2012-35 August 26 - Baker Heights Church of Christ
2012-35 August 26 - Baker Heights Church of Christ
A U GUST 26, 2012 V O LUME 50 , I SSUE 35 Order of Service August 26, 2012 Song Leader ................................................................... John Hanson #947 – “Jesus, Let Us Come to Know You” Greeting/Announcements .................................................. Frank Peck #120 – “Day by Day” Prayer ..............................................................................Jesse Pharis #726 – “We Saw Thee Not” Communion Focus ....................................................... Donny Vogler 2nd Communion Prayer ............................................ Rodney Windell Contribution Prayer ....................................................Charles Butler #116 – “Consider the Lilies” #554 – “Rise Up, O Men of God” Scripture Reading ..............................................................Ed Cowart 2 KINGS 2:11-12 (NIV) Sermon ............................................................................ Steve Smith “A MAN EXPRESSES HIS FAITH” #134 – “Faith is the Victory” “Make Me A Servant” Elders’ Comments and Closing Prayer ...........................Larry Taylor We have an attended nursery at the back of the auditorium for infants up to 24 months old. Please make use of this room if your children become restless during our assembly. There are Children’s Worship Bulletins on the tables at the back of the auditorium. The yellow sheets are for ages 3-6; the tan sheets are for ages 7-12. ASSIGNMENTS TODAY Communion to Shut-ins: Doyle Maxwell Cameron McElyea Robert Dennis Nursery Staff: Angie Oliver (a.m.) Kaylee Rowe (p.m.) PM Assembly Leaders: Michael Jones (song leader) Ky Rowe (scripture reader) 1 Timothy 5:9-10 Steve Smith (preacher) “DOING GOOD DEEDS” University Place: Charles Jacobs (opening prayer) Tommy Holmes (song leader) Richard Herring (communion) Larry Bailey (speaker) Christopher Hall (closing prayer) CBC/Power Hour resumes on September 9th. P AGE 2 AU GU S T 26, 2012 GOOD MORNING! With football season about to start I spent a little time the other day researching some players on the internet for the fantasy football competition some of us do in the youth group. I have made it my mission not to get beaten this year. In my search I came across an article that revealed interesting statistics about the home field advantage. The article proved teams consistently perform better when they have the home field advantage. There are many reasons why the home team has the advantage, but I think one of the biggest reasons is the fans. Having a whole stadium shouting and cheering you on does something for your confidence and your willingness to give it your all. I had the opportunity last year to attend a professional football game; one of the things that most impressed me was the noise. There is nothing quite like 70,000 people cheering on a single team in an enclosed stadium. Try to think back to a time you personally were playing a sport and heard someone cheering you on from the crowd. It is almost like you feel yourself starting to play better. Words of encouragement affect our lives whether they are shouted in a stadium or given to us written down on a card. Words of encouragement can mean the difference between staying in the game or giving up. Paul wrote in Thessalonians 5:13 we should “comfort each other and edify one another.” There are many avenues you can use to express words of encouragement: There are the yellow cards (at the back of the auditorium) to write an encouraging note to someone – it will even get mailed for you. You can speak to them either in person or on the phone. Most importantly, you can always encourage others by remembering them in prayer. Let us encourage one another all the more as the day approaches. (Hebrews 10:25) In Him, Luke Bower Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 Announcements TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY High School students meet for their weekly Tuesday night Bible studies at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday (8/28) at the home of Luke & Carrie Bower (430 Victoria). This fall they are doing a series on the Song of Solomon. FIFTH QUARTERS TO RESUME ON SEPTEMBER 7TH Football season is back and we traditionally have a “Fifth Quarter” fellowship at the 8:28 House after a home game. This is time for our young people to invite friends to a safe place to hang out for a few hours, play games and share good times. We need adult sponsors for this event and there is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the auditorium for them to volunteer for a specific night. Take a few moments, adults, and see when you can help out. AU GU S T 26, 2012 P AGE 3 ELDERS STEVE’S CORNER Ladies Night Out, September 17: Ladies, put this date on your calendar and be thinking about it. According to my wife, this is always a fun time together. The elders’ wives are hosting this one and plan to emphasize the various ministries that ladies sign up for. Lots of food, fun, and fellowship. Don’t miss it! Blood Drive, Wednesday, August 29, 6-8:30 PM: There has been a change in the Baker Height’s location of where to give your blood. Both blood mobiles are out of order; consequently, the blood will be drawn in the fellowship area. This blood is donated to the Baker Heights’ account, and any of our members can use it. Our New Preacher needs help moving in Thursday, August 30, Mid-afternoon: Wes & Hollee McAdams could greatly use your muscles; it’s hard to unload a moving truck. Please contact John or Suzanne at the church office, (692-6974). They can give you lots more details about where and when. Family Retreat, October 12-13, Lueder’s Encampment: This Encampment is loved by everybody who has gone. And with the new theme being: “Extreme Home Makeover: God’s Edition,” it ought to be great! This location is just a few miles north of Abilene. With the American home under attack, we need all the help we can get in our homes. Today Pot Luck immediately after A.M. Worship: Thank you guys for being so thoughtful. – Steve Smith Charles Beebe Richard Bower Ron McElyea Floyd Miller ** (elder of month) Larry Taylor PREACHING MINISTER Steve Smith YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTER Luke Bower DEACONS Bill Baskett Cameron McElyea Ed Cowart Scott McGaha Hank Davis Simon Mora Robert Dennis Wayne Newman Zane Dennis Richard Oller Otis Guthrie Charles Payne John Hanson Frank Peck Tommy Holmes Stuart Tiner Michael Jones Donny Vogler MISSIONARIES Ken Crow – Taylor County Jail Doug Kashorek – New York Eddison Fowler – Brazil Randy Matheny – Brazil EASTREACH ZAMBIA LOCAL PREACHERS Wellington Mwanza Peter Mbale Apson Phiri Sinkamba Banda Selestino Phiri Emmanuel Chunga John Vwalika William Mwanza Ben Nyirenda Austern Phiri Thomas Mtonga Andrew Sakala Kevinson Zulu INDIAN LOCAL PREACHERS Samuel Waghmare K. Jaya Paul Albert Ganpatrao B. Ramu S. Prasada Rao G. Suvarna Raju Billana John B. James Ch. Appa Rao B. Azaraiah AU GU S T 26, 2012 AU GU S T 26, 2012 P AGE 4 P AGE 4 CHURCH ACTIVITIES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS CALENDAR OF EVENTS September Volunteer Maxwell Hospitality Team makes visits Assignments this week. Sunday (8/26) – Pot Luck Luncheon after the morning assembly. We are honoring Steve Smith for his years of services as preaching minister. Tuesday (8/28) – High School Bible Study begins at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Luke & Carrie Bower (430 Victoria). Wednesday (8/29) – This blood drive will be held in the fellowship area since both blood mobiles are out of service. The techs will be available from 6-8:30 p.m. in room 34 (where the Young Families class meets). Laundry: Ladies Class Cards: Pauline Baskett Flowers to Hospital: Ladies’ Night Out: Elders’ Wives Deep Clean Kitchen: Evelyn Payne & Margaret McFarland Make Visitor Bread: Evelyn Payne Elder of the Month: Larry Taylor Response Elders: Larry Taylor & Charles Beebe Assembly Coordinators: Frank Peck, Ed Cowart, Hank Davis Thursday (8/30) – The McAdams family will be arriving mid to late afternoon and will need help unloading their goods. Contact the church office (692-6974) to get the details if you can help in any way. Sunday (9/2) Wes McAdams begins serving as our preaching minister. Children bring items for the food pantry to the front of the auditorium. SAVE THE DATE The next Ladies’ Night Out will be Monday (9/17). You won’t want to miss it! Our family retreat will be October 12-13 at the Leuders Encampment. The theme is EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER: GOD’S EDITION. WEDNESDAY SUMMER SERIES 8/29 Luke Bower – “Appropriate Consequences” FOOD PANTRY NEWS Thank you for your support of our food drive. For the rest of the month the items needed in the pantry are: Powdered milk Pancake mix Canned fruit Canned spinach WORKER SCHEDULE 8/29 – Tommy & Shelia Holmes 9/5 – Marilyn Miller & Jessie Thomas 9/12 – Dorothy McCoy & Ann Lenz 9/19 – Everett & Gaylynne Bickford 9/26 – Ralph & Kay Procter Counselors will be called each week as needed. P AGE 5 AU GU S T 26, 2012 NEWS AND NOTES CHICHEWA LANGUAGE CLASS SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 GOYNE, William – 2725 Southwest Dr. #232 (05), 518-3605, [email protected], Taylor SG THANK YOU NOTES We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the members of Baker Heights who conduct services each month here. We’re especially grateful for the communion they bring and share with us. M. C. Cranfill for the residents of Wisteria Place on Southwest Drive We want to thank our Baker Heights and University Place family for the prayers, visits, cards and phone calls during the death of my sister. May God continue to bless each one of you. Connie & Jim Hays Dear Baker Heights family, I want to thank you so much for the farewell reception and money tree! I really appreciate your willingness to help and all the love that you showed me. May God bless all of you and the work that you are doing in His name! In Christian love, Whitney McGaha Our family at Baker Heights, Thank you so much for the phone calls, letters and flowers that were sent to us during the week of Jesse’s passing. It means the world to us that we have all of you here for us! We appreciate your thoughts and prayers. In Christian love, Heath & Beth Fellhauer & family Chichewa is the language spoken in the eastern province of Zambia. We are starting a class on Sunday (9/9) at 5 p.m. in the fellowship area for those interested in learning the language in preparation for the 2014 Mission Trip that is being planned. Some have already signed up for the class but you can still register by contacting the church office, John Hanson or James Sumners before the sessions begin. ADULT FALL WEDNESDAY CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 5 Women will meet in the fellowship area and are studying the Beatitudes using a book by Casandra Martin called Fragrance of Faith. Various class members will lead the discussion. Men will meet in the auditorium for a class led by Wayne Newman and James Sumners. The title of their study from the book of Joshua is “Be Strong and Courageous.” WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPERS RESUME Our Wednesday Night Suppers will resume on September 5, with the Italian menu. We are in urgent need of volunteers for several of the meals. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the auditorium. This is a great way to get involved with others in the congregation and get to know them. LADIES TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY The Tuesday Ladies Bible Study resumes on Tuesday (9/4) at 10 a.m. They are continuing their study of God Pass By Me (The Names of God) by Casandra Martin. We have a few copies of the book for those who have not been attending but would like to start. The traditional monthly pot luck luncheon will follow the class at 11:30 a.m. and the menfolk are invited to join the ladies for the meal. P AGE 6 AU GU S T 26, 2012 Sunday, August 26, 2012 BHCC Members Deloris Adair – hospitalized several days due to severe vertigo type symptoms; doing better at home but no definitive diagnosis Morris Chancey – heart procedures on 8/28 & 29 at St. David’s Hospital in Austin Jerry Smith – bypass surgery on 8/24 at HMC Jay McDaniel – special needs Friends and Family Jack Ball of Clyde (friend of Roxanne Hello) – released from HMC on 8/25 Gayland Childers (brother-in-law of Tamara Hagler) – HMC 2705; serious head injury due to a fall at work on 8/20 Wynona Keeney of Aurora, CO (sister of Sonoma Hagler) – cellulitis of the wrist Aaron Sepeda of Seguin (6 yr old nephew of Christina Mora) – appendectomy on 8/22 Sympathy to… Philip Madeley on the death of his cousin, Gregg Madeley of Willis, TX, on Monday (8/20). Visitation will be Thursday (8/23) at the Metcalf Funeral Home in Conroe; funeral will be at the Old Waverly Church on Friday (8/24) Special Prayer Requests Thaila Robertson, Thresa Carson-Graves, Janet Bruns, A’mad Graves, Gregg Madeley, Cami Hernandez, Deloris Adair Our Homebound Members Dorothy Capers, Charles & Nell Carlisle, Joe Ann Clemmer, Gary Keeney, Lucille Keeney, Nellie Lucke, Sherry Medariz, Wanda Pruitt, Melinda Simmons, Johnnie Stevens, John Wheeler, Nelda Wilcoxen, Laveta Youngquist IRAQ: USS EISENHOWER: Brazil: India: Stateside: Zambia: Those Serving Overseas Alan English (husband of Janet English) Tod Martin (grandson of Bill & Pauline Baskett) Our Missionary Families Eddison Fowler, Randy Matheny native preachers in India working with Cross Over Ministry and Doug Tackett Ken Crow, Doug Kashorek Wellington Mwanza, native preachers in Eastern Province HMC-Hendrick Medical Center HCR-Hendrick Center for Rehabilitation ARMC-Abilene Regional Medical Center Records for August 19, 2012 Bible Class .............................................214 AM Assembly .........................................299 PM Auditorium........................ 141 PM University Place ................. 81 PM Assemblies.......................................222 Wednesday (8/22) ..................................218 Contribution ................................ $13,077.00 Budgeted Weekly Goal............... $12,866.00 BAKER HEIGHTS BULLETIN (089-130) is published weekly by the Baker Heights Church of Christ. Periodical postage paid at Abilene, Texas 79601. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BAKER HEIGHTS BULLETIN, 5382 Texas Avenue, Abilene, TX 79605. presented by Wes McAdams Periodical Postage PAID Abilene, Texas