Trustees Announce Plans For New Gym Wing


Trustees Announce Plans For New Gym Wing
Trustees Announce Plans For New Gym Wing
112 Fathers Deluge Campus
During Father's Weekend
One hundred and twelve fathers assembled on Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday, October 19-21, for the annual
Father's Weekend. Coming from as
far away as Malibu, California, and
from as near as Middletown, the fathers came to get a closer look at St.
Andrew's and to find out what their
sons really were doing.
The schedule was quite full, with
events on all three days. On Friday,
for the 60 fathers who had arrived
for the first day, the Glee Club, under
Mr. Walker's direction, presented a
program of show music, principally
from recent musical comedies. The
performance was highlighted by the
solos of Kent Hughes and Jess Gaither. For the final number, the Glee
Club sang an original version of
'' There is Nothing Like a Dame,''
with lyrics by the famed Kerr-Walker team.
In the evening, the fathers visited
some of the faculty homes for a bit
of informal conversation.
Saturday, the fathers patiently sat
through the morning's classes, wondering whether the square root of
the quantity X sub one minus X sub
two squared plus the quantity Y sub
one minus Y sub two squared really
did equal D. Doubtless, they were
less amazed by the masters who
taught such stuff than by their sons
who understood it.
On the athletic fields on Saturday
there were games between the Varsity football team and Sanford, the
Varsity soccer team and Moorestown
Friends J.V., and the Red and White
Senior Eleven teams. Varsity football
soundly defeated Sanford, 22-6, in a
well-played game which included two
pass interceptions by Dick Buckaloo
and a spectacular safety by Chip
The Varsity soccer team
fought a long match with a speedy
Moorestown team, which ended in a
1-1 deadlock after two overtime periods. The Senior Eleven game saw a
strong Red team, coached by Mr.
Baum, edge Fr. Ogilby 's White Raiders 20-14.
After the soccer game, great numbers of fathers and sons decamped
to that citadel of the filet mignon,
the Granary, for a meal of unparalleled quality (and expense).
In the afternoon, a reception was
held in the Main Common Room for
the fathers and faculty. After supper Saturday night, Mr. Chapin,
President of the St. Andrew's Fathers' Club, called the fathers' meeting
to order; Mr. Moss gave his customary
'' State of the School'' address. New
officers for next year's Fathers'
Weekend were elected. Mr. Rignal W.
Baldwin was elected the new president of the Fathers' Club.
Following the meeting, the movie
'' They Came to Cordura'' was shown
in the auditorium. From 9:30 on, the
faculty held open house for the fathers until 11:30 p. m. curfew.
Sunday morning, there was a service
of Morning Prayer in the Chapel, with
a sermon by Mr. Ogilby. After chapel,
fathers and sons were free until Sunday Dinner at 1:00 p. m. At this
meal, Mr. Baldwin thanked the school
for its hospitality.
Special thanks
for the best Fathers' Weekend in
many years were extended to the faculty, students and staff of the school.
The Cardinal heartily seconds Mr.
Baldwin and hopes that the success
of this year's Fathers' Weekend can
be duplicated in years to come.
Math Men
Hear Pollock
On Tuesday, November 23, seven
budding SAS mathematicians went
up to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia to hear a Dr. Pollock speak
upon the wonders of mathematics.
Dr. Pollock graduated from Yale
in 1951 and obtained his Ph.D. from
Harvard. He is currently working
on the higher mathematical echelons
of the Bell Telephone Company.
As a lecturer on the annual Dodge
lecture series on the sciences founded in 1926, Dr. Pollock took his first
example of a practical mathematical
problem directly from his work for
Bell Telephone. He was interested
in mathematically determining the
way to correct a given number of
parts in a plane together, with only
one line going from any one point,
in the shortest total length of lines.
The total number of ways lines may
(continued on page 3)
Duties of M. C.
Added To
Faculty Chores
Upon returning to St. Andrew's in
September, those familiar with the
school saw many things that were
differeiit from memories .of June past.
One difference that was noted almost
immediately by everyone was a new
system which had been developed by
the school's hierarchy.
In previous years, each master was
faced with the dim prospect of taking
attendance at meals, keeping a lateness record, having both eighth
period study halls, and evening study
halls. After several years of success,
this system was changed to the
present one. The end result is that
no one is sure which end is up when
they are asked who the MOD is, or
who the MC is. Boys who are late
to meals constantly report to the
Master of the Day who sends them to
the Master of Ceremonies who reverses their paths by returning the
MOD's compliment.
Mr. Barren
Assumes Head
Library Position
Contractors To
Submit Bids
November 7th
Mr. Richard L. Barren succeeds Mr.
Nolan Lushington as the school librarian. Mr. Barron, who returns
Over the summer plans were comto his new post from a sabbatical
pleted in the final stage of construclast year, has been at St. Andrew's
tion of a new gymnasium wing.
since 1937 as manager of the school
store and head of the Music DepartThe exterior of the wing has been
redesigned for more compatibility
Mr. Lushington left S.A.S. last June with the structure of the present
to be an assistant librarian at the building. It will have a peaked roof,
Greenwhich (Connecticut) commun- and the huge twenty-five by one .hunity library where he is now in charge dred ten foot wall has been divided
of the community's audiovisual pro- into smaller sections. The three colors of random-sized brick to be used
in construction will closely resemble
Mr. Barron is grateful for the help the stone in the main gym.
given to him this year by members
The design of the interior was also
of the library squad, who are helping him to promote a concern in in- agreed upon. Such problems as light,
creasing the school's use .of library ventilation, heating and plumbing
have all been solved. Each room will
have its separate heat and ventilation
Outside Reading Promoted
control, and the lighting '' will conMr. Moss told this reporter that form to modern standards.''
there is a continuation this year of
The Board of Trustees gave final
the record breaking circulation which
came in the Spring of last year with approval to the plans shortly after
746 books borrowed in the month ,of school opened this year. The school has
May. Mr. Moss stated: "It is of the since put the job up for bids to five
utmost importance that every boy contractors who plan to enter their
read material in the course of his estimates by November 7.
This reporter had become somewhat baffled himself over this situation upon several occasions, and decided to set things straight.
studies other then that which is required in his daily assignments. I am
Mr. Timmins Approves
Upon interviewing Mr. Timmins of pleased with the great interest that
the Math Department, it was found boys are taking in the library.''
that during weekdays, the MOD now
To aid his cause, Mr. Barron
has charge of night study-hall while
the MC takes attendance at meals has instituted tw.o new systems
as well as the eighth period study this year. The first marks a speedy
halls. The reason for the change, processing of new books purchased
explained Mr. Timmins, was that there
by the school. By using temporary
was a need to increase the duties of
masters who were not tied up by filing cards while Library of Concoaching sports, attending meetings, gress cards are placed on order, a
or having other obligations. Masters book may be placed in circulation
who have already assumed responsi- in less than a week after it is rebilities such as coaching, are likely
to be seen performing the duty of ceived, instead of the month .or more
MC only, whereas those having a formerly required.
great deal of free time are being asFinally, from time to time,, an arsigned to the chore of MOD.
ticle on the library will appear in
Satisfactory? Mr. Timmins thinks the Cardinal. Written
by the
so, because he is one of the lucky student librarian, the column is exones who will have to attend night pected to contain contributions from
study-hall only once this year.
members of the library squad.
At this time, the Board will decide
whether or not to give the
signal. If they do, construction
should start within the term and be
completed by Pall, 1963.
Further Campus Construction
Other related projects include the
completion of four all-weather tennis
courts adjacent to the clay courts at
the front of the gym. They replace
the hard courts which lay in the site
of the projected wing.
A new faculty house is being built
to replace the apartment in the gym.
The apartment, in addition to the
remainder of the existing second floor
of the gym, will be a modern headquarters for the Music Department.
Mr. Ryan, Chairman of Modern Languages, will occupy the new house
with his family as soon as it is completed.
The Cardinal
Volume XXXIII, No. 1
Kent S. Hughes, '63
News Editor
Eoger A. Walke, '63
Features Editor
Jay Kerr, '63
Sports Editor
George W. Shuster, '63
Photography Editor
Duke LaGrone, '64
Circulation Manager
Bidley M. Whitaker, '65
Business Manager
Robert N. Pyle, '63
The policy of the Cardinal does not necessarily reflect that of the School.
Gaither, '63
Hodges, '64
McWethy, '65
Loomis, '63
Knight, '64
Davis, '66
Soderberg, '63
Moseley, '64
Herndon, '66
Thompson, '63
Parker, '64
Wood, '63
Snyder, 0., '64
Dear Editor:
I would like to complain about the
fact that this school provides for only
two modern languages and requires
only two years of any language,
whereas many of our most prominent
institutions for higher education recommend strongly three .or more years
of one modern language, and the
C.E.E.B. considers German, Greek,
Hebrew, Italian, Latin, and Russian,
as well as the usual French and Spanish important enough to provide for
mass testing in all these languages.
Accompanying their applications
for freshmen for next year, Princeton University sent an '' ideal'' high
school curriculum which included four
years of a foreign language.
own language department advocates
three or four years of a language.
Science is great, but a student can get
more out of his college science course,
than from those at St. Andrew's
whereas an early background in a
foreign language is invaluable. Middlebury College will not graduate any
student who has not reached a '' reasonable proficiency" in one language.
If the Middlebury scientist meets his
language requirement in preparatory
school, he is free to devote his college
years to his pursuit of science.
St. Andrew's offers courses in elementary algebra (advanced and regular), geometry (advanced and regular), intermediate algebra (advanced
and regular), and "sixth math"
(trigonometry and calculus). There
are no fewer than twelve math sections. There are five courses in science
(general, biology, zoology, chemistry,
and physics). Even history offers
more courses than languages.
We students appreciate the ease at
becoming adept in art and music
which was quite properly instituted
this year. Now that we can express
ourselves in more than one way, we
want to be able to speak in more
than one way. C'est bien necessaire.
A Not-Quite-Multi-Linguist
Dear Editor:
This letter is long .overdue and
should have been published before.
Its message is not directed to the
Cardinal Staff, but to the readers
of the Cardinal. I am very concerned, and with good reason, over the
public opinion of a rather new organization of the school, Palace Productions. This organization encompasses
a great deal more than many people
realize or wish to realize. First, it
includes the stage crew when the
stage crew is not performing a function for the Criss Cross club.
might add that since the stage crew
receives no credits for work done at
any other time than the Winter and
Spring terms when they are preparing the set for the Spring play, it
seems that Palace Productions is
working with little or no recognition.)
The other members of Palace Productions include any members of the
school which help to produce evening
programs for the school. Perhaps
the school is unfamiliar with the various departments of help, but these
will be apparent at later dates in the
year when various functions occur.
I hope that the school will watch for
our work when they see the lighting
done at the weekend dances this
To further explain the functions of
the Palace Productions Organizations,
it is necessary to delve into the brief
history of its two-year existance. As
some of the old boys know, the organization first appeared under the direction of Tom Field in my fourth
form year. Its work extended over
dances, performances of the Kenston
Trio and the Deltones, and the com-
edy presented upon several occasions
by the Slayers, (the latter of these
groups began in the same year as did
the Palace organization). Because
popular opinion was not on our side,
the Slayers became extinct.
Kenston Trio and the Deltones made
their final performance of the year
to an audience .of less than ten, and
Palace Productions found itself headed for the grave-yard.
In the following year, the remaining members of our organization were
willing to forget previous humiliation
and start anew. The program and .operation of Palace Productions was
revamped to its present operation, and
the show went on! Some prejudice
still tainted the glitter of production,
but there was more appreciation ,on
all fronts. Several programs were
planned which never got off the
ground, but in some events, this was
just as well. Jay Kerr transformed
his trio and Deltones into a group
of serious-minded, dedicated individuals who strove for a perfection which
they were not always able to attain.
The absence of opposition to our
shows was overwhelming to the Palace organization, but our reaction to
the reception given us this year is
inexpressible. I would like to thank
those who are willing to devote fifteen
or twenty minutes of their time on a
Saturday evening to become an audience to groups that are far from perfect, but willing to learn.
Finally, I could only ask from the
students that, in the coming months
and terms when we attempt to go on
to a greater variety of entertainment,
they not be ready to judge at once,
but at last. When you see a performance that is not perfect, wait and see
if the next performance isn't better.
We are always willing to improve and
vary from routine, but there are always unexpected limitations which
we encounter. We can overcome these
limitations only if we have your
patience and your support.
Dave Lioomis
(on behalf of nearly thirty-five
members of the school and faculty
who work with us and for us.)
Dear Editor:
The cultural program at St. Andrew's School is presently in a state
of relative inactivity. The lectures
that are compulsory have recently
been so directed to a small and specialized group of students that the
remainder of the student body must
sit, eyes fixed on the clock, until they
are permitted to leave the auditorium.
I have no doubts about the merits
of, and I shall pick an arbitrary subject, a lecture in Archeology in the
Southwest Rockies; but to a person
who doesn't know Archeology from
Reverse Psychology, the lecture concerning recent discoveries and how
they compare to those in the Northwest Andes is quite definitely out of
We do not object, except for possible inconvenience, to lectures about
college admissions or another subject
which might apply to all of us. We
do object to attending a lecture and
coming .out only with the information
that the minute hand of the clock revolves at 46.3 pi radians per hour—
something we calculated during the
most boring part of the lecture. So
at least we learned how fast the
minute hand goes around? Well, now
everyone knows. All that's left now
is to laugh at the slide projectionist
when his fingers go up on the screen
instead of a picture of the archeologist holding his shovel. I shall
put mine down now, only adding this
plea: lectures for all, or nothing at
Most Sincerely,
Marvelous Mathematician.
This column is written for the
students of St. Andrew's School. In
coming issues, we will review new
LP releases along with the music to
which we are compulsorily or otherwise exposed here at SAS.
In the past few years, the Great
Awakening at St. Andrew's with regard to music deserves more than
passing mention in this series of
articles dealing with a subject of almost universal interest.
Half a term's preparation by the
Glee Club resulted in a fine showwhich we are compulsorarily or othering before a Fathers' Weekend audience. The novel concept of drum and
piano accompaniment in an enjoyable
programming devoid of spirituals
and the usual group of revolting and
pointless selections reached its peak
in an original arrangement of Leonard Bernstein's "Tonight." It was
the first time a program had the
purpose of entertaining instead of
offering selected etudes for the sole
benefit of the performers.
In the independent organizations,
although The Kenston Trio made an
average showing on September 28,
their accompanists, The Deltones, provided in solo work a quality medley
from '' West Side Story'' and a lively drum solo by Dick Porter.
In a program scheduled for December 8, the two groups promise several
new Christmas songs.
The '' spectacular '' will feature a special visit
by an authentic copy of Santa Glaus
to .officially open the Yuletide season at St. Andrew's.
When all is said and done, the
precedent set by The Kenston Trio
has impressed enough students so
that a new fourth form novelty
group. The Cleepwalkers, is in the
blue print stage. The Kenston Trio
II, formed "to carry on the tradition, '' promises to develop more than
the original one has and will be eintroduced in the new year; projected
date, the group's second anniversary.
The School Band sounds more like
a band this year despite the absence
of trombones and despite the presence
of a few instruments.
Some new
marches have begun to take the place
of the '' regulars,'' and Mr. Walker
modestly brags that after each
'' Swing Cheer'' played by the band,
the football team scores a first down.
Music is an art. Like all arts, it
takes practice to even start to be
good. No one is gifted enough to
pick up an instrument he has never
seen and play it perfectly. And
alog the same line, no students at St.
Andrew's will probably ever become
professional musicians.
Adverse criticism for the school's
musicians should originate only within the group or come from someone
who knows he can do better. Our
hats off to the boys that practice five
nights a week for their effort above
and beyond.
The Price
Was Right
Mrs. Reyner, wife of St. Andrew's
Athletic Director W. C. Reyner, is
perhaps the only member of the school
community ever broadcasted in living
color and black and white. Added to
that singular distinction, she is the
only person in the vicinity of the Noxontown ever to win a surrey with horse
on coast to coast television. Eloise
is the horse's name; the Reyner's
haven't named the surrey yet.
On pleasant Sunday afternoons,
when students seek retreat from faculty children awaiting their parents
in the coffee room, it is more than
likely that they will see the entire
Reyner family bedecked in their Sunday-afternoon best taking a carriage
ride through the vine-covered thiskets
surrounding the campus.
In late August, the Reyners stopped in to see '' The Price Is Right''
as part of their New York holiday
with Mrs. Reyner's parents. At the
conclusion of the show, both Reyners
entered their names as possible contestants for the next show. Although
they both were among the eight finalists, NBC allowed for the fact that
they couldn 't permit husband and wife
on the same show and wisely chose
the member of the family who could
give the most compatibility to the
compatible color.
Having been coached in her '' ad
lib'' remarks, Mrs. Reyner found the
show a snap. In addition to Eloise
and the surrey (which was actually
a bonus), she won over two thousand
dollars worth of lawn furniture and
fifty-two dinners for two in one year.
And now the Reyners are happy.
Eloise is happy. And the school will be
happy as long as (during every meal)
we know Eloise is still alive.
Last year the Science Department
decided to ease the crowded situation
in the biology laboratory.
The result was the greenhouse that now
stands over the Green Dragon.
The Greenhouse was begun last
spring and was built in three parts.
The first is the greenhouse proper,
containing a pond in natural surroundings to be used as a supply of
pond specimens in the winter when
the Noxoiitown is frozen. There are
also benches along the sides of the
greenhouse on which students can
Fifty Return
To Alma Mater
On Saturday, October 6, St. Andrew's was host to the largest group
of alumni yet to return for the annual Alumni Day.
Over 50 past
graduates, many with wives and children, arrived Saturday morning, eager
to see old friends, to reminisce about
past years, or just to look around.
Quite a number of recent graduates were back, with 1961 the best
represented of the last four years.
They were: 1959-Coley Brown, Jack
Jones, Mike Laird; 1960-Jeff Stives,
Jesse Dowd, Steve Walke; 1961—
Pete Laird, Ken McCullough, Dave
Long, Ian Lothian, Dan McWhethy;
1961—Jud Bennet, Jim Bullock, Anton Schaefer, Roger Melling.
The first event of the day was the
game between Varsity Soccer and the
Phelps School at 11:00 A. M. Phelps
was soundly trounced, 3-1, much to
the delight of the alumni and the
After the game, there was a buffet
lunch in the Garth, open to all.
The annual business meeting of the
Alumni Association was held after
The out-going president of
the association, Henry N. Herndon,
Jr., '48 of Wilmington spoke to the
assembled alumni about the past year.
Mr. Herndon also said that the
Alumni Holding Corporation, which
administers the War Memorial Fund
is now in the process of selecting a
scholar for the school year of 19631964. He said that Dr. James Rowes,
'46, the Rev. Patterson, '49, and Dr.
and Mrs. Pell continue their work in
Bechuanaland, Alaska, and Saigon,
Vietnam, respectively. The president
called attention to the display of
alumni authors in the library which
was of special interest.
Following Mr. Herndon's report,
the Treasurer announced that there
have been excellent returns in the
alumni giving program, but stressed
the fact that the precentage of givers was distressingly low (35%). He
also mentioned the new archives'
shelves in the Master's Library,
which are a gift of the alumni.
The Headmaster's report to the
alumni was the next business of the
(continued on page 3)
Cooler Than
The Average
Cold water has long been a problem at St. Andrew's -- not in the
showers, but in the drinking fountains. In the gym, the student custom to combat the problem has been
to place a chair over the faucet about
half an hour before they plan to be
thirsty. The water then has ample opportunity to leave the lukewarm stage.
The procedure has recently been outlawed, for while it temporarily solves
the problem, it does tend to waste
thirty minutes worth of water.
One could not expect this situation
to be immediately remedied, not even
at St. Andrew's; but one step has
been taken which does deserve a bit
of passing mention. In the closing
months of last year, a water cooler
was installed in the main common
room fountain. Although it is conspicuously located near the Business
Office, it does nonetheless provide relief to the passing student dead with
thirst. It does present a reasonable
attempt to begin remedying the situation; and there is still cold water in
the showers.
The second part is used as a research laboratory. It contains biophotographic equipment, some of
which was contributed by Mr. CrawDear Editor:
ford H. Greenwalt, Chairman of the
I am sorry that I have to write
this letter, but it seems very neces- Board of the Dupont Corporation.
sary and fitting at this time. ReThe third section is storage space,
cently, the state of the library both underneath the laboratory room
has been atrocious at such times and above it. This space was built
as during the morning break, dur- to relieve the congestion of material
ing the night study hall break, in the main biology laboratory.
and throughout the day on Sundays
The greenhouse is fully automated.
in both noise and appearance. A
visitor would almost certainly get The lighting is such that a '' day''
the impression if he could see or of any desired length may be obThe windows are of insuhear the area at one of these times, tained.
that the general nature of all St. lated glass to minimize the loss of
Andreans is that of slovenly pigs. heat from the interior.
Continually people read a half-dozen
Bob Pyle, Tom Wilson, and Milce Moseley assist Mr. Amos in new
magazines at one sitting and then
instead of replacing them allow them
to spill over onto the floor from the
table where they were hastily thrown.
Further, when boys enter the library
during the ten minute recess in the
morning and at night, they seem to
be very unconcerned with those who
are still trying to study. One can
imagine that these same misfits would
be wholly self-righteous if they were
bothered in the course of their study
in a similar manner.
One last remark is directed toward
the night library supervisors who seem
to be doing a very poor job at keeping order and silence in this area.
While last year's supervisors even
went so far as to replace books and
magazines before leaving for the evening, our present group rarely stirs
from behind its desk of importance
for reasons other than socializing.
A Harsh Observer.
"The Closing
College Doors9
Book Review
"Lord of the Flies"
by William Golding, 233pp., New
To fifth formers, college admissions York, (Capricorn Press). Paperback:
is a new thing. In their path for the Putnam, $1.25, 1959.
next year are visits to several difAt first glance, Lord of the Flies
ferent college campuses and inter- appears to be a modern adventure
views with many and varied '' alumni story. The plot of the book is cenrepresentatives'' and admissions of- tered around a group of boys, aged
five to fourteen years, who are maWhen the year is over, they will rooned by shipwreck on a desert islbe filing applications, sending ten and. They are alone on the island,
dollar checks around the country, and left to learn how to hunt and fish
waiting in agonizing patience until without any adult leadership.
they receive word about their chances
The major conflict arises as the boys
for acceptance at the '' college of divide into three groups. The first,
their choice.'' The sixth form is now a minority, wishes to keep a signal
in the process of waiting.
fire alive to attract passing ships;
Today, the key phrase in under- the second, older boys, only wants to
standing what awaits the high school hunt pigs; and the third, despised by
junior is "the admissions situation." the other boys, is comprised of the
No one talks about its being hard and younger boys who wish to play all the
cruel, for they prefer to speak merely time. Although the fire goes neglectof the '' situation.'' The college our ed, the young boys attract enough atfather's attended may not want us— tention from their fellows to cause
it's hard to believe.
killing and bloodshed on the island.
Were there not the resulting family
More than being an adventure story,
discussions between father and re- Lord of the Flies is a parable of
jected son, there wouldn't be as much modern life. Everything in this beauof a situation. Were it not for the tifully written yet tragic book has
true grief the father feels or the idea a deep symbolic meaning. Golding
of personal failure which immediately believes that .one can trace the deenters the son's mind
but there fects of society to the imperfections
is no solution. Colleges are crowded— of human nature.
the '' doors are closing.'' And it would
The carefree hunters pay no attenseem that the most many adults can
do is to make and quote stock phrases tion to the effort of the fire makers
which aptly describe college admis- to create a democratic government,
and through force, institute anarchy.
That w.ould, evidently, leave the The hunters can do nothing but chase
solution in our hands— adolescents pigs following the Lord of the Flies
of the world, divide! Conformity will (Golding's direct translation for the
result in ultimate failure: you can't Hebrew word for "devil").
continually have a good time in prep
Only too late does one of the boys
school and get into a good college.
realize that this devil is the boys
Mr. Malcolm Johnson, Assistant themselves. He is killed by the rest
Director of Admissions at The Johns of the hunters at an orgy-like feast
Hopkins University, stated that col- celebrating the killing of a pig when
lege decides for many their future he tries to reveal the nature of the
financial and marital status as well devil to them. Yet Golding's hunters
as serving as the final influence on (degenerate mankind) are rescued by
the personality development of the a warship.
child as opposed to the adult.
In his clear, provocative style, GoldThe way the world looks as of this
date is that to be really successful in ing asks mankind throughout the
novel: who will rescue mankind from
life, the time to start is in the ninth
grade. Grades from that year and the the Lord .of the Flies—who will save
three subsequent years go to the col- men from themselves?
H. P.
lege with the school's specially prepared evaluation of a student's personality. Some colleges have merely a
number scale from one to ten which Alumni
the school is asked to check under various categories: motivation, creativity, integrity, and emotional balance.
(continued from payc 2)
This immediately prompts the question : '' Am I only forty per cent
emotionally balanced ?" or " Am I meeting. Mr. Moss spoke .of the past
really eighteen per cent less motivated year at SAS, the changes in the curthan my roommate?" It's sad that riculum, and the additions to the
to apply to a college that is bound to physical plant, notably the new sciaffect the remainder of one's life, he ence facilities. He also explained the
must be so scantily evaluated. It's decision of the Trustees concerning
admissions. He stated that every boy
no one's fault—it's the situation.
St. Andrew's helps a boy choose; will now be considered solely on the
it brings soliciting representatives to basis of his qualifications without rethe fifth formers, critical admissions gard to origin, race, or religion.
officers to the seniors. It advises us
Mr. Moss announced that the Trusnever to be over-confident, and it tees had authorized a new fund to
must sit back and silently mourn the offer members of the faculty an opfate of the boys who '' should have portunity to develop fields in which
made it.'' We students are told of they are interested. Several masters,
the situation.
among them Mr. Amos, Mr. McCandIf we think we 're so adult, we bet- less, and Mr. Hillier are making use
ter '' get 011 the stick'' right away.of it already.
Even if we aren't self-sure, the situThe final business of the meeting
ation demands that we prepare our- was the induction of new officers.
selves beyond our capabilities.
President Herdon turned the meeting
S.A.S. J. V. vs. Friends
On October 7, the Little Saints
squashed their foes from the start as
Waiiiwright ran forty yards in the
opening minutes to place the ball
well into Friends' territory.
Harris carried the ball for a touchdown on a daring line plunge. Dillon passed to Lackey for the conversion.
In the second quarter, Friends was
forced to punt by the mighty Saint's
defensive in the opening series of
plays. Rockwell then sprinted around
left end to the goal for the Little
Saints' second score of the afternoon.
In the second half, the Saints held
the ball in Friends' territory.
the closing seconds of the third
period, Whitaker bucked through the
line for the third T. D. In the fourth
quarter, the Redmenites' second and
third stringers managed to hold the
threatening opposition scoreless. As
the game ended, the Saints had begun
another assault deep into the opposition's territory.
Final score:
S.A.S. 20 — Friends 0
School Views
Verbal Scrimmage
On Blazers
The recent Kerr Proposal stirred up
so much controversy that the school
was divided almost in half when the
final vote was made. Proposed and
seconded by Jay Kerr and George
Shuster, the statement of the proposal read: " Be it resolved that any
student resident at St. Andrew's for
at least two years, who wins first or
second group honors at the end of a
second or third year of residence, be
thereafter permitted to wear the
School Blazer.
The proposer felt that the basic
reason for this awarding of the School
Blazer was that the person who
achieves in academics should receive
at least equal recognition to the person whose achievements are limited
to the athletic field.
Further, he
attacked an alleged movement .of general conformity in the school based on
the idolization of athletic heroes, loss
of free thought and spirit prevalent
throughout the school, and inability
to break with so-called tradition.
John Schoonover, speaking on behalf of the opposition, pointed out
that the School Blazer was supposed
to be a meaningful recognition of service above and beyond the requisite
functions in school life, and that he
could not see that academic acheivements fulfilled this requirement.
Commenting on '' Schoonover's lack
of vision," Kerr pointed out in rebuttal that many who are capable of
getting good grades do not, and that
it requires hard work to obtain academic success.
In answer to Schoonover's presumption that the "varsity" blazer was a
grand old tradition, Kerr merely
pointed out that this '' tradition'' had
unfortunately been in existence for
a decade or so, and hardly qualified
in anyone's language as a tradition.
For it was obvious, Kerr claimed,
that those who thought about the matter objectively and did not allow
themselves to be influenced by such
inaccurate cliches as '' tradition'' and
'' reward for .outstanding service''
from the very beginning of the argument, but instead thought clearly for
a while, would vote for the proposal.
On Sunday night ,October 14 seventyeight people qualified for Kerr's definition of clear thinkers; ninety-threee
did not.
The following quotes represent a
cross-section of the student body's
opinions on the Kerr Proposal:
Dick Crawford (VI) : It is obvious
that anyone in favor of this proposal is more concerned with the material
rewards in life than intangibles such
as knowledge and learning.
Bob Pyle (VI) : I feel it should be
restricted to as few people as possible;
that is, the select group known as The
Sixth Form.
Stan Hudson (V) : It was ridiculous.
Justin Comstock (III) : It was terribly senseless. I would like to change
my comment to conform with Hudson's.
Dick Kingsley (III) : It was good.
People should put emphasis where it
Mike Kirchberger (VI) : The defeat of the Kerr Proposal was a typical manifestation of the conformity
present in this school. It is obvious
to all individualists that this proposover to President-Elect
Thomas al is necessary and was justified.
Bright, '40, of Philadelphia, who
Bunker Hill (IV) : I voted against
spoke briefly.
it because I didn't like its principles.
I think that the tradition is that
athletes work for the letters and the
blazer and deserve it. I think the
Sanford Downed
scholar deserves something equally as
good, but not the blazer. What does
The Sportlight
Those of you who watched the
first boat crew lose to Hun School
last year by a meager three feet were
necessarily disappointed that the extra thirty-seven inches hadn't materialized out of somewhere for the red
and white oarsmen. You were disappointed even though close finishes
are characteristic of crew races.
Imagine then the heart-break when
a football squad loses by a mere 24
inches to a team that it outplayed in
every respect except scoring.
That was the situation that the
varsity gridmen were in after the
B.oys' Latin game on alumni day.
When Bill Hammond got up from
the ball after fourth down in the
closing seconds of the game, it rest-
ed on the field a short twenty-four
inches from the victory stripe.
Boys' Latin ran out the clock.
During practice that week the
watchword " 24" rang out whenever
the squad seemed to slow down. The
word " 24" was the vitamin pill
that allowed the team to survive its
thousands of yards of wind sprints
after practice every day.
It was first down and goal to go
in the closing minutes of the game
with the score tied 14-14.
fullback Eric Middleton came up
from the ball, it rested in the endzone. The final score: St. Andrew's
20, Wilmington Friends 14.
G. W. S.
Hammond runs vs. Boys' Latin
the scholar deserve? I don't know.
Chip Gordy (VI) : No comment.
Chris Beal (VI) : I don't think the
Kerr Proposal is worth a comment.
Dick Porter (VI) : I thought that
Schoonover's argument was pretty
bad. I was nonetheless very surprised
that Kerr got so many votes, for I
felt that the louder people in the
school led others to think they were
along with the gang if they voted
against it.
Rod Ball (VI) : I would say that
although John Schoonover's oratory
was not the most eloquent or the most
organized, he brought out the basic
faults of the Kerr Proposal.
Al Day (V) : I think there should
be recognition for academics, but it
should not be the same as for athletics. I don 't know what it should be.
Doug Gilehrist (IV) : I have always considered a person who has a
blazer and is not a sixth former as
one Avho is athletically inclined. One
who is a first or second grouper receives enough recognition for his work
without receiving a School Blazer.
Lee Carr (IV) : I feel that the
School Blazer should always be looked
upon as a symbol .of seniority or athletic prowess, not as a symbol of academic achievement.
George Shuster (VI) : As a seconder
of the proposal, I was heartened by
the support given it. I feel that those
who broke with conformity and tradition in its support were correct in
asserting that academics should not
be subordinated to athletics.
Jay Kerr (VI) : The votes have been
cast; let us, just for a moment, permit sleeping dogs lie.
John Schoonover (VI) : Although I
am fervently opposed to the Kerr
Proposal and somewhat surprised at
the small margin of victory for the
opposition, I feel that Jay presented
his case very well.
(continued from page 4)
Varsity Football . . .
(continued from page 4)
point attempt again failed and the
Saints led 12-0 with the first quarter
.only half over.
There was no more scoring until
late in the second quarter when Sanford scored on a twelve yard pass
The Saints moved the ball throughout the first half but were unable to
score after their first two touchdowns. So, at the half, St. Andrew's
led by a 12-6 score.
St. Andrew's scored early in the
second half on Dick Buckaloo 's 8yard sprint around the right end. The
extra point pass from Pope to Bob
Pyle was good and St. Andrew's led
There was no more scoring until the
final minutes of the game when Jim
Cooper, the Saints' kicking specialist,
tried a 28-yard field goal. The kick
was short and a Sanford back elected
to run the ball out but was tackled in
the end zone by alert defensive end
Chip Gordy, giving St. Andrew's their
final two points.
This game was a fine team effort
as the Saints' offensive end defensive
units both played exceptionally well.
The Saints' offensive machine was
led by the passing of Jack Pope, who
completed 7 of 14 passes for 87 yards
and one touchdown, and the running
of Eric Midleton and Dick Buckaloo,
who had 91 and 57 yards rushing,
The Saints' defense, led by Dick
Buckaloo's two pass interceptions,
held Sanford in check most of the
game. In all, the Saints gained 280
yards rushing and 90 yards passing,
proving that the Red and White are
to be considered a real contender for
the Independent Six Conference title.
Math Trip . . .
forty yards deep into the Sanford
territory on a play which was called
back because of an '' off-side'' penalty. Despite the penalty, the Saints
were not to be stopped as they continued to hammer away at their opposition until Whitaker raced into
the end zone to make the score 14-0.
Although the Saints provided an
unexciting offensive game, in the
second half, they continued to play
fine defensive ball.
After an impressive struggle, during which each
team possessed the ball four times,
Sanford finally made their only tally of the afternoon.
Backed by the excellent defensive
fight rendered by Coward, Morris,
Ockeiidon, and the Smith brothers,
the Saints encased the Sanford team
for the remainder of the ball game.
(continued from page 1)
Rockwell rounds end in J. V. game
be so joined was demonstrated to be
nn-2 and the problem remains unsolved as one takes greater values
of n.
Humorously relating some other
mathematical problems to human
tight-fistedness, (one man upset the
company's solution to one charge
problem by discovering how to beat
the game and thus threw a new light
on the problem), Dr. Pollock was wellreceived by the St. Andrew's contingent.
Participating in this venture were
Math teacher Mr. Sam McCandless,
George Shuster, Ash Pringle, Dick
Porter, John Schoonover, John Gustin, Steve Munroe, and Harry Parker.
Red and White Gridders Undefeated In Conference
Overall Record Now Stands At 3-2
Chapin and
Tough Opener Dropped
To Chestnut Hill 19-0
Lead Soccer
To Winning
Phelps Booters Fall
To Inspired Red, 3-1
On October 6, the Saints opened
their soccer season against Phelps
before a rabid Alumni weekend
crowd. Lineman Dennis Blair scored
soon after the starting whistle and
George Forbes put the ball in the net
a few minutes later. Soon after the
second quarter opened, co-cajtain
Charlie Heckscher headed in the
third goal of the game. The Saints
then settled down and played a superb defensive game under the leadership of co-captain "Manimal"
Chapin. The co-captain scored on an
unbelievable 50-yard kick in the fourth
quarter. All other scoring attempts
were thwarted by Goalie Warren Hoffecker.
1 2 3 4—Total
2 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
On Saturday morning of Fathers'
Weekend, the Saints met Moorestown
J. V. at home, and fought hard in
an excellent game.
On a stormy October 9, the soccer
Saints traveled to Wilmington where
they administered a 5-0 beating to a
fighting Friends team. Both teams
played well with the Saints forward
line doing an admirable job. "Melf "
Burkett put in the first goal midway
through the first quarter.
At the
end of the second period, George
Forbes booted the Saints into a 2-0
lead. With the half, the torrential
rains came, but they could not stop
Charlie "golden-toe" Heckscher from
scoring his second goal of the season,
with less than a minute left in the
third quarter. Burkett then came in
with another and in the last quarter,
Heckseher scored again and the Saints
left with their second victory of the
season, their eleventh straight win.
1 2 3 4—Total
1 1 2 1
0 0 0 0
Brandywine Stops SAS
String With 4-0 Win
On Tuesday, October 16, the Saints
stayed home to revenge last year's 1-0
defeat by the Brandywine Bulldogs.
Charged with a full week's practice behind them, the Cardinal team
met a hard-fighting Brandywine line
and fell to the Blue and White.
Fired up with what promises in
several sports to be a growing interscholastic rivalry, the Soccer Saints
will again confront Brandywine Tuesday, November 6, with a sincere
desire to make up for past losses.
St. Andrew's
1 2 3 4
0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0
Approaches Undefeated
Slate With 3-0 Record
Booters Tie Before
Fathers' Weekend Mob
Wilmington Friends
Vanquished 5-0
Junior Quarterback Jack Pope prepares to hand off to Sill Hammond
as Senior Guard Bill Pfeiffer pulls down line looking for a would-be
Boys' Latin tackier
The team of Burkett and Forbes
made three or four beautiful plays in
the first half, passing back and forth
from the midline down to the Moorestown goal, and it was only a combination of luck and skill on the part
of the Moorestown goalie and fullbacks that prevented the two from
After a scoreless first half, the
Saints came back strong and outhustled their opponents in the first
half of the third quarter, when Eusty
Capers brought the ball down from
close to mid-field and made a beautiful shot into the upper right-hand
corner of the goal.
Moorestown fought back strongly
after this, and moved the ball down
to our penalty area, where the referee made a call of '' playing the
man" on Co-captain Dexter Chapin.
A Moorestown boy took the shot,
which goalie Hoffecker missed by a
few short inches.
The game slowed down after this,
and the end of the fourth quarter
saw the score deadlocked at one to
one, a situation brought about mainly by the excellent play of the two
defenses, and particularly by that of
the two Saint fullbacks, Barrett and
The game went into two overtime
periods after a short rest, and although the Saints controlled the ball
most of the time, they grew cautious
and refused to shoot at the goal.
After three valiant efforts on the
part of Schoonover and Capers, the
final gun sounded, and the two tired
teams emerged in a tie after a wellfought game.
Boys' Latin Provides
Thriller, Wins 8-6
Milford J. V. Overrun
In Opener 12-6
Aided by a strong defensive and
superlative offensive maneuvers by
quarterback Sandy Dillon, the Little
Saints downed Milford for the school 's
first football victory this season.
The Little Saints' first successful
scoring attempt came in the second
quarter when halfback Larry Bockwell snared a pass from Dillon for
thirty-five yards.
Eockwell scored again for the
second quarter on a successfully executed counter play for a forty-five
yard gain.
In the second half, Milford made
their first move as they scored on the
ground, driving fifty-four yards in
fifteen plays.
Milford began a similar assault in
the fourth quarter when they drove
for forty-five yards in eleven downs.
The Saints' solid defensive led by
bull-dog Mills stopped the drive on
the St. Andrew's fifteen yard line
where the Saints took possession of
the ball in the final seconds of the
game. The final tally was 12-6 in
favor of the fighting Eedmenites.
Sanford Downed In
Second Game, 14-6
The Little Saints charged to their
third victory this season when they
defeated Sanford 14-6. The Saints
sewed up the game in the first half
under the excellent running of Dick
Harris who aided backs Whitaker,
Eockwell, and Dillon in moving the
ball downfield. Tawes ' steam-roller
tactics then enabled Eidley Whitaker
to romp across the goal line. For
the conversion, Dick Harris smashed
through the line to make the score
In the second quarter, the Saints
moved into scoring position once again
when Larry Eockwell intercepted a
Sanford pass.
On the next play, Eoekwell ran
(Continued on page 3)
At l e f t : Senior Eight Wing Eric
Burkett moves downfield
visiting Brandywine High School
as Senior Inside George Forbes
moves up to help him.
After three and one-half weeks of
hard practice, the Saints, led by cocaptains Dick Buckaloo and Al Crichton, travelled to Pennsylvania to play
an experienced Chestnut Hill team.
Upset by first-game jitters, the
Saints left the field on the short end
of a 19-0 score.
The Eed and White were not able
to mount an attack potent enough to
penetrate the Killer's goal. Two first
quarter fumbles by the Hilliers gave
scoring chances, but the Cardinals
weren't able to capitalize on these opportunities.
The interior line of the Saints did
a commendable job restricting the
Hillers to very few gains up the middle.
Outstanding in the St. Andrew's
cause were center Phil Tonks and
fullback Eric Middleton, who both
played well offensively and defensively. They were awarded for their efforts by being appointed co-captains
for the next week's game against
Boy's Latin.
and Fullback Co-Cap-
tain Chapin stand in background.
The second game of the season was
played against Boys' Latin of Baltimore on the St. Andrew's field. Before a large alumni crowd, the Saints
attempt to even up their record at
1-1 was shattered in a close fought
game, which resulted in an 8-6 loss.
The Saints played well through most
of the game, and only a few unlucky
events kept the Eed and White from
their first victory.
Fate descended on the Saints early
in the game as they fumbled the first
play from scrimmage on the 20 yard
line and Boys' Latin recovered.
Shaken by the early misfortune, the
Saints were unable to stop Boys'
Latin from scoring.
On the fifth play, Boys' Latin
quarterback, Jay Sweeney, an all-American Lacrosse player, forced his
way into the end zone from three
yards out, putting the Baltimoreans
out in front. A pass from Sweeney
to one of his half-backs on the extra
points, supplied Boys' Latin with
what promised to be the winning
After an exchange of punts, the
Saints showed the Saint Andrew's
supporters their mighty offense which
had been contained the week before.
Led by the hard running of fifth
form backs Eric Middleton and Bill
Hammond, and third former Gardner Cadwalader, the Saints proceeded to march 75 yards in eleven plays
with Middleton capping the drive
with a four yard plunge to pay-dirt.
Throughout the second and third
quarters, the Saints completely dominated play, but were unable to score
again. After stopping Boys' Latin
on the St. Andrew's 30 yard line,
the Saints started to march with
only four minutes remaining in the
With Middleton carrying
the majority of the time, the Saints
worked the ball down to the six yard
line where they had it first down.
After Middleton carried for two
yards, half backs Hammond and Cadwalader carried the ball down to the
two yard line, where the Saints faced
a fourth down with two yards to go.
Quarterback Jack Pope gave the ball
to his hard-running half back, Hammond, on an off-tackls slant, but Bill
was met and stopped at the goal line
by four spirited Boys' Latin players.
After Sweeney ran a quarterback
sneak, the clock ran out on the Saints.
The Saints showed considerable improvement over the previous week's
game and gave S.A.S. fans great
hope for the future. For their outstanding efforts, guard Bill Pfeifer
and halfback Hammond were selected
co-captains for the next week's game
against conference foe Wilmington
SAS Gridders Triumph
In Conference Opener,
Down W. F. 20-14
St. Andrew's travelled to Wilmington on Friday, October 12, to play
conference foe Wilmington Friends
for the first conference game of the
year for each. The Saints, seeking
their first victory, were not to be
disappointed as they came home with
a 20-14 victory.
The first quarter was filled with a
volley of punts, but no real action
took place until the second quarter
when S.A.S. marched down to the
Friends four-yard line. Unfortunately,
Eric Middleton, the Saints' 200-pound
fullback, fumbled in the end zone on
the next play, and Friends recovered,
stopping the Saints' drive.
Some avid St. Andrew's fans feared
that fate might once again plague the
Bed and White, but the Saints held
the opponents and took back the ball.
With fullback Middleton, and halfback Gardner Cadwalader carrying, the
Saints marched to the Friends' 21yard line, where on the next play
quarterback Jack Pope fired a touchdown pass to Cadwalader. The extra
point attempt was not successful and
the Saints had a 6-0 lead.
After holding Friends again, the
Saints marched down to the opponents' 14-yard line where Middleton,
having done the majority of the ballcarrying, bolted across the goal line
untouched for a touchdown. Middleton caught a pass for the extra
point, and St. Andrew's led 14-0
with just a minute and a half left
in the half.
The Saints kicked off and John
Rhodes, a Wilmington Friends halfback, returned the ball 80 yards for
a touchdown. The extra point attempt
failed and S. A. S. led at halftime
The second half found St. Andrew's
in control of the game, but as in
previous games, unable to score. Late
in the third period another defensive
lapse gave Wilmington Friends a
touchdown on a 45-yard pass play.
A completed pass gave Friends the
tying points.
In the fourth quarter, the Saints
were never quite able to score and
with two minutes left in the game,
Friends took over the ball on their
own 20-yard line.
Good fortune finally came to the
Saints as alert halfback Gardner Cadwalader picked off a pass on the first
play and returned it to the 20-yard
line. Middleton carried the ball six
times in a row and finally bolted over
from the three-yard line with the
winning score.
Except for a few mental lapses on
defense, the Saints played a fine
game. Middleton carried the ball 30
times, grinding out 136 yards. His
hard running, Cadwalder's alert playing and the interior line's playing all
contributed to a winning cause.
SAS Continues D.I.S.C.
Winning Streak
A large Fathers' Day crowd was on
hand to witness the St. Andrew's
football team win its second straight
conference football game by beating
Sanford Prep 22-6. This was by far
the Saints' most impressive performance as they completely dominated
the game.
Led by their new captain, Al Crichton, the Saints scored the first time
they got the football after the kickoff.They marched sixty yards down
to the Sanford 5-yard line where on
fourth down quarterback Jack Pope
threw a beautiful touchdown pass to
fullback Eric Middleton. A pass to
Middleton for the extra point was
incomplete and the Saints led 6-0.
After holding Sanford in check, the
Saints marched down to the opponent's 6-yard line in 8 plays. Junior
halfback Bill Hammond then carried
over for the touchdown. The extra
(continued on page 3)
VOLUME X X X I I I , No. 2
Trustees Establish Fund For Faculty Projects
St. Timothy's
Dance Enlivens
Somber Saturday
Students View Impressive
Mr. Broadbent
Presents Gavel
At the meeting of the Alumni
Council on Friday, Nov. 16, Mr.
Broadbent gave Chairman Mr. C. F.
Bright (S.A.S. 1940) a gavel made of
wood from the goal posts used during
the 1939 football season. Mr. Bright,
who was a halfback on the "Boiler
Makers,'' the only undefeated-untied
varsity football team the school has
had, accepted the gavel and placed
it in the school archives exhibit case
in the Master's Library. The gavel,
which was made by Mr. Broadbent's
father, had been used by Dr. Pell
and the senior praefects from 1939
until the school's twenty-fifth aimiversarv in 1955.
Mr. Hillier Speaks
To Faculty On
Mr. Hillier gave a very interesting
talk to the faculty on Tuesday the
27th of November, dealing principally with classical architecture. This
presentation was made, Mr. Moss explained, as a step toward giving various masters a chance to see how their
colleagues perform in the subjects
which they teach. Mr. Hiller spoke
specifically on the Julian Claudian
period (30 B.C. to 67 A.D.), the highpoint of Roman architecture. Mr.
Hillier explained that the latter portion of this era was marked by the
eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the subsequent preservation of two Roman
cities by the volcanic ash. From these
two cities much was learned about
Roman architecture. He went on to
cite specific examples of how Roman
architecture in that 100 year period
differed from earlier Greek architecture. He stressed the fact that
because the Romans used more desirable building material than the
Greeks there remain more ancient
Greek constructions than Roman.
The major difference between these
two forms of architecture, according to Mr. Hillier, is that the Romans wrere more individualistic and
experimental, their buildings employed a great deal of decoration, rare
materials, and new conceptions such
as domes, arches, and more elaborate floor plans. The Greeks tended,
however, to make all their buildings
from the same general pattern and
therefore their architecture was, unlike the Romans', mean to be seen
from any side rather than just the
front. It is for this reason that so
few Roman constructions remain intact today, while the less appealing
Greek buildings remain standing in
far greater abundance.
Mr. Hillier illustrated his talk with
(continued on page 2)
Alumni Gift.
Next Fall
In Sports
The 1962 Football and Soccer
Teams faired reasonably well this autumn, but how are things going to be
next autumn? This is a question every
athelete involved with these teams is
asking now.
In an effort to make the difficult
analysis of next year's chances, The
Cardinal has chased the coaches and
captains to find out their opinions.
First talking to Coach Duncan Deniiy about the soccer team at the end of
this year and the prospects for next
year, we did not receive too much of
an answer. Coach Denny praised his
hard-working team for their spirited
play, especially in their second Braiidywine game.
He gave no real prediction as to
whether the '63 team could uphold
this year's 7-2-1 record.
But next year's captain-elect, Warren Hoffecker, offered some comment:
'' We have lost a great deal, but still
have a solid core left. Five lettermen are returning who will form a
very good nucleus, but we still have
to depend heavily on new boys.
This year only three Fourth Formers and six Fifth Formers dressed
for games.
Taking all this into account, the
Cardinal predicts a fairly good season
next year. The loss of such experienced players as Chapin, Heckscher,
Burkett, Forbes, Hughes, McCaghren,
Kirchberger, Soderberg, and Schoonover, and the rise of higher interstate competition are reasons for the
prediction of only a fair season.
Unfortunately, we can make 110
comment about Junior Varsity Football, for Coach B. Hughes receives
a new squad every year.
Furthermore, it is reasonably certain that a good number of this
year's members of the 710 team will
play varsity next year.
Coach Hughes in interview, however, repeated his praise of the high
spirit and abilities of his team. He
commended Captain Dillon for leading a team of remarkable speed.
He also cited visiting coaches as
saying that the tough defense was
the best part of the team.
Yet most of this good will be attributed to the varsity next year;
thus Coach Hughes can only hope for
another team as lively as this year's.
Speaking to Coach Reyner, we
found out his opinion of next year's
varsity squad: '' We have a lot of
work to do, especially in the line.''
This seems to be the trouble: this
year's line is entirely senior. All
seven linemen who lettered graduate
in June. Junior lineman Al Day,
punt centering specialist, is the only
On November third, the majority
of the boys in the upper forms eagerly awaited the arrival of the buses
from St. Timothy's.
After what
seemed an eternity, the girls arrived.
Ushered through the dining room, the
girls left their coats in classrooms
and returned (to the dining room)
to sample Walt's culinary efforts. As
the couples filled their plates, they
left the dining room to look for suitable places in which to consume Walter 's generosities.
Getting to know their dates better, everyone returned to the dining
room. Charles Gresh was getting in
full swing and, again in our hallowed
halls, the beat of the twist resounded,
accompanied by the long-awraited female voice.
During the dance Gresh began to
play the Charleston. That great pillar of tradition, Mr. Gammons, began
to dance as only he can, accompanied
by a lively little girl, to the amazement and delight of everyone. As the
evening progressed, the SAS circles
formed, exhibiting such old SAS
standards as the Pony, the Al Crichtoii Three-Quarter-Time, and new innovations like the Scratch. The eve
niiig wore on, and soon the time
came for the girls' to return to St.
Timothy's. Good-byes were said, the
buses left, and the sixth form returned the dining room to its former
New Eight-Man
Shells Arrive
Next Spring
This spring there will be a new addition down at the crew dock, two
new eight-man shells added to the
boats presently stored in the boathouse. These new shells should arrive sometime around the first of
March and will be used by the varsity. Last year's varsity crew shells
will be used by Club Crew and last
year's Club Crew shells will be employed in the Spring Athletics program. These new shells will be built
by George Pocock of Seattle, Washington, who supplies many of the
shells for college crews in this area.
returning letterman on the offensive
Over all, the team loses eleven senior lettermen: the line, backs Dick
Buckaloo and Stan Thompson, and
kicking specialist Jim Cooper. Seven
other lettermen, including the entire
'62 backfield, return: Pope, Middleton, Hammond, Cadwalader, Butter,
and Hill.
Mr. Reyner looks with some hope
towards the undefeated J.V. squad,
from which he expects to add speed
to the backfield power. However, he
is quick to point out realistically that
most of this year's J.V. squad were
With the results of hard work in
the line, and the scrimmage experience
of Bob's Bandits, we can expect, at
the very least, a '' tough'' team. They
will be hard-hitting.
The Cardinal, again predicting,
foresees another split season, attaining this year's 4-4 record, or perhaps surpassing it slightly. Archmere
and Towerhill will again be most
Thus The Cardinal sees next fall
as not by any means a bleaTe season, but more of a fair record. S.A.S.
is destined to repeat this year's season; especially we will win as many,
if not more, than we lose.
Faculty Joins
Students In
Carol Service
Amos, Hillier
McCandless First
To Use Fund
The Fishburne Petition, introduced
at the School Meeting of October 11,
obtained the widespread approval of
the student body. It humbly requested that "the faculty consider giving out grades by individual report
instead of public posting of all
grades." The authors of the petition, Gary Fishburne and seconder
Charlie Heckscher, felt that public
posting of grades destroy the true
aim of education. '' The competitive
spirit caused by comparison of grades
produces unhealthy conditions for
some students; conditions that can
only worsen the state of the student.''
In other words, the public posting
of grades put too much emphasis on
grades, and the resulting incentive
of competition is essentially poor.
Grades are a result of a student's private efforts and capabilities, and
should therefore be a personal matter.
The faculty not only approved the
petition but saw that it quickly went
into effect. On the day following
the registration of grades, faculty
At the faculty meeting in June,
1962, the creation of a new faculty
project fund was announced by Mr.
Moss on the behalf of the Trustees.
The fund is intended to allow several masters each year to do independent work in their fields of interest.
Those who participate in the program may do research on a project,
or use the grant for equipment or
secretarial help. The projects are
varied, the only requisite being that
the work further some aspect of the
master's interest.
The Trustees felt that the establishment of such a fund would lead
to the development of a community
of teacher-scholars. Experimentation
is encouraged in the projects.
At present there are three masters
taking advantage of the program.
They are Mr. Amos, Mr. Hillier and
Mr. McCandless.
Mr. Amos is engaged in a photographic study of pond life. He is
concerned mainly with the pond and
its inhabitants as an ecologicol unit.
In connection with this study he
has taken some 3,500 bio-photographs from wliich he will select
sixty or seventy of the best color
photos. These will then be enlarged
many times and printed. Most of
the photographs were made in the
biology laboratory or in Noxontown
Some, however, were taken
in other parts of the East Coast.
To present the most realistic and
exact pictures of an organism, each
specimen was photographed alive,
which is a partial explanation of the
large number of pictures taken.
Each one illustrates an important biological concept that may be hard
to explain to students in a written or
drawn form. The final selections
will be circulated among schools, colleges, and museums without charge
for teaching and display purposes.
Mr. Amos has for a long time had
an interest in bio-photography, and
has been doing a considerable amount
of work with bio-photographs in addition to the subsidized project. He
is preparing another photographic
study under the auspices of the National Geographic Society.
Mr. Hillier's project is quite different in nature. He is in the process of waiting an ancient history
Several years ago he travelled to
a number of the countries that are
covered in the textbook, though not
under the auspices of the Faculty
Project Fund.
Mr. Hillier is using the grant to
secure secretarial help in the preparation of the material. Mr. Van
Horn is currently assisting him. There
is no date set for publication, although Mr. Hilliar said that all the
necessary research has been done.
Mr. McCandless's project is on the
subject of programmed learning in
the field of mathematics. Programmed learning is a new concept in education and the subject of a great
deal of discussion. Programmed
learning is simply a way of organizing material in small bits with frequent questions so as to allow a student to proceeed at his OWTI rate.
The student reads a short selection
outlining a particular aspect of some
problem, answers questions, and, if
correct, continues to the next problem.
Mr. McCandless's study wall be
made on a group of volunteers here
at St. Andrew's. The course is likely to be one which does not require
many previous mathematics courses,
so as to allow all forms to participate.
It may also contain partly
new subject matter, not offered at
S.A.S. previously.
Mr. McCandless is attempting to
find out whether programmed learn-
(continued on page 2)
(continued on page 2)
One of the outstanding events at
school each year is the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols, a service
which is the traditional expression
of Christmas joy. St. Andrew's had
its service this year on Sunday afternoon, December ninth. It was the
last major worship service before the
school adjourned for Christmas and
as such provided a fitting way to end
the term.
This year the service's music consisted mainly of the great carols,
with which all of us are familiar.
The composers varied from Bach to
Mendelssohn and the music ranged
from the exultant "My Sheep Were
Grazing" to the quietly joyous plainsong hymn "Of the Father's Love
Begotten." In talking to Mr. Walker it was found that the emphasis
this year was on simplicity, but simplicity in the best sense. The performance of the music was a community effort, for both faculty and
boys sang in the choir.
Music, of course, is an integral part
of the service, but without the biblical passages concerning the birth
of Jesus Christ and its meaning to
the world the service would be meaningless. The lessons were read by
a representative from each of the
forms, the Senior Prefect, an Alumnus, a Trustee and the Headmaster.
They began in Genesis with the story
of man's fall from grace and continued through the prophecies of
Christ's birth to the actual story of
the first Christmas. These lessons are
traditional in every service and conclude with the great passage from St.
John: "In the Beginning was the
Word and the Word was with
God. . ."
Each year the school invites all
the members of the school family to
this service and it is well attended
not only by them, but by various
alumni and other friends of the
school. The Chapel, especially decorated with evergreens and several
hundred candles is truly an impressive sight when it is filled with the
great words and carols of our Christian heritage. This year's service was
an act of worship shared by the entire school to the glory of God.
Faculty Approves
Student Petition
;han the purchase of another revoling Kingston Trio personal appear- Book Review;
And although it has no applica- "A DISTANT TRUMPET"
A recent Time magazine containVolume XXXIII, No. 2
ed a labored article on folk singing. tion to folk singing, our hearty apEditor-in-Chief
Kent S. Hughes, '63 Regardless, it is undeniable that proval goes to Mr. Walker's band by Paul Horgan: Farrar, Strauss,
News Editor
Roger A. Walke, '63 several groups have taken to the policy this year. A waterlogged band and Cadahy, New York, 1960, 629 pp.
Features Editor
Jay Kerr, '63 hearts of an American which has been spurred the football team 011 during
Sports Editor
George W. Shuster, '63 suffering for a new type of music two games. While instruments could
In this historical-fiction novel, Paul
Photography Editor
Duke LaGrone, '64 ever since 1955. Popularity polls liave suffered, the band led some loyal
Circulation Manager
.. Ridley M. Whitaker, '65 would seem to indicate that they spectators in firing up school spirit Horgan writes about the West in the
during torrential downpours. Water same fluent style that Costain Avrites
Business Manager
Robert N. Pyle, '63 have found a substitute.
The policy of the Cardinal does not necessarily reflect that of the School.
A young lady named Joan Baez was sweet to Mr. Walker though, and about medieval Europe. All of the
has been of ther greatest appeal; old no one or nothing suffered.
book's characters come to life as inGaither, '63
Hodges, '64
Snyder, T. '64
favorite Josh White has a small fol- entire school could follow his ex- dividuals who are thrown together
Loomis, '63
Knight, '64
McWethy, '65
lowing; the Limelighters provide welat a small, desolate calvary post near
Soderberg, '63
Munroe, '64
Mills, '65
come diversion fro mthe grossly in- on
I hate to leave on such a moralistic the Arizona-Mexico border.
Thompson, '63
Moseley, '64
Anderson, '66
ferior Kingston Trio (who bear a
Wood, '63
Parker, '64
Davis, '66
resemblance in name only to St. An- note. Thus I shall just state in pass- is Matthew Hazard, a handsome,
Snyder, C. '64
Herndon, '66
drew's champions of the golden ing comment that any band that young officer whose first assignment
plays for its last dance at a boardvoice).
ing school the "Goodnight Ladies upon commission is to serve under a.
E. Lee and the principles he stood for
Before Time's scoop, we had writ- Twist" might rearrange their reper- cowardly incompetent whose wife
with a bit of respect (after all, it is
ten a folk-based column which, due toire—evidently they realize that fast
his birthday, not the professed sectries to find in Hazard what she canond rising of the South). If this is to our limited resources, could not music does not have the same effect not find in her husband. Two of the
not done, perhaps the northerners precede the professional copy. We on the layman (and woman) as does
other wives on the post are former
slow music.
should calmly retaliate by re-enacting nonetheless present it now.
While popular folk singing has
All blown out . . . December, 1962.society belles who have troubles adSherman's victorious march through
Dear Editor:
taken on certain stereotype features
J.K. justing to military life.
But perThe fact that anyone in the school Georgia.
such as shrill female voices or trios
can express his views in this Letter
haps the finest drawn character of the
A Resident of a Border which sing different words to the same Faculty Lecture
institution is indeed a step forward
novel is White Horn, known by the
chord progressions day in and day
State and a Conjured
at St. Andrew's. I would like now
troops as Joe Dummy. A former
to employ it in expressing something
(continued from page 1)
of singing is presented. Such a reApache raider trained as a first-rate
which I feel should be said outright.
lief is found in Bob Gibson and Gob
cavalry scout, his knowledge of the
Tradition at St. Andrew's School
Godsent Lament
Camp at the Gate of Horn (Elektra, numerous pictures, diagrams, and
is a tradition. Every senior class Dear Editor:
desert and the ways of life of his
presentaELK 207; April 1961).
strives to create age-old traditions
enable him to warn the troops
It is with a sad heart that I write
tion by showing some slides of Greek
in a few short months.
Tradition this letter. I have found that, dur- The two singers who double in
of impending dangers.
cannot be intentionally formed and ing the school year, there has been writing and arranging have transshould seldom be in contention. a flagrant violation of a tradition formed standard folk tunes into more their likenesses and differences.
When these characters are gatherMr. Hillier's lecture was enjoyed
than singers and guitars. A parody
Hence, by that definition, tradition
cherished by the school. I have no- 011 "John Henry"—"The Think- by the entire faculty and testified ed on the lonely post of Fort Delivhere is for the most part bad.
ticed that the coke machine is work- ing Man'' —- stands out along with strongly to the ability of the school's ery, they are engaged in a decisive
Perhaps the best tradition is the
war against Rainbow Son and the
ing. I would like to know why.
'Butternut Hill" (a man changes for ancient history teacher.
senior privilege of walking through
Chuicahua nation. The book reaches
Last year the refund list on the the worse) and '' Chicago Cops'' (who
the dining room. Its convenience by
its climax when Hazard and Joe
mn chine was constantly filled with always have the proper change for a Petition Approved . .
far outweighs the prestige it fails to
Dummy journey deep into Mexico to
names. This year there have been only twenty dollar bill). But their talents
bring the senior. The tradition that
secure a peace agreement with the
three or four signups. Oh, where are go even further in new version of
varsity athletes receive letters is
enemy chief. After the armistice is
the good old days of screaming at a "Betty and Dupree" and "Old
meritable; sixth form mark privinegotiated, the Indians are deported
machine that had gobbled up a dime Blue.''
leges enable the seniors to run the
advisors obtained their
advisees to Florida for pacification. As a
or a quarter. Long gone are the
school effectively; Chapel starts a
In the '' folk'' racket, many of grades and privately distributed them. result of his work, Hazard is given
foundation which may or may not be
By the new system, a student can a promotion and the Medal of Honor.
the crooners do not profess great
built upon — there are many tradi- machine just ate a dime."
grades with another if they
artLet us lament, fellow mourners, the
Here it would seem that the story
tions of varying importance.
ists, folk singers can have a. tre- both so desire; but the system gives
For a thirty-year-old school, St.
mendous amount of talent but less a student the ability to conceal his would end happily. Against his will
Andrew's is overflowing with tradi(In grades and avoid possible embarrass- and the promises of the Army, Joe
Grief-ridden. of a voice than other singers.
Dummy had been sent to Florida with
tion. Some recent attempts at breakall of this analogy we shall exclude ment. ''
Ing from tradition have been obvious
On the first day the new process the other Indians. Out of friendship
rock and roll). Gibson and Camp
failures merely because people overcan put a song over better than any was instituted, boys reluctant to be for Joe, Hazard gives up his promrate the tradition. Varsity captains
faced simultaneously by advisor and ising future in the military and retwo-bit trio ever could.
must be seniors; athletes must have
Folk singing is now in the national grades made a conscious effort to find signs his commission because of the
distinct privileges; the school newsspotlight.
Schoolboy groups come noiiexistant seclusion. On the facul- deep disrespect his superiors had
paper can criticize only students and
and go with their folk renditions. ty 's part, Mrs. Schmolze found grade- brought upon his most loyal comradeThis year the Debate Club has un- Gibson and Camp can't afford to hungry faculty members an interest- in-arms.
not the administration.
These examples are obviously only one per- dergone a complete transformation come and go—they're in the business ing parallel to the grade-hungry stuFrom beginning to end, the author
son's gripes; nonetheless, the break- under the careful guidance of Mr. to stay—and that is primarily why dents of the past era.
his readers' attention with the
ing with tradition prevents us from Bennett. Mr. Bennett, who was a they must sell their songs.
To the faculty, the Fishburne sysability of an accomplished story-tellbeing realistic. There sometimes member of the Oxford Debating
HowIt's very hard to review a record
are juniors who are more respon- Union, has introduced a style of de- and put across points that will ap- ever, it is needed only once a term. er. Though it is a lengthy book, A
sible and have more ability to lead bating in which the atmosphere is peal to everyone. The folk group at Most masters feel as does Mr. Distant Trumpet is so entertaining
a team; athletes would not suffer in much more informal and in which the St. Andrew's likes it, I like it—and Schmolze, the registrar. Speaking for that when the pages have all been
sharing some of their privileges; not audience participates much more than with those whose diverse opinions himself and his wife, who gain more turned and the story suddenly stops,
only students need their
errors in the past. This participation has join at one point—I can almost as- new duties from the process than one invariably wishes that there were
made the debate much more lively sure anyone that he'd like it. At anyone else, he says that "it's worth more pages to the book. Indeed, few
brought to light.
novels of the West are of such scope
A master spoke once with me about and illuminated the main objection any rate, for the comedy or serious it if the boys can benefit.''
excellence as this one by Paul
no tradition being allowed to remain
folksinging, the $4.98 spent 011 G.&C. The reaction of the students seems Horgan.
untouched. Whether he was hurt by stiff and boring.
will be by far a better investment to uphold the theory that there is a
The officers, George Shuster, Bill
the fact that we no longer have ice
definit improvement in the new sysH. P.
cream every Sunday or if it went Hammond, and Mike Kirchberger have
Perhaps the words of individdeeper, I don't know. But tradition been encouraged by the growing atuals are best:
when brought to light is no more tendance which has included a numClover (IV) : It is of benefit to
sensible than having ice cream every ber of faculty members, and it seems
those who get poor grades; they are J. V. vs. Tatnall .
Sunday. The people who advocate promising that the club will grow
no longer publicly embarrassed.
breaks in tradition—master and stu- even more under the officers' efficiAs I approached chef Walter Mar
Gilchrist (IV) : I heartily approve
dent alike—are not out to ruin part ent management.
ryat for an interview on Tuesday, No- of it.
(continued from page 3)
In the new system, each team has vember 20, I found him preparing a
of the life at School. They are simpGustin (VI): I think it's fine.
ly looking at things realistically. five minutes for an opening state- grand repast for the Fall Term
McClaugherty (III): It's a good
Most things at one time or another ment and three minutes for a rebut- Sports Banquet.
thing—grades are a personal affair. both teams engaged in excellent deinvite change; there is nothing for tal. Arguments from the floor may
Attempting to break the ice and
McNeely (IV) : The Fishburne
anyone to fear when a tradition is be made in the form of questions at commence with the business at hand, system is more inconvenient for every- fensive struggle.
challenged. We still have dessert any time during the debate by stand- I asked Walt if he were busy. '' No,'' body.
In the fourth period, SAS went
every Sunday.
Breaking tradition ing and gaining the speaker's at- he replied as he adroitly spun around,
Parrish (IV) : I prefer the old way out on the move once again as Lackey
does not constitute destruction and tention.
It is the speaker's per- " I 'm just an observant bystander.'' which stimulates harder working.
took a pass from Dillon and galloped
rogative to recognize or ignore the
Having momentarily gained his full
Shuster (VI) : In the beginning into the end zone. A pass to WainOpeneyed Underformer questioner. Through this popular new attention (I feel fully responsible foi I had some doubts. But the results right marked the conversion.
system of debating and through the any over-done steaks at this meal) appear very admirable.
lively topics of debate selected by the I found our ensuing conversation to
Spies (V) : I 'm against it. I en- SAS
officers, the Debate Club promises be both facetious and serious.
joy looking at other people's grades. Tatnall
0— 0
A Word To The Wise . . . now to attain an even higher position Walt, born and raised in southern
on the activities ladder.
Delaware, now a resident of ClayDear Brother:
ton, is in his tenth year at St. AnChef Marryat takes time out from many duties to
This January 19th, St. Andrew's
drew's. Unknown to many St. AnSchool will be in the grips of the
pose for CARDINAL
dreans, Walt is happily married to
Robert E. Lee's Birthday mania
a native Delaware girl.
which invades the school annually.
(continued from page 1)
Of his job, Walt admits that '' Like
The activity which accompanies the
everybody else I was born poor anc
coming of this great man's birthday is the height of immaturity. The ing is effective in teaching abstract have to work. However, I 'm crazj
raising of the Confederate Flag over ideas. It has proved to be successful about my job."
Finally, as Chef Marryat assumec
the school and the fighting which in teaching more methodical, megoes with it shows how the south- chanical processes such as English serious composure, he discussed his
personal views of St. Andrew's. He
erners who participate are seeking to grammar.
Mr. McCandless wishes to find out is very appreciative of the pictur
revert back to the hopelessness of
the Confederacy. This product of the how a group of students will react esque campus and feels that that the
South, the Confederacy, is best left to a programmed math course, wheth- school is excellent in academics. Fur
in the past, where it can be treated er they will learn as well as a stu- ther, he added with joyful glee thai
with the respect it deserves. It is dent in a traditional course, whether he enjoys the daily chiding of stu
only when it '' rises'' again that it is they will retain what they have learn- dents about his '' yellow death, mys
degraded, perverted as the flag rais- ed, whether the style of teaching will tery meat," and all the other de
ers, who have usually no Confederate keep their attention. At present, he lights prepared exclusively at St. An
ancestors, try to have their moment is engaged in selecting the proper drew's.
The Cardinal congratulates Wall
of glory and demonstrate for a day programmed course.
The Faculty Project Fund will con- in the completion of his first decade
their victory over the North.
I humbly suggest that those mem- tinue to operate indefinitely with as at SAS and extends to him wishes
bers of the student body who call many masters participating as desire for success in the ten to follow.
D. L. L
themselves Confederates treat Robert to.
The Cardinal
Oxonian Adds
New Atmosphere
At left:
J.V. Football Whips
Archmere For
Sixth Straight
The "Little Saints" journeyed to
back Jack Pope Archmere on the sixth of November,
gets off pass despite tackier as
back blocks. The
play was part of
a quick and effective drive by
St. Andrew's toward the Sanford goal.
Brandywine . . .
(continued from page 4)
determined to win, but the second
quarter was repeated, with more emphasis on the Brandywine side of the
field. The Saint halfbacks, Kent
Hughes, Dick King, and Jerry Soderberg, kept feeding the ball to the line
in a tremendous effort to help them
score, but the ball just did not seem
to want to go into the goal. The
fourth quarter was but a repeat of
the third, with the Saints continually
threatening the opponents' goal, but
still no score.
The overtime started out wonderfully for the Saints, with a tremendous drive into the opponents' goal
climaxed by a scoring boot by George
Forbes, who had just been appointed
third co-captain. The Saints did not
stop there, however, for they kept
the ball down at the Brandywine goal
for the remainder of the game, leaving the defense very little work. When
the final gun sounded, the Saints litteraly jumped off the field, the happiest team to ever win a soccer game.
Phelps Upsets Saints
On November 10, the soccer team
traveled to Phelps to continue their
Avinning streak over this team, but
fate willed otherwise. The Saints
outplayed the Purple Aggies, but
they got the winning goal on a penalty shot in the third quarter from
just outside the penalty circle. Made
by the Phelps captain it bounced
off goalie Hoffecker's hands and was
then knocked in by another Phelps
player. The team for the most part
played a good game, but just did
not have the scoring punch necessary to win.
Moorestown Shut Out
On November 13, the Saints traveled to Moorestown in the rain to
prove that our previous tie with this
team was an accident.
The first
quarter opened with the Saints in
control of the ball, and we soon scored on a shot by Co-captain Heckseher. The quarter ended with the
score one to nothing and with our
team in control. The second quarter proved to be much like the first,
with Heckscher again scoring, this
time in the middle of the quarter.
The fine defensive play on the part
of fullbacks Brent McCaghren, who
never seemed to be able to get up off
of the ground, and Co-captain Dexter Chapin, who set a new record for
sliding tackles, accounted for the
scoreless state of the Moorestown
team at the end of the first half.
The second half proved to be much
like the first, with the Saints again
in control of the ball. The Saints
drive was climaxed this time, when,
in the middle of the third quarter,
George Forbes booted one past the
Moorestown goalie. The Saints then
settled down to a generally defensive game, with the two fullbacks,
center halfback Kent Hughes and
goalie Warren Hoffecker doing a fine
job of containing the Moorestown
offense. The game ended in a 3-0
shutout, and the Saints came off the
field a very satisfied team.
Saints Defeat
Westtown 6-1
For Record Total
For the last game of the season,
the Saints played host to a fine
Westtown Second Association team
for the second match between the
two. The first quarter started in a
great manner for the Saints, as, with
half of the quarter gone, Co-captain
Charlie Heckscher smashed a goal by
the dazzled Westtown goalie to put
the Saints ahead. The second quarter proved to be a disastrous one for
the Saints as they seemed to fall
apart at the seams. The Westtown
team controlled the ball most of the
quarter and had the benefit of a corner shot on which they scored the
tying goal. Thus the first half ended.
The second half proved to be the
opposite of the second quarter, for
the Saints had control of the ball
almost the entire time. Within four
minutes, Eric Burkett put two shots
past the Westtown goalie. The entire team contributed to these shots,
but the Saint halfbacks, Jerry Soderberg, Dick King, and Kent Hughes,
helped greatly in their feeding of the
ball to the line. The fourth quarter
was, if possible even better than the
third. Charlie Heckscher fired his
second goal of the game to give the
Saints a margin on which they could
rest, but the team refused to accept
this as a point of rest. Soon after
Heckscher's goal, George Forbes fired
another to increase our total, but the
team still refused to stop their scoring. With only seconds left in the
game, John Schoonover shot, but the
shot proved to be only an assist to
Dave Wood, who made his first and
only goal of the season to set a new
team scoring record. Credit is due
to John Schoonover and Mike Kirehberger, who played excellent games,
but who never seemed to be able to
score. Credit is due also to the stalwarts of the defense; Co-captain Dexter, Chapin, Brent McMcaghren, and
Captain-to-be Warren
Football Bows
To Archmere
St. Andrew's aspirations for a tie
in the independent conference were
obliterated by a rough Archmere,
which has dominated Conference play
for the past three years.
It was apparent from the start
that the Saints were in for a rough
afternoon as Archmere scored on the
first play from scrimmage after the
Saints fumbled the opening kick-off
which came on a 22 yard sprint by
conference scoring champ Lee Autman.
The Saints held Archmere twice
before the Archers were able to
score again.
Another score before
the half gave Archmere a 20-0 halftime lead.
The Saints had a chance to score
after the half but they weren't able
to capitalize on the opportunity. Thi
seemed to take the spirit out of St.
Andrew's and Archmere scored easily
throughout the rest of the game ending up with a 48-0 victory and an Independent Conference Championship
The Sportlight
In this edition of the CARDINAL,
We are going to shine the spotlight
on the post and look at the football
rivaliries from 1937 to 1962. Although SAS football began a few
years earlier than 1937, a quarter
of a century plus one year should
be enough to satisfy anyone except
the most meticulous antiquary.
a eold, crisp day. In the opening
plays, Archmere moved the ball far
downfield on several pass plays. Here,
the Little Saints halted further adIt appears that the only team St.
vance and received the ball 011 a punt. Andrew's played in all of those twenIn the opening series of plays, ty-six years was Wilmington Friends.
Whitaker received the ball, ran over Of the twenty-six, the Big Red has
the tackle, and contimied for fifty won 15, lost 9, and tied two. The
yards for the first score of the af- longest St. Andrew's string embraces
ternoon. Gib Kane missed the con- the six games from 1942 to 1947 and
version, his first in seven attempts. included 46-0 and 52-14 victories and
Later in the same period, the Red- a total of five shut-outs. We have
nites were moved downfield on an shut the big city Quakers out nine
Archmere penalty for pass interfer- times, the last time being in 1954;
nce. Farrow then went through the they have shut us out only twice.
line, but the score was not made un- In total points we have .outscored
til Dillon pounced upon a fumble on the Blue Peace-makers 452 to 304,
the play for the second tally. In kick for an average game score of 17 to 12.
formation, Dillon received the ball
which he passed to Wainwright for
Over the years the team against
the conversion.
which we have been most successful
In the second half, the Saints stayed appears to be Sanford. Out of 20
on the ground and drove an average ames played between 1942 and this
of four yards a play, until John Mor- year (there was no contest in 1949)
ton streaked into the end zone for the Big Red has won 13, lost 6, and
the third tally of the afternoon. This tied one. At present we are .on a
time, Kane was successful in his kick four-game winning streak over the
attempt as he banged one through the Brown and Yellow and victory next
year would break our previous high
Late in the final period, Archmere winning-streak of four victories from
came up with a perfect screen pass 1954 to 1957.
We have shut the
and a long run to place the ball deep Sanfordites out four times ('56, '57,
into SAS territory. On the fourth '60, '61) ; they have held us scoredown, the Archmere quarterback less only twice ('44 and '58). The
found a clear receiver in the end- scoring totals show a clear SAS marzone, for the only Archmere points gin, 308 to 224, for an average game
of the day.
score of 15 to 11.
A fine day for the Redmenites was
The St. Andrew's forces appear to
evident as they left the field victors,
have been less successful against
Chestnut Hill, winning only three
7 0—21 of nine contests, and dropping six.
0 6 — 6 The shut-outs favor the Hillers, two
('58 and '62) to one ('61) but the
total scoring is very close with the
Hillers favored only 124 to 117, or
an average Chestnut Hill victory of
14 to 13.
/. V. Defeats
Tower Hill, 32-0
In Last Game
On Monday, November 12, 1962,
the SAS J. V. was host to Tower
Hill as they became the only SAS
team this fall to have a perfect season, 7 wins, no losses. This was the
first undefeated season for a J.V.
team since 1958, and the first time
that a J.V. team had won a total of
seven games.
From the very start, the "Little
Saints" showed their prowess as they
held the "Hillers" until Lackey
broke up a pass play thirteen yards
behind the line of scrimmage. On
the next play, a Tower Hill punt attempt was foiled again by Lackey as
he threw the intended punter for an
eighteen yard loss. Soon after, when
the Saints took possession .of the
ball, Rockwell scored on a fifteen
yard pass play. "Golden Toe" Kane,
showed his usual form, made the
Following the kickoff to Tower
Hill, "Masher" Lackey again came
on the scene, pushing the '' Hillers''
back another fifteen yards where
they punted. The "Little Saints"
then ran the ball for several yards
until they were also forced to punt.
Tower Hill, however, returned the
compliment on the first play as they
fumbled, the Redmenites recovering.
Dillon and backs, outmaiieuvering
Tower Hill, moved the ball to the
one yard line where Harris scored on
a 124 run, followed by "Golden
Toe" on the conversion.
In the following minutes, Tower
Hill seemed on the move as they
fought for twenty yards, when Don
Meredith and Dan Smith foiled a
pass attempt. Smith came through
again on the next play to foil a 121
The next three plays, with SAS in
possession, saw no success. On a
fourth down situation, Dillon threw
a thirty-five yard pass to Rockwell
for the final score of the half.
In the third quarter, the "Little
Saints" had more trouble advancing
the ball as they received the Tower
Hill kickoff to begin the second half.
In a series of short ground penetrations, Whitaker, Dillon and Rockwell
marched down field amid a strong
line, where Whitaker dampened Tower Hill spirits with the Saints fourth
score of the day.
The fourth quarter saw little action as both teams yielded nothing un-
St. Paul's is another team that
has fared well against the Big Red.
Out of nine games played between
1937 and 1957, St. Andrew's won
only two and dropped seven. The St.
Paul's victories include two shut-outs,
the St. Andrew's none. In fact, St.
Paul's is the only team to play St.
Andrew's as many as nine times and
scrape through without a blanking.
(Archmere, for example, was shutout 14-0 in 1959.) The total scoring
shows St. Paul's well ahead with 156
to 63, an average game score of 17
to 9.
less than twenty-six points, the Saints
never managed to get more than 19.
After five straight SAS defeats and
two blanks, the series was terminated.
The Baltimore Friends series is a
hotly contested one with an unusual
number of six ties in nineteen games.
There have been 6 SAS wins, seven
defeats. There have been three shutouts for each side. St. Andrew's
leads in scoring 237 to 191, an average 13-10 game. At present St. Andrew's is on the crest of a three game
winning string and a two-game shutout string.
The Big Red has enjoyed a slight
edge over St. John's since 1937, winning eight, dropping six. Both teams
obtained two shut-outs. The scoring
is 209 for SAS, 181 against, on average 15-13 victory. The last game of
the series, played in 1955, was a
33-6 SAS victory.
Boys' Latin at Baltimore, played
against in 1962, has only played SAS
two times before since 1937 ( '40 and
'42.) 1940 was a 2-0 SAS victory;
1942 was a 14-0 SAS victory, 1962
was an 8-6 Boys' Latin victory. St.
Andrew's has thus scored nearly three
times as many as Boys' Latin has
and enjoys an average game victory
of 7-3.
Although Archmere has dominated
its series with St. Andrew's, it has
never scored more than 26 points
against the Big Red (and the time it
scored 26 was way back in '43) until this year's 48-0 game. The Green
Archers are 7-1 against SAS, enjoy
a total scoring margin of 148 to 32,
and have an average game of 10 to
4 against the Big Red. Archmere's
only setback was in 1959, and many
present 5th and 6th Formers can remember back to when fullback Larry "Horse" Fitchett led the SAS
attack to a solid 14-0 victory
to later lose the conference title to
Tower Hill on extra points.
Tower Hill, always the frustrating
aspect of SAS football in recent
years, is riding an 8-game winning
streak against the Saints that began
with a 20-12 victory in 1954. Up
until that year SAS was ahead nine
victories to five, (two ties) and three
shut-outs to two. The scoring was
250 to 119 with the average game
being 16 to 7. Now Tower Hill leads
with 13 victories to 9, three shut-outs
to three shut-outs, 350 total ponits to
334, and an average game of 16 to 15.
The last two aspects of this rivalry
are such that a good victory in 1963
St. Alban's has been the most con- could swing the Saints out in front
sistent winner over St. Andrew's. In and halt the Tower winning streak.
sixteen games since 1939, they have
This year marked the beginning
won 13, lost 2, and tied one. They
another rivalry, hopefully one
were never beaten in any of the last
ten games since 1947, though tied that will be continued to the advantonce. After surviving 40-0, 33-0, 38- age of both sides. Joining the new
12, and 39-0 defeats in '55, '56, '58, D.I.S.C., Tatnall School of Wilminga.nd '59 respectively, SAS terminated ton beat the already well-established
the football series with the Wash- Wilmington Friends School but succumbed 12-0 to the SAS forces on a
muddy afternoon.
In the good old days, Landon was
St. Andrew's archrival. There is an
Considering the teams that the
unbroken playing streak from 1957 1962 varsity played and their averback at least to 1937. These were age gave records against SAS, the
the '' pink elephant'' games in which 1962 season should have been 5 wins,
the winner took the elephant for a 3 losses. Although it was 4 wins and
year. Up until 1952 this was a very 4 losses, the average season would
hotly contested series with seven SAS have seen only 97 points on the SAS
victories, six defeats and three ties. Scoreboard, and this year's offense
Landon had .one more shut-out, 4 to compiled 103, a touchdown better.
3. Only twice apiece the two teams And the 37-0 Bautimore Friends masmanaged to score 20 or more points. sacre broke the previous record
The total scoring was 200 to 188 against that school (32-0 in '51) by
in favor of St. Andrew's, with an five points.
average game thus being 12.5 to
And speaking of records, the J.V. 's
11.75. Rut beginning in 1953 the
Landonites never managed to score 7-0 record this year seems to be one,
as does the 6 points varsity soccer
piled up against Westtown in their
til '' Tiger'' Max Baldwin intercepted closing game.
a Tower Hill pass which he returned
to the Tower Hill one yard line.
Here, Dillon pushed across the goal
line on a quarter-back sneak for the Tower Hill .
final scoring of the 1962 season.
To a team with a fine record, in(continued from page 4)
deed the finest produced in many
years, the Cardinal extends its thanks
and a hope that the players who
worked hard to produce this year's yard line and fullback Middleton then
team will do as much on any team carried over for the touchdown. A
that they play for, especially in next pass from Pope to Middleton was
year's Varsity football season. The incomplete and the Saints were beCardinal wishes to add a final thanks hind 20-6.
to coaches Hughes, Gammons and
The Saints were never again able
Fishburne who worked diligently and
to muster a potent enough attack to
relentlessly throughout the season.
score as they lost their first confer6
6—32 ence game to an inspired and deservSAS
7 13
0 0 — 0 ing Tower Hill team.
Tower Hill
Soccer Team Ends Another Fine Season; 7 - 2 - 1
J.V. Football
Record Is Best
In History
Victory Over Westtown In Last Game Sets Record
Westtown II Downed
The Saints traveled to Westtown
on October
27 to play
Second Association for the first time
this season.
Go-captain Heckscher
played this game after having missed
De La Warr Defeated the previous one because of a back
The "Little Saints" marched to injury, and aquitted himself very
their fifth consecutive victory in a well.
thus-far perfect season when they
After a scoreless first quarter, in
faced De La Warr High School on which the Saints played an excellent
the thirtieth of October. After some defensive game, Westtown came back
difficulty in the red line, the "Little strong, and after about half of the
Saints" halted all progress .of the second quarter, scored on an excelball and sent Whitaker, unaided, to lent shot by their right wing. The
the first score of the afternoon on a Saints fought hard in order to tie
sixty yard run. The fine toe of Gib the score, but did not seem to be able
Kane functioned for the extra point. to put the ball in the goal. The gun
Following a forty-five yard kick- fired, and the Saints came off the
off, again by Kane, Bedmenites Rob field for their half time rest a deSmith and Lackey shattered the De termined team.
La Warr offence, forcing a fourth
At the beginning of the third quardown punt.
Minutes later in the second quar- ter, it was obvious that the Saints
ter, the Saints were also forced to had control of the game. Towards
punt, and placed the ball on the De the end of the third quarter, right
La Warr five yard line where, shortly wing Eric Burkett scored the all-imthereafter, they regained possession. portant tying goal. The fourth quarWhitaker then moved the ball to ter proved to be a repetition of the
within inches of the goal and Harris first, with both teams fighting hard,
crashed the line for the second tally. but with both teams unable to score
Once again, Kane scored the extra a goal. The quarter ended, and both
teams emerged determined to score
point with a superb conversion.
Immediately following the SAS kick in the .overtime.
to De La Warr, Barry Griswold inThe first overtime started off with
tercepted a De La Warr pass and a bang for the Saints as Heckscher
made a fine run for the third Red- booted the winning goal in the startmenite tally.
ing moments. The Saints then seemed
In the remaining minutes of the to fall back on the defense, and so
first half, the Denisons of the Tide- the game ended. Credit is due to the
water improved their tactics as they fine defensive playing of Co-captain
held the Saints to two separate fourth- Dexter Chapin and to the .other fulldown situations. However, they them- back Brent McCaghren, who, inciselves were soon forced to give the dentily, was playing his first game at
ball to the Saints on a punt to Wain- fullback.
In the following series of plays,
Wainright and Dillon moved the ball
downfield. On a reverse play, Dillon Wilm. Friends Succumbs
streaked for fifteen yards for the
On October 30, the Saints stayed at
Saints fourth scoring. As usual, Kane home to play Wilmington Friends for
made the conversion.
the second time. The first quarter
In the second half, De La Warr was mostly defensive for the Saints,
made no more progress in the open- and ended scoreless. The second quaring plays and punted on a fourth ter was quite different, for the Saints
down. The Saints then moved for- started on the offense and remained
ward on a twenty-five yard pass to so for the remainder of the half.
Eockwell and a fifteen yarder to At about the middle of this quarter,
Wainright. On the next play, De La Erie Burkett booted the first goal of
Warr recovered a fumble and scored the game, putting the Saints ahead
on a series of drives for forty- five one to nothing. This was not to reyards.
The conversion was unsuc- main true for long, however, as
Friends fought back hard and fast to
The Saints were not to be outdone, tie the game. The half ended soon
however, as Dillon took the ball at after this with the score tied at one
mid-field on the third play of the all.
series and eluded all defensive maThe second half started off well
neuvers as he scored the fifth tally
for the Saints, as Charlie Heckscher
of the afternoon.
scored soon after the opening moFinally the "Little Saints" returnments
to put the Saints ahead.
ed late in the fourth quarter when
Friends, however, repeated their formBarry Griswold intercepted a De La
Warr pass on the oppositions fifteen er actions, and again tied the score
yard line. It seemed as though the about midway through the quarter.
game would end without
further Towards the end of this quarter, Burscore when the Saints were moved out kett again scored to put the Saints
to the forty-five yard line on a series ahead, this time for good. The gun
of penalties. However, Griswold again sounded almost immediately after the
came to the rescue as he raced around Friends' kickoff, and the Saints lined
the right end on a 121 play for for- up for the fourth quarter kick-off.
ty-five yards and the final scoring. The quarter opened up in fine style
Kane then took a high pass from cen- for the Saints, as they kept the ball
ter which he passed to Rockwell for on the Friends' side .of the field almost entirely. About midway through
the only two-point conversion.
7 20
8—41 this quarter, Co-captain Heckscher
D e L a Warr
0 0 6
0— 6 again scored to give the Saints an appreciable margin on which to rest.
However, the Saints did not rest, and
Tatnall Trounced
the final gun sounded with the Saints
The Rockwell-Dillon combination making a serious effort to score.
figured heavily in this game as SAS
scored soon after the kickoff oil a
long pass from Dillon to Rockwell.
Brandy wine Crushed!
Kane was successful in a kick for
the conversion.
On November 6, the Saints traveled
Tatnall, on its first series, was un- to Brandywine to avenge their preable to move the ball. It soon fum- vious two defeats.
Minus the foot
bled, with SAS recovering.
Once of Co-captain Heckscher, the outcome
again, Dillon made a long pass to looked doubtful, but the team still
Rockwell for the second score, Kane had high hopes of winning.
being successful on the conversion.
first quarter opened with a fast
Tatnall, in its second offensive at- break on Brandywine's part, but the
tempt was again unsuccessful as the threat was stopped by excellent efRedmenites blocked a Tatnall punt. forts on the parts of Kent Hughes,
Soon thereafter, Whitaker ran off- Brent McCaghren, and Co-captain
tackle for forty-five yards and the Dexter Chapin. The game settled
third score.
down after this to a generally midIn the second half, Tatnall came field game, with both teams making
back full of drive as they moved the challenges, especially the Saints, but
ball down to the SAS ten-yard line nobody making goals. The second
where the Redmenites refused to quarter the Saints were definitely in
yield another inch and moved the control of the ball, but they somehow
panthers back to the fifteen yard line, could not seem to be able to score a
Avhere SAS took possession of the goal, and so the first half ended.
ball. For the rest of the quarter,
The Saints started the second half
(continued on page 3)
(continued on page 9}
The smiles on the faces of this foursome were not short-lived, as soccer
went on to a 7-2-1 season. Left to right are: Head Coach Denny, Co-Captains Heckscher and Chapin, and Assistant Coach Madison.
Varsity Football Ends With 4-4 Log;
Finishes 3 - 2 In Conference Play
Bait. Friends Smeared
On October 28th St. Andrew's played host to Baltimore Friends in a
non-conference game.
The Saints,
riding on a two game winning streak,
were looking for victory number
three and were not to be disappointed as they came .out on the top of a
37-0 tally.
The Saints, paced offensively by
Stan Thompson, who scored eight
points, and Eric Middleton, who
scored twelve, were in command from
the beginning .of the game. After
checking an early Friends attack, the
Saints marched down to the Friends'
48 yard line where Thompson, who
had been 011 the side lines since
the fall of 1960 on account of injuries, swept around right end and
went down the sideline for the score.
A pass from Jack Pope to Eric Middleton gave St. Andrew's the twopoint conversion and an 8-0 lead.
In the second quarter the Saints
drove down to the Friends 36 yard
line where Thompson, on an off tackle
slant, carried the remaining distance
for the score. Another Pope to Middleton pass accounted for the conversion.
Late in the first half the Saints
put on a fine defensive showing as
they held the Friends' team at the
fifteen yard line. A fine pass defense led by Dick Buckaloo and Gardner Cadwalader helped curtail the
Friends' passing attack in this, their
deepest penetration.
The Saints
kicked-off to start the second half
and a Friends return to the Saints
43 yard line brought hope to the
Baltimore rooters. But the Saints
were determined not to be scored
upon and they checked the Friends'
thrusts, forcing them to punt.
The Saints picked up where they
left off in the first half and marched
down to the Friends' 16 yard line
where Thompson, aided by the fine
blocking of Kirk Varnadoe and Rick
Hillier, broke loose for the score. A
third Pope to Middleton conversion
attempt was successful and the
Saints led 24-0.
The Saints held again and the
second string plus Middleton worked the ball down to the four yard
line, where the big fullback Middleton carried it over. Jim Cooper's
extra point kick went wide and the
Saints led 30-0.
The second string, with Bunker
"the Kid" Hill at the controls,
marched to the 25 yard line. Hill,
whose tremendous arm had been used
sparingly up to this point, uncorked
a beautiful pass to speedy halfback
Murray Allen for the score. Jimmy
Cooper once again tried and this time
he didn't miss. This was a perfect
ending to a well played game by the
Thompson led all rushers with 146
yards in 14 carries for a 10.4 average. Much of the credit must go to
Senior tackle Chip Gordy, who
sprung Thompson loose on his two
long touchdown runs. The defence,
led by Captain Al Crichton, is also
to be commended as they stopped
all .offensive threats posed by the
Baltimore team. All in all, it was
one of the Saints' best games of the
T. H. Is Victor
On November 10th the Saints travelled to Wilmington to take on conference foe Tower Hill whom they
hadn't beaten in eight years.
Andrew's was tied for first place
with powerful Archmere, iieithed having lost a game in conference play,
and this was a "must" game if the
Saints were to stay in contention.
The Saints started out as if they
meant business as Stan Thompson
ran back the opening kick off to the
43 yard line. The Saints went on
to make two first downs, one with
the aid of a penalty, but then the atack bogged down. Tower Hill took
over the ball on their own 18 yard
line from where they marched down
to the Saints' twelve. Al Nichols,
all-conference halfback, bolted over
for the score and with a pass completion, the extra point, the Hillers
led 8-0.
Fine defensive play marked the
rest of the action in the first half.
Both St. Andrew's and Tower Hill
were struck hard by injuries in the
first half as the Saints lost halfback
Thompson and Tower Hill Nichols.
Tower Hill scored immediately after
the second half kick off with fullback Jim Morton going 62 yards for
the score. The Hillers scored only
a minute and a half later with Mortoii this time running 38 yards.
The Saints proverbial fighting spirit
once again came on as Thompson,
running with a heavily taped leg,
Middleton, and Cadwalader carried
the ball to the Hillers' 18 yard line.
Thompson plowed down to the six
(continued on page 3)
Senior halfback Dick "Turkey" Buckaloo gobbles up
yardage against Sanford.
VOLUME X X X I I I , No. 3
Scholars Attend
Plavs At
SMI Announces Four New Members
Groups Continue
Without Advisor
On January 28th, two years to the
day The Kenston Trio and The Deltones made their debut on the St.
Andrew's School stage, The Student
Musical Independent Organization announced the selection of four members of a student group to "carry
on the tradition of independent student entertainment at St. Andrew's
School.'' Because of the news of a
new singing group as well as an apparent break from "Palace Productions," The Cardinal went to investigate the possibilities of a story.
About Palace Productions, Jay
Kerr, manager of the trio and Deltones, stated that there had been talk
of their stage crew, part of Palace
Productions, considering choosing a
faculty advisor for the entire group
so that they could accomplish more. the entire organization could
not effectively be organized under
one all-purpose advisor and because
'' the entire purpose of our group is
independent musical accomplishment
of the students, we therefore formed
a group encompassing only the performers, without an advisor. Our persistence to remain independent would
have only served to hamper the stage
The new quartet, Doug Gilchrist,
Chris Freinek, John Morton, and Terry Wild, will appear with The Kenston trio and The Deltones for the
remainder of the school year.
What will happen next year ? '' We
are very confident that the four who
came through our auditions are more
than capable of taking over where we
left off," said spokesman Kerr. "Already we have seen an earnest devotion on every member's part, and their
ideas have become an added help.''
As for next year, no one can really
tell. The process of choosing a pianist
and drummer still face the group.
Whether or not they are all completely
wrapped up in something too big for
them, no one can tell at this point.
But the determination which came to
the surface during the interviews indicates that the senior members of the
groups will see to it that the studentsto-come will get the same valuable
and enjoyable experience which they
have received during their two years
of entertaining.
The student body caught its first
glimpse of the new group when SMI
presented its show on Sunday afternoon, February 10. Because of publication deadlines, we are unable to
further report on the performance.
To senior members Kent Hughes.
Ogden Hamilton, Dick Porter, and Jay
Kerr, our congratulations of the two
years past; and to the new quartet
best wishes for the vears to come.
No Action Yet
Taken on Clover—
Coleman Proposal
The independent singing groups joined l>y pianist-manager.
From left to right, standing: Gilchrist, Wild, Morton,
Freinek. Seated: Kerr, Hughes, Hamilton.
Reporter Visits
St. Andrew's
Astronomy Club
Criss - Cross
One of the less well-known of the Year's Plans
extra-curricular activities at school is
the Astronomy Club, due to its hours
of operation. While other students
are still digesting dinner, the members of the club are out on the lawn,
observing such heavenly bodies as
the Milky Way and other nebulae,
Jupiter, the moon, and any special
sight that may occur.
At a meeting which I attended, before going outside, Dick Shoemaker,
president of the club, presented a
calendar of occurrences that would be
in the sky this winter and spring.
The most noteworthy of these is an
eclipse of the moon in the late spring.
Other sights were things such as
Mars in late February and various
nebulae. After announcing these
sights, Shoemaker exhibited several
photographs that he had taken
through .one of the telescopes. Several of these astro-photographs clearly showed the surface of the moon.
Mr. Denny, the faculty advisor,
briefly outlined the purposes of the
club to several new members, explaining that the club presents a chance
to those who are really interested in
learning about astronomy, and also
to those who are really interested in
through a telescope and observing
what they happen to find.
At the School Meeting on January
13, 1963, Fred Coleman brought the
Clover-Coleman proposal before the
school for its opinion. The proposal was, essentially, that during
exam week the student body be given
an extra half-hour sleep, making the
Then we went outside and carried
rising time 7:30. Coleman argued the two telescopes—three and six
the proposal, showing its beneficial power — out on the lawn. It Avas
aspects to the meeting.
rather cold, but the sky was cloudAlthough the proposal has not yet less and clear - - a very good time
been brought before a faculty met- to watch the heavens.
ing, its chances for survival seem
After interviews with several
The new members viewed the sky
masters, we have not yet found one with awe — an experience which will
who supports the proposal. Most no doubt b repeated by any other new
simply stated that they didn't really members and such as I, the passing
care but went 011 to ask why it would student who happens to stumble into
be better for students to get the exams Shoemaker in the dark hours of the
over with rather than to stretch them night. Our congratulations to Dick
out another half-hour and that the 011 his initiative in starting the club,
extra thirty minutes gained would be for it serves an equally integrated part
used, in general, for nervous waiting. of its members' lives as other more
An occasional student supported this established activities do for the rest
opinion also.
of the school.
This year, The Criss Cross Club is
engaged in a number of activities in
addition to the usual spring play.
There is hope of producing two plays
this year. However, it is more than
likely that the additional play Avill
be incorporated into the club's activities next year.
This year's production will be My
Three Angels, a comedy in three acts
written by Sam and Bella Spewack,
co-authors of Three Blind Mice, a play
produced here some five years ago.
My Three Angels was first produced
in New York, in 1953. It was later
adapted for the screen.
The play itself involves the members of a French family in French
Guiana who, like most people, are beset by a number of money problems.
The means by which they are helped
out of their financial straits comprise
the substance of the play.
Readings for parts have been going
on for a number of weeks, but directors Hughes and Gammons have
yet to make final decisions .on the cast.
Mr. Moss will design the set, and
head the construction duties of the
stage crew.
It is improbable that the club advisors will find time to produce their
second play, and they are therefore
planning to compensate for the extra
interest this year by sponsoring a
group which will read plays, a projected activity to be under Mr. Bennett 's direction.
Another dramatic offering is on the
calendar for February ninth, when a
group from Wilmington will present
The Rivalry, a dramatization .of the
Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858.
If the first term seemed dramatically inactive, the work which CrissCross has lined up will more than
compensate in the mind of any lover
of the stage.
Gym Construction
Proceeds On
In fog thick enough to bring tears
to the eyes of the least sentimental
Englishman, twenty men and boys
left the eompus on February second
for an evening in New York. Composed of students led by Messrs. Ryan
and Maddison, the group aimed at an
early arrival in the big city so that
they might dine in style before attending the Treteau de Paris performance of L 'Apollon de Bellac and Orphee. Stopping at The Hun School
to pick up ten members of the supravictorious Varsity and J.V. Wrestling
teams, the French scholars plowed
through mist-covered scenic New Jersey singing variations 011 several defunct songs. After circling the Columbia University campus three times,
the Saints landed their craft and proceeded to find a quick dinner in the
area's most American restaurants.
Work on the gym has been progressing steadily. One morning during exam week the power went off.
Ordinarily this would have been
quite humorous, but inasmuch as it
was exam week, and there were
those who wanted to study, the laughter was sparse.
How the power went off was also
quite serious. Unlike the usual incidents, this time the construction
crew, in an effort to lay a new cable,
had broken the old one. Fortunately no one was hurt and within a
The men split up to roam the city
''short" time the power was restorfor the forty-five minutes the trip
Other progress (and this is real had left them for eating and sightprogress) had been made; the foun- seeing. A surprisingly large number
dation has been started, as can eas- of them arrived at the Woolmaii Auily be seen in the great mounds of ditorium at the time specified by Mr.
earth piled up. The gym apartment Ryan and were therefore privileged
is no more, and Mr. Walker has to wait an extra thirty minutes until
moved into the Ryan 's old house, while the play eventually started some twenMr. Ryan and his family have taken ty minutes late.
residence in his new house near the
The first offering L'Apollon, was a
soccer field.
one act comedy by Giraudoux. Its
The J.V. Wrestling room is now pilot was about as ridiculous as the
back, having been raised up to the level mystified St. Andrean's who could
of the locker room floor. Previously never time their laughter with the
the room had been sunk three feet. belabored punch lines in the play.
To complicate the matter more, it was Their aesthetic egoes were boosted,
accessible only by a very narrow do,or though, during the intermission, as
which made it impossible for easy di- they watched two hundred of NCAV
recting of matches. Now, however,York's interesting citizens file past
due to the readjustments, the room is them.
in fine shape.
Coeteau's Orphee provided a welThe old gym store has been forced
out of its old location by the con- come change from incomprehensible
struction work and now operates in comedy to a well-written modern
French tragedy. The students' taste
the regular store.
The Varsity Football team has been for the modernized tale of mythology
moved out of its old locker room, was influenced only slightly by Eurywhich has been made the visiting dice, wife of Orphee, a role enhanced
team's locker room to replace the by la vedette volvptueuse, Colette
one that was next to the gym store. Tcisssedre. The Saints had a definite
This is just the first step in a proc- desire to try to understand her and
ess that will be consummated in the had little trouble doing so when they
spring term, when the entire student put their minds to it.
body will have to dress and shower
Inspired, the art lovers left the
for athletics in the main building.
Visiting teams will be handled by a actors and actresses behind and pro"buddy" system, in which each mem- ceeded gleefully toward their bus.
ber of an 8.A.S. team takes care of ready to take on both the Jets and
the Sharks, but to the relief of even
his number.
the bravest, they arrived at the bus
in thirty-four pieces, a comfort to
both of the faculty members.
SAS Campus
On the evening of Saturday, January 5, the entire student body
was entertained by a scintillating
movie and narration by the noted authority on Africa, Quentine Keynes.
During the presentation of this film,
entitled '' Search for a Waterhole,''
Mr. Keynes kept up a lively commentary. The greater portion of the
film centered around the vast array
of wildlife and natural science beauty
of southern and central Africa.
The entire film was characterized by
excellent photography and subject
matter. Episodes such as watching
giant monitor lizards devour alligator
eggs, and actual observation of gorillas in dense jungle country high
lighted the spectacular film.
Humor also entered the film in a
sequence showing some natives attempting to smoke cigarettes with the
greatest degree of sophistication while
making grotesque faces and coughing
The film ended with the successful
discovery of an uncontamiiiated waterwhole previously unvisited by the
white man.
Mr. Keynes and his very interesting, informative lectures have become
something of a tradition at St. Andrew 's during the past few years, and
The Cardinal joins the student body
in expressing the wish that he will
remain such for many years to come.
After stopping for refreshments
along the Jersey Turnpike, the bus
arrived back in Middletown in an
otherwise uninterrupted journey. At
three ten, twelve hours and ten minutes after their departure, the sleepyhungry students filed into the main
building. When the rising bell sounded at eight o 'clock, all of the scholars rolled over in their beds and
hazily made their way toward Chapel
where they ended their night and prepared to face the new and uneventful
day ahead of them.
Bishop Mosley
Confirms Two
In SAS Chapel
On Sunday afternoon, January 20,
a confirmation service was held in the
St. Andrew's chapel. The Rt, Reverend J. Brooke Mosley, Bishop of
Delaware, officiated, and the choir
sang a special anthem for the occasion.
Two boys, William Amos and Henry
Smith, both sons of faculty members,
made up the confirmation class.
Bishop Mosley preached an interesting sermon, based on Jesus's commandment to love one another. He
pointed out that Jesus meant us to
love our fellow men neither more nor
less than we love ourselves, and that
we all love ourselves, no matter how
much we pretend not to.
All told, it was an inspiring and
successful service.
The Cardinal
Volume XXXIII, No. 3
Kent S. Hughes, '63
News Editor
Roger A. Walke, '63
Features Editor
Jay Kerr, '63
Sports Editor
George W. Shuster, '63
Photography Editor
Duke LaGrone, '64
Circulation Manager
Ridley M. Whitaker, '65
Business Manager
Robert N. Pyle, '63
The policy of the Cardinal does not necessarily reflect that of the School.
Gaither, '63
Munroe, '64
Kane, '65
Loomis, '63
Moseley, '64
Harris, '65
Soderberg, '63
Parker, '64
Herndon, '65
Thompson, '63
Snyder, C. '64
Wild, '65
Wood, '63
Snyder, T. '64
Anderson, '66
Hodges, '64
McWethy, '65
Davis, '66
Knight, '64
Mills, '65
Wilkinson, 't>u
To the Editor:
I read with interest a letter which
appeared in an early issue of the
Cardinal concerning the present meager language requirements at St. Andrew's. The letter, signed by "A
Not Quite Multi-Linguist'', states
that St. Andrew's offers a copious
quantity of Math, Science and History courses at the expense of foreign
languages. As a St. Andrean and
graduate of Middlebury College,
where I majored in French, I fully
support my '' Not Quite MultiLinguist '' friend in urging a stronger
emphasis on the attainment of a foreign language proficiency by St. Andrew's graduates.
In my present position as an Army
Officer in South Vietnam, I am reminded daily of how important and
rewarding it can be to have a sound
knowledge of a foreign language.
Americans inherently have never
been a "language conscious" people, which makes an American with
a solid language capability a pleasant surprise to the rest of the world.
Lest you need any more incentive
to demand a longer, more advanced
study of a foreign language at SAS,
let me add that nothing is more calculated to impress a beautiful Vietnamese (and they are truly exotic!)
or French lass than an American who
speaks their language.
Go ahead, take at least four years
of a foreign language; the rewards
awaiting you are well worth the effort.
Lt. Peter F. Spalding
SAS 1957.
Dear Editor:
I greatly enjoyed the Cardinal article concerning the football history of
the school. Certainly, everyone appreciates the amount of effort the research requires in writing such an
article. However, I am sure that a
similar article about the other sports,
especially wrestling and crew, would
be of equal interest to the student
body and the alumni who receive the
Receiving the paper gives me great
enjoyment since it enables me to remain in close contact with the activities and events which occur at St.
Andrew's school.
Continued good success in your efforts.
James T. Terry II
Class of '60
To the Cardinal from the Pentagon,
Hdqts. USA
Sons of the East, West, and North:
I think that it is time that we
capitalize on an excellent chance to
clarify our position in the recent war
games sponsored by our southern
brothers on the recent birthday of
the late Gen. Robert E. Lee. It seems
that the southerners attribute their
victory to the fact that we were incompetent in our maneuvers, and that
furthermore our victory was inconsequential and virtually insignificant. It
suffices to say that the Northern Victory was eminent, complete, efficient,
and final. The South, thinking that
it had taken every possible precaution, retired for the afternoon. The
ever-alert North capitalized at the
recognition of this fatal mistake and
followed history in proving that the
North always wins in the end.
At this time, I would like to extend
to the South an invitation for a renewal celebration in the coming year.
I will not recognize individuals of the
northern camp since their job was
equally well done by all.
Most Respectfully,
A Realistic Leader.
From Headquarters to the Cardinal:
I wish to commend each one of you
for the .outstanding work done by the
southern forces on the Birthday of
our great General Robert E. Lee. I
wish also to congratulate you on a
resounding victory. It would have, I
am certain, warmed the heart of the
great Virginian to have seen the stars
and bars once again flying over
northern soil. Due to the clever resourceful tactics of Gen. J. R. Ball
and his band, the flag of the Confederacy maintained its position on
the main flagpole from sunrise to sunset, with the exception of a mere onehalf hour, in which the North mustered its only threat of the day (and
a feeble one at that) to the supremacy of the South, now an undisputed fact.
My congratulations to
you all, and in particular to:
Brigadier Gen. J. R. Ball
Gen. F. A. Pringle
Gen. F. O G. McCaghren
and finally to the Northerners
for making the job so easy by their
Brigadier Gen. J. K. T. Varnedoe
If someone asked the average St.
Andrean if he had seen Sam Simmons
recently, the dumbfounded student
would probably answer, "I don't
know any Sam Simmons." This is always the case, for the "Simmons" is
virtually unknown to St. Andrew's,
but the "Sam"
brings another reply: "Sure, he's over at the gym."
Sam is known to the whole school
as simply—Sam. He's the man who
is always attending the white's cage
over at the gym or sweeping the basketball court, or washing off the
bright wrestling mats, or helping the
coaches in the training room.
But to others he is Sam Simmons,
26, of Clayton, Delaware. Happly
married to Josephine Simmons, n
member of St. Andrew's department
of house keeping, Sam is the father
of a 15 month old son.
Because not many students are familiar with Sam's background of his
duties, The Cardinal, wishing to eliminate some more of the wall between
students and staff, sent an enlivened
reporter to collect all the details.
Speaking to Sam one afternoon in
the cage, the reporter had to share
his time with Sam's other visitors:
a wrestler came in, complaining that
he had lost a sweat shirt in the
laundry; a basketball player complained that he had lost all his whites;
a squash player entered with sour
face stating that he had not gotten
bis whites hag hack.
But these individuals didn 't phase
Sam; he simply supplied them with
their needs and went right on talking.
Sam had been at SAS three years
February 22, and claims his job is
most satisfactory. He finds no unpleasant aspect of the school because
the boys themselves are all generally
kind and jovial.
But Sam himself is kind and jovial; he calls many boys by first
name upon greeting them.
The kind of work Sam docs behind
the scenes is interesting in itself.
Early every morning, Sam starts the
day by carrying all the whites bag%
across the way to the laundry, which,
as anyone can tell, must be quite a
After this task, he sets about
washing or sweeping the floors, washing off the wrestling mats or sweeping the basketball courts daily. Twice
a week he sweeps the squash courts.
Every day he cleans the entire building.
He is generally '' in charge of the
whole gym'' but does not really like
his official title '' gymnasium attendant." The title, Sam asserts, carries too much of the idea of merely
Mis-elects New
Due to recent expansion and wild
imperialistic dreams, the Cliosophical
Society has recently created a new
After packing the house and skillfully swaying the masses with his oratorical technique, Jim '' Boss'' Cooper
out-polled his formidable opponent,
Thomas Snyder, to sweep into the
Vice Presidency. Certain conservative members of the convention become irate at the irregular proceedings, complaining, among other things,
that certain electors had not fulfilled
the requirements for voting. Club advisor Mr. Hillier walked out in disgust.
Heated outbursts of fraud
continued, indeed for weeks after the
Club president George Shuster, assisted by his colleague and club secretary, Roger A. Walke, have, however, successfully healed the wounds
of disseiition and have announced that
complete rehabilitation has been restored.
Jim '' Boss'' Cooper has shown that
he is worthy of the office to which
he has been declared officially elected and has gained the support of the
entire body, including the minority
faction of Snyderists.
Cooper has
suggested several reforms, to be collectively combined under the term
Cooperism, but these have not as
yet been publicly promulgated.
Meanwhile, on other fronts, former
Presidential Candidate
and Big Cog in the Cooper Machine,
Richard "Turkey" Buckaloo, has
hinted that certain constitutional reforms may be soon presented for enactment. Whether or not these measures will be enacted depends on
whether the present officers can be
assured of offices in the new administration.
Down in the lower echelons, Chip
Gordy and his cohort "Swifty"
Meredith have been employing brute
coercive force to elevate themselves
to the positions of Sergeant-at-Arms
and Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms respectively. Gordy has repeatedly denied alleged presidential ambitions,
but there are indications that Meredith may be usurping his present
leader's power anyway.
The local Dixiecrat faction, led by
Georgia Peach J. Kirk Varnedoe, made
a recent attempt to enhance their presscrubbing floors and windows.''
Sam does a great deal more than
merely scrubbing. At 2:30 p. m., he
must be back in the cage, having already sorted all the laundry whites
to their respective cage boxes. There
he awaits the school's athletes, waiting to begin the daily session of "I
lost my inner sock," etc.
That is what the school knows Sam
as; that is what we think he wants
us to know him as. Sam Simmons
is a great guy; the kind of guy the
school will always be grateful to, the
kind of guy we will always need.
tige by reviewing the archaic "Cot
ton B. King'' philosophy, but they
now seem to be angling for a coalition
with the Cooper forces, which would
result in a loss of prestige instead
of a gain.
Moderately Progressive Conservative George Shuster appears to have
ridden out the recent insurrectionist
movements with no loss of influence
in his presidential capacity, having
associated himself somewhat with the
Cooper faction but leading the old-line
Conservatives at the same time to believe that he has certain conservative leanings.
And Middle of the Road Radical
Roger A. Walke has assured the legislature that no immediate shake-up in
the secretarial office would be wise
or practical in the foreseeable future.
In order to placate the insistent
radical demands for action, the present administration has announced
plans for future policies, including excursions to ancient Delaware archeological sites in search of the Missing
Link. But the Cooper faction claims
to have discovered that the President
is It. Denials, reiterations, redenials,
and on and on have been shouted
back and forth and even yet the
sounds of discord reverberate in the
legislative halls.
Sportlight Sees . . .
Squash may go on to its best season
in histary. . . Chris Clover is becoming a well-known terror to his J. V.
wrestling opponents. . . Mr. Reyner
boasts that after the new gym is completed we will have one of the best
high school wrestling facilities in the
world—and next year's team may be
a good one to make use of them. . .
A prediction: both Thompson and
Middleton will break the school record
for points in a basketball game, set
at 32 by Henry Hillenmeyer in '61—
Thompson's high this season is 31,
Middleton's 28. . . Baseball fans will
have to wait another year, however,
before they may see the new diamond,
which must first grow some grass. . .
The Coming Attraction for next issue 's Sportlight: The Complete Unexpurgated Lowdown on the Long and
Glorious History of St. Andrew's
W T restling, at the suggestion of Cardinal reader Jim Terry, SAS Wrestling Captain and 4-timc State Champion.
Alumni Lecture
On January 7, Bruce Graham, SAS
'43, gave an entertaining and interesting lecture on architecture. Mr.
Graham introduced his lecture with a
short color film which showed examples
of modern architecture throughout
the country. He then proceeded to
discuss the vocational aspects of architecture.
Mr. Graham stressed that
although it can be a lucrative profession, it is more often not and
should be entered with a dedication
and love for its architectural application. Mr. Graham provided an interesting evening for both those mildly and those avidly interested in architecture.
THE CARDINAL captures Sam Simmons in familiar station in Gym.
Harriet Van Home, an entertainment critic for The Xew York World
Telegram and Sun, who rarely praises
anything but her own ingenuity in
downgrading everything, once made
the unsupported generalizing statement that were there not payola,
Perry Como, Bing Crosby, and Frank
Sinatra would forever share the top
slot on the hit parade. Her reason
for making such a statement was that
she can't stand the new singers and
therefore nobody else possibly could.
What kind of mind does this demented female knive-thrower have? If
Frankie makes a record for public
consumption—I 'm speaking of 45 's
now — they invariably reach the top.
I 'm no expert about payola, but I hear
tell that Sinatra's got some pretty
good connections around the country.
All his LP 's are 011 the best seller
list. I happen to like the underworld
champion of the "ring-a-ding-ding,"
but Miss Van Home's having mentioned him points out that her groundless generalization strove only to destroy so-called teen-age singing idols
fairly, truthfully, or otherwise. She
would (as no doubt Frankie would)
resent the insinuation that he imbibes
payola, yet she might go so Low
as to think how fans and performers themselves feel when they read
trash such as she had printed. And
as for Come and Crosby, if they're
happy not making records, we're happy too. They each have their own
distinct styles and the styles which
they possess, much to Miss Van
Home's disbelief, are long out-dated.
Of course there are people on the
top without any talent. Gifted songwriters must bow to a hick with an
electric guitar; good singers must sit
back and wait for breaks. Their reward will be deeply and satisfyiiigly
personal and far greater than that
of some college group who name their
loosely constructed trio after a Carribean Island and sing different words
to identical chord progressions.
Como and Crosby are great (I guess
they are) ; they 're making more money
now in television than they possibly
could making 45 's. So why shouldn 't
Harriet Van Home leave people who
have finally found a successful profession alone. When we're tired of
our singers, we will find new people
to fill our nation's spotlights. I doubt
that they will be either Perry Como
or Bing Crosby.
(My depest apologies to the World
Telegram, Miss Van Home, and King
Frank. They were simply more than
innocent bystanders who fell into my
indirect tirade against those innumerable hypocrites who tell their sons
and daughters what trash the music
of today is and proceed to dole outhundreds of millions of dollars annually for its purchase. There are
many more important things these
people could complain about that do
far more harm than does any music.)
A programming note: On Sunday,
February 24th, the Music Department
will feature an hour of music for
student consumption (five o'clock
eastern, four o'clock central time).
Selections will range from swing
"dance band" arrangements to an
original composition in the classical
vein performed by a brass quintet.
Guest appearances will be made by
the Keiiston-Deltones crew. It sounds
like it might be worthwhile. At any
rate, we know it will sound.
"Tonight there will be no morning
star" . . . Winter Dance Weekend.
J. V. Wrestling 7-1;
Drops Number One
To Smyrna Varsity
In their first contest of the year,
the SAS JV wrestling team lost to
the Smyrna Varsity 36-12, including
a forfeit at 95-lb. due to a lack of
SAS 95-pounders.
S. Smith was pinned with nine seconds remaining at 103; acting captain B. Sabloff decisioned, and Turner, H. Smith, and John Pope provided three straight Smyrna falls.
Harris was then decisioned by Cornelius 4-1.
After Nuttall lost to Chase, Gates
decisioned Snyder 8-5, D. Smith decisioned Robertson 4-2, and Paul upset the Milford Invitation Tournament champion Ipensky 3-2. Shuster
then lost to Ramsey, another M.I.T.
champion, 4-0, to make the final match
score 36-12, Smyrna Varsity.
Book Review:
The American Political
by Eicliard Hofstadter; Vintage
Hooks, New York, 1961; 291 pp:.
T£('l. note: To emphasise tlie imporancc of reading in collaboration with
several course ft, we have taken the
liberty of reviewing a feoofc recommended highly ~by the History Department, a boolc required for reading in
the informal advanced placement prof/ram in American History.
The American Political Tradition is
A sketch of the Founding Fathers,
who gloried in the novelty .of their
newly organized government, opens
the book. The principles of the aristocratic democrat, Thomas Jefferson,
are described in fluent detail.
The use of capitalism and nationalism fostered by Jackson and his
rowdies, in addition to Calhoun's opposing sectionalist philosophies, expose
the political feelings that grew up in
the ante-bellum period.
Abraham Lincoln is given such an
honest examination that his own legendary honesty is shown to have been
influenced by his opportunism.
Wendell Phillips, the wealthy Boston abolitionist, fought for northern
labor after the emancipation proclamation.
Grover Cleveland is portrayed as the
tool of the industrial barons of the
'' Gilded Age.'' William Jennings
Bryan's and Theodore Roosevelt's differing brands of progressivism are
contrasted. Wilson's theories on world
peace and their isolationist opposition
are covered in the perspective of the
Roaring Twenties. Hoover's involvement in the depression and his principles to stop it are covered with an
extensive description of Roosevelt's
two brands of "New Dealism."
There can be no doubt that Hofstadter's straightforward portrayal of
a cross section of the men who have
made and shaped the history of our
nation is a work unparallelel in modern historical writing.
St. Andrean's Wildly Welcome Eighty G I R L S
Wendy Ewing
Harriet Iglehart
Frances Knox
Sandra Thompson
Meg Boekius
Tony Madrigal
Karen Soderberg
Marcy Buhl
Bonnie Hoey
Jenny Chitwood
Nancy Graham
Alison Ohsol
Hoffecker, W. Jane Melvin
Paige Haarcn
Anne Meyer
Laura Stancato
Curtis Brown
Dottie Grove
Sydney Clark
Jane Leinberger
Janet Lowry
Howard High
Visits Loss
On Saints
On January 22nd, Howard High
School's basketball team came down
to St. Andrew's to play in what was
expected to be the Saint's toughest
game. Howard, whose basketball team
ranks as the best in the state, outclassed the Saints, winning an 84-58
Howard jumped off to a quick lead
and maintained it throughout the first
quarter. Stan Thompson's long jump
shots and play-making, Chip Gordy's
hook shots, and Eric Middleton's rebounding kept the Saints in contention, but the Wildcats poured it on
and gained a 31-19 lead at half time.
The Saints were not able to stay
with Howard in the second half and
the score mounted until at game's end
it was 84-58. Stan Thompson was
the game's high scorer with 31 points
followed by Middleton with 15. Howard had three players who scored over
20 points.
Senior Rick Hillier sinks two in waning moments of Westtown game, as Coward and Smith stand by for possible rebound.
A fired-up Red team sought and
found revenge as it met Westtown
for the second time in the season. Led
by two all-conference standouts, Stan
Thompson and Eric Middleton, the
Saints went on a first-half rampage,
which ended with the score at 45-27.
In the third period, St. Andrew's
took up where it left off, piling up
twenty-one points to take an overwhelming lead at 66-40. Coach Wash-
burn then substituted freely as the
Saint coasted to a 74-52 triumph.
Eric Middleton and Stan Thompson
each had 28 points, while Chip Gordy
collected twelve. A fine defensive effort was turned in by Sandy Dillon,
captain for the day, who held Westtown's Rose scoreless for the afternoon. Bill Hammond played a fine
game also with a tremendous fast
Parrish, J.
Pope, Jack
Smith, Dale
Snyder, C.
Snyder, T.
Barbara Loudis
Anne Lauriat
Pat Love
Sue Allen
Anne Burns
Penny Beekman
Cindy Young
Susan Holladay
Ann Schlenger
Lucia Wheary
Nonie Davis
Ti Pinkerton
Patti Marley
Judy Boyd
Patricia Ann Warren
Judy Hull
Quaker Malloy
Betsy Zeigler
Barbara Hassan
Rose Marie Alberter
On the
Other Side
of the
Managing at St. Andrew's is a job
which is officially rewarded by the
award of letters or numerals at Varsity and Junior Varsity levels. Unfortunately, there is often the overbearing attitude of athletes and spectators that a boy is a manager because he has found a way to escape
from compulsory participation. While
some are managers because they are
physically unfit for sports, others
have found managing their way of
making their contribution to the
athletic program.
As we all know, there is a manager
at every level of each sport. Obviously, there are varying amounts of a
manager's usefulness when the different levels are compared; yet to inter-scholastic competition, the manager is an important, integral part
of a, team. In many sports, the good
manager is as good as an assistant
coach, since he is given many daily
and pro-game responsibilities which
are necessary to the team, but which
the coach would not possibly have
time to remember. Presently, Mr.
Reyncr cites sixteen chores which arc
in the hands of the manager before
each wrestling match.
Hunt, D.
Jere Cage
Jacquie Alicru
Jill Hatch
Mikal Perry
Nancy Steele
Ann Hart
Drue Delate
Judy Loxton
Getsy Clotworthy
Marion Grogan
Barbara Hoskins
Andrea Hofer
Linda Allen
Anne Perkins
Karen Jacobs
Jacquie Bruns
Ann Lium
Martha Whitehead
Susan Kixmiller
Ellen Latta
Smith, Jon
Wilson, T.
Wilson, K.
Patsy Hillier
Susan Hilton
Sue Dunn
Thackray Dodds
Helene Boe
Gwyiineth Evans
Anne Carmalt
Ronde Kneip
Ann LaGrone
Vivian Lee
Lynn Ernest
Jane Turnbull
Charlotte Mach
Sally Burke
Linda Sklar
Genevieve Edwards
Lynn Palmer
Lynne Thomas
Marcia Watson
Ann Hillier
Poppy Johnson
Archmere Wins
St. Paul's Beaten
On January 29, the Saints travelled
to Claymoiit to take on the annual
independent basketball champions,
Archmere. Archmere, favored by the
sports writers, found itself behind
throughout most of the first half. The
Archers started out in a full court
press, but Thompson's dribbling, Middletown 's crisp passing, and Gordy's
good shooting broke the press quickly and Archmere soon switched into a
regular zone defense.
After taking an early 9-8 lead, the
Saints kept the pressure on Archmere
until St. Andrew's led 22-17 with only three minutes to go in the first
half. Then Archmere hit a hot streak
and gained a 29-27 halftime lead.
The Saints came out for the second
half determined to overcome this good
Archmere team, but it was just not
meant to be that way. With the
score 33-30 in favor of Archmere,
Captain Stan Thompson stole the ball
and drove for the basket. After he
made the lay-up, Sta.ii was knocked
off his feet, and he re-injured his bad
knee. Playing with the bad knee,
Stan made the free throw, tying the
score. From then on, the Saints scoring attack faltered and Archmere
went on to take a 60-48 decision.
St. Andrew's showed in this game
that they do have the team that could
still win the conference. The showdown should be on Feb. 19 when
Archmere comes to St. Andrew's for
the much anticipated rematch. Thompson ended up high scorer for the
game with 24 points. Middleton had
15 for the Saints. Holmes was high
for Archmere with 16.
The SAS wrestling team extended
its winning streak this year to three
victories with a decisive 20-15 score
over St. Paul's of Baltimore.
In the 103 Ib. class, Jay Rabinowitz dropped a close decision 3-2 to
Cooper of St. Paul's to put the visitors in front. Baldwin then wrestled
a nearly flawless match without the
use of the legs to down Floury and
tie the match score at 3-3.
At 120, Cooper dropped his match
to Roeder, but Hoffecker tied up the
match score again with a 4-0 decision
over Coleman.
Snyder next shut out De Rnsy to
give the Saints their first lead. Barrett, at 138 lost a close decision 2-0
to Dryden, to tie up the score once
Rutter then man-handled T. DnPont to a 12-3 decision. Jack Pope,
at 154, dropped the day's closest
match to Passano 2-0.
Undefeated Bill Paul next eliminated Froelich 4-1 to put the Saints
ahead to stay. Pfeiffer, wrestling B.
du Pont, obtained a fall in 54 seconds
to ensure the SAS victory.
In the heavyweight division, Shuster dropped a close decision 4-2 to
Forseille to wind up the match SAS
20, St. Paul's 15.
At the beginning of this year, the
athletic department instituted a new
system which sheds even more light
upon the importance of a manager's
job. Under the new plan, there are
two managers for each sport at the Subsequent Scores:
higher levels. This, says Mr. Reyner,
will allow the head manager to break SAS 58, Friends 51
in the assistant managers for the following year. Also Mr. Reyner points Tower Hill 51, SAS 48
out that even now managers do not
have an easy job, since they often SAS 52, St. Elizabeth's 45
spend more time working for a sport
than the participants. This is due to
Peddie Trounced
the fact that a manager must be
active before, after, and during the
In their first away match of the
afternoon athletic period.
-season, the SAS invaders rolled to
their fifth straight victory in as many
Below, some coaches and students outings, winning all but the last two
have commented on the manager's weights against New Jersey rival
Peddie School.
Mr. Moss: "First, good managing
Rabinowitz decisioned Davis in the
does a great service to the team and 103-pound class 2-0, Baldwin decisionoften does get recognized. Secondly, ed Butcher 7-3, Cooper downed Gates
There are some weaknesses in our
2-0, and Hoffecker gained the first
present managing system. Managers
SAS fall in 5:36 over Lashnits after
of the younger teams do not have leading 6-0.
much to do. I would like to see manCurt Snyder next pinned Shapiro
agers get more exercise than they do."
Mr. Reyncr: "A good manager is in 3:55 after leading 2-0, Rutter dean assistant coach. Usually, those cisioned Vargas 4-1, and Pope obtainwith physical injuries are placed at ed the fastest fall of the day in 1:37
the intramural levels while the con- over Copeland after leading 4-0.
Dan Smith next defeated Wilkinson
scientious volunteer is placed with the
3-2 on riding time, and Paul wrestled
varsity team."
Mr. Denny: "A good manager is to a 4-3 decision over Sabia.
indispensible. He increases the efIn the day's only misfortune, Capficiency of the team and acts as an tain Pfeifer had to forfeit to Pedadditional coach.''
die 's Kugler after temporarily blackSchoonover: "A good manager is ing out in the second period, despite
more important to the team than a his understandable desire to continue.
poor coach.''
Shuster dropped the last match 4-0
Buckaloo: "A good manager re- to Burns, to make the final score 33-8.
ceives no more recognition for his
work than a poor one.''
Margolies: "Most managers, in my
Squash Loses First
opinion, are a very important part of
the school's athletic system.''
On Saturday, the nineteenth of
Managers are not the unsung he- January, the squash team lost its first
roes of any team, but neither are the match in three outings to a strong
individual varsity athletes who par- Episcopal Academy Varsity.
ticipate in games, matches, and races.
The Saints failed to win a match
We can easily draw the conclusion on E.A. 's peculiar courts and bowed
that the best team is .one that works .7-0. However, many of the matches
as a team, and that the manager is and games were close, showing prom
an important member of the team. ise for our second and last encounter
with them over Dance Weekend.
EHS Falls to SAS
Wrestling against perennial powerhouse Episcopal High School of
Alexandria, Virginia, an inspired St.
Andrew's squad won 7 out of 11
matches to gain a 25-20 victory.
Rabinowitz, wrestling at 103 against
a boy who decisioned him the year
before, took a handy command and
won 6-2.
After B. Sabloff was pinned with
only 16 seconds remaining in his
match and Baldwin forfeited because
of an injury sustained in the second
period, the St. Andrew's forces
wrestled to four straight victories.
Hoffecker was first with a 6-2 decision over Jayner; then Snyder with
a fall in 5:10 over Drennen; Rutter with a 4-3 decision over Colton;
and Pope 4-2 over Buxton.
Dan Smith wras then pinned, but
Paul responded in the 165-lb. class
3-1 over Taylor, to give SAS a 20-15
Pfeiffer, wrestling Stewart, one of
E.H.S. 's co-captains and Metropolitan
champions, gained a fall in 5:38 in
one of the day's most exciting contests. Shuster, wrestling Tyler, the
other EHS co-captain and Metrochampion, was pinned in the third
period after having obtained a first
period take down.
The inspired enthusiasm of pennantwaving Gary Fishbnrne and the SAS
crowd were accounted as important
factors in the SAS victorv.
Squash Wins Big
The following Tuesday, the S.A.S.
racquetmen journeyed to take on a
challenging Penn Charter "B" team.
For the second time in a row, the
Saints were victorious; winning six
matches and losing only one.
Capers won his match in five
games, followed by three Saint shutouts registered by Kane, Pyle, and
Mills. Snyder couldn't quite get going and lost. Then Hunt and Forbes
each came from behind to win their
matches in five games.
The S.A.S. triumph was mainly
credited to the hustle and determination of its players. This match was
the only time in which SAS has ever
beaten Penn Charter on their courts.
Wrestling Victorious In First Five Matches
Basketball Boasts
Winning Record
After 9 Games
Lead Scoring
Saints Lost First
Pins E. H. S. Co - Captain
Sanford Proves
First Victim
On January 8, the St. Andrew's
wrestling team opened its season by
entertaining the Brown and Yellow
grapplers from Sanford.
The visitors were downed easily 31-13 as only
one regular first-string wrestler lost.
Sanford Smeared
The St. Andrew's Junior Varsity
St. Andrew's opened the 1963 bas- Basketball team has had an unforketball season on the right foot as tunate losing streak over the first
they crushed Sanford Prep 81-66 on half of the season.
the latter's court. Besides being the
With great expectations and high
first game of the season, it was also
the first conference game for the hopes toward the first game, the
Saints. This win put St. Andrew's in team travelled to Sanford. Trailing
a first place tie with Archmere Acad- through most of the game, S.A.S.
lost 47-31, although Jud Burke showemy.
The victory was a real team vic- ed great promise with nine points.
tory for the Saints as the five startThe next two foes were Morriston
ers all scored in double figures, belt- and Westtown. In spite of close
ing a fine 42% of their shots from the half time scores, S.A.S. lost 31-21
floor. Senior Stan Thompson led the and 43-36.
scoring with 27 points .011 11 field
goals and five free throws. Junior
After a hard week of practice and
Eric Middleton followed with 17 scrimmage, the team felt ready for
points. Chip Gordy, Rick Hillier, and the next tough game with Howard
Dillon followed with 14 and 10 re- High School. Due to their great
speed and rebounding ability, Howard
The opening quarter was played ran away with the game 59-32.
on even terms with the Saints takThe J.V. lost its next two games
ng a three point lead at the quarter's
end. Sanford took the lead in the to Westtown and Arehmere by 31-21,
second quarter 20-19, but the Saints and 60-26.
The next game was with Wilmingthen started to put it on and took
a 36-26 lead at the end of the half. ton Friends on the home court. The
The third quarter was completely whole team felt very confident about
dominated by the Saints as they in- the game's outcome and after three
creased the margin to 20 points at the hard days of practice felt eager to
end of the third quarter. Frequent win. S.A.S. was behind by only four
substitutions filled the fourth quar- points at half-time, but unfortunateter, but the second string kept St. ly Friends ran away with the game
Andrew's large lead and at the game's in the fourth quarter by a score of
end, the Saints were leading 81-66. It 46-38.
was a fine victory for the Saints.
The big scorers of the team have
been Bunker Hill (captain-elect), Jud
Burke, Dick King, John Smith, Larry
Rockwell, and Lee Tawes. The team,
Moorestown Falls
when surveyed, seemed to have high
On January 15, St. Andrew"'s hopes for its next six games, under
basketball team travelled to Moores- the able coaching of Mr. Walker.
town, New Jersey to take on Moorestown Prep, attempting to keep their
perfect record. The Saints were not
to be denied as they won a thriller
What Moorestown lacked in height,
they made up in hustle, and they
went out to show the Saints that
height was not essential in winning a
game. Throughout the first half the
Saints played sloppy ball and at the
half, they were behind 31-29.
After a good tongue lashing, the
Saints came back on the floor as a
different team, determined not to be
out-hustled by the smaller Moorestown team. The Saints built up a two
point lead at the end of the tlurd
quarter. St. Andrew's had as much
as a five point lead in the fourth
quarter, but saw it dwindle down until, with one minute left, they found
themselves one point behind.
Saints brought the ball down the floor
wrhere it was passed to Stan Thompson who took a jump shot which missed the mark, but he was fouled in
the process of shooting. The senior
guard calmly put in two free throws
giving the Saints a one point lead
with less than one minute left. After
Moorestown came down and missed a
shot, the Saints went into a stall, but
a lost ball almost spelled disaster.
An over-zealous St. Andrean fouled
a Moorestown player who was promptly awarded a free throw. The free
throw was missed and Stan Thompson grabbed the rebound but was tied
up by a Moorestown player. The tip
went to Middleton who was fouled.
Eric made his free throw and the
Saints held out until the buzz for
their second straight win. Thompson
was high scorer with 28 points, followed by Middleton with 18.
St. Andrew's travelled to Westtown
on the nineteenth of January and
there met the first defeat of the
season. Opening fast,
jumped to a 14-9 first quarter
advantage. The Saints came back
in the second quarter, however, led by
Eric Middleton's sharpshooting, to
Since St. Andrew's could supply
no 95-pounder and Sanford could
supply no man for the 103 division,,
it had been agreed beforehand to
start the match at the 112 pound
V Former Curtis Snyder gains a 5:10 fall over Drcnnen of
Episcopal High School. St. Andrew's won match 25-20.
Squash Gets Off To Good
Start, Trounces Penn Charter
Haverford Loses
On Friday, the eleventh of January,
the SAS squash team won its opening match against a skilled Haverford " B " team. The Saints, coached
by Mr. Hughes, clinched the 4-3 victory in the first four matches.
Rusty Capers, Gibb Kane, and Bob
Mr. Reyner has now concocted a
Pyle shut out their opponents, while
new excuse to encourage people to
Steve Mills decisively won his match. wrestle: a f orty-five-minute-a-day,
Tom Snyder lost a very close match four-days-a-week program to take
that took five games, while newcomers the pressure off squash. The proDave Hunt and George Forbes gram is in reality the invention of
several Sixth Formers who applied
couldn 't quite pull through with vic- to Coach Reyner for such a squad. The
eight seniors in the group, led by
This triumph was encouraging and student coach '' Lightning Al'' Crichton, include such wrestling wonders
showed much promise for the future. as Frank "Cool it" Pringle, Gary
Previously, Capers and Pyle had "the Fish" Fishburne, Jerry "the
been elected co-captains for the '63 Odious Orangutang" Soderberg, Dick
'' The Monotonous Muscle Man''
Crawford, John '' Dis'' Gustin, Char(cont. on page 3)
lie "Judo Man" Heckseher, and
Brent "The Fog-bound Wonder"
At 5:15, Lightning Al calls for order, and practice bgins. Fiften minutes later, after the coach leads the
men through their warm-up exercises,
the boys get down to the serious
business of wrestling, or, on some
days, that of weight-lifting. All too
soon, the coach says that it is time
to quit, and the '' wrestlers'' trek off
to enjoy the less complex rituals of
Big Eric Middleton establishes SAS supremacy in center
jump against Westtown. Eric also contributed 28 points in
74-52 revenge win.
take a 24-21 half-time edge.
But Westtown again started forth
with a sixtoon point barrage in the
third period. St. Andrew's could
compile only eleven points in the period, and fell back to 37-35.
The last period produced hot
New Wrestling
Group Learns
How To Pin Like
tempers as it reached its climatic
moments, but Westtown was able to
control the ball sufficiently to edge the
Saints, 52-49. Eric Middleton led
both teams with twenty points, followed closely by Westtown's Rose
with 19.
Rig Baldwin opened against Sheridan of Sanford and quickly took him
down for two points. In the second
period, however, an unfortunate attempt to use the '' legs'' resulted in
a reversal for Sheridan and an eventual pin.
Cooper, wrestling in the 120-lb.
class, handily pinned his opponent
in a minute and fifty seconds, to tie
the match score at 5-5.
Hoffecker next downed the Sanford
captain Robbins in a fine match, 9-2
to give the Saints their first lead, 8-5.
Snyder then pinned Gebbord in 1:45.
After two losses by two varsity
newcomers, Whitaker at 138 Ibs. and
Nuttall at 145, the match was tied
up at 13-13. Both Whitaker and Nuttall turned in fine performances, however, and showed possible varsity
State runner-up Jack Pope gained
a fall for SAS in the 154-lb. division
in the second period over Lux and
put the Big Red ahead to stay.
Wrestling a careful match which
led to a third period fall, Tonks
downed Artrer in the 165-lb. division
to widen the SAS lead even further
to 23-13.
State champion Bill Pfeiffer next
pinned Hawkins at 180 Ibs. in 1:45
to tie Snyder for the fastest pin, and
to give the Saints an insurmountable
28-13 margin. "Big Barney" Day
finished off the match with a fine 4-0
decision over Cort to establish a final
score of 31-13.
Tatnall Falls
The second Varsity wrestling meet
pitted the Tatnall Tigers against a
home St. Andrew's team. Due to
a shortage in the Tatnall ranks, only
eight individual matches were held.
In the 103 Ib. class, sophomore Jay
Rabinowitz won a 9-0 decision. Baldwin, winning 9-5 going into the final
period, made an ill-fated effort to use
the '' legs'' and was pinned.
Jim Cooper next put the Big Red
out in front to stay in the 120-lb.
class by pinning his man in 4:27. In
doing so, Cooper advanced his varsity
unseored-upon record to two consecutive pins.
Wrestling the Sanford JV on Jan.
Hoffecker then pinned Burke of the
8, a somewhat assorted assemblage visitors in 3.18 to obtain the quickof six SAS wrestlers downed their est-pin honors. Curt Snyder, in the
opponents 20-10 in a match that was 133-lb. class, also advanced an uncompletely filled with pins.
scored-upon record by deeisioning
Blair, started off at 145 Ibs., found Rhode 4-0.
himself pinned after wrestling a
courageous match against what apBarret, in his first varsity appearpeared to be the Sanford captain. ance, wrestled Eaton to a 2-0 adWainwright quickly followed with a vantage going into the final period,
first period pin for SAS, as did Far- but then was pinned after trying to
row next in the 165-lb. class, only for use his "legs" as Baldwin had done.
Steve Rutter next nearly upset the
Davis became the most efficient
pinner in the next match with a quick Tatnall captain, Lincoln, but was
54-second fall and Porter followed beaten in the final period 5-2, to
with a second period pin. In the make the score 16-13.
final match "Big Daddy" Sinister,
Pope, wrestling in a class almost
acting captain, weighing in at 175% 15 Ibs. over his weight, secured the
Ibs., pinned a 197-pounder in a mere SAS victory in the day's final match
twinkle of an eye (67 seconds).
with a fall in 3:20 over Feouk.
Coach Timmins and Referee Steve
Rutter both regarded the victory as
Despite a number of St. Andrew's
a substantial indication of St. An- mistakes, the opposition was to be
drean fortitude in the manlier arts.
congratulated on a fine showing.
X X X I I I , NO. 4
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1963
Admiral Burke Speaks on Need for Discipline
Dedication Is
Necessary, Says
Former C.N.O.
Fifth Form Features
Fabulous Furies and Fun
For most people, the school began
to seem altered by Friday night, February 15. There was a constant low
m u r m u r running through the dining
room, punctuated with an occasional
shout of glee.
By Saturday morning, the change
was definite. Everyone was resplend
cut in his highly polished W T eejuns,
his cleaned and pressed slacks, and
his conservative sweater. The atmosphere reeked of Old Spice, Aqua Velva, English Leather, and Brylcreem
It was a reform in a way of life.
No longer the rough assemblage of
rowdies, St. Andrew's was now a
smooth-talking organization of young
The greatest change of all was in
the weather, which, for reasons known
only to Harry Parker, was suddenly
warm and mild enough to touch the
heart of the most stubborn Yankee.
(There were tears noticed in the eyes
of several boys from Charleston).
However, the first signs of a change
were noticeable to the Fifth Form
and the faculty. With one week and
two days to go before the winter
dance, a few people, mostly underformers, showed up in the upstairs
library and declared it out of bounds.
They promptly went to work, and by
the ninth, reports have it, the Fifth
Form began to drift into the routine
of working every spare moment on
the dance decorations.
Girls Arrive
Saturday itself passed quickly. The
girls arrived between 11:00 and 2:30
and many had their first introduction
to that strange rite, the SAS meal.
The athletic events started at 2:00.
The varsity wrestling team shut out
Severn 40-0, with many pins. The
result was that many people were able
to watch the entire Varsity and part
of the .TV basketball games against
Sanford. Although the Little Saints
went under, the varsity had a highly
successful day, winning 74-59.
In the final event of the day.
Squash, lost narrowly to Episcopal
Academy, 4-3. The gym was cleared
by 4:00, leaving two hours before
dinner. The Fifth Formers did show
up in the dining room at 5:00, and
began to set up some of the decorations, camouflaging them with sheets.
After a buffet supper at 6:15, the
dates went to their houses to get
ready, and the Fifth Form Avorked
in the all too short hour allotted to
Twist Band Plays
When the receiving line formed at
8:00, the couples passed through two
thousand years of history, to step into old Rome, for a Twisting Night
with Cool Julius.
The Furies, a twist band from Bal
timorc, supplied the music, which was
received by many as the best ever
heard at St. Andrew's.
With the
faculty nestled defensively in the
main common room, the Avild St. Andreans passed the night away under
the encouraging gaze of "Cool Julius" and the admonishing stare of
"The Triumvirate".
At 12:00, the Furies said good
night, and the couples passed through
the temple doors to their houses.
Peace settled over the campus, marred only by the rumbling of tables
and the blare of several tape recorders. When the Fifth Formers went
to bed after a record breaking return to the future, the school settled
down for five hours of sleep.
At 8:00 Sunday morning when the
rising bell rang, many St. Andreans
rolled over in their beds and went
back to sleep. However, the day got
off to a good start. Nearly everyone
(if he went) was on time for breakfast.
After another hour and a half free,
(continued on page 2)
Six St. Andreans
Attend Conference
At Buck Hill Falls
On the weekend of February 15-17,
six St. Andreans resisted the pleasures of the V Form Dance and went
to the Buck Hill Falls Conference.
The conferences, to which St. Andrew's has sent delegates for many
years, provided an opportunity for
Kent Hughes, Jay Kerr, Roger Walke,
Jess Gaither, Dick Crawford, and
Harry Parker to share and exchange
ideas with other students from independent schools in the Middle Atlantic States.
The conference was led by two
speakers, Dr. Theodore Mauch of
Trinity College, and Dr. John H.
McCombe of the American Bible Society, whose addresses provided material for argument in the discussion
groups which followed.
The discussion groups each consisted of eleven students and an adult
leader and observer, no two of whom
were from the same school. It was
the discussion groups that the St. Andreans found the most stimulating
part of the conference. Atheist and
believer argued over the conference
question, ' ' W h o is my God?"
On Saturday night, the St. Andrew's delegation conducted a service
identical to the services of Evening
Prayer given in their school chapel.
There was also opportunity for recreation and informal discussion at
Buck Hill. Skating, skiing, sledding,
and dancing facilities were provided
by the Inn.
Mr. Ogilby and delegation leader
Admiral Arlcigh Burke lectures to students and faculty on
"The Place of Discipline in a Free Society."
Kent Hughes had a part in planning
and executing this year's program;
delegation leader elect Harry Parker
will assist Mr. Ogilby on the Planning
Committee of 1964.
All delegates agreed that the intellectual stimulation and recreational opportunities at Buck Hill Falls
were worthwhile.
Music of Three Centuries
On Sunday, the 24th of February,
the St. Andrew's Music Department,
directed by Mr. Larry L. Walker, gave
its Annual Winter Concert to an enthusiastic audience of students, faculty, parents, and local music lovers.
The air was pregnant with expectation when the School Band began
the program with the snappy Bomhasto, by O. R. Farrar. In spite
of the complexity of the march the
Band did a superb job.
Next on the program Avas the
Trumpet Trio, playing L. Stein's Trio
for Three B-Flat Tn<mpe1»—"Prelude. " This number Avith its maze
of complicated rhythms and strains
was done masterfully by the three
trumpeters Dale Smith, Terry Wild,
and Charlie Gates.
The trio Avas then joined by Snuffy
Smith and proceeded to play American Panorama by George McKay. It
represented the American styles interwoven into a memorable piece of
was performed by the Brass Quintet
under the direction of Mr. Walker,
with Kerr receiving the approval of
the audience.
After the intermission Mr. Walker
introduced a new and promising idea
in the Madrigal Group. This group
enthusiastically sang two compositions
of the Elizabethan era. How Merrily
We Live and Turn Amarallis to Thy
Su-ain were performed in excellent
polyphonic harmony by the nine members of the group.
The Glee Club then marched onto
the stage in an "orderly" fashion
and burst forth with the familiar
Everything's Coming Up ROKCX. Everyone 's high spirits gave the song real
After the Glee Club had inarched
back off-stage, the Dance Band ended the program with the colorful
You- Go to My Head by J. F. Coots
and the snappy Nonictiine'tt I'm Happy by Vincent Youmans. This group
was really in the groove and aiiSAvered
the audience's avid applause with an
encore of the last half of the latter
As the trumpeters moved out, SMI
moved in, starting off Avith Steve
Allen's Tliis Could Be the Start of
Something Big.
They followed this
I believe that the attitude of havup with a homegrown number by Jay ing a great time and real enjoyment
Kerr, The Land of Love.
shown by these groups is a real credit
As Mr. Walker stated, this Avas to Mr. Walker's leadership. He
almost Jay Kerr day, or so it seemed, commented aftenvards that he felt
for Le Jour Avas next in order, com- that the program had been truly sucposed by none other than Kerr, Avho cessful—not merely in being a good
wrote the piece to express his moods shoAV, but primarily letting the boys
during the school day.
Beginning in the department finally get an opwith a majestic beat and slowly portunity to have fun expressing
progressing into other moods, it end- themselves.
ed up Avith a Latin rhythm.
Library Catalogues
Its 10,000th Book
This year there has been a great
deal said about the increasing interest taken in the library at SAS.
Certainly, there has never before been
so great a circulation as the one presently experienced daily by the library.
Last Spring the circulation record
for May Avas an all-time high of 743
books borrowed. In January of this
term, however, the unbelievably high
record of 858 books Avas recorded.
Recently, another landmark in the
history of the library Avas reached
when The Desperate Years by James
Koran, a gift from the library squad,
was the ten-thousandth book to be
added to the library since it Avas
founded twenty-five years ago. The
book is a pietoral history from the
Stock Market crash of October, 1929,
to the out-break .of World War II
in Europe in 1939. The complete and
thorough coverage of events in these
years includes the vast political, social, and economic changes which occurred during this turbulent period.
The arrival of the ten-thousandth
book, hoAvever, represents more to the
school than just another book which
arrived in the morning's mail. Ever
since the first school library became
inadequate many years ago, library
squads and librarians have looked enviously upon the day Avhen the school
would have a modern library Avith
at least ten thousand volumes.
Prior to 1956, as some of the old
guard remember, the library AAras
housed in one large room which is
now divided into Room 34 and the
uiiderform common room. The marks
office was then the librarian's office.
At that time, the English Reserve Library was located in a class room in
another part of the building. The
main book collection, though small,
was adequate for a school of one
hundred boys. HoAvever, as 1950 approached, several problems
which outdated the former library and
made it thoroughly unsatisfactory.
It had become impossible for many
new books to be added to the present collection. During warm Aveather,
books could not be left in the basement without becoming mildewed or
In 1953, Avith the arrival of Mr.
Lushington, plans Avere made for a
new library to be included in the ad(continued on page 2)
On Tuesday, February 19, Admiral
Arleigli Burke, U.S.N., was present
at SA8 to lecture on the topic "The
Place of Discipline in a Free Society. ''
Mr. Moss, who introduced Admiral
Burke, gave a brief sketch of the
speaker's career as an admiral in the
Second World War and in the Korean War, as a U.N. mediator with
the Chinese Communists, and as Chief
of Naval Operations from 1955-61.
Admiral Burke held this position longer than anyone else has.
Admiral Burke spoke as a naval
officer, a man used to commanding
He gave a forceful
which centered on the needs of individual discipline in our country. His
main point was the importance of selfdiscipline instead of enforced discipline.
America has become great, he said,
not because her people were ordered
to be industrious, but because they
have had initiative. In just the same
way, the individual citizen must recognize his responsibility, on which the
strength of the nation depends. A
certain amount of America's strength
can and must come from the top, but
the real c-ore is to be found in the
Admiral Burke stressed that in the
business world of power politics, failure is a final thing. There can be no
second chance. The only way to avoid
failure is through a concerted effort
by an informed citizenry.
If this is to be a. strong nation,
a safe nation, its people must make
a sacrifice. Admiral Burke was vehement in his affirmation that what
we need is a generation willing to
work, not for its personal comfort,
but for America's good.
He said that Russia has just this
sort of dedicated people. We must
regain our drive and ambition to be
a great power, shake off the turgid
sloth of a complacent society or forfeit our position of leadership, a
fatal consequence.
Following the lecture itself, Admiral Burke invited questions. There
were many, varying from a query
on the Cuban situation to one about
morality—the right and wrong of foreign policy.
Throughout the lecture and question period
Burke made quite clear his conviction that the leadership of our conntry lies with its people and that America's future depends solely on the
attitude of her people.
Messrs.Moss, Ogilby
And Students
To Visit Caribbean
During Spring Vacation a group of
students and faculty will visit church
schools and parish churches in two
Caribbean missionary districts of the
Episcopal Church.
If all goes as planned the group,
Mr. Ogilby, Mr. Moss, Dave Hunt,
Mike Gerzo, and Tom Snyder, will
fly from New York on March 19 to
Port au Prince, Haiti, where for six
days they will visit St. Peter's School
and see church work in the surrounding area.
The group will then fly to the Missionary District of the Dominican Republic, a companion diocese of the
Diocese of Delaware, where they will
spend an additional six days in Santo
Domingo. A visit to St. Stephen's
School will make up the greater part
of the stay.
Later this year, the travellers plan
to show slides of the trip to the
S. A. S. student body.
Volume XXXIII No. 4
Kent S. Hughes, '63
News Editor
Roger A. Walke, '63
Features Editor
Jay Kerr, '63
Sports Editor
George W. Shuster, '63
Photography Editor
Duke LaGrone, '64
Circulation Manager
Eidley M. Whitaker, '65
Business Manager
Robert N. Pyle, '63
The policy of The Cardinal does not necessarily reflect that of the School.
Gaither, '63
Munroe, '64
Kane, '65
Loomis, '63
Moseley, '64
Harris, '65
Soderberg, '63
Parker, '64
Herndon, '65
Thompson, '63
Snyder, C. '64
Wild, '65
Wood, '63
Snyder, T. '64
Anderson, '66
Hodges, '64
McWethy, '65
Davis, '66
Knight, '64
Mills, '65
Wilkinson, 't>o
Department Head Mannering
As St. Andreans go about their
business daily, they seldom notice the
many brigades around the building
bearing ladders, dusters, floor polishers, and light bulbs. Bare is the
comment that the school is orderly,
tidy, and clean. Yet, to a visitor, unused to our ways and thoughts, the
school's appearance is that of immaculate, a homemaker 's delight.
The responsibility for this well done
job lays with the St. Andrew's Housekeeping Department, Avhose members
hustle and scurry from dawn to dusk
in their hours of toil. Said one employee after a day's hard work,
'' Man, my nerves are shot. Flabbity!
If you'd been making this mop go
the way I have all day long, your
nerves 'd be shot, too.''
Yet, no one really seems to know
who stands behind all this body of
hard-working men and women. He
is none other than the Mr. Clean of
SAS, Paul Mannering.
Paul, who has been at St. Andrew's
since 1927, began as a construction
worker on the then-new gymnasium.
Then, having fallen in love with the
campus life, Paul became a member
of the Housekeeping Department, of
which he rose to be the head some
years ago.
In spite of the great extent of his
present duties, which include helping
at the gym before an athletic trip or
a home game, as well as mail driver,
a job Avhich requires two journeys
daily into Middletown, Paul managed to stop for five minutes for a
brief interview (he explained that the
pony express was not due to leave for
some time.)
Paul lives in Blackbird, Delaware,
a small rural community in the vicinity of Dover where he was born
and raised. Married in 1930, Paul
has two grown sons, the younger of
which is married to Mrs. William H.
Mannering, Junior Accountant in the
SAS Business Office.
While the staff of the Housekeeping Department seems to change
yearly, Paul says that he would never
leave SAS until forced to do so.
Never, said Paul, could there be so
satisfactory a place to Avork, full of
so many friendly people.
The Cardinal congratulates Paul
Mannering on his twenty-seven years
of service to the school, and Avishes
him manv more successful vears.
In my first column, I gave a
newsbreak about Steven Mills' projected singing group, The Sleepwalkers. Evidently the group was just a
dream, for nothing has been heard
from them or of them since. Two
weeks ago, Steve suggested that we
do an article on another group in
which he participates (or rather he
stated that he wouldn't), but I had
already interviewed Loudie Wainwright about this combination of talents, The Highlanders. He was later
told by the group that he wasn't
their spokesman as they had led him
and the rest of the school to believe.
There is no doubt that these guys
are anxious and applied. Wainwright,
who does deserve the title of leader
and head simply because of his talent
rating in the folk singing group, is
joined by Mills and Andy Haynes on
guitars. Andy Mac Nair doubles on
banjo and guitar, and Jimmy Dick
(Harris) plucks at the bass. All five
enthusiastically bellow what was described at Shipley as '' preppy'' folk
songs. Their harmonies are devised
by Mr. Maddison, their bookings by
Mr. Gammons. In their two appearances to date, the Fifth Form and
Shipley dances, they seem to be the
most advised group '' without an advisor" that SAS has ever seen.
The group was formed by Audies
Mac Nair and Haynes, and other
fourth form stringsters joined in.
Wainwright, who was overly quick to
ask the Shipley audience to excuse
their mistakes, answers to their success by guessing that if they (the
singers) enjoy what they are doing,
then the audience will, too. Unfortunately, the reverse of this corollary
does not always hold true.
I cannot honestly say which way I
am prejudiced regarding the group
because .of my own interests, which
obviously come first. I can say, however, that my readers will be relieved to know that I rate The Highlanders five hundred per cent above
that repulsive group that advertently
all but stole The Kenston Trio's
Heaven knows that my remarks
could be carried further in either direction, but an unfortunate relationship with the now defunct Father Tah
has taught me that the more a group
is discussed in a Cardinal column, the
better it gets and the longer it lasts;
therefore, amen.
Music Department notes: This
year's dance band bears a resemblance to the successful and popular
band of 1957-58. There is a sound
worthy to be heard . . . During the
recent concert, Dale Smith found
that the Trumpet Trio number left
him with a cut lip, and he managed
to handle the remainder of the concert more than professionally . . .
After the concert, Varsity Basketball
Coach Washburn went backstage to
congratulate music director and J.V.
Basketball Coach Walker, by remarking with remorseful glee: "Well, at
least you won this one, Coach."
"Ah gets weary an' sick of tryin',
ah'm tired of livin', etc., etc." . . .
Happy Holiday . . . March, 1963
Library (from p. 1)
Paul Mannering, at work in Museum.
Delaware Laymen
Confer Tomorrow
Dance Action (cont.)
the couples went to Chapel. Dinner
was served at 1:00, and there was
then a pause of an hour before the
On the 16th of March, the Satur- first bus left at 2:30.
day after the end of the term, the
When the girls had gone, St. Anleading laymen of the Diocese of drew's tried to return to the normal
DelaAvare will meet here at St. An- routine of a Spartan community, but
drew's to hold their annual confer- memories and echoes lingered on—
ence. From one hundred thirty to memories of the games, the preparaone hundred forty laymen are ex- tions, the fixed raffles, the good food,
and the dimly lit dance floor. The
Mr. George L. Frick, the head of girls Avere gone, but they had left
the Diocesan Committee on Laymen's memories.
Activities, is in charge of the conference.
ference Avill be the Bishop's address
Saturday there Avill be a large cen- on Saturday night, and the Service
tral conference, which Avill later break of Corporate Communion to be held
up into several small discussion the folloAving morning.
The conference ends Sunday after
Two of the highlights of the con- the Communion sei'A7ice.
dition to the eastern end of the
school. The expansion program was
planned to nearly double the size of
the previous library, and to incorporate the housing .of the periodicals
and English Eeserve books on its
second floor. Other improvements
were to include a greater selection
of magazines and pamphlets. Replacing the former library's virtually
non-existant exhibit space Avould be
several cases which would be used to
stimulate the school's reading interests.
When the new library was completed in 1956, Mr. Lushington felt that
the final expansion program should
begin at once and increase at a very
rapid pace. The Trustees agreed, alloting greater expenditure for this
purpose over the ensuing five year
period. During this period, reference
books were brought up to date, the
number of volumes in the library
more than doubled, and a record library was begun.
Thus, the addition of the ten
thousandth book has marked the completion of the aspirations of many
men several years ago when they planned the library. Furthermore, Librarian Richard L. Barron comments
that although much has been done
to make our library the best, there
are still many improvements which
must be made. Although the library
seems complete, the work of the librarian and his squad is never finished.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1963
The Unhealthy Outlook
In the past week, I have heard two sentiments expressed, by
Dr. Walden Pell, first headmaster of the school, that the school
is the same fine school with the "same type of upstanding students", and by members of the senior class, "I'm sure glad I'm
leaving at the end of this year. The school is going to pot."
Two things are presented to be immediately dealt with;
taking both statements to be true, the faculty is failing and the
students are failing.
I shall first discuss the faculty. A varsity athlete told me
after the William Penn wrestling match (which we lost) that the
committee of admissions should not only consider students for
their grades and character but for their athletic ability. He
said St. Andrew's was not known for its admissions to Princeton, Harvard, and Yale, but for its crew and wrestling team. He
feared that soon we would have neither. The school admits the
best qualified students for the life of the school; if two applicants are "tied," the admissions committee would probably
admit the athlete rather than the '' small guy.'' But the students
are not satisfied with this: they say we should recruit athletes
so that we can show up Coach Chapman's Colonials. With regard to athletes, let us look at the wrestling particulars, We
have at St. Andrew's the best wrestling coach in the state in Mr.
Reyner. He is hired as the Athletic Director; he conducts but
one class. Our crews always rate high, and we certainly do not
lack an abundance of new crew shells. A million dollar gym
addition is near completion; new athletic fields are being added;
baseball had its biggest season since 1950 last year; Soccer is
making a name for itself throughout the state and surrounding
areas; Basketball beat its previous high-scoring record; Varsity
Tennis are co-champions in the state; youngster Squash had another winning season. This is not a bad record for a school whose
"headmaster doesn't care about athletics but is interested only
in music."
At a recent faculty meeting, Mr. Moss read an excerpt he
had received from Marshall Craig (SAS '62), stating that he
wished he had been offered not only the History of Music course
but that he wished he had participated in the musical activities.
Mr. William Johnson (SAS '52) and former member of the Modern Language Department, mourned the fact that he had dropped
music lessons simply because he thought he needed the time. As a
faculty member, he took lessons from Mr. Barron. There is talk
of a wildly wonderful Music Department, and it will grow with
the new facilities in the new gym. St. Andrew's will be able to
sport bands victorious over other prep school bands at away football games as it did this year. There is a dedication to an activity this year, and the Headmaster is pleased; but no more than
over the athletics.
The Sixth Formers say that next year, underformers will be
giving the upperformers marks; what respect we gave the upperformers when we were in the second, third, and fourth forms is
missing, they claim. Is it because the underformers comprise the
majority of the Varsity teams; that underformers are in the
greatest membership in all the activities; because the night library supervisors talk in the library and give marks to any underformer who talks; because they have "confiscated" the property
of underformers; because they trapse into study hall one morning
because they were all caught watching television the night before . . . or is it because they want to think that they have 110 respect? No other senior class has given as much support to the
V arsity teams as has the Class of '63; no other sixth form has had
five active members at the head of the Music Department in the
last seven years; never has the library been more quiet than this
year; never have so few marks been necessary in. tne job system;
never have the publications had so great a response; never have
there been so few major disciplinary offenses. I could never
and never, forever and ever; but instead shall refer the upperformers to their parents' phrase: Why can't our son be like we
were; and their parents said the same thing. There is a point
where everyone thinks he doesn't have respect, but maybe the
varsity athletes haven't seen the hero worship at games, or maybe
the editors of The Cardinal haven't noticed that the complaints
have come from an inert clique in the Fifth Form, or maybe they
just haven't stopped to think. The underformers don't realize
that the Senior Praefect is human, and in that lies the greatest
respect anyone could ask for.
Something's wrong . . . damn right. It's the Winter Term,
when one something is always wrong; Mr. Amos probably has the
best answer to the entire situation for those less ingenious people
who haven't guessed it yet.
The school is not going downhill . . . five National Merit
Finalists top academically anything I have seen in my five years
at SAS. Already college acceptances indicate that this
will be a
good year. What comes out of this Sixth Form wras not in it
when its members came five years ago in the days of gods Willie
Grubb, Chick Scheiik, Laurie Deschamps, or Mike Murray.
There are a few who are honestly glad they are leaving; those
are the guys that have sat around for five years and criticized
others. But in some others there is a love for the muddy pond,
for the simple meals with fancy names, for the speechs of frustrated lawyers, and even the sermons to the closed-eyed student
body. Only those that love the school can understand the love
(and will not always feel it though they know what it is). The
others will laugh. College will be another chance for them; but
those who do love the school won't need another chance. They
will be that much ahead of everyone else because they realize that
the school has not failed, and that we here today are ten times
luckier and better off than those who graduated in 1934.
J. E. K.
15, 1963
JV Wrestling Has Nine Straight
86 — Record
Captain and Coach
Spring Captains Speak:
The Spring Sports captains are
characteristically optimistic as the
spring season opens. Here are their
Even at the risk of offending many
After dropping their first match Oekeiiden, Gates, and Davis.
wrestling fans who must have been
to the Smyrna Varsity, the JV wrestThe Wilmington Friends Varsity Baseball Co-Captain Buckaloo: "We anxiously awaiting this issue to see
ling team charged through nine con- likewise proved too powerful to be
have high hopes for this year. The the ' ' Complete Unexpurgated Lowsecutive contests with a flawless es- blanked, but nevertheless fell 20-3.
infield is the same that finished .out down on SAS Wrestling History, ' '
The only SAS pin was provided by
last year's 8-4 season. The outfield the sports editor feels that this literWilliam Penn was the first to fall Glorious Gates.
is the same with the exception of ary masterpiece must be put off in
before the galloping Red and White
left. However, the battery is the the face of some extraordinary events
Penn Charter threw up a good dechargers 18-17. Although there were fensive fight but could not hold back
big question mark. It will be dif- on February 26, namely two basketno falls on the way, Mike Sabloff, the Red and White Charger which
ficult to replace last year's co- ball games. There are certain facts
Turner, Cole, Ockeiiden, Clover, and leapt nimbly o 'ertop them with a
captains. But we have good re- about these games which must not be
Day all provided decisions for the 25-21 victory. The Double Dare
ports on first-year men. With a allowed to pass unnoticed.
winning cause.
strong pitcher-catcher combination
Devils, M. Sabloff and Harris were
1) They were the last two sportwe could easily improve upon last ing events to take place in the old
The Red and White banner new high the duo-pinning combinations.
year's record.''
011 January 22 as the JV matmen
Another tribe of Redmeii fell to the
trotted over the Dover Air Force Base more powerful tribe consisting of Red Baseball Co-Captain Cooper: "In the
2) Both games were victories,
last three years our record has thanks to the J.V. 's producing their
Varsity 44-8. Five of the Air Force and White when the Smyrna JV beimproved from 2 and 12 to 8 and 2nd win of the season.
points came by way of forfeit in the seiged that of St. Andrew's. Al95 Ib. class. " Obtaining SAS falls though the score was 37 to 11, only
4. With the team we will field
3) Both games were victories over
this year I feel we will be able to Tower Hill.
were Sabloff, H. Smith, Ockendeii, four Red and White men obtained
Gates, Porter, Clover, and Day. falls: Laird, S. Smith, McClaugherty,
continue the improvement. In the
4) The varsity game saw the
Thrown in were decisions by S. Smith, and Clover.
years past we have always picked S.A.S. team break the school highup one or two good players in the scoring record for a single game
FF. Hoffecker, and Cole.
The Milford J.V. improving on their
upper forms and we expect to do with 86 points.
Next in line was the local Mid- earlier 33-21 loss by losing by a
the same this year, thus streng5) The varsity scored a phenomdletowii High School Varsity. En mere 29-21, was the final victim of
thening the team we already have. enal 50 points in the first half alone.
route to a quelling 32-18 victory, Mac- the season. A comparison chart for
Since practice has not begun yet
6) Both team captains turned in
Sorley, S. Smith, John Pope, and those who wrestled the same men
it is impossible to tell what our outstanding performances in their last
Porter pinned, while Baldwin, Barrett, both times follows:
pitching staff will be like; if we games for their respective teams.
Gates, and Clover decisioned.
Cole, instead of losing 1-2 to Simphave some depth there I see no reaa) Bunker Hill, J V. captain,
Against the Milford J. V. a strong son as he did the first time, threw
swished a. jump shot from outassemblage of upperweight men ob- in the rag in 3 minutes and 45 secgood season.''
side in the waning seconds of
tained five consecutive pins to pull an onds. F. Hoffecker, instead of beWith the
the game to give his basket8-21 loss from the fire and into the ing pinned by Hayes barely lost, 0-1. Crew Captain Tonics:
strength and experience returning
men a 31-29 victory.
victory pan. Ockeiiden, Gates, Por- Ockeiiden refused to pin Haydeii in
from last year, prospective oarsb) Stan Thompson, varsity capter, Davis, and Day were the Fantas- 45 seconds as he had done on their
men, new shells, and the best crew
tain, culminated a prodigous
tic Five who made the 33-21 victory first encounter, and instead eked out
coach, we will seek to better last
career in S.A.S. basketball, by
come to pass.
a 7-0 decision. Gates slowed down
year's near perfect record. Una shot that will probably be
Hun School proved too strong to be his pinning of Bunting a little from
fortunately, we have only one home
remembered as the greatest
completely blanked, but nevertheless, 1:37 to 4:37.
race and thus will have to sucsingle shot in St. Andrew'
In conclusion: three varsity teams
the Red and White Cardinal Knights
ceed even without the school's verhistory. The background berang up seven pins in a massing a 48- who dared to aspire to beat the JV
bal support.
hind this shot is interesting.
3 victory. (Only a 49-0 whitewashmatmen this year crawled sheepishly Tennis Captain Fislibnrne: Last year
When the S.A.S. courtmen
by the varsity eclipsed this titanic
we lost one man and this year
scored 50 points in the first
struggle.) Guilty of pinning were S. possessors of a combined record of 24
we've gained age and experience.
half, a standing-room-only
Smith, Turner, Cole, F. Hoffecker, points for themselves and 96 against.
We are strong all the way down
crowd began to sense a record
the ladder. I predict with a lot
in the making. However, it
of hard work we '11 have a good
became apparent in the beOn February 23, the Saints travelBasketball (cont.)
ginning of the 2nd half that
With hopes of being the only team
the pace had slackened someBaltimore
howin the conference to beat Archmere,
what. Still, as the third quarWrestling (cont.)
the Saints took on the Green and ever, proved to be the Saints low
ter ended with 69 S.A.S. points
White from Claymont, Del. on the point of the year as they lost by iiing Penn Charter's Kirchrcr in 1:40.
Baldwin then lost to Brickley, 4-0.
floor. Archmere was prepared for the
Unable to find the basket from the Copper and Hoffecker were both pin- time and Paul downed Kelly 3-0.
determined Saints, with thoughts of
start, the Saints were never in the ned to make the score SAS 5, Penn
the previous struggle still in mind.
Shuster then decisioned Berry 5-0
Midway through the second Charter 13.
The game was started off on the lead.
and Pfeifer wound up the 40-0 score
Snyder decisioned Palmer 9-6; but with a quick 31-seeoiid pin of Creecy.
right foot as Captain Stan Thompson threw in a twenty-five foot jump 19-19 on Stan Thompson's three point Rutter was decisioned 4-2, to again
Invading the Delaware Independent
shot and Eric Middleton followed with play; but two quick baskets put them leave an eight point deficit, 8-16.
Tournament on Friday and Saturday
Pope then started a series of four the twenty-second and thwenty-third
a tip-in. Led by these two stalwarts
and Chip Gordy, the Saints forged tongue lashing could bring the Saints consecutive wins in the upper weights of February, the St. Andrew's wrestahead to an 18-15 first quarter lead. around in the second half.
by decisioning DeLong, 7-4. Smith ling squad bounced back from a misThompson was high scorer for the decisioned Coward 4-1 and Paul down- erable first day to snare a tie for
The second started out as the first
with Thompson throwing in two jump game with 19 points, but this was not ed Barr 6-2. There was no 180 con- second with Delmar in a good second
shots, and Middleton and Gordy fol- enough.
day effort.
In the final game of the season, it
lowing and the Saints increased their
Then Pfeifer, Avrestling Penn CharOnly two St. Andrew's wrestlers,
lead to seven points. They maintainter 's 205 Ib. undefeated heavyweight Rutter and Pfeifer, made the finals,
Thomped this lead until the last three minShomer, came back from a 5-2 deficit but both were champions. Out of five
utes in the half when Archmere put son and Chip Gordy played two .of going into the third period with a re- wrestlers to make the consolation
on a tough three man press. Unable the finest 32 minutes in S.A.S. his- versal and a near fall to give St. An- round, four captured thirds. Since
So did three juniors, Erie drew's the win.
to cope with the press, the Saints saw tory.
at least a third is the prerequisite
their lead dwindle down until at the Middleton, Bill Hammond, and Sandy
for entrance into the state champend of the half, they were behind Dillon. These five set records for
Visiting Severn provided the var- ionships this year, six wrestlers have
points in a half (50) and points in a sity wrestling team 's second shut-out thus qualified.
shockThe Saints were determined to overBoth Rutter and Pfeifer turned in
of the season on Feb. 17, before a
come the Archers, but the press still ed Tower Hill unit.
commendable performances, Rutter by
dance weekend crowd.
At some points it seemed as if there
bewildered them. Thompson, who had
Starting in the 112-lb. class, Rig pinning in the finals and Preifer by
16 points in the first half, was held was no opposition, for Gordy, Mid-Baldwin obtained a critical five pinning everyone in every round exdleton,
scoreless in the third quarter and the
points by pinning Rowry in 3:20. cept the finals.
Saints only tallied 8 in the quarter. or eight rebounds in a row 011 several Cooper, wrestling in his last match
Several wrestlers had disappointoccasions.
The fourth quarter was much the
for St. Andrew's, decisioned Hain ments but bounced back in fine style.
same as the third and the Saints
Hoffecker lost to state-champion
went down to their fourth confer- the finest basketball career at St. AnMacDougaal by one point in the
drew's. For Gordy, it was his greatence defeat.
and Snyder decisioned Lavine 9-0. semi-finals after beating him earlier
Thompson was high scorer for the
Rutter stole in a 1:20 pin of George in the season 9-2. Pope lost to Tatgame with 22 points. Middleton folS.A.S.
26 50 68 86
before Pope could pin Shey in 1:49. nall's Lincoln in the last 20 seconds
lowed eloselv with 16.
.. 8 24 42 62
Smith then beat Fishback on riding of the semi-finals after leading com-
on the Scoreboard, there was
still a great deal of anticipation that the magic number of
84 might yet be reached and
surpassed. And as the fourth
quarter progressed the new
record came closer and closer
to reality. Then, when the old
record of 84 was reached with
a minute to go and the ball
fell into the Big Red's hands,
the new record seemed inevitable. However, Tower Hill,
with a devastating full-court
press, stole the ball twice in
that minute. There were only
five seconds left as S.A.S. captain Thompson began dribbling dowiicourt. As he approached half-court he glanced
up at the clock and saw its
fateful hand about to end the
game. Without a second's hesitation, he rose up and shot
from the side of the court and
behind the half-court line. Just
as the ball left his hands the
buzzer sounded. The ball didn't
even touch the rim.
Even though Thompson provided
the team with a new record, he
fell one short of the individual
record for the second time this
season with 31.
The old game record 84 was set
under amazingly similar conditions just two years ago: a) it
was at home, b) it was against
Tower Hill, c) Thompson contributed greatly to the scoring
(28—Hillenmeyer broke the individual record in the game with
32), and d) it was the final
game of the season.
What made the tw,o victories
particularly telling was that both
teams had suffered setbacks to
Tower Hill earlier in the season
and February 26, the last day of
the winter sports season, provided the first and only CLEAN
fortably 3-1. But both Hoffecker
and Pope pinned in the consolation
Snyder was unable to avenge an
earlier dual-meet loss to Tower Hill's
A. Jones in losing another hairbreadth decision to him in the semifinals, but came back with a pin in the
consolation finals.
Bill Paul decisioned R. Jones of
Tower Hill in the consolation finals
after losing to him in the regular
season. After being decisioned by the
first-seeded heavyweight in the first
round, Shuster won two matches in
advancing to the consolation finals,
but was unable to capture third in
losing to Delmar's Williams 4-6.
Squash (cont.)
interscholastic squash at St. Andrew's.
One interesting note is that every
member of the team who played in
more than half of the matches had a
winning record. Another P S. concerning the match: Kirk Varnedoe.
playing in his first match, surprised
everyone, including himself, when he
beat Charter's number seven man, 3-0.
With three seniors leaving the team
next year, and the hope .of taking on
more varsity teams, this year's team
may be the best, record-wise, for
many years to come.
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1963
Saints Send Six To State Tournament Today
Pfeifer, Hoffecker, Snyder, Rutter, Pope., and Paul Place in D.I.T. 's
Milford Massacred
Basketball Posts
7-7 Log, Sets
Record vs. T. H.
Friends Fall
The Saints played host to Wilmington Friends February 1st. A tight
game all the way, the lead changed
three times before SAS took it for
keeps in the third quarter and fought
to a 58-50 win.
Chip Gordy and Eric Middleton did
their usual muscle job underneath,
while Bill Hammond, Sandy Dillon,
and Curt Coward worked well outside. Middleton was high scorer for
the game with 24 points, gathering 16
from a 16 for 18 performance at the
foul line.
St. Lizie's Downed
Admidst cries of '' St. Lizie 's is
the best!" the Saints pulled out a
56 48 victory. (The Saints from St.
Andrew's, that is.) In a game marked by enthusiasm and general bad
ball-handling, the big Eed waded
through the opposition's zone, and was
able to withstand a last ditch press.
Stan Thompson was once again high
scorer with 24 points while Middleton and Gordy followed with 17 and
12 respectively. It is also noted that
Randy Dillon once again played an
outstanding defensive game, holding
Si. Elizabeth's lowendowski to two
Friends' Revenge
On Tuesday, February 12, St. Andrew 's traveled to Wilmington to play
the always tough Wilmington Friends
team in a conference game. Friends,
who had previously been beaten by
St. Andrew's, Avas out to seek revenge, and revenge they got as they
beat St. Andrew's 50-55.
The Saints jumped .off to a quick
9-0 lead, but over-confidence set in,
and at the end of the first quarter,
they led 19-9. Eric Middleton sat
out most of the second quarter, and
the Saints saw their led falter. At
the half, they were down 31-22.
The third quarter was a replica of
the second, and the Saints, plagued
by bad passing and shooting, trailed
by sixteen at the quarter's end. After a good tongue lashing, the Saints
started to play. With Captain Thompson and Middleton scoring constantly, the Saints narrowed the gap to
two points, but an inopportune layup by Friends put the game out of
reach and the Saints Avent down to
Thompson was the game's leading
scorer with 22 points on twelve free
throws and 5 field goals. Middleton
followed Avith 16.
Girls Help SAS
Whip Sanford
With the girls came the hustle, and
with the hustle came the victory.
This best sums up the dance weekend
victory over Sanford Prep. The lack
of feminine voices in the cheering
section is often offered as an excuse
by the Saints for a loss and maybe
after this tremendous conquest of
Sanford by a 75-59 tally, the rest of
the world will believe them.
The Saints, behind the rebounding
and shooting of Thompson, Middleton, and Gordy, procured their usual
first quarter lead, and along with the
first quarter lead came the second
quarter relapse. Sanford, behind Conference scoring leader Bill Reinhart,
took a. seven point lead halfway
through the second quarter, but the
Saints, with the girls' help, came back
arid took a two point lead at the half.
The second half was one .of the best
played by the Saints all year as
they increased their lead to as much
/. V. Basketball
Shows Great
Over Last Year
The St. Andrew's J.V. Basketball
team closed the season on February
26, with a glorious victory over Tower Hill, 31-29. This win made the
J. V.'s record 2-12, and a one hundred percent increase over last year's
After a long season filled with
many discouraging defeats, the J.V.
team finally buckled doAvn. The intra-squad competition and the will to
win produced a final spark in the
last game. Players Jud Burke, Dick
King, Larry RockAA-ell, Barry Griswold, and Captain Bunker Hill constantly fought as a team.
On the twenty-third of February,
Rutter shakes hands with Milford's Jerman prior to pinning
the team went to Baltimore to face
him in 5:01. DIT champion Butter's performance aided a
Baltimore Friends. With many of the
27-18 SAS victory. Steve is one of six SAS wrestlers to make
starters absent, the varsity fourth
form players, Jon Smith, Lee Tawes,
and Doug Gilchrist gave their usual
support. Mr. Walker tried his best
to keep the team going, but the
Friends team did not give up. The
The squash team hosted the Hill
score Avas 38-21.
The J.V. team looks forward to School B team on Saturday, the sec- doAvn in defeat with a 3-1 \ ictory, as
ond of February. However, they were did Tom Snyder Steven Mills then
more improvement next year.
not very good hosts, as they sent Hill lost to his man in three games.
The folloAviiig Tuesday, the Saints
back to PottstoAvn in 7-0 defeat
In the seven matches, the Hillers travelled to Haverford, to take on
won only three games, and those in their B team. The SAS win, 4-3, Avas
the first and last matches. The lad- accomplished only by great determder for the match Avas as folloAvs: ination on the part of our players.
VI Form, 58
Capers lost by only tAVO points in
Capers, Kane, Mills, Pylc, Hunt,
the fifth game while Kane beat his
Snyder, and Hodges.
V Form, Negligible
opponent 3-1. Mills couldn't quite
get on the ball, and lost to a worthy
VI Form 45, Faculty 33
opponent. Pyle laced his man 3-0,
the Hill match, the Squash team while Hunt and Snyder each edged
journeyed to Annapolis to oppose the their opposition. Hodges then lost
second Plebe team.
The Middies, his first match.
Sanford (cont.)
playing since last fall, Avon, but only
For the second time, the margin
us 19 points in the fourth quarter. by the skin of their teeth.
Sanford put on a full court press,
This year's Saint team had the of victory against Haverford has
Hustle on the part of
but Thompson's dribbling behind the distinction of Avinning the first SAS been slim
back broke the press, and gave the single match against the Plebes in the Saints has been their key against
Saints repeated baskets.
squash. Tii previous years, they haAre such close competition. The A-ictory
raised the team record to 4-2.
This game gave the Saints a 3-3 fallen 7-0 prey to the Midshipmen.
record in the conference. Middleton
Before a female croAvd of A'iewers
and Captain Thompson both picked played the second man on the first
off the rebounds, but Middleton Avon team, and despite a valiant effort, on dance Aveekcnd, the Squash team
the scoring honors, 25-18.
lost. Gibb Kane then sent his man- put out their best effort of the year
in losing by only one match to the
same Episcopal team that had preA T iously shut them out.
The three SAS victories Avcre
posted by Capers, Kane, and Pyle.
Capers and Pyle both impressed their
dates with strong Avins, Avhile Kane,
haA T ing no one to impress, AAron by
one point in the last game.
It Avas a great effort by the Saints
who just couldn 't Avin the critical
four matches.
On Saturday, the twenty-third, the
squash team leveled Hill with a 7-0
win over their B team. The Hillers
won only two games against superior rackctmen This was the Saints'
fifth AA'in in eight starts and the second sweep OATer Hill this year.
As a result of a challenge match
earlier in the Aveek, Pyle played third
man, and Mills was fourth. The rest
of the ladder Avas as usual.
Squash Makes More History
Important Scores:
On January 29 the SAS wrestling
team entertained the Milford Varsity at home. Milford proved to be
exceptionally strong in the lower
weights but could not obtain the victory despite 5 points for a forfeit
at 95-lbs.
RabiiiOAvitz tied Milford's R. Burk
in the first match of the day, 0-0.
Then Baldwin and B. Sabloff both
dropped close decisions to A. Burk
and Draper respectively.
Hoffecker in the 127-lb. class provided the first St. AndreAv's victory
with a 7-0 decision over Davis. Snyder then downed Bradley 8-6. In the
138-lb. class Barrett AAras pinned in
the second period by Skipper Jones,
multitime state champion and Most
Valuable Wrestler in 1961.
HOAVeAer, Barrett, in taking down the
down-state ace in the first period, Avas
the first person this year to score
on Jones and to last past the first
Pope next decisioned S. Davis 4-1
to bring the match score back up to
11-18. With Smith's 13-8 decision of
J. Davis, and Butter's 5:01 pin of
Jerman. St. AndreAv's took the lead
for the first time at 19-18. Paul then
decisioned Jefferson 5-3.
In the final match, SAS captain
Pfeifer pinned Warren in 19 seconds
flat, to end the match 27-18 for a St.
AndreAv 's win.
Hun Stunned 49-0
Traveling north to Princeton, N. J.
on February 2 to wrestle Hun School,
the SAS grapplers survived several
close calls to pull off their first shutout of the season, 49-0.
The first six matches Averc SAS
pins, only one lasting into the third
period. RabiiiOAvitz started out at
103-lbs Avith a 2:22 fall; BaldAvin
contributed one in 3:24; Cooper the
quickest of the day in 39 seconds;
Hoffecker in 3:58.5; Snyder in 96 seconds; and Rutter in 4:44.
Pope next Avrestled the Hun captain, Jacobs, to a 3-2 decision, avenging a 1962 loss. Smith beat Young
on riding time 5-4, and Paul decisioned Savidgc 2-1.
Pfeifer pinned Xewell at 180-lbs.
iu 1:01, and Shustcr at heavyweight
pinned Ruhle in 1:15, to finish off the
Unfortunate Set-back
Wrestling below par Avith a strong
Tower Hill, the SAS team matmeii
suffered their first set-back of the
season on Feb. 5. Five SAS losses
were by one or two points.
MacSorley started off with a fine
match, losing to DIT runner-up Mosley 7-2. Rabinowitz then lost 1-0 to
DIT ruimerup Dougherty, AV!IO received a warning for stalling in the
third period.
BaldAvin then pinned K. Jones in
5:05 for the first SAS points of the
match. Cooper was downed by Dugger on riding time, 3-2.
Hoffecker supplied the next SAS
points by dominating State Champion
MacDougal 9-3. Snyder then lost to
A. Jones by one point, 3-2; Rutter
lost to Yeltou, 2-0.
At 145 Ibs. J.V. Avrestler Steve
"Unpiiinable " Ockenden held State
Champion Arrington scoreless until
the third period, but then lost the
Pope next decisioned Mitchell, who
received a warning for stalling, 5-2.
Paul lost in the last 10 seconds
after leading 2-1 against Tower Hill's
R. Jones.
Pfeifer completed the SAS scoring
with a 4-2 decision of Cornwall and
Sinister lost, by one point, 4-3, to
Wreisbrod, to end the match scoring
at 14-24.
The seA'eii members of the squash SAS Beats Penn Charter
1eam made SAS history on the twenBill Pfeifer came from behind in
ty-sixth of February by beating Penn a spectacular finish to give St AnCharter 7-0. This gave the Saints a drew's a 20-16 victory over Penn
6-3 record for the season, and first Charter.
winning season in the five years of
RabinoAA r itz started out well by pin(Continued on page 3)
(continued on page 3)
Kane, SAS squash champion, in ready position.
12, 1963
Western Theme Highlights Sixth Form Dance
Headmaster, Chaplain, Three Boys
Visit Dominican Republic
During the spring vacation, Mr.
Moss, Mr. Ogilby, Mike Gerzo, Tom
Snyder, and Dave Hunt went on a
trip to the Caribbean.
Arriving in Port-au-Prince, Haiti,
on March 19, they were taken to the
Grand Hotel Oloffsan where they were
to spend the next six days. Bishop
Voegeli, their official host, was on
hand that evening for the welcoming ceremonies along with several
other members of the Haitian clergy
who were to act as guides during the
group's stay in Haiti. The next day
Avere spent around town where they
all went on a grand tour of the schools
and churches of the Episcopal Church.
The next two days were spent out
of the capital, going to Leogane and
Moiit-Euiz to see another school and
a, lay-reader's mission. They all had
a chance to go swimming at MontRuiz at the large beach owned by
the mission; and, as usually happens
after a winter of indoor seclusion, the
entire group was sunburned very
Saturday was highlighted by a track
meet between several of the schools
the group had visited and a small
group of parochial schools, who proceeded to win every event but one.
Sunday, the religious group went
to the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity
for High Mass, and afterwards set
out on a pleasure trip up into the
mountains north of Port-au-Prince.
As true tourists are wont to do,
our group spent Monday shopping for
momentoes for all of their girls. A
couple of them went broke in an attempt to buy out the city's main
tourist trap, "La Belle Creole."
Monday evening found the group
in St. Domingo's new jet airport,
where they were met by Father Wheaton, acting host because of Bishop
Kellogg's absence. He was on leave
in the States for a month.
The stay in the Dominican Republic, where Mr. Moss joined the St.
Andreans, was much the same as the
six days in Haiti, even though the
Hotel Jaragua was much more up
to date. White Santo Domingo had
more of the comforts of home, it did
not have the feeling of tradition which
Avas evident in Port-au-Prince. Still,
it is a beautiful city.
After several days of city sight-
seeing, the group took an excursion
to San Pedro and San Francisco on
Thursday and Friday. They went
from San Pedro Avhich is to the East
of Santo Domingo to La Romana
where they Avere alloAved to go through
the largest sugar mill in the Avorld.
Father and Mrs. Wheaton prepared
an outing for everyone, got dates
for the three boys. The afternoon
was rainy, but the clouds cleared off
after dark, and everyone Avent swimming by moonlight.
Back at school, the student body
has been informed of the trip through
two sermons and a vieAving of the
slides AArhich Messrs. Moss and Ogilby
took on the islands.
S. A. S. Enjoys
Oldfields Dance
To the familiar sound of the
Charles Gresh band, a genial atmosphere heightened by that day's victorious '' clean sweep'' and the anticipation of the frolic attending the
long awaited dance, St. AndreAv's
played host to some seventy young
ladies from Oldfields School of Gleiicoe, Maryland, Saturday, April 20.
Both busses from Oldfields appeared unexpectedly on time at 6:45,
catching a number of the habitually
late St. Andreans unprepared. After
momentary confusion in finding escorts for missing creAV members, the
girls doffed their coats and ate the
buffet supper.
During the short interim betAveen
dinner and the dance, boys were
scrambling about, seeking matches
and cigarettes for the dates, Avho rejoicingly took advantage of their
temporary independence from their
school's harsh smoking rules.
With girls and dates emerging from
(continued on page 3)
Second Florida
Debate Club
Places Third in
Expedition Scores
First Tournament Big Success
On Saturday, April 27, the Debate
Club entered its first interscholastie
tournament at Valley Forge Military
Academy. Steven Munroe and Fred
Coleman represented the school on the
floor against Westtown, Franklin, and
Valley Forge.
Though the opposition had studied
the proposition for debate: '' Resolved: That the U.S. should promote
a common market in the Avestern hem
isphere" for many months, Steve and
Fred had hastily prepared a fresh,
crisp argument in four days. Because
of the lack of time to study the topic,
they had to use superior rhetorical
form alone in countering the spiels
of statistics and facts provided by
the opposition. To confuse matters
more, each entrant had to debate both
sides of the argument during the
course of the day.
Yet, by an elaborate judging system, the St. AndreAV 's team placed
third behind Archmere and GeorgetoAvii Prep. Munroe and Coleman deserA'e great credit for their efforts
since neither Mr. Bennett or managerial back-up man Harry Parker
could help the tAVO during the debating rounds. Coleman took fifth
in. the individual scores and the team
scored fourth in the total point ratings.
Next year the forensic geniuses
plan to contest for the top honors
that have been Avon consecutively by
Archmere and GeorgetoAArn. Among the
vanquished this year Avere Fishburne
Academy, Lawrenceville, Hill, Penn
charter, Montclair, and Charlotte
George Shuster Wins Merit
Scholarship, Becomes Third St.
Andrean To Attain Honor
George Shuster was recently select- the third St. Andrean to achieve this
ed as one of Delaware's six National honor. The aAvarding of the scholarMerit Scholarship Avinners, becoming ship Avas based not only on George's
National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, but also on A7arious other
standardized test scores, and finally
on a questionnaire submitted to all
the finalists, only ten per cent of
Avhom receiAred aid as a direct result
of this program.
George has been accepted at Yale
and plans to study liberal arts there.
While at St. Andrew's he has led his
class consistently and has participated in Varsity Football, Wrestling,
and Crew. He is a praefect, president of both the Cliosophical Society
and the Debate Club. At the end
of his V Form year he received the
H. C. Amos Prize for natural history, the Cressor Prize for the greatest improvement in athletics, as AA'ell
as the King Prize for the top scholastic achieA'ement in his form.
George Shuster, National
This year's VI Form has also produced an unusually impressive array
of semi-finalists and commendation
receivers in the National Merit Scholarship Program including Chris Beal,
Dexter Chapin, Ashmead Pringle,
Jerry Soderberg, Rod Ball, Dick
Crawford, Jesse Gaither, Oggie Hamilton, Mike Kirchberger, Brent MeCaghren, Dick Shoemaker, Kirk Varnedoe and Roger Walke. All of these,
though ineligible for National Merit
Scholarships, have had their scores
reported to the colleges to Avhich they
applied, and Avill quite likely receiA^e
reAvards from these sources for their
outstanding achievement.
As a result of the success of last
year's Florida Keys Expedition, the
St. Andrew 's Biology Department and
Mr. J. Bruce Bredin, a trustee of the
school, sponsored a second expedition during the spring vacation. Mr.
William Amos, Kent Hughes, John
Gustin, Mike Moseley, and Billy Amos
to.ok part in the trip. Originating in
Miami, Florida, on March 20, the
group went first to the Miami Seaquarium for an introduction to the
various forms of life that would be
encountered in the Keys.
After spending several hours at the
Seaquarium, the group drove to Islamorada on Upper Matecumbe Key,
the headquarters for the expedition.
Despite statements to the contrary by
Arolkswagen lover Mr. Amos and sometime grand prix driver Kent Hughes,
the rented 1963 Dodge ran perfectly
well. Arriving at the cottage late on
the evening of the twentieth, the boys
set up a simple lab in the kitchen
with aquaria and an air system to
keep specimens alive for study and
photography. The cottage itself was
on the Atlantic side of the Key, and
within easily driving distance of Key
West and the Everglades, both of
which the expedition visited.
The activities of the St. Andreans
were extremely varied, ranging from
a day spent strictly as sightseers, to
a great deal of snorkel diving and
shore collecting. The boys went diving in the morning and afternoon.
After sundown, they used a seine net
to capture animals which were active
only at night. All specimens were
rushed to the cottage where they were
kept alive in buckets and tanks. Well
over five hundred color photographs
were taken.
The diving was done in several
areas, primarily in front of the cottage and also near the Seven-Mile
Bridge. The water was reasonably
shallow, with ten feet being the deepest that the boys dived in, but even
at that depth the boys found the
abundance of life amazing. Brightly
colored reef fish, barracuda, large
lobsters, and the large, stinging sea
urchin Diadema, were only a few of
the animals seen, collected, photographed and preserved.
One of the highlights of the trip
occured on a visit to a local aquarium.
(continued on page 3)
Newark Sculler
There is a UCAV addition to the
traffic, on Noxontown Pond. Mr.
Charles Hill (or "Chuck," as he is
called by his friends of NeAvark,
Delaware, is working out in his single
scull in practice for the N.A.A.O.
Independent Boating Championships.
If he succeeds in. these, he AA'ill proceed to the Henley Regatta in England, and from there to the Olympics.
Mr. Hill recently changed his style
of rowing to the European method of
spread knees. With this IICAV style,
he says, his speed and general form
haA'e sloAvly improved.
He works on his new technique
every evening and keeps his scull in
the St. Andrew's boathouse.
The Cardinal wishes Mr. Hill the
best of luck in preliminary contests
and in Olympic competition.
McCandless' Baby Born
At four A.M., Thursday, April 11,
a daughter was born to the McCandlasses.
Marion, as she has been
named, Aveighs seven pounds tAvelve
ounces. She is the McCandlesses'
second daughter. The Cardinal congratulates Mr. and Mrs. McCandless
on the new arrival.
St. Andreans
Swing to Music
Last night at eight o 'clock, a Avild
mob formed near the sAvinging doors
of Andy's Last Chance Saloon. After running through the local reception committee, with whom all .45 's
and live ammunition Avere deposited,
the crowd pressed through the entrance to be met by the Imperials,
from Baltimore, for a wild, successful, and highly original dance—in a
western saloon.
The dance was the climax of a
genuine Lost Weekend, Avhich began
en Friday. One of the famous YelloAAr Bombs pulled up to the front
of the school at 5:30, to be met by
an exuberant croAvd.
HoAvever, in
deference to the ladies aboard this
vehicle, the roAvdies doffed their tengallon hats, calmed doAvn, and took
their guests to dinner at Walt's Western Restaurant.
At eight o 'clock Friday night, the
Palace Burlesque Hall, filled to a
capacity croAvd, presented Dexter
Chapin, alias "Uncle Joseph" in a
fine performance of My Three Angel*. Supported by his two henchmen, Papa Jules (Phil Tonks) and
Alfred (Jon Smith), Joseph helped
to restore order to a disrupted French
home in Guiana. Patsy Hillier did
a fine job as Marie-Louise, a lovesick
girl, and a handsome naval lieutenant made his fifteen-line appearance
at the end, to finish the play happily
for all.
When the rising bell rang on Saturday morning, St. Andreans (that
is, those St. Andreans with dates) fell
happily out of bed to pick up their
girls, Avhile the less fortunate stags
staggered under the burden of the
full job system.
At eleven o 'clock, the J. V. tennis
team took on Gilman, and the Fifth
Form took on the dining-room tables.
These Avere the first of many athleticevents to follow.
The Avhole affair Avas laid out like
a circus, with various teams competing at all ends of the campus. The
spectators became more worn-out
than the athletes, hurrying from the
(continued on page 2)
Latin, Art Students
Visit New York
On April 24 the Latin classes and
an elite group of art appreciators
Avent to NCAV York to appreciate the
charms of the world's most cosmopolithc city. Upon arriAdng, the groups
split up to pursue their special interests.
The Metropolitan Museum Avas the
first stop in NCAV York. Here the art
students appreciated all forms of art
from the nudes of Carot to the statues of Maillol to the impassioned
spirit of Goya. Particularly reAvarding AAras a vieAv of the tAvo and onehalf million dollar '' Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer", the
Rembrandt masterpiece acquired by
the museum.
From the Metropolitan the five
started down Madison Avenue, taking
in various galleries along the AA^ay.
At 1061 Madison Avenue it was the
Krasser Gallery, Avhere Okimoto had
been putting on a one man shoAV for
two days, with the projected idea to
run until May 11. His ten pictures,
entitled "Cadium Red,"
Green," " Olive #2," " Row Umber,''
' ' Yellow Ochre,' " 'Yellow Ochre #2,''
"Cobalt Blue," "Worm Grey,"
"Peyres Grey," and "Peyres Grey
#2,'' Avere each three splotches of
color on a uniform background, the
color of Avhich lent each picture its
(continued, on page 3)
SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1963
Volume XXXIII No. 5
Kent S. Hughes, '63
News Editor
Roger A. Walke, '63
Features Editor
Jay Kerr, '63
Sports Editor
George W. Shuster, '63
Photography Editor
Dennis Blair, '64
Circulation Manager
Ridley M. Whitaker, '65
Business Manager
Robert N. Pyle, '63
The policy of The Cardinal does not necessarily reflect that of the School.
Soderberg, '63
Kane, '65
Loomis, '63
Thompson, '63
Harris, '65
Gaither, '63
Herndon, '65
Wood, '63
Munroe, '64
Wild, '65
Hodges, '64
Moseley, '64
Anderson, '66
Knight, '64
Ockenden, '64
Davis, '66
McWethy, '65
Parker, '64
Wilkinson, 'bv.
Snyder, C. '64
Mills, '65
Snyder, T. '64
The St. Andrew's student body, in its hurry from class to study hall
to meals to athletics, is seemingly unaware of one of SAS's biggest assets,
the school library. Eight before our very eyes, this organization has taken
root and doubled its size in a few short years. Today there are 10,000
volumes, a very respectable number for a school of 160 boys. Under the
direction of Mr. Barren, who took over as School Librarian this year, the
acquisition of books has reached an all-time high, promising to reach over a
thousand new books a year. Today, a best-seller can be found while it is
still a best-seller.
As important as these facts are, there is another thing for which the
library and the Library Committee should be commended. In a prepschool situation, it is very easy for a vital part of the learning process to
be ignored. We are speaking, of course, of the problem of censorship. In
many schools, it is a simple matter for any pressure group whatsoever to
have books removed from circulation because of alleged bad effects on the
students' minds. Here, however, that cannot happen. To quote a member
of the Library Committee, '' The Committee is always prepared to discuss
a book's value to the library from all the points of view from which that
book's value can be determined. A book would have to have demerits over
and above just offending someone's sensibilities in order to be removed
from the shelves. There is a constant process of weeding out books to
make room for new acquisitions, and the same criteria employed in this
process would have to be used in considering a book reported to the committee as ' objectionable'.'' This undoubtedly prevents any outside group
from agitating successfully for the removal of a book which is worthy in a
literary sense, simply because it deals with a controversial or suggestive
The School relies a great deal upon the library, both for serious and
recreational purposes. We feel that the library deserves recognition for
its work in providing the St. Andrew's reading public with a wide selection of books, and further for protecting the right of the discerning reader
to judge a book on its merits. The hidebound, narrow-minded, Mrs. Gruiidy
attitude has not, and must not influence in any way the freedom of a St.
Andrean to read good works of literature, regardless of what the subject
or the language might be.
It has been brought to the attention of this editor by one of his faithful gumshoes that our library advertises, in a prominent location, that among
their wares is to be found a book quaintly entitled The Passion Flower Hotel.
Having seen this particular book myself, this intelligence was hardly earthshaking. Coupled with this fact, however, was the information that neither
the book nor a card indicating in whose possession it might be, could be
found. This raises the question that this paper, as an honest supporter of
forthright journalism, feels compelled to ask, namely "Where is The Passion Flower Hotel?"
Yacht Club
Breezes Along
The first of several annual Yacht
Club trips took place on Sunday, April
21. Several members of the Yacht
Club journeyed to the Tred Avon
Yacht Club in Oxford, Maryland, for
the first of two races of the spring
The wind blew at about 25 knots,
and the waves were huge. Even the
local Star sailors were hesitant about
sailing, but with the local Penguin
sailors, the SAS fleet took to the
Promptly before the first race, Bill
Farrow and Mohrfeld capsized. After a bit of a cold swim they finally
reached shore with their boat, with
their enthusiam for racing dampened.
The first race was won by an SAS
sailor, Dan Smith, with a comfortable
lead. Maury Ellison placed sixth. In
the second race, Ellison placed third
and Smith again placed first, but this
time crowded by a local yachtsman.
Growing for Smith was Bill Hammond, while Bryan Morris crewed for
Secretary-Treasurer Parker has been
running a daily training program on
Noxontown Pond to teach the rag
wagon drivers and their crews the
intricacies of shell-dodging off Rally
Point. Hudson, the Commodore, sallies forth occasionally in search of
Vice-Commodore Tonks
watches as he strokes the undefeated
The next races in which the club
will sail will be held at Edge Creek,
Maryland, a tune-up regatta. The
spring series will start at Tred Avon
Yacht Club the following week.
M u s i c Beautifies
Easter Service
In mock reverence, guest performers, The Princeton Tigertones,
harmonise on the ballad '' Les Trois Petit s Poissons.'' Repeated visitors
to the campus The Tigertones came to SAS on Sunday, April 27, with
a variety of numbers.
and present members of the Episcopal Church Foundation and The Board
of Trustees. Therefore, as we enjoy
our day of leisure, let us take a moment to remember our holiday's significance and its true meaning to us
Dear Editor:
Next Monday, May 13, is Founder's as individuals.
Day. To most of us it means a day of
An Interested Student.
rest, a chance to recover from the harrowing weekend before.
we need a holiday after dance week- Letter to the Editor:
end, and certainly it should mean all Dear Editor:
of the above things.
However, it
I wish to speak of two misdirected
should also mean a great deal more. tendencies in the testing procedures
In a sense, every day is Founder's used in two school departments. In
Day since there would be no school the U. S. History Dept. the tendency
without there once having been a has become recently to limit the testFounder. But few of us ever take ing time to one period for each test.
time to examine what was realized Yet in the Advanced Sixth Math
in the founding of our school. While courses the latest procedure has been
most of us attach little importance to to give students virtually unlimited
education at the high school level, time in Avhich to finish their tests.
we should attach a great importance When one realizes that U. S. History
to our educational opportunities at tests are usually subjective while math
St. Andrew's, which are best sum- tests are much more objective, the falmed up by the founder in his own lacy becomes clear: the testing pronotes as they appear in St. Andrew's cedures have been improperly reversSchool, A Study.
ed. On subjective tests you are sup'' A COLLEGE
PREPARATORY posed to exhibit your knoAvledge of
BOARDING SCHOOL a subject through essays, and any
FOR BOYS IN THE DIOCESE OF limiting of the testing period to one
period presupposes that your knoAvlEducation—Full advantage taken of edge is limited to one period's worth.
modern contribution to the science of By contrast, objective tests ask defteaching, but no unproven principles inite questions, such as math probto be used.
lems, and as such are, Avith very rare
Religious teaching of prime im- exception, definitive in their time alportance. Definite teaching to pre- lowances. Therefore, I suggest that
pare boys to become useful laymen the History and Math departments
carried on intensively.
get together and swap testing methDiscipline—Regulations no more ods where this would be appropriate.
more strict than should obtain in an After all, one does not slice a poideal home. Limited student govern- tato with one 's thumb. We have at
least advanced into the Stone Age.
Government—A Board of Trustees,
G. W. S.
Bishop of the Diocese to be chairman.
The traditional feast of Easter was
celebrated throughout the Christian
world on April 14. Here at St. Andrew's the day was marked by a
choral celebration of the Holy Com- Additional connection with the Dioetse considered after recommendamunion with the entire school present, along with many parents, facul- tion of the Bishop. A Headmaster
or a Rector in charge of the school
On Friday night, the school and
ty, and friends of the school.
under the authority of the Board of its guests were treated to a spineOne of the main features which Trustees. A Chaplain in the event sin gliiig tale of terror in the tropics
enriched the service was the excellent of the Headmaster being a layman. presented under the innocent title of
music offered by the organist, choir, The plant is to be incorporated and My Three Angels.
and two trumpets. The prelude chosen endowed, the trustees to be made diThe action centers around the home
was an exceedingly difficult and beau- rectors of the corporation.
of one Felix Ducotel, ably portrayed
tiful trio for two trumpets and orEnrollment—Boys of age 12 to 13 by Steve Mills, Avho runs a store
gan. Mr. Barren, Dale Smith, and admissable by examination—mental, in a prison colony someAA'here in the
Charlie Gates performed well on Jo- physical, and psychological. Family hot, humid tropics. Felix is not too
hann Sebastian Bach's My Spirit Be history to be taken into account. Com- practical and in the one short year
Joyful and then the service began mittee of Trustees to have filed de- lie has run the store it has gone far
with the traditional hymn, Jesus Christ cision as to fitness of a candidate.
into the red. His AA'ife Emilie, actis Eisen Today, which, together with
Athletics—All usual forms main- ed by Dennis Blair, is a more practhe recessional, Come Ye Faithful, tained, and athletics of some kind tical soul, and is the lone stabilizEaise The Strain, was also played by compulsory with every student unless ing influence in the family. The final
two trumpets and organ.
prohibited by a physician.
member of this group is Marie Louise,
The service continued through the
Chapel—An ornate chapel, a dig- the Ducotels' daughter, extremely
sermon by the Rev. Mr. Ogilby, and nified service which will be an in- well rendered by Patsy Hillier. When
then the choir sang Vivaldi's Gloria, spiration to masters and students and (he play opens, AVO learn that Henri
the first part of a longer work by make them feel that the life of the Trochard and his nephew Paul are on
the same name. The congregation school emanates from that source. their way to the Ducotel's. Henri,
seemed also to sense the beauty of Early institution of observances or alias Ridley Whitaker, is an old tight
the piece. It was a highlight in the ceremonies that will be unique and wad who OAVIIS Felix's store, and has
choir's history.
will in years to come to be attractive come to check up on things; and
The rest of the music at the serv- traditions which will come to give Marie Louise is madly in love with
ice consisted of the setting of the the school "atmosphere."
Paul, acted by Loudie Waimvright.
Eucharist by Merbecke.
From this, it is fairly easy to rec- But alas, Henri has already arranged
Easter is a great day for the church ognize that we are special people in a marriage for Paul for business reaand certainly we at St. Andrew's can a special institution. We are given sons, and Paul is too spineless to obbe proud of the celebration which took every opportunity to develop ourselves ject.
place in the Chapel. There was great mentally, physically, and psychologicInto this scene of confusion come
music, but more important, there was ally.
three convicts, Joseph (Dexter Chapa real feeling of worship which music
Whether we care to realize it or not, in), Jules (Phil Tonks), and Alfred
particularly inspires.
we owe a great debt to the Founder, (Jon Smith). They have been reJ. G. Alexis Felix DuPont, to the original pairing the Ducotel's roof and have
Criss-Cross Presentation
overheard all the family's Avoes. Although obviously guilty of eavesdropping, the
convicts immediately take command of the situation, and soon assume the positions of clerk, cook, and valet in
the Ducotel household, gaining full
power over the family. But this is
not all, for the AArorst is yet to come.
To solve the family's problems, these
villains in disguise cold-bloodily murder Henri in his bed Avith a deadly
poisonous snake named Adolphe, after a bogus trial worthy of Castro.
Henri is pretty much a cad but the
snake is left loose, and soon the innocent Paul is bitten. Obviously this
poor boy needs psychiatric care, not
death. In the meantime, these beasts
have given the entire family guilt
complexes and Madame Parole, (Steve
Richardson) a Avell-meaning old busybody, heart failure. Finally, they detain a dashing naval officer, (Steve
Ockenden) under false pretences, and
instead of repentence or sorroAv, the
final line of the play reads, "Let's
do it again next year.''
The Criss-Cross Club deserves full
credit for another fine play.
Last Night (Cont.)
CreAV Regatta (SAS vs. Lower Merion,
Harrington, and Washington & Lee)
at two o 'clock, to the baseball games
with Wilmington Friends (also at two
o 'clock), and finally, the Varsity tennis match with Peddie at 2:30.
Ice Cream Roll Served
With the conclusion of the athletics
by 5:15, there were many informal
gatherings all around campus. But,
no such luck for the Sixth Form and
their dates—they started to work on
the dining room in preparation for the
evening. At six o 'clock, with much
of the heavy decoration in place, the
dining room Avas opened for an excellent chicken dinner, topped with ice
cream cake roll (served, of course, in
honor of Mr. Cameron).
After dinner, the dining room was
again cleared, the girls went off to
change, and the Sixth Form worked
furiously to set up the decorations.
When everyone finally returned at
8:00, they found the dining room had
disappeared and in its place was a
saloon, replete with bandstand. The
Imperials provided the music, featuring "What'd I Say". The usual
pony circles were formed near the
hitching post, and for four hours,
everyone forgot the past and thought
only of the present.
During a thirty minute intermission, SMI played host to The Highlanders and guitarist Al Crichton as
SMI led off the half-time festivities
with a Jay Kerr original, '' Girls.''
The accent was on variety-rock and
roll, pops, and folk.
When the dance finally ended, the
boys took their dates back and said
their goodnights in the hour until
'' lights out.'' Peace settled over the
campus, marred only by the rumble
of tables as Andy's Saloon was dismantled.
And now, on this Sunday morning,
we have six hours left. Until the
busses leave and the monastic stillness settles once more on the cloisters, The Cardinal wishes everyone a
happy and, we hope, a fun-filled time.
SUNDAY, MAY 12 1963
Ou April 13th, SMI went professional, or so it seemed, as the dulcet
tones of Chris Freinek announced
SMI Present*, a show which featured
the group's total membership in a
program of musical variety.
goes Latin, SMI goes Bock and Eoll,
SMI goes Jazz," said the bulletin
board ad — "SMI goes to pot," said
Fronk Pringle. He walked into my
room as I played the tape of the
performance—it was Jay Kerr's stage
debut on sax—and remarked, "Good
rehearsal." Amidst howls from the
audience — in announcing one of the
numbers I said, "This song comes
from Hollywood and we 're sending
it back after the show — Mike Kirch berger (honorable roommate) yelled
'' Send you back.''
Dick Porter joined yours truly in
white ducks, white turtlenecks, and
black, open-collar shirts — Eig Baldwin offered us each ninety sheckles
i'oi them after the performance. We
announced Andy Bingle, and Brad
G-unn as next ytar 's Deltones. Terry
Wild played trumpet in '' Chicago,''
and at yells of encore, we had to coyly confess that that was all he knew.
The situation has changed now, and
Terry's still on top. Chris Freinek
did more than '' pluck at the bass' in
proving that the instrument is more
than just a "bass viole" — that's
a quote I heard floating around somewhere.
At the Oldfields Dance, Loudie
Wainwright again led his Highlanders before an SEO crowd. The high
spot of the performance was an excellent solo by Wainwright.
Spring Vacation, The Highlanders
railed to New York, where at The
Nightingale-Bamford School (performing by special invitation) they
learned, according to Publicity Chairman Steve Mills, '' that success
doesn't always follow a performance. ''
Lee Weinstock, commenting on The
Highlanders, said quite seriously, '' It
takes a lot of courage to do what
those guys do." I smiled and said,
'' Yes, it does.'' I cannot close without saying that they have improved.
There is a current of thought (primarily in the Fourth Form) that SMI
and The Highlanders are constantly
out. to get each other. Because at St.
Andrew's School even the Coin Club
jumps if Art Class meets at an unscheduled hour or if two candidates
for the same position in a sport try
tc kill each other off the field — in
short, that all that interests most people at SAS is "kill the other guy,"
'' point out his weak spots," " compare him to a predecessor you don't
know anything about" — - n o one can
conceive what is from our (SMI's)
and I'm sure their standpoint a liveand-let-live proposition. There's no
place for competition in the art in
which both groups receive and deserve
Early this term, The Highlanders
elected Wainwright as their leader.
In a meeting following SMI Presents,
Terry was elected Musical Director
and John Morton, Manager, of The
Student Musicians' Independent Organization.
I am at a loss for a cogent cut
against the Kingston Trio—nonetheless, consider them cut . . . "Peace
and quiet and open air wait for us,
Somewhere " . . . Spring Dance Weekend, 1963 . . . J.K.
Expedition (cont.)
After watching the performance of
the trained dolphins, it was discovered that the members of the expedition could go in swimming with the
animals. These were creatures seven
to eight feet long, weighing several
hundred pounds and possessing eightyeight extremely sharp teeth.
Nonetheless, the fearless St. Andreans entered the water with them.
The dolphins not only did not try
to harm the swimmers, they actually played with them and pulled them
the length of the pool. Boys and
dolphins frolicked for thirty minutes
before the dolphins showed signs of
becoming bored.
AH members of the expedition are
expected to write several papers detailing their work.
These reports,
combined with those of last year's
expedition, will be published in a
pamphlet later this term.
On April 29, the group presented a
slide show of the trip in the auditorium.
S. A. S. L. C. :
S. N. A. F. U.
Another addition to the many organizations and clubs already at St.
Andrew's has recently come into active and violent existence, as one can
easily ascertain by merely listening
for the rumble of disorganized warfare and strife as it reverbrates along
the Noxonton shore. What is this
mysterious activity, and who are its
ingenious perpetrators ?
Baseball vs. Archmere
SAS travelled to Claymont to play
Archmere on the twenty-seventh of
There was no score in the
first two innings, but in the third,
Archmere jumped on starter Curt
Coward for four hits and as many
runs, which proved to be the
total scoring for the day.
Bufus Barrett pitched fine relief
ball, alloAving only one hit in four
SAS, however, was once again
bothered by hit-where-they-are-itis. In
the fifth inning, with one out, the
Saints had the bases loaded. Sandy
Dillon smashed a long drive to deep
left center which was somehow
caught by the left fielder. Ashmead
Pringle, like the others in the park,
had assumed it would drop in, and
was nabbed off second to complete
the double play and end the inning.
The Saints never mustered another
The new activity is the St. Andrew's Lacrosse Club; its ingenious
perpetrators are Messrs. Big Baldwin, Meredith, Barrett, and Warren
Hoffecker. These fifth formers, displaying an unusual amount of once
dormant initiative and enthusiasm,
have organized the school's own Amateur Lacrosse Club, thus opening to S A S
the student body an invigorating, Archmere
healthful, and body-building (Mr.
Beyner take note!) new sport.
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 4 0 0 0
Subsequent Scores:
SAS 3, Tower Hill 1
SAS 13, Westtown 7
The minds of these four Maryland
natives, suitably stimulated by the
first odor of spring wafting its mephitic way across the farm fields to
the school, arrived at the same idea
simultaneously: why not play lacrosse? (It must be explained that
Maryland, as surveyed with typical
impartiality by the Cardinal, is the
home and center of lacrosse, and all
natives are intensely interested in name. In Okimoto 's own words: " In
this bright spot of the state's make- my paintings I have expressed with
colors, forms, and textures a composition of matter dispersing out into
It seemed an excellent idea, and
space . . . It is a metaphor of life,
soon the air was filled with the sound
the birth of an organism, its growth
of muffled thuds and crashes, most
to maturity with a moment of exof which were produced by the memistence, and its ultimate dispersion
bers of the invincible fifth form team,
into nothingness.'' Failing to see
the "Manchesterinoes." There were
anything (nothing) the art travellers
many other participants in addition
passed on with unmixed feelings.
to the original four, however. T.S.F.
Another gallery or two and the
Ockenden, Mur Allen, Stud Hudson,
and Bandy Brinton (team mascot) famished St. Andreans were ready for
along with other fifth form stars got lunch and luckily stumbled upon what
into the act, while a makeshift squad was to be one of the day's biggest
composed of F. Hoffecker, Cadwala- highlights.
At Madison Ave. and 78th Street
der, Morton, Cole, Farrow, and Beal
feebly attempted to cope with this is a restaurant called '' Stark's,''
home of '' Fine Foods,'' and a not
juggernaut array.
infrequent lunchtime retreat of ceAs the Cardinal went to press no lebrities.
It was the good fortune
conclusive scrimmage had been held of the S.A.S. quintet to be seated at
between the two units, however, due a table directly adjacent to that of
to the lack of conditioning among Miss Jane Fonda, famed cinemaccertain members. But both sides were tress, and a party of three consisting
rapidly settling into form, and even of Miss Fonda's choreographer and
as early as April 20, these titans of two feminine acquaintances.
the netted stick were playing like
The rest of the afternoon was in
professionals, their natural athletic a sense anticlimatic. Not even the
skills making up for their lack of interesting watercolors of Boris Loexperience. (Ed.: sic, sic, sic). The vet-Lorski in the World House Galfifth form attack, led by blinding leries at 987 Madison Ave., nor the
speedster '' legs'' Baldwin and slow- fabulous treasures of the Frick coler-footed
lightning-reflexed lection, could measure up to the event
'' Troll'' Hoffecker, is one of the best in sensationalistic appeal. However,
in the East, and perhaps the best of the Frick Museum unveiled a selecall time. Their rock-ribbed defense, tion of paintings well worth seeing,
sparked by the grace and felinity of including the works of many of the
goalie Meredith, has yet to allow a masters.
goal in game competition.
Meanwhile, the Latin scholars spent
The Manchesterinoes hope to con- their time viewing Boman statues and
tinue on to bigger and better things Egyptian mummy cases.
than their hopeless St. Andrew's opThe trip home was spent sleeping.
ponents, and have already challenged
Navy, University of Maryland, Virginia, Hopkins, and Mt. Washington
Lacrosse clubs. In the plans of Captain Barrett, however, these trivial
opponents are to serve (if they do not the smoke-filled masters' lounge and
forfeit) as mere warm-ups for the library at about 8:15, the dance bechampionship game with Shipley's gan. The dance progressed rapidly
perennial awe-inspiring powerhouse. and smoothly but was lacking in the
'' The Manchesterinoes figure to be familiar pony circles of previous
the underdogs," says the Fern, "but dances. Variety was not lacking,
though, as Mr. Chomat added a Latin
I have hopes of an upset.''
touch with his display of the Bossa
Unfortunately, there is a black Nova.
cloud on the horizon of this rising or- During the band's break, the Highganization. Although Mr. Beyner has landers, a fourth form folk singing
shown little interest in the Lacrosse group, presented a selection of songs
Club, an offshoot .of his own organi- reminiscent of the Weavers. A trio
zation, the Spring Program for Ath- from Oldfields, however, shortly demletes Specially Trained in Intramural onstrated that the SAS folk singers
Competition, and at times has even had no monopoly on talent. Accordseemed hostile to the idea, occasion- ing to various rumors, this group has
ally he has been observed curiously previously recorded for B. C. A., but
fondling the '' odd-shaped crab nets'' these rumors, curiously, resembled
used by the players.
those to the effect that Haley Mills
Interested or not, Mr. Beyner has was present, incognito at these festiannounced that the Lacrosse Club ties, and thus tended to be disregardwill be disbanded, and the members ed by dubious St. Andreans.
With the familiar strains of '' Good
incorporated into his galley slavery
program. Unless something is done Night, Ladies'' breaking through
by the student body, this now bud- Gresh 's assortment of strange and deding lacrosse organization will be re- lightful melodies, the dance came to
membered in the annals of St. An- a close. After searching for missing
drew's as just another passing fad. shoes, picking up coats and saying
In the words of Eoland C. Gibbs, goodnight to Mr. and Mrs. Cameron,
equipment manager for the S.A.S.L.C., the dates were escorted to their wait'' United we play, divided we row.'' ing buses.
New York (cont.)
Oldfields (cont.)
The Sportlight
Since it is at the same time such
an important and yet such an outof-date news item, the article on the
St. Andrew's participation in the
State Wrestling Tournament is both
short and factual, without the general eulogies of praise for the home
forces and derision for the outsiders.
As the Wilmington papers were
careful to point out, the Blue Hen
Conference dominated the event, snaring eight firsts between them. Nevertheless, the Independents also showed strength, dominating such important weight classes as 145, 154, and
180. Of the three Independent State
champions, two were St. Andreans.
Jackson Pope, S.A.S. captain-elect,
chalked up his first state championship in a thrilling final 4-2 over Newark's Blue Hen Conference champion
Folk. In doing so, Jack improved
upon his runner-up capacity in the
145-lb. class last year. What made
the victory especially impressive was
that Folk, who had tied Pope 2-2
in the dual meet season, had pinned
1962 138-lb. champion Arrington of
Tower Hill in the semi-finals.
Bill Pfeifer, S.A.S. captain, walked
with relative ease to his second consecutive 180-lb. crown. Pinning his
way into the semi-finals, Bill then
downed Blue Hen Conference champion Leonard of William Penn (whose
only dual meet season loss was also
to Pfeifer) impressively 7-0. In the
finals, against fellow Independent
Camp of A. I. DuPont, Bill won
handily 4-2 in a match in which he
was never really threatened.
(Note: the other Independent
Champion was Jim Hammond of A. I.
DuPont in the 154-lb. class, brother
of Bill Hammond, S.A.S. '64.)
Two other St. Andreans showed impressive ability. Curt Snyder at 133Ibs. lost in the opening round to undefeated Kardash .of William Penn,
the eventual state champion, 2-1, on
riding time, then proceeded to advance
to the consolation finals in which he
took fourth.
Bill Paul at 165 Ibs. was also defeated in the first round by an undefeated wrestler and eventual state
champion from William Penn, Bartholomew. Suffering from an injured
knee he was not capable of avenging
his dual meet season loss to Bartholomew on riding time, but nevertheless
worked his way to the consolation
finals in which he lost to Brandywine 's Bailey.
The two other S.A.S. entries, 9-2-1
Warren Hoffecker at 127 Ibs. and
D.I.T. champion Steve Butter at 138Ibs. suffered early set-backs and were
unable to continue.
Meanwhile, D.I.T. team champion
Tower Hill managed to obtain only
two third places.
With Pope, Hoffecker, Snyder, Butter, and Paul, five of the six state
tournament wrestlers will return next
year, in addition to letter winners
Babinowitz, Baldwin, and Smith, with
the leadership of still another S.A.S
State champion, not to mention the
very able coaching of Mr. Beyner, the
1964 wrestling team holds forth even
better than the usual good promise
of success for the coming annum.
King and
J.V. Baseball Crew (cont.)
A c e s In
On April sixteenth the St. Andrew's
Junior Varsity baseball team opened
its season with a triumph over Bedding High School's junior varsity,
The winning pitcher, Terry Wild,
pitched consistent ball with eight
strike outs until he was relieved by
Tom Lackey, who ended the game with
seven strike outs.
At the plate John "Jake" Gibbs
batted in one run with a home run
clobbered into left field. Another
four-bagger by Tom Lackey brought
in three more runs.
Coaches Timmins and Ogilby kept
the team running on Saturday, April
twentieth to clobber Dover High's
team 7-2. Again the pitching combination of Wild and Lackey led to
success. The returning veteran Max
Baldwin opened his season with two
hits out of three times at the plate.
The junior varsity's record now
stands at three wins and no losses or
ties after beating Sanford 14-8. Kane,
Lackey, and Butter are batting near
.500 and are keeping the coaches smiling and hopeful.
the course, according to the Boiiner
opponents, but heavy rains which
ended only at the half-mile mark accounted for this.
The first boat likewise turned back
Philadelphia's finest, leaving two in
the far background and battling the
race out with a third, this time LaSalle. Again the Saints had a substantial lead going into the final
quarter, only to have it eaten aAvay
by a fast closing sprint. The first
boat was more successful, however,
in producing a sprint of its own after the preliminary threat and going
on to win by a length in 5:17.9.
On April 27 the crew kept up its
undefeated streak by traveling down
to Annapolis and overwhelming the
Navy Lightweight Plebes.
In the opener, the second boat came
from a quarter length deficit with a
quarter of a mile left to win going
away by a length.
The first boat followed suit by pulling away from an even race at the
half to win by two lengths.
Conditions on the Severn were mild
in relation to those usually experienced, but a strong headwind and a
counter-current prevented either boat
from achieving a spectacular time.
SUNDAY, MAY 12 1963
SAS Crew Opens Season With Four Quick Wins
Fishburne Leads
Racquetmen To
Excellent Start
SAS Depth Proves
Decisive In Victory
For the first match of the tennis
season, the Saints journeyed to Wilmington to play Conrad High School,
their only in-state opponent.
Even without the services of their
captain and perennial No. 1 player,
Gary Fishburne, the tennis team won
quite handily taking five singles and
one doubles match to carry the day
6-3. In singles, everyone won with
the exception of Charlie Hecksher
who played the two-time state interscholastic champion, Freddy George.
In the upset match of the day, Larry Rockwell playing superbly at No.
2, beat Norm Riddell, one of the
highly rated No. 2 men in the state
in straight sets.
Having won the
match in the singles by winning five
of six, the Saints dropped No's 1 and
3 doubles to stubborn Conrad with
Rockwell and Hammond winning at
No. 2 doubles.
Win Over Wicomico
In their second match of the season, the Saints played host to Wicomico High School's tennis team
from Salisbury, Maryland, in their
first home match. The Wi-Hiers gave
St. Andrew's their second victory in
as many matches by losing 8-1.
Again, sans Fishburne, the more experienced Saints had no trouble, winning the match in singles, dropping
only the No. 1 slot, and taking all
three doubles matches. Larry Rockwell playing No. 2 for St. Andrew's,
scored another upset, coming from
behind to beat Bill Holloway, a ranking player in the Middle States in a
grueling three-set match.
Gilman Avenged
After a hard week's practice, the
Saints were ready to take on perennial tennis power Gilman School from
Baltimore in their second home match
of the season. This was a grudge
match eagerly awaited by the Saints
who had not defeated Gilman since
1957. Last year, they lost on Gilman's home courts 6-3.
Even with a very strong wind, there
was anticipation of a close match and
some good tennis by both teams. Gilrnan, very strong at the top, took the
first two singles matches, but the
Saints' unbeatable depth accounted
for the last four singles matches all
in straight sets. Gary Fishburne, playing a great match at No. 1, lost to
Ray Buck-Lew one of the top ranked
players in the Middle States.
In the doubles, Hecksher and Mills
clinched the match by winning No. 2
doubles, and in the remaining two
mtaches, the teams split, making the
final score 6-3, reversing last year's
Subsequent Scores:
Sidwell Fr. 5, SAS 4
SAS 7, Chest. Hill 2
J.V. Tennis
On Saturday, April 13, the J.V.
tennis team, coached by Mr. Denny,
suffered a loss in its first match to
a younger, but more experienced
Wicomico team.
Robbie Romaine, playing at No. 1,
put up a good fight early in the
match, but finally submitted to the
overpowering style of Maryland's
number one ranking 14-and-under
player, Jack Stevenson, 6-2, 6-1.
Jon Smith also lost to a ranked
player, Bernard Jarmen, in a tight
match, 12-10, 6-4.
Jimmy Dick Harris, at third man,
Area's Finest Fall Among
Fun At Hun
On April 16 the crew opened its
season spectacularly by trouncing Hun
School in both 1st and 2nd eights
on the Carnegie Lake course. Although the 2nd boat has been a consistent winner against Hun (last year
by two lengths, the first eight has
never, at least in recent years, won,
although it has come breathtakingly
close almost every time (such as last
year's three-foot loss.)
The 2nd eight started out the day
by graining a three length lead after
the first quarter and lengthened out
from there without even the benefit
of a last quarter sprint to win restfully by about five lengths, in 5:22.
The 1st boat race was more of a
contest, but the Red and Black never
really threatened after the S.A.S.
oarsmen gained a half length from
the start. Crossing the f i n i s h
line with open water to spare, the
first boat turned in a respectable time
of 5:12.3.
1st boat
2nd boat
First Boat crew situ on Severn River before going on to whip the Navy
Smith, D.
Plebe lightweights by two lengths despite rough weather conditions
Middleton Cadwalader
Parrish, J.
Sabloff, B. Sabloff, M.
Sandy Dillon drove the first pitch ning pitcher; Giarding, the loser.
accounted for the victory. Coward Cox
of the season down the left field line S A S
0 2 3 0 0 0 0—5 allowed only one hit while striking
for a double to open the 1963 cam- Gilman
P. U. Frosh Downed
1 0 0 0 2 0 1—4 out four. Lincoln, the losing pitcher,
paign. A single by co-captain Cooper
was tagged for seven hits.
On April 20, the SAS oarsmen
scored Dillon. Coop scored on a hit
0 1 0 0 0 3 0—4 again visited Carnegie Lake, this time
by Dennis Blair.
For their home opener, SAS took S A S
1 0 0 0 2 0 2—5 to take on the Princeton Freshmen.
Both eights continued their winning
The Saints staged a five run rally on Tatnall in what proved to be a
ways. Princeton was rowing Navy in
in the fifth, and were never seriously fine ball game. The Saints scored
threatened thereafter. Cooper twirled in the first inning when Bunker Hill
SAS hosted conference co-leader most of its events and of nine cona masterful four hitter, and the en- drove Buckaloo home. Tatnall count- Sanford on a wind-swept and rainy tests in the afternoon, lost only
tire starting lineup boasted at least ered in the second when Lincoln blast- afternoon. The Saints were unable three, two of which were to St.
ed a home run to right.
one hit apiece.
as a rule to hit safely, although twen- Andrew's and only one to Navy.
The second boat won even more
ty of the twenty-one outs were made
2 0 0 0 5 0 0—7
easily than it had against Hun. With
Dillon walked, stole second, and scor- by the Sanford fielders.
0 1 0 0 0 0 1—2 ed on Cooper's single. Cooper scored
a three length lead after the first
Pitcher Jim Cooper smashed a triple
on a passed ball and an error. But in the second and a single in the quarter, the Saints were never pressed and went on to win by about six
On the twentieth, Gilman's varsity Tatnall came back in the sixth with fourth, was the only consistent hitter. or seven lengths. Despite severe crossthree
arrived to face SAS. Gilman scored
He smashed a triple in the second winds the time was a reasonably good
in the first on an error. St. Andrew's Coward doused the flame.
and a single in the fourth, but was 5:28.
With Tatnall leading 4-3 in the stranded both times.
retaliated in the second, scoring two
The first boat, in beating two enbottom of the seventh, the Saints Dick Buckaloo scored the only run
on hits by Barrett and Day.
tries, ran into some mechanical difcame on strong. Sandy Dillon walked on a single by Eric Burkett.
The Saints scored again in the third, and once again stole second. Buckaficulties, but nevertheless showed fine
Fuller of Sanford drove in a run form. Leading by a length over the
knocking five hits for three runs to loo smashed a single over second, and
increase the lead to 5-1. Gilman scor- Dillon raced home with the tying run. with a triple in the third, and scor- first freshman lightweights and by
ed twice in the fifth before Coward
Dennis Blair stepped up and lined ed .on a passed ball. Sanford scored even more over the second heavyrelieved Barrett.
the second pitch into right to bring an insurance run in the sixth, to win weights at various points in the race,
In the seventh, Gilman scored an home Buckaloo, who had also stolen 3-1.
the first boat eventually scored a
unearned run, and the final out came
0 0 0 0 0 1 0—1 half-length victory in 5:33.
with men on first and third and the
. 0 2 0 0 0 0 1—3 The line-ups:
The powerful last inning rally had Sanford
score at 5-4. Al Day looked strong
1st boat
2nd boat
at the plate, knocking out two imBow
Dillon, Cooper,
Parrish, J.
Buckaloo, Blair, Hill, and Barrett
Smith, D.
also hit safely. Barrett was the win4
Middleton Farrow
scored the only singles victory for the
Saints, defeating Brad Jarmen in
three sets.
Sabloff, B., Sabloff, M.,
The remaining singles players, Jay
McNeely, Rid Whitaker, and George
Philly Smashed
Heiner, all dropped hard-fought conAmidst the rainy downpour of
April 23, both the first and second
In the doubles matches, S.A.S.
boats remained undefeated against
managed to grab two out of the three
the Philadelphia area's finest crews,
matches from the Salisburians. The
while newcomer third boat came in
teams of Hutton-Hudanish, and Harsecond in its division, losing by a
ris-McNeely won, while Smith and
mere two feet to the winner. Other
Romaine lost to Stevenson and Jercrews participating in the Schuylkill
men. The final match score was WiRiver meet were Bonner, LaSalle, and
comico 6, SAS 3.
Haverf ord. Besides St. Andrew's the
crew making the best overall performThe following week, the squad
ance was probably Bonner.
travelled to Gilman, eager to polish
In the day's first race, the third
off the foe quickly, and return in time
eight made up almost a length deficit
for the Olfields Dance. They met
at the half to lose by only two feet
with limited resistance, and breezed
to Bonner 's entry.
through to a decisive 8-1 victory.
In the second race the second boat
Jon Smith demonstrated his uncanhad a few tense moments that threatny ability to play long matches, as
ened to end the undefeated streak it
he defeated Gilman's first man in
has maintained for three years. Leadthree sets.
ing by three-quarters of a length
Romaine and Harris won easily at
over the second-running entry, Bonsecond and third, as did fourth and
with a quarter to go, the second
fifth McNeely and Whitaker, but the
boat found itself surprised by a specaward for the most eager dancer
tacular Bonner finishing sprint, but
ment to George Heiner at number six
courageous holding maneuver saved
as he won hurriedly, 6-0 6-0. A seventhe unblemished slate with a dead
th singles match, a one set exhibiheat, both boats finishing in 5:24.3.
tion affair, was won by Peabody
The time was relatively slow for
Huttoii, 9-7.
(Continued on page 3)
In the doubles, Harris and Hudan-
Buckaloo, Cooper Lead Fine SAS Baseball
ish won, but Hutton and McNeely
were handed the team's only loss of Co-Captain Cooper gets sign from
the day.
The J.V. was proud to contribute to Al Day as Eric Burlcett gets set.
the day's clean sweep, and, incidentally, arrived back at the same time
the girls did.
VOLUME X X X I I I , No. 6
Kirk Varnadoe
Gives Valedictory
Address Today
Culminating a successful and productive career at St. Andrew's School,
Kirk Varandoe, the "Mght Train"
of the Class of 1963, gave the Valedictory Speech at the Twenty-Ninth
Graduation Exercises today.
Speaking on a subject usually characterized by wordy sentimentality and
stale ideals, Kirk managed to give
a speech that caught the character
and personality of his class. It was
forthright and firm, yet had a touch
30th S.A.S. Commencement Today
7 Others Appointed Praefects
Fifth Farmers Take
Office For Coming Year
The Eeverend Wilifred Hulbert
and his wife visited the School from
May 16 until the following Monday.
He was welcomed warmly by the
Headmaster, who had become acquainted with Mr. Hulbert when they
were in Scotland attending St. Andrew 's University some ten years ago.
Mr. Hulbert is the rector of the Hope
Park Church in St. Andrew's, Fife,
and Mr. Moss and his family saw him
very often while they were at the
university. Thus, when the Eeverend
Mr. Hulbert arranged an exchange
with a Presbyterian minister in Garfield, New Jerse}', Mr. Moss invited
him to S.A.S., not only to renew an
old acquaintance, but also to be the
visiting preacher, and to conduct several of our weekly chapel services.
Mr. Hulbert took the services
Thursday and Friday night and the
School was interested in the different
character of parts of the service.
Many commented that the change
in worship was so desirable as to warrant inviting several ministers to the
School in each school year. Mr. Hulbert's sermon on Sunday only served
to increase the general feeling of the
student body.
Mr. Hulbert, when interviewed, expressed his feeling that "he was most
impressed with the friendship of the
School and the educational climate'',
and went on to say that his stay in
(continued on page 2)
(continued on page 2)
Tonks and Pyle Lead
Award Winners List
Today at the 30th Graduation Exercise of St. Andrew's School Senior
Praefect Philip Estabrook Tonks and
Praefect Robert Marshall Pyle wound
up sterling careers by receiving two
of the top awards the School has to
offer: Pyle wras the winner of the
Frazier Prize for Outstanding Service, and Tonks was the winner of the
St. Andrew's Cross in Memory of
Bishop Cook. Other honors bestowed
upon Tonks today included The Warwick Crew Prize and the W. Lewis
Fleming French Prize.
In a special chapel service on May
20, Mr. Moss announced the appointment of next year's Praefects. For
the post of Senior Praefect and leader of the school, Mr. Moss, with the
advice of the Fifth Form, the outgoing praefects and the faculty, selected Warren Hoffecker. Hoffecker,
who has been five times president of
his class, is certainly qualified for the
post. Warren counts among his interests golf and other sports. Here at
School he has distinguished himself
as a soccer goalie and a 127-lb.
Among the other praefects named
were Virginians Jack Pope and Curt
Snyder. Pope, from Charlottesville,
is interested in stamp collecting. Jack
lias proved himself a leader on and
off the athletic fields. As wrestling
aptain-elect and football quarterback,
Jack is certainly able in the athletic
department. He has been a class officer and serves on the Andrean and
Yearbook staffs. Curt Snyder, from
Norfolk, likes to play lacrosse in his
spare moments. Curt is also Head Acolyte and Business Manager of the
publications staff. Academically, he
KIEK VABNEDOE is Valedictorian has distinguished himself as a King
at Thirtieth Commencement Exercises prize winner.
at St. Andrew's,
Tennis players Tom Snyder and Bill
light enough to keep his audience Hammond were also named. Tom hails
from New York and likes its opera
amused and interested.
Kirk entered S.A.S. in 1960 as a very much. He also enjoys debating
fourth former. He came to the and working on the Cardinal and
School from Savannah, Georgia, where Yearbook staffs. Tom is currently
he was born and has lived all his secretary of his form and squash caplife. An outstanding English student, tain for next year. Bill Hammond, of
he has seldom ranked lower than Wilmington, is the only praefect from
seventh in his class. He played two Delaware. Bill is in a host of acyears on the Varsity Football team, tivities including the Yacht Club and
where he distinguished himself by his Debate Club. In his two years at
drive and determination. Following S.A.S., Bill has distinguished himself
a fight up from the ranks, he earned athletically in Football as well as
a place on the Squash team this year. Basketball and Tennis. Academically
Varandoe's speech said good-bye he consistently maintains a second
to the School, but it left some of the group. Hammond is football co-capsense of leadership that this sixth tain-elect for the 1963 season.
form has given S.A.S. Kirk VarnaEoommates Bill Paul and Eric Middoe and the Class of 1963, we salute dleton are both oarsmen for the Varyou. Vadete in pace.
sity Crew. Bill from Indiana, Pennsylvania likes sports as well as social
activities. He is an Acolyte and a
lector and is his form's representative to the social activities committee.
Scottish Minister
Spends Five Days
At School
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1963
Philip E. Tonics (left) wins St. Andrew's Cross, Bobert M. Pyle
(right) wins Frazicr Prise.
Timmins, Denny to Leave S.A.S.;
Cameron to Take Sabbatical
Mr. Baum Speaks
In Founder's Day
Service, May 13th
On Founder's Day, May 13 Mr.
Baum, English Master, spoke to the
student body in chapel about the history of St. Andrew's School as seen
by an alumnus of one of St. Andrew's
first graduating classes. Mr. Baum,
one of the earlier students at St. Andrew's School, said he was convinced that the St. Andrean of today is
very little different from his counterpart of the thirties. Mr. Baum made
numerous comparisons between the
misdeeds of his formmates and the
various offences associated with the
typical student of today. The talk
included lucid descriptions of the
black market cigarette-mongers and
illicit liquor manufacturers who
abounded on the shores of Noxontown Pond during Mr. Baum's tenure as a student. The speech was
one of the greatest influences in blowing away the apocalyptic air that surrounded St. Andrew's after a Dance
Three masters will be leaving St.
Andrew's at the end of this year.
Mr. Cameron will be taking his longdeserved Sabbatical year. Mr. Denny and Mr. Timmins, both presently
members of the S. A. S. math department, are departing to head the
math departments at two private coed day schools. Mr. Denny is moving to the western wilds of Pittsburgh where he is to become Director of Mathematics of the Senior
School at Sewickley Academy. This
school is ten miles to the north of
Pittsburgh and Mr. Denny plans to
reside on a farm four miles from the
school's campus. Mr. Timmins is
going to the South where he will
teach mathematics at Hampton Eoads
Academy in Virginia. This school is
now four years old and has a student body the size of St. Andrew's.
Mr. Denny plans to institute a soccer team at Sewickley Academy and
hopes to duplicate the 25-6-2 record
that the S.A.S. soccer team has made
in the past three years. Mr. Timmins' athletic plans have not been
disclosed but doubtless the school's
teams will benefit from this addition
to its staff.
Eeplacing these two departing masters will be Mr. Pike and Mr. Grouse.
Mr. Pike is coming to S. A. S. from the
Hun School and is a graduate of Stanford. Mr. Grouse, a graduate of Albright College, is now completing
work on his Master's Degree in mathematics at the University of Dela
Other 6th Formers on whom were
conferred high honors included Eoger
Atkinson Walke III, who won the
Sherman Webb History Prize; Harold Benton Gordy, Jr., who received
the Henry Prize for the Greatest
Service in Athletics; George Whitcomb Shuster, who won the Founders
Medal for outstanding scholarship during all of his years at SAS; Stanley
John Thompson, Jr., who received
the Brown Prize for Basketball;
James Herbert Cooper, wrho received
the Dodson Prize for Baseball; William Pfeiffer, who won the Mamo
Prize for Wrestling; Kent Stuart
Hughes, who received the Choir Prize ;
and James Edward Kerr, who won the
Captain Williams Music Prize.
Still other award winners were
Curtis McFalls Coward, the Cresson
Prize for Greatest Improvement in
Athletics; Dennis Cutler Blair, the
George Emlen Hall Latin Prize; William Pardon Hammond, the Scott
Science Prize; Thomas Addie Emmet
Moseley III, the Harold Curtis Amos
Prize for Natural History; Bichard
Challis King, the Charles Turner Prize
for Tennis Winner; John Potter Herndon, the Norris S. Haselton Scholarship ; Orrie Lee Tawes III, the J.
Thompson Brown Award for Outstanding Service to School Government; and Eezon Samuel Dillon III,
the Malcolm Ford Award for Sportsmanship.
At yesterday's Prize Night meeting the following boys were awarded
honors: Stephen Keep Mills, Turner
Eunner-up Prize for Tennis; Eoderick Osgood Middleton, Jr., Davis A.
Washburn Basketball Trophy to
Outstanding Underclassman; Barton
Jay Griswold, the George Emlen Hall
Junior Baseball Improvement Trophy; Dennis Cutler Blair (average:
.432), Hutton Varsity Batting Award;
Thomas Staman Lackey, JV Baseball
Award for Outstanding Service.
Mr. Moss Names Dorm,
Corridor Supervisors
The Cardinal wishes Mr. Timmins
and Mr. Denny good luck in their
Becently, Mr. Moss announced the
new positions and welcomes Mr. Pike appointment of ten Fifth Formers to
and Mr. Grouse to the S.A.S. faculty. serve as supervisors for the coming
school year. As has been the custorr
in recent years, one of each pair of
corridor and dorm supervisors will be
a Praefect.
New War Memorial
Scholar Coming Soon
Front Bow: Hoffecker, Senior Praefect; Pope; Snyder, C.
Middle Bow: Hammond; Moore; Snyder, T.
Back Bow: Paul; Middleton
Curt Snyder and Stan Hudson will
take the East Dorm, while Jack Pope
During the coming school year, and Tommy Snyder will have to conOtso Sovijarvi will attend St. An- tend with the hard cases in the South
drew's School. A native of Suonen- Dorm.
joki, Pappila, Finland, Otso is presEric Middleton and Billy Paul will
ently in the 12th grade in Suonenjoki.
He will be the fifth boy to attend supervise the fourth formers on " D "
SAS as a War Memorial Scholar. So- Corridor. Dan Moore and Cardinal
vijarvi was chosen from a large field Sports Editor Curt Coward will hold
of candidates, including boys from sway on " B " Corridor.
Germany, the Philippines, Malta and
Senior Praefect Warren Hoffecker
France as well as Finland.
and his roommate Bill Hammond
Otso lived for several years in Eng- will be in charge of the Sixth Form
land, where he acquired a fluency in Corridor. They will be assisted by
Barry Sabloff and Steve "T.S.F."
(continued on page 3)
Volume XXXIII No. 6
Mike Moseley, '64
Potter Herndon, '65
News Editor
Curt Coward, '64
Sports Editor
Dennis Blair, '64
Photography Editor
Ridley M. Whitaker, '65
Circulation Manager
Robert N. Pyle, '63
Business Manager
The policy of The Cardinal does not necessarily reflect that of the School.
LETTERS TO Mrs. Foley Retires After
30 Years Faithful Service
Loomis, '63
Gaither, '63
Munroe, '64
Ockendeii, '64
Parker, '64
Snyder, C. '64
Snyder, T. '64
Kane, '65
Soderberg, '63
Harris, '65
Thompson, '63
Hunt, '65
Wood, '63
Wild, '65
Hodges, '64
Anderson, '66
Knight, '64
Davis, '66
McWethy, '65
Wilkinson, '66
Mills, '65
The Cardinal is published six times a year by St. Andrew's School
and is printed by the Middletown Transcript.
The Honor System
Dear Editor:
Recently there have been a growing
number of comments around S.A.S.
about spirit. These comments range
from '' There isn 't any school spirit
at all" to " There's nothing wrong
with the school spirit at St. Andrew's." School spirit is not a tangible thing. It cannot be picked up
and measured on a weight scale. For
some people, supporting the school's
athletic teams is of no concern whatsoever.
The school should not be
divided into two conflicting camps,
those who represent the school on the
athletic fields and those who do not.
The support of our athletic teams
this year has been meager, to say the
least. A team without the encouragement of the School can not have the
desire to win that a team which
feels that the school is behind it can
attain. No one desires to deify the
athlete, but the boy who gives his
time and effort deserves more support than he has received this year.
We look forward to athletic support
as impressive next year as the new
gym facilities next year.
Bob Banquo.
An Honor System will not run unattended. It is not a
miraculous perpertual-motion device which purrs along quietly
with only nominal care. To maintain an effective honor code,
the constant vigilance of both student and master is required.
Furthermore, an honor code is either entirely efficient or it is a
complete sham. There is no middle ground. If an honor code
tolerates minor dishonesty, then it is as degenerate as one which
winks at major thefts or cheating.
This past year, there has been a remarkable laxness on the
part of the School as far as minor offenses are concerned. Entirely too many people regard the once sacrosanct master's desk
as a ready source of supply of pencils and stationery, and at certain parts of the year, of advance information about grades. In Reply To S.M.I.
The value of the misappropriated artical certainly cannot be
great, but something more important than a pencil has been Dear Editor:
stolen when a master cannot leave his desk unlocked without I think I am speaking in the interhaving it invaded. This is an example, trivial in itself, but im- est of a large part of the student
when I express this hope for
portant as an indication of the school's general attitude toward body
coming editions .of The Cardinal: the
the Honor System.
SMI has got to go—from The CardinFar from being limited to .small things, the disrespect for al, that is. They get their recognithe code has extended to more important offenses. The epidemic tion regularly when they provide unof "borrowing" on B corridor or the several valuable wrestling intentional laughs for a critical audijackets and Varsity football game jerseys that have disappeared ence ; the reports of their tremendthis year can hardly be overlooked. What is worse, it appears ous progress in the Cardinal are not
necessary. We know.
that form and personal loyalty are protecting the culprits.
We are fortunate to have an honor code; an atmosphere I hope, now that SMI no longer
of mutual trust is far better than one of suspicion. The Praefects has total control of The Cardinal, that
and the Honor Committee are the overseers of the Code, but it fortissimo will become pianissimo
must either stand or fall on what the student body as a whole and the Highlanders will get a break.
feels. Honesty cannot be enforced by edict, it must come from The Highlanders is a group of amwithin. The Honor System has faltered this year, but if this bitious IV form folk-singers, who
fatal apathy of the student body which prevents the Honor Sys- boast on their musical talent rather
tem from being really effective is shaken, St. Andrew's can again than of their lack of a faculty advisor. Throughout the year, they have
have an Honor Code that really works.
A funeral service was held
for Mrs. Ann Marvil duPont,
widow of the founder ,of St. Andrew's, who died recently. The
service was held on Friday, May
10th, and was attended by members of the duPont family and
by the faculty of the school.
The School observed a period
of silence during the afternoon.
The School expresses its sympathy to the members of the duPont family in their bereavement.
Eight St. Andreans
To Study Abroad
During the coming summer, a group
of St. Andreans will venture forth
to Europe. Phil Tonks, Dexter Chapin, Al Crichton, and John Schoonover plan to make the trip.
The newly graduated St. Andreans
will, at New York, combine forces
with the Tonks' family and nine
young ladies before departing by
plane for Paris.
After arriving in France, the group
will set out in a convoy of Volkswagon mierobuses to tour the nation.
The sightseeing party will visit numerous French towns and villages before parting company. Phil Tonks
and John Schoonover intend to go on
to the University of Grenoble where
they will study for a time. Meanwhile, Al Crichton and his companion Dexter Chapin will travel through
Germany, Switzerland and other European countries by motor scooter.
The troup of St. Andrean scholars
will rendezvous in Paris where they
will board a plane for the return trip
to New York City.
At the end of the 1963 school year,
Mrs. Lillian Foley will retire as the
School Dietician, a post that she has
held since 1952. She has been connected with St. Andrew's almost
since its founding however, first as
a member of the Housekeeping Department and later in the kitchen. She
first joined the staff in 1933, and her
husband, Steve Foley, was working
here when the foundation of the old
building was laid.
The Cardinal welcomes letters to
the editor on any matter of interest
to the School. Please submit them to
the editor or put them in the Publications Koom. (Ed.)
School Spirit
Outgoing editorial staff :
Hughes, '63
Kerr, '63
Walke, '63
Shuster, '63
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1963
given five performances without pretending to be "professional". They
have made a name for themselves at a
few girls schools, and, with two years
ahead of them, show potential to be
the greatest musical organization
ever produced at SAS. This year,
fortissimo, in the competitive interests of SMI (despite desperate proFour members of the St. Andrew's tests to the contrary) has done everything possible to limit the popularity
Industrial Arts Organization submit- of the Highlanders.
ted projects to the County Industrial
Next year, the SMI will probably
Art Students Exhibit which was held
at the Wilmington Strawbridge and improve. The Deltones won't be
Clothiers Department Store from May quite as good (Jay Kerr's music
ability is unlikely to be matched in a
sixth through thirteenth.
long time), but the Kenston quartet
Mr. Labour, the instructor of St. will be much better than the Kenston
Andrew's Shop, selected the works trio, as they will substitute harmony
of the four students, Terry Wild, Bill for volume. Let's just hope that they
McAdoo, Bill Farrow and Craig Laird, cut out the corny gimmicks and stick
on the basis of their fine workman- to music—and let's hope The Cardinal
ship. There seven hundred different returns to its traditional policy of reprojects displayed at the exhibit. The porting unbiased news.
major fields of industrial arts repreThank you,
sented by the projects include texJon Smith, '65.
tiles, wood, graphic arts, plastics,
drafting and electricity. This was
the fourth annual exhibition of its
kind to be held in New Castle Coun- Please!
ty. All entries were submitted by Dear Editor:
junior and senior high school stuIn my wanderings in the old wing
dents from the New Castle Count
of the building, and particularly in
an attempt to make a phone call from
Terry Wild's entry was a high fi- the booth by the Chem. Lab.. I have
delity housing unit. Bill McAdoo become aware of the amount of noise
built a colonial coffee table. Bill Far- issuing from a certain room near the
row submitted his walnut salad bowls marks office. If the underformers
and a mug and Craig Laird exhibited wish to rot their minds or destroy
a checkerboard. Mr. Labour termed their characters by watching Amerithe exhibit highly successful and re- can Bandstand, well and good, but if
they must do so, it isn't really neceswarding.
sary to have the volume of their T.V.
set all the way up. They can get the
same effect, they can experience the
same vicarious thrill, without ruin(continued from page 1)
ing the ears of everyone in the old
America has so far been all that he wing. Besides, the racket has on ochoped it would, that he of course was casion been audible as far as Mr.
looking forward to returning to his Cameron's offices. . . .
parish at the end of July but that
he would leave the United States,
A Nearly Deaf
and S.A.S. with regret.
St. Andrean
Four S.A.S. Students
'Highly Successful'
With Shop Projects
Spring Term
Features S.A.S.
Yacht Club
St. Andrew's School offers a variety of opportunities for those students interested in sailing. One may
first begin a sailing career in the
Spring Athletic Squad Sailing Program, which, under the astute guidance of Mr. Baum, has produced several avid skippers this term. These
new sailors have an excellent time on
Noxontown Pond every day. In the
keen competition which often takes
place between the yachtsmen in this
program, Stan Thompson and John
Schoonover usually triumph over the
team of Jerry Sodenberg and Dick
Shoemaker. This group merits praise
for its racing, but even more so for
its marked improvement during the
past two months.
Presiding over the activities of the
kitchen from her office in the rear,
Mrs. Foley oversees the activities of
the ten members of the kitchen staff,
and must organize the production of
up to 600-(-individual servings daily.
She plans the menu weekly and
must see to the cleanliness and
efficiency of the kitchen. In spite
of this, she has never been too busy
to spare a moment to an inquiring St.
Andrean, and (as many boys can
gratefully attest) an occasional cookie
or dish of ice cream.
Mrs. Foley was born in Northeast,
Maryland, and moved to S. A. S.,
where she lives today. Far from being a stay-at-home, however, she has
traveled to Cuba, Columbia and
Guatamala during vacations to visit
her daughter whose husband is a
Foreign Service officer.
When asked how she has liked working at S.A.S., Mrs. Foley replied, '' I
have always loved St. Andrew's with
all my heart, and I hate to leave.''
In her thirty years here, she has made
a place for herself in the heart of
the School, that will be hard to fill.
Her going will leave the School with
a profound sense of loss, but her
service will always be remembered
with gratitude.
In expressing the
sentiments of the School, the Cardinal wishes Mrs. Foley a happy reThe experienced sailor may find the tirement and again we thank her for
St. Andrew's Yacht Club a good or- her unstinting service over the years.
ganization in which to practice his
sailing skills. This club provides
students with the chance to compete
against other schools. Mr. Baum also directs the St. Andrew's Yacht
On Saturday, May 19, the
Yacht Club traveled to Tred-Avon for
the annual Tred-Avon Series. Dan
Smith, turning in his usual fine performance, sailed away with the first
Tomorrow a group of eighteen
place honors in the Junior Division.
Trophies for the event were supplied members of the graduating sixth
form will arrive in various moby the St. Andrew's Club.
tor cars at the Beaulien PlanNoxontown Pond was the scene of tation near Savanah, Georgia to ata Yacht Club Regatta during the tend a week-long celebration of graduweek prior to examinations. The pur- ation. According to Kirk Vamedoe,
pose of the Regatta was to determine the host, the illustrious members of
who the best skippers in the school the sixth form will enjoy the finest
are. The winning skipper was award- Southern
ed a silver bowl.
Water skiing, swimming, and boating are planned to be the activities
This summer will again witness
of the days. Thirty-five Georgian
some excellent sailing when the St. Damsels are also reported to have
Andrew's Yacht Club ventures to the been invited to the festivities.
annual Interscholastic Yacht Racing
Though the school has denied any
Association Series. At Long Island's
or connection with the
Merchant Marine Academy, about
twenty different schools Avill take part party, the week's fiesta will be under
in the three-day activities, beginning the watchful scrunity of Mr. G. Bat
June 17th. Each school will send a Varnedoe. Also at the party will be
team of four sailors, each of whom S.A.S. graduate ('62) and rabblewill compete in the Merchant Marine rousing sports car enthusiast from
Princeton—Jimmy Zeno. The party
Academy's new Shield Sloops.
promises to be a fine relief from the
hard work the sixth form has done
this year.
Dear Editor:
Sixth Formers
To Hold Gala
Post-Grad Party
I think that I am in a position to
solve editor Moseley 's problem concerning the Passion Flower Hotel. Praefects . . .
After pondering for some time, I have
(continued from page 1)
given thought to offering some sort
of instruction 011 how to use the li- Bill has also played on the Varsity
brary. Briefly, the instruction might Football and Wrestling teams. Eric,
from Winchester, Massachusetts, is
run something like this:
the other football co-captain for 1963.
When a book is desired, and its lo- He enjoys driving and duck shooting
cation unknown, it is best to first look as hobbies. Eric has played on the
in the card file for the author's name Varsity Football, Basketball and Crew
or the book's title. In the case of squads in his two years at S.A.S.
The Passion Flower Hotel, the cau- Around the school, he also participates
tious observer will find that the card in sailing and various Chapel activifile lists its permanent place of resi- ties.
dence as '' Fie-Ers''.
Dan Moore, of Coral Gables, FlorFor those who need further instruction in finding a book, please arrange ida, likes water skiing, golf and the
an appointment with the librarian or theater. He has served on the Vestry
and The Social Activities Committee,
some member of the squad.
and is coordinator of the Spanish
Dave Loomis,
Club. In addition to this, he is a
Student Librarian
member of the Criss-Cross Club, and
was to have played a lead role in
The effect of Student Librarian My Three Angels had he not been
Loomis' sarcasm is not lost; his injured. Dan has played on the Varboolf, however, was. At the time of sity Football and Baseball teams.
the printing of the last CAEDINAL,
the boolc could not he located, not
The Praefects for 1963-64 promise
even by the methods outlined above. to give the School solid leadership in
the year to come.
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1963
Book Review
by Philip Wylie
Better Things to Come:
New Gym Progresses
Doubleday & Co., New York, 1963,
277 pp.
During the past several months,
many novels have been published .on
the subject of atomic wars because
of the popularity of Burdick 's FailSafe; Wylie's latest book concerns
the same subject. The horror of the
annihilation of half the world is
morbidly narrated.
The story centers around the only
group in the Northern Hemisphere
that survives the holocast, in a super fallout shelter designed by an
industrial tycoon who had the foresight enough to supply it for two
years instead of the two weeks recommended by the government.
There are fourteen people in the
group: Tycoon Vance Farr, his wife
and daughter; her fiance Kit Barlow
a Jewish scientist Ben Herman, a
Chinese girl, a Japanese technician,
the Farr's Negro butler Paulus Davey, and his niece Connie; finally a
power company meter reader, and
Farr's ex-mistress and her boy friend
with two children deserted by their
After a recent interview with Mr.
Thornton, it would appear that the
new gym is coming along very well.
Although Mr. Thornton said that the
gym was '' just a little behind schedule, '' everything should be back to
normal within a few weeks. The engineers who are supervising the construction feel that the old wing will
be completely remodeled to specification by the August 15 deadline. Similarly, the new wing will be finished
as planned by November 1.
The work has reportedly been going on smoothly. The school is
very happy with the entire program.
'' We are very impressed with the
amount of cooperation we have receivd. The supervision is excellent,"
said an enthusiastic Mr. Thornton.
Even the laborers appear to like the
building — many favorable comments
have been heard. Perhaps one of the
main reasons for such approval is the
compatability of the new brick with
the old stone. At any rate, all appears to be going well. Landscaping
will be begun in the fall, after most
of the heavy work is done, and St. Andrew's will eventually have a fine
This mixed group works together
during the two years in the shelter to
maintain constant contact Avith the
Tour of Gym
outside world. However, it is only
The work being done is amazing.
near the end of their stay in the shelter that its inhabitants' broadcasts to By August 15, the old wing will have
the undestroyed Southern Hemisphere taken on a new air; and by November 1, many boys will find it difficult
are acknowledged.
to grope their way through the maze
In the meantime, as in any ex- of rooms. When all work is finally
tremely closed society, tempers grow completed, the result should be magshort. Kit reveals his anti-semitic nificent. To survey the building, let's
tastes toward Ben. There is friction take a tour, beginning with the basebetween Farr's ex-mistress and his ment.
alcoholic wife. Kit escapes from the
The locker facilities will be much
shelter and returns to die of radia- better. There will be a large central
tion poisoning. Yet the adult mem- locker room for the students, featurbers of the group try hard to keep ing special ventilated lockers. The
themselves civilized in front of the old Varsity locker room will become a
children, who thus become a stabiliz- training room, complete with benches,
ing influence.
cabinets, shelves, and of course, Mr.
When the lower hemisphere realizes Reyner's favorite, Atomic Balm and
that the war is over and that the Whirlpool. Where once there stood
U.S. and Russia are completely non- fifty lockers, in front of the whites
enities, they reply to the group in cage, there will be a complete new
The showers will be
Farr 's shelter and rescue them, hav- Gym Store.
ing no fear of Soviet retaliation. A greatly improved—there will be one
new international government in the large room equipped with eighteen
Southern Hemisphere is to be set up shower heads, adjoined by a so-calltotally disarmed of nuclear weapons. ed '' towelling room'', where the wet
athletes may dry off before facing
Wylie's book has a contrived plot the cold cement floor. Incidentally,
of allergy. Farr's amazing shelter, the coaches and officials will have
the diversity of the group that sur- their own private shower and locker
vives in it, and their behavior are rooms. (No word has been received
improbable when looked at from a on the quality of the luxury). To keep
rational point of view. Yet Wylie the showers at a reasonable, lukehas sacrificed his fantastic plot in or- warm temperature, there are even now
der to clearly show the message un- two brand-new boilers where Mr.
derwritten thioughout the book: the Baum's wrestlers once worked out,
greater part of the human race will and a mammoth hot water tank is
end in a cataclysm if society con- buried right outside. To complete the
tinues to prepare for mass destruc- locker facilities, there will be three
tion. Wylie has shown that it well visitors' locker rooms with adjoining
may take a complete destruction of showers. Two of these locker rooms
part of the world to save the other will be separated by a collapsible
part from the doom toward which wall, to make one large and one small
he believes man is headed. Yet though room, when needed.
The venerable basketball court will
seemingly a tale of disastrous events,
Wylie's book is one of hope, an impossible hope that man will "triumph" over his baser instincts and
create a peaceful world.
H. P.
Tennis Loses
To Wicomico
Dr. Gairdner Moment,
Noted Life Scientist,
Visits St. Andrews
On Saturday, May 18, the distinguished zoologist, Dr. Gairdner B. Moment, visited St. Andrew's School to
speak with biology and zoology students. About twenty students met
with Dr. Moment for an informal talk.
Dr. Moment spoke on various topics
and offered excellent advice to several boys concerning their term projects. Numerous questions covering
such diverse fields as microtechnique,
the Portuguese Man- 'O-War, and
Lamarkianism, were discussed the
two-hour meeting.
Dr. Moment, known to some students as the author of the zoology
text used at S.A.S., is the head of the
Department of Biology at Goucher
College, Baltimore, and is the Secretary-General of the International
Congress of Zoology in Washington,
D. C. Dr. Moment is also the direc-tor of the American Institute of Biological Sciences' film studies.
The J.V. tennis team traveled to
Salisbury on Saturday, April 27, for a
return match with Wieomico 's junior
team, but had no more success than
in the first contest, losing 8-1. Jon
Smith lost at no. 1 to Mr. Reirdon's
prize protege, Jack Stevenson.
Rid Whitaker lost to Bern Jarmen
in a well-played match. Jay McNeeley lost at no. 3, and Dave Hudanish
was the only singles player to gain a
set from the Salisburians, as he dropped a close match in three sets. Harris and Hutton also lost singles
In doubles, Smith and Whitaker
lost to the Stevenson-Jarmen team,
Wainwright and Schwab dropped a
three-set match, and McNeely and
Harris recorded a sparkling triumph,
the lone SAS victory of the day.
Subsequent Score:
Faculty VI Form
Softball Game
Rained Out
be divided into two rooms—-a wrestling practice room and an adjacent
weight room. To leave the basement,
let us look right overhead. The old
basktball court will be made into two
floors. The second floor will be a
large wrestling arena with foldout
stands. When not in use for dual
meets, the area will serve as yet another wrestling practice room.
The old varsity wrestling room will
remain much as it is now. However,
the Junior Basketball court will become a winter intramural room with
come a Winter Intramural Room with
gymnastic equipment, volleyball nets
and a backboard or two. The present
music facilities will be retained for
storage and overflow, while the Music
Department will move upstairs to a
studio with two rehearsal rooms and a
band practice room. The rifle range
and the electronics club will remain
the same as before. As a final note,
we will have a fine barber shop on the
site of the old one. This marvel modern engineering will have all the conveniences — large mirrors, good lighting, and our own Swift Sam.
Proceeding to the new wing, we will
find a huge basketball court for the
Varsity and J.V. teams. The adequate
seating will be a godsend to St. Andreans long accustomed to watching
basketball games from the crowded
balconies. A smaller area will serve
as a junior basketball court. Here,
we face an enigma. The plans call for
a roof to hide the rafters. But why
spend this extra money? Will, as is
rumored, the dances be held there?
Mr. Thornton seemed to feel that the
weekend dances would not be held
there but possibly this could be the
site of future exchange dances.
Refreshment Stand
The Lobby in the new wing will
also include a permanent trophy case
and a refreshment stand.
One thing that strikes everyone involved with the gym is its flexibility.
For instance, the visitors' locker
rooms are to be equipped with sliding
doors to allow the two rooms to be
combined into a large briefing room.
On a more morbid note, the gym is
equipped to serve as a Class A bomb
shelter. This was one of the primary
concerns of the designers, and they
did their work well. The lower basement area has no windows now—they
have all been blocked off. The walls
are eighteen or more inches thick.
There will be an emergency power
system, supplied by an underground
umbilical wire from the main generator in the garage. There will even
be shelter in the garage in which a
maintenance crew may stoy on to operate the plant. The necessary food,
mecdical supplies, and shelters will
be stock-piled at the gym. In the
event of an emergency, boys will
merely take their mattresses from the
main building to the gym to settle in
for the duration.
As a final note of human interest,
Sam will be back in the Gym next
year. The new building will of course
require additional custodial help, and
Sam will accordingly have new duties
and responsibilities.
Sidwell Friends
Downs V, Tennis
After a long week of practice and
preparation for their only Friday
match, the Saints felt ready to take
on SidAvell Friends, a perennial East
coast power on May 3. Remembering
last year's shameful defeat, 8-1, at
Sidwell's hands, the tennis team
wanted revenge. In perhaps the best
match played by St. Andrew's this
year, Sidwell squeaked past with a
5-4 victory by winning the first
doubles match after three long sets.
Starting in the singles, the teams
Schwartzmann, a ranking player, in
straight sets in the number one slot.
Mills and Hodges Avon three-setters
playing at numbers five and six respectively. Next, in doubles, St. Andrew's won the number three doubles
quickly with the undefeated team of
Hammond and King taking its match
in straight sets. In the other two
doubles matches, the Saints lost two
long heartbreaking three-set matches
to give Sidwell the decision.
CEEW: Second Four at start of race against Washington and Lee,
and Lower Merion. S. A. S. won Tay two lengths in first event of St.
Andrew's Eegatta.
For the last five issues of The Cardinal, I have seated myself behind
the keyboard of an Underwood typewriter and run at the mouth; it was
easy to write because there were so
many things I could associate with
music and proceed to tear to pieces.
If anyone read the column, it was not
to see what I said about music but to
make sure that he was not mentioned,
and many a soul crumpled his Cardinal, proclaiming Communist infiltration. Today, no one need fear.
The Yearbook and the Valedictory
speech have both expressed the sentiments of the graduating students.
We give thanks, right and left, where
for years (five or less) we have been
afraid to. And so, in this final music column, I should like to cross the
barriers created by the changing
times and express thanks and credit
where it is due.
A band or choir is composed of students, some of whom have it and
some of whom, don't. Three and four
years ago, there weren't many students in either organization willing
to fully devote themselves, nor was
the membership inclusive of all those
who had enough talent to make a
truly successful organization. Today,
I have had the privilege of having
been one of Mr. Barren's students;
I share that honor with those students who have been considered the
backbone of this year's music department: Hamilton, Hughes, Hunt, Porter, Turner, and Dale Smith. The
training we got from Bix started us
off and gave Mr. Walker something
to work with. Under Mr. Walker, the
capable musicians in the school have
joined hands with the music department; next year, in the facilities requested by Mr. Barron three years
ago, the department will continue to
flourish. So for myself and for the
graduating seniors, I take this opportunity to give belated and sincere
thanks to Bix and to Sweetwater . . .
for the past, for the present, and
for the future.
With all the things my editor Kent
Hughes made me remove from my
last five columns, I could suitably
entertain for the remainder of the
newspaper, but on this joyous occasion, I shall leave the Highlanders
alone. For them I register my respect for their independent status in
a school where it is often hard to
allow an independent activity to
flourish; we 've both had our moments
of anguish.
To the remaining student body I
leave one plea: I 've always wanted
to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
on the Chapel bells. May one of them
have more courage than I had and
"let music fill the air." . . . "No
more classes, no more books, no more
teachers dirty looks; no more Bay
Rum, no more hate . . . The Class of
'63 has reached Freedom's gate" . . .
Goodby, muddy waters, goodby . . .
Commencement, 1963 . . .
Scholar .
Girls See Regatta;
First Eight, Second
Four Take Series
The year's first and only home crew
race was held on May 11 before an
enthusiastic Dance Weekend crowd.
Racing for the first time this year
in fours as well as eights, the Big
Red won two of the four races in the
annual SAS Regatta.
The second four started the regatta off on the right foot by handily
downing the Washington and Lee
junior four by a length. Lower Merion finished third.
The third eight, despite rowing a
fine race, lost to the W&L third eight.
The Varsity four came in third in
a field of four in the third race of
the day. W&L's undefeated senior
four finished a length ahead of second-place Lower Merion.
The first eight turned in the best
performance of the day in the finale,
swamping the Lower Merion and Harrington crews by two-and-a-half
lengths. Kent School, perennial rowing power, had previously beaten the
Harrington eight by only a lengthand-a-half.
Choppy water and a strong headwind caused all boats to turn in poor
Posts 9-1 Season Log
/. V. Baseball
Shows The Finest
Record Ever
The J. V. baseball team has had
one of the most successful seasons in
S.A.S. history. Approaching the final
game, the team has compiled a respectable 9 and 1 record, losing only to
After three wins over
Redding, Sanford, and Dover, the J.V.
traveled to Archmere. On a crucial
squeeze bunt by Barry Griswold, Tom
Lackey scored the decisive run to
beat the hosts, 6 to 5. After beating
ToAver Hill by a close 4-2 score, the
team faced Dover on the Varsity
field. On an outstanding shut-out by
Tom Lackey, the Saints accumulated
their 6th win.
SAS 11 - Friends 0
On Dance Weekend, the J. V. met
Wilmington Friends before a crowd
spotted with girls. A clever play by
Walter Pratt, which baffled the
Friends infield, allowed Terry Jones
to score unnoticed with the winning
run. The next opponent was Phelps.
Led by Gibb Kane's strikeout performance, the team romped to an impressive 11-0 victory.
Archmere 10 - SAS 2
May 17 marked the end of the
(continued from page 1)
Saints' impressive winning streak. A
much improved Archmere team handed
English. He is the son of a Luther- the J. V. its only loss, 10-2, despite
an minister.
heavy hitting by Herndon and GrisAs a member of the Sixth Form, wold.
Otso will be taking a course similar
to that of an SAS senior, but he will
Team Records
be able to choose the courses that
Throughout the season, there have
best suit his interest.
The process of selection of the boy been many outstanding personal perfor the scholarship is in the hands formances. Steve Rutter leads the
of the Alumni of the School. In Ot- team in batting (.400) and stolen
so 's case, he was recommended by Mr. bases (6). Tom Lackey leads the
Christopher Boyle, English master, mound corps in strikeouts (57) and
who is spending his sabbatical leave all hitters in R.B.I.'s (11).
in Helsinki, Finland, teaching Eng- Gibbs leads the homerun race with
lish under a Fulbright grant.
two circuit drives.
Crew Finishes 1963 Season
With An Excellent Record
First Eight Rows
Strong Race At
Stotesbury Regatta
Tennis Cops State Title
Hodges- Snyder
Win Championship
The Nationals
On May 27 the S.A.S. crew went
ip to Princetop, N.J. for the Naional Championships. Favored to be
strong contenders for both the first
and second eights crowns, the Red
and White oarsmen met disappointment in both divisions. The white
power and the red glory w.ould have
to wait another year to assert them-selves.
1st boat
2nd boat
Smith, D.
Parrish, J.
Stroke Sabloff, B. Sabloff, M.
Handicapped by the absence of all
Fifth Form oarsmen who were taking C.E.E.B. tests, St. Andrew's
nonetheless made a good showing at
the Stotesbury regatta on May
eighteenth. An eight, two fours and
a single were entered in the Philadelphia race.
In the preliminary races on Friday, the senior eight qualified in a
heat that eliminated two of the hometown Philadelphia crews, Bonner and
Harrington, from competition.
senior four just missed qualifying.
The first of the three boats left in
the regatta during its second day, the
junior four, did well in a losing attempt, placing within seconds of the
Abel Dexter Chapin, St. Andrew's
best sculler in recent years, culminated an intensive three-week training
program by rowing impressively in
his first interscholastic race. He has
been working out daily with Mr. Hill.
The senior eight, less Middleton
and Paul, placed third behind Washington & Lee and Hammond with its
best time of the year, 5:05.8. In the
On May 4th, the Saints travelled to
same race, W&L broke the course Pennsylvania for the game with Westrecord in beating the Saints by a town Friends. In the first inning,
Jim Cooper led off with a single, Dillon walked, and Buckaloo singled
Boatings For Stotesbury
Cooper home. Bunker Hill tripled
1st eight
deep to center, driving in Buckaloo
and Dillon. In the second, SAS scorBeal
ed again on a three run home run
by catcher Dennis Blair. From then
on, the game was a wide open slugf est
finally ending at 13-7. Winning pitchTonks
er Cooper fanned six while walking
Cooper, Buckaloo, and Hill
had three hits each, while Dillon and
Sabloff, M.
Blair had two.
1st four
2nd four
3 4 0 2 0 3 1—13
Smith, D. Reeve
0 1 0 1 0 5 0 — 7
Cadwalader Cole
Smith, S.
On dance weekend, the Saints played host to Wilmingon Fritends. Perhaps it wras that something in the air,
but whatever it was, the Red's eightThe following Tuseday, the Cardin- run barrage in the first inning was a
als visited Tatnall. The home forces return to form. Buckaloo tripled in
scored first in their half of the first three runs, and Gilchrist soon followframe. But in the third, the Saints ed with a double. In the third, singpower came alive, when Eric Burkett les by Cooper, Dillon and Buckaloo
belted the ball over the wall, and was brought in three more. The highfollowed by Bunker Hill and Lee light came in the fifth when Sandy
Tawes, whose drives left via center Dillon drove a long shot over the trees
and right, respectively.
From this in left to chalk up a two-run homer.
point, the game degenerated to a Another run in the sixth sealed the
track meet, and the Saints' sixteen fifteen to two win. Jim Cooper baghits accounted for a strong 14-1 vie ged the win, striking out ten while
tory. Rufus Barrett, ace junk artist, walking but two.
8 0 3 0 3 1 0—15
went all the way, collecting his second S A S
0 1 0 1 0 0 0— 2
win. He struck out four and walked Friends
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1963
Afte compiling an admirable 7-1
record in the dual match season, the
Saints were ready for their final test
—the Delaware Interscholastic Tennis Tournament. For the fifth time
in six years, St. Andrew's won the
title, putting them well on the way
toward retiring another trophy. The
tournament, plagued by rainy and
windy weather from the first day,
proceeding very slowly with various
matches scattered throughout WilmTENNIS: DEEW HODGES and TOM SNYDES, State Doubles
ngton's courts lasting for more than
a week. Without Gary Fishburne, St.
Champions in the number two spot, playing against Peddie on Dance
Andrew's number one player, tue
everyone had to move up a position. Even so the tennis team won
the tournament by a substantial margin. Rockwell and Mills, who piayed
number one and two singles respectively, went out in the semi-finals to
the number one tournament seeds after contributing four invaluable points
to the record. Charlie Hecksher was
The Saints seemed in a giving mood, beaten in the quarters by the eventual
as they gave up three quick unearn- state champion of his number three
ed runs in the first two innings to the
Archmere nine.
Much disheartened
In the two doubles divisions, HodIn a tight pitching duel, the Saints by their poor beginning, the team was
lost a close decision to Tower Hill unable to overcome the deficit, al- ges and Snyder, the number two seeds
on May 21st. Tied at one run apiece though they collected nine hits. Jim in the second doubles, defeated the
for eight innings, the Saints took the Cooper pitched well, striking out number one seeds from Mt. Pleasant
lead when Bunker Hill drove another eight, but was not supported by the High School in straight sets 6-3, 6-2,
of his towering drives over the four team. Dick Buckaloo connected for contributing five points to the team's
total. The losing team, undefeated
story building in left field. Leading
a single and a triple in three appear- in twelve straight matches, met their
3-1 in the bottom of the ninth, SAS ances.
Waterloo in their thirteenth. Hamgave up three runs, two of which were SAS
0 0
1—2 mond and King, who have not yet
unearned, to bow 4-3. Curt Coward Archmere
2 1
0—6 played their finals match, have conpitched four-hit ball for eight and
tributed three points so far and are
one third innings, striking out eight
heavily favored to win their division.
and walking one. Jim Cooper took
This pair has not lost a set in any
the loss in relief.
of their matches. In their match on
000100002Without the services of co-captain Saturday, May 25, they will face a
Tower Hill
010000003Jim Cooper, the Cardinals played by team from A. I. DuPont, one of whose
far their worst game of the season in members is Jim Hammond, Bill Hamlosing to a good A. I. duPont team. mond's brother. If they win, St. AnThe visitors scored in 6 of 7 innings, drew's will have won the tournament
while SAS scored one run in the sec- with fifteen points, five more than
For their final game, the Saints ond and three in the fifth. Seven of second-place Archmere.
traveled to Sanford on May 25. The A. I. 's runs were unearned, though
game decided second place, and un- they banged out fourteen hits. Barfortunately, it was not a Saints day. rett took the loss, Cupp the win.
0 1 0
The Red jumped out to a quick two- SAS
2 3 2
The Saturday after their close loss
iic thing lead in the first when Jim A. I.
to Sidwell Friends, the Saints were
Cooper led off with a single, and was
followed by Tawes' walk and BuckaVarsity baseball batting averages anxious to get back in the winning
loo 's double. Sanford retaliated with up to and including the Tower Hill column, and were keyed up for their
away match at Chestnut Hill. Last
two runs in the bottom of the third. game. May 21:
year, the Saints had mopped ChestIn the seventh, Dennis Blair singled
nut Hill up easily, winning 7-2 on
and went to third on a throwing erBuckaloo
their home courts. However, this
ror. Eric Burkett hit a deep ground
year St. Andrew's played the same
ball, scoring Blair and putting the
team and it promised to be a closer
Saints ahead. But in the eighth, SanDay
Even so, the match score
ford pushed two across with the bases
ended the same, and the team went
loaded to win 4-3.
home with a 7-2 victory under its
belt. In the singles, Fishburue, Mills,
otherwise good season, 7 and 6.
Hammond, and King won to give the
Saints a four to two edge, with Rockwell and Hecksher losing very close
matches. St. Andrew's then put the
match on ice, winning all three of
the doubles matches, and bringing the
year's record to 5-1.
Varsity Baseball Concludes Strong Season;
Saints Finish Third in D.LS.C. Competition
Saints Romp
At Westtown
Friends Victimized
On Dance Weekend
Tatnall Falls
0 0 7 2 3 0 2—14
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 1
Season Record 7-6
Saints Drop NineInning Marathon
To Tower Hill
Archers Clinch Title
A. I. Hands S. A. S
Worst Defeat
Saints Drop Finale
Chestnut Hill Trounced
Peddie Whitewashed
As Girls Cheer SAS
by Coward
It seems appropriate that we should
pay tribute to the Class of 1963 as a
group with an admirable athletic
record. With the exception of Stan
Thompson, it was not a form laden
with gifted athletes.
Indeed, the
word to describe the situation is '' determination". There were many who
earned letters only in their sixth form
year, after working for three years
to get them. It is a very praiseworthy
reflection on a man's character when
he is walling to sacrifice much sweat
and perhaps a little ego playing on
lower-level teams in his fifth form
year, so that he might play on the
Varsity the next. This was the reflection which those of us below saw
and admired and for this, we whom
you leave behind pay tribute. May
your future years benefit from your
experiences here.
last issue of The Cardinal. The letter claimed that Shipley's Tough,
Talented Ten (T.T.T.) was superior
to any opposition previously mustered
on local shores, and confidently forecasted a Shipley victory. Rig Baldwin, acting secretary of the home
forces, was elated at the prospect of
a titanic match in November, and immediately announced plans for spring
training. The Cardinal will keep the
school informed of the plan's progress.
As the year draws to a close, one
looks back on the completed campaigns. The school's overall record
on the varsity level was 52 won and 27
lest, an improvement over last year.
A quick glance at teams for next year
gives great promise, and we look forward to a fine athletic year.
To everyone, hearty wishes for a
On May 23, the fifth form received
a rather bold reply to the challenge good vacation; again to the class of
which the S.A.S.L.C. offered in the '63, best of luck!
run homer against Wilmington Friends School.
On May 12th, St. Andrew's had
their last home match of the season
against Peddie. Inspired by the presence of the girls here for the weekend, the Saints pounded Peddie off
the courts, winning 8-0 with the number one doubles match called because
of darkness after split sets. In the
singles, Fishburne, Mills, Rockwell,
Hecksher, Hammond, and King swept
all of the matches. Then in the
doubles, Rockwell and Mills, King and
Hunt, C., and Hodges and Snyder all
won. The first team did not finish its
match. This finished the St. Andrew's
tennis team's dual match season with
a bang, giving them a 7-1 record for
the year. They now began practicing
in earnest for the Delaware Interscholastic championships.