crawford smith® swallow
crawford smith® swallow
Box C: Statement of Campaign Income and Expenses LOAN Name of bank or recognized lending institution SCOT IABAN K Amount borrowed ~~--~~---------------------------------------------------- $ 4,000.00 INCOME Total amount of all contributions (From line 1A in Schedule 1) Refund of nomination filing fee Sign deposit refund Revenue from fund-raising events not deemed a contribution (From Part Ill of Schedule 2) Interest earned by campaign bank account Other (provide full details) 1. 2. 3. Total Campaign Income (Do not include loan) EXPENSES (Note: include the value of contributions of goods and services) Expenses subject to spending limit Nomination filing fee Inventory from previous campaign used in this campaign (list details in Table 5 of Schedule 1) Advertising Brochures/flyers Signs (including sign deposit) Meetings hosted Office expenses incurred until voting day Phone and/or Internet expenses incurred until voting day Salaries, benefits, honoraria, professional fees incurred until voting day Bank charges incurred until voting day Interest charged on loan until voting day + $ + $ + $ 16,956.83 200.00 + $ + $ + $ + $ + $ = _..! 17.1156.83 + $ 200.00 C1 + $ +_j + $ + $ + $ + $ + $ +$ +$ + $ 4,293.8 1 I ,548.05 31088.23 4, 106. 15 502.05 500.00 46.16 6.76 Other (provide full details) 1. 2. 3. Total Expenses subject to spending limit Expenses not subject to spending limit Accounting and audit Cost of fund-raising events/activities (list details in Part IV of Schedule 2) Voting day party/appreciation notices Office expenses incurred after voting day Phone and/or Internet expenses incurred after voting day Salaries, benefits, honoraria, professional fees incurred after voting day Bank charges incurred after voting day Interest charged on loan after voting day Expenses related to recount Expenses related to controverted election Expenses related to compliance audit Expenses related to candidate's disability (provide full details) 1. 2. ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Other (provide full details) 1. 2. ~ Total Expenses not subject to spending limit Total Campaign Expenses (C2 + C3) 9503P (2013/11) + $ + $ + $ = $ 14,291.21 + $ + $ + $ 1. 130.00 610.44 1.078. 15 + $ + $ + $ + $ + $ + $ C2 36.35 10.68 +$ +$ + $ + $ + $ + $ + $ + $ = $ 2,865.62 C3 $ 17,156.83 C4 Page 2 of 10 Box D: Calculation of Surplus or Deficit Excess {deficiency) of income over expenses (Income - Total Expenses) (C1- C4) Eligible deficit carried forward by the candidate from the last election Total (01- 02) If there is a surplus, deduct any refund of candidate's or spouse's contributions to the campaign Surplus (or deficit) for the campaign + $ - $ = $ - $ = $ 0.00 01 02 03 If line 03 shows a surplus, the amount must be paid in trust, at the time the financia l statements are fi led, to the municipal clerk who was responsible for the conduct of the election. Amount of$ 9503P (2013/ 11) paid to municipal clerk in the municipality of - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - Page 3 of 10 Schedule 1 -Contributions Part 1- Summary of Contributions Contribution from spouse + $ + $ 1,11 8.84 427.95 Total value of contributions not exceeding $100 per contributor Include ticket revenue , contributions in money, goods and services where the total contribution from a contributor is $1 00 or less (do not include contributions from candidate or spouse). + $ 3,395.00 12,0 15.04 Contributions returned or payable to the contributor + $ - $ Contributions paid or payable to the cle rk, including contributions from anonymous sources exceeding $10 - $ Contribution from candidate (include the value of inventory listed in Table 5) Total value of contributions exceeding $100 per contributor (from line 1 B; list details in Tables 1 - 4) Include ticket revenue, contributions in money, goods and services where the total contribution from a contributor exceeds $1 00 (do not include contributions from candidate or spouse). Less: Total Amount of Contributions (Record in Box C) ----------------- -,-------- =$ 16,956.83 1A Part II- List of Contributions from Each Single Contributor Totalling more than $100 Table 1: Monetary contributions from individuals other than candidate or spous e Name Full Address Amount $ SEE ATT ACHED SC HEDULE "A" 9503P (2013/ 11) Page 4 of 10 Name 0 Full Address Amount$ Add itional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment 6,250.00 Total Table 2: Monetary- contributions from corporations or unions Name (Legal and Carrying on Full Address Business As) President or Business Manager Authorized Representative Amount$ SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE "B" 0 Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment Total 4,800.00 Table 3: Contributions in goods or services from individuals other than candidate or spouse (Note: must also be recorded as expenses in Box C) 9503P (201 3/11) Page 5 of 10 Name Full Address Description of Goods or Services Megan Seca 646 Stanley St. Porl Co lborne ON L3K 6B9 Office Expenses 21 Forest Ave. Port Colborne ON L3K 5E2 Sign Skates Peter Opdam 0 Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment 950 3P (2013/11) Value$ 13.20 567.64 Total 580.84 Page 6 of 10 Table 4: Contributions in goods or services from corporati ons or unions (Note: must also be recorded as expenses in Box C) Name of Corporation (Legal and Carrying on Business As) Full Address Presid ent or Business Manager Mirco Tech 188 Bunting Rd. St. Catharines ON L2M 3Y1 I 9 1 Mai n St. E Port Co lborne ON L3K 1SS 300 Kill ally St. W Unit 3; Port Colborne ON L3K 6A6 Wayne DeGaust Wayne DeGaust Com puter CarStar Collision NewPort Signs 0 Auth orized Representative Description of Goods or Servi ces Va lue$ 56.50 Darin Masciovecchi o Darin Masc iovecchi o Sign Renta l Frank DiBartolomeo Frank DiBartolomeo Design fo r Billboard 226.00 Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment 101.70 384.20 Total Total Part II Contributions (Add Totals from Tables 1-4) (Record in Part 1- Summary) $ 12,015.04 18 Part Ill - Inventory Table 5: Inventory of Campaign Goods and Materia ls from Previo us Campaign used in this Campaign (Note: va lue must be recorded as a contribution from the candidate and as an expense) Description I Date Acquired (yyyy/mm/dd) 9503P (2013/ 11 ) ISupplier ICurrent Market IQuantity Total Value$ Val ue $ Page 7 of 10 Description 0 Date Acquired Supplier (yyyy/mm/dd) Additional information is listed on separate supplementary attachment 9503P (2013/11) Current Market Quantity Value $ Tota l Va lue$ Total Page 8 of 10 Schedule 2- Fundraising Events and Activities Fundraising Event/Activity Complete a sepa rate schedule for each event or activ ity held 0 Additional schedule(s) attached Description of fundraising evenVactivity Date of evenVactivity (yyyy/mm/dd) ~W~in~e::....a~1~1d~C:_:h~e~e~se~E~v~e~n~t- -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- =.2~0.c!..l2 4 /~0~8~/~ 2 1 - - -- -- -- - - -- - -- - - Part I -Ticket Revenue Admission charge (per person) (If there are a range of ticket prices, attach complete breakdown of all ticket sales) + $ 2A Number of tickets sold X 28 = Total Ticket Revenue (2A X 2B) (Include in Schedule 1) $ Part II -Other revenue deemed a contribution (provide details (e. g. revenue from goods sold in excess of fair market value)) + + + + + 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $ $ $ $ $ = Total Part II Revenue (include in Schedule 1) $ - -- - - Part Ill -Other revenue not deemed a contribution (provide details (e.g. contributions of $10 or less; market value of goods or services sold)) + $ ----------------+ _..:._ $ + $ ----,---- - -- + $ ----------------+ $ 1. ______ _ 2. 3. 4. 5. Total Part Ill Revenue (include in Box C) - - - - - -- - $ Part IV- Ex penses related to tundra is ing event or activity (provide details) 1. 2. Cheese and Crackers Beer (Less return) 3. Wine 4. 5. + $ + _! + $ + $ + $ 7. + $ + $ 8. + $ 6. Total Part IV Expenses (include in Box C) 9503P (2013/11) 198.28 180.60 23 L.56 $ 610.44 Page 9 of 10 Auditor's Report Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (Section 78) A candidate who has received contributions or incurred expenses in excess of $10,000 must attach an auditor's report. Professional Designation of Auditor CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Municipality Date (yyyy/mm/dd) PORT COLBORNE 20 13/ 03/ 13 Contact Information Last Name First Name Licence Number STEVEN ROBERT 1-2 1086 Province Postal Code ON L3K 6A7 Address Suite/Unit No. Street No. Street Name 486 STEELE STREET City!Town PORT COLBORNE Telephone No. (including area code) Fax No. Email Address 905835 -0 12 1 905 835-0 137 [email protected] ext. The report must be done in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and must: set out the scope of the examination provide an opinion as to the completeness and accuracy of the financial statement and whether it is free of material misstatement 0 Report is attached Personal information, if any, collected on this form is obtained under the authority of sections 78 and 95 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. Under section 88 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (and despite anything in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) documents and materials filed with or prepared by the clerk or any other election official under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 are public records and, until their destruction, may be inspected by any person at the clerk's office at a time when the office is open. Campaign financial statements shall also be made available by the clerk in an electronic format free of charge upon request. 9503P (2013111) Page 10 of 10 Schedule "A" to the Financial Statement of John Maloney Donor City Address Postal Code Amount($) Megan Seca 646 Stanley St. Port Colborne L3K 6B9 200.00 Tara lea Mclean 618 Stanley St Port Colborne L3K 6B9 500.00 Christopher Wilson 113 Tennessee ave. Port Colborne L3K 2R8 200.00 Felix Remartinez 119 Tennessee ave Port Colborne L3K 2R8 200.00 John Lopinski 261 Rosemount ave Port Colborne L3K SR6 250.00 John Trevisonn 184 Scholfie ld ave Port Colborne L3K ST2 250.00 Sarah Maloney c/o 75 Scholfield ave Port Colborne L3K 558 450.00 Elsbeth Rasch 58 Scho lfield ave Port Colborne L3K SS9 150.00 Craig Spriegel box 264 Port Colborne L3K SW1 250.00 Elizabeth Peace 499 Sunnyside ave., Apt 205 Ottawa K1S OS8 250.00 Dawn Gillespie 8 Scholfied ave Port Colborne L3K SS9 500.00 Lou Nieuwland 501 Lorraine rd. RR#1 Port Colborne L3K SV3 250.00 Brandy Cote 22 Abraham Port Colborne L3K 6K9 150.00 Gloria Ursacki 41 Maple ave Port Colborne L3K 6G7 300.00 Patrick Maloney 25 Michael Dr. Port Colborne L3K 3C3 300.00 John Marsh 10101 Cedar crest Port Col borne L3K SV4 300.00 Albert Mitchell c/o 118 w est st Port Colborne L3K 4C9 750.00 Brain N. Lambie 109 Adelaide st Port Colborne L3K 2W4 750.00 William Becskereki 511A King st Port Colborne L3K 4HS 250.00 Tota l 6,250.00 Schedule "B" to the Financial Statement of John Maloney Donations 2014 Mayoral Caml!aign - over ~100 Boggio Investments Ltd. James Sherk Plumbing & Heating, 752557 Ontario Inc. Simmons Autobody ltd Niagara Insurance Brokers President/Business Mngr Cathy or Larry Boggio James Sherk Eno Ferrera Cheryl Bu ll Mark Yallin Thurston Machine Co. ltd. Davidson Funeral Home, 0/B Mark G. McCormack Funeral Mark McCormack Homes Ltd landco Developments Ltd. Trillium Railway Co. ltd. AB & Jl Whites Insurance Brokers, Verge Group Raw Materials Company Inc. Allied Marine and Industrial Walker Industries Jack Berkout Wayne Ettinger Mark Sherk Mike MacMillan Albert Mitchell John Fisher 200 Catharine St. 230 West St. 947 Elm St. 247 Main St. West Address Port Col borne, Port Colborne, Port Col borne, Port Colborne, ON ON ON ON L3K 4K8 L3K 4E3 L3K 4R8 L3K 3V7 Amount $ 700.00 $ 250.00 $ 100.00 $ 250.00 995 Elm St., P.O. Box 274 Port Colborne, ON L3K 5Wl $ 300 .00 135 Clarence St. W. Port Colborne, ON L3K 3G4 Port Col borne, ON Weiland ON St. Catharines ON Port Colborne, ON Port Col borne, ON Thorold ON L3K 6B9 l3B 5N9 l2R 6W2 L3K 5V5 l3K 4C9 L2V 3Y8 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 250.00 16 Woodlane P.O. Box 21 LCD Main 131 Ontario St., PO Box 487 17 lnvertose Dr. 118 West St. P.O. Box 100 Total Corporate Contributions 200.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 750.00 750.00 $ 4,800.00 NDIV dWV:J NOI.L:J:!l'l:I 'lVdi:JINflW PlOZ i\:INO'lVW NHOf .MO[[E?.MS ~l[J[UIS PJOJ.ME?Jo crawford smith® swallow INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT To John Maloney for submission to the clerk with whom the nomination was filed, in accordance with section 78 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 We have audited the accompanying Financial Statement - Auditor's Report Fonn 4 (the "Statement") of the Jolm Maloney 2014 Municipal Election Campaign for the period of April 22, 2014 to December 31,2014. This Statement has been prepared by the candidate based on the financial reporting provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and in the prescribed form issued by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The Candidate's Responsibility for the Statentent The candidate is responsible for the preparation of the Statement in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and in the prescribed f01m issued by the Ministly of Municipal Affairs and Housing and for such internal controls as the candidate dete1mines necessary to enable the preparation of a Statement that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Statement based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply ethical requirements, and plan and perfo1m the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the Statement is free of mate1ial mi sstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Statement. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Statement, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the candidate's preparation of the Statement in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the intemal controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the candidate, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the Statement. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. Basisfor Qualified Opinion Due to the inherent nature of the transactions of muni cipal election campaigns, the compl eteness of contributions and other revenue and expenses is not susceptible to satisfactmy audit verification. Accordingly, our verifi cation of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the campaign's accounting records and we were not able to dete1mine whether any adjustments might be necessaty to contributions and other revenue and expenses. Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the Financial Statement- Auditor's Report Part 4 of the John Maloney 2014 Municipal Election Campaign for the period of April 22, 20 14 to December 3 1, 2014, is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 and in the prescribed fmm issued by the Ministty of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Basis ofAccounting Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to the fact that the Statement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting treatment prescribed by section 78 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The Statement is prepared to assist the candidate to meet the requirements of section 78 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. As a result, the Statement may not be suitable for another purpose. ~~f~JIJ~ St. Catharines, Ontario March 13, 2015 CRAWFORD, SMITH AND SWALLOW CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS LLP LICENSED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS