Newsletter 2/2014 - Mari Bersama e. V.


Newsletter 2/2014 - Mari Bersama e. V.
Opening Words .................................................................................................................... 1
Mari Bersama Grill & Hari Raya 2014...................................................................................................... 2
Singapore Ambassador’s Visit in Hamburg 2014 ..................................................................................... 3
3-in-1 & 20th Anniversary Celebration September 2014 .......................................................................... 5
Deepavali / Diwali Fest 2014........................................................................................................................ 7
Announcements ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Upcoming Festivities & Events 2015 ................................................................................... 9
Useful Information ............................................................................................................. 10
Mari Bersama Committee 2013 - 2015 ..................................................................................................... 10
Hamburg, December 2014
Dear Mari Bersama members, family and friends,
What a year ....... 2014!
A year full of eventful events and a year full of tragedies. Just to mention a few…
100 years celebration of the end of the First World War.
Mari Bersama 20th Anniversary.
The 25th year of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.
Alexander Gerst & Co spent months in space successfully etc.
On the other hand Political unrest in the Middle East and other parts of the world with lots of
refugees, kidnapping and inhuman acts, fatal epidemic outbreak and lots of natural catastrophe
beyond control.
Yet, however and whatever it was and maybe, there is always hope for a better world.
We should have trust and confidence in ourselves and others and work on it.
Nothing comes from Nothing.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected]
On behalf of the committee I wish all of you good tidings, seasonal greetings, and
A Happy New Year 2015.
Thank you
Peter Lopez
Mari Bersama Grill & Hari Raya 2014
This year’s Annual Grill was held together with the Hari Raya Celebration at Tamam-Brillowski's on the
17th August 2014. Around 40 members (children included) came for the event. Many of the members who
came wore traditional costumes. The event started at 1300hrs and ended around 1700hrs. Some of our
members brought along salads and desserts to complement the grill. There was Lontong and Sayur Lodeh, as
well as traditional kuih raya (cookies). Mr Sun was as usual playing hide-and-seek, but he came out
eventually so we had nice weather. The children were playing everywhere, some of the members were eating
and chatting outdoors as well. Green packets were given to the children and we managed to get everyone to
gather around for a group photo. Another successful event!!!
Mari Bersama Club Committee
Singapore’s Ambassador’s visit to Hamburg on 3rd of September
An evening with the Ambassador of Singapore? His Excellency? And at a private home? Immediately I
thought of protocol procedures required by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Is this at all possible?
When I first heard about this from Rahimah, I thought that this is something I should not miss, also because I
had not attended Mari Bersama’s activity for more than 2 years now. For those who do not know me: I am
actually stationed in Singapore since 3 years ago, but I do have the opportunity to work 2 to 3 times a year in
Germany as my family is still here – in good old Germany! So it was coincidental that I am here.
Ursula and I arrived literally on the dot at 18:30 at Rahimah’s house. After the obligatory greetings and
cheek kisses I took a quick glance. Yes, there were many familiar “old” faces, I think most of the committee
members were there; tables and chairs were smartly arranged; plates and cutlery were ready for the honorary
guest, rooms decorated and of course the food...
Like in a traditional Malay house, the Tuan Rumah (host) had prepared some distinctive Malay food for the
evening. Once you entered the living room you could smell the spicy fragrance of home cooked food
hanging in the air. It should be a buffet dinner; at the head of the room the food containers were ready
inviting the guests to savour the food: beef rendang, lamb curry, ayam masak merah and the famous nasi
Our guest of honour, HE Mr Jai Sohan, arrived punctually with his First Secretary, Mr Terence Hong. Mr Jai
was accompanied by his lovely daughter, Misha. I learned later that his wife and son were still in Singapore.
The young man would love to live in Berlin together with his father and sister, but like every law-abiding
citizen he needs to complete his mandatory service to the nation.
The mixed blood family of his Excellency (inter-ethnic marriage between a Chinese and an Indian)
epitomise the cultural melting pot in Singapore. Many of us living here in Germany are either the children of
mixed marriages or have foreign spouses. We have considered ourselves as exotic, but this is not true
anymore. We now see similar development back home. The percentage of mixed marriages in Singapore has
increased. According to the Department of Statistics every 5th marriage in Singapore last year was interethnic. And the proportion amongst the Malay was especially high - one in three marriages was with a nonMalay.
Ahh, what can we say? Aren't our children getting the better of both worlds? Are we not planting the seeds
of understanding between the different cultures, to promote harmony between nations? The claim that
children of mixed-blood children are more intelligent than non-mixed blood is questionable, but we can
surely say that our children are the real exotics.
And so here we were in the cosy surrounding of Rahimah’s and Claus’ hospitality. What do we talk about
with the Ambassador? Well, almost about everything that one can think of: about politics, about trade
between the 2 countries, about national service, about citizenships (unfortunately no to dual citizenships),
about living in one of the most expensive city in the world and many other topics and of course about food.
Talking about food I understood that the nasi minyak and the tasty dishes were prepared by Rokiah (aka
Kiah) with the help of the others in the house, while the kueh Melayu were made by Tanzila and Rahimah. If
this is not correct, then please accept my apology. One of my favourite kueh is the bingka ubi, a traditional
sweet cassava cake. But the other delicacies should not be forgotten: kueh tart (pineapple tart), biskut suji
(sweet round butter cookies), kek lapis (something similar to the German Baumkuchen) and kueh makmur
(butter cookies with nut filling).
Yes, the evening would have been more interesting if the Ambassador of Malaysia were also present. But
alas, we were "entertained" only by one ambassador. I am sure many of us can understand the tight program
of our state representatives. On the other hand the family-like atmosphere has made it a very memorable
Terima kasih Rahimah kerana sudi menjadi tuan rumah; einen großen Dank an die Kommitee von Mari
Bersama; and a big thank you to His Excellency for taking his time to meet us normal folks.
Yahaya Sanusi
**Words in italics are foreign words**
3-in-1 & 20th Anniversary Celebration
Es war einmal, vor 20 Jahren, als eine Handvoll Freunde aus Malaysia, Singapur und Deutschland, die sich
regelmäßig 1 Mal im Jahr zu Hari Raya, meist bei Rita und Tat im Garten in Neumünster zum Grillen
trafen, um dieses Fest fern der Heimat gemeinsam zu feiern. Dann hatte jemand die zündende Idee „Da wir
uns sowieso regelmäßig treffen, können wir auch gleich einen Verein mit allem Drum und Dran gründen“.
Das taten wir dann auch! Seit nunmehr 20 Jahren besteht unser Kulturverein „Mari Bersama“ und wir feiern
inzwischen nicht nur Hari Raya sondern auch alle Feste, wie z. B. Deepavali, Chinesisches Neujahr und
Merdeka Day, wir gehen Kegeln, machen Ausflüge oder verbringen ganze Wochenenden z. B. in
Heiligenhafen miteinander. Inzwischen zählt unser Verein über 100 Mitglieder, die auch aus weit entfernten
Städten anreisen um zusammen zu feiern und die leckersten Gerichte Asiens zu genießen. All diese Dinge
machen wir nun schon 20 Jahre und haben gemeinsam beschlossen, dieses Ereignis gebührend zu feiern.
Wir haben das große Glück, dass unser Präsident Mr. Peter Lopez es uns ermöglicht hat, unser Jubiläum im
Hotel Crown Plaza sehr festlich zu begehen. Nachdem Sekt und Saft gereicht wurde, hatten wir noch Zeit,
uns viele schöne Erinnerungsfotos von vergangenen Festen in einem digitalen Bilderrahmen anzuschauen
und für die Tombola Lose zu kaufen. Dann wurde das Buffet eröffnet und unser Präsident fand sehr nette
Worte zur Begrüßung, wobei er sich bei allen Vorstandsmitgliedern für die sehr gute Zusammenarbeit
bedankte. Auch Frau Kaminski richtete liebe Grüße von unserem Honorarkonsul Herrn Nordmann aus, der
leider nicht anwesend sein konnte, da er in Malaysia? wichtige Dinge zu erledigen hatte. Dann ließen wir
uns das tolle Essen schmecken. Es gab ein reichhaltiges kaltes Vorspeisenbuffet, ganz leckeres Rindercurry,
Fischröllchen, Puten Piccata und Reis und als Nachspeise Rote Grütze mit Vanillesauce, Schokomousse und
Pflaumenkuchen. Schade, aber irgendwann war man leider satt. Aber es gab ja noch die Tombola, für die
alle fleißig Lose gekauft hatten. Es gab wieder ganz tolle Preise zu gewinnen, unter Anderem 2 riesige
Präsentkörbe, über die sich Renate riesig gefreut hat. Dann war unser schöner „Feiertag“ leider schon zu
Ende, aber wir freuen uns jetzt schon auf unser nächstes Jubiläum in 5 Jahren.
Ganz herzlichen Dank an unseren fleißigen Vorstand, ohne den die 20 Jahre gar nicht möglich gewesen
Anett-Susanne Kasdin
Deepavali / Diwali Fest 2014
This year’s Deepavali Celebration was a cosy and intimate affair. It was held on the 25th October 2014.
There were no programs this time, just eating and chit-chatting, a time for the members to catch up with one
another. The children were given Lanterns and walked around in the hall with the ‘Laterne’ Song played in
the background. It was a very relaxing event……
Mari Bersama Committee
for his 70th Birthday on the 29th September 2014
30 years as Honorary Consul of MALAYSIA in Hamburg
on 18th December 2014
All Members of Mari Bersama are honoured and proud of him.
We wish him all the best and many more good years for the future.
New Honorary Consul of SINGAPORE in Hamburg
(son of the late Lorenz Meyer, former Honorary Consul of Singapore in Hamburg)
the New Consul since 02 December 2014
Mari Bersama Committee & Members
congratulate him and wishes him
all the best in his new task and undertaking
Important Holidays & Dates in 2015
19 February
Chinese New Year - Year of the Sheep / Goat
22 February
Chinese New Year Fest at Langenfelde
5 April
18 April
Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Election
17 / 18 June
Beginning of Fasting Month Ramadan
17 July
Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
9 August
Singapore National Day
31 August
Merdeka Day
6 September
National & Merdeka Day Celebration at Langenfelde
3 October
Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of German Unity)
11 November
Deepavali (Diwali) Indian Light Festival – to be confirmed
24 December
Christmas Eve
31 December
New Year Eve
c/o Rahimah Tamam-Brillowski
Alter Zollweg 108b │ 22147 Hamburg
[email protected]
Konsulate der Republik Singapur in Hamburg
Ballindamm 1 │ 20095 Hamburg
Embassy of Singapore in Berlin
Voßstraße 17 │10117 Berlin
Telephone: 030-226 343 – 0 │Fax: 030-226 343 75
E-Mail : [email protected]
Konsulate Malaysia in Hamburg
Kajen 2 │ 20459 Hamburg
Tel: 040-372172 │Fax: 040-3687429
Embassy of Malaysia in Berlin
Klingelhöferstrasse 6 │10785 Berlin
Tel: 030-885 7490 │Fax: 030-8857 4950
Mari Bersama Committee 2013 - 2015
1. Vorsitzender/President
Peter Lopez
2. Vorsitzende/Vice-President
Tanzila Grossmann
Alice Strenge (Meow Yok Loh)
Selva Lenerz
Marissa Brillowski
Doris Ewe
Omar Kasdin
Nurazela Abdul Aziz Adam
Ersatz Beisitzer/Surrogate Committee
Fatimah Tamam
If you would like to contact one of us, please write to [email protected]
Layout & Design: Marissa Brillowski & Nura Adam │Hamburg, December 2014