Veritas br.


Veritas br.
september 2011 No. 12
Launch of white wines “Bela Voda” and “Barovo”
Tikveš Grozdober 2011
Macedonia’s Finest promoted in Serbia
First oenologists meeƟng in Macedonia
Welcome to Macedonia with “T’ga za Jug”
Rkatsiteli – wine of harmonious flavour and freshness
Wine glossary #2 – Rkatsiteli
Incredible recogni on for “Bela Voda” Red
The U.S. market - a new challenge for “Tikveš” wines
It was our pa ence and persistent long-term strategy to come to the U.S. wine market that put our red wines
Barovo and Bela Voda in the hands of Robert Parker, the man who literally shapes the opinion of wine consumers.
This renowned wine cri c enjoys credibility globally, assessing the tasted wines on a scale of 100 points. Wines
awarded with 90-95 points are classified as "extraordinary", those awarded with 80-89 points are "very good" and
a score of 75-79 marks an “over-average” wine. It is Robert Parker, currently the most influen al wine cri c in the
world, who awarded the wine Bela Voda Red with excep onal 94 points.
It is suffice to say that many American consumers do not buy the wine that Robert Parker marked with less than
80 points. This shows the impact that this man has on a wine’s success in the U.S. market. Undoubtedly, Robert
Parker’s recommenda on will make an important contribu on to our efforts to come to this market and have a
long-term sale of wine.
Dear friends and wine lovers of Tikveš,
It was a long, hot summer that will forever be remembered by the success of Macedonian basketball team
on the European Championship in Lithuania. It is a great honour to have them as our ally in the process of
promoƟng the values and treasures of our small and sunny country. We tried to give our contribuƟon to the
promoƟon of Macedonian wine in the neighbourhood. We take special pride in our commitment to best
represent Macedonian wines which were recognized by Robert Parker himself, the leading U.S. wine criƟc
of internaƟonal influence.
The ceremony marking the start of the grape harvest took place on Tikveš Grozdber (grape picking) 2011.
We hosted the first Macedonian oenologists’ meeƟng and organized a welcome surprise for the first
passengers at the new internaƟonal airport in Skopje. You will find more on these events on the pages of
We prepared an interesƟng and useful wine lesson in this issue, too, and we present to you the extraordinary wine Rkatsiteli.
Launch of the white wines “Bela Voda” and “Barovo”
We have the pleasure to announce that in September we launched two white wines of
the terroir series Bela Voda and Barovo. These wines are produced on strictly-controlled
vine planta ons of geographic origin. Philippe Cambie, a world known oenologist and
the creator of these wines had a goal to unite local tradi ons and world trends in wine
produc on. These wines have already had world promo on and received world
recogni on, such as the famous wine compe on Decanter in Great Britain, where the
vintage 2010 was awarded with bronze medal.
Barovo and Bela Voda White are an ideal combina on of white grape Grenache Blanc
and Chardonnay, making these wines appealing to all consumers, especially those
always searching for new exci ng wine flavours and aromas. The new white wines
Barovo and Bela Voda will be produced in limited quan es of 10,000 bo les per year.
Previously, the Tikveš Winery had launched the red terroir wines Barovo and Bela Voda.
All wines belong to the group of high-quality dry wines.
Tikveš Grozdober 2011
Tikveš Grozdober 2011 is an event that takes place once a year and is expected for eleven months. This is the
event that awakes the imagina on and romance in all of us, as it reminds us of the breathtaking landscapes of
vine regions and bonvivant life of wine lovers.
This year, too, Tikveš was a part of the Tikveš Grozdober in Kavadarci, a tradi onal ceremony marking the start of
the harvest. Four days of celebra on and fes vi es a racted many visitors who were entertained by famous
music stars, a rac ve Brazilian dancers, local and foreign carnival entertainers.
During the Grozdober, the wine lovers had an opportunity to visit the Tikveš Winery stand and taste delicious
wines. Moreover, the Tikveš Winery presented the guests of several cafeterias with gi s for each Tikveš wine
bought. In the same me, the Tikve Winery was the patron of the concert of Naum Petreski, popular singer of
folk songs, whose performance melted the hearts of all in the Wine House in Kavadarci.
The evalua on, an inevitable part of this event, crowned the Tikveš Winery’s Vranec 2010 from the Barovo
vineyards, making it a champion among all wines. This was a wonderful comple on of the Tikve Grozdober, and
all that is le now is to count down the months to the next one.
“Macedonia’s finest” promoted in Serbia
Being a regional leader, the Tikveš Winery must always be among its
consumers and surprise them with new wine flavours. It is the only way
to stay on the top. Also, we have before us the obliga ons to promote
and expand Macedonian wine culture and tradi on, as a significant
segment of our country’s promo on.
We met this obliga on to the best of our abili es on the Independence
Day. The Tikveš Winery was the patron of the recep on held on
September 7 by the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia to Serbia.
The guests of the Aero Club, the venue of the recep on, were served
Alexandria Cuvée. That very same evening, our wines were served on
the cocktail held on the occasion of the Macedonian Film, organized at
the Yugoslav Cinotheque.
In September, we were part of two important wine events in Serbia. At the Wine Fes val, held on 9-10 September and organized on Letnja Pozornica in Nis, Barovo and Bela Voda Red, our new wines with geographic origin,
then Muscat O onel, and of course, the one and only T’ga za jug, made a great impression. We organized a
workshop called “Wine and Food – marrying the flavours”, which was held on 10 September in Nis, during the
special dinner organized for restaurant owners in Nis, Leskovac and Vranje. At the dinner, we organized tas ng of
five premium wines of the series Barovo, Bela Voda and Alexandria Cuvée.
First oenologists meeƟng in Macedonia
The Tikveš Winery hosted the first oenologist mee ng in Macedonia,
held on June 18 at the restaurant of the Winery. Oenologists from
fi een Macedonian wineries were present.
The idea for such coopera on has brewed for some me, but the
ini a ve came a er a larger group of Macedonian oenologists
a ended a seminar in Bulgaria in May. There is no oenologist
associa on in Macedonia yet, so such mee ngs are a great opportunity for the oenologists to exchange experience and knowledge, to
discuss world trends and developments in wine industry and talk
about other topics of interest. The inten on is to make these
mee ngs a tradi on and to have them organized in a different winery
each me. The Tikveš Winery, the oldest and the biggest winery, has always been open for coopera on and
will support similar ini a ves. We hope that such mee ngs will result in establishing an oenologists
associa on of Macedonia in very near future.
Welcome to Macedonia with “T’ga za jug”
The first flights at the new airport, which we are proud of, were an excellent opportunity to welcome the
first passengers with a bo le of T’ga za jug. It is more than a wine, it is a tale that speaks of the tradi on and
history of our country. Not only were the passengers of the Swiss airline “Edelweiss” surprised with the new,
modern airport, but they were touched by the gi , too. The most famous Macedonian wine T’ga za jug was
given to each passenger, and every lady passenger was given a white rose as a symbol of the tradi onal
Macedonian hospitality. Passengers, who were the first to take off from the new airport, were also given a
gi and a rose.
Wine with harmonious flavour and freshness
The search to new, exquisite wines which we offer to lovers who like unusual
flavours, led us to Rkatsiteli, another wine from the Barovo pure varie es series.
Just as the other wines of this series, Rkatsiteli has the label of controlled geographical origin, it is grown in vineyards planted on the locality of Barovo, in strictly
defined loca ons.
Barovo is located on the Kozuf mountain, 600 metres above sea level. Wine grape
grown on this loca on has dis nguished quality and freshness. These characteris cs
are a result of long exposure to sunlight and wind which freshens the grape during
long summer days.
Rkatsiteli is a dry white wine of golden amber colour. It has fresh flavour with
dominant aroma of citrus fruits, such as pineapple, grapefruit, mango and orange
peel, combined with discrete flavour of peach and pear. The harmony and
lusciousness of its taste are felt long a er every sip of this wine.
This wine is best served at temperature of 10-12 degrees C. If you request perfect
combina on of this wine and food, we recommend Caesar salad, fish or hard full-fat
Rkatsiteli is a white grape variety, originaƟng from Georgia. It grows in
other East European countries as well, including Macedonia. It is
considered to be one of the most ancient vinifera in the world, as seeds of
rkatsiteli grape were found in Georgia, in clay terracoƩa vessels used for
producƟon of wine and daƟng back to 3000 B.C.