St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church
St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church
UPCOMING EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS Blessings are Gifts FROM God. Stewardship is our Gift TO God. WE CANNOT OUTGIVE GOD! Stewardship is a legacy of personal support to maintain a church for today and tomorrow. STEWARDSHIP FORMS FOR 2015 ARE AVAILABLE ********************************** Stewardship Reflection Seventh Sunday of Pentecost I recently read my morning Scriptures and reflected on an article discussing aspects of worship. In the Orthodox faith, we attend the Divine Liturgy on a weekly basis as a community and are expected to worship God privately each and every day of our lives. This includes our daily prayers, thanksgiving, almsgiving, gratitude - many ways we can praise and thank God for all that He has provided. This then led to a reflection on my life as a Steward - this isn't a commitment that is completed weekly, or when a collection tray is passed or once a year at a festival we volunteer for. This is a commitment that must be exercised daily as well. When we thank God for all that He provides us, His only expectation is that we be good and faithful Stewards with what He has entrusted to us. Each function of our daily life should focus on our Time, Talents and Treasures and how we are using them. SERBIAN ORTHODOX UNITY AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM TROPARION OF THE RESURRECTION - Tone 6: Angelic Hosts were above Thy tomb, and they that guarded Thee became as dead. And Mary stood by the grave seeking Thine immaculate Body. Thou didst despoil hades and wast not tempted by it. Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst grant us life. O Thou Who didst rise from the dead, O Lord, glory be to Thee. TROPARION OF THE HOLY FATHERS - Tone 8: Most glorious art Thou, O Christ our God, Who hast established our fathers upon the earth as beacons, and hast thereby guided us all to the true Faith! O greatly Compassionate One, glory be to Thee! TROPARION OF ST. BASIL OF OSTROG - Tone 4: From your youth you gave yourself entirely to the Lord, remaining in prayer, labor and fasting, O God-bearing Father. Because you were an example of virtues and good works to your flock, seeing your good work, God established you as a pastor and good hierarch of His Church. And after your repose, He kept your body incorrupt, O Holy Basil. Therefore, with boldness pray to Christ God to save our souls. Kontakion of the Resurrection - Tone 6: Having by His life-bestowing hand raised up all the dead out of the dark abysses, Christ God, the Giver of Life, hath bestowed the resurrection upon the fallen human race; for he is the Savior of all, the Resurrection, and the Life, and the God of all. GLORY… Kontakion of The Holy Fathers - Tone 8: The preaching of the apostles and the dogmas of the fathers sealed the one Faith of the Church; and clad in the robe of Truth woven of theology from on high, it setteth aright and glorifieth the great mercy of piety. BOTH NOW… Kontakion to Theotokos - Tone 6: O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame/, O mediation unto the Creator unfailing/, disdain not the suppliant voices of sinners/, but be thou quick, O good one, to help us who in faith cry unto thee/; hasten to intercession and speed thou to make supplication//, thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honor thee. St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd . Mettawa – Lake Forest , Illinois 60045 –5104 Email: ([email protected]) Parish Priest: V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar - [email protected] (847) 477-1531 cell Trustee Co-Chairman: Michael Kosanovich Circle of Serbian Sisters: Richelle Ar andjelovic Choir Director: Nada Savatic Coordinators: Church School: Vasilija Vojcanin; Folklore: Slobodanka Vr anjes St. Varnava Men’s Club: Vladimir Rokvic; Bookstore: Diana Potkonjak and Paul Saniuk Facilities Contact: Matija Peyakovic and Nikola Gabr ic; Weekly Email: Zor an Mihajlovic Serbian School: Jelena Visnjevac, Svjetlana Masic and Dunja Vla St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd, Mettawa - Lake Forest, IL. 60045-5104 V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar Home (847) 680-1117 Cell (847) 477-1531 H. Fax (847) 680-1127 [email protected] - Church Phone (847) 247-0077 - Church FX (847) 247-0088 7th Sunday after Pentecost Venerable Sisoes the Great; Sunday of the Holy Fathers of first 6 Ecumenical Councils; Tone 6: Epistle: Rom. (15, 1-7) Gospel: Mt. (9, 27-35) Saturday and Pre-Feast Vespers 5:00 P.M. ~Next Sunday~ Divine Liturgy at 10:00 A.M. A time to obey… A time to resist… (celebr. July 24) The story of the GREAT MARTYR EUPHEMIA is a story of choices. She was born in Chalcedon in the third century – a time when Christians were still facing terrible persecution from the pagan Romans. Her parents were wealthy aristocrats; her father Philophronus was also a senator. However, they were “something” else: they secretly devout Christians, and they did their best to foster a love for the Lord within their daughter. Euphemia could have lived a life of luxury and still practiced her Christian faith quietly. Instead, she chose to vocally express her beliefs, even though she understood that by speaking out, her life would be in danger. Euphemia’s faith was put to the ultimate test when the provincial governor Priscus came to Chalcedon to celebrate a pagan festival. Some 49 Christians, led by Euohemia, refused to attend. When the angry Priscus discovered this insubordination, he had them brought before him and demanded to know why they had disobeyed his imperial command. Without hesitation, Euphemia spoke up: “Both the Emperor’s commands and yours must be obeyed if they are not contrary to the god of heaven. If they are, not only must they not be obeyed, they must be resisted.” Furious with this defiant response, Priscus ordered the dissenters to all be tortured for 19 days. Euphemia was the target of the most brutal cruelties. First, she was tied to a wheel. Then she was thrown into a fiery furnace. Surviving these ordeals, Euphemia was thrown into a pit filled with poisonous snakes. After making the sign of the Cross, she remained unharmed! Finally, St. Euphemia suffered martyrdom after being severely mauled by wild beats. Her remains rest in the famous Church of St. George in Constantinople. ST. BASIL OF OSTROG SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH EYE ON SCRIPTURE We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, ‘the reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me’. For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus… Rom. (15, 1-5) Orthodox Study Bible The mature in faith, with whom Paul theologically identifies, are here called strong and are exhorted to be patient, regarding the scruples of the weak. Christ is the supreme example of sacrificing personal rights and not pleasing Himself. Ap. Paul addresses Jewish and Gentile Christians on their cultural differences regarding foods and festivals. Both are exhorted to mutual acceptance, just as both are accepted by Christ for the glory of God. The Old Testament had foreseen the unity of faith and joy of believing Jews and Gentiles joined in Christ… ST. BASIL OF OSTROG SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Introduction: Saints and Non-Saints canonization is premature, saints or will necessarily ever be venerated as saints. It would even if icons (with or without be a great error to venerate as a haloes) are painted, books and articles written and talks given saint one who was not, but, on Practising Orthodox Chrisin honor of the particular the other hand, it would be no tians are aware of several holy ‘hero’. less an error to deny holiness men and women, often elders A good example of one who to one who was holy. W hat are or eldresses, from different has been canonized and whose the signs of holiness we should Orthodox lands, who are veneration has spread around thought by many to be saints. look for? the world is St. Nicholas of Indeed, the question is often Zhicha, also called St NichoUnanimity of Veneration raised: ‘Why have they not las of Ochrid and, in Russian, over Time and Space been canonized yet?’ These St Nicholas the Serb. Another First of all, we should look for figures include, for example, popular veneration, or ‘glorify- example is St John of Shangfrom Greece: Fr. Paisios of cation’, which is universal, last- hai, also called St John of Athos and Fr. Porphyrios; Shanghai and Western Europe, ing and accepted by all. This from Romania: Fr. Cleopa meets the criteria of catholicity, or St. John of Shanghai and and Fr. Arsenie (Boca); from San Francisco and, by yet othRussia: Fr . J ohn (Kr estian- eloquently expressed by the ers, St. John the Wonderworkfifth-century Church Father, kin) and Fr. Nikolai (GuriaSt. Vincent of Lerins, that we er. The mere fact that these nov). However, some figures believe what has been believed saints have so many titles from the Diaspora are also shows the universality of their ‘everywhere, always and by sometimes mentioned… And all’. In other words, we should veneration. The fact that their there are several other less writings and sermons (an exmake sure that our veneration well-known figures, both in ternal criterion of their holithe Diaspora and in Orthodox for a particular person is ness) have not purely countries, who are also spobeen local, ken of as possible saints. It or Veneration of a saint is not anywhere near must be said that some of the the worship of God, neither is it the same less well-known figures are as secular ‘hero-worship’ with its relatively controversial, even ‘personality cults’ and ‘legacies’, as, for divisive and some of them are example, among Catholic orders, from the honored only by tiny groups Franciscans to the Jesuits and Opus Dei, of initiates. with their private saints. Even the very We should not be surprised words ‘hero’ and ‘legacy’ are purely by any of this. We only have secular. to recall the history of some transonly recently canonized saints. We lated into short-term, recall St. Xenia of St Petersmany languages, or is accepted only burg. It took nearly two hunespecially into ‘Orthodox lanby a small band of ‘initiates’, dred years for her canonizaguages’, is another clear sign. wherever they may live. In the tion to take place. It took Of contemporary non-canonilast case, there is always the nearly seventy tears to canozed, (now canonized) this primitive but all too common, nize St. Seraphim of Sarov seems to be true of Elder Paisicultist danger of self-flattery: and over fifty to canonize os the Athonite. ‘We knew a saint, therefore we St. John of Kronstadt and are also saints, or at least we twenty-five years, a generaConclusion: Other Signs tion, for St. Nectarios of Pen- are far above the level of the We should also be aware of rabble who do not venerate tapolis to be r ecognized, and him’. other external criteria for caneven then he was maligned, Thus, we can think of one onization which are also very as he was in his lifetime. As whose veneration is limited to important. These may include regards St. Nicholas of Zhicha (still maligned by some), one particular locality. We can the incorruption of relics, for think of another who reposed example, in the case of St John St. John of Shanghai (maligned in his own lifetime and only a few years ago amid great of Shanghai. However, this is secular publicity, but who is not compulsory. Cases of mufor some time after) and St. now very much forgotten. And mmification can occur. The Justin of Chelije (also mafinally, we can think of one relics of St. Nectarios of Penligned by some until very retapolis crumbled to dust. Ancently), canonization also took whose veneration stretches to between one and two genera- many countries, but is accepted other external criterion is miraonly among tiny, modernistic, cles. However, it is important tions and the processes were highly intellectual and esoteric that miracles should not connot without controversy. groups in various countries. sist of only dreams and cirHowever, this does not cumstances that could be intermean that the bishops, elders, Veneration must be universal, lasting and shared by many dif- preted as ‘coincidental’. Miraeldresses, monks and nuns cles must always be clear, obwho are often put forward for ferent sorts and conditions of people. If all these three condi- jective signs, not subject to canonization by some are all tions are not met, any talk of personal and private interpretation. These too are often deluded and self-flattering: ‘I had a special revelation from a saint, therefore I am a saint’. We should be careful of groups who appear to place the veneration of their ‘hero’ above God. This was the case with some who were called ‘Johannites’, who ‘venerated’ St. John of Kronstadt even before his repose. Certain others seem to have had a kind of ‘heroworship’ for St. Nectarios of Pentapolis. Let us be clear. Veneration of a saint is not anywhere near the worship of God, neither is it the same as secular ‘hero-worship’ with its ‘personality cults’ and ‘legacies’, as, for example, among Catholic orders, from the Franciscans to the Jesuits and Opus Dei, with their private saints. Even the very words ‘hero’ and ‘legacy’ are purely secular. We belong to Christ, not to Paul or Apollo or Cephas (I Cor 1, 12). We follow the legacy of Christ and of no man, for every man is a sinner. Here we should be aware of those cultists who ‘attribute’ certain sayings to elders, things which they probably never said. We are thinking of those who would disturb the memory of Elder Paisios. We will not discuss here who of these elders and bishops we think might one day be canonized. It is hardly for us even to have an opinion on such a matter. It is vital to understand that human-beings do not make saints. God makes saints, r evealing them and proclaiming them through His Church with Her common mind, the consensus and communion of the saints. Therefore, if we should, for some reason, be anxious to venerate a reposed elder or bishop as a saint, let us wait for signs from God and let us obey the Church. God, and not man, makes saints. God r eveals His saints to His Church at the right time, when we need their spiritual support and witness. Just as the Church is not ours, neither are the saints, for they are a free gift given to us by God for our edification. Archpriest Andrew Phillips MARRIAGE BANNS (I) St. Basil Church Folklore Trip to St. Louis Church Serbfest GORAN MAMIC, son of +Borko and Bozica (Konjikusic) Mamic, of Riverwoods, IL and JETNORA ZANUNJA, daughter of Agim and Departing Sat. Aug 1 and Luljeta (Veisllari) Zanunja, returning Monday, Aug. of Riverwoods, IL will get 3rd. Extra bus seats availamarried on August 15, 2015 ble for anyone who would at HRSO Cathedral like to make the trip for in Chicago, IL. $50 roundtrip. Hotel about If there are any impediments $114 with pool and free hot to this marriage please ad- breakfast. See Slobodanka Vranjes if interested. Join vise the parish priest. the fun visiting others! SUNDAY LUNCHES With our Chef Jelica Available weekly for food and fellowship. Lord, visit Thy servants in their suffering, and grant them grace and strength to bear their sickness with which they are afflicted; heal and save them: Sister ANGELINA; Milica BILBIJA; Milorad BLAGOJEVIC; Zivota BLAZIC; Stevan BOGOJEVIC; Aleksandar BURMEISTER; David CASTALDO; Petar COKIC; Milan DAVORIJA; Danilo DEJANOVICH; DRONDIC; Join us following Dusan Svetomir DUPOR; Divine Liturgy Ivan GAVRILOVIC; Roxanne GETZ; Adults $7.00 Aleksandar GLISOVIC; Children $4.00 Daniela GOMEZ; Radoslav IVANOVIC; Dobrila KNEZEVIC; Jadranka KOPAC; Branko KOSANOVIC; George KOVAC; Platinum Sponsors $1,000 + Ivan/Lesia KOSTIC; Tents, Entertainment, Coolers, etc. Mara KOVACEVIC; Gold Sponsors $500 - $ 999 Ray/Laura KULMALA; Grilling Supplies, Equipment Rental… Cathy LALICH; Silver Sponsors $251 - $ 499 Slavojka MILESIC; Whole lambs, pigs; Beverages: soft Milka/Milan MILICEVIC; drinks, water, beer, specialty brands... Ron MITROVICH; General Sponsors $101 - $250 Dragica MRKALJ; Grilled meats, farm fresh corn... Suzana NEDIC; Donations up to $100 Boro NEDINIC: Desserts, Food (chicken, sarma), paper Marija NIKOLICH; supplies (plates, forks, knives…) Daliborka OPACIC; Djuro/Jelena OPSENICA; Mladen PECANAC; Natalija PETROVIC: Bonnie POPOVIC; July 26, 2015 - KSS Midyear meeting. Aleksandra RALEVICH; All the sisters are invited. Jessica SELOUNTOS; George SINNOKRAK; August 2, 2015– Sunday, St. Elijah Nikola SREJOVIC; Feast Day—Holy Liturgy 10AM Simonida STIPANOVIC; August 14-28, 2015 Dor mition Lent Nikola STOKOVIC; Zika SUBARIC; August 19—Wednesday, Tr ansfigur ation of our Lor d—Holy Liturgy 10AM Angie/Aco TERZIC; August 28– Friday, Dor mition of the Theotokos—Holy Liturgy 10AM Fr. Rastko TRBUHOVIC Jovan VOJCANIN; Petar ZIVANOVIC; metr. JOVAN (Vraniskovski) Be a “Taste of Serbia” Sponsor With your: Talents, Time, or monetary gift. Dates to Remember:
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