Area 1C Agenda - AYSO Area 1-C


Area 1C Agenda - AYSO Area 1-C
Area 1C Agenda, April 30, 2015 Du‐Pars, Pasadena, @ 7pm 1.
Call to Order ‐ Jane  Approve Minutes from February and March‐ emailed out 2.
Coach Admin Report – Mike Treasurer Report – Frank  Financials  Camp experience 3.
Management Administrator Report‐ Yesenia  Training/Certifications Referee Report: Scott 6.
YDP – Marco 7.
VIP – Tom  Camp 8.
Area‐ Jane  NAGM  Regional Guidelines  Uniforms and logo  Area Calendar‐ year‐ traings Regional Reports: Reports attached  Additional comments 9.
10. New Business 11. Adjourn Calender and Due Dates to Area Next Meeting – May 28 NAGM – Phoenix AZ May 22‐24, 2015 RAP – Due to Area July 1st Budget‐ Due June 1st Guidelines due June 1st Ken Aston Camp: June 26 ‐ 28 Freeway Jam: July 18‐19 Area 1C Minutes
April 2015
Attendance: Aldo Mascheroni (88), Frank Bagheri (AT), Peter Smock (2), Jane Mason
(AD), Scott Davis (ARA), Rolando Morales (60), Maurice Saldabar (214), Dave Lemos
(98), Sandy Ponce (1304), Marion Garcia (40), Tom Regan (AVIP), Anne Louit (ADRI).
Al Prado (13), Mike Stiles (ACA), Sef (AWA), Marco Quesada (AAD), John Mass (214
Regrets: Lisa Durcharme (908), Yesina Martinez (AMA)
Meeting called at 7:04pm, minutes discussed and changes made. Minutes for February
and March approved. Peter motioned to approve, Al 2nd, Passed
Agenda order re-arranged from published version
YDP – Marco
Marco thanked Scott for all his hard work this season in the tracking of all the
Made some recommendations if we continue to run YDP: Everyone needs to
submit a blue flight team. We have had a couple of region who clearly had a blue
flight team, but are playing red flight and having blow out games.
Some years it will not be your season for your region and others it will and
everyone needs to except that.
Scott agreed, there were an abundance of lopsided games.
Blue Flight: Will be the best players you have to offer for that year.
Frank reminded us that we have moved away from why we started YDP, the
suggestion of YDP being for the elite players and elite coaches, and if we want
more kids playing, maybe create a spring select for everyone else, with open
Also need to look at coach selection, so players are progressing.
Will need to have a YDP debrief and re-look at what YDP should look like, taking
into account resources, like fields, referees etc.
Anne suggested to not have U14 games followed by U19 games as you then
have Regional referees running lines on a U19 game.
Referee Report: Scott
This YDP season is too big for the referee pool to support.
4% of missed referee assignments- Regions not able to fill the slots with qualified
referees. Problem with qualifications of the team referees doing the games.
Not the referees to support the teams.
We also had 4 teams with special dispensations: Montebello with no referees
that would travel to other regions being one.
Jane pointed out that the Regional Commissioners need to be more diligent in
approving rosters if they have no qualified referees.
Scott will be delegating the referee responsibilities for the UD playoffs
Referee Dinner: We had 85 people attend the UD dinner this year with 4 no
shows which is excellent
Feedback would be to change location for next year and to get onto calendar
Intermediate Challenge – Scott challenges region on who can upgrade the most
Intermediate referees in the 2015 year. This will be worked out per registered
player basis.
Attended an Assessor meeting in Torrance- was a round table meeting to gather
ADRI – Anne
Instruction: would like to hear from all regions of when they plan to hold classes,
she would like to calendar all classes so we are supporting each other
We need to have certified and approved assessors doing the observations. To be
approved by Area 1C.
Coach Administrator Report – Mike
Very few signups for the upcoming Intermediate and Advanced coaching classes
coming up this May 22-24. Will be hosted in Glendale. Everyone should be
encouraging their coaches to upgrade, so they are not scrambling come
To look at an email alert through eayso.and /or Area C website.
Will not be supporting requests for cross certification this year, when we are
hosting classes for coaches to get the training.
Mike sent out a video on how to coach a lopsided game.
Scot and Marco keep Mike up to date on coach expulsion, and have not had any
yet this YDP season.
Financial Report: Frank
See attached Balance sheet and P & L.
We are in the black for this year, still have YDP and Freeway Jam expenses, but
we have money to support it.
Frank also shared his experiences with Barcelona Camps, as he spent Easter in
Spain and had some great experiences.
Upper Division- Peter
Have a UD coordinator meeting set for July 6th
Please let Peter know who your Regions UD coordinator will be, they need to
come with approx. number of teams and the fields you will supply for the region.
VIP: Tom
Just finished our 2nd annual VIP camp, had 25-34 players in attendance on any
given week.
2 trainers from AYSO camps and this year ran 2 different sessions
Had pizza party this last Sunday, handed out medals and t-shirts.
Look at dates for next year, whether March/April works.
Area Report: Jane
NAGM – reminder to those who have not signed up, to do so asap. Currently
only 3 RCs registered
Now is the time to amend your regional guidelines if you are going to make
Also a reminder on the FOX One logo being a part of your uniforms as of March
1st. This also includes getting logo onto old reused uniforms.
The partnership with Fox Sports is not a monetary one, but rather a exchange for
advertising which is huge for the exposure of AYSO.
Jane to work on a yearly calendar, so we have no surprised.
Freeway Jam is a go and will be July 18/19
Regional Reports; Please find attached those regions that reported this week.
Additional Comments:
Aldo mentioned that Region 88 presented checks to the school districts of the
fields they use. 3 of the schools emailed the National Office in appreciation.
Region 88 are also having problems with e-sign, parents not completing esign
correctly, so player cannot be registered.
New Business:
Meeting Adjourned
Minutes Submitted by: Jane Mason
Dated 5/6/15
Coaching Classes
When: Fri., May 29 to Sun., May 31, 2015
Friday: 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. (Int. and Adv.)
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Int. and Adv.)
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Int.)
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Adv.)
Where: Glendale Sports Complex
2200 Fern Lane
Glendale, CA 91208
** MANDATORY Prerequisite for Intermediate Course:
Safe Haven and one season with U12 Certification.
** MANDATORY Prerequisite for Advanced Course: Safe
Haven and one season with Intermediate Certification.
Cost: $90
• Dinner provided Friday night
• Lunch provided Saturday
• Lunch provided Sunday
What to Bring
• Soccer Ball
• Soccer Cleats/athletic shoes
• Shin guards
• Sun block
• Water
Active participation in the
field portions of the classes
heavily encouraged but not
Recommended: AYSO Concussion Awareness Training
Each participant MUST attend all 3 days in order to receive certification
Register online at and send check, payable to AYSO Area 1-C, for
$90 to:
Michael Stiles
Area 1-C Coach Administrator
790 E. Green St.
Pasadena, CA 91101
If you have questions, please contact:
Mike Stiles
Phone: (626) 627-9772 + Email: [email protected]
Regional Reports - April
Region 2- Peter
Registration Saturday and May 16.
We are adjusting to the new world of paying for turf field use. Invoices for about $7000
a month are focusing our attention on maximizing utilization and reducing idle time.
I will be attending my first NAGM in five years.
Working on identifying a successor.
We are wrapping up U-5/8 spring program with Challenger Sports.
Region 13 - Al
Had its first walk-in registration on 4/18 - about 500 attended...a little ahead of last
We'll be having 2 more - 5/2 and 5/16...
Giving out new Region 13 T-shirts to every child that registers
Asking kids to wear uniform, or new t-shirt, to school - to advertise
We allow returning volunteers to register via mail (no need to walk-in)
YDP winding down - for the most part no real issues...
Will show, at next board meeting (next week) Ted Talks - Lollipop moment video (from
RC training) - to share with board that we all have these moments and that we, as
regional board members, have an impact on our kids and families...
Have set up coach and ref training for July and August New Coach Instructor (Kevin Cuxil)
Finalizing budget
Working on RAP
Region 40- Mario
We have 156 registered players and another 120 pending final registration
We still have 3 more registrations
Finishing up YDP
NAGM - planning on attending
New Spring Practice Program (SPP) is doing well we have 70 players (U8), program is
doing good for it's first season
Working on VIP program and Coordinator
This is all for now.
Region 60- Rolando
428 players registered (ahead of last year's #'s)
-Next registration event is 05/16 at Almansor Park
-There have been issues with online sign-ups for returning
-Still in need of a full-time U8 Coordinator
-RC signed up and ready for NAGM
- had budget meeting on 04/23 - ready to submit soon
- working on RAP
That is pretty much it for now.
Region 88 – Aldo
Signed up 2,761 so far, with another 388 players pre-registered.
E-signature has become an issue and has created a whole lot of work. May be a topic
of discussion at tomorrow’s meeting?
We have 265 head coaches in place so far.
Under 4 program is going well. Over 60 players participating.
Spring season is in full swing with 380 players taking part.
See you all tomorrow.
Region 98- Dave
We have 315 registered players
Negotiating with Challenger to have them run our U5 program and help the U6 and U8
coaches throughout the year.
All positions on the Board filled
4th of July fund raiser all ready to go
Live Oak Park under going some changes in the next several years…Adding a
basketball gym and updating the Tennis Courts. As of now AYSO is not effected by any
of the upgrades.
RAP just about done along with our Budgets
Region 214- Maurice
 Currently our focus has been registration. We are at 1600 processed
registrations and 300 "to be" processed registrations
 We have another "late" registration scheduled for May 9th
 Am looking at a goal of 2100-2300 players
Outside of this will "go on the road" to meet with preschools/preK sites to
promote the Jamboree Program. Am focused filling that pipeline for the future
 Conducted EXTRA Tryouts for Boys and Girls 10, 11 and 12. Anticipating 4
teams to come out of this. For example Girls 11 and Girls 12
 GIrls and Boys 13 and 14 tryouts to be determined
 Participating in YDP Playoffs this weekend
 New Treasurer Andrea Wang doing a great job in getting us all caught up. We
are likely going to transition to NAP
 Working
 Working with school district to treat fields while taking into account school district
role and resources, AYSO Region 214 role and resources and possibly the role
of Little League and their resources
 Accepting applications from local high school seniors for up to 4 Region 214
AYSO $500 Awards
 A long time AYSO Coach has accepted a coaching position with FC Golden
State for Girls U13. Will continue in our region as a BU2 Coach
Region 908- Lisa
Not much to say. has been a quite month.
Our First registration will be This Friday
Budget is almost done, still working on the RAP
I will be at the NAGM
Finishing up YDP.
Region 1304- Sandy
Our fees increased this year to $95.00 from March through April 30, 2015.
Registrations May 2, 2015 Saturday from 9am-2pm at $110.00.
Registrations May 16, 2015 Saturday from 9am-2pm at $110.00.
I have open registrations Monday-Friday from 1pm-5pm must call to set a time.
About #60 youth registered with partial payments for 2015.
Will be attending NAGM with my AD’s assistance.
Recruiting for volunteers and to fill Board.
See you tonight…J