The Catholic Community of Saint John the Evangelist


The Catholic Community of Saint John the Evangelist
The Catholic Community of
Saint John the Evangelist
115 2nd St N Wahpeton, ND 58075-4505
701-642-6982 Mass Times 701-672-0898
Fax 701-642-2601
Twenty-sixth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
September 28, 2014
Weekend Masses
Rev. Dale Lagodinski
5:30 pm
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Chris Markman
7:30 am
Douglas Campbell,
George Ethier, retired
9:00 am
11:00 am
Parish Life Coordinator
Michelle Fehr
Youth Minister
Richard Wright
Youth Events Coordinator
Melissa Schroeder
St. John’s School
Renee Langenwalter, Principal
Renee Walter, Secretary
Parish Office Hours
M—TH 8 am—12 noon - 1 pm—5 pm
F—8 am—3 pm
St. John’s Day Care
Chanda Hogness, director
Lay Directors
Laurie Straus
Jim Lutz
Parish Offices
Betsy Sitz—Office Manager
Pat Keaveny—Secretary
7:30 pm
Artist - Halle Miller - Grade 2
Registration: If you are new to the Wahpeton Community, please call
the office.
Baptism: Renewal/Preparation is required with each new baby. The
next class will be in October. Call the parish office to register.
Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance.
Sacrament of the Sick: Hospitalization or serious illness, please contact one of the priests.
Pastoral Care: If you are homebound or hospitalized, Eucharist will be
brought to you. Contact the Parish Office.
Please join us in prayer and Eucharistic Adoration here at the church
on Wednesdays during the hours of 8:00 am - 12 noon for an end to
abortion and all crimes against life. Thank you and may God reward
Saint John’s Parish Mission Statement
St. John the Evangelist of Wahpeton, a Catholic community of faithful stewards,
uniquely gifted, is committed to living fully a spiritual life. We accomplish this
mission by:
♦ Celebrating a sacramental life;
♦ Being a hospitable, generous, faithful, and forgiving people;
♦ Serving as a renewing community of life and love;
♦ Supporting all people in their journey toward the Kingdom of God.
Saint John’s Development Program
Please remember St. John’s in your will and
beneficiary designations!
To learn more about making a final estate gift
to benefit St. John’s Church or School, call
(701) 642-6982, email legacy, or
Readings for the week of September 28th
Sunday: Ez 18:25-28 / Phil 2:1-11 / Mt 21:28-32
Monday: Dn 7:8-10,13-14 / Jn 1:47-51
Tuesday: Jb 3:1-3,11-17, 20-23 / Lk 9:51-56
Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16 / Lk 9:57-62
Thursday: Jb 19:21-27 / Mt 18:1-5, 10
Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5 / Lk 10: 13-16
Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17 / Lk 10: 17-24
Next Sun: Is 5:1-7 / Phil 4:6-9 / Mt 21:33-43
Mass Intentions
Monday, September 29th - Saints Michael, Gabriel, and
Raphael, Archangels
No Eucharist at St. John’s (7 am Mass at Carmel of Mary)
Tuesday, September 30th - Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor
of the Church
No Eucharist at St. John’s (7 am Mass at Carmel of Mary)
Wednesday October 1st - Saint Therese of the Child Jesus,
Virgin and Doctor of the Church
7:30 am ++ Andrew and Florine Wellman
10:00 am - Leach +Louise Taplin
Thursday, October 2nd - The Holy Guardian Angels
1:00 pm + David Goroski
Friday, October 3rd - Weekday
7:30 am + Jack Pfister
9:45 am - SCLC + Richard Kosel
Saturday, October 4th - Saint Francis of Assisi
8:00 am Int: Wayne and Kerri Krump and family
5:30 pm + Mildred Denholm
Sunday, October 5th - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am People of the Parish
9:00 am + Michael Gilles
11:00 am + David Goroski
7:30 pm + Henry Novotny
Monday - 8:15 - 9:15 am
Tuesday - 4:15 - 5:15 pm
Wednesday - 8 am - 12 noon
Thursday - 2 - 3 pm
Friday - 8 am - 4 pm
Saturday 4 - 5pm
Or by appointment
Schedule of Ministries
SATURDAY, October 4th
5:30 pm Proclaimer: Jackie Rubish
Servers: Christa Habiger and Kailee Klein
Euch Min: John Wieser, Cathy Muehler, Penny Leinen,
Ann Brandenburger
Greeters: Darin Klein family
G Waldera, P Krebs, D Grosz, H Muehler
SUNDAY, October 5th
7:30 am Proclaimer: Rick Kielb
Servers: volunteers needed
Euch Min: Vicki Kielb, Phyllis Knutson, Joe Pellman, Alex Roll
Greeters: Cliff and Donna Hermes, Paul Dimmer
S & B Diederick, J Keaveny, D Knutson
9:00 am Proclaimer: Mark Zarak and Kristi Mahrer
Servers: Jordan Mahrer and Carleigh Zarak
Euch Min: Travis and Vicky Schafer, Mike Jacklitch,
Rod and Sherry Koch
Greeters: Aaron and Brenda Morman, Mark and Missy Zarak
M Underberg, D Fitterer, S Lommel, M Matejcek,
D Resler
11:00 am Proclaimers: Ed and Meaghan Cronin
Servers: Holly German and Isaac Brantl
Euch Min: Connie and Mary Madsen, Brian and Karen Rice,
Connie Brandt
Greeters: Don and Dolly Rubertus
B & L Fink, M & N Beyer, W Straus
Happenings at St. Johns….
Sunday, September 28th
KC PICNIC has been cancelled
5:30 pm RCIA
Tuesday, September 30th
12 Noon Rosary in the Church - Call Melissa at 899-0823
Wednesday, October 1st
3:30 pm and 7:00 pm Religious Education
5:15 pm Jamaican Mission Information meeting
9:00 pm Choir Practice (New voices welcome)
Thursday, October 2nd
7:00 pm State of the School and Parish Reception
Sunday, October 5th
5:30 pm RCIA
And around the area…
Presbytery Days: Fr. Dale and Fr. Chris will both be
attending required annual meetings with the bishop
and priests of our diocese until Wednesday this week.
Please check the Mass schedule for the week.
RCIA: Need to be Baptized, Confirmed, or receive
First Holy Communion and you are over the age of
seven? Looking to become Catholic? Do you know
someone who is? Then RCIA is for you. RCIA, the Rite
of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the journey one
goes through to enter the Catholic Church. We will
meet on Sunday evenings, from 5:30pm-7pm in the KC
room at St. John's. If you have any questions or would
like to sign up, please call Fr. Chris.
Sunday, October 5th
12 Noon Walk with Christ for Life Cathedral of St Mary, Fargo
Wednesday, October 8th
5:30 pm Twin Town Domestic Violence Awareness Walk
Friday, October 10th
9:00 am - 2:00 pm St. Catherine’s Fall Bazaar
5:30 - 8:30 pm Fall Fish Fry at St. Anthony’s in Mooreton
Saturday, October 11th
11:00 am - 1:00 pm Breck United Methodist Bazaar/Bake Sale
All parishioners are invited to attend a reception at St.
John’s Parish Rectory. There will be a presentation of
the “State of the School and Parish”. Receptions will
be held on Thursday, October 2nd from 7:00 to 8:00 pm
and Tuesday, October 7th from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Please
contact the parish office if you are able to attend.
As always, check out our website for a
complete listing of upcoming events. God
bless your week!
October 1st - Regular class
Youth group Grades 6 - 12 - Open Gym at 6:00 pm.
First Border Diaper Duel: The Youth Groups of St.
John’s and St. Mary’s Churches are challenging us to
donate packs of diapers or baby wipes by October 15th.
This fun Diaper Duel not only has the losing Youth
Minister getting baby powdered but lets the Food Pantry
have a winning edge by providing diapers and wipes to
the families and babies in need. Please drop your
donations at the youth office or in the bassinette in the
gathering space. (Larger sizes are often needed.)
Monetary donations will be used to purchase diapers or
wipes. Also mark your calendars now for
the Border Diaper Duel Celebration,
Wednesday October 15th at 7:00 pm. Bars,
juice, fun activities and the final count will
be hosted by both youth groups over at St
Mary’s gym. All are welcome.
October is Respect Life Month: St. John’s Pro-life
Team invites you to be a part of their Gift card and
diaper Baby Shower the month of October. Gift cards
and cash donations will be given to Saint Gianna’s
Maternity Home. Diapers and wipes will go to support
St. John’s Youth Group in their Diaper Duel for the Food
ND Choose Life signs will arrive
the end of September
40 Days for Life Yard Signs are available in the parish
office for a $10 donation.
St. John’s School News
"Formed by God's Love, we
form our children"
If you would like a Christian
based education for your child, please contact St. John’s
School, 701-642-6116. Preschool through 6th Grade.
♦ Students from all grades will lead us at Mass on
Thursday, October 2nd at 1:00 pm. All parents,
grandparents, friends and parishioners are invited to
join us for this Mass and all Masses during the school
year. The children appreciate your support!
♦ Our annual PTO magazine fund raiser has just
been completed. We want to thank everyone for
their wonderful support of our parish school. God
Bless You All!
♦ Save your Jubilee receipts! Please turn in your
Jubilee receipts to St. John’s School.
We are
participating in the “Registered Tapes for
Education” program. We can earn items for the
classrooms with these points.
♦ Noel Night raffle tickets will be coming soon! Don’t
miss your chance to win some wonderful prizes! All
tickets need to be returned to St. John’s School.
♦ Blessing of the Pets will be Friday, October 3rd at
2:30 in the west parking lot. Everyone is welcome
to bring their family pet to be blessed. In case of
rain, we will meet in the school gym.
Help Needed
Soon to be Married
Please pray for the following couples
who are to be married in the next few weeks
Mallory Hermes and Robert Regan - October 3rd
Judith Pankow and William Mayo - October 4th
PARISH SUPPORT (Fiscal Year July 1—
1—June 30
Amount Needed Weekly
$ 12,633.00
Building Fund
Year-to-Date Collection thru 9-21
$ 106,117.37
Budgeted Amount Needed
$ 151,596.00
We really need your help! As happens each year, our
giving takes a dip, but our weekly expenses do not go
down but actually increase! If you can find it in your
heart to make a donation to the weekly collection in the
next few weeks, we would be so grateful!
If you could help serve the breakfast next Sunday,
October 5th to benefit the people in the Middle East,
please call EIleen Mislan or Michelle at the parish
Our Food Pantry is currently in need of 2 people on
Monday mornings and Wednesday mornings at least
one of whom needs to be able to do lifting. The
time frame is approximately 9:00 am - 11:00 am.
Please call Michelle at the parish or Karen Stroklund
(642-5848) for more details.
We are needing someone who could pickup the tote
of food backpacks each week and bring them to St.
John’s School. Please call Michelle at the parish for
more information.
Rolls, muffins, bars or cookies are needed for
upcoming parish events. If you could help, please
call Melissa (899-0823) or Michelle (642-6982 or
If you would be willing to help serve and clean up
the lunch for Called and Gifted Workshop on
Saturday, October 11th, please call Melissa (8990823).
Advertiser of the Week
Muehler Electric
Join the Measure 1 Campaign to Protect Human Life! If you have not yet joined the ND Choose Life
effort – do so today by going to: As the campaign enters into its media outreach
this fall, you’ll want to be on their e-mail list to receive timely updates about the campaign. Your daily
prayer support is also needed. Please join us in praying for the needs of the campaign at this time…
Heavenly Father, you are the Creator of all life. Guide our efforts as we strive to promote the Human Life
Amendment in North Dakota. Give wisdom to the campaign leaders. Call forth volunteers in all
communities across our state to serve the needs of the campaign with courage and generosity. Open the
hearts and minds of citizens to embrace the truth and to recognize that all human life comes from you and
is worthy of our respect and protection. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
“Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a Solemn Assembly” Joel 2:15 You are invited to
join with fellow Christians in a united prayer of praise, thanksgiving and petition for the needs of
the ND Choose Life campaign, 40 Days for Life ND and for Christians throughout the world who are
suffering persecution. Prayers will be lead by clergy in Fargo, including Bishop Folda. Solemn
Assembly, Sunday October 12th at 4:00 pm at Calvary United Methodist Church, 4575 45th St S,
Fargo. Sponsored by 40 Days for Life ND committee. For more information call 701-356-7979 or email [email protected].
Email Your Candidates Want to know where your candidates stand on the important issues about
life, respect for the human person, families, and religious freedom? It’s easy! Just go to the Your
Faith, Your Vote website. Find your district and click on the candidate’s email address. Add your
personal information and the questions and email will be ready to send.
Action Alert: There is a 1 minute video that really explains Measure 1 well.
Go to and click on video - then share it with all your family and friends. Thank
you! St Johns Human Life Amendment Committee
Don’t Stand in Line. Get Your Absentee Ballot. Voting as an absentee is a great and easy way
to vote in North Dakota. You can make sure your vote is counted in case something prevents you
from getting to the polls to cast your ballot.
Retrouvaille - A program offering tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship.
Thousands of couples headed for cold, unloving relationships or divorce have successfully
overcome their marriage problems by attending the program. Website -
The next weekend will be October 3-5, 2014 - Eagan, MN - Contacts: John & Elizabeth Pavlick at
651-464-5855 or email: [email protected] Marriage Encounter - The emphasis of the Wordwide
Marriage Encounter weekend is on the communication between husbands and wives. Upcoming
weekend - October 10 - 12 in Jamestown, ND - Contact Mark and Mary Jantzer at 701-852-6291
Participate in the 40 Days for Life Campaign which is in its 8th year in the state of North Dakota.
40 Days is a three-fold peaceful effort of prayer, fasting and vigilance to end abortion, save
innocent babies and assist hurting mothers and fathers. The continuous prayer campaign will run
from September 24th to November 2nd at the state’s only abortion facility in Fargo, ND.
Individuals, groups and churches are needed to take an hour of prayer. To participate, visit; in Fargo, call 701-356-7979; contact the Pregnancy Help Center at
701-284-6601 or [email protected]. St. John’s Day of Prayer is Tuesday, October 21st.
Next Sunday, October 5, St. John’s will be hosting a free will breakfast for the most urgent
humanitarian needs facing the people in the Middle East areas particularly burdened by ISIS
attacks and the surrounding countries where refugees have fled. If you are unable to be at the
breakfast, please consider placing a special donation marked “CRS/Middle East” in the collection
that day or sending it in to the parish office. Catholic Relief Services and their partnering
agencies in those specific areas will receive the funds.
If you could help serve the breakfast next Sunday, October 5th to benefit the people in the Middle
East, please call EIleen Mislan or Michelle at the parish office
Walk with Christ for Life –Respect Life Sunday – October 5th. Bishop Folda invites the faithful of
the diocese to join him in the annual Eucharistic procession, Walk with Christ for Life, on Respect
Life Sunday, October 5th. The day’s events will begin with Holy Mass at Noon, Cathedral of St.
Mary, 604 Broadway, Fargo. This will be followed by a prayerful, peaceful procession to the
state’s only abortion facility. A short prayer service will be held outside the abortion facility, and
then those gathered will return to the Cathedral for Benediction. A lunch will be served by the
Cardinal Muench Council Knights of Columbus in the church social hall after Benediction.
Thank You to all who bid on the silent auction items and to those who made a donation to the
Kinship program. Between the 5k, the silent auction and the monetary donations received, $1200
was donated to the Richland/Wilkin Kinship program.
Public Square Rosary: Please join us in praying for our nation on Saturday, October
11th at 12 noon. The local Public Square Rosary Rally will take place at the sidewalk
on the south side of St. John’s Church in Wahpeton. Please contact the Rosary Rally
Captains; Ann Goerdt at 218-643-6759 or Lucille Krump at 218-643-3847 for more
information. As we all know, the United States is in great need of public prayer, repentance and
conversion. We must ask God to save America through the Rosary of His Most Holy Mother.
Holy Hours for Life As we move into the last weeks of promoting a YES vote on Measure 1 we
would like to invite everyone in the parish to make a Holy Hour. Ladies from the parish will be
making calls to those who signed the ND Choose Life sheets in June. Let us join together in a
powerful prayer to our Heavenly Father to bring victory to the work of our hands as we promote
and pray for the passage of a Human Life Amendment in North Dakota.
Career & Work: Work is an essential part of a Christian disciple’s life. The spiritual gifts God has
given you will help you to be effective at your work and to be a more effective witness to your
faith in the workplace. To have more job satisfaction with your job, or if you are recently
unemployed or looking to change jobs, your spiritual gifts are excellent clues for discerning a new
direction. On Friday, October 10th and Saturday, October 11th, our parish is sponsoring a teaching
team from Colorado offering the Called and Gifted Workshop which will help you begin to discern
your unique mission in life. Everyone is welcome. To register or find out more, call Melissa (899Church Directory: It is time to schedule your photo session for the St. John’s church
directory. Appointments are available in October. If you have internet access you
y o u r se l f
to or simply click on the church directory link on
St. John’s website. If you do not have internet access, please call Pat at 672-0860 to
schedule your appointment.