IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬` Ha¬h IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬` Ha¬h
IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬` Ha¬h IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬` Ha¬h
IÒIÒiitsiila¬ i i tsiila¬ii Oozri¬ ’ Ha¬ h Oozri¬’ Ha¬h La Cloche The Bell The Bell qui avait With a Name With aun Name donné nom Institut social et culturel gwich’in IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬’ Ha¬h The Bell Withdonné a Name La cloche qui avait un nom Khaii 2001 da¬i’ iisri¬ts’a¬t khaii vi¬gwi¬deech’in’. Nagwida¬dhat Nihts’a¬t Tr’itr’iinji¬i Eenjit Nili¬i oozrii giits’an a…tsa¬ii leii kat diitat, izhuu kat ts’a¬t tr’igiinji¬i geenjit nankak gwa¬’a¬n tthak ako¬o digidi’in geenjit. L’année année bien year. spéciale. The Year2001 2001représente representsune a very special It has Proclamée internationale desofbénévoles, been namedAnnée the International Year Volunteerselle in visait to à célébrer travail les efforts of dethousands milliers deof order celebratelethe worketand personnes du monde entier qui se dévouent pour aider people around the world who help each other. autrui. In the north, volunteering is an important part of Dans le Nord, le bénévolat jouecome un rôle important many people’s lives. Visitors who to the north dans la vie de bien deskindness gens. Lesofvisiteurs en font often comment on the the people, their souvent la remarque, évoquant lawell gentillesse willingness to help each other, as as helpetpeople l’empressement des gens du Nord à s’entraider et à who may be strangers. aider de parfaits étrangers. Caring and helping is not a new thing to people in L’entraide et lain générosité ne sont pas des concepts the north. People families and communities have nouveaux pour les gens du Nord. Ceux-ci font du been ‘volunteering’ or helping each other for « bénévolat » depuis des générations, dans leurs generations. familles et leurs communautés. The Department of Municipal and Community En partenariat avecwith l’Institut social etSocial culturel Affairs in partnership the Gwich’in and gwich’in, Institute le ministère des Affaires municipales Cultural have chosen to celebrate the et communautaires choisi de commémorer l’Année International Yeara of Volunteers with a book. This story internationale des bénévoles avec un livre sur is about the type of caring and helping which is so l’entraidetoetthe la générosité sontonsithe courantes dans common north. It isqui based true story told le Nord. À partir d’une vécue rapportée to us by Elizabeth, Evahistoire and Hugh Colin of Ft. par Elizabeth, Eva Hugh Colin Fort McPherson, McPherson. It isetthe story of ade special boy, a specialce livre nousand faitaconnaître un bell. petit garçon spécial, un wedding very special mariage spécial et une cloche très spéciale. Zhigweedi¬’ nankak, leii tat nihts’a¬t tr’igiinjii gwik’î¬t ako¬o digidi’in geenjit go¬o’aii. Juudi¬n diitat ni¬dhi¬zhii kat e¬nih…ik gwa¬’a¬n tthak dinjii kat zhu¬u ghat’agwidich’uu ha¬h gugwinah’in geenjit tr’agwaanda¬k, gwa¬t juudi¬n aachin nilii kat ts’a¬t tr’igiinjii gwik’î¬t go¬onlii. Zhigweedi¬’ nankak dinjii kat nihk’a¬nahtii ts’a¬t nihts’a¬t tr’igiinjii k’eeji¬t diiyeenjit go¬onlih kwaa. Niinzhit da¬i’ gwa¬noo dinjii kat zhehk’oo go¬o dagakaiik’î¬t gwizhi¬t nihts’a¬t tr’igiinjii gwik’î¬t ako¬o da¬geedi’in’. Aii Department of Municipal and Community Affairs kat chan ts’a¬t Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute ha¬h gooveevanh jii khaii geenjit sho¬h giinlii aii geh’a¬n edi¬neht…’eh tr’agwahtsii. Aii gwandak gwizhi¬t zrit nihkhan gatr’agwaandak zhigweedi¬’ kat chan ako¬o da¬gi¬diinu’. Teet…’it Zheh gwats’at Elizabeth, Eva ts’a¬t Hugh Colin kat chan googwandak … dagwidli¬i k’î¬ighe’ atr’agwaandak. Iisrits’a¬t chaa, iisrits’a¬t nihkha¬tr’a¬gwa¬µhchih a¬nts’a¬t gwiyendoo iisrits’a¬t î¬itsiila¬ii eenjit gwandak nilii. 2 IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬’ Ha¬h La cloche un nom The qui Bellavait Withdonné a Name Adapted from the story told bypar Elizabeth, Eva and Adapté d’une histoire racontée Elizabeth, Eva et Hugh HughColin. Colin. Recherche Research IngridKritsch, Kritsch avec with assistance from Alestine Andre Ingrid la collaboration d’Alestine Andre Author Auteure Wendy WendyStephenson Stephenson Translation Traduction en gwich’in WilliamGeorge GeorgeFirth, Firth avec with la assistance from Ruth Carroll William collaboration de Ruth Carroll Transcription Transcription Rita RitaCarpenter Carpenter We gratefully the editorial of Jamie Bastedo. Nous exprimons notreacknowledge reconnaissance à Jamie assistance Bastedo, pour son aide à la rédaction. Adaptation française Annie Bourret 3 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom IlHe n’avait que ans, mais cette question le He was only wassix only years six years old but oldsomething but something had been had been Vagha¬Vagha¬ ii nihk’iitik ii nihk’iitik gwizraih gwizraih nili¬i gwa¬ nili¬ti daµ gwa¬ hshu¬ t daµkhshu¬k préoccupait depuis portes-tu bothering him for him a long for alongtemps. time. long time. “Why« Pourquoi “Why is your is last your name last name egwiji¬egwiji¬ ich’uuich’uu geenjitgeenjit ya¬a na¬ya¬ gwi¬ a na¬ i’aii. gwi¬“Ja¬ i’aii. aghat “Ja¬ade¬ ghat e khaµ de¬îeµîµkkhaµ oo îµîµkoo bothering un autre famille? », Eva,It sa different different than nom mine?” thande mine?” Kirk asked Kirk demanda asked his mom, his Kirk mom, Eva.àIt Eva. noozri¬noozri¬ ’ shik’ tshik’î¬ diinch’u¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Kirk dahanh, Eva, Eva, n’était pashis logique le name nom famille didn’tmère. didn’t makeIlmake sense sense that that mom’s his que mom’s last last de name was was de uudahkat. uudahkat. Vahanh Vahanh khaµîµîµkkhaµ oo voozri’ îµîµkoo voozri’ adanh,adanh, vit ts’a¬ vitî¬t ’ ts’a¬t sa mère différent sien, defather ses de son different thansoit his than last hisname lastdu name and his and his frères father and et and vuundee vuundee kat ha¬kat h gwiizii ha¬h gwiizii va¬h dago¬ va¬hodago¬ nch’uu onch’uu kwaa.kwaa. Agadanh Agadanhdifferent papa. Ils étaient des mais sa mère était unehis brothers’. brothers’. They They shared shared theColin, last thename last name ‘Colin’, ‘Colin’, but his but goovoozrî¬ goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” ’ “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik nili¬i guuzhik vahanh vahanh zrit khaµ zrit îµîµkkhaµ oo îµîµkoo Arey. « Pourquoi n’es-tu une“Why Colin,don’t comme mother’s mother’s last name last name was ‘Arey’. waspas ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have younous? », the have the voozri’voozri’ zrit “Arey” zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬ nilii. aghat “Ja¬ade¬ ghat e khaµ de¬îeµîµkkhaµ oo noozri¬ îµîµkoo noozri¬ ’ ’ demanda-t-il. last name last name ‘Colin’‘Colin’ like the likerest theofrest us?”ofhe us?” asked he asked his mom. his mom. nekhwik’î¬ nekhwik’î¬ t ‘Colin’ t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬gwik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” u kwah?” dahanh dahanh uudahkat. uudahkat. family La famille leteased taquina. « Pourquoi paschange changer The The family teased him. “Why him. “Why don’t don’t wene change we OUR OUR Dizhehk’oo Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµ “Ja¬îaµîµkkhaµ oo diiyoozri’ îµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k eju¬k last name? NOTRE nom? Alors nous serions Eva Arey, Arey, Hugh Hugh Arey, last name? Then Then there there would would be Eva beArey, Eva Hugh Arey, Arey, gwa¬atsik? gwa¬aAii tsik? t…’ee Aiichan t…’ee Eva chanArey, Eva Arey, Hugh Hugh Arey, Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey,ElliotElliot et Kirk Arey. » s’éloigna Elliot Arey,Arey, Arey, ChadChad Chad AreyArey and AreyKirk and Arey.” Kirk Arey.” KirkKirk walked Kirk walked en « Mon nomColin!” de c’est Colin, pas Arey! » Chad Chad Arey ts’a¬ Arey t Kirk ts’a¬tArey Kirk nakhwaheezraa.” Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬ Kirkn oo’a¬n away.lançant : away. “I’m not “I’m Arey! not Arey! I’m I’mfamille, Colin!” He didn’t He didn’t thinkthink it was it was Il ne les trouvait pas drôles du tout. chu¬uzhii. chu¬u“Shii zhii. Arey “Shii t’ihch’u¬ Arey t’ihch’u¬ h kwaa! h kwaa! Colin Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” zrit t’ihch’uu!” funnyfunny at all.at all. Veenjit Veenjit tsinjaµhtsinjaµ ch’uuhch’uu kwaa kwaa gwik’î¬gwik’î¬ t yiniindhan. t yiniindhan. 4 4 5 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Later Plusthat tardsame dansyear, l’année, au spring printemps 1999, in the of 1999, Kirk’s Aii khaii t…’ee, 1999 sreendi¬t da¬i’, Kirk vit Hugh, Hugh, le père de Kirk,from partit Fort McPherson pour dad Hugh, travelled Ft.de McPherson, down the Teet…’it Zheh gwats’at taha¬ii, Teet…’it Gwinjik gwi¬d aller camp de pêche familial situé à l’embouchure Peel au River to their family’s camp at the mouth of the Na¬gwi¬chootshik danh gwits’a¬t niji¬n goozhehk’oo kaiik’î¬t He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k de la rivière Assis sur la berge, il regardait river. He satPeel. on the riverbank, looking across thelesswift, go¬o’aii. T…’e¬edik danh iind, yi’eendo¬k tshuu khanh bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬niinlaii ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬ gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat e khaµîµîµkooVint’ii montagnes au loin, enmountains arrière-plan l’eau vive. moving water at the faràbeyond. TheL’herbe tall nduh ts’aii gwitoh ddhah ts’a¬t de¬ gwinah’in. different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬aii ’ shik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, haute leswillows saules behind derrièrehim lui almost cachaient les grass et and hidpresque the cabins t…’oo njuh ts’a¬t k’aii do¬k khaµîµîµjii dachan zheh tthak didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµ î µ î µ k oo voozri’ adanh, vitî¬ ’ ts’a¬ t cabanes si souvent diversesonly familles à that hadutilisées been used so often par by families 50 years gwîµîµzii gu¬gwi¬deech’in kwaa juudi¬n zhehk’oo leii different than his last name and his father and vuundee ha¬h gwiizii va¬hdhat dago¬ih…ogwinlî¬ onch’uu kwaa. peine 50Kirk’s ans auparavant. Sonsat père, le grand-père before. Grampa Colin nearby, patientlyColin fixing t’a¬gkat i¬jaµhch’uu nagwida¬ ’ ju¬utinAgadanh da¬i’ gwi¬zraih brothers’. They shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” nili¬ i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµ î µ î µ k oo de Kirk, était assis tout près, réparant avec patience the fish net that he had just pulled from the river. le gwa¬noo. Kirk vi¬tsii Colin ehkhee iindi¬’, neenjik dichihvya¬h mother’s namequ’il wasvenait ‘Arey’.de “Why have the voozri’ha¬zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬et khaµ îµîµkuoo noozri¬ ’ filet last de pêche tirerdon’t de layou rivière. h sriiyi¬ inlik gwehkhe¬ ’ k’eeji¬ nayu¬ njik k’inehdlaii “This is where Eva and I want be married,” last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” heto asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬ t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh gwats’at. « C’est ici qu’Eva et moi voulons nous marier, explained Kirk’s dad. “We want our family to share the uudahkat. The family teased him. “Why don’t we OUR “Zhik zrah Eva ts’a¬t shii nihkha¬tr’agwaha¬hchyaa expliqua père de Kirk. Nous voulons que toute same lastle name. Especially Kirk! Hechange wants us alllato be Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬ a khaµ î µ î µ k oo diiyoozri’ eju¬ k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, ni¬ida¬dhan,” Kirk dit a¬hnu¬u, “Diizhehk’oo tthak famille nom.wedding. Surtout Kirk! Il veut que ‘Colin’. porte It willlebemême a special It won’t be the gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked nous des Colin. Ce sera mariage spécial, nakhoozr khaµîµîµkoo nihk’î¬t gwihe¬elyaa ni¬ida¬dhan. samesoyons as the tous weddings in town. Ourun wedding will take Chad Iisrits’a¬ Arey ts’a¬ t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬ n away.pas “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was comme ceux de la ville. Notre mariage aura lieu ici, t Kirk chan! Nakhwanh tthak ts’a¬t ‘Colin’ place here, right here at the mouth of the Peel.” chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey at’ihch’u¬ h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” all. l’embouchure de la Peel. » nakhwaheezra¬ niindhan. Iisrits’a¬ t nihkha¬ tr’agwaµ˚µhchih funnyà at Kirk’s grampa listened and smiled. “That’s good”, Veenjitgwihe¬ tsinjaµ h ch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬ t yiniindhan. elyaa. Zheh gwizhi¬t gwik’î¬t nihkha¬tr’agwa˚µhchih heLe grand-père de Kirk écouta en souriant. « Bien », nodded. gwihe¬elyaa kwah. Zhik zrah nihkha¬tr’agwa¬hchih approuva-t-il. tr’agwahahtsaa, zhit danh Na¬gwi¬chootshik danh gwizrih.” Kirk vi¬tsii uudhi¬lch’eii ts’a¬t dlok nu¬u’aii. “Gwiinzi¬i”, ju¬u t’agiiya¬hnuh. 4 6 7 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Les de mariage commencèrent après, Thepréparatifs wedding plans began soon after, with peu the help of Aii t…’ee nyahgwan nihkha¬tr’agwa¬hchih geenjit avec l’aide de plusieurs amis des membres la many friends and family. Theetdate was set fordeAugust gisri¬ina¬gaµhjii, vala¬k kat ts’a¬t vizhehk’oo ha¬h tthak goots’a¬t famille. 28th. Le grand jour serait le 28 août. tr’igiinjii. August 28th danh ako¬o da¬gwi¬heedi’ya¬a chan He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k ginuh. Durant l’été, le père de Kirk dad et oncle Gordon During the Kirk’s and his Uncle bothering him for a summer, long time. “Why is son your last name egwiji¬ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo Shin guuzhik, Kirk viti¬ ’ ts’a¬ t vi¬ t ii Gordon ha¬ h zheh ts’a¬ t allèrent l’emplacement du mariage à Gordon began making trips to wedding place, different thanaménager mine?” Kirk asked histhe mom, Eva. It noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, nihkha¬ tr’agwahahchyaa gwideek’î¬ t gwits’ee gichitha’o¬ o, didn’tquelques reprises, en coupant l’herbe haute et les clearing the tall and thick willows from the make sense thatgrass his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬ t t…’ookat njuh t k’aiiva¬ tthak git’î¬oinch’uu , tr’ih choo dhitinh épais fourrés de du surtolathe rivière… landing spot on saules the river…all wayand up different than his last name anddébarcadère histhe father vuundee ha¬hts’a¬ gwiizii h dago¬ kwaa. Agadanh gwideek’it han t ... kwank’î¬ t gwits’at. jusqu’au village de pêche abandonné, tout en haut abandoned village. Here, old weathered cabins Theyvieux shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his were goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” nili¬ts’a¬ i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµZhik îµîµkoogwaa’a¬n, brothers’. zhehnilii. shi¬k “Ja¬ leiiaghat t…’e¬edik o’aii, han da¬k haii du sentier. Là, les vieilles abîmées par le temps scattered along the bank,cabanes high above the river. This is mother’s last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the voozri’dachan zrit “Arey” de¬egwinjik khaµîµîµkoogo¬noozri¬ ’ danht ‘Colin’ gwa¬’an.gwik’î¬ Zhikt gwaa’a¬ n unihkha¬ tr’agwaha¬ étaient éparpillées laof rive qui laThis rivière where‘Colin’ the wedding ceremony would take his place. is last name like thesur rest us?” hesurplombait asked mom. nekhwik’î¬ diinch’u¬ kwah?” dahanhhchyaa dago¬ o nch’uu. Zhik zrah jidi¬ i Kirk gadiinjidizhi¬ t gwik’î¬ t de très haut. C’est là que la cérémonie de mariage aurait where Kirk’s wish would come true. uudahkat. The family teased him. “Whydedon’t OUR gwihe¬elyaa. lieu. C’était là que le vœu Kirkwe se change réaliserait. Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 8 9 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Guuzhik uunj Teet…’it Zheh danh, Kirk vahanh nihkha¬tr’agwa¬hchih eenjit da¬geedi’in’ geenjit goots’a¬t tr’iinjik. Di¬neht…’eh kak aana¬ii gwinu¬u, di¬neht…’eh va¬h Vagha¬ ii nihk’iitik gwizraih gwa¬t daµ hshu¬khchih tr’î¬înjo¬o ge¬’tr’ahjii, di¬neht…’eh kwa¬nili¬ n’, inihkha¬ tr’agwa¬ egwiji¬gwahanh ich’uu geenjit a na¬ i’aii. aghat de¬e khaµ îµîµkoo vi’î¬k ya¬ kat ts’a¬gtwi¬aii shi¬“Ja¬ h atr’ahee’aa eenjit ha¬h noozri¬tthak. ’ shik’î¬Ju¬t kdiinch’u¬ u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, waat’at gwitr’it gwiinchii go¬onlii! uudahkat. Vahanh khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬t nihkha¬va¬ tr’agwa¬ hchih drinkwaa. da¬i’ aiiAgadanh …u¬h ch’u¬h vuundee Khaiinjii kat ha¬h gwiizii h dago¬ onch’uu dhandaii ganagaande¬ h – veek’aii goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh Ina zrit chan khaµîµîµkvanaandai’. oo Adanh chan Teet…’it Zheh Gwandak Edi¬ n eht…’e¬ voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬e’’ gwizhi¬t ni¬¬yinyaµ hchu¬gwik’î¬ h – tthak ts’a¬t kaiik’î¬ t gwizhî¬ t aana¬ii nekhwik’î¬ t ‘Colin’ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” dahanh gootr’a¬hnuu. Tthak ts’a¬t srugo¬onch’uu gwats’at aana¬ii uudahkat. gootr’a¬hnuu giiniindhan ji¬’ geenjit! Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k zritEva î¬itsiiArey, kha…Hugh leii ts’a¬ t tr’ih chooArey, ha¬h gwa¬atsik?Veek’aii Aii t…’eeIna chan Arey, Elliot t tr’igiinjii Teet…’it Zheh ts’a¬t Na¬tKirk ainlaii gwits’a¬ t Chad goots’a¬ Arey ts’a¬ t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” oo’a¬ n na¬tr’ahah…ak iyi¬lii,haii t…’ee Colin gwi¬diizrit Na¬t’ihch’uu!” gwi¬chootshik chu¬uzhii. “Shii Areygisri¬ t’ihch’u¬ kwaa! Tr’ih choo utin ts’a¬t tik gidilii yeedi¬’ Veenjitgwits’at. tsinjaµhch’uu kwaaneekok gwik’î¬tju¬yiniindhan. gwits’a¬t gichu¬ujil. 4 10 ÀBack Fortin McPherson, Ina, laKirk’s tanteAunt de Kirk, Ft. McPherson, Ina donna helped with un coup pour details. régler les nombreux détails many ofde themain wedding She helped pick the du mariage. Ellenapkins, aida à choisir les invitations, serviettes, invitations, matches, bridesmaids’les dresses and Heles was only six years old but something had been robes des filles d’honneur et la to do! theallumettes, food neededlesfor the feast. There was so much bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name nourriture du festin. Il y avait tellement à faire! almost forgotten differentThe thanwedding mine?” cake Kirk was asked his mom, Eva. on It the On oublia gâteau le jour du mariage.She Ce daypresque – it was Aunt Ina who remembered. didn’twedding make sense that his le mom’s last name was fut tante Ina qui s’en rappela. fit Ft. publier l’invitation placed the wedding invitation infather the McPherson different than his last name and hisElle and au mariage lethe journal de Fort McPherson pour newsletter –dans an open invitation to everyone in the brothers’. They shared last name ‘Colin’, but his inviter communauté. Tout leto monde était bienvenu community. Allwas were welcome join in this celebration! mother’s lastlaname ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the à la fête! last name ‘Colin’ restsure of us?” he were askedenough his mom. Aunt Inalike alsothe made there trucks and Tante aussi qu’il aurait assez deto boatsIna to s’assura take everyone fromywe Ft. McPherson, The family teased him. “Why don’t change OUR camions et de bateaux pour emmener tous les habitants ‘Nitaiinlaii’, and then to theEva wedding at the last name? Then there would be Arey, place Hugh Arey, FortChad McPherson à Nitaiinlaii, où les gens mouth of theArey Peeland River. Twenty-three would Elliotde Arey, Kirk Arey.”l’endroit Kirk boats walked leurs bateaux, ensuite l’emplacement travel down theI’m river on et the wedding day. it was du away.gardaient “I’m not Arey! Colin!” He didn’tà think funnymariage at all. à l’embouchure de la rivière Peel. Le jour de la cérémonie, vingt-trois bateaux descendraient la rivière. 11 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom “Niju¬k da¬i’ nihkha¬tr’agwaµhchih ts’a¬t noozr eju¬k gwahaµhtsaa, mom? Duule¬h nyahgwan, Kirk. August 28 danh. Ju¬k drin gwats’at drin k’î¬deetak gwa¬ndo¬o gwizrih! Vagha¬ ii nihk’iitik gwizraih daµhshu¬k nihk’î¬t Aii t…’ee nakhwanh tthak nili¬ khaµi îgwa¬ µîµkoot nakhoozri’ egwiji¬gwihe¬ ich’uuegeenjit ya¬a na¬gya¬ wi¬hi’aii. lyaa,” vahanh nuu.“Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, uudahkat. Vahanh khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬t vuundee kat ha¬h gwiizii va¬h dago¬onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 12 « Quand vas-tu marier et changer de your “When are you te going to get married ton andnom change famille, maman? » name, mom?” “Soon OnLe August 28th. That’s only a week « Bientôt, 28but août, dans unehad semaine! He was onlyKirk. sixKirk. years old something been Ensuite, nous tous le même nomlast de same famille », from him today! we“Why will all the bothering forAfter aaurons longthat time. is have your namelast lui répondit sa mère. name,” his mom. different thanreplied mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was different than his last name and his father and brothers’. They shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his mother’s last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” he asked his mom. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was funny at all. 13 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Et il fallait à la nourriture! Beaucoup Then therepenser was the food! Many people helpeddeout Aii t…’ee chan shi¬h! Leii kat shi¬h ha¬h goots’a¬t tr’igiinji¬k, gens main la pâte, surtout Elizabeth, la with mirent the foodlafor theàwedding, especially Elizabeth, iisrits’a¬t Elizabeth, Kirk vi¬tsuu chan. Nihkha¬tr’agwa¬µhchih grand-mère de Kirk. mariage, elle fit la cuisine Kirk’s gramma. She Avant cookedlefor three whole days before gwichih drin tik gaµhtho¬k va¬ke’ahch’u¬u, Kirk vahanh ts’a¬t He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k pendant trois along jours entiers, avecmom l’aideand de la the wedding, with Kirk’s hismère AuntdeIna. veek’aii Ina hah. Jane Charlie ts’a¬t vala¬k kat chan goots’a¬t bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬tr’igiinjik. ich’uu geenjit ya¬ahna¬zrit, gwi¬macaroni i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµt’a¬ îµîµkgoo Kirk de sa tante Ina, ainsi quealso de Jane Charlie Janeet Charlie and other friends helped out. Nihkha¬ 16 pounds wa¬µhchii different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬va¬ ’ shik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, et d’autresthey amies. Elles16 firent cuire livres10 de Together, cooked pounds of seize macaroni, ke’gahch’u¬u, nan gwinahshii chan 10 pounds tthak, didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµ î µ î µ k oo voozri’ adanh, vitî¬ ’ ts’a¬ t macaroni, livres de pommes de terre, tartes, pounds of dix potatoes, 9 pies, 3 hams and 3 neuf turkeys! pies chan 9 dilii, lugu¬shuu atthaattha¬i’ tik ts’a¬t daih choo different than his last name and his father and vuundee kat ha¬ha¬ h gwiizii dago¬onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh trois jambons et trois dindes! tik gidilii h tthakva¬ va¬hke’gahch’uu atr’ahee’aa eenjit! I can’t wait Saturday!” exclaimed brothers’.“Mmmm. They shared the lastuntil name ‘Colin’, but his goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo “Mmmm. Drin yeet’î¬ î eenjit duuyeh na¬ g oodhi…’ii!” Kirk « Mmmm. Que j’ai hâte à samedi! », s’exclama Kirk Kirk as he stared hungrily at all the food in histhe mother’s last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ a¬hnu¬t u‘Colin’ guuzhik aiitshi¬ h tthak aachin a…’î¬ î gwizrih di¬tsuu last name en examinant avec toute la nourriture gramma’s ‘Colin’kitchen. like thegourmandise rest of us?” he asked his mom. se nekhwik’î¬ gwik’î¬ diinch’u¬ u kwah?” dahanh va¬ke’ahch’uu gwideek’î¬t gwizhî¬t danh. trouvant dans la cuisine de sa grand-mère. uudahkat. Looking around the busydon’t room, said,OUR The family teased him. “Why weKirk change Zheh gwindii gwa¬ ’ a¬ n gwinah’in, Kirk ju¬ u nu¬ h , “Tthak “Everybody Voyant toute l’activité autour de this lui,Hugh Kirk dit : « Tout is working hard wedding! Can I Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there wouldsobe Evafor Arey, Arey, ts’a¬ t jii nihkha¬ t r’agwahchih eenjit gwîµ î µ t …’o¬ o gwitr’it monde travaille si fort pour leatmariage! Je peux aider, help too?” His gramma looked him smiled, “It gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliotle Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirkand walked t’agogwah’in! Duule¬ h nekhwets’a¬ t tr’ihiµ h dal ch’uu?” Sa grand-mère le regarda en souriant : takes many people to get ready for athink special Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away.moi “I’maussi? » not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t it wedding was « Il Vi¬ t suu yinah’in ts’a¬ t dlo¬ k nuu’a¬ i i, “Leii kat gwats’at beaucoup gens pour préparer aussi like your momde and dad’s. People wantuntomariage help because chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funnyfaut at all. tr’igiinjii iisrits’a¬ t nihkha¬ t r’agwa¬ µ h chih eenjit spécial celui de tafeeling. mère et tonfeeling père. Les it givesque them a good A de good thatgens lasts for Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. gisri¬ina¬tr’aµhnjii geenjit nahanh ts’a¬t niti¬’ guuk’î¬t hah. veulent aider parce que cela les rend heureux. Toi aussi, a long time. Sure, you can help! Take that peeler over Dinjii kat gwats’at tr’igiinji¬i goottha¬i’ tat gwiinzii goova¬h tu peux aider! l’éplucheur et the épluche les pommes there and you Prends can start working on potatoes. Mahsi’ go¬onlii. Niizhuk goova¬h gwik’î¬t go¬onlii. Úoµoµ ha¬h, de terre! Mahsi’ choo! » choo!” nekhwets’a¬t tr’iniinjii. Yahkha¬t aii potato peeler ooniinjii ts’a¬t aii potatoes tthak ha¬h gwitr’it t’agwaµh’ii. Ma¬hsi’ choo!” 4 14 15 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom L’aide de la grand-mère Kirk neKirk’s se résuma Cooking wasn’t the onlyde way that gramma Kirk vi¬tsuu va¬ke’ahch’uu gwizhi¬t gwizrih goots’a¬t pas à cuisiner. Elle confectionna aussinine neufpairs paires volunteered her help. She also made of tr’iinjik kwah. Ju¬u nihkha¬tr’agwa¬µhchih gwizhi¬t de pantoufles pour les gens de la noce. La grandslippers for people in the wedding. Kirk’s great-aunt t’agiinch’uu kat eenjit kaiitrih vancho¬h na¬k’oh zha¬k He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k tante Kirk, brodabeaded les empeignes avec desstrips Lucy de made theLucy, colourful uppers and the dhitinh k’e¬’ja¬hkai’. Kirk diti’ veek’aii khaµîµîµts’an’, Lucy, bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬kant’î¬ ich’uuk geenjit ya¬a na¬ gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬ aghat de¬ehkai’, khaµîµîts’a¬ µkoot aka¬i’ perles et prépara les bandes servant for themulticolores sides and backs of the slippers. They wereà zu’ naagaii nih…inehch’î¬ ’ ha¬ h ke’ja¬ than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It and noozri¬gwindii ’ shik’î¬t tthak diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Eva, confectionner leswith côtéshome-tanned et le talon des pantoufles. Faites beautiful, made moosehide a…tsaii. GwîµîµzKirk rii gu¬dahanh, gwi¬deech’î¬ n, adho¬h zu’ different didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµ î µ î µ k oo voozri’ adanh, vitî¬ ’ ts’a¬ t d’une peauwith d’orignal à lafur. main etrich bordées trimmed rabbittannée or beaver The smelldeof ha¬h ts’a¬t geh go¬o tse¬e dho¬h ha¬h k’e’ja¬hkai’. Aii zheh niji¬n different than his last name and his father and vuundee kat ha¬ h gwiizii h dago¬ onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh fourrure de lièvre oufilled de castor, elleswhere étaient superbes. smoked moosehide the room the slippers kaiitrih k’aga¬ nahtii va¬ gwizhi¬ t adho¬ h gwaatsanh. brothers’. They shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo La riche odeur de la peau d’orignal fumée imprégnait la were kept. mother’s name was ‘Arey’. “Whygardées. don’t you have the voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ piècelast où les pantoufles étaient last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” he asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 16 17 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom “Mom, ju¬k drin le¬e nihkha¬tr’agwahaµhchyaa?” « Maman, est-ce the queday tu te maries aujourd’hui? » “Mom, is today you’re getting married?” “AÒkwaa’. Hiintshyaa ih…ak t…’ee! Ni¬hka¬a vanh yeedi¬’ “No. One more la sleep to de go!Kirk. EarlyPas tomorrow we will « Non, répondit mère avant demain. Na¬giwi¬ chootshikgwizraih danh gwits’ee hi¬itdi¬daµ daa. Ezhi¬ go down ourbut camp at thenotre mouth of the descendrons laold rivière jusqu’à à Peel. HeNous was onlythe sixriver yearsto something hadcamp been Vagha¬ i nihk’iitik nili¬i gwa¬ hshu¬ k k danh niti¬’ t shii ha¬h nihkha¬ achyaa ni¬ieda¬khaµ dhan geenjit bothering l’embouchure la rivière tôt demain matin. I’m so glad dad and “Why IPeel decided to get married there. him foryour ade long time. is your last name Je egwiji¬ts’a¬ ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬tgr’agwaha¬ wi¬i’aii. “Ja¬ aghat de¬ îµîµkoo gwiyendoo sho¬ h ih…ii. Gwiyendoo niindal suis si heureuse que pèreexplained et moi ayons It’s such amine?” beautiful place,” Kirk’s different than Kirkton asked his mom, Eva.décidé Itmom.de noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, gwijaµVahanh hch’u¬u,”Kirk a¬hnuu. marier C’est beau là-bas. » didn’tnous make senselà. that histellement mom’s last name was uudahkat. khaµîµîµkvahanh oo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬t different than his last name and his father and vuundee kat ha¬h gwiizii va¬h dago¬onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh brothers’. They shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo mother’s last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” he asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 18 19 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Quand Kirkup se the réveilla lendemain matin, le soleil Kirk woke next le day to a beautiful morning. Kirk va¬nh dai’ gwiizii vi¬gwi¬deech’in ts’a¬t kha¬cheeda’aii. levant donnait ciel des de rouge The rising sun au painted thetons skymagnifiques red and orange. The et Yahkeh ts’a¬t zheekhyuu tthak t’at kwa¬n’ gwik’it d’orange. si calme aurait river wasLa so rivière calm itétait looked like a qu’on winding piecedit ofdu glass. e¬gwi¬deech’in. Han nji¬’ gwiyendoo gwiju¬ughal eji¬ich’ii He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k verre coulant.ofLes saules berges arboraient les tons Fall colours yellow anddes orange splashed the willow egwaµhdit k’î¬t vi¬gwi¬deech’in. Khaiints’a¬n’ gwiji¬dhi¬tsik k’a¬ii bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬tat ich’uu na¬ognli¬ wi¬ii’aii. de¬ekat khaµgwinjik. îµîµkoo jaunes orangés l’automne. bushesetlining the de riverbanks. ts’a¬tgeenjit aat’oo ya¬ tata go¬ han “Ja¬ nji¬a’ ghat t…’e¬edik different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, Kirk, viti¬ ’ ts’a¬ t dala¬ k kat va¬ n h dai’ Teet…’it Zheh Kirk, son ethis des amis last quittèrent Fort McPherson Kirk,sense his père dad friends left Fort early didn’t make thatand mom’s nameMcPherson was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬t gwats’at thi¬jil t yeedi¬ ’ twenty-five miles tôt matin firent le parcours dethe vingt-cinq milles andlethan travelled twenty-five miles to mouth of the Peel different hisetlast name and his father and vuundee kat ha¬nagichi¬ h gwiizii va¬ts’a¬ h dago¬ onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh Na¬ g wi¬ c hootshik gwits’a¬ t zheh gwidho¬ h na¬ g iheetthal eenjit. jusqu’à l’embouchure de laname rivière Peel. Ils montèrent to start putting the tents. They made sure brothers’. They sharedupthe last ‘Colin’, but histhe goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo gwich’ok tthak go¬gde¬ wiinttha¬ ts’a¬noozri¬ t sri¬giiyi¬ ensuite tipis, en s’assurant que les portes faisaient teepees were put up properly, theyou doors facing lastles name was ‘Arey’. “Whywith don’t have the voozri’Zheh zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬ana¬ ghat e khaµîµîiµki oo ’ inlik, mother’s gi’da¬ n iivyaa ahtr’aii ts’aii gwich’î¬ ’ gwiµ î µ ’ e¬ e geenjit. dos au vent froid. away‘Colin’ from the last name likecool the wind. rest of us?” he asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. Kirk vi¬tsuu Elizabeth ts’a¬t izhuu tr’î¬înjo¬o kat chan va¬nh family La grand-mère de Kirk, arriva tôt elle Kirk’s Gramma Elizabeth andwe other women also The teased him. “WhyElizabeth, don’t change OUR dai’ k’agidada¬ l ts’a¬ t chi¬ i taii va¬ k e’gahch’uu na¬ g wi¬ n iindhat. aussi, accompagnée d’autres femmes. Elles se mirent arrived earlythere and would began cooking outside. The tea potsà Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Li¬ d ii tyah tthak duuyeh ekhe¬ ’ gu¬ g oonu¬ u dinjii kat à l’extérieur. Les théières versèrent were still asArey.” peopleKirk began to leur chaud gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliotcuisiner Arey,never Chad Areythat andday Kirk walked ljil t...Kirk digichuu tya¬h zhi¬t li¬dii ni¬gKirk i¬niinka¬ toute la journée, carto les gens arrivaient gather…filling their cups keep thequi chilly Chad …inagi¬ Arey ts’a¬ Arey nakhwaheezraa.” oo’a¬iin away.liquide “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think itfall wasweather gwini¬ i nk’oo gwich’î¬ ’ eenjit ako¬ o digeedi’in’. Atr’ahee’aa servaient une bonnedelicious! tasse pour combattre froid. away. The feast looked Caribou meat,lerabbit chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funnys’en at all. chan gwiizii vi¬ g wi¬ d eech’in! Va¬ d zaih ni¬ l i¬ i , geh vir, …uk Le festin avaitfish, l’air doughnuts, délicieux! Ilfried y avait du caribou, de soup, roasted bannock, cinnamon Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. dhich’uh, …u¬h ch’u¬h nadini¬ldzee, …u¬h ch’u¬h, …u¬h ch’u¬h la soupe lièvre, du poisson rôti, des beignes, defish la rolls andau a special treat of ground meat, berries, ghwoo tanidichi¬t ha¬h chan ts’a¬t shi¬h nizrii ni¬lii ddha¬k, banique des brioches roe and frite, oats called ‘itsu’. à la cannelle et de l’itsu, un jak, …uk k’yi¬n’ ts’a¬t oats ha¬h itsu¬u giiya¬hnuu. régal spécial, fait de viande, de baies, d’œufs de poisson et d’avoine moulus. 4 20 21 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Durant l’après-midi, mère de Kirk quitta Fort Kirk’s mom left FortlaMcPherson in the afternoon, Kirk vahanh ts’a¬t vachaa khaiints’an’ ha¬h Teet…’it Zheh McPherson avec son petit frère pour en with his youngest brother ChadChad, to drive to aller ‘Nitaiinlai’, gwats’at uunji¬’ Na¬tainlaii gwits’a¬t nagahah…a¬k, niji¬n danh camion jusqu’à embarquèrent ensuite the place whereNitaniinlai. people keptIls their boats. There, they left dinjii kat gootr’î¬h choo k’atr’inahtii. Ezhi¬k danh î¬îtsîî kha… He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k dans un bateau avec de Kirk, ses the truck and got in l’arrière-grand-mère a boat with Kirk’s great ekhe¬’ goonu¬u ts’a¬t tr’ih zhi¬t giinji…, Kirk vi¬tsii, veek’aii bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬neekanh ich’uu geenjit ya¬avi¬na¬ gwi¬Arey i’aii.hah. “Ja¬aghat e khaµîµîµkt oo deux tantes et his sontwo grand-père Arey. descendirent la grandmother, aunts and hisIls Grampa Arey. They kat ts’at tsii Yeedi¬de¬ ’ gwits’a¬ gichu¬ujil different than mine?” mom, Eva. Itplace. noozri¬niji¬ ’ shik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Kirkdanh. dahanh, Eva, rivière vers l’emplacement duhis mariage. headed down theKirk riverasked towards the wedding n nihkha¬ tr’agwahahchyaa didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬t Han nji¬ ’ na¬ g oojil guuzhik gwinjik nits’o¬ o na¬ g wiµ i µ ’ ee Pendant lalast descente, le temps changeait à presque As they along, the seemed to different than histravelled name and his weather father and vuundee kat ha¬h gwiizii va¬h dago¬onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh geetak eju¬ k go¬ o dlit. Ih…e¬ h sriini¬ i ’aii. Aii t…’ee ahshih, t…’ee tous les coudes rivière. Le soleil se montrait, change at shared everydebend in the river. The sun at one brothers’. They the last name ‘Colin’, but shone his puis goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo sriini¬i’aii. Kirk cédait laItname place à de la neige pourdon’t revenir encore. Lato corner. began to snow at“Why another and mother’s last was ‘Arey’. youthen haveback the voozri’chan zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬avahanh ghat de¬iindla’. e khaµîµîµk“Yeenoo oo noozri¬drin ’ k’î˚¬deetak khanh ts’a¬ t Hugh chan, “Ahtshin, ahshii go¬o last name mère de Kirk seagain. mit à Kirk’s rire. semaine sunshine once mom “Just last ‘Colin’ like the rest of « La us?” helaughed. askeddernière, his mom. nekhwik’î¬ t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” dahanh sriini¬ i ’aii ji¬ ’ – tth’aih hee nihkha¬ t r’agwaha¬ a chyaa Hugh m’a dit : «Beau temps, mauvais temps, nous week, Hugh said to me, ‘Rain, snow or sunshine – nous we’re uudahkat. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR Na¬gwi¬chootshik danh!” juu shahnuu. “Aii gwik’î¬t ako¬o marierons à l’embouchure la rivière Peel!» Eh bien, il going to get married at thedemouth of the Peel!’ And Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬ a khaµ î µ î µ k oo diiyoozri’ eju¬ k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, digidi’in. Ya¬h ch’ii’a¬n gwinoh’ii!” ne s’estjust paswhat trompé. soleil comme de la that’s it’s Nous doing.aurons Look atduthis weather!” gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliotneige! » Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 22 23 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Quand ils arrivèrent l’emplacement du mariage, la When they landed atàthe wedding place, Kirk’s mom Nihkha¬tr’agwa¬hchih danh gwits’at teevee k’agidadal mère dearound. Kirk parcourut yeux. Sur marked la rive, a looked Colourfull’endroit ribbonsdes by the shore da¬i’, Kirk vahanh nihk’yu¬u gwinah’in’. Lara¬baa des rubans colorés indiquaient l’endroit où le bateau special landing spot for his dad’s boat. Balloons and nih…inehch’ gathachoh teevee gwinjik niji¬n Kirk viti¬’ He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k du père de Kirk était the amarré. Desby ballons décoraient streamers decorated willows the path to the old vitr’ih cho¬o iintinh eenjit nilii. Jidi¬î twa¬l kat ts’a¬t eji¬ich’ii bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬taii ich’uu geenjit “Ja¬aghat e khaµ îµîµkoo les saules le People long duwere sentier menant au vieux village site. already gathering forvillage. the big gwinjik gwîµya¬îµzaii na¬ vi¬ggwi¬ wi¬id’aii. eech’in k’a¬ii de¬ kak gatr’ahchoh aii different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬kwa¬ ’ shik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, Les gens commençaient déjà à arriver pour le grand event! nk’î¬t shi¬k gwits’at. Ada¬i’ hee leii kat srugo¬onch’uu didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµ î µ î µ k oo voozri’ adanh, vitî¬ ’ ts’a¬ t événement! gwiinchii eenjit …igi¬ljil! different than his last name and his father and vuundee kat ha¬h gwiizii va¬h dago¬onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh brothers’. They shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo mother’s last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” he asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 24 25 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom La mère de Kirk bateau et monta Kirk’s mom, Eva,débarqua got out ofdu the boat and quickly Kirk vahanh, Eva, tr’ih choo ts’a¬t a¬n chu¬uzhi¬i, khanh rapidement le sentier, passa et se rendit walked up the path, past thedevant people,les togens the cabin where iida¬k ts’a¬t nahadi¬k, dinjii kat goovehgo¬o, dachan zheh àshe la cabane où elle devait préparer. Elle would get ready. She se was beginning tocommençait feel very à gwits’a¬t niji¬n danh gisri¬ina¬haandal. Ga¬tr’oodaanuu gwik’î¬t He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k se sentir très nerveuse! nervous! vattha¬i’ tat go¬onli’! bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo Dala¬ k neekanh kat yak’a¬ d adhizhii ts’a¬ t va¬ n h dai’ Deux amies vinrent àand sa rencontre dire, avec Two met her excitedly began her different thanfriends mine?” Kirk asked his mom,pour Eva. lui Ittelling noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, Gwide¬Vahanh edrii chihvya¬ geenjit d’agitation, qu’elles avaient deux arcs-enhow they hadthat seenhis a pair of rainbows that morning – make sense mom’s last namevu was uudahkat. khaµîµîµkhooneekaii voozri’gugwinah’î¬ adanh, vitî¬n’’ ts’a¬ t sho¬h didn’tbeaucoup ha¬hkat giiya¬ k h– dago¬ ih…akonch’uu t…’e¬edik kwaa. ehkheeAgadanh ts’a¬t ih…ak different ciel sur laalong berge, l’autre le“That long must de la be onece bymatin-là, the and one river. than hisbank lastl’un name and his the father and vuundee ha¬hh gwaanda¬ gwiizii va¬ han ’gwinjik n’. vahanh “Neenjitzrit gwîµkhaµ îµzriiîµîch’egoozrî¬ ’ rivière. « C’est sûrement une bénédiction pour a good blessing forthe you, Eva” they said, but smiling. brothers’. They shared last name ‘Colin’, histoi, Eva », goovoozrî¬ “Colin” gogwinah’î¬ nili¬i guuzhik µkoo onlii dava¬anilii. …ii, Eva!” ju¬u de¬ digiiya¬ lui dirent-elles en souriant. mother’s last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the voozri’go¬zrit “Arey” “Ja¬aghat e khaµhînuu µîµkoo guuzhik noozri¬’ dlo¬k ginu¬ u ’aii. last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” he asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 26 27 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Avant cérémonie ne commence, les amis et les Beforeque thelawedding ceremony began, friends and Nihkha¬tr’agwaµ¬hchii gwichih, goola¬k kat ts’a¬t membres de la famille le village, at family walked around déambulaient the old village dans site, remarking goozhehk’oo kat aii kwa¬nk’î¬t gwa¬’a¬n nagahdadal, tout faisant des remarques sur la dad grande howen clean everything looked. Kirk’s andpropreté his friends nits’o¬ots’a¬t tthak ts’a¬t sruudinuu gu¬gwi¬deech’î¬n He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k des Le hard père de Kirkthe et grass ses amis avaient travaillé hadlieux. worked to cut at the landing and agwaandak. Kirk viti¬’ ts’a¬t vala¬k kat chan t…’oo tthak bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬khagiint’uh ich’uu geenjit ya¬atthak na¬gwi¬ i’aii. “Ja¬ts’a¬ aghat de¬e khaµ oogwitr’it dur pourthe couper l’herbeThey au débarcadère et autour around buildings. enjoyed helping Hughdes for zheh gwindii t teevee gwa¬îµî’µka¬n different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬gwiinchii ’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, bâtiments. avaient Hughtoavec this specialLes day.amis “I don’t wantaidé anyone hurtgrand gogwa¬…tsaii. Jii iisrits’a¬t drin eenjit Hugh vats’at didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµ î µ î µ k oo voozri’ adanh, vitî¬ ’ ts’a¬ t plaisir. « Je ne veux pas que personne se blesse ici themselves here today” he explained. tr’igiinjî¬k eenjit sho¬h giinli’. “Ju¬k drin duuyeh ih…ee different than his last name and his vuundee kat ha¬h gwiizii va¬h diinjishizhit!” dago¬onch’uu ju¬ kwaa. Agadanh aujourd’hui », expliqua celui-ci. father and vigwehdeendal geenjit u dagoovahnuu. around the weathered log cabins brought brothers’.Walking They shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo Ju¬u“Arey” anjo¬o nilii. nilii “Ja¬ kataghat ha¬h dachan back Marcher cabanes abîmées le temps a lot ofautour memories to the older people. Warm last name was des ‘Arey’. “Why don’t youpar have the voozri’ zrit de¬e khaµzheh îµîµkoo gwishik noozri¬’ gwa¬’a¬n mother’s nagahdadal oonoo da¬ i ’ ganagaandaii. Niizhit da¬ i ’ gwa¬ n oo rappelait beaucoup de souvenirs aux aînés. De beaux memories times at thehis mouth of the last name ‘Colin’oflike theonce rest spent of us?”here he asked mom. nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh Na¬ g wi¬ c hootshik danh t’agiinch’u’ da¬ i ’ geenjit gwîµ î µ z ii souvenirs, du temps autrefois passé ici, à l’embouchure Peel River. uudahkat. The teased ganagaandaii. de family la rivière Peel.him. “Why don’t we change OUR Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. 4 28 29 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Ju˚kwaa hee Kirk jidi¬i eenjit na¬goodhah’in nagwî¬îzhit! Nihkhatr’agwahahchyaa gwits’a¬t gweedhaa. Le moment attendu Kirk enfin! Lafor! Finally, thetant moment thatpar Kirk hadarriva been waiting cérémonie de mariage The wedding ceremonyallait was commencer. about to begin. ts’a¬t,gwizraih Kirk vi¬tsii ts’a¬kt eji¬ich’ii Quietly, Kirk’s Grampa Colin took de something Sans bruit, grand-père Colin sortit derrière son dos He was only six years old but something had been very Vagha¬Neenjik ii nihk’iitik nili¬Colin i gwa¬vint’ii t daµhshu¬ t oonjik. ii shik Iitsiila¬ un objet bien spécial. C’était une vieille cloche. LaThe cloche special from behind his back. Itiswas anlast old name bell. bothering him for a long time. “Why your egwiji¬iisrits’a¬ ich’uu geenjit ya¬Aii a na¬î¬igtsiila¬ wi¬i’aii. “Ja¬adiinch’uu. ghat de¬e khaµ îµîµkooii vik’î¬ i ghe’ Kirk voozrî¬ ’ khaµ î µ î µ k oo vats’an ahtsi¬ i jidi¬ i …oµ o µ ha¬ h qui réalisergive le plus cher désir dename Kirk, donner bellallait that would Kirk thehis family had different than mine?” Kirk asked mom, Eva. he It noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, geenjit diinjidizhit. tsiila¬ii adanh, ada¬i’ gwa¬ Kirk sa mère même nom dethat famille que lui. La cloche solebadly. bell had been used many make sense thatThe his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanh khaµîµîµkJii ooî¬îvoozri’ vitî¬n’oo ts’a¬ t vi¬tsii didn’tàwanted Christopher Colin vit’a¬ aµhch’u¬ ’ a¬nts’a¬kwaa. t vi¬tsii,Agadanh Old Colin different qui avait été plusieurs années auparavant par years before by Kirk’s great grandfather Christopher than his utilisée last name and his father and vuundee kat ha¬h gwiizii va¬hddago¬ onch’uu chan’ “Colin” yit’a¬daµhnili¬ ch’u’. Ada¬i’ gwa¬ noo dinjii katîµîµktr’igiheeja¬ a brothers’. l’arrière-grand-père Kirk, Christopher Colin, ColinThey and shared his great great grandfather, Colin. had thede last name ‘Colin’,Old but his etItson goovoozrî¬ i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµ oo aii î¬îtsiila¬ dhaach’ik. arrière-arrière-grand-père, l’ancêtre Colin. On lathe faisait beenlast rung in the days “Why to bring people together for mother’s name wasold ‘Arey’. don’t you have voozri’geenjit zrit “Arey” nilii.ii“Ja¬ aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ résonner autrefois les asked gens àhis la messe. church service. ‘Colin’ like thepour restappeler of us?” he mom. nekhwik’î¬Ju¬t k‘Colin’ uiikwah?” chan gwik’î¬ Kirk vi¬t tdiinch’u¬ sii î¬îtsiila¬ gwîµîµzii dahanh oota¬nh ts’a¬t neenjiklast name uudahkat. tadhahch’ik. Aii î¬itsiila¬ii gwiyendoo gwîµîµzii gwiµîµt…’o¬h family Le grand-père de Kirk fitdon’t sonner vieille cloche Now Kirk’s held the old bell firmly in his The teasedgrampa him. “Why wela change OUR dhaach’ik. Leii kat goonde¬ e chuu gwiinlî¬ ’ ada¬ i ’ gwa¬ n oo lentement. Clair doux,be le son de la cloche monter hand and itetslowly, back and forth. Thefit sound of Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Thenrang there would Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, ganagaandaii geenjit ju¬ u da¬ g eedi’in’. larmes aux yeux à Kirk plusieurs personnes, causeeyes des the bell was clear and sweet. Tears came to àmany gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliotdes Arey, Chad Arey and Arey.” Kirk walked du bon vieux temps rappelait. as thenot sound reminded people of the think old days. Chad Arey ts’a¬viti¬ t Kirk Areyii nakhwaheezraa.” n Kirk ’ î¬îtsiila¬ uudhi¬lch’eii ts’a¬t Kirk naa’e¬oo’a¬ e guuzhik away.souvenirs “I’m Arey! I’m Colin!” He qu’elle didn’t it was chu¬uzhii. kwaa!na¬ Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” vitr’Shii înjo¬oArey yits’a¬t’ihch’u¬ t teehaah eenjit goovil’in. Ga¬tr’oodaanuu funny at all. Le pèredad de Kirk écoutait cloche, tout en attendant Kirk’s listened to thelabell as he stood waiting for Veenjitgwik’î¬ tsinjaµ ch’uu kwaangwik’î¬ t yiniindhan. t hiinlî¬ ’ datth’a¬ da¬k ts’a¬ t zhak anaajat k’î¬t, guuzhik qu’Eva sur path. le sentier. À l’idée queand desdown gens se Eva to s’avance walk up the Shivers ran up his …oµ¬oµ aii dinjii kat yeenoo da¬i’ nihkha¬h …igi¬ljil tr’igiheekhyaa rassemblaient ici même pour aprier passé, des spine as he imagined people longdans timele ago, coming eenjit zhik gwaa’a¬n tthak gwats’at eenjit nî¬înjî’adhat. frissons la colonne vertébrale. togetherlui to parcoururent pray in this very same spot. 4 30 31 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom ÀKirk, côté his de la vieille de leurArey famille, Kirk, mom andcabane his Grampa waited sa mère et by sontheir grand-père attendaient avec anxiously family’sArey old cabin. impatience. k nyahgwan mom, nili¬ noozrî¬ ’ eju¬ k hgwahaµ “Pretty soon nowold mom, goinghad to change He was only six years butyou’re something been your Vagha¬“Ju¬ ii nihk’iitik gwizraih i gwa¬ t daµ shu¬k htsaa, ha name, « Tu vasfor changer de nom de famille eh mom?” bothering him a long time. “Why is yourtrès lastbientôt, name hein egwiji¬mom?” ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo maman? » thanPretty mine?”soon. KirkBy asked Eva.I’llItbe a noozri¬’ shik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Eva, “Aaha¬ ’. Nyahgwan. Ju¬kKirk drindahanh, ndo¬o nya¬ a’aii ji¬’, Colin different “Yes. the his endmom, of today, didn’t‘Colin’. make thatyou.” his D’ici mom’s name was je serai uudahkat. Vahanh îµîµkoo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬t hih…yaa. Nik’î¬tkhaµ t’ihihch’yaa.” Just « Oui,sense trèslike bientôt. la last fin de la journée, last name vuundee Kirk kat ha¬ va¬Iitsiila¬ h dago¬iiodhahch’ik nch’uu kwaa. Agadanh une than Colin.his Comme toi! »and his father and dlo¬hkgwiizii nu¬u’aii. uudhi¬ lch’eii ts’a¬t different grinned. the bell ringing brothers’.Kirk They sharedHe theheard last name ‘Colin’, but and his looked goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” i guuzhik“Ju¬vahanh dahanh ts’a¬t nili¬ gwinah’in. k laa!” zrit khaµîµîµkoo at his mom. “It’s‘Arey’. time!” upKirk eut un was large sourire. Entendant cloche mother’s last name “Why don’t youlahave the voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ résonner, il regarda mère : « C’est le moment! » last name ‘Colin’ like the sa rest of us?” he asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. Kirk, vahanh ts’a¬t vi¬tsii Arey aii dachan zheh gwishik gehkhee na¬gugoodhah’in. 4 32 33 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Pendant querang, la cloche résonnait, le père de Kirk As the bell Kirk’s father stood waiting IÒitsiila¬ii dhahch’ik guuzhik Kirk viti¬’ tseenja¬a ha¬h attendait côtésahead. du pasteur. La musique patiently patiemment, by the pastor,aux looking The music na¬goovil’in, giikhii ehkhee, uundo¬o gwinah’in. Eli¬k commença à jouer. se trouvait à plusieurs began. Several feetEva behind him stood Eva. Herpieds father î¬gi¬dah…ii. Vint’ii sri¬i t’aµhthee Eva na¬dhat. Eva viti¬’ ih…ak He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k derrière lui, side encadrée par son propre père et Kirk, was on one and Kirk on the other. ts’aii na¬dhat ts’a¬t izhii ts’aii Kirk chan na¬dhat. bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo chacun de leur côté. Kirk gwîµ î µ z ii khadeedak naa’eh. Iizha¬ k ik as Kirk straight andhis tall as heEva. could. differentKirk thanstood mine?” asked mom, It He noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, vik’a¬nVahanh dehnahti’. vi’iizha¬adanh, k ik ts’a¬vitî¬ t yuut’a¬ Kirk sense sehis tenait etlast lethe plus fièrement shirt. He droit checked flower pinnedpossible. to his didn’tchecked make thatbien his mom’s name was uudahkat. khaµVat’a¬ îµîµkoonvoozri’ ’ ts’a¬tn ts’a¬t deh…î¬ ’ gwinah’in’. yachaa tsalkwaa. Elliot, Agadanh nileetth’a¬k different Ilshirt inspecta salast chemise, la fleur sur sa poitrine andhis he checked his pants. He also checked his than name and hisépinglée father and vuundee kat ha¬h gwiiziiAii va¬t…’ee h dago¬ onch’uu nahaazhik nili¬ i , di’iizha¬ k ik chan ch’iju¬ u ’ee nili¬ i eenjit et sonThey pantalon. Il the vérifia aussi la‘Colin’, chemise son brother, little Elliot, the bearer, to make surepetit his brothers’. shared lastring name butdehis goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo dehnahti’. µzii ni¬de¬ gwi¬ deech’î¬ n gwizrih. frère Elliot, quiwas était‘Arey’. le page. « Tu doisnice. êtrehave beau.the Papa shirtlast wasname straight. “You have to don’t look Daddy’s “Why you voozri’vik’a¬ zritn“Arey” nilii.“Gwîµ “Ja¬aîghat e khaµ îµîµkoo noozri¬’ Daddy mother’s diiyeenjit na¬gwik’î¬ goodhah’in!” nous attend! » waiting for us!” last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” he asked his mom. nekhwik’î¬ t ‘Colin’ t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. Kirk vahanh zrit diti¬’ gyi¬n dinl ha¬h ootanh. Izhii ts’aii family Grand-père donnait le bras la mère de Kirk. Kirk’steased momArey was her father’s armOUR with one The him.holding “Why don’t weàchange chan, Kirk …î’ ha¬ h gwîµ î µ z ii naa’ee dahanh vigyi¬ n ts’a¬ t De l’autre Kirk essaya de tried s’étirer encore plus haut hand. On côté, the other side, Kirk toHugh stretch up even Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Arey, naa’ee niindhan. Úoµ o µ ha¬ h ju¬ u didi’in, k’oh ts’aii k’î¬ t le de saArey.” mère. Il fit de tels efforts taller to reach hisbras mother’s arm. He tried so hard he gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliotpour Arey,atteindre Chad Arey and Kirk Kirk walked na¬ d hat. Eva zrit Kirk yinah’î¬ n ju¬ u di¬ t sii Arey gwinah’in avait lelop-sided corps deas travers quand il lui was standing he up with his arm. Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away.qu’il “I’men not Arey! I’m Colin!” Hereached didn’t think it toucha was vik’î¬ t na¬ d hat niindhan. Digyi¬ n ha¬ h gwili¬ i t’eedi’in’ ts’a¬ t vit Kirk observer grand-père Arey Eva watchedEva as Kirk looked at his son Grampa Arey and chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funnyl’avant-bras. at all. dinlî¬ ’ ha¬ h dahanh vinlî¬ ’ ootanh. Ju¬ k at’at di¬ t sii k’î¬ t pour de just l’imiter. un peu son bras, ila Name triedtenter to stand like Remontant him. moved little, Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. IÒitsiila¬He ii Oozri¬ ’ Ha¬h his / Thearm Bell awith t’iinch’uh! parvint à poser la main sur l’avant-bras de sa mère. wrapping his small hand around his mother’s. Now he IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬’ Ha¬h / The Bell with a Name Comme was justson likegrand-père! his grampa! Kirk ga¬tr’oodaanuu k’î¬t t’iinch’uh. Khalch’ vahanh The belllerang aga voozr eju¬k heelyaa eenjit Colin ts’a¬t duuyeh na¬goodhah’in k’î¬t t’iinch’uh. Kirk Il n’en pouvait plus Kirkétait was nerveux. nervous. He couldn’t wait for d’attendre the big Grampa The bell rang again. Kirk,vahanh his mother Eva, hah’in k’î¬t t’iinch’uh. grand moment où mère deviendrait une name Colin.to Arey slowly Iitsiila¬ ii chan dhaach’ik. Kirk, Eva, ts’a¬ tchange vi¬and tsii his moment when hissa mom would her father was waiting. slowly where kat ha¬h Arey neenjik uu’a¬nwalked geedahup niji¬ton the gwa¬spot ’a¬n Kirk viti¬Kirk’s ’ la¬ii chan dhaach’ik. Kirk, vahanh Eva, ts’a¬t vi¬tsii AreyGrampa ‘Colin’. father na¬ was waiting. Kirk so excited pushed goodhah’in. Kirk was zrit vachaa gwiji¬he lnaii aii the best man out of the t ha¬h neenjik uu’a¬n geedah niji¬n gwa¬’a¬n Kirk viti¬’ gooveenjit man of the so he could stand beside his father! juudi¬best n gwitî¬ ’ a¬nout yinyaµ hjitway diti¬’ just ehkhee naa’ee eenjit akoo njit na¬goodhah’in. Kirk zrit vachaa gwiji¬lnaii aii his ’in’!father! gwit a¬n yinyaµhjit diti¬’ ehkhee naa’ee eenjit akoo t’e¬edi¬ Kirk looked up a ’! looked up atvinyin’ his mom, his face beaming. KirkKirk vahanh nah’in’, kak gwiyendoo sho¬h The pastor began the ce pastor began the ceremony. In atr’igiikhii steady voice goonlii k’î¬t vi¬ gwi¬deech’in. Aii giikhii eenjithe asked, “Who gives this brid vahanh nah’in’, vinyin’ kak gwiyendoo sho¬h cleared his throat a “Who gives this away?” Kirk’s agiihe’.Ch’igwiju¬ u’ee bride uudahkat, “Juudi¬ n jii Grampa tr’î¬injo¬o Arey k’î¬t vi¬gwi¬deech’in. Aii giikhii tr’igiikhii eenjit 4 34 cleared hisKirk throat and said, “I do”. A small voice near Eva said “Me too.” I vint…’a¬ ’ahchih? vi¬tsii Arey dihda¬ ii srits’at altsaii ts’at, Ch’igwiju¬ u’ee uudahkat, “Juudi¬n jii tr’î¬injo¬o Eva said “Me It was Kirk.vide¬ezhuu tsal ha¬h, nuh ts’at gîµîµhtoo.” e¬’. Eva vehkhee hchih? Kirk vi¬tsii Arey dihda¬ii srits’at altsaii ts’at, “Shii” 35 IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬’ Ha¬h / The Bell with a Name / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom The bell rang again. Kirk, his mother Eva, and his Arey walked the spot where Kirk’s Grampa La cloche seslowly fitagain. entendre à up nouveau. Kirk, saand mère The bell rang Kirk, histomother Eva, his na¬gIitsiila¬ oodhah’in k’î¬tdhaach’ik. t’iinch’uh.Kirk, vahanh Eva, ts’a¬t vi¬tsii ii chan father was waiting. Kirk was so excited he pushed the et son grand-père Arey marchèrent lentement jusqu’à Grampa Arey slowly walked up to the spot where Kirk’s Arey kat ha¬ h neenjik uu’a¬n geedah niji¬n gwa¬ Kirk Iitsiila¬ ii chan dhaach’ik. Kirk, vahanh Eva,’a¬n ts’a¬ t vi¬tviti¬ sii ’ best man of thedeKirk way just he couldhe stand beside l’endroit oùout le père Kirk lesso attendait. Kirk était father was waiting. was so excited pushed the gooveenjit na¬ gneenjik oodhah’in. Kirk zrit vachaa gwiji¬ lnaii aii Arey kat ha¬ h uu’a¬ n geedah niji¬ n gwa¬ ’ a¬ n Kirk viti¬ ’ his father! He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k tellement poussa d’honneur, pour best man excité out of qu’il the way justlesogarçon he could stand beside juudi¬n gwitî¬na¬ ’ a¬gnoodhah’in. yinyaµhjit diti¬ ’ ehkhee naa’ee eenjit akoo gooveenjit Kirk zrit vachaa gwiji¬ l naii aii bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬t’e¬ ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo occuper sa placeup à côté demom, son père! hisKirk father! edi¬n’in’! looked at his his face beaming. The juudi¬ gwitî¬ ’ a¬ n yinyaµ h jit diti¬ ’ ehkhee naa’ee eenjit akoo different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, pastor the ceremony. ahis steady voice he asked, t’e¬eKirk di¬Vahanh ’in’!vahanh vinyin’adanh, kak gwiyendoo Radieux, Kirk saIn mère. Le pasteur Kirkbegan looked upregardait at his mom, face beaming. The didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. khaµnah’in’, îµîµkoo voozri’ vit ts’a¬t sho¬h “Who gives this bride away?” Kirk’s Grampa Arey goonlii k’î¬ thvi¬gwiizii gwi¬nah’in’, deech’in. Aiionch’uu giikhii tr’igiikhii eenjit commença la last cérémonie. D’une ferme, il demanda : pastor began the name ceremony. In avoix steady voice he asked, different than his and his father and vuundee kat ha¬ va¬h dago¬ kwaa. Agadanh Kirk vahanh vinyin’ kak gwiyendoo sho¬h cleared his throat and said, “I do”. A small voice near agiihe’.Ch’igwiju¬ u ’ee uudahkat, “Juudi¬ n jii tr’î¬ i njo¬ o « Qui donne cettebride femme en mariage à cet “Who gives this away?” Kirk’s Grampa Arey ii Oozri¬’ Ha¬brothers’. h / The Bell They with ashared Name the last name ‘Colin’, buthomme? » his goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” zrittr’igiikhii khaµîµîIÒµkitsiila¬ ooeenjit goonlii k’î¬t vi¬nili¬ gwi¬idguuzhik eech’in. vahanh Aii giikhii Eva saidhis “Me too.” It was Kirk. vint…’a¬ ’ahchih? Kirk tsii Arey dihda¬ insrits’at Grand-père Arey s’éclaircit la“Igorge déclara : the « Moi ». cleared throat and said, do”. Aetsmall voice near last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have voozri’agiihe’.Ch’igwiju¬ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬vi¬ auudahkat, ghat de¬e khaµ îµîµkioo noozri¬ ’altsaii u’ee “Juudi¬ jii tr’î¬injo¬ o ts’at,mother’s “Shii” nuh ts’at gîµîµht e¬diinch’u¬ ’. tEva vehkhee ezhuu altsaii tsal ha¬ts’at, h, last name « Moi aussi », fit une petite voix C’était Eva said “Me too.” wasofKirk. ‘Colin’ like theItrest us?” derrière he askedEva. his mom. nekhwik’î¬ t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬ u kwah?” vint…’a¬ ’ahchih? Kirk vi¬ sii Arey dihda¬vide¬ iidahanh srits’at the ceremony was over, the family walked “Shii chan,” gwinuu. t’iinch’uh. celleWhen de Kirk. uudahkat. “Shii” nuh ts’at gîµîµhe¬’.Kirk Eva zrit vehkhee vide¬ezhuu tsal ha¬h, The family the teased him. “Whyteepee, don’t we change OUR towards bright white past relatives and Tr’igideedî¬ ’ t…’ee, aii zheh gwich’ok daagaii gwits’a¬ t Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, friends who were standing in a warm circle around giniinjil, goola¬ k katEva ts’a¬Arey, t gooda¬ azhiiArey, kat goovehgo¬ o, juudi¬n gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Hugh Elliot Arey, Elliotthem. Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” walked The wedding papers would Kirk be signed inside the kat goonago¬ o ’ee nagijî¬ l zhii. Zheh gwich’ok gwizhi¬ t aii Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away.teepee. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was nihkha¬ t r’agwa¬ µ h chih gwi’di¬ n eht…’eh kat gwehdineht…’oh. chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Within an hour, the delicious feast began. Smells of Veenjit tsinjaµ gwik’î¬atr’ahee’aa t yiniindhan. Khaµîhµîµjch’uu ii one kwaa hour t…’ee, na¬gwi¬niindhat. roasting caribou meat, cooked fish and yummy rabbit Va¬dzaih ni¬li¬i, …uk dhich’u¬u ts’a¬t geh vir t…oo ha¬h tthak soup filled the air. The teapots bubbled over. Over one gwiyendoo gwîµîµzii vagwaatsa¬nh. Li¬dii tyah tthak gwîµîµt…’o¬o hundred people came to the mouth of the Peel that day dinaadlat. Dinjii khaµîµîµjii one hundred anya¬anch’uu kat and everyone had more than enough to eat. Na¬gwi¬chootshik gwits’a¬t chu¬ujil ts’a¬t tthak gwîµîµt…’o¬h igîµîµ’al. na¬goodhah’in k’î¬t t’iinch’uh. “Tthak ts’a¬t at’aonya¬anch’uu gwats’at tr’iginiinjik geenjitgwiµîµzii goo’aii,” Kirk vi¬tsuu t’inuu. “Ju¬u gwik’î¬t iisrits’a¬t nihkhatr’agwaµhchih eenjit, na¬khwa¬daazhii kat ts’a¬t nakhwala¬k kat nekhwets’a¬t tr’igiinjii kwah ji¬’ duuyeh 36 4 36 “It is good that so many people helped out in one way or another,” remarked Kirk’s gramma. “A special wedding like this would never have happened if it weren’t for the help of all our family and friends.” 37 IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬’ Ha¬h / The Bell with a Name / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom When the ceremony was over, the family walked bright white teepee, past relatives and towards Après la cérémonie, lawas famille traversa le cercle Whenthe the ceremony over,Colin the family walked “Shii chan,” gwinuu. Kirk zritgwich’ok t’iinch’uh. Tr’igideedî¬ ’ t…’ee, aii zheh daagaii gwits’a¬t friends who were standing in a warm circle around chaleureux les membres de leur famille towards theformé brightpar white teepee, past relatives andet giniinjil, goola¬’ kt…’ee, kat ts’a¬ t gooda¬ azhii kat goovehgo¬ o, juudi¬ Tr’igideedî¬ aii zheh gwich’ok daagaii gwits’a¬ t n them. The wedding papers would be signed inside the leurs amis pour entrer dansin una tipi d’un blanc éclatant. friends who were standing warm circle around kat goonago¬ o’ee nagijî¬ lzhii. Zheh gwich’ok gwizhi¬toaii giniinjil, goola¬ k kat ts’a¬ t gooda¬ a zhii kat goovehgo¬ , juudi¬ n teepee. HeC’est waslà only old butofficialisant something had been Vagha¬ ii nihk’iitik nili¬ i gwa¬t daµ k quesix lesyears documents le mariage them. The wedding papers would be signed inside the nihkha¬ tr’agwa¬ µhgwizraih chih gwi’di¬ nZheh eht…’eh kathshu¬ gwehdineht…’oh. kat goonago¬ o ’ee nagijî¬ l zhii. gwich’ok gwizhi¬ t aii bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo allaient être teepee. Within ansignés. hour, the delicious feast began. Smells of nihkha¬ t r’agwa¬ µ h chih gwi’di¬ n eht…’eh kat gwehdineht…’oh. Khaµ î µ î µ j ii one hour t…’ee, atr’ahee’aa na¬ g wi¬ n iindhat. different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, roasting caribou meat, cooked fish andbegan. yummy rabbitof Va¬dKhaµ zaih ni¬one li¬i, khaµ …uk uatr’ahee’aa ts’a¬adanh, t geh vir Le délicieux festin commença Within an that hour, the delicious feast Smells sense his mom’s lastdans namel’heure was suivante. uudahkat. Vahanh îµîdhich’u¬ µkoo voozri’ vitî¬gt…oo ’ ts’a¬ t h tthak didn’t make îµîµjii hour t…’ee, na¬ wi¬ nha¬ iindhat. soup filled the air. The cooked teapots bubbled over. one gwiyendoo îµziidhich’u¬ vagwaatsa¬ h. Li¬diivir tyah îµt…’o¬odifferent Des odeurs caribou en train de Over rôtir, de roasting caribou and yummy rabbit than hisdélectables last meat, name de and hisfish father and vuundee gwiizii va¬h dago¬ onnch’uu kwaa. Agadanh Va¬dkat zaihha¬ni¬hli¬gwîµ i, …uk u ts’a¬ t geh t…ootthak ha¬h gwîµ tthak hundred people came to the mouth of the Peel that day dinaadlat. Dinjii îµîµjii one hundred anya¬ poisson grillé dethe soupe au lièvre flottaient dans soupThey filled theetair. The teapots bubbled over.his Overl’air. one shared last name ‘Colin’, but goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” nili¬îµziiikhaµ guuzhik vahanh khaµîµîatthak µknch’uu oo gwîµkat gwiyendoo gwîµ vagwaatsa¬ nh. Li¬zrit dii tyah îµt…’o¬obrothers’. and everyone had more enough to eat. Na¬ gwi¬“Arey” chootshik chu¬ ts’a¬ tthak igîµîµ’al.mother’s Les théières étaient pleines. Plus deof cent personnes hundred people came to than the mouth the Peel that last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the day voozri’dinaadlat. zrit nilii.gwits’a¬ “Ja¬aîµîghat de¬uhundred ejilkhaµ îµîµkt oo noozri¬ ’îµt…’o¬hkat Dinjii khaµ µjiit one anya¬ agwîµ nch’uu étaient à the l’embouchure de rivière Peel and“Iteveryone had more than enough to eat. ‘Colin’ like of us?” helahelped asked his mom. isvenues good that sorest many people out in ce onejournekhwik’î¬ twi¬‘Colin’ gwik’î¬ t diinch’u¬ dahanh Na¬g“Tthak chootshik gwits’a¬ chu¬uukwah?” jil gwats’at ts’a¬t tthak gwîµîµt…’o¬h igîµîµ’al.last name ts’a¬ t at’aonya¬ at nch’uu tr’iginiinjik et toutes avaient mangé jusqu’à plus faim.“A special way or another,” remarked Kirk’s gramma. uudahkat. geenjitgwiµ µzii tgoo’aii,” vi¬tsuu t’inuu. tr’iginiinjik “Ju¬ u gwik’î¬ t ’ Ha¬h / Thelà IÒitsiila¬ ii Oozri¬ Bell with a Name “It is good that so many people outOUR in one “Tthak îts’a¬ at’aonya¬Kirk anch’uu gwats’at The family teased him. “Why don’t wehelped change wedding like this would never have happened if it que iisrits’a¬ t nihkhatr’agwaµ h chih eenjit, na¬ k hwa¬ d aazhii kat way Laor grand-mère de Kirkbedéclara :gramma. « Heureusement another,” Kirk’s special Dizhehk’oo “Ja¬Kirk a khaµ oo t’inuu. diiyoozri’ k geenjitgwiµgiiyeedlaa. îµzii goo’aii,” vi¬îtµîµksuu “Ju¬eju¬ u gwik’î¬ t last name? Then thereremarked would Eva Arey, Hugh “A Arey, weren’t for the help of allnever our aidés family and façon friends.” ts’a¬ t Aii nakhwala¬ k katEva nekhwets’a¬ t tr’igiinjii kwah ji¬’ duuyeh personnes nous d’une wedding like this would have happened gwa¬atsik? chan Arey, Arey, Elliot Arey, iisrits’a¬ t t…’ee nihkhatr’agwaµ hchih Hugh eenjit, na¬khwa¬ daazhii kat Elliotplusieurs Arey, Chad Arey and Kirkont Arey.” Kirk walked ifouitd’une “You have a help new name nowfamily mom, right? Eva Colin. digwidi’ii.” Un mariage n’aurait jamais weren’t for the of allspécial our and friends.” Chad ako¬ Arey ts’a¬ t KirkkArey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirkkwah oo’a¬nji¬’ duuyehaway.autre. ts’a¬ to nakhwala¬ kat nekhwets’a¬ t tr’igiinjii “I’m not Arey! I’maussi Colin!” He didn’t think it waseu lieu Just l’aide like the family.” Kirk’s and dad de rest touteoflathe famille et de tousmom nos amis. » chu¬uzhii.“Mom, “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬ h kwaa! Colinhaa? zrit Eva t’ihch’uu!” ju¬k noozri˚ ’ k’eejit nidi’ii, Colin. funnysans at all. smiled and looked down at their son. “Yes. And you did Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬ yiniindhan. Nekhwezhehk’oo k’î¬t.” Kirkt vahanh ts’a¬t viti¬’ dlo¬k so well today Kirk Colin. We’re very proud of you.” Kirk ginu¬u’aii ts’a¬t digitr’iini¬n ts’a¬t gugwinah’in’. “Aaha’. beamed as he stood there, suddenly feeling fifty feet Ants’a¬t ju¬k drin gwiizii t’indi’ii, Kirk Colin. Neenjit tall. yiinjigwichi¬dha¬a’ee.” Kirk gwiyendoo sho¬h adaji¬ltsaii, khaiinjii fifty feet tall k’î¬t iinli’. Out of the corner of his eye, something shiny caught his attention. He turned and looked. Beside an old grey In’ii k’it zhik ts’aii eji¬ich’ii ch’aµhdit yichaa gwiji¬lnaii. cabin stood his grampa, Neil Colin. He was smiling and Zhu¬u vint’ii gwinah’in’. Vi¬tsii Neil Colin dachan zheh looking proudly at Kirk and his family. In his hand was gwishik ehkhee ts’a¬t na¬dhat. Dlo¬k nu¬u’aii ts’a¬t Kirk chan the old family bell. The bell with a name. ts’a¬t vizhehk’oo gogwinah’in yiinjigwichidhah’ee k’it. Dinli¬’ zhi¬t aii î¬itsiila¬ii shik ootanh. Iitsiila¬ii oozrii hah. “Shii chan,” gwinuu. Kirk zrit t’iinch’uh. 38 4 38 39 IÒitsiila¬ii Oozri¬’ Ha¬h / The Bell with a Name / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom “You have a new name now mom, right? Eva Colin. like the rest of name the family.” Kirk’s momEva and dad Just « Tu portes nouveau nom,mom, hein maman? TuColin. “You have aun new now right? ako¬“Mom, o digwidi’ii.” ju¬k noozri˚’ k’eejit nidi’ii, haa? Eva Colin. smiled and looked at theirKirk’s son. “Yes. t’appelles Eva Colin, maintenant. Comme leAnd reste dedid Just like the rest ofdown the family.” mom andyou dad Nekhwezhehk’oo k’î¬t’.”k’eejit Kirk vahanh ts’a¬t Eva viti¬’ Colin. dlo¬k “Mom, ju¬k noozri˚ nidi’ii, haa? so well and today Kirk Colin. We’re proud of you.” Kirk la famille. » La maman etat letheir pèrevery de sourirent smiled looked down son.Kirk “Yes. And youet did ginu¬ u’aii ts’a¬t digitr’iini¬ n ts’a¬ t gugwinah’in’. “Aaha’. Nekhwezhehk’oo k’î¬ t .” Kirk vahanh ts’a¬ t viti¬ ’ dlo¬ k beamed as he stood there, suddenly feeling fifty feet He was only six years old but something had been Vagha¬ i i nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬ i gwa¬ t daµ h shu¬ k regardèrent fils. « C’est vrai.very Et toi, Kirk tu so well todayleur Kirk Colin. We’re proud ofColin, you.” Kirk Ants’a¬ t ju¬ts’a¬ k drin gwiizii t’indi’ii, Kirk Colin. Neenjit ginu¬ u ’aii t digitr’iini¬ n ts’a¬ t gugwinah’in’. “Aaha’. tall. bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name egwiji¬yiinjigwichi¬ ich’uu geenjit a na¬gKirk wi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat sho¬ de¬ehkhaµ îµîµkloo t’es vraiment conduit Nousfifty sommes beamed as hebien stood there, aujourd’hui. suddenly feeling feet dha¬ya¬agwiizii ’ee.” gwiyendoo adaji¬ tsaii, Ants’a¬ t ju¬ k drin t’indi’ii, Kirk Colin. Neenjit different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It noozri¬khaiinjii ’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬ u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, très fiersofde toi. » Le visage de Kirk rayonna de caught tall.Out fifty feet tall k’î¬t iinli’. the corner of his eye, something shiny yiinjigwichi¬ a’ee.” gwiyendoo sho¬’hts’a¬ adaji¬ didn’tcontentement. make sense that his mom’s last name was uudahkat. Vahanhdha¬ khaµ îµîµkooKirk voozri’ adanh, vitî¬ t ltsaii, hisOut attention. He turned and looked. Beside an old grey khaiinjii fifty feetts’aii tall tich’ii iinli’. In’ii k’it ch’aµhditkwaa. yichaaAgadanh gwiji¬lnaii. different thelast corner of his thanofhis name andeye, his something father and shiny caught vuundee kat ha¬ h zhik gwiizii va¬k’î¬ heji¬dago¬ onch’uu stooddehis grampa, Neil Colin. He was smiling and Zhu¬In’ii u vint’ii gwinah’in’. tsii ch’aµ Neilhzrit Colin dachan zheh cabin coin l’œil, unlast objet brillant retint hisDu attention. He turned and looked. Beside anattention. old grey They shared the name ‘Colin’, butson his goovoozrî¬ ’ “Colin” nili¬its’aii guuzhik vahanh îµîµkoogwiji¬ k’it zhik eji¬Vi¬ ich’ii dit khaµ yichaa lnaii. brothers’. proudly atson Kirk and his family. In his hand was ehkhee dVi¬ hat. k înu¬ u’aii ts’a¬t’ Kirk chan mother’s Illooking se last tourna et grand-père Neil Colin, debout cabin stood hisvit grampa, Neil Colin. He was smiling name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the àand voozri’gwishik zritu “Arey” nilii.ts’a¬ “Ja¬t ana¬ ghat khaµ µîµkoo noozri¬ Zhu¬ vint’ii gwinah’in’. tde¬ siieDlo¬ Neil Colin dachan zheh the old family bell. The bell with a name. ts’a¬ tt vizhehk’oo gogwinah’in k’it.chan last name côté d’une vieille cabane toute grise. Affichant un large looking proudly at Kirk his family. Inhis hismom. hand was ‘Colin’ like the rest and of us?” he asked nekhwik’î¬ ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬ t tdiinch’u¬ kwah?” gwishik ehkhee ts’a¬ na¬dhat.uyiinjigwichidhah’ee Dlo¬ k nu¬udahanh ’aii ts’a¬t Kirk Dinli¬ ’ zhi¬ t aii î¬ i tsiila¬ i i shik ootanh. Iitsiila¬ i i oozrii hah. sourire, celui-ci observait Kirk et sa famille avec fierté, the old family bell. The bell with a name. uudahkat. ts’a¬t vizhehk’oo gogwinah’in yiinjigwichidhah’ee k’it. The family teased “Whycloche don’t familiale. we changeLa OUR tenant à la mainhim. la vieille cloche qui Dinli¬ ’ zhi¬ t aii î¬ i tsiila¬ i i shik ootanh. Iitsiila¬ i i oozrii hah. Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, avait donné un nom à sa mère. gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” funny at all. Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. ako¬o digwidi’ii.” 40 4 40 41 / The IÒitsiila¬iIÒiiOozri¬ tsiila¬i’i Ha¬ Oozri¬ h //’The Ha¬h Bell with Bellavait awith Name a Name La cloche qui donné un nom Vagha¬ii nihk’iitik gwizraih nili¬i gwa¬t daµhshu¬k egwiji¬ich’uu geenjit ya¬a na¬gwi¬i’aii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ shik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” Kirk dahanh, Eva, uudahkat. Vahanh khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ adanh, vit ts’a¬t vuundee kat ha¬h gwiizii va¬h dago¬onch’uu kwaa. Agadanh goovoozr “Colin” nili¬i guuzhik vahanh zrit khaµîµîµkoo voozri’ zrit “Arey” nilii. “Ja¬aghat de¬e khaµîµîµkoo noozri¬’ nekhwik’î¬t ‘Colin’ gwik’î¬t diinch’u¬u kwah?” dahanh uudahkat. Dizhehk’oo giiyeedlaa. “Ja¬a khaµîµîµkoo diiyoozri’ eju¬k gwa¬atsik? Aii t…’ee chan Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey ts’a¬t Kirk Arey nakhwaheezraa.” Kirk oo’a¬n chu¬uzhii. “Shii Arey t’ihch’u¬h kwaa! Colin zrit t’ihch’uu!” Veenjit tsinjaµhch’uu kwaa gwik’î¬t yiniindhan. Conception OutcropCommunications CommunicationsLtd., Ltd.,Yellowknife Yellowknife Designed by–Outcrop Illustrations Illustrations – John John Allerston Allerston Printed by Artisan Press Ltd. © – Eva et –Hugh Colin, Institut social et culturel GTNO Copyright Eva and Hugh Colin, Gwich’in Socialgwich’in, & Cultural Institute, GNWT (ministère desofAffaires municipales et communautaires), (Department Municipal and Community Affairs), 2001 2001 ISBN ISBN 1-896337-07-4 1-896337-07-4 4 42 He was only six years old but something had been bothering him for a long time. “Why is your last name different than mine?” Kirk asked his mom, Eva. It didn’t make sense that his mom’s last name was different than his last name and his father and brothers’. They shared the last name ‘Colin’, but his mother’s last name was ‘Arey’. “Why don’t you have the last name ‘Colin’ like the rest of us?” he asked his mom. The family teased him. “Why don’t we change OUR last name? Then there would be Eva Arey, Hugh Arey, Elliot Arey, Chad Arey and Kirk Arey.” Kirk walked away. “I’m not Arey! I’m Colin!” He didn’t think it was funny at all. 18 Rivière Peel 17 Village à l’embouchure de la Peel 1. Maison de Thomas Koe 2. Hangar à poisson de Thomas Koe 3. Maison de Neil Colin construite en 1977 4. Premiére maison de Neil Colin 5. Hangar à poisson de Neil Colin 6. Cache de Neil Colin 7. Maison d’Alfred Bonnetplume 8. Entrepôt d’Alfred Bonnetplume 9. Maison d’Abe et Effie Thomas 10. Hangar à poisson d’Abe et Effie Thomas 11. Toilettes d’Abe et Effie Thomas 12. Maison de Peter Thompson 13. Hangar à poisson de Peter Thompson 14. Entrepôt de Peter Thompson 15. Entrepôt de Jimmy Thompson 16. Toilettes de Jimmy Thompson 17. Maison de Jimmy Thompson 18. Hangar à poisson de Jimmy Thompson Rivière Peel 16 15 14 Saules 13 12 10 Jim Firth 11 9 7 8 Étang 6 4 5 3 Poteau Christopher Colin Saules 1 2 43 Village Arctic RD SO N re P orc up in e Fl MT euve S R ICH A Riviè Mer de Beaufort E acken euve M zie c cti Red e Ar UT Fl Rivièr Yukon RO R STE P M DE Rivière Peel Village à l’embouchure de la Peel TNO C E R C L E P O L A I R E A R C T I Q U E