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Impact Report of
Voluntary Support
A Message from the Head of School
Dear Friends:
I am often asked what makes Benchmark School so special.
There are many factors that contribute to the magic that
occurs at the school. To be sure, we are fortunate to enjoy
a wonderful context for learning. We nurture students’
development in a cluster of beautiful buildings on a peaceful,
wooded campus.
Of course, it is the people and activity within this context
that really sets the school apart. Every day, gifted and
caring teachers provide dynamic instruction that helps our
bright and creative students develop into confident and
strategic thinkers, learners, and problems solvers who go on
to meet with great success in school and life. The teachers’
tremendous expertise is continually infused with innovative
ideas from the latest research through the school’s extensive
program of professional development. Finally, all of these
endeavors are supported by our dedicated and engaged
parents, alumni, past parents, grandparents, past and present
board members, and friends of the school who help form a
unified community that is deeply committed to the students
and mission of Benchmark School.
So, what makes Benchmark School so special? A critical part
of the answer is “you.” Your commitment and generosity
enable us to provide a rich instructional program in a
magnificent setting that features exceptional teachers who
make the most of fabulous resources in order to prepare
students to excel in a complex and ever-changing world. Your
support empowers students to succeed and transforms their
lives. On behalf of the teachers, staff, students, and parents of
Benchmark School, thank you so much for all you do.
Robert W. Gaskins, Ph.D.
Head of School
A Message from the Chair of the Board
Dear Friends:
Board of Trustees
One of the most inspiring (and freeing!)
aspects of Benchmark is that “different” is
not a negative term. Our students may come
here because they learn differently, but they
graduate empowered with the strategies and
confidence to excel in their chosen endeavors.
Amy T. Petersen, Chair
Beth Goodhart, Vice Chair
Roberta West, Secretary
Adam W. Watson, Treasurer
Betsy B. Bemis
Stephanie Brandow#
W. Gregory Coleman
Irene W. Gaskins,
Head Emerita
Richard Gaskins, Jr., Esq.*
Nicholas Kemp
Jami Wintz McKeon^
Ruth T. Payne
March W. Pepper*
Douglas H. Pyle
Benjamin B. Rogers ’95^
Charles E. Ryan
David A. Stitely*
J. Mark Thorburn
Howard R. Marcus, Ph.D.,
Just as our students learn differently, our
donors —that’s you—give differently to
Benchmark. Some of our supporters create
scholarship funds, some re-direct their
company’s tax dollars to the school, and some
give gifts that may require a financial sacrifice.
We are grateful for the many ways you all
choose to give.
Every gift listed in the following pages makes
our school stronger and positively impacts the
lives of our students.
Thank you for investing in Benchmark.
Robert W. Gaskins, Ph.D.,
Head of School
*Term ended June 2015
^Term began June 2015
#Term ended September 2015
Amy T. Petersen
Chair, Board of Trustees
Amy Petersen
2014-2015 Benchmark Fund Committee
Robin Orth
Kimberlee Orth
Leadership Gifts Committee
Stephanie Brandow
Joseph Pozzuolo
Anne Rice-Burgess
Jessica Solomon
Class Captains
Susan Dunn
Vail Jacoby
Trisha McCallum
Peter Seelaus
Roberta West
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support
Carol Netter, Alumni Parent Representative
Anna Everetts, Grandparent Representative
Stephen T. Chase ’06, Alumni Representative
Amy Petersen, Board of Trustees Representative
Robb Gaskins, Head of School
Louisa Hanshew, Director of Development
Gifts of Your 2014-2015 Gifts
new books were added
to the Benchmark
Library’s collection.
students participated in
Benchmark’s first-ever MiniTHON, a community outreach
effort to support the Four
Diamonds Fund in its quest to
conquer childhood cancer.
LEGO® EV3 Robot Kits were purchased
for use in the new Robotics Lab
(enough for 16 students).
hours of professional
development were provided
for Benchmark faculty.
financial aid.
graduates from the Class
of 2015 were honored at
the first-ever “30 Days Out”
Breakfast and inducted
into the Benchmark
Alumni Association.
new netbooks were purchased
for 5th grade instruction as
part of Benchmark’s ongoing
computer refresh policy.
All students in grades 5-8
continue to have 1:1 laptops.
middle school students acted, danced, sang, or
worked behind the scenes to present performances
of Hello, Dolly! on May 28 and 29 in the
A. Palmer West Performing Arts Center.
feet of sidewalk
was installed in
front of the school
to keep students
and staff safe
at arrival and
licenses for paid
iPad apps were
purchased for
student use.
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support 3
Summary of Gifts
Summary of Gifts
(July 1, 2014—June 30, 2015)
Benchmark Fund
Unrestricted Gifts..................................................................
Restricted Gifts (misc).........................................................
Total Cash................................................................
United Way Donor Option Pledges.................
TOTAL BENCHMARK FUND Restricted and Unrestricted.........
$ 43,400
$ 28,375
Restricted Gifts
Robotics Lab...........................................................
Benchmark Parents Association.......................
Beth Coltman Scholar Award............................
Promising Scholars Fund....................................
West Family Speakers Series............................
EITC Tuition Assistance Program.....................
OSTC Tuition Assistance Program...................
TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS................................................................
$ 10,000
$ 40,000
$ 10,000
$ 92,175
$ 55,000
$ 51,000
TOTAL ALL GIFTS................................................................................. $854,517
Your Gift Matters!
The Benchmark Fund and Restricted Gifts accounted for 16% of the
school’s total budget ($5,361,476) for the 2014-2015 school year. The
collective annual support of the Benchmark community enables the
school to continue helping students who have yet to reach their academic
potential become confident and strategic thinkers, learners, and problem
solvers who meet with success in school and life—regardless of their
economic circumstances. Thank you for your generous contributions!
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support
The donors listed on the following pages made contributions to Benchmark School between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
This list reflects donations and pledges to The Benchmark Fund, Endowment Funds, and Restricted Gifts. Benchmark School
is deeply grateful for the commitment and generous support of the individuals, families, and corporations listed here. Their
leadership sustains the academic excellence that Benchmark provides its students.
Founder’s Circle
Benchmark Parents Association
The Ryan Charitable Trust
Alfred P. West, Jr. &
Loralee West
Scholar’s Circle
Anonymous Challenge Gift
The Coltman Family Foundation
The Visionaries
Carol Ann Atterbury
The Curran Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Fowler, Jr.
The Pioneers
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Goodhart
Patricia Karolyi
Nicholas & Dawn Kemp
The Innovators
Jeffrey L. Abrams &
Margaret Barry
Steve & Sara Eddy
Elias Family Philanthropic Fund
Ed & Ellen Hanway
LL Charitable Foundation
Drs. Gary Marks &
Sharon Sweinberg
Dr. Stewart &
Mrs. Trisha McCallum
George S. McElhinney &
Suzanne Repasky
Ms. Jami W. McKeon &
Mr. John F. Hollway
Mondrian Investment Partners
Kimberlee & Robin Orth
Nancy & James Schwartzman
Christopher Sharples ’77
William Sharples ’77
The Trailblazers
Mr. & Mrs. John Connolly
Exelon Power
The Larsen Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Howard R. Marcus
Northwestern Mutual
Paul & Lisa Salamone
The Solomon & Sylvia Bronstein
Kevin & Pamela Tynan
Bruce B. Wilson
The Mentors
Scott & Sandy Adzick
Christopher & Jennifer Baggini
Joseph & Frances Bordogna
The Chase Family
Gregory & Marcia Coleman
Drs. Chalmers &
Sandra Cornelius
Martin & Barbara Czachor, Sr.
Mrs. Susan T. Deakins
Barbara & David Erskine
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Eydelloth
Carole Filtz & Michael Filtz ’92
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Fowler, Sr.
Irene W. Gaskins
Robb & Jennifer Gaskins
Grace Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice D. Glavin
Lynn & William Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis F. Gould, Jr.
Anne & Matthews Hamilton
Louisa Hanshew
Edward B. & Melissa Hanway
Janet Holcombe
Timothy & Jennifer Hornickle
Lisa & Chip Hummer
Barron Ulmer Kidd
Sally & Rob Laird
Stephen & Julia Lee
Robert & Sandra Lichtenstein
The Mary Daly MacFarland
George McCown &
Karen Stone McCown
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Noble
The O’Grady Family Foundation
Michael Parker
Thomas H. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. David Peltz
Suzanne Baird Perot
Amy & Jim Petersen
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Becky & Doug Pyle
Thomas M. Rampulla
Sheri & Ken Resnik
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Rogers
Kai & Peter Seelaus
Randi & Randy Sellari
Drs. Susan Stehman &
Ilana Reisner
Dorothy & David Stevens
Elliott & Nicky Tanos
Lois B. Veale
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Veloric
Robin & Andy Watson
Brian & Michelle Zubatch
Rie & Chris Albani
Dr. Patricia Alexander
Kristin Proctor Becket
Donna & William Blakeman
Al & Marilyn Blatter
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier IV
Charles P. Collings
Kevin & Susan Cosgrove
Martin & Mary Fallon
Richard & Bronwyn Gaskins
Mrs. Kim A. Gilchrist
Karen Griffith Gryga
Karen K. & Thomas B. Helm
Tom & Sallie Jackal
Ellet Kidd Jones
Karen Lenker
Little Nest Portraits
Mark & Kate McAllister
Carol & Jim Netter
PNC Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Ashley Patterson Renshaw ’83
Ruth Payne
Lauren W. Pederson
Melinda Rahm
Barry Rhome & Lisa Rhome
Jessica & David Solomon
Stephen & Sofia Sosangelis
David & Pamela Stitely
David Sullivan ’00
The Little House Shop
Lawrence Tingley & Amy Stone
Mr. & Mrs. John Travis
Nuriye C. Uygur &
Joshua S. Petersohn
Amber West Buller ’84 &
Pierce Buller
Anonymous (2)
Mary & Joel Adams
Susan Arabia
Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Bartholomew III
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bemis
Dan Berger ’93
Mike & Carol Birney
Kirk & Stephanie Brandow
Heather Carb
Joseph A. Caruso
Tak Chan
Robert R. Chew
Tristram C. Colket, Jr. &
Ruth M. Colket
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. DiDomenico
Amy R. Eads
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Episcopo, Jr.
Richard & Tina Fox
Christine & Vincent Gallo
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Goldstein
Garrett Hadley
Martha Hill
Thomas Hurster
Andy Jones &
Marianne Gellert-Jones
Colleen & Bill Kirschner
David & Virginia Laird
Linda M. Lattif
Carter & Jennifer Lee
Stewart R. Leftow
Gregory & Sharon Leone
John & Beth McCarthy
Paul & Janet McGovern
Dr. Robin E. Mockenhaupt
Melissa ’03 & Erin ’06 Murphy
Michael & Janine Pawlowsky
Brooke & Jonathan Penders
Perry & March Pepper
Dan & Georgie Perullo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Pew, Jr.
Joseph & Sharyn Pozzuolo
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support 5
Susan D. Ravenscroft
Kim & Bill Rhodes
Kim Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Rogers ’95
Bernie Schaeffer &
Nanci Weber
The Schofield Family
Gregory Seamon &
Roberta West
Lorna Shuster
Bridget Siegfried ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Strine
Geoffrey A. Thomas
Mark Thorburn
David J. Thorpe
Tim & Dede Veale
Lorraine Wilson-Drake
Janine & Alex Zozaya
Carol & Douglas Allan
Rafael Amaral & Rosalma Saade-Amaral
Peter & Heather Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S.
Auchincloss, Jr.
Larry & Kathy Besa
Larisa Bevan
Dr. & Mrs. B. Gerard Bricks
Josh Bricks ’88
Mr. & Mrs. F. Peter Brodie
John C. Brogan
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support
Ellen Chan
Anthony P. Checchia
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Chikowski
Countryside Consulting, Inc.
Amy Cuthbertson
Richard & Ellen Cutshall
Kevin & Linda Czachor
Joan M. Davidson
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Dellheim
Barbara Demos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Dimopoulos
James & Linda Donahue
Les & Dawne Dorf
Garrett Dunn
Robert & Susan Dunn
Dick & Nancy Eales
Hentzi Elek & Sara Barton
Mildred & Victor Ellison
Caroline & Robert Ellison
Rich Erickson
Anthony & Andrea Fabricatore
Douglas & Rebecca Firth
Dorothy A. Flynn
Michael P. Ford
Tom & Alexandra Frazier
Jan & Don Frisch
Anne Gates
Eleanor Gensemer
Richard M. Glennon
Ms. Joan S. Gocke
Dr. Katherine M. Gordon-Clark
Kimberly Graham
Tina & Michael Grossman
John & Lisa Guillaume
Kristin Hall
Crawford Hamilton ’01
Dory Hamilton Benson ’94
Miles Hamilton ’07
Pamela M. Hamilton
Samuel M.V. Hamilton III ’98
Denise Glennon & Gary Haubold
Thomas C. Hettinger
David Heyman
Stephen & Lily Higgins
Julie & Alan Hochman
Dorothy E. Hoeflich
Barbara & Dennis Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Horn
Huber Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Keith, Jr.
Ruth Kelemen
Ed & Mary Kelly
Barbara & Al Kurtz
Kenneth & Kari Kurtz
David H. Lambert
Kathleen V. Lamperez Brito ’91
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C.
Landrum, Jr.
Adam S. Lemisch
Murray & Lonnie Levin
Paula J. Levine
Ms. Joanne H. Levy
Cathy Liberman
Mrs. Barbara A. Long
Connie Lotz
John & Sue Louchheim
Gail & Leonard Magargee
Carmen R. Marcy
Barbara Marshall
Anthony & Maria Martin
Elsie & Sandy McAdoo
C. Daniel McCall ’96
Sarah McCarren
Robert McClung ’81
Jennifer & Matthew McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooke McMullin, Jr.
Marjorie Y. Mitchell
Joanne Murphy Wrenn, Ph.D.
Leslie & Robert Nason
Ernie & Connie Natal
Margaret C. Naugle
Amanda Nehring
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Newbold
Susan North
Dorothy K. O’Donnell
Colleen O’Hara
Jeffrey Parker
William J. Pawlowsky ’96
Michael & Kimberly Pegg
John & Char Pomeroy
Ron & Joy Pott
Christina Quinn
Jonathan Rhoads
Anne Rice-Burgess
Mel Rozelle
Julie E. Samuels
Michel & Dean Schwartz
Gregory Schwartzman
Frank & Sally Scorzetti
Theresa Scott
Segal Law Offices, P.C.
Judy Sennett
David & Donna Shooster
Kent Silvers & Anne Buczkowski
Jennifer & Albert Simmons
Charles & Regina Smith
Heather & Logan Speirs
Robert & Jessica Spencer
Jim & Peggy Staats
Drs. Jonathan &
Christine Stallkamp
Kristen Stevenson
Norah & Norman Stone
Lora Swatko
Matthew H. Tucker ’89
April M. Triggiani
Judith & Rodger Van Allen
Mrs. Cindy J. VanderWerff
Tim & Laurie Veacock
Barbara Fallon Walsh &
Coleman J. Walsh, Jr.
Wells Fargo Community
Barbara White
F. John White II
Rochelle & Nelson Wolf
Carol Wolfington
John Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. John Ziegler
Zoetis Charitable Giving
(up to $99)
Tony Barth
Mary Lee & Harris Bass
Dolly & Bill Baumann
Pauline & Karl Baur
Morgan & Madeline Beever
Margo Bennett
Chet Bickhart ’09
Charles Biddle ’01
Rye Biddle ’03
Dr. Richard R. Bocchini
John & Valerie Bomberger
Luisa Boverini & Jeffrey Heit
Chase Brandow ’14
Heather & Mark Brogan
James & Marygene Broussard
Barbara B. Casey, Esq.
Sandra Casimir
Shane & Dawn Chapman
Maggie Churchville
Corning Incorporated
William & Annette Covert
Christopher Crowley ’94
John & Kathleen Dabagian
Ed & Terry Cunicelli
Neil & Janet Dabagian
Stephanie & Erick Davis
Rachel Dellheim ’93
Ann & David Devine
Denise & Robert DiCocco
Frank & Michelle Dodge
Kay A. Draper
J. William Draper
John & Merril Dutton
Michael & Susan Effgen
Lucas Elek ’09
Pat Hacik & Bob Emery
Anna Everetts
Claire Fitzgerald
Eurla H. Frederick
Kent & Traci Frederick
Angela & Gregory Furtaw
Francesca & Noah Gans-Pfister
Bob & Jeanne Garrity &
Peter R. Garrity ’06
William & Wendy Gaunt
David Gaunt ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gibson
Jessie Graham ’07
Joyce Graham
Nettie Green
Ryan & Lori Grier
Matthew Grossman
Philip Handwerk
Honorable Frank T. Hazel
Helene & Jeffrey Herman
Ms. Holly C. Hill
Sara Hill
Amy & Dirk Hinterleiter
Joseph & Karen Hofmann
Dorothy S. Hoppe
Robert E. Jaffe ’85
Ryakkia Johnson
Elana Honig & Baltazar Juarez
Hedy Karbiner
Helen A. Lawrence
John Levenson &
Jan Clark-Levenson
Rosalie A. Libertella
Andrew & Judith Lins
Katherine Collette Lins ’06
J. Dirk & Marian B. Lorenz
Casita Lynn ’89
Ken & Liz Martin
Colin McAdoo ’98
Pamela B. Merriman
Mike & Robin Meyers
Trina Moffett
Elsa E. Murphy
Marsha & Eugene Nicodemus
Neal & Marcia Niznan
Mary Lewis & Robert Orsatti
Tom & Lucy Paschos
Page Pepper McConnel ’88
Susan & Tom Quinn
Mr. Richard Rollins II
Larry & Judy Rubin
The Ruff Family
Jim Russell
Jerry & Megan Schaefer
Morris & Irene Schnyder
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Scirrotto
Aurora Seamon ’10
Ms. Catherine H. Sharbaugh
Ed & Ginger Sharpless
Gloria Shreiner
William Smith & Caroline Cahill
SofterWare, Inc.
Leslie Stein
Joseph Wendel &
Christine Triggiani
Reuben & Lynn Wetherbee
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Woodring
Andrew & Nancy Zudans
Anonymous (2)
Every effort has been made to
ensure the accuracy of this report.
If there are errors or omissions,
please accept our apology and
inform Louisa Hanshew, Director
of Development, at 610-565-3741,
ext. 150, or LouisaHanshew@
Benchmark School is a
tax-exempt organization as
provided by IRS regulations
and is registered as a
charitable organization within
the State of Pennsylvania.
The official registration
and financial information
for Benchmark School
may be obtained from the
Department of State by
calling toll-free, within
Pennsylvania, 1-800-7320999. Registration does not
imply endorsement.
Benchmark School
does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, age, sex,
religion or creed, nationality/
ethnic origin, or nondisqualifying handicaps.
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support 7
Named Funds
Richard C. Gaskins Memorial Fund
Robotics Lab
The West Family Speaker Series
The Beth Coltman Scholar Award
The Joey Pozzuolo Memorial Scholarship
The Peter B. Deakins Memorial Fund
The Promising Scholars Fund
The Education Improvement (EITC) and
Opportunity Scholarship (OSTC) Tax Credit Programs
The businesses listed below contributed $287,519 to Benchmark’s Scholarship Fund through Pennsylvania’s EITC and/or
OSTC program, both attractive and uncomplicated ways for businesses to give while easing their tax burden. These gifts
directly assist student tuition and are greatly appreciated by the Benchmark community. For additional information or
assistance in participating in these programs, please contact Louisa Hanshew, Director of Development, at 610-565-3741,
ext. 150, or [email protected].
Pennsylvania Educational Improvement (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship (OSTC) Tax Credit Program Participants:
AJO, LP ($15,000)
Aqua America ($15,000)
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company ($15,000)
The Glenmede Trust Company, NA ($25,000)
Graham Partners, Inc. ($35,000)
HSC Builders & Construction Managers ($9,167)
Keystone Health Plan, East ($1,852)
Math-U-See ($1,500)
Pro-Tech Floors ($5,500)
Republic Bank ($5,000)
Ryan Advisory Services ($100,000)
SKF USA, Inc. ($40,000)
UHS of Pennsylvania, Inc. ($15,000)
Veterans Financial, Inc. ($4,500)
Put Your Tax Dollars to Work for Benchmark Tuition Assistance
For businesses that
pay corporate taxes
to the state of
...your normal tax dollars paid to the State
can be diverted to Benchmark instead!*
Pennsylvania’s EITC and OSTC programs, businesses in Pennsylvania can donate to Benchmark School’s Scholarship Program and take a
* Through
substantial tax credit of up to 90% of corporate taxes owed. The application process is simple, and the benefits are important—since the inception of
these programs, more than $1.7 million of tuition assistance has been distributed to Benchmark families. For more information, contact Louisa Hanshew,
Director of Development, at 610-565-3741, ext. 150, or [email protected].
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support
Giftsin Honor Of
Benchmark Teachers
Eurla H. Frederick
Cindy (Gilbert) Bevilacqua ’72
Grace Gilbert
Stephanie J. Bogutz ’08
Mary Lewis &
Robert Orsatti
John Bomberger
John & Valerie Bomberger
Liza Kurtz Bragin ’93
Barbara & Al Kurtz
David Chikowski ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Chikowski
The Marriage of Irene W. Gaskins
& David M. Collins, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bemis
Kevin & Susan Cosgrove
Betsy Cunicelli
Joan Davidson
Rebecca & Douglas Firth
Robb & Jennifer Gaskins
Lynn & William Gonzalez
Kim Graham
Dorothy E. Hoeflich
Ruth Kelemen
Adam Lemisch
Sarah McCarren
Margaret C. Naugle
Susan North
Dorothy O’Donnell
Amy & Jim Petersen
Melinda Rahm
Judy Sennett
Charles & Regina Smith
Ashley Covert ’15
William & Annette Covert
Liam Dabagian ’15
Honorable Frank T. Hazel
Madison Dorf ’15
Les & Dawne Dorf
Alex Eales ’86
Dick & Nancy Eales
Lucas Elek ’09
Henry Elek & Sara Barton
Renée Erickson
Rich Erickson
Faculty & Staff (Present & Past)
George S. McElhinney &
Suzanne Repasky
Haydn Frederick
Mel Rozelle
Peter R. Garrity ’06
Bob & Jeanne Garrity
Irene W. Gaskins
Eleanor Gensemer
Helen Lawrence
Robert W. Gaskins
Irene W. Gaskins
Seamus Glavin ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice D. Glavin
Charles Goldstein ’05
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Goldstein
Jonathan Green ’85
Nettie Green
Griffin Gryga
Karen Griffith Gryga
Tara Higgins ’11
Stephen & Lily Higgins
Carly Hottenstein
Rosalie A. Libertella
Henry Jones
Andy Jones &
Marianne Gellert-Jones
Ruth Kelemen
Garrett Dunn
Sabrina Kimmel ’15
James & Nancy
Max Lederer
Lorna Shuster
Alexa Levin ’89
Murray & Lonnie Levin
Sam Levine ’14
Claire Fitzgerald
Jeremy I. Lorenz ’87
J. Dirk & Marian B. Lorenz
Eric MacDonald
Chase Brandow ’14
Elizabeth McCarthy ’05
John & Beth McCarthy
Jane McKenzie
Jennifer & Matthew
Travis Meyers ’13
Mike & Robin Meyers
Will Micheletti ’15
Margo Bennett
Dayan B. Parker
Jeffrey Parker
Jessa Pawlowsky, daughter
of Will ’96
Michael & Janine Pawlowsky
Gifts in Memory Of
Melinda Clothier Biddle
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier IV
Margaret Brogan
John C. Brogan
Jane Schlichtig Burke
Gloria Shreiner
Beth Coltman ’91
Coltman Family
Rachel Dellheim ’93
Hermana & Eugene Dasent
Segal Law Offices, P.C.
Richard C. Gaskins, Sr.
Ellen Chan
Brandon Peltz ’10
Mr. & Mrs. David Peltz
Nate Quinn
Christina Quinn
Wayne Reichart
Susan Dunn
Tamar Reisner-Stehman ’09
Drs. Susan Stehman &
Ilana Reisner
Julia Resnik ’09
Sheri & Ken Resnik
Barbara Baird Rogers
Suzanne Baird Perot
Ashley Schnyder
Anthony & Maria Martin
Jackie Sheridan
Jennifer & Albert Simmons
Drs. Jonathan & Christine
Sabrina Watson
Philip Handwerk
Paul Ziegler
Carol Wolfington
Paloma Zozaya ’11
Janine & Alex Zozaya
Giftsin Kind
Adam Hopper ’95
Rachel Dellheim ’93
Ruth & Sam Levine
Paula J. Levine
Mary Daly MacFarland &
Elizabeth A. Wilson
The Mary Daly MacFarland
Marcia Q. McCrae
Carol & Jim Netter
Susan H. Parker
Jeffrey Parker
Tina & Jack Grossman
Terry Grosso
Trisha & Stewart McCallum
Sarah McCarren
Pam Tynan
Barbara White
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support 9
The Power of Your Support
When our students graduate, it is exciting to see that we have helped them develop the tools and strategies to take charge
of their learning and thinking, which enable them to meet with success. It is common for us to hear feedback from receiving
schools that, not only are our students doing well, but they stand out. After being at Benchmark, they know who they are
as learners, they are self-advocates, they know how to approach tasks flexibly and strategically, and they are persistent and
resilient. These are some of our most recent graduates who benefited from your support:
“I am at Friends Select
School and doing really
well because of the
help from Benchmark
School. I could not have
participated in soccer or
basketball [at Friends
Select] without doing
well in my classes, and
I’m doing well in my
classes because of the
time management and
organization skills I
learned at Benchmark.”
“The strong writing and
study skills that I learned
at Benchmark have been
very helpful [at Barrack].
Benchmark also gave me
the confidence to be a
self-advocate. With these
tools, I have been able to
earn all A’s and B’s in my
classes and, at the same
time, be able to play
Varsity tennis and JV
—Julie Pozzuolo ’15
—Sabrina Kimmel ’15
Freshman at Friends
Select School
Freshman at Jack M. Barrack
Hebrew Academy
“My time at Benchmark
helped me understand
what I need to do to help
myself [be successful],
especially time
management and study
habits. [At St. Joe’s],
I’ve learned to do some
homework at lunch and
some on the train ride
home so that I don’t have
to do as much work once
I get home.”
“The skills I have learned
from Benchmark,
especially asking
teachers questions and
for clarification, have
improved my grades and
helped me form bonds
with my teachers [at
Harriton High School].
Additionally, using the
test-taking strategies has
allowed me to get all A’s
and one B+ in my honors
—Parker Janson ’15
—Jacob Newmark ’15
Freshman at St. Joseph’s
Preparatory School
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support
Freshman at Harriton
High School
The Gift of STEAM Education
In an effort to expose students to a STEAM
(Science, Technology, Art, Engineering and Math)
educational experience, Benchmark School began
offering Robotics Clubs as an after-school activity
beginning in the winter of 2015—possible only
after the school received a generous $10,000
gift for a Robotics Lab from Benchmark alumni
Christopher Sharples ’77 and William Sharples ’77,
twin brothers who are founders and principals in
the world-renowned, award-winning firm SHoP
Architects in New York City.
Building the club from the ground up, Betsy
Cunicelli, Director of Special Projects, and
Rosanne Crowe, Head of the Math Department,
have utilized some of the funds to purchase four
computers, 8 LEGO® EV3 Robot Kits, a special
table constructed to LEGO® League specifications,
storage cases, reference guides, recharging
equipment, teacher training, and after-school
salaries for the club’s teachers.
The clubs were divided into age-appropriate groups so that the students would
be at the same learning levels. The experience was “challenging and rewarding”
for all involved, said Math Teacher Amy Cuthbertson. “Students’ excitement as
they created and programmed robots was palpable. They began the program with
unharnessed imagination and creativity, and, as the program progressed, they
became flexible problem solvers who were eager to find ways to solve challenges
and to incorporate their ideas into new and creative solutions.”
Christopher Sharples ’77
& William Sharples ’77
In its first year, the new Robotics Lab has given 72 students the opportunity to learn to build and program robots. Goals of
the club include building students’ confidence in their ability to be creative problem solvers; building a culture of respectful
cooperation, creativity, persistence, and fun; allowing students to problem solve at the intersection of science, math and
technology; and encouraging students to “think like an engineer,” taking risks, accepting failure, and then trying another
“Working with robotics can be an amazing learning tool,” said Bill Sharples. “It requires kids to think ahead, to learn different
strategies for coding and control, to work collaboratively, to encounter obstacles and creatively solve their way around them.
It shows students that our technology can be used to actively engage with the physical world. And then, when it works,
you’re rewarded with an experience that’s just plain cool.”
Benchmark is appreciative of Chris and Bill Sharples for their generous gift and confidence in Benchmark’s mission.
Giving to Benchmark is only limited to your desire and imagination. If you wish to give back in some way—no matter
how big or small—the Development Department is here to brainstorm giving options with you. Your gift is your voice;
it’s your way to shout, ”I’m Benchmark proud!” For further information about planned giving opportunities, please
contact Louisa Hanshew, Director of Development, at 610-565-3741, ext. 150, or [email protected].
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support 11
2014-2015 Benchmark Parents Association
The Benchmark Parents Association (BPA) celebrated
an outstanding year of great activities and events. The
highlight of the year was the presentation of the BPA’s
donation to the Children’s Fund. Raised primarily from
the Spring Social and Auction, the $40,000 gift was used
to support projects, activities, and materials that directly
enrich students’ learning experiences and school life.
In addition to the Spring Social, the BPA sponsored a
variety of activities, services, and events, including the
performance of Vocal Trash, Visiting Author Debbie
Levy, Art Goes to School, the Scholastic Book Fair, the
Night at the Phillies, Grandparent and Special Guest
Morning, the Ice Cream Social, and the BPA Lunch
The BPA presented Head of School Robb Gaskins with the traditional
“giant check” at its final meeting and reception. Pictured with Dr. Gaskins
are (from left) Kate McAllister, Trisha McCallum, Karen Hofmann, BPA
President Lori Grier, Jen Hornickle, and Robin Watson.
Benchmark Parents Association Members
Spring Social Sponsors
Lori Grier
Lori Grier
Robb & Jennifer Gaskins
Past President
Kate McAllister
Ice Cream Social
Beth Hayes
Food Station
Larry & Jennifer Paolella
Barbara White
Library Volunteer Coordinators
Kai Seelaus
Mary Fallon
Lunch Program Coordinators
Trisha McCallum &
Kate McAllister
Art Goes To School
Karin Micheletti
Author Visit
Caroline Cahill
Book Fair
Trisha McCallum
Children’s Programs
Kate McAllister
Appreciation Luncheon
Colleen Kirschner
Fall Parent Party Coordinator
Nicky Tanos
Grandparents &
Special Guest Morning
Kate McAllister & Robin Watson
Many thanks to the BPA for their hard work and
dedication to enriching the Benchmark experience for
our students, and very special appreciation to BPA
President Lori Grier for her leadership.
Middle School Representative
Julia Lee
New Family Coordinators
Kate McAllister
Parent Social Coordinators
Trisha McCallum, Robin
Watson, Jen Hornickle, Karen
Hofmann & Brooke Penders
Rebate Program
Barbara White
Spirit Wear
Susan Dunn & Lori Grier
Used Uniform Sale
Trisha McCallum
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support
Signature Cocktail
Robin & Kimberlee Orth
Anthony & Lorraine Wilson-Drake
Ronald & Lynn Eydelloth
Irene Gaskins
Demetrios & Joanne Krontiris
Stephen & Julia Lee
Charlie Ryan
Michael Semerjian & Patti Karolyi
Kevin & Pam Tynan
Christopher & Jennifer Baggini
Martin & Mary Fallon
Timothy & Jennifer Hornickle
Greg & Sharon Leone
Mark & Kate McAllister
Michael & Kimberly Pegg
Andy & Robin Watson
Kurt Birchler & Lora Swatko
Dawn & Shane Chapman
Erick & Stephanie Davis
Bruce & Christine Duff
Richard & Tina Fox
Ryan & Lori Grier
Garrett & Liz Hadley
Edward & Melissa Hanway
Joe & Karen Hofmann
Vince & Kate Horn
Stewart & Trisha McCallum
Brian & Emily Newmark
Michael & Daphne Parker
Morris & Irene Schnyder
Elliott & Nicky Tanos
Jim & Kendra Viner
Faculty Sponsors
Karl & Pauline Baur
Frank & Michelle Dodge
Bob & Jackie Himmelreich
Gretchen Larsen
Gifts Excellence with the
Benchmark School’s tuition is a significant investment. We manage our budget carefully and take pride in being good
stewards of our community’s investment in our success. And yet, for the financial health of our school and the strength of
a truly outstanding program, we cannot rely on tuition dollars alone. The Benchmark Fund is the financial heartbeat of the
school, providing the support for every student and faculty member every day. It ensures the success of new initiatives, and
eases demand on the yearly budget, enabling flexible planning, professional development, cutting-edge technology, topnotch facilities, and much more. Listed below are several ways that you can give to the Benchmark Fund and influence the
lives of our students in a significant and enduring way. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Gifts of Cash: You may choose to make your gift by cash, check, or credit card. You may use the enclosed envelope
to make your gift or donate online through Benchmark’s website:
Gifts of Appreciated Securities: Gifts of appreciated securities may offer you tax advantages. Donors may work
through their stockbroker or banker, giving instructions for the securities to be transferred to: Benchmark
School/Account # 3240-2257 Charles Schwab, DTC #0164, Code 40. Please contact Louisa Hanshew, Director of
Development, at 610-565-3741, ext. 150, or [email protected] to notify her of your gift.
United Way Donor Choice: If you participate in the United Way Campaign, please consider using the Donor Choice
Option to designate your donation to: Benchmark School, 2107 N. Providence Rd, Media, PA 19063 (UWSEPA Code:
1994; EIN 23-1728895).
Pledges: Pledges may allow a donor to make a larger commitment than an outright cash gift and are payable by
June 30, 2016.
Matching Gifts: Many corporations and foundations double or triple their employees’ contributions and many include
spouses in their programs. Ask your company about matching gifts.
The United Way and You: So Easy to Do!
A tax-deductible gift to Benchmark through the United Way
Campaign allows Benchmark School to continue its commitment to
help bright students who have yet to reach their academic potential
become confident and strategic thinkers, learners, and problem
solvers who meet with success in school and life.
To participate, simply complete the Specific Care section of your
United Way Donor Option form with the following:
Benchmark School
2107 N. Providence Rd., Media, PA 19063
Pennsylvania Code: 1994 or Delaware Code: 4527
EIN: 23-1728895
Questions? Contact Louisa Hanshew, Director of Development, at
610-565-3741, ext. 150, or [email protected].
2014-2015 Impact Report of Voluntary Support
2107 North Providence Road
Media, PA 19063-1898
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