penguin press - Penn-Delco School District
penguin press - Penn-Delco School District
VOLUME 13-14 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER PENGUIN PRESS Pennell’s above theme this school year encourages students to maximize criticalthinking, problem-solving, and curiosity! WW W.PDSD.ORG Pennell Students Love to Read! Inside This Issue W W W.EX T RA N EW SPA PERS.C O M ISSUE 1 Did you know that you can follow what is happening at Pennell and By Author Name around the district on Facebook and Grammys’ fireworks Twitter? Please “Like” theChris Pennell Katy Perry, Beach Boys, Brown, Bruce Springsteen and PDSD Facebook pages. FANTASTIC FIRST GRADE By Tyler Lewis and Hannah McGroary, Penguin Press Staff Kindergarten, cover page 1st Grade, cover page 2nd Grade, page 2 Wow, the first graders are learning a lot of new skills this school year. In math class they have been practicing their addition and subtraction. In Mrs. Schlesing’s class students have been learning how to add different numbers to equal the number ten. 3rd Grade, page 2 4th Grade, page 3 5th Grade, page 3 Superhero Math, page 2 Fall Festival, page 2 Newspaper Staff, page 2 Special Education, page 3 Specialists, page 4 Reading Counts, page 4 Principal, page 4 Recess, page 4 Students in Mrs. Rosset’s 2nd grade class joined students from Mrs. Zebley’s 4th grade class to participate in a paired reading activity during Literacy Week. (Go to pages 5 and 6 for more information about Literacy Week) Happy Huber Issue Dedication, page 4 Literacy Week, pages 5-6 Reading Fair, page 5 By Kathryn Gricco and Lainey Williams, Penguin Press Staff Lee Harper, page 5 Dr. Huber has lots to do this school year with her two Kindergarten classes. She has 24 students in her PM class and 25 in her AM class. In Character Dress-Up, page 6 math, her students are writing the numbers 0 through 10, practicing Pumpkin Decorating, page 6 counting numbers 0 through 10, and making groups of numbers of greater or less than. In reading, her students are identifying what the S.T.E.M. Assembly, page 6 letter sounds like, and in writing her students are writing sentences to Books, Music & Movies, match pictures. When interviewed, she shared that her students’ favorite thing is “pink sparkly”, which is when the students do something really page 7 good. The funniest thing in her class recently is that her students are Sports, page 8 making up kid writing friends. Her students also enjoy working in centers. There is a math center; craft center, make a snack center, pattern Comics, Puzzles & More, center, and holiday centers. The Halloween center included carving a pages 9-10 pumpkin, while the Thanksgiving center included making pilgrim or indian hats, making a candy turkey, turkey math, scarecrow KINDERGARTEN STUDENT INTERVIEWS games, and making a corn decoration. The student Thanksgiving Name -AM Favorite Favorite Part play was a total success. No wonder her students love to learn! Kindergarten Kristin Gricco Subject math of School centers Kayla Stewart writing centers Andrew Bernstein writing centers Andrew Brown writing centers Chase Thompson math centers Name - PM Kindergarten Hayden Burrill Favorite Subject centers Favorite Part of School recess Jack Kelly math recess Justin Ellis centers reading Nicole Harvey reading dismissal Cameron McCarthy math dismissal Kaylee McIntyre reading recess Captain Cage By Savannah Lewis, Penguin Press Staff Mrs. Cage’s students are always excited to be at school. It is wonderful that they are eager to learn. In math, they are beginning topic 3 which is learning the numbers 6-10. In reading, they are learning about “there” in Unit 2. In writing, they are using their Kid Writing Journals and have been writing about their Fall field trip. Mrs. Cage likes that all fifeteen of her students give their best effort. According to Mrs. Cage, the funniest thing that one of her students did was use a new word that isn’t a word at all. The word was… “Glassable”. On Halloween, Mrs. Cage had an activity day that included all Halloween-themed student centers. On Thanksgiving, Mrs. Cage’s class enjoyed their own Thanksgiving feast. When asked, Mrs. Cage shared that her favorite thing about being a teacher is watching her students grow from the beginning to the end of the school year. Interesting Facts: Did you know Mrs. Schlesing doesn’t like sports? But, if she had to pick her favorite sport it would be Olympic figure skating. When Mrs. Lindsey was interviewed she shared that she likes the sport of baseball the best. On the other hand, Mr. Sciecinski said that if he had to choose only one sport, he would choose football as his favorite. Did you know Mrs. Schlesing and Mrs. Lindsey both like Fall as their favorite time of the school year? When Mr. Sciecinski was interviewed he simply stated that he likes all year, especially during the school year when he gets to spend time with all of his little first graders. It is no secret that this school year has a fantastic first grade! Photos below of some students in first grade at Pennell. (Photos by Hannah McGroary) ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER PAGE 2 SPECTACULAR SECOND GRADE By Gianna Ellis and Catherine Taylor, Penguin Press Staff Do you know the second grade teachers? Well we do… they are Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Lumley, and Mrs. Rosset! Second grade is working on some great things so far this school year, inlcluding learning consonant blends, completing Halloween writing activities, addition and subtraction, phonics, and writing story structure in their Journeys books. All of the second grade teachers like what they are working on and are very knowledable and good at teaching these skills. The second grade teachers are working on these skills because it’s part of the second grade curriculum. All the teachers agree that learning these new skills is easy for some students and hard for other students, but the teachers are trying to challenge their students. The next skills that the second grade will be working on in science is changes, place value in math, adding larger numbers in math, arrays and repeated addition in math, and learning about communities in social studies. Interviews with Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs. Lumley, and Mrs. Rosset uncovered that in every second grade class science is the students’ favorite subject. That is all for now of what’s happening in the super second grade! Superhero Math By Sophia Pantuliano and Julia Kuehl, Penguin Press Staff This year we had a super assembly starring Joe Romano! There was lots of cool superheroes. There were many tricks. Our favorite was the one with the magic wand. It was amazing! Joe goes to schools everywhere. Last year he did a magic show in our school too! How does he do it? Maybe we will never know. But, we sure do know he’s amazing. We wonder if he will ever come back. We hope he does. If he does come back, what will he do next? People got called up to go on stage. It sure was fun! We hope you liked super hero math! Jack Brong holds a 12 foot long wand at the Superhero Math Assembly. Do you think it was heavy or not? (Photo by Angelina Stevens) TERRIFFIC THIRD GRADE By Hope Rice and Patricia Young, Penguin Press Staff Do you know the third grade teachers? Mrs.Wahl likes teaching third grade because it’s fun!!! Her favorite subject is reading. Mrs.Wahl wants to teach third grade forever!!! She thinks it will be a good school year this year! Mrs.Wahl and her class are working on pumpkin projects, water experiments, and sports posters. Mrs. Wahl’s favorite thing she will be teaching her students this year is book making. Her class goal is to get ready for the PSSAs. Above: Pennell students participating in Mr. Joe Romano’s Superhero Math Assemby. Below: Joe Ramono surprises Mrs. Kyle by making her ring disappear and then reappear in a quarter machine! (Photos by Angelina Stevens) Fall Festival Mrs. Wood likes teaching third grade because when her students leave 3rd grade they’re more independent than when they first came. She also likes how they read more chapter books. She also wants to teach third grade forever!!! She also believes it’s going to be a good school year. Mrs. Wood is teaching her students subtraction with regrouping. Her class goal is for her students to do their best. By Sophia Pantuliano and Julia Kuehl, Penguin Press Staff The 9th annual Fall Festival is coming up. This year is something new! It’s on the soccer field. Admission is only five dollars per family. Replacing the haunted hallway is a haunted maze. Its sure to frighten you! Don’t forget about the costume contest and parade. But you can wear costumes just for fun too! Don’t forget to bring your trick or treat basket so you can collect candy at each station. Kids also get free snacks! There’s also pictures with backgrounds for three dollars each. There will also be music. Don’t be shy to dance along. You are sure to get scared a lot if you dare come to the 9th annual Fall festival. Like Mrs. Wahl, Ms. Raucci also wants to teach third grade forever!!! Ms. Raucci likes teaching third grade because her students are more independent. Ms. Raucci also thinks it will be a very good school year this year. She and her class are working on multiplication, rocks and minerals, cause and effect, and character traits. Her favorite subjects to teach are cursive and multiplication. Ms. Raucci is also looking forward to the Philadelphia field trip. Ms. Raucci’s class goal is to get one million words, get good PSSA scores, and to HAVE FUN!!! NEWSPAPER Mailing address: Pennell Elementary School 3300 Richrad Road Aston, PA 19014 (610) 497-6300 x7500 Publisher / Editor: Ms. Janet Krruger Newspaper Group A Staff: Volume 13-14 Issue 1 Joseph Billie, Brandon Cairy, Danny Cairy, Nick Colonna, Gianna Ellis, Jacob Fecanin, Abigail Fisher, Danielle Gavlishin, Kathryn Gricco, Kristine Guenther, Julia Kuehl, Savannah Lewis, Tyler Lewis, Kevin Mayoros, Hannah McGroary, Erin McGugan, Ryan McKay, Noah Migatz, Sophia Pantuliano, Darren Panusky, Hope Rice, Nick Ruggieri, Chase Segool, Xavier Slaughter, Angelina Stevens, Catherine Taylor, Alexsandra Volturo, Rachel Walker, Lainey Williams, Teagan Williams, and Patricia Young ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER PAGE 3 Questions and Answers With The Special Education Teachers By Abigail Fisher, Penguin Press Staff I sat down with the special need helpers to see what they have to say. First I talked to Mr.Santini and this is what he said… He has no concerns. He thinks the kids are supportive of each other, are welcoming to everyone, and that Pennell is great. He also thinks the kids are fun, and that the staff is great. For you folks who don’t know Mrs. Fichter has left and here is what she said for her last newspaper interview… She will miss the kids the most because they are all excellent students. She’s happy about the move though, because she can help even more children. Mrs. Creighton has love in her heart and this is what she said about her kids… She teaches 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade kids who need help in reading, writing, and math. She says the kids are energetic, follow directions, and always put a smile on her face. Last year the PTL had a logo contest for students to draw/create their own Pennell spirit wear t-shirt logo. Pictured above is William Newnom holding his winning logo design that will be seen on Pennell spirit wear this school year. FABULOUS FOURTH GRADE Mrs. Kayser loves this school and this is what she had to say about that… She thinks it’ll be a great year because she has such a great class. She is not upset about the move to Pennell because Pennell is a great place to be even though it’s an adjustment. Mrs. Dillon has moved onto different things and this is what she said… Yes she’ll miss all the students. She loved working with the kids. Pennell felt like a second home to her. She started here in her schooling career. She’ll also miss all the smiling faces. By Kristine Guenther and Brandon Cairy, Penguin Press Staff Mrs. Marabella is the new special Education teacher who has replaced Mrs. Fichter, and this is what she had to say… Hi, welcome to fourth grade! This is what they’re doing this year. First, let’s talk about Reading Counts. Mrs. Bray’s class has about 7,000,000 words, Mrs. Nielsen’s class has about 8,000,000, and Mrs. Zebley’s class has about 3,000,000 words. Some interesting things they are doing this year is the vocabulary parade, poetry café, and the fourth grade luau. Another interesting fact is that for science the fourth grade does a whole bunch of cool things! Mrs. Nielsen teaches water and landforms, Mrs. Bray teaches animal studies, and Mrs. Zebley teaches about electricity. Currently in math all the classes are learning different skills. Mrs. Zebley’s class is using mental math to multiply, Mrs. Nielsen’s class is using rounding to multiply, and in Mrs. Bray’s class students are multiplying by 10 and 100. That’s a little bit of information about fourth grade so far this year! She thinks Pennell is a happy, exiting, fun new place to work. She use to work at a private school for kids with disabilities called Devereux. Students in Mrs. Marabella’s class enjoying using an iPad and snack time. Photo above left: Isaiah Williams. Photo above Right: Marc Lennon Fantastic Fifth Grade By Danielle Gavlishin and Alexsandra Volturo, Penguin Press Staff HELLO PENNELL FRIENDS. We are going to tell you about Mrs. Green. She likes all subjects, but she likes math and social studies the best! In math, the fifth grade is working on doing division and multiplying decimals. In science, students are looking at objects under the microscope. In writing, students are starting informational text. In reading, students are learning about cause and effect, and are finished reading their story. Last but not least, in social studies, students are learning about colonies and even started online distance learning on the topic of Williamsburg. That is what Mrs. Green is doing in her class so far this school year. Do you know about Mr. Gorniok’s class? Well, we are going to tell you 4 things about his fifth grade class: (1.) Class room goals… Their Reading Counts goal is 13 million words. Their second class room goal is for everyone to have the best school year ever. (2.) Their Reading Counts word goal altogether as a class is 2.6 million words. (3.) Their favorite class subjects are writing and reading, but they love them all! (4.) Finally, the fourth thing is that in math students are working on division. Have you heard about Mrs. McDougall? We are going to tell you about her right now. According to Mrs. McDougall, her fifth graders’ goal is to increase their Reading Counts goal. Sadly, they are starting science very soon. In spelling, her stduents are learning about the bossy R. Sounds. In social studies, her fifth grade students are also learning about the different colonies. That is what they are doing in Mrs. McDougall’s class. We sure wish we were in her class! That is all for now… we hope you enjoyed all our information about the fantastic fifth grade! ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER SPOTLIGHT ON THE SPECIALISTS By Ryan McKay, Penguin Press Staff This year, our schoolwide Reading Counts goal is 114,000,000! 1. What is your favorite song? Mr. Fry likes Boys of Summer by Don Henley. Ready to hear 7 things about Mr. Dutkiewicz? Well, instead we’ll tell you 9 things about him. 2. Who is your favorite singer? Mr. Fry’s favorite singer is Stevie Wonder. Q & A with Ms. Kruger (Guidance) 1. How do you like Pennell so far? Ms. Kruger says she is really enjoying her new position and getting to know all of her new students and fellow teachers. 3. How many classes have earned a free day? Ms. Kruger reports that 13 of 15 classes have earned a free day. Popular Principal By Xavier Slaughter and Noah Migatz, Penguin Press Staff Q & A with Mr. Fry (Music) 2. What class do you think is the most behaved in guidance class? Ms. Kruger thinks the most behaved classes are Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Wood, and Mrs. Rosset’s classes. PAGE 4 Million-Word Readers Club Nicole Buscaglia – 4th grade Kelsey Celestino – 4th grade Sydney Digan – 3rd grade Abigail Fisher – 5th grade Brett Michaels – 4th grade Abigail Otsyina – 5th grade Darren Panusky – 4th grade Brendan Purfield – 3rd grade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. His favorite sports team is the Philadelphia Flyers. His favorite book is the Hunger Games. His favorite movie is Back to the Future. He likes playing video games with his step-brother. Mr. Dutkiewicz joined Pennell in January of 2008. His favorite color is any shade of blue. He hopes everyone had fun at the S.T.E.M. assembly! For dress like your favorite character day he dressed up like the Cat in the Hat. Last, but not least, we asked Mr. Dutkiewicz if it is hard being a principal… he said: 9. “Sometimes it’s tough, but mostly it’s a pleasure”. We liked telling you the scoop about our Principal. Mr. Dukiewicz is the best! We hope you enjoyed our article. YOUR FAVORITE PART OF THE DAY… RECESS! By Teagan Williams, Penguin Press Staff Hello Pennell people, this is Teagan Williams writing to you about your favorite part of the day… RECESS! I’ve heard that there is a new game that the majority of 4th grade is playing. The game is called Sharks and Creepers, which is basically a new version of sharks and minos. Tons of 4th graders claim that this is the best game they have ever played. What is your opinion about this new game? In 5th grade there are several, may I say, ‘intense’ games being played such as basketball, four square, kick ball, and soccer. Everyone is always playing a different game every day and I think playing games or sports is the best way to spend recess. What do you think? Issue 1 Dedication Issue 1 of the Pennell Penguin Press Newspaper is dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Virginia “Ginny” Seleyo. Mrs. Seleyo was a lifelong resident of Aston, graduated from Sun Valley High School in 1967, and worked in the Penn-Delco School District at Sun Valley High School for 27 years. While at Sun Valley, Mrs. Seleyo dedicated herself to assisting students in the guidance office to secure college scholarships and pursuing their future education. She enjoyed making crafts, gardening, reading, doing puzzles, and spending time with family and friends at the Jersey shore. Mrs. Seleyo loved penguins, and it was her wish to donate many of her favorite penguins to Pennell since the penguin is Pennell’s school mascot. Mrs. Seleyo’s penguins can be found all around Pennell and will be loved by future generations of students. Mrs. Seleyo will be greatly missed. Left: Students in Mrs. Nielsen’s class hold penguins that were recently donated to Pennell at the wish of Mrs. Seleyo. Below: Mrs. Virginia “Ginny” Seleyo ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER PAGE 5 Literacy Week Readi ng Fai r 20 13 Wi nner s Kindergarten: 1st 1st Place – Isabella Gelety – The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle 2nd Place – Brayden Diehl – How do Dinosaurs Say I’m Mad? By Jane Yolen 3rd Place – Nicole Harvey – Goldilicious by Victoria Kann Grade 1: 1st Place – Izzie Casar – Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish 2nd Place – Molly Ann Mucklow – Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss 3rd Place – Hayden Irvin – Slappy Hooper, The World’s Greatest Sign Painter by John Standford Amazing Grade 2: 1st Place – Nathan Panusky – Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade by Suzy Kline 2nd Place – Casey Steffy – Emeraldalicious by Victoria Kann 3rd Place – Michael Maddox – Summer of the Sea Serpent by Mary Pope Osbourne Grade 3: 1st Place – Lauren Kuc – Judy Moody – The Doctor is In by Megan McDonald 2nd Place – Molly Filler – The Lucky Lottery by Ron Roy 3rd Place – Riley Basht – Lauren the Puppy Fairy by Daisey Meadows Grade 4: 1st Place – Xavier Slaughter – Goosebumps – Most Wanted by R. L. Stine 2nd Place – Nick Ruggieri – The Million Dollar Slot by Dan Gutnam 3rd Place – Kathryn Gricco – Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White Grade 5: 1st Place – Chase Segool – Cracker by Cynthia Kadohata 2nd Place – Teagan Williams – Almost Forever by Maria Testa 3rd Place – Aaron Hanavin – Crash by Jerry Spinelli 2nd 3rd Below: Students and community members voted on their favorite Reading Fair projects. (Photo by Lainey Williams) Above: Author/illustrator Lee Harper speaks to Pennell students during a recent assembly. (Photo by Chase Segool) Lee Ha r p er By: Danny Cairy, Penguin Press Staff Hey I’m Danny Cairy, and I’m writing about Lee Harper’s assembly with us. He taught us how to draw a monkey and Woolbur the sheep. He talked about what skills it takes to be an illustrator. He said it was hard work and it takes a lot of time. You don’t just write a story and it get published. You send it off to the publisher and they send it back repeatedly until they finally say it is good. Thanks for reading and I hope you read my future articles Above: Nathan Panusky, who is in 2nd grade won 1st place for his Reading Fair Project. (Photo by Lainey Williams) Below: 5th grade winners Chase Segool, Aaron Hanavin, and Teagan Williams at the Reading Fair awards assembly. ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER Literacy Week - continued Dr ess Like Your Fav or it e St or y Char act er Day an d Pum pkin Decor at in g Con t est S.T.E.M. Museum Assembly PAGE 6 ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER PAGE 7 Books, Music, and Movies Winter Concert Featuring the Pennell and Parkside A Band and the Pennell Choir Above: Principal Dutkiewicz speaks to Pennell students as the Pennell and Parkside A Band waits to start the Winter Concert. Left: The Pennell Choir performs in front of the the entire school. BOOK REVIEW Movie Review By Rachael Walker, Penguin Press Staff Have you ever read the book titled, Because of WinnDixie by Kate DiCamillo? It is a 2001 Newbery Medal Honor Book. It was about a character named India Opal Buloni and the dog she found at a store. The dog’s name was Winn-Dixie, and the dog was named after the store she found him in. She asked her dad, the preacher, to keep the dog. Sadly, at first he sad No, but then he changed his mind and said Yes to keeping the dog! I found this to be a really good book to read. It is also a Reading Counts book and is about 20,000 words. This book has also been made into a movie! I hope you get a chance to read this book and also watch the movie soon! By Jacob Fecanin, Penguin Press Staff The new upcoming movie Frozen is about a town that is trying to get summer back. The town goes completely frozen because the main character’s sister puts a spell on the town. A group of friends and a talking snowman named Olaf try to help bring back summer. I hope you get a chance to go see this movie in the movie theater soon. The end. Go to the following website address to create your own ditital drawing with Frozen characters Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and Olaf: ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER Penn State Nittany Lions By Darren Panusky, Penguin Press Staff Penn State has been playing great so far. They had an amazing victory over the Michigan Wolverines 43-40 in 4th overtime. I hope Penn State can make it to a bowl game. Penn State and their head coach Bill O’Brien are trying their best! Baltimore Ravens Sports Babe Ruth You may not have heard of Babe Ruth, but he is one of the best baseball players of all time. He is in the baseball Hall of Fame. In his tremendous career he hit 714 homeruns. He lead all of baseball in homeruns until Hank Aaron beat his record with 755 homeruns. In the 1932 game 2 of the World Series, Babe Ruth pointed his finger to the center field wall and that is exactly where he hit the baseball. That was the most famous homerun of all time. Those are some facts about Babe Ruth. Make sure you check him out! The Baltimore Ravens were the Super Bowl champions last year. By defeating the Cincinnati Bengals they kept their playoff chances alive. I hope they can make it as close as they can to the Super Bowl this season. Babe Ruth Photo curteosy of Philadelphia Flyers The Flyers are doing way worse than last year. They have a losing record so far this year. Last year they at least almost made it to the playoffs! I hope they can turn things around and start to win fast! Kansas City Chiefs By Darren Panusky, Penguin Press Staff The chiefs finished their last season with 2 wins and 14 losses, which was tied for the worst team in the league. Now with their new head coach, Andy Reid, who is the former head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, the Chiefs are off to a great start in the 2013-2014 football season. Andy Reid Photo curteosy of WORLD SERIES By Kevin Mayoros, Penguin Press Staff By Nick Ruggieri, Penguin Press Staff By Darren Panusky, Penguin Press Staff By Darren Panusky, Penguin Press Staff PAGE 8 Miguel Cabrera By Nick Ruggieri, Penguin Press Staff Miguel Cabrera is one of the best players in MLB baseball history. In 2012 Miguel Cabrera won the Triple Crown. He lead baseball in RBI’S, HR’S, and AVG. He plays for the Detroit Tigers in the state of Michigan. In 2013 the Tigers made it to the NLCS and got eliminated by the Boston Red Sox. The Red Sox went on to win the World Series this year. But, in 2012 the Tigers did Miguel Cabrera make it to the World Photo curteosy of Series. On the back of http://www.miguelca Miguel Cabrera’s jersey is number 24. Who’s Better? By Nick Colonna, Penguin Press Staff You pick who you feel is the better baseball player from the pairs below: • Adrian Gonzales or Matt Kemp • Lance Berkman or Andrew McCutchen • Hunter Pence or Shane Victorino • Jacoby Ellsbury or Austin Jackson • Miquel Cabrera or Ray Chapman • Jackie Robinson or Honus Wagner • Babe Ruth or Carl Mays • Hank Aaron or Barry Bonds The Boston Red Sox won their eighth World Series this year. They played six amazing games against the St. Louis Cardinals. In the bottom of the third, former Phillies baseball player Shane Victorino Bobby Valentine, manager had a of the Boston Red Sox base high-fives one of his players. Photo curteosy of clearing double to put the Boston Red Sox in the lead for good. It was an amazing miracle! Who do you think will win the World Series next year? Soccer By Abigail Fisher, Penguin Press Staff David Beckham is a very famous soccer player. He kicked a soccerball in a game from the half line and made it in! Rumor has it that he dented the ball when he kicked it! That was why the defenders couldn’t stop the ball. At age 16 he followed his passion and joined his favorite English soccer team. With 50 million fans on his side he was easily a famous soccer player. Famous David Beckham for his free kicks, Photo curteosy of corner kicks, and http://www.forbes. passing made him com extremely accurate. It wasn’t until 1993 that he properly joined the team. During the finals, sadly David Beckham did something he would very much regret. While he was playing he kicked another player. After that he got a red card and couldn’t play, and his team lost. It took a while for people to forgive David Beckham for his mistake. ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER Comics, Puzzles & More Look and Seek Word Find By Savannah Lewis S L D L S A Z Q T Z R M E A F I N I S H V E S C E G C M G N W P A U V L Big Book Finish K B B Q K V L D S X J T I I T S N S L U R Y Y M G M S L D E P X C M O Y Look Milk Read K T Y W M L V W W T F M Y X M O S O B B F W O Z E B I R W O O T Z O Q R G R L D U K O M L R O S Seek Words Worm By J T K S F H K J L M N P PAGE 9 ISSUE 1 THE PENNELL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NEWSPAPER PAGE 10 UNSCRAMBLE quitting. THE WORDS By Erin McGugan 1. SONW ____________ 2. TINEWR ____________ 3. YTAPR ____________ 4. UFN ____________ 5. CSOHLO ____________ 6. OESAWEM ____________ Finish the By Erin McGugan Pictures By Erin McGugan Jokes By Catherine Taylor 1. What did the bed say when the bed started crying? 2. Which vampire lives in a kitchen? 3. What do you call a fish with no eyes?