Tai Phake Primer
Tai Phake Primer
;.r*;; nI ,t )i'1.1 9ii;;':r;,9 indj, ?-1"{ !a) ./D a CJrJ (n C @ IJ CD o 6, t) gt fr'rjrj"?6 _gi't d4n{aer, TAI PHAKE PRIMER r ogc.t t3 4 "Brt cDlr)c ? r, lrD OO o OJ CD e (, @ OJ t) !f) o TAI PHAKE PRIMER About tbis book: In | 997, Sn Nabin Shyam Phalung suggestcd that a primer of the Tai lrnguage should b€ prcpared. It was lalcr decid.d that two primcrs should be prcprrcd, one in th. Aiton language a'ld one in the Phake language. Storics and Songs for this Phakc prim.r hav. been conEibuacd by Ai Che Let, Ai Chart , Ssm Thun, Ngi Khen Ya! Ngi L.k and Aithown Chc ChakaD. Much dsistancc was also giicn by thc family of Aithown Che Chakap, and Aimya Kh.ng Cohain of the Institute of Tai Studies, Longion& Naha*alia . I also acknowlcdge the assit nce ofthc Vcnerable Jnana Pal Bhikshr. ofNam Phakc tcmolc. PaniculsI thar*s also go to Cautarn Roy \rho has laboured long hours to producc this book. Many pcople have helped in dla project to study the Tai languages of Assam. My thanks go to Proi C.K. Bsruah, Gu*ahati, L.K. Gogoi, Guwahali, Sri Atul Borgohaio, Dibrugafh; Rqnjrn Alii Margh.rita; Vcoerable Etikr Bhikkhu and Sa Myet Chowlik, Pawoimukh; and Yehom Buragoh6in, Guwahali. I would likc to ackno*lcdge and my ny p6r!nts, Rosc and frmily wh6c gcncrosity mad€ $is book possibl€. Rescrved Copyright Firsl prioted Decembcr 1999 Publishcd P.inrcd by by StcplEn MoEy TrioSnph Ofha Wcst Chowkidingc., DibruSarh Pht 22629 Brucc Morey o-1dcer8c6o3 oa :tr iE{ (r) rn .t{ c t B JD{ D[ DIi OD qd EI d ? %€ o) @ "?tt 11d O ot gT (, ? ,'"' c\) oJe o nr{ -LQ{ JP JDf hen egg 'lFt dl iFl snake ekphant tiger 'a qfiit qila t.ee fish rr\ rA dr'lFl ffi pig R 'll!F {q i?qi 1 q\ 113 Er It {l tl ir : kind of leaf "lf oq # {Fr (Bl c?{ n i{ffi: The Alphabet 6ficl b"C finger cloth honey b€€ mosquito monkey dish ,tftogcrto3 The ka itf ka ? ki E o8 kii ( ku ccr'| .i '6 otd .A 'd .,{ vowels IfT+f t I xutr 6F r(€ B' kai d ko xam aq. kllm rFl korn q. keu dt KAU 169 KAU dt koi d % "? I "?dq$ Finalconson.nts i[3ffi Tf ctt f /6 m:cr.pj co{ fiuit rFl ccoer5 caf chin loF ,rcccoerj /8/6 f q'-d a3q5 atmour lFl o5 o::rr.xvJ meYf m.rket Yt ncoloJ cYf, cx<,:evj od <J d 6 e:cr.xvf clrf village qd 'l*t book fui{ forget 'iFll tiger dq ",,16 orc^xrS dD 8 o?dq@r c q{ Bhr J 'b- 62 !n3 A4 r5 e (,'i , (,3 I A fff G tlfiI .r&r5 tu7 o o€d ets c { d39 ,l oiO Jo coo cooo coooo c a 6 E ftlo As qr. F6 q.6 clh cr:,.rt sF ;n c.rtf c.lafco: F r5 { <rrt tr crtfcu'l JRrm Numbers @ til 20 100 1000 10000 I 00 000 > oo t0 00 000 >o oo ooo | 00 00 000 r0 00 00 000 oo0 a -il ogvfcocr5 Reading practice: catv]t ct J)q (J,rL Ut o-it @Lt.t of oq. n url orl oL {I rr\ "L if crow ctt nL dgl tlt come qlf Tg '[ dog ll ricefield 'fiR o-tt rtgocti' cr'I itl dance tl5l .dt { thigh rRF ql aunt aA J\ rrl('[ Tha aunt coma' t'G qE rr1QrlcrJL The aunl came. rO qfu err.rpLrrt 'thc dog *cnr lo rhc ricc ficld. :tR 6 ,nffiL Thc auni danccs. eG {6 'HFfrr n.&l {fl? CrdYtm€/5 Re{dingp.r.tice: o8E L"8 e,3,f c8 ^^ 8c88cSc88,8{8 08 € (3 E €l in -s !| good s tl four dF a ride !h /Dfr8ar[ The aunt rides the ('[ { ho.s€ .frt I I sccona son FOr 1a c8 a u. uE lFr c8 I coa lri horse. ."6l crd gd (t/1{ efl n. r"a so' clmin& rid'ns rh. hols. e 's c.3rn1 The aunt's o8..,3 loom. (sR[5 !6 qF c'[' r.tlri sF 'rB o qJYtcoo' oi v? Y"[ .d. a Re{ding practic€: tr t % o?ri J)? c,t n uict? ef crrb r.tn (t to fry vrn Erl t 66l soakc ./)? 6[ agr€€ 1Ts qE rtPl fi,m Y) Ell rdt .qa a o[ pig ft m ct lble .fu I bc 4!F at rFF 'irft !'fr tff{oLmL Thc mr wcnr ro rh. ricc lictd. .qrFa t-ten The snrkc b in thc hoh I'i!F| 'RF llq (qF) sFr :{ ? ,.{ qil6co€t5 Reading practice: 6./D 6UD C|,r) Cm cco crn 6(-{J. CO9 CC4 ro old CA c{ 3F Chin€s€ !F CJD 6 City Esr CO) 6 tnre {E[ CO Cg CJD 6eO fl-) CJm 6 shop .El{t{ CC a mo$€r { CCU [a. totravel .rtrrio8."o Aunt lives in th€ City a"El 6('cl..,lCJDCr4 Morhs went !o the City rt cCrCrI CC\) Mother went rgoming. nml!)t The hols€ 8Gs to thc ricefi€ld En 6!s {ttn d" tr& {r :Rh ffi (fr "Rrt+ t.1q qE (ad,rtcoo' Reading practice: ? .ra 0oaA cA "A ot a ol oa c^3 d ca€ f{fi cJ * E cr3 * chickcn fF {F egg dl @ tcft a3 d Tai bt cd <i pt*gt *t 3 lF go Blirl 3 .P *ooa {5 3 d o rccp t*t r chicLn's cgg *h,-rt €fi .lll Mo6.r weot to th€ ric€field. { eca.rt Thc slcond soo plough.d rh. ric€fi€ld. E*lfra Ke.p it! t{(t "FFitsr ffi c{q q udYtmo'' R.lding practice: G-q. aq. CcI q6cq(Et c.rq 6u{ % c0{, coq- cr{. 6u{ ccul cq cA Qq a person xE? cv'tl { ncck ffi o?d Ebodyir ad ! hlsband a l 6crJI c('[ r to srng t'lFl curt ! topraise eFl ^t E h€d Cr JP Y,l(n)o-to Folr rats dtu fr'fii no8ofcrlq Four dogr go to dtu q$ +|rta ih. ?,ra ricefr€ld. co<r3cml Four mothcas dF nria T cq{Ocrrrcroc.1 Th. husband went {! roaming ao th. city €rG t rq dt-) qJYtm€/5 cD ReadinS practice: f) c ./D (n €o€o r) c (Jr) OCD('CT) o rd nr gold rri rn *ora coi nr orce €xi qr ou" "a "3rq.j cel0ccucoc.l c'ty:.;qd c*r ia{r Ff, ,{!r ,t) {t) eci t b.sl :fi crta Yi a rf,rer'A I bhck Ta d qi "n out * !Fw Tai Language :iIR trA {slFdE tA ltrccblackhqs.s a..r (F Efu Mo.lrcr w.nt io th. c.v.s. r4c,rofr2c8,o1 rhen att rhft. rars Ff, ts ffi in the ricefi€ld. qh !r{ 46 C^fltm€/5 Readingpractice: q6 .216 46 4{ q6(ffqdqdcqdq6 N#"qf "1{ {d4{ c'td t+l q6 salt ,rqd Q\ tiger {s rd hoh cit qd ci meat ril 4d q5 ri qd ri N "8O.t"8.t The ligcr liv€s in the Qd.q*; Father's hand is rd hand timc boat ricefield. eFfiE {! qq black (GtF ii5 -r )9 I qts <"Orrfcoof Readingpractic€: { { q 4 q { { { { d ? "t dsl 4 {i3 nc€ 4 { gri' Ei3 twenty F,l {0ccuc-^f "t-{-rL *doa "8.ttff .L{"tOa.t a .J "r{, toblow .( 5 dg t6 Th€ young msn The dog { "J A lt3 star qll {d{ 2[ *cnt l y@ra n|rtr CFF e.pastrense !N3 to rwenry doss wcnr to the riccfr€ld. *r qli !frE .F tF ffi rt { * :@ fire. I have earen rice. ffi Mother blew on the * bsrk Ct{ roding. GF barked F ,tlcr ro b qqr tr& t'q )8 ttl <ryicoa5 qIo Reading practic!: g "dd "[ tI .f d "f ,I .f, { ,-€ .q { A '',1 {! to \i?nt El 6it mind I'r "d ar{ EB put into qiRt tI n$ inside fur ,6 4"10."o uQo"fsc,l {'nf*t tr ,,{ { nre you gfi c{ r r.t big sG< J5 ri togive Gn wairt to go to the city. A big tiger fr DEn? {r+E FEt" ..Dl gfg3. ils E|GrqqFl? )c tno5 {n\5 tn5 ,ryrc6 ln€ m{ er. cocr5 qs cnrn e\,rl market ifqF( rc rocr5 cocd sro will rnvf qn count q:fll <, T qm book fu1"r 6CD {ir fruit T;I ocl OYl rF village "Ig f Cn 5IiF break s'll coc6 m to cut 5El E {sRa rt{ Mother will cook the rice. 4cc .rRt iffi{ cfcoc'iScnerf coo:cdo:fvf, I cvfo3 A Tai village tt The brarch of lhe 'rw urs dGrd "o13".o{yraf will gotothe market. tree is broken. sd $t:Frt{co mct{4{c8vf€ qri rried vegelables olF{ rlRE{ frq .lfc {t-d are delicious "i*"i"t-t He asrees wirh me. c{R {'d fr & w {flc6 {fi€ fias {fi\t {fr6 cSYt fu to eat c{irt 8c,{ Fr. *ing qR 3{ C{g hard bF 8cr5 rc nir" rbin <,3{ GB sound df beautiful - 8<Je8vf "r"t c\8{ F€ Tq< monkey <fR y3er5re a",."* or e" cet5l F< ;is $ cE {t{ ce1vioSCc,S,/ A beautiful song. c'fo:o{c8rri,rf I willeat rice. {orafcSvfoc6 You <-,<JoScrto3 Tai books. bF *,tiF FsPl c,rc,folo8dc^i Lemons are sour. cal 6sr {"8,,t{ I am eating rice. se.F{Eql sLcrfYlrr The dog drank weter 1qR "|Fl {F 3<!c8vfr,g{c1d Two pairs ofsho€s K{R (qFt willestftuit. qF Fd <t md m€ mo| .f 'r{' lvf TI p€6or {Ar qrf td hair Ts cr1c6 E$ to wash Tar o76a a T{rFme 'rF I no5- I ogf gr rd.6""ay qa qof p -t "FFtr E n t*." c'toc"tc'f'tqd I will wash my g5c,3of Four ants- *u.td"d-rL "pnf"?O c'1*t*yj t 1c-,3{r1o5o1c^r{ mousod.ffi hands E 56 !r dfr6 "Rt Mother washed her hair IF E-a F Six black horses. S :Ff tmf Asinger. 'thF The Sirl has no beard- Wft ffi d v-eh6,-.J t onghair tuEa -CAq{ A big tr€e slst 5E ,/ncr5 ,^{c.t oofic'f ceh { }a a:o{og<5 4ld 5el a rinS "f +l small qYt silver a"l tomato fut qfq6 TF q"tq t' Twenty Rupees c'fcrc't4c.t{o8Yt I ox,{ogdv: A golden ring. i{Rt <lH< qq$ -dA.rdd A smdlltrce TF don't est tomatoes R.r hr d full ,'IE c'f 3 o3 coof c'[ A .e fot 4d A .D{ o3 q.rt Mstri!8! ae'F B X ds qfrRls 1i5 t rm gdng to q ao rl! :86 ia ftc mrtcr I sm goitrg for nlrtdilt iolrr mdr.t h|s goc to d|c fFld J "{rad r'{ aoS tEl|llri4ie! q -rt "a 't ts .F t& { lF o|rr frthcr plooeh thc J <4* o9c'l *BdlFB. -1 c.,or lt goc to ld. Isldlgo.or! d(b: $all tI fus a[ o:: 8 ol hss I go to sdlool) lls cqQs qrrl w€ rrE workifg dsu"tEG6 I am going to lovn - lo mr*ct 4fus^a {dF6",t o[A fot ml {.4d ds Ctv d c?r .l3 FFQ9 s * rO63B&S q3 fuie! cF 05 3 y1,6 <,.'{ I am dohg this. what will I do? I will do it. What .rE yo|r goiag lo do? .6 6. "6 fr6 A irf ,rt "r t Ts G rP dlg crd cllg 66 ffra.{a".{ 6 l$r d\€d!iDdr QnQa,t d9U{!"Fb "t t3rf "rf .n3 Cl?q I ..n going to Whal do you do? I do som€thing Do yoo *ant to go ro Tai cornfy? present renr€ -:n'ffrlr .r -f .8"S .tt '6".,1 d .f "a"i .rt rn .[4n .f "aC oL p&st -, .8"t rr',tqo +n { .f A -tt "f trr -L ""5 y3v6 Fudlr rf ,.tt.t I am ds I arn going (l go) "rE € I sleep dBgtG I knovi *t€ I laugh I am coming (l come) c-rd <rnsr, -m1 dsfullg 6s 'f! d 43 CQE *s d I have done dv d ds Hc hes alraady dona rBr, - €DCd (w), ds B - €rI (st I will go 'rE Qr5 o3 3 coo5 chsrn frEqE!F d gdq ds6'F{ .fs vr qF ra mr I wcnl o.r" .{ -J -13 "a !. rar, - Cr1trf, I atc qr5 "f ating T9n€ r.ns. *fr m3 oE A {G) .Bfrb aeliG rrt rcns. rri. {il d Hc *ill Hc lf,ill go to thc martct comc I will comc bffk I will go ro ploogh cBYtcocr5 Read ing practice: Conversations: #{"tl-Ct 4q,S5.?i"$ 44,{9""t-e t ..{fc'fllacrf {r,?o8d ? rlo3cn5colcmof {fia5.r1Xco1c,..{ ? o6&r5.q?rgdqdy5ogat Cd""8d t {8o1c'fc€ccoi r qoloaofc,gCcc.l o1c'ioaof.'ffop;t t afr.fl'nt q{tio60u{ ? qYf<,ddcr9c6o,9ryt I , I m. Gtot -C*L t v:. €rtQod{slr cq. qoYJ I t cServf{o-yrtr c4{or5o-ry-q r ayf{c8cc':1 z c,g{cc.q r ,trffsr,liiq? .rffo1c'5<,3{<,:cr1,q{a?c.t/ra,-*q a,xqr-ryoc'fcf rnyoc'f8e68 If r {rfoddago{cq t "$"?, €Ec"dYtcgc'tc/Y5o8d c8,r6o5ccop3t q ? r a1c6a".ro3crvfc€,4c{ ? {ca ar-:cqcoefo3cdccrcrl cur-t I u6oan-{ ? .arr1 c'frC{"?qpf+6 ? r le c m. {r8o6n:1q<,u{ .n. c.r4&Srt co. q{m{v1c{ or. rlmdnalm€vi co. pfqcu5crle,ryr:<5 o {c-.:<5 c':. c€npo9cg8o6rnlXoSrqovf vr. cn. "&4&1og o:Q6eSrQrlgscn1nr1.gi o. r125q{ c3ccrlmdv-rc'ffir6..1Xmd cn.,rjgrgQo-xfccxrlclc<-, ,n. eryrfctr c,3cco1.rgrr{C€ cn. c.,1.rodrrtr1 cndo:1c':1 .6 -.cr]LSnL -. €.yt ie ,rj c ; ? 9. c1 crgn cuvf ofrdqc.td[,.f 48c,1dv; afc,ry3v^1d qdXo{",oto2o{,rJrr colqfo8dcut o{r{mo{@1 cQdc,u€.ro€c&A qd"ry5o.tYtogt JtO "f.i4.t Qdo[5&,3covsc,qafrip pc'{mv5ov5cn.6c8q to3v5 uo{mvSc8vjr:q: a5oj{c,ryc5,{vi v1gc,5rir,{grflf,,q5 rr tc q{o3co1cco 3 .,t .9t^^-J-!.J q&.r5 o8{f.rrdq{ clogdcoc^:t, c.?..5qd ;4.Xr,il-g1,i".8..5 "SC.;qO cr^rcolc,utc'[d{r1q il r "q;q{ {€qcc^r6lqc{vto3i?t"C "qc$ ,4;q:q*L"mi"1i ,"c;S^C+n; pysL.:.t14-,L4"tsjtf ndff a tr^ ,, {cr5o'4rfoq{o?6 r "f"1".?dd-rt io5yJ rr co1o8 d*64"Ui {olff I,?--[-1t'si5 oq6olm{oq r ogda'1mg1c'f I "{9 o?d{rtr?dtt' o.l{ofdoard rr cs'of,4n{ord €{v3 rr vjo8to3vt qt 6, qo&gd{i,iefio{-5q,iqe .,i, *q.A"fi-t {-t"i6,1i flI3 , eqdq"?d"1 of aqoloffcu qytoSvt&.5c"r1 r cqcrft,1c163 rr J f1c'5c1vtr.[t Qd.r:vicS$dcg{rrrd r'nc'5ry51ttndort;nto76 r,4.,Jfa.qi*. prf*1-:'S"dyi.7 qO'r ' { "'S {.r5c1s3fl ${,4c8yfnc'll rr cqcgdv:4fr'', ;oto1' *g1"3qoQor!ct*','1.s -c pt"-+ .,t.-.1.{.l-rr,S ' "l:'i.-!*qisJ cnrycfit' mUr{0cfc1 ti "?J"i"i.5.V ri-pS , q6"14 c,Scoy8fo:1 ric.Stlrrf,nivi 'r -fiafo.1b r X"s'a"S"l"'ta"i '' T'tfr'{ 8l<,3qc\3c,r6{o?car: ryr5a qc'frotof ofo"lcliv5 1i.1"{"*"1o1 ':i.1,s*q,,4"slolqi"Snctfr{/llo1 .1,,i" $;6&1 4"?ddb,z5"'i^j;ffcq:dido't'?.d rnqn-r'rg"q"q*q{, "1ia"la,""ti"9"id rc'i -Xaqii8ujqr8crqroc-,, "ncrllu-r.s896ca{c,3 ..?t,{"6,#*5,,5q"3 rofclrS,qc{c'3o{ QvS\co1q n "8erS."Uc,3toer8go83o:3o3c.4c,tr nc'5ndvqc"5frY{ ..qr"cl'ru"saaEi"sqoduqo4o s&'i ;Br*"3 q"i*5.i/a"f,/do-5r'/ec't,&ticof^l 8c,Saryqcn5g1 ryac1v5'rfl icr1c.J6 I " co:1rQt .,.ni*p3oq*t ,R^," p,t {fte"n{ "Strtc"ylo .^jtq{opot c,QOo1,{qcAo5 -rtdog]d r2ofqo5clo8 3mfcry:1 fdoqcq{cqdt,gt"? J r8c4fo3<o€425o-$gcr5 v:o3<lf{,rgvf o&i.f6 o3o4-'{ o1o3c,-f{ot dttd qcle,{*{6 c,3qr8t3{o?a{cu{o.t nr8{a{dt".f{og'5cu{X "l^di{A a3?cr5oim,lJ"{c't ry5caia3toQmclpforyr9€ oryr1o3<ot{c,1p{gfc,ri c0cvpmyqp€c'f olcSta?tof1gd3 ojr,Co3{rq$d.8Yt c€c.t{ylcSytcAn3v5 cr3cril6qdo?tc'lr5yio?nt qYSoaddc^Jt{yt ri{ R rfr +n q,.s o8{ {Y5 c'j qYt (^i clh qn {Yt c"3 qYs qYs A {Y5 u&ll6 {Ys B€/5 , r*{ A rdq { cft em rir fu January February {Ff March TlVr Aprit 5E May <EI5I June rg,' Jury gIIIR ril to|5 Aug,sr .A rft +g setrember {Yt '6 rnr Qq october {Y5 <,3d ft5 oSd 1816 cfl E l qg Nou"-r*. qY5 oScJ ogt cil Q"t q, D--"b". .ltgt qfr TtG qtGIFI orSoJ rorfuvSr ? or5 oltrtr ml61a \)m,nfu o?:Yf crrlol gF|f.dqt ."n€c.1 .tt'-.y? qRif t+-{l* 6ti@gcm :Bffi9|tcg q,'s,\I[ ,nqcr5 €Sl 5tr{ Sunday iRit< Mondry CTFRR Tuesday IFJFFIFI we&Esday Thrinday lq{R g="|G<n Fiday qE+tR Saturday ffi{R (3$, lf{ black i?I ,A "6 {i3 white {rll +d catd white i5tT €r fie red <gI ^qt "Y. c+€ yellow {.frn 36 Gr€ grc€n rrrsfl{t Numtrers {r"tge8 .CTd/dOt d.rog1o8 <"lcjt8o:1mer5 c,SrD&oB c"3"€ctvi oSoS tgtrogp8 4*r?c,gf*t ttdfl3 flort&{rqu3.F1 y?"6rdft"3 q{co-q{g{qc'51p6o:t do5,,rgp3 u8o5.r{fAo:lSqprfa;c,gt<1d B€r5.lrt1oB rreeGJ8oi{ 4rdg"8 ogd./dgo8 (njto? €cxSoryi{no.3 c,3d./Do5,{618@1 'g? 'qr n q. About the Proiecl: Tai Languages ofAssam: 'I Et The research project Tai Languages of Assarn is being undertaken by Stephen Morey, a scholar in the Department of Lineuistics. Monash Universiw. Melboume, Australia. The proj-ect involves the rec<irding of stories. songs. and histories ofthe Tai peoples, as well as the lranscription. lranslalion and analysis oimanuscripts considered important by pandits ofthe Tai language. Y 'r .s In addition, the project will include the production of teaching marerials and gmmmaticzl studies ofthe Tai languages. T'lrisTai Phakz Primer is the first oflhe teaching materials to be produced in the Tai lalguages. Further details ofthis Foject can be obtained from Stephen Morey 4 Sims St. Sandringham Victoria" 3l9l ,T .I & AUSTRALIA d I L