Raiffeisen Bausparkasse in 2015
Raiffeisen Bausparkasse in 2015
Raiffeisen Bausparkasse in 2015 As at: April 2016 The Board of Directors of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse: Mag. Manfred Url and Mag. Hans-Christian Vallant. The dream of owning your own home Ladies and Gentlemen, Many people dream of living in their own home. Those who want to make their dream come true will need a reliable and knowledgeable partner to help them achieve their aims. Here at Raiffeisen Bausparkasse, we help our customers to realise their real-estate dreams and saving targets without fail – and we’ve been doing so for 55 years. Building society savings in 2015: 365 days of building society savings and housing financing, plus local as well as internal changes and good moments shared together. – It was an eventful and busy year for Raiffeisen Bausparkasse and its affiliated companies. We thank all our business partners for their commitment and outstanding collaboration. We thank all our employees for their personal contribution to the success of “our“ Raiffeisen Bausparkasse. And we thank our customers for having confidence in us. Mag. Manfred Url Mag. Hans-Christian Vallant The company in brief Raiffeisen Bausparkasse is the institute of Raiffeisen Banking Group Austria that specialises in the financing, maintenance and improvement of residential property. It offers discounted savings contracts as well as tailor-made loans that facilitate the creation of housing as well as the financing of educational programmes and upkeep initiatives. The company was founded in 1961. Back then, it was the smallest building society in Austria; today, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse is an international company. As the market leader in the main business areas, it services around 1.8 million customers in Austria and has foreign equity holdings in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania – with a total of almost 1.6 million customers. In Austria, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse has co-financed the construction, purchase or modernisation of around 465,000 apartments and houses. That equals residential property for more than 1.2 million people. Business development in 2015 A good year: Facts, figures and data Raiffeisen Bausparkasse ended the 2015 financial year on a successful note, despite difficult market conditions. The still difficult macroeconomic environment, persistent low interest rates and the tougher competition with respect to terms offered required great effort in both product and cost management. Building society savings remained the most popular form of savings in 2015. Despite the low savings rate and a declining trend in savings deposits generally, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse was the only Austrian building society to achieve a growth rate of 0.2 per cent in building savings deposits compared to the previous year, an increase of EUR 13.1 million. As a result, building savings deposits reached a level of EUR 6,345.8 million. In terms of new business, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse remains the market leader, with 288,582 new contracts and a market share of 34.7 per cent. The company also secured for itself the highest value in terms of the total value of contracts concluded. In the area of financing, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse rendered financial services worth EUR 768.5 million. The situation regarding total loans currently stands at EUR 6,152.0 million. Amongst Austria’s building societies, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse is also clearly in first place for the number of building society accounts under management: Savings and loan contracts together make up the formidable sum of 1,753,432 building savings accounts. Despite a marginal decline compared to 2014, Raiffeisen Bausparkasse therefore retains a market share of 33.7 per cent and thus its position as market leader. Key figures (as at 31 December 2015) Contract portfolio: 1,753,432 Savings contracts: 1,654,614 Loan contracts: 98,818 New contracts: Savings contracts: Loan contracts: Loans: EUR 6,152.0 million Financing: Deposits: EUR 6,345.8 million Balance sheet total: 288,582 284,336 4,246 EUR 768.5 million EUR 7,677.1 million Equity investments of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse Building societies continue to be very successful in CEE as well The foreign business of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse has been an integral part of the company’s strategy for more than 20 years. The participations in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Romania have a total of almost 1.6 million customers and manage around EUR 5.1 billion in building society deposits. Slovakia: Prvá stavebná sporitelňa, a.s. (PSS) Year established: 1992 First foreign equity holding of Raiffeisen Bausparkasse and first building society in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Undisputed market leader in Slovakia Lead position in building society savings and construction financing Czech Republic: Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna, a.s. (RSTS) Year established: 1993 (as AR Bausparkasse AG) First building society in the Czech Republic 1998: Adoption of the name Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna, a.s., which is still used today Good results despite challenging conditions Romania: Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinţe, S.A. (RBL) Year established: 2004 First building society in Romania Constant growth of the contract portfolio Increasing focus on credit business and housing financing Key figures (as at 31 December 2015) New contracts Contract portfolio RBSK 288,582 1,753,432 EUR 6,345.8 million EUR 6,152.0 million PSS 155,927 830,606 EUR 2,443.0 million EUR 2,058.2 million RSTS 95,460 631,844 EUR 2,564.1 million EUR 1,429.8 million RBL 37,554 237,082 EUR 131.0 million EUR 24.7 million 577,523 3,452,964 EUR 11,483.9 million EUR 9,664.7 million In total Deposits Loans Economic factor and most popular form of savings Building society cycle: Benefits for people, the economy and the government Building societies are a system that offers benefits for everyone: for the savers, whose money is invested securely in the building societies at attractive rates; for the borrowers, who can count on low and limited interest rates; for the construction industry, whose activity is considerably influenced by the disbursement of building funds – and for the government, which collects far more in tax receipts than it pays out in premiums under housing savings contracts. Building societies represent a win-win situation for everyone involved. That is why they are a key factor in the Austrian economy Building society customers enjoy benefits when saving and financing The government The economy takes in more money than it pays in premiums is boosted and profits Mood barometer: Building society savings remain number 1 As the GfK mood barometer shows, building society savings are still the most popular form of savings and investments for Austrians. Real estate, followed by plots of land, are the second most popular investment product. For the first time since 2008, Austrians believe that investing in their own apartment, house or plot of land is more interesting than depositing the money in a savings account. Since the 1980s, GfK Austria has been surveying what forms of investment are of greatest interest to Austrians over 15 years, regardless of use. Every year, 18,000 interviews are held in this respect and evaluated on a quarterly basis. Save with a 37% building society Savings book 27% Gold 22% „Piggy bank“ Shares 13% 11% 33% Properties 29% Plots 18% 13% 13% 10% Life insurance Pension plan Supplementary pension Investment funds Source: GfK 2015 Balance sheet as at 31 December 2015 Assets 1. Cash and balances with central banks Debt instruments issued by public bodies that are eligible for 2. refinancing with the central bank 3. Receivables from other banks 4. Mortgage-backed loans 5. Other loans 6. Bonds and other fixed-interest securities 7. Shares and other variable-yield securities 8. Equity investments 9. Investments in subsidiaries 10. Intangible non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (Of which land and buildings 11. used by the Bank within the scope of its own activities: EUR 287,684.00; previous year: EUR 132,000.00) 12. Other assets 13. Prepaid expenses 31/12/2015 in EUR 31/12/2014 in EUR ’000 0.00 1 103,761,852.48 1,025,927,298.45 5,144,602,652.11 764,721,995.24 317,682,828.11 184,409,814.23 205,420.89 92,967,701.88 3,139,770.88 125,208 939,018 5,240,098 795,397 372,936 187,122 211 98,834 1,387 699,458.81 408 38,512,438.48 490,331.23 7,677,121,562.79 59,639 329 7,820,588 233,513,334.76 246,426 1,003,081,472.75 6,238,814,352.20 33,586,532.16 488,805.37 30,748,218.76 13,461,851.55 1,116,742 6,243,500 39,118 613 25,597 12,078 35,500,000.00 35,000,000.00 8,091,830.00 208,500,000.00 69,848,500.00 7,677,121,562.79 70,500 35,000 8,092 199,500 69,848 7,820,588 653.27 686,794,884.31 31 571,079 316,272,130.86 297,989 2,860,980,206.46 18,456,258.28 2,860,302 20,112 Off-balance sheet items 1. Foreign assets Liabilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Payables to other banks Payables to customers Other liabilities Deferred income Provisions Retained profit Supplementary capital under Part 2, Title II, Chapter 4 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 Subscribed capital Capital reserves Retained earnings Liability reserve under § 57 (5) BWG (Austrian banking act) Off-balance sheet items 1. Contingent liabilities under guarantees 2. Commitments Eligible own funds pursuant under Part 2 of Regulation (EU) 3. No. 575/2013 Own funds requirement under Article 92 of Regulation (EU) 4. No. 575/2013 5. Foreign liabilities Income statement for the 2015 financial year 31/12/2015 in EUR 1. Interest income and similar income 2. Interest expense and similar charges 31/12/2014 in EUR ’000 203,586,489.66 -110,474,799.72 215,220 -118,046 93,111,689.94 5,897,050.11 31,394,602.64 97,174 36,260 30,714 130,403,342.69 -99,929,712.12 -860,130.43 -156,470.86 164,148 -97,460 -160 -413 -100,946,313.41 29,457,029.28 -98,033 66,115 -582,393.33 3,091 -3,638,899.57 -968 V. PROFIT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 10. Income tax 11. Other taxes (not included in item 10) 25,235,736.38 -2,887,283.37 -464,169.44 68,238 -4,366 -282 VI. PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 12. Changes in reserves 21,884,283.57 -9,000,000.00 63,590 -52,000 VII. NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 13. Retained profit brought forward 12,884,283.57 577,567.98 11,590 488 VIII. RETAINED PROFIT 13,461,851.55 12,078 I. NET INTEREST INCOME 3. Income from securities and equity investments 4. Other operating income II. 5. 6. 7. OPERATING INCOME General administrative expenses Impairment allowances on assets recognized in items 10 and 11 Other operating expenses III. OPERATING EXPENSES IV. PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS Realized and unrealized gains and losses on receivables and 8. securities and provisions made for commitments Realized and unrealized gains and losses on securities 9. classified as financial investments and on equity investments and investments in subsidiaries Addresses Raiffeisen Bausparkasse Gesellschaft m. b. H. Mooslackengasse 12, 1190 Vienna p | +43 1 546 46-0 w | www.bausparen.at Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG Am Stadtpark 9, 1030 Vienna p | +43 1 262 16-0 w | www.rzb.at Prvá stavebná sporitelňa, a.s. Bajkalská 30, P.O.Box 48, SK 829 48 Bratislava 25 p | +421 2 58 23 11 11 w | www.pss.sk Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna, a.s. Konìvova 2747/99, CZ 130 45 Praha 3 p | +420 2 71 03 11 11 w | www.rsts.cz Raiffeisen Banca pentru Locuinţe, S.A. 246 D Calea Floreasca, 6th Floor, Area A, Sector 1, Bucharest, Postal Code 014476, Romania p | +40 372 13 31 10 w | www.rbl.ro Imprint: Media owner: Raiffeisen Bausparkasse Gesellschaft m. b. H., 1190 Vienna, publisher: internal, publishing location: Vienna, editorial staff: Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Group Communications, 1030 Vienna, photos © iStockphoto, as at: April 2016