2014-‐2015 ISS PA Board Members - the International School of
2014-‐2015 ISS PA Board Members - the International School of
International School of Stavanger Parent Association WELCOME and NEWCOMER INFORMATION 2014-‐2015 This booklet contains information on the school and also some information on Stavanger and living in Norway in general. Its purpose is to assist newcomers to ISS in finding their way. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or by contacting any of the PA Board members directly (see page 3) if you need information you cannot find in this booklet. The Parent Association volunteers compiled this information from various sources. Please bear in mind that while we do our best to provide correct information, we cannot guarantee everything is accurate in this booklet. We are always open to suggestions and hope that you can help us to keep it current. We hope you find it useful. On behalf of the International School of Stavanger’s Parent Association, we would like to welcome you to ISS, Stavanger and Norway. You’ve come to a friendly and welcoming school offering a wonderful education for your children, as well as a nice place for you to make new friends. The Parent Association (PA) provides support to the school by organising events, projects, programs and donations. All parents of the students attending ISS are automatic members (there is no membership fee) of the PA. The PA Board meets every month and organises many activities. Please see our list of activities and events for the school year 2014-2015. We also help to find parent(s) room representatives, organise welcome coffees and the Information and Activities Fair in August (a must for newcomers). We support the middle school BBQ, dances and the high school graduation in June, organise the book orders and reading incentives, run the kiosk, organise Santa pictures in December and the International Festival, just to name a few. At a number of events, we charge an entry fee or sell tickets. The proceeds are used to fund all our activities and donate money to the school. The PA keeps you informed through the school newsletter, The Informer, which is also published on the ISS website (www.isstavanger.no). An information board is located in the hallway outside of the cafeteria and some information is posted outside of the kiosk. We have two general meetings during the school year, in September and April. ALL PARENTS are very welcome to join us at these general meetings as well as all Board meetings. We know there are so many talented people connected to the school, and we are delighted when parents become involved. There are many ways for you to become involved. In the information you receive at the beginning of the school year, you will find a Parent Volunteer Information sheet, which can be used to sign up as a volunteer, or you can contact one of our Parent Association members who will be happy to help find the right job for you! We have also attached a copy to this booklet. We welcome your involvement and we encourage your ideas, suggestions and participation. Feel free to leave a note at the kiosk or send an email to [email protected] We look forward to meeting you! On behalf of the ISS Parent Association, Mary Patrickson ISS PA President 2014-2015 Welcome to ISS and Stavanger 2 2014-‐2015 ISS PA Board Members General Email: [email protected] Updated June 12, 2014 Position Name Contact Info President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Kiosk Supplies Merchandise Coordinator Kiosk Volunteers Welcome & Hospitality Committee Primary School Liaison Early Childhood Liaison Middle School Liaison High School Liaisons Athletics Liaison Book Order Coordinators Reading Incentive Publicity & Website Photographer Social Events International Festival Lead Faculty Appreciation Volunteer Liaison Mary Patrickson Annalisa Maci McKenzi Genetti VACANT Nicole Dubois VACANT Nicole Dubois Agustina Grandi Irene Schenstrom Carina Viola Kathleen Henderson Christy Stewart Carolyn White Nicole Dubois Andrea Horstmann Tracey Angelopoulos Jacqueline Veen Amy Moss Amy Moss Teit Knudsen Michelle Jones Christiane Morrison VACANT Sarah Glenn Tina Johnson Catherine Morgan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] n/a [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 3 2014-2015 ISS PA INDIVIDUAL FESTIVAL AREA COORDINATORS FESTIVAL AREA Activity Coordinator Food Coordinators Basket Coordinators Publicity Coordinator Games and Art Coordinator Treasurer First Aid Coordinator Passports Floater Helper COORDINATORS Stephanie Mead Qian Ye Delisa Anthony McKenzie Genetti Stephanie Walden Teit Knudsen Amy Moss VACANT Kathleen Henderson Stephanie Astill Julie Unger EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] PLEASE JOIN OUR TEAM AND HELP PLAN THE FESTIVAL! 4 As parents, you are all members of the ISS Parent Association! Please come to our Board Meetings or Join a Committee – everyone is welcome! Monday, August 11 Middle School and High School New Student Orientation 9:30 am ISS Lobby All MS and HS parents welcome to meet other new parents and enjoy refreshments provided by the PA. Tuesday, August 19 First PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Basement Everyone welcome, as we discuss upcoming events and activities for the 201415 school year. There are still many opportunities to get involved, meet new friends and catch up on what’s going on at ISS! Friday, August 22 Information and Activities Fair (used to be called Leisure Fair) 5:30 pm – 7:30pm ISS Cafeteria **Important especially for new families. This is an information gathering session on all activities and local things to do in Stavanger. Churches, sports clubs, hiking groups and many more are usually represented. Tuesday, August 26 Welcome Back and New Families Coffee Morning 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Cafeteria Join us as we gather for our first official Coffee Morning! Newcomers coffee mornings are held several times during the year. Great opportunity to meet up with old friends and meet new friends! Thursday, August 28 Freedom Coffee with Social Events Committee 8:30am * send email to reserve a place to [email protected] ISS Lobby Carpool to Wayne’s Coffee Downtown Stavanger while the kids are at school and you can enjoy your freedom while socializing with other parents! Tuesday, September 9 Board Meeting and Fall General Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Cafeteria Meet the 2014-15 PA Board members and find out about upcoming events and 5 activities. The 2014-15 PA Budget will be approved and each committee will share their plans and activities for the year! A great chance to find out what’s going on throughout the year at ISS! Friday, September 12 Great Big Back to School Social for All Families 6:00pm – 8:00pm ISS Cafeteria and Outdoors (Weather Permitting) Everyone welcome! Friday, September 26 Parent’s Walk with Social Events Committee 8:30 am * send email to reserve a place to [email protected] ISS Lobby Take a short walk to Revheim to see Iron Age carvings, followed by coffee At Newman’s, Madla AMFI mall, Madlakrossen 9 Thursday, October 2 PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Basement Sunday, October 26 ISS Parent Association Fun Run 2:00pm – 5:00pm ISS Track Tuesday, October 28 Parent’s Walk to Dalsnuten ISS Lobby 8:30am * send email to reserve a place to [email protected] Carpool to Dalsnuten. For the best view down over the peninsula of Stavanger and surrounding islands this 2 km walk to the top of the Dalsnuten is a must for all visitors who enjoy walking. It can be very blustery on the top so remember your windproofs. This is some of the most beautiful countryside close to Stavanger. Tuesday, November 4 PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Basement Saturday, November 15 International Festival 1:00pm – 4:00pm Gymnasium and Cafeteria – School-wide Event Don’t miss this fun-filled event, with food, games and activities that showcase our school’s spirit of Multiculturalism! Let us know if you would like to get involved, represent your country, and volunteer for this wonderful festival that raises important funds for year-round school events and activities! Tuesday, December 2 PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Basement Monday, December 15 Santa Photos of Primary School Classes 8:30 am – 12:00 noon ISS Cafeteria Stage 6 Tuesday, January 13 PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Cafeteria Tuesday, January 20 New Family/Winter Welcome Back Coffee Morning 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Cafeteria A great chance to meet up after the holidays, to catch up with old friends and meet our newest families who have joined ISS! Tuesday, February 3 PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Basement Tuesday, March 3 PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Basement Tuesday, April 14 PA Board Meeting 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Basement Tuesday, May 12 Board Meeting and Spring General Meeting (Everyone welcome!) 8:45am – 10:00am ISS Cafeteria Find out about our new PA Board and upcoming events/year end activities at ISS. Some times, dates and locations may change. More social events will be added such as a car boot sale and others to this list of PA activities and events. Please join us! We do this for you! Join the unofficial facebook group run by ISS Parents - Stavanger Parent Group - for more updated information! 7 The Kiosk – One Stop Shopping for Most School Supplies The kiosk is open on most school days and conveniently located in the lobby of ISS near the Lovelace Theatre. Whoever is working will be happy to meet you and answer general questions. The PA operates the kiosk, where parents, staff, faculty and students can buy school supplies and drinks, hand in book orders as well bring items to or claim items from Lost & Found. The kiosk is staffed with volunteers who work a 2-hour shift once a week. It is an easy job and it gives you the opportunity to be at school and see what’s going on and meet new people. Please contact Nicole Dubois if you would like to volunteer. [email protected] Most of the common school supplies are stocked at the kiosk, and we try to keep items in stock at all times. We are very conscientious about the prices we charge and try our best to give our students and families a fair deal. Parents, staff, faculty and high school students may buy any type of drink stocked by the kiosk anytime. All students may buy water or fruit juice anytime. Middle school students may buy carbonated drinks after school, but not before school or during the day. Primary school students may not buy carbonated drinks anytime (even after school). The kiosk also sells the required ISS Physical Education T-shirts for grade 4 and above. The Lost & Found is also at the kiosk. When an item is turned in, the kiosk volunteer checks it for a name. If there is a name, the child will receive an orange slip that tells him to claim his/her item. If there is no name, the item will be held in the kiosk. Parents can help by putting their child’s name on all items that go to school (jackets, boots, mittens, hats, scarves, lunch boxes, etc.). Two or three times a year, all of the Lost & Found items are put on tables in front of the kiosk for parents and students to check for anything that may belong to them. After a week, the items are donated to a local charity called Fretex. Please remember that the Kiosk may be closed if there are no volunteers for that shift. Thank you for your continued support of the kiosk. It is another way to raise money for the PA which then benefits the school. The PA Welcoming and Hospitality Committee New in town? Overwhelmed and underconnected? Have been in Stavanger for a while and would like to meet new people? We have all been there and we are here to help you! Hello there! We are the Welcoming and Hospitality Committee! We organise the welcome coffee for newcomers to ISS in the school cafeteria, focusing on the start of the Fall and Winter semesters of the school year. Say hello to old friends, meet new ones, learn about the local community and ask questions about Stavanger and Norway. We also organise the annual Information and Activities Fair in August – a must for new parents. Please come and learn about what is available in local Stavanger. Please email us…. we are here for you! J The Welcoming and Hospitality Committee members are: Agustina Agrandi – [email protected] Irene Schensrom – [email protected] Carina Viola – [email protected] 8 IMPORTANT NUMBERS FIRE 110 POLICE 112 AMBULANCE 113 HEALTH Everyone is encouraged to register with a fastlege/doctor in order to get medical care. Read the information on the Kommune’s website. www.fastleger.no. Stavanger Universitetsjukehus (SUS) - The University Hospital of Stavanger Address: Amauer Hansensvei 20, 4011 Stavanger Tel: 0 51 51 Stavanger Legevakt (Doctor-on-duty: after hours/weekends/holidays) This Legevakt is also used for residents in Sola, Randaberg and Tananger. Opening hours: 1600-0800 Next to the SUS Tel: 51 51 02 02 Sandnes Legevakt Address: Jærveien 107, Sandes Tel: 51 97 10 97 International Vaccination Office (Infection and Disease Control) Located on second floor of Stavanger Legevakt. Tel: 51 50 85 00 (call to make an appointment) www.stavanger.kommune.no (in Norwegian only) Forusakutten Private medical centre in the centre of Stavanger and in Forus. Languages spoken include English, German and others. Opening hours Forus: Monday to Friday 0800-2000 Opening hours Stavanger: Monday to Friday 0800-1600 Drop-in clinic (no appointment necessary, first-in-first-served) in Stavanger centre clinic on Saturdays 1100-1600 Tel: 51 70 94 94 http://www.forusakutten.no/ Helseservice Norway Primary Care Physician/Paediatrician: Dr. Lakis Papartemis Private medical clinic located in Gausel. Languages spoken include English and Greek. Opening hours: call for details Address: Heiamyrå 2, 4033 Stavanger Tel: 51 81 06 00 Kolibri Medical Group Private medical centre with specialist medical and surgical consultants, allied health such as clinical psychologists, vaccination centre, and radiography centre (CT, MRI, etc). Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00-20:00 | Friday 08:00-15:00 | Saturday 10:00-16.00 Address: Trim Towers, Larsamyrå 18, 4313 Sandnes 9 Tel: 52 69 69 69 http://kolibrimedical.no/hjem After Hours Pharmacy Vitusapotek og Hudpleiesalong Opening hours: Monday-Friday 08:30-23:00 Saturday 09:00-23:00 Sunday and public holidays 10:00-23:00 Easter and Christmas holidays: 09:00-20:00 Address: Olav V Gate 11, 4005 Stavanger Tel: 51910880 Fax: 51910881 E-post: [email protected] Dentists Search for Tannleger in telephone directory. SHOPPING The International Network of Norway (INN, referenced later) provides free shopping introductory tours. The following information has been compiled for your convenience by PA volunteers, though the list is not at all exhaustive. We hope you find it helpful and please e-mail us with any updates or new information you think might be useful to newcomers. Shopping Hours Most shopping centres open at 1000 (some supermarkets at 0900) and most close at 2000 on weekdays. Nearly everything is closed on Sundays, except Sunday grocery stores and some 24 hour petrol/gas stations where you can buy a limited range of dairy, produce, snacks and other similar items. On Saturdays, all shops tend to close one hour earlier than on weekdays. Note the times for some stores are marked by signs on their facades. The times outside the parentheses are Monday through Friday hours and the times inside the parentheses are Saturday hours. Thursday evenings are “shopping nights” when even small shops keep longer hours. During the month of December the larger stores/shopping centres such as Madla Amfi and Kvadrat, for example, are open on Sundays for limited hours. School Supplies The ISS kiosk has basic school supplies plus sweatshirts, combination locks, music supplies. Supermarkets are good for general school items. Other places include: Staples (at Forus, opposite Living) – specialises in school & office supplies Lithografen (Sjøhagen 11, between Hillevåg & Mariero) – school & office supplies Combination Locks – Clas Ohlson (Kvadrat, Madla, Kilden) & Coop Bygg in Mariero & Madla next to ISS Rain Clothes/Coats/Trousers – Coop Obs! (Mariero) & Europris (opposite ISS & Hundvåg, etc.) plus sports equipment stores: XXL (Forus), Intersport (Madla & Kilden), Olly Sport (opp. Kilden), Barnas Hus (Forus). Another idea is to buy gently used raingear from one of the Fretex, (Salvation Army), shops. **Please note – it is better to buy your children’s waterproof backpacks and rain gear in Norway than another country. They are well made and of high quality and will really keep you dry. Music Supplies – 4Sound (Kvadrat & town centre near to the Sølvberggata cinema/library) Art and Craft Supplies Kontant Engros (Langflåtveien 33, at Mariero) – paper & cardstock, art & craft supplies, some fabrics, scrapbooking, party bags Kreation & Loisir (Kvadrat) – fabrics, stichcraft supplies 10 Panduro (Kvadrat) – craft supplies Ullform – felting supplies, raw wool Shopping Centres Many people do not know a shopping center when you see them. They are usually located in buildings that may look like an office building. Stavanger Storsenter (Steen & Strøm) on 3 locations in the city centre: Arkaden, located on Klubbgaten Domkirkeplassen, located on Domkirkeplassen Torgterrassen, located on Kirkegaten Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9h-20h, Sat 10h-17h www.stavangerstorsenter.no Madla AMFI, Mon-Fri 10h-20h, Sat 10h-18h – very good center, has most stores you may need Sandnes AMFI, Mon-Fri 10h-20h, Sat 10h-17h Kvadrat (Steen & Strøm - apparently the largest shopping centre in Norway, off the E39 towards Sandnes), Mon-Fri 10h-20h, Sat 10h-18h www.kvadrat.no Magasin Blå (Verksgata 2; adjacent to Jorenholmen and the Oil Museum multi-storey parking in the centre, close to the ferry terminal & opposite Idsøe butcher), Mon-Fri 10h-20h, Sat 10h-18h www.magasinblaa.no Kilden (at Hillevåg, between Hillevågsveien & Gartnerveien), Mon-Fri 10h-20h, Sat 10h-18h www.kilden.no Free parking for a few hours but you must take a ‘free ticket’ to show time of arrival. Viking Stadium Shopping Centre (off the RV44), supermarkets, sportswear, gift shops etc. (there is a ‘free ticket’ system (2hrs free weekdays & 3hrs on weekends) but you must also park in the correctly allocated spaces as some are privately owned; parking available underneath the shops) Tasta, new shopping centre –very good, not that busy and has a Helgo Meny supermarket. Free parking but must take a ticket and display in window. http://www.tastasenter.no/huset-hartvig Food Shopping Food shopping for groceries is usually a crash course in getting to know your new country. With the exception of a few very large supermarkets, most stores are more modest in size yet still stock a good range. They are well distributed throughout neighbourhoods thus avoiding tedious travelling. Coop Obs! (Mariero & Kvadrat) – very large stores selling food, clothing, toys, household goods and is less expensive than other stores. Halal food Al-Fares Kjøtt Mohammed Fares Halal - Smedgata 9, 4013 Stavanger Tel.: 51 55 51 52 Al-Iman - Kongsgaten 42, 4005 Stavanger Tel.: 40 87 76 09 Helgø Meny (various locations including Mariero, Eiganes, Viking Stadium, Sola) – supermarket with wide variety of international products: N.African/Asian spices, condiments, Italian pastas and many types of bread. Håpet Økologiske – 51 82 82 51, supply organic vegetable boxes Jakobs Bakeri (Haugesundsgata 7, Storhaug, near the town bridge) – organic breads and pastries 11 Coop Mega (Madla Amfi), Hafrsfjord – co-operative you may join and receive 5% cash refund on your purchases at the end of the year. You can use your “Coop Card” for cash refunds at any of the Coop stores, or for example, at Esso petrol stations. ICA Middlethon (Tasta, Gausel & Kilden) – often stocks American products, Kilden branch sometimes has Branston or Wellingtons chutney and Tasta often has UK Xmas mincemeat; branches have good selection of condiments plus nori and rice sheets. Rema 1000 supermarket (various places) – basic range at reasonable prices but is beginning to increase its product base (e.g., olive bread, tapas, sushi platters) Rimi supermarket (e.g., Madlaveien at school junction) – basic range plus some imported items Idsøe’s butcher (Verksgata 3) – well-known; famous for its speciality sausages – if you go early in morning 8:30 am, usually get a parking spot out front, 15 minute parking. Pedersgata/Bergelandsgata area around the red church in Stavanger centre is home to many familyrun international grocery stores catering to many cuisines. Visit all corners of the world as you find extensive collections of dried and fresh spices at the Asian grocer; filo pastry, PG tips teabags and Turkish delight at the Turkish grocer; dried forest mushrooms at the Polish store, etc. Chinese grocer (Kvadrat basement) – wide range of sauces, noodles, spices, spring rolls etc. Økologiske Dagligvarer at Ullandhaugveien 150 (nr Viking Farm) – organic plus gluten and lactose free products, including vegetables, pulses, flour, cereal, beauty products. Mon-Fri 11h-17h, Thurs 11h-19h, Sat 10h-15h Longer Hours The Brustad Bakery (junction of Ullandhaugveien & Henrik Ibsensgate) – open on Sundays Coop Mega Express (across from Coop Mega in Madla Amfi) – open on Sundays 09:00 to 21:00 Kiwi supermarkets throughout the area – open at 07.00 and stays open until 23:00 weekdays although closes earlier on Saturdays; stocks Cathedral City cheddar cheese Shops often close early for several days during traditional holidays such as Easter, but also Christmas, New Year and Pentecost. Over Easter, most shops are closed for several days in a row, so stock up. Check with local stores and keep reserves in the freezer. Food translation list available under the PWC’s “What’s cooking” section: www.pwc-stavanger.no/. Miscellaneous Shopping Coop Bygg og Bo (Randaberg, Madla, Sola, Sandnes, Bryne) stocks DIY, house, garden, leisure items. IKEA (Grenseveien 2, Sandnes) is open Mon-Fri 10-22, Sat 10-20. The warehouse (Lager) is a few blocks away, on the other side of E39, so you will need a car to get to it. From the warehouse, you are expected to collect your own items, lift them onto a trolley and push the trolley(s) to the front of the warehouse (even very large and heavy items like wardrobes and sofas) in the same way as you would from the collect-and-pay aisles next to the checkouts in the main IKEA building. There is no child minding area in the actual warehouse (or other services such as bathrooms). Enquire with staff about delivery or renting trailers or vans. Elkjøp is a large electrical shop with computers, TV, Hi-fi, kitchen appliances and is found in Forus and downtown Stavanger. 12 Travel Many locals book travel using websites such as Ving, Startour and Apollo. http://www.startour.no/ Books in English and Other Languages The Stavanger Public library is in the Kulturhus in Stavanger city centre. (You will also find the cinema there). The library does have books in some languages other than Norwegian and also loans artwork and albums/CDs. There is another library in Madla AMFI upstairs next to Elixia. Sandnes and Sola Culture Houses (Kulturhus) have their own separate libraries with sections in languages other than Norwegian (e.g., English, Spanish, German). As a parent, you can borrow books and DVDs at the ISS Library (both EC/PS and MS/HS libraries). The French Institute (Løkkeveien 52) has a selection of books and DVDs in French. Newspapers and magazines can be found at Narvesen. One is near the Stavanger kulturhus in the centre of town and the movie theatre, however, they are quite expensive. Ark Berge, a bookshop at the corner of Prostebakken and Skagen (Stavanger centre and Kvadrat), has a wide variety of English, French and German books. Norli bookshop (Nygata 4-6, Stavanger centre) has a wide variety of English books and sells stationery. Kvadrat and Madla AMFI have bookstores with an English section. Fretex (at Mariero) has a very large number of second-hand English books from popular romance and thrillers to Penguin/Faber classics. (Other branches do not seem to stock the foreign language books.) Recycling/Charity Shops Stavanger Kids’ Sale is a bi-annual event held at Madla Bydelhus (village hall) similar to the UK NCT sales. Items sold are subject to a small commission. Proceeds belong to the seller. Fretex (Langflåtveien Mariero, Sandne, Madla near ISS, etc.) is a charitable organization that accepts donations (clothes, books, household items, toys, sportswear, furniture, etc.). www.fretex.no NMS Gjenbruk (Norwegian Mission Society) is a chain of second-hand shops run by volunteers and located in many spots, such as Stavanger, Hinna, Sola, Sandnes and Randaberg. www.nms.no/gjenbruk The Stavanger Expats website explains the different waste collection/recycling facilities available: http://www.stavangerexpats.com/culture-shock-norway-recycling-and-waste Deposit Bottle/Can Scheme (cola, beer etc) PANT bottles (worth 2,50 NOK) and cans (1 NOK) should be returned to any store that sells that line. When making the original purchase, your receipt will show the price of the juice plus the additional amount of the deposit (PANT) paid, which will be refunded when you recycle. Place the empties into the in-store machine and receive a voucher to spend against the cost of groceries. The voucher can only be returned to the store that gave you the voucher. (Containers where a returnable deposit has been paid have a pant symbol on them). 13 Note: ISS Parent Association is not promoting any of the companies listed in the shopping section. Those listed are intended only to give newcomers a helpful starting point. If you notice an error, or information that should be updated, please contact us at [email protected] – thank you! Kommune Information The various Kommune (Kommune is the county in which you reside) websites are full of useful information. Please take a look at your Kommune’s website – there is usually a choice to change to English language for some of the website. Or, open it and use google translate to translate the web page. Randaberg Kommune - http://www.randaberg.kommune.no/ Sandnes Kommune - https://www.sandnes.kommune.no/ Stavanger - Please see their very important website for helpful information regarding municipal services. http://www.stavanger.kommune.no/ Sola - http://www.sola.kommune.no/ International Network of Norway – INN The Stavanger Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers services to assist employees, students and their families new to the region. The following are offered to members: Area Orientation Programme including practical and cross-cultural information Monthly newsletter including upcoming events in the region and useful tips Workshops for spouses searching for employment Morning cultural networking opportunities Evening seminars hosted by local experts (e.g., taxation, healthcare, real estate, employment) Social networking Free shopping tours (learn about different types of flour, meat, and any other questions you might have about shopping for your family in Norway) Web articles in English http://www.rosenkilden.com/new-in-rogaland/new-in-rogaland/inn---international-network-ofnorway/bfe9ed21-22ac-4085-b0bd-763cd00718c8 People Who Connect - PWC An international English-speaking club welcoming anyone who has an interest in making new friendships, helping the community and expanding historical or cultural horizons in Stavanger, or just needing help and advice in a new city. Everyone is welcome to join PWC. You will meet many friends and will be able to take advantage of some fantastic courses, English movies for children and many more events. The PWC strives to promote friendship and activities for everyone regardless of length of stay in Stavanger. The PWC aims to generate goodwill between the PWC and the local community through an exchange of cultures and Philanthropic activities. PWC-Stavanger Club House: Varatunhagen, 4317 Sandnes, Norway Mailing address: POBoks 297, Forus 4066 Stavanger Email: [email protected] Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PWCStavanger 14 PETS Baroniet Hundepensjonat Boarding for dogs Skjævelandveien 23 4322 Sandnes Tel: 47202157 (Terje) 47202156 (Unni) [email protected] Viking Kennel Boarding for small (e.g. guinea pigs) and large animals http://vikingkennel.no/ PLACES OF WORSHIP Ramadan Festival http://www.ramadanfestival.no/ Catholic Church St. Svithun* St. Svithunsgt. 8, 4005 Stavanger Tlf. 51517020 Stavanger International Church* Seehusensgt. 41, Stavanger. English worship service Sundays at 10.30am in the Aula at Stavanger Misjonshøyskole. Tlf. 51516113 Stavanger Anglican Episcopal Church at Bethel* Løkkevn. 59, Stavanger English services every Sunday at 10.30am. Tlf. 51555488 North Sea Baptist Church* Timoteivn. 13, Stavanger English Service every Sunday at 10.30am, Tlf. 51656009 Muslim Association The Muslim Association of Rogaland – Moske Masjid Mevlana Verksgaten 41, 4014 Stavanger Leader: Mehmet Turan Rogaland Muslim Society – Moske Masjid Hanafiya Store Skippergate 4, 4013 Stavanger Finance: Iqbal Mohamed Islamsk Fellesforening i Rogaland – Moske Masjid Eyup Sultan Harald Hårfagresgate 4, 4014 Stavanger Leader: Murat Ercan Islamsk Opplæringssenter i Rogaland – Moske Masjid Noor Bergsagelveien 9 4016 Stavanger Leader: Mammar Tammaoui Idara Minhaj-Ul-Quaran – Moske Minhaj-Ul-Quaran Breidablikkveien 6 4017 Stavanger Leader: Mohammed Saleem *English services 15 PLAYGROUPS AND INFORMATION ON SERVICES FOR CHILDREN In order to get into a Norwegian barnehage or preschool, you must register with the kommune and there is usually a waiting list. ISS accepts new children throughout the school year, provided they have space and the child will be financially sponsored, typically by the parents’ employer. http://www.stavanger.kommune.no/no/Engelsk/Children-youth-and-education/ Preschool / Primary School / Kindergarten (International) International School of Stavanger (ISS) Treskeveien 3, 4043 Hafrsfjord http://www.isstavanger.no E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 51 55 43 00 British International School of Stavanger (BISS) Gauselbakken 107, 4032 Stavanger http://www.biss.no/ E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 51 95 02 05 The Children’s House Kornbergveien 23, 4050 Sola http://www.the-childrens-house.no/ E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 51 65 16 96 Preschool / Primary School / Kindergarten (Barnehage - Norwegian) Oppvekstservice Ny Olavskleiv 6 4008 Stavanger http://www.stavanger.kommune.no/ E-post: [email protected] Opening hours: 8.00 - 15.00 Tel: 51 91 26 96 Fax: 51 50 81 01 Tippy Toes Playgroup - Contact PWC Little Vikings - Contact Christina (Christy) Stewart , +47 916 25 106 or [email protected] BABY SITTING AND CHILD MINDING Stavanger International Babysitting Service (http://www.sibs.no/index.php) used to be a daycare and babysitting service with a pool of babysitters from all around the world (15+ languages). However they have been closed due to lack of usage. It is difficult to find babysitters however it is best to start with parents at ISS who may have teenage children that babysit. DRIVING IN NORWAY Unless you possess an EU driver’s license, you will need a Norwegian license and will have to take a test to drive in Norway. 16 Check the following websites for rules and regulations on driving in Norway: http://www.visitnorway.com/driving-in-norway http://www.vegvesen.no/en/Driving+licences/Driving+licences/Permission+to+drive/Permission+to+drive +and+driver+training+in+Norway.71667.cms Car Registration Office (Stavanger Trafikkstasjon) Christian A. Thoringsveg 12 Tel.: 81 54 40 10 SEE NORWAY AND STAVANGER REGION Visit Norway: http://www.visitnorway.com/ Region Stavanger: http://www.regionstavanger.com/en/ Tours: http://www.norwaynutshell.com/ Weather: http://www.yr.no/ Stavanger Museum: www.stavanger.museum.no, Tel: 51 58 99 77 (Information about some of Stavanger’s museums, English and Norwegian) CULTURE SHOCK Moving to another country can be very exciting but also filled with millions of practical considerations and hard work, not to mention culture shock! There are many useful resources that can help. Here are a few books: Raising Global Nomads by Robin Pascoe Thirds Culture Kids-Growing Up Among Worlds by David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken A Broad Abroad-The Expat Wife’s Guide to Successful Living Abroad by Robin Pascoe Footsteps Around the World: Relocation Tips for Teens by Beverly D. Roman Multicultural Manners by Norine Dresser A Woman’s Guide to Maintaining a Sense of Self While Moving Overseas by Debra R. Bryson and Charise M. Hoge Some useful websites: Expat Expert: http://expatexpert.com Cross Cultural Kid: http://crossculturalkid.org Families in Global Transition: http://www.figt.org The Trailing Spouse: http://www.thetrailingspouse.com/ TCKid, The Third Culture Kid Community: http://tckid.com Third Culture Adults in Global Transition: http://pmbethel.blogs.com/3culture/ Slurping Soup: http://www.slurpingsoup.com/ But most of all, talk to your fellow expatriates. We are all going through similar experiences and can offer each other support, information and guidance. 17 MORNING CONNECTIONS Morning Connections is an ISS networking and resource series of seminars and presentations. The Morning Connections events are designed to provide ISS parents with opportunities for friendship and support within the ISS community as well as information and resources relevant to expat life, education and/or living in Norway. Presentations are led by ISS staff, its talented parents and occasionally subject experts from the greater Stavanger region or internationally. New events are communicated to parents via e-mail, Informer and the school calendar. If interested, please contact ISS Admissions at [email protected]. Mark your calendars—in October, 2014, Dr. Michael Thompson, the internationally known child psychologist will be visiting ISS and presenting at Morning Connections. 18
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