west regional development agency - EU FP7 HOST Project
west regional development agency - EU FP7 HOST Project
REGIONAL CLUSTER FOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY WEST REGION ROMANIA WEST REGION ICT CLUSTER WEST REGION ICT CLUSTER • Created on July 1st 2011 • 33 members, members public and private regional organisations: 21 companies in the IC&T sector 1 technologic transfer & innovation association 4 regional i l universities i iti 3 County Councils 3 City Halls West Regional Development Agency West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro WEST REGION ICT CLUSTER WEST REGION ICT CLUSTER OUR VISION Promoting and supporting the regional ICT enterprises in becoming global market players, with our own products, under a strong regional brand. brand West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro HISTORY 2007 – First consultations with regional stakeholders 2007 – Regional ICT Club & Master-plan for the future cluster 2008 – Concept note for regional e-platform 2009 – Regional ICT sector study 2010 – Two ICT support infrastructure projects West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro ICT SECTOR IN WEST REGION ICT SECTOR IN WEST REGION z 1,654 companies (57,8% SMEs) z 222 owned foreign capital z 12,941 employees (48,1% in SMEs) z Over 455 millions Euro turnover (37.7% from SMEs) z Over 29 millions Euro profit (49.6% from SMEs) z 51% of the companies active on programming and software editing West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro ICT SECTOR IN WEST REGION ICT SECTOR IN WEST REGION ICT companies in West Region 7% 13% 4% Manufactury 6% g Software editing Programing Web services 11% 15% 44% M i t i Maintainance Commerce Telecomunication West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro ICT SECTOR IN WEST REGION ICT SECTOR IN WEST REGION ICT employees in West Region Manufactury 3% 16% Software So t a e ed editing t g 3% Programing 3% 50% 22% 3% Web services Maintainance Commerce Telecomunication West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro TRENDS The evolution of ICT sector employees in West Region 14,000 12,000 3.6 3.4 3.0 2.9 10,000 3.6 % 2.8 3 8 000 8,000 6,000 4,000 9,703 11,809 12,121 4 12,134 12,171 2 12,941 1 2,000 0 0 2006 200 2007 ICT employees 2008 2009 2010 2011 % ICT employees from the regional economy The evolution of ICT sector turnover in West Region (Euro) 500,000,000 450 000 000 450,000,000 400,000,000 350,000,000 448,289,727 300,000,000 250,000,000 , , 200,000,000 463,335,466 348,655,212 455,568,978 376 077 191 376,077,191 385 957 685 385,957,685 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro 2010 2011 REGIONAL SURVEY REGIONAL SURVEY Q8. The relation betw een the number of companies and the number of companies that ow n personal product(s) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Q8.10 Soft creating and testing Q8.6 IT system implementation Q8.7 Netw ork management Q8.3 Sales Q8.2 Components assembly Q8.5 Components service Q8.8 Web design Q8.12 Others Q8.4 Components distribution Q8.11 Telephony services Q8.9 Internet provider Q8.1 Components production 69 49 25 48 4 41 39 9 4 35 33 24 11 4 4 63 58 12 2 2 70 29 17 16 14 Total companies Total companies w ith personal product(s) 53,6% declare they have an own product in at least one field West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro OBJECTIVES z Evolution from trade/services / to own p products and consultancyy z Setting up research centers for higher added value z Education offer adapted to regional economy z Attracting and motivating young people z Co-operation with public administration towards investments West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro new COMMITTEES Public Administration Education – Training Research & Development & Innovation IT&C business development and start-up Internationalization West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro p Competitiveness Pole Education & Training ICT Business School Start‐ups Own ICT products and services Infrastructure & institutional strenghtening Infrastructure & institutional strenghtening Objective 1: Objective 1: Build new competitive infrastructure Need to accelerate clusteriztion process Objective 2: Objective 2: Generate innovative products through cooperation & high‐ end infrastructure Need to optimize ICT Cluster members’ resources Objective 3: Objective 3: Strategic positioning of the West Region ICT Cluster through support actions Need to exploit rising opportunities in ICT industry West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Integrated package of projects - ICT Competitive Pole in West Region Objective: Th ICT Regional The R i lC Competitiveness titi P Pole l operational ti l th through h an iintegrated t t d package k off projects consisting of: ICT Cluster’s Development p Strategy gy for 2012 - 2020 2 Infrastructure Investment Projects 5 RDI Projects 1 project for developing support services for new ICT start-ups 1 Project for integrated management of the 9 projects Beneficiary: West Region ICT Cluster Financing: Increasing Economic Competitiveness Operational Programme, 2012 Call for Projects for Competitiveness Poles in Romania Package Budget: approx. 11 mil. euro Grant Value : 7 mil. euro West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Project Name Project’s type 1 DigiVest – Regional ICT Data, Data Expertise, Expertise Governance and Support Center – West Region Investment 2 3 4 Development of ICT Business School Infrastructure Investment Integrated management of West Region ICT Competitiveness Pole soft Support for development of innovative start-ups ICT in West Region soft Support actions to strengthen ICT competitiveness pole: training, promotion and soft internationalization „E-education /E-mentoring” Intelligent System for analysis of students’ vocational profile &recommendations RDI generating “E-reputation” RDI Software Platform for online reputation analysis and management Intelligent Platform for Autonomous Integrated Services Network RDI Document Management Software Application for Computers, Smartphones and Tablets RDI 5 6 7 8 9 Distributed Intelligent Data Transfer with advanced capabilities of self-control, security, 10 release and integration with cloud computing platforms West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro RDI Members of ICT Regional Cluster West Region West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro WEST REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY TASKS: •Management Management of Funds •Planning •Attraction Att ti off IInvestments t t •Innovation •International relations West RDA Headquarters Dechan Palace, Timisoara West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro ARAD County Council Priority Domains: Support SME Development Foreign Direct Investments Tourism Information and Communication Technologies Agriculture &Food Industry Transport Infrastructure & Employees Mobility Environment Education and Training ARAD County Development Strategy - Objectives: ¾ Support pp sectors with increased competitiveness p and high g added value ¾ Capitalize the Human Resources advantage and ensure highest employment levels ¾ Promote balanced regional development and mitigate territorial disparities West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Caras- Severin County Council Objectives Achieve sustainable economic and social development and better positioning of Caras-Severin in terms of level of development Support technical and technological innovations and constantly work to implement green technologies in order to reduce energy consumption in the provision of public services Caras-Severin Council implemented over 40 projects financed with European F nds covering Funds, co ering a wide ide range of domains: domains reconstructions reconstr ctions and modernization moderni ation of county infrastructure (roads, public utilities infrastructure, hospitals, schools), fostering economic development (Valea Ţerovei Industrial Area), tourism and environment. West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro TIMIȘ COUNTY COUNCIL • • The most important County in West part of Romania sustains: ¾ the th d development l t off th the IT&C sector, t ¾ Regional Cluster for Information and Communication Technology By: • Promotion of some investment projects that aim to create or develop business support infrastructure with integrated functions of technological transfer centers as well as research and innovation centers. West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Arad City Hall Strategic Domains: 1. 2. 3. 4. Economic competitiveness Urban development Human resource development and social services Community development Health Culture Youth Sport 5. Tourism THE FORTIFIED TOWN OF ARAD Action Plan for Sustainable Energy in Arad City West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro D Deva Cit City H Hallll Strategic Objectives: Investiments in urban infrastructure Attraction Att ti off FDIs FDI and d business b i environment i t development d l t Increase employment rates, Promote tourism, Improve p and maintain environment Capitalize cooperation with partner cities l Develop new projects financed through European and governmental programmes. Priority Domains: • Transport and Energy Infrastructure • Economic Competitiveness • Tourism • Strategic Partnerships • Development of sub-urban areas of Deva Municipality • Human Resources Development and Social Services • Environment West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Timisoara City Hall Governed by: - Law 215/2001 regarding local public administration - Local Council Decision 39/2006 regarding Statutes of Timişoara Municipality Initiatives to support IT development: 2011 - “ICT Regional Business and Innovation Infrastructure” project Project budget : 19 19.159.203,27 159 203 27 lei Financing: Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013, 2003 – project for developing the first IT Incubator in România Developed in partnership with Timis County Council, Politehnica University of Timişoara and IBD/GTZ Budget: 192.570 euro Financed through partners contributions West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro W t University West U i it off Timisoara Ti i Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Doctoral Studies in: • • • • • Computational Mathematics Applied Mathematics A tifi i l Intelligence Artificial I t lli and d Distributed Di t ib t d Calculation C l l ti Software Engineering Applied Computer Science Research Fields • • • Parallel and distributed computing Artificial Intelligence Computational Mathematics West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro ,,Politehnica ,, Politehnica”” University of Timis Timisoara ARCHITECTURE ELECTRONICS C O CS & TELECOMUNICATIONS INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY & ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTIONS COMMUNICATIONS ELECTROTECHNICS & ELECTROENERGETICS MANUFATURING & LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT MECHANICS AUTOMATION & COMPUTER SCIENCES STUDY PROGRAMMES BATCHELAR DEGREE : 57 SPECIALIZATIONS MASTER: 63 SPECIALIZATIONS DOCTORAL SCHOOL Contacts: ADRESS Victoriei ADRESS: Vi t i i Square S nr.2, 300006 Timisoara Phone: 0256 403000 Fax: 0256 403021 “AUREL AUREL VLAICU VLAICU” UNIVERSITY OF ARAD UAV has over 15.000 enrolled students, being the main education & research body in Arad County and one of the biggest communities in the West Region: over 75 study programs - technical, technical economical or humanistic organized in 9 faculties; fully accreditated according Bologna system by the national accreditation body; BS, MS, PhD, LLL, VET and non-formal trainings; national and international p programs: g Erasmus,, Leonardo da Vinci,, FP5,, FP7,, HURO,, POS-DRU, POS-CCE, etc.; partner for the local and regional authorities for implementing education policies. Faculty of Exact Sciences: • Faculty y of Engineering: g g BS level: Mathematics and Computer – BS level: Automation and science Industrial Informatics MS level: Applied Informatics in – MS level: Automation and Science, Technology and Economics. Intelligent Systems. IT Centre of Research in Mathematical Models and Computers Systems Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science (indexed journal) International contest in Mathematics and Informatics High rate of employability in IT focused • Faculty of Economics: programs – BS level: Economical Informatics – MS level: Information Systems for Business Administration ALCATEL-LUCENT REALIZING THE POTENTIAL OF A CONNECTED WORLD “ Broadband everywhere is speeding up life and business. It takes no time to go from having a new idea, to touching peoples lives. We must i innovate t – and d help h l our customers t innovate i t – att the speed of ideas. “ ” FAST FACTS 27 | Ben Verwaayen Chief Executive Officer • Headquarters: Paris, France • R&D Budget: €2.5 billion • Annual Revenues: approx. €16 billion • Active Patents Held: 27,900 • Employees: 77,000 + • Patents Awarded in 2010: 2,400 • 130 countries • Nobel Prizes Won: 7 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT © ALCATEL-LUCENT 2011. BELL LABS INNOVATING AT THE SPEED OF IDEAS A HERITAGE OF INNOVATION GLOBAL REACH PRESENCE IN 8 COUNTRIES LIFE-CHANGING TECHNOLOGIES Belgium China France Germany DSL PON WiMAX WDM The transistor India Ireland South Korea United States MARKET IMPACT 27,900 active patents Collaboration with >250 universities worldwide Multiple Open Innovation Initiatives 28 | Digital signal processing CCD Communications satellites The laser Cellular telephony DEFINING THE FOREFRONT OF THE INDUSTRY 2010 BREAKTHROUGHS lightRadioTM 100G optical transmission DSL Phantom Mode ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT © ALCATEL-LUCENT 2011. Alcatel-Lucent in Eastern Europe South ALCATEL-LUCENT Romania is a hub of Eastern Europe South Region: coordinating 11 countries & 1 Independent Region Romania – 1600 employees Business & Sales Operations, Communications, Finance, Global Accounts, Human Resources, QA&CC, PrePre Sales, Regional Sales, Solutions & Marketing Hosted R&D Activities - Applications, Wireless, Optics, Services Bulgaria – over 2500 employees Services MOD, Procurement, Strategic Industries, Region functions (Finance, HR, Sales, QACC)) Serbia – over 26 employees Procurement, region functions (QACC, Sales, PreSales, Finance) Hungary – over 35 employees Sales, Presales, Finance, Services 29 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT © ALCATEL-LUCENT 2011. ACI Worldwide Our software powers electronic transactions for financial institutions, processors and retailers around the world – allll th the ti time, without ith t fail. f il Credit Agricole Deutsche Bank JP Morgan Chase 12 Martie 2013 Bank of Amarica Bank of Japan 30 SSI SCHAEFER Supplier and manufacturer of logistics systems, logistics software software, storage and conveying conveying, workstation and waste management Products: • Logistics software: software to control and monitor warehouse operations • Storage and conveyor technology: High rise racking; platforms; storage and retrieval devices, boxes and containers • Workstation systems: office-, work shop and business equipment • Logistics L i ti systems: t automated t t d storage, t conveying and picking systems • Waste management: waste containers; waste p solutions disposal West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro the LASTING Group LASTING: the brand stands for a group of companies, active in the IT market, active in three major markets: distribution, software development and IT&C solutions (offices in Timisoara, Cluj and Bucharest) LASTING is one of the significant players in the Romanian IT market, with almost 130 employees… perhaps the most important Romanian IT company outside Bucharest Among LASTING business partners we proudly name: Barracuda Networks, Dascom-Tally, Dataram, Dell, DLINK, EIZO, Enterasys, Fujitsu Technology Solutions, Iomega, Lenovo, Matrox, MemorySolutions, Mustek, Microsoft, NetApp, Optoma, Polycom, Rimage, SAP, Silver Peak, TakeMS, TandbergData, Targus. LASTING strongly believes in human quality - a real evolutionary force - and in long lasting partnerships, built on trust and respect. Our goal is to offer quality and performance through our products and services. Océ Software Romania l l l l l l Officially established in Timisoara since February, 2005 Software R&D Center of 140 engineers Developping advanced Software for Professional Printing Management and Imaging Solutions of Océ, inside the Canon group Working in a multi-site R&D organisation worldwide Using latest SW design, development and test technologies and methods Certified for Quality, Environment and Occupational Health &W k Safety &Work S f t 33 Kathrein • Founded in 2000 Main activityy - p production of • mobile communications antennas, • broadcasting antenna, • terrestrial antenna reception (for - CATV) • commercial terrestrial antenna reception West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro We are a company with a strong tradition in communications, civil works and infrastructure fields, fields offering services to operators, operators enterprises and public institutions worldwide, to deliver voice, data and video communication services to end-users. We have more than 350 specialists in Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. We have provided services in over 70 countries worldwide. Technologies & Experience Telecom equipment installation, supervision, testing, acceptance and professional services in the domains: Mobil Access: 2G (BSS), 3G (UTRAN) , LTE (RAN) 9 9 Wireless Transmissions: SDH, PDH 9 Optics Transmissions: OMSN, DWDM, MUX 9 Acces IP: ISAM, Litespan, PABX 9 Optical Fiber Networks and Equipment1 ■ Non-Telecom (Environment) equipments installation, supervision, testing and acceptance: Industrial Air Conditioning/HVAC Systems 9 Power Supply Equipment 9 Fire Detection and Extinction Systems 9 CCTV Systems 9 Urban traffic management systems Civil Work & Infrastructure Activities: 9 9 9 Site Management Site Acquisition, Site Adaptation and Site Re-Engineering Civil Works Supervision 35 Flextronics North Campus Timisoara, Romania - Manufacturing Site Overview Dedicated Site, Founded 1998 Site Details | TIMISOARA North America Site Address Footprint Headcount Markets Site Capabilities Design. Build. Ship. Service. Calea Torontalului, DN 6, km 5.7 300 000 Timisoara 4 manufacturing modules and one warehouse module Approx. 430,000 sq. ft More. than 2900 employees Integrated Network Solutions ;High Reliability Solutions Medical & Automotive, and Industrial & Emerging Industry Engineering Services: DFM, DFT, PCB Layout design, NPI, Prototype, FA Lab, Manufacturing Services: Complex PCBAs ;Highvolume to ultra low-volume manufacturing; PCBA ,high level assembly box build and Level 5 Systems Integrations; Optical manufacturing and test. BTO/CTO; BTS;; Forward Logistics; Reverse Logistics Logistics, After warranty repair services. Product Examples Integrated Network Solution: PCBA & systems for optical network switches, access control, modem , amplifiers, multiplexers/demultiplexers, radio heads and metro cell /base station, node systems HRS Medical: PCBA & box build for cardiac monitoring systems, patient monitoring, mammography systems, telecare solution, medical disposables HRS Automotive: PCBA for steering control, backlight control and brushless motor control I&EI: PCBA for solar inverters Certifications ISO 9001-2008; ISO 14001-2004; TL 9000; ISO 134852003, ISO /TS 16949-2009,; UL Updated: Mar 2013 Institute e‐Austria Timisoara Advancing Information Technologies through Research and Applications www ieat ro www.ieat.ro • Private Research Institute, established in 2002, h bl h d specialized in Computer Science • Non‐profit Association between: 1. 1 2. 3. RISC, Johannes Kepler RISC Johannes Kepler University of Linz University of Linz Computer Science Dept, West University of Timisoara Computers Dept, Politehnica University of Timisoara • Activity based on projects granted by: Activity based on projects granted by: – National, EU or International Agencies for Research – Companies for R&D activities – Research and development – Knowledge transfer & Software products – Education & Scientific event organization g • Fields of competences: – – – – 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Parallel and distributed computing Computational complexity & mathematics Formal verification & Software engineering Soft computing & Artificial intelligence Projects with companies Romanian projects Bilateral (foreign) Bil t l (f i ) projects 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 • Activities: No. projects EC projects Vox FileMaker Solutions "Vox Vox Filemaker Solutions Solutions" is Apple Authorised Reseller and provider of bsusiness solutions for Mac systems, both hardware (network and workstations) and specific customer oriented software applications. Services include: • Training - whether Mac OX is considered one of the most intuitive platform, migrating from a Windows to a Mac can create difficulties in using the system functions correctly. correctly VOX FileMaker Solutions is an Apple authorized training center. • Network Integration - VOX FileMaker optimizes existing networks for integration of Apple computers and provides conditions for smooth and safe f operation. i • Customized Business Applications, complete solutions for business management West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Modatim Investment Developer p of City y Business Centre office complex City Business Centre office complex places offer of office space at a high level given the rate of development of Timisoara. City Business Centre in brief: • 5b buildings ildi with ith 43 43,000 000 square meters t off office ffi space • Restaurant • Public services (banks, medical services, etc.) • Underground parking • Green areas • Central location • Security services 24h West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Genisoft Established in 1999 in Timisoara • Provides IT consulting, readiness, and software development services to enterprise customers in Europe, Middle East and USA • One off Romanian leaders in consulting services for O f the Microsoft f Application Platform • Core focus on data platforms, big data, business insight, collaboration mobility collaboration, mobility, and cloud computing • Worldwide recognition (a member of the team participates in the prestigious Microsoft Regional Director program) West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Eta2U Consulting, Solutions and Services ETA2U: • Design IT platform architecture (computing and networking component) • Provision of full enterprise IT • Project management implementation services Center Cloud Computing Computing, Virtual • Server Room / Data Center, Servers, Desktop Virtualization • Communications: Messaging and collaboration, telephony, internet access, remote access, audio-video-data networks wired i d and d wireless i l voice i • Security and control: physical and IT • IT Service, Help Desk Services • Copying and Printing Solutions • System integration • Support for the implementation of large scale projects • Training Center . West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Timisoara Software Business Incubator Timişoara Ti i S ft Software B i Business I Incubator b t supports t the th companies in Timiş County which are specialized in software development. We do this byy providing g advantages in office rental, connectivity to communication networks, business networking, assistance in entrepreneurial development development, consultancy, promotion and secretarial services. West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Syonic • • • • Syonic is a specialized Romanian-German medical software company p y in Timisoara,, p producer of innovative IT solutions and services for patients, healthcare providers, research partners and companies. Over 5 year experience in developing health systems, with its ICMed network of thousands of users and millions of patients, Strong expertise in statistics, medicine, medical management and medical informatics & continually advancing in research activity in the medical community. West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Visma Software Visma Software is located in Sibiu and has a branch in Timisoara Visma Software International is the p parent company p y based in Norway AS, a company that owns 100% of the share capital of Visma Software SRL. Main activity is to develop custom software (client oriented software). These services are provided entirely within the group companies, especially the parent. West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro intuITive Software S f – an R&D company Identity & Vision - We started in 2012 having as objective the development of innovative software products for the global market. We rely on previous managerial expertise gained in over 10 years of experience in software project development (especially for foreign market) - We want to capitalize on the exceptional talent of Romanian youngster, by having a strong collaboration with universities located in Timisoara (especially UPT and UVT), to continue - through own investment – and to highlight the innovative ideas arisen from passion and intelligence Fields of interest: - Context based application pp - Mobility - Communications (the starting point is represented by a diploma paper in this field) ...and last, but least, intersection of the fields above West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Business Context Applica tions j Project HTSS Portfol Strategy io& Technical Plan Infrastruc Technology competencies based on technology skills Business B i competencies based on business knowledge g / awareness Behavioral B h i l competencies based on personal attitudes and characteristics Knowledge Attributes ture Organisation g Skills Core services : • Software development, deployment & maintenance (own software or software on request): retailers (+pharmacies), (pre) wholesale • Business re-engineering & optimization (BPMN) (business process modeling & notification) • Project management & business analyze • Workplace environment support (by location) • Infrastructure management g & security y - local area networks (LAN), wide area network (WAN) Di it l G Digital Geek k Style Jukebox is an easy to use, free app that lets you take your entire music collection and listen it from the Cloud. You can stream or download your music playlists from the Cloud or play the songs you already have on your device. Style Jukebox Style Jukebox is available for Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Phone and the Web for free. The free plan allows the upload of up 1000 songs for free. Jukebox automatically syncs your music with your other devices, so you can always listen to your music from your phone or right from the browser. browser And it it’ss not just about songs: your playlists, ratings and music queue will instantly be updated. West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro Closing the communication loop Leverage scale advantages to reduce costs One-off variable cost model, no maintenance or license fees APPLICATIONS ECO‐SYSTEM COMM. PLATFORM ERP e Invoice appll e Other busines s apps Service reporting Govern‐ ment Track & Trace Payroll Supplier s Docu‐ ment t proces‐ sing A hi Archive Custo‐ mers Banks Insurers Emplo‐ Emplo yees Excellence in Document Outsourcing Our market leading brands Haufe and Lexware successfully target specific Customer groups and reflect their needs. Customer Product Nov. 2012 Individuals, freelancers, self-employed, small and micro businesses HR, accounting professionals in medium and large businesses, tax advisors and financial services Commercial software ranging from private p g, finance,, book-keeping, travel expenses, invoicing to wages and salary management Electronics products and online-services, software, books and jjournals in the domains Law, Economics and Taxes Marius Pentek Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre Objective Stimulate the regional economy and enhancing the competitiveness capacity of the regional enterprises through promotion of innovation and technological development Members West Regional Development Agency Services o Commercialization of RTDI results o Development of innovative solutions l fi i l i within companies o Innovation vouchers o Training o Awareness raising on innovation and technology development o Technical assistance for innovative projects either public or private projects, either public or private “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad “Politehnica” University of Timisoara West University of Timisoara Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara Branch of the Romanian Association of Engineers Timisoara Branch of the Romanian Association of Engineers Association for Multidisciplinary Research in West Romania Obrist Eastern Europe SRL Azur SA Business Centre Reşiţa there will be exhibited 9 Innovative products, services, technologies that can be applied in practice sectors 9 Thematic exhibition of innovative products, services, technologies 9 Discussion panels 9 Match‐making sessions 9 Good practices show off 9 Competition Awards Ceremonyy • Automotive • ICT 9 Any activity meant to improve a product • Agro‐food • Constructions 9 Marketing/Organization method in business practices can also be viewed as an innovative activity • gy y Energy efficiency and sources of renewable energies • Biotehnologies • Geothermal energies THANK YOU! REGIONAL CLUSTER FOR INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY WEST REGION ROMANIA Contact us: Contact us: Address: Proclamaţia de la Timişoara, No. 5, Timişoara ‐ 300054 Phone: 0040 256 491923 Fax: 0040 256 491981 @ E‐mail: [email protected] Website: www.regiuneavest.ro West Regional Development Agency 5, Proclamatia de la Timisoara st., 300054, Timisoara, Romania Tel. +40 256 491923; Fax. + 40 256 491981 E-mail: [email protected]; web. www.adrvest.ro; www.westregion.ro