
Dea Danica
Undergraduate Program
School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Rattan is one of non-timber forest products has a large role in fulfilling the needs society as
well as foreign exchange income. It is known that Indonesia is the world’s biggest rattan
industry is located in Cirebon. Rattan has been widespread in the market since the 80's and
most of the rattan industry in Cirebon still using the old method in regulating business model
that makes no difference with the other competitors. PT Bahama Rotan is one of the middle
industries that located in Cirebon. The company produces furniture made of rattan and sell
furniture through exports presented to most European countries, such as England, Belgium,
Germany, and Holland.
This research study was made with a goal to analyze the existing business model in Europe
and proposed an innovation business model. The first step in the exercise is to map the nine
building blocks to find out the current business model canvas by Osterwalder and Pigneur,.
The next step is to assessment in company’s SWOT and analyzes using Importance
Performance Analysis, then proposed the new business model by comparing the current
business model and SWOT assessment. In research methods, collecting primary data from a
structured interview and secondary data from company’s internal records to analyze the
company’s current condition.
PT Bahama Rotan is a company that has a lot of potential from the experience, resources,
partnerships, and more. In this case, PT Bahama Rotan did not not maximizing its potential.
Through the analysis, the strength of the company is the building block of value propositions,
cost / revenue, channels, and key resources. The weakness in the form of activities outside the
company, such as cooperation between the organization and the company's brand is not
strong. Found also potential opportunities in terms of product, income, and activities. Threats
that may be received is in terms of expenditure and revenue, as well as from activity to.
As a result, PT Bahama Rotan need innovation partnership element of weakness. Although
other elements showed no significant weaknesses, but some had to make improvised. Build
efficient advertising technology suitable for overseas markets. In today's globalized world,
communication between businesses and customers easier to use when compared to the past.
Direct communication with customers through customer service and make the brand stronger
than ever. Also, to maximize marketing activities including providing information also
advertise PT Bahama Rotan on customer segments. With a business model replacing the old
with the new, as well as go with the flow of global modernization, PT Bahama Rotan will be
able to improve the performance of the company.
Keyword: PT Bahama Rotan, rattan, furniture, business model innovation, business model
canvas, nine building blocks, SWOT, Importance Performance Analysis, Europe
Rotan merupakan salah satu non-kayu hasil hutan memiliki peran besar dalam memenuhi
kebutuhan masyarakat serta penerimaan devisa negara. Hal ini diketahui bahwa Indonesia
merupakan industri rotan terbesar di dunia yang berlokasi di Cirebon. Rotan telah tersebar
luas di pasar sejak tahun 80-an dan sebagian besar industri rotan di Cirebon masih
menggunakan metode lama dalam model bisnis yang mengatur tidak ada perbedaan yang
signifikan dengan pesaing lainnya. PT Bahama Rotan merupakan salah satu industri
menengah yang berlokasi di Cirebon. Perusahaan memproduksi furniture yang terbuat dari
rotan dan menjual furnitur melalui ekspor dengan kebanyakan negara Eropa, seperti Inggris,
Belgia, Jerman, dan Belanda.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis model bisnis yang ada di Eropa
dan mengusulkan sebuah inovasi model bisnis. Langkah pertama dalam penelitian ini adalah
untuk memetakan sembilan pilar untuk mengetahui model bisnis kanvas saat ini yang
diciptakan oleh Osterwalder dan Pigneur,. Langkah selanjutnya adalah penilaian SWOT di
perusahaan dan analisis menggunakan Importance Performance Analysis, kemudian
mengusulkan model bisnis baru dengan membandingkan model bisnis saat ini dan penilaian
SWOT. Dalam metode penelitian, pengumpulan data primer dikumpulkan dari wawancara
terstruktur dan data sekunder dari dokumen internal perusahaan untuk menganalisis kondisi
perusahaan saat ini.
PT Bahama Rotan adalah sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki banyak potensi mulai dari
pengalaman, sumber daya, partnership, dan banyak lagi. Dalam kasus ini, PT Bahama Rotan
tidak memaksimalkan potensi tersebut. Melalui analisa, kekuatan perusahaan adalah dalam
pilar value propositions, cost/revenue, channels, dan key resources. Kelemahannya berupa
aktivitas di luar perusahaan seperti membangun kerjasama antara organisasi dan brand
perusahaan tidak kuat. Ditemukan juga potensi peluang dari segi produk, pendapatan, dan
aktivitas. Ancaman yang mungkin akan diterima adalah dari segi pengeluaran dan
pendapatan, juga dari aktivitias.
Sebagai hasilnya, PT Bahama Rotan harus inovasi unsur partnership yang menjadi
kelemahan. Walaupun elemen lain tidak menunjukkan kelemahan yang signifikan, tetapi
beberapa harus membuat improvisasi. Membangun iklan teknologi efisien yang cocok untuk
pasar luar negeri. Dalam dunia global saat ini, komunikasi antara perusahaan dan pelanggan
lebih mudah digunakan bila dibandingkan dengan zaman dahulu. Komunikasi langsung
dengan pelanggan melalui layanan pelanggan dan membuat merek lebih kuat dari
sebelumnya. Juga, memaksimalkan kegiatan pemasaran termasuk memberikan informasi juga
mengiklankan PT Bahama Rotan di segmen pelanggan. Dengan menggantikan bisnis model
yang lama dengan yang baru, juga mengikuti arus modernisasi global. PT Bahama Rotan
akan mampu meningkatkan performa perusahaan.
Keyword: PT Bahama Rotan, rotan, furnitur, inovasi model bisnis, model bisnis kanvas,
sembilan pilar, SWOT, Importance Performance Analysis, Eropa
ID No:
Undergraduate Program
School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Reza Ashari Nasution, PhD
First of all, praise and gratitude I prayed to Allah SWT for His abundant blessings and
His guidance, preparation of the final project with the title ‘The Business Model
Innovation at PT Bahama Rotan to Improve Its Competitiveness in Europe” can be
finished properly. This final project is a graduation requirement for final year student
in School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung. From planning
to completion of this final project, I got a lot of assistance from various individuals.
Therefore, I would like to give a special thanks to my dad, Mohamad Bilal for
allowed his company to become the object of this research, provide all primary data,
supporting, and infinite cares. This final project is definitely dedicated to you. My
mom, Dina Yuliasih, who always give spirits and never ending love. Also, thank you
to my brothers and sister for the stress relief.
My special thanks also goes to Reza Ashari Nasution, PhD as the supervisor who
willing to share his wide knowledge, giving me valuable advice, the guidance, and
always support me. Mrs. Mia T.D Indriani and Mrs. Rossy Sjarifah for giving me
inspirations to this final project and the best available information. I would like to
express my appreciations to all the good friends for the encouragement and support
given throughout the work. Teuku Faris Riandi, for being my best friend for all those
years since high school. Thank you for many times you were there for me, it always
meant so much and it still does. The sweetest best friends since first year, Dhira
Dwijayanti Yogaswari and Kartika Dewi Puspasari. My thanks also goes to my
colleagues, Ratria Budiendra, Citra Wahana, Fanny Octa Febrina, Meliana Chandra
Senjaya, Riken Rindiani, Ronny Armando, Aghnia Banat, Vanya Winona, Adlina
Hanifati, Ananda Marissya Widya, Humaira Zahra, Shogi Wironegoro, and Budi
The author realizes that this final project is far from perfect. Thus the author expects
criticism and suggestions for how author can make improvements to this final project.
Bandung, 9 September 2012
Dea Danica