Official EurOpEan DEgrEE On EntrEprEnEurial lEaDErship anD
Official EurOpEan DEgrEE On EntrEprEnEurial lEaDErship anD
Official European Degree on Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation INTRO This is the first official recognised qualification in Leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation degree in Europe. Mondragon Unibertsitatea offers a learning centre which is committed both in terms of its time and to its community, open to the world and looking towards the future. We are a young and dynamic university with a co-operative ethos and which really stands out, as it has since its foundation, for its close relationship with the world of business. As a learner in the “Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation course” (LEINN) students enter into direct contact with businesses over the course of their studies. In The Faculty of Businesses, with its two campuses in Oñati and Bidasoa, and the labs in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Harlem (Holland) we offer a course in Business Management, Project Management and Innovation which is up to date and adapted to the European Higher Education Area. We train participative, supportive and responsible people who know how to deal with the reality of modern organizations and their current challenges. People who can contribute to the development of our society. Mondragon Unibertsitatea-k bere garai eta gizartearekin konpromiso sendoa du, mundu eta etorkizunari beti begiratuz. Unibertsitate gazte eta dinamikoa gara, eta gure izaera kooperatiboak ere asko definitzen gaitu. Gure sorreratik gainera, enpresa munduarekin harreman estu-estua izan dugu, ezaguna denez. Ikasle gisa, zuk zeuk ikasten duzun bitartean enpresekin hartuemanak izango dituzu. Bidasoan eta Oñatin ditugun Enpresagintza Fakultateko bi kanpusetatik Enpresa Kudeaketan, Ekintzailetzan eta Berrikuntzan prestakuntza hau aurkezten dizugu. Eskaintza hau Europako espaziora egokitua eta eguneratua dago. Elkartasunez eta arduraz parte hartzeko gai diren pertsonak prestatzen ditugu, gaur egungo erakundeen errealitatera moldatzeko gai direnak, etorkizuenan egingo dituzten ekarpenen bidez, gizartearen garapenean lagunduko duten pertsonak. # Graduates will be trained to # Tituludunak enpresa take the lead in the creation berrien sorkuntzan iniziatiba of new businesses. har dezaten trebatuak izango dira. Mondragon Unibertsitatea es una universidad comprometida con su tiempo y su sociedad, abierta al mundo y proyectada al futuro. Somos una universidad joven y dinámica, de carácter cooperativo que destaca, desde su propio origen, por su estrecha relación con el mundo de la empresa. Como estudiante, en “Liderazgo, Emprendizaje e Innovacion (LEINN), en el transcurso de tu formación, entrarás en contacto directo con las empresas. Desde la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, con sus dos campus, en Oñati y Bidasoa, y los laboratorios de Madrid, Barcelona, Harlem (Holanda) y Bilbao te proponemos una formación en Gestión Empresarial, Emprendizaje e Innovación actualizada y adaptada al Espacio Europeo. Al finalizar los 4 años estarás preparado como una persona participativa, solidaria y responsable, que sepa hacer frente a la realidad y retos de las organizaciones actuales. Personas que, con su aportación, contribuyan al desarrollo de la sociedad. # Los graduados estarán capacitados para tomar la iniciativa en la creación de nuevas empresas. 2 YOU WILL TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD, CHINA, INDIA, SFO... Do you want... DO YOU WANT TO? To give meaning to your university life and professional future? To lead and share projects in a team? To go on/ experience learning trips abroad? To take responsibility with your own learning? To experience a different educational methodology in which we celebrate errors? To set up your own business? To enjoy yourself while you learn? To co-create and to be part of an international network of entrepreneurs? To passionately manage your own projects? To create opportunities where others see problems? To work hard and push yourself to make your dreams come true? To learn by doing? To develop through learning in a team? To be the change you want to see in the world? To share with others? YES! ”Creemos en el valor de COMPRENDER el mundo como ciudadanos globales, intentando ver el impacto de nuestras acciones desde un punto de vista global. Para eso el primer paso es entender cuales son las otras realidades que hay en el mundo y la forma de hacerlo es viajando” “Let the world change you.. and you can change the world” Jose Mari Luzarraga, @empathya_MTA Teampreneur at Mondragon Team Academy, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, LEINN Team Coach 3 What is Mondragon Team Academy As learner on the “Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation degree (LEINN) “ you will become part of the community Mondragon Team Academy (MTA). MTA is a community of team-entrepreneurs working in teams which was founded in May 2008 in the Faculty of Business of Mondragon University (Mondragon Unibertsitatea). It employs the methodology of Team Academy Finland, created in 1992 by Johannes Partanen at Jyvaskyla of Applied Science University (Finland). In the same way, it uses the principles of the co-operative experience of MONDRAGÓN created in 1956 by José María Arizmendiarrieta, who was a key player in the oldest industrial co-operative on the international stage. The aim of MTA is to turn ourselves into agents of change in order to transform our surroundings, creating businesses in teams while adopting co-operative values using active learning. We are currently a living international community made up of 500 entrepreneurs in teams, 30 team companies and 6 MTA labs (Irún, Oñate, Amsterdam, Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona). MTA is successfully expanding in both local and international spheres (Shanghai, San Francisco, Pune, Berlin, etc...) and is making itself into a model for entrepreneurship and teamwork. s, 6 Labost 500 alm ners, visited, learuntries 9 co iversity rial 1 Un 1 Indust and erative Coop d. behin MTA-k talde ekintzaileak sortu, pertsonak hezitu, proiektuak garatu eta enpresa, organizazio naiz gizartearen garapena sustatzen ditu. MTA es al impacimportante deb educac to social que ido ésta genión radical comuna cultura era en torno a o la emprendel al desarrdimiento, y la inq ollo persona medioaumietud social y l biental. Our new brand was cocreated between learners and all the comunity. Een gemeenschap opgebouwd door leermiddelen¹ geïmporteerd uit Finland welke zich in een succesvolle zakelijke omgeving² hebben ontwikkeld zoals in Mondragón het geval is. Deze gemeenschap is verbonden met coöperatieve waardes die om deze factoren draaien: Internationaal / Innovatief / Team / Leren / Ondernemen El resultat és un perfil dinàmic i ambiciós, disposat a desenvolupar i a portar a terme les seves idees, així com a fomentar la cultura emprenedora i el que això comporta al seu entorn: cambi del paradigma en quant a com treballar, viure, col·laborar, aprendre i educar. Formed by persons who believe in another way of living and making business. Persons who want to create positive impact beginning for their local environments. 4 SFO 2013 those will be some of your coaches Buscamos jugadores de equipo, con ganas de aprender, soñar y viajar . We look for team players, with a desire to learn, dream and travel. 3, 2, 1 Aktie! Je vindt ‘learning by doing’ leuk. 3,2,1 action! You like to learn by doing. BIDAIATU ETA ZURE ADIMENA ZABALADU NAHI DUZU. You want to travel and broaden your mind. Intenta-ho, esforça’t i dóna el millor de tu mateix.. Try it, make an effort, and make the most of yourself that you can. Wees actief, zoek oplossingen. Be restless, provide solutions. Juegas en equipo, el éxito es de todos. When you are a team player, success belongs to everyone. Where there is a will, there is a way. Learn with different methodologies. Comet errors, no temis de cometre’ls i aprèn d’ells. Mistakes are to be made and learnt from; they are not to be feared. Sonríe y disfruta aprendiendo. Smile and enjoy learning. Wees aanhoudend met je voornemens. Be persistent with your suggestions and proposals. ZURE GIZARTE ETA BERE garapen jasangarriarekin konpromezua duzu. You have a commitment to your society and its sustainable development. 5 qualification profile Skills and abilities acquired: The skills acquired by LEINN graduates can be grouped into five categories: YOUR JOB OFFER: Team learning Team leadership Global citizenship (Developing a global mindset) Company creation and management tools Team project work • • • • • • • Team leadership Self-management skills Project management Capability of team leadership Planning techniques Coaching skills Strategic skills Decision making * Within each category are grouped different skills which reflect the need to learn, lead and undertake projects in both local and international contexts. Team project work Customer service, negotiation and sales techniques Comprehension of financial elements: • Marketing • Innovation • Theoretical and business model skills • Creating and maintaining a network • Confidence and will to overcome obstacles Innovation manager International overseas manager Entrepreneur-Business person Global marketing and communities 2.0 manager. Self-managed-team coach. Events and communications manager (PR) Local and international sales manager Team learning Information technology and digital skill Team learning techniques Customized learning methods and attitude training. Creativity International vision Communication skills Self-orientation 6 LEINN graduates can opt to: 1. Continue with the company which they have created during the course or create a new startup. 2. Involve themselves in a company as professional experts to develop diverse projects of intrapreneurship and innovation. in the following ways: Intrapreneurship barnekintzailetza / IntraemprenedOria / intraemprendizaje / Leading highly motivated, self managed, multidisciplinary teams. Entrepreneur and intrapreuneur leadership. Leadership / Management INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DEVELOPER SUSTAPENA / Promoció / Promoción / promotie lidergo-kudeaketa / Lideratge-Administració / LIDERAZGO - ADMINISTRACIÓN / leiderschap beheer New business initiatives, business diversification plans, globalisation and opening of new markets. Management of innovation and change. Management of business projects. Design diseinu / Disseny / diseño / ontwerpen Business models, organisational structures, support systems for entrepreneurship. Communication “You will create the job of your future” komunikazioA / comunicació / comunicacióN / mededeling Inspiration, transmission of ideas, Visual Thinking, social networks and knowledge integration. zure etorkizuneko lanbidea sortuko duzu Crearàs el treball del teu futur crearás el trabajo de tú futuro Je zal het werk van je toekomst te creëren Consultancy Team coaching aholkularitza / Consultoria / Consultoría talde prestaketa / Entrenament d’equips / entrenamiento de equipos Consulting services, industrial marketing, organisational change and innovation management. Team coaching, teaching, research and the facilitation of learning processes. Innovation berrikuntza / Innovació / Innovación / innovatie New business concepts, markets, products and services. New organisational methods. 7 LEARNING MODEL LEINN is based more on the development of abilities and skills, rather than learning facts or content. The following elements form part of the learning context we offer: Finnish learning model: International experience: Our learning methods originated in the “Team Academy” department of entrepreneurship in Finland, who have more than 20 years of experience. The ‘Finnish method’ can be recognised in the various educational methods and tools employed in our program, amongst which include: personal responsibility, creativity, dialogue, team entrepreneurship, community spirit, etc... Companies need professional innovators with a global vision, we create global citizens. All LEINNers undertake three international learning journeys. The fist within Europe (Finland, Holland or Germany), the second to Silicon Valley in the USA, and the third to one of the emerging BRIC nations (China, India, Brazil, Mexico, etc.) “You will experiment with the Finnish method” “You will travel and gain experience in order to become a global citizen” Team learning: Real Companies: One of the key learning tools is that of the team. By working in teams they learn through experience the skills and abilities of the degree. The role of the teacher has become that of team coach, similar to that of a sports team, whose work consists of guiding, advising, asking pertinent questions and narrating the learning experience. The key to personal development and entrepreneurship is constant interaction with the real world: creating a real company and working with real clients on real projects. The learners take the lead in creating the team companies, with the team coach primarily charged with supporting and promoting the process rather than directing it. “You will learn in a team” “You will create your own company in a team” 8 Passion and enthusiasm, the student taking the lead: “You will discover that learning can be a thrilling challenge” What is your passion? Do you want to realize your dream at university? Our starting point is always our desire that the LEINNers experiment how to learn in a team with the same drive and passion than it happens in sports teams, bands or cultural groups. education Methods: We believe in an educational model that is modern, continuous, active and based on learning. Combining the different tools of individual and group learning, the student will develop the skills necessary to lead and manage diverse teams and projects. Furthermore, new international experiences and an intimate working environment, like that of Mondragon, creates a favorable working context that feeds and accelerates the experience of individual and group learning, thus developing innovational capacities. • Process centred. • Based on theories such as “Systematic Thinking” proposed by Peter Senge and “Knowledge Creation” systems as proposed by Nonaka & Takeuchi. • Active learning where the participant and their team developed projects take the lead. • A connected learning community that uses the latest ICT to facilitate learning. • Incorporating sustainability as a source of innovation. 9 STUDY PLAN TEAM ENTREPRENEURS Unique Learning Model NO SELF ORGANIZING OPEN CLASS OFFICE students classroms teaching teachers simulations control LEARNING REAL BUSINESS ¿WHY LeADERSHIP? TEAM COACHES Most important leadership qualities over next five years 60% Creativity Integrity 52% Global Thinking 35% Influence 30% Openness 28% Dedication 26% Focus on sustainability 26% Humility 12% Fairness 12% IBM Global CEO study. Capitalizing Complexity plan: Module credIts [240 ECTS] Foundations of company creation and management [FCM] 52ECTS Leadership and Knowledge management [LK] 27ECTS Enterprise and client focus [ECF] 27ECTS Network innovation as a means of creating value [INN] 24ECTS Global citizens [GC] 36ECTS Process of company creation and specialisation [PCC] 48ECTS End of course project [PRY] 26ECTS Optionals [OPT] Foundations of company creation and management [FCM] 22% Process of company creation and specialisation [PCC] Leadership and Knowledge management [LK] OPTIONALS 20 ECTS 11% Basics 54 ECTS 20% 11% 10% Network innovation as a means of creating value [INN] 11% 15% Global citizens [GC] SUBJECTS Mandatory 140 ECTS Enterprise and client focus [ECF] End of course project 26 ECTS End of course project [PRY] 10 1st Semester / 31 ECTS 2nd Semester / 29 ECTS 1st Semester / 30 ECTS 2nd Semester / 30 ECTS 1st Semester / 30 ECTS 2nd Semester / 30 ECTS 1st Semester / 35 ECTS 2nd Semester / 25 ECTS 11 CAMPUS & LABS Irun Campus Oñati Campus Address Hendaia, 8 (Palacio Ducourau) 20301 - Irun (Gipuzkoa) Founded in 2009 Address Larraña 16, 20560 - Oñati (Gipuzkoa) Founded in 2010 Strategic partners: Ayuntamiento Irún Corporación Mondragón Diputación Foral Gipuzkoa Strategic partners: Ayto de Oñati Corporación Mondragón Diputación Foral Gipuzkoa Created Team Learning Coops Created Team Learning Coops Glow /Jump In / Snatu / Smash / LoginLan / Want Contact: tel: (+34) 943 718 009 fax: (+34) 943 718 162 oñ[email protected] Akkua / taZebaEz / Steps / SmartWay / Ego / Kibber / Lemon / Kmon Contact: tel: (+34) 943 639 129 fax: (+34) 943 667 022 [email protected] Collaborators: Bilbao Campus Address BBF (Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria), Uribitarte 6, 48001 - Bilbao Founded in 2013 Strategic partners: Ayuntamiento Bilbao Contact: tel: (+34) 943 718 009 [email protected] Madrid Address Gobernador, 26 (HUB Madrid) 28014 - Madrid Founded in 2012 Created Team Learning Coops Walkin Strategic partners: Team Labs HUB Madrid Contact: [email protected] Amsterdam Address Zijlweg 1, 2013 DA, Haarlem Founded in 2012 Created Team Learning Coops Fetch Strategic partners: Team Academy Holland Contact: Tel. +31(0)23 54 793 96 [email protected] Enrollment through Mondragon University is required and that students who pass all requirements will get a Spanish LEINN certificate. To enroll at the Dutch campus the English language level of B2 is required. Barcelona Address Founded in 2013 Strategic partners: TeamLabs, RocaSalvatella & Transit Projectes Contact: [email protected] Valencia Address C/Jaume I, nº 2. 46470 – Catarroja (Valencia) Founded in 2013 Strategic partners: Florida Universitària Contact: tel: (+34) 96 122 03 91 [email protected] 13 EXPERIENCES GARAZI KONDE Mondragon Team Academy was born in 2007 in the Basque Country, Heart of the Cooperative movement (LEINN graduate) @garazikonde #LEINN-eko hezkuntza eredua #Kooperatibismoa berpizten ari da #EuskalHerria-n eta baita munduan zehar ere. #Enpresa, gure ingurunea eraldatzeko tresna bezala erabiliz. Amsterdaam Learning Journey SFO & Bay Area Learning Journey PETER SENGE (Director of the Center for Organizational Learning MIT Sloan School of Management) @petersenge Boston “If you really want to see the future of management education you should see Team Academy. So I see the Team Academy model as not only radical, but very sophisticated, because it is simultaneously addressing multiple needs.” Amsterdaam Berlin Irun/Oñati Zaragoza Madrid San Francisco Bcn Valencia BERTA LáZARO (Team Labs founder & MTA Team-Coach) @blazcor MAX OLIVA (HUB Madrid founder and CEO & IE Business School lecturer) @maxoliva36 “How might we co-create the best #LearningEcosystem for #entrepreneurs? At @HUBworld, @MondragonTA & @TeamLabs we’re #prototyping this everyday” “@MondragonTA #community is about the #people... We learn together... We learn faster” Madrid Learning Journey Henna Kääriäinen (Team-Coach at Team Academy Brazil & Monkey Business founder) @HennaMonkey “#Brazil + #TeamAcademy = #TeamEntrepreneurship in scale for transforming the society” WHO WE ARE YOU’LL LEARN ABOUT: +496 14 Finland Learning Journey Timmi Akatemia Headquarters Jyvaskyla Alex NavarrO (Fagor Ederlan S.Coop Production and Project Manager) “In #LEINN you will have the opportunity to make #business in #China! For that is crucial the #Guanxi, understanding the way they make #relationships and create #networks” Hanna Walden (Team Academy Learning Network Master Team Coach) @HannaW_TALN “I consider #LEINN as the most radical #teampreneurship programme in Europe at the moment” China & India Learning Journey Shanghai Pune Kolkata/Mumbai IÑIGO BLANCO (MTA Coach & HUB Donostia Founder) @InigoFunky IRUNE GONZÁLEZ (Social Design Thinker & Maker) @IruneFunky “The key place to raise #self-awareness and to feel the connection with the changing world. A complex culture to learn from #SustainableInnovations that happen in the streets. A context to understand that #SocialEntrepreneurship it is not a matter of charity, it is a matter of #responsibility and #humanity. “Amazing mixture between future, avantgarde and ancient #knowledge. A new world to discover and to understand the importance of #China in the global social and managerial #tendencies. The dragon is more alive than ever!” CAMPUSES: Irun / Oñati LABS: Madrid / Barcelona / Amsterdam Berlin / Pune / Shanghai TIMMI AKATEMIA: Jyvaskyla, Finland LEARNING JOURNEYS Basque Country + Finland + Neherlands + Germany + India + China + USA + Spain TWITS: Places and learning experiences 15 testimonials Mikel Ormazabal (Irún Lab, LEINNer: 4th Generation, Donostia-San Sebastian) Definiria LEINN com el terreny de joc on posar en pràctica i fer realitat els somnis de cadascú. Crec que és l’espai ideal per què aquelles persones amb ment emprenedora puguin desenvolupar les seves habilitats. Lars Huysman (Holland Lab, LEINNer: 4th Generation, Holland) LEINN did so many things for and too me. It only has been 4 months now, but I’ve learned more than the past 4 years together. Living on my own in a foreign country, overcome fears by group pressure, learn what it’s like to start up a real and running a business by doing. Instead of reading and hearing what do, you’ll have to find out. But the best part of all this, is that you really want to do this. Work from 08:00 to 20:00, 7 days a week, and still love what you do. “ Developing personally to develop as a team” Aitor Otxoa (Irun Lab, LEINNer: 1st Generation, Arrasate-Mondragon) Zer da LEINN? Ikasteko metodologia berri bat da, “learning by doing”, zure iritzia, pentsamenduak, ideiak eta ametsak aurrera eramateko aukera ematen dizun gradua da, aldi berean, talde lanean eta proiektu errealetan oinarritzen dena. Hasieran kaos bat zela iruditu zitzaidan, ez zuela zentzurik, baina gauza berri guztiei bezala, denbora bat eman behar izan nion. Beranduago Finlandian, buruhauste guzti horiei zentzua bilatu egin nien. Egia esanda, nire ikuspuntutik, filosofo haundien ideiekin alderatzen dut ikaste mota hu, hasieran zorotzat hartzen zintuzten, baina nork ez du Platon, Socrates, Marx eta guzti horien ideiak ikasi? Egia da mende asko pasa direla garai horietatik gaur egunera, baina nire ustez, ikasteko metodologia berri honek kritika asko jaso ditzake pertsonaia horiek jaso zuten bezala. Argi dagoena produktiboa dela eta azken finean, hori da gure gizarteak behar duena. Bidaia egiteko aukera handia ematen duen gradua da eta hori nere pertsonalitatearekin doan aukera da. Mundu guztian, leku eta jende desberdina ezagutzeko eta proiektuak egiteko aukera ematen dizu eta hori gutxi bada, zuk pentsatutako eta aurrera eramandako proiektuak dira, beraz, gustoko duzun arloan lan egiteko aukera ematen dizu. Poliki-poliki ikasteko modua aldatzen dabilen iraultza dela uste dut eta etorkizun haundia duela uste dut. “ gustuko duzun arloan lan egiteko aukera ematen dizu” 16 Barbara Quecedo (Irun Lab, LEINNer: 3rd Generation, Donostia-San Sebastian) Mi nombre es Bárbara y soy estudiante del grado de Liderazgo Emprendedor e Innovación (LEINN) en Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Si tuviera que explicar qué es LEINN y cómo aprendemos aquí, diría que la mejor forma de verlo sería mirarme a mi misma hace dos años y en la actualidad: cambio. Es una experiencia y un proceso integral donde tratas y te desarrollas con y entre personas; no sólo con contenidos. En este grado los LEINNers no acabamos teniendo los mismos conocimientos porque cada persona escoge su camino y se desarrolla en un modo diferente debido a que “cada persona es un mundo”. Y ésa es la magia de LEINN; el hecho de que existe un un proceso específico para cada uno, ya que todos somos diferentes el uno del otro. A pesar de que trabajamos en equipo, crecemos como individuos tanto como es posible durante los cuatro años que dura el grado. Un 10 no es nuestro límite y nos gusta soñar y hacer factible que la gente piense que todo es posible. Ibai Martinez (Irun Lab, LEINNer: 1st Generation, Donostia-San Sebastian) Leinn is a course which changes your life. On the first day you stop being a student, you turn into an entrepreneur working in a team and you start developing projects, visiting customers and traveling around the world... you play the lead role in your learning. The difference between this and other courses if that you find yourself in situations and have experiences which it would be impossible to have in a normal university setting. I remember a trip to a technical college in the middle of nowhere, in Rajastan, somewhere in India, illiterate women were making solar panels to supply energy to their communities. Since then I don’t let anyone tell me that we can’t do anything. Leinn is about this, life-changing experiences which bring out the best in you and give you the necessary energy and curiosity so that you never lose the desire to keep learning new things. “I don’t let anyone tell me that we can’t do anything.” Oihana Astigarraga (Oñati Lab, LEINNer: 2nd Generation, Oñati) Being in Leinn has been a continuous discovery. I started the degree to have a different experience, they told me that it required a lot of sacrifice, but I thought that maybe being watching things happen for four years in a normal degree would be the real sacrifice for me. Now after three years I can have discovered I was right. Developing personally to develop as a team has been my biggest learning, because we are a team formed by eleven people that keep on discovering a bit more every day. Writing each ones and at the same time each others future. Markel Gibert (Irun Lab, LEINNer: 1st Generation, Donostia-San Sebastián) LEINN ha supuesto para mi la forma de encontrar mi camino, de ser dueño de mi proceso de aprendizaje y de conocer mi potencilidad para hacer que las cosas ocurran. Todo esto en un proceso de equipo super intenso, que sirve para aprender a trabajar con otras personas y despues replicar esta experiencia en otros entornos. Con 22 años y recien acabado el grado hemos creado nuestra propia START UP, llamada TZBZ y he liderado en equipo diferentes proyectos intra-emprendedores en organizaciones tales como Eroski, Ampo y actualmente empiezo en Danobat. Pero verdaderamente para mi LEINN no acaba ahora, esto continua! Y toca aprender y liderar mas que nunca! 17 “We make our dreams become true creating team learning cooperatives.” 18 PRACTICAL INFO El proceso de admisión en LEINN es el siguiente: 1. Puertas abiertas: preinscripción prest (aquí te informaremos de todo el proceso). 2. Casting-entrevista. 3. Admisión y matrícula. The LEINN admission process is as follows: 1. Open doors and pre-registration: (here we will inform you about all the process). 2. Casting-interview. 3. Admission and enrollment. Headquarters: The HQ/Administrative centre for students on the LEINN degree is the Faculty of Business of Mondragon University on the Oñati campus where the general academic centre is also to be found. Main contact: Telephone: (+0034) 943 718009 Email: [email protected] Websites: You will find practical info about open doors dates in: Encontrarás información práctica sobre fechas de puertas abiertas en la siguiente dirección: 19 POP US! ENPRESAGINTZA FAKULTATEA FACULTY OF BUSINESS