January 2015 - Birmingham Power Squadron


January 2015 - Birmingham Power Squadron
January 2015
13 January 2015 - Membership Meeting - Shield’s Restaurant, 1476 West Maple Road, Troy
Join us! Dinner off the menu at 6:30 p.m. - Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. with Presentation.
10 January 2015 - 2nd Saturday Seminar
“How to Use a Chart”
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. West Marine, Troy
19 January 2015 - Junior Navigation - 1st class
21 January 2015 - Marine Communications - 1st class
Franco Communication Center, Pontiac
Bridge Officer’s Reports
Membership Meeting Presentation
Commander’s Message
Executive Officer
Educational Officer
Administrative Officer
Page 5 - 6
9 - 10
Featured Pages
January Events
Page 2
Calendar of Events
Open Positions
JN, Marine Communications Descriptions
Seminar Chair, Seminars
How to Use a Chart Description
Birthdays of January
Photos - Change of Watch
14 - 22
Names of Former Award Recipients
16 - 20
Names of Past Commanders
Webmaster’s Report
Editor’s Thank You
13 January 2015
Shield’s Restaurant in Troy
Planning & Navigating
Personal Computer
A program developed
by the USPS District 27 N Club
for the
District 27 19-21 COW 2010
Presented by
Lt/C Brenda Sumey, JN
See page 23
for additional information.
13 January - General Membership Meeting
Shield’s Pizzeria Bar Restaurant
1476 W. Maple Road, Troy, MI
Dinner off the menu at (6:30 p.m.) Meeting begins at 1930 (7:30 p.m.)
Presentation by Administrative Officer: Lt/C Brenda Sumey, JN
10 January - 2nd Saturday USPS Seminar
Start Time: 0930 to 1130
West Marine, 789 Big Beaver, Troy, MI
Instructor: Al Schwaller
$35 for members - $45 for non-members
Register online at www.bpsd9.org or Email [email protected]
Start Date:
19 January 2015
Start Time:
1900 (7:00 p.m.) - 2130
Start Date:
21 January 2015
Start Time:
1900 (7:00 p.m.) - 2130
Anthony Franco Communications Center
Anthony Franco Communications Center
at Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital
44555 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac
at Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital
44555 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac
Instructors: Althea & Phil Doolittle
Instructor: Bob Blau
Cost: $135 members, $185 non-members
Cost: $65 members, $95 non-members
Register on the website:
Register on the website:
Email Education Officer at [email protected]
Email Education Officer at [email protected]
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 2
2015 Calendar of Events January - March
06 January: BPS EXCOM Meeting, Start 7:00 p.m., Kerby’s, 5407 Crooks Rd., Troy (N of Long Lake Rd.)
09 January: Saint Clair Shores Sail and Power Squadron COW (Dinner at Blossom Heath, St Clair Shores)
10 January: 2nd Saturday Seminar (9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.) West Marine, 789 E Big Beaver Rd., Troy
13 January: Membership Meeting, Start 7:30 p.m., Shield’s Restaurant, 1476 W. Maple Rd., Troy
14 January: Grosse Pointe Power Squadron, COW
14 January: Port Huron Sail and Power Squadron, COW (Dinner at Alexander’s, Marysville)
15 January: Dearborn Sail and Power Squadron, COW (Dinner at One Under, Livonia)
17 January: Grosse Pointe Power Squadron Commander’s Ball at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club
19 January: Start -Junior Navigation (7:00-9:30 p.m.) Anthony Franco Communication Center
Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital, 44555 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac
21 January: Start - Marine Communications (7:00-9:30 p.m.) Anthony Franco Communication Center
Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital, 44555 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac
18-25 January: USPS Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL (all USPS members are welcome to attend)
29 January: Wyandotte Power Squadron, COW (dinner at Rhapsody, Southgate)
03 February: BPS EXCOM Meeting, Start 7:00 p.m., Kerby’s, 5407 Crooks Rd., Troy (N of Long Lake Rd.)
10 February: Membership Meeting, Start 7:30 p.m., Shield’s Restaurant, 1476 W. Maple Rd., Troy
14 February: 2nd Saturday Seminar (9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.) West Marine, 789 E Big Beaver Rd., Troy
14 February: BPS Volunteers, Detroit Boat Show, District 9 USPS Booth, Cobo Center, Detroit
14 February: Start - Piloting (co-hosting with Anchor Bay), West Marine, 41 Michigan St., Algonac
03 March: BPS EXCOM Meeting, Start 7:00 p.m., Kerby’s, 5407 Crooks Rd., Troy (N of Long Lake Rd.)
10 March: Membership Meeting, Start 7:30 p.m., Shield’s Restaurant, 1476 W. Maple Rd., Troy
14 March: 2nd Saturday Seminar (9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.) West Marine, 789 E Big Beaver Rd., Troy
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 3
Birmingham Power Squadron Contacts
2015 Elected Bridge and Committee Officers
Lawrence Delargy, N
[email protected]
Executive Officer
Lt/C (P/C) Albert Schwaller, JN
[email protected]
Education Officer
Lt/C (P/C) David Kowalski, SN
[email protected]
Assistant Education Officer Lt/C Judith Delargy, AP
[email protected]
Administrative Officer
Lt/C Brenda Sumey, JN
[email protected]
Lt/C Gerald Major, JN
[email protected]
Lt/C Judith Delargy, AP
[email protected]
Assistant Secretary
Lt Lavonia Criner
Executive Committee
P/C Margaret Schwaller, AP
D/1st/Lt Thomas Smith, JN
P/C Patricia Jarmon, SN
P/C David Kowalski, SN
D/Lt Ronald Simpson, AP
Lt Bonnie George, P
Audit Committee:
Lt Paul Loock, AP, Chair
Lt David Bartilson, AP
Lt Gary Rellox, AP
Nominating Committee:
P/C Margaret Schwaller, AP
D/1st/Lt Thomas Smith, JN
P/C Douglas Mitchell, SN
Rules Committee:
P/N/F/Lt Dick Jarmon, SN
P/C Elizabeth Torres, JN
BPS Webmaster
Lt Bonnie George, P
[email protected]
The Bilge Chatter Editor P/C Peggy Schwaller, AP
[email protected]
Newsletter articles/photos are due the second Sunday.
January 2015
P/C Betty Torres, JN
“Betty brings the store to BPS meetings.”
Executive Committee Meetings
first Tuesday of each month at
Kerby’s Koney Island
5407 Crooks Rd., Troy.
(just north of Long Lake Rd.)
Dinner off the menu at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.
General Membership Meetings
second Tuesday of each month at
Shield’s Pizzeria Bar Restaurant
1476 W. Maple Rd., Troy.
(just west of Crooks Rd.)
Dinner off the menu at 6:30 p.m.
Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.
®The USPS Ensign (Flag Design), "Wheel-and-Flag Design",
"Officer Trident Design", "United States Power Squadrons",
"USPS", "The Ensign", "the Squadron" with flag graphic,
“Paddle Smart”, “USPS University”, "Boat Smart", "Jet
Smart", and "America's Boating Club" are registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons. The Squadron
Boating Course is a service mark of United States Power
Squadrons. The "USPS Trade Dress" is a trademark of United States Power Squadrons.
Trademark Statement
The Bilge Chatter Page 4
Greetings from the Squadron Commander
Cdr Larry Delargy, N
[email protected]
I wish everyone a Happy New Year and trust all had a wonderful holiday season.
I am honored and pleased to be serving as Commander of the Birmingham Power Squadron, as together, we begin
our 52nd year of service in educating and developing the skills of the boating public to assure their safety and
security on the water. This squadron has a proud history of accomplishment in delivering the highest level of boater education ranging from basic courses through advanced grades, elective courses, seminars, and on-the-water
training. The squadron also has demonstrated an active commitment to promoting boating safety through such
activities as vessel safety inspections, Safe Boating Week observances, liaison with the marine law enforcement
community, and taking our message of boater education and safety to the local boat shows. While we enjoy
gathering together for fellowship, we are first and foremost, an organization that places civic service first. I congratulate and thank the members of the 2015 Bridge and squadron committees who have volunteered to serve
and give of their talent, energy, and time to further the mission of our squadron. I also want to recognize and
thank all of our members whose efforts support our mission and goal of working to make the water a better place
while having fun doing it. While our mission has really never changed since our inception, our culture and the
culture of those we serve most certainly have. At all levels, USPS is reinventing itself to better serve our customers
and deliver the services they need.
In the coming year, my objectives for the squadron are to focus on the following priorities: (1) Retaining our
current members and attracting new members; (2) Using technology to enable us to conduct our business and
conserve our resources; and (3) Increasing member participation in our programs and activities. I look forward to
working with all of our members to move the Birmingham Power Squadron forward in the coming year.
Change of Watch. Our Change of Watch was held at the lovely American-Polish
Cultural Center in Troy. Attendees socialized during the reception and dinner
hours and enjoyed beautiful seasonal musical selections played by pianist
Michael Lupo. P/C Tom Geggie, SN served as Master of Ceremonies and began
the meeting portion of the evening with introductions of the District 9 Commander’s representative, D/Lt/C Dawn Flynn, JN; the Canadian Power and Sail
Squadron’s Chief Commander, Joe Gatfield, JN; and Great Lakes Yacht Club
Commodore, Mark Schwartz. We were also honored by the attendance of
representatives from District 9 and many other Michigan squadrons.
Music of the Season
Pianist, Michael Lupo
Cdr Peggy Schwaller, AP presided over the Awards Ceremony and presented
the six annual award trophies to the 2014 awardees: The Bill Booth Moosemilk
Squadron Ambassador Award was presented to P/C Dave Kowalski, SN; the
Outstanding Service Award was presented to Lt/C Jerry Major, JN; the Education Award was presented to R/C Don Fiander, SN; the Jim McMicking Outstanding Instructor Award was presented to P/C Bob Blau, SN; the High Flyer
award was presented to Lt/C Judy Delargy, AP; and the Master Mariner Award
was presented to P/C Tom Smith, JN.
January 2015
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Greetings from the Squadron Commander (continued)
Congratulations to all of the recipients of these awards, and thanks to all of the members who worked hard to support this squadron in 2014.
Following the awards presentations, Cdr Schwaller proclaimed the 2014 Watch complete and the BPS Ship’s Bell was
rung eight times by the Executive Officer. The 2014 Bridge was then dismissed and Cdr Schwaller delivered her farewell remarks.
District Executive Officer, D/Lt/C Flynn addressed the group on behalf of the District 9 Commander and then administered the oath of office to the incoming Commander, Bridge Officers, and Committee Members. The 2015 Bridge was
seated. The incoming Commander received the Commander’s Flag, Squadron Charter,
King Spoke Plaque, and Gavel. Incoming Administrative Officer, Lt/C Brenda Sumey, JN
was presented her Officer’s Flag. Following the incoming Commander’s remarks
(summarized in the greeting above), the Change of Watch was declared complete and
the meeting
USPS Annual Meeting. In late January, I will represent the Squadron at the USPS Annual Meeting in Jacksonville, Florida. This is one of two national-level meetings that take
place annually. The second meeting of the year, the Governing Board Meeting will
take place in September. I will report on the proceedings of the Annual Meeting in the
next issue of the Bilge Chatter.
Staying Informed. Keep up-to-date with all of our squadron activities. Our recently
revamped BPS Website is your source for the most current information. Although our
monthly newsletter, the Bilge Chatter is e-mailed to all members, it is also posted to
the website, together with past issues. The website also contains information on
Bridge and Committee appointments, photographs of squadron activities, links to other USPS and boating sites, etc.
Urgent communications and announcements are sent through periodic e-mail blasts from our Secretary. Timely reminders are sent out in monthly postcards as needed.
D/Lt/C Dawn Flynn, JN
USPS D9 Representative
Meetings and Classes. Plan to join us for our monthly dinner meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at
Shield’s Restaurant, 1476 Maple Rd, Troy. Join us for dinner off the menu at 1830 (6:30 p.m.) or attend the meeting
that starts at 1930 (7:30 p.m.). And, while you are planning your winter activities, why not look into the schedule of
our outstanding educational opportunities and enroll in a class or seminar.
Help Wanted. I would like to encourage all of our members to take an active role in the work of the squadron. In this
issue several work opportunities are advertised, and other opportunities will be announced as they occur. We are
especially interested in attracting members who might want to learn more about taking an active role in the leadership of the squadron. If you have an interest in one of the open positions or would like to find out how you could
move into a Bridge or Committee position, I would like to hear from you.
Cdr Lawrence Delargy, N
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 6
One month Assignment in November.
Computer needed.
DB2000 downloaded on computer.
Assignment– Photos at Meetings
Assignment– Photos at Rendezvous
Assignment– Photos at D 9 Conferences
Digital Camera needed.
Periodic Assignment as Need Arises
Computer desirable.
Variety of creative ways to serve.
Monthly/periodic Assignment of nautical
theme or humorous sketches for various
squadron publications, primarily for The
Bilge Chatter.
One month or summer assignment to check the accuracy of
charted navigational aides noted or missing aides in the Anchor
Bay region of Lake St. Clair.
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 7
Lt/C (P/C) Albert Schwaller, JN
[email protected]
USPS District 9 will have a booth at the Detroit Boat Show.
The District’s Boat Show Coordinator during the last couple of years has been
Clair Shores Sail and Power Squadron.
D/Lt (P/C) Bob Krieg, AP of the St.
Saturday, 14 February 2015 has been assigned to the Birmingham Power
Squadron. Blocks of time are 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.; 3 pm.- 6 p.m.; 6: p.m.-9 p.m. Our
squadron’s Boat Show Chair, Lt Gary Rellox, P will be signing up squadron volunteers at our BPS Membership Meeting on January 13 at Shield’s. Better yet,
let Gary know as soon as possible if and when you are interested in helping at
the District 9 booth. If for some reason you can’t touch base with Gary, contact
me and I will forward your requests or information to Lt Gary.
Lt Gary Rellox, P
BPS Boat Show Chair
Volunteering a few hours at the Boat Show gains each volunteer free entrance
to the show and hours toward a USPS Merit Mark Award for 2015. This is the
perfect venue to provide the boating public with information about the United
States Power Squadrons and USPS classes and seminars. It is amazing how many
boaters have never heard of the United States Power Squadrons nor USPS classes. The District 9 booth will be supplied with plenty of printed booklets and
pamphlets for volunteers to hand out to the boat show attendees that pass by
the booth. Consider volunteering a few hours. This is a fun public relations activity. Beautiful boats, special attractions and refreshments under one roof.
Saturday, 30 May 2015 is our VSC day at the Great Lakes Yacht Club.
Additional locations and dates will be announced as they are confirmed.
Now is the perfect time to prepare; and in Spring volunteer to join our
team of squadron Vessel Examiners. This is an enjoyable civic activity.
Cdr Larry Delargy, N will be acting as our squadron VSC Chairman at this
time. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Cdr Delargy.
The squadron’s Executive Department is very fortunate to have the support of the following members:
Legislative Officer, P/C Tom Geggie, SN; Liaison Officer, Lt Paul Look, AP; and Radio Technical Officer,
P/C Bob Blau, SN. Thank you for staying on for another year.
The Executive Department is seeking members who would like to support the Executive Department as
either Safety Officer or Cooperative Charting Chairman. The job description for each of these positions may
be found on the United States Power Squadrons’ website or contact me for information. Both positions are
of value and don’t require much time nor a big commitment.
Lt/C (P/C) Al Schwaller, JN
January 2015
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BPS Bridge: Lt/C Dave Kowalski, SN
[email protected]
I hope the holidays went well for everyone; now that you’re refreshed, and you should be ready to take some
Before I get to the courses I want to thank all of the instructors that helped out over this past year teaching
courses and seminars – I owe you a great deal for making my job a little easier.
At the Change of Watch ceremony I was ecstatic to see that R/C Don Fiander, SN received the Education Award,
an engraved ship’s lantern, which was first awarded in 1969, to recognize the squadron member who has done
the most for the BPS education program in a behind the scenes capacity during the past year. Don has been
instrumental in coordinating the seminar series on the second Saturday of each month at West Marine in Troy.
P/C Bob Blau, SN received the Jim McMicking Outstanding Instructor Award, a "sextant" on a permanent engraved plaque is presented in memory of long-time Birmingham Power Squadron instructor P/Lt/C Jim
McMicking, SN to the member(s), nominated by the SEO and confirmed by vote of the ExCom, in recognition of
outstanding dedication and excellence in teaching USPS courses or seminars. Bob has been an outstanding
instructor as well as a dependable teacher with a great depth of knowledge that he willingly shares with his
I am so happy that we were able to recognize both of you for your contributions to the betterment of the
Birmingham Power Squadron and therefore to the United States Power Squadrons through all that you do so
We are offering Junior Navigation at the Anthony Franco Communications Center at
Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital Oakland located at 44555 Woodward Avenue in Pontiac. It
is scheduled to start on January 19th at 1900 (7:00 pm) and run until about 2130 each
Junior Navigation introduces you the art of celestial navigation and blue water sailing
completely out of sight of land. The course also teaches you about determining precise
time, using a Nautical Almanac, taking sights with a sextant, reducing those sights to
Lines of Position, and plotting those sights when dealing with wide open water. Passage planning and offshore navigational routines are also included in the course along
with sight planning, positioning, and checking one’s position in the offshore environment, using both electronic and celestial tools.
While most people think there is no use of learning a skill that has been in practice since about 1757 (“Sir Isaac
Newton (1643–1727) invented the principle of the doubly reflecting navigation instrument (a reflecting quadrant), but never published it. Two men independently developed the octant around 1730: John Hadley (1682–
1744), an English mathematician, and Thomas Godfrey (1704–1749), a glazier in Philadelphia.” (Citation). Celestial navigation is still required for many long distance races, emergency navigation, and gives you the ability find
yourself after the zombie apocalypse and the entire GPS system grinds to a halt.
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 9
. . . From the Squadron Educational Officer (continued)
Several lectures on celestial navigation are still given at the United States Naval Academy. Celestial is still taught at
the United States Coast Guard Academy and the United States Merchant Marine Academy and reinforced through
hands on use of a sextant (Citation). At the very least it will be a tool that you hope to never need but would be very
glad to have in your bag of tricks should a need arise. Besides using a sextant is fun…We’ll show you how!
Teaching the course is the tag team of P/Lt/C Althea Doolittle, SN and
her husband Phil Doolittle, SN who will do just about anything to help
everyone to understand the material. The Doolittle’s expect that anyone taking the course have successfully completed Advanced Piloting
or have the knowledge required to pass AP.
The elective course being offered is Marine Communication Systems,
the second module in the Marine Electronics. The course is a standalone unit and does not require any prerequisites. Marine Communications Systems is an in-depth, nine chapter review of those systems
available to the recreational boater, or to those with whom he/she
shares the water. Radio history and spectrum
definitions are presented along with definitions of radio circuits that the student should
Junior Navigation Instructors
learn, to choose the best communications
P/Lt/C Althea Doolittle, SN & Phil Doolittle, SN
method for his/her situation. One chapter is
2013 Change of Watch
devoted to the Global Maritime Distress and
Jim McMicking Outstanding Instructor Award
Safety System (GMDSS) and another to FCC
Rules and regulations to set the stage for instruction of radiotelephone operating procedures (both voice and digital messaging are covered). The remaining chapters cover High
Seas radio (MF/HF and satellite communications) and other systems such as Family Radio
Service transceivers. There is also a chapter on troubleshooting of radio installations.
Teaching the course will be P/C Bob Blau, SN, [2014 Jim McMicking Outstanding Instructor Award recipient] our in-house electronics and radio guru. He probably knows more than Marconi and Tesla combined (at least in my opinion). This class will meet at the Anthony Franco Communications Center at Saint Joseph
Mercy Hospital Oakland located at 44555 Woodward Avenue in Pontiac. It is scheduled to start on January 21st at
1900 (7:00 pm) and run until about 2100 each night.
We will also be offering three ABC – America’s Boating Course – classes at three different locations. The first will be
taught at West Bloomfield High School and is scheduled to begin on January 22nd. The second will start on March 3rd
at Centennial Middle School in South Lyon. And the third will be held at Stoney Creek High School also starting on
the 3rd of March.
We are co-hosting Piloting at the West Marine in Algonac along with Anchor Bay Power Squadron starting on the
14th of February.
For more information on any of these courses please check the website or email me at :
We are arranging to offer the Border Crossing Seminar in the early spring in preparation for a Canadian Rendezvous.
The seminar schedule will be posted online as soon as it is available so, check back frequently.
Before I sign off I want to thank P/C Peggy Schwaller, AP for everything she has done for the squadron during her
tenure as Commander as well as all the help she has given me personally. Enjoy being a P/C!
Lastly I look forward to working with our new Cdr Larry Delargy, N – Welcome aboard.
Lt/C (P/C) Dave Kowalski, SN
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 10
Junior Navigation
Junior Navigation is the first in a two-part program of study in offshore navigation, followed by the
Navigation course. It is designed as a practical "how to" course. Subject matter includes:
Precise time determination
Use of the Nautical Almanac
Taking sextant sights of the sun
Reducing sights to establish lines of position
Special charts and plotting sheets for offshore navigation
Offshore navigational routines for recreational craft
In Junior Navigation, the student will continue to use GPS as the primary position sensor, as they
learned to do in Piloting and Advanced Piloting. However, the offshore environment poses many
different elements for consideration by the Navigator.Ocean currents, wind, and sea state all affect a vessel's performance over the longer passages.
Also, visible terrestrial landmarks are no longer available to the navigator as reference points. In the Junior Navigation
course, the student will learn to substitute celestial objects such as the sun as reference points. The course begins
with the study of celestial navigation, teaching the student to take sights on the sun with a marine sextant and derive a
line of position from that observation. Next, the student will apply the principles learned in Advanced Piloting, and plot
a running fix from two sun sights taken about four hours apart. Once the student has learned the basics of celestial
sight reduction, the course continues with planning, positioning, and checking one’s position in the offshore environment, using both electronic and celestial tools.
There are two examination elements for the JN course, the Sight Folder and an Open Book Exam. The sight folder is
graded at the squadron level. The Sight Certification Form must be submitted with the completed open book exam for
the exam to be evaluated when it is submitted to Headquarters. Prerequisite: Advanced Piloting
Start Date: January 19, 2015 BPS Member cost: $135.00 - Non-member cost $185.00
Includes approximately 29 class-hours of instruction and student manual
Register at Birmingham Power Squadron website: www.bpsd9.org
Marine Communication Systems
Marine Communication Systems is an in-depth, nine chapter review of those systems available to
the recreational boater. Radio history and spectrum definitions are presented along with definitions of radio circuits that the student should learn, to choose the best communications method
for his/her situation. There is a new chapter devoted to the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System (GMDSS) and a updated chapter on FCC Rules and regulations to set the stage for instruction of radiotelephone operating procedures (both voice and digital messaging are covered).
The remaining chapters cover High Seas radio (an expanded section on MF/HF and a new section on satellite communications) and other marine communications systems such as Family Radio Service transceivers. There is also a new chapter on troubleshooting of radio installations.
The chapter on Voice Radio Operations has been expanded and includes mini-scenarios and audio clips of both routine and emergency calling procedures augmented by in-class practice scenarios. A CD will be provide that contains
all classroom Power Point slides, all audio clips use to demonstrate correct calling and testing procedures and an interactive Radio Tutorial from The Boat U.S. Foundation.
The chapter on Voice Radio Operations has been expanded and includes mini-scenarios and audio clips of both routine and emergency calling procedures augmented by in-class practice scenarios. A CD will be provide that contains
all classroom PowerPoint slides, all audio clips use to demonstrate correct calling and testing procedures and an interactive Radio Tutorial from The Boat U.S. Foundation. Chapters are:
6 – Radiotelephone Operating Procedures
1 - Radio History and Communications Elements
7 – Long-Range Marine Radio Communications
2 – The Radio Frequency Spectrum Elements
8 – Other Marine Communications Systems
3 – VHF Radio Communications
9 – Radio Maintenance
4 – Global Maritime Distress and Safety
5 – FCC Rules, Maritime Radio Licenses and the Radio Frequency Plan
Start Dare: January 21, 2015 BPS Member cost: $65.00 - Non-member cost $95.00
Includes 20+ hours of instruction plus Student Guide and handouts
Register at Birmingham Power Squadron website: www.bpsd9.org
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 11
R/C Donald Fiander, SN
USPS University Seminar Series
USPS University offers new programs targeted to a range of boaters and types of boating. The hallmark of this
concept is the Seminar Series. These short seminars are targeted to specific topics and needs, and include valuable
take-away guides. Each seminar provides credits toward the Boat Operator Certification program. Most are
designed to be delivered over a two hour time period. This helps to provide an opportunity to brush up on specific
skills and facilitates learning for those whose schedules do not always permit registering for a 6, 8, or 10 week
course. There are now 24 seminars published with more to follow in an ongoing bases.
Because of the ongoing commitment to boating education by one of our partners, Birmingham Power Squadron has
been offering seminars on the second Saturday each month at West Marine in Troy. The topics cycle periodically.
District 9 also coordinates seminar offerings at Colony Marine in St. Clair Shores, usually on the first Saturday of the
month. The seminars are open to both members and nonmembers and provide an excellent opportunity to introduce boating friends to USPS educational materials and activities.
R/C Don Fiander, SN
2nd Saturday Seminar Schedule for 2015
West Marine, 789 Big Beaver Rd., Troy
10 January
14 February
14 March
11 April
9 May
13 June
11 July
8 August
12 September
10 October
14 November
12 December
Start Time: 0930 (9:30 a.m.)
How to Use a Chart
Crossing Borders
Boat Handling Under Power
Basic Weather Forecasting
Man Overboard
Emergencies on Board
Sail Trim & Rig Tuning
Boating on River, Lakes and Locks
Mariner’s Compass
Al Schwaller
Don Fiander
Tom Smith
Bob Blau
Don Fiander
Dave Kowalski
Tom Geggie
Don Fiander
Bill Hamilton
Tom Geggie
Tom Smith
Al Schwaller
To Register: Call 248-224-7235 or Email [email protected]
or Enter on Website www.bpsd9.org
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 12
10 January Seminar, West Marine, 789 Big Beaver Rd., Troy Start time: 0930 (9:30 a.m.)
How to Use a Chart
Charts provide information essential to your safety afloat. Even with GPS and
electronic navigation, the chart is needed to tell you what is around you and
between you and your intended destination. A system of symbols is used by
cartographers to tell you what lies below the surface of the water and the depths of
water. There is key information about visible landmarks and navigation aids to help
you navigate your course. The chart also is your link with the GPS via its grid scale
compass rose, and distance scales. A brief introduction to latitude and longitude
provides insight to the operation of GPS receivers.
The NOAA Chart No. 1 is the quintessential reference to chart details, but is very
difficult to understand. This seminar walks you through what you really need to
know in an entertaining and interesting fashion, and provides you with a Maptech
Waterproof flip-fold waterproof Chart Symbols and On-the-Water Guide to take
along on the boat with you. In addition to showing you all about your chart, this
seminar walks you through the essentials of laying out a safe course, and the
steps to measure a course with the USPS plotter.
BPS Member cost: $35.00 - Non-member cost $45.00
Includes approximately 2 class-hours of instruction
To Register: Call 248-224-7235 or Email [email protected] or on Website www.bpsd9.org
01 Lavonia Criner
Robert Joseph
01 Debbie Hendrickson
Michael Doble
02 Todd Griesen
Patrick Miles
02 Lawrence Mintz
19 Sharon Simion
05 David Pardy
Dan O’Connell
05 Mario Villalba
John Lynch III
08 William Hamilton
Marissa Hancock
11 Jill Wilke
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 13
Guests from USPS D9 Squadrons
Guests from the Great Lakes Yacht Club
Birmingham’s M/C Host & Hostess
P/C Tom Geggie SN & Lt Shirley Geggie AP
January 2015
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2014 Bridge L to R: Lt/C (P/C) Schwaller, Lt/C Delargy, D/Lt/C Flynn, Cdr Schwaller, Lt/C (P/C) Kowalski, Lt/C Major, Lt/C Delargy
Pledge of Allegiance: led by Parliamentarian P/N/F/Lt Dick Jarmon, SN
P/N/F/Lt Dick Jarmon, SN
P/C Patricia Jarmon, SN
P/C Elizabeth Torres, JN
P/C Thomas Geggie, SN
P/C Douglas Mitchell, SN
R/C Donald Fiander, SN
P/C Robert Blau, SN
P/C Albert Schwaller, JN
D/Lt/C Anthony Lewandowski, AP
P/C David Kowalski, SN
D/1st/Lt Thomas Smith, JN
January 2015
Prayer: led by Chaplain Lt Gary Rellox, P
Greetings: C/C Joe Gatfield, JN - Canadian Power Squadrons
Seated: BPS SEO Lt/C (P/C) Dave Kowalski, SN
The Bilge Chatter Page 15
P/C Pat Jarmon, SN - BPS Awards Chair
Bill Booth Moosemilk Award
The copper milk can with engraved plates is presented by the
Commander to the member who has done the most in furthering the Birmingham Power Squadron image in the community
during the year.
2014 Recipient: Lt/C (P/C) David Kowalski, SN
I. Holmes
B. Dingman
D.R. Olsen
D. Van Every
R. Tuttleman
J. A. Moss
F. Schimmel
E. G. Pear
J. Cale
J. Harlan
H.P. Bruns
R.W. Miner
G.L. Hostetter
R.P. Erickson
J.P. Valassis
1980 H.J. McGraw
1981 J.O. Hammersmith
1982 J.P. Lawson
1983 R.H. Jarmon
1984 M.A. Koler
1985 R.H. Nelson
1986 J.J. Kipke
1987 G. Hook
1988 D.C. Garavaglia
1989 R.H. Jarmon
1990 P.M. Jarmon
1991 R.A. & A.J. McGraw
1992 J.A. Bernard
1993 E.A. Viazanko
1994 B.G. Torres
1995 G.A. Newsom
1996 E.G. Pear
2013 Cdr Larry Delargy—Keeper Plaque Recipient
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 16
W.L. Tondreau
D.L. Tamm
W.C. Frank
C.A. Massey
E.B. Loock
J.A. Castle
M.M. & K.H. Maziasz
R.P. Blau
P.M. Bober
D.C. Fiander
A.W. Schwaller
V.A. Blake
R.P. Wendl
R.G. Simpson
T.J. Smith
R. George
Outstanding Service Award
The silver bowl with engraved base is presented by the
Commander to the member who, in the Commander’s opinion,
has done the most for the good of the Squadron during the past
2014 Recipient: Lt/C Gerald Major, JN
R.P. Erickson
J. Cale
H.P. Bruns
R. McWilliams
R.J. Erickson
K. McMicking
V. Sorge
J.O. Hammersmith
A. Ingles
R.H. Jarmon
R.H. Nelson
P.M. Jarmon
R.I. Hurkley
N. Kenjoski
R.C. Chambers
January 2015
C.A. Hemmerly
R.C. Manby
E.G. Pear
P.G. Ingraham
J.P. Nehs
D.P. Pike
E.L. & J.P. Valassis
D.C. Garavaglia
M.A. Sullivan
P.A. Jacobson
D. L. McCully
D.N. Pevos
R.C. Engel
P.M. Jarmon
D. Swindlehurst
The Bilge Chatter Page 17
1999 J. Hurtubise
2000 J.H. Estes
2001 R.J. Ruks
2002 P.A. Nida
2003 J.H. McMicking
2004 D.C. Fiander
2005 B.G. Kelly
2006 R. L. Corzine
2007 J.S. Fiander
2008 S. Geggie
2009 A & E.P. Doolittle
2010 A.W. Schwaller
2011 M.A. Schwaller
2012 R. Simpson
2013 E. Torres—
Keeper Plaque Recipient
Education Award
The ship’s lantern with engraved plates is presented by the
Commander to the member who has done the most for the
BPS education program in a behind-the-scenes capacity
during the year.
2014 Recipient: R/C Donald Fiander, SN
P. Graham
M. Haanes
G. McIntosh
A. Sikkenka
L. Clark
G. Lampman
R. Allured
G. Lyon
E. Elliott
E. Holt
W. Holmes
G. Hook
B.J. & R.P. Erickson
V.U. & R.A. Gierke
G.W. Forbes
J.J. Kipke
January 2015
R.W. Best
P.A. Miller
A.J. Wolf
N.G. Sarvis
J.A. Sellers
D.O. Taylor
J.H. McMicking
D.L. McCully
L.G. Baker
A.P. Conway
J.H. Estes
N.L. McCully
R.H. Jarmon
L.L. Thomas
R.C. Engel
D.A. Westover
The Bilge Chatter Page 18
1999 G. Newsom
2000 D.M. Kain
2001 P.M. Jarmon
2002 H. Schlick
2003 T. Petterson
2004 M.H. Vickers
2005 R.H. Blau
2006 T.H. Geggie
2007 S. Geggie
2008 T.J. Smith
2009 D. Mitchell
2010 L.T. Herman
2011 A. Doolittle
2012 P.W. Loock
2013 A.W. Schwaller
Keeper Plaque Recipient
Jim McMicking
Outstanding Instructor Award
The sextant on a permanent engraved plaque, is presented
by the Commander to the member(s) nominated by the SEO
and confirmed by vote of the ExCom, in memory of long-time
and outstanding Birmingham Power Squadron Instructor
P/Lt/C Jim McMicking, SN.
2014 Recipient P/C Robert Blau, SN
2011 S. & T.H. Geggie 2012 T.J. Smith
2013 A. & E.P. Doolittle—Keeper Plaque Recipients
High Flyer Award
The brass seahorse with engraved base is presented by the
Commander at the Commander’s discretion to the member,
who through active participation demonstrates a manyfaceted commitment to USPS and Squadron activities that
flies high above and beyond their peers during the year.
2014 Recipient Lt/C Judith Delargy, AP
January 2015
D.C. Fiander
D.N Pevos
T.J. Smith
B.G. Kelly
M.A. Schwaller
The Bilge Chatter Page 19
2010 C.D. Samu
2011 A.W. Schwaller
2012 P. Jarmon
2013 D. Kowalski—
Keeper Plaque Recipient
Master Mariner Award
The swimming porpoise trophy with engraved plates is presented to a member for accomplishments afloat in cruising,
seamanship, navigation, and for outstanding performance as
the Captain of a vessel bearing the burgee of the Birmingham
Power Squadron.
2014 Recipient: D/1st/Lt (P/C) Thomas Smith, JN
J.H. McLeod
G. Lyon
F. J. Miller
E.G. Pear
J.B. Delevie
G. Miller
G.L. Hostetter
H.J. McGraw
R.P. & B.J. Erickson
R.C. Chambers
J.P. & E.L. Valassis
R.A. Beebe
1989 P.P. Mayotte
1990 C.W. Leonard IV
1991 R.J. Brennick
1992 G.W. Doty
1993 S.F. Dickson
1994 A.P. Conway
1995 T.H. Geggie
1996 F.F. Burdick
1997 D.P. Pike
1998 R.H. Jarmon
1999 D. Swindlehurst
2000 E.E. Woessner
2013 P.W. & E.B. Loock—Keeper Plaque Recipients
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 20
P. & D. Jarmon
D.N. Pevos
E.P. Doolittle
B. Batten
M.R. Israel
M. Vickers/M. Olexsy
G.M. Major
A. Lewandowski
D.C. Fiander
G. Jialandella/B. Sumey
E.G. Torres
J.W. & G.K. Crawford
2014 Watch ends with 8 strikes on the bell
2015 BPS Cdr Lawrence Delargy, N
D/Lt/C Dawn Flynn, JN administers the
USPS Oath to Cdr Lawrence Delargy, N
Cdr Delargy holds the King Spoke Award
Cdr Delargy presents P/C Schwaller her flag
D/Lt/C Flynn administers Oath to Officers
2015 Elected Officers of Birmingham Power Squadron
Left Photo - L to R: Lt Rellox, Lt Loock, Lt/C Sumey, D/1st/Lt Smith, Lt/C (P/C) Kowalski, Lt/C Delargy, Lt/C (P/C) Schwaller, Lt Bartilson, Lt/C Major
Right Photo - L to R: P/C Schwaller, P/C Jarmon, P/N/F/Lt Jarmon, P/C Torres, Lt George, D/Lt Simpson
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 21
2015 Bridge L to R: Lt/C Sumey, Lt/C (P/C) Schwaller, D/Lt/C Flynn, Cdr Delargy, Lt/C (P/C) Kowalski, Lt/C Major, Lt/C Delargy
Appreciation from Cdr Lawrence Delargy, N
D9 representative D/Lt/C Dawn Flynn, JN
Appreciation from BPS officers to
P/C Margaret (Peggy) Schwaller, AP
2015 Commander Larry Delargy, N holds the BPS King Spoke Award that contains the names of 52 Past Commanders
The king spoke distinguished by a turk’s head is the upright spoke of the ship’s wheel when the rudder is fore and aft.
John D. Young, SN*
William E. Booth, JN*
John S. Hamilton, N*
Richard W. Miner, SN
Richard K. Shirk, AP*
Donald W. Neal, N*
John A. Moss, AP
Gilbert E. Pear, SN*
Kenneth I. Raymond, SN
Charles H. Raches, N
James Couzens, AP*
Robert P. Erickson, N
Richard H. Jarmon, SN
David B. Wheeler, SN*
Harold Geggie, N*
Donald A. Taylor, AP*
Robert R. Chapman, AP
* deceased
Geoge L. Hostetter, SN*
David A. Ballentine, SN
Thomas A. Nelson, AP
Richard A. Gierke, N*
James O. Hammersmith, JN
John P. Valassis, SN
Douglas H. Mueller, SN*
James P. Lawson, JN*
Larry B. Hemmerly, AP
Patricia M. Jarmon, SN
Frank F. Burdick, SN
John R. Albrecht, SN
Marlys H. Vickers, SN
Nancy L. McCully, SN
Michael M. Maziasz, N
Michael J. Lillis, JN
Donald E. Cox, SN
2014 Margaret A. Schwaller, AP
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 22
William E. Duncanson, JN
D.L “Skip” McCully, AP*
Peter A. Jacobson, SN
Lawrence R. Ancypa, AP
Denise C. Samu, AP
Elizabeth G. Torres, AP
Thomas H. Geggie, SN
Daniel N. Pevos, SN*
Michael D. Olexsy, AP
Douglas Mitchell, SN
Donald G. Fiander, SN
Robert P. Blau, SN
Albert W. Schwaller, JN
Anthony C. Lewandowski, AP
Michael R. Israel, SN
David Kowalski, SN
Thomas J. Smith, JN
* deceased
Lt/C Brenda Sumey, JN
[email protected]
Hello everyone,
I hope this publication finds you all happy and healthy and
looking forward to a bright new 2015. I'm looking forward
to enjoying our times, our meetings and our rendezvous
and working with each of you and sharing the Power
Squadron experience again this year.
January's program will be planning and navigating by personal computer. A program developed for the USPS
District 27 Conference. I hope to see
you there.
Lt/C Brenda Sumey, JN
Special N Club Program at D/27 COW*
The District 27 N Club will host a special program at the D/27 Change of Watch open to all who wish to attend. Check
the schedule for the time and room location. At the Fall Council/Conference meeting there was a presentation of the
Tiki Navigation software** that runs on a laptop computer. N Club members were very interested and suggested a
special break-out session at the district COW. At least four members will bring their computers with different navigation software packages available for comparison. Dueling navigation software packages will be the result. Of course,
software packages vary by cost and features. This will be a great educational program for those who don’t know the
difference between raster and vector charts. It will also be an opportunity to see what is available from USPS as advance course materials. The N Club members who will do the demonstration are: P/C/C Ernie Marshburn,
D/Lt/C George Malindzak, D/1stLt Tom Penders, and P/D/C Don Dunlap.
*District 27 CAROLINA BITTS, Vol 46 #3, February 2010, Page 2
District 27 is comprised of twenty squadrons in North Carolina.
**TiKI Navigation Software website: www.tiki-navigator.com
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 23
Lt/C Judith Delargy, AP
[email protected]
Hello to Everyone! We had a lovely Change of Watch on December 9. You’ll be able to greet and welcome in the
new Commander, Larry, and the new bridge at our January 13 meeting at 6:30 pm at Shield’s.
Last year’s secretarial department’s big project was getting our new Website (bpsd9.org) up and running and populated. The new Webmaster is Lt/C Bonnie George, P who you’ll meet in her article elsewhere in this Bilge Chatter.
We use ‘indirect’ emails so, when you write to [email protected], you’ll soon be writing to Bonnie instead of
me. Of course, I’ll be her backup.
We have also found that there is quite a bit to know about putting event flyers into the website, so Lt. Lavonia
Criner will be helping us as Event (includes rendezvous) coordinator. She’ll be on hand to help hosts get all the
necessary information into the website. She will be a great help to Bonnie and me. Everything is not in place as
yet for this position, so you’ll be hearing more about it in a future Bilge Chatter.
The 2015 project for this department will be sprucing up the squadron’s Facebook page. Lt/C Ron Simpson, AP has
offered to help me in this endeavor. Many thanks to Ron and Happy 2015 to you all! I am hoping the year will be
marked with peace for us all.
Lt/C Judy Delargy, AP
Lt Bonnie George, P
[email protected]
Our new Birmingham Power Squadron website was launched in 2014, led by Lt/C Judy Delargy, AP. Now that the
website is up and running, I will be the Webmaster, responsible for maintaining the site. Check out:
There you will find our current events, training being offered, the newsletter Bilge Chatter, ship store, photo albums
of our activities, along with other valuable information about the squadron. Additionally, there are links to other
websites that are of interest to our members.
In an effort to constantly keeping our website current, I welcome new digital photos from Power Squadron events
that you would like to share with others. Also if you have an upcoming event you would like posted on the website,
send a flyer with the activity information. I will be able to put it on the website. You can email the information to:
Lt Bonnie George, P
January 2015
The Bilge Chatter Page 24
Lt/C Gerald Major, JN
[email protected]
Now that the Christmas and Holiday Season has concluded, it’s time to focus
on the New Year.
The 2015 Cash Flow Budget will be presented requesting approval at the
January membership meeting. I would entertain any questions via telephone
or email.
My New Year’s wish is for a return to the charitable gaming regulations of a
year ago.
Lt/C Jerry Major, JN
P/C Robert Blau, SN
Marine Electronics Instructor
January 2015
Phil Doolittle, SN
Junior Navigation Instructor
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