Raiffeisen Bausparkasse in 2014
Raiffeisen Bausparkasse in 2014
Raiffeisen Bausparkasse in 2014 1 The Executive Board of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse: Hans-Christian Vallant, Manfred Url and Johann Ertl. Building societies – An Austrian tradition Ladies and Gentlemen, Building societies represent a successful model with a long tradition in our country. During the Second Republic, they played a very significant role in helping to rebuild our country. The domestic building societies have co-funded the construction, purchase and modernisation of around 1.5 million apartments and houses. That is living space for more than 4 million people. Building societies therefore offer Austrians substantial help in creating and maintaining their house and home. Building societies have made an important contribution towards helping people achieve a high standard of living and accumulate a wide range of property and assets with its low-cost loans and attractive forms of investment. Building societies have been the most popular form of saving in this country for a long time and have become indispensable as an instrument for personal provisions. Raiffeisen Bausparkasse has also made a significant contribution to this success. The company is the institute of Raiffeisen Banking Group specialising in financing, maintaining and enhancing living spaces. Raiffeisen Bausparkasse is the largest building society in the country with the largest number of customers at almost 1.8 million and has a market share of 33.5 percent. The company was founded in 1961. Back then, it was the smallest building society in Austria. Raiffeisen Bausparkasse is now an international company with around 3.6 million customers. The building society system proved itself to be a safe haven during the economic crisis. It stands out by offering both security and stability, both issues will play a key role in the savings and financing plans of Austrians in the future. We would like to thank our customers for their trust. We would also like to thank our business partners for the excellent cooperation. We reserve special thanks for our employees who have made a significant contribution to the positive results with their daily commitment and dedication. We look forward to continuing the successful path of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse with you all. Manfred Url 2 Johann Ertl Hans-Christian Vallant Raiffeisen Bausparkasse in 2014 Market leader in key business areas Building societies demonstrated their strength in 2014 during a challenging period for the entire economy. They remained the most preferred option chosen in surveys conducted regularly in relation to interesting forms of investment. The high level of emotional approval is also evident by referring to concrete figures: 316,312 new building society savings agreements were concluded by Raiffeisen Bausparkasse. This meant an increase of 3.4 percent compared to the previous year – and the company came out on top again among the Austrian building societies. Raiffeisen Bausparkasse maintained its excellent position with a total of around 1.8 million contracts. The demand for housing loans rose significantly in 2014 compared to the previous year with an increase of 7.8 percent. Building societies were considered as an ideal instrument for making your very own dream home a reality. The building capital was, however, not only required for the acquisition of property. It was also used for refurbishments: The company’s market leadership was further enhanced with € 843.8 million in financing. Moreover 107,653 loan customers make Raiffeisen Bausparkasse the number one building society. The healthy demand for low-interest building capital from Raiffeisen Bausparkasse was also reflected in an increase in loans: They increased by 1.1 percent to € 6,294.4 million in the previous year. Deposits also experienced a similar development increasing by 1.4 percent to € 6,332.8 million. The market share for loans is 33.1 percent, while for deposits it amounts to 30.7 percent. The balance sheet total as of 31 December 2014 amounted to € 7,820.6 million. Key figures (as of 31 December 2014) Contract portfolio 1,788,906 contracts New contracts 316,312 contracts Savings contracts: Savings contracts: 311,801 contracts Loan contracts: 1,681,253 contracts 107,653 contracts Loans Loan contracts: 4,511 contracts Deposits € 6,294.4 million Financing € 6,332.8 million Balance sheet total € 843.8 million € 7,820.6 million 3 Equity Investments of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse Exporting a successful business model Building societies based on the Austrian model are also helping people in Central and Eastern Europe to make progress towards owning their own property. Foreign business is therefore an integral part of the corporate strategy. It has supplemented growth and earnings for more than 20 years. The participations in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Romania have a total of 1.8 million customers with about € 5.1 billion building society deposits and 740 employees. Raiffeisen was the pioneer in exporting building society savings based on the Austrian model: The Slovakian company Prvá stavebná sporitelňa a.s. commenced business operations as the first foreign equity investment of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse and the first building society in Central and Eastern Europe in 1992. A year later, AR Bausparkasse AG was founded as the first building society in the Czech Republic. In 1998, it adopted the name Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna, a.s. that it has kept until today. Raiffeisen Bausparkasse was also the first building society on the market in Romania. Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinţe S.A commenced its business activities in 2004. The building society concept is repeating its success story in these countries. Hundreds of thousands of customers lay the foundation for their dream of owning their own home by reaching a building society savings agreement with Raiffeisen every year. Slovakia: Prvá stavebná sporitelňa a.s. (PSS) The Slovakian unit is the leading housing financer in the country with a market share of around 85 percent. Czech Republic: Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna, a.s. (RSTS) Building society savings are also hugely popular in the Czech Republic: Around 700,000 customers place their trust in RSTS. Romania: Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinţe, S.A (RBL) The oldest building society in Romania (founded in 2004) is showing a very promising development on the last emerging building society savings market in Europe. Vienna: RBM Wohnbau Ges.m.b.H. The 100 percent subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse (founded in 1998) carries out high value projects in the best residential locations in Vienna. Two projects are currently being prepared: “Idyllic living at Lainzer Tiergarten” and “Living in Nußdorf”. 4 Building society savings as an economic factor A system with benefits for everybody Building societies act as an important initiator and economic growth driver for housing construction. This is because the financing has a stimulating effect on the numerous construction and construction-related industries. Numerous small and medium-sized enterprises benefit from this and thousands of jobs are secured. In addition to new buildings, refurbishments, in particular, ensure additional orders. Financing for development and maintenance has also been possible since 2005 and funds are also invested in these two promising business areas. Numerous tax payments, which are significantly higher than the total of building society savings premiums (currently € 53 million a year) invested by the government, make their way back into the treasury via the building society cycle. A system that is proven over decades is maintained with relatively limited state resources which results in significant economic benefits for all those involved. The savings of around 5.3 million building society customers throughout Austria will benefit the entire population. The € 20,664.5 million in funds, which the building societies currently manage, will be completely invested – according to the statutory mandate – in the fields of living, maintenance and development. Building society customers enjoy the benefits of saving and financing The government The economy makes more money than it pays is boosted and will benefit in premiums Building society cycle: Win-win situation for people, the economy and the government The building society savings concept offers benefits for everyone: For savers whose money has been safely and attractively invested with the building societies, for the borrowers who can expect competitive and limited interest rates, for the building industry whose economy is significantly affected by the building capital payments – and for the government who receives more money from tax payments than it spends in building society premiums. Building societies represent a win-win situation for all those involved and are therefore a key area of the Austrian national economy. 5 Balance Sheet at December 31, 2014 Assets 1. Cash and balances with central banks 2. Debt instruments issued by public bodies that are eligible for refinancing with the central bank 3. Receivables from other banks 4. Mortgage-backed loans 5. December 31, 2014 in € December 31, 2013 in € thousand 1,072.86 6,597 125,207,922.42 107,665 939,017,843.41 669,725 5,240,097,897.66 5,102,917 Other loans 795,396,797.32 889,437 6. Bonds and other fixed-interest securities 372,936,596.80 500,607 7. Shares and other variable-yield securities 187,121,592.37 235,711 8. Equity investments 211,306.39 194 9. Investments in subsidiaries 98,833,484.68 97,049 1,387,587.10 14 407,903.33 557 59,638,983.91 56,917 329,474.94 509 7,820,588,463.19 7,667,899 December 31, 2014 in € December 31, 2013 in € thousand 246,426,232.73 258,299 December 31, 2014 in € December 31, 2013 in € thousand 10. Intangible non-current assets 11. Property, plant and equipment (Of which land and buildings used by the Bank within the scope of its own activities: € 131,575.00; previous year: € 176 thousand) 12. Other assets 13. Prepaid expenses Off-balance sheet items 1. Foreign assets Equity and Liabilities 6 1. Payables to other banks 1,116,742,114.37 1,050,648 2. Payables to customers 6,243,500,498.79 6,181,987 3. Other liabilities 39,117,796.02 30,549 4. Deferred income 613,310.57 700 5. Provisions 25,596,845.46 31,087 6. Retained profit 12,077,567.98 7,488 7. Supplementary capital under Part 2, Title II, Chapter 4 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 70,500,000.00 105,000 8. Subscribed capital 35,000,000.00 35,000 9. Capital reserves 8,091,830.00 8,092 199,500,000.00 147,500 69,848,500.00 69,848 7,820,588,463.19 7,667,899 10. Retained earnings 11. Liability reserve under § 57 (5) BWG (Austrian banking act) Off-balance sheet items December 31, 2014 in € December 31, 2013 in € thousand 31,085.77 31 1. Contingent liabilities under guarantees 2. Commitments 571,078,595.60 661,649 3. Eligible own funds pursuant under Part 2 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 297,989,455.23 335,626 4. Own funds requirement under Article 92 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 2,860,302,021.06 3,017,535 5. Foreign liabilities 20,111,917.25 15,229 2014 in € 2013 in € thousand 215,220,273.55 223,444 (118,045,935.84) (132,309) Income Statement for the 2014 Financial Year 1. Interest income and similar income 2. Interest expense and similar charges I. NET INTEREST INCOME 97,174,337.71 91,135 3. Income from securities and equity investments 36,260,252.27 6,807 4. Other operating income 30,713,408.19 33,228 II. OPERATING INCOME 164,147,998.17 131,170 5. General administrative expenses (97,460,146.86) (94,237) 6. Impairment allowances on assets recognized in items 10 and 11 (160,149.55) (169) 7. Other operating expenses (413,137.51) (81) III. OPERATING EXPENSES (98,033,433.92) (94,487) IV. PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS 66,114,564.25 36,683 8. Realized and unrealized gains and losses on receivables and securities and provisions made for commitments 3,090,932.10 (5,933) Realized and unrealized gains and losses on securities classified as financial investments and on equity investments and investments in subsidiaries (967,635.22) 179 PROFIT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 68,237,861.13 30,929 10. Income tax (4,366,199.46) (8,057) 11. Other taxes (not included in item 10) (282,288.48) (182) VI. PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 63,589,373.19 22,690 12. Changes in reserves (52,000,000.00) (15,500) VII. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 11,589,373.19 7,190 13. Retained profit brought forward 488,194.79 298 12,077,567.98 7,488 9. V. VIII. RETAINED PROFIT 7 Addresses Raiffeisen Bausparkasse Gesellschaft m.b.H. Mooslackengasse 12, 1190 Vienna p |+43 1 546 46-0 w |www.bausparen.at Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna, a.s. Konìvova 2747/99, CZ 130 45 Praha 3 p |+420 2 71 03 11 11 w |www.rsts.cz Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG Am Stadtpark 9, 1030 Vienna p |+43 1 262 16-0 w |www.rzb.at Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinţe, S.A. 246 D Calea Floreasca, 6th Floor, Area A, Sector 1, Bucharest, Postal Code 014476, Romania p |+40 372 13 31 10 w |www.rbl.ro Prvá stavebná sporitelňa, a.s. Bajkalská 30, P.O.Box 48, SK 829 48 Bratislava 25 p |+421 2 58 23 11 11 w |www.pss.sk Masthead Media owner: Raiffeisen Bausparkasse Gesellschaft m.b.H., 1190 Vienna Editorial office: Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Group Communications, 1030 Vienna