The Micah Update


The Micah Update
Fall Edition 2013
Page 1
The Micah Update
Inside this issue:
Message from Mark
Micah Social Action
Bruce Lumino Update
Camp Northbound
State Bags
Micah Around the Globe
Fiber Arts Recap
Camp Champions Invite
Virtual Tour
Important Reminders
Camp Micah
P.O. Box 67414
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
156 Moose Cove Lodge Rd
Bridgton, ME 04009
Message From Mark
October 2013
As our Fall Newsletter is reaching you, Camp Micah’s facility has just been closed before
the frost in Maine sets in soon in October. The leaves have changed colors and, we
hope, the school year is off to a great start for everyone. It seems like the summer was
so long ago and we all are still telling stories about the great moments that made up the
summer of 2013. I am pleased to say that the camp is nearly full for next summer and if
you know anyone interested in Micah for 2014, they should call us soon!
Included in this newsletter are many reminders of all the good we did as a community
this summer. Social action (Tikkuna Matata, as we say at Micah) has never been more
active and we keep getting letters from organizations that we partnered with thanking us
for our emotional and financial support.
Among the many social action projects we took on last summer, we were fortunate to
have Bruce Lumino join our staff as the head of our soccer program. We are pleased to
say that Bruce plans to return to camp next summer and was overwhelmed by the
support he received from his Micah family. Bruce is from Mongango, Zambia and lives in
a small village. He is his family’s sole source of income and supports his mother and
eight siblings. At the end of the summer we were fortunate to learn more about how we
can assist Bruce and his village in the coming months. Some Micah campers are
already raising money as part of their Bar/t Mitzvah projects and others are interested in
assisting with the eleven hundred dollars it cost per year for school for Bruce’s brothers
and sisters. He is already extremely grateful and sent me an email after he got home
saying “I can never thank you enough for what you and the Micah family did for me. With
all the help rendered to me, my family can now have a full meal on the table and my
house rentals up to date. At least now i can walk with my mind at rest not having to worry
about my land lady for the next few months and other necessities.” Please take a
moment to read more about our efforts to support Bruce and his family on page 3 of this
newsletter. We are already making a real difference in their lives and hope to continue.
Our newsletter continues to grow each year as more great things go on for Micah
campers, counselors and alumni. Please continue to let us know about all the great
happenings in your lives so that we can share them with the whole Micah family. We
look forward to sending out the yearbook in November and to seeing everyone who can
make it to the 2013 Micah Camp reunion in Dedham, MA on January 12th.
Have a great fall and enjoy the newsletter!
Be sure to “like” Camp Micah on Facebook so you can be
one of the first to hear exciting news!
Fall Edition 2013
Page 2
Micah in Action...Social Action!
We had a very busy summer in the area of Social
Action. We began the summer by collecting pairs and
pairs of sneakers as we partnered with 30 other Maine
camps for the Max Cure Foundation for pediatric
cancer. We thank you for all the sneaker donations that
helped to make the Dunk Your Kicks event successful.
Bridgton Health Center
Our campers continued to volunteer
during their free time to bring some
happiness to the residents of the local
senior center. We visited twice a week.
We bowled (yes, the residents even
bowled from wheelchairs!), played bingo and had the
residents spin the spinner as we played Twister. The
residents also enjoyed hearing the campers sing.
Campers, sometimes hesitant to go in, always seem to
leave wanting to return.
Poverty in America
This summer's
social action focus was Poverty in
America. The Mitzvah Makers, a group of summit
campers, spearheaded the activities relating to Poverty
in America. They researched and shared with the
Micah community many issues about poverty and
hunger and how it affects adults as well as children
throughout our country.
We were so successful with our raffle baskets last
summer that the Mitzvah Makers decide to repeat this
activity. The Mitzvah Makers encouraged campers to
buy raffle tickets and to forgo the sports drinks and
juices they were going to buy. The campers also sold
postcards of Camp Micah. We raised close to $800 for
the Community Kettle which is the local organization
that serves meals throughout the year to more than 100
families in need in the Bridgton area.
We made Brownies in a Jar which we sold on
visiting day. We donated the proceeds as
well as extra jars to the Bridgton Community
Center and the Naples Food Bank. The
brownies were delicious and we have had
requests for the recipe!
On Visiting Day, our community learned
about a company called State Bags
(founded by our own former Boys’
Head Counselor, and Jodi’s brother,
Scot Tatelman). Scot and his wife,
Jacq, came to Micah to share their
vision for helping more kids from underfunded
neighborhoods be better prepared for their future (with
both a new backpack and an inspirational presentation
from State’s Packmen). We’re so proud of the work Scot
and Jacq are doing and of our community for their
outpouring of support. See page 4 of this newsletter for
an update from Scot and Jacq about the difference
the Micah community made with our bag donations.
We were also privileged to have had
Bruce Lumino as part of our staff. He was
able to share with our community the
difficult life he has had growing up and
living in his village in Zambia. There were
many years that he and his seven siblings
were not able to attend school because
there was not even enough money for food (it costs
money to attend school in Zambia). He shared how
he usually had only one meal a day. Bruce truly
helped put a real life perspective on hunger. After
hearing about Bruce's life story, many campers
wanted to donate their trip money to help Bruce
and his family. Bruce was touched by the campers
concern, but he told them that his purpose in
sharing his life's story was to help them understand
how people live in different parts of the world and
how fortunate they were to be at Camp Micah. You
can read more about Bruce on page 3 of this
Project Linus
Project Linus is a non-profit
volunteer o rganiza ti on tha t
provides love, security, warmth and
comfort to children who are
seriously ill, traumatized or otherwise in need. There
are hundred of chapters across the United States
making and distributing blankets. We made another
50 blankets this summer to add to the more than 4
million blankets that have been distributed from
groups across America.
Challah for Hunger
Campers baked challah to sell on visiting day. We
raised more than $200 from the sale of our
homemade challah to donate to the Bridgton
Community Center. In addition to offering activities
for the local community, the community center
serves lunches to children in need throughout the
Alex’s Lemonade Stand
This has been a favorite activity for our campers
during Visiting Day. The campers learn about Alex’s
life and her goals.
Alex was diagnosed with
neuroblastoma, a type of childhood cancer. At age
4, she asked her parents to have a lemonade stand
in her front yard to help other sick children and
childhood cancer research. She passed away at
age 8 and her parents have continued her goal by
setting up the Alex’s Lemonade Foundation. We
once again raised close to $300.
We are always amazed at the selflessness of our
campers and how they offer some of their time on
visiting day to sell things for our social action
activities. What an incredible set of campers we
have in our community!
Fall Edition 2013
Page 3
Social Action, Cont.
Bruce Lumino
This summer, our camp was very fortunate to have
Bruce Lumino working for us at Micah as our head
of soccer. Bruce brought a passion for soccer and
a love for camp that was passed on to our
campers. Everyday, Bruce could be seen smiling,
laughing, and enjoying every minute of the fresh
Maine air. I can not tell you how many times I
heard campers returning from soccer telling me
how much they learned and how they can not wait
to get back.
Bruce came to us from Mangango
Village, Zambia. Mangango Village
is a small, remote village located 7 8 hours from the capital. Bruce lives
with limited electricity, water, and
food. During the summer, Bruce was
able to share his story with us and
what he said impacted many of our
campers and staff.
We have
already received numerous calls about how they
can help - several campers are even taking this on
as their Bar/Bat Mitzvah service project.
Unfortunately, Bruce had to leave Micah early due
to the death of his uncle. Before departing, the
Micah community gave Bruce some money and
clothes for his family. The money we gave has
paid for his siblings schooling for the year, their rent
and also allowed him to open a small shop where
he sells local crops.
If any of you would like to know more or would like
to know a way you can help, please send an email to [email protected].
Mazel Tov, Micah Alumni!
On Saturday, June 1st, Annie Ryan (née Arsenault)
and her husband, Jimmy, welcomed a new
addition to the family, their son James.
At 6:24am on June 26th, Micah veterans
Avi and Sarah (Simmerer) Cohen
welcomed their daughter, Kelly Ann, to
the world. Kelly weighed in at 8lbs 12ozs
and measured 20.75 inches.
On September 1 in Asheville, North Carolina, Micah
Founder and former staff member Ava Starr married
her long time boyfriend and former Micah
counselor, Alden West. Ava and Alden met at
Micah as counselors in the summer of
2005...another Micah Match! It was a mini Micah
reunion with Leah Weisman, JoJo Aresty, Sarah
Ferraro, and Erin Greenberg in attendance. Camp
friendships really do last forever!
We would like to congratulate former Micah Team
Leader Andy Welsh on his marriage to Mary
Simmering. The couple were wed on April 29th in a
beautiful outdoor ceremony. Andy and his wife
now reside in Colorado.
Do you have big news or a lifecycle event you want to share with the Micah Community? Email Steve Monge
([email protected]) and be sure to send pictures!
Fall Edition 2013
Page 4
Camp Northbound
On Friday, August 17, 150 campers rolled through the Micah gates eagerly anticipating
Camp Northbound’s 8th summer! It was so amazing to see all the familiar faces, some of
whom are now Northbound staff members. As the bus doors opened, campers were filled
with excitement as they hurried to find out what bunk they would be in and what activities
they would get to do first.
During this week, we offered a full range of sports, arts, drama, wilderness, waterfront, and clinics. There is
always something new and fresh for them to experience! It always amazes me how much fun these
campers have and how much they look forward to whatever they are going to do next.
Among the highlights of the week were the talent show, the dance, tie-dyeing and, of course, the Color
War Break. This year, an epic fireworks display kicked off the big event. The show started as the campers
were leaving the talent show and walking up the hill for snack. The road was lined with blue and green
glow sticks (Camp Northbound’s Color War team colors) and as they begin leaving, a few small
explosions started - just enough to peak their interest. As they approached the softball field, an amazing
show ensued that left all breathless. It was so much fun to see their reactions as they looked to the sky,
knowing that this was indeed COLOR WAR! Just like at Micah, the campers and staff were thrilled to know
that for the next 24 hours, it would be COLOR WAR!
Camp Northbound is something that is very special to what we do at Micah
and we are so proud to be associated with the Boy’s and Girl’s Club of
Dorchester and the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation.
It is with the
collaboration of these two organizations and Camp Micah that make Camp
Northbound possible.
Micah Gives Back(Packs)
When Jacqueline and I came to Camp Micah this past summer to set up shop on Visiting
Day, we never could have imagined the outpouring of support we received for our
company, STATE Bags. We thought if we sold twenty or so bags it would be a huge win for us.
But 100 in one day?! A dream.
Jacq and I have been campers at, worked for, and visited many camps around the country, but Micah is
truly unique. Not just because of the spectacular facilities, committed staff and accepting philosophy,
but because their mission goes far beyond just putting smiles on kids faces all summer's about
making better people...and that's why this worked.
Partnerships are successful when both sides do whatever they can to make it a win-win. When we
committed to donating the exact amount of bags we sold on Visiting Day to the kids of Camp
Northbound, the Micah crew went all in to make this a huge success. And when we took to Dorchester
on a Saturday morning in September, the support from the Micah team was tremendous.
We stuck to our promise and not only hand-delivered over 100 bags to the kids of Camp Northbound, but
our STATE PackMen and bag drop workshop triggered a new state of mind as well. The kids were
reminded that no matter what your background, everyone has something special to offer the world, and
that every time they throw their new bag on, they have a responsibility to make themselves and their
communities better...because it's not just a backpack, it's a "GiveBackPack."
Thank you once again to the entire Micah family for making this all possible. We hope you love your STATE
bags...we know the kids of Camp
Northbound did!
We are proud to have your back!
~Scot, Jacqueline & the STATE Team
Fall Edition 2013
Page 5
Micah around the Globe
Shortly after camp ended, Boys’ Head Counselor, Sam Gragg, and Summit Girls Unit Leader,
Laurel Greenfield, each embarked on Trip Days of a lifetime to Australia! They’ve also run into
former Micah staff members Nicole Strauss and Rachel Aronovitz who are also studying abroad
in Australia this summer. Laurel is staying in Sydney and Sam is staying in the Gold Coast until
December. Here is what they have been up to so far:
Sam began his trip with a stop in Fiji where he spent four days getting to know the people on his trip
while enjoying the simplicity of island life. He stayed on the island of Naviti, sharing a cabin with
limited electricity and no indoor plumbing or hot water with 27 other people. Sounds a lot like B-15
in Fiji! After four 4 days, Sam’s group headed to Sydney for orientation. In Sydney he got to stay in
the mansion they used to film the new Great Gatsby, took a ferry ride on the harbour, climbed to
the top of the harbor bridge, met some Koalas and Kangaroos and took in some waves at the
world famous Bondi Beach. Now up in the beautiful city of the Gold Coast about 10 hours north of Sydney for
school, He plans to travel to the Great Barrier Reef in the next couple weeks as well as the Outback and New
Zealand before coming back home in December.
Five days after camp ended, Laurel hopped on a plane to Sydney to participate in the Boston
University Internship Abroad Program. After recovering from jet lag, She got right down to
exploring the city and beaches, more importantly, all the wonderful food Sydney has to offer
(Laurel is pictured to the left eating a food called gozleme). She hasn’t tasted Kangaroo yet, but
looks forward to sampling this australian delicacy (though she doubts she will prefer it to a “Matt
the Baker” dessert). In Sydney, she has explored the different neighborhoods, taken a cruise on
the harbor, climbed the Opera House steps, and watched the surfers at Bondi Beach. Soon she will head up to
the Great Barrier Reef to do some snorkeling, and then will make a quick stop in Tokyo on her way home!
Since the seasons are opposite here, Laurel and Sam both feel lucky to get a second summer in Australia!
However, no summer, no matter what country you’re in, is complete without the rest of the Micah community.
Luckily, the Micah community is well represented down under in Laurel and Sam’s home away from
home…(away from home)
Cheers from Australia: Where the Sun and Kangaroos Shine!
Fiber Arts Recap
FIBER-TASTIC! Micah's Fiber Arts Sheep-to-Shawl Program was a huge success! Micah's Fiber Arts
Sheep-to-Shawl Program was designed to give campers a hands-on, critter-to-creation,
experience in fiber arts... and boy, did it deliver! Three foundation workshops form the core of
the program.
Foundation 1 took campers to meet 'n greet fiber-producing animals like alpaca, rabbits and sheep (oh my!).
Campers compared fibers and learned how wool and hair are processed to be used later. In the Foundation
2 workshop, campers tried their hand at spinning their own yarns! (Everybody was doing 'the twist!").
Foundation 3 found campers gathering plants, lichen and leaves around camp, boiling them up, and dying
their yarns to be used later! They made color swatches and yarns “to dye for!”
With an appreciation for fiber's amazing journey, campers then jumped right into an
assortment of projects, taught by local experts. From needle-felted dogs to block
printing t-shirts, from knitting to weaving to hand sewing, Fiber Artists explored a variety
of art forms. Best of all, many of the yarns they'd gathered, spun and dyed themselves
were incorporated in their projects! Our Fiber Arts Founders were amazed that a 'bit of
fluff' could transform into so many incredible pieces of artwork.
Stay tuned for next summer's excitement! While new fiber artists start from Foundation 1, "Founders" will move
on to explore new art forms! Each year will bring new instructors, new projects, and an ongoing appreciation
for the way our materials get from sheep to shawl. Do you have ideas of wonderful things to make in Fiber
Arts? Let us know! We are dying to hear what thoughts are spinning around in your head!
Fall Edition 2013
Page 6
H-A-Double P-Y...your birthday’s
here so don't be shy!
September: Sarah Ackerman, Abigail Alexander, Eli Altschul, Marta Armenter, Ray Azevedo, Santana Barreiro, Jonah
Berg, Ze'eva Berman, Becca Blumenstein, Zane Boudro, Chloe Butzel, Hannah Churwin, Mike Churwin, Sam Cote, Zoe
Federman, Lily Feinberg, Lindsay Glick, Becca Gorman, Kenny Hillstrom, Marina Jacob, Matt Koss, Isabella Laufer,
Nicole Layne, Caro Lipsitz, Sam Marram, Sam McKay-Corkum, Emily Ray, Benjamin Rigney-Carroll, Julia Rothstein,
Aaron Rotter, Andrew Sandler, Rose Schlemmer, Nathaniel Simmons, Drew Sokoloff, Olly Thorne, and Alina Wadness
October: Lily Abrams, Ari Andriola, Sadie Andriola, Philip Bard, Isabel Basow, Shira Ben-David, Harrison Braver, Wayne
Cadman, Elijah Davis, Ali Eaton, Marshall Ehlinger, Maya Frai, Sam Gallimore, Josh Geller, Robby Gershowitz, Jonathan
Grobstein, Riley Iris, Ewelina Jankowiak, Samson Kampler, Sam Land, Nimrod Levy, Nathan Macdonald, Teresa
Martinez-Laredo Lavin, Charlie Messinger, Nathan Meyers, Eliana Rich, Katie Rich, Josh Rogan, Eric Rosenblum, Jacob
Schuster, Jacob Solomon, Maria Spiess, Eli Sokoloff, Harrison Tasoff, Jackie Teperman, Lexi Tuch, Paulina Wagrowska,
Jason Waldman, Sam Waldman, Rachel Wein, and Michalina Wojcik
November: Noah Adler, Max Allaire, Mark Borghesani, Bengie Delgado, Sydney Finn, Isaiah Freedman, Lauri Gallimore,
Benja Gordon, Lee Grinspoon, Joelle Gross, Paige Herer, Liam Herron, Will Huntress, Annie Jaffe, Joely Kessel, Lindsay
Lao, Joel Linkewer, Bruce Lumino, Nate Macomber, Charlie Margulies, Maya Metser, Ali Mills, Matt Rosenblum, Julia
Ruskin, Mason Santos, Jake Sofro, Evan Teperman, Doug Tulman, Rob Watts, and Isabel Wilker
Join Us!
Camp Micah is a sponsor of this year’s Camp Champions Celebration,
celebrating the true spirit of camp and helping to bring the camp experience
to the region’s children in need. 100% of net proceeds benefit ACA New
England’s Campership Fund. We’d love for you to be our guest at the Friday,
November 22 event at Fenway Park honoring actress and activist, Eliza Dushku. Contact Mark
([email protected]) for more information or to request the free tickets for your family Curious about what the
event is all about? Visit
New Virtual Tour
It may have come as quite a shock to both campers and staff when, on the first day
of activities, they were followed around by a 360 degree camera and a guy asking
them to pose and stand still for minutes at a time. But, in the end, it was well worth it
because we now have the Virtual Tour of Camp Micah. The Virtual Tour will take you
from the basketball courts, to the waterfront, inside a bunk and all around our
amazing facilities. If you have not already checked it out, we encourage you to visit .
Important reminders
Mark your calendars for the Summer 2013 reunion! This year, our reunion will take place on
Sunday, January 12, 2014 from 11 am - 1 pm at King’s Lanes at Legacy Place in Dedham,
Massachusetts (600 Legacy Place Dedham, MA 02026 - Pizza,
bowling, and fun for all! More information will be sent to families soon. We hope to see
everyone there!
Camp is filling fast! We already have waiting lists for many grades for this coming summer. If you haven’t yet sent
in your application or confirmed your space, contact the winter office immediately.
Again this season, we are offering a financial credit to your family’s 2014 tuition (up to $3,000) for new campers
that register for camp as a result of your family hosting a Micah Mingle. A Micah Mingle is when you have friends
of yours and your children come to your house to meet Mark and/or some of our assistant directors to hear about
the Camp Micah experience. If you’re interested in hosting a Mingle, contact the camp office for more info.
Want to be mentioned in our next newsletter? Send updates on your own social action projects, lifecycle events,
and other newsworthy items to [email protected]. Don’t forget to include some pictures!