Recruiting With Success


Recruiting With Success
With Success
[ Start Building a Team ]
This module will equip you with
the basic skills you need to
successfully share the exciting
Beauticontrol Business Opportunity
with others, changing lives as
you build your team.
The skills in this workbook are proven effective. We provide
you with step-by-step instructions and a variety of scripts
and word choices, plus some quick exercises to put these
into practice. Follow the guidelines and your business will
grow and be a success!
At the end of this module you will have learned:
1) The importance of recruiting
2) How to be prepared before you recruit
3) How to recruit
»» How to recruit during a Spa
»» How to recruit during a Recruiting Appointment
4) Secrets to recruiting
1 The Importance of Recruiting 4
2 Be Prepared Before You Recruit
3 How Do I Recruit? 17
4 Recruiting During a
Recruiting Appointment 25
5 Secrets to Recruiting
6 First Steps For Your New Consultant
Section Recaps 41
My Next Steps
Quick Quiz 44
Completion Goal 46
8 Quick Reference
Checklist – Six-Step
Recruiting Process
Getting to Know Your
Prospective Consultant
»» Dream Start Program »» Dream Start Rewards
5) First steps for your new Team Member
You never
work alone
This workbook can be used as a learning tool that you can
refer to at any time to refresh your knowledge. It can also be
used as part of your Weekly Training session with your
Director when covering the Recruit with Success module.
Remember that you never work alone with Beauticontrol.
Your Director is here to offer support when you start to recruit.
Completion Goal
At the end of this module you will find an action-oriented goal.
The goals are fun and designed to get you practicing the
new skills you have just learned, to help you retain your
knowledge. They are a valuable aspect to your learning process.
Your Director will be there to help you achieve your goal and
provide you with guidance.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
The Importance
of Recruiting
One of the most rewarding
aspects of our business is the
opportunity we have to make
a difference in the lives of those
around us. Many people might
not be aware that since the early
80’s, Beauticontrol has been
built on the philosophy of helping
people help other people.
Today, we’re more passionate
about this than ever.
This is what recruiting is all about: discovering the dreams
of those around us and helping them find a way to make
those dreams come true. When you are walking side by
side with someone and you see them develop and achieve
great heights, knowing you played a key role in their
development is an incredible feeling.
Not to mention all the wonderful perks you achieve during
the process and with the business you build.
What is Recruiting?
Recruiting is about helping people to achieve their dreams
by sharing the Beauticontrol Business Opportunity: signing
them up to join the business and helping them to build a
business of their own. When you recruit someone, they
become a new Consultant and you become their Upline.
The new Consultant becomes part of your team, and it’s
your role to help them to achieve their goals. In turn, you will
be rewarded for that effort.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
–Peggy Adams
Senior National Executive Director
• You can achieve exciting rewards such as: – company
cars – international travel – recognition.
“We have the opportunity to change
someone’s life by teaching and sharing
what we do! I always start out every
Spa with, ‘Watch what I do tonight and
think if this could change anyone’s life
you know or maybe your own.’
Beauticontrol provides an opportunity
for you to become anyone you want
to become if you are willing to work
for it. Our greatest product is the
Opportunity to change lives. This is
where recruiting begins!”
• Beauticontrol generously rewards those who grow their
businesses through recruiting.
• The more you share the opportunity and support
others in their journey, the more you can earn through
commission percentages as well as promotions
and incentives.
• Mentoring new Consultants is rewarding when you work
with others to help them achieve their dreams.
Career Promotion
By sharing the Opportunity with others, you can advance
through the Beauticontrol career path and your business
can truly expand. Our highest achievers are the people who
recruit, help team members develop business skills and
focus on helping others to achieve their dreams. The higher
you go with Beauticontrol, the more you will find these
like-minded people who also develop others and want to
work as a team.
Why Recruit?
The beauty of this business is that it gives you the ability
to achieve your dreams by sharing the Opportunity with
others, and helping them to achieve their dreams.
“You can have everything in life you
want, if you will just help enough
other people get what they want.”
–Zig Ziglar
Career Levels
Up to 40% Retail Discount, Getting Started Gifts, Dream Start Rewards, Personal Development
Sr. Consultant
Up to 40% Retail Discount, Dream Start Rewards, Personal Development, Status Recognition
• A healthy business leads to a progressing career
and income growth which takes you closer to your
own dream.
Up to 50% Retail Discount, Living the Dream Rewards, Personal Development, Status
Recognition, Bonuses
• Recruiting is the key to maximizing your income
potential and gaining freedom to live the lifestyle of
your choice, such as:
Up to 50% Retail Discount, Living the Dream Rewards, Personal Development,
Status Recognition, Higher Bonuses
Retail Discount, Living the Dream Rewards, Personal Development, Status Recognition,
Higher Bonuses
50% Retail Discount, Status Recognition, International Travel, Company Car / Cash for Car,
Elevation Bonuses, Unit Commissions, New Director Training, Exclusive invitation to Leadership
Events, Advanced Leadership Training, Lead Team Meeting/Events, Exclusive Support Materials
and Products, Stage Recognition and so much more!
• Beauticontrol is about changing lives. By recruiting,
you are helping change lives by giving them the
opportunity to achieve their dreams.
• Recruiting by asking them to join your business,
builds your team. Growing your team enables you
to build a successful business!
»» financial freedom
»» becoming debt free
»» having more confidence
»» extra family time
(Director – Platinum
Senior National
Executive Director)
»» achieving work/life balance.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Amazing opportunities await as you increase in your Director levels. Elite exclusive Events,
amazing income opportunities, a chance to live the life you love.
Recruiting With Success
Be Prepared Before
You Recruit
Recruiting is simply
a natural extension of
your own enthusiasm
for the business.
It does help to be prepared, as being prepared will ensure
you have the best chance of achieving a positive outcome
and will boost your confidence. It also empowers you to
easily answer any questions that arise, for a smooth and
successful conversation. Preparation begins with you.
Here are some tips to help you prepare:
1) Revisit your dream
2) Set a goal
3) Create your Story
4) Recap the benefits of joining Beauticontrol
5) Think about your recruiting tools
6) Dress to impress
1) Revisit Your Dream
It is important to remind yourself of your dream. When
you face challenges to growing your business, focusing
on the big picture and reminding yourself WHY you are
growing your business will give you the motivation and
drive to recruit. It is important to be in the right mindset,
remembering that recruiting will move you towards
your dream!
Your dream should be so clear that you light up when
you talk about it. It should pull you towards it in all you do
and not make you feel as though you need will power to
accomplish it. If your dream doesn’t pull you, you may want
to revisit what your dream is and if it is the right one.
Recap your dream and make a note in the space below.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
2) Set a Recruiting Goal
Set a goal
Set a goal so that you are clear on what you want to
accomplish and have a target to work towards.
Set a goal based on the career level you want to reach.
For example, know how many people you would like to:
• speak to about the Opportunity each week/month
• recruit each week/month
Make a note of your recruiting goal here:
[quick tips]
Keep the story simple, short and real. One to two minutes,
maximum. (While that may sound short, it’s actually about
100-200 words!) The majority of the conversation should be
about your prospect, because you must know what they
want for their life so you can first assure them that they can
achieve it with Beauticontrol, and then you can help them
achieve it.
3) Create your Story
Creating a personal story about why you joined
Beauticontrol, then sharing your story with others is
a powerful tool when sharing the Opportunity. Sharing
your story builds rapport and trust, allowing you to
connect with people on a personal and emotional level.
It showcases that the Opportunity is genuine, and that
you are living proof that it really does change lives.
Be ready to use your story at any time – you never know
when you may be asked about your business and can share
the Opportunity.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Your Story – Why did You Start Your Beauticontrol Business?
Use this chart to help tell your story, but remember that you won’t use every detail in every conversation. Once you have
the story written down, remember to only spend about one to two minutes when you share the story.
Ask yourself
these questions…
Your answers
form your story
How did you hear
about Beauticontrol?
I first heard about
Why did you start
using the products?
The reason I started
using the products
was because…
What changed when
you started using
the products?
As soon as I started
using Beauticontrol
products, I noticed that…
What were you doing
before you started
your business?
Before I joined
Beauticontrol, I used to…
What prompted you to
start your business?
The reason I joined
Beauticontrol was
What doubts did
you have?
I did doubt that…
How were
they resolved?
But this was easily
resolved by…
What challenges did
you have?
In terms of challenges,
I encountered…
How did you
overcome them?
We overcame this/
we’re working towards
overcoming this by…
How has your life
changed, since you
started your business?
Since I joined
Beauticontrol, my life
has changed by…
Recruiting With Success
[quick tip]
It’s useful to carry a few opportunity tools with you at
all times. This enables you to refer to the material or
give it to a prospective Consultant. The Dream with
Beauticontrol Brochure or Beautibook is a great tool
to showcase the opportunity.
4) Recap the Benefits of
Joining Beauticontrol
To recruit successfully you need to recognize how
Beauticontrol can change your life and the lives of others,
so you can share the benefits with potential Consultants.
Be proud about Beauticontrol and know that you are
part of something special.
Here are some benefits:
• Helps people to achieve their dreams
• Exciting career opportunity and career growth
[quick tips]
When you schedule a Recruiting Appointment to share the
Beauticontrol Opportunity, give them a Prospect Pack or
some literature to look at before your appointment: perhaps
a Dream with Beauticontrol Brochure or Beautibook.
If your time is limited but the opportunity presents itself to
share Beauticontrol with others, we recommend you keep
products and a Beautibook or Monthly Product Brochure
on hand to demonstrate during a quick lunch or anytime
appointment. The products are many times enough to entice
them to join.
• Provides recognition
• Excellent rewards, incentives and discounts on
your Beauticontrol products
• An opportunity to meet new people and make friends
• Be part of an amazing and supportive network
• A sense of belonging
• Provides an opportunity to work your own hours
from home
• Opportunity to prove your capabilities to yourself
and others
The Beautibook is a great tool to guide you through the
Opportunity conversation. All the work has been done for
you. Just go through the Beautibook, page by page, and
you will showcase our exciting story, every time. This will
even help you to showcase the products and product sets.
Dream with Beauticontrol Brochure
The Dream with Beauticontrol Brochure is a great tool to
share what is possible with your new Consultants. It include
a Dream Sheet, showcases the Dream Start and Living the
Dream Programs that allow Consultants to earn rewards
in their first 3 months and beyond. Use this to walk your
prospects or new Consultants through what is possible.
• Improve confidence and develop personally
5) Your Recruiting Tools
Your passion for Beauticontrol’s Opportunity to help
people achieve their dreams, teamed with your belief in
the company and our products, will often interest people
in learning more about the Opportunity. Beauticontrol
has a variety of great recruiting tools to help you capture
dreams and share the Opportunity. Decide which
recruiting tools you will use when recruiting. Become
familiar with the literature, and ensure that you have
everything you need to help you share the opportunity
and recruit new team members.
Dream Sheet
The Dream Sheet is the perfect tool for discovering your
prospect’s dreams. The idea here is to identify their dream
by filling out this sheet. This tool can be found in the Dream
with Beauticontrol Brochure. It can help you tailor your
opportunity conversation towards helping them achieve
their dream. You can use the Dream Sheet during your
Recruiting Appointments or during your Spas.
Dream Bag
You may wish to create a Dream Bag to help discover
people’s dreams at the Spa. This is a bag that you can fill
with items that represent people’s dreams. Use toys such
as a car to represent the company car, a clock to represent
more free time and flexibility, a plane to represent vacations,
fake money or jewelry. Ask each person to pick an item
that represents their dream, and encourage people to talk
about what their dream means to them.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Additional Tools
[quick tips]
When handing out tools to prospects, make sure you
follow-up within two days – as an old lead is a cold lead.
You don’t want to lose their interest.
Making a great impression will help you to build rapport
and connect with your prospect.
Listen for Recruiting Clues
You may also wish to take the following with you
when recruiting:
• Getting to Know Your Prospective Consultant Form:
use this template to help you initially when leading the
conversation and discovering your prospect’s needs
(see the template in the back of your workbook)
Don’t judge based on appearance.
We have a great opportunity and
everyone deserves it.
• Pen and notepad: to make any additional notes during
your appointment
Your Initial Recruiting Prospects
• Calendar: to schedule times for additional conversations
with your prospect, or to give them dates for future
training or company events
When recruiting for the first time, the best way to get
started is by asking family and friends. They may turn
out to be your biggest supporters.
6) Dress to Impress
Your FRANK List
The way you look, your body language and the way you
conduct yourself says a lot about your business. You
represent your business, so dress to impress and radiate
success! You should look well-groomed and professional.
Be sure to wear Beauticontrol products! You’re most likely
to recruit someone when they find something in you that
they admire and want to achieve. Nothing says success
more than the expression on your face and a smile.
As you are preparing to share this great Opportunity with
others, the best way to start is with your FRANK List. Your
FRANK List is a list of everyone you know. You may wish to
go back to your original booking FRANK List and update
it with additional contacts then use it as your Recruiting
FRANK List. Or, you may want to create a new one.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
During your day-to-day activities, listen for recruiting
clues. This could be something someone says or does
that suggests they may benefit from the Opportunity.
Clues could be comments about needing more money,
being bored in their current role, wanting better work/life
balance, a love of skin care and make-up or even asking
questions about what you do. Create a list of people
you would like to talk to about changing their life with
the Business Opportunity.
[quick tips]
You’ll continue to build your Recruiting FRANK List. Each
time you meet someone new, or hold a Spa, be sure to
add those names to the List.
Did you know that research has shown that everyone knows
at least 100 people?
Think about who you want to recruit. Perhaps think about
those people who have already hosted a Spa, attended a
Spa or are familiar with Beauticontrol. Think about those
people who would make a fantastic Consultant because
they love people or are interested in Beauticontrol products.
Also, think about people you know who would benefit from
the Opportunity—perhaps they need a career with a more
flexible schedule or they’ve recently mentioned wanting
additional income.
Make a list of ten people from your FRANK List who you would like
to talk to first about achieving their dreams with the Opportunity.
Recruiting With Success
Word choice suggestions
“I know how much you love talking to and helping people –
Beauticontrol could be perfect for you! I would love to meet
you for coffee and tell you about Beauticontrol and see
where there might be a fit.”
“You were saying how much you feel undervalued and
unmotivated in your current job, Beauticontrol would be
perfect for you.”
An example for a mom who wants to get out of the
house and spend some time away from the kids:
How Do
I Recruit?
“I’ve been thinking about how Beauticontrol could be
perfect for you; not only would you get some time out of
the house interacting with adults, but at the same time you
would be earning money and learning great business skills.
And because it’s so flexible, your work hours can be done
around your family commitments.”
Friend or family member:
“I would love to do this opportunity together as friends!
We could travel together and get all the wonderful rewards
as a team.”
“I really value your opinion and I would love you to come
along to a (insert opportunity event) and give me your
honest feedback.”
The Spa
The Spa is a great way to get recruiting leads because
it demonstrates how to earn additional income. This is
great for professionals and those working in an unstable
work environment to see. Plus, it is fun way to earn
additional income!
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
[quick tip]
Have a goal of recruiting at least one person or booking at
least one Recruiting Appointment at each Spa!
The opportunity to recruit can arise
with anybody, at any time, so
always keep your eyes and ears
open and watch for opportunities
to present themselves.
This module covers how to recruit at a Spa and how to
recruit during a Recruiting Appointment. However, these
skills can be applied in any circumstance, whenever the
opportunity arises!
Recruiting at a Spa
Recruiting Using the Spa Format
[quick tip]
Familiarize yourself with a few different Consultant stories
that you can share. These should only be one sentence or
so, and can be used to encourage guests. “Yes, GUEST
NAME, teachers make great consultants. NAME is a
teacher, and she has grown a wonderful business
with Beauticontrol!”
The Spa Format is designed to give you the opportunity
during the Spa to mention the business opportunity. Follow
the format and you can’t go wrong! Remember your goal is
to help others reach their potential and realize their dreams
through the Beauticontrol Opportunity. At the Spa your role
is to have fun exploring other people’s dreams!
Weave in Dream Comments
Throughout the Spa make sure you mention how
Beauticontrol helps people achieve their dreams.
Emphasize that Beauticontrol is about changing lives
and making dreams to come true.
Recruiting at a Spa is the best way to recruit. You may
discover that frequently there are at least two people at
every Spa who want to join the business – the Hostess
and one other person. Not only is your Hostess the best
person to recruit, but you have access to all of their guests
who have willingly attended the Spa and have an interest
in Beauticontrol already. It is the perfect opportunity for
you to introduce them to the Business Opportunity in a
fun and relaxed environment.
Recruiting at a Spa is great because prospects will be
familiar with the Spa concept. They will have experienced
the great results a Spa produces and can more easily see
themselves as a Consultant.
Your goal is to recruit guests while at the Spa, or set
a date to have a Recruiting Appointment with them.
You may find that most guests are more open to you
setting the appointment.
best way
to recruit
Recruiting Your Hostess
From the beginning of Hostess Coaching, right through the
Spa, continue to get to know your Hostess. Compliment
them often on the reasons they would be a great
Beauticontrol Consultant (perhaps they are good with
people or really excited about the products.) At the end
of the Spa, spend some time with them one-on-one to
discuss the Opportunity. Let them know ahead of time that
you’ll be spending about 15 minutes with them after the
Spa is over, so they aren’t rushing to do other things.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
[quick tip]
You can choose to use
the Instant Manicure
during the Pampering
Hands experience
or at the end of the
Spa. Keep in mind,
your guests will be
trying several different
products throughout
so you may want to
save the Extreme
Hand Repair product
for their final product
to experience.
It will leave their hands
feeling smooth and
looking beautiful for
the rest of the night!
step one
Set up the Spa
Prepare display and working area
Chat with the Hostess
Explain the flow of the Spa.
Engage your Hostess in a common
goal and remind them of the exclusive
Hostess offers
Greet the Guests
Learn something about each Guest
Hands Experience
Outline today’s Spa and explain
personal time
Commercial Break
(Booking Spas)
goal and remind them of the exclusive
Hostess offers
Give all your Guests a chance to
touch and feel the products from the
the Guests
Signature Spa you are featuring
Learn something about each Guest
Explain Beauticontrol’s
Four Signature Spas
Share about BC
Hands Experience
Seat Guests
Ensure Guests are
seated comfortably
Introduce Yourself
Chat with the Hostess
Present the Hostess with
her Thank You Gift
Give Guests an Overview
Outline today’s Spa and explain
personal time
Commercial Break
(Booking Spas)
Explain Beauticontrol’s
Four Signature Spas
Share about BC
Hostess shares the Instant Manicure
and Extreme Repair Hand Creme
experience with each Guest
Give Guests a brief overview about the
company, our history and the products
Seat Guests
Commercial Break
When chatting
the Hostess, plant Prepare
Give Opportunity
a display
brief explanation
of the
and working
ranges you are featuring; describe
Present the possible.
Hostess with Compliment them
seed wherever
the products and their benefits, and
her Thank You Gift
with the Hostess
how using them relates to any skin or
would make a great Consultant. Ask if they
everthe Spa.
Explain the
flow ofconcerns
Give Guests
you are doing.Engage your Hostess in a common
Commercial Break
Prepare display and working area
Ensure Guests are
seated comfortably
up the
Seat Guests
Thank the Hostess
Hands Experience
Thank the Hostess
Give Guests a brief overview about the
company, our history and the products
Set up the Spa
Greet the Guests
Chat With Your Hostess
Hostess shares the Instant Manicure
and Extreme Repair Hand Creme
experience with each Guest
step two
Learn something about each Guest
step two
Hostess shares the Instant Manicure
and Extreme Repair Hand Creme
experience with each Guest
step one
Explain the flow of the Spa.
Engage your Hostess in a common
goal and remind them of the exclusive
Hostess offers
Step One of the Spa Format
(The Opportunity)
Use your Dream Bag to tell
your story, plus use the “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet to showcase
what’s possible
(The Opportunity)
Ensure Guests are
seated comfortably
Use your Dream Bag to tell
your story, plus use the “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet to showcase
what’s possible
Step Two
of the Spa Format
step one
step three
for the Opportunity. Promote
up the
Set Selling
and Sharing
and working
Give a display
brief explanation
of the
Go over
the sets
that are available
ranges you are featuring; describe
and highlight
the Hostess
with sets from
the Beautibook
her Thank
You Gift
• Dream
the products
and Hostess
their benefits, and
how using them relates to any skin or
Explain the flow of the Spa.
makeup concerns
• Engage
Hostess in a common
Give Guests
an Vouchers
goal and remind them of the exclusive
Hostess offers Products
• YourDemonstrate
Give all your Guests a chance to
feel the
products from the Brochure
• Dream
Signature Spa you are featuring
Learn something about each Guest
Hands Experience
Hostess shares the Instant Manicure
and Extreme Repair Hand Creme
experience with each Guest
Seat Guests
Ensure Guests are
seated comfortably
out to Guests;
the four
Spa andrecap
Share the Opportunity
to Buy:
Give tips
to becoming a Smart
Four Signature
(using theSpas
Monthly Product
Brochure to maximize savings, ordering
family and
at a discount)
Give Guests a brief overview about the
our history and
the products
Stop and
a few minutes to fill
out order
forms and
your Dream
Bag ask
to tell
your story, plus use the “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet to showcase
what’s possible
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
the Hostess
Set Selling
and Sharing
Go over
the sets
that are available
the and
with sets from
the Beautibook
her Thank
You Gift
Give Guests
an Vouchers
out to Guests;
the four
Spa andrecap
Share the Opportunity
to Buy:
Give tipsBeauticontrol’s
to becoming a Smart
Four Signature
(using theSpas
Monthly Product
Brochure to maximize savings, ordering
for family and friends at a discount)
Share about BC
Give Guests a brief overview about the
our history and
the products
Stop and
a few minutes to fill
out order
forms and
your Dream
Bag ask
to tell
your story, plus use the “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet to showcase
what’s possible
You Go
a brief
of thepreferred
product Spa
to fill in their
the products and their benefits, and
how using them relates to any skin or
Issue concerns
Action Pack
for Bookings
Hostess Envelope,
Monthly Product
Brochure and Beautibook
Give all your Guests a chance to
touch and feel the products from the
Spa you
are featuring
You Go
to fill in their
a brief
of thepreferred
product Spa
the products and their benefits, and
how usingIssue
them relates
to any
skin or
makeup concerns
for Bookings
Hostess Envelope, Monthly Product
Brochure and Beautibook
Give all your Guests a chance to
touch and feel the products from the
Issue Action Pack
Signature Spa you are featuring
for Recruiting
(Smart Shopper)
Ask if anyone would like to join your
team to maximize savings
Business Opportunity
Confirm what Guests liked from
the Dream Bag, “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet or your story —
ask if anyone would like to join
your team to start a new career
Finalize Client Orders
Set Selling and Sharing
Before You Go
Listen for Recruiting Clues
Ask Guests to fill in their preferred Spa
date, and collect booking vouchers
Go over the sets that are available
for purchase and highlight sets from
the Beautibook
Throughout the Spa, listen for recruiting clues.
These are
Issue Action Pack
things people
or do that suggest they mayfor
Hand out to Guests; recap the four
Hostess Envelope, Monthly Product
the Opportunity.
signature Spas
Brochure and Beautibook
the Opportunity
Plant seeds
throughout your demonstration.
Give tips to becoming a Smart
Shopper (using the Monthly Product
• “IBrochure
love being
a Beauticontrol
to maximize
savings, ordering
for family and friends at a discount)
(Smart Shopper)
Ask if anyone would like to join your
Consultant!” team to maximize savings
Business Opportunity
• “I enjoy all of the professional training I receive
Confirm what Guests liked from
Promote BeautiYOU
with Beauticontrol!”
the Dream Bag, “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet or your story —
Shop fun and profitable!”ask if anyone would like to join
• “My work
is and
Give Guests a few minutes to fill
out order forms and ask questions
• “Don’t
you love what I do?”
your team to start a new career
Finalize Client Orders
Visit with Your Hostess
Personally invite your hostess to
join your team — she’s your best
recruiting prospect
Personally invite your hostess to
join your team — she’s your best
recruiting prospect
step four
Set Selling and Sharing
Go over the sets that are available
for purchase and highlight sets from
the Beautibook
Booking Vouchers
Hand out to Guests; recap the four
signature Spas
Share the Opportunity
Give tips to becoming a Smart
Shopper (using the Monthly Product
Brochure to maximize savings, ordering
for family and friends at a discount)
Promote BeautiYOU
Stop and Shop
Give Guests a few minutes to fill
out order forms and ask questions
Step Four of the Spa Format
step five
Share the Opportunity
Before You Go
is Guests
to fillyou
in their
SpaFamily and Friends
date, and collect booking vouchers
Opportunity. You can use the BC Career Sheet to
Pack from Beautinet > Business Tools >
you. Action
for Bookings
Forms on File > Recruiting.
Hostess Envelope, Monthly Product
Brochure and Beautibook
Issue Action Pack
for Recruiting
(Smart Shopper)
Ask if anyone would like to join your
team to maximize savings
Business Opportunity
Confirm what Guests liked from
the Dream Bag, “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet or your story —
ask if anyone would like to join
your team to start a new career
Finalize Client Orders
Finalize Client Orders
Everyone who placed an order is
now a Client
Everyone who placed an order is
now a Client
Visit with Your Hostess
Visit with Your Hostess
Personally invite your hostess to
join your team — she’s your best
recruiting prospect
Personally invite your hostess to
join your team — she’s your best
recruiting prospect
Recruiting With Success
Issue Action Pack
for Recruiting
Join to Buy:
Visit with Your Hostess
Ask if anyone would like to join your
team to maximize savings
Confirm what Guests liked from
the Dream Bag, “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet or your story —
ask if anyone would like to join
your team to start a new career
Product Demonstration
step five
Everyone who placed an order is
now a Client
Join to Buy:
Business Opportunity
step four
Everyone who placed an order is
now a Client
for Recruiting
(Smart Shopper)
Step Three of the Spa Format
step four
step five
Set Selling and Sharing
Before You Go
Go over the sets that are available
for purchase and highlight sets from
the Beautibook
Ask Guests to fill in their preferred Spa
date, and collect booking vouchers
Booking Vouchers
Issue Action Pack
for Bookings
Hand out to Guests; recap the four
signature Spas
Hostess Envelope, Monthly Product
Brochure and Beautibook
Share the Opportunity
Issue Action Pack
for Recruiting
Join to Buy:
Give tips to becoming a Smart
Shopper (using the Monthly Product
Brochure to maximize savings, ordering
for family and friends at a discount)
Promote BeautiYOU
Stop and Shop
Give Guests a few minutes to fill
out order forms and ask questions
(Smart Shopper)
Ask if anyone would like to join your
team to maximize savings
Business Opportunity
Confirm what Guests liked from
the Dream Bag, “Dream with
Beauticontrol” Booklet or your story —
ask if anyone would like to join
your team to start a new career
Finalize Client Orders
Everyone who placed an order is
now a Client
Visit with Your Hostess
Personally invite your hostess to
join your team — she’s your best
recruiting prospect
Step Five of the Spa Format
If a person responds negatively, try saying:
Business Opportunity (Personal Time)
Make sure you have one-on-one time with all of your
guests at the end of the Spa to talk through which
products they would like to buy, but also to talk about
the Business Opportunity. Confirm what most appealed
to your guests from the Dream with Beauticontrol Brochure
or Dream Bag.
Not every person you approach will be
interested in making their dreams come
true with the Opportunity. Some may
only be interested in the products to
begin with, and some people might not
be ready to join right now, but it doesn’t
mean they won’t join in the future –
so keep them on your list.
Word Choice Suggestions
“I would love to meet you for coffee to find out a little more
about you, tell you about Beauticontrol and see where
there might be a fit.”
“What do you think about the Opportunity we have with
Beauticontrol, did it interest you at all?”
“Have you ever thought about doing what I’m doing? I think
you would be great. I would love to meet you for coffee and
explain a little more to you, would that be OK?”
“I’ve really enjoyed meeting you Kathy. This may seem
out of the blue but with your experience of using the
products over the years, I think you would make a great
Beauticontrol Consultant.”
[quick tip]
A good experiment to conduct is to see if you can get ten
people to decline your best offer of the Opportunity. Try it,
you will be surprised at the results.
“Please take this as a compliment, I meet lots of people
every day in this job and I certainly don’t recommend
everyone. Of course, I wouldn’t expect you to be interested
without knowing the facts. I would really like you to know
a bit more about it. There’s no obligation, so you have
nothing to lose!”
At the close of your Spa you might consider asking
guests to select the one person they feel would make
a great Consultant. This person will feel flattered and
will more than likely be more interested in setting a
Recruiting Appointment.
Golden Rule
Don’t take it personally if someone says they are not
interested in the Opportunity. Think about a time when you
were having dinner at a restaurant and the waitress asked
if you would like to have dessert and you declined. Do you
think that the waitress took it personally and was upset that
you did not want dessert? No. The waitress is offering a
product, just as you are.
From experience, one in every ten people asked to join
the business will actually join. It is important to remember
this as we embark on our journey of sharing this incredible
opportunity, so that you persevere through the nine “No”s
to get to the “Yes!”
Getting to ‘YES!’
Some people may have reasons as to why they don’t want
to join. Try and find out the real reason as this will help you
give them information to assist their decision making.
Word Choice Suggestions
Consultant: “Clare, have you ever thought about doing
what I am doing?”
OR Consultant: “Clare, I believe you would love, and be
great at, what I am doing.”
Clare: “I couldn’t do what you do!”
Consultant: “Why not?”
Clare: “Because I am too busy, can’t public speak, and my
husband wouldn’t let me.”
Consultant: “Clare, that’s the very reason I would like to see
you… how about I get you a cup of coffee and take you
through what we have to offer – if you like it, great, if not,
no problem.”
Clare: “Oh, I will think about it.”
Consultant: “My treat, if we meet, then I can tell you a little
more about it; after all you can’t make a decision without
the information. I will respect your decision either way.”
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Recruiting Action Pack
[quick tip]
You might like to WOW your new Consultant by placing the
items of their Action Pack in a colorful Beauticontrol bag,
or include a small product that they can start showing their
family and friends.
As soon as you have successfully recruited a new
Consultant into the business, provide them with a
Recruiting Action Pack to help build their excitement. The
pack provides initial information for them to take away and
read, before you walk them through their Starter Case.
This gives them an opportunity to start collecting orders
before their case even arrives.
Items to Include
Monthly Product
The Brochures are used
to promote products and
contain products being
offered at exceptional
value during that
particular month. The
Brochures are used to
sell products and collect
orders in or outside of
the Spa.
The Beautibook
showcases Beauticontrol
and all of the wonderful
products. It contains a
full list of products with
descriptions and pricing
as well as some great
set offers.
Dream with
Use to showcase the
Beauticontrol Business
Invitations to spas, events
and more. Download
from BeautiNet Client
Client Order Forms
An order form for
your Clients to list the
products they want to
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting During
a Recruiting
Recruiting With Success
“See the people. Something
miraculous happens when you
have personal contact with someone
and guide them to fulfill their needs
and wants and realize their dreams.”
–Mulford J. Nobbs
Great work – once you have
successfully booked a Recruiting
Appointment, follow this simple
Six-Step Recruiting Process to
ensure you have the most
successful outcome possible!
“Connection is the ability to enter
someone else’s world, to make them
feel that you understand them, that
you have a strong common bond.”
Use the Dream Sheet or the Dream with Beauticontrol
Brochure. Go through each dream and get them to
connect with what the Opportunity could mean to them.
– Tony Robbins
[quick tips]
[quick tips]
Step 2: Identify their needs
Where possible, arrange to hold the appointment
somewhere you will not be interrupted and you can
have their undivided attention. A coffee shop or library
can be ideal.
Step 3: Showcase Beauticontrol and the Opportunity.
Get them excited and emotionally connected with their
dreams – look for signs of enthusiasm such as their eyes
lighting up or sitting forward in their seat.
Remember people’s circumstances often change –
so plant the Opportunity seeds frequently as you never
know when the right time might be for someone to join.
Remember, a seed can be something as small as a
sentence about how much you love the flexibility of being
a Beauticontrol Consultant.
Step 5: Lead them to Say Yes
Step 1: Build a Connection
Establishing a connection with prospective Consultants
will help them to open up to you on an emotional level.
If you are able to connect, it is easier for you to establish
their needs and show how the Opportunity can meet
those needs.
Here are some tips to help you build a connection:
• Use their names throughout the conversation
• Balance the asking and the telling – the listening and the
talking! Remember, it’s 80% listening to 20% talking
• Look for things in common
their needs
“Italy? Lovely, what is it about Italy that interests you?”
(Perhaps the prospect has a desire to spend more time
with a spouse and have more work/life balance.)
Step 1: Build a connection
Step 6: Get them started
• Use positive body language – make eye contact, lean
forward in your chair, smile and nod
• Be sincere and empathetic
• Offer genuine compliments
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
“If you could choose any one of these dreams on the
dream sheet, which one would it be?”
“OK, you chose a vacation – if you could go anywhere in
the world where would you like to go?”
Your appointment should last for approximately 45 minutes.
Be aware that if your appointment runs over, the longer the
appointment is, the more likely you are to lose momentum
and focus.
Step 4: Relate the Beauticontrol Opportunity to
their needs.
Examples of questions you can use: Vacation
Get them to write the dream in the space provided in the
Dream with Beauticontrol Brochure or on the Dream Sheet.
Build excitement about the fact that Beauticontrol can help
achieve this dream.
Step 2: Identify Their Needs
For the first ten minutes, get to know your prospective
Consultant and find out some background information. You
can use the Getting to Know Your Prospective Consultant
Form for support (in the Quick Reference section of this
workbook) during your initial Recruiting Appointments.
The next step – find out your prospects’ dreams. To recruit
successfully you need to understand the needs and the
various reasons they might want to join. For example:
money, flexibility, to increase confidence or to spend more
time with the family. You can then show how Beauticontrol
can meet these needs and tailor your conversation.
“You want to spend some time with your spouse.”
“If I could show you how you can go to Italy, and obtain
greater work/life balance so you can spend more time with
your spouse, would you be interested?”
Examples of questions you can use: Debt free
If your prospect chooses debt free – try and get them to
select an additional dream which will generate excitement.
(Debt free doesn’t necessarily excite a person, but having
the freedom to spend money elsewhere would.)
“OK, you chose debt free – How would it feel to not have
any debt weighing on you?”
“If we could get you in a position where your debts have
been paid off, what would that allow you to do, or have?”
Other word choices you can use:
“Why is that important to you?”
“What are the consequences of not having that [dream]?”
“Why would that worry you?”
Your goal here is to ask further questions about their
dreams, digging deeper to find out what that dream really
means to them. Ask around five questions so that you can
really gain a deep understanding. This will help you when
talking about the Opportunity.
Recruiting With Success
Word Choice Suggestions:
[quick tips]
“So what you’re saying is… (restate the dream).”
[quick tip]
Throughout the conversation ask if they have any questions
– this will help deal with and overcome any objections as you
go along. It will also help identify if they are feeling positively
about the opportunity.
“Does your current situation provide you with an
opportunity to achieve this?”
Always aim for your prospect to become a Spa Consultant.
Use the Beautibook. Express what a great company
Beauticontrol is and that they will be a part of something
really special.
• Director
You can download the BC Career Sheet from Beautinet >
Business Tools > Forms on File > Recruiting.
There’s a place for everyone at Beauticontrol!
Step 3: Showcase Beauticontrol and
the Opportunity
Share with your prospects about Beauticontrol and give
them some background about the company. Keep it brief,
just one or two minutes, maximum.
You should briefly mention:
• How it all began and the Beauticontrol products
• Why Beauticontrol?
• Friends and Family Consultant
• Spa/Glam Consultant
“Would you be interested, if I could show you a way to…
(mention the dream)?”
(Refer to pages in the Beautibook.)
Explain there are three possible job opportunities,
each one designed to suit different needs and lifestyles.
Explain each Opportunity:
Word Choice Suggestions
be a friends & family
be a spa & glam
be a bc
Increase your income and have some
fun! Once you fall in love with our
products, all you have to do is share
them with those around you.
Supplement your income by earning
about $500 or more each week—that’s
$20,000 a year—plus gain glamorous
Start your dream career and earn upwards
of $1000 per week—that’s $50,000 a year—
and have the opportunity of earning a luxury
car without the pricy payments!
» Share the Monthly Product Brochure
and Beautibook with everyone you
know and introduce them to quality
skincare, rich color and premium body
products at a great price
» Receive full training and set your
own schedule
» Hold 2 to 3 Spas per week at your
own leisure
» Hold 2 Spas a week at your
own leisure
» Share your Beauticontrol website and collect
online orders 24/7
» Share your Beauticontrol website and
collect online orders 24/7
» Order products online that will be
delivered right to your door
» Receive support from your team and
the Beauticontrol home office team
» Plus, much more!
» Learn how to be a leader, build a team and
inspire them to do the same
» Take the wheel in your new luxury car or
receive cash for car
» Earn an annual five-star international trip
for you and your partner
» Receive take-your-breath-away rewards
and recognition
» Receive support from your team and
the Beauticontrol home office team
» Plus, much more!
» Create a personal Beauticontrol
website and collect online orders 24/7
» Order products online that will be
delivered right to your door
» Receive support from your team and
the Beauticontrol home office team
» Plus, much more!
be a part of something special: choose the lifestyle that suits you best
“How would the additional money impact…
(restate their dream)?”
• Based on two hours per Spa.
• Explain the career path that Beauticontrol offers
and the earnings and rewards that can be achieved.
Communicate that career growth is self-promoting
and is not based on anyone else’s agendas!
• Charity Initiative (WHO)
Step 4: Relate the Beauticontrol
Opportunity to Their Needs
Now, think about what you have recently learned
about your prospects, and tailor how the Beauticontrol
Business Opportunity could fit with their needs and
lifestyle. Communicate that, regardless of their goals, the
Opportunity can work to make that dream come true.
You determine what you make
Earn an Average of $100 per hour.*
Retail Sales Per Spa
Top Discount Level**
Your goal here is to continually relate the Opportunity back
to the dream you have just identified.
Show your prospects that there are two ways to achieve
their dreams:
You Earn
1) Personal sales
2) Building a team
*Hourly rate is based on a Spa taking 2 hours to hold, Consultant being at the 40% discount and selling $500 retail per Spa.
** Become a VIP and receive up to a 50% discount.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Communicate that Beauticontrol supports our Consultants’
success every step of the way through:
[quick tips]
Keep this section as simple as possible. Don’t refer to
Uplines, Downlines, commissions, bonuses, etc. at this
stage, as it can be confusing and overwhelming.
If your prospect is undecided about the Opportunity, it is a
good idea to have two or three suggestions up your sleeve
that you feel comfortable offering to keep the door open.
• professional demonstration sets
• ongoing team mentoring and support
• training, events and meetings
• company sales tools and literature
• Achiever magazine and Monthly Product Brochures
For your initial Recruiting
Appointments, you can ask your
Recruiter or Director to attend the
meeting with you for support.
Step 5: Lead them to Say Yes
This step is about taking the time to answer any further
questions or objections, and securing a commitment.
Word Choice Suggestions
“Is there anything that is stopping you from trying it for six
“Usually the number one question I get asked is how do I
get started? Would you like to hear about that?”
Suggestion 1: Suggest that they come to a Weekly
Training session – this will give them the opportunity to
discover more about Beauticontrol and meet a few of the
other Consultants.
Suggestion 2: Suggest that they host a Spa – this will
again provide the opportunity to find out more about
Beauticontrol, the Opportunity and the wonderful products.
It will also allow them to see how simple and fun a Spa
can be.
Suggestion 3: Ask them to come along as a model to a
Skin Care Master Class or Color Studio Training. This will
create the opportunity to see some of the products and
learn a few tips.
If your prospect is not interested in taking the Opportunity
any further – call back in a couple of months to check
whether circumstances have changed.
Step 6: Getting Your
New Consultant Started
If your prospect has some doubts, try and find out the
real reason behind the objections. This will enable you to
provide options and assist with their decision making.
Congratulations! Once you have successfully recruited
a new Consultant, ensure that they have the best
possible start by offering all the support they need using
the four-step process.
You can also use the FEEL – FELT – FOUND technique,
when faced with objections.
FEEL: ‘I know how you feel.’
FELT: ‘I know of someone who felt that way’
FOUND: ‘That person found it wasn’t that bad and,
actually, it was a great thing to do.’
If your prospects want to think about it and aren’t willing to
join on the spot, don’t worry. Tell them to take the Dream
with Beauticontrol Brochure home and think about it. Get
them to write down any questions that they might have and
let them know that you will contact them in a few days to
answer any questions. Then offer one or two suggestions.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Secrets to
To build and maintain a healthy
Beauticontrol business, you need
to consistently recruit others. The
secret to great recruiting is practice!
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
[quick tip]
It’s not your job to judge… it is your job to offer the
Opportunity to everyone you meet and let each person
make up their own mind.
We encourage you to start practicing recruiting in your first
few months. This will help build your confidence and kick
start your business to be successful more quickly.
The Dream Start Program
Bring your prospects along to one of your Weekly Training
sessions – this will give them the chance to meet your
team and explore Beauticontrol and the Opportunity.
It will also give your prospects the chance to ask any
further questions.
Your First Three Months’
When you recruit one – three people in your first three
months, you are rewarded. Check out the Dream Start
Program to view which rewards are available as you sell
and recruit in your first three months.
Company Events
Beauticontrol has a series of exciting events throughout
the year to showcase the company, highlight our products
and present the Business Opportunity. It provides you
with an added opportunity to invite guests or potential new
Consultants so that they can get a feel for the business.
Don’t Prejudge
It isn’t your job to judge who may or may not be interested
in the Opportunity, as you can’t know people’s situations,
dreams, or how they may be feeling. But one thing is sure,
if you don’t offer the Opportunity, someone else might.
To support you during the recruiting process, there are
many opportunities where you can also bring prospects
along to company events and showcase the Opportunity.
Weekly Training
Part of the Dream Start program is designed to encourage
you to start recruiting in your first three months, rewarding
you with wonderful tools to add to your Case.
Don’t judge…
Events to Support You
Check out www.Beautinet > Training and Events > Events
for more details.
Remember people’s circumstances often change – so
plant the Opportunity seeds frequently as you never
know when the right time might be for someone to join.
Remember, a seed can be something as small as a
sentence about how much you love the flexibility of being
a Beauticontrol Consultant.
Word Choice Suggestions
Asking Someone to Come to an Opportunity Event
“We have an exciting event coming up where you can learn
about Beauticontrol, our products and get a chance to play
with them. I only have a couple of invites left and I want to
offer them to you and a friend to be my special guests.”
To grow your business, you need to be consistently
recruiting. The wonderful thing is that what you are doing
is sharing the Opportunity to change someone’s life for
the better!
• Consistency is key!
• Aim to share the Opportunity at least once every week.
• Ensure your calendar is full with Recruiting Appointments
each month.
• The number of appointments you hold and people you
recruit will determine the success of your business.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
First Steps for your
New Consultant
[quick tip]
We recommend you meet with your new Consultant as
soon as the Starter Case arrives to walk through it. This
step is crucial because it allows you to bond with your new
Consultant and gives you time to explain things thoroughly.
To successfully recruit new
Consultants, and ensure that
they have the best possible start,
offer all the support they need.
Use this Four-Step Process to
get them started.
This is what recruiting is all about: discovering the dreams
of those around us and helping them find a way to make
those dreams come true. When you are walking side by
side with someone and you see them develop and achieve
great heights, knowing you played a key role in their
development, is an incredible feeling.
Not to mention all the wonderful perks you achieve during
the process and with the business you build.
Step 1: New Consultant Joins with
a Starter Case
Let your new Consultants know that to start this business
they will need to join with a Starter Case to use for
demonstrating at Spas.
• Show your new Prospect the Case choices in the
• Explain the contents of each Case.
• Ask your new Consultants to choose which Case they
would like to join.
• Take payment and ask them to sign a Consultant
Agreement. They can join by entering an agreement
online or filling out a downloadable Consultant
Agreement form.
• Let your new Consultants know that you will walk them
through their Starter Case and next steps as soon as
it arrives.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Step 2: Book a Welcome Spa with Your
New Consultant
[quick tip]
We recommend you meet with your new Consultant as
soon as the Starter Case arrives to walk through it. This
step is crucial because it allows you to bond with your new
Consultant and gives you time to explain things thoroughly.
(See the Getting Team Members Started Right Module).
The Welcome Spa is where you run the Spa and the new
Consultants observe. This gets them familiar with the Spa
process so they can see how the Spa Format works. Have
them help conduct the different portions so they can run
the next Spa. Take your new Consultants to as many of
your Spas as they want, so that they can become confident
conducting their own Spa.
Step 3: Register Your New Consultants
for a BeautiYOU Class
The BeautiYOU class is a training session set in a
supportive environment, to equip a new Consultant with
the skills and knowledge to get their businesses up
and running.
As their Recruiter, you will want to help register your new
Consultants into the next available BeautiYOU held by your
Director or if one is not readily available, have them register
to attend the upcoming BeautiYOU Webinar Training. You
can help your new Consultant register for BeautiYOU by
logging into their BeautiNet account with them, and clicking
on Training & Events > Training > BeautiYOU > Register
link. They must attend BeautiYOU Training within their first
90 days in order to take advantage of the Free Gift and
BeautiYOU Order Opportunities.
Step 4: Issue a Recruiting Action Pack
It is a good idea to provide your new Consultants with
some information as soon as you recruit them. This will
build excitement and give them something to take away
to read and maintain their enthusiasm.
Take your new Consultants through how to start taking
initial orders from their family and friends. Communicate
that you will go through this in more detail during the
Getting Team Members Started Right Training session.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Recruiting with
Section Recaps:
Recruiting with
Congratulations! You have now
completed the Recruit with
Success module.
1) The Importance of Recruiting
• Recruiting is about helping people achieve their dreams
and change their lives by sharing the Beauticontrol
Business Opportunity.
By completing this module you will have acquired the
basic skills you need to successfully recruit, change
people’s lives and grow your team.
• When you recruit, the new Consultants become part of
your team and it’s your role to welcome them and help
them to achieve.
You will now have learned:
• Recruiting builds your team. Growing your team,
empowers you to build a successful business!
• The definition of recruiting
• The importance of recruiting
• Recruiting is the key to maximizing your income potential
and career growth.
• How to prepare before you recruit
• Beauticontrol generously rewards those who recruit.
The more you share the dream and support others
in their journey, the more you can earn with rewards,
recognition, recruiting promotions and incentives.
• How to recruit during a Spa
• How to recruit during a Recruiting Appointment
• Which recruiting tools to use
• First steps for your new Consultant
2) Be Prepared Before You Recruit
• Being prepared will give you confidence and the best
chance of achieving a positive outcome.
1) Revisit Your Dream: remind yourself of your
Why and what you want to achieve.
2) Set a Goal: be clear on what you want
to accomplish.
3) Create Your Story: sharing your story is a powerful tool
when offering the Opportunity, it builds a connection.
4) Recap the Benefits of Joining Beauticontrol: be clear
on all of the benefits of joining the business so you can
share these with others.
5) Think About Your Recruiting Tools: think about which
tools you would like to assist you during the appointment
and familiarize yourself with them.
6) Dress to Impress: how you look, your body language
and how you conduct yourself says a lot about you and
your business.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
3) How Do I Recruit?
• Your goal is to help others reach their
potential and realize their dreams through the
Beauticontrol Opportunity.
4)How To Recruit During a
Recruiting Appointment
Six-Step Recruiting Process
• The Spa Format is designed to give you the opportunity
during the Spa to connect with those who may be
interested in the Business Opportunity.
Step 1: Build a Connection. When you connect with
prospects on an emotional level they open up to you,
so that it becomes easier to establish their needs.
• Remember to have fun at the Spa exploring other
people’s dreams!
Step 2: Identify their needs. You need to know the reasons
your prospects might want to join so get to know them and
discover their dream. Remember to dig deep and
ask questions.
• Weave in dream comments and plant Opportunity seeds
throughout the Spa.
• Listen for recruiting clues that suggest guests may
benefit from the Opportunity.
• Not every person you approach will be interested in
making their dreams come true with the Opportunity
right now, but it doesn’t mean they won’t join in the
future – keep them on your list.
• Once you have successfully recruited a new
Consultant into the business, provide them with
a Recruiting Action Pack.
My Next Steps:
Recruiting with
Recruit with Success
1) Complete the Quick Quiz.
2) Refresh your knowledge.
3) Record your attendance and completion date for the
Recruiting with Success training session.
Step 3: Showcase Beauticontrol and the Opportunity.
Use the Beautibook to give them some background on
the company.
4) Achieve the Completion Goal.
5) Book to attend the Getting Team Members Started
Right training.
Step 4: Relate the Beauticontrol Opportunity to their needs.
Think about what you have learned from the prospects and
tailor the Opportunity to fit with their needs and lifestyle.
Step 5: Lead them to Say Yes. Take time to answer any
further questions they might have.
Use the FEEL – FELT – FOUND technique. Have some
different suggestions ready that they can choose if they
aren’t ready to sign up today.
Step 6: Get them started. Use the four-step process and
give them the best possible start.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Quick Quiz:
Recruiting with
6) When building a connection with a prospective
Consultant, use the:
(a) 80% listening, 20% talking rule
(b) 50% listening, 50% talking rule
(c) 20% listening, 80% talking rule
1) Sponsoring is:
7) When using the Six-Step Recruiting Process, you
should mention:
(a) helping people to achieve their dreams by sharing
the Beauticontrol Business Opportunity
(a) Beauticontrol and the Opportunity before discussing
their needs
(b) getting others to host Spas for you
(c) asking people to recommend Beauticontrol products
to their friends and family
(b)their needs before talking about Beauticontrol and
the Opportunity
2) Being prepared before you start to recruit will:
(c)the Dream Start program and all of the rewards first
(a) enable you to simply call any prospective Consultants
8) The final step, when you recruit someone during a
Recruiting Appointment, is to:
(b) give you confidence and the best chance of achieving
a positive outcome
(a) confirm that they have agreed to hold a Spa
(c) mean that you don’t have to recruit as many people
(b) ask them what Spa theme they would like
3) Creating a personal story about why you joined
Beauticontrol and sharing your story with others:
(c) get them started using the Four-Step Process
9) When someone isn’t interested in joining to become
a Consultant:
(a) enables you to talk about yourself during
the conversation
(a) thank them for their time and leave graciously
(b) can be used to fill any gaps in conversation
(b) remember they may join in the future, so keep them
on your list
(c) builds a connection and trust, allowing you to connect
with a person on a personal and emotional level
(c) forget about them – they obviously don’t know a
good opportunity when they see it
4) Why is it important to dress to impress when
attending a Recruiting Appointment?
10) When handing out recruiting tools to prospects,
make sure you follow-up within:
(a) you’ll look professional so people will want to be
like you
(a) two days – an old lead is a cold lead and you don’t
want to lose their interest
(b) you want to intimidate people
(c) it gives you a chance to wear some of the clothes
you don’t get the chance to wear normally
(b) a week – people need time to look over the
information and discuss it with their family
5) Recruiting clues are:
(c) don’t worry about following-up; it’s good that they
can look over the material and contact you when it
is suitable for them
(a) funny jokes that you can use when talking
about recruiting
(b) stories about recruiting
(c) something someone says or does that suggests they
may benefit from the Opportunity
Upside down key: 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) c 6) a 7) b 8) c 9) b 10) a
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Completion Goal:
Recruiting with
1) Tell 10 people about the Beauticontrol Opportunity
within the next seven days
2) Book a Recruiting Appointment
Share the Beauticontrol Opportunity
with 10 People
This Quick Reference section puts the highlights
of what you just learned right at your fingertips!
Just a quick scan of this section will help you
easily find just what you need to know. Of course,
for a more in-depth look, simply revisit the full section
in the module.
Completion Date
Your Signature
Director’s Signature
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
[quick tip]
Use the Beautibook or the Dream Sheet. Go through each
dream and get them to connect with what the Opportunity
could mean to them.
Six-Step Recruiting
Dress for Success
[quick tip]
Check your outfit in the mirror before you leave –
front and back!
• It’s important to look professional and well groomed!
• Ensure your hair looks nice, and that you have applied
Beauticontrol products.
Step 1: Build a Connection
• Building a connection with a prospective Consultant will
allow you to connect with them on an emotional level.
How you conduct and present yourself says a lot about you
and your business.
Step 2: Identify Their Needs
• Remember your hands and nails will be on display, so
make sure you are satisfied with their appearance.
• Clothing: wear clean and professional clothes. Check for
holes, frays, broken zippers, stains, etc.
• Footwear: check that your shoes are clean and in good
condition and that the heels aren’t too high or worn
down. If you are wearing open toes you may want to treat
yourself to a pedicure!
• Find out your prospects’ dreams.
• To recruit successfully you need to understand their
needs and the various reasons they might want to
join, so you can then show how Beauticontrol can
suit their needs.
Step 3: Showcase Beauticontrol and
the Opportunity
• Tell your prospects about Beauticontrol and give them
some background on the company.
• Be proud of the company and that you are a part of
something special.
Step 4: Relate the Beauticontrol
Opportunity to Their Needs
• Think about what you have learned about your prospect
and tailor how you share the Opportunity.
• Explain: the two ways to achieve income, the
Opportunity, holding Spas and/or building a team
and moving up the career path.
Step 5: Get them to ‘YES’
• Answer any questions or objections they may have.
• Discover the real reason behind any objections.
• Give options and help with their decision to join.
Step 6: Get them Started
• Be excited.
• Ensure that they have the best possible start by
offering support.
• Complete the four-step process.
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
Getting to Know Your Prospective Consultant
As you begin to find out a little bit more about your prospects, take notes so that you can really identify
how Beauticontrol can best fit them.
Contact Number
Email Address
Here are a few questions you might use…
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your family (married/kids/partner’s name)
What are your hobbies (how you like to spend your free time)?
Are you currently working? What type of work have you done in the past?
What would you like to do with your life?
What would you do with an extra $500 in your pocket?
What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month?
Other comments
Beauticontrol New Consultant Business School
Recruiting With Success
2121 Midway Road
Carrollton, Texas 75006
©2015 Beauticontrol, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in USA