Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 1101011010-3692 Parish Social Ministry Maureen Russell Faith Formation Coordinator Debbie Hurley Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi Associate Pastors Rev. Allan Arneaud Rev. Johnny Mendonca Rev. Charles N. Srion Music Director Jennifer Wells Deacons Joseph Benincasa Frank Gonzalez Trustees Dennis Canese Marion G. Dreyfus Parish office: (516) 352-0146 Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554 Parish FAX: (516) 326-7427 Social / Outreach: (516) 775-0840 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: Sunday Masses Saturday: Saint Catherine Chapel-Sienna Center 5:00PM Church 8:00PM Sunday: Church 7:30AM, 9:30AM (Italian), 11:30AM and 5:00PM (Spanish) Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center 9:30AM, 11:00AM and 1:00PM Weekday Masses Monday through Saturday: 8:00AM Parish Office Hours (990 Holzheimer St.) Monday to Thursday: 9:00AM—8:00PM Friday: 9:00AM—7:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM—4:00PM Sunday: 10:00AM—1:00PM Parish Social Ministry Outreach Hours (995 Lutz Street) Monday through Friday, 11:00AM-1:00PM Thursday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM Additional hours by appointment only. Anointing of the Sick Communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursdays during the 8:00AM Mass. Please notify priest if family member is sick at home. Emergency Sick Calls: Call 352-0146 Celebrate Baptism We welcome Children & Adults to Catholicism through Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Children: Baptism Celebrated First & Third Saturdays of each month at 12:30PM. Baptism Preparation Class: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM (pre-registration is required). Adults: Adults to be Baptized (or Confirmed) are invited to call the Parish Office for assistance. Celebrate Marriage Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon before making your social arrangements. Reconciliation (Confession/Penance) Every Saturday: 4:00PM-5:00PM and 7:30PM-8:00PM Parish Membership ALL are welcome to join our parish family; please REGISTER on the First Sunday of the Month at the Pastoral Table after Mass or anytime at the Parish Office. We invite you to be part of our Parish Ministry through various groups and activities. Parish Prayer Life Adoration: Every Friday After 8:00AM Mass - 9:00PM and 24HR every First Friday, Saint Catherine Chapel, Sienna Center Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after 8:00AM Mass Parishioners with Special Needs The Church, Saint Catherine Chapel and Sienna Center are accessible through doors on right side of the Church where buildings meet. The Sienna Center is also accessible through its front doors and has an elevator at ground level for upper and lower levels (left side of staircase) allowing access to Church as well. Assisted Listening Devices are available in Church for the hearing impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one. Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at 775-0840; contact if you have other needs to be addressed. Mass For Those with Special Needs is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM in Saint Catherine Chapel-Sienna Center. Professional Therapy & Counseling Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish. Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503. Second Sunday of Advent December 7, 2014 - MASS SCHEDULE INTENTIONS SAT. 5:00PM 8:00 PM Dec. 6 - St. Nicholas Ronald Siletti & Frank Corrado Annunciada DeLiguori - Joseph DeLiguori Edward Oak - Mary Smith Liz & Edith Capuder SUN. C ! 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM S"#$$% C& . 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Dec. 7 - Second Sunday of Advent MON. 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM Dec. 8 - Immaculate Conception For the People of the Parish Elvira Matano Maria, Domenico & Angela Mastrandrea TUES. 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Dec. 9 - St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin George Heine Violet Cesare WED. 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Dec. 10 Mary Smith Nora (Cookie) Zoral THURS. 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Dec. 11 - St. Damasus Maryanne Mennecke Serafina Vagnii FRI. 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Dec. 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Irquinta Family Joseph Ward SAT. 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Dec. 13 St. Lucy Anthony Letteriello Anthony Angiuli - Marie Ceraolo Anne McGowan - Mary Smith - Pat Stango Mary Reichel 8:00 PM SUN. C ! 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM 5:00 PM S"#$$% C& . 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:00 PM For the People of the Parish Mary & Louis Panariello Daniel Imbrenda Spanish Mass DBCDEF WGGH IJ DGKGLMGC 7 SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in our Church In Loving Memory of: Anthony & Evelyn Venezia with the prayers of: Lorraine Annoscia BREAD AND WINE will be used at all Masses In Loving Memory of: Luzzetta Hooker with the prayers of: Amelia Intaglia and Family OUTREACH James & Helen Wren The Barrett Family Paul Brito Dec. 15 - Third Sunday of Advent For the People of the Parish Josephine & Luciano Colapietro Antonietta Toscano Spanish Mass Americo Capogna Deceased members of St. Anthony Assoc. Marie McCormick WICH WG DI TI HGNO OPQGCR TQDR WGGH IR For the Parish Social Ministry Staff PARISH ‘IN HOME’ PRAYER PROGRAM Host Family/Individual: PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Concepcion Santamaria PRAY for those serving in MILITARY U.S.ARMY USMC Maj. Thomas Babbitt Sgt. Patrick Brady Maj. Catherine Babbitt PFC Erik Jacobsen Capt. Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G. LCpl. Michael P. Kelly M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen Cpl. Thomas R. Kroez, Jr. Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise Sgt. Michael Salemi Lt. Col. Andrew Phillips LCpl. Christopher Montes U.S.NAVY Cpl. Joseph Blaikie Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson Robert Vitale ET3 Peter J. King USAF E3 Thomas Mannle A1C Phil Gautiere Lt. John Debonis Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan PRAY for the SICK: SICK: Karen O’Connell, Barbara J. Alberti DiNatale PRAY for DECEASED and their Families: Velimir Bogdanov, Rosaria Pezzino Puleo, Matilda Capozzi, Theresa J. Carrano MAY HE REST IN PEACE OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT As members of St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and through worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith. Scriptural Reflection for the Week “Therefore, beloved, since you await these things, be eager to be found without spot or blemish before him, at peace.” (see 2 Peter 3:8-14) “These things” which Saint Peter refers to is a world and a time governed by the Lord’s justice. This is the “promise” of God—a time when His justice will reign over the earth. Two points to meditate on here. Firstly, is this time that Peter describes being anxiously awaited for by us? Or are we content with the status quo in which mankind’s life separate or apart from God is accepted as the norm? God promises “new” things and a new way of living but it seems we have grown used to and accustomed to, and maybe even prefer, the present state of things! Once we realize that we truly prefer and want God’s way to reign rather than “godless” men’s ways then we have to wake up and change! And this is the second point for meditation. Peters’ words indicate that we can only be “at peace” when we own up to what is wrong and sinful inside us and seek then the way of God - Conversion. The Advent Season is the time to be serious about seeing the reality of my life as it is and then realizing with each lighting of a candle on the wreath that only Christ’s way is the truth for us. Doesn't it take a piece of brillo to wipe away difficult stains? Don’t be afraid of this type of cleansing. Invite the Lord to make you clean, “without spot or blemish, at peace”! Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Monday, December 8th is a HOLYDAY of OBLIGATION. Masses are at 8am,12Noon and 7:00pm. From the Preface Prayer of this Mass: “For you preserved the most Blessed Virgin Mary from all stain of original sin, so that in her, endowed with the rich fullness of your grace, you might prepare a worthy Mother for your Son, and signify the beginning of your Church, his beautiful Bride, without spot or wrinkle”. Your Commitment to St. Catherine of Sienna Parish It’s very important that the Stewardship Commitment Forms found in the last few weeks bulletins be returned by all. Everyone should consider it as your responsibility to support your parish via your time, talent and treasure. Forms may be picked up today at the Pastoral Council table in the SC Lobby after Mass. Thanks much for your cooperation and help. Advent Examination of Conscience • Do I lie? • • • • Have I gossiped or spread rumors? Have I talked about others behind their backs? Christmas Concert We welcome back Natalie Salemmo and Christopher Colmenero who will offer us a selection of classical, sacred and seasonal music on SUNDAY, December 28th at 3pm in the Church. Tickets will be available the next two weekends after Masses and at the doors on December 28th. Your Christmas Gift Please PUT GOD FIRST in making your list of gifts at Christmas. What would you be or be able to do without God? One Final Thought “People who really and truly love each other are the happiest people in the world.” Blessed Teresa of Calcutta SACRIFICING FOR ONE ANOTHER or “speaking about Parish funding & finance”... We demonstrate being good stewards of our Parish by sharing our blessings through our weekly offertory gi, and as donors of special funding for others in need. AVERAGE ATTENDANCE M566 Sat. 5:00PM SC 8:00PM Church Sun. 7:30AM Church 9:30AM SC (Family) 9:30AM Church (Italian) 11:00AM SC 11:30AM Church 1:00PM SC 5:00PM Church (Spanish) Received by Mail Received thru Faith Direct 2,976 579 1,865 1,890 642 1,938 1,573 1,824 433 2,283 1,250 480 138 180 520 150 358 202 327 91 L W O Last Week’s Collec on Total: $17,253 Average Weekly Parish Expenditures: $32,000 THANK YOU Am I sincere and genuine with others? Am I pessimistic, always looking for the worst in things and other people? G012 TOTAL FOR YOUR CONTINUED SACRIFICE IN SUPPORTING OUR PARISH An Act of Contrition “Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Times for Confession Every Saturday from 4:00pm to 5:00pm and 7:30pm to 8:00pm. Also, by appointment. Please call the Parish Office. Added Mass Time During Advent Mondays to Fridays at 7pm in the Church. “God’s Greatest Gift—The Christmas Story … will be performed by the members of our Morning Star Youth Ministry on Sunday, December 14th at 7pm. Tickets are available after Masses this weekend. The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, December 8, 2014 in observance of the Immaculate Conception Feast Day lit · ur · gy n. a form of public worship; a collection of formularies for public worship; the celebration of the Eucharist Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish LITURGICAL CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS December 2014 (Month of Divine Infancy) 8 Immaculate Conception of Blessed Mother (Holy Day of Obligation) (Masses: 8AM, 12Noon, 7PM Church) 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe 14 Family Mass - Level 1 (9:30AM St. Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center) 14 God’s Greatest Gift - The Christmas Story (7PM - Parish Auditorium) 20 Mass for Those with Special Needs (3PM St. Catherine Chapel -Sienna Center) 21 Family Mass - Level 3 (9:30AM St. Catherine Chapel - Sienna Center) Scripture Readings for the NEXT SUNDAY. . . Third Sunday of Advent 12.14.14 Reading I - Isaiah 61: 1-2a, 10-11 Reading II - 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24 Gospel John 1: 6-8,19-28 For weekday readings visit our diocesan website at and go to THE DAILY READINGS A Prayer for Advent Mary, Your attitude during the months between the angel’s announcement and the birth of your son, Jesus, is the model for all interior souls, in whose depths God has also chosen to dwell. Following your example, may we bring the same kind of peace, the same kind of recollection to everything we do. Help us to act in such a way that through God’s presence in us the most trivial things in our day may be divinized. Amen -Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity PRAY & PREPARE FOR THE LORD By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca As we journey between the first coming of Jesus when he was born at Bethlehem and his Second Coming at the end of time when he will come as Judge of all, this time of Advent offers us an opportunity to reflect on the Second Coming of Jesus and thus prepare. His second coming and our waiting is the central theme in liturgy and prayer. In two of the Eucharistic Acclamations we profess our faith in Jesus’ Second Coming: - We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again. - When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come in glory. In the Creed which we profess every Sunday we proclaim: He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. During the early part of Advent (until December 16th) the Church asks us to reflect on the Second Coming of Jesus, and not just to reflect on it but to prepare for it. "Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come…. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’ (Mark 13:33-37) The readings of the first Sunday of Advent each year invite us to watch for the Second Coming of Jesus and the readings of the Second Sunday of Advent invite us to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus. That is why each year on the Second Sunday of Advent the Gospel is John the Baptist asking us to prepare a way for the Lord. And on the third Sunday of Advent each year we can detect some of the readings encouraging us to be patient for Jesus’ Second Coming. So the Church invites us to long for and prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus. How do we prepare for it? Let us place God first in our lives and love our neighbor as ourselves. Let us cleanse our hearts from sin. The second reading during the first three Sundays of Advent each year has much encouragement to prepare our hearts and lives as we await the Second Coming: " I give thanks to my God always on your account for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus, that in him you were enriched in every way, with all discourse and all knowledge, as the testimony to Christ was confirmed among you, so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep you firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus (Christ). God is faithful, and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord" 1 Cor. 1:4-9. "The Lord does not delay his promise, as some regard "delay," but he is patient with you, not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a mighty roar and the elements will be dissolved by fire, and the earth and everything done on it will be found out. Since everything is to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought (you) to be, conducting yourselves in holiness and devotion, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire. But according to his promise we await new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you await these things, be eager to be found without spot or blemish before him, at peace" 2 Peter 3:9-14. " Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. It is like a man traveling abroad. He leaves home and places his servants in charge, each with his work, and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch. Watch, therefore; you do not know when the lord of the house is coming, whether in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or in the morning. May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’ " Mark 13:33-37. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. Lord, may our love for each other ever increase more and more as we await the coming of Our Lord Jesus. A Heartfelt Thanks … A few words, a simple smile, a sincere ‘thank you’ means much in these challenging times of today’s world. In sharing a note from an individual to our parish priests and pastor we express gratitude for our blessings and the wonderful members of the parish family of Saint Catherine of Sienna. NATIONAL NIGHT OF PRAYER FOR LIFE Monday, December 8, 2014 Mass 7:00PM (Solemnity of Immaculate Conception—Holy Day of Obligation) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following Mass until 9:00PM Come … Pray the Rosary for Life We ask for offering of an unwrapped gift for infant or toddler (child up to age 6) to be distributed to local homes for unwed mothers! It was on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception that Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas and the unborn, first appeared to Saint Juan Diego. The National Night of Prayer for Life bridges these two feasts to honor Our Blessed Mother and prays through Her intercession for the establishment of a Culture of Life, protection for the Church from persecution and asks Our Lord to REVIVE OUR LAND. (Solemnity of Immaculate Conception—Dec 8 Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec 12) For additional information contact the Parish Office T: 516-352-0146 SCS Parish Family Celebrates Thanksgiving 2014 with prayer, buffet dinner, music, dance and games. Four hundred people gathered; children, teens, young adults and seniors. Msgr. Rick, our Pastor, welcomed all and led prayer. People raised their voices in song, listened to the Word of God and prayed together in thanks of the gifts God has bestowed and all His blessings. We give thanks to you O God For our many blessings As we pray for those in need. We give thanks for our family and friends As we pray for those who are lonely. We give thanks for our freedoms As we pray for those who are oppressed. We give thanks for our good health As we pray for those who are ill. We give thanks for our comfort and prosperity As we share our blessings with others. On this day of Thanksgiving, May the love of God enfold us, The peace of God dwell within us And the joy of God uplift us. We give thanks to you O God! AMEN. This parish-wide event is the result of many people working together. It begins with those that are responsible for planning, securing auction prizes, selling event tickets, and the preparation for prayer service. Some are responsible for room arrangements, set up of the dining tables and chairs, DJ and prayer service music, while others may assist with setting up food buffet and serving. It takes many hands and we are grateful to members of Liturgy Committee, Family Ministry and our Morning Star Youth Ministry and their adult support team for their support. No turkey you say? A buffet with family favorites to satisfy the crowd was prepared by Pizza Express and the menu, now tradition, began in 2008 at the first dinner. The lines moved quickly on both sides of auditorium. Whether you were on the working team, donated an auction prize, prepared the food, or participated in the event … THANKS TO ALL! ‘IN HOME’ PARISH PRAYER PROGRAMS !"#" $!%#&#' !( #(#)#(!&' * + !, (!#&, # *- -% Our CUP OF PRAYER program reminds us of the importance of daily prayer for vocations, priests and our family. It has traveled throughout our parish community weekly to families and individuals. It was initiated in 2010 by a group on a pilgrimage that visited Ars, the home of Saint John Marie Vianney, the Patron of Parish Priests. The parish was presented the CUP by the group to encourage increased daily prayer in the home. Through the program, intentions are presented for much needed vocations to the priesthood, our parish priests and their intentions, our own parish family, and also family and individual intentions. The CUP is presented at weekend Mass of your choice; the family or an individ‐ ual receives a blessing witnessed by those assembled. A Cup of Prayer booklet provides suggested prayers. OUR LADY OF FATIMA PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE program promotes the daily praying of the Rosary and has been a parish prayer program for 26 years. Initiated here due to the deep devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and praying of the Rosary, it has since touched the lives of hundreds of families and individuals over the years. A ‘pilgrim’ statue of Our Lady of Fatima travels to a home, delivered by a member of the parish, and displayed to inspire praying the Rosary DAILY. There are spe‐ cific prayers led by the person that delivers and picks up the ‘pilgrim’ statue, prayer book‐ lets and resources for praying throughout the week. THE WEEKLY HOST FAMILY OF EACH PROGRAM IS LISTED IN BULLETIN YOUR WEEK S PROGRAM AFTER ALL MASSES ! "#$$ # O" # 516-352-0146 THE LIGHT OF CHRIST PRAYER GROUP PLEASE NOTE: Monday, December 8th we will join the Right to Life Group for Mass, followed by special Prayers! th Monday, December 15 (Last meeting for the year) We will have guest speaker, Sister Joyce Hummel speaking on “The Three Comings of Jesus” at 7:30pm, Saint Catherine Chapel. All Are Welcome The Confraternity of Christian Mothers... will have their monthly meeting on Thursday, December 18, 2014 in the Sienna Center Lower Level. 7 PM Executive Board 7:30 PM General Meeting and Christmas Party. We will be donating this year again. Please bring an unwrapped gift. All our members wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Please note that we do not meet in January. See you in February!!!! BULLETIN CHRISTMAS DEADLINES Our Christmas Bulletin submission schedule is as follows: Bulletin submissions to be printed in the December 21st issue are due on Tuesday, December 9th.. Submissions for December 28th are due on Monday, December 15th. Submissions for January 4th are due on Friday, December 19th. Thank you in advance for your cooperation Faith Formation News Today is the second Sunday of Advent . Tomorrow, December 8th, is the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation. Please try to attend Mass. Faith Matters Sharing faith through the eyes of our Catechists: I started teaching when my children began Religious Education, or as we call it now Faith Formation, over 25 years ago. I continued teaching when my grandchildren started classes. I love the little ones. I have been teaching first grade for the last 5 years. They see things so differently; so definitely I try to show more than tell, and teach them with lots of repetition to get their attention. I like to teach them about their faith because I feel it is giving back and paying forward. It keeps my faith strong and I learn a lot. Each chapter in their Religion books talks about the saints and I learn along with them as I never even heard of some of the saints. My children already know the sign of the cross, we repeat and repeat. Now we are learning the Our Father prayer by singing and actions. After we will learn the Hail Mary prayer. We do lots of crafts and we even do a ‘religion bee’ like a ‘spelling bee’. The children love it and we, meantime, are finding out what they really know. I would encourage anyone to come and share their faith and learn more, as well as grow stronger in their faith. I do it with my first graders. June Dolgos 1st Grade Catechist Faith Matters will take the place of Grade Level Parent Meetings and will be once a month on Thursdays. Mom, dad or both, other family members (if you don’t have a babysitter, you can bring the kids) can come and have some spiritual renewal and rejuvenation for one hour. These are stressful times. We will always have different topics and these will be advertised on our website. Faith Matters—we need it today more than ever. Come together and let’s share our Faith-coffee, tea and dessert. Level 1 Mass All first grade students and their families are invited to attend Mass on: Sunday, December 14th 9:30 am Saint Catherine Chapel Post Abortion Help Do you know someone who is carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions? Share with them the “Good News” of God’s merciful love: Days of Prayer and Healing For women and men suffering from the effects of abortion FOR WOMEN For more information or to register, please call the Sisters of Life: 866-575-0075 or email: [email protected], ( FOR MEN For more information or to register, please call: 877-856-4621 Or email [email protected] You don’t need to suffer alone. There’s help Faith Formation Students, please take this page to class Name_______________________ Grade Level________ December 7, 2014 Feast of the Immaculate Conception December 8, 2014 Pray 3 Hail Marys while thinking about Mother Mary’s love for the Lord our God. Amen! Who is in the picture? ________________ ———————— Use the picture clues to find the missing letters. The answer is hidden in the bold squares! (Mark 1:3-4) SecondSunday ofAdvent Prepare the Way! How are you and your family going to prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ? ——————————— Dec. 12 is the Feast Day of the Lady of Guadalupe, when we remember Mother Mary appearing to Juan Diego in Mexico City #GodIsLove ——————————— ——————————— “Misa de Gallo” Friday, December 19, 2014 @ 8:00 PM Saint Catherine of Sienna Church Franklin Square Celebrant: Fr. Lennard Sabio Choir: Friends in Christ For more information please call Ester at 516 214 6130 The Foundation of Prayer for Priests By Thomas Van (bio - articles - email) | Nov 17, 2014 In 2007, in light of increasing attacks on the priesthood from within and without, and particularly after the scandals that had done such damage to the Church, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Clergy saw the need to begin a global movement of prayer for priests. To that end, the Congregation issued a booklet to the bishops of the world, entitled Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity. In the booklet’s introduction, Cláudio Cardinal Hummes, then Prefect of the Congregation, wrote: We intend in a very particular way to entrust all priests to Mary, the Mother of the Eternal High Priest, bringing about in the Church a movement of prayer, placing 24 hour continuous Eucharistic adoration at the center, so that a prayer of adoration, thanksgiving, praise, petition, and reparation will be raised to God, incessantly and from every corner of the earth, with the primary intention of awakening a sufficient number of holy vocations to the priestly state and, at the same time, spiritually uniting with a certain spiritual maternity — at the level of the Mystical Body — all those who have already been called to the ministerial priesthood and are ontologically conformed to the one High and Eternal priest. This movement will offer better service to Christ and his brothers — those who are at once ‘inside’ the Church and also ‘at the forefront’ of the Church, standing in Christ’s stead and representing Him, as head, shepherd and spouse of the Church. In 2013, Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S, a retreat director and Catholic radio host who had spent the past decade working with priests in the ministry of healing and deliverance, was inspired by the second edition of the Congregation’s booklet to turn the prayer initiative into a formal movement. And so in July 2014, Beckman established the Foundation of Prayer for Priests with support from the Congregation for the Clergy. As the excerpt above indicates, Beckman’s apostolate is fundamentally Marian and Eucharistic. The FPP particularly encourages Eucharistic adoration and the rosary as ways of praying for priests. Though the movement is for men and women equally, a special aspect of this work for women is the focus on spiritual motherhood of priests. This means uniting oneself with Mary’s universal motherhood of priests and participating in this life-giving function through communion with Mary, the most powerful form of which is the consecration to Jesus through Mary. This spiritual maternity was practiced by many women saints, such as St. Catherine of Siena and St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Another great source of inspiration in this area is Venerable Concepción Cabrera de Armida (1862-1937). Conchita, as she is also known, was a Mexican mystic who inspired the creation of several apostolates in her home country. On many occasions she heard God speaking to her, and Jesus gave her the mission of being a spiritual mother of thousands of priests and priests-to-be. Conchita practiced this spiritual maternity by prayer, suffering and reparation for the sins of priests. Coordinated with the establishment of the Foundation of Prayer for Priests was the release of Kathleen Beckman’s excellent book, Praying for Priests: A Mission for the New Evangelization (published by Sophia Institute Press). In it, she explains why priests need the prayers of the laity, and gives real-life examples of the efficacy of intercessory prayer in increasing vocations, strengthening priests who are suffering, and even bringing priests who have abandoned their vocations to repentance. Beckman is at her best when writing about Mary’s special love for priests and the work of spiritual motherhood united with her. These chapters will increase the reader’s devotion both to Mary and to the priesthood, and will be of particular interest to lay women. There is also a beautiful chapter on how to make a holy hour for priests. The book includes a number of prayers for priests, notably three scriptural Rosaries: one for priests, another for vocations, and a third in reparation for the sins of priests. These include not only meditations from Scripture but passages from two apostolic letters of St. John Paul II: Pastores Dabo Vobis, dealing with the formation of priests, and Salvifici Doloris, on the Christian meaning of human suffering. Those who wish to learn more about this crucial apostolate can also visit the website of the Foundation of Prayer for Priests, which offers a myriad of resources on the priesthood, spiritual motherhood, spiritual fatherhood, and various forms of intercessory prayer for priests. Advent Activity –December 6th & 7th The second Sunday of Advent symbolizes Faith with the Bethlehem Candle reminding us of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem. Please color this candle PURPLE, cut it out and glue it to your Advent Wreath. Violet or Purple is a liturgical color that is used to signify a time of penance, sacrifice, and prayer. Come Lord Jesus, Fill My Heart With Faith MORNING STAR YOUTH MINISTRY Presents (Christmas story) on Sunday, December 14, 2014 at: 7:00pm Sharp - Parish Auditorium Reserve your seat today—Donation is $5 per person Tickets on sale after Masses and at Welcome Desk St. Catherine of Sienna Parish Social Ministry (OUT)REACH FOR THE STARS This year when you choose a star from the tree, please purchase the suggested gift card in the amount you choose ($10, $20, $25, $50 …) mark the amount on the card & return by 12/14 with the star attached. On the reverse side of the star is a request for a small prayer. During this season of Advent please say this prayer so that we, together as a parish, will offer hundreds of prayers for these special intentions. Won’t you help the needy of our community? Please place the gift cards in any of the collections at Mass or drop off in the Outreach or Parish Office during our regular hours by Dec. 14th. You’ll notice that all of the stars are requests for Gift Cards where you will determine the amount you choose to give. Giving gift cards to families in need helps preserve their dignity in allowing them to purchase for themselves the things they most need or want for Christmas. Any gift cards that might be left over can then be used throughout the year to help our families get through tough times. Gift cards may be of ANY denomination, but please mark the amount somewhere on the card. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!!! May you and your family be blessed this Advent Season, as together we await the Birth of our Lord at Christmas! Pope's Video Message at Vigil for Beginning of Year of Consecrated Life "May this be an 'intense time' to celebrate with the whole Church the gift of your vocation and to revive your prophetic mission" Vatican City, November 30, 2014 ( | 848 hits Here is a translation of Pope Francis’ video message by which he participated in Saturday evening’s prayer vigil to begin the Year of Consecrated Life. The Pope was unable to lead the celebrations since he is today returning from a three-day visit to Turkey. Dear Brothers and Sisters, Even though physically far away because of my service to the universal Church, I feel profoundly united to all consecrated men and women at the beginning of this year, which I wish to have dedicated to consecrated life. I greet affectionately all the members of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and all those present in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, under the tender gaze of the Blessed Virgin, Salus Populi Romani, for this Vigil of Prayer. With you I also greet all the consecrated men and women who live and work in the world. My first words, on this occasion, are of gratitude to the Lord for the precious gift of consecrated life to the Church and to the world. May this Year of Consecrated Life be an occasion for all members of the People of God to thank the Lord, from whom every good comes, for the gift of consecrated life, appreciating it appropriately. To you equally, dear brothers and sisters, goes my gratitude for what you are and what you do in the Church and in the world. May this be an “intense time” to celebrate with the whole Church the gift of your vocation and to revive your prophetic mission. I repeat to you today what I have said at other times: “Awake the world! Awake the world!” How? Put Christ at the center of your existence. The essential norm of your life being to “follow Christ as taught by the Gospel” (Perfectae Caritatis, 2), consecrated life consists essentially in personal adherence to Him. Seek Christ constantly, dear consecrated, seek his Face, may He occupy the center of your life in order to be transformed in “living memory of Jesus’ way of living and acting, as Incarnate Word before the Father and before brothers” (Vita Consecrata, 22). Like the Apostle Paul, let yourselves be conquered by Him, assume his sentiments and his way of life (cf. Ibid., 18); let yourselves be touched by his hand, led by his voice, sustained by his grace (cf. Ibid., 40). It is not easy; let yourselves be touched by his hand, led by his voice, sustained by his grace. And, with Christ, begin always from the Gospel! Assume it as a way of life and translate it into daily gestures marked by simplicity and coherence, thus overcoming the temptation to transform it into an ideology. The Gospel will keep your life and mission “young,” and it will render it timely and attractive. May the Gospel be the solid terrain where you advance with courage. Called to be “living exegesis” of the Gospel, may that be, dear consecrated, the foundation and ultimate reference of your life and mission. Come out of your nest to the fringes of the man and woman of today! Therefore, let yourselves be encountered by Christ. The encounter with Him will drive you to encounter others and will lead you to the neediest, to the poorest. Reach the fringes that await the light of the Gospel (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 20). Inhabit the frontiers. This will require your vigilance to discover the novelties of the Spirit; lucidity to recognize the complexity of the new frontiers; discernment to identify the limits and the appropriate way to proceed; and immersion in reality, “touching the suffering flesh of Christ in the people” (Ibid., 24). Dear brothers and sisters: presented before you are many challenges, but these exist to be surmounted. “Let us be realistic, but without losing joy, audacity and dedication full of hope! Let us not be robbed of the missionary force!” (Ibid., 109). May Mary, woman in contemplation of the mystery of God in the world and in history, diligent woman in helping others with haste (cf. Luke 1:39) and, therefore, model of every missionary-disciple, accompany you in this Year of Consecrated Life, which we put under her maternal gaze. To all of you, participants in the Vigil of Prayer at Saint Mary Major, and to all consecrated men and women, I impart my heartfelt Blessing, and I ask you, please, to pray for me. May the Lord bless you and may Our Lady protect you. [Original text: Italian] [Translation by ZENIT] S# C$#%&'()&’* CYO G('.* V0..&12$.. Congratulations to our Senior Girls basketball team as they captured their victory last week. This was their last year of eligibility for most of the girls and they completed their time here in grand fashion. The girls have been together since 3rd grade. This was such a special day for them as they went out on top and won the championship. Thanks to all who supported them. (F0' 4('.* () G'$5&* 5-12) S(4) U; D$#&: ** new registrants only, returning players please contact last season’s coach via email** Sunday, December 7nd 10:30AM-12:30PM *Located in the Sienna Center Lobby* Registration Fee: $140 (covers team registration, referee fees, membership fee, insurance, jersey (if needed) **Due at first practice** Practice/Games: Each team will play a total of 10 games, 5 home/5 away at local parishes. Practice will be held weekly beginning in January. Games run early February-April Teams: Teams are determined by coach availability. Placement is not guaranteed. Parents will be notified by mid December by email. There will be a 12 girl per team, maximum. We are looking for 1 more fifth grade coach!!! OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS R.C CHURCH CHOIRS TO OFFER “LESSONS AND CAROLS” On Sunday, December 14, the Adult and Bell Choirs of Our Lady of the Snows R.C. Church- led by Lisa Evard Kelly, Director of Music Ministry - will present “Lessons and Carols”- a wonderful selection of songs and hymns to celebrate the Advent and Christmas seasons - at the Immaculate Conception Center in Douglaston, NY. Seminarians from the Center are also scheduled to participate. The presentation will be held in the Main Chapel, and will start at 7:00 PM. Admission is free. Come and enjoy the delightful musical performance. Bring a friend as well. For further information, you may call Our Lady of Snow Parish Office at (718) 347-6070, or you may go to the Parish website at Coaches are unpaid volunteers! Each go through a standard background check (through the parish), complete a Virtus Training Class (through the Dioceses), and take a Coaches Sanctioning Class (through CYO). Anyone interested in coaching should email Tracey Curtin: [email protected], or call 516-263-1100. A Virtus Training Class and background check must be completed by early January for all volunteers. Knights of Columbus Twelve Apostles # 5001 Lawn and Magnets Sale: Keep Christ in Christmas lawn signs and magnets. Contact Joe Lannon PGK @ (516) 384-7862 if you would like to purchase signs. Annual Christmas Party Jan.9th at Filomena’s (details to follow Keep the date opened. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! OUR PARISH Saint Catherine of Sienna Every First Friday MEETING NOTICE: Next General Meeting will be on Dec. 15th @ 7:30 pm a small repass will be provided. “Merry Christmas” Next Officers Meeting will be on Jan.5th 2015 @ 7:30pm 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration 8:30AM Friday to 8:00AM Saturday Dec 28,2014 Opera Christmas Concert 3:00 PM Saint Catherine of Sienna Church Details to Follow DIOCESE & COMMUNITY December 9, 2014 Marian Healing Ministry Healing Mass 7:00 PM St. Anastasia’s Church 45-14, 245th Street Douglaston Little Nick, NY 11362 January 24, 2015 1:00pm to 3:00pm St. Martin de Porres Marianist School Open House 530 Hempstead Boulevard Uniondale, NY For more information call 516-481-3303