September 27, 2015 - Saint Andrew Parish
Saint Andrew Parish a vibrant and caring Catholic community Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2015 Rectory 3546 N. Paulina St. 773-525-3016 Fax: 773-525-4124 School Office 1710 W, Addison St. 773-248-2500 Fax: 773-248-2709 Weekend Masses in Church Saturday (Vigil) 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am 11:30 am and 5:30 pm Daily Mass in the Chapel Monday-Friday 9:00am Saturday 8:00 am Holy Day Masses: 9:00 am and 7:00 pm in the Church There are no Vigil Masses for Holy Days Confessions: 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm or by appointment Marriage: By appointment with the Pastor 6 to 9 months in advance Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm. Summer Schedule is 11:00 am Call the Rectory office to schedule Baptism Prep Class: The last Sunday of each month at 11:00 am in the Chapel. wCall Rectory office to schedule 2 SAINT ANDREW PALOOZA You couldn’t have asked for a better day. The sun was shinning after a couple of days of heavy rains. There was a cool fall breeze that helped keep the temperature comfortable. There was a cautious excitement amongst the Chicago Cubs fans on their way to Wrigley Field. And at Saint Andrew Parish, there was an air of joy. Normally our parking lot is the site of the perfunctory task of parking our cars. Occasionally, conversations that started elsewhere on the campus are continued there. Rarely though is it ever a place where celebrations happen. But, last Sunday that is exactly what occurred. As I mentioned in the prayer that started off the day, we celebrated everything Saint Andrew is, everything Saint Andrew does, and everything that Saint Andrew has yet to do. We have much reason to celebrate everything Saint Andrew is as and does as a parish. For 121 years our parish has been proclaiming the gospel and calling people to deeper faith in the Lord. For 113 years our school has educated our children and helped them to know and love God. For 102 years the towers of our present church building have been a beacon in the neighborhood, calling the faithful to worship and the celebration of the sacraments. While we have accomplished much, there is still much more yet to be done. Representatives from various parish ministries and local organizations were on hand to provide information and recruit participants for some of the work that is yet to be done. The continued success of Saint Andrew is contingent on the participation and support of many people. No church or school can ever accomplish its mission with one individual or even a handful of people. Just like in 1913 it took many people to build our beautiful church building, so will it take many people today to build our church. But this church that we are presently building is not a building, but rather the Body of Christ. And in actuality, it is not us who is doing the building, but God. The first letter of Peter reminds us of this wonderful paradox, “Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings but chosen and precious in the sight of God, and, like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:4-5 We can never forget that our community of faith is a spiritual house that Christ himself is building with our very lives. He takes the time, talent and treasure that we offer and builds us into a spiritual house that surpasses the beauty and majesty of any building built by human hands. When we think of Saint Andrew and everything we do in this way, we are eager to do more and give more. And as Christ transforms us into a church built with living stones, others will want in on this. So, I would like to thank the co-chairs of Saint Andrew Palooza, Aimee Milhizer and Jane Altman, as well as the Parish Transformation Team, the Welcome Committee, the volunteers, and everyone who came. It was a great start to an annual tradition. But more than that, it was a wonderful expression of who and what we are! Fr. Sergio September 27, 2015 9/26/2015 -10/04/2015 Time Mass Intentions Saturday Sunday 4:00 8:00 All Deceased of the Parish All Deceased of the Parish 10:00 +Joseph Samreta 11:30 All Deceased of the Parish 3 Readings Nm 11:25-29 Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 Jas 5:1-6 cf. Jn 17:17 Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 5:30 All Deceased of the Parish Monday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Zec 8:1-8; PS 102:16-21, 29 and 22-23; Lk 9:46-50 Tuesday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; PS 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Wednesday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Neh 2:1-8; PS 137:1-6; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Neh 8:1-12; PS 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12 Friday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Bar 1:15-22; PS 79:1-5, 8, 9; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Saturday 8:00 All Deceased of the Parish Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; PS 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24 Intentions for Next Weekend: Saturday, October 3, 2015 4pm +Mary Janet Williams Sunday October 4 8am All Deceased of the Parish 10 am All Deceased of the Parish 11:30 pm All Deceased of the Parish 5:30pm All Deceased of the Parish Please pray for World Peace, Military BLESSING OF THE PETS Service Members and their families: is next Saturday, October 3rd at 10:00 am at the front steps of the Church Joey Brown Tim Brown Michael Rosales Tim Chambers Jerome Zwick Casey McDonald Alex Wilscke Eric Herrera Charles Wilson Louis Martinez Jon Miller Victor Torres Joshua Cordoba Michael Haney John Hotek E-mail Chris O’Malley at the Parish Office to have the name of your friend or loved one serving in the military listed: [email protected]. Parish Prayer Line If you would like to ask for prayers from the Prayer Line please e-mail prayerline@ or call 872-588-1016 (local call) to leave your intention. To join as a person who prays for the needs of the Parish call or e-mail as well! 4 Liturgical Ministries for October 3-4, 2015 Lectors Communion Altar Servers Sacristan Megan Daugherty Gwen Totaro Jennifer Smith 4:00 Jennifer Smith SUB NEEDED L1 L2 Jennifer Smith Patrick Hatch Marty McDermott C1 H C2 SUB NEEDED 8:00 Michaela Tudela Kevin Nedved L1 L2 Liz Shanahan Patrick Shanahan Michaela Tudela C1 H C2 Max Oldham Maya Shanahan Liam Shanahan C1 H Raisa Javan C2 Godwin Javan H1a Jacob Tan H2a Ali Donnelly 10:00 Karen Siciliano Nikki Loomos L1 L2 Marcia Vinzons Greg Beatty Vida Vinzons Karen Siciliano Pam Scardina 11:30 Amy Pisani Danny Auro L1 L2 Justin Power Renee Lugo Mary Langhenry C1 H C2 Ava Lugo Ani Lugo Machlan Collins Bill Stritzel Bridget Stritzel L1 L2 Tim Moynihan Billy Stritzel SUB NEEDED C1 H C2 Conner Dalton Kristina Dalton SUB NEEDED Andrew Scheingold 5:30 FINANCIALS: September 12 and 13, 2015 Envelope, Check, EFT $6,911.00 Loose $1,538.46 Total: Weekly Sunday Budget: Over/Short $8,449.46 $12,000.00 $3,550.54 Annual Catholic Appeal Pledges 2015 Pledge envelopes returned Current total pledged $70,842.00 Total received$50,698.25 Total balance due $20,143.75 Greeters Marcia Vinzons Phyllis Wright Maria Perello Lourdes Seranilla Parish Staff: Pastor: Reverend Sergio Romo Associate Pastor: Reverend S. Arokiadoss Resident: Reverend Arlin Jean Louis Resident: Reverand Augustin Vondou Pastoral Associate: David Heimann Deacon: Eric Sorensen Deacon: Michael Trail Ministry Coordinator: Dan Tucci Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides Events/Drews Dollars: Julie Richards Secretaries: Christina O’Malley, Joanne Signa Receptionist: Amanda Dougherty School Administration: Principal: Allen Ackermann Assistant Principal: Sarah Casavechia Admissions: Anne Japsen Secretary: Trini Mahadeo Athletic Director: Matthew Pope Curriculum Coordinators: Michelle Roberts & Maribeth Lynch Engineer: Alfred Benkiser Your weekly contribution to Saint Andrew is vital to keeping our ministries funded and our Parish in good financial standing. Please consider setting up your gift using our electronic vendor, to ensure that even when you are away the Parish, your financial support is not. Please contact the Parish Office with any questions. Several people have told Fr. Matthias that they weren’t prepared for the second collection last weekend and still want to contribute. You can still contribute to Uganda by either dropping a donation off at the rectory, making a dedicated online contribution or marking an envelope and putting it in the general collection on Sunday Wedding Banns John Metzer and Brittany Degres III BAPTISMS Keira Kathleen Busse Carl and Erin Busse Birgid Marie Coriden Daniel and Kristina Coriden Robert Thomas Kouba R. Stephen and Michelle Kouba Liam Oliver Lamas Uriel and Tiffany Lamas Vera Christina Machacek Radim and Rina Machacek EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Friday, October 2, 2015 Mass at 6:30 pm followed by Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction in the Chapel REST IN PEACE Mary C. Kadjan Job Outreach Ministry The Job Outreach Ministry seeks to help those looking for work or seeking a change in employment. For assistance please contact Jennifer Smith at [email protected] to get help looking for work or to assist others in ne.00ed. “Sharing” across worlds – connecting hearts This week Fr. Matthias had the opportunity to visit and share stories and questions with students from St. Andrew. They compared notes on how life differs for students in his home village in Lwamata and our home here in Chicago. Students discovered things they had in common: school uniforms, soccer and biking. They also heard about very different challenges including food, clean water and electricity. Principal Ackermann reminded all that our support of Fr. Matthias and the Ugandan ministries is not a once-a-year visit opportunity, but something students can commit to and act on year round. Praying the “Our Father,” the visits concluded with our shared faith and a celebration of our continued love and support. Birthday Celebrations Adam Roth Aidan Yerkes Alexis Hansen Amanda Fernandes Amanda Rogalski Anne Niedvares Antoine Sarkova Becky Trimble Caitlin Muldoon Catherine White Christopher Pucci Cory Braxton Declan Bruno Elizabeth Wilschke Emily Halicki Emily Matus Erin O. Busse Evan Miller Finley Hynes Gary Kinsler Helen Murphy Helen Long Jacob Hytros Jacqueline Holliday Jonathan Neil Julie Murphy Katilin Reap Kellan Pierucci Kelliane Bazzell Kimberly Arndt Lucia Roth Luke Deely Madeleine Muldoon Mary F. Kaufman Matthew Mitchell Megan Hayes Michael Lynn Michelle Stalilonis Nicole Bernardo Norah Maiers Peter Voss Quinn Sullivan Rob Sciachetano Shara Morgan Stephen Gutekanst Theodore Fitzsimons Thomas Flynn Timothy Berry Trisha Reynolds William Finkler William Hynes William Coffey Volunteer Opportunities for The Greater Chicago Food Depository Saturday, October 24, 2015 9am until noon, 10 volunteers are need to help sort and repackage food for eventaul distribution to shelters and food pantries throughout Cook Count. Children 14-16 must be accompanied by an adult The Greater Chicago Food Depository is located at 4100 W. Ann Lurie Place in Chicago. Please contact Jeannie Hopf at 812-639-0554 or [email protected] with any questions or to volunteer. SAVE THE DATE FOR ADDITIONAL UPCOMING VOLUNTEER DATES! SATURDAY, NOV. 7, 9:00 AM - NOON SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 9:00 AM - NOON Knights of Columbus Intellectual Disabilities Drive Next weekend after all the masses, the Knights of Columbus will be outside of church collecting for their Annual Intellectual Disabilities Drive. All of the funds collected, except for the cost of the candy, go directly to organized groups that service the needs of the intellectually disabled and learning disabled in local parishes, in the community, and through the Special Olympics. Stop by to help out a good cause, and get yourself a Tootsie Roll. DREW’S DOLLARS Fundraising while you shop! Thank you for your participation in the Drew’s Dollars gift card program! Orders are once again due on Monday mornings. You can drop them off at the RECTORY or SCHOOL offices. You can pick up your orders on Thursday mornings at the RECTORY or SCHOOL office. We will continue to have the usual Jewel, Target, Starbucks, Walgreens, CVS, Dunkin Donuts and iTunes on hand at the rectory for purchase. Please email Julie Richards at [email protected] if you have any questions. Thanks for making this program so successful! September 27, 2015 9 SAINT ANDREW BOOK AND BAKE SALE Sunday, October 4th from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM In the Saint Andrew Gym at 1658 W. Addison Street Help us make this event a success. Donate your old books and yummy baked goods! Volunteer to help set up or work the event! Sign up to volunteer using this link: Baked Goods may be dropped off Friday, October 2nd from 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm or Saturday, October 3rd from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm. We are accepting donations of books, audio books, CD’s, DVD’s, and board games throughout the next three weeks. Book Drop off options: • Email Jennifer at [email protected] or arrange for a drop off time over the next several weeks; • Hold on to your books and drop them off the week of September 29th at the school lobby in the designated box; • Drop them off in the gym on Friday October 2nd 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm or Saturday, October 3rd from 9:00am until 2:00 pm 1000’s of items to be sold! Paperbacks: $.25 cents or 5 for $1.00 Hard Cover: $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 Crafts, Cupcake Decorating and more fun surprises… Author Traci Mitchell will be discussing and signing her book, The Belly Burn Plan. Come learn more about Traci’s 6 week plan to a lean, fit and healthy body. Chicago's favorite storyteller - THE STORYBOOK MOM - Nili Yellin will bring books to life for the children while parents have a chance to browse. 10 September 27, 2015 New This Year…..Dine at John’s Place During Shop for Schools on Thursday, October 1st! Stop in for lunch or dinner before or after shopping! • John’s Place Restaurant, 2132 W. Roscoe Ave. • Lunch 11am - 3pm or Dinner 5pm-9pm • Reservations are encouraged by calling 773-2446432 • John’s Place will generously donate 20% of all SA sales to Saint Andrew School • Remember to mention Saint Andrew to your server • All funds raised from both Shop for Schools and John’s Place Restaurant will help fund the 8th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip this Spring 11 12 Contact information for Local Community Ministries The following Local Community Ministries were present at our first annual Saint Andrew Palooza. Below are a list of organizations and volunteer contact information. Thank you to all the ministries that attended this event. Common Pantry [email protected] Gigi’s Playhouse [email protected] Lakeview Pantry Mercy Housing The Night Ministry Uptown Pantry There is an immediate need for someone to coordinate the Jewel’s Thanks for Giving event. For several years Saint Andrew Parish has partnered with the Jewel on Southport to provide Thanksgiving meals for people in need in our local community. The store sets up three days on the weekend in which money is collected for the meals. The meals are then packaged and need to be delivered to the designated food pantries in the area. If you would like additional information regarding this Drive please contact [email protected] September 27, 2015 13 Community Events Update: Get Ready For School Picture Day With a Haircut At Rock Candy Salon + Spa! October 3rd – 9th, 2015 • Call Rock Candy @ 773-8833000 to book your appointments between Sat. 10/3 & Fri. 10/9 • Salon located in North Center at 4141 N. Lincoln Ave. • Rock Candy will donate 40% of SA services back to Saint Andrew School • Please mention Saint Andrew at check out • Remember, School Picture Days are Oct. 7th & 8th! What do Community Events support? We are excited to announce that all proceeds raised from Community Events this year, will help fund upgraded mathematics curriculum for the 2016-2017 school year. Save the Date ! The next Community Event is Mon. Oct 19th at Frasca Pizzeria from 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm. 14 September 27, 2015 Please support our generous Sponsors FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 Cooney Funeral Home & Cremation Services 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago 773-588-5850 625 Busse Highway, Park Ridge 847-685-1002 If it’s important in your life, celebrate it at the Irish Bistro. Baptisms ◆ Communions Weddings ◆ Parties Rehearsal Dinners ◆ Brunch Just around the corner at 3905 N. Lincoln Ave 773 248 3905 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal TIGER’S BODY SHOP An ideal companion for personal prayer. Complete Auto Rebuilders Established 1908 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Painting • Welding Frame Straightening All Work Guaranteed 800-566-6150 • SEWER SERVICE Lic. #PL-14645 Lic. #055-032320 (773) 525-0474 2330 W. Nelson St. 000543 St Andrew Church (B) Since 1952 5% Off W/Ad 3604 N. Lincoln Av. 773-935-2131 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Healthy (773) 248-6272 PAULINA MARKET SPECIALIZING IN HOMEMADE SAUSAGES 2005 West Addison St. CHOICE MEATS AND DRESSED POULTRY Chicago, IL 60618 3501 N. LINCOLN AT CORNELIA, CHICAGO, IL 60657 Rita Platt, D.D.S. HOME DELIVERY and Associates Pick-Up • Delivery • Dine-In PRIVATE EVENT ROOM AVAILABLE A man wakes up after sleeping Phone: (773) 573-1234 (773) 472-6160 WHY IS IT Family Dentistry 2159 W. Addison Street Open 11am to 5am Daily! under an ADVERTISED blanket Fax: (773) 573-1232 on an ADVERTISED mattress E-Mail: [email protected] and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas Website: bathes in an ADVERTISED shower Since 1910 Call: Jim Haderlein Bob Haderlein Mike Haderlein JOHN HADERLEIN & SON, INC. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 3049 N. Ashland Ave. 525-4666 3114 N. Lincoln • 773-477-2777 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap DRAKE & SON FUNERAL HOME puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? CREMATION • PRE-ARRANGEMENTS 5303 North Western Avenue • Chicago 773-561-6874 Owned and Operated by SCI Illinois Services, Inc. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators TONY ZASKOWSKI Real Estate Agent 773-744-7869 860.399.1785 LAW OFFICE Specialize in Real Estate Wills - Personal Injury JAKUBCO, RICHARDS & JAKUBCO Property Consultants Quotation on legal fees - free 2224 W. Irving Pk. (773) 588-3395 773-281-7447 1625 W. Irving Park Eat Well Live Well EGGSHELL PAINTING INC. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior Julio Cristobal Parishioner regularly priced items 773.327.2093 limit 1 per customer EST. 1903 ED THE PLUMBER 773-715-3903 Plant on Premises All Services Rehearsals • Weddings Prompt Quality Work Baptisms Communions Anniversaries Private Party Room Packages starting at $19.95 $2 OFF ANY INCOMING ORDER ONE PER CUSTOMER W/AD (773) 248-1349 ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As Hardware, Building & Janitor Supplies 3000 Broadway 3819 N. Ashland Avenue Chicago (Lakeview) IL 60613 773-348-5510 Ring: 773.883.0808 ~ 000543 St Andrew Church (A) Shop Well 3350 N. Western Ave. Chicago 10% OFF Brunch 8am-1pm an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA We Do All Our Own Work Lic# 055-026066 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ JOE MINNECI OWNER 2551 N. HALSTED ST. 708-652-1444 CHICAGO, IL 60614 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 THE MOST FAMILY FRIENDLY 5K IN CHICAGO! Saint Andrew Parish Running of the Bulldogs 5K & Kids Fun Run Sunday, October 25, 2015 Purchase your race registration, sign up to volunteer and become a sponsor at Come out and celebrate Sunrise Mass at Lincoln Park Zoo at 8:15am! Race begins at 9:00am followed by the Kids Fun Run at Lincoln Park Zoo! Cool down and join us at for healthy brunch buffet at Fat Cat (4840 North Broadway, Chicago) Proceeds raised will help support our sister Parish in Uganda and Saint Andrew School’s health and wellness programs. Must register by October 10th for a guaranteed t-shirt! Packet pick up 10/24/2015 in the Saint Andrew Gym from 12-6pm.
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