St. Veronica Church - St. Veronica Catholic Parish
St. Veronica Church - St. Veronica Catholic Parish
“Lord, heal my soul, for I have sinned against you.” February 19, 2012 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Veronica Church Established 1951 434 Alida Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Fax: 650-588-1481 Phone: 650-588-1455 St. Veronica Parish Parish Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Lunch Noon - 1:00 p.m. Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481 Mass Intentions WEEK of February 19, 2012 Sun 02/19 Parish Staff Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor Sandy Kearney, Parish Manager Ext. 304 Patricia Spiteri, Parish Secretary Nita Rivera Marianne Barbara Miriam Larosa Anthony Andrighetto People of St. Veronica Mon 02/20 8:30 † Leo Crosariol Tue 02/21 Fr. Linh Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Deacon Roger Beaudry Deacon Joseph LeBlanc 6:45 † 8:00 † 9:30 11:00 † 12:30 6:30 † Peggy Bagnani 8:30 † Phyllis Macay Wed 02/22 6:30 8:30 4:00 6:30 † † † † Margarita Baluyot Constancia Cuejilo JR Brown JR & Alice Brown Thu 02/23 Karen Guglielmoni, Faith Formation & Wedding Coordinator Ext.305 Fri Christopher Lindstrom, Music Director 650-588-1455 Ext. 308 02/24 6:30 † Willie & Rose Pinkney 8:30 † Connie Voreyer Sat 02/25 8:30 † Lillian Barbe 5:00 † Elizabeth Bartoli Sun 02/26 St. Veronica Catholic School Phone: 650-589-3909 Kathryn Lucchesi Principal Pam Cavagnaro Vice Principal SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Sacrament of Baptism Baptismal Preparation classes are held once a month. Call the Parish Office 650-588-1455 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Call the Parish Office to register 650-588-1455 Ext.309 Faith Formation: 650-588-1455 Ext. 305 Catechetical instructions (1st to 8th grades) Confirmation Classes: 650-588-1455 6:30 † Conchita Toman 8:30 † Jesse Callejas 6:45 † 8:00 † 9:30 † 11:00 † 12:30 Ban Lin Lim Paul Azzopardi Ammini Zachariah Thomas Egan People of St. Veronica We will pray the Stations of the Cross beginning Friday, February 24, 2012 Each Friday during Lent at 9:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. ABSTINENCE: Everyone 14 years of age and older is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, each Friday of Lent, and Good Friday. FASTING: Those 18-60 years of age are to fast on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday. On these two days the law of fasting allows only one full meal a day, but does not prohibit taking some food during the day, as long as this does not constitute another full meal. Drinking liquids during the day is permitted. Parish Office email: [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturdays: 8:30AM & 5:00PM Sundays: 6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00AM, and 12:30PM Holy Days: 6:30, 8:30AM, & 6:30PM Feb. 20 - Presidents’ Day Holiday, Pastoral Center Offices Closed No 6:30AM Mass Confessions Saturdays: 4:00—5:00PM Feb. 22 - Ash Wednesday - Mass and ash distribution at 6:30 and 8:30AM.; 4:00 and 6:30 PM Liturgy of the Hours Monday—Friday: Morning Prayer at 6:00AM March 3 - Parish Lenten Mini Retreat - Falcon Hall, following the 8:30 AM Mass. Call the Monday—Friday: 6:30 & 8:30AM Eucharistic Adoration Monday—Friday: 9:00AM—9:00PM Training Classes March 24, 2012 Another training session for Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers is being offered as noted above. Parish Registration Please complete and return form to the parish office, or simply drop it in the collection basket. Kindly print all information If you are interested in proclaiming the Word of God at Mass or becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact: Karen Guglielmoni at 650-588-1455 Ext. 305 Name(s) ____________________________________ Name(s) ____________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ City & Zip ___________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Updating Current Parish Registration Moving / Please remove from mailing list. ___This is a new registration Please remember the sick and the care-givers in our community. Pray that they may find comfort and healing in Christ. Please contact the Parish office if Homebound Eucharistic services are needed. Welcome Newly Registered Parishioners! Our parish continues to be blessed and enriched by the presence of new parishioners: Mannie, Christine & Diego Diaz Gerry, Caroline & Nathan Joseph Fernandez Please call me. A basket will be placed by our baptismal font to collect your palm fronds from last year. These palms will be burned and used as a source of ashes for our Ash Wednesday services. May St. Veronica Church offer you a place where you can bring your sorrow and joys, your pain and triumphs and peace for your soul. Thank you for your sacrificial offering in supporting St. Veronica Parish Day Mass Time 1st Collection Church Environment Totals: Saturday 02/11/12 5:00PM 1422.25 188.00 1610.25 Sunday 6:45AM 896.00 162.00 1058.00 8:00AM 744.00 173.00 917.00 9:30AM 1155.00 186.00 1341.00 11:00AM 1317.00 356.00 1673.00 12:30PM 1148.00 232.50 1380.50 6682.25 1297.50 7979.75 TOTALS: 02/12/12 From the Pastor's Desk Dear Parishioners, Confirmation: Our 70 candidates along with four others from neighboring parishes were confirmed by Bishop Robert McElroy last Sunday at a prayerful and joyful celebration of the Eucharist. In my thankyou speech at the end, as usual, I invited those confirmed to not only practice the faith but also share it in a way the community can see and be inspired by. When these young men and women spend time and energy on academics, sports, entertainment, etc., some attention needs to be given to faith, which in the Catholic Church we practice in private as well as in a very public way, by joining together in prayer and deeds of service. This has been our tradition for over 2000 years. Parents, teachers, parishioners, clergy, and others need to work together to encourage these young men and women to grow in the life of the Spirit. I would like to thank Karen Guglielmoni, our Faith Formation Coordinator; the dedicated catechists: David & Maria Collins, Liz Hornick & Vicki Dimitroff, Mary & Melissa Martin, Pat Murray, Pamela Silva & Sara Theisen, Sandi Zicke & Pamela Lucero, Christine & Patrick Lucy, and the youth retreat team led by Patrick Lucy. They have done a fabulous job again. Kudos to them! Lent: This Wednesday--- Ash Wednesday--- we start the season of holiness and wholeness. Ashes will be placed on our foreheads with the words: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Powerful and hard words, indeed! And yet, it’s the truth about our lives. The reminder of our mortality can help us live more deeply and lovingly. One thing that can happen in Lent for us is that we may gain a perspective on life and see a bit more clearly what matters and what does not---in the long run. Let’s do something extra in Lent. Maybe, join the daily Mass, if possible. Attend the weekend Mass regularly. Give to those in need. Join us for the Stations of the Cross. Spend some time daily in prayer. Explore how we can become better human beings and better Christians. Archbishop’s Annual Appeal (AAA): Last weekend we launched the month-long campaign for AAA. I preached at all the Masses and invited everyone to participate in this noble and necessary project of raising $46,900. We assist the Archbishop as he carries out his mission and ministries in the Archdiocese spread over three counties. Parishioners, faith formation families, school families, visitors, various organizations within our parish! I invite all of you--each one of you---to participate in this appeal and donate so that we can complete it within a month. I will be placing the donors’ names in the bulletin as a way of thanking you for your generosity. Lenten Mini-Retreat: Saturday March 03, 2012. This is something new. It’s planned to make it as easy and convenient as possible for many parishioners and school/faith formation families to participate as part of our Lenten holy practices. It will start with the 8:30 a.m. Mass celebrated by Father Bernie Bush, S.J., a well-known and popular retreat preacher from El Retiro, Los Altos. After coffee and donuts, Fr. Bush will give the first session around 9:30. After a break, there will be a second session. Retreat will close with lunch around 12:30 p.m. The cost: FREE. Come one, come all! Word of God: This Sunday’s gospel gives us the healing story of the paralytic who is lowered down through the roof! An interesting way to bring this poor man in contact with Jesus! Isn’t it true that we all need others to bring us to Jesus because for some reason or another we are unable to get to him on our own. We need others to walk with us and share our thoughts and anxieties, our faith and wisdom. We have to hang together or we’ll hang separately! Think about it: Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord ," and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning." Your Friend and Pastor, Father Charles Puthota We congratulate our 70 Confirmandi who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, February 12, 2012, here at St. Veronica Church. Gabriel “Martin” Alvarez Carlos “Charles” Barahona Cierra “Cecilia” Bibbs Tyler “Michael” Birch Lauren “Ursula” Campagna Ana E. “Catherine” Ceja Ariana “Aloysius” Ceja Erika “Our Lady of Guadalupe” Ceja Brooke “Adriana” Chappell Lindsey “Hedwig” Chen Leon “Isidore” Cheung Thomas “Veronica” Clifford Hannah “Margaret” Collins Kayla “Faith” Compton Miranda “Elizabeth” Contreras Thomas “James” Cronin Kean “Xavier” Cruz Ryan “Junipero” Cruz Raina “Veronica” Cushen Justin “Christopher” Da San Martino Gabriel “Gabriel” Del Rosario Gerhard “Phillip” Dielacher Elizabeth “Elizabeth” Ferrari Carmen “Cecilia” Gardner Alec “Michael” Goff Jesus “Jesus” Gomez Anthony “Christopher” Graham Teresa “Catherine” Gulli Eric “Gabriel” Guzman Maricruz “Julia” Hernandez Natalie “Anne” Hoffer Austin “Michael” Jackson Cappi “Abigail” Jackson Katrina “Lucina” Japson Joseph “Patrick” Jensen Rebecca “Siobhan” Kerrisk Paulo “Peter” Langi Victoria “Agnes” Langi Krista “Maria” Leonardini Melanie “Patrick” Lucy Byanka “Zita” Lujano Stephanie “Evelyn” Lynch Mauricio “Joseph” Mabutas Ramon “Sebastian” Marroquin Michael “Christopher” Martin Carolina “Teresa” Martinez Rosemarie “Adela” Martinez Siobhan “Margaret” Murphy Nicholas “Marc” Mussman Justine “Hope” Oliva Silvana “Josefina Maria” Padilla Andrew “Michael” Pierotti Haileigh “Catherine” Pinell Sydney “Ann” Raggio Emily “Maria Goretti” Ramirez Kevin “Michael” Raval Jose “Jose” Ruiz Benjamin “Dominic” Santana Paola “Fatima” Santana Loren “Joseph” Santos Julia “Michelle” Sequeira Andrew “Isidore” Smith Jennifer “Veronica” Smith Mercedes “Maria Goretti” Sutton Lauren “Elizabeth” Tapang Kristen “Adelina” Teupel Joshua “Cajetan” Troche Monica “Monica” Vazquez Araceli “Elizabeth” Vieyra Lauren “Tarsicius” Yarwood Special Thanks to: Most Reverend Bishop Robert W. McElroy Reverend Charles Puthota & Reverend Linh Nguyen Master of Ceremonies - Deacon Steve Fox Deacons Roger Beaudry & Joseph LeBlanc Faith Formation Coordinator Karen Guglielmoni Music Director Christopher Lindstrom & our Choir Our Catechists, Parents, Sponsors, Friends & Family Members Factory-Quality Collision Repair Since 1973 ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED Phone: 650-588-1764 890 El Camino Real • South San Francisco Most Convenient SF/Peninsula Location Traditional and Cremation Services Unlimited Parking 500 Westlake Avenue Daly City (650) 756-4500 RANCHO LAS TRANCAS Authentic Mexican Cuisine Order 2 Lunch or Dinner Entrées 583-4751 Receive 50% Off 1 Entrée of Equal or Lesser Value 792 El Camino Real FD1098 JIMAdditions, SCANNELL CONSTRUCTION CO. Remodeling, New Construction Lic. # 562854 • Insured (650) 873-4502 Parishioner TREASURES OF THE VATICAN 2012 WALL CALENDAR •Illuminated manuscript art from the Vatican Apostolic Library (The Pope’s personal collection!) •Charming photographs of Pope Benedict XVI and excerpts from his writings •Large Roman Catholic calendar grid with important liturgical and civil dates 1-800-566-6150 12x9, full color • JSP12-VCR $14.95 1144 Old Mission Road South San Francisco (650) 873-4910 Monday thru Friday 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Saturday 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm Lunch / Dinner Wed. - Sunday 5 to 9 SOUTHWOOD Garden Chapel Funeral Directors Serving All Families With Reverence & Dignity 885 El Camino Real So. San Francisco, Calif. Telephone 583-2510 Lic FD #805 CATHERINE VISTA, D.D.S. ~ Parishioner ~ learn more at 650 871-6844 Society of St. Vincent de Paul FRESH MEXICAN GRILL Since 1961 PLUMBING & HEATING Water Heaters, Copper Piping Sewer Repair & Replacement 1059 San Mateo Ave. • San Bruno Lic. #818070 583-0391 Donate your vehicle, household items or your time! So. San Francisco 435 El Camino Real Phone: 650-589-6288 Fax: 650-589-5851 BREAKFAST SERVED FROM 7AM TO 12PM “Where Patients Come First!” ~ Conveniently Open 7am-7pm ~ 931 El Camino Real • SSF 650.871.1430 967394 St Veronica Church Daly City Auto Repair Auto and Truck Repairs 136 Reiner St., Colma 94014 650-755-6060 Robert & Tim Leggero Parishioner One Block From Bart Station For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 THANK YOU 2012 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL SUPPORTERS AS OF FEBRUARY 14, 2012 Acob, Frank & Aurella Aguirre, Rosalia Alano, Filoteo and Florita Aldeguer, Francisco and Jemyma Allard, Donna Anonymous Aquilina, Josephine Azzopardi, Joseph Balancio, Wilfredo & Remy Bartolo, Sally Boccaleoni, Louis & Barbara Borella, Vito & Yvonne Borg, Rita Buerger, Pauline Byrd, Sean & Lisa Camacho, Marlon & Rizzalyn Campbell, Barbara Carmen, Zosimo & Sionita Casias, Basilio &Esther Castro, Adriano & Alexandra Cauterucio, Robert & Shirley Chan, Matthew & Olivia Clinton, William & Carolina Cornett, James & Anita Corral, Jaime Corrigan, Edward & Charlotte Cuaton, Cres & Rosalinda Cussary, Zita Da Cunha, Filomeno and Wenda Damonte, Emanuele and Carolyn De Juan, Amelia De La Cerna, Rene and Marissa Dela Fuente, Manuel and Alma Di Pasqua, Gene Do, Khang & Rebecca Domingo, Demetria Drablos, Violeta Drevin, Michael and Juanita Duri, Mark & Alyssa Fabiano, Frank Fanfelle, Joel & Jackie Flores, Melissa Nora Francisco, Felicisimo & Catherine Fuentebella, Plaridel & Erlinda Gabriel, Barbara Gainey, William and Nancy Gallardo, Teresita Garcia, David & Jessica Garcia, Miguela Garlit, Lilia Ghiorso, Mary Giron-Virgen, Linda Go,Violet Gonzalez, Gabe and Betty Heise, June Hoffmann, Oliver & Carmela Huliganga, Emerald & Lina Iglesias, Guillermo & Karrie Lam, Edward & Virginia Langi, Joseph Lara, Jr. Carlos & Geraldine Laurito, Dionisio A. & Juvylyn Leong, Howard Maffei, Wynnelle Maguire, Clemence & Daniel Mamaradlo, Elmer & Flaviana Manalansan, Noel & Cecila Mariano, Zenaida Martens, William & Dina Massolo, Edward & Isabelle Mitchell, John W. Mitchell, Michael & Wendy Moreno, Jaime & Maryann Mullin, Eugene & Terri Narciso, Ernie & Marissa Nicklas, Greg & Michelle Noonan, Michael & Marilou Nuñez, Joseph & Sonia O'Keefe, Mary Ortisi, Joseph & Theresa Pablo, Josefina Pabros, Florence Palaad, Amado & Maria Perreras, Lennie Perry-Palmer, Rafael Philpott, Luke Poblete, Pepito & Elisa Policar, Wally & Edda Ponte, Ilia Puthota, Rev. Charles Rafael, T.J. & Florine Ramirez, Benjamin & Darwyn Ramirez, Elpidio & Paula Ries, John & Peggy Rodriguez, Noel & Maricel Roxas, Dominador & Leonida Ruble, Don & Debbie Rufino, Emmanuel & Victoria Ryan, Dianne Saavedra, Honorato & Dina Saballa, Lino Siguido, Salvador M. Sta. Maria, Jesus & Ana Marie Stanfill, Robert & Karen Valente, Patricia Vega, Maria Rosa Wendler, Joy-Ann Williamson, Amy Williamson, Bill &Adair Wilson, Harvey Wilson, Rick Wolfe, Betty Yuen, Russell & Selina Please note: e-contributions will be posted in the bulletin once we receive the report from the Archdiocese Development Office.
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