Jr. FroSt - Frost Illustrated
Jr. FroSt - Frost Illustrated
PAGE 4 DRINKS DRAIN BRAIN D . D , 9 R : Ide t on S InS tI Fro S e C Jre. C I a L PAGE GOD’S NEW CAMPAIGN Sp OBAMACARE CAN WORK 2 EAS PAGE CeLeBratInG ® yearS In the1968 CoMMunIty 1968 - 2013 SINCE T r I e D . T r u e . T r u s T wo r T H Y. www.frostillustrated.com • news & VIews of AFrICAn AmerICAns Vol.45, no.34 • Aug.21-27, 2013 More sightings of uFos than voter fraud cases Frost Illustrated • 3121 S. Calhoun St. • Fort Wayne, IN 46807 PAID FT. WAYNE, IN PERMIT NO. 1049 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Prior to the 2012 elections, I found myself in a tion that really can not only end the argument but legations tend to be white and rich. They are playing discussion with a colleague concerning Republican open up the real question: Why are the Republicans into the growing fears among many average whites that the U.S. is becoming a black and brown nation, efforts at what has come to be known as “voter sup- trying to make it more difficult to vote? The article, by Hamed Aleaziz, Dave and, to be honest, they are scared. Many of them pression.” I was informing this person, who is well still cannot understand how it was that educated, that voter fraud is not Gilson and Jaeah Lee (“UFO SightIndiana t c a a black man became president of the a problem of any significance in ings are more common than t state to en nnpa was the firs r ID laws voter fraud”) United States. the U.S.A. This strict Vo(2te005) CoLuMnISt individual rejected contains this Second, the criminalization of black little factoid America and the assumption that we are up to my contention, arBetween 2000 and 2010: at the end: Between 2000 no good—as demonstrated most recently in the acguing that he was aware of count• 649,000,000 votes and 2010 there were 649 million quittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin—opens up the door to the votes cast in general elections; 47,000 less examples of cast in general elections belief that African Americans are UFO sightings; 441 alleged fraud and • 47,000 In d ia n somehow involved in trickery Americans killed by that the efforts to a zero rec orded in has UFO sightings and voter fraud. We do lightning; and 13 credmake voting more stances imperso of voter n a ti o n not have to have ever ible cases of in-person difficult were jusin its en • 441 Americans tire h is to done anything. It voter impersonation. tifi ed. ry killed by lightning Bill is more about what How is it possible that with no A fascinating Fletcher, Jr. article in Mother • 13 credible cases evidence of massive voter fraud that many whites believe that of in-person voter legislators around the nation have we are capable of doing that matters. Jones from July impersonation. Yet voter suppression, which is not going away, is moved to narrow voting? The an2012, which I only just discovered, Source: Mother Jones contains the sorts of ammunition that swer, to a great extent, has to do with race. First, the people making the alis needed in this debate—ammuni(See “UFOs” p.9) 33-year ‘journey’ for Fort Wayne trooper ends with retirement Taylor, 62 was born in Pittsburgh and moved with his family to Fort Wayne FORT WAYNE—Mas- when he was nine years old. ter Trooper Dan Taylor, a He was a 1970 graduate 33-year veteran of of Central High the Indiana State School where he Police, described excelled on the his career as a football field. It “journey” filled was that gridiron with “blessings” excellence that and viewed each provided him the day as an opporopportunity to tunity to learn play and eventusomething new. ally become an He said he hoped All-American TAYLOR that he was able to running back at have made a positive impact Manchester College, where on both those that he was he graduated with a desworn to serve, as well as gree in business in 1974. In those that he was proud to have served with. (See “Taylor” p.2) By Sergeant Ron Galaviz Public Information Office, Indiana State Police Bennie Edwards (left) and Hank Sims recently retired from Fort Wayne Police Department’s volunteer force. (Courtesy photo) Edwards, Sims retire from FWPD FORT WAYNE— Two long-time community servants and familiar faces have retired from official duty. On Aug. 12, Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry honored volunteer police officers Bennie Edwards and Hank Sims, who together have put in more than 60 years—32 for Edwards and 29 for Sims—of service with the Fort Wayne Police Department’s reserve officers. Both men said they joined the city’s reserve officer force to serve the com(See “Edwards, Sims” p.2) 2 FROST Illustrated •Aug.21-, 2013 www.frostillustrated.com News Where does Indiana Frost online this week stand on Affordable • Press release on The March documentary Care Act? Check out www.frostillustrated.com this week to find: (see ad on p. 3) • More Africa Briefs, Crime & Safety Briefs • Photos from Jr. Frost, Seven Days of Restoration, Amnesty & Deliverance Fest aFrICa neWS In BrIeF Global Information network Luxury living in Lagos built with World Bank funds set for poor (GIN)—Local officials in Lagos, Nigeria, who accepted a $200 million loan from the World Bank to “increase sustainable access to basic urban services,” are instead creating an unaffordable complex of 1,000 luxury units on the grounds where poor and working people recently lived, say critics. According to a new report from Amnesty International, partnering with the Nigerian Social and Economic Rights Action Center (SERAC), tens of thousands of Lagosians who lived in the Badia East area which fronts the scenic Gulf of Guinea, have been homeless since their devastating evictions in February on short notice. Self-built homes were bulldozed and the one-time residents were forced to sleep out in the open or under a bridge. “The effects of February’s forced eviction have been devastating,” said Amnesty’s Oluwatosin Popoola. It wasn’t the first time the Lagos government diverted money intended to improve life for the large riverine community. Since the early 1990s, grants from World Bank money for “slum clearance” were instead the motive for the mass eviction of area residents without resettlement. In 1997, more evictions were ordered for some 2,000 residents who were chased off by armed guards from even salvaging their own possessions. A new round of demolitions began in 2003 following a 48hour notice, but was stopped midway by non-violent resistance. After a short interlude, the evictions resumed again in October 2003. Some 3,000 residents of Oke Ilu-Eri were left without compensation or replacement homes. Again in March 2013, hundreds of homes were demolished by the “Kick Against Indiscipline” brigade. In an interview with the New York Times, the Lagos state commissioner for housing, Adedeji Olatubosun Jeje, provided a different version of events. “It’s a regeneration of a slum,” he said. “We gave enough notification. The government intends to develop 1,008 housing units. What we removed was just shanties. Nobody was even living in those shanties. Maybe we had a couple of squatters living there.” The Lagos state attorney general claimed they were merely clearing empty land. “It was just a rubbish dump,” he maintained. As for the new housing, “there’s not a chance they can afford it,” Felix Morka, SERAC’s executive director told the Times. Badia residents earn under $100 a month on average. “The Lagos state government has failed to comply with national and international law. It is high time that the Lagos state government and the Nigerian government stop forced evictions and enact legal safeguards that apply to all evictions,” said Amnesty’s Popoola. Amnesty and SERAC are calling on the governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Fashola, to publicly commit to stopping forced evictions, and on the World Bank to put safeguards in place to ensure it does not support any activities which may result in forced evictions in the future. Namibia restores an African name to historic Caprivi Strip (GIN)—In a move to restore African names erased by its German colonizers, Namibia officially renamed the historic and (See “Africa News” p.9) GLOBAL INFORMATION NETWORK distributes news and feature articles on Africa and the developing world to mainstream, alternative, ethnic and minorityowned outlets in the U.S. and Canada. Our goal is to increase the perspectives available to readers in North America and to bring into their view information about global issues that are overlooked or under-reported by mainstream media. To find out how you can support their work, visit www.globalinfo.org. By Denise Porter-Ross Special to Frost Illustrated, Coutesy of HealthVisions of Fort Wayne Are you feeling a bit confused about upcoming changes in healthcare reform? You are definitely not alone. With the most comprehensive healthcare reform in a generation upon us, many of us still do not understand what is happening and how it will affect us. Since Indiana is one of the states that has not yet made final decisions on some parts of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) we still have an opportunity to learn more about this issue and share our thoughts with decision makers. A Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Aug. 29, at the Main Branch of the Allen County Public Library. Hosted by HealthVisions of Fort Wayne, Indiana Minority Health Coalition and Covering Kids of Indiana, this forum will feature local medical and healthcare professionals, nonprofit organizations and elected officials as they discuss their views and concerns for Hoosiers and ACA. Fort Wayne City Coun- cilman Glynn Hines is scheduled to facilitate this forum and the public will have the opportunity to direct questions to the people who will be instrumental on how Indiana and our local community will enact the Affordable Care Act. “Because there is so much interest and confusion about the various components of the Affordable Care Act and how it will affect our clients, we thought that it was important that we present this information in our community,” said Renetta Williams, executive director of HealthVisions of Fort Wayne. “Not only will we hear from our representatives and decision makers on healthcare policies, but they will also be able to hear directly from local organizations on how we are preparing for implementation.” Regardless of your point of view, there is an overwhelming amount of information—and misinformation—on the ACA and how healthcare reform will go forward. Not only are there differences of opinion based on political affiliations, but many insurance TAYloR eDWARDs, sIMs (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) 1975, he tried out as a free agent with the Oakland Raiders and looks back fondly and humbly on that opportunity. Taylor worked as a teacher’s aide for four years at Snider High School and for a short time at the Dana Corporation before being accepted into the 39th Indiana State Police Recruit Academy in the spring of 1980. On July 3, 1980, Taylor was appointed as a trooper and assigned to the Indiana State Police Post in Seymour where he patrolled in Bartholomew County until he transferred to the Fort Wayne Post in 1983. Taylor would spend the next 30 years of his career serving the citizens of Allen County. During his career, Taylor proudly served the department as a field training officer, as a member of the Tactical Intervention Platoon, a background investigator, an aircraft crash investigator, a technical crash investigator and a member of the Color Guard Team. He also represented the Indiana State Police at the National Law Enforcement Monument dedication in Washington, D.C., in October 1991. In 2012, he was recognized by both the Living Faith Ministry and the Fort Wayne Elks Lodge #155 for his “dedication and courageous service.” Taylor is married and has four children, two stepchildren and five grandchildren. He and his wife are residents of Allen County. munity Edwards and Sims are military veterans, who addition to putting in a minimum of 24 hours a month to remain qualified as reserve police officers, both men held full time jobs much of that time, raised families and remained involved in the community. Sims long has been shown an interest in working with young people in the community, particularly being involved in efforts to help curb violence in ‘Obamacare’ rally scheduled for Aug. 31 FORT WAYNE—Organizing for Action is scheduled to host an Obamacare Informational Rally to educate Fort Wayne citizens on the benefits of the Afforable Health Care Act, commonly known as ‘Obamacare’ and how to enroll, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Aug. 31 at American Legion Post 148, 705 E Lewis Street. The public is invited to Learn come and about the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. For more information, contact [email protected]. companies, healthcare providers and nonprofit organizations have devoted millions of dollars to protect their interests and project their influence into the arena. While there may be some agreement on some of the basic components that will go in to effect within the next few months, the differences in how the ACA will affect individuals and businesses is tremendous. The Affordable Care Act, often (See “Affordable Care” p.10) Fort Wayne. Similarily, Edwards said one of the reasons he wanted to serve as a police officer was to help guide young people to the correct side of the street in their lives. He’s also been active in civil rights, serving as president of the Fort Wayne Martin Luther King Jr. Club, which organizes the largest King Day celebration in this part of the country and as president of the American Legion Post 148 American Legion Riders motorcycle group, which advocates for veterans issues and, locally, awards scholarships to young people in the community. Credo: “We wish to plead our own cause. Too long has the public been deceived by misrepresentations in things which concern us dearly. . . Hating no man, fearing no man, the BLACK PRESS strives to help every man in the firm belief that all men are hurt as long as any one is held back.” Credo: “We wish to plead our own cause. Too long has the public been deceived by misrepresentations in things which concern us dearly. . . Hating no man, fearing no man, the ® BLACK PRESS strives to help every man in the firm belief that all men are hurt as long as any one is held back.” FROST ILLUSTRATED Published by Frost Inc. FROST ILLUSTRATED ® MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (NNPA); Published by Frost(NNA); Inc. THE HOOSIER STATE THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION & THE GREATER FORT WAYNE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (NNPA); THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION (NNA); THE HOOSIER STATE Publisher PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION & THEEdward GREATER N.FORT SmithWAYNE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Executive Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Publisher: . . . . . . . . . . . . Edward .Publisher . . . . . . . . .N. . . .Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edna M. Smith Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive . . . . . . Edward . . . Editor: . . . . . N. . Edn . .Smith . .a. M. . . .Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M. Patterson Layout &Managing ProductionEditor: Manager Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marketing . . . . . . . . .&. .Promotions: . . . . . . . . . . .Nikki . . . . Tabron-Booker . .Andy Kurzen Executive Editor . . . . .. .. .. .. M. . . . . .Edn a M. Smith Distribution Manager .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Edward N. Smith Jr. Layout & Production Mgr: Andy Kurzen Sales Representative: Greg Walker Managing Survey Editor . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Edward . . . . . .M. Snapshot N.Patterson Smith Jr. Distribution Manager: Edward N. Smith Jr. Sales Representative: Jeanie Summerville Layout & Production . . . . Tabron-Booker . .Andy Kurzen Distribution . . . . . . .Manager . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Nikki Distribution ManagerClifford . .. .. .. .. F. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Sales N. Smith Jr. Distribution: Kim Sales Representative .. .. Buttram .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Jr. .. .. .. .. ..Representative: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Edward . . . .Hosendove . .Greg Walker Snapshot Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edward N. Smith Jr. Sales Representative . . . . . . . N. . . .Smith . . . . . Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Metro . . . . . Copy . . . . . Editor: . . . . . . Adam .JeanieKeaton Summerville Snapshot Survey:. Edward Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nikki Tabron-Booker Sales Representative . . . . . . . . . . .®. is. . published . . . . . . . . weekly . . . . . . .for . . $30 . . . .a. .year . . . .locally, . . . . . .$35 . . . outside .Greg Walker of Fort Published: FROST ILLUSTRATED Sales . . . . . . . 3121 . . . . .South . . . . . Calhoun . . . . . . . .Street, . . . . . Fort . . . . Wayne, . . . . . . .IN . . 46807. . . .Jeanie Summerville WayneRepresentative by Frost Incorporated, POSTMASTER: ® Send address changes to FROST ILLUSTRATED , 3121 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46807. ® ® is published weekly formaterial. $30 a year locally, $35 outside of Fort Published: FROST ILLUSTRATED is not responsible for any unsolicited ADDRESS all correspondence FROST ILLUSTRATED ® Wayne by Frost Incorporated, 3121 South Calhoun Wayne, IN 46807. 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If this does not bring about improvements, please contact FROST ILLUSTRATED® as well ATTENTION MAILAdvocate, SUBSCRIBERS: If you do not receive yourWashington, paper by mail or are dissatisfied with as the Consumer US Postal Service Headquarters, D.C. 20260. If you have delivery, you your should ask your local postmaster a Consumer Card record your 745-0552. complaint not received newspaper by Friday, pleasefor telephone your Service carrier and ourand office at (260) ® as well on thatdo form. If this does bringwe about contact FROST If you not receive yournot paper, will improvements, deliver or sendplease a replacement copy toILLUSTRATED you. as the Consumer Advocate, US Postal Service Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 20260. If you have ® not received your newspaper by Friday, please telephone your carrier and are our available office at (260) 745-0552. of any particular issue of FROST ILLUSTRATED at our office, EXTRA COPIES If you do not receive your paper,for weup willtodeliver or send a replacement copy to you. 3121 South Calhoun Street, one year. EXTRA COPIES of any particular issue of FROST ILLUSTRATED ® are available at our office, 3121 South Calhoun Street, for up to one year. FROST Illustrated • Aug.21-27, 2013 www.frostillustrated.com ‘Not too short for God’ Rose Broadnax: I count it a blessing to be here today. I did not come here to speak. I’m just here as an observer. I was touched by the lady that gave a grand testimony on how All Mighty God delivers. I was also dazzled by the haCKLey the brother who got up and exreport pressed the effort to end Willie Lynch and all the practitioners of this diabolical scheme against human beings. I thank All eric donald Mighty God for hackley Mr. Hackley. He kind of like nudged me on to come up here. I’ve been blessed by God in many ways. My slave name is Roosevelt Broadnax, but I go as the “Rose.” I want you to know a little bit about my life. I was born in Alabama in a little town called Brent. I was a short person, the second shortest person in the school. I wanted to grow. I had tall uncles, I mean they were real tall. I asked my mother at a very young age, I said, “Momma, what must I do so that I may grow tall like the rest of them?” She said, “Rose, in the garden out there we plant the our fruits and vegetables so they will rise and grow tall. The only thing I can tell you to do is to get up early every morning and stand in this back door, which faced the east, and pray as the sun rises. I had no idea what that meant at that particular time, but I was determined. So, every morning, they would find me praying to God that I would grow. I never even noticed the growth of God until later. I’m not the best of persons. As a matter of fact, I consider myself foolish. If it wasn’t for the grace of God, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve been up and down, up and down, and either up or down. The presence of God’s grace has been good to me. For the brothers and the sisters who wants something to be done about the condition of our people, not only in Fort Wayne, but in the world, must understand that these conditions have been put down by Willie Lynch causing so many of our people to just go in ways that only a God can bring us back from. So I want to say to all of you, if you want to reform, it will be by the grace of God. Look, I was in jail, smoking cigarettes, and I said that I wanted to quit and they laughed and said, “naw, you won’t quit.” But, I said “I will quit,” ’cause I took the very cigarettes they put out here—and they had me hooked good. I felt the withdrawal, but I did not put them to the back. I set the pack in front of me and I did not touch another one at the age of 22. Now I am the age 57, by the grace of God. And I haven’t touched a cigarette since. But, I took the cigarettes and used them as a wedge to make me strong. See, either I win this battle and beat the cigarettes, or the cigarettes win this battle and defeat me. And I wasn’t gonna be defeated—and that’s the way to (Photo: Eric Hackley) get off of any drug or addiction that you may have. Make it weigh you—it will bring out the strength in you. I thank brother Hackley for giving me the opportunity to stand before all of you today. And I thank each and every cameramen that stand forth, and I pray that God bless you all. EH: Before you step away here, there’s one thing you didn’t touch on. You were doing repair work in someone’s home today. How did you acquire your gift of carpentry? You can do things with ease that others have no ability to do. Rose: I owned a house when I was married, and the roof was leaking. And, I was trying to get somebody to fix the roof and they were giving me the runaround, so I said, “aaahh,” (I was working on automobiles at that time). I thought I wanted auto mechanics for a trade, but I decided to do houses. So I got hooked up with a small company called Architectural Builders, and they built houses from the ground up, brand new. I worked with them for several years, building one house after another. Then I left building new houses to rehab with another friend for another several years. And, that’s how my knowledge was acquired, primarily through the construction of new homes. EH: Often times when people go from one career direction to another direction, it gets awfully intimidating because there’s so much to learn in obtaining mastery. A lot of people look at the big picture and say, “Oh my God, I can never master this.” So, how did you acquire the discipline, energy and wherewithal to stay focused to learn what you now know? Rose: Brother Hackley, it was a natural for me. This is something I wanted to do. I would be talking to young guys and they’d be telling me about jobs and projects that requires a lot of tedious effort, and they would say, “no, I ain’t getting into that no more,” but I’d be eager to go. I like to see something that is not fixed become repaired; I like to see something old be turned into new again. I get that joy out of seeing the transformation. EH: How did you abandon the slave mentality and realize the importance of developing you own personal skill set? Rose: Well, this is what happened to me, I read a book by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad called “Message to the Black Man,” and I think that everybody should read this book. This book said that, a time will come in America where the white man would not be able to take care of everybody on welfare and stuff like that. He said that, “we should start doing something for ourselves.” Now, there are some brothers that I know, that we all took this seriously; and we began to try to develop ways and techniques to make some money—legally, to survive without having to beg or lay up at the footstool of somebody, asking him for something that we can do for ourselves. What we as a people failed to do, is to do something for ourselves. We must be resurrected from the dead slave-keeping mentality of Willie Lynch. We must be resurrected! Resurrection is the key 3 CrIMe & SaFety Reports courtesy of Mike Joyner, Public Information Officer, City of Fort Wayne Police Department Suicide attempt thwarted FORT WAYNE—At approximately 11:15 p.m., Aug. 11, Fort Wayne Police were called to the 1900 block of Bayview Drive in to reference to a suicidal subject. On arrival officers made contact with the subject, a 27-year-old male, who refused to exit his apartment. After several attempts failed a decision was made to deploy the department’s Crisis Intervention Team as well as our Emergency Services Team. Once on scene, officers with the Crisis Intervention Team made phone contact with the subject and at approximately 2:20 a.m. were successful at ending the standoff. The subject exited his apartment and surrendered to members of the Emergency Services Team. He was transported to a local hospital where he will undergo a psychological evaluation. Man arrested in Barr Street drug bust FORT WAYNE—At approximately 6:57 a.m., Aug. 9, the Fort Wayne Police Department’s Vice and Narcotics Division, along with members of the Emergency Services Team served a search warrant at 3916 Barr St. Narcotics Detectives received information that someone from this address was dealing drugs and obtained a search warrant for this address. During the service of this search warrant, four adults and two juveniles were located inside this address. Sherman Baylock, 32, was arrested on numerous charges, including Possession of Controlled Substances, Possession of Stolen Property (two counts), and Maintaining a Common Nuisance, along with three Misdemeanor charges. During a search of this residence, four firearms were recovered and seized, two of which had been reported stolen. Also, marijuana, “Spice,” drug paraphernalia, and numerous controlled substances (pills) were located and seized. Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) Fort Wayne office assisted with the firearms aspect of this case. (See “Crime & Safety” p.9) (See “Hackley” p.9) FREE COMMUNITY SCREENING • SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2013 • 4:00PM Broadcast Premiere on PBS39 Tues. August 27 • 9:00pm Explore more at pbs.org/marchonwashington PBS39 along with The University of Saint Francis invites you and your family for a special sneak preview screening of this historic documentary commemorating the 50th Anniversary of The March On Washington. FREE COMMUNITY SCREENING • SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2013 • 4:00PM USF Performing Arts Center Auditorium (the former Scottish Rite Theatre) 431 West Berry Street • Downtown Fort Wayne, IN • Admission & Parking Free • Doors Open 3:30pm This free community event is a collaborative effort between: MLK Club of Fort Wayne 4 FROST Illustrated •Aug.21-, 2013 Opinion SnapShot Survey by e.n. Smith Why do you think Detroit filed bankruptcy? Leola Turner: It happened because there was so much mismanagement of money by our leaders. Tosanna Turner: I think our political leaders from the mayor down to the office workers were doing what they could to manipulate the resources. All the special favors they gave each other brought the city down. Altasha Thomas: It started with Detroit not budgeting correctly over the past few decades. They have known what they could do for a while but the city hasn’t taken the steps to keep themselves fiscal. You always need to have the right people in the right place to keep the city solvent. Kisha Brooks: I think whatever the problem was they should bail them out like they did the banks. It is only right do for them just like they did for all those financial institution. FROST Illustrated welcomes the views of our readers on a broad range of local, national and international topics covered in its publication. We encourage the use of our “Letters & Opinions” page as a forum to air differences, agreements and alternate views. We do not accept unsolicited poetry. Letters should be typed or written legibly; preferably no more than 250 words in length and limited to one subject. Address letters to: Letters to the Editor, FROST Illustrated®, 3121 S. Calhoun St., Fort Wayne, IN 46807; or e-mail us at [email protected]. Please include your name, address and phone numbers for verification. We will edit for grammar and spelling and we reserve the right to shorten letters and reject those deemed unsuitable for publication for libelous. www.frostillustrated.com Spotlight on GOD and HIS campaign to soothe the blues of HIS people But instead, after returning Part 1 home from our limousine ride to What’s up babies? In this thing called life, on promote this event for the last time our journey of love, the time has on Sept. 18, 2002, I was contacted come for me to share something via telephone approximately 8 p.m., by a blues giver, to of great importance with inform me that this conyou: Our Heavenly FAcert was not going to take up CLoSe THER’s campaign to comfort the hearts of HIS WIth JeanIe place, unless I involved him and his team and people, with HIS love, he was a very powerful who have the blues due man—so powerful, that to the death of a loved he knew I would sucone, suicide contemplacumb to their demands. tors, HIS children who But, I wasn’t willing only have been abused and because that would have or traumatized and etc., defeated the concert’s is underway and I’m the purpose. For that man overseer. And, HE wants Jeanie and his team were some all of you to have a clear Summerville of the same men that understanding of how it were giving me and so came to be because you must first know where I’ve been many others the blues. He also informed me that he to know where I’m going. I also need you to know, I’m just a six- contacted everybody that was to foot tall, skinny, black chick who work the sound and lights for the loves GOD and in loving HIM. I event, and told them they’d better love all of you too. And, it’s okay back out if they didn’t they would while reading this spotlight, if you be black listed and would never say or think, “is she for real?” So, work in the Midwest again. Then I’ll answer that for you right now, he said, “Jeanie, all I have to do “yes I’m very much for real.” So is say okay and I’ll make a call at this time, just relax while I share and it’s on again.” I couldn’t bewith you a segment that happened lieve what I was hearing and then in my life with GOD and this is the I simply said, “no, I’m not willtruth, the whole truth and nothing ing,” because I thought I would be willing to suffer the consequences but the truth, so help me GOD. of my actions. I didn’t think that This is my story: GOD came to me, the first time, GOD would allow such beauty not at the age of 10 because the time to take place and give the blues had come for an adult to inform givers that kind of power over me of something I needed to Soothin’ the Blues part one, which know. But, it wasn’t what was said was actually GOD’s concert, so that gave me the blues—it was HE could spend some quality time how it was said mean, rude and with all of us there, as a whole. But in the morning, I found out nasty. With tears running down my face, my heart needed an un- that the concert was not going to derstanding. So, I looked around happen and it didn’t happen just at the other adults that were in the like that man said it wouldn’t beroom with me, in hope, of that un- cause no sound, no lights means derstanding but I didn’t get it. All no concert but I didn’t blame they did was turn their heads, as GOD. This situation just made me if, they didn’t even care that I was want to be with HIM then, instead hurting inside. And, from their re- of later and all I could do was cry. actions, I knew what was told to But, I did not cry for just myself. I me was true and in turn, I was lost. cried for all of the people who had But five minutes later, I wasn’t lost the blues and needed those blues anymore because GOD came to soothed (with love), including me and gave me an understanding GOD. Then I got bored with cryand soothed my blues with love ing and started to prepare myself to and in the process, HE started pre- join HIM, even though I knew that paring me for the other many tri- committing suicide is a sin. But als and tribulations that I’m gonna I didn’t care, for I’d grown tired have to go through but HE did tell of the blues givers in HIS world me, “I got you baby. I got you,” and wasn’t willing to put up with them anymore because they’re evand I believed HIM. But on Sept. 19, 2002, I didn’t erywhere. Remember that song, believe HIM anymore and the “Smiling Faces” by Friends of Jeanie Summerville, that the peo- Distinction? Well believe it or not, ple once thought they knew, died in a whole lot of situations, those of a broken heart because it had lyrics are true. But before I took myself out, had enough of the blues givers (the people who take the liberty to give I knew I had to call our sponsors others the blues for their own self- to inform them the show wasn’t ish reasons and or personal gain going to happen and why. I think by any means necessary) For this I scared all of them by my mesday was to be a very special day sage and the tone of my voice, as because “Soothin’ the Blues” part a matter of fact, I know I did beone of the Concert Series was to cause one of the sponsors raced to have its first major concert at the my rescue, in hope, of helping me Allen County War Memorial Coli- get myself together but it didn’t seum and I knew that if this con- work. The heartbreak had already cert was a success, some of GOD’s happened and there was nothing people and myself would have had that he nor any other human beour blues soothed for at least one ing could have said or done to stop night together, in the name of love. me, but he didn‘t know that. So, for his sake, I did calm down a little bit, so he’d think he helped and then I thanked him and sent him on his way. Once that was done, I prepared myself to do it and at that moment, the most spectacular thing happened: I heard what sounded like hundreds of birds in the tree outside my bedroom window, chirping in unison and it sounded so beautiful. Then I said out loud, I don’t care about those birds singing, I’m going to end it right now! And, once I said those words out loud, a burst of bright light came glistening through my closed window blinds on the right side of me and it stopped at the foot of my bed. I gazed upon the bright light to see what was going to happen because it was forming into a figure. It was then that I knew GOD had come to visit me again. So, I said “hi.” Then HE told me to get up and look out the window and I replied, I don’t care what’s out there in YOUR world, anymore.” Something happened after I said that and I’m not going to share it because I don’t want to frighten you. But afterwards, I said okay, opened the window blinds and looked out. Just as I suspected, the big tree was filled with all kinds of beautiful birds, in a variety of colors and even though I didn’t want to feel the beauty, I couldn’t help myself because once again, HE took time out of HIS busy schedule to visit with me and that made me feel special so I smiled, then all the birds stopped singing and flew away. Then HE asked me to look to my left and to my right and tell HIM what I saw. I said, “what difference does it make what I see? I don’t care anymore because I’m going to be with you.” He said, “just do it!” So I did. “I saw trees, houses, cars, the street, grass, people talking and laughing as if they’re having fun,” I said. “Is there anything else you’d like to know?” HE replied, “no baby, that’s good and now you can sit down.” So I closed the blind, turned around, sat down and kept quiet to see what was going to happen next. Then HE said, “do you have any idea why I asked you to look out the window and tell ME what you see?” I said, no. HE said, “you see baby, if you were on this bed dead right now MY world still continues.” I replied, “but I don’t care, for my heart has had enough from your people and why would YOU come to me today when I‘m coming to YOU today?” HE said, “to prevent you from carrying out this mission of yours and I even had MY birds sing to you for comforting until I arrived.” So, I smiled again. Then, I just sat back and looked at Him waiting to be disciplined for my behavior and HE gave me the worse discipline that HE could have ever given me. Tears started falling down HIS face, then I started crying uncontrollably because I thought, I had made GOD cry. So I said, (See “Up Close” p.11) www.frostillustrated.com June 11 - July 27 McMillen Park Jr. Frost FWCS FREE Lunches FROST Illustrated • Aug.21-27, 2013 Ages 8-18 www.fortwayneparks.org (260) 427-6000 5 SPECIAL SECTION Oxford & Hessen Cassel Golf, Tennis & Swimming Frost Illustrated along with Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, and the Jennings Center conducted the first Jr. Frost Conference, Aug 5-16. The exploratory program, facilitated by Frost Advertising, Marketing & Promotions Director Nikki Tabron-Booker and Camille Curry of Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, provided hands on training, instructional lectures and demonstrations of materials by applying them to real life scenarios of the newspaper production process. The lecture and clinical-based program covered the history of the news industry; basic knowledge and understanding of news production in print and other forms of media; general job searching skills; and enhancing communication skills. During the program, the students researched and wrote about various topics, conducted several interviews and covered press conferences with Denita Washington of Fort Wayne Girls Rock, James Scott of TGFMobile and Courtney Bowles of The Crossing. Name: Libby Smith Age: 19, Grade: 12 School: Home School Hobbies: Writing, violin, singing, guitar Motto: Well behaved women seldom make history! Name: Shaibreontai Johnson Age: 14, Grade: 9 School: Wayne New Tech Hobbies: Volleyball Motto: Have fun, live life Name: Ayaisha Davis Age: 13, Grade: 7 School: Towles New Tech School Activities: Basketball, Track Church: First Assembly of God Hobbies: Writing Motto: Follow Your Dreams Name: Shelby Crawford Age: 13, Grade: 7 School: Smith Academy Hobbies: Basketball, acting Motto: Have fun! Name: Malcolm Totten Age: 16, Grade: 9 School: Northside High School School Activities: Dancing Motto: Free to be me! Name: Shondrea Johnson Age: 16, Grade: 10 School: Wayne High School Hobbies: Texting Motto: YOLO (You Only Live Once). Name: Marcalin Hairston Age: 13, Grade: 7 School: Lakeside School Activities: Sports Motto: Talent fails when it refuses to work hard! Name:Soniah Crawford Age:13, Grade: 8 School: Memorial Park Middle School School Activities: Bowling Hobbies: Reading, Writing, History and Singing. Motto: Life is a bunch of bananas. Name: Rain Franko Age: 14, Grade: 7 School: Shawnee School Activities: Basketball Motto: It’s not what you do but how you do it! Name: Nate Magee Age: 17, Grade: 12 School: New Haven High School School Activities: Wrestling, basketball, track Church: Canaan Missionary Baptist Church Church Activities: Choir member, usher Hobbies: Playing basketball, video games, Twitter Motto: Respect all, fear none. 6 FROST Illustrated •Aug.21-, 2013 www.frostillustrated.com Jr. FrosT DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views expressed by Jr. Frost program participants do not represent the views of the Jennings Center, Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Department or Frost Illustrated. Jr. Frost contains the expressed independent opinions of the program’s teen participants. Who I am By Libby Smith Jr. Frost Writer Facilitator Nikki TabronBooker (center) leads a group editing session. Television influences children, adults By Marcalin Hairston Jr. Frost Writer Students conduct one of several press conferences. See page 8 for highlights. Music industry could have influence on teens By Rain Franko With editing assistance from Ayaisha Davis and Marcalin Hairston Jr. Frost Writers The music industry isn’t the same as many years ago. I’m specifically talking about rap and hip hop, and not only the industry. I’m talking about how it influences teens and students. When a rapper is talking about drugs and alcohol and that’s all a teen/student is listening to, can it change the way they think, act and talk? The rapper Rick Ross is a big example of what talks about in his music. Rick Ross says in his song “U.O.E.N.O:” “Put molly all in the cup/she ain’t even know it/I took her home and enjoyed that/She aint even know it.” The Rapper 2 Chainz is another rapper who talks about drugs in several of his songs. Here is an- other example 2 Chainz song: “Crack started from the trap now I rap, no matter where i’m at I got crack.” When rappers are talking about these drugs, what do teen/ students think? Do they want to try these drugs? Will they try to drug another girl because they heard Rick Ross say it, so it makes it cool? Can a rapper change the way teens/students buy and wear their clothes? The rapper Wiz Khalifa has a particular type of style—Levi Skinnies, Chuck Taylors and a blonde patch of hair called the Wiz Patch. What became a typical outfit for teens/students? I’m going to tell you in my perspective of influential television: First is the fact that CNN news is considered the most influential show in the last 20 years. In my opinion, however, children shows are the most influential. Those shows teach young minds right from wrong left from right and bsolutely turn them into young adults. Shows on PBS such as, Blues Clues and Dora The Explorer all have messages to guide the children in the right way. As for adults, I picked up some vital information from shows like Pawn Stars and American Pickers. You could find those on the History Channel. Pawn Stars you bring in historical items or family mementos passed down from a family member or attics—paintings, toys, baseball cards, anything. As for American Pickers, there are two guys who seek to find amazing junk all around the world—basically trash that you can turn into treasures. SAVE THE DATES • Sept. 7: Got Goals? Work Session • Nov. 23: Overnight Lock-In • March 15, 2014: 3rd Annual FWGR Empowerment Conference www.Facebook.com/FortWayneGirlsRock Call for more info: 260-705-7243 Medical ● Dental ● WIC 260-458-2641 www.nhci.org 1717 South Calhoun Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Now Accepting New Patients! I am going to tell you something about my struggle to overcome adversity: I am twice exceptional, which is someone who has two or more learning disabilities but is of very high IQ. I have dyslexia and ADHD—and I am very intelligent. But people do not see the intelligence. They just see the dyslexia or the ADHD. Because of that, my confidence in my abilities was non-existent, and from time to time it still is. I have struggled with this all my life. Following is some advice I have used to overcome. Maybe it will help you too: 1. Find humor in your mistakes. It is more fun to laugh when I use wench in a sentence when I supposed to use which. And, I remember the lesson better too. 2. Make the effort to work through the problem; around the problem; over the problem. Look at different ways to solve the problem. 3. Knock the problem down to size—like the riddle about eating the elephant: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Problems are easier to solve in smaller components. 4. Like Mark Twain said, “I never let my schooling interfere with my education.” The whole point is to look outside the box. There is always more than one way to solve a problem. Be creative. 5. Create and sse a support team of friends, family and spiritual leaders to lean on when you are suffering from poor self-esteem. The journey may seem impossible sometimes. But, hopefully you can use some of these lessons I have acquired to ease your journey. In the words of Tim Gunn, “Make it work.” Bullying isn’t always in person By Nate MaGee With editing assistance from Ayaisha Davis and Marcalin Hairston Jr. Frost Writer The meaning of bullying is to talk or spread rumors about other people. Bullying can be considered teasing, talking about people, hurting someone’s feelings, leaving kids on purpose. Bullying can happen in person, but also can happen on the Internet. That is called cyberbullying. The meaning of cyberbullying is people bullying another person online/the Internet, which can put that person down. Hate mail are messages that show racism, sexism, or a form of harassment. Now bullying is not that different from cyberbullying, it’s just not in person. In everyday life, bullying is one of the main factors of suicide from ages nine through 15. www.frostillustrated.com FROST Illustrated • Aug.21-27, 2013 Jr. FrosT 7 Jr. Frost participants work on their articles. Frost Illustrated Managing Editor Michael Patterson presents students with a news story-writing exercise. Layout & Production Manager Andy Kurzen and Writer/Ad Representative Jeanie Summerville also participated in the Jr. Frost Conference. Alcoholism and alcohol By Soniah Crawford Jr. Frost Writer Alcohol is the one drink that causes hangovers and sometimes is very addictive. Also, alcohol can cause problems like low selfesteem, depression, anxiety and other mood problems. In the U.S., people begin drinking alcohol in their mid-teens. Alcohol can affect teens, women, men and the elderly quite differently. If you drink alcohol there’s two signs that you know you drank some alcohol, and they are: • The smell of alcohol in the breath and • The smell of it on the skin. Another sign of a person who drinks alcohol is if they have glazed bloodshot eyes. Alcohol abuse affects about 10 percent of women and 20 percent of men in the U.S. Almost 2,000 people under 21 years of age, die each year in car crashes, which are caused by under age drinking. Drinking too much alcohol can make you dizzy and kind of crazy. Alcohol is involved in nearly half of all violent deaths involving teens. Most people die because they were drunk and they were also driving. Alcoholism starts because young kids get depressed easily and some people get too depressed and start to drink a lot. If you drink alcohol then you will most likely start to smoke, and smoking can get you lung cancer and you can die from that too. There is 12.5 percent alcohol in for showtimes - 426.3456 or www.cinemacenter.org Your local, independent movie theater Host your event at Cinema Center: we have a 141 seat theater and a spacious Spectator Lounge. E-mail movies@ cinemacenter.org for more information. NOW SHOWING Much Ado About Nothing, Leviathan Downtown at 437 East Berry Street the average wine and an average five percent of alcohol is in beer. When you get pulled over by the police, they tell you to get out of your car and walk a white or a yellow line. You will also have to take a test called the breathalyzer test, which means that you will have to breath in the tube and it tells the police if you have been drinking or not. If it is higher than .08 percent, then you’re going down. One more thing about drunk driving is that the police can do another test to see if you’re really drunk and that is: they give you a dizzy mask and a ball. The police will throw the ball and if you don’t catch it, you’re going to jail. Alcohol is the most commonly used psychoactive drug in the world. Alcohol is very much so poison, you can have relationship problems and mental problems. Also beer, wine, and whisky are poison for your brain and your body. The state of LGBT rights By Shondrea Johnson With editing assistance from Marcalin Hairston Jr. Frost Writers LGBT is an organization originally formed in the lateto mid-1980s. LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Organization. This Organization helps gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgenders accept themselves. LGBT is not accepted in all states. Ninety-four countries have signed an LGBT rights declaration in the UN General Assembly as sponsors of the 2011 rights resolution. Fiftyfour countries had signed a statement opposing LGBT right in 2008—initially 57 but three switched to support LGBT rights. Forty-six countries have not officially opposed or supported LGBT rights in the UN. The LGBT rights are actually human rights and civil rights. The LGBT rights never actually gained acceptance in the United States. States are now slowly letting gays get married. I think that all tates should let gays get married. If you love somebody, nobody can stop you from loving that person. Learn the signs of dating abuse By Ayaisha Davis Jr. Frost Writer Do you know when you’re in an abusive relationship? There are so many ways to tell if your relationship is becoming abusive. One minute you have someone who makes you think they love you and you are everything to them, then all of a sudden you begin to doubt love and what it really is. Warning Signs: • The person you thought loved you becomes controlling and may make you feel like you are nothing. • Eventually, you begin to feel isolated from your family and friends. • When your partner is unhappy about something you feel nervous or they make you feel like it’s your fault. • You start to realize that your opinion doesn’t matter and everything has to go their way, whether its right or wrong. • You may eventually become afraid of your partner, doing things they would not normally do. Allowing this to continue may take away your identity, which means you may no longer be yourself, but you feel like a robot on call for your partner. Some things you may do to try and prevent becoming in an abusive relationship: • Beware of characteristics of the person you’re in a relationship with. • Observe how the person treats others, such as being respectful, not degrading people. • Pay attention to if that person wants to know about you, or just wants to talk about themselves. • Look for the person if they trying to be overly cocky or insecure. People who are insecure tend to be more abusive to others. If you need more tips go to http://findyouthinfo.gov/youthtopics/teen-dating-violence/resources. Finally if you find yourself in an abusive relationship, look for options to leave. You may need a plan, or family support, if your partner is not willing to get help. Remember, you deserve better. “It’s better to be alone for the rest of your life, then to be with bad company for a minute,” according to Big Momma from the movie “Big Momma’s House: Like Father Like Son. If you need more tips go to www.stayteen.org/dating-abuse/. 8 FROST Illustrated •Aug.21-, 2013 www.frostillustrated.com Jr. FrosT Jr. Frost press conference highlights Frank-O Johnson PSR Radio Network Frank-O Smooth Show To 21st R& The R Frank-o Smooth • 614-829-3248 • Co PSR Radio Network www.myspace.com/21stcentu Frank-O Smooth Show Now Playing: 7.5 million listeners,52 broadcasting stations and 2 www.myspace.com/21stcenturysoul, #1 REPORTERS FOR 11www.jamsource.net, YEARS www.moshows.c www.frostillustrated.com, www.ning.com/franko_smooth, www.souldandblues 614.829.3248 • Columbus, OHand Saturdays at 10 a.m. boogiesmusicreporters.ing.com/profile/FrankJohnson The Frank-o Smooth Soul Show isona the radio advertising Tom Davis show airing out of ATL promotional service. The Original Checkmates Ltd The Frank-O@ Smooth Soul Show can be heard on the follo Unreleased www.youtube.com/drfrankosmooth tumpka, Ala.; KAKJ, West Helena, Ark.; KCLT, West Helena, A WNBN, Meridian, Miss.; WTYJ, Natchez, Miss.; KTLR, Oklaho Listeners 52 BROADCASTING STATIONS Antioch, Tenn.; WJAK, Jackson, Tenn.; KGOT, Dallas, Texas & 29 INTERNET STATIONS KALA, Rock Island, Ill.; WPMD, Long Beach, Calif.; WGNG/ WQMA,www.myspace.com/21stcenturysoul Marks, Miss.; WROX AM-FM, Clarksdale, Miss.; VOL, B www.youtube.com/drfrankosmooth falo, NY; WZZA, Tuscumbia, Ala.; KHITS, Los Angeles; KTLZ www.moshows.com ritos,www.jamsource.net Calif.; and WLTS,• Cleveland, Ohio. *Because of Privacy A TGFMobile (Photo: Taylor Booker) Press conference with (left to right) Clarence McFarland, Lakiya Fikes, Owner James Scott and Lawanda Bowen. Jr Frost Reporter: “When did you start this company?” James Scott, Owner: “We are officially six years in.” Jr Frost Reporter: “What are some of your successes and failures?” James Scott, Owner: “Still being open for business today is a great success especially since we started out business right in the middle of what they call a depression for our country...TGFM stands for, Thank God For Mobile, so we definitely thank Him for being able to stay open for business.” ShopperS GuIde www.dr-love.com • www.zydecoevents.com Fort Wayne Girls Rock Press conference with Denita Washington (center), co-founder and executive director, accompanied by students Madison Wallace (far left) and Cloe Starks. P&G Familly Auto Body Shop 5421 S. Hanna St. (260) 515-8872 attorneyS Lewis H. Griffin 202 W. Berry St., Suite 610 (260) 426-0242 Edward N. Smith 3121 S. Calhoun St. (260) 745-2133 BarBer ShopS Kings Barber Shop 1716 E. Pontiac St. (260) 745-3650 The Crossing Unity Barber Shop 421 E. Pontiac St. (260) 744-9752 2. Bruno Mars........Grenade wards?” 3. Carl Marshall.....Let's Step The Hell On 7. Mr. Zay....Get 4. Nelly.....Just A Dream Courtney Bowles: “Students 8.Contemporary/Tradition Gregg A. Smith....Time To Go To Work 5. Frank-o....Sexy Feeling 6. Patrick Green..... RatedLeveal....Here PG 9. Tommie We Go who haven’t found a fit in school 1. Blood Brothers.........Lord Help Me 7. O.B. Buchana....That Thang Thang 10.JT Watkins....Blind Woman On AGiving Cane 8. Magi 9......Sweet And Sexy 2. Lori Jones.....Thank's systems.” 9. Roy Roberts....A Woman Needs Love 11.Sheba Potts Wright....Put YourLike Hands 3. BeBe & CeCe Winans..... I Up Found Love James Jr./Kurtis Blow/Terry Troutman....Girl You Jr Frost Reporter: “What 10. are 12.O.B. Buchana....I’m Rowdy Rowdy(remix) 11. Uvee Hayes Feat. Otis Clay.....Steal Away To The Hide Away 4. Kenny Reese.... Stormy Weather 12. Donnie Ray.....It's B.Y.O.B. 5. James Sneed.....Praise the Lord some of your challenges?” 6. David Austin.......Loving Him Century 21st Century R&BR&B SoulSoul Courtney Bowles: “Keeping 21st 7. Stanley Straube... of Life 2 Reel Soul)A Touch Top 20 (Reel (Reel 2 Reel Soul) Top 20 the students engaged, diligent and 8. Carol Is 1. Cee-Lo Green..... ForgetLockridge....Jesus You 1. Tommie Leveal....Midnight Love Affair 2. Carl Sims....Just One Night 9. Patricia Conroy........God Speed maintaining peace.” 3. Carl Marshall.....Let's Step The Hell On 2. Mr. Zay....Get dIaBetIC ShoeS (Medicare) Dr. Benny Fair Call (260) 458-9953 to qualify GLaSS Albright’s Meat & Deli 4924 S. Calhoun St. (260) 456-9009 pharMaCIeS Community Care Pharmacy 2700 S. Lafayette (260) 458-9800 STAY IN THE KNOW—SUBSCRIBE TO ONLY $30.00 FOR ONE YEAR 6 Month Subscription—$20.00 $35 PER YEAR OUTSIDE OF FORT WAYNE 6 Month Subscription—$25.00 3121 S. Calhoun St. • Fort Wayne, IN 46807 Yes, I would like a one year subscription to FROST Illustrated newspaper. I am enclosing a check or money order in the amount of $______________. DJ Night Tra CLaSSIFIedS 1/2 OFF 1st Month’s Rent No application fee; $300 Security Deposit; SENIORS ONLY. Rents starting at $400. Call 260-442-8888. Expires 9/30/13 8/7-9/11 Let's Make A Deal Garage Sale (you make offer on most items) Clothes, household items, furniture, jewerly, books and good hot food, etc. Saturday, August 24 • 10:00 - 4:00 Oxford Community Assoc,1421 Oxford St HELP WANTED AD SALES, DISTRIBUTION DJ Night Train DJ Roy NightRoberts....A Train • Kenny Reese Needs from the 1. Woman Love Frank-O Smooth Soul Show 2. Stephanie Pickett....I'm Taking My Man Back EOE Record Pool3. & Frank-o...Sexy StreetPool Team&Promotions Record StreetFeeling Team Promotions 7107 Hickory Creek Dr., B-1 7107 Hickory Creek Dr., B-1 Rated PG 4. Patrick Green...... Ft. Wayne, IN 46809 Ft. Ms. Wayne, IN 46809 5. Jody........The Jody Juke 260.241.7001 [email protected] 260.241.7001 6. Magi 9.....Sweet And Sexy Kenny Reese [email protected] 7. Carol Lockridge.......You're So From the Frank-O Smooth Soul Show RETIRED? Special To Me 8. Nelly....Just A Dream 9. Joe Cutchings Jr......I'm To Tired Too Cheat TOP TOP 10B.10 10.ntury Uvee Hayes R&B Feat. SoulOtis Clay.....Steal Away To Th 21st Ce 21st Century R&B Ree l Soul E-Mail Address_______________________________________________________ Telephone Number_____________________________ Date___________________ Stop by the office at 3121 S. Calhoun St., M-F 9-5, to apply. NON-REFUNDABLE AFTER TWO WEEKS To subscribe using a credit card, or for questions, call (260) 745-0552 Ree l Soul 46807 or [email protected] Earn extra income working part time for Frost Illustrated. Address____________________________________________________________ 4. Floyd Taylor.....All Of You All Of Me His Strife 10. Frank-o.....By 5. Monica Feat. Ludacris........Still Standing 6. Joe B. Cutchings Jr......I'm To Tired Too Cheat 7. Patrick Green......Rated PG 8. Frank-o........Sexy Feeling 9. Ms. Jody........The Jody Juke 10. Magi 9......Sweet And Sexy 11. Queen Emiley......No Way To Say Goodbye 12. Sheba "Potts" Wright/Ms. Jody....You Did Your Job Right 13. LaRome Powers......Knocking 14. Chuck Roberson......Gonna Make My Move On You 15. Roy Roberts....A Woman Needs Love 16. Uvee Hayes Feat. Otis Clay.....Steal Away To The Hide Away 17. Nelly....Just A Dream 18. Roy Roberts....Hey Baby 19. Stephanie Pickett....I'm Taking My Man Back 20. Bruno Mars.....Grenade 3. Willie B.....She Made A Freak Out Of Me 4. EL Willie.....Man On A Mission 5. Jaye Hammer.....I’m In Love 6. Ms. Jody.....Weekend Loving 7. Donnie Ray....Southern Soul Blues Slide 8. Stepanie Pickett....My Love Is Guaranteed Record Pool & Street Team Promotions 9. LaRome Powers....Knocking 7107 Creek 10. RB &Hickory Company......Hey Baby Dr., B-1 Ft. Wayne, IN 46809 11. O.B. Buchana....Can’t Get You Off My Mind 260.241.7001 12. Frank-o......Ruby Red Ring 13. Tommie Leveal....Here We Go [email protected] Contemporary/Traditional Gospel 14. Randy “Wild Man” Brown....Cold Weather Kenny Reese 1. Blood Brothers.........Lord Help Me 15. Sonny Mack....Sit Her On The Table 2. Lori Jones.....Thank's Giving Send resume & cover 3. BeBe & CeCe From theI Found Frank-O Smooth Soul Show Love 16.Winans..... Kelly Rowland/Lil Wayne....Motivation Stormy Weather letter to: FROST 4. Kenny Reese.... 17. Floyd Taylor....Cut 5. James Sneed.....Praise the Lord To The Chase ILLUSTRATED 6. David Austin.......Loving Him TOP 10 18. Magi 9......Sweet And Sexy 7. Stanley Straube... A Touch of Life 3121 S. Calhoun 8. Carol Lockridge....Jesus Is 19.21st Jim Peeler....Stop Mentury R&B Soul Ce Conroy........God Speed 20. J.T. Watkins....Hey Bartender St. Fort Wayne, IN 9.10.Patricia Frank-o.....By His Strife Name______________________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State__________ Zip___________ 1. Monica.....Everything To Me 2. TheBruno Frank-O Mars........Grenade Smooth Soul Show can be heard on the 3.following Carl Marshall.....Let's StepAla. • KAKJ, stations: WAPZ, Wetumpka, 4.West Nelly.....Just A Dream Helena, Ark. • KCLT, West Helena, Ark. • WPRL, 5. Lorman, Frank-o....Sexy Miss. • WNBN,Feeling Meridian, Miss. • WTYJ, 6.Natchez, Patrick Green..... RatedCity, PGOklahoma • Miss. • KTLR, Oklahoma 7. O.B. Buchana....That Thang WFSK, Antioch,Tenn. • WJAK, Jackson, Tenn.Thang • KGOT, 8.Dallas, Magi 9......Sweet And Sexy Texas • WMGJ, Gadsenden, Ala. • KALA, Rock 9. Roy Woman Needs Love Island, Ill.Roberts....A • WPMD, Long Beach, Calif. • WGNG/WGNL, 10.Greenwood, James Jr./Kurtis Troutman....Girl Li Miss. • WQMA,Blow/Terry Marks, Miss. • WROX 11.AM-FM, UveeClarksdale, Hayes Feat. OtisBoston Clay.....Steal Miss. • VOL, • WUFO, Away To Th 12.Buff Donnie Ray.....It's B.Y.O.B. alo, NY • WZZA, Tuscumbia, Ala. • KHITS, Los www.myspace.com/21stcenturysoul 7. Patrick Green......Rated PG 6. James Pad....Holy One 8. Frank-o........Sexy Feeling 7. Big - O.....Help 9. Ms. Jody........The Jody Juke 8. Tony Jones....God’s Love And Sexy 10. Magi 9......Sweet 9.Gary Weaver.....The Holy One Way To Say Goodbye 11. Queen Emiley......No The Frank-O Smooth Soul Show can be heard on the following stations: WAPZ, We10. West Frank-o....Praise The Lord 12. Sheba "Potts" Did Your tumpka, Ala.; KAKJ, Helena, Ark.; KCLT, WestWright/Ms. Helena, Ark.; WPRL,Jody....You Lorman, Miss.; WNBN, Meridian,13. Miss.;LaRome WTYJ, Natchez,Powers......Knocking Miss.; KTLR, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; WFSK, Antioch, Tenn.; WJAK, Jackson, Tenn.; KGOT, Dallas, Texas; WMGJ, Gadsenden, Ala.; Press conference with Courtney R&B SoulLongDozen KALA, Rock Island, Ill.;Chuck WPMD, Beach, Calif.; WGNG/WGNL, Greenwood, Miss.; 14. Roberson......Gonna Make My Move On WQMA, Marks, Miss.; WROX AM-FM, Clarksdale, Miss.; VOL, Boston, Mass.; WUFO, BufRoyAla.; Roberts....A Needs 1.Tuscumbia, Tommie Leveal....Midnight Love Los Affair Bowles, campus administrator falo, NY; WZZA, 15. KHITS, Los Angeles;Woman KTLZ, Angeles; WMPD,Love Cerritos, Calif.; and16. Cleveland,Hayes Ohio. *Because of Privacy Act, not all stations are listed. Away To T Otis Clay.....Steal 2.WLTS, EL Uvee Willie.....Man On AFeat. Mission The Frank-O Smooth Show is a radio advertising promotional service. The Original 17. Nelly....Just Floyd Taylor....Cut ToATheDream Chase Checkmates Ltd3. Unreleased @ www.youtube.com/drfrankosmooth 18. RoyLackey....Man Roberts....Hey Jr Frost Reporter: “What type 4. Luther Up To It Baby R&B SOUL DOZEN Taking My Man Back 19. Pickett....I'm 5. Ms.Stephanie Jody.....Weekend Loving of student is this school geared1.toMonica.....Everything To Me 20. Bruno Mars.....Grenade 6. Frank-o....Only Time Will Tell D and M Apparel 1012 N. Wells St. (260) 422-1794 MarKetS DOZEN Now Playing: 7.5 million listeners,52 broadcasting stations and 29 internet stations, www.myspace.com/21stcenturysoul, www.jamsource.net, www.moshows.com, www.zydecoevents.com, www.frostillustrated.com, www.ning.com/franko_smooth, www.souldandbluesreport.com, www.bluescritic.com, boogiesmusicreporters.ing.com/profile/FrankJohnson and Saturdays at 10 a.m. dr-love.com click on southern soul on the Tom Davis show airing out of ATL BIKer Leather & aCCeSSorIeS City Glass 2124 S. Calhoun (260) 744-3301 www.boogiesmusicreporters.ning.com/profi le/ R&B SOUL FrankJohnson Jr Frost Reporter: “What was the purpose of starting this organization?” Denita Washington: “Part of it was that we started tosee a need for girls to know who they are. I started to realize that the media was portraying women as something hard to live up to. The Beyonces, Rihannas, they’re great women but that’s just one dimension of a woman. So Angeles • KTLZ, Los Angeles • WMPD, Cerritos, Calif. • our goal was to begin to show women from all spectrums of life. And and WLTS, Cleveland. *BECAUSE Century OF PRIVACY ACT ALL R&B 21st Frank-O STATIONS NOT LISTED* show that we do rock. ” Johnson Top 20 Soul) T (Reel 2 Reel PSR Radio Network Frank-O Smooth Show Jr Frost Reporter: “What type of services do you offer?” 21st Century Contemporary/Traditional Gospel 1. Cee-Lo Green..... Forget You Denita Washington: “We have expanded from the one-time work2. Carl Sims....Just One Night 1. Jake Roberson.....Love R&B Soul shop...we are now working with guidance counselors. We have about 3. Carl Love....Help Marshall.....Let's 2. Benny Me God Step 4. FloydJones....Priest Taylor.....All You AllSoul Of Me 3. Mickey Hood(levi) TheOfReel eights guidance counselors from all over the city that will come in and 5. Monica Ludacris........Still Standing 4. The Heaven Feat. Gate....Say God Loves Me team up with us to work with the kids.” Frank-o 614-829-3248 Jr......I'm • Columbus, 6. Joe B.• Cutchings ToOhio Tired Too Cheat 5. Smooth Roy C.......Let’s Go Back To God Advertise your business in Frost Illustrated’s Shoppers Guide. Get three lines for only $25 per week for 4 weeks (must pre-pay with this option), $17.50 per week for 13 weeks , $15 per week for 26 weeks or $12 per week for 52 weeks. Additonal lines are only $5 per line. Call (260) 745-0552 to get started today. MasterCard, VISA and Discover credit cards accepted. autoMotIve The Frank-O Smooth Show is a radio advertising promoti www.soulandbluesreport.com Checkmates Ltd Unreleased @ www.youtube.com/drfrankos www.bluescritic.com www.boogiesmusicreporters.ning.com/profile/boogie Soul Reel Soul 1. Roy Roberts....A Woman Needs Love 2. Stephanie Pickett....I'm Taking My Man Back 3. Frank-o...Sexy Feeling 4. Patrick Green...... Rated PG 5. Ms. Jody........The Jody Juke 6. Magi 9.....Sweet And Sexy 7. Carol Lockridge.......You're So Special To Me 8. Nelly....Just A Dream 9. Joe B. Cutchings Jr......I'm To Tired Too Cheat 10. Uvee Hayes Feat. Otis Clay.....Steal Away To The Hide Away EOE 1. Tommie Leveal...Midnight Love Affair 2. Mr. Zay....Get The Hell On 3. Carl Sims....Hell On My Heels 4. Frank-o....H-U-R-T 5. Randy “Wild Man” Brown....Cold Weather 6. Ms. Jody.....Weekend Loving 7. Jaye Hammer....I’m In Love 8. T.J. Hooker Taylor....Your Babies Need A Daddy 9. Ruby A. Brown....You’re My Man 10.Carl Marshall....Good Loving(remix) FROST Illustrated • Aug.21-27, 2013 www.frostillustrated.com Drinks that drain the brain How do your children behave at home, at play, and at school? Does their behavior leave a lot to be desired? Research has shown that food additives such as sugar, food coloring, and other chemicals may cause some children to experience poor health, poor learning, and unacceptable behavior. Recently, I was speaking with an elementary school teacher about the snacks and drinks that children bring to school in their lunch bags. She said that some children who bring junk foods to school have difficulty learning and usually exhibit behavior problems. Dr. Benjamin Feingold, a noted allergist, believed that sugar and other food additives can cause behavioral and other learning problems in children. A recent report by the Center for Science in the Public Interest identified 17 studies suggesting that diet might adversely affect the behavior of at least some children. Most of the studies focused on artificial colors in foods consumed by children. These behavioral problems cited can include an inability to concentrate and restlessness, which could contribute to difficulty with you’ll get junk out.” schoolwork. I have created a poster entitled, In the African American, La- “Drinks that Drain the Brain.” It tino and low-income white com- reads: munities, many children “If you drink red, you are drinking intensely may lose your head, if houSe CaLLS you drink green, it may concentrated, sweetened, colored drinks and eating make you scream, if you ice pops with the same drink blue, you may feel ingredients. The ingrediblue, if you drink yellow, ents listed on the labels it may make you too melof these drinks--artificial low.” colors, artificial flavors, In our educational preservatives, BHA, systems, when children BHT, and TBHQ, could misbehave or do poorly spell danger to those chilin their studies, they are Gerald W. dren who might be sensiplaced in special educative to these substances. deas, M.d.Mph tion classes and someAnother ingredient, sultime administered drugs fite, has also been found to cause to keep them calm and quiet. If asthma attacks in susceptible indi- your child has difficulty in school, viduals. Reports indicate that Afri- you may be able to do something can American children experience about it by paying more attention a greater frequency of asthma at- to what he or she is eating and tacks than any other children. drinking. After producing such In addition, excessive sugar in- beautiful children, think about take contributes to obesity, tooth keeping them beautiful by avoiddecay, and even diabetes in those ing chemical additives. genetically at risk for the disease. The Center for Science in the High sugar diets may also inhibit Public Interest may be contacted the eating of more nutritious foods. via the Internet at cspinet.org or If you want your children to by writing them at Suite 300, 1875 function at their full capacity in Connecticut Avenue, Washington, school, I suggest that you read the D.C. 20009. list of ingredients on snack foods For great health tips and access and beverages. That small but to an online community of physibeautiful computer in the head, cians and other healthcare profesknown as the brain, depends on sionals, visit DrDeas.com/. good nutrition. There is a saying, “if you put junk in the computer, Spouses have significant benefit Social Security can be an im- have reached your FRA, can portant financial asset for mar- be as much as one-half of your ried couples when the time spouse’s full benefit. If you opt comes to apply for retirement for early retirement, your benbenefits. In many cases, efit may be as little as one spouse may have a third of your spouse’s earned significantly full benefit amount. SoCIaL more than the other If your spouse has SeCurIty spouse, or have worked already reached full for a longer span of retirement age but conyears. Or, it could be tinues to work, your that one spouse stayed spouse can apply for home to do the work of retirement benefits and raising the children or request to have the paycaring for elderly famments suspended until ily members while the as late as age 70. This other spouse focused on would allow the worker a career. Chuck Stovall to earn delayed retireRegardless of your ment credits that will situation, Social Securimean higher payments ty will look at all possibilities to later, but would allow you to remake sure both spouses receive ceive your spouse’s benefit. the maximum benefit possible. You can also apply for spouse Even if you have not paid So- benefits based on the earnings recial Security taxes, it’s likely cord of an ex-spouse or deceased you’ll be eligible to receive ben- spouse if you were married for at efits on your spouse’s record. If least 10 years. Spouses can conyou did work and pay into Social sider a number of options and Security, we will check eligibil- variables. We make it easier to ity based on your work record navigate them. A good place to and your spouse’s work record to start is by visiting our benefits see which amount is higher. planner at www.socialsecurity. You can apply for spouses ben- gov/planners. Take note of the efits the same way that you apply “Benefits as a Spouse” section. for benefits on your own record. If you are ready to apply for You can apply for reduced ben- benefits, the fastest, easiest, and efits as early as age 62, or for 100 most convenient way is to apply percent of your full retirement online! You can do so at www. benefits at your “full retirement socialsecurity.gov/applyonline. age” or FRA. You can find your Whether you receive benefits FRA, based on your birth year, on a spouse’s record or your at www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/ own, rest assured we will make ageincrease.htm. sure you get the highest benefit The benefit amount you can we can pay you. Learn more at receive as a spouse, if you www.socialsecurity.gov. AFRIcA NeWs (Continued from page 2) touristic Caprivi Strip. The new name is the Zambezi Region. Namibia was occupied by the German Empire from 1884 to 1919. After a deal struck with England, Caprivi was annexed to German South-West Africa to give Germany a route to Africa’s east coast. The strip was named after the German Chancellor Leo von Caprivi. After Germany, Namibia was administered by apartheid South cRIMe & sAFeTY (Continued from page 3) Fort Wayne Animal Control Officers were called to this incident and assisted in taking custody of two pit bull dogs and two snakes. An investigation is ongoing. Man arrested for dealing cocaine FORT WAYNE—At approximately 6:57 a.m., Aug. 9, the Fort Wayne Police Department’s Vice and Narcotics Division, along with members of the Emergency Services Team served a search warrant at 3500 Warsaw Street, Apartment 11 A. Narcotics Detectives received 9 Africa until 1990. There are some 30,000 Namibians of German descent living in the country. Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba also changed “Lüderitz”—named for a German merchant—to Naminus, which means “embrace” in the local Khoisan language. The village of Schuckmannsburg was changed back to its original name, Lohonono. Read more briefs at www.frostillustrated.com information that someone from this address were dealing drugs and obtained a search warrant for this address. During the service of this search warrant, two adults were located inside of this apartment. Dexter C. King, 43, was arrested for six counts of Dealing Cocaine, one count of Dealing in a Schedule I Controlled Substance, two counts of Serious Violent Felon in Possession of a Firearm, and a misdemeanor charge of Possession of Marijuana. King has a bond of $370,000. During a search of this apartment, one stolen handgun was recovered, along with some marijuana and some cash. Read more briefs at www.frostillustrated.com HAcKleY (Continued from page 3) to our eternity. Other than that, we will be slaves forever. We must defeat Willie Lynch, we have no other choice. Our children depend on this, so, we have no choice. We got to defeat it, and we’re up here fighting it today and we will defeat it! EH: Thank you very much. Rose is owner of Rose’s Complete home repair: Specializing in everything from roofing to sidewalks and everything in between (260) 433-4051. Eric Hackley is a veteran independent journalist, television show host and producer focusing on family history in the black community. His award-winning public access television shows have featured a host of local and national icons. Hackley can be contacted at [email protected]. FIND US ONLINE AT frostillustrated.com facebook.com/frostillustrated twitter.com/frostillustrate UFos (Continued from page 1) about more than the antipathy of many rich whites for black people. The voter suppression laws are not aimed solely at African Americans. They remain part of the larger scheme to neutralize the growing majority in this country, a majority of people of color, youth, women and working people, that threatens the privileges of the rich and (in-) famous. Thus, we not only have voter suppression but we have gerrymandering of electoral districts to ensure that certain districts remain in the hands of Republicans and that cross-racial political coalitions are less likely to be built. The issue of voter suppression not only remains critical, but will especially be so in the 2014 elections. Being mid-term elections, turnout is always lower than in presidential years under the best of circumstances. If you add to that the great difficulties that the average voter can anticipate in voting, the situation goes from bad to worse. This means that voting rights activists will have important challenges that include: • Voter registration • Ensuring that the voters have the proper documents • Constructing monitoring and protection mechanism to guarantee our rights and • Helping to bring forward compelling candidates who speak to the issues of the grassroots and, thereby, encourage greater turnout. To this we should add one more task. Each time that you encounter an elected official who suggests that greater efforts need to be taken to stop alleged voter fraud, please ask them to provide you with documented evidence of a pattern of abuse. Please ask them to provide you with documented numbers. Please ask them to provide you with proof of convictions. And, if they cannot provide any of this, please ask them to shut their trap. Bill Fletcher, Jr. is a senior scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies, the immediate past president of TransAfrica Forum, and the author or “They’re Bankrupting Us— And Twenty Other Myths about Unions.” Follow him on Facebook and at www. billfletcherjr.com/. 10 FROST Illustrated •Aug.21-, 2013 Spiritual Matters Obituaries Shawn E. Cobb, 36, passed away on Wednesday, July 31, 2013, in Lake City, Fla. Born in Auburn, Shawn worked as a changeover technician with Mullinix Packaging Inc. He was a member of St. John Lutheran Church and enjoyed brewing, tastings and teaching about beer and it’s history, flavor and food pairings. He also loved cooking and spending time with family and friends. He was a strong and faithful supporter of Unity Performing Arts Foundation. Surviving are his wife, Windy Cobb; sons, Daven Johnson and Breydon Cobb; daughter, Audrianna Cobb; mother, Linda Lou Cobb of Murfreesboro, Tenn.; and father, Darwin Eugene Cobb Jr. of Auburn. Funeral services were Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013, at St. John Lutheran Church, 729 West Washington, with the Rev Paul Offhaus officiating and burial in Roselawn Cemetery, 1309 S. Center St., Auburn. Memorials may be made to St. John Lutheran Church for Windy’s recovery and Unity Performing Arts Foundation. To sign the online guestbook, visit www.mccombandsons.com. Majorie L. Doran, 83, passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013, at Visiting Nurse, Fort Wayne. Born and raised in Mt. Morris, Ill., she attended Manchester College. She was a homemaker and former Kiwanis First Lady when her husband, Gerald Doran was Governor of Kiwanis for the State of Indiana. She was an avid Bridge player and loved traveling. She is survived by her son, Michael R. (Marsha) Howard of Traverse City, Mich.; daughter, Nancy (Daniel) Phend of LaOtto, Ind.; stepsons, Frost Illustrated contributor Terry Doran of Fort Wayne, Jan (Barb) Doran of Traverse City, Mich. and Chris Doran of Bloomington; sister, Judy Niehus of Bryan, Texas; grandchildren, Willa, Ellie and Cayman; and great-grandchildren, Sam, and Wiley. She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert Garrison and Effie Messer; husband, Gerald Doran; and stepson, Rick Doran. Services were Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013, at D.O. McComb & Sons Covington Knolls Funeral Home, 8325 Covington Road, with the Rev. Nancy Fergusson officiating and entombment in Greenlawn Memorial Park, Fort Wayne. Memorials may be made to Hospice Home or Kiwanis of Fort Wayne. To sign the online guestbook, please visit www.domccombandsons.com. Moses Edward Fowlkes Sr., 80, of Fort Wayne, departed this life on Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2013. He was born on Aug. 22, 1932, in Sprotts, Ala. He retired from Falstaff Brewery and the Indiana Auto Auction. Surviving are his wife, Ollie “Tancy” (Lapsley) Fowlkes; sons, Moses (Kate) Fowlkes Jr., Kenneth Fowlkes, Ronnie (Tempa) Fowlkes, Darnell Sullivan, and Michael Fowlkes, Derrick (Sonya) Fowlkes, Edward (Tracy) Syllivan, and Jermaine (Marcia) Sullivan; daughter, Nicole Fowlkes; sister, Katie (Frank) Green; 18 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; and a host of family and friends. Funeral services were Aug. 13 at Friendship Baptist Church with burial in Covington Memorial Gardens. Arrangements were by Carmichael Funeral Service. www.frostillustrated.com Born in Marion, Ala., she retired as a caregiver from Your Friends & Neighbors after eight years of service and she currently served as a foster grandparent at the Women’s Shelter. Surviving are her children, Darnell Tinker, Lenora Devreax, Vanessa (Kerry) Collins, Cynthia Bright, Robert “Bobby” Bright, Nicole Cooper, and W. C. (Belinda) Storry; siblings, Charlie Walker, Coleman Walker, Dean Underwood, James “Ted” (Jonnie Mae) Starks, Edward Lee Walker, Roberta Jones, Mary Francis Nelson, Cleveland Walker, Raymond Walker, and Judy Lewis; 28 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; and a host of other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Nathaniel Cook and Emma Walker; grandson, LaShon Devreax; great-grandson, Quincy Bright Jr.; brothers, Nathan Turner, Lafayette Cook, Wilbur, Abraham, and Ernest “Tic Tac” Walker; sister, Rosetta Turner; twin sisters, Maureen and Lorene Walker; and stepfather, Royster Walker. Services were Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013, at Come As You Are Community Church, 7910 S. Anthony Blvd., with interment in Lindenwood Cemetery. Arrangements were by Ellis Funeral Home. We’re a Part of Your Community. Not everyone can say that. Large funeral service companies headquartered Joel K. Lucas, 60, of Fort Wayne, died on Wednesday, Aug. in big cities hundreds of miles away have bought out many other firms in 7, 2013, at home surrounded by his famour area. And while the name on their door hasn’t changed, something has. ily after a courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. He was born on July 23, 1953, in North Carolina. He graduated from South Side High School. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Mary; sons, Justin, Gerren and James Lucas, all of Fort Wayne; father, Eddie (Tamela) Lucas of Spring Hope, N.C.; brothers, Eddie (Catherine) Lucas of Albuquerque, N.M. and Bobby (Joy) Lucas of Fort Wayne; and two grandchildren, Jada and Christian. He was preceded in death by his mother, Fancy 6301 Fairfield Ave. Lucas; brother, Carlton Wayne; maternal grandmother, Sadie Drewery; and mother1140 in-law, Lake Frances Ave. Scruggs. Services were Saturday, Aug. 17 at Kingdom Hall of Jeho4017 Maplecrest Rd. vah’s Witnesses, 6000 Abbott St. Arrangements were by Carmichael Funeral Service. Jesse Sullivan Jr., 47, of Fort Wayne, passed away on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013, at Visiting Nurse Hospice Home. Funeral services were Friday, Aug. 16, 2013, at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, with burial in Greenlawn Memorial Park. Arrangements were by Carmichael Funeral Service. Our name has been the same since 1925 because we’ve grown up here. We a of We’re aWe’re member know the same people, we’ve shared the same dreams and the same sorrows. member of your your community. We’re family. And we’re here when you need us. community. Fort Wayne Since 1925 www.mccombandsons.com 260.426.9494 (260) 426-9494 Lakeside 1140 Lake Ave. Maplewood Park 4017 Maplecrest Rd. Pine Valley 1320 East Dupont Rd Covington Knolls 8325 Covington Road Foster Park 6301 Fairfield Avenue Tribute Center 2307 Main St. Mungovan & Sons 2114 South Calhoun St. Riverview Cemetery 11425 Carroll Rd. Birkmeier Monuments 2323 West Main St. McComb-Pinnington Auburn, IN 836 E. Jefferson Blvd. (260) 426-3121 Sunday School 9:00 am Sunday Morning Worship Service 10:30 am Tuesday Bible Study 6:30 pm REV. KENNETH CHRISTMON 1320 East Dupont Rd. Walter H. Monroe Sr., 69, of Fort 8325 Covington Rd. Wayne, passed Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013. He was born on Aug. 11, 1943. Funeral services were Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013, at Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 3506 Warsaw St., with burial in Covington Memorial Gardens. Arrangements were by Midwest Funeral Home & Cremation Society. Luevenia Storry, 75, passed away on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013, in Bowling Green, Ky. while visiting her youngest daughter. AFFoRDABle cARe (Continued from page 2) known as “Obamacare,” expands health insurance coverage in five major areas: 1) Insurance Company Regulations, 2) Medicare Improvements, 3) Medicaid Expansion, 4) Employer Health Coverage, and 5) Individual Mandates. As part of implementation of ACA, private insurance will be available for purchase through state insurance exchanges by Jan. 1, 2014. An open enrollment period will begin on Oct. 1 for agencies to 8/2/11 11:41 AM begin taking applications for this program on the federal level. These Insurance Exchanges have been designed to pool individual risks and make coverage more affordable. States can set up insurance exchanges and negotiate coverage packages with the insurance companies. Indiana will have three options: set up a state–run exchange; use the federally-run exchange, or combination with federal government. Indiana has already received more than $7 million in a federal implementation grant and our legislators must decide by Dec. 14 which path to take. There are so many components of the Affordable Care Act, graphs, benchmarks and exemptions that many of us are still feeling overwhelmed. That is precisely why YOU need to save the date—August 29—so that you can attend the Town Hall meeting “Where Does Indiana Stand On The Affordable Care Act?” so you can help us navigate this issue together. FROST Illustrated • Aug.21-27, 2013 www.frostillustrated.com The Focus Factor Dr. John Maxwell once remarked, “Momentum is really a leader’s best friend. Sometimes it’s the only difference between winning and losing.” Every leader and I would agree with his assessment. However, as friendly as momentum may be, it’s not a friend that sticks. There are those seasons in every leader’s—and frankly, every person’s—life, when this friend seems to disappear. Lose of this trusted friend can have dramatic effects upon the best of use psychologically. Why? I believe that many of us forget that while momentum is a fascinating friend and force, it is equally a fragile one. In the absence of positive momentum, the destructive nature of negative momentum takes over. As such, if we are not careful, the lack of positive momentum—at lest as we view it, can cause the best of us to give up! Simon Hartley, a freelance sport psychologist and performance coach at Be World Class, states the following: “For coaches, athletes and applied sport psychologists, there are some obvious questions. What No more, no more actually changes when psychoI wanna be free logical momentum shifts? How I’m so tired, so tired are changes initiated? What can Broken heart again we do to swing the moAnother lesson mentum in our favor?” learned road ruLeS Simon continues by Better know your saying: friends “From my experience Or else you will get working with athletes, it burned is clear that for many of Gotta count on me them, loss of psychologiCause I can guarancal momentum coincides tee with loss of focus.” That I’ll be fine There it is. Loss of focus! The “Trojan Horse” No more pain (no rev. anthony more of everyone’s destiny is pain) payton loss of focus. The AchilNo more pain (no les heel of our dreams. It more pain) was Seneca who said, “If a man No drama (no more drama in does not know to what port he is my life) steering, no wind is favorable to No one’s gonna make me hurt him.” The question for each of again is one of focus. Momentum and However, none of our stories focus are two sides of the same can be told without the drama. coin! Without these two, we are We honor those that made it in like The Family Stone without the face of drama and not those Sly, the Jacksons without Mi- that made it in the absence of it. chael and the Beatles without The more dramatic the “slough John. The music is there, but it’s of despond,” the more celebratnot the same. ed are those that climbed out of One of the chief reasons for it. The story is told that Andrew the loss of focus and momentum Jackson’s boyhood friends just is drama. When our dreams and couldn’t understand how he bedestiny attracts drama we can loss came a famous general and then our focus and momentum! Like the President of the United States. Mary J. Blige, we cry aloud: They knew of other men who had So tired, tired of this drama greater talent but who never suc- Jerusalem Baptist to host four-day women’s event FORT WAYNE—Jerusalem Baptist Church, 1151 Francis St., is scheduled to host its 53rd Women’s Day Observance from Aug. 21 through Aug. 25. This year’s theme is “Christian Women United in Wisdom” with the evangelistic goal of saving 53 souls. The observance is scheduled to kick off Aug. 21 with 100 Women in Prayer & Bible Study with Lady Lawana F. Griffin, teacher and dean of the Original General Congress of Christian Education of Indiana Inc. The celebration is set continue Aug. 23 with An Evening of Song featuring the Women’s Day Choir, followed by A Day of Fellowship at 9 a.m., Aug. 24 at the Golden Corral, 4747 Lima Road and the Arts Festival Downtown later that day. The observance is scheduled to close out Aug. 25 with a Joint Sunday School with 100 Women in Sunday School led by Sister Etta J. Gray, teacher, Sister Joyce D. Walker, superintendent, and Sister Imani Houston, youth superintendent from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., followed by morning worship service with the Rev. Setphanie A. Welsh, pastor of Israel Metropolitan CME Church of Gary. The festivities are scheduled to close out with a 5 p.m. Evening Worship Service that same day with Sister Willie L. Starks, a Jerusalem Baptist church teacher and Dorcas Circle member. For times and other information, call Jerusalem Baptist Church at(260) 424-0933. Dr. Michael A. Griffin is pastor. Up close (Continued from page 4) “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I didn’t mean to hurt you, please don’t cry.” Then He said, “baby, I thought you loved me.” I replied, “I do love YOU. I love YOU dearly and that’s why I’m going to kill myself so that I can be with you NOW, because I’m tired, I’m so tired.” Then HIS tears stopped and HE said, “how can you claim that you love ME, when you’re willing to give back the most precious gift that I gave you, which is, LIFE?” Then I replied, “what good is this kind of life? I’ve had the blues since I was two and I never asked to be born, so in turn, why must I be made to suffer? I’m not YOU and I should not have to put up with their mess nor should anyone. So I’m not willing to put up with the needless suffering caused by them anymore, so I don‘t care, I want to be with you.” Then HE said, “but I care!” I asked, why? Why all of these needless trials and tribulations, that I’ve had to go through since the age of two, that has caused me to be the bluest person that I know, that makes no sense to me and that’s not love, to me. Then HE said, “it‘s not your time baby and, believe it or not I had your hand all the time. You had to go through what you did, in order to do the job that you were born to do for ME. Your job is, to soothe MY blues with love by soothing the blues of MY people.” I said, “how in the world am I suppose to do that?” HE told me to chill and said, “I told you I got you, baby, and I always have.” Then HE said, “how do you think I feel? I have billions of people and everyday since the beginning of time, no matter what I say or do, the majority of them constantly prove to ME, in one form or another by their actions and or by their words, that they don’t love ME.” Then I replied, “then do something about it! It’s YOUR World, TAKE IT! And if YOU choose to KILL everyone and start over again the way in which YOU intended it to be, than so be it!” After that, we talked for what seemed like hours and HE gave me a total complete understanding of why things had to happen the way it did. Then, HE told me to put away the tools that I was going to use for my death and to lie down and close my eyes and HE’LL see me soon. I said okay and did what HE asked of me and then I fell asleep. What happened next, was the most beautiful thing that I could ever imagine. I was sitting in a big beautiful chair in HIS Heaven and I was draped in the finest of clothing and jewels and all I could do was smile because I was happy. Then, the song “And I love Her” by The Beatles started playing and this atmosphere was beyond any atmosphere that I’d ever felt before in my life and as I sat there enjoying the moment with my eyes closed, HE said, “may I have this dance?” I opened my eyes and smiled because HE was there with arm extended to help me out of my chair and I was overwhelmed with the beauty for how romantic, was this moment in time. I took HIS hand, stood up, and said, “of course YOU can.” While we danced, ceeded. One of Jackson’s friends said, “Why, Jim Brown, who lived right down the pike from Jackson, was not only smarter but he could throw Andy three times out of four in a wrestling match. But, look where Andy is now.” Another friend responded, “How did there happen to be a fourth time? Didn’t they usually say three times and out?” “Sure, they were supposed to, but not Andy. He would never admit he was beat—he would never stay ‘throwed.’ Jim Brown would get tired, and on the fourth try Andrew Jackson would throw him and be the winner.” Picking up on that idea, someone has said, “The thing that counts is not how many times you are ‘throwed,’ but whether you are willing to stay ‘throwed.’” Yes, drama comes and it threatens our focus and momentum, but we must decide that we are not going to stay down! And, through the power of the Holy Spirit we will eventual become the victor! The battle is the Lord’s, so there is no excuse for us to stay “throwed”! Get your focus back and your momentum will show up with it! The Rev. Anthony Payton is pastor of Come As You Are Community Church, HE sang to me the lyrics to the song, like HE did when HE first came to me when I was 10 years old but that song was called “Baby, Baby Don’t Cry” by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. After our dance was over, HE informed me not to forget this time together and that HE was sending me back so I can get busy. But first, I’m to buy the karaoke version of our song and the money for it is already in my purse. So, whenever I want to remember this moment, just play it. I said okay, then HE brought me back, I purchased the CD and played our song everyday for years while I was busy taking care of what HE needed me to do until, our song didn’t have the same effect on me anymore and what happened next, is why the Campaign, that you’ll read about next week in part two, came to be. Now in closing I say, yea. So until next week, you’ve been Up Close with Jeanie. Bye, bye, babies. Turner Chapel hosts golf tourney FORT WAYNE—Turner Chapel AME Church is scheduled to host its first Annual Invitational Golf Scramble at 8 a.m., Aug. 31 at McMillan Park Golf Course. Prizes will be awarded to winners as well as for closest to pin and longest drive. Registration is $50 per person or $200 per team and includes lunch. For more information or to register, call Henry Beasley at (260) 437-4918. 11 LeGaL notICeS OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works Civic Center Parking Garage Reconstruction Fort Wayne, IN RESOLUTION NUMBER: #100-8-14-13-2 OWNER AND WORK: The City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works hereby gives notice that sealed RFQ Submittals will be received for the September 2013 to September 2015 qualification period for the City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works located in Fort Wayne, Indiana all in accordance with the RFQ Application, prepared by Redevelopment Department for City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works Fort Wayne, Indiana. TIME AND PLACE OF SUBMITTAL OPENING: Sealed Submittals will be received by the City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works at its office in Suite 240, Citizens Square Building, until 8:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 4th day of September, 2013. After the official Submittal closing time, the Submittals will be publicly opened, read aloud, and forwarded to the Review Committee. The Review Committee will present their recommendations to the Board of Public Works at the September 11, 2013 stated meeting. RFQ APPLICATIONS: The RFQ Applications are on file for inspection at the Office of the City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works, Suite 240, Citizens Square Building, 200 East Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Copies may be obtained by applying to the City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works, Suite 240, Citizens Square Building, 200 East Berry Street, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. Include company name, street address, name of contact person, telephone number, and fax number with application. No payment for the RFQ Application is required. Each RFQ Submittal shall be complete as prescribed in the Application’s instructions Published by authority of the City of Fort Wayne Board of Public Works: Robert P. Kennedy, Chair Mike Avila, Member Kumar Menon, Member ATTEST: Victoria Edwards, Clerk 8/21 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NOTICE is hereby given by the Board of Public Works of the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana, that sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Public Works at its office located at Suite 240, Citizens Square, 200 East Berry Street until 8:30 A.M. on WEDNESDAY, 9/4/13 and in Council Chamber, Suite 035 Garden Level, Citizens Square until 8:30 to 9:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, on WEDNESDAY, 9/4/13 for the following: CONTRACT/RESOLUTION NUMBER: 12358 FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT – FILTRATION PLANT TO STATE BLVD. – DEAD TREE REMOVAL The contractor shall furnish all labor, insurance, equipment, materials and power for the complete performance of the following project: That it is deemed necessary to improve the west bank of the St. Joseph River by removing the dead trees from the City Filtration Plant to State Street. All in accordance with the Bid Documents and Drawing No. ST-12358 Sheets 1 THRU 2 prepared by TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT of the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana. No bid will be accepted from, or contract awarded to any person, firm, or corporation that is in arrears to the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana, upon any debt or contract, or, who has failed to execute, in whole or in part in a satisfactory manner, any contract with the City; or, who is a defaulter as to surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Bidders must obtain copy of said bid documents pursuant to submitting their bids, by paying $50.00 for each set of bid documents, not refundable at the Office of the Board of Public Works, Suite 240, Citizens Square. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled time for receipt of bids for at least one hundred twenty (120) days to allow review of bids before announcing award of contract. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a satisfactory Labor and Material Payment Bond and Performance Bond each in the amount no less than one hundred (100%) percent of the contract price. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids for failure to comply with applicable laws and/or with the Instructions to Bidders. The Board also reserves the right to waive any defect in any bid. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS Robert Kennedy, Chairman Kumar Menon, Member Mike Avila, Member ATTEST: Victoria Edwards, Clerk 8/21 12 FROST Illustrated •Aug.21-, 2013 www.frostillustrated.com Seven Days of Restoration visits Eden Green See more photos at frostillustrated.com RIGHT: Bishop Malcolm Howell (left) of Harvest Word of Life (HWOL) Ministries and Christian rapper JD Parker share a moment together during the ministry’s annual Seven Days of Restoration for the City of Fort Wayne. Parker and his rap crew from Indianapolis were in town during the first day of the weeklong spiritual event to testify about Christ’s salvation during a mini-concert and family-oriented gathering in Eden Green. The following six days involved joint worship services with pastors and others from around the city. BOTTOM RIGHT: Brother Darnell Masterson-Bey hands out free clothing during the same event in Eden Green. Masterson-Bey, who works in sales and distribution for Frost Illustrated said the clothing giveaway was his and others way to try to give something back to the community and to help facilitate healing in Fort Wayne. He said he’s been encouraged to see others hold similar giveaways in the wake the one in Eden Green and encourages people from all different backgrounds to work together to help the community. (Photos: Michael Patterson) The Crossing offers innovative high school alternative By Courtney Bowlds For the Crossing Special to Frost Illustrated FORT WAYNE—Are you not sure what options you have when it comes to you or your child attending high school? Is traditional school not for you? Or, are you are not attending high school? The Crossing may be the place for you! At the Crossing, we will help you get back on track to earn your high school diploma in a small classroom setting with a low student to teacher ratio. We offer help in the subjects you struggle with. We will also help you acquire practical job skills. Teachers and students will serve the community together. Our school is driven by five core values: • Relationships • Empowerment • Love • Integrity • Truth. Come and be part of a school where we learn and live our core values every day! If you or someone you know could benefit from attending the Crossing, please call us at (260) 399-6752. Or, visit us at 3701 S Calhoun St. (Located in the Primetime building, just across the street from Southside High School.) We offer two sessions: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Also, we are hosting an Open House from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Aug. 26. There will be food and the opportunity to learn more about us and what we offer. We will also have regular enrollment nights from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., every Monday and Wednesday for the next three weeks. Come and join us! NAACP Branch 3049 Fort Wayne/Allen County 68th Annual Marjorie D. Wickliffe Freedom Fund Banquet “Remembering Medgar Evers: Our Future of Equity and Justice” Thursday, Sept. 5 • 6–10 pm at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum Tickets: $50 TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: • Freedom Fund Committee Members • Community Care Pharmacy • online at freedomfund2013.eventbrite.com For more information, call (260) 426-3049 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Kim Keenan, Esq. National NAACP General Counsel www.fortwaynenaacp.org www.facebook.com/fortwaynenaacp DR. W.E.B. DUBOIS PREMIER SPONSOR
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