catalogUE 2016 - Visit Marsala


catalogUE 2016 - Visit Marsala
con il patrocinio gratuito
del Comune di Marsala
MARSALA Touristic Destination
Marsala art and culture
• One city many people
• Museums
• The bagli
• The Holy Week
Marsala sea and nature
• Sea and beaches
• Natural Reserve of the Stagnone
Marsala wine and food
• Marsala wine
• Wine tourism
• The old market
• The cuisine
Marsala wind and Sport
• But when the wind howls however,
Marsala changes face
• There is not only wind in Marsala
• Hotel President
• Hotel Stella d’Italia
• Villa Favorita
• Baglio Oneto
• Ithaca Residence Marsala
• Torre Lupa
• Saline Ettore e Infersa
• Civello Tour
• Egadi Charter
• Mothia Lines
• Krivamar
• Lido Marina
• Sicilia Senza Pensieri DMC
• Autonoleggio Mari
• Redfish recreational fishing
• Sciu Sciu
• Assud
• Il Gallo e l’Innamorata
• Le Lumie
Wine tourism
• Baglio Oro
• Cantina Martinez
• Bike4fun
Foreign tourists from non EU countries must be in possession
of a valid passport for at least six months from the date of departure. For
Europeans it is necessary to have an identity card valid for at least six months from
the date of departure.
Vaccinations are not compulsory.
The official language is Italian. English and French are spoken in all the major hotels, tourist offices and in some activities and catering
services in the territory. Sicilian dialect is still widespread.
The national currency is the Euro. Dollars or foreign currencies can be changed in local banks open Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 13:00
and from 14:00 to 16:00. All major credit cards are accepted at most of the tourist activities.
Italy follows the Rome’s time zone.
Italian power ranges from 220 to 230 volts. The most common socket is called bypass but there are also Shuko sockets. It is advisable
before departure to take a transformer and an adapter for the sockets listed above.
For communication from Italy to abroad you need to dial the international access code followed by the area code you want, or the user’s
number. From abroad to Italy you need to dial 0039 followed by the area code or the user’s number. Phone boxes in Sicily are infrequent.
Coverage for the GSM is excellent in almost all the region, except for some areas of the Sicilian hinterland.
Tips aren’t common and not necessary. Normally hotels request a tourist tax payable on site, proportional to the hotel category from a
minimum of 1,00 € to a maximum of 2.50 € per night per person.
In Sicily as in the rest of Italy useful numbers for emergencies are:
118 Ambulance
115 Firefighters
113 State Police
112 Carabinieri
There are 4 Island airports:
Trapani Birgi
Telephone Number: +39 0923 610111
Palermo Punta Raisi
Toll Free: +39 800 541880
Catania Fontanarossa
Switchboard: +39 095 7239111
Switchboard: +39 0932 961467
+ 39 0923 873813
Pantelleria e Lampedusa
+ 39 091 7493315
Due to the conformation and localization of the island, its climate can be defined as typical Mediterranean. Particularly Marsala, dislocated
on the coast of the extreme western tip of Sicily, boasts a pleasant climate all year round:
• Winter, from December to February, varies in temperature between 8° to 15°
• Spring from March to May and autumn months from October to November, enjoy temperatures between 15 ° to 26°
• Summer, from June to September, temperatures are between 25° to 38 ° (it is possible to reach its peak of 40 degrees in July and
Frequent strong winds of mistral and sirocco make heavy rain falls limited hence the wettest period is usually winter.
art and
On the most Western rocky promontory of
Sicily, Capo Boeo, the ancient city of Lilybaeum, now Marsala,
was founded in 397 BC by Phoenician survivors, who took refuge here after
the destruction of the island of Mothia by hand of Dionysius of Syracuse.
Famous since ancient times for its strategic location at the centre of the Mediterranean and
opposite the African coast, Marsala has always been a crossroad for varied and distant populations
that have arrived over the centuries.
The city consists of a small and charming old square shaped town, protected by Spanish walls and four city
gates, surrounded by a fertile territory where more than one hundred districts are located; these are today small towns,
they originated around the Baglio. Of the four city doors: Porta Mazara, Porticella, Porta Nuova and Porta Mare today called Porta
Garibaldi, only the last two remain, the first two were destroyed by mistake during an attack of the Second World War. Marsala is called
“the Golden City” as the entire historic centre is surrounded by a bright yellow and warm light given by the joining of the sun rays and the
tuff sandstone of the buildings and architecture of the old town.
Marsala is today a town with over 90,000 inhabitants and introduces itself to the world of tourism with a unique and authentic historicalcultural, natural and gastronomical heritage.
By walking through the historic centre of Marsala it is possible to admire the archaeological and architectural beauties left by the ancient
civilisations through the centuries:
Phoenician Punic traces:
• Island of Mozia, now a private museum belonging to the Whitaker Foundation
• Archaeological Park (Hellenistic and Roman remains and multi-coloured mosaics from the third and fourth centuries AD)
• Punic Ship (Marsala was the epicentre of the Punic wars) the Museum Baglio Anselmi houses the remains of the oldest warship found
to date
• Ruins of St. Jerome (Remains of the ancient Punic and Roman city)
• The floor plan of the entire city, which is represented by a square structure, originally equipped with sturdy defensive walls and towers
Roman traces (fourth century. A.D.):
• St. John the Baptist Church, on the Boeo seafront, which contains the Lilybean’s Sibyl cave, became Baptistery with the proclamation
of Christianity
• The port during the Roman domination acquired renowned importance for all shipments between the old continent and Africa.
Lilybeo became a rich and developed fortified city, enriched by new buildings and sumptuous villas (as evidenced by the excavations of
Cape Boeo in the Archaeological Park).
Arab traces (VIII sec. A.D.):
•The current name of Marsala, is probably due to the original Arabic Marsa Allah which means Port of Allah
•The massive development of agriculture, with the introduction of new irrigation systems
Norman traces (XIsec.):
•Mother Church, the Cathedral, construction begun in 1177 and was dedicated to St. Thomas of Canterbury
Aragon traces (XVI.):
•Military Spanish Quarter built in the sixteenth century, with a watering hole for horses in the centre of the square, now a magnificent
fountain surrounded by ficus benjaminus of extraordinary beauty
British traces (XVIII sec.):
•The discovery of “Perpetuum” wine through the work of some important English merchant families such as Woodhouse and Ingham, who
thanks to their brilliant marketing skills made the Marsala wine become renowned, famous in the world today and important Sicilian DOC.
The modern history of the city of Marsala is linked to its wine that made it famous around the world.
Inside the Monumental Complex of Saint Peter, today multipurpose centre, in the heart of the city within easy reach of the Cathedral,
characterized by a large courtyard dominated by a tower with two rows of loggias, and the cusp covered with emerald green majolica, arise:
•The Municipal Library
•The International Centre of Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman and of the Risorgimento studies
•The Civic Museum Garibaldi
Marsala in 1860 was the site of the most important accomplishment of the Italian Risorgimento, the Battle of the Thousand by Giuseppe
Garibaldi. All proof of this heroic feat that led the unification of Italy is represented in the Garibaldi Museum of the City. Opened in 1998
on 11 May, in honour of the Landing of the Thousand in 1860, the museum offers a permanent exhibition of memorabilia, documents and
letters of the time, weapons and costumes from the period of the Risorgimento. A photo archive illustrates the fundamental stages of the
unification of Italy. There is also a room entirely dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi and the memory of Garibaldi’s Thousand.
On the Boeo Waterfront, near the Cape of the same name, stands the Archaeological Museum Baglio Anselmi. The massive establishment
was originally built for producing and storing wine as far back as the early ‘800. In 1986 the museum was opened by the Superintendent.
Currently it consists of three areas: the outside where you walk along paths in a park between archaeological findings dating back to the
ancient Lilybeum; the internal hosting the wreck of a Punic ship probably a battleship, dating back to the battle of Egadi in 241 BC and
found in Punta Alga and the Church of St. John in Boeo emblem of the whole park. In the basement of the church, there is a freshwater
spring, dating back to 397 BC and is the symbol of a pagan oracular water cult called “Cave of the Sybil”.
Opened in 1984 by the archpriest Andrea Linares, the Tapestry Museum is housed in via Garaffa, in a room next to the apse of the
Cathedral. The museum has 8 beautiful Flemish tapestries donated to the Chiesa Madre in Marsala by the Bishop of Messina, Antonio
Lombardo in 1589. This rare and organic set of eight towels in wool and silk is undoubtedly of considerable artistic and historical value,
they represent the Jewish War of 66 AD when the Jewish people turned against the occupation of the Roman Emperor Nero. The works of
the Flemish painter Peeter Kempeneer, known as Pietro Campana, one of the most active upholsterers in the Flanders in the second
half of the sixteenth century.
Within the Carmelite convent founded in 1250, today there are:
• The National Exhibition of Contemporary Painting whose function is to promote the artistic and cultural activities of the city of Marsala,
whose rooms overlook a beautiful cloister;
• The Municipal Art Gallery which boasts more than 750 works by artists of national and international prestige.
Inside the Whitaker Museum you can admire the important Greek sculpture of the fifth century BC probably by Phidia (the “The youth of
Mozia” ). The Mozia island can be completely visited using naturalistic footpath that link the most important Phoenician-Punic findings.
This museum housed in a grinding mill that dates back to 1500 is situated in the warehouse of Infersa, once used for the processing of
salt and storage of farm tools, it occupies an area of over 500 square meters and it represents the highlight of the visit to the salt flats. Its
restoration was completed by the owners of the salt flats in March 1996, who today manage the production aspect as well as the tourists
wellbeing. In 2015, other works where developed in the museum enriching it with a multimedia route enabling visitors to gain a significant
knowledge of the “culture of salt”.
On the green hills that surround the city centre, solitary and charming old farm buildings ruined by time, stand: the Bagli. These structures,
built mainly in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, are testimony to the peasant and landowner economy that prevailed in the past.
The “bagli” were rural residences essential to the agricultural economy of Marsala’s countryside, able to support themselves in some
seasons of the year, given their distance from the city centre and the lack of a good road system.
The typical architectural structure was made of a large quadrangular building, with high walls and small windows, enclosing a large yard
overlooked by different buildings, each of which had its own specific use, while in an elevated position stood the house that the owner used
during harvesting periods. Some rooms of the “bagli” were often used for the olive milling and the crushing of the grapes, here the ancestor
of Marsala wine, “wine perpetuum” was produced and stored in oak barrels.
Today some “bagli” have been carefully restored and turned into beautiful accommodations, where comfort and services have transformed
them into characteristic resorts.
In Marsala the Holy Week is a very important event, where tradition, custom and faith come together, giving life to a timeless show that
attracts tourists from all around the world. The main events during Holy Week are the Processions of Thursday and Friday. These processions
recall the main passages of Christ’s passion and are represented in Marsala in their original form, without using statues, as opposed to the
nearby cities of Trapani and Erice. This is due to the fact that in Marsala there has always been an active theatrical tradition, which gave
origin to the first theatre in the province.
Today the evangelical characters represented wear period costumes, while Christ wears a wax mask to give consistency to the representation.
The costumes used during the procession are kept in a special section of the Civic Museum, located in the San Pietro’s monumental complex
where it is possible to view them all year round.
Holy Thursday’s procession represents the Passion and Death of Christ and is interpreted by a large number of Marsala inhabitants who have
the passion and devotion to keep this traditional sacred representation alive.
The first stage is the entry of Christ into Jerusalem and the last his death, resulting in a long procession, throughout the afternoon of Holy
Thursday, parades pass through the streets of the old town, followed by tourists and locals who come from every region of the suburbs. The
Good Friday Procession has instead a less spectacular and folkloristic impact, but is the most impressive and felt by the believers: two long
parallel lanes of people, including many barefoot, holding battery or wax torches, precede the statues of Our Lady of Sorrows and the dead
Christ, carried on the shoulders of the faithful dressed in black alternating in groups of six at a time.
The statue of Our Lady of Sorrows leaves from the Chiesa Madre in Piazza della Repubblica and, late at night, returns to the sanctuary which
is dedicated to her and where the faithful, in small groups, enter for a last prayer.
sea and
Few know that Marsala has a pristine coastline of extraordinary
beauty, characterized by fine white sand and clear blue sea, comparable to
the distant Caribbean seas. The typical Mediterranean climate, ease of access to the
sea thanks to its sandy shallow shoreline make Marsala a perfect destination for tourists and
In 2014 the entire Mediterranean coast of Marsala was awarded the renowned Blue Flag and in 2015
Marsala was recognized by the Italian association of Paediatricians as one of the fifteen municipalities of Italy
easily accessible and functional for families with children of all ages. All this thanks to the wonderful beaches, equipped
with every comfort and service for every type of visitor.
The coast of Marsala extends for 14 Km and is divided into two main coasts with different characteristics:
• The north coast, in the region of Birgi airport, and where the road ends between two seas in the hamlet of San Teodoro, giving origin to
one of the most charming and unique seas of Sicily. In this forgotten corner of coast, the stagnant and calm sea of the Stagnone Lagoon
meets the Mediterranean Sea, often divided by a strip of sand that emerges like an atoll depending on the tides. In the background you
can see the Egadi Islands (Favignana, Levanzo and Marettimo), so close to seem within swimming reach. In this part of the coastline
alternating between rocky coves, beaches of thin sand for lovers of solitude and beaches equipped with every comfort. After a brisk walk,
it is possible for the more sporty and nature lovers to reach Isola lunga and visit the still working salt flats.
• The south coast with its 11 Km spread of sand on the Mediterranean seafront and in the direction of Mazara del Vallo, is characterized by
a coastline which boasts equipped beaches where you can enjoy your aperitifs at sunset accompanied by music, restaurants and pizzerias
by the sea. Its long sandy beach and blue Sea is slightly cooler than the northern coastal waters.
The lagoon area of Stagnone, is developed in a surface of water enclosed between the north coast of Marsala and Isola Lunga (strip of land
about 11 Km long) which along with other smaller islands (San Pantaleo better known as Mozia, Santa Maria and Schola) separate it from
the open Sea. Here the waters are about a meter deep and the temperature in summer reaches nearly 30 ° and has a high saline content.
The regeneration of the water and oxygen is produced through an opening of roughly 40 meters between the northern tip of Isola Lunga
and the beginning of the coast north of Marsala (San Teodoro), thanks to which animals and plants proliferate in and out of the water.
This stretch of Sea around 2012 hectares provides a natural oasis for an abundance of flora and fauna, which add to the beauty of its
•The salt flats: the extraction of natural salt from the sea, already utilised at the time of the Phoenicians and economic engine for
the area until the twentieth century, is still operating today and appears as a picturesque composition capable of giving colours, smells and
always different impressions depending on the time of year. Sea water enters a path of tanks and moves inside with the help of wind energy
produced by the ancient windmills, increasing along the way its salt concentration to evaporate completely and leave room for salt workers
who collect the salt surfaced by hand with iron shovels. Looking at the salt flats from a distance their beauty is added together with the
beauty of the tanks which are different shades of colour (from blue to pink to orange depending on the salt concentration and the height
of the sun), the ancient windmills and the islands as a background, result in a magical and unrepeatable landscape.
•The island of Mozia or San Pantaleo is a small archaeological island measuring about forty-five hectares with a long history behind
it dating back to Phoenician times, then conquered by the Carthaginians, the Greeks and the Normans. Mozia was the first trading post in
Sicily and one of the most prosperous Phoenician-Punic colonies of Western Sicily. Starting from Mozia in 397 BC as a result of the siege
of the island at the hands of Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse, the city of Marsala was founded, then Lylibeo, through the hands of
his refugee survivors. At the beginning of ‘900, the island was bought by the English industrialist Joseph Whitaker, who came to Marsala
to trade the namesake wine, he discovered and increased the archaeological wealth and is now owned by the Whitaker Foundation.
•The smaller islands: Schola and Santa Maria who along with Mozia and Isola Lunga are each in their own way an oasis of green,
animal life, history and culture within the waters of the Lagoon.
•The scenic piers, all in wood, from which you can access the warm waters of the lagoon or enjoy the view of the wonders of the
Lagoon, wrapped in an atmosphere of complete relaxation and wellbeing that takes guests out of time and space.
Marsala is still known worldwide for its wine which represented
between the ‘700 and’ 800 the first flag of the Made in Italy in the world,
and the engine of the economic and cultural development of the whole island. Marsala
wine owes its name and its commercial development to the arrival of English merchants in this
city, the first was John Woodhouse, but its origins lie in the ancient Sicilian wine tradition already
started on the island by the ancient Greeks. Well before the development of the cellars and industrial
production of wine, Marsala locals worked and cultivated grapes for their own household consumption and it was
common to store in a barrel a selection of the best wine of each year, used only for the most important occasions. This
barrel was made with the selection of the best wine of each year and gave birth to the eternal Wine (Perpeetum), so called for the
process of continuous topping up, from which originates the Marsala wine.
There are few wines in the world that have so many peculiarities, such as to give Marsala wine the character of uniqueness:
• History that goes back more than two centuries
• Wine of the unification of Italy, appreciated by Garibaldi it was chosen to toast the unification of Italy on May 11, 1860
• Eternal wine that gains value and quality over time
• Multiple identity which responds to the needs of every palate: there is a Marsala wine for every taste: sweet, semi-dry and dry
• Peculiarities of production, to be discovered in the historic cellars of production
• Versatility in combinations from appetizer to dessert
• Possibility of long preservation even after opening
Each glass of Marsala wine is the gateway to an experience that involves all the senses and it combines all the intensity, warmth and
uniqueness that characterize the territory from which it originates.
In the territory of Marsala, with its centuries-old wine tradition, operate numerous wine cellars of varying sizes, where all the grapes grown
in the vast countryside of the province of Trapani and Marsala are transferred and used to produce many PDO and PGI Sicilian wines which
are increasingly established on domestic and international markets such as Marsala, Grillo, Zibibbo, Nero d’Avola, Nerello Mascalese and
many others. There are more and more wine cellars in Marsala that open their doors to tourists and enthusiasts, giving them the opportunity
to immerse themselves in the production realities of each wine, touch, breathe and taste the fruits combined with typical products or during
exclusive lunches organized in the wine cellars. This is the best way of getting to know that each bottle of wine not only contains the grapes
and hard work, but also faces, families and unique stories to remember forever.
The antique market is the heart of the historical centre of the city, where tradition and commerce meet creating a wonderful Sicilian scene
every day from 08.00 to 13.00, except Sundays. The Old Market dates back to the sixth century and is located in the ancient Spanish
quarters, a short walk from Porta Mare, now called Porta Garibaldi, where it was initially built as stables of the ancient fortress. Once
through the gate, it is surrounded by a very lively, unique and authentic atmosphere in which voices, colours, smells and pungent flavours,
come together. Each fisherman contributes to the symphony of sounds trying to promote his product with songs and shouts, and giving the
best of his theatrical pleasantness.
On marble stools of the market traders, according to the season
you can find: Tuna and Swordfish, the most impressive given
the dimension; Blue Fish such as sardines, mackerel, spatulas,
anchovies; soup fish including redfish, monkfish, conger,
gurnard, Red crabs called “arance Péluse”, red and white
prawns from the nearby Mazara del Vallo.
At the market you can also find tuna products and typical
Sicilian products including spices and seeds, but also colourful
fruit and vegetable stands, with local quality products, from
Marsala’s countryside.
At sunset, the Old Market turns into a meeting place and
entertainment for the young people, where to drink a good
glass of wine or a cocktail accompanied by live music and DJs.
Fruit stalls and fish stools leave place to small bistros and wine
bars that come alive next to each other, allowing guests to
spend a different evening away from boredom.
In the summer months the Old Market is open every night
except Sunday; while in spring and autumn, Pubs and Lounge
Bars open only weekends and usually remain closed from
January to March.
It is hard to speak of a single Sicilian cuisine as the food culture of the island has created a very varied basket which differs by moving just
a few kilometres. Marsala especially boasts a rich culinary tradition thanks to the different dominations over the centuries: Greeks, Arabs,
Normans and Spaniards; traces of each of these can be found in the main local dishes.
Among the specialties:
• Rotisserie and street food: Arancine, Panelle, calzones and pizza rianata
• Fish Cous Cous
• Dishes with aubergines including caponata and aubergine parmigiana
• Pasta with sardines, Busiate sauce, Pasta with Matarocco
• Macco di fave
• Cottage cheese and fresh sheep cheese such as Tumma and Primosale
• Sarde a Beccafico or allinguate
• Desserts: Cassata, Cannoli, Cappiddruzzi, Cubbaita, Spinci, Pignolata, Martorana fruit, Mustazzoli, almond sweets
• Fruit: grapes, figs and prickly pears in the three different varieties yellow white and red, oranges, lemons, pomegranates, melons,
strawberries and wild strawberries
Whether it is Maestrale, Ponente, Libeccio
or Scirocco, not a day goes by without wind in Marsala.
The wind rose here is complete and athletes certainly know it.
Marsala, in fact, is the perfect place for those who practice sailing, kitesurfing and
From the beaches of the south to the island of Santa Maria, it’s not difficult to meet a group of
sailing boats competing in the stretch of sea off the city centre, the sky speckled wings of kiters, or the
sails of windsurfers whizzing along the fourteen kilometre coastline from north to south.
The mix of sun, wind, mild weather and the conformation of the territory, have transformed the city of Marsala in time
into the ideal place for those who want to enjoy all types of sailing sports.
A few kilometres from the historic centre you will find, the Rowing Club and the Navy League who play a leading role, here regattas are
frequent and you can stop to watch the small sailing boats challenge at the Boeo promenade and with the Egadi Islands in the background
you get the impression that you are admiring a beautiful painting.
When the wind blows softly, Marsala’s inhabitants and tourists go along the waterfront for a run or an afternoon walk during sunset.
But when the wind howls however, Marsala changes face.
Great for windsurfing, thanks to the thermal winds that blow throughout the year, the shallow water that’s never more than two meters
deep and a mild climate all year round, the Lagoon is the ideal spot for those who want to enjoy surfing in confidence and freedom.
The Lagoon is not just windsurfing but a perfect spot for all levels of Kite, thanks to its shape, it allows riders to improve their level or to
learn in complete safety this adrenalinic sport. Its exposure to the winds make it a magical spot, especially in the months from May to
September when it blows timely and constantly up to 30 knots.
Here the landscape changes radically, dozens and dozens of sails colour the sky, in a lagoon protected from the smaller islands (Mothia,
Isola Lunga, Santa Maria and Schola) and sister islands (Favignana, Levanzo and Marettimo) in the background. The performance of the
kiters with their jumps and evolutions animates a gentle and relaxing landscape made of piers and salt piles.
Over the past decade, thanks to the influx of kiters, many Kite schools have opened meeting all the needs of beginners to experts.
There is not only wind in Marsala.
The flat land is ideal for cycling and Marsala on two wheels is an experience to be lived. Squares, churches, monuments, historical wine
cellars, are easily reached by bike and in the alleys you can stop at kiosks to sample the Street Food that ranges from Panelle sandwich to
fried fish, from rianata pizza to arancine, from ice cream to lemon or black mulberry granita. Marsala will never cease to amaze.
Via Nino Bixio, 1
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 999333
Fax: +39 0923 999115
[email protected]
“The President Hotel is a comfortable 3 star hotel just outside the
historic centre of Marsala, ideal for business and pleasure. The
property is equipped with a restaurant; conference centre and
outdoor swimming pool, to satisfy the needs of all.”
The Convention Centre
Two meeting rooms with natural light make up the hotel’s conference centre. These rooms are elegantly furnished and equipped with all
necessary facilities to host company meetings, conferences and training courses.
The two rooms have a capacity up to 350 and are equipped with video projector, roll-up sheet, flip chart, high speed Wi-Fi and a complete
sound system with fixed and mobile microphones.
The pool
The President Hotel offers guests free access to the outdoor pool which is an oasis of tranquillity where you can relax after having visited
the city sights. During the summer months, the pool becomes a beautiful and picturesque frame to delight guests with cocktails served at
the edge of the pool or dinners made with fresh products expertly prepared in the restaurant.
No. of rooms: 84 comfort + 44
Private internal parking
Disabled access
N. 2 meeting rooms of 100 to
400 seats
BEST WESTERN Hotel Stella d’Italia
Via Mario Rapisardi, 7
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 761889
Fax: +39 0923 718157
[email protected]
[email protected]
“Immersed in a beautiful setting of ancient aristocratic
buildings, Best Western Hotel Stella d’Italia, reveals itself
hidden in a quiet street in the historic centre of the city of
Marsala within walking distance of its main points of interest.”
Hotel Stella d’Italia
Historic house
This historical building, set up for accommodation purposes around 1873, extends over 4 floors, the hotel is opposite the Chiesa Madre and
Palazzo VII Aprile and is a setting for the main square so called Loggia.
Thanks to the complete refurbishment undergone in 2006, The BEST WESTERN Hotel Stella d’Italia still retains the charm that has
characterized it over the years. This property is attached to an antique covered walkway, annexed to one of the 35 rooms of the hotel
from which you can admire the Mario Rapisardi Street from above. Inside the hotel there is also a valuable collection of contemporary art
paintings and sculptures, made by famous artists who are part of the “Scicli Group”.
The BEST WESTERN Hotel Stella d’Italia has 35 rooms, including standard, superior
and family rooms, all elegantly furnished in neo-classical style, completely sound-proofed
and with shower. They are equipped with independent heating and air conditioning,
Flat screen tv, free wifi, free Mediaset premium channels,
safe box and minibar.
No. 35 rooms
Private internal parking
Meeting rooms:
Lilibeo room: 40 square meters,
maximum capacity 20 seats
theatre configuration, 14 seats
Horseshoe configuration
Via Favorita, 27
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 989100
Fax: +39 0923 980264
[email protected]
“Villa Favorita is a resort hotel that rises in an old Baglio, typical
structure of the area, within a large Mediterranean park a few
kilometres from the centre of the city, in a hilly area of Marsala
overlooking the picturesque stretch of water of the Natural Reserve of the Stagnone. The attention
to detail in the structure and in any service provided, make the stay of its guests into an enjoyable,
relaxing and unforgettable experience.”
Historic house
The structure is made from an old nineteenth-century Baglio, built in 1860 by Garibaldi follower Salvatore Amodeo as a wine cellar, at a
time when Marsala was only known worldwide for its wine. The structure is spread over an area of thirty thousand square meters of which
ten thousand meters are covered. Villa Favorita still retains the originality and charm of the past, through refurbishment and readjustment
offers the best service to its guests in a relaxing and authentic background for unforgettable stays.
Undisputedly, one of the strong points of Villa Favorita is its restaurant, where the typical Sicilian cuisine couples with new recipes that
enhance the products of the area, from seafood to prime meat dishes.
Breakfast here is a memorable experience: a rich assortment of meals prepared by chefs
and pastry chefs of the hotel is served during summer, in a charming gazebo
surrounded by nature and during winter in the delightful Art Nouveau
dining room.
Rooms: 13 + 29 bungalows
Private parking
Meeting room:
Conference room 300 sq.m,
capacity 250 seats in theatre
configuration - 100 seats
Horseshoe configuration
Liberty hall 180 sq.m, capacity
50 seats theatre configuration
- 40 seats Horseshoe
Disabled access
Free bicycle hire
Sports centre with tennis court,
soccer field and bowls
dei Principi di San Lorenzo
Resort and Wines
Contrada Baronazzo Amafi, 8
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 746222
Fax: +39 0923 996963
[email protected]
“From an antique aristocratic dwelling of the 1700, originated
Baglio Oneto Resort and wines which stands on a hill 150 metres
above sea level with spectacular views of the Egadi Islands and the
Natural Reserve of the islands of the Stagnone.
The Resort is currently still run by the
descendants of the Oneto family and
receives its guests with courtesy
and warmth, enabling them to
enjoy a first class dining and
drinking experience
thanks to the Restaurant’s
cuisine “La Calandra” and
the historic cellar famous
for wine tasting. “
Restored typical Sicilian period home
48 rooms with balcony / terrace and a Historic
6 Meeting rooms with capacity for up to 450
Restaurant serving typical food also for celiacs
Inside and outside bars
Rooftop pool
Historic wine cellar with wine tasting
Parking - Free Wifi throughout the hotel
taca esidence
Contrada San Giuseppe Tafalia, 153
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 388 0732148
[email protected]
“Ithaca Residence Marsala is a small corner of paradise
immersed in the green countryside of Marsala only a
few km from the sea. The residence consists
of 6 houses which each sleeps 4/7, and
a large villa, which sleeps up to 14
people. The complex is within a
large Mediterranean garden with
fruit trees and aromatic herbs.
In the beautiful garden you will
find a large swimming pool
surrounded by a solarium,
an area for relaxing and
barbecue area; a playground
for children and a sports field
where you can play tennis,
football or volleyball.”
The apartments and the Villa are on the ground floor, with a private
veranda and independent entrance from the garden. All equipped
with open space kitchen, electric oven and fridge, two bedrooms and
bathroom; Air conditioning / heating / TV
Wi-Fi throughout the residence
Bed linen and bath towels included
Swimming pool and Solarium - multipurpose sports field (tennis,
volleyball, football) - Barbecue area - Children’s Play Area - Private
parking within the residence and security cameras
Via Torre Lupa 123/124
Contrada San Leonardo
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 966229
[email protected]
“The Residence Torre Lupa is located near the
Natural Reserve of the Stagnone,
with a view of the salt flats
and windmills, only 3
km from Trapani Birgi
airport. Five properties
in Mediterranean style
immersed in a beautiful
garden with swimming
pool, the residence
boasts 20 finely
furnished apartments of
Ground floor apartments have 5 rooms: 2 bedrooms, kitchen and
living room with double sofa bed, large terrace and storage room
Apartments on the first floor consist of: 2 bedrooms, kitchen and
living room with double sofa bed, two terraces and balcony
Air conditioning / heating; TV;
Electric oven; Fridge
Pool equipped with umbrellas and sunbeds. Beach fees included.
Wi-Fi; Barbeque area, Info Point Bar and Parking
Bike hire, Kite School and tours at a fee.
Contrada Ettore Infersa
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 733003
Fax: + 39 0923 1954608
[email protected]
“Ettore and Infersa salt flats are located in the
Stagnone Lagoon and represent a perfect
balance between the production
of salt and respect for nature.
Besides a production of more
than ten thousand tons
of whole salt a year, the
salt flats offer a tourist
hospitality service, with
the possibility to discover
closer the productive
world of salt and to live
a unique multisensory
Languages spoken: English, French, German, Spanish and
Meeting room seats max. 100 in theatre configuration
Guided multimedia tours in groups of up to 150.
Visit the salt flats by foot
A shop where you can directly buy salt and its by-products
Salt tasting rooms - Participation in the collection of salt
Walk to Isola Lunga and immersion in the tanks with the possibility
of Mud packs and solarium on the salt crust
Overnight stay in charming rooms
Contrada Ciavolotto, 119
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel./Fax. +39 338 6079143
[email protected]
“Civello Tour is a local company, known for its
professionality and efficiency in the private land excursions and is ISO 9001 certified. Its
Fleet guarantee comfort and safety to its passengers, thanks to the high quality standard
Civello Tour offers private transfers and the hire of minibuses and GT coaches including
a driver for singular transfers and exclusive excursions in the most
beautiful touristic locations of Sicily.
Fleet comprises:
n°4 cars
with tinted glass windows
n°4 8 seater minibuses
n°2 20 seater minibuses
n°4 52 seater coaches
P.zza Piemonte e Lombardo sn
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 328 5844365
+39 346 6078977
[email protected]
“The Egadi Arcipelago (Favignana, Levanzo, Marettimo),
situated in front of the Marsala coast, is easily reached thanks to the “Egadi charter”,
a leader in the mini-cruise boat sector which offers mini cruise boats to the Egadi and
an elevated standard of equipment for the visitors disposition”.
The mini cruise with moto coaster Venus, sets out at 9.30 from the port of Marsala, a welcome coffee on board and off to
the Island of Favignana. Stop for a swim in a small cove and descend at the port of Favignana at 12.00. Lunch on board
and continue to Levanzo. Free time for shopping and visit to the antique fishing village.
On the way back, stop for a swim in a small cove.
Arrival in Marsala at 18.00. Departures are subject to favourable weather conditions.
The motor coaster Venus is
equipped with:
180 internal seating
150 external seating
2 bathrooms
Bar and refreshment
on board
Safety equipment
on board
VIa Tunisi N. 65
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel./Fax. +39 0923 721255
+39 348 4719515
+39 335 7312618
[email protected]
“Mothia Lines is an established company in the field of transport via land, equipped
with a fleet of personally owned and always new vehicles, ensures comfort and
security to its passengers. Availability, accuracy and courtesy characterize each
Mothia Lines offers private transfers or vehicle rental with private driver for transfer services to and from
airports in the area and to any destination in Italy and Europe.
The Mothia Lines fleet is also available for circuits in Sicily
and individual excursions.
No. 5 54 seater GT Buses
No. 1 34 seater GT Bus
No. 1 19 seater Bus
N. 2 8/9 seater Minibus
No. 2 cars Mercedes
sede operativa e imbarco
Saline Ettore Infersa
Contrada Ettore Infersa, 158
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 989249
Cell: +39 339 4904090
[email protected]
“Krivamar elegant tours from 2007, offers its passengers the possibility
to visit the Stagnone Lagoon and its islands with tours on special boats
that have been projected to offer maximum comfort and safety to its passengers respecting the Natural
Reserve of the Stagnone.
Krivamar is proud to say that since 2010 it has been operating in protecting the lagoon with a special boat
personally projected for the cleanliness and fire protection of the reserve.”
The Stagnone Tour
The Stagnone tour is without precedence a cultural,
archaeological and naturalistic experience, as well as for
its historical importance as for its beauty.
Thanks to the special boats of Krivamar specifically
projected to navigate the seabed of the lagoon which
only reaches 25cm at low tide. The passengers can
therefore closely admire all the islands of the Stagnone
Lagoon whilst remaining comfortably seated on the boat.
During the tour the passengers will sail at a speed of four
knots and will pass the islands of Mozia, Isola Lunga,
Scola and the Antica Strada Punica Sommersa
(The ancient sunken Punic road), discovering its ancient
history with the help of audio guides.
Duration of tour is roughly 60
minutes, may take longer if other
services are added
Languages: Italian, English,
French, German, Spanish, Polish,
Tour departure every 30 min from
9.30 to 18.30
Tour operates all year round
Four boats with a maximum
capacity of 120 in total
Disabled access
Private party boat
available for photographic shoots,
company tours, school excursions,
archaeological tours, audio
translator on board
The tour comprises sightseeing of the following
places whilst seated comfortably on the boat:
1 Departure/arrival
2 Isola Schola
3 Isola Grande
4 Antica Strada Punica Sommersa
5 Isola Mozia
On request it is possible to stop at Isola Mozia.
Contrada Berbarello, 664
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 328 0015284
[email protected]
“Lido Marina is developed on a 3500 sq.m. sand shore
along the north coast of Marsala and only a few minutes
from the city centre. The friendly staff is at the guests disposal for anything they require
to live a day of sun and sea in total relaxation immersed in the clean turquoise waters
of the Marsala coastline.”
Lunch on the beach
The bar offers drinks, Ice creams, coffee and snaks, and is also equipped to serve breakfast, aperitifs and light lunches,
directly on the veranda on the beach or under the beach umbrellas.
Holiday homes Perla Marina
Lido marina is equipped with 4 2 room apartments which each sleep 4.
All the apartments are of recent construction and consist of: Living room with
double bed couch, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, Air conditioning, heating,
washing machine, fridge, pots and pans etc. and car space.
These holiday homes which are only 500 metres from
the beach, are ideal for those who want
a beach vacation.
250 Umbrellas
800 sunbeds
Changing Cabins
Beach bar
Light lunch service
Children playing area
Children summer camp
Guarded parking
Free wifi
Disabled access
Canoe, pedal and motor boats
Floodlit Sportsfield 35x25 mt
Marsala (TP) - 91025, Via Mazara, 209
Milano - 20122, Via dei cignoli, 9
Tel: +39 3371077230 +39 02 89785065
[email protected]
“The Sicily without worries DMC (destination management
Milano - Marsala
company), represents an answer to a major question, we
want to go to Sicily, this new, distant and not so well known
territory: but do we know someone there? In a land where traditional values count, where
eye and personal contact is the most genuine way of sealing a contract of trust that won’t be
broken, a DMC has been created, starting from young professionals of the sector who have
chosen to live and appreciate “their” Sicily.”
mice (meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions)
To the company target, Sicily without worries, introduces itself as a creative and trustworthy partner, offering:
• A territorial system, made of places, relations and selected services and is organised by a dynamic operative team
• The competence and creativity of a communication and events agency specialising in the sector and has been operating for over 15 years
at an international level, offering a more authentic Sicily, but at the same time guarantying full control of the supervision of every detail.
Weddings and other Private events
Sicily without worries is the dialogue partner for who chooses eastern Sicily
as the scene of special events, weddings or functions. The team of Sicily without
worries make every event an experience to remember and talk about
because it is authentic, captivating and amusing.
Conventions, meetings and
Entertainment activities and
team building
Projection and development
concept and image coordinated
Weddings and private events
Luxury experiences
Sport and leisure experiences
Simultaneous translation
Cooking class and experiential
Location research and managing
Special gift research /
personalized souvenir
Contrada S. G. Tafalia, 131
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 996616
Cell: + 39 380 7920095
[email protected]
“Mari car hire offers on all of its national territory,
ideal and comfortable solutions for long/
short business or pleasure trips.
Thanks to the ample fleet of cars
and motors and run by a highly
qualified staff, Mari offers and
guarantees a professional
car hire service in security,
elegance and comfort and
with its competitive prices
is able to satisfy every
Facilities included:
Fully comprehensive insurance, including fire and theft
Home deliver - Unlimited kilometres
Scooters: Scarabeo CC 50 or similar
Beverly CC 125 or similar
Beverly CC 250 or similar
Cars: Cat. A Fiat Panda or similar
Cat. B Fiat Punto or similar
Cat. C Station wagon
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 3332766293
+ 39 349 0518257
[email protected]
Facebook:/RedFish Pescaturismo
“Redfish is a licenced tourist fishing enterprise for the
Egadi Islands. The size of the boat permits the entering of
the caves and to sail around the islands
with ease, making it a unique and
comfortable excursion.
Besides Favignana and Levanzo,
Redfish offers excursions to
Marettimo with authorisation
and entrance to the grottos
of the marina protetta
reserve. The boats have
been approved for tourist
fishing and in particular:
Big Game Fishing, normal
and deep, haulage, trammel
nets or fixed fishing, deep
sea fishing, vertical jigging and
10 mt Boat in Resin PVRC
12 covered seats
Bathroom and Kitchen
Solarium on top of the boat
Dingy for entering the caves
Inflatables for relaxation
Breakfast and lunch prepared with local products on board
Basic fishing equipment included
Fishing expedition upon request
Contrada Berbarello, 664
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 328 0015284
[email protected]
“Sciu Sciu is a family run restaurant which has been
operating for more than 10 years.
The venue is spacious inside and out and is tastefully furnished.
The menu includes the main local traditional cuisine and offers grilled fish and meat
See-through kitchen
Inside the restaurant, the kitchen and grill areas which are enclosed within glass panels, every day dominate a theatrical
scene of which the chef and staff are the main actors.
Private events
The structure is developed in such a way as to be very versatile and flexible,
enabling business events and exclusive private dinners for singular groups
to take place. Seating up to 200 in summer and winter and having
the objective of promptly satisfying all of the guest’s requests.
Seating 250 of which 100
in the external veranda
Seasonal menus
Grilled meat and fish and
typical dishes
Wine list: Sicilian labels with
particular focus on Marsala
Disabled access
Guarded parking
Free Wi-Fi
Via Armando Diaz 68
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 716652
Cell. +39 339 2049586
[email protected]
“Assud originated in 2006 in the historic centre of
Marsala from Lillo and Ignazio who had
the desire to develop a new quality
of dining based on the following
concept: I eat well and I
spend fairly, thanks to
the seasonal products,
the enhancement of
local products and
the elimination of the
distribution supply
Typical cuisine - Seasonal menus
medium / low price
Menu Author: Ms Maria Pia careful researcher of the
Sicilian cuisine
Wine list: only labels from small and young cellars of
the territory
Possibility of direct purchase of products
typical food - No. 22 seats - Free Wifi
Via Stefano Bilardello, 18
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 329 2918503
Fax: +39 0923 1954446
[email protected]
“The Tavern “Il Gallo e l’innamorata”
(the cockerel and his loved one) owes
its name to a painting of Salvatore
Fiume. Run by Gabriele Li Mandri,
who together with his staff
takes care of the menu and
the possible combination
between food and wine.
This typical venue has
been skilfully renovated
and boasts a variety of
territorial wines and
traditional Sicilian dishes.
From the first courses,
the fish and meat dishes
and homemade desserts, it
all together offers a new and
special taste to the palate.”
40 seats
Seasonal menu with typical Sicilian products
Wine list: Sicilian labels strictly DOC
Disabled access
Contrada Fontanelle 178 B
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 995197
+39 334 9385512
[email protected]
“The Lumie is a restaurant run by the young Patron
and Chef Emanuele Russo in a hilly
area of Marsala with a wonderful
panoramic view of the salt flats
and the natural reserve of the
The menu features dishes
that have their roots in
the local cuisine and are
made more exciting with
the chef’s innovative
touch, always careful
to select prime basic
Revisited typical cuisine - Seasonal menus
Chef Emanuele Russo
Wine list: selection of national and international
labels with focus on spirits and Marsala wines
50 seats inside + 60 outside
Disabled Access - Guarded parking
Personalised menus for allergies
Own production vegetables
Catering and banqueting
Wine tourism
Contrada Perino, 235
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel./Fax. +39 0923-967744
+39 366 8988222
Coordinate Gps:
N 37°49’54” - E 12°32’41”
[email protected]
“The wine cellar Baglio Oro is open to welcome tourists
and enthusiasts with guided tours of the vineyards and the
places where the different stages of processing, winemaking and
storing wine are developed. The tour gives the
opportunity to get immersed in the
life of the baglio and the ancient
winemaking tradition with a
guided tour of the Museum
of Country Life: a
leap into the past to
understand the present
better and to learn about
the beauty and simplicity
of the Sicilian culture.”
Guided tour with wine tasting in combination with
local products
Guided tour with lunch or dinner
Opportunity to visit the vineyards
Guided tour of the Museum of Country Life
Languages spoken: Italian and English
Possibility of buying wine from the wine cellar
Via Mazara, 209
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: +39 0923 981050
Fax: +39 0923 721127
[email protected]
“Lhe family run Martinez wine cellar is among one of the most ancient
establishments that preserves the Marsala wine tradition. The doors are
open to those who wish to discover closely the world of Marsala wines
and where the tasting of the wine, not only interests the eyes, nose,
and palate but starts with the ears and heart, with a fascinating tale that continues to live in every chalice
through the centuries.”
Wine and food special combinations
The Martinez family has five different types of wine tasting tours so as to meet with every visitor’s needs:
• Basic visit with just wine tasting
• Gourmand visit with wine tasting and samples of sweet and salty food
• Aperitif visit with wine tasting and an aperitif buffet
• Lunch visit with wine tasting and a “Grand Sicilian lunch buffet”
• Dinner visit with wine tasting and candle-lit dinner in the wine cellar close to the barrels
private events
The Martinez wine cellar, welcomes private groups, and it’s possible to book the cellar
exclusively for meetings and groups of all types. The external courtyard and the Marsala
wine ageing process cellars are the ideal location for private events
and business meetings.
Languages: Italian, English and
It’s possible to buy wine from
the wine cellar
It’s possible to carryout private
events in the cellar
Disabled access
Assembly room seats 150
Banquet and event room seats
up to 200
Specific guided visits for
Rent Bike & Ciclotourism
Via Abele Damiani, 39/41
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel:+39 327 2415400
[email protected]
Apart from rent
and daily tours,
Bike4Fun offers weekly,
partial and made
to measure tours.
C/da Pispisia, 80
91025 Marsala (TP)
Telefono: + 39 320 2642541
+ 39 338 3556363
E-mail: [email protected]
scheda tecnica
Corsi privati di Kite per tutti i livelli
Lezioni ad ore per l’apprendimento di nuove
Tour per praticare Kitesurf negli spot più belli
della Sicilia Occidentale
Riconoscimento tessara IKO
Noleggio attrezzature Kite e Wakeboard
Contrada Pispisia, 80
91025 Marsala (TP)
Tel: + 39 320 2642541
+ 39 338 3556363
[email protected]
25 City bike Atala Discovery from “28”
Saddle bags for weekly cycling trips,
Helmets, repair kits;
Levers to change the air chambers and air rooms;
Speedometer; child seats;
Chains to safeguard the bikes;
Luggage transport service in the various stages of
the tour; Bike delivery at home
KTS è una scuola di kitesurf che lavora
con istruttori certificati IKO (International
Kiteboarding Organization) secondo
standard di massima sicurezza,
fornendo corsi per kiters
a tutti i livelli: dal primo
volo alle manovre
più avanzate,
nello straordinario
spot della Riserva
Naturale dello
“Bike4Fun is a bicycle rental and cycling tour company
with expert guides, based in Marsala ‘s historic centre.
This offer includes tours created
specifically to stimulate the active
participation of cyclists, combined
with unforgettable sensory
Riding within the historic
centre, discovering unknown
views; be lulled by the
breezes of the Stagnone
lagoon; pass between
vineyards and enter cellars
to taste Marsala wine,
nectar of this region, this Is
just a taste of some of the
superb tours offered.”
“KTS is a kitesurfing school that employs
certified IKO (International
Kiteboarding Organization) instructors in accordance
with maximum security
standards, providing
training for kiters of all
levels: from the first
flight manoeuvres
to more advanced,
in the unique
Natural Reserve of
the Stagnone.”
Private classes for all levels of Kitesurf
Hourly lessons for learning new techniques
Kitesurf practicing tour in the most beautiful
spots of Western Sicily
Recognition of IKO card
Kite equipment rental and Wakeboard