On the auditory system: genes, DNA repair and ion channels
On the auditory system: genes, DNA repair and ion channels
On the auditory system: genes, DNA repair and ion channels A.P. Nagtegaal PNagtegaal_Book.indd 1 2012-12-05 21:32:31 On the auditory system: genes, DNA repair and ion channels Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands ISBN: 978-94-6182-202-4 Author: A.P. Nagtegaal Cover: Offpage, concept by A.P. Nagtegaal Layout and printing: Offpage, www.offpage.nl Financial support for this thesis was kindly provided by: De J.E. Jurriaanse stichting, ALK-Abelló B.V., GlaxoSmithKline B.V., Atos Medical B.V., Cochlear Benelux NV, Veenhuis Medical Audio B.V., Beter Horen B.V., Daleco Pharma B.V., DOS Medical B.V., de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Keel-NeusOorheelkunde en Heelkunde van het Hoofd-halsgebied. Copyright © 2012, A.P. Nagtegaal, the Netherlands, [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the copyrighted owner. PNagtegaal_Book.indd 2 2012-12-05 21:32:31 On the Auditory System: genes, DNA repair and ion channels Over het auditieve systeem: genen, DNA herstel en ionkanalen Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de rector magnificus Prof.dr. H.G. Schmidt en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties. De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 20 februari 2013 om 15.30 uur door Andries Paul Nagtegaal geboren te Utrecht PNagtegaal_Book.indd 3 2012-12-05 21:32:31 Promotiecommissie Promotor: Prof.dr. J.G.G. Borst Overige leden: Prof.dr. M.A. Frens Prof.dr. G.T.J. van der Horst Prof.dr. S. Spijker PNagtegaal_Book.indd 4 2012-12-05 21:32:31 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 An in vivo dynamic clamp study of Ih in the mouse inferior colliculus 25 Chapter 3 Hearing loss in mice with Cockayne syndrome 47 Chapter 4 Accelerated loss of hearing and vision in the DNA-repair deficient Ercc1δ/– mouse 59 Chapter 5 A novel QTL underlying early-onset, low frequency hearing loss in BXD recombinant inbred strains 81 Chapter 6 Discussion 107 Chapter 7 Summary / Samenvatting 123 Addendum List of abbreviations PNagtegaal_Book.indd 5 7 133 About the author 135 PhD portfolio 137 Dankwoord 139 2012-12-05 21:32:31 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 6 2012-12-05 21:32:31 1 Introduction PNagtegaal_Book.indd 7 2012-12-05 21:32:31 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 8 2012-12-05 21:32:31 Introduction Our hearing is of utmost importance in life. Not only can it warn us in dangerous situations, it is also, combined with speech, an important way of communicating with other people. Unfortunately, hearing loss is a very common disorder, whose prevalence increases with age. In 2005, according to the World Health Organization, 278 million people suffered from moderate to profound hearing loss worldwide, accounting for a large socio-economic burden (1). During life, the hearing organ is continuously subjected to accumulating damage from within and outside the body, while its regeneration capabilities are limited. This not only results in increased hearing thresholds, but can also lead to an altered sound perception and a loss of speech discrimination. A better understanding of the genetics, environmental influences and normal physiology of the hearing pathway therefore seems crucial in preventing and treating hearing loss nowadays and in the future. 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Mouse models and hearing loss The laboratory mouse is extensively used in fundamental auditory research for several reasons. They are relatively small and have a much shorter life span than humans (2). The auditory system and genome of mice and men show strong resemblance, making it easier to extrapolate findings to humans. To date, already a substantial number of human homologues of hearing loss mutations in mice have been identified (3). Due to genetic standardization, a large cause of variability can be eliminated, thus greatly enhancing study power. A large number of these inbred mouse strains suffer from hearing loss, varying substantially in severity and affected frequencies (4). For example, one of the most commonly used mouse strains, C57BL/6J, shows signs of progressive hearing loss during life, beginning at the higher frequencies and eventually affecting the lower frequencies as well (5). These mice carry a mutation in cadherin 23, also known as otocadherin, leading to a disrupted organization of inner and outer hair cell stereocilia (6, 7). The C57BL/6J strain is frequently used as an animal model for age-related hearing loss, presbyacusis, illustrating the importance of mice within the field of auditory research. In this thesis, the normal and abnormal physiology of the auditory system in mice is investigated through various methods, which will be introduced hereafter. Basic anatomy and physiology of the auditory system The perception of sounds first starts with the passing of the external ear, which acts as a direction-dependent filter in sound localization. After that, conduction to the tympanic membrane takes place through the external auditory canal, which, in humans, has a resonance peak at approximately 3 kHz to improve speech perception. The tympanic membrane propagates the sounds via the ossicular chain, passing the air-filled middle ear, to the cochlea, inducing fluid movements. This process eventually leads to vibrations of the basilar membrane within the cochlea. The basilar membrane has different mechanical properties along its baso-apical axis providing each sound frequency with 9 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 9 2012-12-05 21:32:31 Introduction its place where the vibrations peak. High frequencies peak at the base, low frequencies at the apex of the cochlea. This phenomenon, the spatial organization of frequencies, is called tonotopy. It is not restricted to the cochlea, but can be found throughout the auditory system. The functional, sensory structure of the cochlea, called the organ of Corti, contains one row of inner and three rows of outer hair cells (Fig. 1). Outer hair cells regulate sound intensities by varying in length and by using active hair bundle motion (8, 9); they receive inputs from type II spiral ganglion cells. In addition, outer hair cells are mainly responsible for the production of oto-acoustic emissions in mammals, the use of which will be described in more detail later in this chapter. Movements of the basilar membrane are encoded into action potentials by inner hair cells, which synapse on type I spiral ganglion cells. These myelinated neurons have a bipolar structure, transporting information from inner hair cells to the cochlear nucleus (CN), the first station of the auditory brainstem. The fibers of type I and type II cells form the auditory nerve, which is part of the vestibulocochlear nerve, the eighth cranial nerve. Figure 1. Drawing of a cross-section of the cochlea. At the basal turn of the cochlea, the scala vestibuli is connected to the oval window, while the scala tympani is adjacent to the round window. Sounds induce a traveling wave of the basilar membrane. The organ of Corti is located on this basilar membrane in the scala media, which contains the endolymph fluid, consisting of high potassium and low sodium concentrations. Three rows of outer hair cells regulate sound intensities, while one row of inner hair cells synapse with cochlear nerve fibers, terminating in the cochlear nucleus of the auditory brainstem. Reproduced with permission from Willems (78), Copyright Massachusetts Medical Society. 10 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 10 2012-12-05 21:32:31 Introduction Cochlear nucleus; from divergence.. 11 Type I cochlear nerve fibers branch within the CN and synapse on four different principal cell types, marking the beginning of several parallel auditory pathways, which converge again at the level of the inferior colliculus (Fig. 2) (10). These cell types are the bushy cells of the anterior and the octopus cells of the posterior ventral CN (AVCN and PVCN), multipolar cells of the VCN and stellate cells of the dorsal CN (DCN). The tonotopicity of the cochlea is preserved, with low frequencies represented in ventrolateral and high frequencies in dorsomedial parts of the CN. Bushy cells (aptly named after their thick dendritic tree) receive large, calyceal synapses from auditory nerve fibers, transmitting this information to the superior olivary complex (SOC). This complex consists of three major nuclei, the medial and lateral 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Figure 2. Schematic view of the central auditory pathway. The ascending pathways originate in the cochlea and eventually end in the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe. Reproduced with permission from Cummings Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery, Fig. 128-6 (79), Copyright by Elsevier. 11 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 11 2012-12-05 21:32:31 Introduction superior olivary nuclei (MSO and LSO) and the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), surrounded by several smaller diffuse groups of cells, the periolivary nuclei. The SOC is the first station in the auditory pathway to receive binaural inputs; the comparison to the inputs from both ears is used in horizontal sound localization. For lower frequencies, the arrival time at both ears (interaural phase difference) is the main determinant, encoded in MSO, while higher frequencies are localized based on their interaural intensity difference in LSO (11). The information from the SOC is passed on to the IC via the lateral lemniscus (LL). Octopus cells in the PVCN are broadly tuned, as they receive synapses from many spiral ganglion cells. They are characterized by their onset response (12), essential for the coincidence detection of synchronous firing of different auditory nerve fibers (13). This is achieved by cell properties such as a low membrane resistance (5-10 MΩ), short time constant (~200 μs) (14) and an unusually large conductance of Ih-channels (a hyperpolarization-activated cation current, discussed later in this chapter in more detail) (15). Information from octopus cells is transmitted to nuclei in the contralateral LL, while also providing collaterals to the periolivary neurons on their way. Multipolar cells respond to sound stimuli with bursts of action potentials (“chopper” response) and provide several axonal endings to the periolivary nuclei. Their main target is the contralateral IC, which is also the ending of fibers arising from stellate cells. Inferior colliculus; ..to convergence Both from an anatomical and a physiological point of view, the centerpiece of the auditory system is the inferior colliculus (IC). Of all subcortical nuclei, it harvests the largest cell population by far (16) and it contains synapses of almost all ascending and descending pathways. Ascending information from the IC is directed towards the medial geniculate body (MGB), situated within the thalamus, from where it is passed on to the temporal lobe, which houses the primary auditory cortex. Both IC’s are connected via a commissure and each IC is further divided into several subunits, characterized by different cell types and connections. The most important subunit is the central nucleus of the IC (CNIC), which is an essential relay station for ascending information originating from spiral ganglion cells in the cochlea. From dorsolateral to ventromedial a tonotopic gradient exists, ranging from low to high frequencies, respectively, organized within fibrodendritic laminae (17). The CNIC is capped by a dorsal cortex (DC), whose inputs mainly stem from the aforementioned CNIC and descending neocortical fibers, although it also receives sparse ascending information from the lateral lemniscus. Several other, smaller groups of nuclei surround the CNIC and the DC and are involved in various pathways. The largest of those nuclei, the lateral nucleus, is involved in the integration of sounds and information from other sensory modalities, as it receives inputs from the spinal cord and the somatosensory association cortex. 12 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 12 2012-12-05 21:32:32 Introduction Audiometry in mice 11 Although several subjective, behavioral tests of hearing function in mice exist (18), we did not employ them in our studies. We used the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) and otoacoustic emissions (OAE), both well defined, objective means to test hearing function in mice. The ABR is widely used in human and animal research and consists of the averaging of EEG’s during short repetitive sound stimuli. By averaging, only the electrical signal evoked by the sound stimulus remains, while the background noise gradually reduces to zero. The typical sound evoked response contains different peaks that can be partly attributed to certain auditory nuclei. These are the cochlea and auditory nerve (I), the cochlear nucleus (II), the superior olivary complex (III), the lateral lemniscus (IV) and the inferior colliculus (V) (19). As the number of synapses that need to be crossed increases, the peaks come progressively later. The ABR can be easily used to determine hearing level thresholds by gradually decreasing the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) until no peaks are visible anymore. Secondly, the conduction speed of the auditory nerve and brainstem can be assessed by measuring inter-peak time latencies. An increase in inter-peak latency is suggestive of pathology between the corresponding nuclei (20, 21) and is routinely utilized in humans to detect vestibular schwannomas (22). OAEs were discovered about 35 years ago. They are a by-product of the non-linear properties of the cochlea, in mammals mainly produced by active amplification by the outer hair cells (23). Depending on the type of stimulation, different types of OAEs exist, e.g. spontaneous, click-evoked and distortion-product OAEs. In DPOAEs, two tones of different frequencies (f1 and f2), usually at two different SPLs, are presented to the ear. Due to the interaction between both tones, the cochlea produces several new tones; the intensity of one of these distortion products (2f1-f2) can generally be measured above the background noise level. Although the presence of DPOAEs indicates a good function of the cochlea and a normal conductive component, the absence of DPOAEs does not necessarily imply poor cochlear function. A slight conductive hearing loss can already lead to the absence of DPOAEs, and even in individuals with normal sensory hearing level thresholds and normal middle ear conduction, emissions cannot always be detected (24). 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Patch-clamp recordings and dynamic clamp The methods described above address hearing function at the multicellular level, either in the cochlea, nuclei in the auditory brainstem or both. In order to tackle questions on sound processing at the cellular level, extra- or intracellular recordings are required. Extracellular measurements are relatively easy to perform and provide essential information on the amount and timing of action potentials, but they lack the ability to clearly visualize synaptic potentials. In contrast, sub-threshold cellular activity can be studied with intracellular recordings, making it the gold standard in electrophysiology. 13 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 13 2012-12-05 21:32:32 Introduction In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the patch-clamp technique was developed by Neher and Sakmann to study the function and physiology of ion channels (25), building on previous work by Hodgkin and Huxley in the early 1950s, who were the first to systematically describe voltage- and time-dependent gating of ion channels. The technique of these recordings involves the lowering and attachment of a glass patch pipette to the cell membrane of a cell, resulting in the sealing of the cell to the inside of the pipette. Negative pressure is then applied to the pipette in order to rupture the cell membrane patch within the pipette’s lumen, granting the recording electrode direct access to the intracellular environment. This configuration is called the whole-cell configuration, in which the net effect of multiple ion channels in the membrane can be studied. Recordings can be performed in brain slices, in which there are ample possibilities to modify the composition of the extracellular fluid. In order to study responses to physiological stimuli, in vivo recordings are essential, requiring measurements in the intact animal brain. In 1993, the dynamic clamp was first described as a variant of the traditional patch-clamp technique, which allows users to introduce an artificial conductance in neurons (26). The setup consists of additional hardware and software, which compute the current of a simulated ion-channel and inject this current in the cell in real-time. Usually, a HodgkinHuxley model of a channel is used, incorporating gating variables that are both timeand voltage-dependent. As computer processor speed has greatly increased since its first introduction, possible applications for a dynamic clamp setup have expanded and now provide scientists with a powerful tool to study the function of simulated fastgating ion-channels, both in vitro and in vivo (27). The I h -current The presence of the slow, inward, hyperpolarization-activated current Ih was first described in sinoatrial node cells in rabbit heart tissue (28) and was later found to be present in the central nervous system as well (29). It has an unusual activation upon hyperpolarization (hence its previous designations “funny” and “queer” current) and is carried by cations (positive ions), mainly potassium and sodium. The physiological function of Ih is related to the control of excitability, for example setting the resting membrane potential and controlling dendritic integration and rhythmicity (30, 31). The Ih-channel is a heteromeric assembly, in which four different subunits, termed hyperpolarization-activated cationnonselective (HCN) channels 1 to 4, are available. These subunits differ in gating time (32), voltage dependence and their affinity to intra- and extracellular (33) signaling molecules, providing a basis for the diverse actions of the Ih-current. Throughout the auditory brainstem, expression of fast-gating HCN1 (~ tens of milliseconds) and slow HCN2 (100 - 1000 ms) is abundant (34). Evidence exists for the presence of Ih in spiral ganglion cells (35), while in the CN, octopus cells have extraordinary large amounts of Ih (15). Slice recordings have been performed in the IC, where a correlation was made between firing type and Ih properties (36), confirmed in vivo more recently (37). However, by comparing 14 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 14 2012-12-05 21:32:32 Introduction cells with and without evidence for Ih one can only make assumptions regarding causality and co-expression with other channels cannot be ruled out. No studies have explored the functional role of Ih in response to sound stimuli yet. Since most of the activity of this channel is subthreshold, intracellular recordings are obligatory to study its physiological function. Knock-out studies, although performed (38, 39), have serious disadvantages, as adaptive network effects cannot be excluded. Therefore, the best way to study the function of the channel is to make use of a dynamic patch clamp setup. Similar studies have before been performed in vitro (40, 41), although in these slice studies responses to physiological stimuli could not be evaluated. 11 Age-related hearing loss and DNA repair mechanisms 7 Age-related changes in hearing function, termed presbyacusis, are a product of accumulated damage during life, resulting from a mixture of noise exposure, endogenous factors, ageing and of course genetic susceptibility. The classical presbyacusis categorization by Schuknecht was based on selective atrophy of different morphological structures in the cochlea or central auditory pathway, supposedly involving four distinct types of hearing loss (42, 43). First, a sensory type of presbyacusis was described, characterized by degeneration of the organ of Corti, mainly at the basal turn of the cochlea, leading to an audiogram with high-frequency hearing loss. Neural presbyacusis was named as a second type, involving changes or loss in neural cell populations, either within the cochlea or more central in the auditory brainstem or cortex. Typically, speech discrimination is poor, without a profound parallel decline in pure tone thresholds. Thirdly, metabolic presbyacusis was linked to atrophy of the stria vascularis. The stria maintains an unusually high endolymphatic potential of +80 mV by active pump mechanisms, yielding a massive driving force for potassium and, consequently, a high sensitivity of hair cells. An agerelated drop of this potential will affect hair cells at all different frequencies in the cochlea and will thus lead to a flat audiometric curve. Lastly, mechanical presbyacusis was distinguished by Schuknecht, in which changes within the basilar membrane impair the conduction of the traveling wave, e.g. due to stiffening by calcifications. Hearing loss is located mainly at the higher frequencies, while light microscopy fails to show consequent morphological changes in cochlea or auditory nerve. Whether these categories from 1964 actually exist as distinguishable audiometric and morphological entities has been disputed through the years. Attempts to link a specific type of hearing loss with localized cochlear pathology have not been very successful, although changes in all of the above mentioned parts of the ageing cochlea have been observed in patients with different types of hearing loss (44-46). While the practical and clinical value of Schuknecht’s classification thus remains unclear, it can still provide a good framework for research purposes and interventions within the field of age-related hearing loss (47). & 2 3 4 5 6 15 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 15 2012-12-05 21:32:32 insight review articles Introduction of global genome nucleotide-excision repair and transcription-coupled repair plex XPC-hHR23B screens first on pairing53, instead of lesions per se. storting injury such as cyclobutane y repaired54. In TCR, the ability of a - or BER-type) to block RNA stage I in the figure opposite). The e displaced to make the injury this requires at least two and CSA. The subsequent stages be identical. The XPB and XPD nit transcription factor TFIIH open und the damage (II). XPA probably amage by probing for abnormal when absent aborts NER53. The otein RPA (replication protein A) diate by binding to the undamaged equent factors, each with limited n in toto, still allows very high ndonuclease duo of the NER team, pectively cleave 3 and 5 of the tch only in the damaged strand, ligonucleotide containing the replication machinery then ng the gap (V). In total, 25 or more . In vivo studies indicate that the ed in a step-wise fashion from he site of a lesion. After a single repair minutes) the entire complex is Global genome NER Transcription-coupled repair NER lesions (e.g. due to UV damage) Elongating Pol II-blocking lesions (e.g. due to UV and oxidative damage) Genome overall Transcribed DNA Elongating RNA Pol II XPC-hHR23B CSB 5' 3' I 5' CSA TFIIH XPG others TFIIH XPG II 3' Pol II C TFIIH G TFIIH G XPA RPA TFIIH A G III RPA ERCC1-XPF TFIIH F A G IV RPA Replication factors V Figure 3. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) mechanisms, showing both transcription-coupled (TC) and global genome repair pathways. is involved in theisfirst steps of TC-NER, with 0-fold incidence of sun-induced skin (GG) combination with theCSB TCR defect . TTD a condition sharinginteracting many theelevated stalled RNA II. The endonuclease ERCC1 with XPF, is responsible symptoms with Cockayne complex, syndrome, but coupled with the additional rnal tumours is modestly andpolymerase excisingarises the injured DNA. The resulting filled byskin. regular DNA replication. by tion is often noted. Thefordisorder hallmarks of brittle hair,gap nailsisand scaly Mutations in the XPDReprinted or permission from Macmillan Publishers (54).diseases. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/35077232 of seven genes (XPA–XPG). Cockayne XPB genes can giveLtd: riseNature, to all three This puzzle is explained tation in the CSA or CSB genes, is a is remarkably dissimilar from xeroderma osition to cancer is observed, which may 16 that the TCR defect causes Cockayne articularly sensitive to lesion-induced ing against tumorigenesis. Physical and are impaired, resulting in dwarphism and PNagtegaal_Book.indd 16 ome includes features of premature age- by the fact that, as subunits of TFIIH, XPB and XPD have dual functions: NER and transcription initiation. Mutations may not only compromise NER, but also affect transcription, causing developmental delay and reduced expression of the matrix proteins that causes brittle hair and scaly skin20. For almost all NER factors, mouse mutants have been generated21. Overall, the NER defect is accurately preserved, although cancer predisposition is more pronounced and neurological complications 2012-12-05 21:32:32 Introduction One of the main concepts of ageing is the free-radical theory, involving life-long accumulated DNA damage inflicted by free reactive oxygen species (ROS) (48, 49), thus principally affecting all of Schuknecht’s categories of presbyacusis. These radicals are a product of normal oxygen metabolism within the cell (and therefore a direct consequence of life), while their amount can greatly increase under various circumstances (e.g. noise exposure, ototoxic drugs), a process known as oxidative stress. ROS are highly reactive and give rise to significant damage to cell structures, including the DNA (50, 51). To defend themselves, cells have multiple mechanisms of DNA repair: base excision repair, mismatch repair and nucleotide excision repair (NER) (52). The latter involves a large number of distinct proteins functioning as a complex to excise and replace the damaged base pairs (Fig. 3). The NER has two different sub-pathways (53), one of which can be initiated during active gene expression (transcription-coupled (TC) repair), when RNA polymerase II finds a lesion in the DNA. Another sub-pathway is global genome (GG) repair, which also handles transcriptionally silent regions of the genome. Mutations in proteins involved in DNA repair usually result in premature cell death and / or carcinogenic events (54). Cockayne syndrome B (CS-B) in humans is a clinically wide-ranged, photosensitive disorder arising from a specific defect in TC-NER, further characterized by severe dwarfism, microcephaly, psychomotor delay and sensory loss (retinopathy, hearing loss) (55, 56). Life expectancy is limited, with cachexia being a frequent cause of death (56). A mouse model with a defect in the CSB protein resembles the human Cockayne syndrome in some aspects. Crossing Csb deficient mice with Xpa or Xpc deficient mice dramatically worsens the symptoms (57). ERCC1 is another protein involved in DNA repair. After forming a complex with XPF, it is both active in NER and the repair of the very genotoxic interstrand cross-links (58, 59). Ercc1 or Xpf knock-out mice display a much more severe phenotype than Csb deficient mice, including multi-organ involvement and death before weaning (58, 60). This is further illustrated by case-reports of ERCC1 syndrome in humans, which is extremely rare and generally incompatible with life (61). Life and its subsequent oxidative metabolism have a large influence on the state of cells within our body, including the hearing organ. DNA damage is an unavoidable part of life. Both Ercc1- and Csb-deficient mice have impaired DNA repair and are thus excellent examples of models to test the contribution of DNA damage to age-related hearing loss. 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Genetic background of age-related hearing loss and mapping of complex traits The degree to which people suffer from age-related hearing loss (AHL) is variable (62). A genetic influence is assumed by many, while evidence is sparse. Data on hearing level thresholds from members of the Framingham heart study has indeed shown that AHL has a heritable component, more strongly in women (63). Still, identification of genes or even gene loci for AHL in humans is greatly hampered by a variety of reasons, including long lifespan, individual genetic variation and the sheer impossible task to control other 17 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 17 2012-12-05 21:32:32 Introduction confounding factors (e.g. noise exposure, ototoxic drugs). Studies in mice can therefore offer valuable information on the genetic basis of AHL. This is highlighted by the description of up to nine mapped hearing loss loci (6, 64-69) and even the identification of four causative genes (7, 70-72). In diseases or conditions with a classic Mendelian inheritance, a trait is controlled by a single gene locus and the relevant phenotype is frequently a dichotomic variable, e.g. cystic fibrosis. A complex trait like AHL is characterized by a widely ranged, continuous phenotype and involves variations in more than one gene, interactions between genes and interactions with the environment. Analyzing and eventually mapping a complex trait is therefore not straightforward and the use of a standardized reference panel of isogenic (mouse) strains can be a powerful tool. The Jackson Laboratory (http://www.jax.org/), located in Maine, USA, harbors and maintains a large number of inbred mouse strain panels, including the BXD strains. Derived from the commonly used and fully sequenced progenitor strains C57BL/6J and DBA/2J, they initially contained 34 recombinant inbred (RI) strains resulting from at least twenty B6 X F1 X D2 F2 X X X F3 X X X F∞ Figure 4. The generation of BXD recombinant inbred (RI) strains. Homozygosity and a strain unique mosaic of the parental strains’ genome (C57BL/6J and DBA/2J) are achieved through approximately twenty consecutive sib matings. The eventual inbred strains are highly recombinant in comparison with F2 generations and provide an infinite number of genetically identical mice. 18 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 18 2012-12-05 21:32:32 Introduction generations of consecutive sib matings (Fig. 4). Following advanced intercrosses of the original RI strains (73), the total number nowadays adds up to 97 (including parental and F1 strains), comprising the largest panel of mouse RI strains. This has several major implications (74). First, each of these RI strains can deliver a theoretically infinite number of nearly homozygous, genetically identical mice. Influence of individual genetic variation and environmental effects on study outcome is hereby minimized. Secondly, each RI strain consists of a unique mosaic of chromosomal sections of variable length, inherited intact from either one of the parental strains. With a high density of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and microsatellite markers, the phenotypic data can be linked with the genome markers. Owing to the highly recombinant nature of the strain panel, quantitative mapping of a complex trait to one or more specific regions of the genome, called quantitative trait loci (QTL), can be performed with high precision (75). An internet based software package is available at http://www.genenetwork.org/ to aid in complex trait analysis and the mapping of QTLs (76, 77). Obviously, finding a significant gene locus is not the endpoint and the search for a candidate gene must follow. Regularly used methods include the search for (missense) mutations in any of the genes on the locus and the correlation of the phenotypic data with mRNA expression patterns. Finally, in order to fully confirm a causal link between a mutation and the hearing loss, the generation of a transgenic mouse is usually required. 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Scope of this thesis Several studies on the mouse auditory system will be discussed in this thesis. Chapter 2 describes the influence of the hyperpolarization-activated current Ih on basic membrane properties, current injections and auditory stimuli in cells of the inferior colliculus. Next, chapter 3 deals with the auditory function in Csb deficient mice, while chapter 4 involves a study on auditory and visual performance in mice with a mutation in Ercc1. These proteins are both involved in distinct mechanisms of DNA-repair. Last, the search for genes involved in early-onset hearing loss in BXD recombinant inbred strains will be discussed in chapter 5. References models can help to solve the puzzle. Human 1. WHO. Deafness and hearing impairment, fact genetics. 2008 Nov;124(4):325-48. sheet. [Website]: World Health Organization; 2006 [11-29-2009]; Available from: http:// 4. Zheng QY, Johnson KR, Erway LC. Assessment www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/ of hearing in 80 inbred strains of mice by fs300/en/index.html. ABR threshold analyses. Hear Res. 1999 Apr;130(1-2):94-107. 2. Ohlemiller KK. Contributions of mouse models to understanding of age- and noise- 5. Willott JF, Erway LC. Genetics of age-related related hearing loss. Brain Res. 2006 May hearing loss in mice. IV. Cochlear pathology 26;1091(1):89-102. and hearing loss in 25 BXD recombinant inbred mouse strains. Hear Res. 1998 3. Vrijens K, Van Laer L, Van Camp G. 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We therefore studied its contribution to the processing of sound information in single cells by making in vivo whole-cell recordings from the inferior colliculus (IC) of young-adult anesthetized C57BL/6 mice. Following pharmacological block of the endogenous channels, a dynamic clamp approach allowed us to study the responses to current injections or auditory stimuli in the presence and absence of Ih within the same neuron, thus avoiding network or developmental effects. The presence of Ih changed basic cellular properties, including depolarizing the resting membrane potential and decreasing resting membrane resistance. Sound-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials were smaller but at the same time reached a more positive membrane potential when Ih was present. With Ih, a subset of cells showed rebound spiking following hyperpolarizing current injection. Its presence also changed more complex cellular properties. It decreased temporal summation in response to both hyperpolarizing and depolarizing repetitive current stimuli, and resulted in small changes in the cycleaveraged membrane potential during sinusoidal amplitude modulated (SAM) tones. Furthermore, Ih minimally decreased the response to a tone following a depolarization, an effect that may make a small contribution to forward masking. Our results thus suggest that previously observed differences in IC cells are a mixture of direct effects of Ih and indirect effects due to the change in membrane potential or effects due to the co-expression with other channels. 26 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 26 2012-12-05 21:32:33 I h in the inferior colliculus INTRODUCTION The hyperpolarization-activated mixed cation current Ih contributes to various physiological functions related to the control of excitability, including setting the resting membrane potential and controlling rhythmicity and dendritic integration (reviewed in (1, 2)). The HCN channels, which are responsible for the Ih current, are highly expressed throughout the auditory brainstem (3, 4). The octopus cells of the cochlear nucleus have especially high levels of Ih; this contributes to the low membrane resistance and short time constant of these neurons (5, 6). Both the fast-gating Ih channel subunit HCN1 (time constant in the order of tens of milliseconds) and the slowly gating subunit HCN2 (time constant 100 -1000 ms) are prominent in the inferior colliculus (IC) (3, 4). Approximately half of IC neurons show evidence for the presence of Ih, both in vivo, in the form of a depolarizing sag during hyperpolarizing current steps (7), and in slices, where immunocytochemical, pharmacological and biophysical evidence for its presence has been obtained (3, 8). In the IC, on average, cells with Ih had more depolarized membrane potentials, lower input resistance, increased excitability, more often showed rebound spiking, and more often showed accommodation or burst-firing on current injection than cells without evidence for the presence of Ih (7-9). Ih may also be involved in reducing temporal summation of fast stimuli because Koch and Grothe found more summation of brief current injections when Ih was pharmacologically blocked (8). Another possible function of Ih in the auditory system may lie in its contribution to forward masking in which the detectability of a short probe signal is degraded when it is preceded by a masking stimulus (10). As the presence of Ih leads to an after hyperpolarization following a tone (9), the detection threshold of the probe signal may be increased if it falls within this afterhyperpolarization, thus providing a possible central contribution to forward masking. The goal of this study is to investigate the role of Ih in the processing of current injections and tonal stimuli at the level of the mouse IC. Until now, it is unclear which of the above features are due to other ion channels which happen to be co-expressed with Ih (8), an interaction of Ih with for example low-threshold potassium channels (11-13), or due to a direct effect of Ih. To address these issues, we made in vivo whole-cell patchclamp recordings, and combined this with the dynamic clamp technique (14, 15) to artificially reintroduce a conductance with Ih kinetics into the cell after pharmacological block of the endogenous channels. A major advantage of combining these two techniques is the possibility to test in a single cell the effect of the presence and absence of Ih on its response to natural stimuli. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 27 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 27 2012-12-05 21:32:33 I h in the inferior colliculus MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals and procedures All experiments were conducted in accordance with the European Communities Council Directive (86/609/EEC) and approved by the animal ethics committee of the Erasmus MC. Patch-clamp recordings were performed under ketamine / xylazine anaesthesia (60/10 mg/kg, i.p.) in the inferior colliculus of C57BL/6 mice (age: 21 to 35 days), as described previously (7), with minor modifications. In brief, the skull and dura overlying the IC were removed. During experiments, Ringer solution (in mM: 135 NaCl, 5.4 KCl, 1 MgCl2, 1.8 CaCl2, 5 HEPES, pH adjustment to 7.2 with NaOH, osmolality: 290 mmol/kg) was applied to the brain surface to prevent dehydration. Agar (3% agarose in Ringer solution) was applied to reduce brain pulsations. We used glass pipettes (open pipette resistance: 4-6 MΩ) filled with internal solution containing (in mM): 126 K-gluconate, 20 KCl, 10 Na2phosphocreatine, 4 MgATP, 0.3 Na2GTP, 0.5 EGTA, 10 Hepes, adjusted with KOH to pH 7.2, osmolality ~ 310 mmol/kg. The Ih-current blocker 4-(N-ethyl-Nphenylamino)-1,2-dimethyl-6-(methylamino)pyridinum chloride (ZD7288; Tocris), which acts on an intracellular activation gate (16), was added to the internal solution in a concentration of 100 µM. We could not monitor the development of the block in individual cells presumably because it was too fast. Mean access resistance, estimated from step depolarisations in voltage-clamp mode, was 55 ± 4 MΩ. During currentclamp recordings, on average 30 ± 1 MΩ (n = 19) was compensated. All measurements involving current injections were corrected off-line for the uncompensated, residual series resistance, which was estimated as the difference between the voltage clamp measurement of series resistance and the setting of the bridge balance in current clamp. Data were acquired with a MultiClamp 700B patch-clamp amplifier and Clampex 9.2 software (MDS Analytical Technologies). The membrane potential (Vm) was sampled at 25 kHz with a Digidata 1322A 16-bit A/D converter; it was corrected for an estimated –11 mV junction potential. Recordings were only continued if the membrane potential following break-in was below –60 mV (19 of 27 cells). Auditory stimulation Sound stimuli were generated with Tucker Davis Technologies hardware (System 3, RX6 multifunction processor, PA5 attenuator and ED1 electrostatic speaker driver) and delivered to the contralateral ear under closed-field conditions. Sound intensities of frequencies between 1 and 64 kHz were calibrated with an ACO pacific condenser microphone (type 7017). Recordings were performed in a single-wall sound attenuated chamber (Gretch-Ken Industries, attenuation ≥ 40 dB above 4 kHz). Dynamic clamp Ih-current was calculated by a custom-written LabVIEW (version 8.0, National Instruments) routine on the basis of a Hodgkin-Huxley-type model of Ih, incorporating both voltageand time-dependent gating variables. Membrane potentials were sampled at 2 kHz. 28 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 28 2012-12-05 21:32:33 I h in the inferior colliculus Reversal potential and half-activation potential were obtained from the literature (6, 7) and confirmed by preliminary voltage-clamp experiments in IC slices (H.P. Theeuwes and J.G.G. Borst; not shown). The Ih current consisted of a fast and a slow component (7), presumably reflecting the presence of different subunits within the IC (3, 4); the current was calculated by the following equation Ih = (gmax fast ∙ hfast + g max slow ∙ hslow)(Vm – Erev) 1 2 3 4 [1] 5 where hfast and hslow are voltage- and time-dependent gating variables and the reversal potential Erev = –38 mV. The gating variable h varies between 0 (closed) and 1 (open); hfast and hslow were obtained by numerical integration (4th-order Runge–Kutta method) of dh / dt = α ∙ (1 – h) – β ∙ h 6 7 & [2] The respective rate constants for activation (αfast and αslow) were determined by (17, 18) α = a · exp(–b (Vm - V0.5)) [3] whereas the rate constants for deactivation (βfast and βslow) are given by β = a · exp(c (Vm - V0.5)) [4] Two different gating models were used in all experiments. For the fast gating Ih, the values for the different parameters were as follows: afast = 0.012 ms–1, aslow = 0.0023 ms–1, b = 0.05 mV–1, c = 0.085 mV–1 and V0.5 = –65 mV. For the slow gating Ih, afast = 0.00045 ms–1, aslow = 0.003 ms–1, and the other parameters were the same. Because results for both gating models were similar, only the results of the fast gating models are presented, except for Figure 7. The total, maximal conductance with Ih kinetics was set to 4 nS; activation of this conductance generated a depolarizing sag of ~25% during 1 s, –200 pA, hyperpolarizing constant current steps. Two thirds of the total conductance was assigned to the first, fast component. The total conductance was based on previous observations within the IC (7); in this dataset, cells with Ih had a depolarizing sag of 28.5 ± 1.5% (n = 52) at the end of a 1 s hyperpolarizing constant current step. The pipette time constant did not filter the injection of the current substantially, as the slowest pipette time constant was below the sampling interval and much faster than the fastest time constant of Ih in the range between –100 and –30 mV (>4 ms). With a sampling interval of 0.5 ms the driving force will not be updated sufficiently rapidly during an action potential, but because the contribution of Ih to the total membrane current during an action potential is very small, we conclude that series resistance and sampling interval did not limit the quality of the dynamic clamp. 29 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 29 2012-12-05 21:32:33 I h in the inferior colliculus Stimulation protocols The characteristic frequency (CF), defined as the frequency with the lowest EPSP threshold, was obtained as described by Tan and Borst (9). Tonal stimuli were presented at CF, at 30 dB above threshold, with 0.5 ms rise and fall times, while current stimuli were programmed to evoke an EPSP of similar amplitude as the tonal response unless stated otherwise. The following protocols were presented to the cells: 1 s depolarizing current injections, 100 pA above firing threshold; depolarizing and hyperpolarizing repetitive current injections [400 ms total duration, 80 stimuli of 5 ms, 10 – 90% rise time = 0.3 ms, decay τ = 3 ms, according to Koch and Grothe (8)]; a 50 ms tone with and without a preceding 500 ms depolarizing current injection; sinusoidal amplitude modulated (SAM) tones (400 ms total duration, carrier frequency at CF, modulation frequency 40 or 80 Hz, modulation depth 100%); up- and downward frequency-modulated (FM) sweeps (1 – 73 kHz, 120 ms duration, sweep rate 600 kHz/s, 5 ms rise and fall time). All protocols were applied with and without Ih. This sequence was repeated 5 – 20 times (average = 14), depending on the amount of depolarization during the experiment (maximally allowed depolarization 10 mV). The minimal interval between stimuli was 400 ms. Analysis Data were analyzed with custom-written Igor procedures (Igor Pro 6.01, WaveMetrics) running within the NeuroMatic environment (version 1.98; kindly provided by Dr. J. Rothman, University College London). Fifteen repetitions of a –200 pA hyperpolarizing current were injected to characterize the Ih -current. The amount of depolarizing sag was quantified and the sum of two exponential functions was fitted to both the depolarizing sag and the rebound depolarization Vm = Vss + Afast · exp(–t/ τfast) + Aslow · exp(–t / τslow) [5] where Vm is membrane potential, Vss is membrane potential at the end of a long current injection, Afast and Aslow are amplitudes of the two exponential functions at the start of the step and τfast and τslow are the fast and slow time constants, respectively. Membrane resistance was calculated at the start and end of the current step. Firing types were classified based on responses to 1 s constant-current injections at 100 pA above firing threshold (7). We plotted the reciprocal (Y) of the inter-spike interval (ISI) against its spike number and a single-exponential was fitted through the data points. An accommodation index (AI) was calculated by the following equation: AI = [(Y0 – Y1)/ Y1] · 100%, where Y0 and Y1 are the values of the fit function for the first and second action potential, respectively. Cells with an AI <4% were classified as sustained, >4% as accommodating. 30 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 30 2012-12-05 21:32:34 I h in the inferior colliculus The amount of temporal integration during repetitive current injections was quantified using a summation index, which is defined as the percentage of increase of the last versus the first PSP-like response (8). We estimated firing threshold in response to tonal stimuli by taking the point at which the second time derivative of the membrane potential exceeded three times the standard deviation of the second derivative of the resting membrane potential (19). For the analysis of the response to SAM tones, the cycle-averaged membrane potential was generated by averaging the membrane potential across both repetitions and modulation periods. Prior to averaging, action potentials were truncated as described previously (9). The modulated potential (MP) is defined as the maximal peakto-trough amplitude of the cycle-averaged membrane potential (19). Only cells with an MP >0.5 mV were included for SAM analysis. The vector strength (R), which describes the synchrony of spiking in relation to the phase of the response (20), was calculated for cells that fired on average at least one spike per tone presentation. The first 50 ms of the response were excluded from this analysis to prevent an influence from onset responses. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Simulations In all recordings the injected Ih current calculated by the dynamic clamp was recorded. This current was used in simulations to test the influence of different Ih gating models on the response to FM-sweeps. As procedures were always repeated in the presence and absence of Ih, in the experiments in which the variability in individual responses was sufficiently low the difference in membrane potential that resulted from the current injection could be used to calculate the membrane conductance with Ohm’s law: ΔVm(t) = iIh(t)/gm(t) [6] where ΔVm(t) is the difference in the average membrane potential in the presence and absence of Ih, iIh(t) is the injected current and gm(t) is the total membrane conductance. Although the latter consists of several components that are not easily dissected, it can be used to predict the response to current injections calculated with different gating models for Ih. Four different models with the same maximal conductance and steadystate voltage dependence as used in the experiments were tested. Two models were identical to the ones used in the experiments; as expected, the predicted membrane potentials always closely matched the measured response for these two models. In addition, we tested two extremes for Ih gating. In one model, the voltage-dependent gating was instantaneous, whereas in the other the open probability of Ih was fixed at the calculated value at the start of the trace. For these four models a dynamic clamp experiment was simulated using equation [6], where ΔVm(t) is again the change in the membrane potential compared to the situation in the absence of any injected current, gm(t) is the previously calculated total membrane conductance, and iIh(t) is the predicted current, calculated sample by sample according to the four different models. 31 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 31 2012-12-05 21:32:34 I h in the inferior colliculus Statistics Data are presented as mean ± standard error. If responses were normally distributed, as tested with a Shapiro-Wilk test, a statistical difference in the mean response between Ih and no Ih was assessed with a paired t-test, otherwise a paired Wilcoxon test was used. Significance level was set at p < 0.05. RESULTS In vivo dynamic clamp To study the contribution of Ih to sound processing in the mouse inferior colliculus, we combined the dynamic clamp technique with in vivo whole-cell recordings in a total of 19 cells. In none of these cells did the size of the depolarizing sag during hyperpolarizing current injection exceed 7% under control conditions (Fig. 1, top), indicating that endogenous Ih channels, when present, were effectively blocked by the Ih blocker ZD7288 (100 µM) in the pipette solution. On addition of the conductance with Ih kinetics (gh) to the cell using the dynamic clamp, a depolarizing sag appeared (Fig. 1, bottom). Similar results, but with slower kinetics, were obtained with a different gating model for Ih. The time course of the depolarizing sag was fitted by a double-exponential function; the time constants were close to what was predicted based on the H-H model and fell within the range of gating kinetics observed for native Ih channels within the IC (Table 1) (7). In the presence of Ih, the membrane resistance calculated at the end of the step was clearly lower (Table 1). Following the hyperpolarizing current injection, the cells showed Figure 1. Ih can induce rebound spiking. Response of a cell to 15 repetitions of a 1 s, 200 pA hyperpolarizing constant-current injection. Average trace is shown as a white overlay. In the presence of Ih (bottom), the resting membrane potential was more depolarized, a depolarizing sag was present during the current injection and the cell showed rebound spiking during the rebound depolarization (‘hump’). 32 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 32 2012-12-05 21:32:34 I h in the inferior colliculus Table 1. The effect of adding gh on different cell properties and responses to current injections and sound stimuli in vivo. Cell properties Vm (mV) Rm (MΩ) Spike threshold (mV) Relative spike threshold (mV) % depolarizing sag no Ih Ih –66.6 ± 1.5 (13) –62.7 ± 1.2** 134 ± 11.3 (19) –50.4 ± 1.5 (10) 1 2 3 78 ± 5.6** 4 –50.1 ± 1.5 14.4 ± 1.8 (10) 10.4 ± 1.3** 2.1 ± 0.4 (19) 24 ± 1.0** 5 τfast depolarizing sag (ms) - 32.7 ± 0.7 (19) Amplitude τfast (mV) 6 - –4.2 ± 0.09 (19) τslow depolarizing sag (ms) - 7 Amplitude τslow (mV) - 250.3 ± 5.8 (19) & –2.6 ± 0.07 (19) Current injections Depolarizing summation index (%) 146 ± 19 (14) 77 ± 10* Peak – trough amplitude (mV) 2.04 ± 0.05 (14) 2.10 ± 0.06** Hyperpolarizing summation index (%) 115 ± 20 (14) Peak – trough amplitude (mV) 2.06 ± 0.05 (14) 58 ± 6* 2.18 ± 0.06** Tone response (50 ms) –54.1 ± 1.6 (13) –52.3 ± 1.4** EPSP amplitude (mV) Max EPSP depolarization (mV) 12.5 ± 1.6 (13) 10.4 ± 1.5** EPSP full width at half maximum (ms) 41.0 ± 1.9 (13) 37.9 ± 1.8* Tone response after current injection –54.0 ± 1.4 (13) –52.8 ± 1.4** EPSP amplitude (mV) Max depolarization (mV) 12.6 ± 1.6 (13) 10.0 ± 1.5** Max difference with no injection (mV) 0.03 ± 0.36 (13) –0.42 ± 0.21 Modulated potential (mV) 2.29 ± 0.39 (13) 2.23 ± 0.37 R (vector strength) 0.46 ± 0.13 (4) 0.37 ± 0.10 SAM tones Values represent averages ± standard errors; the number of cells is between parentheses. * indicates a significant difference of p < 0.05, ** indicates p < 0.01. Max difference with no injection refers to the difference in the maximal depolarization in response to a tone with or without a preceding depolarization. 33 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 33 2012-12-05 21:32:35 I h in the inferior colliculus a rebound depolarization, which had similar kinetics as the depolarizing sag. In 6 out of 19 cells this rebound depolarization was sufficiently large to trigger spiking (Fig. 1), whereas in the absence of Ih only one cell showed rebound spiking. Firing pattern Fifteen cells were available for analysis of firing pattern during constant-current injections. Their firing pattern was classified on the basis of a fit to the inter-spike intervals, as described in Methods. Ten cells were classified as sustained, five as accommodating. The firing patterns did not change in the presence of Ih, as judged from a lack of a significant change in the fitting parameters (results not shown). Repetitive current injections We tested the effect of repetitive current injections in the presence and absence of Ih (Fig. 2). The interval between the stimuli was sufficiently short to allow summation. As a result of summation, the peak depolarization or hyperpolarization reached following the last current injection was larger than following the first. The percentage increase in this level, the summation index, was smaller in the presence of Ih for both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing current injections. Furthermore, the difference between peak and trough membrane potential of the individual responses was smaller in the absence of Ih (Table 1). Figure 2. Ih decreases temporal summation. A: response of a cell to repetitive current injections. Bottom traces show stimuli. For comparison purposes, resting membrane potentials (–64.9 mV for no Ih, –61.8 mV for Ih) were equalized. B: the first 7 stimuli are shown at higher time resolution. C: summation index (% increase of last PSP vs. first PSP) of all cells (n = 14) during depolarizing repetitive current injections, with the average indicated with a thick black line. Adding Ih resulted in less summation. D: as C, except hyperpolarizing current injections. 34 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 34 2012-12-05 21:32:35 I h in the inferior colliculus Response to tones All neurons responded to tones. Their mean characteristic frequency (CF) was 20.9 ± 1.4 kHz (range 12.1 – 27.9 kHz) with an average minimum threshold (MT) for evoking an EPSP of 21 ± 4 dB SPL. The addition of Ih led to a depolarization of ~4 mV (Table 1). As a result, in the presence of Ih, a more positive potential was reached in response to a tone 30 dB above MT, despite a smaller EPSP amplitude (Fig. 3; Table 1; n = 13; excluding 3 cells with an inhibitory response to tones). EPSPs were also less broad in the presence of Ih, as judged from the smaller full width at half maximum (Table 1). In the presence of Ih, the amplitude of the afterhyperpolarization following the tones was slightly larger (-2.10 vs -1.96 mV; p > 0.05). Ten cells showed spiking in response to tones, at an average threshold of 31 dB SPL; in the other 9 cells all sound-evoked responses were sub-threshold. The firing threshold during tonal stimuli was slightly more positive in the presence of Ih, while the amount of depolarization required to reach this threshold was reduced in the presence of Ih (Table 1). We did not observe a significant effect of Ih on the number of spikes fired during different tonal stimuli. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Figure 3. Influence of Ih on the response to a pure tone. A: averaged response of a cell to 16 kHz, 40 dB SPL, 50 ms tones. In the presence of Ih, the cell reached a more depolarized membrane potential in response to the tone, despite a smaller EPSP amplitude. B: EPSP amplitude values for all individual cells (circles) and average (squares, connected with a thick black line). Forward masking The psychophysical phenomenon of forward masking is defined as the increase in the hearing threshold of a tone when it is preceded by another tone. Instead of giving two tones, we replaced the first tone by a current injection to avoid peripheral effects (e.g. (21) on forward masking. Similar to what was observed without the preceding current, in the presence of Ih the membrane potential reached a more positive value in response to a tone 30 dB above MT, while EPSP amplitudes were smaller (Fig. 4, Table 1). 35 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 35 2012-12-05 21:32:35 I h in the inferior colliculus Figure 4. Possible contribution of Ih to forward masking. A: in the absence of Ih, injection of a depolarizing current immediately before a tone leads to summation with the EPSP (black trace). Middle panel shows current injection; lower panel shows when tone is presented. B: as A, but in the presence of Ih. The resulting EPSP is decreased. C: tone-evoked response of A shown at higher time resolution. Response without the preceding depolarizing current (grey trace) is also shown in Figure 3A. D: tone-evoked response of B shown at higher time resolution. E: average EPSP amplitude (n = 13 cells). With Ih injection, the amplitude decreases in the presence of a preceding current injection, while the amplitude does not change in the absence of Ih. F: average peak depolarization reached in response to the tone. In the presence of Ih, a more negative membrane potential is reached when the tone is preceded by a current injection. In the absence of Ih, the maximal depolarization reached in response to the tone was similar with and without the preceding current injection. In the presence of Ih, a less positive membrane potential was reached following the current injection (Table 1). The observed effect was very small, however, and is therefore unlikely to contribute significantly to forward masking. Response to SAM tones The results of the repetitive current injections (Fig. 2) suggested that Ih channels may reduce synaptic integration. To test this more directly, we studied the response to sinusoidal amplitude-modulated (SAM) tones and to frequency-modulated (FM) sweeps. SAM tones were given at a carrier frequency which was equal to the CF of the cells. This carrier frequency was modulated at 40 Hz, resulting in periodic fluctuations of the membrane potential (Fig. 5). The modulated potential (MP), the peak-to-peak amplitude of the cycle-averaged response of the cell (19), was lower in the presence of Ih in 8 of 13 cells, although the effects were small and this difference did not reach statistical 36 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 36 2012-12-05 21:32:36 I h in the inferior colliculus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Figure 5. Ih modifies the response to SAM tones. A: averaged, truncated response to a sinusoidal amplitude modulated (SAM) tone with a modulation frequency of 40 Hz; CF was 27.9 kHz. B: cycle-averaged membrane potential. A more positive membrane potential was reached in the presence of Ih. C: as B, except baseline values were equalized, illustrating that peak-to-peak amplitude (modulated potential; MP) and full width at half maximum were somewhat larger in the absence of Ih. significance. The vector strength, which is a measure for the ability of cells to phase-lock their spikes to the envelope of the SAM tones, was not different in the presence of Ih (Table 1). Similar results were obtained at a modulation frequency of 80 Hz (not shown). Response to FM sweeps Cells responded to up- or downward FM sweeps with a complex response (Fig. 6A and B). In the presence of Ih, 7 out of 14 cells showed increased IPSPs (Fig. 6A), probably due to the increased driving force for inhibitory conductances at the more positive membrane potential in the presence of Ih. In these cells, pure tones evoked IPSPs at the frequencies predicted by the timing of the inhibitory components within the FM sweep (not shown). Two types of experiments suggested that Ih gating during the tones did not make a great contribution to the observed changes in inhibition during the FM sweep. Firstly, dynamic clamp experiments with an Ih-current that showed slower gating were similar (Fig. 7A). Secondly, we used the relation between injected currents (Fig. 7B) and membrane potential changes to get an estimate of membrane conductance (Fig. 7C), as detailed in the Methods. This estimate was used in simulations to predict the change in membrane potential with other gating models. Two extreme models were compared. 37 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 37 2012-12-05 21:32:36 I h in the inferior colliculus B -50 no Ih Ih Vm (mV) A -60 f (kHz) -70 73 0 0 100 200 Time (ms) 300 400 0 100 200 Time (ms) 300 400 Figure 6. Response to an FM sweep. A, top: averaged response (11 traces) of a cell to an upward FM sweep. The tone stimulus is shown in the lower panel. At the onset of the response, an IPSP (arrow) is apparent in the presence of Ih (grey trace), which is much smaller in control (black trace). This cell showed an inhibitory response to tones of 6 kHz. B: as A, except FM sweep was downward. In one the gating was instantaneous, in the other Ih showed no gating. The membrane potential predictions for these two models were similar (Fig. 7A), despite clear differences in the injected current (Fig. 7B), suggesting that changes in the open probability during the FM sweep (Fig. 7D) do not contribute appreciably. A comparison of gh with the total conductance shows that gh at all times is only a small fraction of the total conductance (Fig. 7C). This was also the case in the other 13 cells in which FM tones were tested. DISCUSSION We made use of the dynamic clamp technique to study the contribution of Ih to sound processing in single neurons of the mouse IC. The presence of Ih changed basic membrane properties, causing a more depolarized membrane potential and a decreased resting membrane resistance. Sound-evoked EPSPs were smaller, but at the same time reached a more positive membrane potential in the presence of Ih. The addition of Ih also changed more complex properties of the cells. Its presence decreased temporal summation in response to repetitive current stimuli, and also induced small changes in the responses to SAM tones, FM sweeps, and to a tone following a depolarization, an effect that may contribute to forward masking. Using dynamic clamp to study Ih in vivo The effects of Ih have been well characterized in slice recordings (1, 2). Much less is known, however, about its contribution in vivo. Knock-out studies have revealed the involvement of Ih in global functions such as memory or gamma oscillations (22-24), 38 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 38 2012-12-05 21:32:36 I h in the inferior colliculus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Figure 7. Effect of different gating models of Ih on response to an upward FM-sweep. A: predicted and measured membrane potentials with different gating models. Black and red traces are identical to measured traces shown in Fig. 6A, in the absence and presence of fast-gating Ih, respectively. Blue trace shows measured membrane potential for slow gating Ih. Brown trace shows predicted membrane potential for an Ih model with instantaneous gating. Green trace shows predicted membrane potential for an Ih model with no gating. B: predicted and measured Ih currents with different gating models. Red and blue trace show injected currents for fast and slow gating model of Ih, respectively. Brown trace shows predicted current for an Ih model with instantaneous gating; green trace for an Ih model with no gating. C: solid lines, total membrane conductance calculated with equation [6], using measured membrane potentials shown in A and measured Ih currents shown in B. Dashed lines, calculated gh. Red and blue traces indicate fast and slow gating models of Ih, respectively. D: calculated and predicted open probability of Ih channels using fast (red), slow (blue), no (green) and instantaneous (brown) gating models. E: tone stimulus. 39 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 39 2012-12-05 21:32:37 I h in the inferior colliculus but little is known about the contribution of Ih to the processing of natural inputs in a single cell. Our approach was to block endogenous Ih and subsequently insert gh using a dynamic clamp approach in whole-cell recordings from the mouse IC. This technique has previously been used to inject synaptic conductances during intracellular in vivo recordings (15). Its use for studying voltage-dependent ion channels has as an advantage that both time-dependent gating effects and changes in the driving force can be taken into account. Changes in driving force are considerable for the mixed cation channel Ih, which has a reversal potential ~20 mV from the resting potential. Moreover, with this approach it is possible to study the acute effects in a single cell, thus avoiding possible compensatory developmental or network effects that can accompany transgenic studies (25). By interspersing the presentations with and without the dynamic clamp, very small effects (<1 mV) could be picked up, even when variability between cells was much larger. Our Hodgkin-Huxley model of the Ih channel adequately matched the kinetic properties found within the IC. The time constants of the depolarizing sag in the presence of Ih were in the same range as reported previously, although somewhat slower than the fast time constant of the depolarizing sag reported in (7). Its conductance was similar to previous observations in the mouse IC (7). Although the gating model used was not based on a detailed biophysical analysis of the properties of Ih in the inferior colliculus, two lines of evidence suggest that the exact properties of the gating model were not critical. Firstly, results obtained with a fast and a slow gating model were generally similar. Secondly, a simulation in which extreme values for the gating of Ih were tested did not yield clear differences either. Ih channels are often located at higher density in distal dendrites (26, 27), whereas we used somatic Ih injections. It has been shown that many of the effects of Ih, including its effect on the somatic time course of distant synaptic inputs, do not depend on its exact subcellular distribution (28-30). However, its effect on local temporal summation in the dendrites will not be adequately mimicked by the somatic dynamic clamp. Ih can trigger rebound spiking Although other channels may also contribute to rebound depolarisations (7, 31-33), the emergence of rebound spiking in the presence of Ih is in agreement with earlier evidence obtained both in vivo and in slices (7, 8). This effect may contribute to off-responses in the mouse IC, which may play a role in duration tuning (9, 34). Lack of evidence for a role of Ih in controlling firing pattern Although the presence of Ih is associated with certain firing types in the IC (7, 8), the firing pattern during constant-current injections was not altered in the presence of Ih. This result is in agreement with an earlier study in slices (8), suggesting that Ih by itself does not control firing, and that the larger accommodation observed for cells with evidence for Ih is most likely due to co-expression with a low-threshold potassium channel. A major role for Ih on firing patterns is not expected based on its relatively low conductance 40 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 40 2012-12-05 21:32:37 I h in the inferior colliculus compared to both synaptic and voltage-dependent currents. A limitation of our study is that we observed only cells with sustained or accommodating firing types in response to current injections. We therefore cannot exclude that the effect of Ih on firing types such as build-up, burst-onset, burst-sustained and accelerating (7, 32, 35) would have been larger, for example through an interaction with low-threshold K-channels. 1 2 3 4 Ih and excitability 5 The effects of Ih on excitability are complex. Both excitatory (9, 36) and inhibitory effects (37, 38) have been described. Its effect on excitability depends in part on its interaction with other voltage-dependent ion channels (11-13) and on the levels and timing of synaptic activity (37, 39-41). The amplitude of responses to tones decreased in the presence of Ih. However, the increase in resting Vm compensated for the smaller EPSP size and the net effect was that a more positive potential was reached in response to tones. Assuming that the most positive voltage reached determines the effect on excitability (12), this would indicate that Ih increases excitability, in agreement with our previous findings (7), although the effect is small and will be counteracted by the slightly more positive action potential threshold observed in the presence of Ih. 6 7 & Possible role of Ih in forward masking Areas more central to the auditory nerve contribute to forward masking (42-44). We tested the hypothesis that the deactivation of Ih during a depolarization induced by the masker tone contributes to a decreased response to the probe tone. We replaced the masker tone by a depolarizing current injection to prevent any peripheral effects. In the presence of Ih, the EPSP was smaller and a less depolarized membrane potential was reached when the probe tone was preceded by a depolarization, whereas this was not observed in the absence of Ih. Due to a non-linear relation between membrane potential and spike rate, small effects on the membrane potential can already change excitability in the inferior colliculus (19). Furthermore, the effects of Ih may be cumulative, as it is abundantly present throughout the auditory brainstem. Nevertheless, the small size of the observed effects precludes a large contribution to forward masking. Effect of Ih on integration of sensory inputs A well studied effect of Ih is that it reduces temporal summation of inputs (reviewed in (1, 2)). Here we confirmed previous experiments performed in slices of the IC, which showed that Ih decreases summation of the response to hyper- or depolarizing current injections (8). The effects for depolarizing and hyperpolarizing current injections appeared to be similar. The deactivation of Ih during depolarizing current injections (or EPSPs) effectively creates an outward current, whereas the opposite will happen during hyperpolarizing current injections (27, 45). It was not yet known whether these effects of Ih on temporal summation are also relevant for physiological synaptic inputs in vivo. We observed only small effects on the response to SAM tones. Ih may be relatively ineffective during synchronized inputs, as evoked by SAM tones, whereas it is expected to have a 41 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 41 2012-12-05 21:32:37 I h in the inferior colliculus stronger effect on desynchronized inputs, such as FM sweeps (40). Furthermore, Ih is expected to attenuate responses to low-frequency inputs most effectively, whereas the 40 Hz SAM tones have a modulation frequency that is already too high to result in very large attenuation of fluctuating inputs (23). In response to FM sweeps, IPSPs became more conspicuous in the presence of Ih, probably due to a more depolarized membrane potential and a subsequent increase in driving force for inhibitory conductances (46). This effect may be more pronounced at a higher driving force for chloride ions, which was relatively small in our experiments (47). Experimental results with a slower gating model and simulated results with an Ih channel that lacked gating altogether gave similar results, indicating that changes in open probability of Ih during the tone did not contribute directly to the responses. It was previously observed that the presence or absence of Ih is an important predictor for the electrophysiological properties and responses to sound of IC neurons (7-9). Here, we find that the more depolarized membrane potentials, more frequent rebound spiking, lower input resistance and decreased summation during current injections that have previously been observed for IC cells with Ih (7, 8) are likely due to a direct effect of Ih. The different firing patterns associated with the presence of Ih or the association with pauser or chopper responses to tones (7, 9) are most likely due to co-expression of Ih with other channels. More subtle effects on tone responses that were observed in the present study may be due to the activation of potassium currents or an increased driving force for inhibitory inputs as a result of the depolarization caused by the presence of Ih. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank C. Donkersloot for LabVIEW programming, A. Rodriguez-Contreras for helpful discussions and M. Häusser and M. London (UCL) for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. 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J Neurosci. 2000 Mar 1;20(5):1912-21. 44 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 44 2012-12-05 21:32:37 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 45 2012-12-05 21:32:37 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 46 2012-12-05 21:32:37 3 Hearing loss in mice with Cockayne syndrome A.P. Nagtegaal, I. van der Pluijm, G.T.J. van der Horst, J.G.G. Borst To be submitted PNagtegaal_Book.indd 47 2012-12-05 21:32:37 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 58 2012-12-05 21:32:38 4 Accelerated loss of hearing and vision in the DNA-repair deficient Ercc1 δ/– mouse A.P. Nagtegaal§, M. Spoor§, Y. Ridwan, N. Zuiderveen Borgesius, B. van Alphen, I. van der Pluijm, J.H.J. Hoeijmakers, M.A. Frens, J.G.G. Borst § These authors have contributed equally Mech Ageing Dev. 2012 Feb-Mar; 133(2-3): 59-67 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 59 2012-12-05 21:32:38 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice Abstract Age-related loss of hearing and vision are two very common disabling conditions, but the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Damage by reactive oxygen species and other reactive cellular metabolites, which in turn may damage macromolecules such as DNA, has been implicated in both processes. To investigate whether DNA damage can contribute to age-related hearing and vision loss, we investigated hearing and vision in Ercc1δ/– mutant mice, which are deficient in DNA repair of helix-distorting DNA lesions and interstrand DNA crosslinks. Ercc1δ/– mice showed a progressive, accelerated increase of hearing level thresholds over time, most likely arising from deteriorating cochlear function. Ercc1δ/– mutants also displayed a progressive decrease in contrast sensitivity followed by thinning of the outer nuclear layer of the eyeball. The strong parallels with normal ageing suggest that unrepaired DNA damage can induce age-related decline of the auditory and visual system. 60 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 60 2012-12-05 21:32:38 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice Introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Among the most common impairments associated with ageing are age-related loss of hearing (presbyacusis) and vision. Presbyacusis is characterized by increased hearing thresholds, especially at higher frequencies, accompanied by a progressive reduction of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) (1-3). This process results from a lifetime of insults to the auditory system to which the cochlear outer hair cells are probably most sensitive (4, 5). Senescent changes in visual performance include declines in visual acuity (the smallest detail that can be resolved at high contrast levels) and spatial contrast sensitivity (the ability to detect small increments in shades of gray on a uniform background) (6). Studies on the effect of age on the spatial contrast sensitivity curve in humans have shown a fall in high frequency sensitivity at middle age (6-10), leading to intermediate and high spatial frequency attenuation above 60 years of age (7, 9). Moreover, an age-related decline in contrast sensitivity was found across all spatial frequencies when measured under scotopic conditions (11). Recently, an age-related decline in contrast sensitivity was also revealed in mice (12). The major optic changes during ageing are insufficient accommodation ability due to hardening of the lens, decrease in pupil size and increase in density and yellowing of the lens. Within the retina, a loss of photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, or changes in their connections can contribute to impaired vision (6). Natural compounds such as cyclopurines produced by free reactive oxygen species (ROS) (13), malondialdehyde (14, 15) or acetaldehyde (16, 17) can cause DNA damage. Indeed, damage caused by ROS has been suggested to be one of the driving mechanisms for age-related hearing and vision loss (18, 19). Even though it is not easy to establish a causal relationship, ROS-induced DNA damage has been suggested to be implicated in presbyacusis in several studies (20-23). Mice lacking the Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), a major radical scavenger, exhibit accelerated age-related hearing loss and cochlear hair cell loss (24, 25). Further support for the idea that accumulating DNA damage contributes to presbyacusis and age-related vision loss comes from patients suffering from the rare inherited DNA repair disorders xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) and Cockayne syndrome (CS). Already at an early age they can show signs of presbyacusis, vision loss and degeneration of the retina (26-31). However, patients carrying these DNA repair deficiencies are genetically and phenotypically very heterogeneous, complicating deduction of cause-consequence relationships. A genetically more defined mouse model of Cockayne syndrome, which displays several features of the human syndrome, albeit in a relatively mild form (32), exhibits an age-dependent thinning of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) of the retina due to spontaneous loss of photoreceptors (33); loss of photoreceptors is also commonly observed in ageing humans (34-37) and mice (38, 39). Mice with a deletion of the Ercc1 gene have a progressive neurological phenotype. Already at a young age, they display among others a reduced optokinetic response (OKR), suggesting that vision is 61 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 61 2012-12-05 21:32:38 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice reduced (40). The lifespan of this mouse is 2-3 months (41), and the main cause for the neurological phenotype, including the decreased OKR, is proposed to be a consequence of the prominent, progressive kidney failure (40). Here, we investigate in detail the role of unrepaired DNA damage on the onset and progression of presbyacusis and age-related vision loss in Ercc1δ/– mice of different ages. The Ercc1δ/– mouse mutant lacks one allele of the excision repair cross-complementing group 1 (Ercc1; ERCC1 in humans) gene. The protein derived from the other allele shows reduced activity owing to a seven amino-acid carboxy-terminal truncation (14). This hypomorph mutation results in severely impaired nucleotide excision repair, interstrand cross-link repair (14) and double-strand break repair (21). Consequently, spontaneously occurring DNA damage remains largely unrepaired. As a result the mutant mice display several features of accelerated segmental ageing, including early cessation of growth and nuclear abnormalities in liver and kidney, resulting in premature death (14) and accelerated motor neuron degeneration (42). The maximum lifespan of these mice in the homogeneous F1 C57BL/6J-FVB/N genetic background used here is approximately 6 months (IvdP and JHJH, unpublished observations), a time frame which is convenient for analysis of development and progressive decline. Therefore we investigated hearing and vision in this mutant to assess whether DNA damage exerts any effect on the agerelated functioning of these organs. Materials and Methods In this study 60 Ercc1δ/– mutants and 53 wild type littermates in an F1 hybrid Fvb/NC57BL/6J background strain were used. All mice were housed on a 12 h light /12 h dark cycle with unrestricted access to food and water. Experiments were done during the light phase. All experiments were approved by the local ethics committee and were in accordance with the European Communities Council Directive (86/609/EEC). For the contrast sensitivity experiments 14 Ercc1δ/– mutants and 14 wild type littermates were used, which were measured longitudinally. For Auditory-evoked Brainstem Response (ABR) recordings 11 Ercc1δ/– mutants and 10 wild type littermates were measured longitudinally. For DPOAE measurements, 2 groups of 6 Ercc1δ/– mutants and 6 littermates, were measured, one group at 4 and one group at 12 weeks of age. For histology 34 Ercc1δ/– mutants and 27 littermates were used. Auditory experiments ABR recordings ABR recordings, which were used to obtain hearing level thresholds, were performed largely as described previously (43). The mice were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine/xylazine (60/10 mg/kg) i.p. and placed in a sound-attenuated box with the ears at a distance of 4 cm from a frontally placed tweeter loudspeaker (Radio Shack Super Tweeter 40-1310B). Active needle electrodes were positioned subdermally at the base 62 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 62 2012-12-05 21:32:38 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice of both pinnae. The reference electrode was placed at the vertex. In addition, a ground electrode was placed near the sacrum. Presentation of stimuli and averaging of responses was controlled by custom-made software (EUPHRA = Erasmus University Physiological Response Averager). Tone pip stimuli (1 ms duration, 0.5 ms cosine-squared ramps, alternating polarity, repetition rate 80 per second) were generated by a Hewlett Packard 33120A waveform generator. Responses were acquired and averaged by a 32 MHZ DSP Motorola 56002 board. The sound pressure level (SPL; re 20 µPa) of the stimuli ranged between -10 and 110 dB. For determining ABR thresholds, 500 responses with artifacts <30 μV were averaged. Stimuli were calibrated by comparing peak-to-peak values of the tone pip stimuli (measured with a 1/2” Bruel and Kjaer microphone, type 4192) with a calibrated tone (Bruel and Kjaer sound calibrator, type 4231, 94 dB) on an oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 1002). Hearing level thresholds were measured at 4, 8, 16 and 32 kHz. Thresholds were defined as the lowest SPL (5 dB resolution) at which a reproducible peak (usually peak II or IV) was still present in either ear. After finishing recordings the mice were injected with atipamezole (25 μg s.c.) to facilitate recovery from anesthesia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & DPOAE We used the DP 2000, Starkey system to measure 2f1-f2 DPOAEs, with f2/f1 = 1.2. The intensity of f1 and f2 was set at 65 and 55 dB SPL, respectively. Recordings were done at f2 = 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16 kHz. First the speaker was calibrated, followed by three measurements in both ears. The maximum DPOAE amplitude per frequency in each mouse was included in the analysis. Noise floor values were obtained from recordings in a dead animal. DPOAEs of wild type animals were not above baseline between 4 and 8 kHz and therefore only results obtained at 10, 12 and 16 kHz are presented. Visual experiments Mouse contrast sensitivity function was determined as described previously (12). This method infers contrast sensitivity by measuring how the magnitude (gain) of compensatory eye movements varies with different combinations of contrast and spatial frequency. Animals were prepared for head fixation by attaching two metal nuts to the skull using a construct made of a micro glass composite. Stimulus setup Optokinetic stimuli were created using a modified Electrohome Marquee 9000 CRT projector (Christie Digital Systems, Cypress CA, USA), which projected stimuli via mirrors onto three transparent anthracite-colored screens (156 cm x 125 cm) that were placed in a triangular formation around the recording setup (see (12), for more details). This created a green monochrome panoramic stimulus fully surrounding the animal. The stimuli were programmed in C++ and rendered in openGL and consisted of a virtual, vertically oriented cylinder with a dotted pattern or vertically oriented sine grating on its wall. Each pixel subtended 4.5 x 4.5 arcminutes. Contrast (C) in the projected sine gratings was calculated using the Michelson formula: C = (Lmax – Lmin) / (Lmax + Lmin), where 63 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 63 2012-12-05 21:32:39 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice Lmax and Lmin are the maximum and minimum luminance in a grating, respectively. The average luminance was kept constant at 17.5 cd/m2 in all stimulus conditions. At maximum contrast, the minimum and maximum luminance of the stimulus were 0.05 cd/m2 and 35.0 cd/m2, respectively. Eye movement recordings Mice were immobilized by placing them in a plastic tube, with the head pedestal bolted to a restrainer that allowed placing the eye of the mouse in the centre of the visual stimulus, in front of the eye position recording apparatus. Eye movements were recorded with an infrared video system (Iscan ETL-200). Images of the eye were captured at 120 Hz with an infrared sensitive CCD camera (see (12), for more details). To keep the field of view as free from obstacles as possible, the camera and lens were mounted under the table surface, and recordings were made with a hot mirror that was transparent to visible light and reflective to infrared light. The eye was illuminated with two infrared LEDs at the base of the hot mirror. The camera, mirror and LEDs were all mounted on an arm that could rotate about the vertical axis over a range of 26.12º (peak to peak). Eye movement recordings and calibration procedures were similar to those described previously (44). Trials were randomized, mice were assigned a number and the data analysis scripts were automated. All data were analyzed after the experiment. Contrast sensitivity function Afoveate mammals (like mice) show robust gaze-stabilizing eye movements, such as the optokinetic reflex (OKR). The OKR prevents the image of the surroundings to slip across the retina during movement of the visual scene. Contrast sensitivity was tested by presenting moving visual stimuli to the mice and recording eye movements evoked by those stimuli (12). Each stimulus was a vertical sine wave grating made up of a combination of one of seven spatial frequencies (0.03, 0.05, 0.08, 0.17, 0.25, 0.33, or 0.42 c/º) and one of six contrast values (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 10%, 1%). The 42 stimulus combinations were presented in random order. A stimulus was first projected and kept stationary for one minute, allowing the animal to adjust to changes in the stimulus. Subsequently, the stimulus started to move with a constant velocity of 1.5º/s. After moving to one direction for 2 s, it changed direction and moved in the opposite direction for 2 s. This was repeated six times, yielding ten changes in direction. While the stimulus was moving, motion of the left eye was recorded. Recorded eye positions were transformed offline into a velocity signal. Fast phases and saccades were removed from the eye movement recordings using a velocity threshold of 3º/s, i.e. twice the stimulus velocity. The first 200 ms after stimulus onset and after each change in direction were removed as well. Because the stimulus velocity was constant and eye data in the first 200 ms after the stimulus direction changes were ignored, average absolute eye velocity could be divided directly by the stimulus velocity to calculate a gain value for each combination of spatial frequency and contrast. An eye movement that perfectly follows the visual stimulus has a gain of 1 (45). 64 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 64 2012-12-05 21:32:39 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice Saccade analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Since changes in the optokinetic reflex may be due to impaired vision, impaired motor system or a combination of both, we analyzed a second type of eye movement, saccades, in order to rule out an impaired motor system in the mutant mice. Saccades are rapid eye movements that are clearly distinct from the optokinetic reflex. Saccades are made spontaneously and are not directly related to the optokinetic stimulation. The kinematics of saccades are extremely stereotyped; there is a fixed relation between the amplitude of a saccade and its peak velocity. This relation is known as the main sequence (46). Peak velocity increases with amplitude. At larger amplitudes this relation saturates, but the oculomotor range of the mouse is too small to reach these values. Age-related changes in the oculomotor system predict that the slope of the main sequence relation decreases over time. Possible saccade on- and offsets were marked automatically, using a velocity threshold of 3 times the stimulus peak velocity. The exact on- and offsets were subsequently marked by hand. To compare the main sequences, regression lines were fitted for each age and the slope values were used for statistical purposes. Immunohistochemistry For isolation of the eyes animals were euthanized by CO2 inhalation. Eyes were marked on the nasal side with Alcian blue (5% Alcian blue in 96% ethanol), dissected and subsequently fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and embedded in paraffin. Five μm thick, transverse paraffin sections were cut. For determination of retinal surface area, digital images of the whole retina were taken using a microscope equipped with a high-resolution camera (BX40 microscope, ColorViewIllu camera and the CellA program). The CellA program was used to make digital images of the same sections used for quantification of the apoptotic cells in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). The program Sigmascan Pro5 was used to measure the surface area of the ONL. Apoptotic cells were visualized using the TdT-mediated dUTP Nick-End Labeling (TUNEL) method according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the kit (Apoptag Plus Peroxidase In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit, Chemicon). For quantification, the number of TUNEL-positive cells in the ONL was counted using a BX40 microscope with a minimum of 5 transverse cut sections per mouse. To standardize the chosen area of the retina, the sections closest to the eye nerve were selected for immunohistochemistry and quantification. The number of apoptotic cells and retinal surface area in 5 sections per animal were averaged and animals were averaged per group accordingly. Statistics The effect of the Ercc1δ/– mutation on contrast sensitivity, hearing thresholds and DPOAEs was analyzed using a repeated measures ANOVA with three factors. For contrast sensitivity we used genotype as between subjects factor, and contrast and spatial frequency as within subject factor. Post hoc, groups were compared at each contrast by averaging OKR gains over spatial frequencies. Differences between groups were analyzed 65 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 65 2012-12-05 21:32:39 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice for significance with a Student’s t-test. For the effect of the Ercc1δ/– mutation on hearing thresholds and DPOAEs we used genotype and age as between, and frequency as within subjects factors. Post hoc, groups were compared with two-way ANOVAs and Bonferroni tests. Comparison of main sequence slopes was done by Monte Carlo bootstrapping each main sequence (N = 1000), and comparing them by two-tailed Student’s t-tests. Results Progressive hearing loss in Ercc1δ/– mice To objectively assess whether presbyacusis develops in Ercc1δ/– mice, hearing level thresholds were measured longitudinally using the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Auditory thresholds in Ercc1δ/– mice were already elevated at 5 weeks of age, the first measurement point. Importantly, auditory function further deteriorated in the following 9 weeks (Fig. 1A), suggesting that the defect at 5 weeks of age is part of a progressive degenerative process. We performed a three-way repeated measures ANOVA with genotype and age as between, and frequency as within subjects factors. All three main effects and their pair-wise interactions had a significant effect on hearing level thresholds (all p < 0.001). To clarify the origin of these significant changes, we performed a two-way repeated measures ANOVA. The Ercc1δ/– mice showed a significant effect of age (p < 0.001) and a significant interaction of age and frequency (p < 0.001). In contrast, there was no effect of age in the wild type mice (p = 0.30; Fig. 1A). This shows that only the Ercc1δ/– mice have an age-dependent increase in hearing thresholds and, importantly, that this increase is not the same for all frequencies. Age had a significant effect for 8 kHz (p < 0.05), 16 kHz and 32 kHz (both p < 0.001) but not for 4 kHz (p > 0.05; Bonferroni post hoc test). Taken together, these findings show that the Ercc1δ/– mice have an age-dependent increase in hearing thresholds especially at higher frequencies, while their wild type littermates are not affected. Progressive hearing loss in Ercc1δ/– mice is caused by hair cell loss Further studies were performed to determine the site of origin of the hearing loss within the auditory pathway. The conduction speed of the auditory response was used as a test for possible retrocochlear pathology. We identified peaks I to V in the ABR and compared the inter-peak latencies of the most prominent peaks, II and IV, at ages 4 and 12 weeks between wild type and Ercc1δ/– mice at 4 and 16 kHz. No statistically significant latency differences were observed between wild type and Ercc1δ/– mice both with and without correction for difference in minimum hearing level threshold (p > 0.05). II-IV inter-peak latencies at 4 kHz were 1.89 ± 0.06 (mean ± SEM) and 1.82 ± 0.11 ms for wild type and 1.91 ± 0.03 and 1.71 ± 0.08 ms for Ercc1δ/– mice at 4 and 12 weeks, respectively. At 16 kHz, II-IV intervals were 1.99 ± 0.04 and 1.83 ± 0.10 ms for wild type and 2.03 ± 0.08 and 1.82 ± 0.09 ms for Ercc1δ/– mice at 4 and 12 weeks, respectively (results not shown). This suggests that the observed differences in hearing level thresholds are not due to retrocochlear deficits in the mutants. 66 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 66 2012-12-05 21:32:39 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice (a) ABR threshold longitudinal ABR threshold (dB SPL) 100 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Wildtype 5 wks Ercc1δ/– 5 wks Wildtype 14 wks Ercc1δ/– 14 wks 60 40 20 0 4 8 16 32 Frequency (kHz) (b) 4 wk old DPOAEs 30 DPOAE (dB) 25 20 Wildtype Ercc1δ/– Noise floor 15 10 5 0 -5 10 12 16 Frequency (kHz) (c) 12 wk old DPOAEs 30 DPOAE (dB) 25 20 Wildtype Ercc1δ/– Noise floor 15 10 5 0 -5 10 12 Frequency (kHz) 16 Figure 1. The combination of increased ABR hearing thresholds and reduced DPOAEs suggests outer hair cell loss in the cochlea of Ercc1δ/– mice. A: Ercc1δ/– mice show hearing loss, especially at higher frequencies, from 5 to 14 weeks of age. Filled symbols represent wild type and open symbols Ercc1δ/– mice. Circles and triangles represent 5 and 14 week old animals, respectively. B: 4 week old Ercc1δ/– mice have similar DPOAEs as their wild type littermates. C: 12 week old Ercc1δ/– mice have reduced DPOAEs at higher frequencies compared to their littermates, suggesting outer hair cell loss. Data are shown as means ± SEM. 67 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 67 2012-12-05 21:32:39 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice Otoacoustic emissions are a sensitive assay of cochlear function, especially of the outer hair cells. We evoked DPOAEs at 4 and 12 weeks of age in Ercc1δ/– mice and their agematched littermates (Fig. 1B, C). We performed a three-way repeated measures ANOVA with genotype and age as between, and frequency as within subjects factors, which revealed that all main effects and their interactions were significant (all p < 0.05). Two-way ANOVA testing indicated no effect of genotype (p = 0.27) at 4 weeks (Fig. 1B), while a highly significant effect size (p < 0.0001) was observed at 12 weeks (Fig. 1C). Together, the lack of a significant difference in ABR inter-peak latencies and the decreased DPOAEs in 12-week-old Ercc1δ/– mice indicate a cochlear origin of the hearing loss, probably including outer hair cell damage. Progressive decline of vision in Ercc1δ/– mice To assess visual performance of Ercc1δ/– mice over their life span we measured in a longitudinal study the optokinetic reflex (OKR) gains at several different spatial (a) (b) 100% contrast OKR Gain 1 0.5 (c) 0.2 0.4 25% contrast 0 (f) 1 50% contrast 1 0 0 0 1 (d) 0.5 0.5 0 (e) 75% contrast 1 0.2 0 0.4 10% contrast (g) 1 0.2 0.4 1% contrast OKR Gain Wildtype Ercc1δ/– 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) 0 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) Figure 2. Normal contrast sensitivity in Ercc1δ/– mice and their littermates at 6 weeks of age. A: the color reflects the OKR gains at 42 different combinations of spatial frequency and contrast. Measured points are connected through linear interpolation. B-G: six cross sections of A and B are plotted, one for each contrast. Even at low contrast values, Ercc1δ/– mice have similar OKR gains as their wild type littermates, indicating normal vision. All data represented as means ± SEM. Filled circles represent wild type and open circles Ercc1δ/– mice. 68 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 68 2012-12-05 21:32:39 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice frequencies and contrast values. At 6 weeks of age, all stimuli evoked OKR gains that were similar in both genotypes (Fig. 2). The only exception was at 75% contrast, where the gain was slightly lower in Ercc1δ/– (p < 0.05). Both groups showed a similar optimum for all contrasts, which was reached at 0.17 - 0.25 c/º. At 10 weeks of age, OKR gains were lower in Ercc1δ/– mutants (Fig. 3). Ercc1δ/– mice performed worse than their wild type littermates at all contrast levels (p < 0.05), except at 100% contrast. Gains were lower and the window in which responses occurred narrowed, i.e. the highest (0.42 c/º) and lowest (0.03 c/º) spatial frequencies did not elicit any response in mutant mice at contrasts below 100%. At 14 weeks of age, all OKR gains were strongly reduced in Ercc1δ/– mutants (p < 0.001) (Fig. 4). The response window narrowed further, i.e. there was almost no response below 0.08 c/º or above 0.25 c/º. Below 50% contrast, hardly any response was observed. Moreover, even within the optimal stimulus window (100% contrast and 0.17 - 0.25 c/º), the evoked OKR gain was lower in the Ercc1δ/– mice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & (a) (b) 100% contrast OKR Gain 1 (c) 0.5 0.5 0 1 (d) 0.2 25% contrast 0 0 0.4 (f) 1 50% contrast 1 0.5 0 0 (e) 75% contrast 1 0.2 0.4 10% contrast 0 (g) 1 0.2 0.4 1% contrast OKR Gain Wildtype Ercc1δ/– 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) 0 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) Figure 3. Reduced contrast sensitivity in Ercc1δ/– mice compared to their littermates at 10 weeks of age. A: the color reflects the OKR gains at 42 different combinations of spatial frequency and contrast. Measured points are connected through linear interpolation. B-G: six cross sections of A and B are plotted, one for each contrast. Compared to 6 week old animals, Ercc1δ/– mice show slightly reduced OKR gains at all contrast values. All data represented as means ± SEM. Filled circles represent wild type and open circles Ercc1δ/– mice. 69 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 69 2012-12-05 21:32:40 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice (a) (b) 100% contrast OKR Gain 1 0.5 (c) 0.2 0.4 25% contrast 0 (f) 1 50% contrast 1 0 0 0 1 (d) 0.5 0.5 0 (e) 75% contrast 1 0.2 0 0.4 10% contrast (g) 1 0.2 0.4 1% contrast OKR Gain Wildtype Ercc1δ/– 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) 0 0.2 0.4 Spatial Frequency (c/º) Figure 4. Severely reduced contrast sensitivity in Ercc1δ/– mice compared to their littermates at 14 weeks of age. A: the color reflects the OKR gains at 42 different combinations of spatial frequency and contrast. Measured points are connected through linear interpolation. B-G: six cross sections of A and B are plotted, one for each contrast. Visual performance is severely reduced in Ercc1δ/– mice, even at 100% contrast. All data represented as means ± SEM. Filled circles represent wild type mice, open circles Ercc1δ/– mice. At all ages, the mutant mice made smaller saccades compared to the wild type mice (Fig. 5), probably due to a smaller oculomotor range. However, the main sequence was not different between mutants and wild types, nor did it change over time in either group, indicating an intact oculomotor system (all p > 0.05). Progressive reduction of outer nuclear layer in Ercc1δ/– mice One explanation of the loss of visual performance could be loss of photoreceptor cells in the retina. Therefore we determined the surface area of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) in cross sections of the eye at 4, 9, 18 and 25 weeks of age in Ercc1δ/– mice and their agematched littermates (Fig. 6A). We performed a two-way ANOVA and found a significant effect for both age and genotype (p < 0.0001) and for their interaction (p < 0.005). Bonferroni post hoc tests revealed that only at 25 weeks of age there was a significant genotype effect (p < 0.001). This shows an age-dependent reduction of the ONL in Ercc1δ/– mice suggestive of loss of cells, most likely photoreceptors. To further investigate 70 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 70 2012-12-05 21:32:40 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Figure 5. Saccade peak velocity as function of amplitude. A, B: representative examples of saccade peak velocity recorded from a wild type (A) and a mutant mouse (B) at three different ages. Each dot represents a single saccade. C, D: average peak velocity of saccades recorded from 14 wild type (C) and 12 mutant mice (D) at three different ages. There is no evidence for degeneration of the oculomotor system, as the slope remains unaltered with increasing age. Data represented as means ± SEM. ONL Surface Area (a) Surface Area ONL (mm2) 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 4 9 18 25 Age (weeks) (b) ONL TUNEL Positive Nuclei TUNEL Nuclei (#/mm2) 250 200 Wildtype Ercc1δ/– 150 100 50 0 4 9 18 25 Age (weeks) Figure 6. Age-dependent loss of cells through apoptosis in the ONL in Ercc1δ/– mice. A: agedependent reduction of ONL surface in cross sections of Ercc1δ/– eyes compared to those of their littermates. B: Age-dependent increase of TUNEL-positive cells normalized to ONL surface in Ercc1δ/– mice. Black columns represent wild type mice, open columns Ercc1δ/– mice. All data represented as means ± SEM. 71 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 71 2012-12-05 21:32:43 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice the cause of the reduction of the ONL we determined the number of TUNEL-positive cells, i.e. cells in apoptosis, in the ONL at 4, 9, 18 and 25 weeks of age (Fig. 6B). Two-way ANOVA analyses revealed a significant effect of age, genotype and their interaction (p < 0.0001). These results strongly suggest that the progressive reduction of the ONL was caused by loss of cells through apoptosis. Discussion Our findings demonstrate that the DNA repair defect in Ercc1δ/– mouse results in accelerated age-related decline of both vision and hearing compared to wild type littermates. This indicates that accumulation of spontaneous DNA damage, which normally would have been repaired by nucleotide excision and cross link repair, triggers accelerated loss of hearing and vision abilities. The most likely cause for these deficits is that helix-distorting and interstrand crosslink DNA damage within the cochlea and retina is responsible for the observed age-dependent deterioration. However, cochleaand retina-specific mutants would be needed to fully exclude a possible contributing role of for example liver or kidney failure (14, 40, 41, 47-49). Presbyacusis We found that Ercc1δ/– mice display a progressive increase of hearing thresholds in combination with reduced DPOAEs. Thresholds were already elevated at the youngest age we tested. This might be due to very rapid deterioration or due to abnormal development, a distinction which is not always easily made for the neurological abnormalities that are associated with DNA repair disorders (50). The unchanged ABR inter-peak latencies suggest a lack of major defects in the central auditory pathway, even though more subtle changes cannot be excluded (51). These findings thus indicate a cochlear origin of the hearing loss. The hearing loss is unlikely to be an indirect consequence of renal or liver failure (14, 40, 41, 47), since encephalopathy following renal or liver failure is generally not associated with hearing loss (52, 53), whereas high bilirubin resulting from liver failure targets central auditory structures, but spares the cochlea (54, 55). The phenotype of the Ercc1δ/– mice, i.e. increased hearing threshold, reduced DPOAE and normal ABR inter peak latencies, is similar to what is seen in human presbyacusis (1-5, 56, 57). Considerable evidence for a causative role of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage in presbyacusis has been presented (58-60). However, the complex nucleotide excision repair pathway involving at least 30 proteins (61) is restricted to the nucleus and the Ercc1δ/– mutations are not expected to directly affect mtDNA repair. Hence, our results indicate that, in addition to mtDNA damage, nuclear DNA damage can also play a causative role in presbyacusis. Moreover, since nuclear DNA encodes the vast majority of mitochondrial proteins, an indirect effect on mitochondrial function can be anticipated. 72 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 72 2012-12-05 21:32:43 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice One of the options emerging from the above scenario for the etiology of presbyacusis is the possibility for prevention of hearing loss by anti-oxidants to reduce ROS levels, which may be one of the causative factors for DNA damage. Several such studies have been reported in mice (57, 62-64), rats (65) and humans (66, 67) with overall promising results. Our findings lend support to the idea that a possible preventive effect of antioxidants in presbyacusis would act by preventing cochlear DNA damage. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Age-related vision loss We measured OKR gains to infer the contrast sensitivity and visual acuity of mice. To this end we presented visual stimuli with different spatial frequencies and contrasts. In 6-week-old mice there were only subtle differences in contrast sensitivity between wild types and mutants, as similar OKR gains were recorded for all stimuli in our study. However, at 14 weeks of age, contrast sensitivity had decreased to the point where mutant mice were only able to observe a small set of contrast-spatial frequency combinations. The overall decrease in contrast sensitivity occurring in the Ercc1δ/– during a period of only 8 weeks followed a similar pattern as was reported for normal ageing in C57BL/6J mice (12), for which the ability to perceive low contrasts and high spatial frequencies disappeared first. A much more severe phenotype was previously observed in an Ercc1 null mutant, in which the very severe, lifespan-limiting liver degeneration of Ercc1 null mice was rescued by an Ercc1-liver-specific transgene. In this model the OKR response was already very poor at 4 weeks, with little change at 8 weeks (40). These mice have a life span of only 2 - 3 months (41) as compared to 4 - 6 months for the milder Ercc1δ/– mice, suggesting that the more severe phenotype of the null mutant is most likely caused by the more complete genetic deletion. Apart from confirming the contrast sensitivity in another Ercc1 deficient mouse model, our study used a different contrast sensitivity measurement than Lawrence et al. (40) and recorded the actual eye movements instead of observing head tracking. This enables measurement of the optokinetic response and therefore vision more accurately (12). In any behavioural response, pathology of the motor system can play a role, as was also suggested by Lawrence et al (40). However, by also analyzing saccadic eye movements, and showing that their dynamics were intact (Fig 5), we demonstrated that both the neural and the muscle part of the oculomotor system were unaffected by the mutation. We conclude that the decrease in OKR gain most likely resulted from age-related deterioration of the visual system. In humans, OKR gains decline with age, at high frequencies as well as at high velocities, owing to an impaired sensorimotor system (68, 69). In contrast, this effect was not found in mice (70, 71). However, it could be that the mice were still too young (about 15 months) to reveal an age-dependent effect. Studies in humans on the effect of age on the spatial contrast sensitivity function curve have shown a decline in high frequency sensitivity at middle age, leading to intermediate and high spatial frequency attenuation with increasing age due to optical and neural degeneration (7, 9, 10, 72-76). 73 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 73 2012-12-05 21:32:43 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice Our histology data showed increased, age-related loss of photoreceptors in the mutants. However, it is unlikely that this fully explains the observed vision loss, as the effects of age on vision were already apparent at 10 weeks while the reduction of the ONL did not reach significance until 25 weeks. Indeed, Samuel et al (77) showed recently that other, more subtle factors in the mouse retina are mainly responsible for the deterioration of vision in ageing mice, and similar mechanisms may play a role in the Erccδ/– mutant. Our data thus agree with and extend previous experiments on an Ercc1 null mutant, for which the loss of contrast sensitivity was not matched by histological abnormalities in the retina (40). Although photoreceptor loss or thinning of the ONL is commonly seen in ageing in humans (34-37), mice (38, 39) and mouse models of accelerated ageing (33, 78, 79), it is not clear how relevant this phenomenon is to age-related vision loss. Nevertheless, since optic changes cannot fully explain age-related vision loss, it is likely that loss or reduced function of photoreceptors does contribute to age-related vision loss (6). In conclusion, the Ercc1δ/– mutant shows accelerated age-related loss of hearing and vision with characteristics very similar to human presbyacusis and age-related vision loss. This suggests a causative role of DNA damage in the etiology of presbyacusis and age-related vision loss. Our results also suggest a possible causative role for (functional) loss of outer hair cells and photoreceptors, although a contribution of other cell types cannot be excluded. Additional research using conditional knockouts will help resolve the relative contribution of different cell types to these processes. Disclosure statement The research was supported in part by Top Institute Pharma, a public-private partnership consortium. The authors declare there is no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Efstathios B. Papachristos for help with statistical analysis and Dr. Ype Elgersma for helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. MS is supported by a HFSP grant. BvA was supported by a NWO-ALW grant. APN was supported by the Heinsius-Houbolt fund. JHJH and YR were supported by a Top Instititute Pharma grant, Markage (FP7-Health-2008-200880), LifeSpan (LSHG-CT-2007-036894), National Institute of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Ageing (NIA) (1PO1 AG-17242-02) and the European Research Council (ERC advanced scientist grant to JHJH). 74 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 74 2012-12-05 21:32:43 Hearing and vision loss in Ercc1 δ/– mice References 1. Dorn PA, Piskorski P, Keefe DH, Neely ST, Gorga MP. On the existence of an age/ threshold/frequency interaction in distortion product otoacoustic emissions. J Acoust Soc Am. 1998 Aug;104(2 Pt 1):964-71. 2. Uchida Y, Ando F, Shimokata H, Sugiura S, Ueda H, Nakashima T. 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In search for hearing loss genes other than cadherin 23 (otocadherin) and fascin-2, which make a large contribution to the high frequency deficits, we used a large set of the genetic reference population of BXD recombinant inbred strains. For frequencies 4, 8, 16 and 32 kHz, auditory brainstem response (ABR) hearing thresholds were longitudinally determined from 2–3 up to 12 weeks of age. Apart from a significant, broad quantitative trait locus (QTL) for high frequency hearing loss on chromosome 11 containing the fascin-2 gene, we found a novel, small QTL for low frequency hearing loss on chromosome 18, from hereon called ahl9. Real-time quantitative PCR of organs of Corti, isolated from a subset of strains, showed that a limited number of genes at the QTL was expressed in the organ of Corti. Of those genes, several showed significant expression differences based on the parental line contributing to the allele. Our results may aid in the future identification of genes involved in low frequency, early-onset hearing loss. 82 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 82 2012-12-05 21:32:44 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss INTRODUCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & The genetic basis of age-related hearing loss (AHL) has been well studied in the mouse (1, 2). Longitudinal measurements of hearing level are relatively easy and the contribution of genetic and environmental factors can be assessed more readily than in humans. Many mouse strains develop age-related hearing loss (3), including the C57BL/6J mouse, which is often used as the background strain in transgenic studies. In this strain, the first AHL locus (ahl) was described and mapped to a site on chromosome 10 (4). Additional studies in inbred mouse strains identified more quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for age-related hearing loss, including ahl2 (5), ahl3 (6, 7), ahl4 (8), ahl5 & 6 (9), and, more recently, ahl8, which is located on the distal end of chromosome 11 (10). In addition, Phl1 and Phl2 were identified as QTLs for progressive hearing loss (11). To date, the responsible genes were only identified for ahl and ahl8. For ahl, the responsible gene is cadherin 23, also called otocadherin, which is required for the normal organization of hair cell stereocilia (12). For ahl8, a mutation in the fascin-2 gene, which also encodes a component of stereocilia, contributes to the early-onset hearing loss in DBA/2J mice (13). The BXD strains are a panel of recombinant inbred strains derived from the parental strains C57BL/6J and DBA/2J (from hereon called B6 and D2, respectively). D2 is a widely used mouse strain in which hearing loss starts much earlier than in B6. In addition, low frequencies are also affected in D2, in contrast to the high frequency hearing loss of B6 (14). The BXD strains have been used to identify QTLs for the early-onset hearing loss of D2 (10, 14). At frequencies above 8 kHz, up to 75% of total variance can be explained by mutations in cadherin 23 (ahl), fascin-2 (ahl8) and their interaction in (B6.CAST-Cdh23Ahl+ x D2) x D2 backcross mice. However, at 8 kHz, approximately two thirds of the variance remains unexplained, while up to half of the variance in auditory brainstem response (ABR) to clicks (2-8 kHz range) could not be attributed to ahl or ahl8 (10). In addition, preliminary evidence has suggested the presence of an additional third locus in D2 (15). In this study, we therefore performed a search for the existence of additional QTLs underlying early-onset hearing loss in BXD strains, incorporating recordings at lower frequencies and making use of the advanced intercross BXD mouse strains that have recently become available (16). MATERIAL AND METHODS Animals Parental (C57BL/6J, DBA/2J) and 33 BXD lines were received from The Jackson Laboratory (http://www.jax.org), or from Oak Ridge Laboratory (BXD43, BXD62, BXD65, BXD68, BXD69, BXD73, BXD75, BXD87, BXD90), and were bred in the facility of the Neuro-Bsik consortium of the VU University Amsterdam. Hearing level thresholds were longitudinally assessed at either 2 or 3 weeks (to minimize the burden of anesthesia at a very young age) and subsequently at 4, 6 and 12 weeks of age under ketamine / xylazine 83 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 83 2012-12-05 21:32:44 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss anesthesia (60/10 mg/kg i.p.) in both male and female mice. The average number of mice per strain was 7 (range 2 – 13), generally derived from 2 different litters. To facilitate recovery from anesthesia, mice were injected with atipamezole (25 μg s.c.) at the end of the experiments. Recordings were performed during the light phase. Mice were housed in same-sex groups after weaning, from 3 to 4 weeks onwards. The experiments were approved by the Erasmus University Animal welfare committee (DEC). Auditory brainstem response The auditory brainstem response (ABR) was used to obtain hearing level thresholds as described previously (17). Briefly, hearing level thresholds were measured in response to 1 ms tone pips at 4, 8, 16 and 32 kHz at intensities ranging from -10 to 110 dB sound pressure level (SPL; re 20 µPa) at 5 dB resolution. At each sound intensity tested, 500 brainstem evoked responses with artifacts below 30 µV were averaged; the minimum threshold was defined as the lowest SPL at which a reproducible peak could be identified. If no response was elicited at 110 dB, the threshold was classified as 115 dB. Heritability calculation As a quantitative trait for early-onset hearing loss, we used the difference between the ABR threshold at 12 weeks and the lowest threshold measured at any age. For each frequency, this maximum hearing loss (MHL) was calculated per mouse and subsequently averaged per strain. Narrow-sense heritability (h2) of the MHL was calculated as the ratio of the within- and between-strain variance: (F - 1) / (F – 1 + 2k), in which F is the between-groups divided by within-groups mean squares ratio, which can be retrieved from a normal one-way ANOVA (18) and k is a function of the replicate number of mice per strain, defined by: (N – ((Σ n2) / N )) / (S – 1), in which N is the total number of mice, n is the number of mice for each strain and S is the number of different strains (19), as implemented previously (20, 21). QTL linkage mapping Linkage mapping of MHL values of BXD plus parental strains to genotypes was performed by WebQTL scripts (http://www.genenetwork.org/), which uses a set of 3795 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and microsatellite markers (22, 23). For each part of the genome a likelihood ratio statistic (LRS) was calculated by Haley–Knott interval mapping (24). Suggestive and significant LRS values were determined by a permutation test (25), consisting of 1000 permutations in which trait values were randomly reassigned across all strains, followed by a comparison of the permuted and original outcome data to assess significance. A significant LRS value was defined as a 5% probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis that there is no linkage anywhere in the genome. A suggestive threshold represents the LRS value which yields, on average, one false-positive QTL per genome scan (p = 0.63). Candidate genes were analyzed within the 1-LOD (= 4.61 LRS) drop-off region with respect to the maximum LRS, which theoretically corresponds to a 97% confidence interval (26). Pearson correlation coefficients and respective 84 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 84 2012-12-05 21:32:44 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss probabilities were calculated across strain means to approximate genetic correlations. Linear regression was used to quantify independent contributions of the gene loci to the observed maximum hearing loss. For the analysis of SNPs and (non)-synonymous mutations in genes at the QTL peak, the SNP browsers from the Phenome database of Jackson Laboratories (http://phenome.jax.org/db/q?rtn=snp/ret1) and GeneNetwork (http://www.genenetwork.org/webqtl/main.py?FormID=snpBrowser) were used, the latter of which harbors data from multiple sequencing projects, including the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the UCLA genome browser. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Expression analysis of candidate genes Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) for genes on the chromosome 18 and 10 loci (Tables 1, 2, S3) was carried out on cochlea tissue of selected strains at 12 weeks of age (BXD11, n = 7; BXD13, n = 8; BXD32, n = 6; BXD73, n = 5; B6, n = 12; D2, n = 10). RNA extraction (tissue pooled from 2 mice) and cDNA synthesis (300 ng RNA equivalent in a 25 µl reaction) was performed as described previously (21, 27). PCR measurements (10 μl; ABI PRISM 7900 Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) were performed with transcriptspecific primers (300 nM; Table S4) on cDNA corresponding to ~1.2 ng total DNAse-I treated RNA. Cycle of threshold (Ct) values were used to calculate the relative level of gene expression (log2 scale) normalized to the geometric mean of the replicated reference controls GAPDH and b-actin, as described before (27). Control genes, such as Cdh23 (28), Otof (29) and the cochlea-specific subunit of the acetylcholine receptor Chnra9 were measured twice. Only primer sets for which a single product could be detected were used, as determined by dissociation analysis of the end-product. Presence or absence of gene expression in cochlea was determined using a pooled cDNA sample of cochlea versus total brain cDNA. The gene was called ‘not expressed’ when primers detected a true product in the total sample in a replicate PCR but not in the cochlea sample, or when the Ct value of the cochlea sample was within 2 cycles of the water control. Statistical analysis Quantitative measurements were analyzed by Pearson correlation to the trait and by ANOVA for the factor allele (i.e., B6 or D2). Non-parametric ranks are indicated for strain averages carrying the B6 or D2 allele. All data are presented as average ± standard error (SEM). RESULTS The hearing of a total number of 35 (including parental) strains was evaluated in longitudinal recordings from a postnatal age of either 2 or 3 weeks up to the last measurement at 12 weeks of age (Fig. S1 and Table S1). Maximum hearing loss (MHL) varied greatly among strains and frequencies (Fig. 1). Pearson correlations between MHLs at 4, 8 and 16 kHz were high, ranging from r = 0.77 to 0.89. A negative correlation (r ≈ -0.24) between MHL at 32 kHz and each of the other tested frequencies was found. 85 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 85 2012-12-05 21:32:44 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss 80 60 4 kHz Pearson's r 8 kHz: 0.89 16 kHz: 0.77 32 kHz: -0.23 8 kHz Pearson's r 16 kHz: 0.89 32 kHz: -0.24 20 80 16 kHz 69 90 68 65 13 1 19 75 28 31 29 15 87 62 39 14 9 34 B6 11 40 38 23 43 D2 73 18 8 32 27 6 12 2 21 42 0 13 69 65 75 90 1 68 28 19 62 87 29 31 15 39 9 8 14 34 11 B6 38 40 73 27 42 32 2 D2 18 43 12 23 21 6 Maximum hearing loss (dB SPL) 40 32 kHz Pearson's r 32 kHz: -0.25 60 40 20 73 29 21 D2 2 34 1 69 9 6 75 19 B6 15 28 14 18 32 27 12 43 38 8 42 31 68 90 13 11 39 23 87 65 40 62 69 90 75 65 28 14 29 62 1 87 68 31 19 B6 13 39 15 40 18 9 34 D2 11 23 6 43 27 73 21 12 8 38 2 32 42 0 Figure 1. Strain means of maximum hearing loss (MHL) at four different frequencies. MHL was defined as the difference between the ABR threshold at 12 weeks and the lowest threshold measured at any time point. Insets contain Pearson’s correlation coefficients between MHL data of the tested sound frequencies. At 32 kHz, most BXD strains already showed high thresholds at a young age (Fig. S1). Even though these mice would typically become deaf at this frequency before or at an age of 12 weeks, the MHL was nevertheless low. This ceiling effect was responsible for the negative correlation with the MHL at other frequencies. Heritability and correlations with previously published phenotypes Narrow-sense heritability was high: 0.30 at 4 kHz, 0.45 at 8 kHz, 0.56 at 16 kHz and 0.21 at 32 kHz. Our data correlated well with other auditory studies on BXD mice within the database of WebQTL; not only with spiral ganglion cell density measurements in different baso-apical sections of the cochlea (r from -0.49 to -0.78, p ≤ 0.03 for several baso-apical sections at 4, 8 and 16 kHz) (14), but also with post-mortem MRI measurements on total volume of the lateral lemniscus (r = -0.70, p = 0.02 at 16 kHz; r ~ -0.85, p < 0.001 at 4 and 8 kHz) (30). Higher hearing loss values were correlated with lower cell count or lateral lemniscus volume. Quantitative trait mapping A whole genome scan, which was performed separately for each of the four frequencies, yielded two significant peaks of interest (Fig. 2), in each case contributed by the D2 allele. First of all, we found a novel QTL at chromosome 18, which will be called ahl9. It 86 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 86 2012-12-05 21:32:44 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 100 Mb 20 significant LRS LRS 15 suggestive LRS 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 X Chromosome Figure 2. Complete genome linkage analysis for early-onset hearing loss. All four frequencies are shown in different colors (red = 4 kHz; blue = 8 kHz; green = 16 kHz; black = 32 kHz), with approximate suggestive and significance levels indicated by horizontal, dashed lines. Two QTLs at chromosome 11 and 18 reached significance (LRS > 18). These QTLs, highlighted by circles, are determined by the presence of the D2 allele. 06 0A ad 2 67 m G ik 2R J2 40 00 D Ac aa ym 2 ik R 7 01 Sm 10 20 Li pg 9 BC Rp 03 03 l17 062 5G 11 81 0 5b M C 14 0E 29 C 12 00 17 28 xx 3K 45 43 00 10 73 D 15 LRS 01 A0 ** R c1 ik 5R ik 20 yo k4 M ap M ro 5R ik B Chromosome 18 M b cd d1 c1 1 A R ik was significant at 4 kHz (LRS = 20.9), but not at higher frequencies, and contains only a small number of genes (Fig. 3 and Table 1). Detailed analysis of the region indicated a small, non-significant peak upstream of ahl9 (Fig. 3). Because there was considerable recombination surrounding the 1-LOD interval, with 60% of the BXD lines analyzed having the D allele, we assumed that this extended region represents a separate QTL. 20 10 ** * 16 5 12 * 0 8 55 60 65 Mb 70 75 80 74 75 Mb 76 Figure 3. Significant locus at chromosome 18, ahl9. A: magnified view of the significant QTL at chromosome 18 (peak at LRS = 20.9; additive allele effect of D2 = 7.5) for early-onset, low frequency hearing loss (data from 4 kHz). Horizontal, dashed lines indicate suggestive (*; LRS = 10.7) and significance (**; LRS = 18.8) levels. B: zoomed-in view of A showing an overview of the genes present on ahl9, the significant QTL for early-onset hearing loss at 4 kHz. 87 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 87 2012-12-05 21:32:44 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss Secondly, a locus was mapped to the distal end of chromosome 11, confirming the recently published fascin-2 gene (13). This locus was only significant at 16 kHz (LRS = 20.3 at 16 kHz), and produced peaks of smaller magnitude for 8 and 4 kHz (LRS = 11.7 and 7.6, respectively). Furthermore, we found a QTL at chromosome 10. It barely missed significance at 4 kHz (LRS = 17.1) and, similar to the locus on chromosome 18, harbors only a small number of genes (Fig. S2 and Table S3). Exclusion of parental strains did not alter significance. Pair-scan analysis revealed no significant epistatic interactions among the significant and suggestive loci at chromosome 18 and 10, respectively, or between the newly found loci and the known locus of the fascin-2 gene. Composite interval mapping, which allows controlling for variation caused by the fascin-2 locus, revealed a small drop in LRS value to 17.3, just below significance, of the locus on chromosome 18 at 4 kHz. Vice versa, the LRS value of the fascin-2 locus at 16 kHz also drops below significance, to 16.9, after controlling for the new locus at chromosome 18. Table 1. Genes at ahl9, the significant QTL on chromosome 18. Gene symbol Name Start (Mb) Length (kb) 75.13 # coding SNPs Expressed S / NS Ccdc11 Coiled-coil domain containing 11 74.44 Myo5b Myosin 5b 74.60 0/0 328.86 0 / 0 (19 / 6) N Y 1700120E14Rik RIKEN cDNA 1700120E14 gene 74.66 35.45 0/0 N Acaa2 Acetyl-Coenzyme A acyltransferase 2 74.94 27.00 0/0 Y Lipg Lipase, endothelial 75.10 21.94 0/0 N 9030625G05Rik RIKEN cDNA 9060325G05 gene 75.13 8.78 0/0 Y Rpl17 Ribosomal protein L17 75.16 2.91 0/0 Y BC031181 cDNA sequence BC031181 75.17 4.03 0/0 Y Dym Dymeclin 75.18 268.20 0 / 0 (2 / 0) Y 2010010A06Rik RIKEN cDNA 2010010A06 gene 75.45 8.66 0/0 N Smad7 MAD Homolog 7 (Drosophila) 75.53 28.57 0/0 Y Gm672 (Ctif ) Gene model 672 / CBP80/ 20-dependent translation initiation factor 75.59 266.48 0 / 0 (1 / 0) Y 2900040J22Rik RIKEN cDNA 2900040J22 gene 75.63 1.31 0/0 N 1700034B16Rik RIKEN cDNA 1700034B16 gene 75.94 1.27 0/0 N Displayed are genes within the 1-LOD drop-off region (except top and bottom gene) with their gene symbol, description, start site, length and number of synonymous (S) and non-synonymous (NS) coding SNPs that are similar in normal hearing strains B6 and CBA/J, but differ from D2. Those SNPs that differ between B6 and D2 are listed between parentheses (for a full list of SNPs, see Table S2). ‘Expressed’ indicates whether expression could be measured above background in cochlea by qPCR. 88 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 88 2012-12-05 21:32:44 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss At 4 kHz, the new QTL showed a higher correlation with maximum hearing loss (r = 0.67) than the known mutation in the fascin-2 gene (r = 0.44). Calculation of the partial correlation indicated that the QTL at chromosome 18 could explain 39.1% of the variance in MHL at 4 kHz that remained after accounting for the effects of fascin-2. Additional analysis using absolute hearing levels instead of MHL is given as Supplemental Information. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Candidate gene analysis First, the QTL was checked for (non)-synonymous mutations. A list of genes and number of SNPs is shown in Table 1. We looked for the presence or absence of these SNPs in inbred mouse strains without early-onset hearing loss (3), in particular the CBA/J, DBA/1J and DBA/2HaSmnJ strains. Several coding mutations that were present in D2 and absent in B6 were also present in strains with good hearing function and were therefore discarded. Mutations absent in B6 and the above mentioned normal hearing strains, and hence possibly related to hearing loss, were present in the 3’ UTR of Ctif and in the 5’ UTR of Smad7 (Table S2), all of which could possibly interfere with mRNA stability. No additions or changes in stop codons were found in any of the genes. Second, as mutations could possibly interfere with regulation of gene expression, we analyzed SNPs in intronic regions. Intronic SNPs were present in all genes listed, except for 1700120E14Rik, Lipg, Rpl17, 2010010A06Rik and 2900040J22Rik. The analysis of SNP differences between B6 and D2 that were also present in the good hearing strain CBA/J greatly reduced the list of hearing-loss related intronic SNPs, although this analysis does not take into account that predisposing alleles at other loci may be required for the hearing loss. A full list of coding (non-synonymous and synonymous) as well as non-coding SNPs is available in Table S2, which also includes the suggestive locus at chromosome 10. Cochlear expression of candidate genes We quantitatively measured the cochlear expression of the genes found at the QTL of interest in a selected number of strains, including parental strains (B6 and D2) and strains with divergent MHL values (BXD 11, 13, 32 and 73). Only a subset of these genes is expressed in the cochlea (Figs. 4 and S3; Tables 1 and S2) with considerable variation by strain (ANOVA; Table 2). First, we determined whether the presence of either the B6 or the D2 allele would influence the relative expression of a gene. A significant contribution (p < 0.01) of the parental allele in BXD strains was observed for Acaa2, BC031181, and Smad7, and a trend (p = 0.011) for Ctif (Table 2). We next analyzed the cochlear gene expression for Spearman rank correlation with MHL at 4 kHz (Figs. 5 and S3). Only the expression of BC031181 showed significant correlation to the hearing loss trait (Table 2). However, several other genes approached significance (p < 0.1), including Dym, Ctif, Myo5b and Smad7. In the case of Dym, Ctif, and Myo5b, MHL at 4 kHz was also 89 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 89 2012-12-05 21:32:44 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 90 H L Chrna9 3.62E-01 (0.9) 2.17E-03 (11.8) 4.38E-02 (4.9) 5.96E-01 (0.7) 5.32E-10 (19.5) 2.80E-04 (6.7) 1.05E-02 (7.7) 1.84E-04 (6.3) 4.54E-01 (4.3) 1.38E-04 (17.3) 3.21E-01 (1.0) 5.55E-06 (26.4) 2.72E-09 (54.6) 4.02E-03 (9.2) 3.44E-07 (35.4) 1.65E-02 (6.2) 4.37E-03 (9.05) 1.74E-06 (30.0) 1.09E-04 (17.9) B6 or D2 p-value (F1,46) 4.3 4.3 4.3 5.0 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 3x D2 5.0 6.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 3 x B6 Average ranks B6 or D2 allele -0.31 -0.54 -0.54 -0.83 -0.77 -0.83 -0.94 -0.71 0.26 -0.73 -0.77 Corr. 0.703 0.222 0.222 0.063 -0.59 -0.67 -0.36 -0.80 -0.82 -0.64 0.063 0.084 -0.95 -0.40 0.62 -0.81 -0.68 Corr. 0.220 0.146 0.489 0.056 0.047 NA NA NA 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 0.168 20.7 0.427 20.7 20.9 19.5 LRS score 0.004 0.186 0.051 0.141 p-value Pearson product MHL at MHL at 4 kHz 4 kHz 0.035 0.110 0.562 0.103 0.084 p-value Spearman rank MHL at 4 kHz Displayed are genes (see Table 1) used in the qPCR analysis across six strains with divergent hearing loss, their gene symbol, the average expression level, the ANOVA results (a = 0.001) across strains, and the presence of the B6 or the D2 allele (* without parental lines; a = 0.01), the mean of ranks when strain averages were used for the analysis of having the B6 or D2 allele, the Spearman rank and Pearson product-moment correlation (and p-value) with MHL at 4 kHz and the LRS score of this trait. XH, Relative expression level (log2) across strains (Expression) ≥ 10; H, 10 > Expression ≥ 8; M, 8 > Expression ≥ 5; L, 5 > Expression. Significant (bold; ANOVA, p < 0.001; correlation, p < 0.05) and trends for (italics; correlation, 0.05 < p < 0.1) differences are highlighted. Note that no significant results were obtained in any analysis for Cdh23, a gene on chromosome 10 outside the suggestive QTL for MHL. M Cdh23 Otof Control 3.05E-04 (17.8) 5.86E-15 (41.3) M-H Smad7 H H Dym Gm672 (Ctif ) 1.31E-05 (8.5) BC031181 1.06E-01 (2.8) 3.38E-01 (1.0) 4.11E-04 (16.8) 2.19E-08 (14.8) XH Rpl17 3.81E-02 (2.6) 1.89E-01 (1.8) 4.23E-05 (7.7) L 6.98E-03 (8.7) 1.14E-04 (6.7) XH M-H Acaa2 1.93E-02 (6.3) B6 or D2* p-value (F1,24) 2.52E-03 (4.4) Strain p-value (F5,42) ANOVA 9030625G05Rik M Expression level Myo5b Chr18 Gene symbol Table 2. Gene expression analysis of genes at the significant QTL on chromosome 18 and controls. Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss 90 2012-12-05 21:32:44 *** Rpl17 BC0311 Dym Smad7 *** *** ** *** ** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Ctif / GM672 ** 10 8 6 4 Otof Chrna9 B6 allele *** ** D2 allele 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 Cdh23 14 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 PCR controls 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 0 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 2 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 Normalized gene expression (log2) 12 9030625G05Rik 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 ** * 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 Acaa2 Myo5b 14 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 Chromosome 18 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss 12 10 8 6 4 0 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 2 Figure 4. Gene expression of genes present within the 1-LOD interval of ahl9 and controls. Relative gene expression levels for genes at the significant ahl9 locus at chromosome 18 are shown. The bars represent different BXD strains in the sequence (from left to right): BXD13, BXD11, B6, BXD73, BXD32 and D2. Shading indicates allele inheritance from either B6 (dark gray) or D2 (light gray). Significant differences (ANOVA) between strains (hatched line) or for the presence of the B6 or D2 allele (black lines; values without parental strains) are indicated (see Table 2). Cadherin 23 (Cdh23; chromosome 10), which is expressed by all BXD strains and is located outside of the suggestive QTL, was used as a PCR control. Otof and Chrna9 (chromosome 5) were used as controls for hair cell quantity. * p < 0.01; ** p < 0.001; *** p < 0.0001 significantly correlated with whole-brain gene expression. However, only in the case of Dym the correlation was positive, whereas for Ctif and Myo5b it was negative (Table S5; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1601-183X.2012.00845.x). Gene expression of Otof, Chrna9 and Cdh23 was used as a control for hair cell quantity. Otof and Chrna9 showed variable expression between strains (Fig. 4), but the expression of these two genes and of Cdh23 was not significantly correlated with MHL (Table 2). SNPs in intronic sequences could contribute to altered promotor function, and hence altered levels of gene expression. Therefore, intronic SNPs not present in normal hearing strains at the chromosome 18 locus were further selected for having SNPs in the first exon. These were present in Myo5b (16x), Acaa2 (2x), BC031181 (3x), Dym (1x) and Ctif (6x). DISCUSSION In this study on early-onset hearing loss in BXD recombinant inbred strains, we found a new significant QTL on chromosome 18, designated ahl9. Using expression studies we showed that the majority of genes on this QTL are expressed within the cochlea, and that some of these genes were differentially expressed depending on the parental strain the allele was derived from, and/or were correlated with MHL at 4 kHz. 91 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 91 2012-12-05 21:32:45 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss r = -0.94 12.0 BC031181 B6 allele D2 allele 11.0 Normalized gene expression level (log2) 10.0 9.0 0 5 r = -0.77 8.0 10 15 20 25 30 Myo5b 7.0 10.0 6.0 9.0 5.0 0 5 10 20 25 30 Smad7 r = -0.77 10.0 15 8.0 9.5 8.0 8.5 7.0 0 5 10 15 0 10.5 9.0 20 MHL 4 kHz 25 30 7.5 Dym r = -0.83 11.0 5 r = -0.83 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Gm672 (Ctif) 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 5. Low frequency hearing loss correlations with gene expression. Spearman rank correlations (r) between MHL at 4 kHz and genes at the ahl9 locus that are significant (p < 0.05; BC031181) or show a trend (p < 0.1; Myo5b, Dym, Smad7, Ctif (Gm762); see Table 2). The parental origin of the allele is indicated for each sample. Validity of the approach We confirmed the significant, high frequency QTL on chromosome 11, called ahl8 (10), for which a mutation in fascin-2 is responsible (13). Moreover, our data showed high correlations with previous data on spiral ganglion cell density in BXD strains (14). The inclusion of 4 kHz tones in our study largely explains why previous studies did not find the QTL on chromosome 18. The fascin-2 locus explains only a modest fraction of variance in the maximum hearing loss at 4 kHz, and after accounting for these effects, ahl9 on chromosome 18 explained about 40% of the remaining variance. Additional differences are that our study comprises a larger number of BXD strains, including several advanced intercrosses, and incorporates recordings at earlier ages than were used in detecting ahl8 (10). Expression data Fourteen out of 25 genes tested were expressed in the organ of Corti. Many of the analyzed genes showed strain variability; however, only a few genes showed expression patterns related to the presence of the parental allele. Expression patterns in other cochlear structures relevant to hearing was not investigated. Notably, genes with a profile 92 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 92 2012-12-05 21:32:45 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss dependent on the allele of origin were all at the peak of the locus, but were interspersed with genes that showed expression independent of the parental allele. Most likely, this was not due to experimental error, as the parent-independently expressed genes showed high expression in our samples. From this, we may conclude that genes at this locus have a differentiated set of enhancers that regulate gene expression levels independently from each other. All parent-dependently expressed genes showed a high correlation with MHL at 4 kHz. The correlation of Otof expression with MHL was considerably lower than that of genes at the loci, and not significant. Moreover, only expression of Smad7 and Chrna9 correlated positively with that of Otof. Thus, despite the limited set of strains in this analysis and possible strain differences in hair cell numbers, as suggested by differences in Otof expression, our gene expression analysis indicated several candidate genes on ahl9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Candidate genes and pathways involved in hearing loss The novel QTLs on chromosome 18 and 10 contained only few genes. Several nonsynonymous mutations are present in different genes on the loci. Only two of them were specific for D2 only, whereas most were also present in several normal hearing strains. This procedure is a first crude analysis, which reduced the number of candidate SNPs at ahl9 substantially. However, this analysis does not take into account that predisposing alleles at other loci may be required for manifestation of the hearing loss effect. In addition, several of the exon SNPs were found to be synonymous or had mutations in the 5’ or 3’ UTR of the mRNA. All of these could be related to changing the stability of the mRNA and hence could lead to differences in measured expression levels. None of the genes on the new loci have previously been associated with hearing loss or had strong homology to known proteins involved in hearing loss, albeit that several members of the myosin family are involved in hearing loss (31, 32). Myosin 5b is involved in receptor trafficking, especially in polarized epithelial cells (33-35), suggesting that it may also play a role in the trafficking of proteins and vesicles in (polarized) cochlear hair cells. It is also expressed in spiral ganglion neurons (36). Mutations in myosin 5b cause microvillus inclusion disease, which is characterized by lack of microvilli on the surface of enterocytes and occurrence of intracellular vacuolar structures containing microvilli (37). However, decreased hearing has not been reported in these patients. Several genes on the newly found significant and suggestive loci are involved in fatty acid and lipid metabolism and sterol regulation, including Acaa2 and Lipg on chromosome 18, and Zdhhc17 and Osbpl8 on chromosome 10. Caloric restriction can reduce the advancement of age-related hearing loss (38). One of the proposed mechanisms lies in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species due to fatty acid metabolism (39), which may accumulate over time and cause auditory sensory cell damage, eventually resulting in apoptosis of auditory neurons and hair cells. In humans, NADPH-oxidase activity, as measured by the amount of plasma superoxide anion radicals, is correlated mainly with low frequency hearing thresholds (40). Reducing oxidative stress by using lipoic acid as a dietary supplement has been shown to reduce hearing loss in D2 mice in an age-related manner (41). Similarly, oral 93 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 93 2012-12-05 21:32:45 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss treatment of pravastatin, an inhibitor of the rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis, which reduced serum cholesterol levels, protected against noise-induced cochlear injury (42). Dietary restriction can protect against hearing loss via antioxidant proteins named sirtuins, more specifically Sirt3 in the mouse cochlea (43). Our genetical genomics approach in the BXD strains suggests the involvement of a selected set of candidate genes in low frequency, early-onset hearing loss. The list of most likely candidates comprises only 6 genes that showed (correlated) expression differences, and in case of ahl9, a limited set of possible causative SNPs: Myo5b, Acaa2, BC031181, Dym, Smad7 and Ctif, although it should be noted that the low expression of several genes in the organs of Corti might have hampered this analysis. Future studies that identify the causative genes at these new QTLs will help to understand the mechanisms underlying low frequency, early-onset hearing loss. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Maarten Loos for his help with calculating heritability and primer design; Rolinka van der Loo and Iris van Zutphen for coordinating animal deliveries. Madi Salehi and Annie Offenberg performed part of the ABR measurements. The authors declare no conflict of interest. GRANTS This work was supported by a Neuro-Bsik grant (BSIK 03053; SenterNovem, The Netherlands) and the Heinsius Houbolt fund. APPENDIX The Neuro-Bsik Mouse Phenomics consortium is composed of the laboratories of A.B. Brussaard, J.G.G. Borst, Y. Elgersma, N. Galjart, G.T.J. van der Horst, C.N. Levelt, C.M. Pennartz, A.B. Smit, B.M. Spruijt, M. Verhage and C.I. de Zeeuw and companies Noldus Information Technologies B.V. (http://www.noldus.com/) and Synaptologics B.V. (http://www.synaptologics.com/). REFERENCES 1. Ohlemiller KK. Contributions of mouse 3. Zheng QY, Johnson KR, Erway LC. Assessment models to understanding of age- and noiseof hearing in 80 inbred strains of mice by related hearing loss. Brain Res. 2006 May ABR threshold analyses. Hear Res. 1999 26;1091(1):89-102. Apr;130(1-2):94-107. 2. Friedman LM, Dror AA, Avraham KB. Mouse 4. Johnson KR, Erway LC, Cook SA, Willott JF, models to study inner ear development and Zheng QY. A major gene affecting agehereditary hearing loss. The International related hearing loss in C57BL/6J mice. Hear journal of developmental biology. 2007;51(67):609-31. 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These results are given for completeness, but are suggestive at best, since absolute hearing thresholds were not our primary outcome measure. 120 4 kHz 8 kHz 16 kHz 32 kHz 100 80 ABR threshold (dB SPL) 60 40 20 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 3 4 6 12 2 age (weeks) 3 4 6 12 B6 D2 BXD1 BXD2 BXD6 BXD8 BXD9 BXD11 BXD12 BXD13 BXD14 BXD15 BXD18 BXD19 BXD21 BXD23 BXD27 BXD28 BXD29 BXD31 BXD32 BXD34 BXD38 BXD39 BXD40 BXD42 BXD43 BXD62 BXD65 BXD68 BXD69 BXD73 BXD75 BXD87 BXD90 Figure S1. Average ABR thresholds as a function of time per sound frequency for all tested strains. For some strains, no data are available at either 2 or 3 weeks of age, because data collection was more sparse at these early ages. Additional information about the ABR measurements in the different strains is provided in Table S1. 97 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 97 2012-12-05 21:32:45 Bb s1 0 1 8 O sb pl N ap 1l 17 00 02 0G 17 C R sr ik Zd p2 hh c1 7 10 Er td 70 9e 15 E2 f7 A8 30 06 1P 03 R ik ** 92 30 10 2K 24 R ik N av 3 20 D B Chromosome 10 A 31 10 04 3J 17 R ik Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss LRS 20 10 ** * 16 4 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz 16 kHz 12 5 * 8 0 4 108 Mb 112 116 109 110 111 Mb Figure S2. Highly suggestive locus at chromosome 10. A: suggestive QTL at chromosome 10, highest peak at 4 kHz (LRS = 17.1; additive allele effect = 6.8). Frequencies 8 and 16 kHz show peaks with decreasing magnitude (LRS = 16.3 and 14.0, respectively). Approximate suggestive (*; LRS = 10.7) and significant (**; LRS = 18.8) values are indicated by horizontal, dashed lines. Presence of the D2 allele increases trait values. This locus has a higher correlation with MHL values at 4 kHz (r = 0.62) than the known mutation in the fascin-2 gene (r = 0.44). Calculation of the partial correlation showed that the locus at chromosome 10 could explain 28.4% in the variation of the MHL at 4 kHz after accounting for the effects of fascin-2. B: zoomed-in view of the genes present at the locus on chromosome 10. A 3110043J17Rik Nav3 Csrp2 *** 14 12 Bbs10 Osbpl8 *** *** *** * 8 6 4 10.0 Zdhhc17 r = -0.81 10.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 0 5 10 15 20 MHL 4 kHz 25 30 7.0 Osbpl8 r = -0.81 0 5 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 0 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 2 13 11 B6 73 32 D2 Normalized gene expression (log2) 10 B Zdhhc1 *** *** B6 allele D2 allele 10 15 20 MHL 4 kHz 25 30 Figure S3. Gene expression analysis for genes at the suggestive locus on chromosome 10. A: relative gene expression levels are shown. The bars represent different BXD strains in the sequence (from left to right): BXD13, BXD11, B6, BXD73, BXD32 and D2. Shading indicates allele inheritance from either B6 (dark gray) or D2 (light gray). Significant differences (ANOVA) between strains (hatched line) or for the presence of the B6 or D2 allele (black lines; values without parental strains) are indicated (see Table S3). * p < 0.01; ** p < 0.001; *** p < 0.0001. B: Spearman rank correlations (r) of MHL at 4 kHz with gene expression of Zdhhc17 and Osbpl8, (p < 0.1; see Table S3). The parental origin of the allele is indicated for each sample. 98 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 98 2012-12-05 21:32:45 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 99 2 5 11 8 10 7 9 6 7 3 4 4 6 8 11 8 13 5 3 8 7 11 8 11 8 13 5 4 4 5 6 4 8 7 6 C57BL/6J DBA/2J BXD1 BXD2 BXD6 BXD8 BXD9 BXD11 BXD12 BXD13 BXD14 BXD15 BXD18 BXD19 BXD21 BXD23 BXD27 BXD28 BXD29 BXD31 BXD32 BXD34 BXD38 BXD39 BXD40 BXD42 BXD43 BXD62 BXD65 BXD68 BXD69 BXD73 BXD75 BXD87 BXD90 2 2 8 3 5 4 5 5 4 0 2 2 1 5 7 6 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 5 4 7 2 2 2 4 1 2 7 3 4 # males 0 3 3 5 5 3 4 1 3 3 2 2 5 3 4 2 9 2 1 6 5 8 5 6 4 6 3 2 2 1 5 2 1 4 2 # females 15,00 28,00 2,73 26,88 34,00 12,14 11,67 14,17 29,29 1,67 12,50 10,00 28,33 5,00 32,73 31,88 21,15 4,00 8,33 9,38 25,71 12,73 15,63 10,45 18,75 23,08 29,00 6,25 2,50 3,00 1,67 18,75 2,50 6,43 2,50 4 kHz 17,50 31,00 2,27 47,50 44,00 32,86 10,56 22,50 45,71 1,67 10,00 7,50 32,50 3,13 50,00 27,50 35,38 5,00 6,67 5,00 35,00 12,73 25,63 9,55 24,38 58,46 29,00 8,75 1,25 1,00 0,83 31,25 3,75 8,57 0,83 17,50 38,00 9,09 64,38 44,00 56,43 27,22 40,83 52,86 18,33 7,50 21,25 25,83 13,13 51,36 41,25 50,00 7,00 8,33 11,88 67,14 31,82 63,13 20,00 23,13 72,69 50,00 8,75 2,50 11,00 1,67 51,25 1,88 10,00 1,67 16 kHz MHL value 8 kHz 25,00 15,00 21,82 16,25 23,00 33,57 22,78 39,17 29,29 38,33 27,50 25,00 28,33 23,75 13,64 47,50 29,23 26,00 13,33 34,38 28,57 21,36 30,00 43,18 53,13 33,85 30,00 56,25 51,25 36,00 22,50 1,25 23,13 50,71 38,33 32 kHz 40,00 67,00 53,18 48,75 67,00 57,86 56,67 87,50 42,14 40,00 38,75 47,50 50,83 47,50 58,64 81,88 58,85 57,00 66,67 53,13 55,00 49,55 38,13 62,27 46,25 47,69 54,00 48,75 41,25 44,00 47,50 48,75 41,25 40,71 40,83 4 kHz 22,50 55,00 35,00 36,88 53,50 42,14 37,22 71,67 31,43 20,00 22,50 28,75 30,83 29,38 43,18 72,50 46,54 37,00 48,33 37,50 45,00 31,36 19,38 49,09 26,25 31,15 33,00 28,75 21,25 25,00 28,33 31,25 23,13 20,71 20,83 8 kHz 20,00 61,00 26,82 32,50 46,50 30,00 38,33 50,83 35,00 20,00 15,00 25,00 21,67 25,00 58,64 50,00 40,38 29,00 40,00 28,75 37,86 26,82 11,88 34,55 17,50 22,31 27,00 16,25 13,75 17,00 22,50 25,00 15,00 10,71 10,83 16 kHz 52,50 100,00 78,18 98,75 91,50 80,71 88,33 75,83 83,57 56,67 63,75 70,00 80,83 77,50 101,36 65,00 83,08 77,00 91,67 63,75 86,43 86,36 81,25 70,00 51,88 81,15 83,00 40,00 46,25 58,00 57,50 113,75 63,75 40,00 40,00 32 kHz Average minimum ABR threshold (dB SPL) 55,00 95,00 55,91 75,63 101,00 70,00 68,33 101,67 71,43 41,67 51,25 57,50 79,17 52,50 91,36 113,75 80,00 61,00 75,00 62,50 80,71 62,27 53,75 72,73 65,00 70,77 83,00 55,00 43,75 47,00 49,17 67,50 43,75 47,14 43,33 4 kHz 40,00 86,00 37,27 84,38 97,50 75,00 47,78 94,17 77,14 21,67 32,50 36,25 63,33 32,50 93,18 100,00 81,92 42,00 55,00 42,50 80,00 44,09 45,00 58,64 50,63 89,62 62,00 37,50 22,50 26,00 29,17 62,50 26,88 29,29 21,67 8 kHz 37,50 99,00 35,91 96,88 90,50 86,43 65,56 91,67 87,86 38,33 22,50 46,25 47,50 38,13 110,00 91,25 90,38 36,00 48,33 40,63 105,00 58,64 75,00 54,55 40,63 95,00 77,00 25,00 16,25 28,00 24,17 76,25 16,88 20,71 12,50 16 kHz 77,50 115,00 100,00 115,00 114,50 114,29 111,11 115,00 112,86 95,00 91,25 95,00 109,17 101,25 115,00 112,50 112,31 103,00 105,00 98,13 115,00 107,73 111,25 113,18 105,00 115,00 113,00 96,25 97,50 94,00 80,00 115,00 86,88 90,71 78,33 32 kHz Average ABR threshold at 12 weeks (dB SPL) The number of mice used in our study, including distribution of sexes, is given for each strain. Secondly, the average best hearing threshold and hearing threshold at the endpoint (12 weeks) are provided per frequency. The difference between these two gives the maximum hearing loss (MHL) used in our analysis. n strain Table S1. Extended overview of ABR threshold data. Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 99 2012-12-05 21:32:45 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss Table S2. Analysis of SNPs at the significant and suggestive QTLs on chromosome 18 and 10, respectively. Present in good Location hearing SNP SNP Reference Type strains Location SNP SNP Reference 74803807 A T NSC Y 74608969 G 74842206 74860294 74860326 74861137 74861143 74861160 74861161 74861162 74861174 74861227 74861251 74861263 74874490 74876722 74882112 74895804 74895831 74901791 74901816 74904412 74918844 74918898 74920555 74920585 74930990 C T G T G G G T C A C A A G A C G C T A C T G G C T C A C A A A C G G T G G A C T A T C G T C A C T SC NSC NSC SC SC NSC SC NSC NSC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC SC 3’ UTR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 74608975 74608986 74612987 74612988 74618188 74618204 74621204 74621206 74621207 74623438 74651764 74715993 74715994 74717611 74735025 74799541 74799664 74799893 74799896 74801457 74805463 74805472 74847829 74862519 74882600 74882601 74882602 74902474 74921118 74922479 74925153 74925154 Acaa2 Type Present in good hearing strains T Nonsplice Site N G C C C A T T A G G T T A A T C T C C G A C G G A A A T T A T T T G A T G A C C A A A A T G C T C T T C G T C A G G G C A G G G Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 74941936 74941938 C C G G Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N 9030625G05Rik 75134725 75135079 75135080 75137725 G A A T T G C G NA NA NA NA N N N N BC031181 75166225 75166329 75166357 G T T C A G Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N N 75181316 75208162 75209885 75215144 75216690 75225879 75230808 75230835 75230845 75230917 75233760 75233763 75234202 75234207 75237689 75237704 75237968 A C G C A A T G A T C T T T A T A T G T T T T C T G C T A G G G A T Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Gene Exon SNPs (coding & 5’/3’ UTR) Chromosome 18 Myo5b Dym Intronic 75222783 75239893 A A G G SC SC Y Y 100 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 100 2012-12-05 21:32:46 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss Table S2. Analysis of SNPs at the significant and suggestive QTLs on chromosome 18 and 10, respectively. Continued. Gene Present in good Location hearing SNP SNP Reference Type strains Exon SNPs (coding & 5’/3’ UTR) Location SNP SNP Reference Type Present in good hearing strains 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Intronic 75242334 75242335 75243195 75243198 75243203 75246106 75273439 75273442 75273556 75290903 75290905 75290907 75290909 75295461 75296677 75299232 75302352 75302354 75302382 75302389 75302686 75309734 75309738 75310423 75347219 75347222 75348163 75351820 75356752 75371458 75387802 75387803 75388753 75442249 75445334 G T C T C A C G A C C T T T A C T C C G G C C A T C C G A T G G G T T T C T C T C T T T A A A A C G A C T A A C G G T A T T A G C A A C C A Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Smad7 75527308 C A 5’ UTR N 75540303 75544394 75544395 75544396 75544397 75545171 75548631 A G G G G G T G C C C C A G Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N N N N N N Gm672 (Ctif ) 75770334 75592514 A C G T SC 3’ UTR Y N 75608920 75608938 75610474 75614115 75614857 75614859 75643485 75644466 75644468 75645554 75646454 75648017 75658864 75684873 75685798 75746183 75746184 75746186 75769111 75769134 A T C A G G T T T T A A T G A A C A G A G A T G C C C G C A C G C A G C A C A G Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 101 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 101 2012-12-05 21:32:46 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss Table S2. Analysis of SNPs at the significant and suggestive QTLs on chromosome 18 and 10, respectively. Continued. Gene Present in good Location hearing SNP SNP Reference Type strains Exon SNPs (coding & 5’/3’ UTR) Chromosome 10 Location SNP SNP Reference Type Present in good hearing strains Intronic 75773098 75773189 75773195 75780504 75787769 75813041 75841135 75841139 75841143 75851256 75851265 C A G G G C T C C T C A G A A A T C A T C T Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site N N N N N N N N N N N Nav3 109353471 G T Nonsplice Site Y 9230102K24Rik 25 SNPs Nonsplice Site Y 193 SNPs 1 SNP Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Y N 268 SNPs 4 SNPs Nonsplice Site Nonsplice Site Y N E2f7 110191420 110191454 110211735 110223314 T A G G C G A A NSC SC SC 3’ UTR N N N N 1700020G17Rik 67 SNPs Nonsplice Site Y Zdhhc17 Csrp2 110380616 110380871 110381274 110387725 110392195 C C C A A T T T G G 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR SC SC N N N N N 14 SNPs Nonsplice Site Y Osbpl8 110601936 110601948 110641865 110706431 110709268 110709274 110712068 110730196 110730591 110730595 110731131 110731302 110731308 110731959 110732355 110732391 110733737 110733747 110733756 110733811 110734227 C G G A T A A G C A G G A T T A G T G C G G C C G C C G A G C A A T A A G T G T T A 5’ UTR 5’ UTR NSC SC SC SC SC SC 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR 3’ UTR Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 774 SNPs Nonsplice Site Y Genes on ahl9 (chromosome 18) and chromosome 10 were analyzed for SNPs in exons (left) and introns (right). Indicated is the location (bp) of the SNP, the sequence of the SNP (D2) and the reference population (B6), the type of SNP (SC, synonymous coding; NSC, non-synonymous coding; 5’ UTR, exon: 5’ UTR; 3’ UTR, exon: 3’ UTR; NA, sequence not annotated in Genome browser; Nonsplice Site, intron not at a splice site) and whether the SNP was also present in normal hearing strains, CBA/J, DBA/1J, DBA/2HaSmnJ. Note that at chromosome 10 for all genes, except Nav3, the sequence of B6 and good hearing strains was mostly similar and therefore only the total number of SNPs is indicated. 102 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 102 2012-12-05 21:32:47 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 103 2.53E-01 (1.4) 4.42E-09 (17.0) 4.84E-05 (7.4) 2.96E-08 (14.5) 2.01E-02 (3.0) M M-H H M-H L-M Nav3 Csrp2 Zdhhc17 Osbpl8 Bbs10 8.85E-03 (8.1) 2.83E-05 (26.5) 1.39E-02 (7.0) 9.54E-06 (31.9) 1.88E-01 (1.8) 2.13E-01 (1.6) B6 or D2* p-value (F1,24) ANOVA 5.37E-02 (3.9) 7.93E-11 (70.4) 3.173E-06 (28.1) 2.75E-11 (76.8) 1.91E-01 (1.8) 3.90E-03 (9.3) B6 or D2 p-value (F1,46) 4.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 3.0 3 x B6 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5 3x D2 Average ranks B6 or D2 allele 0.067 -0.81 0.944 0.067 -0.81 0.03 0.142 0.142 0.401 p-value -0.66 -0.66 0.37 Corr. Spearman rank MHL at 4 kHz 0.039 0.613 -0.83 -0.26 0.020 0.059 -0.88 0.677 -0.80 0.100 p-value -0.22 0.73 Corr. Pearson product MHL at 4 kHz 11.45 14.81 17.05 17.05 14.51 14.51 LRS score MHL at 4 kHz Displayed are genes (see Table 1) used in the qPCR analysis across 6 strains with divergent hearing loss, their gene symbol, the average expression level, the ANOVA results (a = 0.001) across strains, and the presence of the B6 or the D2 allele (* without parental lines; a = 0.01), the mean of ranks when strain averages were used for the analysis of having the B6 or D2 allele, the Spearman rank and Pearson product-moment correlation (and p-value) with MHL at 4 kHz and the LRS score of this trait. XH, Relative expression level (log2) across strains (Expression) ≥ 10; H, 10 > Expression ≥ 8; M, 8 > Expression ≥ 5; L, 5 > Expression. Significant (bold; ANOVA, p < 0.001; correlation, p < 0.05) and trends for (italics; correlation, 0.05 < p < 0.1) differences are highlighted. 2.98E-08 (15.1) Strain p-value (F5,42) L Expression level 3110043J17Rik Chr10 Gene symbol Table S3. Gene expression analysis of genes at the suggestive QTL on chromosome 10. Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 103 2012-12-05 21:32:47 Novel gene locus for early-onset hearing loss Table S4. Primer sequences used for expression analysis of genes at ahl9 (chromosome 18) and chromosome 10. Genes outside the 1-LOD interval are shown in gray. Forward Reverse Expressed Cochlea Ccdc11 GCACAGATCAAACGAGAGGA CTGTACTCCCGCTGCATAGA N Myo5b Gene symbol Chromosome 18 AACATGAAAATGCCCTCTTGAAG GCACAGGATTTGGTTGTTAAGGTA Y 1700120E14Rik TCTCTCATCCCTGCAGACCAA TCTCTCATCCCTGCAGACCAA N Acaa2 CAGAAGGCCCTGGATCTTGA GGCGCCTCCACTCACATT Y Lipg CTCCCCATGCTTCTGTGATTG GCGGCTAGCAAGCTTCACAT N 9030625G05Rik GGTCAGAGGCGAATGAGAGAA GGCTCCACCACAGGATCACTT Y Rpl17 AGTCATTGAACACATCCAGGTGAA GTTCGTCGGCGCATCTTAG Y BC031181 ATATACCCTGTGGTCAGTCGCATA GGATTGCTGGACGGCTTTT Y Dym AGGCAAGCTGTCTCGTCATTTAA TGGGAACGGACTGCTGTCTT Y CTGCCTCCATTAGCAAGGACA AGGAAAGGCCCAGGGAGTT N CCAAGAGCCCTCCCTGGATA AAGCCATTCCCCTGAGGTAGAT Y Gm672 (Ctif ) GCTGGAAGATGGAGATGGTATCA GGGAGGACCTTCTCAATGTCATT Y 2900040J22Rik ACTTTTGAACCCACAGCACTGA AGGAAACAGAGACCACCAGCAT N 1700034B16Rik CAGTCCAGGCCCACTCTAATCTT GAGAGTGCTTCCTTGGTTCTCAA N TTCCTCCTTCTGCTACTTTGCAAT GCATGAAGGGCCAAGCATAT Y Nav3 CTGCTCTTCCGATACCGAATCT CTGCTCTTCCGATACCGAATCT Y A830061P03Rik GCACACGTGGCAATTAGCTATG GCCCATTGGGCATTTGATAA N 2010010A06Rik Smad7 Chromosome 10 3110043J17Rik 9230102K24Rik E2f7 1700020G17Rik Csrp2 Zdhhc17 AGTCGCCTCTTCCTCCGATAC TGGGAAACCCTCTGTAGACAATG N CCAGCCTGGCTCTGATAAAGAA TTCCGGCCTCGCTCTTC N TCCAGCACCGGCTATGAAAG TCATCTAGCTGGGCAATCTCTCT Y TGGTTTGCAGGAAAAATTTAGACA CTTCATCATGAATCGCCACTGT Y ATGTACGGCAACCAGACAAAGA TGGCAGCCCAATGAAGAAGT Y Osbpl8 CCTGGCGTGCTTCTGATCTAT TCCGACCCACTGACCATTTT Y D10Ertd709e TCCTGTCTCAGTCCTCCGATTT GCCGGTAATCTCAGGGTTGAA N GCTGGCTCGGAGTTTGTTCT CTGAGATGCCTGAAACTGTGTTTC Y Bbs10 Controls GAPDH TGCACCACCAACTGCTTAGC GGCATGGACTGTGGTCATGA Y b-actin GCTCCTCCTGAGCGCAAG CATCTGCTGGAAGGTGGACA Y Cdh23 CGACTACCTTTCTTCACCAATCACTT AGAACCCACTGGCGTGTCTT Y AAGGAGCAACTTCGACAACATGA GCGCTTTCCATCTCTTCCTTCT Y AGGCCGGACATTGTCCTCTA CGGCTCTGAAGACTCGTCATC Y Otof Chrna9 104 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 104 2012-12-05 21:32:47 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 105 2012-12-05 21:32:47 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 106 2012-12-05 21:32:47 6 Discussion PNagtegaal_Book.indd 107 2012-12-05 21:32:47 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 108 2012-12-05 21:32:47 Discussion In this thesis, several topics regarding the auditory system in mice were addressed. We evaluated the role of a specific ion-channel, the Ih-current, in shaping cell responses to current injections and sound stimuli in an in vivo dynamic clamp setup. Secondly, DNA repair mechanisms were found to be involved in maintaining a good cochlear function. This came to light by studying two groups of mice, each with a different defect in proteins involved in DNA repair. Lastly, a new significant gene locus was found to contribute to early-onset, low frequency hearing loss in BXD strains. Cochlear expression of the genes on the locus was evaluated by qPCR. Each of these topics will be discussed below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & The role of the I h -current within physiology and pathophysiology of the auditory system Since its discovery in the mid-70s (1), the Ih-channel continues to draw attention from electrophysiologists. Its unusual feature of activation upon hyperpolarization and the subsequent question which role this so-called ‘funny’ current plays within cells and synapses are probably responsible for this. As the channel is abundantly expressed in heart tissue and various brain structures, its role should be linked to the structure it resides in. Many different functions including pacemaker activity in the heart (2), stabilization of the membrane potential and its link to epileptogenesis (3, 4), control of dendritic excitability (5, 6), coincidence detection (7) and more recently the strength of a synapse (8), have been ascribed to these channels. Strikingly, global HCN1 knockouts are generally healthy, although they do have impaired motor learning and memory deficits (9). In the auditory system, Ih-channels are mainly expressed in the auditory brainstem (10), throughout which specific subtypes, kinetics and magnitude of the current may vary (11). Ih is expressed in the cochlea (12), but appears not to be responsible for mechano-transduction in hair cells, as this mechanism is intact after blocking the Ih -current and even remains unaltered in mice lacking both HCN1 and HCN2 (13). It does play a role in shaping EPSPs at the first afferent synapse at the inner hair cell (14) and has a role in the functioning of the vestibular organ, the other part of the inner ear (15). Despite its abundant presence in the auditory system, hearing thresholds in HCN1 knock-outs appear not to be very different from control animals, as judged by the Preyer’s reflex (16). This test is obviously not the gold standard in the assessment of hearing function, but reports of ABR thresholds in HCN1 knock-outs are still lacking. An important question is therefore why the Ih -channel is expressed in the auditory brainstem? What is its involvement in the shaping and timing of sounds, or the detection of interaural time and intensity differences? Previous patchclamp recordings in the inferior colliculus (17, 18) tried to tackle this subject on a general level: is it possible to predict the outcome of a cell, based on a model of its excitatory and inhibitory inputs and cellular properties (e.g. membrane potential, time constant and resistance, expression of specific ion channels)? This mission proved to be too hard, as many factors are unknown or simply cannot be put into a model. However, an important distinction in (sound-evoked) responses was found between cells that show signs of the 109 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 109 2012-12-05 21:32:47 Discussion presence of Ih and those that do not. Chapter two describes a study intended to follow up on this question. Several observations were in line of expectations, amongst others the rise in resting membrane potential by Ih, a decrease in membrane resistance and the ability to trigger rebound spiking in a subset of cells. It is worth noting that rebound spiking can also be calcium-induced, more specifically involving the low-threshold T-type channels (19). A bit more unexpected was the inability of Ih to determine the firing pattern of a cell. In hindsight this is not so remarkable, as the sodium currents during firing are far larger than the Ih -currents, rendering the latter incapable of playing a significant role. This is nicely illustrated in figure 7 of chapter 2, which depicts various gating models of Ih and their effect on a FM-sweep. The question which channel controls accommodating and burst firing patterns remains unanswered. In order to generate such a firing pattern, the current has to be activated upon depolarization and should include a net efflux of positive or an influx of negative ions. One or several members of the large family of potassium channels would match this description. In particular, sodium-activated potassium channels (KNa) may be a good candidate for controlling firing patterns (20). These channels are able to respond with hyperpolarizations in response to rises in sodium concentration, perfectly matching the necessary specifications to do the job. In the rat neocortex, one type of sodium-activated potassium channel determines burstfiring behavior (21). A slower type of adaptation of firing rate was seen in the visual cortex of the ferret (22). The sodium-activated potassium channel has a fast (Slick) and slow (Slack) activating subunit, both of which are expressed in the inferior colliculus (23, 24). In this way, the slow type of KNa-channels might control the accommodating firing type, while the fast variant can explain the burst firing behavior in inferior colliculus cells. Their possible co-expression with HCN channels would then explain the correlation between signs of the presence of Ih and the accommodating and burst type firing patterns. To our knowledge, no attempt has been made to explore the role of Slick and Slack in the shaping of firing patterns in the inferior colliculus. Ideally, in vitro patchclamp recordings would be performed in order to have full control of the extracellular environment, although specific blockers are unfortunately lacking at the moment. Another interesting feature and role within the auditory system is the interplay of Ih and other ion channels, in particular members of the family of potassium channels. HCN1 and Kv1.1 are frequently co-localized on neurons in the ventral cochlear nucleus (25). Magnitudes of Ih and low-voltage-activated potassium currents intimately co-vary in VCN slice recordings, thereby balancing each other near resting membrane potential (16). The interaction between Ih and a low-threshold potassium current was studied in a single compartment model of bushy cells from the same VCN, providing two interesting findings (26). First, modulating Ih (and the resting membrane potential as a consequence) gave a more adequate regulation of the activation level of low-threshold potassium currents than by modulating that specific current directly. Secondly, Ih and low-threshold potassium currents decrease the width of EPSP responses, but individually 110 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 110 2012-12-05 21:32:47 Discussion both change resting membrane potential either closer or farther away from firing threshold, respectively. A combination of these two channels resulted in an even smaller width of EPSPs, thereby aiding in coincidence detection, while at the same time resting membrane potential roughly stayed the same. In a slice study in the medial superior olive, the interaction between Ih and low-voltage-activated potassium channels helped to maintain a nearly uniform shape of synaptic responses during repetitive stimulation, which could not be achieved by one of these channels alone (27). This complex interplay of different currents has not been fully unraveled yet. It could very well explain why the direct effects of Ih on current injections and various sound stimuli seemed limited in our recordings, while the channel is abundantly expressed throughout the auditory system nonetheless. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Is Ih involved in tinnitus? A common, sometimes very disabling and largely untreatable condition called tinnitus might be linked to the Ih-channel. It is defined as the perception of sounds (not speech) in the absence of an external source. Tinnitus is generally generated in regions more central of the cochlea and auditory nerve (28, 29), matching the functional expression pattern of the channel. Note, however, that although tinnitus originates from central auditory nuclei, changes in cochlear function are widely believed to be the cause (30). Tinnitus could be generated by an abnormal spontaneous excitatory activity, a lack of inhibitory control on such an activity or a combination of both. As the Ih-channel has strong ties to excitability of cells, a possible link to tinnitus is easily made. On a general level, the subject of controlling excitability has already been tackled in the discussion of chapter 2. In the extreme case, an epileptic attack can occur. The Ih-channel might play a pivotal role in the process of epileptogenesis as well, although this is still subject of further studies (31). In the auditory system, blocking Ih by ZD7288 is able to reduce excitability in SOC neurons (32). Furthermore, excitability in the superior olivary complex is increased by cAMP, principally by shifting the activation curve of Ih-channels (33). Various substances that regulate intracellular cAMP, like serotonin and noradrenalin (34), could therefore influence the perception of tinnitus. This is in line with patients reporting that one’s mood and external factors like stress can greatly enhance complaints of tinnitus. In congenitally deaf mice, the Ih current is larger in the MNTB, but not in the AVCN, compared to controls. To some extent, by reducing temporal summation, Ih even counteracts its own effects of increasing excitability in the MNTB (35). Another study on sensory deprivation shows ambiguous results as well. After cochlear ablation before hearing onset, Ih currents were increased in the LSO, but decreased in MNTB (36). Nevertheless, considerably more evidence exists for a role of decreased GABAergic inputs in the genesis of tinnitus (37-41). In conclusion, it is difficult to give a definite answer to the question whether Ih is involved in tinnitus. Although it is very likely that the development of tinnitus is more dependent on decreased GABAergic inhibition and not so much on Ih itself, it is plausible that the channel might play a role in regulation of the networks surrounding tinnitus. 111 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 111 2012-12-05 21:32:47 Discussion Is Ih involved in the ageing central auditory system? The ageing auditory system is mainly characterized by increased hearing level thresholds in the cochlea. As a result, the central auditory system undergoes degenerative changes, amongst others a change in tonotopic organization (42, 43). Primary lesions of the central auditory pathway do exist but are still poorly understood (14), partly owing to a lack of focus on this subject, partly owing to the difficulty to exclude secondary cochlear effects. It is known that the ageing inferior colliculus in rats shows decreased levels of GABAergic inhibition (44). Expression of HCN channels changes during maturation of the hippocampus (22). Moreover, in the sinoatrial node of the heart, Ih expression gradually decreases during life (45). Apparently, the presence of Ih channels is a dynamic temporal process and this changing presence might also be involved in the ageing auditory system. Following sensory deprivation, in some areas Ih is upregulated, whilst in others downregulation takes place (36). This could be a mechanism to enhance processing of remaining inputs from decreased cochlear function. More data regarding Ih and the ageing central auditory system are lacking and thus remain an area of interest in future research. The ageing cochlea on the other hand, has been subject of more studies and was addressed in chapters 3 and 4. Ageing of the peripheral auditory system: inevitable or (partly) preventable? The quest for eternal youth is probably as old as mankind. The alchemists are well known for pursuing this goal in centuries past, while modern-day alchemists widely promote their anti-ageing cosmetic products on billboards, television and in magazines. The reversal or even the slowing of ageing has thus always had our interest. The auditory system is specifically prone to the consequences and damages of ageing, as it is constantly put under external stress from birth onwards and has limited regeneration capabilities. Despite many years of study, the exact mechanism of ageing is still not well understood. Most people support the “free-radical theory” of ageing, first proposed by Harman half a century ago (46). This theory postulates that the life expectancy of an organism can be explained by the rate of (oxidative) metabolism and the subsequent formation of free reactive oxygen species (ROS) (47, 48). Although ROS can have a function in triggering specific signaling pathways (49, 50), their main (adverse) action is inflicting damage to various cell compounds, including DNA. As a result, various cell functions will become suboptimal and eventually cell death could be the consequence when the DNA is uncontrollably damaged. Most DNA damages are resolved by DNA repair mechanisms, thereby slowing down the (supposed) process of ageing. In this light, mice with defects in DNA maintenance have become a model to study the events during ageing. In chapters 3 and 4, we provide evidence for the importance of intact DNA repair mechanisms in the preservation of the function of the cochlea. The exact mechanism behind the hearing loss in the Csbm/m and Ercc1δ/– mice was however not 112 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 112 2012-12-05 21:32:47 Discussion studied, but a first step would be to perform hair cell counts and immunostainings to test the theory of apoptosis as a driving force in their phenotype. Several signs of degeneration associated with hearing loss have been reported in different parts of the cochlea, including vascular changes in the stria (51), calcium homeostasis (52), induction of apoptosis pathways and damaged collagen (53-55). The underlying mechanisms are, similar to general ageing, still not elucidated, yet an increasing amount of evidence is able to link presbyacusis with oxidative stress and DNA damage (56-60). It is interesting to note that noise-induced hearing loss also has strong ties to ROS (61, 62). Whether ROS and DNA damage are the main driving force behind presbyacusis remains to be seen, but they can play a role in most pathways underlying age-related cochlear decline. Therefore, they are the most obvious target in attempts to prevent or slow down presbyacusis. Proposed methods usually include changes in diet, i.e. extra intake of radical scavengers and / or dietary restriction. The increased intake of antioxidants has been studied with various substances, amongst others vitamin C, acetyl-L-carnitine, n-acetyl-L-cysteine, in both age- and noise-related hearing loss with (63-66) and without (67, 68) success. In the Csbm/m mouse model, we undertook a study ourselves to evaluate the effects of proline and mannitol, both antioxidants, on hearing loss (unpublished results, D. Slump, APN, JGGB). No influence of these compounds on hearing thresholds was observed. A lack of effect does not necessarily mean that the compound was ineffective, as dosage and frequency of intake might influence results, or maybe the antioxidants do exhibit an effect when the phenotype is more severe. Another interfering factor in this study was the observation that control mice had higher hearing thresholds than previously observed. The nature of this is still unclear, but could be related to a spontaneous mutation in one of the many hearing loss genes. Therefore, these results need to be interpreted with caution. The endogenous ROS defense mechanisms have been subject of studies as well, in mice with deletion of glutathione peroxidase or Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD). Apparently, reducing antioxidant activity (to 50% in heterozygous deletions) does not affect hearing function (69, 70), while complete removal leads to accelerated hearing loss (70, 71) or increased vulnerability to noise-induced hearing loss (61). Interestingly, overexpression of SOD activity did not provide much protection from age-related hearing loss either (70, 72). This implicates that the cochlea needs some intrinsic antioxidant activity to minimize hearing loss but that there is not much to gain by extra intake of exogenous antioxidants. Studies in humans have shown effects of antioxidant intake, although results cannot be extrapolated to any population yet (73, 74). Although several studies in the past have indicated that calorie restriction has the ability to expand lifespan (75, 76), nowadays this is much disputed and the books are certainly not closed on this subject yet (77, 78). Regarding age-related hearing loss, the influence of calorie restriction is also subject to debate. Various studies have shown that calorie restriction can delay signs of age-related hearing loss in several strains of mice (79-81) and rats (64). However, in a long-term study in rhesus monkeys, no clear effects were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 113 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 113 2012-12-05 21:32:48 Discussion seen on hearing thresholds after years of dietary restriction (82). As rhesus monkeys are phylogenetically closer to humans, this casts some doubts on the translation of rodent results to humans. A recent promise in preventing presbyacusis is less general and more directed at a specific cell type. The use of T-type calcium channel blockers is apparently able to delay the loss of spiral ganglion neurons during ageing (83). The general applicability of using that type of medication is still very limited at the moment. To summarize, age-related hearing loss is still inevitable today. Whether it is partly preventable remains to be seen. Dietary restriction is not really a recommendable option, as it is yet unknown whether this would really benefit humans and it would also seriously affect quality of life for most people. Obviously, a reasonable restriction in the amount of calorie intake is advisable though, but not primarily for preserving cochlear function. There is also at least some doubt whether extra intake of radical scavengers, on top of those within our regular diet and our built-in defense mechanisms against ROS, will make a difference. The high prevalence and morbidity of presbyacusis do warrant further investigations into this matter. Large, long-term, placebo-controlled trials with enhancement of diet should shed more light on whether the events of presbyacusis (or general ageing) can be slowed down. For the moment, living healthy and minimizing ototoxic exposure (including noise) are still the best ways to maintain hearing function as good as possible. Genetic susceptibility to hearing loss Hearing loss and its susceptibility have a large genetic component (84). It is a complex trait, meaning that multiple genes, environmental factors and their interactions each make a contribution to the hearing loss (85). Any causal genes may be difficult to detect in human population studies, as individual contributions can be small. This is further hampered by the sheer impossibility to control confounding factors, our relatively long lifespan and individual genetic differences. Despite these challenges, a large number of genes has already been confirmed to be involved in hearing loss (86), a database of which can be readily accessed at the website hereditaryhearingloss.org (87). Even the advancement of genome-wide association studies has provided several novel loci of interest on age-related hearing loss in humans (88, 89). In finding new genes, the detection of a gene locus is usually the first step in genomewide association studies, both in humans and mice. Every novel gene locus, including ahl9, needs confirmation of its involvement in the phenotype studied by identifying a causal gene. Regularly employed methods include segregation studies by backcrossing in order to refine the locus, the search for mutations in the genes on a locus, the generation of knock-outs and rescues by transgenes, immunohistochemistry and gene expression profiles. Although the mouse and human genome share great similarities (90), the extrapolation of results from mice to humans cannot be taken for granted and 114 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 114 2012-12-05 21:32:48 Discussion should be verified. This can be done by identifying individuals suffering from hearing loss who have a mutation in the human homologue gene of interest. Many more associated gene loci than causal genes have been identified. This discrepancy could be due to the appearance of false-positives or the difficulties related to detecting causal genes with a small effect size. With regard to age-related hearing loss, the balance is actually quite positive, as 4 out of 8 ahl loci (including ahl9) were able to yield causal genes. The first of those was cadherin 23 (or otocadherin), confirmed as the causal gene on ahl. Mutations in cadherin 23 are the cause of Usher syndrome type ID and nonsyndromic autosomal recessive deafness DFNB12 in humans (91, 92) and a hearing loss (amongst others) phenotype in mice (93). Three different hearing loss loci map to cadherin 23 in mice: waltzer (v), modifier of deafwaddler (mdfw) and age-related hearing loss (ahl). The last two actually map to the same position on chromosome 10. To identify the specific mutation responsible for ahl in the B6 strain, backcrosses were initially employed to refine the original locus to a smaller region. Two sequence changes were found after comparing B6 and the good hearing strain CBA/J (94). One of those, the 753G->A polymorphism, showed nearly perfect correlation with the occurrence of hearing loss in a large number of different inbred strains. The mutation affects the splicing of exon 7 and leads to in-frame skipping. For ahl8, all of its genes were checked for (non-synonymous) mutations unique to the D2 strain, yielding only one result in the fascin-2 gene (95). The original amino acid was found to be highly conserved throughout several different species, suggesting that it might be part of an important gene. The fascin-2 protein was located as an actin crosslinker in hair-cell stereocilia by immunogold electron microscopy. The most convincing evidence was given by showing that the hearing loss in the D2 strain can be decreased by replacing the fascin-2 locus by the B6 allele. As known previously (96), ahl8 requires ahl in order to result in a phenotype. Ahl5 in Black Swiss mice was refined by generating congenic lines and linking those to the hearing loss phenotype (97). On the delimited locus, sequencing analysis of coding exons revealed one mutation in Gipc3, a guanine to adenine mutation, resulting in hearing loss. The hearing deficit (as well as the susceptibility to audiogenic seizures) in Black Swiss mice with a homozygous adenine mutation could be prevented in backcrosses with transgenic mice expressing Gipc3. Immunostainings localized Gipc3 to (inner and outer) hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons. Mutations linked to hearing loss in humans were also investigated and could be confirmed (DFNB15 and DFNB95). Lastly, in finding the responsible gene on ahl4, congenic lines involving the A/J inbred strain were analyzed to narrow down the region of the locus (98). On the refined locus, only one SNP was found to be unique to the A/J strain, located in an exon of citrate synthase. Citrate synthase plays a role in mitochondria, where it is the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the citric acid cycle (99). A previously known mitochondrial – nuclear DNA interaction (100) was also observed. First, in B6 x A/J crosses, hearing loss 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 115 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 115 2012-12-05 21:32:48 Discussion worsened significantly in offspring from A/J females compared to A/J males. Secondly, the inheritance of the A/J mitochondrial DNA led to a slightly more severe type of hearing loss than expected in the presence of ahl4. Mitochondrial dysfunction and the generation of excess ROS have been implicated in hearing loss (58, 101) and thus provide a legitimate background for the causal gene. The large database of hearing loss genes has not yet resulted in many new treatment options in patient care. Patients can receive more appropriate counseling about the origin of their hearing loss, what to expect in the future and whether their children are at risk. However, currently the most important impact of these causal genes lies elsewhere, as they have been able to provide much more insight into the mechanisms underlying hearing loss (102-104). Our knowledge on the pathophysiology of this process has gradually grown through the years, though it is, to date, still far from fully understood. The combination of studies from different fields, ranging from electrophysiology to genetics, will in term fill out most of the lacunas in our current knowledge on hearing loss. Maybe, in a not so distant future, hearing loss may be preventable or even reversed as a result. References 1. Noma A, Irisawa H. Membrane currents in the rabbit sinoatrial node cell as studied by the double microelectrode method. Pflugers Arch. 1976 Jun 29;364(1):45-52. 2. Ludwig A, Herrmann S, Hoesl E, Stieber J. Mouse models for studying pacemaker channel function and sinus node arrhythmia. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2008 OctNov;98(2-3):179-85. 3. Santoro B, Lee JY, Englot DJ, Gildersleeve S, Piskorowski RA, Siegelbaum SA, et al. Increased seizure severity and seizurerelated death in mice lacking HCN1 channels. Epilepsia. 2010 Aug;51(8):1624-7. 4. 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Especially the cochlea is susceptible to damage, as it is constantly subject to internal and external stress (e.g. loud noise, middle ear infections) and has limited regeneration capabilities. In order to achieve a better preservation of hearing function or maybe even a reversal of hearing loss, a decent understanding of the system is essential. Several topics on the mouse auditory system are presented in this thesis to contribute to the present knowledge of hearing loss. The role of the hyperpolarization-activated ion-channel Ih within the inferior colliculus was subject of the first study, described in chapter 2. After blocking the endogenous Ihchannels, we could compare responses with and without Ih in the same cell by using the dynamic clamp technique. Adding Ih resulted in a depolarization of the resting membrane potential, a decrease in membrane resistance and the appearance of a characteristic depolarizing sag upon injection of a hyperpolarizing current. In a subset of cells, Ih was even able to trigger rebound spiking. The spiking pattern of a cell was unaltered after adding Ih. Although sound-evoked EPSPs were smaller in size in the presence of Ih, they did reach a slightly more positive membrane potential. Temporal summation was decreased in response to both depolarizing and hyperpolarizing repetitive current injections and Ih had a small effect on the cycle-averaged membrane potential during sinusoidal amplitude modulated tones. Lastly, Ih was able to decrease the response to a tone following a depolarization, by which it might make a small contribution to the phenomenon of forward masking. In conclusion, these results suggest that previously observed differences in cells with and without Ih are a mixture of direct effects of the channel itself and indirect effects due to either the change in membrane potential or the co-expression with other channels. DNA is the blueprint for all functional proteins in an organism and thus DNA maintenance is an important means in the defense against ageing. Several mechanisms exist to repair mistakes made during replication or to reverse damage inflicted by, for example, free reactive oxygen species or UV-radiation. These so called DNA repair mechanisms are a combination of proteins collaborating in different steps. One of these proteins, Cockayne syndrome B, or CSB, was deficient in the mice studied in chapter 3. Hearing level thresholds were determined at different ages, both in separate groups and in longitudinal measurements. Csb deficient mice showed a progressive deterioration of hearing function, especially at the higher frequencies. Furthermore, otoacoustic emissions, usually a good indicator of outer hair cell function, were absent in older Csb deficient mice. Combined, these findings indicate a cochlear origin of the hearing loss, underscoring the importance of functional DNA repair in the safekeeping of hearing. 125 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 125 2012-12-05 21:32:48 Summary / Samenvatting Next, chapter 4 elaborates on the effects of a deficient ERCC1 protein on both hearing and visual performance. Like CSB, ERCC1 is one of the many proteins involved in DNA repair. Complete knock-out mice die prematurely at the age of 3 weeks due to hepatic failure, making them unsuitable for our experiments. Therefore, we used mice with a hypomorphic Ercc1 mutation, which results in reduced activity of the protein and an expanded lifespan of up to approximately 6 months. Hearing level thresholds were increased from an early age onwards, progressing over time. Both low and high frequencies were affected, although effects were most prominent at the higher frequencies. No evidence for retrocochlear pathology was found, as the conduction speed of the auditory pathway was unaltered. Otoacoustic emissions were reduced in older Ercc1-deficient mice, suggesting a cochlear origin of the observed hearing loss. Visual performance was addressed by recording the optokinetic reflex in response to stimuli of different spatial frequencies and contrast values. The mutant mice had reduced gains of the optokinetic reflex, especially at an older age and low contrast values, while the oculomotor system appeared to be intact. Furthermore, ageing Ercc1 deficient mice showed a decrease in surface of the outer nuclear layer of the eyeball, which contains the photoreceptors known as rods and cones. The number of TUNEL positive cells, a marker for apoptosis, in this concerning layer increased drastically with age. As the observed visual decline preceded the thinning of the outer nuclear layer, degenerative changes were not restricted to the photoreceptors and probably existed throughout the visual system. Overall, from this study we can conclude that DNA maintenance plays an important role in the preservation of both auditory and visual performance during life. As mentioned in the introductory remarks, hearing loss and even the susceptibility to hearing loss have a large genetic component. Hearing loss is a complex trait, usually controlled by more than one gene, interactions between genes and interactions with the environment. As a result, the contribution of individual genes to hearing loss is often small and difficult to detect owing to the many confounding factors. The BXD panel of recombinant inbred strains (a cross between C57BL/6J and DBA/2J) offers a unique possibility to bypass this obstacle and study quantitative contributions of gene loci to variations in hearing loss between the strains. Chapter 5 describes a study intended to elucidate which gene loci underlie the early-onset hearing loss in DBA/2J mice. To this end, hearing level thresholds at four different frequencies were measured longitudinally up to the age of 12 weeks in mice from a large number of different BXD recombinant inbred strains. Two new, relatively small QTLs were found to control early-onset, low frequency hearing loss. Both gene loci, a new significant locus at chromosome 18, designated ahl9, and a highly suggestive locus at chromosome 10, contained only a small number of genes. Furthermore, we could confirm the known fascin-2 locus at chromosome 11 with a significant QTL. Mutations absent in strains without earlyonset hearing loss were detected in two genes, while no additions or changes in stop codons were found in any of the genes. Quantitative PCR of tissue isolated from the organs of Corti from a subset of strains revealed that only a limited number of genes was expressed in the cochlea. Several of these showed significant expression differences based on the parental origin of the allele. A causal gene could not be identified yet. 126 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 126 2012-12-05 21:32:48 Summary / Samenvatting Samenvat ting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Het gehoor is een complexe sensorische modaliteit, belangrijk binnen overleving, communicatie en ontspanning. Onderzoek betreffende het auditieve systeem behelst verscheidene benaderingen en technieken uit verschillende wetenschappelijke velden, waarbij genetische, histologische en elektrofysiologische aspecten worden verenigd. Ondanks het belang van het gehoor, is dat toch bijzonder kwetsbaar, zelfs al voor de geboorte. Gehoorverlies komt immers frequent voor bij patiënten, zowel syndromaal als niet-syndromaal. Helaas verandert dit niet gedurende het leven. Vooral het slakkenhuis is gevoelig voor schade, aangezien dat constant blootgesteld wordt aan belastende factoren van binnen en buiten het organisme (bijvoorbeeld lawaai en middenoorontstekingen) en slechts beperkte regeneratieve vermogens bezit. In het streven om het gehoor beter te preserveren of misschien zelfs gehoorverlies ongedaan te maken, is een goed begrip van het gehele systeem essentieel. In dit proefschift werden enkele onderwerpen betreffende het auditieve systeem in de muis gepresenteerd in een poging bij te dragen aan de kennis omtrent gehoorverlies. De rol die het door hyperpolarisatie geactiveerde ionkanaal Ih speelt in de colliculus inferior was onderwerp van de eerste studie, zoals beschreven in hoofdstuk 2. Na blokkade van de reeds aanwezige Ih kanalen, werd de respons op verschillende stroominjecties en geluiden gemeten met en zonder toegevoegde Ih in dezelfde cel, middels een “dynamic clamp” techniek. Toevoeging van het Ih kanaal resulteerde in een depolarisatie van de rustpotentiaal, een vermindering van de membraan weerstand en een karakteristieke depolariserende “sag” als reactie op een hyperpolariserende stroominjectie. In een subgroep van cellen bleek Ih in staat om “rebound” vuren te induceren. Het vuurpatroon van een cel werd echter niet veranderd door Ih. Hoewel de respons op geluiden kleiner was in aanwezigheid van Ih, leverde dit wel een sterkere depolarisatie op. Temporele summatie werd verminderd door Ih bij zowel depolariserende als hyperpolariserende repeterende stroominjecties en Ih had een klein effect op de gemiddelde membraanpotentiaal als reactie op sinusvormig amplitude gemoduleerde tonen. Als laatste bleek Ih in staat om de respons op een geluid na een depolariserende stroominjectie te verminderen, waarmee mogelijk een kleine bijdrage wordt geleverd aan het fenomeen van voorwaartse maskering. Concluderend kan gesteld worden dat de in het verleden vastgestelde verschillen tussen cellen met en zonder Ih een gevolg zijn van directe effecten van het kanaal zelf en indirecte effecten door een verandering van rustpotentiaal of de co-expressie met andere ionkanalen. Het DNA is de blauwdruk van alle functionele eiwitten in een organisme en hiermee is onderhoud aan het DNA een belangrijk middel in de strijd tegen veroudering. Verscheidene mechanismen zijn aanwezig om mogelijke fouten die gemaakt worden tijdens de replicatie te repareren en exogene schade, hetgeen verricht kan worden door bijvoorbeeld vrije zuurstof radicalen en UV-licht, ongedaan te maken. Deze zogenaamde DNA herstel mechanismen bestaan uit een verzameling van interacterende eiwitten die 127 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 127 2012-12-05 21:32:49 Summary / Samenvatting in verschillende stappen de klus klaren. Eén van deze eiwitten, Cockayne syndroom B, of CSB, was deficiënt in de bestudeerde muizengroep in hoofdstuk 3. Gehoordrempels werden bepaald op verschillende leeftijden, onder andere met longitudinale metingen. Csb deficiënte muizen lieten een progressief gehoorverlies zien, meer prominent in de hogere fequenties. Bovendien waren de DPOAEs, over het algemeen een goede indicator van de functie van de buitenste haarcellen, afwezig in de oudere Csb deficiënte muis. Deze bevindingen zijn indicatief voor een cochleaire origine van het gehoorverlies en onderstrepen het belang van een operatief DNA herstel in het preserveren van het gehoor. Het volgende hoofdstuk, 4, bespreekt de gevolgen van een deficient ERCC1 eiwit voor zowel het auditieve als visuele functioneren. ERCC1 is eveneens een eiwit dat betrokken is binnen het DNA herstel. Muizen met een compleet uitgeschakelde versie van dit gen sterven zeer vroeg op de leeftijd van 3 weken als gevolg van leverfalen, waardoor deze muizen niet geschikt waren voor onze experimenten. Daarom maakten wij gebruik van muizen met een hypomorfe mutatie in het Ercc1 gen, waardoor de activiteit van het eiwit verminderd is en de levensduur verlengd wordt tot ongeveer 6 maanden. De hoordrempels waren reeds op vroege leeftijd al verhoogd, hetgeen progressief slechter werd met de tijd. Zowel de lage als hoge frequenties waren aangedaan, hoewel de effecten wel het meest zichtbaar waren in de hogere frequenties. Er werden geen aanwijzingen gevonden voor retro-cochleaire pathologie, aangezien de geleidingssnelheid van de verwerking in de auditieve hersenstam onveranderd was. Wel waren de DPOAEs verminderd, hetgeen een cochleaire origine van het gevonden gehoorverlies suggereert. Het visuele functioneren werd gemeten middels de optokinetische reflex in respons op stimuli met verschillende spatiële frequenties en contrastwaardes. De muis mutanten hadden een verminderde “gain” van deze optokinetische reflex. Dit werd vooral gevonden bij oudere muizen en bij stimuli met lage contrastwaardes, terwijl het oculomotor systeem intact bleek te zijn. Verder lieten Ercc1 deficiente muizen ook een afname van het oppervlak van de buitenste laag kernen van de oogbol zien, een laag welke de kegels en staven bevat. Het aantal cellen in die laag dat positief was voor TUNEL, een marker voor apoptose, nam fors toe met de leeftijd. Aangezien de achteruitgang van het zicht eerder optrad dan de afname in fotoreceptoren, zullen degeneratieve veranderingen niet gelimiteerd zijn tot alleen de fotoreceptoren, maar zich waarschijnlijk door het gehele visuele systeem bevinden. Al met al kan gesteld worden dat het DNA onderhoud een belangrijke rol speelt in het preserveren van het auditieve en visuele functioneren gedurende het leven. Zoals reeds vermeld in de inleidende opmerkingen, hebben gehoorverlies en de vatbaarheid hiervoor een belangrijke genetische component. Gehoorverlies is een complexe eigenschap, waarvan de ernst bepaald wordt door meerdere genen, de omgeving en een interactie hiertussen. Hierdoor is de bijdrage van een individueel gen aan het gehoorverlies vaak klein en lastig te detecteren door een veelheid aan storende factoren. Het paneel aan BXD recombinante muizen inteeltlijnen (een kruising tussen moederlijnen C57BL/6J en DBA/2J) biedt een unieke mogelijk om veel van die storende 128 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 128 2012-12-05 21:32:49 Summary / Samenvatting factoren uit te schakelen en kwantitatieve bijdrages van verschillende genloci aan het gehoorverlies te onderzoeken. Hoofdstuk 5 beschrijft een studie met als doel op te helderen welke genen betrokken zijn bij het vroegtijdige gehoorverlies van DBA/2J muizen. Voor dit doeleinde werden de hoordrempels op vier verschillende frequenties in een groot aantal BXD lijnen gemeten in de tijd, tot een leeftijd van 12 weken. Er werden twee nieuwe, vrij smalle gen loci gevonden die een bijdrage leverden aan laag frequent, vroegtijdig gehoorverlies: een significant locus op chromosoom 18, vanaf nu ahl9 genoemd, en een zeer suggestief locus op chromosoom 10. Verder werd het reeds bekende fascine-2 gen op chromosoom 11 eveneens bevestigd met een significant QTL. In twee verschillende genen werden mutaties gevonden die afwezig waren in muizen stammen zonder vroegtijdig gehoorverlies, terwijl er geen toevoegingen of wijzigingen in de stop codons van de genen gevonden zijn. Kwantitatieve PCR, verricht op weefsel verkregen uit de slakkenhuizen van een geselecteerd aantal BXD-lijnen, onthulde dat er slechts een beperkt aantal genen van de loci daadwerkelijk tot expressie kwam in het slakkenhuis. Enkele van deze genen lieten significante verschillen in expressie zien, afhankelijk van welke moederlijn het allel afkomstig was. Een evident kandidaat gen kon echter nog niet aangewezen worden. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 129 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 129 2012-12-05 21:32:49 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 130 2012-12-05 21:32:49 & Addendum List of abbreviations About the author Portfolio Dankwoord PNagtegaal_Book.indd 131 2012-12-05 21:32:49 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 132 2012-12-05 21:32:49 Addendum List of abbreviations ABR A(R)HL AVCN BXD B6 CF CN CNIC CSB D2 DNA DPOAE EEG EPSP ERCC1 FM GABA GG HCN IC Ih IPSP LL LOD LRS LSO MGB MHL MNTB MP MSO MT NER OKR ONL PVCN qPCR QTL RI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & auditory brainstem response age-related hearing loss anterior ventral cochlear nucleus B6 x D2 (recombinant inbred strain) C57BL/6J characteristic frequency cochlear nucleus central nucleus of the inferior colliculus Cockayne syndrome group B DBA/2J deoxyribonucleic acid distortion product otoacoustic emissions electroencephalography excitatory postsynaptic potential excision repair cross-complementing group 1 frequency modulation gamma-aminobutyric acid global genome (repair) hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel inferior colliculus hyperpolarization-activated current inhibitory postsynaptic potential lateral lemniscus log of the odds likelihood ratio statistic lateral superior olive medial geniculate body maximum hearing loss medial nucleus of the trapezoid body modulated potential medial superior olive minimum threshold nucleotide excision repair optokinetic reflex outer nuclear layer (of the retina) posterior ventral cochlear nucleus quantitative polymerase chain reaction quantitative trait locus recombinant inbred 133 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 133 2012-12-05 21:32:49 Addendum mRNA ROS SAM SOC SNHL SNP SPL TC Vm XP messenger ribonucleic acid reactive oxygen species sinusoidal amplitude modulation superior olivary complex sensorineural hearing loss single nucleotide polymorphism sound pressure level transcription-coupled (repair) membrane potential xeroderma pigmentosa 134 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 134 2012-12-05 21:32:49 Addendum About the author 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & De auteur van dit proefschrift werd geboren op 25 september 1980 in Utrecht en heeft de eerste zes jaar van zijn leven in Maarssen gewoond. Vervolgens verhuisde hij naar Gouda, waar hij in 1998 het gymnasium diploma behaalde aan de scholengemeenschap “De Goudse Waarden”. Datzelfde jaar begon hij de studie Geneeskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam. Aan het einde hiervan werd enige tijd aan onderzoek en audiometrie op de afdeling audiologie gespendeerd, gevolgd door een oudste co-schap KNO. Hierna werd hij aangenomen door het toenmalige hoofd van de Rotterdamse kliniek, professor L. Feenstra. De eerste drie maanden werden besteed als ANIOS in het Sophia kinderziekenhuis, waarna het promotieonderzoek startte in februari 2005, onder leiding van professor J.G.G. Borst. Drie en een half jaar werd gewerkt op het lab van de afdeling Neurowetenschappen, waarbij de experimenten eindigden in augustus 2008. Het analyseren van de verkregen gegevens en het schrijven van de manuscripten werd in de loop van 2012 afgerond. Parallel hieraan heeft hij, onder supervisie van professor R.J. Baatenburg de Jong, de opleiding tot KNO-arts gevolgd, welke in 2013 voltooid zal worden. 135 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 135 2012-12-05 21:32:49 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 136 2012-12-05 21:32:49 Addendum PhD portfolio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Courses: - Artikel 9 - Desiderius school (teamwork, communication, hospital management, health law, medical ethics, evidence-based medicine) - Advanced imaging techniques for medical doctors, 2009 - Course for vestibular assistants, 2009 - ENT residency program: o Course on endoscopy of the upper airway, Groningen, 2009 o Course on nasal surgery, Utrecht, 2010 o Course on ear surgery, Leuven, 2010 o Course on paranasal sinus surgery, Amsterdam, 2010 o Around the nose course, Nijmegen, 2012 - Course on emergency medicine, HAGA hospital, 2011 Teaching activities at Erasmus medical school: - VO: Ear and hearing physiology - VO: Anatomy of the brain - VO: Clinical examination of the Ear, Nose and Throat - VO: Intercellular communication - VO: Bronchoscopy - EARP extra-curricular training on anatomy of the head and neck area - Supervision of MLO and HLO students Oral presentations: - NeuroBsik symposium; March 2006, March 2007; May 2008 - Several labtalks Biannual Dutch ENT meeting: - April 2008: Hearing loss in CSB-deficient mice - April 2011: A study of the Ih-channel in the mouse inferior colliculus - November 2012: A new QTL underlying early-onset, low frequency hearing loss in BXD recombinant inbred strains Poster presentation: - ENP meeting, June 2008: The function of the Ih-channel in the mouse inferior colliculus: an in vivo dynamic clamp study 137 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 137 2012-12-05 21:32:50 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 138 2012-12-05 21:32:50 Addendum Dankwoord 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Gerard Borst: een goudeerlijke wetenschapper met een vlijmscherp analytisch vermogen, bij wie kwaliteit boven kwantiteit gaat. Hoewel de experimenten aanvankelijk niet altijd liepen zoals de bedoeling was – het geluk was soms ook wel een beetje ver te zoeken – zijn we toch na enige jaren gekomen tot een proefschrift waar we allebei tevreden mee kunnen zijn. De latere fases van analyses en schrijven zijn eigenlijk altijd soepel gelopen. Ik ben er trots op onder jou te kunnen promoveren. Rob Baatenburg de Jong: ondanks het feit dat je lange tijd weinig resultaat (lees: publicaties) van mijn kant zag, heb ik het idee gehad toch altijd je vertrouwen hierin te hebben. Dit stukje rust heb ik erg gewaardeerd. Daarnaast wil ik je bedanken voor een fijne en kwalitatief goede opleidingstijd. In het bijzonder wil ik jouw voortdurende initiatieven prijzen om zowel de kwaliteit als de werksfeer op de afdeling te verbeteren. Dit werpt namelijk zeker zijn vruchten af. Prof.dr. L. Feenstra: omdat u ruim 8 jaar geleden “het” wel zag zitten in mij, sta ik nu hier. Dat zegt genoeg, mijn dank is groot. Sabine Spijker: ik ben blij dat we samen een artikel hebben kunnen schrijven. Jouw enthousiasme en kennis van zaken hebben er toe bijgedragen dat ons artikel stukken verbeterd is en mede daardoor bij het eerste tijdschrift geaccepteerd. Dank ook dat je zitting hebt willen nemen in mijn leescommissie. Beide goede voorbeelden van het feit dat 010 en 020 prima samen kunnen werken. Bert van der Horst: jouw inmenging in mijn promotie heeft een gunstige invloed gehad. In een tijd dat het licht aan het einde van de tunnel verre van zichtbaar was, kwam je met de Csb muis langs waarmee ineens mijn eerste artikel heel dichtbij leek. Het is een beetje ironisch dat dit manuscript uiteindelijk als enige nog niet tot publicatie heeft mogen leiden, maar ik hoop dat dit er wel op korte termijn van komt. Ook mijn dank voor het zitting nemen in de leescommissie en het kritisch lezen van het manuscript. Maarten Frens, Hans van der Steen, prof.dr.ir. J.H.M. Frijns: dank voor het plaatsnemen in mijn promotiecommissie. Een extra bedankje voor Maarten voor het fungeren als secretaris van de leescommissie. Marcel van der Heijden / Bas Meenderink: helden van Matlab en kenners van het auditieve systeem. En gezellig bij een biertje op de vrijdagmiddag. Met dit alles heb ik mijn voordeel mogen doen. Succes in jullie verdere carrière, dat gaat zeker lukken. 139 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 139 2012-12-05 21:32:50 Addendum Hans van den Burg: dat je handig bent, dat weten we nu wel. Belangrijker vind ik dat er altijd tijd was voor een gesprek, meestal om te lachen, soms ook serieus. Jammer dat je met pensioen bent. Dat kamertje op de 12e met soldeerbout, schroefjes en moertjes is saai zonder jou. Michael Brocaar / Teun van Immerzeel: jullie hebben mij in de begindagen erg geholpen bij het beoordelen van de BERA’s, dan wel het onder de knie krijgen en begrijpen van EUPHRA. Deze kennis is uiteindelijk gebruikt voor drie van mijn vier manuscripten en heeft dus een grote invloed gehad op mijn promotie. Nils Zuiderveen Borgesius: inderdaad, onze schrijfstijl is wat anders, maar dat heeft de pret zeker niet mogen drukken. We hebben een mooi artikel samen gemaakt. Succes in het koude Noorwegen. Joel Shapiro: klein van stuk, maar groot van daden (en vooral ook woorden). De eerste dag dat ik begon werd ik door Gerard meegenomen naar de kamer van Bas Koekkoek. In het voorportaal stelde jij je voor, uitkijkend boven dat karakteristieke brilletje van je. Toen is de onderzoekspret langzaamaan begonnen, van zwarte bunker, pizza en bier drinken tot de eerste tracheotomie. Het Borst lab: Ron Habets: eerste promovendus van Gerard in Rotterdam en daarmee grondlegger van veel gebruiken en recepten in het lab. Hilco Theeuwes: altijd de vrolijke noot op de twaalfde en daarbuiten. Ik ben erg blij dat je je verdiende opleidingsplek bij de chirurgie gekregen hebt. Heiko Locher: ik weet niet hoeveel potjes 501 we gespeeld hebben, ik denk dat de eindstand uiteindelijk op 587 – 585 in jouw voordeel ligt. Erg leuk dat je ook tot de KNO bent toegetreden. Silviu Rusu: initially, you’ve experienced lots of bad luck with the neuron cultures. I’m glad you were able to catch up thanks to the slice experiments and are also approaching your thesis defense soon. Jeannette Lorteije: we moesten een opstelling delen. En ja, jij was net iets slordiger daarin dan ik. Toch hebben we er allebei mooie publicaties aan over gehouden, het heeft dus goed gewerkt. Adrian Rodrigues-Contreras: thanks for the helpful suggestions and discussions on my experiments. John Soria van Hoeve: of nee, toch eigenlijk niet. Kees Donkersloot: ik begreep niet altijd je antwoord als ik wat vroeg, maar je hebt me – waar kon – geholpen. Het programmeren van de dynamic clamp in Labview heb jij gedaan. Mijn dank daarvoor, dat is mijn eerste artikel geworden. Een artikel waar ik nog steeds trots op ben. 140 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 140 2012-12-05 21:32:50 Addendum Ru verdient een aparte, eervolle vermelding. Een Duitser met humor, die luistert naar death metal, houdt van koekjes bakken en de kerstmarkt bezoeken. Ja. Het bestaat. We hebben erg fijn samengewerkt en ik heb altijd goed mijn wetenschappelijke ei (en andere eieren) bij je kwijt gekund. Ik wens je veel succes met je verdere carrière, waarvan ik overtuigd ben dat dit gaat lukken. Ik kijk uit naar jouw promotie binnenkort. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & Assistenten KNO: van 2004 tot en met 2013 hebben we aaneengesloten een leuke tijd gehad met elkaar. Dat moet vooral zo blijven. Liane Tan, Tannetje: het is nu lastig voor te stellen, maar we moesten echt even aan elkaar wennen in het begin. Misschien had dat ook wel meer met mij te maken dan met jou. Jij bent mijn voorganger geweest bij Gerard en in die tijd (en ook later nog) heb je mij op weg geholpen, zowel binnen de neurowetenschappen als de KNO. Daarnaast werd ik af en toe voorzien van wat broodnodig vers fruit en allerlei wijze raad. Het kan dan ook niet anders dan dat jij naast me staat tijdens mijn promotie. Tom Crins: mijn “opvolger” op de neurowetenschappen en misschien zelfs wel voorlezer van een stelling straks. Binnen korte tijd konden we het goed vinden met elkaar en hebben we frequent KNO, onderzoek, muziek en andere zaken besproken onder het genot van hectoliters Doppio koffie. Ik hoop dat jij ook snel een promotie tegemoet kan zien. Sam Schoenmakers en Lindy Santegoets: ik ben de laatste van de drie musketiers en dat heb ik meer dan eens moeten horen. We hebben een vreselijk leuke (promotie)tijd gehad, waarin we werkelijk om alles konden lachen en ieder feest hebben afgelopen. Werd een van ons uitgenodigd voor een feestje, dan waren we er alle drie. Werd geen van ons uitgenodigd voor een feestje, dan waren we er ook alle drie. Als ik weg zou komen met vier paranimfen, hadden jullie er uiteraard bij gezeten! Nou jullie nog je specialisatie afmaken… Pa, ma, broer, zus: ik ben bang dat ik binnen ons gezin de enige zal zijn die promoveert. Toch zijn doorzettingsvermogen en nieuwsgierigheid – noodzakelijk om te kunnen promoveren – waardes die we allen hebben meegekregen. Dank voor jullie altijd aanwezige steun. Lieve Wendy, dank je voor alles. 141 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 141 2012-12-05 21:32:50 PNagtegaal_Book.indd 142 2012-12-05 21:32:50