September 2016 - Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
September 2016 - Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church
Friedens Ev. Lutheran Church (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) 28983 181st Ave, New Prague, MN 56071 Rev. Henry T. Koch [email protected] Church: (952) 758-2828 Pastor’s Home: (952) 758-3245 Worship: Sunday 9 AM Tuesday 6:30 PM Saturday Noon November 2016 Trustees Our thanks to trustee Jeff Heine for taking the lead in clearing out some failing box elder trees that grew along an old fence line in the middle of the property. Quite a few hours were spent with a few helpers on Friday, October 28 cutting down a half dozen trees that had many dead limbs. The first weekend of November Jeff returned to load and deliver the lumber. A metal fence post was discovered (the hard way) while using a chain saw on one of the first trees. Later trunks were cut above that height, but old barbed wire was found inside another trunk. Let Jeff know if you can help remove the trunks. Pioneers Aiden Ullom used a step stool to help with the Pioneers’ bake day November 5. He assured the pastor that he was not eating any of the candies he was unwrapping for the peanut butter cookies! Abigail, Hailee, Mikayla and Heidi had a fun morning, too! The bake sale helps fund our Pioneers’ children’s ministry. Pioneers might be called our Lutheran version of scouting, where we have Jesus front and center. It has been a few years since we had a male leader for our pioneers. Please keep this in your prayers, and encourage Spirit-filled men to volunteer. We thank God for our faithful women Pioneer leaders, Jill and Karla, (plus bake day helpers Cassie, Deb S. and Deb B.) and want to provide good male role models, too! It is not too early to start thinking about your design for this winter’s Pine Car Derby. Fall Clean Up Day Our trustees hosted a work day October 8, and many hands made for light work! Ground beneath the bricks in the center courtyard had settled, causing flooding in the church basement during heavy rains. With a couple dozen young hands and feet helping to carry and stack the bricks, the ground could be re-graded and the pavers replaced, all in one morning’s work. Children learned some new skills with wheelbarrows and rubber mallets, too. Others helped with sweeping and cleaning carpet residue from the steps. We were blessed not only with good results on the grounds, but with children gaining training in how to serve, and observing men and women role models. October 10th, 2016 Church Council Meeting Membership actions - Profession of faith - Next council meeting will be on November 14th at 6:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned. Jaime & Krystal Erickson, and children Ashlyn, Victoria, and Nate. Old Business: *Nativity set - A family is interested in a new indoor nativity scene for the church. *West steps - contractors are submitting bids, cement work is not guaranteed after October 15th. We have time to consider the bids before any work can be done in the spring. *Fellowship hall - 2 air conditioning units are to be replaced. Pastor’s report: *Mission Festival speaker was well received. *Pre-marital class is working as a mission field. Treasurer’s report: *September report approved. Trustees’ Report: *There was a good turn out for the Fall work day on October 8th. *Clearing growth for the garden plots north of the parsonage. Elders’ Report: *Doing visits with members. *Picture Directory update is being worked on using the Shepard’s Staff program. New Business: *Considering on occasion asking a church member to be a guest speaker at an evangelism meeting to hear their expertise, and their perspective. *Superintendent role to be brought to the voters for approval. Friedens Ev. Lutheran Church October 2016 Quarterly Voters Meeting Minutes October 30, 2016 Minutes from July 31st, 2016 quarterly voters meeting and September 11th, 2016 special voters meeting were read & approved. Roll call: 13 members present Membership actions: funeral - Robert Grassmann, baptism - Wyatt Meyer, and joining Friedens by profession of faith Jaime & Krstal Erickson and children Ashlyn, Victoria, and Nathan. Old Business * Bell tower louvers - contacted RKA Restoration and Carr Tuckpointing, to give an estimate for next year. Also looking at anything else that needs work while they are up there, like gutter painting. * Evangelism meeting - Considering on occasion asking a church member to be a guest speaker at an evangelism meeting to hear their expertise, and their perspectives. *Nativity scene options to be presented at the August 7th coffee hour. *Community garden plots - Tilled this fall, will till again in spring. *West steps - Several bids and options are coming in for next year. *Fellowship hall HVAC: Lange’s Plumbing and Heating is finishing the duct work this week. Cost: $5,584.00 *Sunday School Superintendent duties were reviewed and adopted. Pastor’s report * Making visitations to 3 members and 2 non-members. *We have a new Sunday School *Removed remaining glue from front steps. New business: None. November Usher/Elder Schedule Sunday, November 6 Superintendent and a new teacher. *Child care is being organized for during Sunday School/Bible Class (10:15 to 11 A.M.) *Our monthly services continue at Mala Strana. *There are 9 students in the upper catechism class and 9 in the lower class. An annual trip is being planned in November to Martin Luther College in New Ulm. *29 are signed up for our trip to the Luther display at the Minneapolis Institute of Art on November 5th. *Pastor welcomes having a member joining him when visiting new people moving into our area. Treasurer’s report approved. Elders report *Doing preliminary work on an updated Sunday, November 13 Sunday, November 20 Thursday, November 24 Sunday, November 27 Wednesday, November 30 Al Bolanda Mark Fahrenkamp Josh Gilsrud Scott Gilsrud Gary Grassmann Ethan Hanten Jeff Heine Robert Heine Doug Holicky Linda Jandt Amy Jirik Izak Jirik Church Council Members Dan Lambrecht Doug Lau Darrell Meyer Dave Meyer Chris Meyer Henry Meyer Jirik Tietz Baerbock Baerbock Jirik Jirik member directory. *New member bulletin board being updated at church entrance. Trustees report * Cut down the damaged box elder trees. Thanksgiving Service Thursday, November 24th at 9:00AM Planning to replace with pines. * The roof leak above the pulpit appears to be a one-time thing due to high winds. *Hall carpet was shampooed in August. *Courtyard pavers were reset with many hands. *Tile floors were waxed. Advent Services start Wednesday, November 30 at 7:15PM November Birthdays November 1 Donald Meyer November 2 Bob Heine November 7 Ruth Lee, November 9 November 10 November 16 November 19 November 21 November 24 November 25 Pastor Koch Russ Gebhardt Michael Meyer Troy Rabenberg Amy Olson, David Meyer, Martha Steinhagen Abigail Baerbock Nicole Meyer, Taylor Turek Sandy Thomsen Carol Heine Orphan Sunday Orphan Sunday is just around the corner, on November 13. Orphan Sunday is a day set aside for churches worldwide to come together to help bring attention to the current orphan crisis and help solve it as a team. With millions of orphans around the world – and many right here in the US foster care system – we have a problem. What can one person do? In the life of a child, it only takes 1 person to make a difference. On November 13 Matt and Sara Baerbock invite you to discover John what you – one person – can do to make a difference in the life of a child. We will reveal startling statistics about the plight of orphans around the world, show pictures of waiting children who need our love right now – and the love of our Savior, describe what it’s been like the past year since bringing 2 traumatized children into our home, and show you ways you can get involved and help – even if you’re not called to adoption yourself. Donating to families, supporting and encouraging them, advocating for waiting children, and especially prayer are also vitally important throughout the process. We’ll also have brochures and print information for you to learn even more about what you can do to help. Please join us, and together, let’s make a difference for these beautiful children! Habitat for Humanity is accepting applications for all families interested in home ownership for the 2016-2017 build season in ... Le Sueur county. If you are renting, have low to moderate income, need permanent housing and are willing to partner with Habitat, HFHSCMN may be your longterm solution. For more information and an application, please call the Habitat office 507-388-2081 ext. 3. Christmas for Kids will be held on Saturday, December 10th from 11:00am 2:00pm. On the hallway table are two forms: a signup sheet for volunteers, and registration forms for children to attend. Please put completed registration forms in Cindy's mailbox. We will have a snack for the children if there is a Christmas Eve practice that morning, before Christmas for Kids begins. Pioneer News Our Annual Bake Sale Fundraiser is Sunday, November 6 before and after the church service. FIFAF would like to thank the anonymous donor for the $100 donation! Our November Meeting is after Sunday School on Sunday, November 20th. Our Congregational Christmas Party is following the first Advent service on Wednesday, November 30th. For this event if each family could please bring a pan of bars, cookies or dessert to share for coffee hour. Christmas Decorating Committee Look for upcoming announcements as far as dates for decorating and undecorating. Everyone is welcome to come help, too! Chairs: Willard and Brenda Rancour Co-Chairs: Duane and Amy Jirik Nadine Callahan Brian and Jill Jahn Sara Meyer Matt and Michelle Schellin FIFAF News FIFAF would like to invite all the ladies of the congregation to their Hors d'oeuvres potluck on Thursday, December 1 at 7:00PM. Friedens Ev. Lutheran Church November 2016 28983 181st Ave New Prague, MN 56071 952-758-2828 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 6:30PM Worship 7:15PM Bible Class Wednesday 2 9:45AM Bible Class 4:15PM 5&6 Catechism 5:40PM 7&8 Catechism Thursday 3 5:30PM Bible Info Class 7:00PM FIFAF Friday 4 Saturday 5 9:00AM-Noon Pioneer Bake Day Noon Service 4:30 MLC Musical 12 Noon Service 6 9:00AM Communion 10:10 Sunday School 10:15 Coffee Hour/ FIFAF 10:15 Youth Bible Class Pioneer Bake Sale 11:00AM Art Museum 13 9:00 Worship Service 10:10 Sunday School 10:15 Bible Class 11:15 Sunday School Teachers' Meeting 20 9:00AM Communion 10:10 Sunday School 10:15 Bible Class 7 8 6:30PM Worship 7:15PM Bible Class 9 9:45AM Bible Class 4:15PM 5&6 Catechism 5:40PM 7&8 Catechism 10 3:00PM Ladies' Aid 5:30PM Bible Info Class 11 14 6:30PM Church Council Meeting 15 6:30PM Worship 7:15PM Bible Class 16 9:45AM Bible Class 4:15PM 5&6 Catechism 5:40PM 7&8 Catechism 17 5:30PM Bible Info Class 18 19 Noon Service 21 22 6:30PM Worship 7:15PM Bible Class 23 9:45AM Bible Class 4:15PM 5&6 Catechism 5:40PM 7&8 Catechism 24 9:00 Thanksgiving Worship Service 25 26 Noon Service 27 9:00 Worship Service 10:10 Sunday School 10:15 Bible Class 28 11:00AM Worship at Mala Strana 29 6:30PM Worship 7:15PM Bible Class 30 9:45AM Bible Class 4:15PM 5&6 Catechism 5:40PM 7&8 Catechism 7:15PM Advent Service Coffee Hour/ Pioneers 1 5:30PM Bible Info Class 7:00PM FIFAF 2 3 Noon Service