August 2015 Newsletter - Maysville Mason County Area
August 2015 Newsletter - Maysville Mason County Area
M AYS VI LLE - M AS ON C O . A R E A C H AMB E R OF C O MME R C E 2 0 1 E . T H I R D S TR E E T M AYS VI LLE , K Y 4 1 0 5 6 CHAMBER CONNECTIONS August 2015 INSIDE: September Chamber Luncheon Calendar of Events 7 Chamber Services 4&5 Member2Member 6 Member News 5 Member of the Month 4 New Members 3 Renewing Members 3 SAVE THESE DATES September 3rd Chamber Luncheon “Industry” 11:30 am -1 pm September 4th Google Profile Training, 8:30 am September 7th Chamber office will be Closed in Observance of Labor Day September 11th Google Profile Training, 8:30 am September 3rd - Membership Luncheon What Do they Do? Ever wonder just what is produced in area industries? Join us to hear representatives from Federal Mogul, International Paper and Stober Drives. Maysville Country Club 11:30 am- 1 pm $15 per person Reserve your seat by calling: (606) 564-5534 Or email: [email protected] Open House September 22nd (4-6 pm) You are invited to Join us for an Open House for: Raymond James Financial Services, Inc (Upper Level of the Woodland Center) & New Hope Community Services (Lower Level of the Woodland Center) Door Prizes & Refreshments Page 2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Suzan Ross - Chair Dan Fannin - Vice Chair Michael Parker - Past Chair Janet White - Treasurer Larry Poe Tonya Wenz Chamber Connections Congratulations to the winners of our 2015 Golf Scramble Winner – Laurel Oaks Team BOARD OF DIRECTORS Term Expires December 31, 2015 Linda Brown- Kenton Pointe Assisted Living Rebecca Cartmell - Red Cross David Lawrence - Rotary Club Joe VonDerHaar - East Ky. Power Tonya Wenz - Limestone YMCA Term Expires December 31, 2016 Dustin Grutza - Ranger Steel Michael Parker - Hospice of Hope Norlene Rice - Bank of Maysville Suzan Ross - Baldwin CPAs Janet White - US Bank Term Expires December 31, 2017 Mary Bishop - Women’s Crisis Ctr Bob Hendrickson - Ledger Independent Larry Poe - Boone Real Estate Kirby Rosser - Mason Co. Schools Tony Sweeney - Sweeney Appraisals Term Expires December 31, 2018 Allison Adams - Buffalo Trace Health Department Chuck Doughman- C & D Electronics Dan Fannin- Regal Gerry Schumacher- First State Bank Michelle Traxel- Traxel’s Jewelry Ex-Officio David Cartmell - Mayor, Maysville Kelly Clarke - Tourism Rep. Mike Denham - State Representative Jeremy Faulkner - BTADD Joseph Pfeffer - Judge Executive, Mason Co. Rick Ross - Mason Co. Board of Education Robert Parker - Meadowview Regional Medical Center Tracey Parriman - Mason Co. Coop Ext. Service Dr. Stephen Vacik- Maysville Community & Technical College Gene Weaver - Industrial Authority Draw Winners – Fleming-Mason Energy, US Bank and Aaron’s Hole Prizes: Women’s Closet to the Pin – Audrey Anderson Men’s Closest to the Pin – Hunter Burlew Chamber Connections Page 3 THE CHAMBER THANKS THESE MEMBERS FOR RENEWING IN JULY 84 Lumber Applebee's AT&T Brell & Son Funeral Home Carmeuse Lime Central Supply Co. City of Maysville Dr. James E. Adams East KY Power Coop Emerson Industrial Automation Green Tokai Company, Ltd. Gross Insurance & Financial Planning Kentucky Distillers Association Kentucky Utilities Company Kirlin's Hallmark #248 Lasting Impressions Salon & Spa Limestone Cable Vision Mason Co. Fiscal Court May's Lick Medical Clinic Meadowview Regional Medical Center Neff Refrigeration, Heating and A/C New Hope Community Services, LLC Sherwin-Williams Company Standard Tobacco Co. WFTM SAVE THE DATES “A Star Spangled Celebration” Takin’ Care of Business November 9, 2015 5:30 pm MISSION The MISSION of the Maysville-Mason Co. Area Chamber of Commerce is to enhance economic growth, promote development and provide leadership of the business community in the Maysville- Mason County Area. VISION Provide value to the membership Promote the people, community and business in the Maysville and mason County area. Provide leadership in the development of economic growth and business vitality Through: communications, outreach programs, education and training. Like us on Facebook! Search for Maysville-Mason County Area Chamber of Commerce. Page 4 Chamber Connections BENEFITS CHAMBER CHOICE GIFT CHECKS Available in $5, $10, $20 or $25 denominations. PROMOTION NETWORKING Laurel Oaks Golf Course 808 US Hwy 62, Maysville (606) 759-5011 RIBBON CUTTINGS INFORMATION SERVICES CHAMBER WEBSITE Member listings with links to your website or Facebook page. LEADERSHIP HORIZONS Explore all our community has to offer through this leadership development program co-sponsored by the Chamber. LET’S PUT MAYSVILLE ON THE MAP Have access to Chamber member info wherever you are by downloading MyChamberApp on your SmartPhone. Choose Kentucky, then Maysville-Mason Co. Area Chamber of Commerce It will become your “favorite” Join us at the Chamber office to learn how to complete your Google profile. September 4th at 8:30 am September 11th at 8:30 am Bring your Laptop or IPad Limited Seating! RSVP to: (606) 564-5534 Chamber Connections Page 5 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS IN JULY Maysville Community & Technical College hosted their 4th Annual Maysville Summer Robotics Camp. 12 Students from 7-12 years old attended the action packed 4-day camp. D I SC OU NTS Mason County Schools new STEAM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, and Medicine) will be ready for the 200 high school students who have chosen to take classes in those subject areas when they return to school on August 12th. In all, 4.5 million dollars was allocated for the project. First State Bank in Ripley the SelfReliant Award to a senior at the Ripley Union Lewis Huntington School. This award has been around since the 1960’s Security Bank & Trust Company of and the Ripley Union Banking Center has Maysville is pleased to announce that been the proud donor of the award. Robert T. Palmer has been named a director of the bank. Farm Credit Mid- America welcomes Lindsey Phillips. Lindsey has been named The Kentucky Gateway Museum Financial Service Officer. Phillips will ser- Center had on exhibit Lego’s. There have vice loans and financially related services been several families and children come to for a $19 billion financial cooperative the museum to see the artwork created by serving over 96,500 farmer producers and legos. rural residents throughout Indiana, Ohio, Maysville Community & Technical Kentucky, and Tennessee. College hosted a meet and greet to give Baldwin, CPA’s has announced their residents the opportunity to meet Dr. merger with Eldridge, Jackson and Leedy Stephen Vacik, the new president of PLLC, a professional services firm located MCTC. in Flemingsburg, KY. Baldwin CPA’s will The Kentucky Gateway Museum now have a total of 39 employees. The Center welcomes the new director of the merger was effective on June 1, 2015, and Museum, Michael Pack. Pack comes to the the firm will maintain offices in Richjob with a keen interest in genealogy and mond, Flemingsburg, Louisville, Maysbackground in personnel management. ville, and Lexington, KY. City of Maysville police chief Ron Rice Maysville Community & Technical was inducted into the Kentucky Veterans College has launched a new inactive with global reach: 5K Project Malaria. Funds Hall of Fame. raised over the course of the fall semester The Maysville Players presented the will go to Western Uganda through Camclassic musical “Bye, Bye, Birdie” at the bodia Missionaries. Washington Opera House. The cast featured 30 teen and college aged performers. BRANDING FORUMS City officials, in conjunction with a committee of citizens, is seeking the public's input for a new branding strategy that will be used to market the area to visitors. Aug 13th at 6:30 p.m.- at the Mason County Intermediate School Commons Area Aug 18th at 6:30 p.m.- at the Maysville Lions Club Building Aug 20th at 6:30 p.m.- at the Mason County Extension Office MyChamberApp Featured Listing Just $10 Page 6 Chamber Connections Take the NCRC We need your assistance! We want to ensure that our children and grandchildren have jobs available in the area once they graduate. We are certified as a Work ready in Process Community. In order to reach the Work Ready level, we need 9% of our working age adults to hold a National Career Readiness Certificate. We have funds to pay for Mason County residents. Testing dates are: The Kentucky Career Center, Tuesday: 8:30 am & 1:30 pm, Wednesday: 1:30 pm, Thursday: 8:30 am & 1: 30 pm, and Friday: 8:30 am Call the Chamber office to schedule your test TODAY! (606) 564-5534 MEMBER2MEMBER DISCOUNTS Watch for the 2015 Small Business Development Seminars: How to Start a Business Writing a Business Plan Financing A Business How To Market A Business Daily Operations of a Business To Register call: (606) 759-7141, ext. 66120 APPLEBEE’S OF MAYSVILLE 175 Walmart Way, Maysville 606-759-0620 BLUE LICKS STATE RESORT PARK P.O. Box 66, Mt. Olivet 800-443-7008 C & D ELECTRONICS 110 Tucker Drive, Maysville 606-759-5027 CRAWFORD DOWNING INSURANCE AGENCY 125 Market Street, Maysville 606-564-6826 GOOD SHEPHERD PRINTING 606-784-2858 Morehead http:/ mberSpecial.htm FRENCH QUARTER INN MATTRESS WAREHOUSE 25 E. McDonald Parkway Maysville 606-564-8000 179 Wal-Mart Way, Maysville 606-759-0655 JUDY GEAGLEY BY HAND, LLC. M & M CUSTOM FRAMING 1633 Martha Ann Drive Maysville, KY 4 1056 606-759-7848 546 Garrad Rd Tollesboro, KY 41189 606-798-3901 LASTING IMPRESSIONS PARADISE BREEZE SALON & SPA WATERPARK 14 East Second Street Maysville 606-564-5646 3177 AA Highway Maysville 606-759-9416 MARY KAY COSMETICS- PROSOURCE TONYA SARTIN4720 Glendale Milford Rd. 606-584-2779 Cincinnati, OH 45242 LIFE’S ULTIMATE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY 740 Fleming Road, Maysville 606-564-9400 513-769-0606 TOPICAL MEDIA SOLUTIONS 38 Price Road Augusta, KY 41002 606-584-8819 Chamber Connections Page 7 MASON COUNTY AREA CALENDAR OF EVENTS August 18th- Mason Co. Farmers Market- Located at the Mason Co. Extension Office, 10 am-2 pm August 20th- Mason Co. Farmers Market- Located across from the Mason Co. Health Dept, under the Simon Kenton Bridge, 9 am- 1 pm. August 22nd- Mason Co. Farmers Market- Located in front of Tractor Supply, 10 am- 2 pm August 25th- Mason Co. Farmers Market- Located at the Mason Co. Extension Office, 10 am-2 pm August 28th Women’s Crisis Center 5th Annual- DINING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE-Denim & Diamonds Event. Located at: Maysville Conference Center. 6 pm. Wear your DENIM & DIAMONDS. For more information and tickets contact: Melissa Greenwell, [email protected] , 606-5646708 or Mary Bishop, [email protected] at 606-5646708 bake it and what creative, fun things Cost is $15 if you pre-register thru can be made. Cost is $5. Resister for September 4 and $20 after this class by calling: 606-564-6808 September 4 until day of event. Start September 3rd- Chamber line will be at Saint Patrick School. If Luncheon- “What Do they you need more information, please do?” Located at: The call: (606) 407-5180 Maysville Country Club. Cost is September 12th- 3rd Annual $15. Reserve your seat by calling: Filthy 5K- presented by Kentucky (606) 564-5534, or email: Mudfest. For more information [email protected] contact: 606-564-5865 September 4th- ORVAG September 12th- Saint Pat’s Fall Presents: “Art of the iPhone”- 5-7 Festival pm- . Located on the 2nd floor of the Cox Building. Gallery Hours are: September 19th- 20th- Simon Tue- Sat 11 am – 4 pm. For more Kenton Festival- Located in information call: 606-564-4383 Historic Old Washington. September 4th- 6th- Mandolin September 19th- KGMC- History Farm Bluegrass FestivalPerformances Include: Nate Stone & of Browning ManufacturingSouth of Nowhere, Open Mic Night, 10:30 am Louis Browning- Seminars are FREE and open to the public East Kentucky Blue, The Price Coffee, tea and coffee cake will be Sisters, Marteka N William Lake, CONFEDERATE RAILROAD – served. For more information contact: 606-564-5865 18 Top 40 Hits, Turning Ground, The Weary Jammers, Mountain September 25th- 26th- Cave Run Melody. For more information call: Story Telling Festival- For more (443) 838-8841, or email: information contact: (606)-780-4342. [email protected] Or visit: August 29th- Mason Co. Farmers Market- Located across from the Mason Co. Health Dept, under the September 12- Maysville Rotary Simon Kenton Bridge, 9 am- 1 pm. Club 36th Annual Horse ShowAugust 8th- Mason Co. Farmers Germantown Fair Grounds. Market- Located in front of Tractor Delicious Food. Pre-Show Stick Horse Ring- $5 Admission; Under 12 Supply, 10 am- 2 pm Free. September 3rd- Mason County September 25th & 26th- Pig-out in Downtown Maysville.- Pig Out is located at the corner of McDonald Parkway and Sutton Street. Friday 7:00 pm. On Saturday at: Noon. Vendors will be serving pulled pork, Extension Office- Bread Making- September 12th- Saints Stampede- brisket, ribs, & chicken in their own 5-6:30 pm -As a group, we will learn Saint Patrick Fall Festival 5K run / 2 unique signature style. For more information please call: 606-564how bread is made, how dough is mile walk that will be held @ 8:00 4869 kneaded, how it should feel, how to a.m. Registration starts @ 7 a.m. Does your Company or Organization have an upcoming Event? Add it to our Calendar! Email it to: [email protected] Corporate Executive Entrepreneur of Maysville Maysville-Mason Co. Area Chamber of Commerce 201 E. Third Street Maysville, KY 41056 Return Service Requested Partner: Active Care Chiropractic Delores Baker, Attorney At Law Downing Insurance Agency First State Bank Hospice of Hope Kentucky Gateway Museum Center Moore & Parker Funeral Home Neff Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Primary Plus Traxel's Jewelry US Bank Associate: Boone Real Estate Brock-McVey Buffalo Trace Surveying C & D Electronics Drifter’s Paradise Campground Fox, Wood, Wood & Estill Gold Star Chili Kachler Appraisal Service Knox & Brothers Funeral Home M & M Custom Framing Mason Co. Coop Extension Mason Co. PVA People’s Bank Real Estate Asset Counseling Redden Hometown Realty Royse, Zweigart, Kirk, Brammer, and Caudill
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