Lory Park ROARing News


Lory Park ROARing News
Lory Park ROARing News
December 2011
Dear Friends,
“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning, but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience
can instil in us.”
Quote from Hal Borland, American author and journalist
As we head towards the end of another remarkable year, these words ring so true. Certainly as I
look back at all the experience and wisdom I have gained from the opportunities and challenges that
have made 2011 an incredible year for Lory Park. As the year draws to a close it is always a good
time to look back at the successes that have been achieved, as well as the lessons learnt and
knowledge gained, as these form the cornerstone to making 2012 another fantastic year.
2011 has seen some memorable occasions and remarkable developments for us at Lory Park. This
year saw Lory Park:
Undertake extensive renovation at the zoo including the big cats section and the birds of
prey. Additionally we extended our parking area
Increased the numbers of visitors to Lory Park Zoo
Undertake PAAZAB accreditation
Begin our community outreach program with Nokhupila School
These are just a few of the amazing things we have been up to over the last 12 months. 2012 I
believe will certainly be no different. And while the New Year is perceived as an opportunity to gain
a fresh start and new beginnings, it really is rather a continuation of our growth. In my opinion, a
New Year does not present new opportunities, but rather provides a time frame to build on the
prospects developed through the previous year’s hard work, commitment and dedication.
To all our loyal patrons I would like to thank you all for your commitment and support of Lory Park
throughout the year. Lory Park always strives to achieve only the best experience for our patrons
and this is done through a team of dedicated staff who aim to meet not only your expectations, but
certainly the needs of the animals as well.
The team look forward to seeing you again in 2012. We wish you all the best for the year ahead.
Enjoy the much deserved break for those who are taking time out over this period. Safe travels for
all those going away and have a fantastic festive season. If you are still in town, enjoying the quieter
Johannesburg, come join in the December festivities at the Zoo with our extended animal family. If
you have in comments or suggestion please feel free to contact Althea Guinsberg on
[email protected]
Enjoy this bumper edition of ROARing news and we will see you in the New Year!
Claudia Ferguson
Volunteer and Editor of the ROARing News
We’ve Been Busy!
Loskop Ground hornbill project
On the 24th September 2011, Lory Park Zoo held it’s “Our Heritage
our Hornbill Day” to coincide with Heritage Day. As such, the day
was focused around our Southern Ground Hornbills and a
percentage of the gate entrance taken went to purchase supplies
for Loskop Hornbill programme which is run by Delecia Gunn. The
project is run under the Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency –
where they have a wonderful program were you can sponsor a
hornbill for the year which will help with the running cost of the
At Lory Park, we also have two Southern Ground Hornbills (Priscilla and Elvis) which are part of the
African Preservation Program (APP) which falls under the African Zoo and Aquaria Program (PAAZAB)
thus we felt it apt to support this program.
On the 17th of November, we went to deliver the supplies that were bought from the money made
on the day, along with sawdust and medical supplies. Delecia’s hard work over the many years is
commendable and we are committed to having another conservation day focused on the Southern
Hornbills and again contribute towards Loskop Ground Hornbill project.
For more information see The friends of Loskop - www.friendsofloskop.org
National Clean up week
Lory Park Zoo got involved in helping to do a litter clean up of the Glen Austin area and the Glen
Austin Bullfrog Conservancy. As part of National Clean Up week, staff and volunteers especially
Patricia Marsh and her family, went to assist the residents
on the 17th September 2011. The day started at 09h00 and
we were divided into two groups, one group was to tackle
the main road of Glen Austin and the other group went
around the conservancy. What is lovely to note is that the
residents came out to help; the bags were collected and
taken to the Pick it Up dump site.
What is very sad is that the Conservancy is used as an illegal
dump site by contractors in the area and the residents have
on a number of occasions spoken to the council to put this
to an end but unfortunately it still happens. This is such a
lovely part of Midrand and is the home of many Giant
bullfrogs as well as an amazing collection of birdlife, so it is
certainly sad to see this area used as a dump site.
Elisabeth Hinke on the local committee does such
wonderful work in trying to maintain the wetland, thus as
Lory Park Zoo we are proud to help whenever we can and we ask that anyone who is interested in
getting involved in a cleanup day next year to contact Althea on [email protected] as we would
like to get a team together on a frequent basis to assist them at the conservancy.
Pyxi Conservation Day
On the 17th October 2011 we had our Pyxi Conservation Day – where everyone went ‘hopping’ mad
for the love of our bullfrogs. Lory Park Zoo is lucky
to be in the Giant bullfrog territory and have them
visiting the Zoo frequently during the rainy season.
But the threat to these wonderful creatures is of
great concern, thus the day was focused around
educating the public about the bullfrogs and what
an honour it is to have them still living around us.
Talks were held throughout the day with a
wonderful response to the morning talks. We
hope that some misconceptions with regards to
these frogs have changed and that people left the
day with a more positive attitude to having
amphibians living with them at their homes.
Race Against Extinction Day
On Sunday the 13th November 2011 Lory Park hosted a
Race Against Extinction Day to highlight the need for
conservation and preservation of various endangered
animals in the zoo. Althea Guinsberg gave a talk on the
day highlighting the plight of these creatures as well as
what is being done to help them, while our Ambassador
animals went around to meet and greet the visitors at the Zoo. The day also saw John Werth, a
representative for Penguin Promises (www.penguinpromises.com) join us on the day to discuss the
project and how each of us can make a difference not only to the penguins but to our environment.
Mark Kingsmill who is one of our best volunteers was also able to raise R1100 for Penguin Promise
by selling USB Penguin shaped sticks – well done Mark!
AKAA Conference
The 4th to 6th of October 2011 saw six representatives from Lory Park Zoo and Owl Sanctuary
attending the Animal Keepers Association of Africa (AKAA) conference held at Johannesburg Zoo.
The two presentation were given, the first presentation was around animal enrichment and was
presented by Timothy Chirwa our Relief Keeper. He was given the opportunity to present as his team
won the enrichment competition at the Zoo during the last quarter and as a result, was sponsored
by Robyn Ingle Moller along with his two animal attendants.
The second presentation was by David Heynis our
Assistant Administrator on the Zoological
Information Management System (ZIMS) which is
the new database system offered by ISIS. We are
proud to say that we are one of only two
institutions in the whole of South Africa using this
new system.
A poster was presented by Kara Meyer, the keeper
of our Breeding Centre, highlighting pan-leukopenia
in felids. This was done as we have two female
Pumas that suffer from it to varying degrees.
On the top of AKAA, Lory Park Zoo is proud to say that all keeping staff, education officers as well as
the Assistant Administrator are all members of AKAA. It is very important for any professional within
the industry to be part of this wonderful organisation.
For more info visit the AKAA website www.akaaafrica.com
Events that called for a bit of dress up….
Halloween in the Zoo
On the 29th October 2011, Lory Park Zoo hosted its annual
Halloween evening which included a guided tour and some scares
along the way and of course, our infamous fear factor challenge.
The weather was not in our favour, with rain throughout the day,
but as the rain cleared up for the night it proved to be a
wonderful evening, thanks to all the hard work of the staff and
Christmas Carols at the Zoo
On the 11th of December Adriaan Marais, the current Mr Xtreme
model and Johan Stickling who is the 2011 winner of Ultimate
Man SA performed for the visitors at the Zoo. It was an amazing day in the sense that the festive
mood took over the Zoo and everyone enjoyed the wonderful singing of these two aspiring young
singers. Ambassador animals were on hand to greet patrons throughout the day.
What’s Been Happening at the Zoo?
Enclosure Renovations
This quarter has brought with it some renovated enclosures. We have given the birds in Raptor Row
some more space with far better basking opportunities, as well as ponds in the Bird of Prey
enclosures. These have been a great success and one can often see Moyo our Bald Eagle as well as
Courtney our Andean Condor having a whale of time as they splash around to cool off in the summer
We have also increased the Jaguar enclosure, making it much bigger and they sure showed their
appreciation by basking in the new space. This increased space also afforded us the opportunity to
put in new logs and plants which has afforded us new places to hide novel items for our enrichment
Further renovations are planned for the coming year so watch this space as Lory Park Zoo grows.
Visitors from Africa
Lory Park Zoo was honoured to host keeping staff from Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC) as
part of the Animal Keepers Association of Africa (AKAA) keepers exchange program. Jimmy who is
the curator at the Centre and Angella who is a keeper came to do training at the Zoo for a week in
October. It was wonderful to host them, as not only did they learn from us, but the staff also learnt a
great deal from them. Jimmy also did a presentation on UWEC which was well received.
Happy Birthday Baruk and Bailey
On the 12th November 2011 we celebrated the birthday of our two very special female pumas Baruk and Bailey (better known as Wonky) who are now 3 years old. Bailey is our puma with
Cerebral Palsy and Matty van Eck has written an updated story on her on our website if you want to
read further into her story. For the special day treats were given to both girls who enjoyed not only
the meal, but also the special attention from all the staff.
New arrival to the Lory Park Family
We would like to welcome Slade Edward Gate to the Lory Park family. Slade was born on the 13th of
December 2011 to proud parents Bianca van Eck (daughter to Owner Eddy van Eck) and David Gates.
Congratulation to the van Eck and Gates family.
PAAZAB Accreditation
Lory Park Zoo is an intuitional member of the African Association
of Zoo and Aquaria (PAAZAB) and on the 11th and 12th November
we underwent our accreditation inspection. A panel was selected
from within the industry to inspect our Zoo - we wait to hear
reports from the inspectors.
For more information on PAAZAB visit - www.paazab.com
Staff info at Lory Park Zoo
We like to welcome Natasha Sibilski who has joined our Lory
Park family and will be part of our education team. We look
forward to her and Dewaal Venter redesigning and implementing
our educational tours and programs at the Zoo in 2012.
We also bid farewell to Corlia van Niekerk our Bird of Prey and
Primate keeper. We wish her the best of luck in her future
It All Starts with Giving Back…
Social Responsibility towards Conservation Education
This year there was two companies that gave Social Responsibility
grants to Race against Extinction (www.raceagainstextinction.co.za ) ITT South Africa and Sybase South Africa. As a result, the money was
used to undertake conservation education programs at Lory Park Zoo.
ITT sponsored 830 kids and Sybase sponsored 180 kids from a school
based in the Thembisa region, to undertake a ranger program
designed around current issues that are affecting us as a Nation i.e.
recycling and global warming.
Conservation of wildlife was also be highlighted. Dewaal Venter Lory
Park Zoo’s education Officer, with the help of Natasha Sibilski and
Patricia Marsh did an outstanding job and we are pleased to have
received such positive feedback and hope that the impact has a ripple
effect within our community.
Once again a huge thank you to ITT and Sybase!
Lory Park hosts Dream Night
On the 3rd of December 2011, we hosted our annual Dream Night event
with help from the Point of Difference team, which was founded by
Steven and Adele Segal. Twenty one children from Boikanyo Home for
Children with Disabilities and Special needs came all the way from
Hammanskraal, which is over an hour drive to Lory Park Zoo, for a magical
night at our Zoo – and certainly we didn’t disappoint. We were also
fortunate enough to have SRE Developments Management team sponsor
the transport and dinner for the children and with the help of Springbok
Atlas the transportation company gave us a huge discount on the
transportation - ensuring that the vehicles used were able to cater for the
special needs of the children. Adriaan Marais, who is not only Mr Xtreme
2011, but aspiring young South African Singer, provided the
entertainment for the evening.
The children arrived at the Zoo at 18h00 - and for many it was the first time that they had been to a
Zoo. We divided the group into two for the guided tour of the Zoo which proved to be an emotional
moment for both the children and the staff – as many had never seen a lion or a tiger and their
reaction to these animals was overwhelming. Following the tour, the children gathered in the lapa
for dinner.
And then it was party time  With Adriaan
singing, we all got onto the dance floor to
dance with the children and this had to be the
highlight of the evening. And with Ben Brand
playing Father Christmas coming out at the end
of the evening to hand out gifts – it was a
moment that humbled us all.
Everyone had to get involved and it was a
wonderful team effort from all sides to create
an evening that will be remembered by all.
Once again Dream Night touched and united many hearts.
Community Outreach program - Nokuphila School
During the course of the year, we have taken Nokuphila School as our community outreach school. It
is run by the Love Trust which is a Non–Profit
Organization (www.lovetrust.co.za) and currently
there are 80 kids at the school who come from
the surrounding Thembisa region. De Waal Venter
our Education Officer has been doing programmes
at the school ranging from reptiles and birds to
domestic animals.
In line with this, we recently held a recycling
fashion show with the School, where each class
had to make an outfit out of recyclable materials
that they found in and around the school. It was a
very touching day as the kids and teachers went to a great deal of effort and it was extremely tough
for the judges (Matty van Eck, De Waal Venter and George Goma) to decide on a winner. Lory Park
Zoo also sponsored two recycling bins per class to help encourage the kids to start recycling plastic
and paper.
Additionally, over the last few months we have planted a veggie garden at the school which is
checked on once a week by Dewaal and coupled with an educational talk on the nutritional value of
the veggies that are being grown. We decided that it would be a wonderful idea to give each parent
a little starter pack for them to make their own veggie gardens at home – and in that way extending
the project. The parents were so grateful for their
little starter packs which included seeds, compost
and a pot to plant them in, so that they could start
growing the seeds within their homes before
putting them outside into a garden area. Timothy
Chirwa, our relief keeper, showed his skills as a
wonderful educator and had many questions
asked about gardening from the parents.
We also hosted the whole school at the Zoo on the
18th of November were Natasha Sibilski made a
dvd of the visit and took it to the school to show the kids – many who were amazed to see
themselves on TV  In addition, Lory Park Zoo also contributed to the food packs that each child
took home for the holidays.
This vision of this outreach program, in conjunction with Race Against Extinction, has been achieved
over the last few months and certainly couldn’t have been achieved without the help and goodwill
from the following amazing people and companies: Shannon Mackay, Flora Farm, Jill Little, Leanne
Berger, Jacks Paint and Sharon Salomon.
We have many plans and idea that we are hoping to incorporate into our program with the school.
Any help that anyone can give us like supplies or donations would be appreciated. If you are able to
help please contact Dewaal Venter via his email ([email protected])
Some Interesting Animal Facts…..
Is a zebra black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? Any guesses? Well, it’s white with
black stripes.
Talk about noise pollution in the jungles! A lion’s roar is so loud that it can be heard up to a
distance of 8km.
Cheetahs may be large and fast, but when they roar they chirp. This sounds more like a bird or a
yelping dog.
A crocodile can never stick its tongue out of its mouth.
The tusks of elephants grow through their life.
On an average, a hedgehog's heart beats 300 times, per minute.
A coin is heavier than a hummingbird!
Here is some news for the left-handed people – they are not the only ones, as all polar bears are
Special Thank You’s
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following sponsors for their generous support
this quarter:
 Flora Farm
 Cowen Signs
 Nedbank Team
 Tbhokisis Lelsimbi steel boxes and
 Rockwell Team
 Just There Magazine
 SRE Developments Management
 Pixel Zoo
 John Werth
 Loolilocks Koi Farm
 Saint Glass
 Cube Design
 Urban Jungle Team
 Equicare Veterinary Clinic
 Sybase South Africa
 North Rand animal Clinic
 ITT South Africa
A big thank you to Dr Hanno Sierts for always being not only a vet, but a friend, to all the animals at
the Zoo. We also like to say thank you to Dr Peter Caldwell from Old Chapel clinic, Dr Katja Koppel
and her veterinary team from Johannesburg Veterinary Department and Dr Chris Kingsley for all
their assistance when we had unhappy animals over the last year.
A huge thank you to our amazing volunteers – Shannon Mackay, Mark Kingsmall, Jill Little, Sharon
Soloman (Race Against Extinction), Dani Hawk, Gladys Strondl, Tyne Jackson, Heather Reid, Cheryl
Davies, Debbie Eatwell and everyone that has helped us over the last year.
Drum roll please... this quarter's animal celebrity profile...
Date of birth: 10 August 2010
Facts about Daniel
Daniel is special as he is our only male white lion.
He was hand-reared at Lory Park Zoo and Owl
Sanctuary .He is now on display with Heidi our
resident female white lion. Although he is 6
months younger than her he has grown at an
astronomical rate and is rapidly reaching her size.
His mane has grown longer and while not
complete it does give a glimpse into how majestic he will be one day.
Save the Dates with Lory Park
Calendar for 2012
1 Jan
News Years Resolution
3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17
Ranger Day Program
6, 9, 13 and 16 Jan
Community service
29 Jan
Pirates and Parrot day
2 Feb
12 Feb
World wetland day
Loving our environment
24 March
Creatures of the Night
3, 4, and 5,
11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25
2, 13, 16, 20, 23 April
Ranger day Program
7 and 8 April
Easter weekend at the
28 April
International Save the
frog day
1 May
Cats of the Jungle
26 May
Gluvine Evening at the
Environmental day
Ranger day Program
5 June
26, 27, 28 June
3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12
25 and 29 June
2, 6, 9, 13 July
Community service
Community service
Come and Pledge your support to sustainability of our
wildlife and environment. Write your pledge on our wall.
Certificates of your pledge will be given to you as a
reminder of your resolution. Contact [email protected]
For kids from the age of 8 to 16 years of age. Fun
interactive program from 07h00 to 16h00. Booking in
advance is needed. Contact [email protected]
This is for kids that are required to do community
outreach activities required by their school. Booking in
advance is required. Contact [email protected]
Come o matees as a pirate and get R10 off entrance fee
and learn about the wonderful world of parrots and
maybe find a hidden treasure. For more info contact
[email protected]
It the season of Love, so come and show how much you
love your environment. Kids bring a drawn photo showing
you in your environment and get 20 off entrance fee.
There be competition for the best drawing for more info
contact [email protected]
Guided tour and dinner at the Zoo. Contact
[email protected]
For kids from the age of 8 to 16 years of age. Fun
interactive program from 07h00 to 16h00. Booking in
advance is needed. Contact is [email protected]
This is for kids that are required to do community
outreach activities required by their school. Booking in
advance is required. Contact [email protected]
We will be having treasure hunts, kids’ activities and lots
of Easter fun with our public and animals. Contact
[email protected]
We be ‘hopping’ to conserve our amphibians, so join us in
hopping around the Zoo and dress in green to show your
support. Contact [email protected]
Guided tour of the big and small cats section of the Zoo
with emphasises on the conservation and preservation
status of these animals. Guests on the tour will have a
peep in at our night-room area. Contact
[email protected]
Join us for a guided tour of the Zoo, and enjoy the evening
with sweet treats and live entertainment.
For kids from the age of 8 to 16 years of age. Fun
interactive program from 07h00 to 16h00. Booking in
advance is needed. Contact is [email protected]
This is for kids that are required to do community
outreach activities required by their school. Booking in
29 July
World Tiger Day
14, 15, 16, 20, 21,
22, 23, 28, 29 August
4, 5, 6 September
19 Augusts
Private School Holiday.
Ranger day program
1-7 Sept
National Arbour week
1 Sept
awareness day
24 Sept
Hornbill day
2, 3 and 4 Oct
Ranger Program
1 and 5 Oct
Community Service
27 Oct
11 Nov
Race Against Extinction
1 Dec
11, 12, 13, 18, 19,
20 Dec
Dream Night Event
Ranger Program
10, 14, 21 Dec
Community service
25 December
26 December
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
Slithery Creatures
advance is required. Contact [email protected]
This day is to create awareness about the plight of these
amazing animals. This will be done conjunction with Race
Against Extinction. Contact [email protected]
For kids from the age of 8 to 16 years of age. Fun
interactive program from 07h00 to 16h00. Booking in
advance is needed. Contact is [email protected]
Live reptile display and talk about conserving our
wonderful reptiles that we have in South Africa. Contact:
[email protected]
We will be planting trees on the 1 of Sept at Lory Park
Zoo. Contact [email protected]
Come and celebrate this day dedicated to the Kings of the
sky. We will be having guided tours and enrichment for
our birds of prey. Contact [email protected]
Conservation day around the Southern Ground Hornbill
with guided tours, enrichment and talks. 10 % of the entry
fee goes to the Loskop Hornbill Project. Contact
[email protected]
For kids from the age of 8 to 16 years of age. Fun
interactive program from 07h00 to 16h00. Booking in
advance is needed. Contact is [email protected]
This is for kids that are required to do community
outreach activities required by their school. Booking in
advance is required. Contact [email protected]
Come and join us for our annual Halloween event in the
Zoo. Booking in advance is essential. Contact
[email protected]
The program will be based on conservation and
preservation programs. [email protected]
Closed event.
For kids from the age of 8 to 16 years of age. Fun
interactive program from 07h00 to 16h00. Booking in
advance is needed. Contact is [email protected]
This is for kids that are required to do community
outreach activities required by their school. Booking in
advance is required. Contact [email protected]
Zoo open
Zoo open
Please note that from 18 January 2012, Lory Park Zoo’s entrance fees will increase to the following:
 Adults – R60
 Kids from 2- 12 years of age – R40
 Pensioners – R30
 Non guided school tours – R40
 Guided school tours - R45
 Ranger day program – R150
 Small lapa hiring – R350
 Big Lapa hiring – R700
Our Wish List
As a privately funded Zoo, we rely on donations and our volunteers so if you or your friends or family
are ably to assist, no matter how big or small, your donation goes a long way in assisting our projects
and ensuring the animals receive only the best. Below is our wish list, but certainly any donation is
much appreciated...
Baby blankets for our cubs and kittens
Baby bottle brushes
Dish washing liquid
Multi-purpose scourers
Peanut butter, honey, yoghurt,
raisins, dried fruit, different types of
nuts (for animal enrichment toys)
Food processor
Computers/laptops that are in
working order
Office stationary (files, pens,
whiteboards and markers etc.)
Dustbins (black rubber)
Pic for the Quarter
Bags of cement
Building materials (bricks, building
sand, stones etc)
Plastic containers
Old leather belts
UV lights and infra red lights
Pumps for ponds
Bird incubator box
Heating pads
Stainless steel round bowls
Non-toxic paint
Non-toxic crayons for our educational