Winter - Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Winter - Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh Benedictines Monastic Women with Discerning Hearts “…regard all utensils and goods… as sacred vessels of the altar, aware that nothing is to be neglected.” RB 31.10 Winter 2007 St. Benedict Monastery Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh From the Prioress By: Sister Michelle Farabaugh, OSB I grew up in a large family in the years immediately after the depression. So, for me, the importance of saving where possible and using only what you need were practices that became almost second nature, and arose out of economic necessity. But our society has changed dramatically in the last 50 to 60 years. Now waste, consumer spending, providing for every comfort possible, and taking advantage of everything I can get – are much more the norm for many people today. For this reason St. Benedict’s teaching on stewardship is a jewel that shines forth and catches the attention of all who know his Rule. He says that everything we handle should be treated “as sacred vessels of the altar, aware that nothing is to be neglected,” (RB 31:10) and he goes on to say that monastics should not be “greedy, wasteful or extravagant with the goods of the monastery”. This admonition of Benedict forms a bedrock for those who strive to follow his way today. Stewardship is one of the pillars of our commitment as monastics. This core value is re-enforced in a document recently written by the leaders of Benedictine communities of women titled: Wisdom From the Tradition. It points out that as followers of Benedict we must commit ourselves to “conserving resources for the good use of the global community because we value the natural world and welcome its blessings. We know with shame and regret that the US consumes disproportionate shares of food, utilities and other natural resources.” One study recently showed that 6% of the world’s people own 59% of the wealth, and only 25% of the world’s population has basic necessities such as a bed, food, and home with a closet in which to put belongings. We believe strongly that we must “become prophetic advocates of a more equitable distribution of the earth’s blessings for the world community.” For this reason we are devoting this issue of Benedictines to the topic of Stewardship – to share with you some of the ways that the Pittsburgh Benedictines take this mandate of conserving and sharing seriously. What each one of us does – whether as an individual person, or a small community, seems almost infinitesimal in light of the enormous need, but achieving this, as well as any goal, can only be attained by taking one step at a time. What we realize is that we must intentionally take steps to preserve and conserve for the sake of the rest of humankind. We do this not just because we were taught as children that it is a good thing to do, but because we believe that how people in the world of tomorrow will live DOES depend on how we live today.“Monastic stewardship demands that we use what we are and what we have for the transformation of culture because creation is the Lord’s and we are its keepers; we hold it in trust.” (Of All Good Gifts) Sister Michelle Farabaugh, OSB 2 We are the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh, continuing 1500 years of seeking God in Community, Prayer and Ministry. BENEDICTINES is a publication of the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh, PA for families, friends and benefactors of the Community. Editor: Sister Judith Ann Criner, OSB Editorial Board: Sisters Susanne Chenot, Dolores Conley, Evelyn Dettling, Susan Merrie English, Michelle Farabaugh, Shelly Farabaugh, Barbara Helder, Kathleen Mack, Michael Mack, Elizabeth Matz, Bridget Reilly, Mary Catherine Stana, Mary Damian Thaner, Barbara Jayne Vopat St. Benedict Monastery 4530 Perrysville Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15229-2296 Phone: 412-931-2844 Fax: 412-931-8970 Website: Email: [email protected] Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts Mark Your Calendar For: KOINONIA AND KAFFEE (CONVERSATION, COMMUNITY AND COFFEE) January 14, 2007 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM February 11, 2007 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM March 11, 2007 SPIRITUAL SPA March 24, 2007 BENEDICTINE CENTER SUPER BINGO April 21, 2007 COMMUNITY RETREAT June 17 – 23, 2007 FALL FESTIVAL September 15, 2007 JUBILEE OF MONASTIC PROFESSION For Sisters Claudia Kunzler, Helen Seidel, Irene Moeller and Raphael Frank October 27, 2007 BENEDICTINE CENTER SUPER BINGO November 17, 2007 SPIRITUAL SPA December 1, 2007 Table of Contents Stewardship: Implications for the Future . Benedictine Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Stewardship of Life and Peace . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 HUMAN TRAFFICKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What is it? Who is involved? Why is it evil? Use me, Lord, Until Thy Will Is Mine . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mount and Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A Journey to Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Southeastern Kentcuky . . . . “This Land is Home to Me” Monastic Humor By: Sister Dolores Conley, OSB Archival Echoes . Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh . St. Teresa of Avila School Celebrates 100th Anniversary Donor Honor Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Wish List A Train for under the Monastery Christmas tree For a number of years, the Sisters have hosted a Christmas gathering for family and friends in our Community room. Under the tree was a train that was enjoyed by “kids of all ages”. This past Christmas, the train went to “toy heaven”. If anyone has a train in working order that they are no longer using, we would love to give it a good home at the Monastery for next Christmas. It will be enjoyed by all. Please remember the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh in your will and estate planning. 3 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh Stewardship: Implications for the Future By: Sisters Barbara Helder and Shelly Farabaugh, OSB I have a confession to make: I like my coffee in a Styrofoam cup – because the Styrofoam keeps the coffee hot longer. Pure and simple that's my honest belief ... but it's not good stewardship. Good stewardship considers the connectedness of all things and the ripple response of even the smallest personal action. Everyone knows that Styrofoam is not good for the environment. I cannot say with honesty that my small personal preference does not affect anyone else. Everyday we are faced with hundreds of simple choices, and everyday, as society "progresses," the implications of those choices grow more complex. What parents would not want their children to have more than they had growing up? But how many parents have serious talks with their children teaching them the difference between wants and needs? As advertisements on TV, radio, newspapers and pop-up computer ads bombard us with messages telling us what we "must have," to get along in today's world, Sisters Mary Damian Thaner and Valeria Osterrieder select a surprise during a community celebration. 4 Everyday we are faced with hundreds of simple choices, and everyday, as society "progresses," the implications of those choices grow more complex. those choices become more and more muddled. Discerning wisely between needs and wants becomes a real challenge. How much is enough, and how do our choices affect those around us? When we were growing up, our parents used to tell us to eat all the food on our plates because somewhere, in some other part of the world, children were starving. Children all over the U.S. had a hard time understanding how eating all their peas would solve world hunger, but the more subtle parental message was there: "Be grateful that you have food to eat because many children don't." Good stewardship acknowledges that all we have is gift, and gifts are to Sisters attend a Eucharistic Celebration in the Monastery Chapel. Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts be appreciated and cared for and shared. Those who practice good stewardship grow in awareness that many areas of the world have less than we have. We take for granted that food will be readily available to us anytime we want it, but in many countries the food supply is limited. How does our overabundance and wastefulness impact countries which have little? Stewardship is about caring for what has been entrusted to us. Our mothers had the right idea in teaching us to clean up our rooms and put things back where we found them. They told us these things to teach us responsibility, but beyond that there was the truth of durability. If you take care of things they will last longer. Before I was born, people who lived through the World Wars and the depression era had to be thrifty. Out of necessity, they learned how to save, how to care for what they had, how to re-use what they had. After the world became rather prosperous, some of those values were lost. Accumulation of things is more the norm these days. But why do I need three staplers in my drawer when I can use only one at a time? There seems to be a negative spiral spinning out of control in our throw-away society today: consumerism, (the need to have "more, bigger, better, faster") gives way to competition, gives way to individualism, gives way to greed, gives way to violence and destruction and war ... and we ask "Where is the balance? Where does it end?" The big question for us is "How do we reverse this destructive spiraling trend and create a more positive, healthy, peace-filled, equitable society concerned with the good of all, one that shares the wealth and will leave the world with a livable future for our children?" It seems so obvious. Good stewardship is a vital responsibility for us if we are to preserve what we have been given to pass on to future generations. Omer Westendorf wrote words to a song that we sometimes sing at prayer: "We lease the earth but for a life's duration... for earth is ours to use and not abuse ..." What legacy will we leave for those who follow us in this world that is ours only for a time? Stewardship is about relationships and sharing. Quite simply, if I take more than my share, there is less for you. If I don't take care of my share, what I pass on to those after me won't be as good. Benedict never mentions stewardship in his Rule, but he talks much about care of the sick, the young and the old, care of guests and care of utensils. He talks of wise use of time, wise use of words and wise use of material things entrusted to us. One cannot practice stewardship without living with care, reverence and respect. Living with respect for others and using things wisely leads to harmony and peace. Is it possible that, beginning with stewardship, we can put into action a new spiral that could bring balance back to our wounded earth? Stewardship is recognizing that all created things have a place and are connected. Stewardship is being aware that all our actions have a ripple affect that reaches others to enrich or to destroy. What would happen if each of us made a conscious effort to enrich by finding one action a week that would renew, recycle, or enhance life? Each of us has a responsibility to try, and none of us can do it alone. Religious communities all over the U.S. have begun discussions about how to share resources, how best to care for buildings and land and members so that a hopeful future is ensured. Society has to come back to a realization that people are more important than things, and that together we can make the world a better place by making careful choices about how we live. A plaque in my room reminds me often of our duty to steward well; it says "Care deeply. Give freely. Think kindly. Act gently. And be at peace with the earth. " Imagine the possibilities of changing the world for the better if we all sent out ripples like these. Pass it on. 5 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh Benedictine Values A Stewardship of Life and Peace By: Sister Barbara Jayne Vopat, OSB (Adapted from “Changing Times… Ageless Values…” written by Sister Barbara Helder for the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh.) Have you ever found yourself yearning for the “good old days” when life was more calm and predictable? One would think that surely long ago in the 5th century this would be the milieu that Benedict was living in as he engaged in seeking God, gathering followers around him, and writing a rule for their living together. But life was not so different 1500 years ago as in our tumultuous times in 2006. The center of culture, Rome, was in ruins and barbarians were marauding throughout Europe. How, then, did the legacy of Benedict and his sister, Scholastica, last through the turmoil of their time and even to the present day, through additional centuries of violence, war and hostilities? Primarily Benedict valued and sought after peace centered in gospel living. As he instructed his followers in his rule for life he recognized that only by caring for oneself, caring for one another and caring for one’s environment – stewarding all that God has given to humankind – could peace be attained. There is something quite powerful in Benedict’s way. It’s all about balance and it’s all about values. The values that Benedict proposes offer a way to steward life itself and all that is good and holy in it and to further a life of peace. 1. ORA et LABORA: The daily rhythm of PRAYER & WORK … mindfulness to the task at hand … pride in doing things well and gratitude to God for the talents and the graces which enable us to use our creative gifts for the good of all. 2. STEWARDSHIP: … living simply, caring for the things entrusted to us and using them wisely … sharing our resources … awareness that all creation is gift and that we are caretakers of that gift … appreciation for beauty. 3. REVERENCE & COMPASSION: … in caring for the sick, the young, the elderly, the marginalized, the unlovable – for all people… recognizing that not all people have the same needs … responding to needs without judgment … recognizing that all people are gifts from God, loved by God. 4. COMMUNITY: a hallmark of monastic living! …. support, encouragement, challenge to grow, understanding, bonding and friendship, celebration, family responsibility and sharing found in communal living together. 5. MODERATION & BALANCE: … in what we do, in how we act, in how we speak, in what we eat, in judgments we make … 6. STABILITY: a countercultural and much needed value in today’s world! The growth that comes from … remaining steadfast and rooted through hard times … resisting impulses to run away from problems … relying on FAITH and trusting in God rather than self. 7. CONTEMPLATION: and times of personal, internal SILENCE that allow one to sift through the accumulation of activity and thoughts and experiences to find the center of wisdom within … discovering the Holy in the ordinary happenings of day-to-day life … living with listening hearts. Sister Irene Moeller (standing at center) celebrates a Communion Service with area nursing home residents. 6 Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts Sisters at the Monastery sharing a festive meal with one another. 8. MINISTRY: …responding to the grace of prayer and community, reaching beyond oneself to give service and responding to the needs of others. 9. HOSPITALITY: … recognizing Christ in each visitor … welcoming with openness those who come to us, those in need, those who are searching …sharing with each visitor our home, our resources, our Benedictine charism of prayer and peace. 10. PEACE: becoming people of harmony… promoting good living so as not to harm others by what we do or what we say … advocating justice … living as healers and nurturers with gentleness and caring. Sister Roberta Campbell (piano) accompanies Sr. Mary Agnes Gmuer as she plays the flute. Who could dispute the balanced life and peaceful community existence that Benedict’s values encourage! We invite you to join our Benedictine quest of stewarding life and peace in the world through living the values of Benedict in your life! Some do this intentionally by becoming oblates or associates of Benedictine communities and witnessing peace and stewardship in their family lives and in their jobs. Some manifest extreme courage for our time, taking the leap to live as vowed members of a community who seek God together and attend daily to a life faithful to the values of Benedict and Scholastica. Some are willing to invite others to share in the quest. But the call to be good stewards is there, for each of us and for all of us, to find ways to offer an alternative lifestyle in a world so hungry for the Benedictine legacy of life and peace both now and for posterity. Sisters process into Chapel to celebrate a Jubilee of Monastic Profession. Sister Catherine Murphy serves as Eucharistic minister. 7 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh HUMAN TRAFFICKING What is it? Who is involved? Why is it evil? By: Sister Susanne Chenot, OSB Sister Susan Merrie English (fourth from left) poses with other religious women who are active members of PATH (People Against Trafficking Humans). HUMAN TRAFFICKING is a form of modern day slavery. Traffickers often prey on people who are poor, frequently unemployed or under-employed, and who may lack access to social safety networks. a local shop-owner who said that he wanted to take her to Italy to marry her. In three weeks her parents received a horrifying letter in which Mariana told her parents the man really intended to sell her as a prostitute. When she resisted he took out a knife and forced her to go with him. She, along with other kidnap victims, was taken by speed boat across the Adriatic Sea. When girls like Mariana reach Italy, they are sold to a pimp. The girl’s value is then determined by age, beauty, and experience. A young virgin-like girl would be worth as much as $10,000. One former prostitute said that even though she made about $500 a night, her pimp took it all. One night after drugging her and finding money tucked in her underwear, he beat her until she was unconscious. With Mariana trapped in Italy, tragedy was striking her family once again. Her 17 year-old sister was kidnapped and this time a third sister told the police who did it. Shortly after that, her father said, the third daughter was brutally killed. This example can be multiplied millions of times. Large cities have police units, social workers, and religious personnel who are on the lookout for women and children who are victims of this heinous system. Our Sister Susan Merrie English is the secretary of PATH (Pennsylvania Agency of Trafficking in Humans). This is a sub-committee of the Tri-Diocesan Leadership Committee (TDSLC), an organization composed of the Major Superiors of Women Communities in the Pittsburgh area. They are working to educate the community on the dangers of human trafficking and its effect on the global economy. The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh have joined other religious women in educating its membership on this topic. The Monastic Community held a special meeting on this topic and plans to keep being updated regarding its effect in the Pittsburgh area. Anyone wishing to learn more about Human Trafficking can get information by searching under HUMAN TRAFFICKING on the internet. Trafficking involves predominantly women and children in certain countries, but can also include men. Victims are often lured with false promises of good jobs and better lives, and then forced to work under brutal and inhuman conditions. Does this horror exist in the USA? Absolutely! The US government estimates that approximately 50,000 people are trafficked into the US annually. The US is a “destination country”. Victims of trafficking originate from such nations as Russia, Ukraine, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, the Czech Republic, and India. Traffickers move victims into the US through many ports of entry: Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Chicago, and San Francisco. Recently they have extended their operations to Atlanta, Cleveland, Houston, Orlando, and Washington DC. Victims are often lured into trafficking networks through false promises of good working conditions and high pay as domestic workers, factory and farm workers, nannies, waitresses, sales clerks, or models. Once in this country, many suffer extreme physical and mental abuse, including rape, sexual exploitation, torture, beatings, starvation, death threats, and threats to family members. It is believed that most victims who are trafficked are isolated and remain undetected by the public because: 1) the strategies used by the perpetrators isolate victims and prevent them from coming forward, and 2) the public and the victim service providers have only recently become aware of this issue and are unsure how to recognize or respond to trafficking victims. One of millions of trafficked individuals is Mariana, from Albania. She was lured away from her home by 8 Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts Use me, Lord, Until Thy Will Is Mine By: Judith Ann Criner, OSB On September 11, 2006, Sister Matilda (Loretta) Schoenecker died peacefully in her Monastery home after an extended period of decline in health. Loretta, the daughter of Andrew and Matilda Schoenecker, was born in Pittsburgh. Her family would eventually include a total of nine children. She learned the lessons of working together, helping to care for her siblings and that the adage “waste not, want not” could be put to practical use. On June 21, 1934, Loretta entered the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh where she would devote the next 72 years to service for her God and His People. As Sr. Matilda, she served as an outstanding educator in the Pittsburgh and Greensburg dioceses for almost 50 years. She was a teacher, principal and Red Cross moderator. She also directed food drives, spearheaded music appreciation and liturgical celebrations. One of Sr. Matilda’s special interests was working with the disadvantaged. Sister assisted prisoners in two correctional institutions,“mothers-to-be” at Moms House and nursing home residents. Upon her retirement, Sr. Matilda became the director of nutrition for the Benedictine Senior Center. She kept herself involved by serving as the Monastery seamstress, a literacy tutor and a caregiver for small children. The Monastery will be a little dimmer without Sr. Matilda’s “ear-to-ear smile” that she used to greet visitors, especially any children. Sister loved to be involved, to help someone else and to be the best that she could be. Sister Matilda not only prayed the Gospel message – she lived it everyday. On Monday, December 19, 2006, the Benedictine Sisters lost two of our Senior Sisters within hours of one another. Sister Clementine Matiba was 103 years old at the time of her death and had been a Benedictine Sister for 83 years. She was the youngest of eight children born to Mary and August Matiba. Named Margaret at birth, Sister would fondly recall that she was the “apple of her father’s eye”. Margaret entered the Benedictine Sisters on January 13, 1921 and became Sr. Clementine the following December. She used her love of children to assist her in becoming an educator who loved to be in the classroom with her students. Sr. Clementine taught at the elementary level in the Dioceses of Altoona-Johnstown, Greensburg, Pittsburgh and for a short time at St. Joseph School in Chicago, IL, as an exchange teacher for the Community. Sister was the Principal at St. Benedict School, Carrolltown, PA; Sacred Heart School, Jeannette, PA; and St. Gertrude School, Vandergrift, PA. In her later years, Sr. Clementine could often be found in the Monastery coffee room where she would eagerly look for someone to “sit awhile” so she could share stories about her teaching days, her family and friends. Her smile was contagious and would make you feel welcomed without any words being spoken. Sister Anita Varine joined Sr. Clementine in journeying to their heavenly home on December 19, 2006.The evening prior to her death,Sr. Anita had returned to the Monastery after a lengthy stay in a rehabilitation unit due to a hip fracture. Sister Anita was named Lena Consilia by her parents Carmela and John Varine. She was born in West Winfield, PA, on April 24, 1912, into a family of two sisters and three brothers. Sister entered the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh on September 8, 1930 and spent 74 years of her life devoted to living the Rule of St. Benedict. Sr. Anita spent her years of ministry in education. She taught in the intermediate and upper elementary grades and in administration as principal. Sister served as principal in Pittsburgh, Donora, Connellsville, Jeannette, Carrolltown, PA and Canton, OH. Upon her retirement, Sister Anita worked in the Monastery as a portress, seamstress and candy maker. During the days before Christmas and Easter, Sr. Anita’s creative use of chocolate, nuts and spices could be smelled on every floor of the Monastery. Sister Anita was always interested in sharing recipes and stories relating to her Italian upbringing and heritage. She fondly recalled her visit to Italy and the relatives that lived there. Sister also used her gifts for baking, cooking and knitting. She enjoyed meeting visitors at the Monastery. Sr. Anita will be remembered for her dedication to prayer and ministry. She was always interested in what was happening and in her later years could be found walking the halls and stopping into rooms to say hello and chat awhile. Her gentle smile and the playful twinkle in her eyes will be missed by all. 9 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh Southeastern Kentcuky “This Land is Home to Me” By: Sister Evelyn Dettling, OSB In February 1975, the Appalachian bishops issued a momentous pastoral letter, This Land Is Home to Me. This letter gave voice to the longings and dreams of the people of Appalachia who wrestled with powerlessness in the face of large coal and timber companies who were stripping away their land and resources and leaving behind sludge and erosion. The pastoral letter called for a new social order in the spirit of papal social encyclicals. In response, over a period of a few years, 600 Church workers heard the call and moved to Appalachia to learn and to serve with the people of the mountains. In 1979, the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh heeded that call and four sisters moved to Neon, KY to live and respond to the needs expressed by the people of the area. A ministry of presence and mutuality was new to the sisters but they soon learned what it meant to accompany others in their search for education, justice, preservation of the land, housing, healthcare and friendship. The Sisters called their home Sarah’s Circle and it became a gathering place for local people and for other church workers in the area who came to share faith and prayer, a simple meal and conversation, solidarity in their concerns for justice and compassion. Between 1979 and 2006, nine Benedictine Sisters, including a former Prioress, lived in Neon sharing their gifts and talents and, in return, being immeasurably enriched through the local people. For each of them it was a very special time of grace and each came to know why the people of the mountains called Kentucky, “the homeland of the heart.” Sister Beth Carrender came to Appalachia in 1997 and immediately fell in love with the people and the land. For the past 10 years she has served in various ministries and has focused on forging alliances with local people. Gwen Johnson is one of the women who Sr. Beth Carrender and Gwen Johnson transfers the deed to the house in Neon, KY, the home of the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh since 1979. 10 Jesus of the Mountains Catholic Church, Phelps, KY, is the new place of ministry for Sr. Beth and the new home of the Benedictine Sisters in the Kentucky mountains. Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts has been a long standing friend and co-minister with Sister Beth. She has lived in the area all her life and raised her family there. As a young grandmother, she earned her Master’s Degree in Counseling by taking on-line classes on the Sisters’ computer. Gwen uses her skills as a counselor in her work with the University of Kentucky. She oversees the continuing education for day care providers in a three county area surrounding Neon. In her free time, she counsels women in the jail at Whitesburg and does youth ministry for her church. This past year, Sister Beth had to go to Missouri for long stretches of time due to her mother’s terminal illness, and it was Gwen who tended the house and kept the home fires burning. In September of 2006, when Sister Beth decided to move to Phelps, KY to serve a small Catholic community, the Benedictines Sisters considered it only right and just to deed the house in Neon to Gwen who has been living in a small trailer. It is our firm belief that Gwen’s presence will continue the stewardship of resources, land, and relationships that the sisters have fostered for more than 27 years. Proving that Kentucky is indeed the homeland of the heart, Sr. Beth has taken up residence in a small house, next to a small Catholic Church in an area where coal is still king and the coal trucks rumble by hour after hour and the trains haul away the black gold of the mountains. Sr. Beth is involved in many The Sisters who served in Neon: Sister Corinne Moeller, Sister Maura Ubinger, Sister Shelly Farabaugh, Sister Evelyn Dettling, Sister Demetria King, Sister Deborah Guenther, Sister Beth Carrender, Sister Rosalyn Soller aspects of the local community as well as the Church. She plans liturgies and provides Communion Services in the absence of the priest. Already the Ministerial Association has selected her as their Secretary/Treasurer. She also serves on the boards of Habitat for Humanity and Helping Hands, the local food bank. On Thanksgiving Day, Sr. Beth attended an Ecumenical Service at the Stop Over Freewill Baptist Church. The pastor there summed up ministry in the mountains of Kentucky well when he said, “What a blessing we can all be together on this day. Catholics and Baptists, Presbyterians, and Pentecostals—we all rely on and support each other in the work of God. This is truly the spirit of the mountains.” Yes, the spirit of the mountains! And there will always be several Benedictines from Pittsburgh who know in their heart of hearts, “This Land is Home to Me.” A picture of the members of Jesus of the Mountains Catholic Church taken following the Sunday Liturgy in the Church. Back Row: (L-R) Sonya Ferrel, Sr. Beth, Bev Ferrel Front Row: (L-R) Jean Ferrel, Fr. Will, Kim Blankenship A view of the Habitat office and dorm where Sr. Beth will be doing a lot of ministry. 11 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh Sister Beth Carrender recently accepted a position in Phelps, KY, where she will be the Pastoral Associate for a small Catholic parish, Jesus of the Mountains. She will work with the families who are Catholic as well as be involved in evangelization, interfaith dialogue and service to the poor. Sister Claudia Kunzler has been attending a weekly program for senior citizens sponsored by Life Pittsburgh. Sister extends her ministry of compassion and listening to the participants there. Sister Dolores Conley is coordinating the rental of the Catherine Thomas Theater where there has been a steady stream of events this past year including the Irish Dancers in December. Stewarding our Charism Sister Susan Merrie English, OSB Practicing good stewardship and expressing care for all of God’s creation is a way of life for our Benedictine Sisters. This takes many forms in our community from the work of ministry to the celebration of past accomplishments. In all their activities, the following Sisters remain committed to living and sharing these Benedictine values. Sr. Anne Lazar celebrated 16 years of ministry at Saint John the Baptist parish in Scottdale, PA, last August. Her duties include sacristan, parish minister, Eucharistic minister, lector, and parish office work. She is also responsible for providing communion services at two personal care homes. Sisters Audrey Quinn and Susan Fazzini were selected as two of the eight Greene County people to serve on the “Roundtable for Children Initiative.”This committee is comprised of child advocates in the county and will answer to the recently created Office of Children and Families in Court. Sisters Audrey and Susan provide foster parenting for needy children as just one of the many ways they minister in Greene County. Sister Barbara Jayne Vopat, novice, auditioned and was accepted as a member of the Diocesan Choir. The choir is sponsored by the music ministry of the diocese and sings at various Diocesan celebrations such as the Golden Anniversary Mass, Rite of Election for RCIA, Chrism Mass, Ordination Mass and a Christmas Festival at Heinz Hall 12 Sister Eileen Huckestein continues her research and organization of the archives for St. Benedict’s Monastery. She recently communicated with St. Walburga’s Abbey in Germany in her efforts to discover the history for one of our Christmas traditions,“Journey to Bethlehem.” Sisters Elizabeth Matz and Michelle Farabaugh attended the National Association of Treasurers of Religious Institutes in Anaheim, CA, in October. They returned saying that the meeting was very stimulating and thought provoking. Sister Evelyn Dettling traveled to Ohio to offer a prayer at the Commissioning Service for her friend, Dr. Josephine Whitely-Fields who was named the Director of Doctoral Studies at United Theological Seminary. Sister Gemma Liberati chaired two successful Super Bingo events this past year on behalf of the Benedictine Senior Citizen Center. The next Super Bingo events are scheduled for April 21 and November 17, 2007. Sister Gemma also chaired a special birthday luncheon celebrating the Benedictine Center for serving the senior citizens of Allegheny County for 20 years. Sr. Mary Catherine Stana offered a few words of congratulations along with a bit of the history of how the center started. Sister Georgine Schweers gave the benediction and invocation at the Senior Companion luncheon on June 9th. The event was held at the Alcoma Golf Club. Sister Karen Brink chaired the visiting team for the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools at the Montessori Centre Academy, Inc. in Glenshaw, PA in October. Sisters Judith Criner and Michele Farabaugh attended the National Catholic Development Conference in Chicago at the end of September. Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts Sisters Helen Seidel, Mary Agnes Gmuer, Raphael Frank, Susanne Chenot, and Irene Moeller were recognized as members of the SBA class of 1956. The class held its 50th reunion this past summer and expressed appreciation for their education with a sizable financial donation to the Benedictine community. Sisters Irene Moeller, Roberta Campbell, Susan Merrie English, Evelyn Dettling, Michael Mack, and Michelle Farabaugh all gave of their time and talent to speak on behalf of the National Retired Religious Organization at local parishes in November. They were accompanied by Sisters Corinne Moeller and Eleanor Easly. Sister Mary Edward Skovran was recently recertified as a Food Service Manager by the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. To earn this ServSafe Certificate, she had to attend 10 hours of in-class training, complete 10 hours of homework and take an examination. Sister Michelle Farabaugh attended the Conference of Benedictine Prioresses followed by the Leadership Conference for Women Religious in Atlanta, GA, in August. The theme of the LCWR meeting was “Embracing the Dream: Leading with a Jubilant Heart.” Sister Michael Mack spent five weeks in Africa this summer along with another Benedictine sister from Kansas assisting Benedictine communities in South Africa, Tanzania and Namibia with their financial accounting. During her stay she visited the US Embassy, a Catholic AIDS orphanage, and a wildlife park to name just a few of the interesting experiences she had. Sisters Michelle Farabaugh, Michael Mack, and Susan Fazinni attended the Chapter meeting of the St. Scholastica Federation in Erie, PA in June. The chapter delegates closed their meeting as guests of the Erie community for liturgy and dinner celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Benedictine community in Erie. Saint Teresa of Avila School is asking your help to raise money for their school. They are collecting used toner cartridges and cell phones to be recycled. If you can help them with any of these items, please send them to: Saint Teresa of Avila School 800 Avila Court Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412– 367-9001, ext 530 Sister Judith Nero accepted a position as school secretary at St. Mark Elementary School in Richmond, KY. Sr. Benita DeMatteis is the principal there. Sister Raphael Frank had the privilege of being part of a six week Benedictine Renewal program that took place in Rome, Italy this past summer. The program was an opportunity for Sister Raphael to study the roots of monasticism and to visit many sites that are part of Benedictine history. Twenty-seven sisters from across the Unities States and Australia participated. Sisters Rosalyn Soller, Irene Moeller, and Karen Brink have been busy this past year attending monthly events that recognized the 100th anniversary of St Teresa of Avila’s school including a dinner and closing liturgy with Bishop Tobin. Sister Karen is the current principal of the school where over forty of our sisters have ministered over the past years. Sisters Shelly Farabaugh, Susan Merrie English, Michelle Farabaugh and Evelyn Dettling spoke on behalf of the Alliance for International Monasticism at four parishes in the Greensburg Diocese. AIM supports religious communities around the world that are too poor to meet their own needs or the needs of the people they serve. Each parish took up a collection to help support this Benedictine mission work. Sister Susan Merrie English gave a presentation on coaching at Kearns Spirituality Center in October and was the co-chair of a coaching teleseminar sponsored by the Greater Pittsburgh Coaches Association in November. Sister Susanne Chenot chaired the Benedictines for Peace annual New Year’s Peace Vigil on December 30th. The speaker was Sr. Anne McCarthy, OSB, a past director of Pax Christi, who spoke on “Living Peacefully in an Unpeaceful World.” Sister Susanne was assisted by Sisters Elizabeth Matz, Evelyn Dettling, Mary Chatherine Stana, Dolores Conley, Susan Merrie English, and Barbara Jayne Vopat. 2006 Benedictine 70/30 Bonanza Winner The winner of the 2006 Benedictine 70/30 Bonanza was Suzanne Conroy of Pittsburgh. She received $7,589.00. Congratulations to Suzanne! Check you mailboxes in April for your chance to make a donation to assist our retired Sisters and the opportunity have you name entered into the Bonanza drawing. 13 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh A Journey to AFRICA By: Sister Michael Mack, OSB Pre-Africa "You are not going to believe the telephone conversation I just had!" I was speaking to my boss, Tony Turo, Executive Director at Ursuline Senior Services, and Bill Brickner, Director of Administration. "I was talking to Sister Esther Fangman, President of the Federation of St. Scholastica and she asked me if I would consider going to Africa to assess and assist five Benedictine Communities with financial record keeping. The time period would be for five weeks." Both of the men commented, "What an honor to be asked!" The rest is history! I have to admit that my biggest fear was the bugs which I imagined would be SUPER SIZED in that climate! In August, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere so I saw very few creepy crawlies. One of the most nerve wracking travel preparations was waiting for the passport to arrive. Then a Visa was needed for Tanzania and the passport had to be sent to the embassy. Again there was a waiting period. I breathed a lot easier when all the documents were in hand. Someone asked about packing for 5 weeks. Surprisingly, this was not too difficult. Because we would only be in a location for 1 week, I took a few outfits I could mix and match. When we moved to the next location everything could be interchanged again. My companion on this trip of a lifetime was Sister Rose Marie Stallbaumer from Mount St. Scholastica Sr. Michael Mack teaching Excel to the Sisters at Twasana Convent in Vryheid, South Africa. 14 in Atchison, KS. She is the Treasurer of the Community. We had not known each other before our journey. I can now say unequivocally what a privilege it was to get to know her and to share this adventure. For the rest of this article, you will note a change in syntax from the singular to the plural. It was a joint effort and the memories and occurrences are wondrous because they were shared. Process We used a group workshop approach (usually 2-3 days) for each Community. We started with a 3-4 hour presentation entitled "Sharing All Things in Common – Finances and the Rule of St. Benedict". The main focus was on Chapters 33 - "Private Ownership" and 34 - "Distribution of Goods According to Need". The implications for financial management within a Benedictine Community were discussed. Next was the record keeping portion. Beginning with expenses, we used a 3-step process. Identify expenses and record them every day. At the end of the month sort the expenses into categories. List the totals of each category on a monthly report form and submit it to the general treasurer or bursar (These steps were repeated for income items.) After working through these steps for expenses and income, we had the Sisters work together on a composite report. Although the information was not Sr. Michael joins the teachers and the orphan children in examining an object that the children found fascinating. Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts real, it helped the Sisters see the advantages of an overall report of the Community income and expenses. After the workshop, we spent some time working with the treasurer/bursar on the use of Excel and customizing forms for each Community to use the 3-step process. Finally, we met with the prioress, either alone or with the treasurer. This gave them time to raise any additional concerns or questions. We then were able to reinforce their role in following through with the process and to make any recommendations to them. Experiences As a result of our travels, the map of Africa will never be the same! It may not have been intentional but our time abroad was 40 days – and we experienced the deserts and the mountain tops! We crossed the equator. On our arrival in Johannesburg, it was sleeting and 4 degrees Celsius! We saw beautiful breathtaking vistas. We met orphaned children whose parents died of HIV/AIDS. We saw great poverty in the villages of Tanzania and the squalor of shanty towns in Namibia and South Africa. We felt the humidity and dusty heat of Dar es Salaam by the Indian Ocean. We saw the traditional huts of the Zulu natives. Gazing heavenward at night we saw the Southern Cross constellation and the many bright stars of the Southern Hemisphere. We saw the contrast between the westernized, sophisticated cities of South Africa and the struggling, still emerging regions of Tanzania. We heard African drums during our welcomes and farewells and at liturgies. We heard the sounds of the African night and the crow of the roosters in the dawning new day. We marveled at the many works of the Communities in Tanzania. (It was a present day example of the way monasteries might have been for the people of medieval Europe.) We spoke words in Swahili but never mastered the sounds or clicks of the Zulu dialect. We were jostled and bumped around as we traveled by vans along dirt roads to the various Motherhouses. We tasted papaya, sugar cane and roots for the first time. We enjoyed freshly picked avocadoes, bananas, tangerines and oranges. We learned about cashews and how bananas grow. We saw African wild animals on the savannahs. We visited the Marian Tabernacle of the Most High Shrine. We saw the indigenous, gracefully shaped umbrella thorn, the huge baobab trees, and the Flame of Africa trees. Sister Michael (back left) poses with student Sisters of Imilliwaha, Tanzania. Most importantly we met our Benedictine Sisters who share with us the heritage of Benedict and Scholastica. We were surrounded by prayerful, hospitable, hard working and loving Sisters. That is why South Africa (Twasana and Pietersburg), Namibia (Brakwater) and Tanzania (Ndanda, Imiliwaha and Chipole) will forever have a special place in our hearts. It will be the beautiful smiling faces of our Sisters we see when we look at the African continent. Epilogue One of the Prioress' told us that we must come back because "we have started a fire". We both smiled and stated that someone would probably return although it may not be us. Before we arrived back in the United States, we had prepared a report detailing our activities and making recommendations. One of our suggestions was that there be a follow up visit in 2-3 years. Would I return? If I were asked, it would depend on what was occurring in my life at the time. I was asked how I have been changed by my trip and what I learned. I feel a tremendous peace. When the plane lifted off the runway in Pittsburgh and there was no turning back, I whispered to myself "God's will be done". Whatever I was to experience (good, bad, or indifferent), I placed my trust totally in God and I never let myself waver in that trust. Also, I wore a medal of St. Benedict throughout the journey. All was going to be well. I have experienced some insights about myself and I have been blessed by this opportunity of international travel. I am still sorting through my experiences and know that the events of the trip will be a reference point for many years to come. 15 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh ARCHIVAL Echoes By: Sister Kathleen Mack, OSB As we take a look at our Stewardship through the years, we must start with our earliest Foremothers who came to a New World and were forced to face the harsh realities of frontier life. They came to minister to an immigrant people in need of education, religious stability and acceptance. The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh, like the various Benedictine Communities who came to America, set about addressing the stewardship needed. Despite dire poverty, the Sisters faced the challenge by creating ways to educate their own members and prepare them for the ministry and service for both the Native Americans and the immigrant families who left home to find a new dwelling. Schools were opened in Convents and in parishes. Through the years, elementary and secondary levels became the basic stewardship for members of the Community. Teachers from our community have ministered in over twenty elementary schools, about ten secondary schools and also at the University level. As the needs of society changed, so did the needs for ministry. Our stewardship broadened. As time progressed, our stewardship carried us to the social and cultural needs of those who needed us. Today, much of our stewardship is addressing the social and cultural needs of the time. Some of our sisters minister as chaplains for the elderly in Manor Care facilities; as health care agents for the homeless; as financial director in a non-profit agency for the elderly. When we closed our Academy in 1985, we renovated the top floors of the building as apartments for homeless women with children. This became a temporary facility for these women where they received help in developing skills that would enable them to have a salary-paying employment and assistance with parenting skills. Our stewardship extended to senior citizens when we opened a Center as part of the Allegheny County Adult Services; a Meals on Wheels program under Lutheran Services was also established in the building. 16 Sr. Catherine Strittmatter and students of St. Athanasius School, West View, PA (early 1900’s). Sister Benita DeMatteis with a kindergarten class at St. Marys School, Martins Ferry, OH (2004). Space within this building is also utilized by the Mercy Behavioral Association. All of these programs allow our Sisters to minister to those in need. In Greene County, two of our Sisters work as foster parents to children that the county has removed from their homes. Working with the Children and Youth Services, our Sisters have been foster parents to over 135 children ranging from 6 months to 17 years of age since 1990. This past summer one of our Sisters was invited to go to South Africa with another Benedictine Sister from Kansas to assist the African Benedictine Sisters with financial record keeping. Carrying Benedictine stewardship to these native Sisters was a great privilege and experience for both American Sisters. While Stewardship may change, the admonition of Benedict in his Rule “to regard all utensils and goods as sacred vessels of the altar, aware that nothing is to be neglected” is still a basic concern in our ministry and service to others. Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts Benedictine Alumni: St. Teresa of Avila School Celebrates 100th Anniversary By: Sister Karen Brink, OSB September 6, 1906, is a date that doubtless few of us remember and yet for thousands of young people this date has significance that has impacted their entire lives. For it was on this date, one century ago, that two Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh opened the doors of a private school, Saint Teresa of Avila School, Pittsburgh (Perrysville), PA, for the first time. The history of the school notes that thirty-two students were enrolled in the first class which was held in the former parish rectory in the farmland of Perrysville, PA. Tuition for the first class was fifty cents per student a month, which the Sisters used to pay for expenses of both the school and the convent. Sixteen dollars per month was the treasure that the Sisters used for planting the seed of quality Catholic education for the next century. Twelve years later in 1918, the school was received as a parochial school in the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh where it has enjoyed an excellent reputation for providing quality Catholic education for a century. Saint Teresa of Avila Parish and School are located about five miles from the current monastery and during all the years of its existence the school and convent were home to many members of our community. Many Sisters had their first teaching experience at Saint Teresa of Avila School and over two-thirds of the present community ministered as educators at the school. Reflecting on the centennial of the school many current members noted the love they have for the time they spent at Saint Teresa’s, as well as the warmth and appreciation that they experienced from parents and other parishioners for their dedication to their children. When one reflects on the parable of the talents, it is remarkable to note that with the gift of thirty-two students and sixteen dollars, the first Sisters (Genevieve Johnson and an unnamed companion), began what has been a vibrant Catholic education for countless young women and men throughout ten decades. Oral history tells many tales of the Sisters who ministered in Saint Teresa of Avila School, including life in a tiny convent with three Sisters sharing a bedroom. The parishioners of St. Teresa of Avila shared their gifts, too, as the meager tuitions were supplemented with fruits, vegetables and chickens from their farms. The Sisters did not bury their treasures; the small and large gifts received grew into an institution that has flourished throughout its first century. Several students from St. Teresa of Avila School assist Sr. Rosalyn Soller (RCIA and adult education) in displaying the Nativity scene outside of St. Teresa of Avila Convent. Reflecting on her ministry as principal of Saint Teresa of Avila School in the mid-1960’s, when the school was at its height of 1300+ students, Sister Eileen Huckestein noted that it was at that time that she first requested a secretary. In order to help to contain costs, Sister Eileen, was doing all of her own paper work while also functioning as principal of a large school with a large faculty. She was following her predecessors in education in providing a wonderful education while being a responsible steward. Similar stories could be told by other Sisters who taught and administered the school. As noted in The Rule of Benedict, we are reminded to “treat all of the goods of the monastery as sacred vessels of the altar”. This extended to the ministry of Catholic education where even today, various avenues are used to find resources which are simple and yet adequate for education in the 21st century. In fact, elsewhere in the newsletter, the reader will note a request for used toner cartridges and cell phones which are recycled and the funds used for the needs of the school. During the course of 2006, Saint Teresa of Avila School celebrated its Centennial Year with monthly events. The year was culminated with a festive banquet to which community members who had taught at Saint Teresa’s were invited. A special closing liturgy celebrated by Bishop Thomas Tobin, Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, and a graduate of Saint Teresa of Avila School ended the year. At these two events in particular, each speaker noted their very deep appreciation for the one-hundred-yearlong ministry of the Benedictine Sisters. We are grateful for the invitation in 1906 to share our gifts with Saint Teresa of Avila Parish and School and thank God for the abundant blessings bestowed on our community through its ministry there. 17 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh BENEDICTINE SISTERS OF PITTSBURGH Partners of St. Benedict DONOR HONOR ROLL July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006 ST WALBURGA SOCIETY $5,000+ ACT ONE THEATRE SCHOOL ALLEGHENY PLYWOOD CO CITY THEATRE COMPANY RUTH M & JOSEPH J LAZAR JO ANN W & JOHN J ROONEY MR CARL T SIEG SISTERS OF MERCY OF AMERICAS, PITTSBURGH, PA DR/MRS CHRISTOPHER A TROIANOS CLAIRE S & ROBERT W WHITE BENEDICTINE SOCIETY $1,000 - $4,999 MS PATRICIA A BERNHARDY MS PATRICIA A BOSO BOZZONE FAMILY FOUNDATION M/M MARY & JACK CHAWLA M/M ELIZABETH & WILLIAM DAVIS MR JOSEPH DEMETER DR/MRS MATTHEW D DIANDRETH MRS LEONA K FARABAUGH MRS MARY LOUISE FLAVIN-STUMPF MRS MARY LOU GEIST M/M ANNE & ROBERT D GERMAN MR ROBERT A GRAHAM MS ANDREA M GRAZZINI M/M MARILYN S & DAVID HARCUM MS NARINJAN B HOPE M/M JOHN F & SHIRLEY N HORN MR NORMAN M HUCKESTEIN MS CAROLYN WELLINGER KOZIK M/M ELIZABETH & LARRY KRUTKO M/M FRANCIS J LACNY MS'S LEONA & HELEN LAZAR MR CHARLES LEVAK MRS PATRICIA ANN LIEBMAN MRS MARYANNE DUFFY LONG M/M ALICE & EDWARD A MAROTTA M/M BARBARA & MARK V MATERA M/M NATALIE & RONALD M METZ MS KATHLEEN R MONIER M/M RITA V & ROBERT A MORASCO M/M LINDA & WILLIAM R NALITZ MRS PATRICIA LYNCH NIEDERST BRO. TERENCE O'ROURKE M/M SUANNE & PAUL F PATEK MS KIMBERLY E RICHARDS MRS MARIAN RODGERS SAFFER MRS PATRICIA SCHUBERT MS ROSE TERESA STANCZAK M/M ED STEVENS MRS MARY S STOFFAN MRS MARY JANE SWANY MR ANTON N TAN FAMILY DR DIANN MARIE WESTRICK MRS CHARLOTTE T WHITTICK MR STANLEY F WOJTYNA MRS M MARGARET LIGDAY ZUCK ST. SCHOLASTICA SOCIETY $500 - $999 MR WILLIAM R BAIERL M/M MARSHA & ROBERT CALLARO MR MICHAEL J CONROY MRS CONSTANCE M RITA COOLEY MS MARCIE L COOPER M/M ELLIE & JIM DELLIGATTI MRS LINDA C SOBIEN DIETZ M/M THERESA & CLIFFORD N DUNN M/M VINCETTA & FRED M FARABAUGH JR 18 MRS DONNA M FINLEY MRS SALLY CONROY FULLMAN MS CAROL P GAUS GEMM ENTERPRISES INC M/M NANCY L & JERRY D KLEIN M/M ROSE & LOUIS KUEMMERLE M/M ROBERT H KUNZLER MR JOHN M LALLY MS DORIS IRENE LANG M/M SANDRA & EDWARD F LEVINE MRS ROSEMARY C LINTNER MRS MARGARET C LLEWELLYN M/M ANNE & PAUL J MARCUCCI MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL CORP MS REGINA MAE MCCORMICK M/M RICHARD O MCLAUGHLIN MR ROBERT MONTFORT MS ALICE M KASARSKIS MORAN MRS DOROTHY G MORIN M/M CHARLES J MURA MS ELAINE M OLIVER M/M CELESTE & NICHOLAS J PARRENDO MS JANE S STAUBER PRANTL M/M JUDITH T & PAUL P PURTA MS MARILYN A FILAK REBHOLZ MS THERESA F ROSE MR WILLIAM J SICHKO JR MS GRACE ANN SLAVINSKY ST MARY OF THE SPRINGS DR/MS LEONARD & KATHY STEPT MR WILLIAM C STUMPF MR THOMAS C SVRCEK MRS KELLY M TOWSE MRS VIRGINIA LANG TROVATO MR GILBERT J WAGNER REV DR JOSEPHINE WHITELY-FIELDS MS ROSEMARIE H YAHNER FELDMAN ANNIVERSARY PARTNERS $135 - $499 MR MARK S ANSWINE FR JOHN M BACHKAY M/M MICHELLE & MICHAEL W BALFE MR MICHAEL BARBUSH JR MRS EVELYN R BARLOCK M/M MARIAN & ROBERT J BEARER MRS FRANCES BECK MS MARYLOU THAUER BEEMER MRS MARGARET TAICLET BENNETT MRS MADELINE T BIRD MS KATHLEEN M BLAUTH M/M JAMES & EILEEN BOYLE MRS ALICE S BAILEY BRASHEAR MS LORRAINE M BRENCKLE M/M JUNE & ROBERT A BRILL MRS ESTELLE S BROGAN MS BARBARA ANN BROOKS MS ELLEN MARIE BROSNAN MRS CAROL AGUGLIA BRUNNER MRS MARGARET B BUCKLAD CALIBAN BOOK SHOP MRS ELIZABETH CAMPBELL MR EDWARD C CAMPEAU M/M SIGNE & TIMOTHY CARLOS MRS GENEVIEVE P CARR MRS PATRICIA KABLACH CASANO MRS REBECCA L MUTH CHARLTON MRS ELEANOR CHEETHAM M/M GLENN & RACHEL CHENOT M/M JOSEPH C CIRELLI MRS PAMELA & JONATHAN D CLARK M/M RICHARD W CONLEY MR CHARLES J CONNELLY MS KEREN A CRAWFORD MR ANDRE L CRINER M/M JERRY & HELGA CRINER MS GINNY CUNNINGHAM MRS SYLVIA A DEMARCO M/M MARK B DEVLIN MRS HILDEGARD R DROTER MS MARGARET S DRURY MRS SANDRA A DRISCOLL DZIUBEK MS CHRISTINE O EBKEN M/M RICHARD M EFKEMAN MRS RITA EFKEMAN-ROSS MRS LOUISE A ZIVIC EGLER MS THERESA L ESBER M/M LORRAINE & REGIS H FARRELL FR WILLIAM J FAY M/M MARIO & JEAN FAZZINI M/M RENA & RUSSELL A FEINGOLD MR ROBERT F FISHER MRS JOAN M FITZPATRICK MS TERI FLATLEY DR VIRGINIA B BRADY GAFFNEY MS'S MARY & ANN GAVALER MR ROBERT P GING MRS MARY MICHAEL GLORIOSO MS TERESA M GEISLER GOLDNER MS PAULA M GOOD M/M ROBERT S GOODMAN MS JANET LEE GORDA MS CARROLL A CONROY GORMAN M/M CAROL & DONALD J GUCKERT MR JAMES G HARKRIDER MS MELISSA A HART MR TERENCE J HART M/M MARIE & FRANCIS J HARTUNG MS LORRAINE M HELBLING M/M BARBARA & DAVID HENNING M/M CHRISTINE M & JESUS HERNANDEZ MS KAREN MCCULLOCH HESSEL MS MARY DOLORES HOBEK MS CATHERINE R HOHMAN MS SARAH RUSH HOLBROOK M/M JOANNA & MARK HOVAN M/M ROSEMARY & ROBERT HOVAN MS MARY LYNN SUKITCH HOWARD M/M PHYLLIS & JOHN W HUNKELE MS REGINA C CUNNINGHAM HURLEY M/M MILDRED M & WILLIAM J GLOSS JOHNSTON M/M CAROL E & RICHARD L JONES M/M MARION & DAVID ENZERRA KALBACKER MRS HELEN M KASAKEVICS MS FRANCES L KELLY MS CATHERINE MARY KIMMEL MS EILEEN L KLAUS M/M ERIN M & MICHAEL E KLEMS MRS MADELYN M KLINE MS KATHRYN B KNOLLINGER M/M FRANCES C & WILLIAM T KOCH M/M PAMELA & WILLIAM H KREDEL MRS THERESA KRESS MS JANET R KREUER MS VERONICA A KRUPA MRS BERTHA JANE LIGDAY LAMANNA MS BARBARA A SALAGO LAMBERT MS MARY THELMA FAIRLEY LANCASTER MR SANTO J LAQUATRA MS JACQUELINE A LECCIA MS PATRICIA R LIEHR PHD RN MS JANET DARLENE LINDNER MS MARY ANNE LINHART REV EDWARD S LITAVEC MRS ALICE M LOGRIP MS AUDREY A LOMB MS JUDITH RANKER LONGTON M/M JUDITH E & ROBERT P LYONS MRS THERESA M MAHONEY M/M ESTHER & FRANCIS F MAKOWSKI M/M HELEN & JOSEPH Z MAKOWSKI MRS MARY LOUISE MARTIN MASHUDA CORP MATOKA & SONS PLUMBING M/M SHERRY & PAUL T MCCABE M/M KIM L & JOHN J MCCANN MR DAVID L MCGUIRE MS CAROL A HAMMEL MECHLER MS DONNA LEE BARIE MELNICK MRS LYNN LYONS MENDELSOHN MS JOELLE METCALFE MS MARIE METZ MRS DONNA KIM MILLER / FAMILY TRUST MILLER SCREEN & DESIGN M/M ALBERT R MILLER MR WILLIAM J MILLER M/M MARIE H & FRANK P MINIOTAS MRS CONNIE P MOCKENHAUPT M/M JOHN I MORACA MR CHARLES M MOSS MS MARY MUCCIOLA MS HAZEL M MURPHY M/M JILL & JOHN A MURRIN M/M RITA & JOSEPH P MURTHA DR RICHARD J NELSON DDS DR JOHN E NEMEC NORTHVIEW ANIMAL HOSPITAL INC MR GERALD R O'BRIEN MRS KATHLEEN J PAGAN MS JOYCE SCHUCK PAYNE MRS CLEMENTINE R PERCELL M/M WILLIAM V PFROMMER PNC FOUNDATION M/M NANCY & MICHAEL F POORE MS MARY R PRICE MRS ALBINA R PROKO M/M DOROTHY & SYLVESTER A PSUTY MS BARBARA JO RENDINE MS SANDRA SCHEID REY M/M JO ANNE & EUGENE R RILEY M/M NORMAN J RISH MRS MARTA MADDEN ROMBACH MRS MARY ANN MILLER ROONEY DR CHERYL L ROSATO MS MARIE F FLEMING RUSSELL MR ROBERT RUTKOWSKI MS MARIAN E SAFFER M/M ARLENE & SIROOS SAMADANI MS RUTH L SAUNDERS MS GEORGIANN SCHAEFER M/M ANN M & EDWARD B SCHNEIDER MRS M ALICE CONLEY SCHOTT M/M LOIS E & LOUIS J SCHURER MR RAYMOND SCHUTZMAN MRS ELIZABETH A KAHN SCHWARTZ MRS KATHLEEN SCULLY MRS BERNADINE E SEKULA M/M SAMUEL & MEDB M SICHKO M/M ROSE M & FRED L SILHANEK MS NORMA JEAN SIMMONS SISTERS OF ST BENEDICT DR KENNETH GEORGE SKENA M/M MARIE & CONRAD E SLANINA M/M BARBARA & CHARLES A SMITH MRS M ELIZABETH SMITH M/M RUTH A & ROBERT W SMITH MRS MARY E SNYDER M/M VINCENZA & LOUIS F SOLLER ST VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY M/M JUNE & ROBERT V STABILE MS CHARLOTTE L STEFANICS MS REBECCA S STEIDLE MS BARBARA STEPHENS MRS VERONICA R STRATHMANN MS JO ANN THERESIA SUKITSCH MRS ALICE LOVE SYPOLT MS PATRICIA C TATE M/M LEWIS J TAYLOR Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts M/M HERBERT & BECKY TORBIN TRINITY PARTNERS LLC MR STEPHEN A TRUCHAN VITTI & ASSOCIATES PC M/M MARY M & ALBERT J VOGEL MS BARBARA J VOPAT MRS DEBORAH A VRBANIC M/M GREGORY & PAMELA WALKAUSKAS M/M JOHN J WALLACE MS BARBARA WEIDENHOF MS NANCY WELFER M/M JOAN B & JOHN K WERSING MS CAROL A MATZ WESSMAN WHITE HEATING INC MS SUZANNE WHITE MS SUE ANN WHITTICK MS RUTH ANN MCMAHON WICKHAM MS HELEN M WILSON MS JEAN GARREPY WILSON M/M MARY K & JEROME E WULLER YANNI PARTNERS INC MS BARBARA A ZAWACKI MS CAROL A RHALL ZEHFUSS FOUNDER SOCIETY MS SHIRLEY FORD ABATTA MS NORMA M ACEVES MRS FLORENCE W ACKERMAN MS MARY NOREEN ACKERMON MRS BEATRIZ ACTON M/M EDWARD F ADAMCHIK MRS LUCY R ADAMS MS MARY ANNE SCHRENK ADAMS M/M DIANE & WILLIAM F AGUGLIA M/M JOSEPH B AGUGLIA MS DOROTHY M ALAND MS KATHY GIGLER ALBECKER M/M GERTRUDE & ROY ALBERT MRS MILLIE R MCCOMB ALBERT M/M ANNE A & SAMUEL J ALIOTO MRS GLORIA R ALLERTON MRS MARY V ALMADE ALSTON CONSTRUCTION M/M TERESA & SALVATORE A AMELIO MS JEAN MARIE LUNDY AMEND MRS FRANCES M CARROLL AMER M/M DENNIS J AMMER MRS ELEANOR ANDERSON M/M WILLIAM ANDERSON MR JAMES L ANNAS ANONYMOUS MRS SYLVIA ANSWINE M/M ANNE & JAMES A ANTONINI ARIES SPRINKLER PROTECTION M/M JOHN W ARKUS MS KAREN A ARKUS MS PATRICIA ARLEDGE-BENKO MR JOSEPH S ARMSTRONG III M/M AGNES & ALVIN ROSS ARRICK MS CATHERINE E ARTMAN MS DOROTHY ASHWORTH MRS CECILIA DALY ASTARB MS PHYLLIS ANN BUMMER ATKINSON MS CAROL AUGUSTINE MRS JOAN M FERTIG AUL MRS MARY LEE KELSCH AUTH AWK CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC MRS KATHERINE E AZADIAN MS LINDA HARTMAN AZEN MS BARBARA A BABCOCK MRS MICHAELA KADUCK BABICKA MRS MARLENE A LYTLE BABIK MS DOROTHY BACHKAY MS ROSEMARY C BADERTSCHER MRS CLARE M BAER MRS RITA M FUNK BAGNATO MRS RITA R BAIER BAIERL/MACKAY OLDS-CADILLAC MRS MARY HORN BAILEY MRS LOTTIE M BAIRD MS DONNA MAY BAKER MRS PATRICIA SCHAD BAKER MS PAULA M BAKER MS BARBARA H KOCH BALESTREIRE MS SUANNE BALESTRIERI MS PAULETTE J BALOGH MRS ALICE A BANACH MR FRANK BANASICK MRS MARGARET BANAZEK MS JUDITH A BANYAS MR ROBERT T BARBOUR MS MARGO BARCKMILLER M/M MILDRED & DONALD L BARIE MS JOAN KARAS BARKOVICH MRS MARY KAY GERLOVIC BARNHART MRS LOUISE B BARONI MRS JEAN D BARR M/M PHYLLIS P & ROBERT BARRETT M/M JOSEPH BARTEK MS VIRGINIA BARTOSZEWICZ M/M LIONEL T BASSETT M/M SARAH & KEITH E BASSETT MRS RUTH M BASTYR M/M DONNA & ROBERT J BATTISTON MRS RITA GORDON BATTS MRS KATHLEEN KROLL BATYKEFER MR EDWIN G BAUER MR JOSEPH F BAUER MRS LUCILLE BAUGHMAN MS NANCY J BAUMGARTNER M/M KATHERINE M & MARTIN J BAYLY MRS LINDA L BEADNELL M/M ANN & PHILIP W FAUST BECK DR DONALD J BECK MS FLORENCE BECK M/M GLORIA K & JOHN N BECK M/M DEBBIE & RICHARD T BEDORE MR REGIS J BEGGS MRS VIRGINIA H BEGGS MS MARGUERITE M BEGIN MS ROSE M BEHE MRS ALICE L BEHR MRS KATHRYN STONE BEHR MRS JEANNE E BELCHER MRS MARY B SHIVY BELL M/M JOHN A BELLONO MS ELIZABETH L BELZ MS DIANE M BENDZIN MRS CHRIS CARNEY BENEVENT M/M JOSEPH B BENGEL MS MARIA BENNER M/M WILLIAM D BENZINGER MS CATHERINE L BERARD MS MARGE BERCKMILLER MS NANCY L BERDYCH MS REGINA A BERG MRS ANNA MAY SCHILLO BERGER MS ARLENE J STEINMILLER BERGER MS DIANE DERBY BERGER MS AGNES M BERNAUER MS STEPHENIE B KLEIN BERNEBURG M/M SUZANNE & DAVID L BERNETT MR DONALD J BERRY MRS CYNTHIA CATON BERRYMAN MRS EDITH C STATTERY BEST MRS PATRICIA K KITCH BEST M/M BARBARA & LOUIS T BIER MS EDNA BIERBAUM MS RITA OBERST BIGLEY M/M JANET M & DANIEL G BILL MR STEVEN F BILLETZ MS MARY AGNES VICTOR BIRKHOLZ MS SALEMA BISHOP MS GERALDINE M BITTEL MS BETTY BLACK M/M CAROLE & WAYNE BLACK MS ADELE T BLACKBURN MRS VALENTINE BLAKE MS RUTH S BLANEY MS DOLORES M SOBOL BLASKO M/M LOUIS C BLAUTH MR RICHARD J BLAZEK MS RITA C BLIESZNER M/M GUSTAVE P BLUME MRS DONNA M RUSZKOWSKI BODNAR MRS LOIS C BOEHM MRS EILEEN CRINER BOGDANOWICZ MRS LOIS C PSCHIRER BOGEL MS YVONNE C BOGUT MS BETSY A BOHATCH M/M JOHN & DIANN BOHAYCHICK MRS MILDRED BOHR M/M THOMAS C BOLD JR MS JEAN KEEL BOLEKY M/M JOSEPH & JEAN R BOOKASTA MRS MARIANNE E BORRELLI M/M LEO E BORRES MS DONNA C FISHER BORZA M/M BEVERLY & FRANCIS W BOST MS INGEBORG L BOSTWICK MR STEPHEN J BOTOS MS MARY KAY BOTTOMS MRS KATHLEEN M RANKER BOUCH MR WILLIAM R BOV MS ANNE L BOWEN MR MARK T BOWLER MRS KATHLEEN REILLY BOYLAN MS ALICE MARIE PIEDLE BOYLE MS JUNE BOYLE MRS MARY KATE SABO BOYLE M/M MARGARET & MARTIN BOZIC M/M SHIRLEY ANN & FRANK C BRACE MRS OLIVE K BRACKEN MRS RITA M BRASCO MRS KATHLEEN M GALATE BRAUN MRS MARGARET F CHEETHAM BRAUN MS SYLVIA JEAN ROZMAN BREDL MRS JEAN L BREEN M/M DOT & LARRY J BREHL MS CAROL BRENNEMAN MRS PATRICIA G BRESNAHAN MRS MARCELLA T ESSWEIN BRICKER MS ANITA M HERBOLICH BRIDGE MRS MARJORIE GAERTNER BRILL M/M JAMES BROADBENT M/M MARY & BRUCE J BROGLIE MS KARIN BROKER M/M MICHELLE & REGIS J BRONKEY MRS JEAN A GOODWIN BROOKS MS CAROLYN BROWN M/M GEORGINE & ROBERT V BROWN M/M M JOAN & JOHN P BROZ MRS HELEN A BRUGGERMAN MS PATRICIA A DUMMER BRUNN M/M PATRICIA & JOSEPH J BRUNNER M/M SHARON A & MICHAEL V BRUNO MS FLORA A BRYAN M/M NANCY & MILES R BRYAN M/M JOANNE M & THOMAS N BRYANT M/M JENIFER & STEVEN P BUBLAK MRS FLORENCE ANNE BUCHSER M/M JULIANA & RICHARD J BUCK MRS BARBARA CARNER BUCKLAD MS FLORENCE M BUCZKOWSKI MRS MARGARET ANN M BUDZIK MR WILLIAM J BUGOSH M/M GEORGE & HELEN BUMMER MS CAROLINE C BUNDICK MRS PAULETTE L GAERTNER BUNDICK MS RACHEL A BUNDICK MS LILLIAN STRUHAR BURG MRS FLORENCE G BURGUN M/M LYDIA & WILLIAM A BURGUNDER MS BARBARA S STALL BURK M/M MARY O & ANTHONY J BURLANDO MRS DOLORES E BURNETT M/M TIMOTHY F BURNETT M/M JOAN & ROBERT F BURNOS M/M EDITH & ROBERT J BURNS MS MILDRED L BURNS MS BEVERLY STEIGER BURROUGHS MRS GERRY ROMAN BURTON M/M JENNIFER & BUZZ BUSATO M/M JOHN A BUTCHER M/M PAUL F BUTHERUS MR NORMAN BUTLER MS CAMILLE PORTER BYRNES M/M JAMES M & DIANE BYRNES M/M JAYNE & DANIEL F CAHILL M/M CHARLES E CAIN SR MR GEORGE P CALALANO M/M ROSEMARIE & FRANK CALANDRA M/M LEONARD R CALDERONE MRS CATHERINE A CUNICH CALDWELL MRS CAROL M CAMA MR'S THOMAS & CHARLES CAMARDA M/M BEATRIZ & OLIVER CAMINOS MS ANNETTE M BRINCKO CAMMARATA MRS MADLYNE M CAMPBELL M/M MARY V & PATRICK J CAMPBELL MR ROSS C CAMPBELL MS MARY CANNY MRS REGINA CAPAR M/M SUSAN & ANGELO J CAPO M/M MICHAEL CAPP M/M ANNA MAE & LOUIS T CARACCIOLO M/M WILLIAM R CARDILLE MS MICHELE S CAREY M/M SARAH & DENNIS A CARIO M/M EVELYN & JOE CARMASSI MS MILDRED M CARMICHAEL MRS CLARA ROSE CARNAHAN M/M MARILYN & JOSEPH P CARR MS PAULA K CARRENDER MRS SANDY NIST CARROLL MS THERESA R CARTER Partners of St. Benedict The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh greatly depend on the generosity of those who support our mission and ministries by prayer, good will and financial assistance. We are grateful to all who participate in a significant way as partners in helping us to make our mission statement a reality. 19 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh The Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh gratefully acknowledge all gifts received during the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. Your contributions enable the Benedictine values of peace, hospitality and seeking God in all things to flourish in the many ministries in which the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh serve. If your name has been inadvertently omitted, please call our Community Advancement Office for correction. Your name is important to us. M/M CAROL & RICK MULLNER CARUSO DR JULIE ANN CARYL M/M NATALIE & BOB CASEY M/M MARY GRACE & ELWOOD H CASHER MRS RENA C CASTELLI M/M BRAD R CATON MRS JOANNE CAVALLARO MS MILDRED SCHWAB CAVANAUGH MS RUTH L WINTER CAVIC MRS CLARE M WEISER CAYE MRS JUDY A CELIK MRS ANN THERESA CENKNER M/M FRANCES & MICHAEL R CHARLEY MS JEAN CHASE MS PATRICIA K CHECCA M/M GARY J & ELAINE N CHEGAS MS PHYLLIS J CHENOT MRS CATHERINE CHERECK M/M BILL & BEV CHERUP MRS TERRI L CHESEBROUGH MRS LOUISE J CHIAPPINI MRS FLORA ANNA CHIARAMONTE M/M JOSEPH F CHIARAMONTE MS KAREN A CHIARAMONTE MS OLGA A CHICKOS MRS NANCY C CHISTOLINI M/M FRANCES A & MARTIN F CHLEBOWSKI M/M JANICE & DENNIS CHOLOCK CHONAN FAMILY M/M CATHERINE & DON R LONSWAY CICCONE M/M NANCY & STANLEY J CIESLAK MRS ELAINE BRUNNER CINKER M/M CARL D CISAR MS CONNIE L CLARK MS MARY JO HAVLAK CLARKE CLASSIC CHEVROLET INC MRS CARMELLA CLEMENS CLIMATE SYSTEMS MS CATHERINE MARSZALEK CLYDESDALE MR PETER COCCIA M/M CAROL & WILLIAM N COLANER MRS DENISE POHL COLBERT MS MAGDALENE P COLE M/M CAROL & GENE COLEMAN MS JULIA E COLL MS ELSA COLLINGER MRS SHIRLEY R COLLINS MS MARY ELIZABETH COLOMBO MRS CATHERINE RENDINE COLONNA MS JOANNE B BRODERICK COLT M/M JANET & ROBERT E COLVILLE M/M CECILIA & EARL COMBS MS MARY GERTRUDE COMBS MS CHRIS COMPORT MS STEPHANIE D CONDRIC 20 MR FRANCIS D CONDRICK MS LEONORE LOCKE CONKLING MRS KATHLEEN MARY CONLEY M/M MARY A & JOHN C CONLEY MS GRACE E CONLON M/M WALTER F CONLON MRS JOAN A CONNOLLY MS MARCELLAA MULVIHILL CONNOLLY MS MARGARET A CONNOLLY MS PAT CONNOLLY MS SUZANNE ONORATO CONROY M/M CAROL ANN & STEPHEN F CONTI MS MARY ELLEN CRISTE CONWAY MR JOHN P COOGAN M/M MARIAN & ROBERT W COOK M/M FRANK P CORBETT MRS GRACE KASING CORBETT M/M THEODORE R CORBETT MRS RUTH CORBIN M/M MARY LOU & EDWARD CORCORAN MS PATRICIA STANKUNAS CORERIS MS GRETCHEN A CORRADO DR FRANCIS M CORSELLO MS CHRISTINE K COSTA MS MARGARETTA L COTTON MR PHILIP L COTTRILL MRS KATHRYN M COUVREUR MRS LOUISE A CRAMER M/M RAYMOND L CRESCINI MR EMILE R CRINER MS ROSEMARIE A VLCEK CRISCELLA M/M SHIRLEY A & RICKY M CRISS MR STEPHEN A CRITCHLOW MS PATRICIA CATHERINE CROKE MS MARGARET A WEIGL CRONIN M/M JERILEA & HARRY M CROOKS MS PATRICIA CROSS MS GLORIA J CUERBO MS SUZANNE VANCHERI CULKIN MR JOSEPH R CULLEN MS KAREN LEWIS CULLEY MS PATRICIA A CULLY MRS DOLORES P CUMMINGS MS GINNY CUMMINGS MRS DONNA S MULGREW CUTLER M/M DIANE S & JOSEPH CZARNIK MS MARY BETH LANG DADOWSKI MRS LESLI M BERTOCCI DAHL MR ZACK DALESANDRO M/M ROBERT J DALESSANDRO MRS WINIFRED CONNORS DALY MRS LAVERDA J DAMBAUGH M/M SHARON & RICHARD K DANDREA MS MARIE B DANKMYER MRS MARILYN E DEMATTEO DANLEY M/M CAROL & WILLIAM J DARNEY MS ROSE MARIE KNAUSS DASHNER M/M PATRICE & JIM DATOVECH MS ROSEMARIE ERNY DAUER M MARGIE D'AURELIO MRS CHARLOTTE CHEETHAM DAVIS M/M JOANNE J & RONALD E DAVIS MS MARGARET ANNE DAVIS DR MARY ANN DAVIS M/M SALLY & JIM DAVIS MS SANDRA JEAN DAVIS DAX FAMILY MRS CAROLYN M SUKITCH DAY MRS EILEEN DE PALMA M/M CONSTANCE & JAMES J DEAN MRS RUTH B CURRIER DEBRUCE MRS WILLIAM J DEER M/M DANIEL R DEFLORIA M/M LAURINA & JOSEPH DEGEORGE MS ERNESTINE DEISS MS MELVA E DEITT M/M COURTNEY & STEVE DELANEY MR ARMAND C DELLOVADE M/M CARMELA & ANGELO M DELUCA MS DEBORAH A GALETIC DEMOS MS KATHLEEN A DEPHILLIPS MRS ROSEMARY A DEPHILLIPS M/M DIANE & DONALD DEPP MS PATRICIA DEPP MS ROSEMARY DIEL DEPP MS MARY LOU GRUBER DERBISH M/M TOM AND SANDY DERBISH M/M JANE H & JOHN E DEREICH MRS REBECCA S DEREK MRS DIANE M DERESCAVAGE REV JOSEPH J DESCENZO MRS CAROLE L DETRIQUET M/M NANCY & WILLIAM C DETRUDE MS GEORGINA BARIE DEUBER MS ROSEMARIE S DEVEREAUX M/M MARIE F & THOMAS B DEVLIN MS LINDA MUSCIA DEVOLA MS LINDA LEE DICKEY MS MERCEDES BLUM DICKSON M/M KATHLEEN & LOUIS DIFIORI MR JOSEPH A DILETTUSO M/M JOAN & DANIEL J DILLON MS ANITA E DIMATTEO MRS DOLORES M ZILLIOX DIMEO MS DIANNE DUNNE DINATALE M/M MARJORIE S & THOMAS W DIONISE MR THOMAS J DIONISE MS JUDITH DIPERNA MRS PATRICIA MIKLOS DITMORE MS DOROTHY M DIZNOFF MRS MAE M DOBAN MS JOYCE A STRINGERT DOBSON M/M PATRICIA & HARRY T DOLAN MS MARY M DOLINAR MS MARTHA E DOLINICH MRS EILEEN ISAAK DOMACHOWSKI MRS GERALDINE F DONAHUE MR JOSEPH M DONAHUE MS MARY F DONAHUE MS MARION A DONAS MRS JEAN ANN DONATELLI M/M THOMAS & SUSAN DONOHOE MS BETTY R DONOVAN M/M CATHERINE M & JOSEPH W DOPP MRS JOAN C DORI M/M AGNES & GERARD T DORN M/M LORRAINE & CARL J DORSCH REV. & MRS THOMAS & ELIZABETH DOUCE M/M THOMAS F DOUGHERTY M/M REGINA & GEORGE J DOVILLERS M/M JEAN & JAMES R DOWNS MRS LORRAINE M NOCK DREVES MS RUTH E DRIGGS MRS PATRICIA A DRISCOLL & FAMILY M/M SHERYL A & GERALD DROZYNSKI MS PEGGY DUCH MS BERNADETTE B DUDA M/M JEAN & ALFRED W DUERIG MS MARY BETH DUFFY MS JENNIFER MARIE DUKER MS PAMELA B SHAFER DUMONT MRS MARY JANE KEARNS DUNLAP MS'S ALICE M & EILEEN M DUNN & FAMILY MS CAROLYN E DUNN MS JOANNE VELAN DUNN MS HELEN MARIE DUNPHY MR FRANK S DURBAS M/M CAROL & STEVE A DVORCHAK MS JOAN A DWOJAKOWSKI MS DONNA DYE MRS MARY JEAN GRAMC DYER M/M CATHERINE & RONALD H EASLY M/M GARY EASLY MR ANTHONY S EBERZ MS MARIAN E NICKEL EBNER MS NANCY BODYKE EBNER MRS JEAN ECKINGER MS ROSEMARY LYNCH EDELMAN MR HERMAN M EDWARDS DR/MRS ELAINE & EDMUND D EFFORT DDS M/M EDWARD J EFKEMAN MRS GENEVIEVE EHRENFELD MRS STELLA E EHRMAN MRS DOLORES EICH M/M JAMES EICHOFF M/M ARLENE & JOEL EICKHOLT MRS MARGARET M EMMENDORFER M/M SHIRLEE & LEWIS ENGLISH M/M WILLIAM J ENGLISH M/M PHILIP A & THERESA C ENZERRA MS SUSAN KABLACH EOANNOU M/M MICHELLE & ROBERT S ERDELY MS JUNE GRESCO ERRA M/M JOANNE & PATSY ESPOSITO M/M PATRICIA B & CHARLES F ETTA MRS LOUISE F HAYES EWING M/M BETTY J & JAMES C FABER M/M MARY ANN & JOHN A FABIAN MRS SUZANNE SEELMAN FABRIZIO M/M CATHERINE & MICHAEL FACKOVEC MS MARIE A FAHEY M/M JENNIFER & ROBERT FAHRENHORST MRS PATRICIA A STAYDUHAR FAITH MRS DOLORES T FARABAUGH MR TIMOTHY FARABAUGH MS PAT ROSE FARRAR M/M CATHERINE F & TIMOTHY J FAVO MS ANN N FAZZINI MS CAROLE B FAZZINI M/M GINA & MICHAEL P FAZZINI MS BETTY J FEDELL MS MARION M MCDONOUGH FEENEY MRS DOROTHY E FEITL MRS SANDRA M FEITL MRS MARY KAY SKEEN FERRANCE MRS TESSIE FERRARO MRS ALICE M MCLAUGHLIN FERRIS MRS GERTRUDE G FERTIG M/M CHARLES E FESSLER DR/MRS JOHN A FETCHERO M/M GERALDINE & RONALD FICHTER MRS JOANNE FILAK FICHTER MR JOHN A FIESTA MR RICHARD J FIESTA M/M MARCELLA & RONALD M FILIAGGI MRS CONNIE M PINT FILIPCIC MRS KATHLEEN M SCANLON FILLIPPI MRS CAROLYN A CONLEY FINCH M/M RITA A & JAMES P FINN MRS MARGARET M FINNEGAN MS MIMI FINNERTY MRS MARY A FIORAVANTI DR & MRS BOBBI S & FRED K FIORVANTI M/M SUZANNE W & JOSEPH A FIRMENT MRS BARBARA M WINKLER FISCHER MS BERNICE M FISCHER MRS FRANCINE M FISCHER Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts MRS MARTHA A FISCHER MRS DENISE FISHER MRS MARGARET J FISHER MR WILLIAM A G FISHER MS MARY CATHERINE CONNORS FITZGERALD M/M MICHAEL J FITZGERALD MS PATRICIA I FITZGERALD MS SHARON M FITZGERALD MRS HELEN M FITZPATRICK MRS RUTH MARIE FITZPATRICK M/M JULIA & JOHN F FLAHERTY MRS MILDRED R BRADY FLAHERTY MS PATRICIA FLAHERTY M/M HERMAN FLAMINIO MRS IRIS R FLINN MS DOROTHY SUCHACEK FLORE MS JUNE MAGES FLYNN MS MARY ANN FLYNN M/M KATHERINE & DANIEL F FOBAS MS LYNNE P FOERSTER M/M ROSE & WILLIAM G FOERSTER M/M ROBERT FOGLE M/M THOMAS FONTANA M/M BERNIE & WILLIAM F FORAN M/M LUCILLE & THOMAS J FORLENZA MS RUTH FORMAN MRS MARGARET A FORSTER MS KATHLEEN A FORSYTHE MS NANCY A LIEB FORSYTHE REV/MRS ROBERT D FORSYTHE MS JOAN E FORYAN MRS JOANNE MARIE FORYAN FOUNDATION COAL CORP M/M JOAN & THOMAS J FOWLER MS MARY ANN BALFE FOX MS STELLA C FRANCE MS KAREN S FRANCESCHINA REV ROBERT MICHAEL FRANCO MR HENRY R J FRANK MRS KATHLEEN A FRAZIER MS KAREN J FREEAUF MRS MICHELINA FRISCARELLA MS CATHLEEN MARIE FRITZ MRS SUZANNE MCMAHON FROEHLICH M/M SARAH & WILLIAM J FROMME MS STEPHANIE L FRONTERA M/M LUCILLE & RALPH V FUEHR MRS BETTY JANE M FURAR MRS BLANCHE M FURTWANGLER MS CAROLYN HUGHES GABOS M/M SHARON & CHARLES W GABOS MS ANN KLEIN GAERTNER M/M GINA & DAVID J GAERTNER M/M KATHLEEN E & JOHN L GAHAGAN MS MARTHA MALLON GAIDOS MS DOLORES RITA GALLAGHER MS MARY JANE S GALLAGHER MS JULIE M MILLER GARCIA MS ARLENE J GARDILL MS JANE KUNZLER GARDNER MRS MARY LINDA KAULE GARIANO M/M OLGA & FRANK GARUFI REV JAMES W GARVEY MS MARY BETH GASIOR MS STELLA E GASIOR MS RUTH HAHN GATTI M/M HELEN & CHARLES J GATTO MRS JUDITH A GAUGHAN DR WALLACE C GAUNTNER MS CAROLYN ANN KUMMER GAUS MRS HELEN R GAUS MR MARTIN J GAVIN BROTHER FR PATRICK GEARY IHM MS VERONICA G GECHE MRS DELPHINE R GEISLER M/M CONSTANCE & SAM GELVIN MS PATRICIA A GENSO MS BEVERLY GEORGE M/M THERESE & LEO I GIAMBARRESI MRS JACKIE KARPINSKI GIBBONS MR LEROY T GIBSON MR RAYMOND M GILCH DR PAULA L GILCHRIST MRS VIRGINIA R GILL M/M DOROTHY & ALBERT GIOVANAZZI MS KATHLEEN M LOVE GIOVENGO M/M LISA & PAUL A GIUSTI MS ELIZABETH A BUZZINI GLANTZ MS MARY WEHNER GLAZER MS ANITA GLISSON MS JOAN W GLOOR DR RICHARD F GOBBIE MS HELEN L GOESSLER MRS ANGELLA GOETZ M/M CAROL ANN & PETER F GOLASZ M/M MATTHEW S GOLDEN MS VALERIE GOLIK MRS SUZANNE GONGAWARE M/M KATHLEEN & RICHARD C GOODALL MS MARY ANN GORKA MRS KATHRYN ANNE P GOSWICK MS CAROLINE A KREY GRACE MRS MARILOU THOMPSON GRACE MS LOIS D DORSCH GRAHAM M/M RICHARD E GRASZL MS ANTOINETTE GRAUPE MRS DOROTHY L GRAY MRS DEBORAH E GRECHUS MS MARY L GRECHUS SR CARMELLA GRECO M/M JANET A & ROBERT J GREEN M/M DEANNA M & RAYMOND D GREENE MRS JOAN MAURIN GREGORY M/M EUGENE GREKU MRS LOIS DAMAN GREYSOR MS DOLORES JEAN GRIEVE M/M JOHN GRIFFIN MS BARBARA JARVIS GRIFFITH MS DORA M GRIFFITHS MS MAURITA F GRIMES M/M MICHAEL F GRIMES MS BEATRICE C GROGAN M/M MICHELLE K & JOSEPH K GRONSKY MRS ROSE MARY R GROSS MRS ARLENE GRUBBS M/M REBECCA & DONALD GRUBER M/M LARRY & BRENDA GRUNDLER MS ARLENE R AQUADRO GUALTIERI MR ELMER B GUCKERT M/M ELLEN & STEVEN M GUDORF MR GEORGE M GUENTHER M/M LINDA & JOHN C JACOB GUENTHER MS RITA DIXON GUENTNER MS WILMA K KAELIN GUILFOYLE M/M LINDA & JOHN J GULICK MRS ALICE F GUSHEROWSKI M/M KURT J GUTER MRS CAROLINE M GUZNICZAK MS DENICE A HAAS MR GREGORY R HAAS M/M MARIE W & FRANK R HABAY MRS JOSEPHINE P HABJAN M/M ANGELA & MICHAEL J HAGAN MRS HARRIETT HAGAN MRS MARILYN L HAGAN MS MARY IRENE HAGAN MS MARY ELLEN HALEY MRS ANNE HALL MR/DR AUDREY & DOUGLAS SADAR HALL MS SALLY HOWLEY HALSEY MRS BEVERLY A HAMILTON MRS JULIANNA HAMILTON MRS MARGARET A HAMILTON MS CELINE PFEIL HAMMER MRS RUTH ANN MILAN HANCHIN MRS IDA MAE HANNAN MRS JOSEPHINE HARDING MAJ/MRS WILLIAM HARKINS M/M MEL & JAMES E HARKRIDER MS PAMELA M TERPKO HARKRIDER MRS DARLENE PEARSON HARPER MS ELIZABETH HARRIS M/M WILLIAM R HARSHMAN MS ALBINA S HART M/M KAREN & BUTCH HART M/M MARLENE & DONALD YOKEL HART MRS BETTY HARTIG M/M CHARLENE & JOHN J HARTMAN MRS MARY LYNN HARTMANN MS CHRISTINE A HARTUNG MS MARY E HARTUNG M/M MARY KAY & PAUL J HARTUNG M/M BERNADINE & JAMES HARTZ MS MAUREEN MERKS HARTZ M/M MARY E & ALBERT J HATALA MS MARYANN COLUSCI HATALA M/M ANNA M & JOHN H HATTON M/M JAMES E HAUN MRS CATHERINE E LOWRIE HAVKO MRS DOROTHY SAPIAN HAYSON MS EDITH HAZLETT M/M MARY ANNE & SAMUEL J HAZO MS JANE M HEEP DR FRANCIS A HEGARTY MRS LORRAINE B HEIDEN M/M MARYDEE & JACK HEIM MRS MARJORIE S HEIN MS ROBERTA L SCHERLING HEINL M/M G ELAINE & FORREST E HELDER MS DOROTHY A HELFFRICH M/M CAROLE & JOHN W HENDLER MRS EMMA MAE HENDRICK M/M MARY & BOB HENKELS MR RICHARD J HENNE MS BARBARA A KELLY HENNIGAN MRS VAL JEAN HALBEDL HENZLER M/M J PATRICK HERALD M/M DOLORES R & ELMER J HERDA M/M ANN & MICHAEL D HERMAN MS DEBORAH A HERP MRS ELMA G HARTUNG HERRICK MS JACKIE MOHR HERTWECK MS JOAN M HESPENHEIDRE MS ELOISE L LEON HESS MRS NANCY S HESS MRS ALICE T BICKERT HEYL M/M EDWARD L HIERHOLZER MS BERNADETTE HIGGINS MR ROBERT O HIGHAM SR JEANNE HILDENBRAND MRS BARBARA G HILES MS MARY JANET HOLLEIN HILL MRS KATHLYN A GALIK HILLEN MS PATRICIA CIENEK HILLENBRAND MRS DOROTHY M HIMES MRS MARY ANN HINSON MS ANNA M HIRTZY MS ELEANOR M HITCHAK MS M KRISTEN HITTNER MS NAOMI R HODGE MR JOHN S HOEHL M/M DIANE & ROBERT C HOEHN MS ALICE B HOEPPNER M/M JANICE L & PAUL HOFFMAN MS RENE SCHMITT HOFFMAN MRS ANNETTE J WINTERS HOFMANN M/M RUTH C & IVAN T HOFMANN MS RITA ANN DIPASQUALE HOHMAN MS BARBARA MUZYN HOLCOMB MR JOHN F HOLLERN MRS DOROTHY R HOLLINGER MRS NANCY BELZ HOLLINGER M/M ROBERT J HOLTGRAVER HOLY MARTYRS PARISH MRS MARIE E HOMZA MRS MARY FRANCES HOMZA M/M MARY JEAN & ELI A HOMZA M/M STEVE & MADGE HONEYGOSKY MR REGIS F HOOLAHAN MRS ERMA H HORGAN MRS ALDENE HORN MS SUSAN BRUNN HOSEY MRS VIRGINIA M HOUGHTELIN MS MARYLOU HENRY HRACH MRS THERESA GONCAR HRACH M/M HELEN A & FRANK HRICAK MS HELEN RUTH HROMY MRS ARLENE T MICHALISZYN HUBER MRS RUTH ANNE EVANS HUCKESTEIN MS ROSANNE DELUCA HUDOK MS KAREN B HUEBNER MRS IMELDA MARIE DORSCH HUERBIN M/M DOROTHY M & CLAY E HULL MS JENNIFER S HULL MRS JEAN A HUMBERT MRS' CLAIR J & JOAN M HUMMEL M/M VIRGINIA & GENE F HUNT MRS FRANCES K SHABAS HURKA M/M DOROTHY & CHARLES HURRAY MS FLORENCE E HUSAN MS JEAN MARIE SCHMITT HUTH MRS MARGE M BALFE HUXTABLE MRS CAMILLA HUYSMAN MS ROBERTA BOWERS HYATT MS VIRGINIA IANNACCHIONE MS PATRICIA A ILLIG IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH M/M KATHLEEN & DAVID L IMMONEN MR MARK INCORVATI MRS NANETTE MARIE BEGGS IORIO MRS GRACE E MCVAY IRLBACHER MR CHARLES J ISRAEL MRS JOYCE ANN FULTON JABLONSKI MS MARIE FLYNN JACKO M/M REINETTE & THOMAS E JACKOVIC M/M D & M JACKSON MS PRISCILLA B JACKSON MS LINDA A SPIRKO JACOB MS MARGARET A JACOBY M/M CAROLYN & BOB JAHN MR RICHARD E JAHN MRS MARION L LEDRICK JAMISON MS MICHELLE D JAMISON FR BENEDICT F JANECKO MRS MARY J JANICKI M/M TED JANOSIK MS LORETTA C JELINEK MS B PAULINE TOOMEY JENCIK MRS JUNE MARY ROTH JENKINS MR ROBERT W JODON M/M MARTHA & LARRY R JOHN MS BEVERLY A JOHNSON M/M JESSE & SYLVIA T JOHNSON M/M LOUISE & THEODORE D JOHNSON MS LEE ANN JOHNSTON MS PAULINE CIENEK JOHNSTONE MS EVELYN WALLETZ JONCZAK M/M BARBARA G & SHERMAN S JONES MS FRANCES C BEITLER JONES MRS M CARROLL KOWALSKI JONES MRS NANCY HAUCK JONES MS BARBARA ANN JOOS MS ELAINE M JORDEN M/M JUDITH & ETIENNE S JUNGO MS SALOME F JURAN MS CAROL J POREC KAHLER MR RICHART C KAHLER MS DOROTHY GLINSKY KAISER MS SHEREE L KAISER MS DENISE T KALINOWSKI MD MS ANNE SHIRLEY KALNAS MS CARA KOLLINGER KAMINSKI M/M EVELYN & ANDREW T KAMINSKY M/M JOSEPH KAMON MR LAWRENCE W KANNEGIESER MR STEPHEN A KAPETANOVICH MRS MARCELLA C KAPLONSKI MS JOANNE ROTTHOFF KAPP MS ALLISON KAPPELER M/M JOANNE & GIRARD J KARDOS MS MARGARET M KARL M/M MILDRED & FERDINAND M KARLIK MS BETTY PINTER KASENIC M/M ANNETTE & JOHN J KASPER 21 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh M/M DAVID A KASPEREK MRS CAROL D KASSICK M/M ALISON & MIKE KASTERKO M/M JEAN D & JOSEPH A KATARINCIC MR DAVID C KATEMAN MR STEVE KATEMAN M/M MARY A & RAYMOND S KAUFMAN MRS MARY E KAULE MRS SHARI KAULLEN MS NANCY KAY MS MARY ANN KAYLOR MS MARY LOUISE CORSELLO KEAY M/M RUTH & JOHN B KEBBLISH M/M CAROL P & ANDREW P KEDDIE MRS SUSAN CLAUS KEDDIE MS DOLORES A STRAHLER KEIR MS CAROL L JORDAN KELLER M/M KAREN M & JAMES W KELLO MRS ANTONIA D KELLY MRS DOLORES STRAUSS KELLY M/M ELIZABETH & WILLIAM M KELLY MRS VIRGINIA S SCHWERTZ KELLY M/M FRANCES & JOSEPH F KEMPER MRS JACQUELINE S KENDERSKI M/M COLLEEN A & HARRY J KENNEDY MS KATHLEEN HARRIET KENNEDY MRS MARY M KENNEDY M/M DORIS M & BERNARD C KENNY MRS NANCY BANYAS KENNY M/M FRANCES M & JAMES E KERIN M/M ROBERT C KERR M/M BARBARA & RONALD R KESSLER MRS MARY ANNE DORSCH KILBURG M/M MARY & JOSEPH J KILHEENEY MRS OLIVIA C KILVINGTON M/M HELEN & GEORGE W KILZER MR ARTHUR J KIM MRS MARGARET A KADER KIMBEL M /M WILLIAM KINDELAN MR EDWIN A KINNE MS MAUREEN E KINNEY M/M JAMES D KIRKPATRICK MS ANDREA R KIRTLEY M/M LAURA & FRANK KISS MRS LEONA C TSCHUDI KLAUS MS ROSEMARY ANN KLAUS MS LORRAINE VITUNIC KLAUSCHER M/M IRENE & MARTY KLEIN M/M MARYANN & RALPH M KLEIN M/M MYRTLE & FRANK C KLEIN MRS TERRY MUELLER KLEIN MS LORI KLINGMAN M/M MARY E & JOHN J KLINKNER MRS DOROTHY A KLOSKY MS JANET YESTER KLOSKY M/M ROBERT S KLUCSOR M/M CLARENCE J KLUEBER MRS DOROTHY R KLUGH MRS PATRICIA L MILLER KNAPP MR DENNIS A KNAUSS M/M JAN & GARY KNECHTEL MRS MARY M KNIEDLER MRS MARY LOU KNOBELOCH MR WALTER A KNOEBEL MS BETTY CAROL BERTGES KOCH MRS JANET M BACH KOCH MRS MARION A KOCH M/M EDWARD F KOCIAN DR PATRICIA M MURPHY KOEHLER MRS ANNE LOWRIE KOLLER MRS RUTH M KOLLING MS HELEN JEAN KOLO MS DOLORES M KOLUDER MRS GLORIA KOLUDER MS ROBERTA KONEFAL-SHAER M/M DOROTHY & JACK KONZELMAN MS MARY L KOPCHAK MS JOAN L SABOL KOPCHIK MS MARY ANN BAZNIK KOPCZYNSKI MRS MAUREEN KOPNICKY MRS JOAN E KOPPIN 22 MRS DOROTHY K KORNICK MRS M KATHERINE DAX KOSOWAN MRS LOIS FELICE KOSTELNIK MRS DOROTHY B KOTSENAS M/M CAROLYN & DANIEL KOVACS MR REGIS J KOWALSKI MRS KATHLEEN MILLER KOZLOWSKI MRS ELIZABETH KRAFT M/M EDWARD & GLORIA KRALL MRS FRANCES STAUD KRAMER MRS KAREN E KRAMER MR PAUL J KRAMER MRS LAURITA MARY KRASKI M/M ROBERT P KRAVIC MRS MERCEDES C KREMMEL MS VIRGINIA MALAGRECA KRENN MRS CAROL ANN GAZDIK KRESKE M/M EDWARD J KRESS M/M ESTELLE & RAYMOND W KRESS M/M JACK K KRESS M/M RALPH & MARGUERITE KRESS MS CHRISTINE M KRETZ MRS JEAN E BAUER KRETZ MS BETTY TOMLINSON KRISINSKY MS PATRICIA LOUISE KRIVANEK MS CINDY WEIDNER KRONISER MRS ROSEMARY GIGER KRUGH MS CECELIA A KRULY MS MARY ANN KRUPPER MS. JEAN KRZEMINSKI M/M JUDY & JOSEPH J KUGLMAIER M/M THOMAS KUHAR M/M ALMA & STEPHEN A KUNDRAT MS MARY E MCCREA KUNIC MRS MARY ANNE T KURTZ MRS KATHERINE M KUTCHER MRS HELEN KLEID KVARTA MRS MARY CLARE E LACARIA MS MARY T MCGILL LACKNER MS GRACE LEONA MRAVINTZ LADESIC SR CAROLYN LAMBERT OSB MRS HELEN MAURER LANE MRS DOROTHY C LANG M/M ELISSA M & MICHAEL J LANG M/M HELEN R & ROBERT C LANG MS MARY ALYCE LANGER MRS FLORENCE M LANSEL MS JILL EBITZ LAPPE M/M ELEANORE & CLEMENT J LARKIN M/M JEAN & LAWRENCE LAUBACHER LAUREL GARDENS TIRE SERVICE MS LOIS HURRIE LAUX MRS ANNA MAE LAVELLE MRS MARY R JEAN LAWLOR MR ROBERT J LAWLOR M/M CRYSTAL & GREG LAZAR M/M SALLIE & WILLIAM W LAZAR MS NANCY L LEACH MRS BARBARA LECLAIRE MS'S ETHEL & DOROTHY LEES MRS ANNA MARIE LEEZER MS CAROL LEGLER MS JENIFER SUSAN LEHMEIER M/M WARREN P LEHMEIER M/M KAREN & CHRIS RITTLE LEIGH M/M DOROTHY & MIKE LEINER MS SHARON M LEINROTH MRS MARGUERITE S LEINWEBER MS ROSE M LEITSCH MS JOSEPHINE E LENARD MRS JOHANNA T LENCH MS ROSE MARIE BRUNNER LENIHAN M/M WALTER S LENINSKY MS GRACE R BURKHART LENNON MRS CAROL A LEONARD MRS JOHANNA GROSS LEONARD MRS ALICE LAFFEY LEONE M/M ANTHONY J LEPAKO M/M MAURICE E LERCH MS BETTY M LETZIG-BURKE M/M KAYE E & ROBERT J LEUENBERGER MRS PATRICIA LEVAK MS DOROTHY M LEVY MRS MARY LOUISE LEWANDOWSKI MRS DONNA G SKELTON LEWIS MRS HELEN F LOFINK LEWIS MRS ROSEMARY LEWIS MS MICHELLE K LEWKOW MS DELILACE LEY M/M PATRICIA R & JOHN L LEY MS THELMA T LEHBERGER LEYLAND M/M M KAY & LAWRENCE K LIBBUS M/M MARGARET & ANTHONY LIBERATI MRS CAROL FILTZ LICHTENFELS M/M MARGARET & AUGUST B LIEHR MR NICHOLAS L LIGUORI MRS VIRGINIA A LING M CHARLES A LINHART MS AMELIA R LINK M/M MARY ELAINE & MERLE A LINK M/M ROBERT S LIPKOWSKI MR PHILLIP J LISAC M/M WILLIAM R LISAC MS BETTY JEAN LANDGRAFF LIST LMS GREENHOUSE & NURSERY M/M JOHN & ELIZABETH LOEFFERT MS DENISE MARIE PUZ LOEHLEIN MRS DONNA M MARZIALE LOFGREN MRS ELIZABETH D LOFINK MRS MARGARET MEISTER LOGAN M/M ANTHONY M LOMBARDI MS MARY JANE LOMBARDO MRS MARY A LORINC MRS ROSEMARY LOVRICH M/M RUTH & FRANK LOWE M/M JOANNE & ARTHUR F LOWRIE MRS MARY ANN K LOZOWSKI MRS ADELE LUBANSKI MS GERALDINE SMITH LUCAS MR MICHAEL LUCCI M/M NICK LUCILIO M/M LEONARD R LUCZAK MRS VERA L LUEHRMAN MRS SUSAN MAHLER LUGO REV GERALD LUTZ M/M KATHERINE & GARY D LUTZ MS THELMA LUTZ MRS CHRISTINE STEWART LUX MS MARIE TONI LYNCH MS MILDRED LYON M/M MARIANNE & DAVID E LYONS M/M BONNIE & ROBERT F MACK MRS ANNA MAE ROCHRICK MADIA M/M JOHN F MADIA M/M ROSS & CECILIA MADIA M/M MADGE & ROBERT J MADRISHIN MS MARY A WERCHOWSKI MAHAFKEY M/M HELEN & HARRY R MAHLER MS PATRICIA M DALEY MAHOFSKI M/M KAREN S & DONALD L MAHOKEY M/M SUSAN & DAVID W MAHOKEY MRS KATHRYN M HAWKINS MAHONEY MRS PAULINE R MAYER MAHONEY REV THADDEUS S MAIDA M/M DIANNE M & FRED L MAITZ M/M SIMONE M & THOMAS S MAKOWSKI MS MILDRED S MALAY M/M EDWARD MALETIC MRS JEAN MALLEY M/M ROBERT J MALONE MRS MARIE STAUD MALONEY M/M GAIL & MICHAEL R MANGAN M/M VERNA & JIM MANGAN-FREE MS GAYLE A MANNING MS EVELYN T MANSKI MS BONNIE PINELLI MARAK M/M PEGGY & TONY F MARBELLA MS MARY MARGARET MARBURGER MS JOYCE A LUGAR MARCINZYN M/M LILLIAN & LEROY R MARKL MS MARTHA M MARRACCINI M/M JACK D MARS M/M AGNES V & DAVID T MARSOLO MR DAVID PAUL MARSOLO M/M FRANK A MARTIN MS MARLENE MARTIN MRS MILLY FUNK MARTIN M/M STELLA & TIMOTHY A MARTIN M/M MARTIN & DOLORES M MARTINAC MRS BARBARA MARTINELLI MS SARA EPISCOPO MARUCCIO MS MARIE R MARZIALE MS MARY LOUISE FUNK MASCARI M/M ROBERT J MASCARI MRS MELINDA ANN MIHM MASSUCCI MRS PATRICIA A MASTROBUONO M/M DEBRA & MARK MASZGAY MRS GEORGINE C HAMM MATERNIAK MRS CAROL A MATESSA M/M MARIE & THOMAS G MATHEWS M/M VIRGINIA & LARRY MATHEWS MS KATHLEEN MCARDLE MATHIS MRS NORMA MATISKA MRS M LOUISE MIEBACH MATOKA MR RICHARD J MATOKA M/M RHONDA & JOSEPH R MATT M/M DIANE C & MICHAEL MATTOCK MRS PATRICIA F MATURE MATZ ACCOUNTING GROUP MS MARY ANN MAY MRS DOLORES C MAYER M/M VIRGINIA & ROBERT L MAYER MRS ANN MAZZOCCO MS ESTHER MCAFEE MS ELAINE HOGAN MCALEESE M/M AGNES M & CLARENCE P MCALLISTER MRS WANDA B MCALLISTER M/M KRISTINE & MARTIN J MCANDREW M/M PETER J MCANENY M/M WILLIAM R MCAULEY MRS DOROTHY MCBRIDE MRS PHYLLIS ANN M MCCAFFREY M/M BARB & JIM T MCCANN M/M PATRICK J MCCANN MR JACK MCCARTHY MRS JOYCE M CARROLL MCCARTHY MRS MARY JANE SCHMITT MCCARTHY MRS PATRICE A MCCARTHY MS PATRICIA ANN MCCARTHY MS PATRICIA I MCCARTHY MRS JOAN MCCAULEY REV CORNELIUS MCCAULLEY M/M JANET L & PATRICK J MCCLOSKEY MRS JOANNE K MCCLOSKEY M/M JOHN G MCCORMICK MS MEGAN MCCORMICK MRS MARY KAY RECTENWALD MCCOURT MS GEORGIA EBITZ MCCOY MS DOROTHY D DOPP MCCUE M/M ANDREA K & JERRY MCCUTCHEON MRS DOLORES VANDEWATER MCDONOUGH BISHOP JOHN B MCDOWELL MS COLLEEN M MCELROY M/M THOMAS C MCGILL MRS PATRICIA A MCGINLEY M/M ELAINE & JOSEPH R MCGINNIS MS ELIZABETH MCGORTY MS NANCY M MCGRADY MS JERI C MCGREGOR MS MARSHA JASICK MCGREGOR MRS JOAN MARIE NIERI MCINTOSH MR JAMES P MCKAY MS MAUREEN GALUSKA MCKENNEY MS CECILIA T MCKENZIE MS ELEANOR VAVRO MCKENZIE M/M MARY P & JAMES J MCKEONE MRS GAIL J DUDEK MCKEVITT MS KATHLEEN M MCKEVITT M/M PHYLLIS & EDWARD J MCKITRICK MS MAUREEN HOWARD MCKNIGHT MS ROSEMARY MADIA MCLAUGHLIN MS ARLENE ALTMYER MCLEAN DR SEAN MCLINDEN Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts M/M EILEEN & GEORGE B MCMONIGAL MS CHRISTINE V MCNALLY MS M DEIRDRE MCNAMARA MS DEBBIE MCPARTLAND MS VIRGINIA B ONDRICK MCPEAK MRS ELIZABETH HOCKSWENDER MCSWEENEY MRS PATRICIA KAY MCWILLIAMS MS JANICE LYLE MEADE MS PATRICIA GARVEY MECKLER MR MICHAEL MEHARRA MR CHARLES S MEHARRY MRS NANCY J MEIER MEINERT REV ROBERT L MELLOTT MRS JOSEPHINE G MELODINI MS IVEL L FROBE MELTON REV DAVID C MENEGAY MRS HELEN M MENEGAY MS JOANN MENEICE-KOVIC M/M KAY & GERARD MENTZER MR PHILIP L MERKEL M/M CHARLES J MERLINO MRS MARLENE B MERRIMAN MS ANN S P MEYER MRS CAROL A KOERNER MICHALOW MS MARY ELLEN M MICKLOS MS ROSANNA MIELCAREK MRS ROSEMARY A MIHM MRS MARY T LOWRIE MIKLOS MR H TIMOTHY MIKULSKI MS LILLA A MIKUSH MRS BERNICE ZDROJEWSKI MILLER MRS CECELIA C MILLER M/M CHARLES E MILLER MS DARLENE RUCINSKI MILLER M/M ELEANOR & HENRY MILLER MS IRENE CYGNARNWICZ MILLER MS JANIE S MILLER MS JENNIFER CANADA MILLER MS JULIE M MILLER M/M LARRY J MILLER M/M LUCILLE & JOHN H MILLER MRS MARGARET E MILLER MRS MARY JOYCE KAHN MILLER MS PAMELA D DITTRICH MILLER MS REGINA ADAMETZ MILLER DR RICHARD MILLER DR/MRS WILLIAM K MILLER MS PATRICIA RIBARITSCH MILLS MS DOLORES M MILLSTINE M/M GARY MILNES MINIOTAS FAMILY M/M RENEE & JIM MINLET MS WILMA MINNITTE MR PATRICK J MINNOCK MRS MARIE L NEUBAUER MINSKY M/M CHARLES B MITCHELL M/M LISA & ROBERT J MITCHELL M/M PAUL MOCHIO M/M DOMENICA & ARTHUR MOELLER MRS BETH MOKULIS MRS MARGARET CEPICKA MOLCANY M/M CATHY ANN & PHILIP J MONAHAN M/M SUSAN & DOUGLAS BEATTY MONE` M/M ROBERT V MONFORT MS JOAN V MONTGOMERY MRS DORIS E MOORE MS MARY LOU SCHWOEGL MOORE MS SHARON A NIST MORETTI M/M JOHN MORGAN MRS KATHRYN LEYLAND MORGAN MRS MARJORIE HIGGINS MORGAN MS MARTHA K MORGAN MS ARLENE A KLINGMAN MORRIS M/M MARY L & WILLIAM H MORRIS MRS MONICA MORRIS M/M NICHOLAS R MORRIS M/M JULIE P & WALTER T MORRISON MS PATRICIA A MORRISON M/M WILMA & PATRICK MORRISON MS DONA H MOUDRY M/M VIRGINIA A & RICHARD E MOYTA M/M ANN A & ERIC C MOZZETTI MRS ROSEMARY M MROZOWSKI M/M AGNES & CHARLES L MUCKLE MRS DOROTHY ARCH MUELLER M/M LEO J MUELLER MRS MARGARET A MUELLER MRS MARY ANNE MCDONOUGH MUELLER MS CLAIRE M KRESS MUENZ MRS CECELIA M MUESER MRS BARBARA M MULICH M/M JEANNE & JOHN A MULLEN MS VERONICA M MULLEN MS'S JUDY & MARY MULLIN M/M IVA & MILTON V MUNK MRS FRANCES MARUSCAK MUNSON MRS BETTY ANN CONWAY MURPHEY MS KATHRYN M MURPHY MS PATRICIA WYLER MURPHY M/M JEANNE & JOHN F MURRIN MRS GRACE MURTHA MRS JACKIE BERRY MUSGRAVE MRS PATRICIA HENKEL MUSSANO M/M KATHY & KENNETH MUSSELMAN MS MARY ELLEN MUTH MS SANDY ZANGARO MUTH MS VIRGINIA FOERSTER MUTH MRS EDITH ANN MYERS MS MARGARET EBITZ MYERS M/M MARILYN & RICHARD L MYERS M/M SUSAN C & DAVID A MYLET DR & MRS RAY NAAR MRS LOVEEDAH NADLER MRS MARTHA NAMIOTKA MRS ANNE NARD MR LOUIS A NARDOZZI MRS PEARL D & EILEEN K NASH MR ALBERT B NAUJELIS MRS ROSEMARY NAUJELIS MS HELEN R NEELER MRS MILDRED NEGULIS MS BARBARA SARNEY NELSON MRS GLORIA J NELSON MS JANEY D DORGAN NELSON MRS P ANN LAWHEAD NELSON MRS LOUISE WURSTLEIN NENE M/M BERTHA & JAMES R NERO MS JEAN M NERO M/M RAMON A NERO MS STEPHANIE C PETERS NESTOR MS LOIS M FERETIC NETZEL MS KATHLEEN PERETIC NEUDORFER MS BARBARA E NEUSCH M/M THOMAS E & DONNA G NEUSCH MS JUDY A EMBERSITS NEWLAND NEWMAN PLUMBING MRS LOIS ANN DAUER NEWMAN MS MARY TUYET NGUYEN MS CAROLYN A NICHOLS M/M GEORGE NICHOLS MS RHEA NICOTRA MRS KATHLEEN SCHULTIES NIEDERST MS JO ANN NIEHAUS M/M JEAN L & ARTHUR NIEMCZYK MR GERALD F NIES M/M STANLEY & THERESA NIEZGODA MS CAROL E NIST MS ESTHER A KISELKA NIST MRS MARGARET MURPHY NIST MRS LOIS BAILEY NISTICO MRS SHARON BREINIG NOCK MRS SUSAN M NOCK-GEPPERT M/M DONALD NOEL MS ELIZABETH A NOEL M/M CATHERINE & GERARD C NOGA M/M VINCENT NOGA NORTHERN CONNECTION M/M MARIE L & GINO L NOVI M/M RITA F & JOSEPH J NOWAK REV DOUGLAS NOWICKI MS JOANNE O NOYES MS MARGARET UPHEIL NUTTER MRS JEAN COLVILLE OBERPRILLER M/M ALAN C OBERSTER MR JOHN J O'BRIEN III MS EVELYN A REGAN O'BRIEN MS RITA C OBRINGER MS TERRI M COMPORT OBRYCKI MS PATRICIA K O'CONNELL MS M CATHERINE KUNZLER O'DONNELL MS KAREN STINGERT OGILVIE MS JEAN P O'HANLON MR JAMES J OLEARY MRS CHARLETTE S OLIARO MRS CAROLYN M OLIVIERI MS MARY ANNE M OLSEN MRS KATHRYN C OLSON DR MARY K OLSON MS VIRGINIA A OLSZEWSKI REV JOHN J OMALLEY MRS MARY ONDRICK M/M HARRY H ORCHOWSKI M/M SHIRLEY & LEO F ORESICK MS DOROTHY SCHAFFER OSBORNE MR THOMAS D O'SHEA M/M GERALD S OSMANSKI M/M KATHLEEN & THOMAS OSTERRIEDER MRS MARGARET E OSWALD MRS MARY M BURGER O'TOOLE MS MARY LOUISE OTT PACE SCHOOL GIVING FUND MR JOSEPH G PACE MRS MARY BASARAB PACEY MRS HELEN M STADELMYER PACKARD MS JACQUELINE C PACOSKY MS BARBARA A KISS PACZAN MRS RITA A PAGE MRS MARIE E PAGLIARO M/M PATRICIA A & ANTHONY C PALERMO M/M JACK A PALLADINO MR RUDOLPH J PALLAN MS PHYLLIS C PALUCKA M/M GEORGETTA & DAVID J PALUSELLI MS FRANCES GEBHARDT PANNETON MRS ELIZABETH B PAOLINI MR JAMES PAPPAS MRS JOYCE BROSI PAPPERT MS' MERCEDES & THELMA PAPPERT MRS JOAN ZAMBORSKY PARDI M/M INA & EUGENE F PARKER MRS TRICIA CLANEY PARKER M/M IRIS & JOHN P PARKS REV HARRY E PARSONS PASCUZZI & ASSOCIATES MRS DIANE SCHUMANN PASSANTINO MRS MARY FRANCES BOYLAN PATBERG M,/M CAROLYN & CURTIS H PATTERSON MS MARY ELIZABETH PATTERSON MS EILEEN C PAUL MS ELEANOR J PAUL MRS MARGARET R PAULSON M/M JOSEPH P PAUMIER MS CAROL J YOKEL PAVLIK MS DOROTHY LINK PAWLOSKI FR EMIL S PAYER MR DENNIS E PEARSON M/M JOANNE M & SCOTT A PEARSON MRS MARY JANE TEGETHOFF PEARSON MS CAROLINE M PERETIC M/M CATHY & MIKE J PERGANDE M/M JOYCE & JOSEPH R PERHAC M/M EDWARD M PERIAN MRS GAIL EICHLER PERICH MRS MARY VIRGINIA PERKA MR CALVIN PERKINS M/M GAIL & HENRY PERNEY MS LOUANNE MATOKA PETERMAN MRS CHRISTINE PETERS MS CAROLYN K SURMAN PETERSON MS GERALDINE ZOVKO PETKOVICH MR JAMES M PETONIC M/M BERTHA R & ROBERT G PETRAK MS IRENE HAWTHORNE PETREY M/M BONNIE & JOHN F PETRICCA MS RITA PETROSKY MS JUDITH H PETROVIC MS SUSAN D PETTIGREW MS PATRICIA LAMNECK PFENDLER MRS CATHERINE T PHILLIPS PIAD PRECISION CASTING CORP MS JUDITH A NEILL PIEFFER MRS SUSAN M TRACY PIERCE MRS BETTY PIETO MS ELAINE GIBSON PIETRUSINSKI SR MARY KAY PILLOT M/M NANCY M & RICHARD T PIOTROWSKI MS JEAN WILMA PIROTH MS ALBERTA ZOELLER PIRT MS DOROTHY HELEN PISULA MRS BERNADETTE B PIWOWAR M/M KATHERINE & JEFFREY PLANK MRS LILA L PLANTS MS DOROTHY PLATEK M/M JANET L & JERRY J PLATEK MRS ESTELLE J PLUMB M/M HELEN & WALTER POCZYNSKI MS CAROL GRUBER POILLUCCI MRS MARY LOU GRASWICK POINTER MS JEAN LEWANDOWSKI POLAND M/M THOMAS B POLANSKY MR PATRICK POLLACI & ASSOCIATES MS CAROLE LEE ZECH PONZIO MS CAROLE K POPCHOCK MS JOAN R PORTMAN MS SHARON L POTOCHNIK M/M HELEN M & RICHARD E POWELL MS SHIRLEY M MADRISHEN POZAR MRS LINDA J PRANIEWICZ MS MARION J PREMENTINE M/M LINDA & FRANK J R PRIBILOVICH M/M RUTH & ROBERT W PRITCHARD PROCESS REPRODUCTION INC MS STEPHANIE A PROSPERI MR RICHARD J PROSTKO M/M VICTORIA & EDWARD R PROSTKO M/M DONALD F PROTZMAN M/M MARIA & CHARLES L PUCEVICH MRS MARIE T PUGLIESE MRS CAROL FRANK PUSKAR MS JOAN E FRANK QUATCHAK MR EDWARD J QUINLAN MRS KATHY ANN LOEFFERT QUINLAN MRS MARY ELLEN QUINN MRS SUELLEN WALKER QUINN MR AL QUINTO M/M ANNE M & CARL A QUINTO MR DONALD QUINTO MS PATRICIA L QUOLKE M/M JANET & MICHAEL R RACKO M/M MARIA & STANLEY P RACZKA MRS MERCEDES E BRILL RADICK MS ANN B RAFFERTY M/M CAROL L & ROBERT J RAIBLE M/M ELAINE M & ROBERT E RAK MRS JANET BADNICK RAMAECKERS M/M MARTIN RAMAECKERS MS PATRICIA S RAMPOLLA MS CATHERINE SPLANE RANALLO M/M MARIE & ROBERT F RANALLO MRS RITA STEINER RANDAZZO M/M JOSEPHINE & ANTHONY E RAPP M/M AGGIE & BRUNO A RASO M/M DAVID L RATERMANN MRS ROSE MARY HUNKELE RAU MR JAMES A RAUCH MRS MARGARET KAIB RAZUM MS KATHLEEN D REA M/M CHARLES REBEL MEMBERS REBHOLZ FAMILY M/M DEBORAH & THOMAS REBHOLZ SR MS BEA REBHOLZ M/M LILLIAN & RAYMOND REBHOLZ MR RYAN W REBHOLZ MRS ELIZABETH F RECKER 23 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh MR BLAINE C REED MRS MARY MARGARET REEL MS MARY C REGAN MRS DOROTHY M REILLY M/M GLORIA & THOMAS J REILLY MS TERESA B TURKOVICH REINDL MR REGIS F REINERSMANN M/M DOROTHY REINHART M/M MARY S & ELMER H REINHART MRS KATHRYN J REMALY M/M DENNIS JAMES RENDINE MRS PATRICIA HAHNER RENNER MRS LINDA KLEIN RENNINGER MS ELAINE C RENZELMAN MR EDWARD M REPPA M/M WILLIAM L RETTIG M/M ELEANOR J & JOHN A REUBI MS MARY ALICE REUBI M/M MARY K & RALPH K REUBI MS KATHLEEN F REUTER MRS DOLORES M RICE M/M MARK A RICH M/M ELIZABETH A & WILLIAM J RICHARD M/M DAWN & DANIEL C RICHARDSON MS DOREEN RICHARDSON MR BOB RICHEY MS DARLENE KOZMINSKI RIECK M/M LAVERNE & CHARLES A RIEGER MS AGNES R RILEY M/M AILLEEN & GEORGE J RISKO MR JONATHAN P RITTLE MS MARY ELLEN RITTLE MRS MARION MCMAHON ROACH MR DAVID S ROBB MR FRANK A ROBERTS MS LOIS M ROBERTS M/M WILLIAM S ROBERTS MS JUDITH A ROBERTSON MS CECILIA M ROCK MRS JULIA A ROCK MS MARGARET E ROCK M/M ROBERTA & GEORGE R ROCK MRS SYLVIA ROCK MR CHARLES M ROCKEY MRS MARGARET C RODGERS M/M MARY & JACK T RODGERS MR MICHAEL C RODGERS M/M PAULA M & WILLIAM RODGERS M/M JESS & SYLVIA ANN RODRIGUEZ M/M JUDITH L & CARL M ROGAL MR PAUL ROHSNER MRS FRANCINE PUTZ ROMBACH MS MARY LOUISE HOLDCROFT ROOS M/M ROBERT R ROOS DR ROBERT J ROSATO MRS MARY PETROCELLY ROSE MRS SARAH H ROSE M/M RICHARD W ROSENBERGER MRS HELEN ROSKWITALSKI MRS EMILIE ROSKY M/M SUZANNE & CHARLES G ROSS MRS TERESA M BEDECK ROSS MRS FRANCES J PALACKI ROSSI M/M KATHERINE & WILLIAM R ROST MS CONSTANCE L ROTH MRS KATHY DAVARE ROTH MS EILEEN M ROUDA MRS JOAN A ROUDA MS PATRICIA A ROULEAU MRS ELEANOR T ROWLEY MRS SUSAN AVERY ROYER MS DENISE M RUBINO MS ANNA C RUBY MS DENISE RUCINSKI MS SUSAN M RUDISIN M/M DEBORAH M & THOMAS L RUDY MRS PRISCILLA E RUHE MRS RUTH M RUMP MS MONICA SCANLON RUMSEY MS'S JOSEPHINE & VIRGINIA RUPERTO MS LUCINE BRAUN RUPP 24 M/M LORI & RANDALL L RUSSELL MS DORIS E RUTKOWSKI M/M JOAN A & PHILIP Z RUTSCHOW MS DONNA M JELIC SABOLOVIC SACRED HEART ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY MRS CORINNE ANN HUPKA SAFRON M/M FRANCES & LAWRENCE SAITTA MS JOAN METZGER SAKMAR M/M MARY E & ANDREW G SALAMACHA MS ANNETTE FRANCES SALINETRO MRS ALICE SAMBOL M/M DOLORES & THOMAS SAMUELS MRS ROSALIE SANFILIPPO M/M JEANNE M & JOHN W SARGENT MS MARGUERITE BARBERIE SARO SAUBLE FAMILY MS BETTY ANN SAUNDERS MRS MARY KATHRYN SAUNDERS M/M JOSEPH A SAWINSKI MR CHRIS SAYUT MS MARTHA ELIZABETH SAYUT MRS MARTHA R RUFER SAYUT M/M ELVIRA A & PHILIP E SCALISE M/M JOSEPH P SCALISE MRS ROSEMARY TOIA SCALLY MRS REGINA M STEINMETZ SCANLON MRS ELIZABETH R SCHAAF MS JOANN C SCHWAB SCHAAF M/M MARGARET & GEORGE R SCHAD MS RUTH A SCHAEFER MS HELEN MEISER SCHAEFERS MS MADELYN R SCHAFFER MS CATHERINE SCHATZEL MS ROSE MARIE KROSTYNE SCHEID MS JULIE GIGLER SCHEIDE M/M MARGARET & WILLIAM A SCHELL MRS MARY SCHELLENBERGER MRS HELEN E SCHELLER M/M LAWRENCE P SCHELLMAN MR DONALD R SCHENCK MS PATRICIA A SCHERER MS MARY ANN SCHERLING MS SHIRLEY M SCHERLING M/M ELEANOR & ROBERT R SCHILLING MR LAWRENCE G SCHIRMER MS SHEILA NOWARK SCHLAG M/M CHARLES SCHLANGER MR WILLIAM J SCHLIEPER MS DONNA M MAMEL SCHLOSSER M/M EDITH M & ROBERT L SCHMIDT MRS HELEN R SCHMIECH MRS ELIZABETH M SCHMITT MS JUDITH A SCHMITT M/M FRANCES & EDWARD W SCHNEIDER M/M LAVERNE & RAYMOND F SCHNEIDER MRS LINDA C FISCHER SCHNEIDER M/M LYNN B & EDWARD R SCHNEIDER M/M ROBERT J SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDERS DAIRY MRS SANDRA C SCHODDE M/M BRETT P SCHOENECKER M/M JAMES A SCHOENECKER M/M JOANN & PAUL J SCHOENECKER MR ROBERT W SCHOENECKER MS JEAN W SCHOENTAG M/M ANNA & GEORGE SCHOLTIES M/M BARBARA & CARL M SCHONHARDT MS DIANE D DONOVAN SCHORR MS KATHLEEN SCHOTT MS SUSAN M SCHULER SCHRAUDER MS JUDITH C ENGLE SCHREIBER MR RICHARD M SCHREIBER M/M BARBARA & RALPH H SCHUBERT MRS CAROL A SCHUBERT M/M MARY ALICE & PAUL H SCHUBERT MS CLARE M SCHULER M/M MARILYN & JOHN J SCHULER MS MARY T SCHULER MRS RUTH M SCHULJAK M/M FLOYD R & MADELINE SCHULLEK M/M BARBARA B & DANIEL F SCHULTZ M/M EMIL & DONNA SCHULTZ M/M JOYCE & DAVID A SCHULTZ MRS SUZANNE C SCHULTZ MR JOHN W SCHUMACHER M/M JOHN SCHURER MR WALTER J SCHUTZMAN M/M DIANA M & ROBERT P SCHWAB MS CAROL BARKLEY SCHWARTZ MRS DOROTHY M SCHWARTZ MS LORRAINE BARKLEY SCHWARTZ MS MARGARET KUJBUS SCHWERER MS MARYANN SCIALABBA MS PHYLLIS H SCIULLO MR JOSEPH A SCORPION MR GREGORY SCORZAFAVE MRS SUSAN R VOGEL SCOTT MR LEONARD E SEANEZ M/M ANTONIO SEBASTIANI MS RITA J SEDOR MR ROBERT A SEETHALER MS MADELINE CIRANLA SEIBERT MS MARY ANN FORYAN SEIDELSON MRS GERALDINE T SEIDL MS REGINA ROZUM SEILER MR ROBERT F SEILER MR PAUL SEMICH REV ALBERT J SEMLER MR JOHN P SEMPLICE MRS CHARLOTTE DELBENE SENKO M/M LAURA J & MICHAEL A SERAGO M/M CAROL & JAMES C SETTELMAIER MR FRANK SEVCIK MRS MAUREEN ROSENDALE SEVERIN MS NANCY LEE MCNAMARA SHADE MRS EILEEN MCCORMICK SHAFER M/M JEANNE & JOHN A SHAFFER M/M LORI & STEPHEN SHAFFER MS LILLIAN SHARAR MRS VELMA M SHARBAUGH MS JACQUELINE L SHAW MS VERONICA KAY SHEARER MRS MARY H SHEEHAN M/M BEVERLY & CHARLES T SHELTON MS MARY A SHEPARD MS NINA SHERMAN MS ANNA SHERWIN M/M BLYNN L SHIDELER MS NANCY J NICKEL SHORT MRS GERTRUDE E SHOWALTER MRS LOUANN HERB SHRADER MS ROSEMARY GALVIN SHUKER MRS ANNA SHUPE MRS JO ANN SIEG-TOM MRS ELVA CERNY SILAY M/M PATRICIA & RONALD G SILINSKAS SIMONS FUNERAL HOME INC M/M DEBRA A & MICHAEL J SINNOTT MR PAUL A SINNOTT MRS MARILYN CHRIST SISMOUR MRS MARGARET E KROME SISMOUR. SISTERS OF ST FRANCIS SISTERS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT MS KATHLEEN S CROLEY SKALOS M/M JOHN M SKARUPA MS EVELYN M WHITE SKEEN M/M FRAN & JACK J SKELLY MRS DEBRA W JOCKEL SKELTON M/M KAREN & JOHN R SKOVRAN MRS MARY ELLEN SKOVRAN MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN M/M ANDREW & MARIE SKUBAK M/M BONNIE & JOHN L SLAGEL MR FREDERICK R SLANEY MS CINDY DRAEGER SLEBRICH MS LISA M SLEPSKI MS LOIS E SLUSSER MS DIANE L BRUNNER SMALL MR KURT SMALLHOOVER M/M GERALDINE R & FRANK A SMARTO M/M ANDREW J SMITH MS CAROLE KLEIN SMITH MS CHERYL T SMITH M/M JEAN E & ALBERT L SMITH MRS JO ANN GRABOWSKI SMITH MRS MARY JO SMITH MR STACY V SMITH M/M WILMA & WILLIAM J SMITH MS KIMBERLY A SMITH-HORNEZES M/M ROBERT W SMOLENSKY MS CAROL M SNYDER M/M GERARD J SNYDER MRS LORETTA B DRAB SNYDER MS PATRICIA R REILLY SNYDER MS DENISE A SOBACK MS CATHERINE SOBETSKY M/M HARRY W SOISSON & FAMILY MS MARY JEAN SOLANINA MRS THEODORA C SOLLER MRS GLORIA A RENDINE SOLTESZ MR NORBERT R SOSINSKI DR SHEILA BYRNE SOUSA MS VALERIE SOWA MR D J SOWINSKI MS JUDITH H SPANOS MS BARBARA JEAN SPARROW M/M JEANNE A & RICHARD E SPATZ M/M SANDY & DONALD E SPEASE M/M RICHARD G SPENCER M/M JOANNE & JAMES D SPINO M/M CHRISTINE M & MICHAEL F SPISAK M/M BILLIE & GEORGE SPRYS MS MICHAELINE SRSIC ST CECILIA PARISH ST CECILIA'S FRIARY ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI ST JOSEPH CHURCH ST TERESA OF AVILA CHURCH MS MARY STAAB MS MILDRED J SCHENKEL STACK M/M KENNETH E & SUSAN E STADELMAN M/M CHARLES A STAHL MS MARY ELLEN K STALCZYNSKI MRS KATHRYN V STALDER MS HELEN M CURRIE STANLEY MRS MILDRED T STAPEL MS VANESSA O STARKES MRS BETTY MAE STARRY M/M JANET & JOHN P STAUD MS BEVERLY A STAUFFER MRS AUDREY J STAVER MRS MARION R REILLY STEARE M/M CAROL F & JAMES F STEBLER MS CHRISTINE J STEHLE M/M IKE & CARLENE STEIN & FAMILY MRS DONNA M STEIN M/M CAROL A & FRANK L STEINER MRS MARY L STEINER M/M WILLIAM A STEINER M/M AUDREY & WALTER STEINMETZ MS RITA HELEN STEINMETZ MS ANITA M STEINMILLER MR PAUL E STEINMILLER M/M VIC & ELEANOR STELMA MR RICHARD S STEMPAK M/M CHRISTOPHER R STEPHANY MRS ANNA E STEPHENS MS VIRGINIA FIEDLER STERRETT M/M JAMES F & MELINDA J STEVENS M/M JOE AND GRETA STEVENS MS MILDRED M STEVENSON MS DONNA RIMOLT STEWART MRS SYLVIA J STEWART STIMPLE & WARD COMPANY M/R GEORGEANN & RAYMOND M STINGER MRS MARY MARGARET STINNETT M/M SHARON & KENNETH H STOVER FR LEONARD W STOVIAK MRS BERNICE R STRAHLER M/M JOAN B & JOHN A STRAKA MS JOANN M SUKITS STRAKA MRS KAREN S BUTOR STRAKA MR WILLIAM STRAKA Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts MRS SHARON LEE B STRANG MS HELEN J STRATER MRS ELIZABETH A MCGUIRE STRATIGOS MS ANNA CUNCIH STREYLE M/M LUCILLE & WILLIAM H STRINGERT MS ANGELINE C TOIA SUCHACEK MRS GENEVIEVE L SULLIVAN SR MARY ELECTA SULLIVAN MS CAROL J SUMMERLIN MRS HELEN E SUMMERS MS M REGINA SUMMERS MRS JOAN M SUNNE MS ELEANOR M KNOEBEL SUPER M/M FRANK G & MARILYN A SURDU DR/MRS STUART SURKOSKY MR STEVE SUTARA MS TRACY E COYNE SUTO MR CHARLES K SWEENEY M/M LAWRENCE C SWEENEY MS MARY M SWEENEY MRS HELEN SWEGMAN M/M FRANK & ANNA SWIDERSKI M/M EMMA L & ANDREW SZAKOS M/M ANN & PAUL SZEERBA M/M DOROTHY & RAY F SZWED M/M MARY P & CARL J TABOR M/M FRED T TACIUCH MS MARGARET R TAICLET M/M MARIAN & JOSEPH TAIN MRS AILEEN MURPHY TAPP M/M BARBARA & DONALD E TATE MRS BETTY L TATE M/M JANE & ROBERT J TATE MRS MARGARET HEPBURN TAYLOR MRS VICTORIA HUBER TECCE MS MARY LOU NEELY TEGETHOFF MRS MARY AGNES BUTLER TEREK MRS EILEEN BRADLEY TERJAK MS RITA K TERLECKI M/M ELEAN & RICHARD J TERNYEY MR JAMES TESTA MRS SUSAN B THARP MRS CONNIE THEE MRS LINDA R SCHMIDT THOMAS M/M MARY ANN & EUGENE R THOMAS MS JANET L OSBORN THOMPSON MS LOIS THOMPSON MS REGINA M THORN M/M SUSAN & JOSEPH F TIGANI M/M DIANNE L & MICHAEL A TIMA M/M BONNIE & PAUL H TITUS MR JAMES M TOBIN MS BONNIE TOBOLSKI MRS BARBARA A TOBORG M/M MILICIA & MILADIN TODOROVIC M/M ANNA & ROBERT TOIA DR/MRS BEVERLY & MICHEL TORET MRS CYNTHIA RINIER TOTH M/M PAUL T TRAFECANTY MRS YOLANDA TRAFECANTY MRS MYRNA W TRAUTVETTER M/M DEBORAH & THOMAS TRESNAN M/M DONALD C TRIBBY MR J DOUGLAS TROVATO MR JAMES D TROVATO MRS REBECCA TRZECIAKOWSKI M/M SUSAN & WILLIAM C TSCHOEPE MRS SUSAN A TSCHOEPE MRS TERESA TUCKE MRS JANIE TULIPANA MRS MARLENE M WOLFSON TURNER M/M ROBERT TUROCZY MS ROSE M TURZAK ESQ MS FRANCES E MACAK TYKSINSKI MS ANNAMAE HEPP UBINGER M/M JEANNETTE & JOSEPH UHRON MR JOSEPH R ULAKOVIC M/M DEBORAH A & CLIFF UNDEREINER MS MARGARET POWERS UNGER MS LORRAINE STIEGLER UNITAS MRS IMEDLA M UNITES MRS PATRICIA A UNKEFER M/M ANDY & JULIE URAM M/M KIM C & ROBERT E URBAN MR ALBERT M VACCARO REV BENEDETTO P VAGHETTO MR ANTHONY RICHARD VALLETTA MRS MARY ANN KREY VALLUS MRS ANTOINETTE NUDI VAN SCHULTZE M/M FRANK J VANCHERI MS MARY ANN VANGENEWITT MS GINGER VANNUCCI M/M JOHN A VARINE REV JAMES D VASIL MRS JOANNE PYTLAK VELLA MRS LOIS STAUD VELLUCCI MRS MARY G VENABLE M/M FELICIA & PAUL A VERARDI M/M STEPHEN VERBANETS MRS PATRICIA M VERBENA M/M ANTHONY J VERBISCAR MS JUDITH M LOFINK VERDI DR/MRS LESIA & RON M VERY M/M THERESA B & ROBERT M VERY M/M LYNN M & WILLIAM VESCIO M/M MAUREEN & R JOSEPH VETTER M/M HELEN E & ROBERT C VICTORIA MR DOMINIC B VIECELLI M/M EARL G VIERHELLER MS DOROTHY C VIKARA M/M JOHN VIKARA MR FIDELIS VINCKE MR GERALD L VINCKE MR JOHN J VINCKE M/M TAMMRA & RANDALL VINCKE MS DIANE STEELE VINSON MRS JANE FEARS VITI M/M KAREN & TOM VITUNIC MRS LORRAINE F VOGEL MS MARIANNE VOLKMAN M/M CAROL & HOWARD VONSHAVEN MRS TRUDY HEYL VRANA M/M LINDA & JOHN A VUONO MS FERN I WAGNER MS JANET R ZELLER WAGNER MS KATHLEEN GOETTMANN WAGNER MS PATRICIA A THOMPSON WAGNER MR'S ROY & RONALD WAGNER MRS VICTORIA J WAGNER M/M ROBERT & CAROLE WALCK MRS JANICE E MCLANE WALKER MS MARY ELIZABETH PATTON WALKER MRS MARY WALLACE MRS MARYANN KAELIN WALLACE M/M SHARON I & EDWARD D WALLACE MS AGNES WALSH MR THOMAS F WALSH M/M DOLORES & HARRY L WALTER MRS DORIS E WALTER MRS RUTH R WALTER MS GLORIA P CAMP WALTHER MRS CAROL ANN WANNER MR BERNARD WANNINGER MS REGINA SUKITS WARD MS TAMARA LYNN WARDELL M/M JOAN & ROGER WARNKE M/M MARY G & PAUL R WARONSKY MS ADELE A WASHINGTON M/M STAN & JEAN WASIELEWSKI MS BARBARA WASSELL M/M FLORENCE & JOHN E WATKINS MRS ALBERTA M WATSON MRS ALICE FARABAUGH WATSON M/M PEGGY & GREGORY E WATSON MRS PATRICIA A WATT MS JORJA ANN SAMUEL WATTS MS MARTHA SEETHALER WEAVER M/M ANTHONY M WEBER MRS CAROL JEAN WEBER MRS CLAIRE M WEBER MS DOROTHY JEAN WEBER M/M RONALD F WEHLING MRS LOIS E KETTEL WEIDER MS NATALIE BLYZWICK WEIDER M/M FRANK J WEIDLER MS MARGARET F WEIDNER MS SHERRIL LANG WEIL MS AUDREY WENECK WEINZIERL MS HARRIET M WEISS MRS VIRGINIA SCANLON WELGAN M/M LAVERNE & RICHARD K WELSH M/M KATHLEEN & RICHARD E WENDELL MS ANNA MARIE WENTZ MS MARILYN C MILLER WENTZ MRS MARY R WERBANETH MR KENNETH C WERNER MRS JOAN E SCHATZMAN WETMORE MR THOMAS J WHALEN REV TIMOTHY F WHALEN MRS FRANCINE WHALEY MS ANGELINE MANCUSO WHITESIDE MS JOAN CAROL ZAREMSKI WHITLA MRS RITA B WHITMAN MS DIANE MARIE WHITTAKER M/M JACQUELINE & NORBERT H WIEGAND MRS MARIE ARCH WIEHAGEN M/M DOROTHY & JOSEPH P WIELGOMAS MR EDWARD M WIELGUS M/M EDWARD WIESZCZYNSKI MS SUZANNE W WIGLE MS BERNADINE T WILD MR HENRY C WILD MS MARIAN R STAUBER WILD MRS GLORIA PUKANIC WILDSCHUTTE MRS ROSE MARIE WILKES M/M JAMES F WILL MRS ELLEN C WILLARD M/M DENISE & CURTIS WILLARD/MADDISEN DR/MRS MARK S WILLIAMS MS DEBBIE WILLIAMSON MS JOAN MAURER WILLISON M/M HELEN O & RICHARD O WILLMAN M/M KATHRYN E & GASTON D WILSON JR MS SUSAN M WILSON MR JEFFREY T WINCKO M/M MARY ELLEN & CHARLES L WINEK MRS NICKIE J WINGERT MRS MARY ANNE WINTER MRS BARBARA A WINTERMANTEL MS ANDREA WISE MRS MARLENE A WISLER DR F A WISNIEWSKI M/M DAVID R WITTER M/M AMY L & DONALD K WOELKE MS DENISE KADUCK WOKUTCH MRS LOIS A FRANZ WOLF MS EMMA DENISE WOLFF MS BARBARA A YAKICH WOLFORD MS DIANA L WOLFORD MS ROXANNE C WOOD MS EILEEN S KOCH WOODRING MS SHIRLEY LADISH WOOMER MRS CAROL WORSLEY M/M RAYMOND WTORKOWSKI MS EILEEN M WUKITCH MR RONALD WUSLICH M/M DONALD E YAHNER MS STELLA E YANIK MS MARIANNE HOFFMAN YANOSKO M/M LOUISE P & JOHN B YASICK MRS PATRICIA YEAGER M/M SARAH L & DANA A YEALY MR PAUL T YESKEY MR JOHN A YOCCA MS PATRICIA J YOCKEL M/M JOHN A YOKIM MS DORIS B YOUNG MS JEANNETTE YOUNG M/M RICHARD M YOUNG MRS MARY JANE SCHMITT ZABLOCKI MRS GERTRUDE ZACHOCKI M/M JAMES & ROSE ZAFFUTO M/M JOANN & THOMAS J ZAGORSKI MS JUDITH E ZAHREN MR ZIGMUND R ZAJAC MS CYNTHIA L ZAJEC MRS MARGARET FLAHERTY ZALEWSKI M/M LINDA F & JOHN J ZANIESKI MRS MARGARET G ZAPF M/M RICHARD ZAPPA MS ROSE M ZAPPA DR AUDREY ANN ZELKOVIC M/M MARK J ZELKOVIC MS MARY ANN ZETWO MRS BETTY E ZEWE MRS ANNA S ZIEL MR RICHARD L ZIENTARSKY MS SALLY ZIESCHE MRS LOIS M ZOBB MS JANET O'BRIEN ZUBIK M/M WALTER A & IRIS G ZUKOWSKI SR DONNA M ZWIGART M/M STAN AND JOSIE ZYGMONT IN HONOR OF: SR CHARLOTTE ABEL OSB ANONYMOUS MS ROSE TERESA STANCZAK SR JANET BARNICLE OSB ANONYMOUS BENEDICTINE SISTERS OSB ANONYMOUS M/M MARY & JOSEPH J KILHEENEY MRS DONNA KIM MILLER / FAMILY TRUST MRS CAROL A SCHUBERT SR NANCY BOOTH OSB MS SUE ANN WHITTICK MS MAXINE BORCHICK MS MARGARET E ROCK MS MARY AGNES MURPHY BUHARTH MS HAZEL M MURPHY MS DOROTHY S CAIN All donors are remembered in the daily prayers of the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh. Your personal petitions are kept in our Monastic Chapel as a visible reminder of your presence with us during the daily Liturgy of the Hours and the celebration of the Eucharist. 25 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh MRS DONNA KIM MILLER / FAMILY TRUST SR ROBERTA CAMPBELL OSB ANONYMOUS MRS MARCELLA C KAPLONSKI CLASS OF 1956 ANONYMOUS MS CAROL A HAMMEL MECHLER M/M JO ANN W & JOHN J ROONEY MS ANNETTE FRANCES SALINETRO MS HELEN MEISER SCHAEFERS MRS MARGARET E KROME SISMOUR. CLASS OF '56 ANONYMOUS SR JUDITH ANN CRINER & FAMILY MEMBERS ANONYMOUS MR EMILE CRINER SR CAROLYN KUNZLER OSB SR EVELYN DETTLING OSB BRO TERENCE O'ROURKE MRS MARY H SHEEHAN MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MRS HILDEGARD R DROTER & FAMILY MRS MARY ANN HINSON SR MARY KAY EASLY OSB ANONYMOUS SR ELEANOR EASLY OSB ANONYMOUS SR MICHELLE FARABAUGH OSB M/M COURTNEY & STEVE DELANEY SR SHELLY (MICHELE) FARABAUGH OSB M/M COURTNEY & STEVE DELANEY MS MAYLO D FARNUNG NORTH TOWN TOWER MRS LORRAINE FULTON FARRELL M/M LORRAINE & REGIS H FARRELL SR MARILYN FOX OSB M/M PEGGY & TONY F MARBELLA FAMILY & RELATIVES OF SR MARILYN FOX OSB SR RAPHAEL FRANK OSB ANONYMOUS MR MATTHEW C GRIMALDI ESTATE OF MATTHEW GRIMALDI GRINDEL & TOIA FAMILY MEMBERS M/M ANNA & ROBERT TOIA SR REGINA HEYL OSB MRS ALICE T BICKERT HEYL MR RICHARD C HORN M/M JOHN F & SHIRLEY N HORN SR MARY VIRGINIA HROMY OSB ANONYMOUS MRS VALENTINE BLAKE M/M CATHERINE F & TIMOTHY J FAVO MS JANET LEE GORDA MS HELEN RUTH HROMY M/M JUDY & JOSEPH J KUGLMAIER MS MARIE METZ MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MS GRACE ANN SLAVINSKY MS DOROTHY C VIKARA M/M JOHN VIKARA SR EILEEN & HUCKESTEIN FAMILY ANONYMOUS M/M FRANCES C & WILLIAM T KOCH M/M FRANCES C & WILLIAM T KOCH SR CLAUDIA KUNZLER OSB MS CAROLYN A NICHOLS SR CAROLYN KUNZLER OSB M/M ROBERT H KUNZLER SR LEONA LACSNY OSB M/M FRANCIS J LACNY SR MARYANN LANG OSB ANONYMOUS M/M SHARON & KENNETH H STOVER MS DORIS LANG MS SHERRIL LANG WEIL SR KATHLEEN MACK OSB ANONYMOUS M/M SHERRY & PAUL T MCCABE SR JULIA MAKOWSKI OSB ANONYMOUS MRS DONNA KIM MILLER / FAMILY TRUST 26 SR CLEMENTINE MATIBA OSB MRS BARBARA A TOBORG MS SHIRL A MATZ SR ELIZABETH MATZ OSB BISHOP JOHN B MCDOWELL A FRIEND MR GERALD MCGLANE MS TAMARA LYNN WARDELL MR MICHAEL MEHARRA ANONYMOUS MRS HELEN MENEGAY REV DAVID C MENEGAY SR MARY RUTH MILLER OSB ANONYMOUS MRS DONNA KIM MILLER / FAMILY TRUST SR IRENE MOELLER OSB ANONYMOUS SR CORINNE MOELLER OSB ANONYMOUS MRS DONNA KIM MILLER / FAMILY TRUST MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN SR CATHERINE MURPHY OSB ANONYMOUS MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN SR JUDITH NERO OSB REV & MRS THOMAS & ELIZABETH DOUCE MS M LOIS LEHBERGER ONORATO MS THELMA T LEHBERGER LEYLAND SR VALERIA OSTERRIEDER OSB ANONYMOUS SR WILFRID PALLADINO OSB ANONYMOUS PETRARCA FAMILY ANONYMOUS MS PATRICIA LAMNECK PFENDLER MOTHER'S PLUS FIVE RAUSCH M/M FLORENCE & JOHN E WATKINS SR JANE FRANCES REILLY OSB ANONYMOUS MS ROSEMARY C BADERTSCHER MRS CECELIA C MILLER MS MARGARET E ROCK ANONYMOUS ROCKEY FAMILY MEMBERS MR CHARLES M ROCKEY SR LUDMILLA ROJIK OSB MRS CECELIA C MILLER MS EILEEN M ROUDA SR MATILDA SCHOENECKER OSB ANONYMOUS MR ROBERT W SCHOENECKER FR ALBERT SEMLER MS MARGARET E ROCK M/M EILEEN & HENRY SHAFER MS PAMELA B SHAFER DUMONT MRS MARIE SICHKO SR MR WILLIAM J SICHKO JR SR MONICA SILAN OSB ANONYMOUS SR M EDWARD SKOVRAN OSB ANONYMOUS MS LIZ SMITH MS MARGARET E ROCK SR LUCILLE SNYDER OSB MS HELEN L GOESSLER MR PAUL T YESKEY SR ROSLYN SOLLER OSB M/M VINCENZA & LOUIS F SOLLER MS ROSE STANCZAK ANONYMOUS M/M LUCILLE & WILLIAM H STRINGERT ANONYMOUS SR ESTELLE SVEZENY OSB ANONYMOUS MRS MARGARET TAICLET MRS MARGARET TAICLET BENNETT SR JEANNE UBINGER OSB ANONYMOUS SR ANITA VARINE OSB ANONYMOUS M/M MARY & JOSEPH WALZACK M/M STAN AND JOSIE ZYGMONT SR NORMA WEIGAND OSB ANONYMOUS MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MRS VIRGINIA M WELGAN MRS VIRGINIA SCANLON WELGAN IN MEMORY OF: MRS EVELYN R HOFMANN BARLOCK MRS EVELYN R BARLOCK M/M JOHN & GLORIA BECK PARENTS M/M GLORIA K & JOHN N BECK MR RICHARD E BECK MRS FRANCES BECK SR JUDITH ANN CRINER OSB SR ELIZABETH MATZ OSB BENEDICTINE SISTERS OSB M/M CHARLES B MITCHELL MRS CAROL A SCHUBERT MR THOMAS BONANT M/M MARLENE & DONALD YOKEL HART M/M PIETRO & LUCREZIA CAMARDA MR'S THOMAS & CHARLES CAMARDA MRS TEDDY L CARRENDER M/M WILLIAM ANDERSON MS EDNA BIERBAUM MS SALEMA BISHOP M/M JOSEPH & JEAN R BOOKASTA MS CAROL BRENNEMAN MS MILDRED L BURNS M/M PAUL F BUTHERUS SR BETH CARRENDER OSB CHONAN FAMILY SR JUDITH ANN CRINER OSB M MARGIE D'AURELIO MS DONNA DYE MS ANITA GLISSON MRS DEBORAH E GRECHUS MS MARY L GRECHUS MS ALICE B HOEPPNER MRS CAMILLA HUYSMAN IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH MS BEVERLY A JOHNSON MR DAVID C KATEMAN MR STEVE KATEMAN MRS SHARI KAULLEN MS BETTY M LETZIG-BURKE MS DOROTHY M LEVY M/M M KAY & LAWRENCE K LIBBUS MRS VERA L LUEHRMAN MS THELMA LUTZ MS MARLENE MARTIN SR ELIZABETH MATZ OSB M/M RENEE & JIM MINLET MRS LOVEEDAH NADLER MRS CHARLETTE S OLIARO SAUBLE FAMILY M/M BEVERLY & CHARLES T SHELTON MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN M/M SANDY & DONALD E SPEASE MRS MARY MARGARET STINNETT MS CAROL J SUMMERLIN MRS SUSAN B THARP MRS CONNIE THEE MRS JANIE TULIPANA M/M DENISE & CURTIS WILLARD/MADDISEN MR FERNANDO F CASTELLI MRS RENA C CASTELLI CLASS OF '55 MS RUTH L SAUNDERS MRS GLORIA PUKANIC WILDSCHUTTE CLASS OF '56 SR JEANNE HILDENBRAND MRS DOROTHY G MORIN MRS PATRICIA A GLANCY CONROY MR MICHAEL J CONROY MRS BERNICE FAUST COOGAN MR JOHN P COOGAN MR ROBERT E COOGAN MR JOHN P COOGAN MRS CORA CRINER SR CAROLYN KUNZLER OSB MR ROBERT L DEREK MRS REBECCA S DEREK DETTLING FAMILY MEMBERS BRO TERENCE O'ROURKE MS PATRICIA DONNELLY MS MARY ANN GORKA DRISCOLL MRS SANDRA A DRISCOLL DZIUBEK MRS NELLE DUNHOFF MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MS CATHY LEINWEBER EVANS MRS MARGUERITE S LEINWEBER MRS CAROLE DAVIS FIESTA MR RICHARD J FIESTA SR ADELE FILAK OSB ANONYMOUS M/M GERALDINE & RONALD FICHTER MRS JOANNE FILAK FICHTER MS ANDREA R KIRTLEY MEMBERS REBHOLZ FAMILY M/M DEBORAH & THOMAS REBHOLZ SR MS BEA REBHOLZ M/M LILLIAN & RAYMOND REBHOLZ MS MARILYN A FILAK REBHOLZ MR RYAN W REBHOLZ MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MR ALFRED FIORAVANTI MRS MARY A FIORAVANTI DR GEORGE C FISCHER MRS FRANCINE M FISCHER MR JACK FITZGERALD MS MARY CATHERINE CONNORS FITZGERALD MR CHARLES FLAVIN M/M ERIN M & MICHAEL E KLEMS MS ANNE GALLAGHER MRS VIRGINIA M HOUGHTELIN MS'S AVE, MARY, JEAN GECHE, SISTERS MS VERONICA G GECHE MR AUGUST F GEIST JR MRS MARIE E HOMZA MR AUGUST GEIST SR MS FLORENCE BECK MRS MARY LOU GEIST MRS CATHERINE E LOWRIE HAVKO MS BERNADETTE HIGGINS MRS MARIE E HOMZA MRS ANNE LOWRIE KOLLER M/M JOANNE & ARTHUR F LOWRIE MRS ELIZABETH F RECKER MRS MARGARET C RODGERS MRS CAROL A SCHUBERT SR REBECCA MRS KATHLEEN FELTER GING MR ROBERT P GING SR GABRIELLA GONCAR OSB MRS REBECCA L MUTH CHARLTON MR GENOVA GOODWIN MRS JEAN A GOODWIN BROOKS GROVER FAMILY MEMBERS M/M ANN M & EDWARD B SCHNEIDER MRS MARY GUENTHER SR JUDITH ANN CRINER OSB SR ELIZABETH MATZ OSB MRS MARY GUNTHER THE GUNTHER FAMILY M/M MARGARET & MICHAEL HANCHIN MRS RUTH ANN MILAN HANCHIN SR BERNARDINE HEMBERGER OSB MS AGNES R RILEY MR ANTON N TAN FAMILY SR HELEN MARIE HIERHOLZER OSB M/M BARBARA & RALPH H SCHUBERT M/M CLAIRE S & ROBERT W WHITE HINES FAMILY MRS BARBARA G HILES M/M BOB & MARIE HOHHOFF MS JOANNE ROTTHOFF KAPP Monastic Women with Discerning Hear ts MR LOUIS HOLGIN SR JUDITH ANN CRINER OSB SR ELIZABETH MATZ OSB MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MR ELI A HOMZA SR & FAMILY MEMBERS MRS MARIE E HOMZA MS ADA HOOVER M/M VIRGINIA A & RICHARD E MOYTA MR NORMAN HUCKESTEIN ANONYMOUS THE HUGHES FAMILY MEMBERS MS PATRICIA A MORRISON SR FABIAN HUNGERMAN, OSB MRS SUSAN R VOGEL SCOTT ST VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY MS LINDA IRMER MS ROSE TERESA STANCZAK MR JOSEPH A KAULE MRS MARY E KAULE MRS LYDIA KENNEDY MS KATHLEEN HARRIET KENNEDY SR PIERRE KLEIN OSB MRS CAROL AGUGLIA BRUNNER MRS TERRI L CHESEBROUGH MS JANET LEE GORDA MR NORBERT KNIEDLER MRS CLARA ROSE CARNAHAN MS MARY KOVACHICK MRS CECELIA M MUESER M/M AL & DOLORES M KOWACZ MS CAROLYN A NICHOLS SR BENIGNA KRAUS OSB M/M GEORGINE & ROBERT V BROWN M/M LOUIS & RAYMOND KUHAR M/M THOMAS KUHAR KUNZLER FAMILY FRIENDS RELATIV ANONYMOUS KUNZLER FAMILY MEMBERS ANONYMOUS MRS DONNA KIM MILLER / FAMILY TRUST MS PATRICIA A MORRISON SR ANNA MARIE KUNZLER OSB ANONYMOUS MS ALICE KUNZLER ANONYMOUS SR COLUMBA KUNZLER ANONYMOUS M/M GEORGE & CAROLINE KUNZLER ANONYMOUS SR LEONA LACSNY OSB M/M FRANCIS J LACNY SR GERTRUDE LEBAN OSB MRS PATRICE A MCCARTHY M/M ANNA & CHARLES F LEVAK SR MR CHARLES LEVAK SR JEAN MARIE MACK OSB M/M SHERRY & PAUL T MCCABE M/M JOSEPH & MARY MALETIC ANONYMOUS MARGARET B BUCKLAD PARENTS MRS MARGARET B BUCKLAD MR'S SAMUEL & JOHN MATHEWS M/M PEGGY & TONY F MARBELLA MRS MARY CAROL MCCLOSKEY M/M JANET L & PATRICK J MCCLOSKEY MRS KATHLEEN M HUGHES MCGUIRE MR DAVID L MCGUIRE M/M MARY & FRANK MCKEVITT MRS GAIL J DUDEK MCKEVITT MRS LILLIAN YVONNE MERZLAK MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN M/M JOSEPHINE & MICHAEL MICHALISZYN MRS ARLENE T MICHALISZYN HUBER THE MICKLOS FAMILY MEMBERS MS MARY ELLEN M MICKLOS MR GEORGE MOKULIS MRS BETH MOKULIS THE MORRISON FAMILY MEMBERS MS PATRICIA A MORRISON SR GREGORY MRAVINTZ, OSB MS HELEN MARIE DUNPHY M/M HALEN & HERMAN MUJSCE M/M STAN AND JOSIE ZYGMONT MRS PAULINE MULACH MS BARBARA WEIDENHOF MR ARTHUR MUNROE M/M THOMAS KUHAR MR DENNIS J MURA M/M CHARLES J MURA MRS GERTRUDE MUTH MRS SYLVIA J STEWART MS ANNE K MYZK SR ROSE BUDICKY OSB SR JUDITH ANN CRINER OSB SR ELIZABETH MATZ OSB MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MS DIANE L BRUNNER SMALL MS RUTH SCHERER NICKEL MS NANCY J NICKEL SHORT O’ROURKE FAMILY MEMBERS BRO TERENCE O'ROURKE SR LORETTA OSB MS BARBARA WEIDENHOF M/M AGATHA & JOHN PACOSKY MS JACQUELINE C PACOSKY MRS LILLIAN PAPPAS MR JAMES PAPPAS M/M JOHN & HELEN POGORELEC MRS RUTH ANN MILAN HANCHIN MRS IDA J PROSTKO MR RICHARD J PROSTKO MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MR JOSEPH R PROSTKO TRIBUTE GIFT ROSTER MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MR ANTHONY QUINTO MS MARY KAY BOTTOMS SR JUDITH ANN CRINER OSB M/M JAMES EICHOFF SR ELIZABETH MATZ OSB M/M ANNE M & CARL A QUINTO MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN M/M GERALDINE R & FRANK A SMARTO M/M PAUL T TRAFECANTY MR EDWARD REINHART M/M DOROTHY REINHART MRS MARY SKOVRAN RICHARDS MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN M/M DOLORES & WALTER RISH M/M NORMAN J RISH RODGERS FAMILY MEMBERS MR CHARLES M ROCKEY M/M ELEANOR & ROBERT R SCHILLING MR JAMES PATRICK ROONEY MRS DOROTHY G MORIN MR GEORGE ROSKWITALSKI MRS HELEN ROSKWITALSKI MR THOMAS SANDERS MR ROBERT MONTFORT MR LAWRENCE G SCANLON SR MRS VIRGINIA SCANLON WELGAN SR AMELIA SCHATZEL OSB MS CATHERINE SCHATZEL SR VERONICA SCHEFF OSB MR ROBERT F SEILER SCHILLING FAMIKY MEMBERS M/M ELEANOR & ROBERT R SCHILLING MS MARIE L YARDIS SCHLIEPER MR WILLIAM J SCHLIEPER SCHNEIDER FAMILY MEMBERS M/M ANN M & EDWARD B SCHNEIDER MR DAVID SCHUBERT MRS PATRICIA SCHUBERT M/M ELEANOR & GEORGE SCHWEERS M/M ELIZABETH & WILLIAM DAVIS MS MARIANNE SEKULA MRS BERNADINE E SEKULA SEVCIK FAMILY MR FRANK SEVCIK MRS FLORENCE SHAFFER MS LEONORE LOCKE CONKLING MR WILLIAM SICHKO SR WILLIAM SICHKO JR MRS JOSEPHINE SILVESTRI MS LINDA LEE DICKEY MR JOSEPH SIPPEL MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN RALPH/LUCY/ED/ROSE SKOVRAN FAMILY MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN SR ANDREA SKOVRAN OSB MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MR EDWARD F SKOVRAN MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MS LUCILLE SKOVRAN MS LUCILLE SKOVRAN MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MR RALPH SKOVRAN MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MRS ROSE B YOCKEL SKOVRAN MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MR STEPHEN M SKOVRAN MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN MS DOROTHEA SLANEY MR FREDERICK R SLANEY SMITH FAMILY M/M DIANE & DONALD DEPP MRS ETHEL K SOSINSKI MR NORBERT R SOSINSKI M/M EMMA & GEORGE SPINDLER MRS HELEN E SUMMERS MS DULCEY C STARKES MS VANESSA O STARKES M/M JOSEPHINE & JOSEPH STREJAN MRS CAROLE L DETRIQUET SR MARY JOHN SUKITS, OSB MS DOROTHY M DIZNOFF MS MICHELLE D JAMISON M/M EDITH & RUDY SVRCEK MR THOMAS C SVRCEK TEREK FAMILY MEMBERS MRS MARY AGNES BUTLER TEREK MS CATHERINE M THOMAS MRS RUTH M SCHULJAK MS CATHERINE M THOMAS TOIA & GRINDEL FAMILY MEMBERS M/M ANNA & ROBERT TOIA MR JAMES D TROVATO SR MR J DOUGLAS TROVATO MS MADELINE VAUGHN MS MARY ELIZABETH PATTERSON SR GENEVIEVE VINCKE OSB ANONYMOUS MS AGNES M BERNAUER M/M MARY & JACK CHAWLA MS EILEEN L KLAUS MS ROSEMARY ANN KLAUS MRS THERESA M MAHONEY M/M CATHY & MIKE J PERGANDE MS MILLIE M SKOVRAN THE VINCKE FAMILY MEMBERS MR FIDELIS VINCKE MR GERALD L VINCKE MR JOHN J VINCKE M/M TAMMRA & RANDALL VINCKE SR CLARE WALTER OSB M/M JUNE & ROBERT A BRILL MR MICHAEL R WALTER MRS LOIS C BOEHM M/M JUNE & ROBERT A BRILL M/M THERESA & CLIFFORD N DUNN MS RITA DIXON GUENTNER MS JOAN M HESPENHEIDRE MRS ELIZABETH D LOFINK MS DARLENE RUCINSKI MILLER MRS MERCEDES E BRILL RADICK MS DENISE RUCINSKI MRS KATHRYN V STALDER MRS AUDREY J STAVER M/M DOLORES & HARRY L WALTER MRS DORIS E WALTER M/M STAN & JEAN WASIELEWSKI MRS ALBERTA M WATSON DECEASED WATKINS FAMILY MEMBERS M/M FLORENCE & JOHN E WATKINS M/M CYRIL WEIGAND M/M AMY L & DONALD K WOELKE MR MELVIN WENTZ MS ANNA MARIE WENTZ MRS HELEN ZIPPI PACE SCHOOL GIVING FUND MR TED ZOBB MRS LOIS M ZOBB SR MARY GRACE ZUNIC OSB MS NANCY J NICKEL SHORT IN KIND GIFTS FOR THE 2006 FALL FESTIVAL APPLEBEE'S RESTAURANT ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS ATRIA'S RESTAURANT BARBARA'S TOURS BELLA RIA CAFÉ EURO CARMODY'S RESTAURANT CHILI'S RESTAURANT CITY THEATRE COMMON PLEA RESTAURANT DANCE AMERICA DAVE & BUSTER'S DEBOLT UNLIMITED TRAVEL DIPIETRO RESTAURANT DON PARMESAN RESTAURANT ENRICO'S RISTORANTE F. TAMBELLINI RESTAURANT FOX & HOUND ENGLISH PUB & GRILLE GRIECO'S RESTAURANT HARTNER'S RESTAURANT ISABELA RESTAURANT J. CLARK'S RESTAURANT JENNY LEE BAKERY JERRY'S CAR WASH JO GEN'S ITALIAN HOUSE LE MONT RESTAURANT LE POMMIER LIDIA'S PITTSBURGH MAGGIE WEST BED AND BREAKFAST MAX & ERMA'S RESTAURANT MAX'S ALLEGHENY TAVERN MCCORMICK & SCHMICK'S SEAFOOD RESTAURANT MONTE CELLO RESTAURANT MORNING GLORY INN NIGHT & DAY DANCE STUDIO OLIVE GARDEN RESTAURANT OPUS OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE PAMELA'S RESTAURANT PEPSICO PERRYTOWNE DRAFT HOUSE PITTSBURGH BALLET THEATRE PITTSBURGH CLO PITTSBURGH PENGUINS PITTSBURGH PIRATES PITTSBURGH PUBLIC THEATRE PITTSBURGH RARE PITTSBURGH STEAK CO PITTSBURGH STEELERS PITTSBURGH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA QUAKER STEAK & LUBE REFLECTION'S CAFÉ RIVER CITY BRASS BAND ROCK BOTTOM RESTAURANT & BREWERY SENIORTOURS SWPA SESAME INN SHOWCASE CINEMA NORTH SIBA CUCINA THE CHURCH BREW WORKS THE CLASSROOM RESTAURANT THE FRANKLIN INN THE INN AT 714 NEGLEY/APPLETREE BED AND BREAKFAST THE NORTH PARK LOUNGE THE ORIGINAL FISH MARKET RESTAURANT THE PITTSBURGH DELI COMPANY THE PRIORY HOTEL THE SPAGHETTI WAREHOUSE WHISTLESTOP BED AND BREAKFAST WHOLEY'S MS. SUE ANN WHITTICK SR. EVELYN DETTLING SR. MICHELLE FARABAUGH SR. ANNE LAZAR SR. DONNA WOJTYNA 27 Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh 4530 Perrysville Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15229-2296 Please help us update our mailing list. ■ New address ■ Please remove my name ■ More than one received Please send the address area from your newsletter and indicate which is correct We are the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh, continuing 1500 years of seeking God in Community, Prayer and Ministry. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. MEINRAD, IN PERMIT NO. 16