MATERIALS AND METHODS To study smooth snakes we created a database (2004-2014) based on the inventory (Cadastre of Ukraine; Department for Monitoring and Conservation of Animals Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS) that included information where and in which biotope, when, by whom was found the animal, its total abundance. We established a 61 nd Herpetological Facts Journal. 2014, 1. ISSN 2256-0327. Supplement 1: Proceedings of the 2 international Scientific Conference – Workshop “Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca” form in Excel for data collection and when working in the field we utilized programs OziExplorer v.3.95.2, Google Earth v. to store locality and information. We used the data published by others (Dotsenko & Radchenko, 2005; Sobolenko & Tarashchuk, 2008; Red Book of Ukraine, 2009 et al.) and our findings (materials). In 2008 we also participated in gathering information for the Red Book “Registration of animals under Red Data Book of Ukraine” (2008), where the following researchers collaborated on articles about Coronella austriaca: Kotenko T., Kotserzhynska I., Kukushkin O., Kuryachii K., Ruzhilenko N., Sobolenko L., Zinenko A., Nekrasova O. We used our database finds (about 190 points, Figure 1) of Coronella austriaca to predict species distributions using the BIOCLIM models - DIVA GIS ( Climatic data consisted of 19 bioclimatic variables. The climate information used here was taken from Worldclim (Hijmans et al., 2005) with spatial resolution of 2.5 minutes. Variables were analyzed using Statistica v.8. software. Figure 1. Coronella austriaca: distribution in Ukraine. RESULTS Ecological niche modeling (ENM), also known as bioclimatic modeling or climate envelope modeling, has been applied increasingly to this task. This approach uses georeferenced primary occurrence data for species, in combination with digital maps representing environmental parameters, to build models of the ecological requirements of species— the set of conditions suitable and necessary for long-term survival of the species. Such conditions are then located on landscapes and maps created to indicate the distributional 62 nd Herpetological Facts Journal. 2014, 1. ISSN 2256-0327. Supplement 1: Proceedings of the 2 international Scientific Conference – Workshop “Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca” potential of the species (Pearson & Dawson 2003; Thuiller, 2003; Martínez-Meyer et al., 2004). BIOCLIM can be used for three tasks (a) describing the environment in which the species has been recorded, (b) identifying other locations where the species may currently reside and (c) identifying where the species may occur under alternate climate scenarios (Beaumont, Hughes, Poulsen, 2005). The result of simulation is a raster file with the values that characterize the suitability of the site for species. Six types of areas are mapped in the BIOCLIM output (Figure 2-3). Areas outside the 0-100 percentile climatic envelope of the species for one or more “bioclimate” variables are considered unsuitable. The better habitat of smooth snake is forest-steppe Central part of Ukraine (“very high” climatic stability is 10-20 percentile in the map). And even higher “excellent” climatic stability of 20-28 percentiles is also registered on other territories of Kiev Province, North of Cherkasy Province, the SouthEast of Vinnytsia Province, North of Odesa, Kharkiv, North of Zaporizhia Province, along the middle part of the Dnieper. This species inhabits ecotone biotopes in brushwood or forest. Numbers of smooth snake amounted maximum to 1-2 specimens per km of the route (for example, at North of Cherkasy Province). Figure 2. Coronella austriaca: the model of species distribution in Ukraine under contemporary climatic conditions (legend Figure 3). Bioclimatic variables are derived from the monthly temperature and rainfall values in order to generate more biologically meaningful variables. These are often used in ecological niche modeling (e.g., BIOCLIM, The bioclimatic variables represent annual trends (e.g., mean annual temperature, annual precipitation), seasonality (e.g., annual range in temperature and precipitation) and 63 nd Herpetological Facts Journal. 2014, 1. ISSN 2256-0327. Supplement 1: Proceedings of the 2 international Scientific Conference – Workshop “Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca” extreme or limiting environmental factors (e.g., temperature of the coldest and warmest month and precipitation of the wet and dry periods). We used factor analysis for the classification of 19 bioclimatic variables. The most important variables (with maximal values of factor loadings) were associated with precipitation. This is due to the fact that this species prefers ecotones near (or in) overgrown bushes or forested biotopes. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001, 2007), the intense transformations of the environment to the atmosphere by humans, causing an increase of the Earth’s temperature, are recognized as global warming (Root et al., 2003). It is expected that the impact of climate change on ecosystems will alter abundance and distribution of species (Parmesan, 2006; Trejo et al., 2011). The home ranges of animals are changing in connection with climate change (warming). Thus we modeled the possible warming of 1◦ C. In the changing conditions most favorable habitats for Coronella austriaca will be located in the Northern and Western parts of Ukraine (Figure 3). Perhaps, populations of the smooth snake will be disappearance in the South of Ukraine. Figure 3. Coronella austriaca: the model of species distribution in Ukraine with climate change (1◦ C warming scenario) Among factors that lead to the decline of the snake there are the destruction of habitats and direct killings. After we found a dead snake, we have created leaflets on the “protection of Coronella austriaca” and spread them to inform the public. CONCLUSION The result of our modeling identified new promising habitats for Coronella austriaca. This helps to predict key areas to target habitat conservation to connect existing populations 64 nd Herpetological Facts Journal. 2014, 1. ISSN 2256-0327. Supplement 1: Proceedings of the 2 international Scientific Conference – Workshop “Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca” of smooth snakes. Decreases of the areas of the snakes in Ukraine are caused by climatic and anthropogenic change. 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