Hospital Information


Hospital Information
Hospital Information
Mercy Medical Center – 330.489.1301
Labor and Delivery – 330.489.1039
Aultman Hospital – 330.452.6724
Labor and Delivery – 330.438.7400
Infant Car Seats
You will need a suitable car seat to bring your newborn home from the hospital.
Plan to install it well in advance – it can be tricky! Carefully read the car seat
instructions as well as what your vehicle owner’s manual says about child
passenger safety. In addition, we recommend that you have your installation
checked by a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician.
Unit Location
Mercy – 2nd floor
Aultman – 4th floor
Who to Call and Where to Go
When you suspect you are in labor, call your provider and they will assess you. If
it is after hours, call the office and the on-call provider will contact you. If you feel
you or your baby are in danger call 911.
What to Bring to the Hospital
When you arrive at the hospital you will only need to bring in a small bag
containing your labor supplies. Please leave all other luggage in the car. These
other items can be retrieved after the birth. Please leave all valuables at home. If
you are in labor after 7 pm, please proceed to the emergency room - the main
entrance will be locked. The emergency room staff will transport you to Labor and
Hospital Information
• Contact lens case and solution, eyeglasses
• Baby book for footprints
• Hairbrush, hair clips or scrunchies
• Toothbrush and toothpaste
• Your choice of music to labor with
• Birth ball and/or other labor aids
• Lip moisturizer
• Lotion or powder for massage
• Slippers or comfortable shoes
• Pillows, if you want more than 2
• Comfortable clothes
• Sweatshirt, in case mom wants to labor in cool room
• Low-odor snacks and drinks
• Shoes or slippers to wear around the hospital
• Nursing bra
• Nursing pads
• Toiletries (sanitary pads will be provided)
• Maternity outfit for the trip home
• Pajamas or loose-fitting clothes for sleeping
• Shoes or slippers to wear around the hospital
• Clothes for the 2 to 3 day stay
• One laundered outfit and several baby blankets for the trip home
• Car seat
Hospital Information
Selecting Your Pediatrician
Your labor nurse will ask you for the name of your pediatrician. It is wise to choose
a pediatrician at least a month before your due date.
Infant Security (suggested ideas)
Our program includes the following:
• ID bands are placed on baby, mother and mother’s chosen support person
immediately after birth. The numbers on these bands must be matched every
time the infant is given to the parents.
• When outside their mother’s room or the nursery, all infants must be
transported in the rolling cribs. Infants are never to be carried in arms in the
• Infants are never to be left without supervision or a responsible adult.
• Entry doors to all nurseries are locked at all times.
• An electronic alarm system monitors babies’ locations within the hospital.
Postpartum Care and
Postpartum Depression
Our goal is safety for
you and your baby at all
Infant Security Precautions
Immediately after birth your baby will be given a security band that fits around
his/her leg. It will remain on until you and baby are discharged home. This is for the
safety of you and your newborn. While you are in the hospital:
• Never leave an infant unattended, even in your hospital room
• If you are alone in your room with your baby and must use the bathroom, leave
the door to the bathroom open where you can see your baby
• Know the name and job titles of infant caregivers
• Never release the baby to anyone not wearing the proper colored hospital ID
• Report any suspicious person or activity immediately to your nurse
• Transport the baby in the bassinet
• If you have to leave the unit for any reason, please notify your nurse
The ABC’s of Infant Safe Sleeping
A for Alone
• Put baby to sleep alone in their own crib or bassinet.
• Don’t put baby to bed with other children or adults.
• Keep all soft items out of the crib or bassinet.
• Use blanket sleepers/sleep sacks instead of heavy
B for Back
• Put babies to sleep on their back.
• “Back to Sleep” is safest for babies.
• “Back to Sleep” will not increase a baby’s risk of
Postpartum Care and Postpartum Depression
C for Crib
• Cribs and bassinets are the safest places for babies.
• Cribs should be free of pillows, bumpers, stuffed toys, and blankets.
• Always return your baby to their crib after nursing.
• To make nursing easier, keep a crib or bassinet next to your bed.
More Information:,
Hearing Screening
Your baby’s hearing will be tested by a hearing specialist which is called an
audiologist prior to discharge. The audiologist will be available to answer any
questions you may have regarding the hearing screening.
Newborn Screening (PKU)
The state of Ohio requires that your baby be tested for rare metabolic disorders.
A blood test will be drawn after 24 hours of life and prior to the baby being
discharged home. The test is mailed to the state and the results will be sent to the
baby’s pediatric healthcare provider.
Sometimes after birth a baby will have jaundice which is due to the baby’s increase
number of red blood cells. Jaundice is not harmful and will usually not need
treatment. Your baby will be tested each morning with a noninvasive monitor to
let us know what the level is. Very few babies need treatment and it can be done at
your bedside with ultraviolet light, if needed.
Circumcision is the removal of foreskin that surrounds the head of the penis. This is
usually done by your OB physician after your consent. Ask your physician for more
details and to explain the procedure. This is usually done the day of discharge prior
to going home.
Birth Certificate
The birth certificate representative will come to your room and have you complete
the mother’s worksheet. Please be sure to complete prior to discharge and turn in
to a birth certificate representative or nurse. Any other questions will be addressed
when you complete your mother’s worksheet.
Postpartum Care and Postpartum Depression
Discharge Information
You will be discharged from the hospital when your healthcare provider and the
provider caring for your child feels you are medically ready. The typical hospital stay
for a vaginal delivery is 24-48 hours. The typical hospital stay for a cesarean delivery
is 48-96 hours. These times will vary depending on your health and that of your
baby. At the time of discharge, the discharge nurse will go over instructions for both
you and your baby. These instructions will be printed out for you to refer to once at
Postpartum Depression
What is postpartum depression?
Women with postpartum depression have such strong feelings of sadness, anxiety,
or despair that they have trouble coping with their daily tasks. Without treatment,
postpartum depression may become worse or may last longer.
Postpartum depression is more likely to happen in women who lack the support of
a partner or who have had:
You will be instructed on your care
• Postpartum depression before
and that of your newborn during
• A psychiatric illness
your hospital stay. Please feel free
• Recent stress, such as losing a loved one, family illness, or moving to a new city.
to ask questions if you need more
guidance in any area. We want you to
Signs of postpartum depression
be equipped with the resources you
• The baby blues don’t go away after 2 weeks.
• Strong feelings of depression and anger come 1-2 months of childbirth.
• Feelings of sadness, doubt, guilt or helplessness seem to increase each week
and get in the way of normal functions.
• Mother is not able to care for herself or her baby.
• Has trouble doing tasks at home or on the job.
• Appetite changes.
• Things that used to bring pleasure no longer do.
• Concern and worry about the baby are too intense, or interest in the baby is
• Anxiety or panic attacks occur. She may be afraid to be left alone in the house
with the baby.
• Fears harming the baby. These feelings are almost never acted on by women
with postpartum depression, but they can be scary. These feelings may lead to
guilt, which makes the depression worse.
• Has thoughts of self-harm, maybe even suicide.
A new mother having any of these signs should take steps right away to get help.
Postpartum Care and Postpartum Depression
What to do if you have signs or symptoms of postpartum depression
If you are feeling depressed after the birth of your child, there are some things you
can do to take care of yourself and your baby:
• Get plenty of rest. Don’t try to do it all. Try to nap when the baby naps.
• Ask for help from family and friends, especially if you have other children. Have
your partner help with feedings at night.
• Take special care of yourself. Shower and dress each day and get out of the
house. Get a baby sitter or take the baby with you. Go for a walk, meet with a
friend and talk with new mothers.
• Contact provider and/or support groups.
Pertussis Vaccine
It is recommended that pregnancy patients get the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy
or as soon as possible after delivery. These vaccines provide protection against
pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus and diphtheria. If vaccination is needed during
pregnancy, Td usually is preferred over Tdap. Check with your doctor.
More Information:
Car Seat Guidelines
Every state requires that
Proper Installation of Your Baby’s Car Seat
Basic Guidelines
infants and children
Using a car safety seat correctly can help prevent injuries to your infant. The biggest
ride buckled up.
gift in the box. Many new dads come to the hospital with it STILL IN THE BOX for the
mistake new parents make is keeping the new car seat they received as a shower
nurses to help put it in the car. THEY WON’T.
It is your responsibility to know the proper installation of your baby’s car seat. Go
to a car seat safety class at your hospital or clinic. If they do not offer this class,
check with your car dealership to see if they can guide you to a class. The National
Highway and Traffic Safety website,, has child safety inspection
station locations. Take the time to know how important it is for proper installation
of the seat, harnesses and buckles, and how to position them. Car seats can be hard
to install and use correctly without instruction and help. It is a good idea to practice
installing and adjusting the car seat before the birth of your baby. If you have
trouble at first, you have time to practice and get the proper help that you need.
A baby needs a safety car seat from the moment he takes his very first ride home
from the hospital. Although you may feel like it is safer to hold your baby in your
arms, IT IS NOT! An infant car seat should state that it complies with the Federal
Vehicle Safety Standard 213.
The AAP recommends children ride facing the rear of the vehicle until they
reach their second birthday as long as they do not exceed the height and
weight limit of the seat. This is to promote continued head and neck safety in
the event of a crash. The AAP also recommends children continue to ride on a
booster safety seat until they reach 4 feet 9 inches. This is to maintain proper
placement of a seatbelt and decrease the risk of internal organ damage in the
event of a crash.
Car Seat Guidelines
The “best” car safety seat is one that fits your newborn and can be set up the right
way for your car. You must use it EVERY time you take your baby in the car. It does
not matter if it is the most expensive… if it is not installed properly, it may not
protect your baby.
Take the time to review the following points and remember take a minute to
check and be sure:
• An infant in a rear-facing seat should not be used in front of an active airbag.
• The safest place is in the middle of the back seat (depending on the car).
Using a car seat correctly makes all the
difference in the world.
• Infants should remain rear facing to the upper limits of their infant car seat,
graduate into a convertible seat and continue facing rearward until the age of 2.
This will keep your children five times safer.
Infant-only seats may come with more than one harness slot. They allow room for
your baby to grow. In the rear-facing position, the harness usually should be in the
slots at or below your baby’s shoulders. Check the car safety seat manufacturer’s
instructions to be sure.
What are the basic guidelines for proper safety seat use?
Using your infant car seat correctly:
• Tightly install a child seat in the back seat, facing the rear. The infant seat should
not move more than an inch side-to-side at the seat belt pathway.
• Infant seat should recline at approximately a 45-degree angle.
• Harness straps/slots at or below shoulder level (lower set of slots for most
convertible child safety seats).
• Harnesses should be a snug fit.
• Be careful about attaching toys to harness straps or using mobiles to keep the
infant occupied. The addition of hard objects is not recommended as they can
injure the child in the event of a crash or sudden stop.
Car Seat Guidelines
Are You Using a Second-Hand Car Safety Seat?
Know the history of a hand-medown! Even if there was a car
crash at 5 miles per hour, a child
car seat should not be used again.
Double-Check Everything!
A new car safety seat is best. However, if you must get a used seat, shop very
carefully. To tell if a used car safety seat is safe, keep the following points in mind:
Do not use a car safety seat that...
• Is too old. Look on the label for the date it was made. If it is more than 5 years
old, it should not be used. Some manufacturers recommend that car safety
seats only be used for 5-6 years. Check with the manufacturer to find out how
long the company recommends using their seat.
• Was in a crash. It may have been weakened and should not be used, even if it
looks fine. Do not use a car safety seat if you do not know its full history.
• Does not have a label with the date of manufacture and seat name or model
number. Without these, you cannot check on recalls.
• Does not come with instructions. You need to know how to use the car safety
seat. Do not rely on the former owner’s directions. Get a copy of the instruction
manual from the manufacturer before you use the seat.
• Has any cracks in the frame of the seat.
• Is missing parts. Used car safety seats often come without important parts.
Check with the manufacturer to make sure you can get the right parts.
Has the Car Safety Seat Been Recalled?
• You can find out by calling the manufacturer or the Auto Safety Hot Line at
1-888/DASH-2-DOT (1-888/327-4236), from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm ET, Monday
through Friday.
• If the infant car seat has been recalled, follow the instructions to fix it or return it.
• Another good resource is NHTSA at
• Get a registration card for future recall notices for your model.
• Send in your registration card.
Shopping Carts
You will find that infant-only car safety seats lock into shopping carts, but please
DO NOT DO THIS. Although infant seats may help prevent falls from shopping
carts, injuries may occur if the cart tips over. The weight of an infant alone in a car
seat placed high in a shopping cart makes the cart top-heavy and more likely to
tip over. You will find built-in infant seats in some stores’ shopping carts. These, too,
have been known to tip over. Instead, consider using a stroller while shopping with
young infants.
Car Seat Guidelines
Basics of Car Safety Seat Use
• Always use a car safety seat, starting with your baby’s first ride home from the
hospital, and always use your own seat belt. Help your child form a lifelong
habit of buckling up.
• Read the car safety seat manufacturer’s instructions and always keep them with
the car safety seat.
• Read your vehicle owner’s manual for important information on how to install
the car safety seat correctly in your vehicle.
• The safest place for all children to ride is in the back seat.
• Never place a child in a rear-facing car safety seat in the front seat of a vehicle
that has an active passenger airbag.
Be a Good Example to your children... always buckle up!