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TERM 2 December,2007 The first semester has come to an end. We are halfway through the academic school year 2007-2008. It seems incredible that in this one semester, we learned together through so many community events. The IdulFitri Celebrations, Funfair 2007, The Teachers' Day Celebrations, Our second Annual School Play- 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe', The Student Leadership Camp, Environmental Awareness Sessions for the community and a host of other events and activities imparted us all with a wealth of wisdom. The independently led projects by various staff empowered many of us with advanced skills in Information Technology, Bahasa Indonesia and English language. On behalf of the Management, I would like to thank all the students and parents who have enthusiastically participated in all these accomplishments. I am grateful most of all, to the dedicated, hardworking & creative BINUSIAN teachers & staff who continue to rise up to take the challenge of preserving the rich BINUSIAN culture. Vision: Ms. Anwin mentioned in her Principals Journal, that BINUS teachers are adept multi-taskers who can maintain their cool in any given situation and work collaboratively and harmoniously under pressure and deadlines. Indeed, our teachers remain focused to the realisation of the Schools that to be a world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers. A teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others.-Our teachers nurture and mentor their students in the quest to provide them with an ever-improving educational experience as they leave an everlasting impression and an incessant influence. It gives me a sense of fulfilment to see a glow of satisfaction on our teachers faces as they witness their students blossom, both academically and personally, in and outside the classroom.They continue to respond to their call to mould young minds, touch young hearts and endow their students with the values that enable them to inspire others to achieve their personal best. This issue of The Young Beez is dedicated to our BINUSIAN teachers whose skills, dedication & ingenuity keep me motivated. The achievements that we make at school are all results of the collaborative efforts of wealth of Human Resource at BINUS SCHOOL SIMPRUG. So read on, as the following page features the teachers who work hand in hand to make our endeavours a success. It makes me proud to be a part of this team! In closing, I would like to wish all the BINUSIAN families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy the company of your friends and families in this joyous occasion. I wish everyone a well-rested school holiday. May we all be prepared to meet the New Year 2008 another year of challenges, surprises and blessings! Elsie L Bait EY / EL Vice Principal When students turn leaders... on page 5 ...We can do this to sustain ...on page 7 Partners in education... on pages 12-13 ...Our School Committees 2 IN APPRECIATION... 3 4 HOLDING HANDS... ...AT BINUS AND BEYOND ...our community events 5 6 AIMING FOR THE TOP... ...for a healthier and a happier Earth WISE BYTES FOR WISE BITES HOPE:Make It Grow Community approach Look for solutions 7 Advocate the need of the hour A woodcutter was once challenged to cut the branch of a tree in such a way that he got the biggest possible piece for himself. So he climbed on to the tree and balancing himself carefully on the branch he sat down facing the tree. OBON P atronise people who male a difference XSProject Make P romises: Ill save money to buy recycled stationerysaya Hamza He lifted his axe and very confidently started to hack the branch from where he was sitting, with all his might. In three blows he had managed to get the biggest possible piece of wood for himself! But do you know what had happened? That's right! The branch fell down and along with it fell the woodcutter with a big THUD! So he reflected on what he should have done then. Do you know? Right again! If he would have sat facing the tip of the branch, he surely would not have got the whole branch to himself but he would not have hurt himself by falling down. Today, we are making the mistake that the woodcutter made. We are sitting on this big planet and nibbling on every resource it has.Let's try living the other way! Change our mindsets from "I can afford it" to "We can't afford to", because our planet cannot afford to keep giving! Just look around for some real examples around the page and be confident that you could be an example yourself ! Shalini Ghosh Science and Technology Committee Head 8 ...the BINUS tile 9 10 MY BINUS... OF GAN Y L MI ERUN5C) A F ... A.F G TRY 2003 A e E LO EMEN S sinc H C EL N ( SIA U BIN Success is ... not what you achieve, but how you achieve it. Our Favourite places at BINUS ... are the PYP Library and the classrooms. ...FAMILY OF E (ELEME DWARD ARTHU NTARY 5 R D) & DERRIC K HAN (ELEME SELL HARIANT O BINUSIA NTARY 1C) NS since 2003 Success is ... Knowing & understanding how to apply your wisdom in real life. BINUS is... the foundation & preparation for children to be successful adults AN F LY ONO PUTR I M A ARTO ) ...FU H Y 5B 03 R Y A H WA MENT nce 20 i LID KHA (ELESIANS s U BIN TO Our family ... is unique & inseparable. BINUSIANS are... One huge supporting team. ... MY FAMILY SAMUEL . ..FAMILY OF SAMPUR NO PRA (GR WIRO JOHANN WAHYU ADE 6C) HASMOR (ELE O DANIEL MENTARY 5C), PRAWIRO WIS (ELEME ESO PRAWIRO NTARY 2 C) & ABRAHA M SHAL OM (EY- 3A) PRAWIRO BINUSIA NS since 2004 11 A family ... is a true gift of life given by God. Our favourite thing about BINUS is...that children can learn & grow together starting from early years under BINUSIAN values. They will always be a part of the BINUS family. OF TA Y L A L I N M HAE 6), RA C) A E 5 P F C TA ... MI AD AY RY A R ANB) (G L RNTA R P (1 005 L E E & A C RY ce 2 CHLEM C A T I BE NT sin M (E E E S R A EM IAN I Z EL S KE ( INU B A family is ... the foundation of a society. BINUSIANS ... always learn and grow and are proud of who they are. ...F ROSY KAAMILY OF RINA (GRADE MADIAN 7C), REZA AL DO MAD IAN (GRADE 6C) RICO DH & A (ELEMERMA MADIAN BINUSIA NTARY 2C) NS since 2004 our that prepares e n o ... is n io t a Q u a li t y e d u c tions. lobal competi children for g The best things about BINUS ... are the quality of education, the balance of activities and parents support. LEVELS.... 12 We believe that we share our planet with animals. The Elementary 1 students had the chance to realize during our Unit of Inquiry titled Circle of Life. The students were delighted to see animals right before their eyes at Ragunan Zoo! The visit provided them with an opportunity to further expound their knowledge about the importance of animals in our lives and understand our responsibilities towards them. The mere experience of feeding the giraffe helped them feel how it is like to be treated well. A visit to the zoo kitchen where the officials prepared the animals meals and the zoo hospital where the sick animals were tended to, made them realise animal life is as precious as ours. Do you know that Asian elephants have smaller ears than African elephants? Well, these little children were surprised to see it themselves! Do you know how monkeys are different from apes? Our field trip further enhanced the things they learnt about animals, their habitats, their classification, their life cycles and how to protect them. It just proved once more that hands on experiences make learning more meaningful. Ms Lea V Sacalamitao On the 29th and 30th of October, 2007 resource persons from The Robotics Explorer were invited to conduct a hands-on workshop with the Elementary 2 students on robotics and machine construction as a culminating activity for their UOI Marvellous Machines. The team was led by Mr. Jerry together with his four colleagues. The three hour long workshop, which was conducted in the Elementary 2 classrooms, full with awe and excitement. The interactive workshop started with a short talk about simple machines. The children confidently shared what they had learnt about these machines and how each of them works. The children then moved into groups of three. Curious to know how a robot is made, the children waited for their kits as they went through the instructions. All of them worked cooperatively as they assembled a fan or an airplane. Their eyes twinkled with joy as they accomplished their task. Most of them became risk-takers, inquirers and communicators as they exchanged their views and ideas on how to assemble the machine. Learning about machines and experiencing how to create one was not only satisfying but realisation of a dream for some of them. The 2-day workshop also served as a springboard for future engineers or scientist among the 91 students, for who knows it may have left in them a spark to be creators one day! Susan Mae Parcon . . . . O F FU N L E A R N I N G 13 Summer, casual, sports, hip-hop, punk, party dress..only mean one thing...FASHION! To spark off our inquiries for Prada Meets the Caveman, the parents of Grade 3 presented a fashion show as we paused and pondered on Where We Are in Place and Time. Dressed up in clothes suited for different occupations, weather conditions, traditions and sports passions the parents of all Grade 3 classes paraded up on stage. The catwalk was hosted by Ibu Sharinaz, mother of Alyssa Nidia of 3C. The children went into an excited frenzy when 3B parents who displayed their sportswear hit soft balls into the audience. They even had a bike on stage, which our cyclist Ibu Lydia (Timothys mom) rode on. Grade 4 field trip to camp Pringayu on the 25th and 26th of October was chosen keeping in mind our unit of inquiry titled Walk in the Past. This was our first educational overnight trip, which was truly exhilarating. Having left school on the 25th morning at 8.00am, a one and a half hour ride brought us to Pringayu -Ciawi , where the staff of Camp Pringayu introducted themselves to us through a warm up activity. The students were then divided into groups and were led by their team leaders to be a part of adventures like The Flying Fox, Cross the River, Shaolin Step and Tarzan Swing. During the trip our children experienced the joy of playing together and displaying good teamwork with their friends. Every action and game had a history to share making the inquiries a tryst with the past. The most interesting part of the trip was cooking their own dinner in groups, washing their own plates and sleeping in tents ! Grade 3 mothers really have the moves! We thank them for showing immense enthusiasm by being a part of our inquiry. Thank you! The students were not far behind and did an excellent job in putting up a fashion show of clothes they had designed, modified or made themselves at the end of the unit. Working together as efficient teams they put together clothes not just for fashion but functions such as protection, weather situations, camouflage and as symbols of tradition. They worked on designs with ribbons, beads, sequins and laces and used appliqué artistically. A three week long period of planning, cutting, gluing and sewing made them look like nifty designers. A harmony of creativity and ingenuity along with familiarity of skills showcased the proficiency they had achieved during this unit of inquiry. Zaida Puyo The next day after a round of treasure hunt and final group games we left the camp and reached school in the afternoon. The PYP journey encourages holistic learning, which makes students draw the connections between disciplines and at the same time provide opportunities for them to learn beyond the four walls of their classroom. This trip has given the students a chance to look after themselves, care for others and be independent. It was an experience, which the students will cherish forever. Sujatha S. 14 15 EDITORIAL Frank La Fasto and Carl Larson wrote in their book - When Teams Work Best, that today people with different perspectives have come together, putting aside their narrow self interests 16 and discussing things openly and supportively in an attempt to solve a larger problem or achieve broader goals. Its time to give it another look! 15 years ago today was the FUTURE. Tomorrow, when today will be the PAST, one of the practical legacies that the global citizens of tomorrow would have received is a holistic education; - A wealth that only we as educators and you as guardians have the power to create. - Thats when teams work best! - A power to mould and create a successful nation.- Thats when teams work best! So what those authorities on team work said, then, is what we materialise on an everyday basis.We the educators, students and parents collectively put together our assets to give shape to a dream. This issue of The Young Beez is authentic evidence of exactly that. For more of our memories and achievements visit us on http://simprug.binus-school.net/Elementary.asp and before leaving here dont forget to go to the Brain Gym! Also, we apologise that in our first issue we misnamed Clarissa of EY2 as Anya. Yours On Behalf of the School Media Committee Shalini Ghosh along with Mr. Al, Ms. Anabelle, Ms.Ela , Ms. Elena, Ms.Evi Lestari and Ms. Yuska LETS GO TO THE BRAIN GYM! Contributed by: Lata Salkar Math Committee Boy 1: I have good news and bad news. Boy 2: Whats the good news? Boy 1: My father doubled my pocket money! Boy 2: So, whats the bad news? Boy 1: 2 times 0 is 0 !