March 20, 2016 - Saint Andrew Parish
March 20, 2016 - Saint Andrew Parish
Saint Andrew Parish a vibrant and caring Catholic community Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 Rectory 3546 N. Paulina St. 773-525-3016 Fax: 773-525-4124 School Office 1710 W, Addison St. 773-248-2500 Fax: 773-248-2709 Weekend Masses in Church Saturday (Vigil) 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am 11:30 am and 5:30 pm Daily Mass in the Chapel Monday-Friday 9:00am Saturday 8:00 am Holy Day Masses: 9:00 am and 7:00 pm in the Church There are no Vigil Masses for Holy Days Confessions: Saturday 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm or by appointment Marriage: By appointment with the Pastor 6 to 9 months in advance Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm. Summer Schedule is 11:00 am Call the Rectory office to schedule Baptism Prep Class: The last Sunday of each month at 11:15 am in the Chapel. Call Rectory office to schedule Cause and Effect If you’ve been reading 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness by Joe Paprocki and participating in the “Challenge of the Month” for One Book One Parish, you will note that during the month of March, we’ve been focusing on the motto “Think before you act.” I find myself struggling to do that these days, especially as I watch the news and try to figure what is going on with the political process. Ironically, what is before me on the television is nothing more than a contagion of irrationality which is both cause and effect of my response to it – anger. Undeliberated anger breeds more undeliberated anger. In the book that Joe Paprocki wrote, he makes a reference to the 1974 movie The Network in which Howard Beale shouts into the television camera “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” Howard invites others into his rage-inducing hysteria until the entire nation is shouting out the window. Don’t think, don’t reflect, just be enraged and act. On Palm Sunday, I feel like Howard Beale’s famous outburst serves as entrée into understanding how the problems Jesus faced are problems still with us today. Within one hour of Mass on Sunday morning, we will recapitulate the extreme elation of the crowd as Jesus was welcomed into Jerusalem and also the rejection of Jesus just days later by the very same people during his condemnation and death. And they acted this way because… they were mad as hell and they weren’t going to take it anymore! They were mad at the Roman occupation of Israel and they were mad at the corruption of their religious leaders and so they rejoiced at the arrival of Jesus without really listening to what he was saying. When Jesus didn’t rule with the flashy heroism of a warrior-king, they were mad as hell. So again, without really listening to what he was saying, they mocked him and spat on him as he journeyed to the cross. In short, the movement from triumph to crucifixion was caused by undeliberated anger and the effect was more undeliberated anger. As 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness points out, and to be sure, anger is not an inherently bad thing. At times, we are truly frustrated and pretending that we aren’t leads to greater frustration. Additionally, righteous anger is a virtue. Anger at injustice has been the fuel for many social movements that have changed the world for the better. But when unrighteous anger is given permission to rule our life and we don’t stop to put the heart in conversation with the head, then our lives spiral out of control. We become like the crowd that both welcomed and turned on Jesus in less than a week’s time. We become participants in an endless cycle that enslaves us as a the meaningless envoy of anger following anger following anger. Something has to put the resulting chaos to a stop. Something did. Jesus stopped the spiraling mess. Yes, in his Death, but also in his Resurrection. And our recalling of his journey during this Holy Week is important because in some mysterious way, it allows for his presence and his actions to transcend time and space and enter into our chaos here and now. This allows for a new cause to take hold - Peace - and we await the effect of its triumph over all anger - Peace. -David Heimann, Pastoral Associate March 20, 2016 3 3/1920163/27/2016 Time Mass Intentions Saturday Sunday 4:00 All Deceased of the Parish 8:00 All Deceased of the Parish 9:45 All Deceased of the Parish 11:30 All Deceased of the Parish Readings Lk 19:28-40 Is 50:4-7 Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 Phil 2:6-11 Phil 2:8-9 Lk 22:14—23:56 5:30 All Deceased of the Parish Monday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Is 42:1-7; PS 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Is 49:1-6; PS 71:1-6 15 and 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday 9:00 All Deceased of the Parish Thursday Friday Saturday 7:00 pm 3:00 7:00 8:00 pm Holy Thursday Good Friday - The Lord’s Passion Is 50:4-9; PS 69:8-10, 21-22, 31 and 33-34; Mt 26:1425 Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26 Jn 13:34; Jn 13:1-15 Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25; Phil 2:8-9; Jn 18:1—19:42; Easter Sunday.. No Intentions: Please note: Masses are Saturday 8pm Sunday, 8am, 10am and 11:30am No 5:30 Please pray for World Peace, Military Service Members and their families: Joey Brown Michael Rosales Jerome Zwick Alex Wilscke Charles Wilson Jon Miller Joshua Cordoba John Hotek Tim Brown Tim Chambers Casey McDonald Eric Herrera Louis Martinez Victor Torres Michael Haney E-mail Chris O’Malley at the Parish Office to have the name of your friend or loved one serving in the military listed: [email protected]. Parish Prayer Line If you would like to ask for prayers from the Prayer Line please e-mail prayerline@ or call 872-588-1016 (local call) to leave your intention. To join as a person who prays for the needs of the Parish call or e-mail as well! 4 March 20, 2016 Better Together: The Art of Being Community. A joint Parish Mission hosted by Saint Andrew and Saint Benedict Parishes. Sunday, April 10 --- Monday, April 11* --- Tuesday, April 12 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM Each Night Three evenings to improve your capacity to thrive as a family, a team, and a Church. Schedule Each Evening: Featuring: 6:00 pm - Parish Auditorium OptionalDinner SuggestedDonation$10perfamily PleaseRSVPfordinnerto773-525-3016by4/9/16 6:15pm-7:00pm- Parish Social Hall Children’sProgramCheck-In-ages3-10. 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm - Parish Chapel JoePaprocki,DMin Teen and Adult Session Begins Featuring reflections from Joe Paprocki & Sr. Sallie Latkovich 7:45pm- Parish Auditorium Lightreception. 7:45pm-8:00pm-Parish Social Hall Children’s Program Pick-up Sr. Sallie Latkovich, CSJ Community AllactivitiesheldatSt.AndrewChapel,1725W.Addison,Chicago Needassistanceclimbingstairs?Usehandicapentranceat3546N.Paulina. Callinadvancetorequestassistanceifneeded773-525-3016 *BeawareofCubstrafficonApril11. Make it a family evening! The optional dinner and child programs are offered to make the Parish Mission more accessible to family schedules. Come and bring the family! is a sign that Love is possible. Presenters: Sister Sallie Latkovich, CSJ, DMin, is the director of Bible Study and Travel at Catholic Theological Union. She also serves there as the Director of the Summer Institute and is an adjunct professor. She is a Sister of St. Joseph and has taught at numerous colleges and pastoral formation programs across the United States. Joe Paprocki, DMin, is a catechetical leader, religious educator, and best selling author of numerous Catholic resources for professional and volunteer catechists. He is the National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press. He has more than 35 years of experience in ministry at various levels. March 20, 2016 5 Have you or someone you know recently given birth or experienced a family illness or loss? We want to help by delivering the simple comfort of a home made meal! Please email [email protected] to provide us with the details of the family in need or to volunteer to provide or deliver a Meal from the Heart! Or, simply fill out the form below and deliver to the Saint Andrew rectory offices. Your Contact Information Name ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Email _______________________________ For Volunteers (please check all that apply) I would like to provide Meals from the Heart I would like to deliver Meals from the Heart Referrals Family or Individual Name ____________________________________ Life Event / Reason for request __________________________________________________ Email _________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Delivery Address _____________________________________________________________ 6 Liturgical Ministries for March 19-20, 2016 Lectors Communion Altar Servers Sacristan 4:00 Rafael Perello Stephanie Lippian L1 L2 Rafael Perello Patrick Hatch Stephanie Lippian C1 H C2 George Lewis Miriam Perello Brando Barnes Rafael Perello 8:00 Kevin Nedved Dan Stalilonis L1 L2 Dan Stalilonis Michaela Tudela Rosemary Sarkisian C1 H C2 Max Oldham Kendra Lachcik SUB NEEDED Ali Donnelly C1 H Ellie McCain C2 Ashley Voss H1a Julia Frank H2a 10:00 Kevin Keefe Julia Newman L1 L2 Karen Siciliano Emily Matus Andrea Keefe Bonnie Villar Pam Scardina 11:30 Mike Helffrich Jenna Helffrich L1 L2 SUB NEEDED Justin Power Dan Tucci C1 H C2 Estrella Almendras Matt Almendras Jose Medero Pedro Medero Bill Stritzel Bridget Stritzel L1 L2 Bill Stritzel Thomas Burke Sarah Gallagher C1 H C2 Katie Barnard Peter Barnard Henry Boyer 5:30 FINANCIALS WILL BE IN NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN Annual Catholic Appeal Pledges 2015 Pledge envelopes returned Current total pledged $86,762.00 Total received$78,958.32 Total balance due $7,803.68 March 20, 2016 Dan Tucci Greeters David & Joan Carrigan Phyllis Wright Geri Colter Tim Moynihan Parish Staff: Pastor: Rev. Sergio Romo Pastor Emeritus; Rev. John Farry Resident: Rev. Arlin Jean Louis Resident: Rev. Augustin Vondou Deacon Pawel Barwikowski Pastoral Associate: David Heimann Deacon: Eric Sorensen Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides Events/Drews Dollars: Julie Richards Secretaries: Christina O’Malley, Joanne Signa Receptionist: Amanda Dougherty, Elizabeth Moreno ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Volunteer Ministry Coordinator: Dan Tucci School Administration: Principal: Allen Ackermann Assistant Principal: Sarah Casavechia Admissions: Anne Japsen Secretary: Trini Mahadeo Athletic Director: Matthew Pope Curriculum Coordinators: Michelle Roberts & Maribeth Lynch Engineer: Alfred Benkiser Your weekly contribution to Saint Andrew is vital to keeping our ministries funded and our Parish in good financial standing. Please consider setting up your gift using our electronic vendor, to ensure that even when you are away the Parish, your financial support is not. Please contact the Parish Office with any questions. March 20, 2016 7 8 March 20, 2016 Birthday Celebrations Addyson Hurley Alan Harris Alan Hutchinson Alexandra Guzzardo Andrew Iannelli Ashley Voss Barbara McDonagh Barrett Nofsinger Brian Pederson Brigid Iannelli Carrie Egan Catherine Collins Charlie Meeker David Egan Dorothy O’Brien Elizabeth Kilander Elizabeth Doerries Emily Harper Emmerson VanAken Erin McMillan Gary Arvid Benson III Grace Sullivan Hadley Piejak Holly Toynton Jaimie Villar Jason Oldham John Galvez John J. Wassong Joseph Siciliano Joseph Clark Joseph Vogenthaler Juliana Escutia Kaitlyn Benkiser Katie Hardek Katie Schneider Katie Wrzesinski Kay Prendergast Kevin Cook Laurie Jacks Leo Patrick Ruf Lillie Berman Maggie Berman Margaret Cooney Maria Osses-Rivera Mary McCarthy Nancy Sommer Nicholas Marchese Nick Kelly Nola Mills Patrick Maher Paul Stumbaugh Peter Malecek Regina A. Marquez Robin Moss Stella DeMarco Tai Yee Teresa Andrade Terrence Kiely Tessa Berman Wally Melgaard Walter Scott Burns William Hinard Volunteer Opportunities for The Greater Chicago Food Depository Saturday, April 23, 2016 9am until noon, 10 volunteers are need to help sort and repackage food for eventaul distribution to shelters and food pantries throughout Cook Count. Children 14-16 must be accompanied by an adult The Greater Chicago Food Depository is located at 4100 W. Ann Lurie Place in Chicago. Please contact Jeannie Hopf at 812-639-0554 or [email protected] with any questions or to volunteer. DREW’S DOLLARS Fundraising while you shop! Thank you for your participation in the Drew’s Dollars gift card program! Orders are due on Monday mornings. You can drop them off at the RECTORY or SCHOOL offices. You can pick up your orders on Thursday mornings at the RECTORY or SCHOOL office. We will continue to have a few of each gift card on hand for Amazon, Jewel, Target, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and iTunes at the rectory for purchase. Please email Julie Richards at julierichards@ if you have any questions. Thanks for making this program so successful! Job Outreach Ministry The Job Outreach Ministry seeks to help those looking for work or seeking a change in employment. For assistance please contact Jennifer Smith at [email protected] to get help looking for work or to assist others in ne.00ed. March 20, 2016 9 Help the Vulnerable: Urge Elected Leaders to Pass a State Budget Every 30 seconds someone counts on Catholic Charities for help. We are now asking for your help. Please lend your voice to advocate for the State of Illinois to end its budget stalemate and pass a budget that cares for the poor and most vulnerable in our communities. Catholic Charities is currently owed more than $25 million by the State of Illinois – a number that grows by at least $2 million per month. Please take time today to call your state elected officials with this simple message, “I am a voter in your district. I am contacting you on behalf of the poor and vulnerable people who depend on our state’s safety net of human services, especially the more than 1 million people served by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago.” If you do not know who your state representative and senator are, please call the State Board of Elections at (217) 782-4141 or visit and click on “New District/ Official Search.” You can find more information and a template advocacy letter at on the homepage. GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 2:45pm, at Holy Name Cathederal, 735 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois Couples married in 1966 interested in attending this celebration, should contact the Rectory Office to register. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312-534-8351 or visit the website: www.marriageandfamily 10 March 20, 2016 Please support our WE NEED YOUR HELP! WE ARE SE ARCHING FOR A FE W INDIVIDUALS TO CO-CHAIR OUR ANNUAL CHILDRE N’S GARAGE SALE Ap r il 1 6 , 2 0 1 6 If interested, please email Julie Richards at [email protected]. We will ensure you are set up for success - our past co-chairs will provide training. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Saint Andrew #543 3546 N. Paulina Chicago, Il 60657 TELEPHONE 773 525-3016 CONTACT PERSON Chris O’Malley EMAIL [email protected] SOFTWARE ADOBE INDESIGN CC 2014 Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Windows 7 Professional PRINTER Xerox U2520 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 Through 13 SUNDAY BULLETIN March 20, 2016 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 800 bulletins
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