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to view bulletin - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
St John the Baptist Catholic Church T H E L I T U RG I C A L W E E K MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, October 3 *First Saturday No First Saturday Mass Angelo I. D’Ambrosio† 4:30pm - St. John Parishioners Sunday, October 4 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30am - Mary Gage† 11:00am - Hans Huwyler 12:30pm - The Wingate Family *Monday, October 5 No Mass - Johanna Tanguay *Tuesday, October 6 St. Bruno, Bl. Marie-Rose Durocher No Mass - Priest’s Intention Wednesday, October 7 Our Lady of the Rosary 5:15pm - Hans Huwyler Thursday, October 8 8:30am - Doris Vadeboncoeur† CONFESSION *Monday 7:30 — 8:15am Wednesday 4:00 — 5:00pm Friday 7:30 — 8:15am Saturdays 3:30 — 4:15pm *No Confession Oct. 5 DEVOTIONS ADORATION Wednesday at 5:45pm *MORNING PRAYER After Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday *No Morning Prayer Oct. 5 & 6 DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET After Morning Prayer on Monday Friday, October 9 St. Denis & Companions, St. John Leonardi 8:30am - Doris Vadeboncoeur† Saturday, October 10 4:30pm - Jim R. Hess† Sunday, October 11 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time THE SANCTUARY LAMPS are lit this week in honor of Anne Marie Ross 8:30am - St. John Parishioners 11:00am - Donna Maltony† 12:30pm - The Halisky Family *No Regularly Scheduled Masses “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” ~St. John the Baptist (John 1:29) UT IN OMNIBUS GLORIFICETUR DEUS ! PRAYERS FOR OUR SICK & SHUT-INS Please remember the infirmed of our parish, especially those who, by request, have been placed on our parish prayer intention list. If you would like to be added to this list, please call the parish office. You may also call for a copy of the prayer list. OCTOBER 4, 2015 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! WWW.STJOHNTRYON.COM S P I R I T UA L R E A D I N G & R E F L E C T I O N “Amen I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” — Mark 10:15 C OMING TO J ESUS L IKE C HILDREN Oh Son of God and my lord! How is it that you give so much all together in the first words? Since you humble yourself to such an extreme in joining with us in prayer and making yourself the Brother of creatures so lowly and wretched, how is it that you give us in the name of your Father everything that can be given? For you desire that he consider us his children, because your Word cannot fail. You oblige him to be true to your Word, which is no small burden since in being Father he must bear with us no matter how serious the offenses. If we return to him like the prodigal son, he has to pardon us. He has to console us in our trials. He has to sustain us in the way a father like this must. For, in effect, he must be better than all the fathers in the world because in him everything must be faultless. And after all this he must make us sharers and heirs with you. SAINT TERESA OF AVILA Saint Teresa of Avila (+1582), Doctor of the Church, reformed the Carmelite Order. Magnificat Vol. 17, No. 8 THAT IN ALL THINGS GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED ! PAGE 2 ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH! WWW.STJOHNTRYON.COM PA R I S H A N N O U N C E M E N T S For sacramental emergencies, please call 828-859-9574, ext. 6 If you or anyone you know is homebound or hospitalized, even temporarily, please call the office so that we may arrange for them to be visited by one of our Extraordinary Ministers. FINANCIAL FACTS DAILY MASS READINGS October 4 Sun 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Gn 2:18-24/Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12 October 5 Mon Jon 1:1—2:2, 11/Lk 10:25-37 October 6 Tue Jon 3:1-10/Lk 10:38-42 October 7 Wed Jon 4:1-11/Lk 11:1-4 October 8 Thu Mal 3:13-20b/Lk 11:5-13 October 9 Fri Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2/Lk 11:15-26 October 10 Sat Jl 4:12-21/Lk 11:27-28 October 11 Sun 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 7:7-11/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30 or 10:17-27 Actual Budgeted Variance (unfavorable) This Week $5,867 $7,115 ($ 1,248) Y.T.D. $88,483 $92,500 ($ 4,017) The Priests’ Retirement collection was $445. This is the collection report for the Sunday Masses of September 26 & 27, 2015. YOUTH CHOIR REHEARSALS FOR CHRISTMAS We begin our preparation for Christmas Masses this week. On Friday, October 9th at 5:00pm, we will hold our first rehearsal for those youth/children who would like to sing for the 6:30pm children's Mass on Christmas Eve. All are invited! If interested, please contact Diane Nelson at 828-899-7329. Rehearsals will be every OTHER Friday night. The choir will learn/prepare the Missa de Angelis Mass setting as well as other traditional Latin Christmas hymns. We hope you will entrust your children to this ministry as we pass on the music of our Church. May your blessings be abundant. Our Lady of the Rosary by Charles Bosseron Chambers UT IN OMNIBUS GLORIFICETUR DEUS ! PAGE 3 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! WWW.STJOHNTRYON.COM PA R I S H A N N O U N C E M E N T S ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Parish Picnic October 25th ❈ Harmon Field 1:00 - 4:00 pm COULD YOU GIVE A COUPLE HOURS FOR JUST FOUR WEEKS?.... Hello ladies and gents of the parish. We are in need of some help. Monday mornings, ladies from the parish clean, sweep, dust, replace candles and polish the sanctuary. One of our weekly volunteers will be temporarily out of commission due to surgery. We are asking one or two ladies or gentlemen if you can help on Monday mornings after the 8:30am Mass for a couple of hours for just four weeks—usually finished by 10:30am. If you can help, please contact T h e r e s a i n t h e p a r i s h o f fi c e a t [email protected]. Thank you! Sign-up Sheets in the Church Vestibule LITURGICAL MINISTERS CHRISTMAS AND HOLY DAYS Attention Liturgical Ministers: lectors, ushers and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are needed for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tuesday, December 8th) and for the Christmas and New Year Masses. If you would like to be scheduled for a particular Mass, please call or email Theresa in the office before Tuesday, December 1, 2015. Please note that when a regularly scheduled Mass cannot be celebrated here, Fr. Arnsparger will offer the previously requested intention at a private Mass. NOTICE Please see the liturgical schedule changes for this week on page 1 of the bulletin. PA R I S H L I F E AT A G L A N C E Mon Oct. 5 5:30pm 7:00pm Schola Choir Rehearsal, Church RCIA, Parish Center Tue Oct. 6 5:15pm 6:30pm Youth Cantor Rehearsal, Church Women’s Group, Parish Center Wed Oct. 7 6:00pm Faith Formation Classes, Parish Center Thu Oct. 8 7:00pm Men’s Group, Social Hall Fri Oct. 9 — — Sat Oct. 10 8:00am K of C Officers Mtg, General Mtg 9:30 THAT IN ALL THINGS GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED COFFEE & DONUTS This Sunday After the 8:30am Mass Social Hall — All Are Welcome! NO YOUTH GROUP THIS SUNDAY, OCT. 4TH PAGE 4 ST JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH! WWW.STJOHNTRYON.COM FA I T H F O R M AT I O N • Sunday, October 11 • Sunday, October 18 Youth Breakfast with Fr. Arnsparger • Sunday, October 25 St. John Parish Picnic—be sure to attend with your families Youth Event—HIKE is in the works!—need parent chaperones—can you help? “Dear young people of every language and culture, a high and exhilarating task awaits you: that of becoming men and women capable of solidarity, peace and love of life, with respect for everyone. Become craftsmen of a new humanity, where brothers and sisters—members of all the same family—are able at last to live in peace! — Saint Pope John Paul II F A I T H F O R M AT I O N NEWS RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY: EVERY LIFE IS WORTH LIVING! Each year October is designated as Respect Life Month by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and this year's theme is "Every life is worth living". Sunday, October 4th is Respect Life Sunday. Prayer is the foundation of all that we do in defense of human life. Parents, join your children in saying a short prayer or blessing. Meditate or ask for God's intercession for mothers, fathers, couples or grandparents. Devote some time to pray a Holy Hour (Wednesdays while your children attend FF), or commit to a novena or Stations of the Cross. We should also offer special prayers for those who have lost a child due to miscarriage, abortion or other causes. “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” — Pope Francis’ Day for Life Greeting Faith Formation Classes: Meet Wednesday evenings 6pm to 7:15pm. Classes go down to the Church at 7:00pm for prayer, adoration and benediction. Parents are invited to join the youth for prayer, adoration and benediction. Parents are responsible for picking up their children directly from the catechist following benediction in front of the church. Homework folders: will go home with students each week. Parents are asked to review their folders with their children as well as read and discuss what they are learning in class. Note: Mixed Sacramental prep classes to be announced—no classes at this time for those children who are past second grade and are seeking preparation for the sacraments of Penance and First Holy Communion. WOMEN’S GROUP “Untold Blessing: Three Paths to Holiness” Tuesday Evening, October 6th — 6:30 to 8:00pm Ladies, we thank all of you who are participating in this series. If you have not attended a session as yet but would like to, we welcome you! This series is a six-part series running through the end of October. Rev. Robert E. Barron paints a beautiful and mysterious image of what it takes to be a follower of, “the One who is, Jesus Christ.” The greatest calling for all of us is to be a saint. Our ultimate path to holiness is full of untold blessing. We hope you will join us this Tuesday, October 6th in the parish center at 6:30pm. Bring a friend! "Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." — St. Ignatius of Loyola The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God.” --CCC, no.27 UT IN OMNIBUS GLORIFICETUR DEUS ! ATTENTION ALL MEN OF THE PARISH Brothers in Christ is a group of men seeking to live a vibrant Christian life by praying, studying, and sharing fellowship together. Our first meeting of the year will be on October 8 at 7:00 in the Church for evening prayer, followed by a meeting in the social hall. Fr. Arnsparger will be present as we discuss the direction we would like to take for this coming year. Please call Greg Lobas at 828-817-0774, or email at [email protected] if you have any questions. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic faith through RCIA—Rite of Christian Initiation. It is a life transforming experience for many as they learn about our beautiful and ancient faith. RCIA meets on Monday evenings 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the Parish Center. Be sure to return your “Inquirer” forms to the parish office: Attention, Theresa Fitch. Thank you! PAGE 5 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME! WWW.STJOHNTRYON.COM ANNOUNCEMENTS “PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN” AWARENESS TRAINING WORKSHOP Tuesday, November 24, 2015 Parish Social Hall 6:00pm to 9:00pm On-line Pre-registration is required • IF YOU are a volunteer in the parish—PLEASE READ THIS! • This training is for ALL VOLUNTEERS: New volunteers, New employees and any other parish volunteers who have not attended a session as yet. • It is also OPEN to any parish member (age 18 and older) even if you’re not currently volunteering. This is an awareness program and we invite all to be part. • The training will be held here at St. John’s in the social hall on Tuesday evening, November 24th at 6:00pm. • Training sessions are also offered around the Diocese. If you’re interested in another session or date please call Theresa in the parish office. • “Protecting God’s Children” is a three-hour mandatory training workshop for Diocesan Employees and Volunteers (ALL: lectors, ushers, catechists, musicians, lectors, youth volunteers—any volunteer in any program in the parish). PGC Training Awareness program is designed to help recognize and prevent the sexual abuse of children and those most vulnerable. • Your service as a parish volunteer is valued and appreciated. Any questions, please call Theresa Fitch in the office. Pre-registration: Go to & follow the prompts Note: We recommend that you do not use the same user id and password for VIRTUS Online that you may use for other sites that may contain personal or sensitive information. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 4-H BBQ TIME AGAIN Friday, October 4:30 – 7:00. Eat in or take out. Call the Cooperative Extension office for tickets. No at the door ticket sales. SAVE THE DATE 30th, CONCERT SERIES AT ST. ANN The opening concert of the Gaudium Musicae concert series begins on Sunday, October 18th. Gaudium Musicae season subscriptions are available: $40 for adults, $25 for students and $100 for families. Single concert tickets are $12 for adults, $8 for students and $30 for families. Children 12 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased online at Contact the St. Ann parish office at 704-523-4641 ext. 221 for information. Oct 9 Youth Christmas Choir Rehearsals begin Oct 25 Parish Picnic, Harmon Field Nov 1 All Saints Day Nov 2 All Souls Day Nov 26 Thanksgiving, parish office closed Nov 26 & 27 Nov 29 First Sunday of Advent RCIA Rite of Acceptance Dec 8 Immaculate Conception, parish office closed Dec 25 Christmas, parish office closed Dec 24--28 THAT IN ALL THINGS GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED PAGE 6