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YOUR SOURCE FOR EXCEPTIONAL PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS 1.800.533.2373 The Dead Sea Pavilion Welcome to the world of soothing and sensual skin care! From the ancient therapeutic minerals of the Dead Sea, to the lush butter of the African Shea Tree, we bring you the world’s best skincare and spa products. Since 1995, we have supplied unique, smart and affordable skincare solutions to the retail and wholesale markets. We are always in search of the “Better X” product. Whether a reusable icepack, a gel-heeled sock that moisturizes while you sleep, or a sponge filled with liquid soap, we strive to find exceptional products for our customers and our stores. This year we have expanded our offerings to include even more distinctive, effective and exciting products for the discerning customer. We have focused on adding new unique lines with more natural ingredients that we as parents and consumers want for our own families. Among them are Canaan Dead Sea Products, Canaan Organics, Justin Blair Hand and Foot Comfort products, Don Cestone brushless shaving bars and Moraz anti-lice hair products. Of course, we still offer our tried and true AromaSalts Collection, Spongelle’ and Boo Boo Buddy brands which have been in your world of pampered pleasures for years. At the Dead Sea Pavilion, we have something for everyone. We cater to the smallest hometown pharmacies and to the most exclusive spas. We offer low minimum opening orders, and no minimums on re-orders. We are committed to providing you, our customer, with exceptional, personalized service as we bring the world’s best skincare and spa products to you. Joey Gilbert Joey Gilbert, President We look forward to welcoming you to the Dead Sea Pavilion family! 2 1.800.533.2373 The AromaSalts® Collection :HS[Z)VK`)\[[LY:JY\I:OV^LY.LS:OHTWVV*VUKP[PVULY Available in 13 Aromatic Scents! 3H]LUKLY 4HU :[YH^ILYY`2P^P .P]L\W`V\Y[LUZPVU>HZOH^H` HUNLYZ[YLZZHUKHU_PL[`^P[O[OL ZVV[OPUNWV^LYVMSH]LUKLY 9\NNLK`L[YLÄULK4LU^P[O [HZ[LHUKZ[`SLZVHRH^H`[OLPY [YV\ISLZHUKJVTLV\[^P[O YLUL^LKZ[YLUN[O -YLZOHUKKLSPJPV\Z:\ITLYNL `V\YIVK`PU[OLZ^LL[ULZZ VMZ\TTLY ;OLZLJYL[VM[OL6YPLU[*SLHUZL `V\YIVK`HUKYLMYLZO`V\YZWPYP[ ^P[O[OLHU[PV_PKHU[WV^LYVM NYLLU[LH -YLL *SLHUHUKYL]P[HSPaPUN)H[OL `V\YZRPUPU[OLMYLZOULZZVMH Z\TTLYNHYKLU 1\UPWLY 9LK(WWSL 9LUL^`V\YPUULYZ[YLUN[O;OL HYVTHVMQ\UPWLYWLYTLH[LZ`V\Y ZLUZLZZ[PT\SH[LZ`V\YTPUKHUK LTWV^LYZ`V\YIVK` *YPZWHUKPU]PNVYH[PUN-YVT [OL^HYT[OVM`V\YIH[OSL[[OL LZZLUJLVMH\[\TUYLQ\]LUH[L`V\Y ZWPYP[ 4PSR 7LHJO :VM[HUKJVTMVY[PUN,U]LSVWLK I`[OLZJLU[VMSPML`V\YZRPU ^PSSYLJHW[\YL[OLZPSR` [LUKLYULZZVM`V\[O :^LL[HUKS\ZJPV\Z0TTLYZL `V\YZLSMPU[OLTV\[O^H[LYPUN ÅH]VYVMZ\TTLY»ZMY\P[ .YLLU;LH *SLHUHUKUH[\YHS:VHR`V\Y IVK`PU[OLW\YLOLHSPUNWV^LY VM[OL+LHK:LHTPULYHSZ *\J\TILY4LSVU 7PULHWWSL;HUNLYPUL :^LL[HUK[HUN`:\ITLYNL `V\YZLSMPU[OL[YVWPJHSS\_\Y`VM WLYMLJ[JP[Y\ZZ`ULYN` 4HUKHYPU4HUNV :VM[HUKYLMYLZOPUN0TTLYZL `V\YZLSMPU[OL[YVWPJHSLZZLUJLVM (ZPH»ZWYPaLKMY\P[Z 7VTLNYHUH[L :^LL[HUKL_V[PJ,UQV`[OL HU[PV_PKPaPUNWV^LYVM[OL-LY[PSL *YLZJLU[VU`V\YZRPU All Products in the AromaSalts® Collection are available in 40 pound buckets and for Private Label. 1.800.533.2373 3 Dead Sea Salts from Israel in 13 Aromatic Scents! Lavender (AS-2010) t/POGPBNJOH+BDV[[JBOE1FEJ4QBTBGF t1SPWJEFTUFNQPSBSZSFMJFGGSPNFD[FNBQTPSJBTJTBOETLJOBJMNFOUT t/BUVSBMMZEFUPYJGZJOHIFMQTJOCMPPEDJSDVMBUJPOFBTJOHCBDLQBJO and melting away stress t-FBWFTUIFTLJOTBUJOTNPPUIBOEEFMJDJPVTMZGSBHSBOU Green Tea (AS-2020) :[LWZ[V7HYHKPZL Juniper (AS-2030) 7V\Y[HISLZWVVUZVM`V\YMH]VYP[L (YVTH:HS[ZPU[VH^HYTIH[O .LU[S`Z[PY[VKPZZVS]L :[LWPUYLSH_HUKZVHR AromaSalts® in 16oz Jar Milk (AS-2040) Red Apple (AS-2050) Peach (AS-2060) Strawberry Kiwi (AS-2070) Cucumber Melon (AS-2080) Man (AS-2090) Free (AS-2100) Pineapple Tangerine (AS-2110) Mandarin Mango (AS-2120) Pomegranate (AS-2130) <ZL^P[OHTH[JOPUN (YVTH>HZO®[VJYLH[L H[HU[HSPaPUN+LHK :LHI\IISLIH[O 100% Pure Dead Sea Bath Salts 2PSV(AS-4020) 2PSV(AS-4019) (SZVH]HPSHISLPU2PSV *VHYZLVY-PUL.YHKL)HNZ (25K-C/F) Also Available in Spa Cards® Bulk All products in the Collection are available JOMCCVDLFUTBOE for Private Label (Bulk-2000) 4 t'VOLZHSFFUJOHDBSETXJUI AromaSalts® inside! t(SFBUGPSDVTUPNFS appreciation gifts t%JTQMBZIPMETDBSET (SPAC150) 1.800.533.2373 Aromatic, professional-grade massage cream and all-over body moisturizer made with Shea Butter, Vitamin E and Almond Oil AromaButter® in 16oz and 8oz Jars Lavender 8 oz (AB-8010) 16 oz (AB-2010) Green Tea 8 oz (AB-8020) 16 oz (AB-2020) t"CTPSCTTMPXMZXJUIFYDFMMFOUTMJQGPSMPOHMBTUJOHEFFQUJTTVFNBTTBHF t)FMQTUPSFQBJSTLJOPWFSFYQPTFEUPUIFFMFNFOUTyTVQFSIZESBUJOH in dry, cold and hot weather t,OPXOUPFBTFUIFBQQFBSBODFPGTUSFUDINBSLTEVFUPQSFHOBODZ t(SFBUGPSiBTIZwTLJO Perfect for hydrating your skin after an AromaSalts® soak or an AromaWash® shower! Juniper 8 oz (AB-8030) 16 oz (AB-2030) Milk 8 oz (AB-8040) 16 oz (AB-2040) Red Apple* 16 oz (AB-2050) Peach 8 oz (AB-8060) 16 oz (AB-2060) Strawberry Kiwi* 16 oz (AB-2070) Cucumber Melon 8 oz (AB-8080) 16 oz (AB-2080) Man 8 oz (AB-8090) 16 oz (AB-2090) Free 8 oz (AB-8100) 16 oz (AB-2100) Pineapple Tangerine 8 oz (AB-8110) 16 oz (AB-2110) Mandarin Mango 8 oz (AB-8120) 16 oz (AB-2120) Pomegranate 8 oz (AB-8130) 16 oz (AB-2130) Try the AromaButter® Starter Special! tPGFBDIP[ AromaButter® tPGFBDIP[ AromaButter® t"SPNB#VUUFS¥UFTUFST in each scent with a plexiglass stand and descriptive display t"CVOEBOUTQBUVMBTGPS sampling AB-PKG650 made with real Shea Butter! * not available in 8oz 1.800.533.2373 5 (TPJYVÄUL^H[LYIHZLKIVK`ZJY\ITHKL^P[O Dead Sea Salts and Pumice. Perfect in the shower or spa to cleanse and exfoliate the entire body! AromaScrub® in 8oz Bottle Lavender (AC-2010) Green Tea (AC-2020) Juniper (AC-2030) Milk (AC-2040) Red Apple (AC-2050) Peach (AC-2060) Strawberry Kiwi (AC-2070) Cucumber Melon (AC-2080) Man (AC-2090) Free (AC-2100) Pineapple Tangerine (AC-2110) Mandarin Mango (AC-2120) Pomegranate (AC-2130) A sensational aromatic shower gel that doubles as a fabulous bubbly bubble bath! For best results, use with matching AromaButter®, AromaSalts® and AromaScrub®. AromaWash® in 8oz Bottle Lavender (AW-2010) Green Tea (AW-2020) Juniper (AW-2030) Milk (AW-2040) Red Apple (AW-2050) Peach (AW-2060) Strawberry Kiwi (AW-2070) Cucumber Melon (AW-2080) Man (AW-2090) Free (AW-2100) Pineapple Tangerine (AW-2110) Mandarin Mango (AW-2120) Pomegranate (AW-2130) 6 1.800.533.2373 AromaHair® Shampoo for Normal Hair t4VMGBUFBOE1BSBCFO Free Formula t8PSLTCFTUXIFO used with matching AromaHair® Conditioner t.BJOUBJOTIFBMUIZTUSPOH and shiny hair t(SFBUMBUIFSXJUIMPOH lasting, fantastic smell t/PVSJTIFTIBJSGSPNSPPU to tip t"DUJWFJOHSFEJFOUT 7JUBNJOT#BOE# t/PUUFTUFEPOBOJNBMT AromaHair® Shampoo in 12 Oz. Bottle Lavender (AHS-2010) Green Tea (AHS-2020) Juniper (AHS-2030) Milk (AHS-2040) Red Apple (AHS-2050) Peach (AHS-2060) Strawberry Kiwi (AHS-2070) Cucumber Melon (AHS-2080) Man (AHS-2090) Free (AHS-2100) Pineapple Tangerine (AHS-2110) Directions: Vigorously massage AromaHair® Shampoo into wet hair, lather and rinse thoroughly. Mandarin Mango (AHS-2120) Pomegranate (AHS-2130) AromaHair® Conditioner for Normal Hair t4VMGBUFBOE1BSBCFO Free Formula t8PSLTCFTUXIFO used with matching t"SPNB)BJS® Shampoo t$POEJUJPOTBOE detangles hair t-FBWFTIBJSTPGU and shiny t/PUUFTUFEPOBOJNBMT AromaHair® Conditioner in 12 Oz. Bottle Lavender (AHC-2010) Green Tea (AHC-2020) Juniper (AHC-2030) Milk (AHC-2040) Red Apple (AHC-2050) Peach (AHC-2060) Strawberry Kiwi (AHC-2070) Cucumber Melon (AHC-2080) Man (AHC-2090) Free (AHC-2100) Pineapple Tangerine (AHC-2110) Directions: Gently massage a generous amount of AromaHair® Conditioner into wet hair, leave in for one minute and rinse thoroughly. Mandarin Mango (AHC-2120) Pomegranate (AHC-2130) 1.800.533.2373 7 THE SOAP IS IN THE SPONGE! Exfoliates, Cleanses, Moisturizes and Massages with Olive Oil & Shea Butter t"SFWPMVUJPOBSZTQPOHFDPNCJOJOHFYRVJTJUFGSBHSBODFTXJUIBUJNF released lather of glycerin, tea tree and olive oils t&YGPMJBUFTTPGUFOTBOEDMFBOTFToBMMJOPOF t"WBJMBCMFJOBXJEFWBSJFUZPGTIBQFTTDFOUTBOEDPMPSToBTQPOHFGPSFWFSZPOF t/BUVSBMMZBOUJCBDUFSJBMBOEBOUJGVOHBMTPUIFZMBTUBOEMBTU 20+ White Rose 20+ Lavender Nectar with 12 per case Buffer WR-C12 12 per case LN-C12 Mixed 5+ Lavender/ Nectar Mens’ SpongeabSLZ Also available in individual scents. 22 per case LNMS5-C22 20+ Hearts Scents include Spicy Mango, Sweet Jasmine and Peony Passion. 12 per case HT-C12 8 8+ Pink Grapefruit 12 per case GF-C12 20+ Men’s Sponges with clean power scent QFSDBTF MS-C24 20+ Anticellulite Spongeables with 6 in 1 exfoliating buffer QFSDBTFoNJYFE TDFOUT(SBQFGSVJU;FTU Pink Pepper and Vanilla Orchid-Black Tea SS-ACC6 Children’s Ducky Sponge SLS Free, Tear Free and 'SVUBMJDJPVTQFSDBTF SD-C10 5+ Pedi-Scrub with exfoliating foot buffer QFSDBTFoNJYFETDFOUT Lavender Tea-Tree Oil and $JUSPO&VDBMZQUVT PD5-C12 20+ Pedi-Scrub with exfoliating foot buffer QFSDBTFoNJYFETDFOUT Lavender Tea-Tree Oil and $JUSPO&VDBMZQUVT PD-C9 1.800.533.2373 EXCLUSIVE SPONGES FOR THE PRESITGE MARKET, SPAS, BOUTIQUES AND GIFT STORES Combines Spongeables technology with collagen, sea kelp and lemongrass extracts 10+ Daisies Adorable flower shape QFSTIFMMJOBTTPSUFETDFOUT SGD-C36 5+ Amoebas QFSTIFMMoJO assorted scents SGA-C36 20+ Pedi-buffers Exfoliating foot buffer QFSTIFMMoNJYFETDFOUT Summer-Lilac-Verbena and Black-MandarinBamboo AST-PBC36 10+ Daisies Papaya Sandalwood SGD-2002 Peony-Cassis SGD-2003 Lily of ValleyGreen Tea SGD-2004 French LavenderMeyer Lemon SGD-2005 Spongelle’ Travel Cases Display Holder Hot Spice-Ginger SGD-2006 7+ Travel Sponges Stylish star shape QFSDBTFJOBTTPSUFETDFOUT ST-C36 Citrus-Accord Musk SGD-2007 10+ Boxed Hearts Invigorating body buffer in a gift box. QFSDBTFJOA$PNNF.PJ4DFOU BH-C24 Spongelle’ Travel Cases Available in Pink and Green SS-TC 6+ Haute Dog Bath Buffer “Spa in a Sponge for Dogs” Specially formulated to nourish ZPVSEPHTDPBUQFSDBTF DS-C24 20+ Hand Buffers with exfoliating hand scrubber Honey-Lotus Quince Scent with cuticle cream. 9 per case HB-C9 1.800.533.2373 Boxed Spongelle Collection AST-BVAR 9 Designed to Balance and Harmonize Body and Spirit *HUHHUVYNHUPJZUH[\YHSIVK`HUKZRPUJHYLWYVK\J[ZHYLMVYT\SH[LK^P[OKLLW YLZWLJ[MVY[OLOLHSPUNWV[LU[PHSVM[OLUH[\YHS^VYSK6\YWYVK\J[ZHYLIHZLKVUH \UPX\LJVTWSL_VMTHJHKHTPHU\[VPSQVQVIHVPSHUKL_[YH]PYNPUVSP]LVPS(SS[OLZL UH[\YHSLTVSSPLU[ZYLWSHJLTVPZ[\YLSVZ[[OYV\NOL_WVZ\YL[V[OLLSLTLU[ZHUKRLLW ZRPUIHSHUJLKHUKOLHS[O`We only use natural preservatives and no chemical Z[HIPSPaLYZ(SSWYVK\J[ZHYL,JV*LY[PÄLK ORGANIC SERIES CANAAN FACIAL ORGANICS FACIAL SERIES ORGANIC SERIESBODY SERIES CANAAN BODY ORGANICS Hydrating Day Cream for Normal to Dry Skin t"MVYVSJPVTEBZDSFBNGPSNVMBUFE for women of all ages to promote a glowing, youthful complexion. CO-1010 Revitalizing Body Crème t"SFGSFTIJOHGBTUBCTPSCJOH moisture-rich crème that instantly soothes and softens the body. t*EFBMBGUFSCBUIJOHPSTVOFYQPTVSF CO-2010 Hydrating Day Cream for Normal to Oily Skin t"OVMUSBMJHIUNPJTUVSFSFHVMBUJOH cream for normal to oily skin. t"QQMZMJHIUMZUPBUIPSPVHIMZ cleansed face and neck, massaging with gentle strokes until fully absorbed. CO-1020 Hydra-Plus Nourishing Cream for Normal to Dry Skin t5IJTRVJDLMZBCTPSCFEOPVSJTIJOH and replenishing cream is enriched with Aloe Vera and Shea Butter to protect, smooth and control skin’s moisture content. t3FBDIFTUIFEFFQFSMBZFSTPGUIF skin, can be used day and night. CO-1030 10 Recontouring Eye Cream t%FMJDBUFBOEGBTUQFOFUSBUJOH cream, softens, smoothes and recontours skin around the eyes. t)FMQTEJNJOJTIQVGmOFTTBOE dark circles. CO-1040 Gentle Facial Peeling Cream t"IJHIMZFGGFDUJWFEFFQDMFBOTJOH and regenerating facial scrub that tightens pores and boosts cell renewal by lifting impurities and dead skin cells. t6TFUJNFTQFSXFFLUPLFFQ skin refined and velvety smooth. CO-1050 Revitalizing Facial Serum t"IJHIMZDPODFOUSBUFEBOE effective facial serum that works immediately to energize tired skin. t$POUBJOTBOUJBHJOHJOHSFEJFOUT that helps boost and tighten skin, leaving complexion smoother and more luminous. CO-1060 Conditioning Body Oil t"QBNQFSJOHIZESBUJOHPJMGPSUIF entire body, nourishes and seals in moisture after bathing. CO-2020 Restorative Shampoo t"SJDIGSBHSBOUTIBNQPP formulated to cleanse all hair types. t"EETCPEZBOETIJOFQSFWFOUT dry scalp and leaves hair with a glossy look. CO-2030 Exfoliating Body Gel t$SFBUFEGPSPSHBOJDFYGPMJBUJPO it is highly effective in removing dead surface skin cells with no irritating effects. t-FBWFTTLJOSFGSFTIFETNPPUI and invigorated. CO-2050 Nourishing Foot Cream t3JDIUFYUVSFEBOERVJDLMZ absorbed foot cream that protects ands keeps feet soft and fragrant. CO-2060 Multi-Action Hand Cream t0SHBOJDBMMZGPSNVMBUFEIBOE cream designed to moisturize, soften and protect the delicate skin of your hands. t8JMMLFFQIBOETWFMWFUZTNPPUI and beautiful. CO-2070 Energizing Bath & Body Gel t4IPXFSHFMCBTFEPOPJMTEFSJWFE from pure organic olives, jojoba and macadamia nuts. t6TFEBJMZXIJMFTIPXFSJOHPS bathing for a polished new look. CO-2040 1.800.533.2373 Canaan Skincare Energizer Complex (CSE Complex) ;OLKYP]PUNMVYJLILOPUKV\YLU[PYLSPUL*:,*VTWSL_;4JVTIPULZOLHS[O PUK\JPUN+LHK:LH4PULYHSZHUKWV^LYM\SWSHU[L_[YHJ[ZPUKPNLUV\Z[V[OPZTHNPJHS YLNPVU;OL\UPX\LISLUKOLSWZ[VOLHSÄYTUV\YPZOHUKTVPZ[\YPaL`V\Y[OPYZ[` IVK`HUKJVTWSL_PVUSLH]PUN`V\YZRPUZ\WWSLYLSH_LKHUKKLSPJPV\ZS`YLMYLZOLK CLASSIC FACIAL SERIES for Normal to Oily and Normal to Dry Skin Moisturizing Cream with SPF 15 t"TVCUMFMJHIUUFYUVSFEGBDJBM moisturizer for everyday use. t4JMLZ4NPPUINBUUFmOJTI CDS-OR2010 normal-oily CDS-DR1010 normal-dry Nourishing Facial Cream t"SJDIGBDJBMNPJTUVSJ[FSUP work at night. t3JDIJO7JUBNJO$& BOUJBHJOHBHFOUTBOE$4& Complex. CDS-OR2020 normal-oily CDS-DR1020 normal-dry Toning Water t"TNPPUIGBDJBMUPOFSUPSFGSFTI the skin and tighten pores. t8BTIFTBXBZJNQVSJUJFTGPSB smooth matte look. CDS-OR2040 normal-oily CDS-DR1040 normal-dry Cleansing Milk t"HFOUMFCVUUIPSPVHIGBDJBM cleanser and ideal make-up remover. t4QFDJBMMZGPSNVMBUFEGPSUIF needs of dry and sensitive skin. CDS-OR2050 normal-oily CDS-DR1050 normal-dry CLASSIC FACIAL SERIES C for All Skin Types fo Mud Mask t"EFFQDMFBOTJOH revitalizing mask to balance skin and contract pores CDS-OR2030 normal-oily only Nourishing Facial Mask t"NPJTUVSJ[JOHGBDJBMNBTL for dry skin. t:PVSGBDFXJMMDFMFCSBUFB more flexible, smoother feel. CDS-DR1030 normal-dry only Daily Silk Serum t"OFGGFDUJWFGBDJBMTFSVN that works on a cellular level to significantly reduce Eye Cream fine lines and wrinkles. t3FMJFWFTVOEFSFZFQVGmOFTT t&OBCMFTUIFFQJEFSNJTUP and minimizes fine lines. renew itself and ward t2VJDLMZBCTPSCFEDSFBNUIBUJT off the signs of aging. suitable for all skin types. CDS-MCS857 CDS-AR3010 CLASSIC BODY SERIES for All Skin Types Hand Cream t'PSNVMBUFEUPTPGUFO event the roughest hands and provide fast absorbing protection. CDS-AR3020 Nourishing Foot Cream t"OPOQFQQFSNJOUGPPU moisturizer to sooth and restore cracked and burned heels. CDS-AR3040 Natural Dead Sea Mud tQVSFNJOFSBMSJDI Dead Sea Mud, valued since ancient times for its potency in reducing muscle aches, increasing energy and helping troubled skin. CDS-BC4012 – 600g bag Body Cream Soap t3JDIJO$4&$PNQMFYUIJTEFFQDMFBOTJOH luxurious body soap leaves your skin smooth, clean and soft to the touch. CDS-BCS Oil Based Body Scrubs – Peeling Salts t&GmDJFOUQFFMJOHTPMVUJPOVUJMJ[FTUJOZ grains of Dead Sea salt to exfoliate skin while stimulating circulation throughout the epidermis. t-PBEFEXJUIQVSFBSPNBUJDPJMTBOE $4&$PNQMFY CDS-PSL Lavender CDS-PSV Vanilla CDS-PSM Peach Mango 1.800.533.2373 Mineral Mud Soap Bar t1BDLFEXJUI%FBE4FB .JOFSBMTBOE$4&$PNQMFY this mild soap bar is great for deep cleansing face and body. CDS-BC4030 . Mineral Enriched Salt Soap Bar t1BDLFEXJUI%FBE4FB .JOFSBMTBOE$4&$PNQMFY this aromatic soap bar firms, leaves a smooth, supple feel. CDS-BC4070 11 Aftershave A light, non-greasy moisturizing aftershave. CZ-501B/G Shower Gel for Men A lathering body wash for men. CZ-511B/G Shampoo for Men A refreshing, deep cleansing shampoo suitable for all hair types. CZ-510B/G Facial & Body Care Series FOR MEN need better shot of green gift set - can you get from the vendor? Cezar Gift Set with Eau De Toilette and Aerosol Deodorant Fantastic Gift for the Dad or lover who cares how he smells and takes pride in his skin. Avail. in blue and green. CZ-2PB/G Cezars Men’s 3 Piece Gift Set Includes shampoo, shower gel and aerosol deodorant. Available in blue and green. CZ-3PB/G Aerosol Deodorant Deliciously effective and manly deodorant available in aerosol can. CZ-502B/G Stick Deodorant Practical, effective and strong deodorant available in roll on stick form. CZ-503G/B * All Cezar Mens products are available in both Blue (Similar to Polo) and Green (Similar to Brut) scents. All Natural BRUSHLESS S Shaving Bars Will improve the quality, tone and texture of your skin. +VU*LZ[VUL»Z :OH]PUN)HYZHYL JOLTPJHSMYLL^P[O UH[\YHSPUNYLKPLU[Z 6YNHUPJZV\YJLVPSZ ZVM[LUTVPZ[\YPaLHUK ZL[\W`V\YILHYKMVYH WLYMLJ[ZOH]L)HYZHYL 7OIHSHUJLKHSSLYN` [LZ[LKHUKNVVKMVYL]LU [OLTVZ[ZLUZP[P]LZRPU t.BEFJO64" t0OFCBSMBTUTNPOUITVQ UPQMVT4IBWFTQFSCBS t)FMQTQSFWFOU3B[PS#VSO t"WBJMBCMFJOTQFDJBMJ[FE Irritation, Razor Bumps skin formulas and by the and Cuts mixed case t#JPEFHSBEBCMF DC-C36 and Green Friendly 12 Organic products based on healing plant extracts including the extraordinary Polygonum plant. Lice Prevention Kit >OLU[OLUV[LJVTLZOVTL MYVTZJOVVSZH`PUNZVTLVUL PU`V\YJOPSK»ZJSHZZOHZ SPJLY\U[VNL[`V\Y4VYHa 2PUJHYL3PJLWYL]LU[PVURP[ t5IJTXPOEFSGVMLJUDPOUBJOT Kincare Anti-Lice Shampoo, AntiLice Rosemary conditioner and a fine tooth lice comb. t8JMMOPULJMMUIFMJDFPODFZPV have them, but will serve as lice repellant before you get lice. t(SFBUGPSTVNNFSDBNQTTDIPPMT and sleepovers. MZ-1010 1.800.533.2373 REUSABLE ICE PACKS FOR KIDS )VV)VV)\KKPLZÄ[SP[[SLOHUKZ[VYLSPL]LWHPUUH[\YHSS` When Boo Boos happen, every kid needs a Buddy! Both original and licensed are available in strips of 12. Toy Story Buzz Lightyear, Woody NEW! Strip includes 12 assorted reusable Boo Boo Buddies per style 4QPSUTo#BTFCBMM #BTLFUCBMM4PDDFS#BMM'PPU Ball 1.800.533.2373 Licensed Display Original Display Original Boo Boo Buddy Styles 1FUTo$BU %PH'JTI (BSEFO$SFBUVSFTo Bee, Ladybug #VUUFSnZ ;PPo1FOHVJO #FBS8BMSVT 13 Helping you LOOK and FEEL your best SKIN TREATMENT FOR HANDS AND FEET The NightCare line of skin treatment products offers unique solutions to dry, cracked skin. The Gel Heel Sock and Gel Glove offer continuous moisturizing of the skin using a patented gel lining. Pair these with three unique creams and lotions that use a combination of vitamins and aloe for enhanced performance. NIGHTCARE INTENSIVE FOOT CREAM Helps heal and prevent dry, cracked skin. Velvety formula contains vitamins "%BTXFMMBTVSFBGPSSBQJESFTVMUT P[UVCFQBDLFEQFSEJTQMBZ"MTP available in 2 Oz. travel size tubes packed 25 per display. JB-FCC12/JB-FCTC25 GEL GLOVE Completely lined with moisturizing gel to provide continuous softening of hands and cuticles. $PMPS1JOL $PVOUFSEJTQMBZIPMETQBJS JB-GGC6 GEL HEEL SOCK Toe-less sock with built-in moisturizing gel provides continuous softening of heels. $PMPS#MVF $PVOUFSEJTQMBZIPMETQBJS JB-GSC6 FOOT COMFORT – MADE SIMPLE COMFORT FOR YOUR FEET DISPLAY Innovative pillow pack packaging contains four great foot comfort JUFNT1FEJ.BUFT4IPF(SJQT4MJOH4UBZTBOE4VSF4UFQT&BDIQBDL DPOUBJOTQBJSDBTF%JTQMBZDPNFTXJUIQBDLTPGFBDIJUFN JB-FCD LEATHER SHINE SPONGE 5SBWFMTJ[FTIJOFTQPOHFPGGFSTPWFSTIJOFT /FVUSBMDPMPSXPSLTXJUIBMMTIPFDPMPST#PY JB-SBC12 PEDIMATES Cushioned pads keep your feet from sliding forward. Two pair pillow packs. Ideal for mid and high heel shoes. Smooth molded edges will not snag hose. SURESTEPS /POTLJEQBETQSPUFDUBHBJOTU slipping. Two pair pillow packs. Sure Steps will help extend the life of soles. Will not mark floors. 14 SHOEGRIPS Soft cushion keeps heel from rubbing, sliding or slipping. Two pair “pillow” pack can be used in women’s or men’s shoes. SLINGSTAYS Keeps the back of the shoe from slipping, rubbing or sliding. Two pair pillow packs. Quality made suede leather. 1.800.533.2373 Spongeables 20+ Lavender Collection (JGU#PYJODMVEFT-BWFOEFS /FDUBS4QPOHFBCMFBOE -BWFOEFSo5FB5SFF0JM1FEJTDSVC SS-LCGS Gift Sets Spongeables 20+ Hearts Squared Set Gift Box includes two 4QPOHFBCMF)FBSUT SS-H2GS Favorites Trio *ODMVEFT&EPN%FBE4FBIBOE cream, foot cream, body lotion and Dead Sea salt in plastic handled bag. FTS-1010 Gold Organza Gift Set Includes Canaan Dead Sea hand cream, foot cream and Mud Soap in gold organza bag. CDC-GOS Spongeables 20+ Treat for Hands & Feet Gift set includes "QQMBVTF)BOE #VGGFSBOE1FEJTDSVC SS-HFGS Cezars Men’s 3 Piece Gift Set Includes shampoo, shower gel and aerosol deodorant. Available in blue and green. CZ-3PB Cezar Men’s 2 Piece Gift Set *ODMVEFT&VF%F5PJMFUUFBOE"FSPTPM Deodorant. Available in blue and green. CZ-2PB/G AromaSalts® Combo Set *ODMVEFT0[ AromaSalt and AromaButter. Available in all scents. ASB–2000 AromaButter® 4 Pack *ODMVEFTEJGGFSFOU Oz. AromaButters in a stylish clear drawstring bag. Customizable with any AromaButter scents. AB–4PAck AromaSalts® Trio *ODMVEFT0[ "SPNB#VUUFS0[ AromaScrub and AromaWash. Available in all scents. AWC–3000 1.800.533.2373 AromaSalts® Trio *ODMVEFT0[ "SPNB4BMUT0[ AromaScrub and AromaWash. Available in all scents. AWC–4000 AromaSalts® Everything Pack 5IJTTFUJODMVEFTGVMMTJ[FE Aromasalts Collection products wrapped in supersized Gift Bag. Available in all scents. ASBH-2000 15 Best of the Best Starter Packages Spongeables Splash A winning combination for any spa or gift boutique. Display of 20+ White Rose, 20+ Lavender Nectar, 5+ mixed Mini’s, 20+ Anti-Cellulite Spongeables, 10+ Spongelle’ Daisies, and 20+ Spongelle’ Pedi-Buffers. Two shell displays included free with package. SP-SS1 Canaan Organics Collection All Natural, Organic, Perfect. Includes: Three of each product in the Canaan Organics facial and body care series plus 5 bags of all natural Dead Sea Mud. SP-CO starter sets AromaSalts® Collection A colorful and fragrant display for spas, pharmacies and gift shops. Includes: 6 different AromaSalts Collections (Salts, Butters, Washes and Scrubs) in Lavender, Green Tea, Juniper, Milk, Pomegranate and PineappleTangerine. Spatulas and header card included free with package. SP-AS 1.800.533.2373 facebook: deadseapavilion mailing address: PO Box 393, Woodmere, NY 11598 fax: 516-295-5260 store address: 18 South Franklin Avenue, Hewlett, NY 11557