Santapan Minda: Sinopsis Buku Bil. 2/2015


Santapan Minda: Sinopsis Buku Bil. 2/2015
The Wit & Wisdom Of Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Author : Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Imprint : Kuala Lumpur: Editions Didier Millet Sdn Bhd, 2014
Pagination : 163 pages
Synopsis :
The Wit and Wisdom of Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a collection of more
than 500 quotations spanning his time in government and beyond. The
quotations are arranged by topic, including those as varied as
leadership, race relations, the media, economics and development,
colonialism, international relations including Israel and Palestine and Malaysia itself.
IMPACT : Great Leadership Changes Everything
Author : Tim Irwin
Imprint : Dallas, Texas : BenBella Books, 2014
Pagination : 201 pages
Synopsis :
Impact reveals what it takes to be strong, enduring leader and
how we can protect ourselves from the weaknesses that bring
down so many promising leaders. This book gives you the keys to
unlock the doors that lead to what most of us want to make an
impact with our lives.
Crucial Accountability : Tools For Resolving Violated
Expectations, Broken Commitments, And Bad Behavior
Author : Kerry Patterson
Imprint : New York : Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013
Pagination : 275 pages
Synopsis :
This book teaches you how to deal with violated expectations in a way
that solves the problem at hand without harming the relationship and
in fact, even strengthens it. Broken promises, missed deadlines, poor
behaviour they don’t just make others lives miserable, they can sap up
to 50 percent of organizational performance and account for the vast majority of divorces. This book
offers the tools for improving relationships in the workplace and in life and for resolving all these
problems permanently.
Digital Wars : Apple, Google, Microsoft And The Battle
For The Internet
Author : Charles Arthur
Imprint : London : KoganPage, 2014
Pagination : 335 pages
Synopsis :
The first time that Apple, Google and Microsoft found themselves
sharing the same digital space was 1998. They were radically different
companies that would subsequently fight a series of battles for control
of different parts of the digital landscape that would be worldchanging. Arthur looks at what are now the three best-known tech companies and through the
voices of former and current staff examines their different strategies to try to win the battle to
control the exploding network connecting the world. Accessible and comprehensive, this book
analyses the very different cultures of the three companies and assesses exactly who are the victors
on each front.
Power Relationship : 26 Irrefutable Laws For Building
Exraordinary Relationships
Author : Andrew Sobel & Jerold Panas
Imprint : New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Pagination : 193 pages
Synopsis :
This book gives readers a unique, entertaining guide to relationship
success at work and in life. Each of the 26 laws is illustrated and explained
using a compelling, real-life story that shows how to implement it. The
second section of the book presents 16 common relationship challenges
with specific solutions.
Mind Power : Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Author : James Borg
Imprint : Harlow : Pearson, 2014
Pagination : 274 pages
Synopsis :
Mind Power is literally packed with power, the power to take full control of your mind, your
emotions and your life. Your mind and the way you think informs absolutely everything you feel, do
and say. Imagine how effectively you could command and influence the direction of your life if you
knew how to control the power of your mind. This book will show you how to take control, change
your attitudes and create a future of success. When you change your thinking - you change your life!
Strategic Talent Development : Develop And Engage All Your
People For Business Success
Author : Janice Caplan
Imprint : London : KoganPage, 2013
Pagination : 244 pages
Synopsis :
Strategic Talent Development helps top management executives develop
talent for the future, encourage an organizational culture that is
collaborative and innovative, direct and coordinate their people to
encourage flexibility and rapid responses, and actively harness employee engagement. This book
enables leaders to transform their employees' talent as a competitive advantage in order to deliver
Speak For Yourself : Talk To Impress, Influence And Make An
Author : Harry Key
Imprint : Harlow : Pearson, 2014
Pagination : 171 pages
Synopsis :
If you think that talking is easy, think again! Why? Because, whether at a
meeting at work or a dinner party at home, what you’re saying and how
you’re saying it matters. It can open doors or close them, it can make
you friends or lose them, it can get you noticed or forgotten. Wish you were a raconteur? Or a
brilliant public speaker? Maybe you just want to be more confident, clever, persuasive or
provocative in everyday conversations. Speak for Yourself is packed with winning ways to help you
walk, talk and interact with others while exuding confidence and calm. It’ll get you noticed and
leave them wanting more.
Outsmart Waste : The Modern Idea Of Garbage And How To
Think Our Way Out Of It
Author : Tom Szaky
Imprint : San Francisco : Berret Koehler Publishers, 2014
Pagination : 156 pages
Synopsis :
"Garbage doesn't exist in nature the output of one organism is the
useful input of another. So why does garbage exist in the human
system? Why did it only become a problem the past century? And most
importantly, how can we eliminate it outsmart the very idea of garbage?
Eco-entrepreneur Tom Szaky says that to outsmart waste first we have to understand it, then change
how we create it, and finally rethink what we do with it. He traces the roots of our current garbage
crisis to 20th century technological advances that resulted in historic changes in consuming habits
both the amount of garbage created and its longevity increased dramatically. Szaky argues we can
turn this around by changing what we buy, when we buy, why we buy, and what we do with what
we've bought. And through innovative recycling and creative "upcycling" (creating new products
from discarded objects) we can stop seeing garbage as useless waste and start seeing it as useful
waste a tremendous volume of resources that are simply misunderstood. After reading this mindexpanding book you will never think of garbage the same way again"
Lead Positive : What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say,
And Do
Author : Kathryn D. Cramer
Imprint : San Francisco, California: JOSSEY-BASS, 2014
Pagination : 268 pages
Synopsis :
Lead Positive takes the fundamentals of Asset-Based Thinking (ABT)
and turns them into a playbook for successful leadership. ABT is a
simple mindset management process that shows people how to make
small shifts in perception and thinking to achieve great results. Cramer shows leaders how to apply
ABT to shift their attention away from what is negative and learn to intentionally shine the spotlight
on the positive, beneficial facts of a situation. As they make this mental shift from negative to
positive aspects, they improve their optimism, empathy and confidence. Lead Positive weaves
neuroscience and positive psychology to create effective leadership strategies.
The Idea-Driven Organization : Unlocking The Power In
Bottom-Up Ideas
Author : Alan G. Robinson & Dean M. Schroeder
Imprint : San Francisco, California: Berrett-Koehler
Publishers, 2014
Pagination : 190 pages
Synopsis :
The authors explain how leaders can build the kind of idea-driven
company capable of implementing fifty to a hundred or more ideas per
employee per year. Drawing on their work with companies worldwide, they show what’s needed to
put together a management team open to grassroots innovation and describe the strategies,
policies, and practices that encourage and those that discourage employee ideas. They detail exactly
how high-performing idea processes work and how to design one customized for your organization
including advice for teaching people how to come up with new ideas. The best ideas may come from
the bottom, but they have to be systematically solicited from the top.
It’s Not The Size Of The Data-It’s How You Use It: Smarter
Marketing With Analytics And Dashboards
Author : Koen Pauwels
Imprint : New York : AMACOM, 2014
Pagination : 232 pages
Synopsis :
World renowned marketing expert Koen Pauwels supplies a simple yet
rigorous methodology and wealth of case studies to help any size
organization, in any industry, turn data into productive action. He
explains step by step how to: gain crucial IT support; build a rock-solid database; select key leading
performance indicators; design the optimal dashboard layout; use marketing analytics to improve
decisions and reap rewards; and gut decisions are outdated and downright dangerous. Whether
you're trying to allocate resources between online and offline marketing, measure the ROI of specific
efforts, or scale up a creative campaign, dashboard analytics bring scientific precision and insight to
marketing efforts - with far better results.
Your Best Brain Ever : A Complete Guide & Workout
Author : Michael S. Sweeney
Imprint : United States: National Geographic Society, 2014
Pagination : 239 pages
Synopsis :
Leading memory loss expert Cynthia R. Green, PhD, and eminent science
writer Michael Sweeney have created a book both informational and
practical that gives readers everything they need to know about the care
and feeding of one of the body's most important organs, the brain. It
addresses a key concern for aging baby boomers. It is based on science
and counselling experience this book offers sound and practical advice on how to fend off brain
aging. This book is a winning combination of science reference and self-help. Science-based,
illustrated explanations of how the brain works are paired with experience-proven ways to keep the
brain young and strong.
Data Crush : How The Information Tidal Wave Is Driving New
Business Opportunities
Author : Christopher Surdak
Imprint : New York : AMACOM American Management
Association, 2014
Pagination : 280 pages
Synopsis :
The book clarifies the key drivers: the proliferation of "big data"
generated by a never-ending range of online activities (and the mobility
that enables much of it); the seemingly infinite array of digital
commerce and entertainment pathways; and the rising growth of Cloud computing. These and other
factors combine to create an overwhelming universe of valuable information all constantly updated
in real time with billions of mouse clicks each day. It's daunting, but with this onslaught of
information comes tremendous opportunity and Data Crush will help you make sense of it all.
100 Hasutan Syaitan
Pengarang : Wiwid Prasetyo
Penerbit : Batu Caves, Selangor : AL-HIDAYAH HOUSE
Jumlah mukasurat : 474 ms
Sinopsis :
Buku ini memuatkan 100 kisah yang menunjukkan teknik licik syaitan dalam menggelincirkan
manusia daripada laluan yang benar. Selain itu buku ini juga menunjukkan betapa cerdik dan
bersungguhnya syaitan dalam usaha menggoda umat manusia agar tersesat dan menjauhkan diri
dalam ajaran Islam yang benar. Mereka sangat gembira dan bangga apabila berjaya menyesatkan
umat manusia. Sedikit perkongsian tentang kebijaksanaan syaitan yang licik menggoda dan
menyesatkan manusia. Semoga dengan pengkongsian kisah-kisah ini dalam kita ambil ikhtibar dan
pengajaran daripadanya.
Anda Nak, Anda Dapat! : Hentikan Alasan, Mulakan
Dari Sekarang
Pengarang : Hazrul Hizam Karim
Penerbit : Shah Alam, Selangor : GRUP BUKU
Jumlah mukasurat : 263 ms
Sinopsis :
TAHUKAH anda minda manusia mempunyai kekuatan yang hebat?
Buktinya jika fizikal yang menjadi ukuran, pasti manusia hebat seperti
Stephen Hawking dan Nick Vujicic tidak akan wujud di dunia. Tanpa
anggota badan yang sempurna mereka masih boleh mencapai kejayaan yang belum tentu mampu
dilakukan oleh manusia biasa. Jadi, apa lebihnya diri mereka berbanding anda? Dengan kombinasi
kekuatan fizikal dan minda, anda tentu boleh menjadi lebih hebat daripada mereka. Bagaimana?
Anda Nak, Anda Dapat! akan mengajar anda meningkatkan potensi diri melalui minda. Semuanya
terletak di tangan anda. Yakin dan percaya bahawa anda boleh mencapai apa yang diinginkan. Apa
yang penting, ubah cara usaha dan bersedialah untuk menjadi unggul seperti mereka yang ternama!
Menalar Makna Diri : Kembara Menjejak Imam Birgivi
Pengarang : Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
Penerbit : Shah Alam, Selangor : GRUP BUKU
Jumlah mukasurat : 437 ms
Sinopsis :
Menalar Makna Diri: Kembara Menjejak Imam Birgivi adalah sebuah
naskhah travelog yang merakam pengalaman Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
mengembara untuk mencari dan menganalisa bahan rujukan bagi
mengkaji pemikiran dan perjuangan seorang tokoh penting Daulah
Uthmaniyyah Abad ke-16, Muhammad bin Pir Ali al-Birkawi, atau lebih dikenali sebagai Imam Birgivi.
Pengembaraan ini bukan sekadar pengembaraan akademik bagi menyempurnakan pengajian
Sarjana Pengajian Islam (Pengajian Arab dan Tamadun Islam) beliau di UKM, tetapi ia juga adalah
pengembaraan ukhuwwah, tarbiyyah, mehnah, keringat dan air mata, pada memartabatkan disiplin
sejarah, saat ia dipinggirkan oleh massa. Perjalanan merentas gunung melintas benua, terhimpun
padanya keseriusan amanah ilmu, namun terselit juga kelucuan persahabatan melangkau batas
bangsa dan bahasa
Santunan Fitrah
Pengarang : Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj
Penerbit : Shah Alam, Selangor : Karya Bestari, 2014
Jumlah mukasurat : 224 ms
Sinopsis :
Dalam buku ini, penulis mengadunkan pengalaman hidup lebih 40 tahun
sebagai seorang insan bergelar wanita yang lahir dan menghabiskan
sebahagian besar hidup di bumi bertuah ini, lebih 20 tahun sebagai
pengamal perubatan dan aktivis NGO yang sentiasa responsif terhadap
keadaan sosial masyarakat yang begitu dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan
politik, ekonomi, teknologi dan persekitaran. Dengan memilih tajuk isu semasa, penulis cuba
menggarap persoalan yang timbul dan mengemukakan beberapa premis yang berasaskan data serta
bukti sebelum mencadangkan beberapa tindakan yang perlu diambil di peringkat individu dan
masyarakat. Akhirnya, semoga timbullah kesedaran yang mendalam, betapa manusia ini sudah sedia
dibekalkan dengan manual kehidupan yang lengkap sempurna oleh Allah melalui panduan Kitab alQuran yang dihidupkan dengan demonstrasi sepanjang hayat kehidupan Rasulullah SAW melalui
catatan sunnah baginda yang mulia.
Add + Pahala Delete – Dosa : Tip Dan Motivasi Untuk Pelajar
Dan Orang Muda
Pengarang : Mohd Razali Kamarudin
Penerbit : Petaling Jaya, Selangor: Galeri Ilmu Sdn. Bhd., 2014
Jumlah mukasurat : 350 ms
Sinopsis :
Buku ini merupakan sebuah karya mengenai amalan dan ibadah harian
yang ditujukan khas untuk pelajar dan golongan muda. Perkongsian
kisah dan tip yang tercatat di dalamnya amat membantu orang muda untuk terus beramal walaupun
hanya dengan amalan-amalan kecil sekalipun. Ia membantu kita untuk mengenal pasti adakah kita
orang muda yang begitu bermotivasi dalam melakukan amal ibadah? ATAU adakah kita orang muda
yang hanya melakukan amal ibadah secara bermusim ATAU orang muda yang malas melakukan amal
ibadah? Tepuk dada tanyalah diri. Semuanya terdapat dalam buku ini.
Sirah Nabi : Perjalanan Hidup Insan Agung
Pengarang : Syeikh Sofiyurahman Al-Mubarakfuri
Penerbit : Sg. Buloh, Selangor: Kemilau Publika Sdn Bhd, 2013
Jumlah mukasurat : 649 ms
Sinopsis :
Sirah Rasulullah Saw adalah semua perkataan, perbuatan dan akhlak
baginda yang mulia. Saidatina Aisyah, isteri baginda berkata, “Akhlak
baginda ialah al-Quran.” Mengingatkan bahawa al-Quran ialah Kitab
Allah dan himpunan kalimat-kalimat-Nya yang sempurna, maka tubuh
yang berakhlak al-Quran seperti ini tentu merupakan manusia paling
baik dan paling sempurna akhlaknya serta paling berhak mendapatkan kecintaan seluruh makhluk.
Buku yang ada di tangan anda sekarang adalah sebuah karya Sirah Nabi Saw yang telah memenangi
tempat pertama pertandingan penulisan buku Sirah Rasulullah SAW anjuran Rabithah Alam Islami
(Liga Dunia Islam), di Mekah al-Mukarramah.
Ulul Albab Ajaibnya Alam Semesta : Satu Kajian Ulul Albab
Yang Membongkarkan Setiap Fenomena Adalah Bukti
Keagungan Ciptaan Ilahi
Pengarang : Prof. Madya Dr. Mat Rofa Ismail
Penerbit : Batu Caves, Selangor: Must Read Sdn Bhd, 2014
Jumlah mukasurat : 363 ms
Sinopsis :
Ulul Albab ialah golongan yang mengambil iktibar tentang
keagungan Ilahi dengan merenungi kejadian di langit dan bumi
yang penuh keajaiban. Fenomena harian yang dapat dilihat di sekeliling seperti langit, bumi,
manusia, haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan dengan sistem yang sangat teratur pastinya dikawal oleh
Pentadbir Yang Maha Agung. Buku ini mengajak para pembaca untuk turut sama merenung alam
semesta menerusi dimensi ulul albab.
Israfil alaihissalam & Peristiwa Kiamat
Pengarang : Mansur Abdul Hakim
Penerbit : Shah Alam, Selangor : Grup Buku Karangkraf
(Karya Bestari), 2014
Jumlah mukasurat : 345 ms
Sinopsis :
Malaikat Israfil a.s ialah salah satu malaikat Allah yang dimuliakan. Ia
ditugaskan meniup sangkakala. Tiupan pertama menyebabkan setiap
makhluk terkejut kemudian terhempas mati. Kemudian tiupan kali kedua
untuk membangkitkan makhluk hidup kembali. Antara sifat Israfil a.s yang
pernah diceritakan ialah dia tidak pernah ketawa sejak Allah menciptakan neraka, disebabkan rasa
takut dan ngeri dengan keadaan yang ada di dalamnya. Buku ini akan merungkaikan asal-usul
Malaikat Israfil dan persoalan penting berkenaan dengan Hari Kiamat. Antaranya ialah siapa yang
ditugaskan untuk menghancurkan bumi ini? Konsep kematian, kehancuran bumi, syafaat Nabi SAW,
syurga dan neraka dan lain-lain.
Rahsia Menjemput Rahmat
Pengarang : Harlis Kurniawan
Penerbit : Petaling Jaya, Selangor : Galeri Ilmu Sdn. Bhd., 2014
Jumlah mukasurat : 284 ms
Sinopsis :
Nikmat Allah kepada manusia sangat banyak. Satu daripadanya adalah
menanam rasa belas kasih (rahmat) ke dalam hati mereka. Namun rasa
belas kasih dalam hati manusia tidak sentiasa ada, kerana perasaan itu
berkait rapat dengan iman yang adakalanya turun naik. Malanglah orang
yang dicabut rasa belas kasih dari hatinya. Walaupun demikian, selagi
tubuh masih bernafas, kita tetap berpeluang meraih rahmat daripada Allah. Kita tidak boleh
berputus asa dalam mengharapkan rahmat Allah kerana rahmat Allah itu meliputi setiap makhlukNya. Buku ini memandu kita bagaimana untuk menjemput rahmat agar kita sentiasa tergolong
dalam insan yang sentiasa bernaung dalam rahmat dan hidayah-Nya.
The Power of Rasulullah’s Leadership
Pengarang : Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi
Penerbit : Batu Caves, Selangor : Al-Hidayah House of
Publishers, 2014
Jumlah mukasurat : 219 ms
Sinopsis :
Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan tokoh yang paling dikagumi bukan
sahaja dikagumi oleh orang Islam, bahkan ia juga dikagumi orang bukan
Islam. Banyak kajian dan hasil tulisan berkenaan topik ini telah
dibukukan. Malah ia juga sering dijadikan model utama dalam
pengurusan individu, kekeluargaan, korporat bahkan sistem sesebuah
negara. Buku ini mengupas secara terperinci mengenai berbagai-bagai teori, cara dan model
kepimpinan yang bersifat fundamental, menyeluruh dan holistik. Baginda SAW menjalankan
pemerintahan di atas empat asa utama iaitu Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh dan Fatanah. Untuk
mengetahui lebih terperinci berkenaan prinsip kepimpinan Rasulullah SAW terokailah buku ini.