The "NINTH MEETING" (REGULAR) of the Port Colborne City
The "NINTH MEETING" (REGULAR) of the Port Colborne City
The "NINTH MEETING" (REGULAR) of the Port Colborne City Council was held at the Municipal Offices, 66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne on Monday, March 11, 2013 commencing at approximately 7:25p.m. ATTENDANCE Deputy Mayor David Elliott presided with the following members in attendance: COUNCILLORS A. Desmarais F. Danch R. Bodner W. Steele Y. Doucet B. Kenny B. Butters Absent: V. Badawey (due to a personal matter), B. Kenny (due to vacation) STAFF: R. Heil, Chief Administrative Officer A. Grigg, City Clerk L. Merritt, Chief Building Official R. Hanson, Director of Engineering & Operations P. Senese, Director of Community & Corporate Services H. Hakim, Manager of Community Services D. D'lnnocenzo, Recording Clerk Also in attendance were interested citizens, members of the news media and Cogeco TV. CALL MEETING TO ORDER- DEPUTY MAYOR DAVID ELLIOTT 1. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM ITEMS Addition: Correspondence from Josephine Davies dated March 7, 2013 in support of the application for the heritage designation of the Abraham Ramey Homestead in relation to item 1, Department of Planning & Development, Report No. 2013-11, Subject: Request for Heritage Designation for Property Located at 352 Chippawa Road, under the Ontario Heritage Act. Addition: Addition of item 13, Community and Corporate Services, Community Services Division Report 2013-6: Subject Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative Funding for Asset Management Plan. Addition: Addition of By-law 5929/35/13, Being a By-law to Authorize Entering into an Agreement Between Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Corporation of The City Of Port Colborne Re the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative Funding for Asset Management Plan 2. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA No. 54 Moved by Councillor F. Danch Seconded by Councillor Y. Doucet That the Agenda dated March 11 , 2013 be confirmed as circulated. CARRIED. Minutes, Ninth Meeting (Regular) of Council, March 11, 2013 3. Page 2 of8 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST Deputy Mayor Elliott declared an indirect pecuniary interest with regard to closed session item (c), Confidential Memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development dated March 1, 2013, concerning the potential sale of City owned land and item (d), Confidential Economic Development, Tourism and Marketing Report 2013-2, concerning the potential sale of City owned land, as he is employed by Royal LePage, which had business associated with the subject property. Deputy Mayor Elliott left the closed session portion of the meeting prior to the consideration of these items (7:40 p.m.). Councillor Desmarais assumed the Chair during consideration of these items. 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES (a) Minutes of the Sixth Meeting (Special) of Council of February 12th, 2013 Minutes of the Seventh Meeting (Regular) of Council of February 25th, 2013 (b) No. 55 Moved by Councillor R. Bodner Seconded by Councillor W. Steele That the Minutes of the Sixth Meeting (Special) of Council of February 12th, be adopted as circulated; That the Minutes of the Seventh Meeting (Regular) of Council of February 25th, 2013 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED. 5. DETERMINATION DISCUSSION OF COUNCIL ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE The following items were identified for separate discussion: Nil. 6. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION No. 56 Moved by Councillor W. Steele Seconded by Councillor A Desmarais That Items 1 to 12 on the regular agenda be approved, as amended at the Committee of the Whole Meeting of March 11, 2013 with the exception of items that have been deferred, deleted or listed for separate discussion, and the recommendations contained therein adopted. ITEMS: 1. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Clerk's Division, Report No. 2013-4, Subject: Appointments to the Port Colborne Gateway Business Improvement Area Board of Management Council resolved: That Mark Guilbeault, Martin Moskalyk, and Minnie Hoi be appointed to the Port Colborne Gateway Business Improvement Area Board of Management for a term ending with that of the appointing Council; and That the Clerk be directed to bring forward the necessary by-law for approval. Minutes, Ninth Meeting (Regular) of Council, March 11, 2013 Page 3 of 8 2. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Report No. 2013-7, Subject: Application for Public Garage Licence, Razor's Auto Sales Inc., 187 Main Street East, Port Colborne Council resolved: That the City Clerk be authorized to issue a 2013 Business Licence to Raymond Labbe, Razor's Auto Sales Inc. respecting the operation of a public garage at 187 Main Street East, Port Colborne; and That on application for renewal of said Licence in future years, subject to continued compliance with zoning and licensing regulation, the City Clerk be authorized to renew the Business Licence. 3. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Report No. 2013-8, Subject: Application for Public Garage Licence, Phil's Auto Service Inc., 416 Main Street West, Port Col borne Council resolved: That the City Clerk be authorized to issue a 2013 Business Licence to Phil Lagace, Phil's Auto Service Inc. respecting the operation of a public garage at 416 Main Street West, Port Colborne; and That on application for renewal of said Licence in future years, subject to continued compliance with zone and licensing regulation, the City Clerk be authorized to renew the Business Licence. 4. Department of Engineering & Operations, Public Works Division, Report No. 2013-9, Subject: Supply of One New Backhoe-Loader Council resolved: That the Council of the City of Port Colborne award Quotation 2013-03 to Nortrax Canada Inc. of Stoney Creek, Ontario for the total bid price of $98,181 .10 including applicable harmonized sales tax, and that the Director of Engineering and Operations be authorized to issue a purchase order to Nortrax Canada Inc. 5. Department of Planning & Development, Report No. 2013-11, Subject: Request for Heritage Designation for Property Located at 352 Chippawa Road, under the Ontario Heritage Act Council resolved: That Department of Planning and Development, Report 2013-11, Subject: Request for Heritage Designation for the Property Located at 352 Chippawa Road, under the Ontario Heritage Act, be referred to the Port Colborne Heritage Committee for the purpose of reassessing its decision that the property does not warrant heritage designation and, whereas the applicant has informed that further information concerning the historical significance of the property is available, that the committee consult with the applicant for the above referenced purpose. 6. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Community Services Division, Report No. 2013-6, Subject: Results and Award of the RFP for the Community Leisure Guide Council resolved: That City Council authorizes Community Services to award the Request for Proposal to The Tribune allowing the creation of a City of Port Minutes, Ninth Meeting (Regular) of Council, March 11, 2013 Page 4 of 8 Colborne, Community Leisure Guide that will be produced twice annually for four seasons, encompassing Spring and Summer and Fall and Winter production. 7. Department of Community & Corporate Services, Community Services Division, Report No. 2013-7, Subject: Request for Proposals for the Management and Operation of Nickel Beach for the 2013 Season Council resolved: That Council hereby approves and authorizes staff to promote and distribute the Request ·f or Proposal for the Provision of Nickel Beach Operations for the 2013 season. 8. Department of Economic Development, Tourism & Marketing, Report No. 2013-03, Subject: J. Oskam Steel Fabricators Inc. Land Council resolved : That a by-law be prepared with an agreement to convey 1.21 +/-acres of industrial land to J. Oskam Steel Fabricators Limited for a total of $24,540. Miscellaneous Correspondence: 9. The New Humberstone Speedway Re Request for Fireworks Display Events for 2013 Council resolved: That pursuant to Section 6.1.1 of By-law 4989/45/07, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne authorize The New Humberstone Speedway to hold Display Fireworks Events between the hours of 9:30p.m. and 10:30 p.m., on the following dates: • • • • May 19th, 2013 June 30th, 2013 August 4th, 2013 September 1st, 2013 That such approval be conditional on the issuance of a permit by the Fire Chief, in compliance with By-law 4989/45/07 and payment of the applicable fees; and That the following information be submitted to the Port Colborne Fire & Emergency Services for review a minimum of two weeks prior to the holding of the first event: • A fireworks site plan including but not limited to, separation distances to the public and vulnerable areas, location from where fireworks are being fired, fallout zone and direction of firing. • Event description information, including description of fireworks, type, size and quantity, and including: firing procedures, manual or electric; and emergency procedures; and traffic control plans, emergency access through parking lot. That The New Humberstone Speedway be advised that as the Authority Having Jurisdiction, Port Colborne Fire & Emergency Services will conduct spot site inspections and may revoke approval for any violation Minutes, Ninth Meeting (Regular) of Council, March 11, 2013 Page 5 of 8 of the Ontario Fire Code or the Explosives Act prior to or during any one of the scheduled events. 10. John Veselisin, Stoney Creek - Branch Manager, Orkin Canada Re Request to Temporarily close King Street April 13th and April 14th, 2013 for ADM Fumigation Council resolved: That the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne approve the request of John Veselisin, Branch Manager, Orkin for the temporary closing of King Street from 12:00 p.m. Saturday, April 13, 2013 to 11:30 p.m. Sunday, April 14, 2013 for the purposes of the fumigation of the ADM Milling Company and the Clerk be directed to present the necessary by-law and to notify the emergency services; and That such approval be subject to the ADM Milling Company and or Orkin notifying in advance, the owners of the property served by the section of roadway that will be temporarily closed of the proposed closing. 11. Region of Niagara Re Resolution on Asian Carp (ICP Report 16-2013) Council resolved: That the correspondence received from the Region of Niagara Re Resolution on Asian Carp (ICP Report 16-2013) be received for information. 12. Memorandum from Peter Senese, Director of Community & Corporate Services. Re Infrastructure Ontario Loan Program - Debentures Council resolved: That the memorandum from Peter Senese, Director of Community & Corporate Services, Re Infrastructure Ontario Loan Program Debentures; be received; and That the City Clerk be authorized to present the appropriate by-law as received from the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation with regard to the loan application through Infrastructure Ontario. Addendum Item: 13. Community and Corporate Services, Corporate Services Division Report 2013-6, Subject: Municipal Infrastructure Investment InitiativeFunding for Asset Management Plan Council resolved: That Council of the City of Port Colborne authorize the City Clerk and Mayor to execute the attached agreement for the Asset Management Plan funds. CARRIED. 7. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Nil. 8. PROCLAMATIONS Nil. Minutes, Ninth Meeting (Regular) of Council, March 11, 2013 9. Page 6 of 8 MINUTES OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS & COMMITTEES (a) Minutes of the Port Colborne Gateway Business Improvement Area Board of Management Meeting of January 23, 2013 Moved by Councillor A. Desmarais Seconded by Councillor F. Danch No. 57 (a) That the Minutes of the Port Colborne Gateway Business Improvement Area Board of Management Meeting of January 23, 2013 be received. CARRIED. 10. NOTICE OF MOTION Nil. 11. INTRODUCTION, CONSIDERATION AND PASSAGE OF BY-LAWS By-laws for Three Readings Moved by Councillor W. Steele Seconded by Councillor B. Butters No. 58 That the following by-laws be read a first, second and third time and passed: • 5924/30/13 • 5925/31/13 • 5926/32/13 • 5927/33/13 • 5928/34/13 • 5929/35/13 Being a By-law to Appoint Members to the Port Colborne Gateway Business Improvement Area Board of Management Being a By-law to Temporarily Close a Section of King Street to Vehicular Traffic April 13, 2013 and April 14, 2013 A By-law to Authorize Certain Capital Works of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne (The "Municipality"); to Authorize the Submission of an Application to the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation ("OILC") for Financing such Works and Certain other Ongoing Works; to .Authorize Temporary Borrowing from OILC to Meet Expenditures Made in Connection with Such Works; and to Authorize Long Term Borrowing for Such Works Through the Issue of Debentures by the Regional Municipality of Niagara (The "Upper-Tier Municipality") to OILC Being a By-law to Authorize Entering into a Contract Agreement with The Tribune for the Creation of a City of Port Colborne, Community Leisure Guide Being a By-law to Authorize Entering into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with J. Oskam Steel Fabricators Limited for the Sale of Approximately 1.21 acres of Industrial Land By-law 5929/35/13, Being a By-law to Authorize Entering into an Agreement Between Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Corporation of The City Of Port Colborne Re the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative Funding for Asset Management Plan CARRIED. 12. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW No. 59 Moved by Councillor B. Butters Seconded by Councillor R. Bodner Minutes, Ninth Meeting (Regular) of Council, March 11, 2013 Page 7 of 8 That the following by-law be read a first, second and third time and passed: • 5930/36/13 Being a By-law to Adopt, Ratify and Confirm the Proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne at its Special and Regular Meetings of March 11, 2013 CARRIED. 13. COUNCIL IN CLOSED SESSION - 7:32P.M. No. 60 Moved by Councillor A. Desmarais Seconded by Councillor W. Steele That Council proceed in closed session in order to address the following matter(s): (a) Minutes of the closed session portions of the January 28, 2013, February 11 , 2013 and February 25, 2013 Regular Council Meeting (b) Confidential Community and Corporate Services, Clerk's Division, Report No. 2013-5, Subject Appointments to Boards and Committees, Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum Board, Port Colborne Public Library Board and Port Colborne Seniors Advisory Council, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 , Subsection 239(2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (c) Confidential Memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development dated March 1, 2013 concerning the potential sale of City owned land , pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, Subsection 239(2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (d) Confidential Economic Development, Tourism and Marketing Report No. 2013-2, concerning the potential sale of City owned land, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 , Subsection 239(2)(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board CARRIED. No. 61 Moved by Councillor F. Danch Seconded by Councillor Y. Doucet That Council do now rise from closed session with report at approximately 8:15 p.m. CARRIED. 14. DISLOSURES OF INTEREST ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION Deputy Mayor Elliott declared an indirect pecuniary interest with regard to closed session item (c), Confidential Memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development dated March 1, 2013, concerning the potential sale of City owned land and item (d), Confidential Economic Development, Tourism and Marketing Report 2013-2, concerning the potential sale of City owned land, as he is employed by Royal LePage, which had business associated with the subject property. Deputy Mayor Elliott left the closed session portion of the meeting prior to the consideration of these items (7:40 p.m.). Councillor Desmarais assumed the Chair during consideration of these items. 15. MOTIONS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION (b) Confidential Community and Corporate Services, Clerk's Division, Report No. 2013-5, Subject: Appointments to Boards and Minutes, Ninth Meeting (Regular) of Council, March 11, 2013 Page 8 of 8 Committees, Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum Board, Port Colborne Public Library Board and Port Colborne Seniors Advisory Council, pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, Subsection 239(2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees No. 62 Moved by Councillor W. Steele Seconded by Councillor Y. Doucet That the City Clerk be directed to bring forward a report in open session with respect to appointments to boards and committees recommended by Council as follows: Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum Board: That Pamela Koudijs be appointed to the Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum Board for a term ending December 31, 2017. Port Colborne Public Library Board That Michael Cooper appointed to the Port Colborne Public Library Board for a term ending November 30, 2014. Port Colborne Seniors Advisory Council That Valerie King be appointed to the Port Colborne Seniors Advisory Council for a term ending December 31, 2017. That the Clerk be directed to bring forward the necessary by-law for approval. CARRIED. 16. ADJOURN No. 63 Moved by Councillor B. Butters Seconded by Councillor W . Steele That there being no further business, the Council meeting be adjourned at approximately 8:17 p.m. CARRIED. AShieYGrigg CITYCLERK AG/dd ~ ~
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