April 7, 2015 - All Saints` Episcopal Church
April 7, 2015 - All Saints` Episcopal Church
“For all the Saints” ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH • FORT WORTH, TEXAS April 7, 2015 Missions In-Gathering of ‘April Showers’ kitchen items for Amazing Grace is April 12-18 Don’t discard those extra items that are just taking up space in your kitchen drawers and cabinets. They are needed in the Home Economics classes at Amazing Grace Secondary School in Kenya! We need to collect everything from pots, pans, potato peelers and a poacher to measuring cups and spoons, a meat tenderizer, mashers and, of course, money for all those items that don’t get donated or can only be purchased in Kenya. In addition to kitchen items, the girls need sewing items as well, for example; reapers, scissors, thimbles, printed fabric and plain white fabric (at least 15 yards of each). The full list of items needed is posted on this page of the church website: www.asecfw.org/CurrentEvents.aspx The only things that can not be accepted are ELECTRICAL items that must be purchased in Kenya. PLEASE help with this project and know that you will be helping with this mission and our Kenya orphan girls’ education. HOW TO HELP: The In-gathering of items will be Sunday, April 12 through Saturday April 18, in the parish hall. If contributing cash, please make checks payable to All Saints’ Episcopal Church, memo “Kenya Kitchen”, and mail or deliver it to the church, attention: Business Office. Questions? Please call Pat Jambor at 817-269-6282. A toddler tries out her palm branch on Palm Sunday. INSIDE Crestline Neighborhood Market VBS | New Bible Study Page 2 Organ Recital | Garage Sale Bourbon and Bud | Adult Forum Page 3 Thank you! 2015 Pledgers Pages 4-5 Babies | Young Adults | EYC Saintwich Ministry | Outreach Parish Thanks Page 6 Maundy Thursday foot washing in Unity Park – Volunteers from All Saints’ Episcopal Church and School brought the Holy Eucharist, lunch, new shoes and the tradition of Maundy Thursday foot washing to the homeless in Unity Park. Above left, Rebecca Headrick washes feet, and at right, Mthr. Jordan Ware prepares for the Eucharist. - Photos by Sallie Trotter Parish Calendar | Blood Drive Page 7 All Saints’ Episcopal Church • Fort Worth, Texas Tel: 817-732-1424 Fax: 817-731-2417 The Reverend Christopher N. Jambor, Rector www.asecfw.org Email news items to Karla Uecker at [email protected] OUTREACH Crestline Neighborhood Market at All Saints’ to open its second season on Saturday, April 18 The Crestline Neighborhood Market at All Saints’ Episcopal Church will open its second season on Saturday, April 18, 2015 with several new vendors and old favorites returning. The Market will be open from 8:00 a.m. to noon on the third Saturday of each month, through October. Crestline Neighborhood Market’s Texas-based vendors will offer sustainable produce, much of it organic, along with prepared foods and other items at the monthly event. This year, the Market has been designated an official “farmer’s market,” which means that protein products such as meat and eggs can be sold. Our 2015 vendors will offer such goods as: Artisan cheese and yogurt | Tea and gourmet coffee | Wines | Microgreens | Pies | Produce | Breakfast Burritos | Tamales and Salsa | Honey | Jams, Jellies and Pickles | Gourmet Dog Treats | Olive Oils | Soaps | Grass-fed beef | Eggs | Chicken | Pork | Custom cutting boards | Organic fertilizer and more. Crestline Neighborhood Market operates on an alternating schedule in cooperation with the market at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT). Crestline Neighborhood Market is open on the third Saturday of the month, while the BRIT Market operates on the first Saturdays. BIBLE STUDY ‘St. Paul & the Resurrection’ study will begin April 15 Opening Day added attractions: ► J2A & Kenya Garage Sale, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Old Rectory ► Sacred Mamas gathering, 10:00 a.m., Playground ► Market day shopping in St. Anne’s Bookstore & Gifts ► Checking out our new Community Garden at Dexter & Penticost In early March, market vendors had the opportunity to showcase their wares at a media tasting event. Above, Bishop Sam Hulsey samples food from Haute Goat Creamery. MarjiGee of MarjiGee’s Kitchen is a returning Crestline Neighborhood Market vendor. The Cancun Cafe, which created this tasty plate, will sell food at Crestline Neighborhood Market this year. 2 • April 7, 2015 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis Mthr. Jordan Ware begins a fiveweek Eastertide Bible Study on April 15, “St. Paul and the Resurrection.” This study will provide an in-depth look at 1 Corinthians 15 and Paul’s understanding of the resurrection of the dead. The class will run each Wednesday through May 13, at 10:45 a.m. and again at 6:30 p.m., after Wednesday Night Dinner. For more, contact Mthr. Ware at MthWare@asecfw. org or call 817-732-1424. Vacation Bible School will be here sooner than we think... VBS is happening June 22-26, and Registration is now open! See the brightly colored box in the hallway for enrollment forms. Youth Volunteers, who are rising 6th grade students and up, are also needed! For more information email Marybeth SandersWilson, [email protected] or call 817-732-1424. Bible Stories + Games + Crafts + Music + Skits + Snacks MUSIC Ken Cowan Organ Recital is April 24 his international concert career. Praised for his dazzling artistry, impeccable technique and imaginative programming by audiences and critics alike, Mr. Cowan maintains a rigorous performing schedule which takes him to major concert venues in America, Canada, Europe and Asia. Garage Sale Sat., April 18 | 8 am-12:30 pm Canadian organist Ken Cowan is considered by many to be the most brilliant organist playing today. He will present the next Organ Recital at All Saints’ on Friday, April 24 at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Cowan will play works by Widor, Roger-Ducasse, J.S. Bach, Elgar, Vierne and Liszt. In 2012, Mr. Cowan came from Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, NJ, where he was Professor of Organ, to the revered organ department at Houston’s Rice University, where today he is Associate Professor and head of the organ program. From Houston, he continues J2A/Kenya Organist Ken Cowan will perform at All Saints’ this month. Photo by Lisa-Maria Mazzucco A native of Thorold, Ontario, Canada, Mr. Cowan received the Master’s degree and Artist Diploma from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, studying organ with Thomas Murray. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia where he studied with John Weaver. There is no admission charge for Mr. Cowan’s recital at All Saints’, and a Parish Life reception for all will follow the recital. Make plans to join us for this outstanding evening! Men’s Fellowship and Women of All Saints’ to co-host ‘Bourbon and Bud’ Proceeds benefit the J2A Pilgrimage to Scotland, and our 2015 Kenya Mission! Have stuff to donate for the sale? Contact: Sallie Trotter, [email protected]; Mthr. Jordan Ware, [email protected] or Caren Rector, 817-991-9707. adult Forum ‘Discovering the New Testament’ continues at 10:10 a.m. Sundays Fr. Jambor’s current Adult Forum series continues during Eastertide. Join him at 10:10 a.m. Sundays in DeWolfe Hall for “Discovering the New Testament”. April 14, 6:30 p.m., Firestone & Robertson Distilling Co. 901 W. Vickery Boulevard in Fort Worth The Men’s Fellowship and the Women of All Saints’ are hosting “Bourbon and Bud,” a tour and tasting at Firestone & Robertson Distilling Co., co-founded by All Saints’ parishioner Leonard Firestone. This special evening also includes a presentation on the Fort Worth food scene by All Saints’ parishioner and Star-Telegram columnist Bud Kennedy. Bud Kennedy Event is limited to 45 people and you must RSVP. To do so, please email [email protected] with “Bourbon and Bud” in the subject line, or call Edna Garcia at 817-732-1424. April 7, 2015 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • 3 Gracious Giving Jim & Carol Goble Ted & Tina Gorski, Jr. Rita Goss Thank You! 2015 Pledgers at All Saints’ Subie & Phil Green Bill & Ann Greenhill John & Cindy Adams Becky Boyer Arlie & Juleigh Davenport, Jr. Denis & Barbara Greer Ed Adcock Thomas & Natalie Brackett Kyle & Robert Davie Clark & Susie Gregg Laura Adcock Bill & Christy Brammer, Jr Beverly DeHart David & Suzy Griffin Mike & Karen Albritton Bruce & Ellie Brand Justine Deison Jim Griffin Stewart & Betty Alcorn, II Fr. Mel & Ruth Bridge Ryan & Lindsey Dickerson Marjorie Griffin Marinda Allender Bob & Paula Brockway Virginia Durham Rick Grimes, III Jean Anderson Jim & Frances Broussard Alicia Easton Chester & Laura Grudzinski, Jr. Frank & Tasa Anderson Alicia Brown Bob & Elaine Edwards Alice Hanson Lois Anderson Don & Jan Bumgarner Margi Ehle Mark & Adele Hart, Jr. John Arndt John & Stephanie Burk Sally Ehrhart Jim & Linda Harvey Katie & Paul Aultman John & Carol Burnam, Sr. Sparky Ellingson, Jr. Tyler & Hannah Head, Sr. Sandy Bailey Todd & Carie Burnette Bob & Cathy Estrada Rebecca Headrick Stephen Baker Lynn Busch Pat Eubank Jay Hebert & Camille Comeau Mona & Frank Ball Alan & Karen Cannon Lori & Lance Evans Judy Henderson John & Nancy Banks Ann Carraway Tom Farris Hobie & Tricia Henderson Mthr Melanie Barbarito Jeanne Casstevens Ellen Feik Kent & Barbara Henning Fr. Fred & Judith Barber Mike & Sue Chapman Rob & Rhonda Felton Tom & Marilyn Henry, III Kirk & Lisa Gail Barnes Richard & Barbara Chowning Patrick & Martha Ferchill Frank & Cynthia Hill Monte & Johanna Barron Linda Christie George & Ann Ferguson Cory & Luci Hoad Ed & Joan Basham Renee Claffey Jane Ferguson Liz Holland Anne & Bob Bass Georgia Clarke Helen Ferguson Patricia Honea Becky Beasley Trish Cloutier Ed Ferree Gerry Horne Greg & Jen Beck Dalton & Lezlie Cobb, Jr. Leonard & Nicole Firestone Fr. Jim & Anne Horton Anna Beck Al & Julie Cochran Charlie Flanders Mack & Ann House Claire Beck Norm & Merikay Coder Delaney Fleming Mark & Sarah Howard Henry Beck Jean Cole Steve & Laura Fleming Susan Howell David & Betty Bell Darron & Mary Collins John Forestner Bp. Sam Hulsey Garry & Joyce Bender Andrew & Amy Conders Ann Freese Imo Iman Drake Benthall Pat Conditt Lilo Fritz Glenn & Diana Isbell Marco & Judith Bianchi Greg & Nancy Connally Lynn Gafford Fr. Chris & Pat Jambor Tad & Patty Bird Ed Cook, Sr. Andrew & Mary Gallina Murray James Bob & Judy Blakeman David Corley Edna Garcia Andrew Johnsen & Wende Dwyer- Bill & Nancy Blalock Michael & Marty Craddock Josephine Garrett Joanie Blanton Josie Craft Bill Gerhart & Sallie Trotter Tookie Johnson Julie Bonner Jim & Judy Cross Justin Gerstenberger Steve & Jennifer Jorns Carl & Jolene Boone, Jr. Paula Croxton Jason Giesinger & Ashley Kirk Jean Jump Michael & Leigh Bornitz Charles & Barbara Cummings Arch & Jo Gilbert Keith & Mimi Karnes Dick Bourland Bill & Michelle Cyrus Mary Ann & Diego Giordano Katie Karnes 4 • April 7, 2015 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis Johnsen Chad & Amy Keener Michael McQuitty Beverly Ross Rob & Ellen Kelly, III Bob & Vickie Merrill A. Z. Rowland, Jr. Jon & Kathy Kelly John & Jessica Meyer Meg Rubin Bud Kennedy & Shelly Seymour Donna Michels Travis & Suzanne Sanders Allen & Suzanne Kent Vic & Anne Michels, II Ann Kent Larry & Heather Miglets Marybeth Sanders-Wilson & Brad Wilson John & Dot Kent Tommy & Erin Miller, Jr. Hollis Kent Charles & Jenny Miller Susan Kiehl Jerry & Amanda Milligan Constance Kilgore Jim & De Ann Mitchell Marsha & John Kleinheinz Charles & Yvonne Mooney, Jr. Tres Knight, III Mark Moore Jill Kolstad John Morgan Rose Ann Kornfeld Michael & Karen Myers Chris & Lacey Kruger Michele Needham Mary Landers Lois Neely Mike & Liz Lattimore Jeff & Lynn Nichols Russell & Kathryn Laughlin Annie Nichols Woody & Missy Lawson John & Nancy Nichols Keith & Christi LeBlanc Tom & Harriette O’Connor Kerry & Peg Lee Judy Olson Hugh & Connie Lefler, Jr. Charles Overstreet Patti Leggett Jeff & Irmgard Payne Ceth & Jerra Lewis Richard & Lea Payne Rosemary Lindsey Bob & Jeany Pitre, Sr. Andrew & Adrienne Lombardi Mike & Nancy Plunk Nancy & Sheldon Lord Bill & Kathy Pollard Walter & Beth Loudermilk David & Dana Porter Mary Ralph Lowe Susan Pratt Holly & Ed Luke, Jr. Mary Lou Pruitt Carolyn Lundelius Jeri Quinton Laurie MacGregor Thomas & Betty Rajan David Madison Jim & Loris Rankin Kyle & Jean Mankin Scott & Caren Rector Olivia Mason Janie Rector Stephen & Janese Massey Linda Reed Katie May Meryl Reed Dottie McBride Maurie Reynolds Kelly & Eunice McColm David & Constance Richardson Barbara McColm Rosie Rimbey George & Virginia McIlheran, Jr. Alston & Katie Roberts, III Jim & Marcy McKay, Jr. Fran Roberts Bob & Judy McNamara Rick & Amy Robinson Nancy Searway Douglas & Jane Seibel John & Karla Sessing Hal & Cathy Sewell James & Harriett Shadle, Jr. Fr. Johnson & Mary Shannon Scott & Allison Shapard Patty Sharratt John & Susan Sheffield Frank Sherwood Neal & Sue Shields Gary & Dabney Shires Dan Short Sharron Sibley Gary & Susie Silman Ramsay Slugg Whit & Gretchen Smith Kyle & Mary Marshall Smith Billy & Tracy Smith, II Ann Spence Jackie Springs Lisa Staples Michael & Karin Steadman Rod & Claudia Stepp Susan Stevenson Bill & Sarah Stinneford, III Ned & Marci Stocker Billie Stoker Jim Stouffer Paul & Mary Jeanne Stouffer Tom & Jane Swanson Jan Tancred Bryan Taylor Kim & Richard Terrell Jim Terry Anita Thomas Wyndell & Frieda Thomas Gracious Giving Thank You! 2015 Pledgers R.L. & Chanie Thomas Betty Thompson Emily Tolle Patricia Towle Ed & Janie Townsend, III Gilman & Mary Tracy Grace Tracy Karla Uecker Bo & Jana Underwood, III Justin & Tiffany Vahrenkamp Dick & Barbara Van Gorder Dick & Emilie Varnell Gary & Suzanne Vasseur Michael & Peggy Vaughan Lynette Waites Bill Waites Ruth Walker John & Blair Walker, III Bill & Lynne Waltman, III Derek & Mthr. Jordan Ware Cedric Wasano Finn & Carolyn Watkins Kim & Bea Watson Kenton & Alexa Watt, Jr. Webb Webb Cuba Webb Greg & Mollee Westfall Vicki Whistler Hudson & Carol Wiley Ruth Williams Kaye Williams William & Charlotte Winston Robert & Suzanne Wood, Jr. Trace & Shannon Worrell Kip & Amy Wright To add your name to the list of pledgers, please contact Lynne Waltman in the Business office, 817-732-1424 or [email protected]. April 7, 2015 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • 5 Baby Blessing, times two YOUNG ADULTS Congratulations to parishioners Kate and Brad Dickerson on the recent birth of twins, William Bradford and Evelyn Grace. They are the grandchildren of parishioners Jim and DeAnn Mitchell. Mom and babies are home and healthy. Congratulations to all! Young adults, bring a favorite beverage and your favorite hymn selections to Mthr. Ware’s house! We’ll make fun of her terrible piano “skills”, and enjoy singing some of our favorites together. All hymns from The Hymnal 1982 and the United Methodist Hymnal are on the table as possible sing-a-long choices. Come share your favorites with our community! We’ll meet on April 13th at 7:00 p.m. Please bring a beverage to share. All are welcome - please feel encouraged to bring friends. For directions or more information, contact Mthr. Ware, [email protected]. Thank You! To the dedicated volunteers who help every two weeks to prepare the bulk mailing of the Pro O to our parishioners. They also volunteer for special mailings for the Easter season. Thanks to: Barbara Henning, Kent Henning, Ed Ferree, Fran Roberts, Pat Murta, Joanie Blanton, Melanie Peoples and Laurie MacGregor. The Saintwich Ministry needs helping hands Every month, our Saintwich Ministry puts together 1,000 sandwiches for the Presbyterian Night Shelter. Their next date of service is Sunday, April 19 at 4:00 p.m. in DeWolfe Hall. It’s easy to join in...just show up. Bring an apron or dress in easy-to-wash attire. Our Saintwich Ministry also is in need of a new coordinator for this once-amonth event. If you’re interested or want more information, please email Missions@ asecfw.org. 6 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • April 7, 2015 Beer & Hymn Sing-a-Long on April 13 What’s up with EYC Sunday, April 12: EYC will help our church prepare our community garden for spring! Our service will enable gardneners to more easily grow their gifts of fruits and veggies for our neighbors. Both Jr. and Sr. EYC will meet at 4:30 p.m.to begin work. Dinner to follow. All are welcome. For more on EYC, contact Mthr. Jordan Ware, [email protected] or 817-7321424. April Community Outreach PrayerBears for Cook Children’s Medical Center This month’s Community Outreach benefits the PrayerBear program at Cook Children’s Medical Center. NEW, soft toy teddy bears with tags and other stuffed animals of all shapes, sizes and colors are blessed during worship services, then delivered to medical center chaplains. These bears and stuffed animals are given to patients who need encouragement or support. Chaplains tell children that “this bear comes to you with love from people you have never met who are praying for you.” The Prayer Bears often mean so much to children and their families that some families return to the medical center to donate bears to the program. Baskets for donations are located at the front of the nave and in DeWolfe Hall. Questions? Please contact Katrina Schussler, [email protected]. Parish Calendar Sunday, April 12 Nursery 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:10 a.m. Adult Forum 10:10 a.m. Garage Sale Preparation 11:15 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Jr. and Sr. EYC 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 13 Al-Anon 8:30 a.m. AA/Al-Anon 6:00 p.m. Job Seekers 6:00 p.m. Handbell Guild 7:00 p.m. Young Adults Beer & Hymns 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 14 Spirited Sisters 9:00 a.m. Facilities Committee 4:00 p.m. AA 6:30 p.m. Men’s Fellowship/WAS host Bourbon & Bud 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 15 Men’s Breakfast Bible Study 7:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Christian Education Commission 5:15 p.m. Wednesday Dinner 6:00 p.m. Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 16 Garage Sale preparation 2:00-8:00 p.m. Grief Support 2:00 p.m. Endowment Board 5:30 p.m. AA/Al-Anon 6:00 p.m. All Saints’ Choir 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 17 Al-Anon 8:30 a.m. Blessing Rehearsal 4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 18 Crestline Neighborhood Market 8:00 a.m.-Noon J2A/Kenya Garage Sale 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sacred Mamas 10:00 a.m. Blessing 4:30 p.m. All Saints’ Dinner Club 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 19 Carter BloodCare Blood Drive 10 a.m.- 1p.m. Nursery 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:10 a.m. PNS Sandwich Making 4:30 p.m. Jr. EYC 4:30 p.m. Sr. EYC 6:00 p.m. EYC Dinner 6:00 p.m. Monday, April 20 AA/Al-Anon 6:00 p.m. Job Seekers 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 21 Spirited Sisters St. Anne’s Guild Eucharist St. Anne’s Guild AA Stephen Minister Cont. Education 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 25 Altar Flower/Altar Guild 9:00 a.m. Carter BloodCare Blood Drive Sunday, April 19 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sign up in the church hall way or register online for a convenient time slot at www.carterbloodcare.org. Walk-ins are also welcome! Questions? Contact Joyce Bender, [email protected]. Wednesday, April 22 Men’s Breakfast Bible Study 7:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Dinner 6:00 p.m. Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23 AA/Al-Anon All Saints’ Choir 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 24 Al-Anon Organ Recital Reception 8:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. All Saints’ Episcopal Worship Calendar Sunday Services Daily Services 8:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) 9:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist (Rite II) 11:15 a.m. Choral Eucharist (Rite I) 7:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Saturday at 8:00 a.m.) 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer (Monday through Friday) 10:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays with the Healing Service 4:45 p.m. Evening Prayer (Mon.-Fri.) 5:00 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite I), with the Healing Service April 7, 2015 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • 7 All Saints’ Episcopal Church 5001 Crestline Road Fort Worth, Texas 76107-3699 Non-Profit U.S.Postage PAID Fort Worth, Texas Permit No. 1628 Opens Saturday, April 18! ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth 4301 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76103 817-534-1900 Fax: 817-534-1904 Web Site: www.episcopaldiocesefortworth.org The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., Bishop A Procession of Palms The weather and a well-mannered miniature donkey cooperated to make a wonderful Palm Sunday on March 29. Above, our outdoor Palm Sunday Procession witnesses to our neighbors that Holy Week has begun. At left, two sisters meet and greet the donkey, who reminds us of Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem to the Hosannas of the crowd. All Saints’ Episcopal Church 5001 Crestline Road Fort Worth, Texas 76107-3699 817-732-1424 Fax: 817-731-2417 Web Site: www.asecfw.org The Rev. Christopher N. Jambor, Rector Rector’s Staff The Rev. Melanie R. Barbarito, Assisting Priest The Rev. Jordan Ware, Assisting Priest The Rev. J. Frederick Barber, Adjunct Priest The Rev. M. Johnson Shannon, Adjunct Priest The Rev. Thomas E. Shepherd, Adjunct Priest Paul Aultman, Sexton Keri Collier, Nursery Worker Edna Garcia, Receptionist/Membership Secretary Jan Griffith, Nursery Worker Frederick Grimes, Organist and Choirmaster Holly Luke, Sunday School Superintendent Sean Meagher, Assistant Sexton Dottie McBride, Bursar/Financial Secretary Marybeth Sanders-Wilson, Assistant to the Rector Karla Uecker, Communications Manager Lynne M. Waltman, Business Manager
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