October 21, 2012 - Heritage Christian Reformed Church


October 21, 2012 - Heritage Christian Reformed Church
Volume #11 Issue 40 October 21, 2012
Heritage Happenings
Heritage Christian Reformed Church ● 2857 S 11th Street ● Kalamazoo MI 49009
We welcome to Heritage today, Rev. Fritz Kruithof,
who will lead our morning worship. And please
return tonight to welcome Joseph Hamilton, a
seminarian student, as he leads our evening worship.
Bernie & Judy Zwart ~ October 26 – 56 years!
Pastor Appreciation
Month is on going!
There is only 11days left in
October to show your
appreciation to Pastor
Simon. You can show it in a
big or small way!
Thank you…
Our dear sisters & brothers, What a “labor of
love” you offered to my Dad and his family by
providing lunch for the people who came to the
memorial service! As you know, it was all delicious
and wonderful…but the whole family felt moved
and humbled when Jerry Oele said that you were not
allowing us to pay for it! We knew it symbolized
your love for Dad – and we felt so grateful. The
spirit in which you served (and cleaned up!) was
Christ like and we know that Dad would have felt so
honored by this gift you gave us. God bless you in
this ministry and in each of your personal lives.
Thank you for all the ways each of you loved Dad
and prayed for him.
The whole Luchies family
Thank you to our church family for all the prayers
and cards of support and sympathy on the recent
death of Bill’s father. Bill’s father was a retired
Navy officer, who having survived the war in the
Pacific, lived a long & colorful life. Lee Cobern died
at 94, just a month after Lee & Nancy’s 70th
wedding anniversary.
Bill & Kathy Cobern
A big thank you to all who helped with our 2012
Fall Carnival…even though it happened a week later
than expected! We praise God for this opportunity to
reach out to our neighbors here at Heritage. Good
job everyone!
Ladies Fellowship will meet on Wednesday,
October 24 at 9:45 am. Our Bible study will be based
on Genesis 22:1-19 (Lesson 8). All ladies are invited
to join us around the table.
Save the Date: Coffee Break Leadership Retreat will
be held on February 15 & 16, 2013 from Friday at
6:30 pm – Saturday at 4 pm right here at Heritage
Christian Reformed Church. Our speaker will be Ray
VanderLaan & he will speak on The Parables of
Jesus. Watch the newsletter for more details as the
date approaches!
Nursery Coordinator Needed: We are looking for a
new Nursery Coordinator to oversee the Heritage
Church Nursery. Please contact Pastor Simon if you
are interested in this ministry!
Evangelism & Missions
2012-2013 Faith Promise Year: Be sure to pick up
the 2nd Quarter (July – September 2012) report in
your mailboxes this morning!
Loaves & Fishes: Wish list:
October: Soups & Stews with
6+ grams of protein
November: canned vegetables
Please place your donations in the
grocery cart in the fellowship hall
Emails or Letters to Missionaries
Angie Schippers ~ Joseph Mutebi
Helen Selles ~ Larry Spalink
Ferrel & Marilyn Stremler ~ Rachel Brink
Harold & Phyllis Triezenberg ~ Frank Sawyer
If you do not have a copy of our missionairies’ email addresses,
both their most current newsletter and email addresses are on
the Missionary table right next to the mailboxes!
Offerings and Tithes
Offering is always for the General Fund
Oct 21 General Fund
Faith Promise
Loose Change
Home Missions
Oct 28 General Fund
Debt Reduction
Loose Change
Benevolence fund
Nov 4 General Fund
Christian Education
Loose Change
World Hunger
Nov 11 General Fund
Ministry Shares
Loose Change
K-zoo Loaves/Fishes
World Hunger Campaign 2012:
Hunger and malnutrition are the
number one risk to the health
worldwide. Through your Peter
Fish bank contributions, you are
helping fight global hunger and
give families the training and
support they need to overcome poverty in a lasting
way. Please continue to learn about God’s heart for
the world and consider what you can do to be more
like Him.
Requested Announcements
Do you have a passion for ending poverty? Put
your faith into action and register to ride or volunteer
in the 2013 Sea to Sea Tour. Cyclists can sign up for
the whole tour or register for one to five week
segments. It is recommended that riders register by
December 1, 2012. For more information and to
register, go to www.seatosea.org.
Feats of Strength in Christ The president of The
Conquerors International Strength Team reflects on
how God’s grace saved him from a life of crime. Go
to www.cbi.fm to listen to Crossroad Connection ~ a
restorative justice ministry of Crossroad Bible
How to Read the Bible for all its Worth: Christians
agree that the Bible is by far the most important book
for our faith and life. But we don't always agree on
what the Bible teaches, or how to interpret it. So if
you've got some questions about how to read and
understand the Bible, join the October 28th
Groundwork conversation on 2 Timothy 3:16. Tune
in to Groundwork – find a local radio station or listen
online at www.GroundworkOnline.com.
SFL: Reptarium Middle School is celebrating
Smoke Free Lizard Week (SFL). But is the special
speaker really smoke free? Help Liz and his friends
find out on this week’s Kids Corner. Then contact
Kids Corner at Box 506, Worth IL 60482
[email protected] for your very own Bible study.
“Paul’s Missionary Journey in Turkey & The
Seven Churches of Revelation” (March 28-April 9,
2013): Walk in the footsteps of Paul and John during
the day and study their New Testament writings at
night! Travel to sites connected with Paul’s First,
Second & Third Missionary Journeys and the seven
churches to whom John wrote the Book of
Revelation. Added to these magnificent biblical sites
are a two-day visit to Istanbul and a one-day visit to
the magical region of Cappadocia. Each evening
features an informative study session. Join host Jeff
Weima, professor of New Testament at Calvin
Theological Seminary and leading biblical scholar,
for this truly inspirational tour. For more
information, contact Dr. Weima at 616-891-2855 or
[email protected]. (See flyer posted in
Fellowship Hall for more details.)
Park Village Pines will be hosting its second annual
“SuperDrive Banquet” on Friday, October 26 in the
Fetzer Center on WMU’s campus. Social time begins
at 5:45 pm with the dinner beginning at 6:30 pm.
Proceeds will benefit the fund that helps residents
who can no longer afford the cost of their care. The
featured speaker will be Rev. Dale Cooper, retired
chaplain of Calvin College who will present “A
Thousand Waves and Two Thousand Smiles”, the
story of what he & a friend learned while driving
their antique John Deere tractors across the
Midwestern United States. For more information call
Dale Walvort or Kris Wolf at Park Village Pines at
Chicago Bus Trip Seats are now available for the
Chicago Bus trip ~ Tuesday December 4th. This is a
KCMS fundraiser. Join in the fun!!! Charter buses
depart at 8am from Kalamazoo First Assembly of
God. We head to Downtown Chicago and drop off at
State St and The Water Tower Place. It is your day to
do as you please in Chicago – sight see, shop, eat,
fellowship, or all of the above! Depart Chicago at
7pm ET and arrive back in Kalamazoo
approximately 10pm. The ride will include fun,
fellowship, snacks and prizes! We are offering an
early bird price of $36 per person until October 31.
Regular price of $38 begins on November
1st. Payment is THE ONLY THING that reserves
seats. Only 1 bus is going at this time and seats are
still available, 2nd bus will go if we get enough
people. Send payment to Gina de Jong 69110 CR 687
Hartford , MI 49057 - checks made out to KCMS.
Include your name, group if applicable and an e-mail
address for your confirmation. Any Questions
contact Gina de Jong – [email protected] or 7794667
NURSERY: Oct 21: Kim Bruinwood & Teri Wagner
Oct 28: Dorothy Broekhuizen & Tara Razenberg
Oct 21 & 28: Ken & Ellen Byle (21st only), Jack & Evie Wenke, Jerry & Trudy Oele, Nick & Ann Nieboer (28th only)
Nov 4 & 11: Ken & Ellen Byle (4th only), Nick & Ann Nieboer (11th only), Bruce & Ruth Fletcher, Greg & Sue Mejeur
HEARTLAND HEALTHCARE CENTER (Services begin at 3:30 pm & last approx 30 minutes)
Oct 21: Gary Broekhuizen
Oct 28: Dave Bickle & Judy Wieringa
If you can’t speak or play on the date you are scheduled, please trade with someone else on the list.
PRAYER LINE MINISTRY ~ Glen Wagner/Judy Fletcher
PRAYER EMAIL MINISTRY ~ [email protected]
SERVICE MINISTRY ~ October: Gretchen Vanders
9:30 am Rev. Fritz Kruithof
“Rolling with the Punches”
Various texts
10:50 Sunday School
5 pm Joseph Hamilton
Seminarian Student
“Unrealistic Expectations”
Psalm 15
9:30 am Pastor Simon
Giving Voice to our
Faith: Gratitude
Psalm 116
10:50 Sunday School
5 pm Rev. Michael
Van Hamersveld
9:30 am Pastor Simon
Giving Voice to our
Faith: Lament
Psalm 42 & 43
10:50 Sunday School
5 pm Pastor Simon
“The Up-Close God”
Acts 17:16-34
9:30 am Pastor Simon
Giving Voice to our Faith:
Psalm 25
10:50 Sunday School
5 pm Derek Buikema,
Seminarian Student
Oct 28: Zach Razenberg PM: Gary Broekhuizen
Coffee Break Bible Ladies Fellowship
Bible Study
Bible Study
9:30 – 11 am
9:45 – 11 am
9:30 – 11 am
Book Club 2-4 pm
Coffee Break Bible
9:30 – 11 am
Bible Study
9:30 – 11 am
Elders Meeting
3 pm
Coffee Break Bible
9:30 – 11 am
Deacons Meeting
7 pm
Men’s Bible
7 am
Praise Team
6:30 – 8 pm
Coffee Break Bible Ladies Fellowship
Bible Study
Bible Study
9:30 – 11 am
9:45 – 11 am
9:30 – 11 am
Board Meeting
7 pm
Newsletter deadline: Wednesday at noon.
Call, leave a note, or e-mail to [email protected].
Cancellations A tornado watch or warning in effect 1 hour prior to a worship service or
meeting will result in the worship service or meeting being cancelled. Announcements
regarding worship services will be announced on WWMT channel 3,
WOODTV Channel 8 and WOTV channel 4.
Office Hours Wednesday ~ 8:30-2:30 pm & Thursday 8:30-12:30 pm